First Times free porn video

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"Love is the answer, but while you are waiting for the answer, sex raises some pretty good questions."

Woody Allen

The worst part about waking up after an all-night fraternity party isn't the hangover; it's fighting your memory tooth and nail to remember everything that you did. Or everything that you didn't do. And when you finally figure it out, a lot of the time you wish you hadn't remembered what you fought so hard to remember.

It's an added bonus to try to do it when you wake up in a dorm room that's not your own, with the sun casting its glare right on your face. Or with a radio next door blaring music loud enough to wake the dead, never mind the drums in your OWN head. Oh... and one other small detail. You're in bed, with your best friend.

The one person you're closest to in the whole school. The woman you tease, because she admitted to you that she was still a virgin, because she hadn't found the right person to lose it to. But that's ok, because she can tease you about the same thing. And from the way you two are wrapped up in each other, without clothing, makes it a good bet, if not a certainty, that the two of you remedied each other's condition the night previous, when at least one, if not both of you were too out of it to really stop it. Wrap your mind around that, and see how much coherent thought you're capable of Trust me, you spend some time just hoping that the world ends suddenly, because you're not sure on how to deal with the consequences.

I am NOT a morning person, I joke that my preferred alarm clock setting is to make sure that I get up at the crack of noon. But adrenalin does quite a lot to clear one's head. I very slowly, carefully slide myself from her grasp, drawing a sleepy moan of protest from her lips as she shifts, and I regret leaving her warmth, but decide to soldier on, anyway.

I had been in Kaitlin's room enough that I knew where most of the important stuff was. Fortunately, Kaitlin's roommate had decided to take off-campus housing, so Kaitlin had a double all to her self, and she loved the extra space. She installed one of those plug in coffee pots, saying that she could deal with many things in the morning, but never anything before she had at least one cup of coffee in her. Decaffeinated coffee was one of the most ridiculous inventions of her lifetime, only surpassed by "Instant" coffee. She even made weekly trips down to a nearby grocery store to select the proper types of coffee, and to make sure they were fresh ground. It was one of her little foibles, but right now, I was glad...

As I scrounged a couple mugs from her closet, and set the coffee to percolate, I sighed, and wished I could remember what led us to this situation, I wasn't totally clueless, I remembered the fraternity party. They were an off-campus fraternity, and had connections among the local police, so, basically, if the neighbors didn't complain, and no one drove afterwards, they had no problem with the fraternity having a discreet party every so often.

I don't drink, much, really. But in this case one drink became two... and two become three... and three became a Jagermeister shot... and then it became... "Well, I'm already half way there, why not have one more." And "I'm going to feel it tomorrow anyway, so I might as well do the crime if I'm going to do the time." The last thing I remember was having a "last shot" and seeing what was going on at the pool... After that, it was one big alcohol related blur, no matter how much I tried. That was a pretty good statement on how much alcohol I had consumed.

As the smell of the percolating coffee reached my nose, I realized that the hangover was still there, as the strong smell made me slightly queasy, so I headed into her bathroom and grabbed a couple aspirin from her medicine cabinet.

After I poured the coffee, I realized that it wouldn't be a GOOD thing if Kaitlin woke up, and the first thing she saw was my body au natural, so to speak, so I grabbed my underwear and my shorts from the pile of clothing on the floor. (The items were mixed equally, as if we had undressed at the same time. Another sign, and not a good one). I drank half of the first cup of coffee in one large gulp, letting the hot liquid gush down my throat. A few seconds later, when I recovered from my nerves, screaming at me, I groaned in pain... I forgot how hot the coffee would be, but after a few seconds of doing my best beached fish impersonation, sucking in cool air, the pain subsided, and I awaited the so-called best part of waking up to wake me up fully. The aspirin were duly consumed with another splash of hot coffee, and now, it was time to wait. Kind of like a condemned man on death row, only in this case, not knowing when and if the switch is going to be flipped.

I actually had time to finish the first cup of coffee and pour myself a second, before I finally see Kaitlin stir. Apparently the smell of the coffee was too much for her desire to sleep (As I said, she's a coffee-aholic). As she slowly came to her senses, I heard her mutter. "Oh, my fucking head." to herself, eyes still wired shut against the encroaching sunlight. Deciding that if I was going to face the situation, I might as well face it as quickly as possible, I quietly said, "Hey, you should see the other guy."

Apparently, my sense of humor was not well received. "That's right... laugh it up Thompson..." she muttered... then it hit her. Like a ten-ton sledgehammer. "STEVE?!?!?!!" She shot upright, throwing the blanket forward as she moved. I took a second to appreciate her small, but well formed breasts pointing out at me. Hey, I might have been hung-over and shocked at what happened, but I was still male and heterosexual.

Kaitlin looked like she was going to continue looking about wildly, but the effects of the hangover had hit by then, and she slumped back in the bed with a groan. As her bare skin touched the sheet, she realized she was nude and shrieked again, pulling the blanket over her body. It was quite comical to watch. Somehow, though, I knew that if I was to laugh about it, that they would be picking parts of me off the ground for miles around. She normally had a great sense of humor, but it was quite evident that her sense of humor was non-existent today.

Before she could demand to know what I was doing there. I quickly handed her a cup of coffee and two more aspirin. "Let's kill the worst of the hangover, and then we'll discuss things." She glared at me, but accepted the coffee and the aspirin and just like me, drank half the mug in one gulp, and chased the aspirin, with what's left. She took a few deep breaths, did her best to compose herself, and then went back to glaring at me. Her green eyes were narrow, and she cast glances around the room in between glares, as if she expected to be on Candid Camera or something.

"So... what's this, some kind of prank? How'd you get in... ? Where's my clothes... and why do I feel sore..." she growled at me, before turning ash white as realization set in. She may have had a hangover... but she has no problem in putting 2+2+2 together and getting 6. The hand that wasn't holding the coffee mug disappeared under the spread, apparently checking to see if there was any dampness in the sheets. Her eyes were wide as she looked at me.

"Yeah. I think we..." my voice trailed off, as I sighed, and indicated the pile of discarded clothing. I mean, how the hell are you supposed to tell your best friend... "I think we got drunk and boinked each other". There's no book on how to work that into conversation, is there?

"So, what you're saying is... We got drunk, and decided to take each others cherries, and screw like bunnies, eh?" she exclaimed, disbelievingly. Well... Kaitlin was never one for book learning, anyway.

"Kaitlin... I..." I attempted to get out before she interrupted me.

"Steve... I'm sorry... I just need time to think. I didn't mean to... I didn't want to... I didn't expect to..." She tried to get out, her voice trailing off each time she tried to find a politic way to say she never expected to end up in bed with me.

"It's ok. I think I'm going to get my stuff, head home, and sleep off this hangover, ok?" I said quietly to her. I was a little upset (ok, more then a little upset) that this has apparently changed our relationship, and probably not for the better. I mean, the one thing we always agreed on, was that sex was never going to come between us... and it looks like we blew that up real good, and for something we don't even remember.

Apparently, she was feeling the exact same way I did. "Yeah. Do that. I'll catch up with you later." Kaitlin said, not looking at me, and just lay back, looking at the ceiling as I gathered the rest of my clothing, dressed, and headed towards her door.

The crisp October air helped ameliorate the worst effects of the hangover, as I walked back to my dorm. The leaves had just about finished falling off the trees (we joke that one of the reasons we appreciate the leaves changing color each fall so much is that it makes up for the amount of effort we put up with raking them and bagging them, and all that good stuff.

Luckily, it's only a five minute walk back to my dorm, because the cold air had raised goosebumps on my legs before I could get back to my dorm. I stopped at my room to get a clean set of undressed before I jumped into the shower. Freshly showered and changed into clean clothing, I headed back to my room. I noticed my roomie, Matt, had once again left his side of the room a mess. Thank god he was visiting family this weekend. I did not want him to ask where I had been all hours of the night and day. Or to hear him practice guitar. All I wanted now was to get forty, eighty, or heck, even 120 winks, and try to forget this morning had ever happened.

With most of the dorm either out doing stuff or visiting friends and family for the weekend, it was fairly easy to light proof the room (a shade down and towels stuffed under the door to prevent light from the hallway from spilling in). I've found when my sleeping pattern gets all screwed up by a night out; I can at least relax in complete darkness, and do my best to catch up on sorely needed sleep.

Some time in between ten minutes and ten hours later (I couldn't tell, I even turn the clock away from me and put a towel over it to make sure the light doesn't bother me), I decided that I was fully awake, and sat up. There was a teeny bit of light from the door, and I slowly walked over, and checked the towels. One of the towels had been pushed in slightly, and right next to it, was a neatly folded piece of paper... Turning on the light, I went back and sat on my bed to read it. My explosive breath when I recognized the handwriting seemed to get caught in my chest.

"Steve... I know you like to play Vampire-In-The-Dark when you're wasted after a good party... but we need to talk. Call my room as soon as you're up... Ok?"

Kaitlin's signature was a bit slanted, and it was obvious to me she still felt a little stressed out about the situation. But the fact that she was back to her normal sarcastic self with that vampire comment was a good thing. I sighed, and grabbed the phone. I got the tone that indicated I had a message waiting, but I assumed it was Kait... and I already knew what she had to say. I punched in her phone number, and she picked up after the 2nd ring with a tentative "hello?"

"Hey Kait... I got your note..." Her voice firmed as she interrupted me. "Good. You decent? Actually. I don't care. You can get decent by the time I get there." Her voice was businesslike and brisk, like a CEO speaking to an underling. I was a little startled by how abrupt she was. Normally, we'd chat about this and that for several minutes before getting to the meat of any conversation, and tried to rally with a joke "Wait... don't I get a vote in this?" Her voice was SLIGHTLY less taut and had a little bit of the Kaitlin-sarcasm I knew in it. "Of course not. This isn't a democracy. It's an enlightened dictatorship, and I'm the dictator!"

I grinned, even though she couldn't see it. "Well, I know the fate of people who try to resist dictators, so come on over, Kait. The room isn't too much of a mess." The fact that we were actually going to TALK about it made me a little happier, although I knew it would still be a long and difficult. Well... whatever it was outside. (That's the problem with my cure for a hangover. It can leave you VERY disoriented and out of whack. But its better then suffering, and then trying to catch up on sleep!),

Kaitlin sighed, and there was relief in that sigh, as if she too was glad there was a bit of normalcy after the events of the day. "Great. Be there in about 10. Matt's gone for the weekend, right?"

"Yeah... he's down in Providence visiting his folks." I confirmed, although I wondered what that had to do with anything. I think she, like me, wanted to discuss it between us before the rest of the world knew about it.

"That's good. See you in 10 then." She said, and after we exchanged (temporary) farewells, picked up the place as best as I could. Don't get me wrong, Matt's saved my butt more then once on issues, but his housekeeping leaves a bit to be desired, and god knew I didn't want a copy of Playboy with Miss September showing all when Kait got to my dorm. I had ENOUGH issues already!

I managed to open the shade and uncover the clock (both of which confirmed it was early evening, around 7 PM.) and pull on sweatpants, and a "walk-around" shirt. I was also going to check (and erase) the message on the phone, but before I could do that, there was a buzz from the intercom for me. She had arrived at the entrance, and was waiting for me to let her in.

As I pressed the buzzer to let her in, if you said I had butterflies in my stomach, it would be at least close to the truth, but if they were butterflies, they were the size of grapefruits or watermelons and they wanted OUT! I opened my door, and walked over to the stairway, so I could greet her properly. I guess I kind of caught my breath, because Kaitlin, well... looked DIFFERENT!

Her black hair was tied back in a ponytail, and she wore her favorite sweater (a kelly-green one) that matched her eyes pretty well, and just as important, as least to the male eye, fit her snugly, showing off her assets, such as they were. Her long legs were encased in a pair of beige pants that showed them off. In other words, she wasn't looking like someone who was visiting a close friend, she looked more like she was going out on a date. She half-smiled, half-smirked as she came up to me, and tossed a black bag at me that I caught out of reflex. "Hey, Stevie Wonder... About time you woke up. Figured with the sun gone down, you'd awake from your dirt nap."

Still kind of confused and befuddled, although I think it was in a GOOD way, I led her into my room, and shut the door behind us. "Kaitlin, listen, I'm sorry... I don't know what happened between us, but I promise you, I didn't try to set this up..." I put the bag down next to the door, and turned to face her.

Now that we were finally talking face to face again, the steel that had infused her voice over the phone had seemingly turned to silly putty. But there was still the Kaitlin I knew behind it. "I know. I know. God help me, Steve, I didn't try to do it either. But it happened, and we have to deal with it, ok? Don't flake out on me..."

The butterflies in my stomach all of a sudden froze over, and sunk to my feet as I realized a fact that I hadn't thought about. "Oh my god, Kaitlin... what if you're pregnant... what if..."

She cut me off there before I could babble too much on. "I said DON'T flake out on me, Thompson! And it's a good thing that you've thought about it. Luckily, my mom arranged for me to go on the birth control pill back in high school. So don't worry... there won't be any Little Kaitlin's running around just yet. This is a good thing, cuz my Dad would attempt to hogtie us into a wedding."

Truth be told, I had met Kaitlin's dad at a college orientation thing. Button down, wore a three piece suit where everybody was wearing jeans and t-shirts, kinda the Corporate America type. And she's right. He'd be saying "You're going to do the right thing by my daughter". And her mother would be arranging the wedding. Oh god. They are good folks, don't get me wrong. But like wild tigers, the best place to view them is from a distance. With several inches of armor between you and them.

She smiled, the first real smile I'd seen from her since this whole thing started. "I have to say, "Yay Mom" for exhibiting forethought. Something we seemed to lack last night." The smile wavered a second, but there seemed to be a hidden meaning behind her smile. But I'm not sure I caught the full indications.

I sighed, and grabbed us two Cokes from the mini fridge Matt and I shared. I cracked it open... and kind of pondered what to do next. She did the same, and I looked up, and decided to voice my thoughts. "Ok, Kait, we've decided that what happened last night was nobody's fault, or both of our faults, or whatever. The question is... where do we go from here."

Kaitlin stood up and looked out the window, seemingly lost in thought, before she spoke, "You know, out of all the different ways I imagined my first time to be, I never thought it would be with my best friend, when we're too drunk to stop, let alone REMEMBER what we did."

I stood behind her, and put a hand on her shoulder, and felt her lean back against me, for support and reassurance more then comfort. She took a deep breath, closed her eyes, and turned to me and said quietly. "That's why I'm hoping that my first time will be with my best friend, we're going to be completely sober, and I'm going to hopefully remember it always."

One of these days, somebody's going to tell me something utterly shocking, like "The moon is made of green cheese" or "Politicians really care about the people who vote for them." And I'll be perfectly fine with that. However, in this case, with my best friend saying not only did we sleep together previously and that's seemingly a bad thing, but she wants to do it again, this time when we're completely sober... I did my fish out of water impersonation again.

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Sad Pervrsquos 1st Times

I’ve been a wanker such a long time, it’s difficult to remember all my experiences. But the 1st Time Round always sticks in your mind, like the 1st Time I saw girls bare in magazines, the 1st Time I saw a girl pose for real, the 1st Time I spontaneously spunked in my underpants. These are some of my 1st Time Round experiences, to the best of my memory. Go-go girlsJust thinking about skimpy-dressed girls dancing go-go sends shivers down my spine. I first saw this on Ready Steady Go! A pop...

4 years ago
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Girlfriend with Testing Device Part 11 The Breast of Times The Worst of Times

Warning: this chapter is rated a dramatic R and contains pole-dancing, boobs, topless protagonists, stripping, tits, body swaps, slutty behavior, battle scars, hunky boys, gender confusion, sexy girls, memory manipulation, seduction, self-realization, self-actualization, shy boys, reality blindness, heartbreak, betrayal, conflict, struggle, desperately horny protagonists, memory manipulation, betrayal, and two lovers doing their best to earn their happy ending. ...

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First times

Back when I was nineteen I'd discovered drink and rock music. I'd also discovered lots of friends. I also thought I might be gay. Nothing wrong with that, but at nineteen it spins around the inside of your head quite a bit. My parents are very supportive, but I'd kept it to myself. I hadn't even told any of my friends. At the time I wasn't really up for been on the pull like some of my male friends, so I was normally the designated wing man. The girls always thought of me as their safe friend....

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For The Good Times

Chapter 1 I often sit around wondering what might have been. The choices we make in life: did I make the right ones? I know I've made a lot of mistakes and have done a lot of things that I'm not proud of, but I think back on my younger days and always wonder, "What if?" I know everyone probably looks back on the decisions they made. Some we're happy with, others we wish we could have 'Do Overs'. Unfortunately, life doesn't work that way. I think back twenty plus years ago when I was...

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Six Times A DayPart 86 Good Times Bad Times

Alan had gone to sleep quite late, due to all his homework. It was nearly three in the morning when he finally went to bed, and he fell asleep instantly. Normally he was quite a deep sleeper, especially when he was so tired, so he was surprised to wake up a short time later. He was even more surprised to realize that he wasn't alone. He could tell it was Katherine merely by her smell, but he opened his eyes and looked at her body in the darkness just to be sure. He couldn't see any more...

2 years ago
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The best Of times

I was just twelve when mom began to pimp me out. She was a whore and knew men would pay a lot for my naked body. The first time she brought me into her room and a naked man was there, mom was already naked and she stripped me out of my clothes. The man smiled and said "yes, she is beautiful. Lay her here beside me." Mom laid my naked body next to the man and he begn to touch me all over. Then he kissed my flat tits and licked them. He and mom spread my legs and the man ran his finger over my...

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Bikini Beach Desperate Times

Bikini Beach: Desperate Times, Desperate Measures Synopsis: Fred's life is coming apart, and in his desperation, he is gambling on a very extreme strategy. After a meeting with Anya at the park, however, he discovers a new, less final way to save what's important to him. [email protected] ********************************************************************** Bikini Beach: Desperate Times, Desperate Measures Most of you know me. You've seen me countless...

2 years ago
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For The Good Times

Note from Jake Rivers: DG Hear, MistressLynn and myself are doing a mini writing invitational. We are each picking one song from Ray Price and using it as the basis for a story. I’ve picked ‘City Lights,’ DG Hear, ‘For the Good Times,’ and MistressLynn (aka MissLynn), ‘That’s All That Matters.’ I will also be doing ‘A Girl in the Night.’ We hope you enjoy the stories. Chapter 1 I often sit around wondering what might have been. The choices we make in life: did I make the right ones? I know...

2 years ago
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Hard Times

Megan glanced at the clock as her friend on the phone laughed about the latest bit of gossip that they’d just shared. “I’m going to have to go, Angie. I have somebody coming to look at the basement in a few minutes.” “I can’t believe you’re taking in a boarder. I don’t think I could have a stranger living in my house.” “I know,” Megan agreed. “It’s either that or lose the house, though.” She shook her head, remembering how long she and her ex-husband had searched to find a place within their...

4 years ago
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Hard Times

Megan glanced at the clock as her friend on the phone laughed about the latest bit of gossip that they’d just shared. “I’m going to have to go, Angie. I have somebody coming to look at the basement in a few minutes.” “I can’t believe you’re taking in a boarder. I don’t think I could have a stranger living in my house.” “I know,” Megan agreed. “It’s either that or lose the house, though.” She shook her head, remembering how long she and her ex-husband had searched to find a place within their...

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Harsh Times

This story goes back a few years, to shortly after I married Julie. During our first year of marriage we lived in a studio flat in southeast London. Like most newlyweds, we struggled to make ends meet. Besides my day job in the city, I managed to supplement my income in the evenings by selling cocaine in pubs in and around my local area. Trouble is, Julie and I seemed to snort all the profits ourselves rather than turn it into liquid cash.My Julie can fuck like a trooper at the best of times,...

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Good Medicine Freshman YearChapter 38 Twelve Times

October 10, 1981, West Monroe, Ohio I froze and realized my first inclination to go back to McKinley had been the right one. I’d thought my talk with Becky the previous weekend had resolved the issue, but I was very clearly mistaken. I could actually go back. It was early enough, and I hadn’t told Tasha I was going to be home, so she wouldn’t be upset, and a phone call would make her very happy as the two I’d made so far had done. But there was one problem - all I could hear in my head was...

2 years ago
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My Love Affair with the New York Times

I realize that my fetish is highly unusual and not shared by most, maybe a couple of people on this site. Most people can't even relate to it. This is my second story. I am sexually attracted to newspapers. I become aroused by looking at them, see women reading them, the smell, the texture. I like to wrap them around me head, body, and genitals. I sleep with them. I have sex with them. I always had this fetish. It has not changed over time. I love broadsheet papers, particularly the New York...

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The Inbetween Times

I met Stan in the second grade. His family had just moved to town. He lived just a couple streets from me. We'd been best friends ever since. We were a lot alike, in many ways, so we got along great. One thing we both got to bitch about was our only other siblings, our bratty little sisters. Things got different when we got into middle school. Our sisters were still brats, but not when me and Stan were hanging out. Stan and I, I mean. If Stan was over, Janey would appear out of nowhere and...

3 years ago
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Unsettled times

Synopsis: After the First World War the Russian soldier Jurij Alexandrovich returns home from war imprisonment. Once he was a member of the most reputable family in his home-village, but now he has to discover that times have changed. After the Russian revolution the communists rule his country now. And to his bad luck it is his vengeful ex-girlfriend Alessia who had become the girlfriend of the lesbian political chief commissioner over his war-torn home-village. As a member of the Zhenotdel...

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Hard Times

When Trevor came in to the Environmental Awareness Center at ten a.m. for his Wednesday volunteer shift a new receptionist was on duty. She looked to be in her mid-twenties with long auburn hair, sparkling green eyes, a rosy blemish-free complexion and a buxom chest.  “Hi, I’m Trevor Bridges,” he said extending his hand, “are you a new volunteer here?” Ashley Thomas accepted Trevor’s hand with a firm grip. “I am new, I had orientation on Monday and today’s my first full day, but I’m not a...

Wife Lovers
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my first tv times

Where to begin? Well I am a 43 year old reasonably happily married man. My marriage of 11 years was moving along auto-pilot. What I will outline is a journey into new sexual territories. It began harmlessly when my wife took up an Open University course, she was away most weekends studying for her course work. I started going out more with some colleagues from my work, a mixed bunch of marrieds, divorced and single guys. We went to local bars the odd club and parties. One weekend there were...

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Abreast of the Times

Abreast of the times by Elaine © 2004 This story was spawned out of newspaper article about a guy who was bet that for $100K he wouldn?t get breast implants and keep them in for a year. He did with $100K riding on it, well wouldn?t you? This story takes that scenario a stage further and there are motives and an end result that will I hope please most of my readers. As for the guy with the implants he liked them so much he kept them in. If you have comments or queries about...

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Taxing Times

1Taxing Times Capture, rape, humiliation, the first lesson Copyright Ed Edas 2007 All rights reservedIt was obvious to anyone that Elaine Salvage was angry.  To those that knew her it would have been obvious that she was very angry.  Her blue eyes fairly blazed, the area around her finely chiselled cheek bones was highly coloured and her lips had thinned to a tight scarlet line.  The object of her anger was doing nothing to improve the situation. In fact his slightly mocking smile coupled with...

4 years ago
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Incredible ChangesChapter 195 Second First Times

Steve doubled over laughing when he opened his car door to hear Paula singing a little kid song from nursery school. No adult lyrics or anything, just the song. I got Crystal, Annie, and Trudy safely buckled into my Honda. I don’t know when, but the back seats now had five-point harnesses as well. That was safety on top of it having airbags in the sides, front, and anywhere else they could get one to fit. They were airbags on steroids. My sunglasses told me that my car could now take a hit,...

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Love in Rough Times

The social climate of the United States in the year 2017 was depressing to many citizens. Passions and resentment had begun to rise. Never since the 1960's had the countries’ ethnic feelings been on more public display. It seemed like the years of progress achieved by most citizens were fraying. Efforts were being made by many to reduce tensions, to get the country back on a course towards equality for all, but it was a hard course. Much effort was still needed, on all sides.Tori was originally...

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My first time and other times

It was back in 1998 My Wife Cyndi and I was talking about how fun it mightbe having a threesome with our friend Bruce, so I picked up the phone andcalled Bruce and asked if he would like to come over and bring some beer. Iwas about 7:30 when Bruce got to the House my wife and Bruce and I startedwatching a porn movie and drinking the beer my wife said "I want to see yousuck Bruce's Dick" and I replied "What did you say?" Cyndi Replied "Wellyou seen me eat pussy and want to see you suck a dick!"...

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In Colonial Times

In Colonial Times By Kathy Smith Peter Goldstein was an MD in family practice. He had an office in Charlottesville, VA. He was doing pure medicine, no research. He said that the joy of seeing patients is the best. He has a lovely wife, Rachelle and 3 children (8, 5, 2 years old). They are reform Jews, going to a fab synagogue about 8 miles away. He has the good life. As a hobby, he reads and gets information of early America (before 19th century started). He found fascinating...

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Three times

As a part of my job, I work with large engineering companies from all over America.My company has just signed a contract with Black and Veetch engineering in Kansas City. I was on my first visit with this company to review a new project. After three days of dry meetings with stuffed shirt engineers that only talk work, I needed a break. After checking with the hotels front desk, I headed to a spot called Kansas City (KC) Live. It was a large indoor mall of shops and entertainment venues...

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A Journey of PassionChapter 6 Rough Times

The cold and wet cement penetrated his camouflaged uniform as if it was paper-thin. Seth already had given some thought to retiring from the business. He was just getting too old to go running all over the world anymore. Forty-five and divorced, Seth found himself missing something in life. His friends envied the way he could travel, do as he chose, and answer to no one. It wasn't that great, he reminded himself again. Of course, no one knew about Gabriela yet. It still surprised him that...

2 years ago
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First Times

It was the late 60’s, I was just sixteen, a teenager and sexually innocent. I had just discovered the joys of masturbation. I couldn’t leave my cock alone. I was wanking at least once a day, but felt the need to share my discovery.One night, I visited my best mate at his home. His parents were out so we had the house to ourselves. The conversation quickly turned to wanking. He was as enthusiastic as me, and we agreed to get our cocks out. I had not seen another cock, so I was keen to check it...

Gay Male
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First Times

It was the late 60’s, I was just sixteen, a teenager and sexually innocent. I had just discovered the joys of masturbation. I couldn’t leave my cock alone. I was wanking at least once a day, but felt the need to share my discovery.One night, I visited my best mate at his home. His parents were out so we had the house to ourselves. The conversation quickly turned to wanking. He was as enthusiastic as me, and we agreed to get our cocks out. I had not seen another cock, so I was keen to check it...

Gay Male
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First Times

It was the late 60’s, I was just sixteen, a teenager and sexually innocent. I had just discovered the joys of masturbation. I couldn’t leave my cock alone. I was wanking at least once a day, but felt the need to share my discovery. One night, I visited mybest mate at his home. His parents were out so we had the house to ourselves. The conversation quickly turned to wanking. He was as enthusiastic as me, and we agreed to get our cocks out. I had not seen another cock, so I was keen to check it...

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Linda and I Hard Times

Linda and I: HARD TIMES By Olivia Evans This was written during a writer's block of two other completely separate stories. As such, it's a little different from my usual tales. There is very little crossdressing, just the wearing of panties near the end of the story. There's no body swaps, French maids or even mildly bad language. There are some explicit names for specific body parts however. Over all, it's just a little tale about a loving couple and how they handle an...

3 years ago
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Like Old Times

Ella was so looking forward to the week ahead. Ella was now twenty-three-years-old. She left sixth form college, West Farm School for Girls, at eighteen-years-old and went to Uni and achieved an upper second degree and was now a trainee in a large firm of Solicitors in London.Ella had often reminisced about her two years at West Farm as being the happiest of her life so far. She worked hard but also played hard and made lots of close friends. In school she was in most top sets along with Lauren...


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