Special Bond-Long Weekend At The Lake 9-12 free porn video

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Long Weekend at the Lake

This is a work of fiction. Of fantasy. It’s called ‘My Right of Free Speech.’ If you do not approve of youngsters engaged in various sexual acts . . . or if you live in one of the God-forsaken States that bans possessing/reading such material . . then please, PLEASE, go someplace else.

This is not some 4 page fuck/suck story. This story consists of almost 30 chapters! It has the main story, the back story, lots of detail, enough sex to satisfy almost everyone and some humor. It will be posted in multiple segments.

Lastly, ‘A Special Bond’ is a Trilogy. ‘Long Weekend at the Lake’ is the second part and will be followed by the Prequel and finally by The Later Years.

I’ve spell-checked and re-read the chapters multiple times. Yet I am sure there are spelling errors, grammatical problems and incorrect words. I don’t have an editor! Just read and enjoy.

Chapter 9

Candy slept fitfully and she kept having a recurring erotic dream. In her dream she kept walking into the bathroom while Kenny was taking a piss, and watching him hold what was obviously a pretty large penis. The ‘accident’ earlier this night, had obviously planted the seed.

While she kept dreaming about her brother’s cock, Candy squirmed, owing to the fire building in her loins. Of late, Candy had been plagued with that ‘itchy feeling’ between her legs. She had found that rubbing her ‘special spot’ would bring her relief but she had come to feel that she was some kind of freak because she had these desires every day, and sometimes had to relieve herself more than once a day!

In Candy’s dream her brother was now turning to face her while holding his cock out to her, and if to offer it to her. In her dream the cock was engorged and she could not take her eyes off of it.

Her breathing was becoming rapid and she felt as if she were on fire. Slowly, from the depths of her consciousness, she began to realize there was more going on. As if still in her dream she felt a sensation on her breasts. She wanted to go back to her dream, but the pleasure being generated by her tits and spreading through her belly could not be denied.

Consciousness began to prevail and very slowly the young teen began to realize that the sensations were not a dream, but was happening in real time. Candy could feel the fire between her legs and her sleep pants were getting wet from her excretions. As consciousness finally won the battle over sleep, Candy realized that there was a hand on her breast and was playing with her nipple. For a moment she forgot where she was and her mind was flooded with confusion.

She lay stock-still and barely breathed while she came to realize that the arm draped around her and hand massaging her right breast was that of her cousin, Kayla. Candy could not believe how good it felt to have someone else rub her small tits and engorged nipples. As she was fighting not to lose control, suddenly the hand shifted from her right breast to her left. Again, it rubbed across her nipple which was rock hard. Candy shivered again with desire.

Candy held her breath, not able to believe her cousin would be doing this to her. Kayla’s head was right behind her own, and Candy could hear her slow, deep breathing. Kayla was spooned to Candy’s back, and her face was so close to Candy that her lips all but touched the back of Candy’s neck.

Candy thought ‘she’s sleeping’ . . she must be . . . or is she faking sleep to feel me up. For a moment, Candy didn’t care if her girl cousin was faking sleep or not. Candy cautiously slipped a hand down between her legs and rubbed her secret spot through the fabric of her sleep pants. Candy realized her crotch was soaked, and she needed to rub it and have that ‘special feeling’ she got, so badly. Candy tried not to move too much and started to get more and more excited with the touch to her titties going on. Candy gave an involuntary lurch with her hips onto her probing finger when Kayla increased her bear hug around her young teen cousin.

The sudden movement when Candy hunched her hips, caused her brother, who had been lightly snoring not a foot in front of her, to shift and turn. In a moment of panic, Candy thought that her brother was about to wake up and see what was happening with her and Kayla. Kenny rolled over so that his back was now to his sister, but she had become unnerved and more than a little scarred. She couldn’t believe that another girl was touching her. Suddenly Candy pushed her elbow back into Kayla’s side!

“Huh . . .what . . . “ Kayla muttered as she jolted awake from the sudden prod.

“Quit it” Candy hissed low under her breath so as not to wake her brother or RJ, both of whom snored lightly.

“Quit what’ Kayla asked in a confused voice.

“Stop touching my boobies” Candy whispered with venom dripping from her words.
Kayla rolled over to face RJ and was back to sleep in a minute. Candy however, remained unnerved. She now burned with desire, but could not possibly chance touching herself between her legs and run the risk of one of the other 3 catching her. She could not shinny down out of the bed to go to the bathroom to take care of her needs . . .not without waking someone while she tried to extract herself from the air mattress. Candy lay there in frustration trying to will the feeling in her belly to go away.

She was also confused and conflicted about her feelings. Candy had never been touched by anyone, boy or girl, like Kayla had just been doing to her. Once a boy she liked had kissed her . . and she had let him, enjoying the feel of his lips. But when he snaked his hand up to her chest to get a feel of her ‘A’ cup delights, she had hauled off and hit him. Hard! Candy couldn’t figure out what it all meant. And what did it mean about her cousin. Candy glanced at the clock and it read 3:10 AM.

At 4:50 AM RJ sat up with a start, dreaming that he had over-slept the alarm. He glanced at the clock and groaned. RJ didn’t realize that Candy was laying there wide-awake as he stood and stretched. Candy was in such turmoil over what had happened earlier, she had never been able to get back to sleep. As RJ arched his back and stretched his arms over his head, Candy could see in the subdued light that he had a huge erection tenting his sleep pants. He was naked from the waste up.

RJ stumbled into the downstairs bathroom, preceded by the tent in his trousers. Candy heard his urine splashing in the toilet bowl as he had failed to close the door in the darkness. As he headed back across the room Candy could see that his erection was now apparently gone. She lay still, hardly breathing, so as not to alert RJ she was awake. RJ knelt beside the inflatable mattress and gently shook Kayla by the arm. “Kayla . . . wake up baby” Candy heard RJ say softly to his sister.

“Mmmm . . let me sleep” Kayla slurred in response.

“No. Wake up my beautiful little nymph” RJ said, trying to rouse his sister without waking the others. Candy thought this odd, as HER brother usually just yelled at her at the top of his lungs from out in their hallway, and he never called her by an endearing name.

Kayla started to stir and sat up in the bed. Candy feigned sleep. “Morning baby” Kayla said to RJ. “what time is it?” At precisely that moment the alarm clock went off indicating it was 5 AM.

Kenny sat up in bed rubbing his eyes and stabbed the alarm clock off. “Oh, morning guys” he said, realizing Kayla and RJ were already up. He shook Candy’s arm and said “Wake Up lil bit (which was his pet name for his sister) time to get up to the lake”

Candy rolled over and sat up. “Good morning Candy”, Kayla said. Candy just grunted at her cousin in response, got up and trudged into the bathroom.

“Is she always that grumpy in the morning” RJ asked.

“No. Well sometimes” Kenny said “I try not to figure her out.”

While all this was going on, the kids realized they could hear bacon sizzling in the kitchen, and the smell of hash brown potatoes started to waft through to the Family Room.

Candy passed right by Kayla on her return from the bathroom and said not a word. Kayla used the bathroom and found the other three teens at the breakfast bar.

“Mom, you didn’t need to get up this early and go to all this trouble” Kayla said.

“No trouble” Kathy smiled at her daughter. “Kayla, would you please pour the OJ and get out silverware for everyone.” Kayla did as she was asked and noted that her cousin had not said anything to her and was avoiding eye contact. This didn’t bode well for a trip they hadn’t even started yet. Kenny and RJ chatted about what the lake would be like.

After a quick breakfast Kayla helped place all the kitchenware in the dishwasher and did a quick tidy-up. Kathy turned to the four teens and said, “why don’t you two boys use the downstairs bathroom to get ready, and Kayla and Candace can use the upstairs bath. You guys will no doubt be faster so you can put the igloos and the last of Kenny & Candace’s clothes on the boat.”

That plan made sense and Kenny was the first to grab his shorts, a muscle shirt and some underwear and head into the downstairs shower. He was done very quickly and came out dressed but still toweling off his black hair and with a comb in his hand. “It’s all yours” he said to RJ who was sitting at the breakfast bar having another glass of OJ with all his cloths neatly stacked beside him.

“Thanks man” he said to Kenny. “Boy, you were pretty quick in there.”

“I must be anxious to get to the lake” Kenny grinned.

While all of this was going on downstairs, Kayla and Candy had gone up to Kayla’s room to get out their clothes they would wear for the trip. Candy was still not talking.

“Candy, can I ask you something” Kayla said.

“What” the young teen snapped back.

“Are you upset about something? Are you mad at me” Kayla asked the girl.

The girl just glared back at Kayla.

“Look Candy. If I did something, I’m sorry. Let’s not ruin the trip. What did I do to piss you off anyway” Kayla wanted to know.

“Like you don’t know” the 14 year old spit back.

“I don’t know” Kayla said forcefully. She took her cousin’s hands between hers. “Look, just tell me what I did to get you so upset” Kayla said. “Just talk to me Candy.”

“I suppose you don’t remember playing with my boobies last night” Candy said, looking straight into Kayla’s eyes.

“Oh my God . . . . .I thought that was a dream! Candy, I am Sooooooo sorry. Honest! Trust me, I didn’t do that on purpose” Kayla said with passion. To Candy she looked both sincerer and contrite.

“Then why were you rubbing my boobies like that” Candy wanted to know.

Kayla really hadn’t realized what she was doing. It was coming back now. In the night, Candy had poked her in the ribs and said something to her. Kayla had been deep asleep however, and thought it was all a dream.

Kayla was still holding her cousin’s hands in her own and the two stood facing each other. “Candy, let me explain. I have this best friend, Mary. We’ve been best friends since we were like 11! Anyway, Mary and I spend a lot of time at sleep-over’s – either at her house, or at mine. When we sleep together, we like to touch each other . . we cuddle . . . and I’ll touch her boobs, or she will play with mine. I am sure that when we were cuddled together on the air mattress last night, in my mind I assumed you were Mary, while I was asleep” Kayla finished, not sure if she should have told her cousin about Mary, or not.

Candy took a second for what Kayla had just told her to sink in. “So you and . . . this Mary girl . . . .you guys are lesbians?”

Kayla let go of Candy’s hands and took a small step back. Then she started to laugh loudly. “God no we’re not lesbians! Both Mary and I like guys . . . we like guys a lot” Kayla responded.

“I don’t understand” the young teen said to her older cousin, “if you both like guys, why would you touch each other like that?”

“Candy” Kayla paused not sure if she should discuss this further or not, “I’m bisexual” she told her younger cousin.

“What’s bisexual mean” Candy wanted to know, now interested.

Kayla again took a deep breath; “A bisexual is someone who likes BOTH sexes equally . . . well, not necessarily ‘equally’ . . some Bi’s like one sex or the other more . . . . but I pretty much like girls and boys the same. “Understand?.”

“I never heard of a bisexual” Candy said, “I thought if a girl liked a girl she was a lesbian and if a guy liked guys, he was Gay . . . I never heard of anyone who liked both before” Candy said matter-of-factly.

“Some people only like the opposite sex . . . some only like the same sex and some like them both” Kayla said, “It’s just who we are. Have you never had a close girlfriend that you had any feeling for” Kayla asked her cousin.

Candy looked pensive. Candy had never dared tell a living soul, but she had one girlfriend that when they hugged each other, Candy would almost melt. Once when the two had been wrestling on Candy’s bed at home, Candy had the sudden urge to kiss her girlfriend . . . but had restrained herself. “No, I don’t think so” Candy lied to her cousin.

“Sometimes when I am around a beautiful girl I can’t help but want to kiss her . . . or make love to her. Candy, I don’t know if what I did last night was because you are so beautiful . . . or if I was dreaming about Mary . . .I honestly don’t know. But I’d never knowingly do anything to hurt you” Kayla said with sincerity.

Candy couldn’t believe her ears. “You think I’m beautiful” Candy repeated to her cousin. She was incredulous.

“Hell YES I think you’re beautiful” Kayla responded. “Next to you, I feel like a boy” Kayla exclaimed.

“What are you talking about? Your boobs are bigger and you have a figure to die for and you are way cuter than I am” Candy responded.

“Yea . . . well, my boobs might be larger, but I don’t have the same dynamite combination that you pack sweetie” Kayla told her. She stuck out her hand and said “Truce? I promise I won’t do anything to make you feel uncomfortable again.”

Candy shook her cousin’s hand. There was something she wanted to say, but could not bring herself to do it.

Suddenly Kayla looked at her watch. “Shit! It’s 5:40 . . you jump in the shower while I do some loose ends then I’ll jump in. RJ is gonna kill me if we’re late leaving”

Candy took a shower as fast as she could and emerged from the shower wrapped in a towel and had a second one wrapped around her beautiful long blond mane. Kayla bounced into the bathroom while Candy hurriedly dressed. Candy felt there was no time to blow-dry her long hair so she toweled it as best she could and ran a brush through it, leaving it damp and straight.

Kayla was out of the shower and had just wrapped a towel around her midsection when Candy reentered the bathroom.

“Kayla” Candy began, “Thanks for telling me all that stuff a few minutes ago. I never had a friend that I could really talk to about that kind of stuff.”

“You can talk to me any time and about any thing” Kayla said and gave her cousin a warm smile.

“Kayla I wasn’t fair with you.”

“I don’t understand” her older cousin responded.

“When I was upset earlier . . . well it wasn’t that I was upset with YOU . . . I was really mad at myself” the girl stammered.

“I still don’t understand,” Kayla looked perplexed, “why were you mad at yourself?”

“Because” Candy began, and then made a long pause, “because, when you were rubbing my boobies this morning I got that funny feeling in my tummy and I was liking what you were doing to me . . . I was liking it a LOT!” For a second, it looked like Candy might burst into tears. “Kayla, I think I am a lesbian and it scares me.”

Kayla took both of Candy’s hands into her own and looked at the girl for a long second. “Candy have you ever had sex with a guy?”

“No. Of course not” Candy responded.

“Have you ever had sex with a girl yet?”

“NO” Candy responded more forcefully . . . “except for you rubbing my boobies last night.”

Kayla let out a little laugh. “That’s certainly not having sex! Candy, if you haven’t had sex with a boy or a girl, you can’t possibly really know what your sexual orientation is. When someone touches you like I did early this morning, it is supposed to make you feel good . . .to give you that feeling . . .it was making you horny girl. It is natural.

“So you don’t think I am a freak then” Candy was genuinely concerned.

“No candy, you are not a freak. You are just a normal, horny, 14 year old girl.” Kayla leaned in and gave her cousin a hug and as she started to release the hug, she leaned to give her a kiss on the cheek. Candy sensing that Kayla was about to kiss her cheek, suddenly turned her head so that Kayla’s puckered lips fell on the 14 year olds own lips. Kayla was surprised and allowed the kiss to linger a second more than it should have. She swore Candy pressed her lips harder.

As the two shocked girls stepped apart, looking into each other’s eyes, Candy said “We better finish getting ready.”

As the two girls descended the stairs with their purses in tow, each was dressed in shorts and a crop-top. Both still had damp hair and both had put a ‘scrunchy’ around their hair pulling it into a pony tail.

It was 6:15 and RJ was tapping his foot and very impatiently said “It’s about time Kayla!”

Candy walked right up to RJ and batted her bright Green eyes and flashed him her dazzling smile “Don’t be mad at Kayla RJ. It’s all my fault. There was something that I needed to talk to Kayla about and I’m afraid I held her up.” As Candy said this she reached out and touched the button on the front of RJ’s shirt, looked up and in a small innocent voice said “Forgive me?”

RJ melted, and then smiled, and said “I’m just anxious to get on the road. It’s alright Candy.”

‘Damn,’ Kayla thought to herself about what she had just witnessed, ‘this girl is good!’

RJ and Kenny had already taken the Igloos and clothing bins to the boat. Kenny had hefted the large food-laden Igloo onto the boat like it was a feather.

As the kids started out the front door, Candy took RJs arm and Kayla thought that her brother’s feet would come off the ground and he’d walk on air. Kenny took the girls purses and miscellaneous clothing and jackets in his arms and they all headed for the Tundra parked at the curb with the boat behind it.

As they packed the few remaining items into the back seat of the Tundra, Kathy came running out. “RJ, you guys be careful and don’t you dare forget to call and let me know you arrived OK. Kenny same goes for you, call your parents later.”

Kathy gave each one of the girls a warm hug and they started to get in the back seat. Kathy gave Kenny a quick perfunctory hug and turned to RJ. Kathy gave RJ a long hug and a wet kiss on the cheek. “RJ, please drive carefully . . .I’ll worry every minute you’re gone.”

“Oh geese Mom” RJ said and rolled his eyes as he got into the truck.

Kathy stood at the curb waving as RJ put on his turn signal, even though it was 6:20 and not another car on the road, and eased the boat away from the curb.

Chapter 10

Once they had gotten out of town and on the interstate, the traffic was pretty light that time of morning. They had been on the road for 45 minutes and RJ had the radio on PBS. He wanted to hear the regional weather report at the hour.

Kayla was sitting behind RJ and Candy behind Kenny. Candy had been awake since 3:00 AM owing to her discomfort with being ‘felt up’ by her cousin. She tried to nap sitting up and leaning against her side window.

Candy’s head was lolling about, as she fought to fall asleep. Just as her head rolled to her right, the truck lurched while hitting a pothole. This caused her head to bang into the side window with a thud that elicited a ‘Owwww” from Candy.

“Why don’t you lay down? You can use my lap as a pillow” Kayla said to her younger cousin.

“Thanks” Candy said and reached over to find her brothers jacket. Kenny’s extra large jacket would easily cover her. Candy snuggled onto Kayla’s lap and lay on her back, with Kenny’s jacket over her. Candy smiled up at her cousin in tanks for the consideration. Candy dozed for about 30 minutes and was having a dream. Suddenly the truck lurched as it hit another large hole. “Damn”: RJ muttered under his breath.

As the truck lurched, Candy started to shift off of Kayla’s lap, and Kayla reached across her cousin to grab her, and keep her from rolling off. Kayla had grabbed Candy by the hip and her arm was on top of Kennys jacket, which was still over Candy’s body.

As Kayla looked down she saw that Candy was now awake. Candy smiled up at her and repositioned herself on Kayla’s lap. Kayla started to remove her arm and hand from Candy’s hip, but Candy reached up and grabbed her cousin’s wrist. Candy lifted the jacket slightly and placed her cousin’s hand on top of her midriff, covering it back up with the jacket..

Kayla felt her younger cousin’s warm skin under her hand and at first thought nothing of the action. Candy placed her hand on top of Kayla’s and let out a soft sigh. Kayla was not prepared for what happened next.

Candy slowly urged Kayla’s hand, with her own still pressed on top, upwards and under her tank-top. As she crept Kayla’s hand higher, Kayla felt the slight rise of Candy’s breast. The 14 year old had not put on a bra. As Candy edged the older girls hand higher yet, Kayla gave her younger cousin a questioning look.

Candy raised an eyebrow and grinned slightly. Then she made a small nod of her head, as if to say “Yes, please.”

Kayla’s practiced fingers found Candy’s engorged nipple and lightly squeezed it between her thumb and forefinger. Candy let out an immediate shiver and her hand went to her side, leaving Kayla to do as she wished now.

With Kenny’s jacket over the top of the younger girl, no one could see what was going on, unless they turned to look directly at the pair in the back seat of the truck. Kayla expertly massaged the younger girl’s breasts, alternating between them. Each time her finger encountered an erect nipple, Kayla would give it a little squeeze.

Candy didn’t care that she was in a car heading down the highway. She didn’t care if her brother or RJ saw what they were doing. She didn’t even care if she really was a lesbian right now. She had just been dreaming about Kayla touching her, and now she was! Each time Kayla massaged her tit, drawing the nipple up between her fingers, it was like a lightning bolt to Candy’s crotch.

Kayla noted that her young cousin was hunching her hips each time she played with the girl’s nipples. Kayla herself had very sensitive nipples and more than once, RJ had almost given her a orgasm, just by playing with her tits!

Candy’s breathing was becoming somewhat ragged and Kayla worried that this might draw the boy’s attention. Candy was now working her hips slightly and had her knees slightly drawn up and spread a little.

Candy placed her hand back on top of Kayla’s and squeezed her hand. Candy smiled up at Kayla and Kayla returned the warm gesture. Candy suddenly moved Kayla’s hand away from her breasts, down over her midriff, over her jeans and placed it on her over-heated crotch. Candy pushed Kayla’s finger down onto her most sensitive spot. Candy had on denim shorts and wished that she were naked right now.

Kayla could feel the warmth of her cousin’s secretion emanating through her shorts. Candy had pushed her fingers down into the place that made her feel best. Kayla watcher her cousin’s face and Candy’s eyes pleaded . . . ‘make me feel good cousin!’

Candy’s hand rode with Kayla’s. Kayla wished that the leg-hole of Candy’s shorts was larger. Had it been, she would have snaked her finger up the shorts and pleasured her cousin better. Kayla though about unsnapping the denim shorts, but realized they would be way too tight to get her hand down the front and attack her target properly!

As Kayla rotated her hand, pressing her fingers into her cousin’s moist shorts, Candy would buck her hips upward. Kayla was sure that one of the guys would look around, and see them playing, at any second now. RJ would not have cared, as he knew all about Kayla and Mary. But Kenny might be in for the shock of his life!

Kayla wanted to give the girl the release she had been begging for with all of her queues. Kayla was certain she could get the younger teen off is she wasn’t wearing pants. She did that to Mary all the time. But she wasn’t certain Candy could achieve her goal wearing Denim shorts.

Kayla rubbed particularly hard and suddenly Candy bucked up harder – Kayla pressed harder . . . Candy’s legs clamped shut on Kayla’s hand so tightly she thought her wrist would break, and Candy began to shudder all over her body. Kayla looked down at her cousin and saw that she had her eyes tightly shut and a hairbrush handle clenched between her teeth so that she would not cry out. Kayla didn’t know where Candy got the hairbrush, but thought it an excellent idea, as one sexual expletive would certainly alert the boys.

Candy shuddered for several more seconds and then the rigidity went out of her spine and she collapsed back down to the seat. When Candy opened her eyes, she had tears in them. She looked up at Kayla, puller her cousin’s hand out from under the jacket and kissed Kayla’s finger tips. The Tundra rumbled down the highway and when Kayla looked down 5 minutes later, Candy was sound asleep.

A little over an hour later, RJ prepared to turn off the interstate to the mountain road that would lead them to the lake. As he exited the freeway, he turned into a gas station and came to a stop. “Anyone beside me need to pee” RJ asked?

All of the teens got out of the truck and headed to the restrooms. As the girls entered the Ladies Room, a woman was just leaving. Each girl dashed into a stall and went about the business at hand. They rejoined each other at the sink.

Candy looked up at Kayla as she dried her hands. “Kayla, are you mad at me?”

“Why would I be made at you, silly girl?”

“Because of what I made you do in the truck” Candy blushed slightly as she said it.

“Candy, you didn’t MAKE me do anything. If I didn’t want to do it, I would have simply taken my hand away. I liked doing that for you” Kayla grinned, a toothy smile. “Besides, beautiful one – now you OWE me one!”

Candy was relieved she hadn’t made her cousin angry and said as much to Kayla.

Kayla turned to face Candy closely. “That was very gutsy of you to do in the car. You are definitely one naughty little bitch! I like that in a cousin!” Kayla laughed. Candy started to blush as Kayla grabbed the 14 year old beauty, and pressed her lips to Candy’s. This time there was no mistaking that both girls wanted this and both parted their lips to invite the other’s tongue. Candy had never French kissed anyone before, but she knew the rudiments of it, and now she knew she liked it. A lot!

After a lengthy embrace Kayla broke the kiss and looked at Candy. Candy was now very, very, red and blushing. “I can’t believe how much I liked that” Candy remarked. Just then another woman entered the restroom. The two teen girls set about losing the Pony tails and brushing out their manes. The speed at which they prepare this morning didn’t exactly help their grooming.

Candy’s long blond hair was like silk. Kayla just could not get over the girl’s natural beauty. Her charm with the boys was self evident, as she had proved in handling RJ earlier in the morning.

Kayla decided to return her strawberry locks back into a pony tail, but Candy allowed her hair to flow down over her shoulders for now. As the two girls exited the restroom the boys were leaning against the truck looking at them.

Kayla reached into her purse and pulled out a spare napkin. She handed it to Candy who said “What is this for?”

“It’s to wipe my brother’s drool off of you” Kayla said. “I don’t know what’s with RJ staring at you all the time – I’ll kill him later!”

“I think he’s kind of cute” Candy said, smiling to no one in particular.

As the girls approached, RJ handed Candy a Sprite and Kenny handed Kayla a Dr. Pepper. Each of the boys had a Coke in their hands. “I see you two are sharing information about us,” Kayla said, “getting each of us our favorite drinks. Very smooth guys.” Both she and Candy giggled as they got back in the truck.

“RJ checked the tires and hubs on the trailer as his father had taught him. As he started the truck he said “It’s about another hour. It looks like we’ll be on the water by 10 AM, barring any surprises.”

At 9:30 they entered the Lake and pulled up in front of the Marina store. As RJ exited the truck, he again checked the tires and wheels on the trailer. “Kayla is there anything you can think of that we need, before we launch the boat” RJ asked his sister.

“Let’s check the Igloos and see if we need to top up the ice. God, it’s hot here” Kayla concluded.

Kenny found that the large Igloo cooler, containing the frozen meats, was virtually a solid block of ice owing to the ‘Dry Ice in the Tupperware trick’ his Aunt Kathy had come up with. The other Igloo cooler was badly depleted of ice however. “Maybe we should have had Dry Ice in both coolers” he said to no one in particular. “Not unless you wanted your Cokes to be a block of ice,” Kayla responded.

Kayla asked RJ to get 20 lbs of ice, while Kenny drained the water from the drinks cooler. 30 minutes later, they were in the water and at the dock. RJ took his truck and trailer and parked it at the Marina lot, ensuring all their personal valuables were removed.

As RJ arrived at the Party Hut Pontoon Boat, the girls were busy in the kitchen, putting things away and making sure nothing was amiss before they set out for 4 days. RJ plopped into the Captains Seat and pulled his cell phone from his pocket. The first number he dialed was his father in Washington DC.

“RJ, what’s up son” his father said as he came on line, “is everything alright?”

“I was just calling to tell you we are at the Lake, the towing went fine and that there was nothing to report.”

His dad chuckled. “No problems at all huh?”

“Except that someone really needs to fix the potholes on the Interstate” RJ lamented. “Anyway, the boat is at the dock, we rechecked everything about a dozen times, and we’ll be checking in regularly . . .or at least as regularly as cell phone coverage will allow” the teen said.

“Very good RJ, I trust you. Now go and have a good time” his father rang off.

Next RJ called his mother with virtually the same message. She asked basically all the same questions as his father did. His mom wanted to talk to Kayla, so he put her on. Kathy asked how everything was going and Kayla said fine. “Is Candy alright, she seemed a little quite this morning” Kayla’s mother quizzed.

“Yea, she’s fine Mom. I don’t think she’s a morning person” Kayla fibbed, “but we’re getting along fine. She’s a very sweet girl” Kayla said, which was true.

Five minutes later, Kathy was still talking to Kayla, who finally said, “Mom, we’ll call you. Everyone is waiting to get away from the dock!”

After Kayla finally got off the line with her mother, she joined the other 3 at the table. RJ had a chart of the Lake out looking at it. He pointed to a location that showed a stream flowing into the Lake. “Kayla, I THINK this is the spot you and I were trying to remember the other night. What do you say we try and find it and see?”

“Aye-Aye Captain” she saluted. “How far away is that” she queried.

“About 10 miles upstream. It will take a while to get there” RJ replied.

RJ maneuvered the 30 foot pontoon away from the dock and crawled out of the Marina. Visibility on the Party Hut was not great down the sides, because of the enclosed Galley, sitting room and sleeping area. This made RJ nervous in tight places within the Marina, but once on the open lake, it was a non issue.

For the first 30 minutes everyone pretty much sat and took in the beauty of the lake. Its tree-lined shore broke open in places exposing white sandy beaches. The shore line was irregular and RJ maneuvered in and out of coves so that they could scout out locations.

Kayla turned to Candy and said “Let’s get our bathing suits on, so we can work on our tans while RJ tries to find this spot.” Candy went into the enclosure first and put on a Black two-piece suit. The bottom half was modestly cut but showed off her curvaceous butt . . . which didn’t escape RJs attention. The top was overly modest for the girl sporting an ‘A’ Cup top. The cups slid on the tie-string so that you could adjust the amount of cleavage showing . . .assuming you had cleavage to show.

However, Candy had a feature, which had not eluded either Kayla or RJ. Her nipples were prominent. Prominent in that they seemed to be always sticking out of any fabric she wore over them.

Kayla went into the enclosed area next and put on the new ‘Rose Collection’ suit she had purchased for the trip. Both RJ’s and Kenny’s jaws dropped when she stepped out the enclosure,. The suit was all white except for a small pink rose embroidered just below the waistband. The suit rode low on the teen’s hips and from the front you could see the muscles emanating from her totally flat abdomen heading south to form the ‘V’ of her most treasured place. The waistband tented over the girls protruding hip bones. From the rear, the suit was an abbreviated triangle that covered most, but not all, of the teen’s ass cheeks. The front and rear fabric was joined at the hips by a very small string, strategically tied over Kayla’s hips above the thigh.

The top was another matter. The triangles of cloth forming the cups were small. So small that they seemed to barely cover the girl’s areola, let alone the entirety of her ‘B’ cup breasts [or ‘C cup, as Kayla couldn’t seem to decide]. The cups were connected in the middle by a brass ‘D’-shaped ring. At the sides were two strings that went around her back, and another that went around her neck. When Kayla walked into the sunlight, both RJ and Kenny swore they could see through the fabric and make out Kayla’s nipples.

Candy had gone forward to sit on the lounge chairs up there. As Kayla sashayed towards her cousin, Candy could not believe Kayla would wear such a reveling suit in front of the boys.

As Kayla sat on the lounge chair beside Candy, her younger teen cousin whispered “Hey cuz . . .your suit is sort of ‘riding up’ . . if you know what I mean.”

Kayla chortled, and replied “Candy, it took me about an hour to pick out the threads holding the damn lining in the crotch and make it so it would do that.”

“You’re Kidding” Candy asked incredulously.

“No I’m not kidding at all” Kayla replied. “Look Candy, the guys know we have pussy’s . . . and they know we have a slit down there . . . so why not show them what they are always trying to see anyway. Besides, I’m covered . . . technically” Kayla grinned.

Candy blushed, but she realized that her cousin was a lot bolder than herself, or even more so than she realized previously. “Do you think the guys noticed” Candy asked. What neither of the girls had heard when Kayla exited the enclosure was RJ say under his breath “HO-LY SHIT!” and Kenny’s reply to RJ of “You can say that again!”

“God I hope so” Kayla replied to Candy in a hushed tone, “Look and see if they have bonners.” Kayla laughed as Candy blushed even deeper.

“I’m not gonna look back at them to see if they have bonners” Candy exclaimed.

“OK. But you’re gonna die wondering. By the way, both of the guys got an eyeful of your nipples poking through your top” Kayla said.

“I hate them” Candy moaned. “They are always standing up. I wear a padded bra, not just to make my boobies look bigger, but to hide these darn nipples.”

“They’re one of your best attributes . . . actually, they’re TWO of your best attributes” Kayla laughed at her own joke. “You shouldn’t hide them, you should be proud to show those babies off!” “The only down side is that my brother may stroke-out looking at them” Kayla grinned again.

The two teen girls lay face down on the lounges and took in the sun. Neither said much, but Candy’s mind was awash thinking of the things Kayla had just said to her.

After about 15 minutes, Kayla realized how hot it was, and that neither of the fair-skinned girls had yet put on sun block.

She got up and went to the enclosed sleeping area where the plastic bins with clothes and personal items had been placed. She looked for the Bin labeled personal items, which was where she and her mother had placed the sun block. As Kayla rummaged through the container a gold box caught her eye, which she knew she had not placed in there. When she flipped the box over she was surprised to find a brand new, 24-pack of Trojan Condoms. They said ‘lubricated,’ ‘Reservoir Tip’ on the box. Then Kayla saw the post-it note on the face of the box. The note read “Open In Case of Emergency – Love Mom.”

Kayla was totally confused. Her mother’s hard-rule was that Kayla and RJ only had to use condoms when she was in mid-cycle and experiencing ovulation. At other times she was free to rely on the birth control pills she had been taking for over a year and a half now. What really confused Kayla, was that her mother had expressly forbidden her and RJ to show any signs of affection in front of their cousins. Kayla’s thought was that perhaps this was some kind of cruel joke her mother was playing.

Kayla knew that the other kids might be going through the Personal Container, so she decided to put the Condoms on the top shelf of the pantry, where no one would see them.

Kayla returned with the sun block and lay on the forward lounge beside Candy. “Want me to put sun block on your back” Kayla asked.

“Please” Candy said, “and could you put some on the back of my legs.”

Kayla started to smear the sun lotion on her cousins back. She slowly worked in the lotion starting at the waist of her cousin’s two-piece suit and worked upwards. Kayla untied the string in the back of the bra so she could rub the lotion in unobstructed.

Candy pushed herself into the lounge and yelped “Hey, what are you doing? The boys will see”

“Yea? What are they gonna see with your boobs pressed into the cushion!”

Kayla finished Candy’s back and moved to her calves, slathering the liquid on. As she smoothed out the liquid, her hands moved higher on her thighs. As Kayla spread the lotion on Candy she moved to the inside of her thighs. As she did this she allowed her fingers to touch the gusset of her cousin’s bathing suit, putting pressure on the young teen’s crotch.

“Jesus Kayla,” Candy whispered under her breath. “Don’t touch me there, the boys will see.” As she rebuffed Kayla, Candy again blushed deep red.

“What’s a matter – you don’t like me touching you anymore . . . down there” Kayla asked with a grin.

“It’s not like in the truck . . .the boys will see what you’re doing to me” Candy exclaimed!

“So . . .we’ll just give em a show” Kayla was now teasing her younger cousin.

“Stop teasing Kayla, you know we can’t do anything. And, I don’t want to get worked up either!”

Kayla finished and lay on her stomach next to her cousin again. “OK” Kayla said, “time for you to put sun block on my back.”

“How am I supposed to do that” Candy whined, “You untied my top!”

“Just sit up, I’m sure the guys won’t look at your tits” Kayla teased.

Candy ‘humphed’ and reached behind her back to re-tie the bikini top. She performed much the same ritual, as Kayla had just done to her. Candy didn’t have to untie the back of Kayla’s top, as the older girl had already done that. When Candy moved to her cousins thighs and started smearing on the lotion, Kayla spread her legs perceptibly. As Candy moved her hand to the inside of Kayla’s thighs, she was careful not to venture too high up.

“Aren’t you going to touch my pussy” Kayla said to younger girl.

“NO” Candy said forcefully. The boys will see me do that. “I think they are watching us” Candy said, speaking softly so they could not hear.

“OK” Kayla said, “but, if you’re not gonna touch my pussy, then ‘that’s two’ that you owe me. Those IOUs are piling up” Kayla said and smiled to herself. Kayla knew her cousin was totally inexperienced, but it was so much fun to tease her.

The two teen girls continued to sun themselves for another 15 to 20 minutes, while RJ plowed the boat up the lake. Kayla spotted a sandy beach off to the side as they traveled along. “RJ, we’re sweltering up here, please pull over to that beach so we can swim for a bit.”

“OK K, just give me a minute to swing around” RJ replied to his sister.

They had not seen another boat or another person since leaving the dock. In a few minutes RJ had pushed the front of the pontoons onto the soft sand and cut the engine. The two boys walked forward past the girls and opened the boarding gate. Both boys jumped down to the sand.

Kayla sat up and had the boys been looking back, they would have gotten an excellent view of the teen’s exposed tits. Candy had seen and she gasped. Kayla calmly re-tied the back of her bikini top and the two girls walked to the rear of the Party Hut. Behind the enclosed cabin where the Galley, sleeping area and so forth was, there was a wide sun deck on the rear, which overhung the engine. Kayla climbed up on the sun deck, looked carefully into the water, and did a perfect dive into the lake, barely making a ripple. Candy followed her cousin into the water and they both came up treading water in about 8 feet of water. Both girls swam about and remarked how good the 80 degree water felt. They played and splashed for a while.

Kayla swam up in front of Candy and stopped, treading water. “Wanna touch my pussy now?”

“NO” Candy exclaimed, “the boys could come around here at any moment.”

“OK but now you owe me three” Kayla was so enjoying teasing her cousin.

Suddenly Candy reached down between them and cupped Kayla’s sex with her hand. She held her hand there in place, but made no attempt to do anything else for a few seconds. “There I hope you’re happy” the younger girl said, “now I only owe you two!”

Kayla was caught off guard as she didn’t expect Candy to actually touch her. Kayla just wanted to tease the younger relative. Kayla looked at the girl and said “that’s a start. But, you’re gonna need a lot of practice to get it right.”

Just at that moment the two boys swam around to the back of the boat. Candy looked at the boys, motioned towards them with her eyes, and raised an eyebrow to Kayla as if to say, ‘see I told you they could catch us!’

The 4 teens swam for about 15 minutes until they were cooled off. Kayla and Candy had stayed neck deep in the water and were now standing on the sandy bottom. The two boys climbed back up on the boat, found two large beach towels in a bin, and started drying off.

The girls decided to get out of the water also. Candy went up the boarding ladder in the front of the boat first and walked to the rear of the boat to get the towel Kenny offered to her. From Kayla’s vantage point in the water, she swore Candy purposely added a wiggle to that cute little ass of hers as she walked.

Kayla climbed up onto the boat ascending the boarding ladder. Candy was looking at the boys and had her back to Kayla as she dried herself. The boys had a look of astonishment on their faces and Kenny said “Holy fucking Christ!”

Candy turned and looked at her cousin and she too was astonished. Kayla’s bathing suit had become all but invisible. The small top patches clung to her erect nipples and showed her areola and nipples as though covered with wet tissue paper. The bottoms were just as see-through as the top was and the fabric was riding way up into the crack that formed her vagina. For all intent and purposes Kayla was naked. Naked, except that the wet, clinging bikini, made her look even more erotic, than had she actually been in the buff.

Candy was speechless, as Kayla wrung out her strawberry mane up at the front of the boat. Candy grabbed the beach towel from RJ and rushed it up to Kayla. “Jesus Kayla! You can see right through that bathing suit. It looks like you are nude” her young cousin exclaimed.

Kayla just grinned and looked knowingly at Candy. “That’s what the ‘rose collection’ suits are known for. They become transparent when wet” Kayla said, as she wrapped the large beach towel around herself. Kayla was facing the boys in the rear, the whole time she spoke, and Candy had her back to the boys.

“Look at them” Kayla said to Candy. Candy glanced over her shoulder at her brother and her male cousin back at the rear of the boat. “Lower” was all Kayla said to her cousin.

Candy glanced downward, her head snapped back around and she looked at Kayla. “Oh my God Kayla, you gave them both bonners” Candy said and she started to laugh.

Both girls lay down on the forward lounges, Kayla still wrapped in the now wet beach towel. Both girls chuckled at the condition of the boys, but tried to be quiet about it.

As they lay beside each other Kayla said softly to her cousin beside her, “Don’t think I didn’t notice that your bikini bottom is now ‘riding up’ on you. Just how did that happen?”

Candy just grinned as she replied “it’s really hard to get it wedged up in there, while in the water . . . particularly with the lining still in the crotch of the suit!” Candy blushed yet again as she made this confession to Kayla.

“Way to go girl” Kayla said to her, “I’m pretty sure it was looking at your crack that gave the boys their bonners!”

“SHUT UP, Kayla. I’m already horny enough without you egging me on all the time” the girl said as she lay down and turned her head away from Kayla. Just then RJ started the boat and backed away from the beach.

Chapter 11

While the girls dozed, RJ continued following the Chart of the lake and looking at the GPS. After about an hour, RJ made a turn into what appeared to be a large cove. In actuality it was the mouth of a large stream that emptied into the lake. As he cautiously walked the boat into the cove-like area he had his eyes glued to the depth finder and noted that the large Oak trees were starting to crowd into the narrowing stream.

The depth under the pontoons remained alright, but RJ worried about catching a tree branch on the enclosure of the boat. A slight turn to the right appeared and as RJ cleared the turn, the depth finder read 2 feet, in a widened area pool. “Kayla I think this is where dad used to bring us, but it looks a lot different as the tress have gotten a lot bigger over the years. Anyway, it’s too shallow to go any further.”

RJ cut the engine and asked Kenny to drop the anchor in the shallow water so the boat would not drift back down stream.

“I think you’re right RJ, this does look like the place we used to come. And if you’re right, then up around that next bend is where the tire swing is tied to the tree limb over the creek and about a half mile further up is where that little water fall is.”

“A water fall?” Candy questioned, “Oh, I want to see that!”

Kayla suggested that they make lunch as it was almost noon. Kenny and his sister set about putting the table up, between the two lounges up forward and getting paper plates out. Kayla and RJ had gone into the enclosed area for access to the Galley and to make sandwiches.

RJ angled his sister into a corner of the Galley where their cousins could not see them from outside. RJ pinned Kayla against the counter and looked into the eyes of the only girl he had ever loved. “What’s with the see-thru bathing suit? I almost blew my load looking at you in that suit!” As he said this, he added “And I’m getting a hard-on just thinking about it,” he said and pushed his rapidly inflating erection into Kayla’s towel-wrapped lower half.

“Kayla swatted at the front of RJ’s board shorts and said “Down boy, you know we can’t do anything with them around” Kayla said, nodding towards the two cousins 20 feet forward of them. However, RJ pressed his lips to his sister, instinctively they both opened their lips and tongues swirled in a passionate French kiss.

Out at the table in front, Candy was putting down plastic forks and knives while Kenny put napkins at each place setting. Just then a puff of wind caught two of the plates and started to move them off the table. Both Kenny and Candy made a dash to grab for the plates and in doing so; Kenny’s hand had landed on Candy’s right boob as she moved in front of his reach.

“Sorry ‘lil bit’” Kenny said to his sister with genuine embarrassment.

“It’s alright Kenny” Candy said softly, “sometimes accidents will happen” the young teen said somewhat seductively. Kenny just stared at his sister for a moment, before she broke away.

Candy went to the Galley to get condiments, and as she entered the door, she caught out of the corner of her eye Kayla and RJ’s sudden movement. As Candy announced what she had come for, the two cousins seemed to purposely spread apart and acted somewhat ‘guilty’ to Candy. For the life of her she couldn’t figure out what they would be guilty about, and just dismissed it as her imagination.

The teens all ate and enjoyed lunch and the camaraderie. Afterward RJ removed all the plates and deposited the trash. From the Galley RJ shouted “Kayla, can I get you something to drink?”

“No thanks sweetie, I’m fine” Kayla responded to her brother. Candy raised an eyebrow at the response.

As the four lounged after lunch RJ announced that it was way too hot and they needed to put up the forward-half Biminis Top to shade them. Kenny and RJ had that up in a few minutes and everyone lounged about while lunch settled.

RJ and Kenny announced they were ‘going exploring’ and to look for the old tire-swing. The girls decided to stay behind and work on their tans. With the Biminis up, the girls retreated to the sun deck on the rear of the boat. Both applied more sun block to themselves and to each other. However, this time there was no ‘touchy-feely’ between the two.

As the boys departed on their exploration RJ had called back and said, “Hey Kayla, if you’re going in the water in that suit again, be sure and holler for us!”

“SHUT UP, you perv! Get out of her and have fun” Kayla responded. And then under her breath said to Candy, “well, I guess my bikini was a hit then?”

The girls sunned and all Candy could think about was all the things that had happened in the last 18 hours. Candy felt that both Kayla and RJ were really cool. RJ was very cute and very sweet. Candy had this thought forming somewhere in the back of her mind, but couldn’t draw it together. Candy felt she had a new best friend in Kayla. Candy realized that while Kayla was only a year older than her, Kayla was much more open . . .particularly about her body . . . than Candy was. To Candy, Kayla seemed to have the maturity of a 25 year old, not a 15 year old.

Candy had noted that RJ was always very polite and sweet to his sister whenever they interacted. Candy chalked that up to his being a ‘gentlemen’ and the fact he was just naturally a really sweet guy. Candy and Kenny on the other hand, seemed to have this constant tension between them all the time over the last year.

“Kayla, you told me earlier that I could always talk to you . . and ask you anything, right?”

Kayla sat up on her elbow, which caused her breast to be exposed. “Yes, and I meant what I said.” Is there something you want to talk about?”

“Ummm yea . . “ the teen stammered, “but it kind of embarrassing.”

“Don’t be embarrassed” Kayla said, “I’m pretty sure I’ve been where you are right now at one point.”

“Well, ummmm . . .” the girl still stammered, “I know you told me that you and Mary do stuff . . .” “NO, I said we make love . . . we have sex . . . I didn’t say we did ‘stuff’ Kayla interrupted her cousin.

Candy started over. “Ok, you and Mary make love, but what I wanted to know is what is it like to have sex with a girl?” Kayla looked at Candy and she was three sheets of red in blushing.

Kayla looked at her younger cousin for a long minute. “Candy, it’s hard to explain. If you like someone, I mean care for them, then it is wonderful. Girls are soft, and they go slow and unlike guys who fumble around, another girl just seems to know what you want and what to do.”

“You keep saying that I owe you two” Candy said, “but I don’t know what to do” the youngster said almost pleadingly.

“Candy, I shouldn’t have been teasing you like that. You don’t need to feel like you have to do anything . . .I told you before I would never do anything to you to make you uneasy. I was just kind of playing with you” Kayla concluded.

“But what if I wanted to” Candy replied. “But maybe you wouldn’t want me!”

“Oh Candy” Kayla said as she put her hands on each side of her cousin’s face “You have no idea how much I want you! You are so fucking hot I can barely keep myself from ripping your clothes off!”

“Really? I don’t think I’m very pretty” Candy said softly.

Kayla just laughed. “Everyone thinks you’re beautiful. And RJ is going to burn a hole through you if he keeps staring at you. Candy, you just need to relax and enjoy who you ARE. Really, you shouldn’t give a shit about what anybody else thinks anyway, just enjoy being you” the older teen said sternly.

Candy steered the conversation and asked ‘How did you and Mary learn how to make love with other girls?”

“We actually learned together. It was a slow process . . .it didn’t just happen one day” Kayla said. “We kind of grew into it together. We explored and figured out what we liked.”

“How old were you and Mary when you guys were experimenting” Candy asked

“11” Kayla replied

Candy sat up on her elbow, her breasts now exposed to Kayla’s view, “Your kidding! You guys have been fooling around since you were 11?

“Yea, 11 ½ actually. It all started when we were doing sleep-over’s at each other’s houses.”

“WOW . . .11 1/2” Candy mused . . . “man, I’m 14 ½ already!”

“There’s no set time . . . you’ll know when it’s time . . . maybe you’ll never want to be intimate with a girl” Kayla said.

Both teens lay back down on their stomachs. Candy turned her head to the side, away from Kayla, and looked out over the beautiful lake. After a very long period of time Candy had something else she wanted to ask the older girl.

“Kayla . . . you said you’ve had sex with guys . . .what’s it like.”

Kayla again pushed herself up to look at Candy, who was now looking back at her.

“Wow – inquisitive little thing today, aren’t we” Kayla smiled warmly. “Wow that’s a hard one to answer Candy. With the right guy, if you really care for each other, it is a feeling of love you just can’t imagine” Kayla said honestly. “Physically, I really don’t know how to explain it to you . . . when a guy has his cock in you, it is such a wonderful feeling, but there is nothing else to compare it to. There is this tremendous feeling of fullness inside you . . . and these urges to move and do things . . . and oh, the pleasure it provides you.”

“Is it better than with another girl” Candy asked, now seemingly not embarrassed to ask Kayla anything.

“Not necessarily better, but entirely different. Man it’s hard to give you examples. For me I love both ways . . .but remember I told you that some people like one sex or the other better . . . and some women would never do it with another female on a bet!”

“Kayla, were the boys you had sex with all nice, and did you love each of them” Candy asked next.

“Whoa there girl” Kayla said, “I never said I had sex with multiple guys – there has only been one guy” Kayla concluded.

“Oh, sorry” Candy said, “it just that you seemed so experienced, I thought you must have done it with more guys.”

“Kayla, was he nice? Did you love him? How did you know he was the one to be your first?” Candy fired all these questions at her cousin.

“Yes he’s the nicest guy a girl could ever meet. We didn’t rush into anything and it just seemed right to start having sex. And Lastly, I really can’t explain to you how I feel about this guy . . . but it is some kind of love that most girls will never know, I think” Kayla concluded in a very honest fashion.

“You said ‘is’ not ‘was’ when you mentioned him Kayla – so he’s still around?”

“Oh yes Candy – he’s still around” Kayla responded, the alarms in her mind starting to go off now.

“Are you still seeing him? Can I meet him some time” Candy fired back.

“Yes I still see him from time to time” Kayla tried to act more nonchalant. “Maybe you’ll meet him some day, we’ll see” Kayla concluded.

“Kayla, you know this morning when you said I wasn’t a freak, and that I was just a normal horny 14 year old?” “Yes,” Kayla replied.

“Do you really think it’s normal to be horny all the time” Candy said with a worried look.

“Candy I can tell you I think it is in our genes. In our family everyone seems to have a high sex drive. And yes I think it’s perfectly ‘normal’ to be horny all the time . . . Because I know I am!”

Both girls were propped on an elbow, looking at each other, their faces not far apart. The tops of their bikinis lay on the sundeck under them, and the girls were now perfectly at ease with seeing each other’s tits. Candy’s eyes were moist.

“Thanks for talking about everything with me, Kayla. I’ve never had anybody to talk to like this before.”

“What about your mom” Kayla said to her “You can talk to her, can’t you?”

“NO. I could never talk with my mom about sex” Candy said. “You don’t talk to your mom about this stuff, do you???”

“Candy I know your mom. You can talk to her about anything – trust me on this. And YES, of course I talk to my mom about sex and anything else that’s on my mind. Mom and I don’t have any secrets from each other!”

Candy’s eyes were now even moister. Impulsively she leaned forward and placed her warm lips against her cousins.’ Kayla leaned forward and embraced the girl. The kissing started in earnest and now the two had their naked breasts mashed together. The feel of her cousin’s breast against her own, sent electric shocks through Candy’s body. The two girls instinctively tried to rub their bodies together and Kayla grabbed Candy’s cute ass to pull her tighter.

The girls broke the kiss and paced their breathing, still embracing but looking into each other’s eyes. “Can we make love Kayla, I want you to teach me” Candy said suddenly.

Kayla kissed the girl lightly and said, “there is nothing I’d like more, but the guys will be back any second, so unless you want to let two horny brothers have the show of their lives, we need to cool it until we have lots of time and a place. Boy . . . oh I want you baby girl!”

The two kissed again and as if on cue, they heard the guys voices approaching. Each girl replaced her top and tied it behind her back so they could greet their returning brothers. RJ and Kenny went directly to a locker and started looking for a specific long line.

“What are you guys doing” the girls wanted to know. Kenny made one swing on the tire and the rope was rotten. He fell into the water” RJ replied. “We’re looking for a new line and we’re going to repair that old swing,” he said with his usual pleasant smile.

The girls went with the guys to repair the swing, which was about a ¼ mile up the creek. As the four walked along Kayla and RJ were in the lead walking side-by-side. As they walked Kayla would exaggerate the sway of her hips and bump into RJ’s hip knocking him off balance. He’s purposely would bum

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Long Weekend at the Lake ___________________________________ No institution or agency may use this work for other than the intended purpose – to provide personal entertainment. All characters are fictional. This is a work of fiction. Of fantasy. It’s called ‘My Right of Free Speech.’ If you do not approve of youngsters engaged in various sexual acts . . . or if you live in one of the God-forsaken States that bans possessing/reading such material . . then please, PLEASE, go someplace...

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Special BondLong Weekend at the Lake2526

Long Weekend at the Lake ___________________________________ This is a work of fiction. Of fantasy. It’s called ‘My Right of Free Speech.’ If you do not approve of youngsters engaged in various sexual acts . . . or if you live in one of the God-forsaken States that bans possessing/reading such material . . then please, PLEASE, go someplace else. This is not some 4 page fuck/suck story. This story consists of almost 30 chapters! It has the main story, the back story, lots of detail,...

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Special BondLong Weekend at the Lake 1316

Long Weekend at the Lake ___________________________________ This is a work of fiction. Of fantasy. It’s called ‘My Right of Free Speech.’ If you do not approve of youngsters engaged in various sexual acts . . . or if you live in one of the God-forsaken States that bans possessing/reading such material . . then please, PLEASE, go someplace else. This is not some 4 page fuck/suck story. This story consists of almost 30 chapters! It has the main story, the back story, lots of detail,...

4 years ago
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Special BondLong Weekend at the Lake2124

Long Weekend at the Lake ___________________________________ This is a work of fiction. Of fantasy. It’s called ‘My Right of Free Speech.’ If you do not approve of youngsters engaged in various sexual acts . . . or if you live in one of the God-forsaken States that bans possessing/reading such material . . then please, PLEASE, go someplace else. This is not some 4 page fuck/suck story. This story consists of almost 30 chapters! It has the main story, the back story, lots of detail,...

3 years ago
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Special BondLong Weekend at the Lake EPILOG

Long Weekend at the Lake ___________________________________ No institution or agency may use this work for other than the intended purpose – to provide personal entertainment. All characters are fictional. This is a work of fiction. Of fantasy. It’s called ‘My Right of Free Speech.’ If you do not approve of youngsters engaged in various sexual acts . . . or if you live in one of the God-forsaken States that bans possessing/reading such material . . then please, PLEASE, go someplace...

2 years ago
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Weekend At The Lake

After I'd spent time in Illinois and lost my virginity to the nympho next door whose Air Force hubby was in Germany, I went back home and renewed my acquaintance with an old girlfriend, Pam. Her parents and mine, I honestly believe, had ideas that she and I would end up married. Even though we liked each other a lot and had great times together, at eighteen, we really didn't see that in either of our futures.  For one thing, the Vietnam War was in full swing and I had to either enlist or be...

4 years ago
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Special BondLong Weekend at the Lake27


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A Weekend At The Lake

Stephanie and I headed out to the lake on a Friday afternoon, after I had gotten off of work. I stopped at the liquor store on the way and picked up a case of beer for myself and a six-pack of Seagram’s strawberry daiquiri wine coolers for my stepdaughter. I also stopped at the grocery store and picked up the usual camping/picnic fare, hotdogs, chips, hamburger patties and buns, etc. Then I topped off my gas tank and off we went. The lake we went to was about an hour and a half from home....

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Weekend at the LakeChapter 2 The Lake

The next morning the alarm clock woke both James and Molly. James was forced to roll out of bed immediately to turn off the dratted thing otherwise it would keep beeping at them for more than thirty minutes. Molly rolled over and tried to go back to sleep. James let her sleep as he went out, got himself some caffeine in the form of a Dr. Pepper and then headed to the garage for a morning cigarette. James sat in the garage and wondered how the day would go. He was sure Molly and Shawn were...

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Jessica Bond 00Heaven

Big thanks to gwensational and panting4urhose, whose kind comments, messages and good stories inspired me to write this story, I'm sure you're able to see your helpful influences throughout!Also a special thank you goes to gwensational for allowing me to feature your wonderful creation of Agent 78, I'm very much honoured by your permission to use her in this story, I hope I've done her a real good justice and are pleased and satisfied with my take on her :)For those of you who haven't read...

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Jessica Bond Auf Wiedersehen Pffet

Prologue"Ahhh nothing beats getting paid well for a job done well..."The heavy framed deadly curvaceous ASSassin known as Scorpio, aka Agent 78, sighed as she sat down on her sofa.The big deadly gorgeous assassin placed a laptop, which looked tiny compared to her big bulky thighs, onto her lap.She was hiding out in a small discreet B&B in the countryside of Croatia.It was very early in the morning, still dark outside, and she was tired having just killed off 2 powerful foes.Before she could...

1 year ago
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Bond Girls Baby Dolls Vol 1 Prospect

AUTHORS NOTE: Copyright mine. Mean people suck. If not 18 get a signed permission slip from your Mom before reading. Any resemblence to persons living or dead may be untentional (unless it's Dolly Parton, Tom Cruise, or Timothy Dalton's chin). No fictionalized renderings of imaginary people impersonating minors were harmed in the production of this novella. BOND GIRLS & BABY DOLLS VOLUME 1: PROSPECT 2006 D: We need a new Fall title, and we know you're a...

2 years ago
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James Bond awoke from a light nap to the delightful sight of a small head bobbing slowly in his lap, the girl's shimmering black hair fanned over his belly. He had to crane his head a little to see the mole on the girl's left shoulder to realize that it was Ping working with measured precision on his stiff cock. "Thank you, Ping, my darling," he said and glanced up at the cloudless blue sky above. Ping let his cock slip from her mouth with a soft, wet pop. She smiled sweetly up at him before...

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Heathers Special Weekend

As she began to run; she thought about her day. Heather was a real estate agent for her uncle Don's agency. She was doing quite well in real estate and would be driving about a hundred miles north of there today to show a couple a fantastic mountain ranch valued in the millions. If she could pull this off it would be by far her biggest sale. Her thoughts now drifted to her steady boy-friend Brian and their date tonight. Brian was taking her to a very exclusive restaurant and had said he had...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 5 MichelleChapter 34 Bond James Bond

December 13, 1991, Chicago, Illinois When I arrived home, I went upstairs to shower and shave while everyone else was eating dinner. When I finished in the bathroom, I dressed in my tuxedo and then went downstairs. “Jesus,” Abbie breathed when she saw me. “Don’t give him any ideas!” Elyse laughed. “His ego is already big enough!” “There can only be one person in the house who thinks they are a god,” I said piously, “and Jess has that position sewn up!” “Watch it, Tiger. For all intents...

3 years ago
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Legend of the Lady in the Lake

 It all began one Halloween night.We were best friends in high school. We played on the volleyball team together. Madison was shorter than me, but she could dig out the spikes from other teams. I was good at the net and a good server.We ate lunch together almost every day. Did our homework at night together. We were inseparable. Some of the kids at school thought we were sisters and some thought we were lesbians.It was a small town, so everyone always knew everyone else's business, or at least...

2 years ago
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Bondhur Babar Sathe 10 Din

tomader sathe ekta vinno golpo share korbo. Aamar boyos 18. Thaki Jessore e. Dhaka versity te admission exam dibo. Kintu problem hoche Dhaka te amar kono relative chilo na.Dolon, amar bondhu o exam dibe. Or baba Dhaka te job kore. Tai amra thik korlam onar basa tei uthbo. Khub e excited chilam Dhaka te jabo bole. Somoy o hoye elo. Kintu jaoar ager din theke Dolon er khub Jor. Ami porlam bipode. O amake bollo “ kono problem nai, babar mess ei uthe ja, ami sob babostha korchi”. Jei kotha sei kaj....

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Newfound Lake

The main characters, Evan & Jane are in the 21-22 age range, though it was never specified in the story. All Characters engaged in sexual activity are 18+ ********** Newfound Lake ***** JUNE ****** Evan made his way into the busy kitchen to grab another beer. His friend Zack had convinced him to come out to one last party before he went away for the summer. Evan wasn’t really sure why, as Zack ditched him within 15 minutes to talk to some girl he had been wanting to bang. It must have...

1 year ago
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House Across The Lake

This work is copyrighted material. Anyone wishing to copy, archive, or re-post this story must contact the author for permission. House Across The Lake By Paul G. Jutras The wheezing gray camp bus, 'Camp Thundercrack' read the faded rust covered lettering, slowly bounced along the winding road. The bus was practically empty, since most of the parents had sent their kids to camp the week before. Pushing the blonde hair out of my face, I pulled out a detective novel from my...

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Warmer By The Lake

The girls looked less miserable now they were warming up in front of the campfire. They still shivered, but was that from the hours they had spent in the lake, clinging to their swamped canoe? Or was it from the scare it had given them? I didn’t really care.I had hung their shorts, shirts and underwear to dry. I had not packed for guests, so the only clothing I had to offer the three of them were old t-shirts and beach towels.“Hey you,” I said to the short one with the red hair. “Sorry......

2 years ago
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Wearing my panty at the lake

3 weeks ago,toward the end of September we had 4 days in the 90's so I went to the lake,I had just ordered some white panites online that had a sheer look when wet and was really hoping to go into the lake. I saw a guy at this same lake wearing a white speedo swimsuit and could see his outline,so this got me started on looking for some white panties that could look like a swimsuit. When the panty came to the house,I immediately put them on and took some pix of them on me,they could fool most...

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Thangaiku Theriyaamal Amma Magalai Oothen

Indru tamil kama kathaiyil ilamaiyaana magalum pinbu vithavai ammavaiyum eppadi usar seithu matter poten endru ungaluku solugiren. Suvarasiyam athigam irukum kama kathaikul selalam vaarungal, en peyar karthik. En veethiiyil oru pen ilamaiyaaga sexiyaaga irupaal, avalai thinamum sight adithu kondu irupen. Thinamum aval kalluri sendru varum pozhuthu iru velaiyilum sight adika arambithu viduven. Aval peyar nandhini vayathu 21 irukum, avaluku veetil aan thunai kidaiyaathu. Veetil oru amma iru...

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Bachelor at the Lake

CHAPTER 1 There was speculation that the recently arrived young graduate from Chicago, Sinead Morgan, would take this year’s title of Miss Prairie but she wasn’t even in the final seven. A fairly strict upbringing had taught Sinead and her sister and two brothers that a guy sins if he pays for sex and likewise so does a girl if she gives sex in return for a favor. In this case the bewhiskered chief judge who appeared over-done in garlic and in years missed out, not that Sinead was against...

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Sex In The Village Lake

Hi guys, hope you are doing just fine. This is Rahul back with one more sensual and erotic incident. The incident happened with me with one of aunt. I was studying in my class IX. So I after exams I went to my ancestor’s village to enjoy my vacation. My parents also came with me and after staying 2-3 days they left me there for rest of my summer vacation. In my village my uncle and aunt were staying. I was very close to them as they don’t have any child and treated my like one of them. My aunt...

4 years ago
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crimson lake

It was a golfing vacation. I was doing the golfing and my wife was along for the shopping. I love golfing and I don't know why I'm not better at it. Ever since I retired last spring I played almost every day yet I still stink. Judy, my wife, is a professional shopper. Apparently a natural talent because she doesn't practice all that much. She is the only woman I know who can spend all day shopping and buy nothing. My name is James Kilgore. Jim or Jimmy to my friends. Butch to my wife of...

1 year ago
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fucking my aunt at village lake

In my village my uncle and aunt were staying. I was very close to them as they don’t have any c***d and treated my like one of them. My aunt was seeing me since I was a c***d. She was married at very young age. Now she was around 33-34 years. But she maintained her shape and figure. She still was looking very young. But I never had any bad intention towards her. She loved me like a k** and I also loved her for the love and affection she gave me.So it was a village and people used to go to lake...

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Sex at Village lake

Hi guys, hope you are doing just fine. This is Rahul back with one more sensual and erotic incident. The incident happened with me with one of aunt. I was studying in my class IX. So I after exams I went to my ancestor’s village to enjoy my vacation. My parents also came with me and after staying 2-3 days they left me there for rest of my summer vacation.In my village my uncle and aunt were staying. I was very close to them as they don’t have any c***d and treated my like one of them. My aunt...

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A mothers bondPt III

Julia quietly crept away to her bedroom listening to grunting and rabid screams slipping into her room as the couple finished fucking. She didn’t want to disturb them so decided to lay low for a few hours. The house was so big that was easy to go unnoticed. The next morning she re-appeared downstairs and made her presence intention known by waking up Karen. Karen was still dressed like a whore from her session with Paul and her make-up had slightly smeared from the protracted sweating. Karen...

2 years ago
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Watching April Aprils Lust On The Lake

It was a very lusty day for my wife April. I knew it was going to be as soon as I started to wake up. I felt some very pleasant pressure down below and heard the sound of breath being pushed through someone’s nose as well as the sound of some greedy slurping. There was no mistaking that she was sucking my cock to rouse me from sleep. I let out a sigh, not opening my eyes, as I felt her warm tits tickle the right side of my waist. “Mmmmm, okay,” I groaned opening my eyes to...

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kyle and the amoba lake

kyle was an 19 year old collage student in Maine and is sometimes bored about almost everything in his life and most of the time he's often lazy, he had some great hobbies like swimming, exploring, traveling, fishing and camping. today we see him wandering the woods carrying his camping supplies looking for a nice spot for him to camp out, that was until a really strange lake caught his eye and went over to investigate it. he layed down his supplies and walked over at the edge of the lake and...

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Of the Lake

We had come to the end of what I expected to be our last family vacation together. With college graduation coming up for my son and my daughter’s impending marriage to a guy heading to basic training in the Navy I knew another trip like this one would be difficult. Actually just getting this on off the ground was a monumental task, between my work schedules, their work schedules and especially their social activities it was almost impossible. Finally we were able to all get away during the...

4 years ago
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Lake By Connie W (aka ponygirlTS) Chapter One: Another E-mail from Wilson Well here it is, another of Wilson's, "get the old fire-team back together," schemes. So why can't I go this time? You would think that they would realize, that after 20 years, we needed to get on with our lives. Maybe I should just tell them the truth. We don't have anything in common anymore, except those tired old war stories that they always seem to drag out when we are together. I mean look, they...

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Walking Around Green Lake

I guess this tale came about because I enjoy walking. Actually, it's a lot more than that; however, one of my favorite forms of exercise is walking ... and most of all, I really enjoy walking about the lake. In the North end of Seattle, there is a lake called Green Lake, which is circled by a trail that's about 2+ miles around and I try to walk it as often as I can. My goal is to walk around it every day, but it seems to turn out more like around 5 times a week. I've been doing this for so...

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Savannah Bond Twitter 11000 486000

Bond. Savannah Bond. She looks like the voluptuous girl you'd bring home from college, and your Dad would go crazy over her. She'd probably fuck him too. Do you like big busty blondes with a perfect peach emoji ass? She's a fucking dream. I watch so much fucking porn, but sometimes it doesn't get better than going back to the big-titted blonde girls. Better yet, tight blonde, Australian pussy. In August of 2023, she hit 500K followers on Twitter and spread her ass, pussy, and showed her tits to...

Twitter Porn Accounts
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Camp Lake

The old pioneer pass route led along the new highway and the railroad over on the way to the high summit pass. Camp lake lay on a side branch road past the rail line from the new highway. At that elevation the lake water warmed up to a nice swimming temperature and the scouts had extensive swimming, row boats and canoes at their lake. Dave, the Senior Scoutmaster and Camp Director, lived at the lake for the summer. Gail, his wife, stayed in town. His son, Ted, was a Junior Assistant...

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Bondhur Mayer Sathe Chodon Lila

Kakima ke khub kore Bondhur mayer sathe chodon lila Priyo boudi ra ami apnader kach theke prochur reply peyechi ager story gulor jonno, apnara je amake nijer bondhu mone kore somossa gulo likhchen asa kori segulor uttor thik thak dite perechi…asay thakbo ei story ta pore kamon laglo tar reply deben ager moto….Ami tony amar songe santunu r khub choto bela theke bodhutto holeo or baba amay kokhonoi jano sojjo korte parto na karon ta obosso ami jani na tobe uni besir bhag somoy business tour niyei...

4 years ago
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Party at the Lake

Once there was a girl... No, that's not a good way to start, because it leaves out a lot of the real story. I'm a sixty-one year old man. The real story begins when I was seventeen. It was my last year in high school and I was looking forward to leaving for college in the fall. I had a part time job at a local grocery store, a car (of dubious value), a few good friends and what seemed like a perpetual hard cock. I wasn't (and I'm still not) a giant in the penis department, but the girl...

3 years ago
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Rent A Cabin On A Lake

Rent A Cabin On A Lake I inherited a rather large chunk of land completely surrounding a large lake. I also inherited more than enough money to do anything that I wanted to do with it. So I started building cabins to rent out. I hired two young local guys to help me with the grunt work. With their help I was going to build seven cabins near the main road coming into the lake. We put in a nice long dock with a large deck on shore to sunbathe or sit on. They both had young wives that...

2 years ago
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The Lake

The story I am about to tell happened last summer. It was a hot day in June so we decided to go to the lake for the day. I talked my wife into wearing a sheer summer dress that at the right angle of the sun, you can see right through it (she’s not aware that the dress is see-through). I knew there were going to be lots of young guys at the lake sure to be eyeing up my wife all day. We packed up our SUV and started to head to the lake for what turns out to be a fantasy-come-true day for...

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Such Good Friends Chapter nineIncident at the High Lake

Chapter nine—Incident at The High Lake It was August and the day was going to be another scorcher. Mark was planning to hike up to the lake located high in the hills east of town. The “Terrific Trio” was coming with him and they planned on a whole day of swimming and sunning in the remote wilderness area. It was about an hour’s drive and a three mile hike, but they were counting on much cooler temperatures and sunny skies. Mark had finished his breakfast and was packing food and drink...

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A New BeginningChapter 15 Healing Mom Samrsquos Justice Sylvan Gets a Surprise My Bond Daughters

As she turned and walked away my parents started laughing. I had not even heard them approach when the class ended. I grinned and looked at them, “getting used to the place?” My dad nodded looking around, “it takes getting used to but I think I like it. I am going to miss my practice though. I had a lot of people that worked with me that were friends.” I looked at them, “sorry you came?” My mother stepped close, “no Michael. This place is different and we will make new friends. You...

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Golden Lake

John saw a familiar sign on the side of the road. “Hey, honey. We’re coming up on the last store till we get to the trailhead. You should use the restroom and make sure you have everything you need for the weekend.” Mary nodded, “Yeah, yeah” and she went back to fidgeting with her phone, Tommy hadn’t texted her in the last day and Mary wasn’t sure what that meant. She’d seen him earlier that Friday and he seemed distant but he’d said he’d see her later. As the car came out of the foothills...

1 year ago
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Cabin By The Lake

THE CABIN BY THE LAKEBy Sam DarquesiedCopyright ? Sam Darquesied 2008The form letter flatly stated that my grade point average had fallen below the University?s prerequisite for living on campus, so it was either apply for special dispensation, or find an apartment. I decided that four years in residence was more than enough for this girl, and hit the want ads that very afternoon. My friends thought I had lost my mind when I soon chose to move into an apartment with two roommates; both of them...

3 years ago
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The Cabin by the Lake

My husband Abe had been gone for six weeks when Jake came to live with me. Abe had gone hunting on a cold December morning to add to our supply of meat for the winter. We lived in our remote cabin by the lake for our entire marriage struggling to return to nature like our forefathers endured for generations. We were surviving the brutal winter of 2014 – 2015 at our one-bedroom Lake Indian cabin nestled in the Adirondacks, about 25 feet from the water. We had stored plenty of food to survive the...

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Losing the cherry at Cherryville Lake

(Fictional story. None of the characters are real.) It was summer time and the Boy Scouts from Cherryville where packing up to go on a camping trip at the lake for a week. The scouts where from the ages of 12-14. They were all excited about going because they heard the rumors about the Girl Scouts from their town where going as well and setting up camp on the opposite side of the lake. As the boys are loading the vehicles up the camp counselors are discussing the plans for the week and which...

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Visiting the Lake

My thanks to michchick98 for assistance with editing, and patience with my double spaces. A few words of explanation, I grew up within walking distance of one of the Great Lakes. I love the Lake in all its moods, from calm, quiet lady to furious angry tiger, and everything in between. The following is from my imagination pulling on memories of storms I have watched. If the storms aren’t like that on the Lake you know, visit another, there are after all 5 major, and several smaller, lakes. ...

4 years ago
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Mysteries Of The Great Lake

Hengki rushed out of the classroom. He had enough for today. Especially when the lesson was so gloomy. "How The World Came To An End" had been the name the oracle had given today's part of their education. Outside Hengki had to shield his eyes from the sun. But even that helped only to a degree as the sunshine was reflected on the water around him. Nonetheless, he found his boat soon enough. It was one of about thirty that anchored at the school. It swayed as Hengki jumped down and for...

3 years ago
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Broken Hearts The Lake

After meeting Bill at a mutual friend's party today, Karen immediately felt comfortable and at ease with him. Earlier, in response to her dare, Bill exposed his cock to her, and Karen reciprocated by showing him her perky breasts. They laughed like teenagers in the front seat of his classic car before he drove off, relieved no one observed them flashing each other. "Have you ever gone skinny dipping?" Bill asked as the momentum of turning a sharp corner forced Karen to lean into him. "We...

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Foster home 4 Fun at the lake

Introduction: This is the forth chapter in my Foster Care series as our heroin continues to struggle to believe if this is a good home for her or not. Judge for yourself. Besides the homes with the neglectful foster parents that exist there is an even worse alternative, at least in my eyes, that thank God I only had to experience it once. That home is called a group home. A group home is run like a business with the adults coming on and off duty like in any job. A group home is where they can...

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Foster home 4 Fun at the lake

The girl that seemed in charge in my group was a girl named Erika. Erika had beautiful black long hair and dark brown eyes. Her skin was a natural beautiful olive color. It didn’t take me long to realize she was in charge because she told other girls what to do. Within moments of me being there she met me at my bed and gave me my new name. “So Blondie, what do you have there in your bag that belongs to me,” she asked. Now I was stunned by this question as I had just arrived so I...

2 years ago
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The Girl By The Lake

No matter how hard she tried, she couldn’t shake off of that nauseating smell. She rubbed her hands one against the other, scratching and crossing her fingers, then she washed them under the stream of water before sniffing her hands again. No, the smell was still there, she couldn’t get rid of it. She lowered her sight, staring at her hands. A teardrop fell on her open hands and only then she realized she was crying, drops where blurring her sight. Jane was crying. She stared out of the...

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A bumpy ride to camp Crystal Lake

------------------------------------------------------ "Have fun," their mom shouted. "Be nice to your sister, Tom." Tom grinned and waved goodbye to his mom as he walked down the footpath. He couldn't wait. Nearly a whole week of fun at school camp. As soon as they turned the corner his sister punched him in the arm. "You wouldn't be mean to me, would you Tom?" She pushed her bottom lip out into a pout, her sparkly green eyes wide open and her face split in a giant grin,...

3 years ago
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Wild Weekend at the Lake

Many years ago in my younger days I went to a summer party with a few good friends.One of my buddies had gotten permission from his parents to hold a bash at their summer cottage for a week.We stocked up on every d**g and alcoholic beverage known to man.Friday Night****We set up our stuff, and got right down to business, we were slamming beer and smoking weed all night, around 10pm we broke out the cocaine. We all dove in, beer, beer, do a line, beer, do another line.By 3am we were gloriously...

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Summer Fun at the Lake

[My story depicts my true experiences during the beginning of a loving relationship that continues today. I was young, barely of legal age, but not experienced. There is no intercourse in this story, just the foreshadowing of erotic pleasures that I would experience in the following years. A note here to dispel confusion later in the story: Woody is the nickname of my boyfriend, but Jack is his Christian name used in dialogue when speaking with his family. I always acknowledge proofreading...

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