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Cheryl burst out laughing. "Did you go in and see?"

"Are you kidding? I know you don't have a brother let alone a younger one, so trust me. When you catch him having a wank on his bed you don't walk in and start a conversation about the weather!"

Cheryl put on a stern face and spoke in a mock serious and stern voice, "Iona, you did not answer my question. Were those pants he was sniffing yours?"

Iona paused in her laughing too look sheepish "I don't know" she replied faintly.

"BLOODY HELL WOMAN! Don't you know what your own underwear looks like?"


"Oh for heavens sake, don't tell me it was too dark! Come on, spill the beans."

"I was taken aback somewhat. Lets be honest, it was not what I was expecting to witness that day. Or on any day really."


"Look, I was to busy looking at something else at the time to really register what he was holding to his face. If it hadn't been for the pants held to his face he would have seen me. It was only later that it registered what he was holding. Other than his todger, that is."

Both girls burst out laughing.

"You pervert! Staring at your brother mid-wank."

"Oh and you wouldn't?"



"No. I would have gone in and helped!"

Iona squealed and hit her life long friend over the head with a pillow.

"So you must have gone in later to find out."

Iona shrugged "I just presumed they belonged to a girl friend."

Cheryl raised an eyebrow, in reply.

"Come on Cheryl. He's fifteen now, we were not exactly angels at that age."

Cheryl put on dreamy face "Oh the memories."

Smiling, Iona punched her playfully in the shoulder. "You make us sound like a pair of old farts."

"On that subject how is Uni these days. Bedded any more lecturers lately?"

"Nah, been through all the good looking ones. I've had to start on other students now."

Cheryl put the back of her hand to her forehead and tilted her head back "Oh the horror, what is the world coming to these days."

"So how is the till bashing?"

"Did I not tell you?"

"Obviously not"

"Promoted to shop floor assistant!"

"Check you out, a career woman!"

"Actually it was not too hard. The competition were either drunkards, smack heads, or just plain and simple stupid. A dog turd could shine."

"No comment"

They giggled hysterically on the bed as Cheryl took her turn at bashing Iona with a pillow. Exhausted they lay back on Cheryl's bed and contemplated the posters on the roof in silence.

It did not last long.

"So what is she like?"

Iona was momentarily thrown. "Uh, who?"

"You know"

"Obviously not."

"Kevins other half"

"We are not going back to that again, are we?"

"I like to keep up on gossip."

"I've no idea, been away for most of the year remember."

"Oh I suppose."

Some-thing in the tone of the last statement niggled in Iona's brain. She rolled onto her side and looked at her friend.

"Don't tell me you now have a crush on my little brother."

Cheryl continued to stare up at the ceiling in silence.

Iona poked her in the side "Cheryl, now you are not answering questions."

Cheryl rolled over and replied in an air of innocence. "Well you did say, not more than five minutes ago. That he is no longer so little."

There was minute of dead silence then they both burst back into laughter.

A clock in the hallway chimed the hour.

Iona stood up from the bed and slipped her shoes back on. "I said I would help mum with the tea tonight. Catch you tomorrow?"

"Working tomorrow."

"Oh yeah, career girl."

"Well some of us have to pay taxes so you can make free with lecturers"

"Jealousy gets you nowhere. Tomorrow night?"

"Okay, I'll come round after work. You never know, I might get a show."

"Hands off my brother he's too young for you."

"Pot calling kettle black! How old was that lecturer, what was his name, Toby? 42? 43?"

"Tony, umm, 45ish"

"That's even bloody worse. He's almost a coffin dodger!"

"He was not that old."

"For heavens sake! At that age he must have had more wrinkles than a sheet of corrugated Iron. Already applied for his free bus pass has he."

Iona let out an exaggerated, heard it all before, yawn. "Well you know what?"


"With all those wrinkles, he didn't have to buy ribbed condoms."

"That's disgusting"

"See you tomorrow night." With a smile and wave Iona left her friends room to head the short distance back home.

Iona strode confidently down the pavement. Cheryl lived only a few houses away and they had known each other since nursery school, so it did not take long to get home. Once inside she went to help her mother with the evening meal. As they prepared the food she regaled her mother with the less risqué tales of her and her friends antics at Uni. Though Iona was aware that her mother, a university graduate, could read between the lines at what was not being said. As Iona had only arrived back the previous day, dinner table conversation consisted mainly of all the gossip that she had missed.

As she helped her mother with the washing up, she steered the conversation to her little brother.

"Has he a lady in his life yet?"

"Who? Kevin?"

"I would hardly be discussing dad now, would I?"

"I'll have less of that talk madam." Replied her mother with a smile.

"So has he?"

"Not that he has said, nor has he brought any one home, or spending an unusual amount of time out of the house." She shrugged her shoulders. "I'm sure it will not be long now. You on the other hand wast..."

"Yes, well I had no shortage of pestering boys." Iona was uncomfortable with the new direction of conversation. Especially as she had a good idea of where it would lead. Her mother did not disappoint.

"When am I going to get to welcome a son in law?"

"About the same time as hell freezes over mum. I'm not even twenty, I don't want to be tied down just yet." She knew what her mother was after. "When I'm ready I shall grace you with the patter of little feet"

"Don't leave it too long or you will turn into a bitter old spinster"

Iona laughed, "No fear of that mum."

After the last of their repast had been cleared away, Iona retreated back to her room. She retrieved some study books from her bag and then lay on her bed, but the desire to revise eluded her.

She thought back to her conversation with Cheryl. If Kevin had no girlfriend, then the likelihood that the pants were hers was very high. Or even worse, her mothers. She laughed aloud at that thought, then sobered up quickly when the implication that her mother had sexier underwear than her crept in. That unsettled her as; the little green monster called jealousy reared its head.

Now she definitely could not concentrate. No girl likes competition, least of all from an older woman.

"This is ridiculous." She shut the book she was not reading in exasperation. She could not believe how something so trivial was winding her up. Standing up, she headed to the window and looked down the street. A group of four boys were walking along the pavement kicking a ball between them.

She watched the boys but her attention was turned inwards. "Was this how it started " She wondered. "No woman is born a spinster, they become one." Her breath misted the window as an unwanted feeling she recognised as insecurity made its presence known. "But surely not mothers pants."

The boys turned off the pavement into the drive. The harsh ring of the front door kicked her back to the present. Her brothers' door slammed and she heard him thunder down the stairs, whilst shouting, ""I'll get it!"

Unconsciously she fiddled with the pendant around her neck as she watched the boys depart in the direction of some waste ground. Nibbling at the skin of her bottom lip, she came to a decision. The boys were not even out of sight before she turned and left her room in the direction of her brothers.

She pushed open his door and surveyed the disorganised chaos that lay before her. The enormity of the task that lay before her threatened to turn her away, but she needed to know.

Resisting the urge to start opening drawers and rummaging at random, she forced herself to think about it logically.

Kicking toys, magazines and clothes every which way, she cleared a path closer to the bed. Standing at the foot of the bed she studied her surroundings and spoke quietly to herself.

"They won't be in a clothes drawer in case mum finds them" An image of Kevin lying on the bed came to mind. "They will have to be close at hand, especially in case he is disturbed." She smiled to herself at that.

"Under the bed?" She got down to look. After an unpleasant search in which several mismatched and extremely smelly socks and a mouldy apple core were discovered, she found nothing.

Pausing to rethink her plan she put her hand under his pillow. Nothing. On impulse, she found the edge of the bed and searched the gap next to the wall. His pillow nestled in the crook of her elbow as she ran her fingers under the edge of his mattress.

The fabric of cloth under her touch changed and she moved her hand back. Iona could feel a seam where a seam should not have been. Iona grasped the seam and withdrew her hand, withdrawing a feminine pair of pants into the light.

Relief flowed through her as she recognised them as being hers. She dropped them on to the top of the bed and returned her hand beneath the mattress to see what else was under there. Her search revealed nothing more.

All too aware of where she stood, she retrieved her pants and headed back to her own room, not bothering to hide her tracks in his room.

She shut the door to her room and sat on the edge of her bed. Her hands toyed with the fabric on her lap. The material was cold and damp, almost sodden. She did not need to lift her underwear to her nose to smell its aroma but she did so anyway. Stained and damp lace touched the end of her nose as she inhaled deeply.

Iona had given enough hand and blow jobs to recognise the smell of fresh and stale sperm. The smell from the material in front of her face was very strong. She took another sniff.

Her gaze moved from the contents of her hands to the family portrait on the wall. She looked at her brother; "You could have picked a more flattering pair of pants for your obsession you know." Which was true, she had tended to wear that pair when the chance of actually being seen in them was next to nonexistent. Which was why she left them at home and never took them to Uni.

She felt herself start to heat up between her legs. Knowing where that had a tendency to lead to, she rose from the bed and deposited the pants into her almost empty dirty clothes hamper. In order to calm her lust she headed back down the stairs to watch a bit of telly and speak to her mum.

When Kevin came home, Iona ignored him and Kevin likewise.

The night progressed quietly.

"I'm off to bed mum, see you in the morning." Iona stood from the couch and stretched, before heading for the living room door. Kevin had called it a night over an hour previous.

"Okay love, see you in the morning."

"G'night dad"

"Goodnight Iona."

In her room Iona crossed her arms and removed her T-shirt, dropping it onto the end of her bed. She pulled her wash bag out of her suitcase and removed the little make up that she wore. As she walked from the mirror back to the bed she breathed in and undid the button on her jeans, stopping briefly on alternate feet to remove them. Jeans landed on T-shirt followed by her bra.

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The night my girlfriend was passed out drunk

I'm no writer, but I have to share the story of the best sex I have ever had.My girlfriend was at her works Christmas night out. I was going to be picking her up afterwards then staying with her that night. It had been a while since we had slept together so I was looking forward to that night as once she has a few drink she can be quite kinky.When I collected her she was drunk. Very drunk. She made it into the car but once we got to hers she was out for the count and I had to get her mum to...

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25 May 2008Chapter 7

Mark had taken several sips of water, his own pulse elevated by the intensity of the play on the ice below him. “The face-off is in the Chiefs’ end to the right of Tokarski. There are thirty seconds remaining in Subban’s penalty, a minute and fifteen remaining in the third period. The Falcons are that much time away from winning their first CHL championship. Can they hold off the constant onslaught from the Chiefs?” “Mark, this must be the longest two minutes of P.K. Subban’s hockey career!...

1 year ago
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Reddit GoneWildTube, aka r/GoneWildTube! When you think of the best porn that money has to buy what do you think of? Probably some of that high-quality professional studio type shit that you can see on many of the premium porn sites out there. Well, there are many people who actually don’t want to see that kind of content and instead want to see real and amateur content from real and authentic people. It’s not hard to see why there is such a high demand for such content and so there are...

Reddit NSFW List
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White Girl

Chapter 1Maybe things will be better here, she thought.Kylie King jumped down from her father's ute and immediately regretted it.  The sun was fierce here. The short scraggly plants and red earth seemed to have surrendered to its oppressive gaze.  While speeding down the empty highways (read as long straight dirt roads) the breeze had kept her cool.  Kylie felt like a wilting flower in the heat.  It had to be almost 40 degrees.  Already she had been forced to continually anoint herself with...

3 years ago
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A WellLived Life Book 3 PiaChapter 18 Skating and Stockholm

November/December, 1979, Hovås/Göteborg, Sweden On Monday when I showed up at the ice rink, I saw the regular hockey skaters, Åke, Per, and Johan, and greeted them as I usually did. Talking with them, I had discovered they all played for the same junior hockey team in Västra Frölunda and all hoped to play in the Elite Series. They skated each morning for about an hour before their regular practice started, which is when I had to leave the ice. Katrina and Mikael, the ice dancers, weren’t...

2 years ago
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The Summer Visit 1

I wasn’t too surprised the first time I saw Jimmy with his head between his sister Jane’s legs. In the three days they had been here it had become obvious that he was completely besotted by her. From what I had worked out, she used him as her personal slave, making him not only fetch and carry for her, but using him to satisfy her sexual needs. Which did not include fucking her ‘as she wished to keep her virginity for Mr Right’. In return she would occasionally suck his cock or allow him to...

1 year ago
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Add Salt to Taste

Denny gave a gasp of surprise and then a deeper near pant as I seized the moment and spread her white bikini top outwards, then down, revealing her comely eye-catching boobs. We were walking along the track and then the beach near the designated coastal camping site. We both needed to get away from parents and from our younger bratty babyish male siblings. We needed girl time and to talk seriously about the guys in our lives. Would we keep them or move on to fresh hot bods at University? It was...

3 years ago
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Chapter One.I checked the cameras one last time and opened a fresh pack of videotape. Glancing around the room, I satisfied myself that all the lights were in position, the powerful lamps casting a wave of heat over the set. The tapes of three completed sessions were safely packed away in an airtight box and I was well on my way to completing another red hot production of the popular porno series 'Pussy Heat'. However, I still felt dissatisfied with my life. I wanted to make my own films....

3 years ago
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Five Days of Paradise 3

—THE NEXT MORNING— The two of us headed into the kitchen, groggy and with bedheads, where there were Mom, Dad, Adam, and Dana. It was 9, and we had to pack up to move into our other three rooms by 11. Aden and I didnt have shirts on, but we had pajama pants on, and we settled on the porch, just the two of us alone, looking out upon the shorter sky scrapers, and the taller ones (which were far off, seeing as thats where the urban city was), and the beach, the pool, the roads, the lazy river...

1 year ago
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The Priests Change

Author note: This story isn't really related to the previous story. Its inspired by a comic I found that can be found here§ion=&global=1&q=+overlord+bob#/d2zwvbs however this isn't an adaptation but merely just inspired by the comic. Sadly it's also short. But I hope you can find it enjoyable. The priests change. He couldn't move. He let out a groan as his eyes slowly adjusted to the surroundings, "Hello poppet" a deep...

1 year ago
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GangbangCreampie Victoria Voxxx G155

Victoria is on the bench, and as Buzz explains she’s been ready to get those clothes off for a while. So off they go. I keep mentioning it, but watch as the scene progresses, you can just see the sexuality that oozes from this girl. She gets fucked 7 ways from Sunday, and practically begs for more. They get some cocks in her mouth, and hands, and munch on her pussy for a bit. They start fucking her one after another, taking her however they want, and she lets them. This is amazing for...

3 years ago
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Act Like A Boy Or Else Part 7

Act like a Boy or else ... by Lesley Renee Charles Chapter 7 My group of escorts led me down the corridor to the dining room. We entered a great big room filled with heavy antique mahogany furniture. There was a great big table in the center that sat at least thirty people. My escorts told me that was for formal occasions. There were several smaller tables that were clustered around the big table.I was led to a table that was more towards the center of the room. One of the...

2 years ago
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The Wimp and the DebChapter 3

Rory The afternoon passed slowly and I was in a state of nervous tension. A lot of questions were racing through my mind. It was obvious from her remarks that she knew about me staring at her in the classes we shared. So why had she not said something before? I could have understood if she had just got fed up with it and decided to do something about by confronting me and roasting me with her tongue but she had not done that. She had obviously planned something and arranged for her...

2 years ago
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Book 6 Revanche and LaurelChapter 5

Nedra sat on her haunches, her tail twitching in frustration "ohhhhhh silly Trink, it is time to come out, yes Nedra knows it is time, you have been pouting in your little cottage for how many year's now? My sweet Trink you cannot pout forever, this is such nonsense, you are missing the little one's growing up, they are less for not having your wisdom wrapped up in your loving silliness. Little Revanche goes through the pains of becoming a man without your needed help, Christopher will be...

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Its Just Research

It's Just Research By Julie O Edited By Itinerant Chapter 1 Stephen Owens looked at his watch and saw that ten minutes had passed since the last time he had looked at it. He was beginning to think that the man he was scheduled to meet wasn't going to show up. Glancing around the bar, he...

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Two Girls One Cupid

Thanks to my Editors, especially Dowyd, Dragonsweb and Sue, and other assorted Advance Readers! It was another miserable Saturday night all alone for Marcie and Rachael. They had gone out to a few clubs the night before in their ever-hopeful quest to find a nice man or two, but like nearly all of their recent attempts to find love and or companionship it had come to naught ... as usual. Alone and depressed, the two young ladies decided to stay in tonight and watch movies and chow down on...

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Banging Soniya 8211 Part 2

This is continuation to the Banging Soniya Part 1 After banging my sexy elder sister Soniya really hard inside the car and in the rest room she asked me to promise that it would be the last time we had sex and not to tell anyone about it and to forget about our sleazy sex affair completely. Like I said Soniya was a hot and sexy girl with lean figure, huge perky boobs and tight round ass who some what resembled Poonam Pandey but also she was very complicated with her extreme mood swings and...

4 years ago
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The price a slave has to pay Part One

I was driving my car to an address that Jimmy had given me. It was an apartment in a part of town I rarely went to. It had been almost a year since I had met Jimmy in a bar that catered to transsexuals and guys who were interested in them. We had sex that night and have been ever since. Jimmy is married with 2 kids and keeps that part of his life totally separate. Our relationship had developed into a true D/s one. He is my Master and I am his slave. I have to do anything he asks me to do.

4 years ago
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Decades Ch 03

Aunt Doro greeted Doug and Kelly in the front room. ‘Welcome back, Kelly,’ she said. ‘I’ve made some fruit salad if the two of you would like some dessert before you disappear upstairs.’ Doug was used to the mischievous gleam in the old woman’s eyes, but Kelly was taken aback. ‘Oh, Aunt Doro, I wasn’t – sorry, I guess I shouldn’t call you that, but –’ ‘Nonsense, darling, any friend of Doug’s is welcome to call me Aunt Doro,’ she reassured Kelly. ‘In any event, I certainly didn’t wish to make...

3 years ago
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18 Saal Ki Ladki Soonam Ka Doodh Piya Desi Garam Ladki Ka Doodh

Hello doston This is Rahul from Mumbai. Iss story aaj se ek saal pehle ki hai tab main 12th Maine padhtatha. Hamari class ki sabse brilliant ladki aur topper ladki ka naam tha Sonam Rajput.Uski umar 18 saal tha aur uske breasts,eye,lips & hair par main dibanatha. Sonam hamare class ki sabse sundar ladki bhi thi.Hamare saare ladke,seniors,juniors sab uske piche the.she is gifted with beauty & brain.Lekin Bo kisiko bhao nahin deti thi hamesa Bo ek intense aur serious look main sirf...

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