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Chapter 1

The office moved downtown, to one of the five-story buildings that are as close to skyscrapers as Reedville is likely to get in the next hundred years. The sign on their 'penthouse' suite reads 'WVS Innovations' which explains why I had so much trouble finding the new address — Ame made partner while I was gone and they changed the company name. I'm not complaining 'cause I think the fact that she's a partner is cool. I grin at the sign for a minute before going in.

I greet the perky receptionist, ask for Amelia Wilson and admit that I do not have an appointment. She calls Ame and I watch her face as she announces me. Whatever Ame said must have caught little miss perky off her game because her eyes nearly pop out and she gives me the same smile you give when you find out that the murderer is standing next to you.

"I'm sorry Ms. Wilson is tied up at the moment. She's asked if you would make an appointment and come back on another day."

I lean on the desk and smile at the girl, "Tell Ms. Wilson if-n she don't get'er lil' round ass out here in five, Ima come back an' get it." She pales a bit. "Go on back an' tell 'er. I'll wait right here fo' ya." She gets up and briskly scoots into the back office. Three minutes later, she and a pissed off Ame enter the room.

Her hair is twisted into a bun on top of her head and held there with a chopstick. It exaggerates how slender her neck is. She is the picture of a conservative executive. She's already launching in on me about how dare I barge in to her place of business or some similar bullshit but I couldn't care less. I completely ignore her. I grab her arm, pull her up to me and kiss her. I pull her hair down letting the sticks fall where they may and let go of her arm in favor of holding her head. I have been waiting — dying — for this since I left her.

When she crushes my nuts, I let her go. She squeezes so hard and so unexpectedly I nearly blackout. She asks, "Are you listening yet?" a couple times before I can answer. "Good. You may go home. When I call you, if — if I stress — if I call you, it will be there. Do not come in to my office without permission again."

I watch her high heels exit the room and will myself to calm down. The pain was excruciating but I want to go, grab her and screw her on her desk. It's a couple minutes before I can pick myself up off the floor. The receptionist is stunned, terrified. I shake my head. Already I can feel transfer from pain to pleasure.

"Thank you." I manage to say to her — from out of reach of her desk, so that she's not worried that I'll attack her. "If Ms. Wilson asks, tell her that I'm staying with my Grandfather until I've made more permanent arrangements. I believe she has the number." I can't help groaning as I turn to the door.

"Umm, do you need some help? A doctor, maybe?" She seems torn between genuine concern and utter fear. I love southern girls.

"No, I'm fine." I give her a half smile, "Believe it or not, that went better than I expected."

"It did?"

"Oh, yeah. She threatened to cut 'em off. With a razor. I figured she wouldn't have one handy here, but you never know with that one. You take care now, here?" I take the elevator down because the stairs would be just a little more than I'm ready to face. I figure she won't call today. Maybe next week. If she really missed me, she'll call the day after tomorrow.

It's a month.

Chapter 2

I come home from the dock. Granddad is on the porch chatting with one of the neighbors, which is a good thing because I was beginning to think he was becoming a hermit.

"Hey, Mr. Hodges. Hey, Granddad; you take yo' meds on time t'day?" Always have to ask him that.

"You aughta know." He sneers at Mr. Hodges, "Sent his little barracuda ova ta' check up on me."

"Sent who?" Usually, if I send anyone, it's Beth or Gracie since they're in the office and close by. I didn't send either today.

"That little witch you was seein' up north. The little oriental one. I don't know her name. Hell boy, need a god damned database t'keep up with all yor wimen."

I stare at him for a moment. Granddad's a bit off his game, but he's not senile. "She was here? You sure?"

His eyes narrow at me, "I look senile ta ya, boy? Woman was here, checked ma meds, watched me take 'em, said you kin call her, an' left. You'd think George'd raise the boy with some respect." He grumbled to Mr. Hodges.

"It not you, Granddad. I just didn't think she'd visit. I'm a bit surprised."

"Me too. Thought you'd rid yo'self uh that one." He shook his head, "Never liked her. Cruel. You know the type, Ed, you ain't never sure if-n the knife in her hand is for you o' the fish." They both laugh.

I clap him on the shoulder, "Yeah, she's kinda like that. You ok out here?"

"Yeah, boy, I'm fine. Junior may be ova fer a spell this evenin'."

"Ok. I'll be back in a minute. I, uh, need ta make a phone call." I drift inside.

She came by. She checked his meds. I take the steps two at a time.

When she picks up, all my smooth, planned greetings go flying out the window. It's actually a couple seconds before I can even say hi.

"Pick me up. We have dinner reservations and we're already running late." She hangs up before I can respond.

It's another minute before I realize that I need to get moving, shower, change and get to her place. I hope she hasn't moved otherwise I'm sunk. Granddad laughs at me as I run past him. I stop just before I start the car and get out again.

"Uh..." I hate leaving him alone all night.

"If-n you plannin' on doin' yo' business with that one, you'd best get a move on." He says chortling.

What can I say about Granddad? "You the best!" I call out and break a speed law or twelve getting' to Ame's. She hasn't moved. She doesn't speak but then she rarely speaks in the car. The reservations are at Nam Tran — the only Vietnamese restaurant in town. She's dressed to kill making me doubly glad to took the time to change clothes. After she places our drink orders, she looks at me and I find myself lost in those beautiful, hypnotic eyes.

Chapter 3

"If you're going to moon, you can leave right now." Her tone is acidic and I snap to attention.

"Yes, Ma'am."

"Now. You're Grandfather looks well." She sips her wine. "Charming as ever."

"Yeah, he's holdin' up pretty well, all things considered."

"I trust your parents are doing well also?"

"Oh, yeah. Mom's retired but Dad's still at the Fishery. Actually, my cousin, Jean — you remember Jean an' Joan? — anyway, Jean's gone into Accounting too an' she's working with him now." I talk about the family for a few minutes until I realize that she isn't even vaguely interested. "Yeah. Ok. How's Amanda?"

"Well, I'm sure."

"Good. Good." I look at the menu. After she orders for us, we sit in silence until she's ready to tell me why we're there.

"I wanted to tell you first, how absolutely inappropriate your behavior in my office was. It was vulgar and rude and intolerable."

"Yes, Ma'am." I say softly, keeping my eyes on my plate. I love it when she berates me in public — it makes me all tingly.

"Secondly, you seem to have forgotten that you may not touch me without my express consent. I trust you were reminded of that?"

"Oh, yes Ma'am." The thought makes me twitch and I sip my wine to cover the grin that threatens to break out.

"Finally, you should know that I am seeing someone."

I nearly choke on the wine and barely avoid spewing all over the table. I get my napkin over my mouth in time and cough violently for almost a full minute. She waits patiently while I recover. When I find my voice again I only want to know one thing, "Who?"

"I cannot imagine why that should be any of your concern."

"I wanna know who."

"None of your concern. Lower your voice."

I take a deep breath and flex. I can already feel the tension creeping along my shoulder and around my neck. "Why?" I ask again in a quieter voice.

"When you announced this football thing, did I not tell you that if you chose football over me, I would consider our relationship at an end?"

"Ame," I gasp, frustrated to have this discussion again, "Do you know how many guys get a chance to play NFL ball? What was I supposed ta do — throw that away without trying? I didn't choose football over you; you could have come with me."

"Uproot my life to follow you around the country like a puppy with no purpose of my own?"

"It wouldn't have been like that." I say weakly. But I know, for her, it would have been exactly like that.

"Was I not clear?"

"You were clear." I can feel the tension in my jaw now. Most likely she can see it in my face by now.

"Are you then upset because you've spent the last twenty-four months thinking of no one but me?"

"As a matter uh damn fact, I have."


I look back at my plate. I though of her nightly. But not alone.

"I knew there was no earthly way you could be trusted out of my sight to be anything approaching faithful, so I didn't ask you to try. Why should I?"

I start to answer that but I catch myself before anything stupid comes out of my mouth.

"I thought I at least owed it to you to tell you in person." She pauses as the waiter serves our meal. "That's all. You may leave when you're ready. Tonight I will cover the check."

I wave the waiter back over and give him my credit card. "Please start an open tab for this bill. I may need to leave early and I don't want my friend to be imposed." He trots off and brings the card back a moment later.

"You didn't need to do that." She says.

"Yes, I did." I eat my meal. "How's the firm doing?"

"Well." We talk about her work until the tension in my jaw make it almost impossible for me to speak.

"Is it serious?" I cut over what she's saying.

She pauses mid-word. "They are all serious."

"Are you planning to get married?"

"What would that have to do with anything?"

"Just curious."

She's silent for a while. "No." she finally answers. "Were any of yours 'serious'?"


"Did any of them last more than a night?"

For the first time ever, I am actually ashamed to answer that question. "No."

"Well. You must have had quite a time."

"It was just sex."

"Oh, surely you're not going to tell me there's a difference between having sex and making love. I thought you didn't believe in such a thing."

"I didn't." I take a deep breath; if this is hopeless, I might as well go with full disclosure. "I worked my way through all the cheerleaders, the groupies, the girlfriends, hell, a bunch of the wives. Fat chicks, skinny. One girl teaches yoga and we did it in a locker just ta prove it could be done. I tried a couple guys just for old times sake. I tried slow and soft. I tried rough. I..." I hesitate, "I tried a couple things I'm not sure I'll ever forget or forgive myself for. I went back to 'Alex' before you met me an' I was an evil little shit back then. But here's my point. No matter what I tried, I still couldn't find anything that felt as good as watching a movie on your couch."


"Not cute." I snap at her. I take a breath and calm myself. "Here's my problem: I love you." She lifts her eyebrows in mock surprise. "Don't give me that look." I snap again, "You know damn well how I feel. I love you, I'm in love with you. I can't figure out how I lasted ten minutes without you let alone ten months and I come back to get you — to sacrifice everything I am to you — an' you say you seeing someone else! Amelia, please, tell me you don't love him."

She shrugs. "I don't."

If I'd been standing, Ida fallen. "I ... you don't?"


"I thought you said it was serious."

"It is. But it's not emotional."

"Then you still love me?" my heart's pounding like I just ran a thousand yards.

"I never said I did."

I close my eyes and flex again. She being deliberately evasive. "Amelia, how do you feel about me?"

"Again, I can't imagine why that would matter."

"Because it does." I slam the table with my fist and the everything shakes. Several heads in the room look at us and I put my hand in my lap to avoid any further outbursts. "I need to know what you feel."

"And I don't see how that's relevant."

"You don't see how your feelings may be relevant to me?"

"I don't see how my feelings could be relevant in light of the fact that our relationship ended two years ago."

"Ame! Who fucking cares when it ended? I'm here now and I want you back. Do you want me on my knees?" I push the chair back and crawl beside her, "Here, humiliated in public for your amusement."

"Get up." She hisses, "People are staring." I sit back down in my chair. I want to pick her up and fuck her on the table but that likely would not help my case. "I don't feel anything, if you must know."


"Excuse me?"

"You maybe denying it, you may be hiding it but you feel something. For me, about me, whatever. Don't tell me you don't. I love you, Amelia. An' I'm brave enough to admit it. You go on about strength, but without a few guts, there ain't much ta be strong about. So, I'm going home now. When you figure out how you feel, call me. I promise, I'll be waiting. I don't have any choice 'cause —" I have this weird welling up feeling, like something inside me's gonna burst. I swallow hard and push it back down. "You just call me when you know some thing."

I get up and find our waiter, sign the bill and leave.

Chapter 4

At home Uncle Julius and Granddad are drinking bourbon and reminiscing about the 'old days'. Ordinarily, I would run screaming to my room. Tonight, I pour myself a glass and sit down. They stop talking for a minute.

"Finally got you with that knife uh hers, eh?" Granddad says softly.

"She just wanted to tell me that she's seeing someone else."

They both wince.

"Ain't no woman the only woman." Uncle Julius says after a while, "They's always another one out there, somewhere."

"I'll tell Aunt Rachael you said that." I muse, refilling my drink. I gesture with the bottle and both of them hold up their glasses. I pause for just a second before filling Granddad's — some of his meds should not be taken with alcohol. Then I pour. If bourbon kills him, he's not plannin' on living much longer any how. "Bitch." It slips out and I spend the next ten minutes calling her every name I can think of. They let me go on.

"Yeah, that's about what I said when I found out 'bout Ms. Rachael an' Wilton." Granddad states.

"Wilton?" I stare at him, then at Uncle Julius "Uncle Wilton? Yo' freakin' son, Wilton?"

Uncle Julius knocks back the rest of his drink like it was water and Granddad shrugs. "Sorry, Junior."

"No need." Julius refills his glass, "It was uh long time ago, now. I'm ova it." He's over it and I'm over Ame. Right. "Just 'bout had heart failure at the time. But you learn ta move on eventually."

"You uh lie." Granddad says. "He ain't never got ova it, he just too in love with Ms Rachael ta stay away. She coulda slep' wit' four-five men, he'd'uh taken her back if-n she was on fire."

Uncle Julius purses his lips but doesn't say anything for a moment. Then he looks at me, "Marcus wants to act like he ain't just the same but you name me one thing yo' grandmomma coulda done that'uh had him packin'."

I think for a minute. I can only think of one thing. "I donno. Shot him. Had an abortion." Granddad's pretty far right on the topic.

Uncle Julius get an odd kinda grin — like I said just what he was looking for — and looks at Granddad, "Yeah, Marcus. Think you could forgive her that?"

Granddad looks away for a moment. "My Candice was a saint. Ain't nothing she coulda done woulda torn me from her side."

"Amen." I say.

Uncle Julius pats his shoulder, "She's uh good woman, Marcus. We all miss her."

We go through another round of drinks, each of us getting that much more depressed.

"She won't even tell me who." I lament aloud.

"Whatcha need ta know that for, boy?" Julius asks.

"So I can beat the living shit outta him."

"Might be why she ain't tell you." Marcus observes.

"Yeah." He has a point. "Shit."

We have another round before Aunt Rachael comes over to collect Julius. We're pretty trashed and she's pretty mad. I do manage to get to my room on my own but I wake on the floor when my alarm goes off.

Chapter 5

I make it to the dock house by 4:30am and I'm not hung-over.

I'm still too drunk to be hung-over.

Aunt Rachael arrives while I'm trying to figure out how to make coffee.

"Give me that." She takes the filters and coffee away from me and makes a pot. "Now, before I send you home, I had the two of them nicely trained. Two drinks, then JD comes home. So what happened last night?"

"Ame dumped me." She coos and hugs me. "I'm cool. Ain't no woman the only woman, right?"

"JD and Marcus told you that?" she chuckles "The two who's vows were 'until death do us part and then some'?"

I think about what I remember of last night's conversation. "Actually they made a pretty good case for forgivin' her and takin' her back. Which isn't actually an option."

She frowns, "So what did they tell you, exactly?"

"I lot uh stuff I ain't wanna know, for starters." She looks a bit pensive, "Nothin' I would hold against you or Grandma, that's for sure. 'Sides, you an' I already know way too much 'bout each others personal lives."

"I guess that true." She doesn't look at all reassured.

"Hell, if-n I had the chance, I'd do Wilton, too." She looks stricken. "Aunt Rae, I'm sorry. It's a joke." Mostly. I jump up to try an console her — or something — except I'm still not quite steady so I overbalance and knock us both to the floor. She laughs, which is a good thing.

Aunt Rachael's a hot little freak even if she is pushin' forty. Being tangled on the floor with her is way more temptation than I need. I push away from her as gently as I can.

"Yeah, so, anyway. Ame an' me had this stupid fight about me bein' in love with her an' her not givin' a damn about me — which is stupid anyway since she's already seeing someone else, so what the fuck. But I came home an' they was drinkin' an' I told them an' it kinda went from there."

She sighs heavily, "That would explain it." She catches my confused look, "JD was pretty upset by the time we got home and we exchanged a few words."

"Oh. Oh man." My buzz is beginning to fade and with the clearer head is coming a horrible headache. "I'm so sorry. I didn't mean ta start an argument. Marcus brought it up and Julius said it was ok."

"You boys did get chummy, didn't you? 'Marcus' and 'Julius' now?"

I kinda blush. My family's always been very formal about those kind of things. "We got pretty trashed."

"I saw. Well, don't worry about us. He'll get over it. I just wondered what brought it up."

"I'm really sorry."

"Alex, it's ok, relax." She ruffles my hair — like she used to when I was a kid, "You look wrecked. Skip the coffee." She gives me her keys, "Go to the house, get some sleep. Come back when you can stand up straight for more than three minutes at a time." I start to protest but she stops me. "Quit arguing. The crew will start arriving any minute. Shoo."

"Aunt Rachael, you rock." I kiss her cheek, take the keys and walk to her house.

Chapter 6

I take a handful of aspirin and crash in the living room. I wake several hours later to the smell of bacon. It takes me more than a minute to figure out where I am and why. I wander into the kitchen feeling better than I did at the dock house. Uncle Julius is making breakfast for Willow and Caesar. I give him a hand. He doesn't mention last night so neither do I.

As we all sit down, I get an odd thought, "Hey, how come she ain't 'Julia'?"

Uncle Julius is perplexed by that one, "Come again?"

"Julia, Caesar." I say pointing at the kids.

He thinks for a minute, "Now that woulda been right clever."

It sparks a big long discussion about all the names in our family and lasts even as Uncle Julius is ushering them out to the car and off to school. I clean the kitchen for him and head back to the dock house. I send Aunt Rachael back home and take over the desk. Not that there's much to do at this hour — the boats are out and aside from a bit of filing and the phone, not much happens til they come back. Unless the weather changes.

Then it's a whole different day. I wait until the last boat docks and every crewman signed out for the day, signs back in. Grandma told me that back in the 50's and 60's — when she first started working for the fishery — there were too many days that her last task of the day was to call someone's family. We still have a trunk for doin' a burial at sea — without a body. I confess, every time a boat is late, my eyes glance at that trunk. I've had a couple late nights on the dock, but I haven't had to end any of them with a phone call. I pray I never will.

The next couple weeks are pretty much more of the same except Granddad an' I start arguing about everything. The two of us pretty much argue with everyone. Finally, Peter meets me at the dock house as I'm leaving one day.

"Can I give you a lift?" he asks.

"Nah. Kinda in the mood to walk."

He pauses, "Let me rephrase that. Alex. Get in."

I look at him. He hasn't use that command form since he married with Gwen. "This for my benefit or yours?" I ask him.

He doesn't answer. He grabs my shirt and pulls me to the passenger door. I could make it a bigger fight for him but — I gotta admit — he still pushes all the right buttons for me. Of all places, he drives to the river.

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This is how it started

I can recall the very first time I had anal sex. I had just entered secondary school, was in my freshman year, when I decided to skip a class and hang out in a wooded area near the school. Three of the schools most vile Juvenal Delinquents conned me into thinking they were being chased by a coach and vice principal, as they ran pass me I was deceived into running with them or be caught. We ran for what seemed to have been miles each time reaching a street where I could not see down I heard one...

1 year ago
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perfect world

hi people this a story i put together from fantasy and thoughts, friends on here i have spoken to have been very supportive. a fantasy of how i would ofliked things to be but thats whole different story xxxx… as i grew up believing i was normal boy in a f****y of 5 being the youngest and only boy had advantages that i never got hand me down clothes like my s****rs did. over years i was slowly being drawn by mum and older s****rs under wear, the sexiness of the material and the design was very...

3 years ago
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Well Ill Be Damned

This one is dedicated to my wife and my editor Wolf Vixen who put up with all my mistakes and keep me on the right path. Thank You both. * I had been thinking about writing a story for almost two years before I actually decided to attempt one and have it posted on one of the dozen or so adult websites out there. I felt like I had a good imagination, could always spin a good story and with my life’s experiences I figured I was more than qualified to give it a shot. My biggest problem was...

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Girl RefurbishedChapter 10 Clearwater

Joe When we exited the terminal of the airport in Missoula I saw the Jorgensens immediately. I found myself in her father’s bear hug almost immediately while Lori and her mother tried to squeeze each other to death. Then it was out to the truck. Lori and her mother sat in the rear of the crew cabin and I got to sit on the passenger seat up front. Her father eyed me for a while before he spoke up. “Lori tells us you shot the pervert who tried to force her back into those movies?” “I shot...

1 year ago
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Risky Public Maturbation

Not too long ago I was cought masturbating to a picture of my girlfriend's room mate by my girlfriend's room mate. Ever since I have found myself wanting to be cought again. I want to be cought by one of my girlfriend's sisters or the sister of one of my girlfriend's room mates sisters, but whenever I get into a situation where I might be cought by one I get to nervous of what my girlfriend would do when she found out and so I don't allow myself to get caught. The other day, though, I was at a...

1 year ago
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Private Cassie Fire Horny Teen Loves Rimming And Anal

Brunette, sexy and extremely horny, you guessed it, its Cassie Fire and in Private Specials, Ass Licking Sluts 2 she has come to prove it! An innocent game of strip poker soon turns wild as this beautiful teen treats her man to a night he will never forget. Starting out with a sloppy blowjob Cassie then shows off her real talent as she heads down further for some rimming and incredible ass play, a deed which her man enjoys so much he returns the favour with a breath-taking anal fuck that...

2 years ago
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I closed the deal

I coudnt believe my boss nor could i believe how much money my cut will be after ''closing the deal'' a huge IT contract, the kind ive been wanting to close for 2 years The only downside, the conversation was surreal , i coudnt speak , my boss came closer''think about all that money, i would do it myself, but he likes younger guy like you''he gave me the bag and leftI dress up in the one piece , very cute white naughty lingery and white stockings feeling it make me into a sexy small cock sissy...

4 years ago
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Wendys Adventures

At the LakeI have never told this, or any other, story about my wife, as she is entitled to privacy. But with this being an anonymous story board, I thought I would tell a few of her escapades.My wife's name is Wendy. A cute name for a cute girl.We met when she was a senior in college and doing an internship in my office. I had a girlfriend at the time, and although Wendy and I were attracted to each other, we didn't go out together, except for lunch a time or two a week. Usually, the other...

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Sashas Neighbor Throws a Party

I had been retired for six months. The only excitement in my life is my neighbor Sasha, a tall, curvy, brunette, with an over active sex drive. She visits me two or three times a week and when she leaves, my nuts are drained. Her husband doesn't seem to take care of her needs, and I get to enjoy his attractive, well built wife at his expense. Once he walked in on Sasha, her friend Milan, and I in an oral 3-way. He was upset, and in the end he was bound and eating my cum from his wife. Another...

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Professor Greensteins Price

This story is a continuation of “Professor Greenstein’s Offer”. I watched her carry the old, worn-down wooden chair into the middle of the room and felt a mixture of trepidation and thrill. I watched her eyes as she critically observed its placement and studied her movements while she pushed and turned it. She took an awfully long time for a thing as simple as setting up a chair for a spanking, and impatience welled up in me. I forced it down, for I knew that this was all part of the game. Not...

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EchoesChapter 6 Last Light of Summer

On the following Tuesday, Carrie Ralston and her mother returned from their summer in Indiana. Carrie had discovered that I was at work when she stopped by the house earlier in the day, and was waiting for me on the porch when I got home. I think that she was way beyond surprised and on her way to shocked at my appearance. "Sammy? Oh my God!" She said before I'd even hit the first step. "Hi Carrie." "What happened to you?" "I had a good summer, grew a little, put on some...

3 years ago
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Maggies Perfect Plan part 12

Maggie's Perfect Plan Part 12 By Eve Smith The following morning after being awoken I had breakfast. Dressed in denim skirt, pink tee shirt, ankle socks and buckle up shoes I went to the kitchen. This was the first thing that I had eaten since the previous morning. I sat alone. The girls were upstairs laughing and shouting, whilst their mothers remained in bed having no need to get up as the housework was going to be done for them again. After cleaning the house I was summoned to...

1 year ago
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Oh Daddy part four

I smirked, and decided, now’s the time to try it. I leaned up, kissed him deeply, and asked, "Daddy will you fuck me in the ass today, I’m dying to see how it feels.” “Are you sure you’re ready for it baby? I don’t want to hurt you.” “Daddy, if you touched my cunt you will see that I am more than ready. After all I want to do what I can you make my daddy happy." I lay back on the bed, with my legs spread wide, bit my lower lip, lowered my eyelids and watch my daddy. His eyes,...

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Fantasy Girl Laura Vandervoort

FANTASY GIRL Sequel to INTRUDER Synopsis: It’s exactly a year after Jan’s erotic encounter with Laura Vandervoort in his flat. He thought he’d never see her again. He was wrong. Rated NC-17. Adults only.***WARNING! ***This story is very erotic. It contains very graphic descriptions of fisting, oral sex, anal sex and rimming, along with elements of bondage and the use of sex toys. So pretty much all the freaky stuff you can think of. If dirty!bad!freaky!twisted!kinky!wrong!sex is not your...

2 years ago
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Bhai ne salwar utha ke choda

Mera naam sonu hay, 22 sal ke hoon , figure 36 28 36 jis par larkay martay heen,I m a horny girl who all time ready for sex, meen delhi meen rehtee hoon, hum do bhaee aur bahen heen, mera baray bhaee ka naam sajid hay, Mere college friends nay is site k baray meen batay jis meen bhut saree stories k saath incest stories bhee heen jis meen bhaee aur baheen ke relation k kissay parhay tu socha k kiyun na meen bhee apnay bhaee k saath he kuch aisa karoo mere bhaee ke omar 26 saal hay, us ko body...

1 year ago
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Bus Me Hatho Ka Kamal

Hi dosto mera name Ravi or mai chattisgarh ke bilaspur shehar se hu mai iss ko bahut salo se read kar raha hu or ye sab se inspire hoke mai apni real incident app logo se shear karna chahta hu first my intro meri height 5″11 hai or mere incident padh kar aap sabhi ki chut se or land walo ke land se pani chod dega meri body attrative hai or mere land ka size 7″ incs or 3 incs mota hai aap logo ko ab zyada bore na karte hue mai apne story par ata hu Ye story 4 mahine pehle ki hai mai jab kuch kam...

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What kind of person was Corrina?Seems no one really knew her, not even herself. Some called her a whore, though she wasn’t, all she liked was fun and excitement and made it her life; in the form of one man, and one woman after another. And no one man or woman ever owned her in anyway or form, and she would not be anyone’s toy, except for one.She especially loved the strange and exciting world of lesbian sex and was an avid student of the erotic mysteries of it. Corrina particularly liked...

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SandiChapter 4

You're sitting in your office, doing what you do day after day; pushing paper from one pile to another, supplanting one stroke on the keyboard with a different one. However, somewhere in the corner of your brain are the words from stories you've been reading. The thoughts cause you mind to veer, not enough to ever interfere with your work, but enough to keep your lust alive. A sufficient amount for you to feel a twinge between your legs when you recall the last situation you experienced. A...

4 years ago
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Mysteries Of The Great Lake

Hengki rushed out of the classroom. He had enough for today. Especially when the lesson was so gloomy. "How The World Came To An End" had been the name the oracle had given today's part of their education. Outside Hengki had to shield his eyes from the sun. But even that helped only to a degree as the sunshine was reflected on the water around him. Nonetheless, he found his boat soon enough. It was one of about thirty that anchored at the school. It swayed as Hengki jumped down and for...

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My Affair with Rekha Aunty

Hi readers……I m sumit patel from Bhopal. i’m an average looking boy. I’m going to share my true sex encounter with my neighbor aunty, her name is rekha nd she is 34 year old…..she is 5’4, I don’t know her correct figure but it would be 32’28’34….or something like that…. Now first of all I’m a great fan of iss site nd this is my first posting. If u like my story than plz mail me at ….i’m not very good at English, so I’ll tell the story in hindi……… Mai final year ka student hu aur meri age...

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Alicias Cheating Ways

Alicia's Cheating WaysI have always trusted my wife, not because I thought she would never fool around. I believe that nearly all men and women will stray at some point. I've never been the jealous type. For me trust is about knowing that the other person in your life really loves you, and I've always known how Alicia feels about me. Of course, these thoughts had formulated in my mind at a time when I never even considered the possibility that my wife might be unfaithful. It was not until an...

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Xmas Xcess

The blizzard of white flakes kept coming in a staccato stream of flurries so thick the young girl on the balcony could barely make out the quaint town nestled below. Her almost dainty smile made it clear she didn’t mind. Affter all, the storm proved she had accomplished at least part of her mission. With one last quick glance at her map to make sure everything was sill on course, she looked over at the young couple energetically triggering all those flurries, and her smile seemed to broaden.# #...

4 years ago
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Busted pt 1

Roses mom was gone at work, her boyfriend was over, and they were going to do it. But Roses younger brother doesnt like when hes over, and disrupts them every time. Maybe this time hell learn to leave them alone? Rose was 17, a redhead, 52 and had a very sexy body. Nice boobs, rounded hips… her boy- friend loved the sight of her. It was love at first sight between them. Nate was 18, had black wild teenage boy hair, he wore glasses, 57, and was very masculine. They had been going out for a...

1 year ago
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Make Up Your MindChapter 3 Make up your Mind

It was raining with the plane touched down in London; the one thing that did occupy Eliz's mind was would she recognize her cousin whom she hadn't been in contact with, that was before the arrangements for this holiday had been made, for a number of years. However, her fears were groundless, the cousin had realised that appearances would have altered over the years after all it was over fifteen years since Eliz's last trip to London, so she had prepared a sign with Eliz's name on it in...

2 years ago
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Dude Never Again

It was a few years ago and my team made it to the Super Bowl. With great anticipation, I made big plans for the day. Several friends came over, the wives retired to one part of the house, to watch chick flicks in our home theater. The guys had to make do with only a Fifty-inch screen in my man cave. The game was dreadful, total blow out and not in a good way. My team left the field totally emasculated. Everyone left but my best friend, Jim. The two of us stayed to the bitter end. We watched the...

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Daddy and Jack

I'm bent over with daddy licking my pussy and ass while I suck on Jack. Daddy stands up and puts his cock in my ass and begins to fuck me. I'm moaning and sucking harder on Jack. His dick is harder than before I think.Jack pulls from my moutha nd tells daddy that it's his turn for me to be fucked by him. Jack lays down, so I can slide my ass on his dick. Jack pulls me back, holds my tits and fucks my ass hard. Saddy is standing in front of me watching my pussy.I tell daddy to puts his cock...

1 year ago
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The Neighborhood Chapter Two Getting to Know the Neighbors

Shortly after we moved in, we went roving around our clothing-optional neighborhood. We just knew there would be gorgeous young naked chicks on every corner begging for us to satisfy their lustful needs. Think again. In a clothing optional environment, most people should opt for clothing. Honestly. There were few people our age, whether male or female, clothed or naked, living, dead, or anywhere in between. The neighbor’s on one side were a middle-aged couple who had consumed about three too...

2 years ago
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The IdeaChapter 8 Grandmothers are active too

Agatha Clarke, was 79 years old a silver haired lady with a still trim figure. We were a little taken aback when she contacted the company. In fact I foolish reminded her exactly what we did. She responded by telling me in no uncertain terms that just because there is snow on the roof, it doesn't mean the fire has gone out. I apologized profusely and explained that it came as a shock for a woman of senior years to want a fantasy filmed. I arranged to meet her and discuss her wants. I must...

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Barbie 2

Barbie 2 As soon as we got home I went to my room. I was anxious to see the panties that Lisa had put in my back pocket. They were purple bikinis, with lace all over. I had an instant erection. I debated masturbating, but then mom called to me. I hid the panties in back of my closet, adjusted myself and went to my mom, hoping she wouldn't notice my excitement. I spent Saturday trying to decide if I would go to Lisa's the next day. I feared that if I didn't go I would forfeit my...

4 years ago
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A Jedis Training Ch 18

Author’s Note: Thanks for everyone who emailed me with comments during the two long years since I submitted the last chapter (it’s still hard to believe they flew by that quickly). I apologize for not continuing more promptly – the story is all developed in my mind, but getting it written down proves difficult at times. I hope you all enjoy this chapter (apologies if my writing is a little rusty), and know that I am working hard to wrap up this storyline! Chapter 18 — Reckoning Jacen yawned...

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Totally Slutted Out Last Weekend

I was a total slut Saturday from about 3PM onward; I told my BF to come over and bring a friend for a BBQ. His buddy was an Italian guy I'd met before but never tried out. Grilled ribs then Corona lights with lime then three very good bottles of Cabernet we were all ready for some serious sex. This time though I kept my memory and what a fun time we had! I put on a blindfold then told them to use me hard and they didn't disappoint; they spit roasted me which is so hot being screwed hard and...

1 year ago
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Have you ever tried Jerkaoke? Before you answer, I guess I’d better explain a little more about what I’m talking about. This ain’t like the time you got really drunk at the bar and screamed half the words to Sweet Caroline into the mic before puking on yourself and cussing out the girl who didn’t want to go home with you. That kind of experience is technically referred to Assholaoke, which is not to be confused with the anal stuff you’ll find on this next website. Nah, the jerks here are...

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Sibling MagusChapter 20

At first, when I woke up, I thought I was in Sammi’s lingerie store, because the women around me were in various states of dress and undress. However, between the furniture they used and the topics of conversation, I quickly realized that I was actually in my living room. Memories of what I had done with Linda came flooding back and I sat up. Danielle was the first one to notice me. “Seth, are you okay?” she said, and pushed her way past Dalton to kneel next to me. The rest of the women...

1 year ago
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Best Friends ForeverChapter 7

I had an audible gulp in my throat as I brought her up close to me and said, “You are so beautiful, Rebecca Lydia Knowles. I would be privileged to take you to California’s Great America. I have all of this money I have been earning, burning a hole in my pocket.” We locked up and got on the elevator and got a taxi to take us to the Park. There were so many people there. We got in line and eventually bought two day-passes to everything in the place. I had been treated like an adult so much...

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A Devil Of A Deal A Story of Obsession and Fulfillment

A Devil Of A Deal A Story of Obsession and Fulfillment By Constance Grant (c) Copyright, all rights reserved by Constance Grant, 1999 Manasquan, NJ ([email protected]) This is a work of fiction, any resemblance to actual persons or events is unintended. So that no one is mislead, this short story earns a triple X rating, and contains a brutal rape told in the first person. However, all parties are over twenty-one, the sex is not incestuous, and I have PMS - so don't...

2 years ago
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The SparkChapter 16

After a week off with no exercise as I traveled with the team over spring break along with the aftermath of the accident, I was ready to get back into my normal morning routine running to school. The problem was that the accident became a small national story, a bigger regional story and unfortunately with five dead including two students out of one town and one high school the news was devastating. Rounding the hill that shielded the house I found out how big the story was as I could see a...

3 years ago
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Blackmail 8211 Part II

Yar somu ye to teri wali hi laundiya hai na , Somu ne kaha ki haa Jeetu ye wahi hai Sali, jane kya samajhti hai apne aap ko thoda sa bhi bhav nahi deti. Are yar somu degi kaise , iski body dekh kya mast type ki item lagti hai ye, iska size dekh ek dam model type ka aur face bhi usi type,ise dekh ke iski size 34 26 36 hi lagti hai jaise models ka hota hai. Somu ne udas man se kaha ki haa yar ye to hai par hume kya fayda, hum logo ko to ye kabhi line degi hi nahi, bas ise dekho aur ghar jake muth...

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It was 11 am on a Saturday morning and was turning out to be an incredibly hot day. The windows were down, I had some music playing loudly, the sun was shining and everything was good. The only thing with warm, humid sunny days is they make me as horny as fuck!I was already thinking about having a wank later, after I'd finished my business in town, and it really wasn't helping matters seeing so many women wearing next to nothing as I was driving about."Christ, look at the hot blonde on the...

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Dreams Do Come TrueChapter 11

Charles collapsed on top of Diana after his hips stopped bucking. He was able to prop himself up on his forearms enough so she could breathe and he turned his head to the right toward hers as it rested on the pillow next to him. She turned her head to look at him and they smiled softly at each other as they took a few slow, deep breaths. He asked, "Where did you go for a few minutes? What took your mind away from us?" She lowered her eyes for a few seconds. What should I tell you? "I was...

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My wife and I have been married 4 years and both like the idea of threesomes and I certainly like the idea of my wife getting it on with another guy. There is a club we like going to called the Sandpiper in Brean , Somerset. Its basically a club above some shops which accommodates holidaymakers. We used to go on Friday / Saturday night. Just for a few drinks and sit at the bar. There was a guy there called Chris who on each visit would spend £20 on the fruit machine. Then basically moan to...

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Apne Divorced Boss Se Chudai

This story is how I fucked by boss when I leave in America with my husband mera interest shuru se chudai mai raha hai par jab se ham america aye hain hmne ek baar bhi chudai ka khel nahi khela. I am full of lust and seduce many times my husband but he is not attracted towards me. Phir mujhe ek offer aya inki company me kaam karne ka to manna bina kuch socha haan kar diya mujhe ek clerk ka kaam mila tha jisme files banani hoti hai aur boss ko dikha kar age bhejni hoti h manna ugle he din se...

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