Rachnar Narom Gude Amd Gorom Feda
- 4 years ago
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At 47 the impossible happened and I found myself pregnant with what would become my beautiful little miracle girl, Leslie Ann. I'm still not sure how I got pregnant, I had been taking the pill forever and my husband Bill and I didn't make love all that often and in fact he and I argued more about our sex life than most people argue over presidential politics. At any rate, after a hard nine months Leslie was born and she quickly became the love of my life. I had decided early on in my pregnancy that I would breast feed Leslie as I had done with my son Brian and after the first time the baby sucked on my breast and I felt that special tingling between my legs my fingers quickly found my clit and I was in seventh heaven once again. When ever Leslie need feeding I quickly escaped into the privacy of my bedroom, stripped out of my clothes and put her little mouth on my breast and my enjoyed the sensations as she suckled and my fingers danced on my clit, maybe I enjoyed it a little too much.
It was about four months after Leslie's birth that Bill and I got into a doozy of an argument, yes it was over sex again, and this time it was a knock-down, drag-out in front of my 23 year old son Brian and his new wife Paula. The whole thing started innocently enough on a warm Sunday afternoon at a BBQ at our house. I had invited Brian and Paula to come over and spend the day with us and not having had any alcohol in months because of the pregnancy and then breast feeding I'll admit that the two glasses of beer I consumed went to my head but when I playfully pulled Bill into my arms to hug him and he pushed me away my temper flared. "God damn it Bill, what the fuck is wrong with you? Don't you want me any more? Do I turn you off so much that you can't even give me a hug? Christ honey we haven't been intimate since before I got pregnant and that was fourteen damned months ago!" He tried to hush me up but I was too mad and too drunk and I wouldn't quit, "Don't you try to hush me up Bill Jackson, if you want me to quit yelling then take me to the bedroom and make love to me the way you used to!" Eventually my son broke up the argument by putting his arm around my shoulder and leading out of the backyard and into the kitchen.
Brian hugged me then sat me down in a kitchen chair. "Mom you have to calm down!"
I was sitting there with tears streaming down my cheeks when Brian knelt down beside me and put his hand on my shoulders and leaned in and kissed my cheek. I smiled at his peace making gesture. "Oh I'm sorry honey but I just can't stand your father's lack of affection one second longer." I looked up and saw that Paula had come into the kitchen too and I wiped my eyes and tried to make myself presentable. She walked over to where I was sitting and pulled up a chair beside me and started gently rubbing my back.
"Brian," she said, "you go out in the backyard with your father and let me and your mom chat a while."
Brian dutifully left the kitchen and Paula scooted the chair up even closer and put her arm around my shoulder and continued to rub my back. "Look mom I know how you feel and don't worry, Bill is probably still in shock over your pregnancy and the arrival of little Leslie Ann. Remember that being a brand new father at 50 will take some getting used to. Just hang in there and I'm sure the intimacy will return."
I was so taken by my daughter-in-law's maturity that I didn't know what to say. Paula was just 22 but she was as bright and beautiful as anyone I knew. She had been an excellent athlete, a competitive diver who just missed out on the Olympics placing fifth in the U. S. trials. She stood almost 5'7" and couldn't weigh more than 110 pounds and she had the most marvelous small perky breasts to go with a body that reminded me of a Greek goddess, long flowing blonde hair and long and lanky legs. Her body was well tanned and combined her golden hair and blue eyes she was a beautiful woman and according to Brian a wonderful wife and she was certainly a welcome addition to our family. I smiled at her and patted her hand. "Thanks Paula, I'm sorry I've made such a fool of myself." Just then I heard Leslie crying and I excused myself to feed and change her. I was actually looking forward to being alone with my baby as it would give me some time to gather my whits and of course a chance to masturbate.
I walked down the hallway and into Leslie's room and picked her up and cradled her in my arms and softly cajoled to her. "There, there honey, don't cry mommy is going to feed you." I carried her down to my bedroom and laid her in the middle of my bed and checked her diaper, it was definitely wet. "No problem sweetheart mommy will get you a nice dry diaper." I pulled off her dirty diaper and took it into the bathroom and tossed it into the diaper pail then returned and cleaned her, sprinkled talcum powder on her bottom and her bald little pussy and as I spread the talcum around I caressed her tiny pussy and she smiled up at me and giggled. "Well you better enjoy someone touching your pussy now honey cuz when you're an old married woman your husband certainly won't be interest in you." I had said it aloud without realizing that my daughter-in-law was standing in the doorway.
"Oh I don't think that's necessarily true mom."
Surprised at not being alone, I turned and saw her standing there watching me and I blushed. "Yea, well maybe but that's the way I feel." I finished putting on Leslie's diaper and prepared to feed her.
"Mom if it's okay, can I stay and talk while you feed Leslie?"
I really didn't want any company, I wanted to play with myself but I couldn't think of any good reason to say no so I agreed. "Sure Paula, come on in and close the door." I don't like wearing those flapped feeding bras so when Paula closed the door I shucked out of my tee shirt and slipped off my bra. Now I have to admit that being 48 years old my breasts aren't anything to brag about... still filled with milk they are a respectable 36C's and they are tender and very sensitive with nice thick nipples. I put Leslie up to my chest and she latched onto my breast and began sucking. As she did I saw that was Paula looking at my breasts and for just a moment I felt a little bit self conscious.
"God mother, you have the most incredible breasts!"
I looked at her incredulously not believing what she had said. I looked down as the baby suckling on my right breast then back to Paula. "Really... you think so?"
"Jesus yes! God I would give anything to have breasts like yours, in fact I've talked with Brian about getting implants, what do you think?"
She cupped her breasts through her blouse and hefted them up towards me. I didn't know what to say but her compliment sure made my day. "Well thanks honey I appreciate the compliment but from what I have seen of you in a bathing suit you have great breasts so I'm not sure you need implants. Of course if it's a vanity thing I certainly understand and think you should go for it." The baby suckled then started to squirm and I knew she needed to be burped so I pulled her off my nipple and hoisted her up onto my shoulder and gently rubbed her back. She finally burped and a trickle of milk escaped her lips and dribbled down my back. Paula jumped up and grabbed a clean wash cloth and wiped the milk off my shoulder and back. "Thanks honey."
"It's okay mom. Look... if it's alright with you can I hold Leslie while you feed her? I mean I've never held a baby while it was suckling and I guess that I'm kind of interested in see her feed up close."
I thought her request odd but just nodded okay and handed Leslie to Paula. She sat down on my left side put her arm around my back and held Leslie up to my breast and the baby latched onto me with her little hand massaging my breast while she sucked my nipple into her mouth. As she suckled I could feel the familiar feelings welling up between my legs and even though I tried not to move I was squirming just a bit and Paula noticed it.
"Are you alright mom?"
"Yea honey I'm fine... it's... it's just that... well not having sex in a long time and the feeling of the baby suckling is... is... well it excites me, that's all."
"Really? I would never have thought about that but I guess it makes sense."
Paula looked at me for a minute like she was trying to decide on something then she said something so weird I couldn't believe my ears.
"Mom I know this probably sounds strange, maybe even crazy... and I realize my breasts don't have any milk but do you think I could let her suck on me so I can feel what you're feeling?"
Jesus Christ she wanted me to let Leslie suck on her tits! Then again it did feel so good that maybe it wouldn't hurt to let her know what breast feeding feels like. "Uh... well I guess it would be alright." I replied. Paula gleamed and thanked me as she unbuttoned her blouse and slipped it off then unsnapped her bra and sat back down next to me. I tried to avert ogling at her half naked body but my eyes were drawn to her small pert breasts. "Uh... how big are you honey?"
"Oh I'm a 34B and it was great when I was a diver but now I just feel inadequate."
Her breasts were perfectly proportioned for her body. They were as tan as the rest of her which meant that she went topless while she tanned or she used a tanning booth. She had silver dollar sized areolas with small, finger tipped nipples that were already hard. "Well you sure don't look inadequate." I said as I handed the baby to her. Paula put Leslie up on to her chest and my baby immediately latched onto her breast and tried to get milk out of her but of course it was an exercise in futility.
After a few moments I noticed that Paula had closed her eyes and was rocking back and forth and I knew what she was feeling. She let one of her hands drop to her lap and began making small circles on the front of her slacks right where I knew her clit would be and I smiled wondering how close to an orgasm she was. "Feels good doesn't it honey?"
"Oh God yes! Jesus this is absolutely wonderful and it doesn't feel anything like this when Brian sucks on my breasts."
I thought about that for a minute, it's stupid I know but I had never really thought about my son and Paula making love. "Here honey, hand her back to me." Paula handed Leslie back and I put her up to my breast and she sucked again and then, getting her fill of my milk, she happily burped. Like my daughter-in-law had just done I closed my eyes and reached down and began to rub my pussy through my pants and was enjoying the feeling when I felt some very adult fingers beginning to caress my free breast. I opened my eyes and saw Paula, her eyes were closed and her fingers were making small circles around my nipple. "Honey... Paula what are you doing?" Paula jerked her hand away from my breast and she turned crimson.
"Oh God mother I'm so sorry! I could see you and knew you were getting close to an orgasm and I just wanted to help, God I'm so embarrassed."
I patted her shoulder. "That's alright honey, don't you fret about it." Still embarrassed Paula quickly dressed and left the room.
That night, long after Brian and Paula had gone home and Bill was sleeping I lay there in bed thinking about Paula's fingers caressing my breast. I didn't know what to make of it but I knew that I had enjoyed the feeling of another persons hand on my tender, swollen breasts and God forbid what I was thinking but if she wanted to I would let her do it again. I turned out the light and rolled over, away from Bill, and put my hand underneath my nightgown and in between my legs and for the first time in more than twenty years I masturbated while my husband was sleeping not two feet away.
Three weeks passed and I had almost forgotten about the incident with Paula. Bill had left on Friday for his annual week long fishing trip with his old Army buddies and I was left alone with Leslie and my fingers for company — oh yea, and we still hadn't made love. Paula called to check in on me and I invited her and Brian over for a Saturday afternoon pool party.
On Saturday my doorbell rang and I saw it was almost two. I was in the kitchen making some snacks and after a glass of iced tea we agreed to change into swim suits and meet out at the pool. Paula, for some reason, decided to follow me into the bedroom and change there. I should have told her to use the guest room with my son but thinking about the last time we were alone I didn't say a word. I was still unbuttoning my blouse when I looked over and saw that Paula had already taken off everything but her panties and I was amazed at her nonchalance at being nude in front of me but I didn't say a word as I took in her body. I thought about her desire for implants and I looked at her breasts which I knew were B cups and I thought that they looked just fine to me. Then she slipped out of her panties and I was surprised that she was almost completely shaven, the only hair that was visible was a small heart shaped patch just above the top of her labia and clitoris. And then I noticed the two small gold rings protruding from each side of her labia.
She saw me staring at her. "Is there something wrong mom?"
I blushed at being caught staring. "Oh! Well no, not really... it's just that I've never seen someone who shaved themselves... uh... you know shaved their vagina. Although I've heard that young people do that but I never really understood why. Then there are those rings in your... your labia, why in Gods name would you have yourself pierced?"
She looked at me for a long time before she answered. "Well the rings are mainly for sexual stimulation, you can't believe what it feels like to have a tongue inside you and sucking and pulling on the rings, much less a big cock like Brian's sliding in and out and rubbing and pulling on them, God it's just a great feeling. Christ it sends shivers up and down my spine just thinking about it then of course there is the ego thing. I just think I look a hell of a lot sexier with my labia protruding and two gold rings showing, at least I think it looks better than a woman with a crotch full of hair. Think about it mom, who would want to stick their tongue inside a mound of hair and I definitely like Brian's tongue wagging around inside my pussy."
"Oh... I see." I blushed thinking about my son in between her legs eating her pussy, and I remembered when Bill was more than happy to eat me, hair and all. I looked down at myself and although I kept myself well trimmed I wondered what I would look like shaved.
"Your thinking about it aren't you mom?" My daughter-in-law asked.
"Well I... I... yes I guess I was. Is it itchy? I would think that as the hair grows back it would be itchy."
"No, not really and I have Brian help me shave every week or so. Come on and let's try it... I'll help you and you'll love the feeling, it's kind of like Leslie's little pussy, all clean and smooth and besides if you don't like it then you can just let it grow back."
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Hello.. I want to tell you about how i started to breastfeed my stepson and start to have new lovely bond with him till now. Before let me introduce myself. Myself riya and i am my husband’s second wife. His first wife was actually my elder sister who had meet with an accident and expired so later on my family made me marry my sister’s husband only. He has teenage child shreyas who was now also my son. Days passed on and i gave birth to a baby boy. My relationship with my step son was not good....
IncestAbreast of the times by Elaine © 2004 This story was spawned out of newspaper article about a guy who was bet that for $100K he wouldn?t get breast implants and keep them in for a year. He did with $100K riding on it, well wouldn?t you? This story takes that scenario a stage further and there are motives and an end result that will I hope please most of my readers. As for the guy with the implants he liked them so much he kept them in. If you have comments or queries about...
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The wet slapping sound of his hard cock filled the air, as the noise bounced off the walls of his makeshift room, each time it smacked my clit. My ass cheeks tightened for a moment with each jolt. “You like having your clit cock-slapped?” He asked, as he slapped his cock down harder. “Mmm, fuck yeah I do,” I moaned back as I stared at him with lust in my eyes. “You want this cock?” He asked again with another hard cock slap on my clit. “God yes, give me that fat cock,” I moaned.
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A had my cigar in my left hand. I had a drink in my right. I had thrown down a straight on the poker table. "What the fuck. You never loose man. Buck are you cheating man?" said Tony I got invited by some guys from the gym to play some poker. I knew almost all of them except for Tony. He was a cool guy. I only met him twice before tonight. He was a little arrogant. "Relax man. Were just playing for fun. I guess I am just lucky tonight." I said. "Yeah he is lucky in cards and women." said Oscar....
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Nicolette Fuck Wheelbarrow’s breasts ached as she moved. That was alright, though. She liked that. Lifting her arms above her head with a sigh, she slowly moved her body into the next yoga pose. Bending her forward leg, she stretched the other out behind her, the motion naturally making her upper body curve to push out her sore, heavy chest. Both of her breasts lifted as she raised her arms, sending little sparkles of pain up her spine. Biting her lip, she forced herself to hold the pose,...
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Please let me know your thoughts. _____________________________________________________ The dynamics of our relationship certainly changed after that night. How could it not? Short of making love, mom and I had enjoyed the pleasures of oral sex with each other. I had learned what it was to give a woman oral sexual pleasure. It was my own mother's pussy that I had tasted. I loved it. If we could, I would have spent the rest of my life with my mouth on her sweet cunt. I am not sure if...
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IncestLifting her arms above her head with a sigh, she slowly moved her body into the next yoga pose. Bending her forward leg, she stretched the other out behind her, the motion naturally making her upper body curve to push out her sore, heavy chest. Both of her breasts lifted as she raised her arms, sending little sparkles of pain up her spine. Biting her lip, she forced herself to hold the pose, even though the damp spot on her yoga pants was already down to mid thigh. Ever since she had...
It had begun as a game, as a flirt. As a little whim of a fellow student, a young woman with long, blonde hair and dazzling blue eyes.And she had smiled, as the steel rings closed in on my wrists with a metallic sound. And I had felt my heart hammering, where I lay on her bed, and felt the touch of the hardcuffs and the bar of cast iron in the heardboard that might keep me here forever.She had giggled as she unbuttoned my shirt, and her long, blonde hair fell over my upper body. I had been...
BDSMBREAST.TXT by Cindy V Femdom, TV, Humiliation A note came over the company e-mail system from one of the women in Human Resources that Friday, October 9, 1998 was National Breast Cancer Research Day, sponsored by one of the major jeans companies. In return for a five-dollar donation, you could come to work on Friday in jeans. I had a number of thoughts about this note. First, I had grown to dislike the Human Resources department. A department of all women, most of them quite...
Breast Expansion Reddit, aka r/BreastExpansion! I remember back in the early days of the internet when dial-up was just becoming a thing, I went over to a buddy’s house and he introduced me to the world of smutty flash animations. There were no flash games back then, but people were still sweating hard to make some weird shit to jack their dicks off to. They enjoyed making the kind of shit you wouldn’t normally see on a porn DVD. So the very first thing I ever actually saw come out of the world...
Reddit NSFW ListJust a little story that happened the other day, I was at a park by me called ‘Otsiningo Park’ riding my bike; this park is a place where you can suck a lot of cock. After I was done I went back to my car (white corvette) to use my portable Breast pump for a little while, it relaxes me. I dropped my breast from my nursing bra and then started pumping; it feels so much better when I am doing it in my car then at home. It makes me feel like a dirty whore for some reason. As my nipple was pumping...
Hi My sweet Friends. Thank for taking the time to read my post. This one is about our neighbor Miss Marshall who lived in the trailer next to us. There is a story about her on my blog. She was a seamstress and would make me dresses, skirts, tailor my outfits so they would fit just right. I would visit her often and we would sit and talk about everything she loved who and what i was which made it so easy to confide in her. Every time she made me a new dress or fixed others I would mention that...
I am Akash, 24 yrs working in a company. I will come to the story directly. I am staying alone in my home. The home next to me consists of a couple and their small kid. The lady named Devi is quite good looking around 28 yrs old, with huge breasts (may be of size 38), very seductive bums, which any one can watch all the time. Her husband is working in some company and he is almost out of home. So Devi’s option for time pass is only me. She often comes to my home for talking to me and watching...
Today is Sunday and he came back on Friday night, he watched my videos but I hadn't followed his instructions well enough, i had not been hard enough on myself. This is an account of my Saturday afternoon.12 noon on the dot - he walked up to me, lifted my shirt and bra over my head (without undoing it), squashing my tits against my rib cage and lifting them so high until my bra came off. There I stood in my jeans and no top and he looked at me and handed me 16 rubber bands, telling me to put...
I imagine the empty area in my mother-in-law's basement is actually a large baby nursery. Most of her family thinks Mary works a normal secretary job, but she actually babysits infants every day. Every morning, 5 infant boys are dropped off at her house while the parents work. She only babysits infant boys, as she is a special type of babysitter. Mary is a wet nurse. She only babysits parents with lots of money, as parents bid for her services. When the baby turns 1 year old, she no longer...
I sighed heavily as I lay back on my bed. Again frustration filled me not to mention my young blood filled penis as it throbbed in my clutching hand. The heat all but burned my fingers as they curled tightly around my rigid shaft as my hand moved slowly up and down. With my eyes closed I again saw the sight of my baby sister suckling from our mother's breast. For most seeing something like that would have been arousing, to be sure, but then most women would have only opened the flap of the...
Ladies – Have You Ever Had An Orgasm With Attention Only To Your Breasts?I have been fortunate to give a couple of women orgasms with me only giving them attention to their breasts and her delicious nipples. It does not happen to every woman I know but I know it sure can. The first time it happens to her surprises her but it is real. The beautiful look on her face, the way her skin flushes, and those lovely sounds, such a wonderful moment. No touching her pussy during breast play but after...
Please first read Breast Friends and then read the following to find out how life progressed for two of the friends...enjoy! Peggy’s life plan was to work very hard during high school and get a scholarship in a top UK university to study law. After that she would move to London , get a well paid job in a big law firm, and eventually start her own practice. Her prince charming would come along somewhere along the way. Peggy parents who were not particularly wealthy had...
LesbianChoose a boy's name as first name and last name Your name is John Doe and you have just moved to Salem. Your friend Rex Brady asked you to perform some magic tricks at a birthday party for his nephew Will. (Setting: Captain Roman Brady's house. Will's birthday party has just ended. Everyone except Roman, Cassie Brady, Rex, and you have left. Then Captain Brady leaves to go to the police station and asks Rex to lock up when they leave.) Cassie sees a pair of handcuffs on the coffee table....
When Sylvia finally got up she looked down at the spot in my pants and said, “Oh I’m so sorry! Your sucking gave me an orgasm! Let me help you clean it up!” Then she took me to the bathroom.I said, “Thank you Sylvia! You didn’t need to do that!”Sylvia said, “Yes I did! You really did give me an orgasm! In fact you gave me two that’s why I was squirming and caused your climax!”I went into my bedroom and changed before coming back out. The girls requested a pizza so I ordered a big sheet pizza...
Hi, i am raj from bangalore aged about 32, married but single now. I have also posted my ad for arabic style herbal breast and vaginal massage in vivastreet website. And i got many responses to it which were more of spam mails from nigerians. Later i received a mail from a person named anitha. I dont know whether its her original name. She asked for details and i gave her general instructions about my task and about me. She asked me about the cost and i told her that will be informed after our...
Breast Friends by Barney Sam and Paul were sat in the living room of their flat watching a soft porn movie. The action was decidedly soft and all you really saw was two women fondling each other's breasts and kissing lewdly. It was a bit of a disappointment for the two boys as Paul had stolen the video from his father's collection when he had been home last weekend. "I thought that you had a porn film to watch not a crappy soft thing like this," said Sam. The two were...
Hi I am a avid Reader of ISS and want to post this exciting true incident which I had 4 years back. Let me start by introducing myself I am Jimmy Cooper a Parsee man age 42 years height 5 ft 9 inches Good Looking Fair, separated from wife for 9 years, living in South Mumbai. I am into a Business which deals into natural herbal products. My email id is The incident which I am going to narrate happened 4 years ago when I was to travel to Australia for a research of a oil. I was at the airport to...
Hello iss readers. Finally i have gathered the courage to put my experience in words and share my experience with all you lovely people who are into incest. Frankly speaking it took ages for me digest the fact that something like incest really exists. I was myself dead against the idea of incest and kept on wondering how anyone could ever think of sleeping with some one who is related to you by blood. About me, my name is akhil from vizag and i am now 27. This all happened when i was about 22...
IncestThere was no avoiding seeing them and he knew I couldn't avoid seeing them. They were right there on the table when I walked in the front door after work. Each was four inches wide and 9 inches long and the hundreds of tiny tips sparkled in the lamplight. They glinted because he'd used the grinder on them while he waited for me. I almost went weak at the knees when I saw the big, blocky wire brushes. There was a hand lettered card next to them. It said : We've been waiting for the...
So I work with this VERY busty girl at my workplace. I believe she told me once she was a jj cup or something. Anyway We flirt all the time.(I LOVE big breasts) She is blonde and has green eyes. She is a little chubby and cute. Not fat but thick. I guess she is a little bit below a bbw but getting there. Anyway, we flirt a lot and she likes me. So on Friday I finally asked her to go out for a drink at the local bar. We had a couple of drinks and watched the game. Flirted some more like we...
It had begun as a game, as a flirt. As a little whim of a fellow student, a young woman with long, blonde hair and dazzling blue eyes. And she had smiled, as the steel rings closed in on my wrists with a metallic sound. And I had felt my heart hammering, where I lay on her bed, and felt the touch of the hardcuffs and the bar of cast iron in the heardboard that might keep me here forever. She had giggled as she unbuttoned my shirt, and her long, blonde hair fell over my upper body. I had been...
Breast / Nipple tortureOkay so the Life style activities I enjoy are extensive. One word of phrase barely constitutes an insight into what I like about it or how it makes me feel emotionally or physically. For me receiving Breast / Nipple torture is one of, if not the most delicious way to receive pain. (But I’m always open to ideas!)My nipples have always been sensitive, I’ve had them pierced, had the piercing ripped out, although not intentionally or as part of play, and still get off on the...
You sat outside of the large training center. Your palms pouring sweat as you became very nervous. You knew your dream job is in reach. You just had to reach and grab it. You look over to the other men sitting with you. A short chubby asian man with the cutest smile chats with a lanky skinny white guy. The white guy scowl as the asian man did his best to hit on him. "Come on Steve lighten up. We are all here for some fun." the asian guy with brown eyes and crazy lime green and violet purple...
Gay“And for the thousands in attendance and the millions watching around the world. Ladies and gentlemen, Let's get ready to rumble!” *Wow!* you thought to yourself, that speech gets you every time. The thundering sound of those screaming crowds and strobe lights flashing hypnotically, bringing a huge goofy smile to your face. Nonetheless, hearing the renowned introduction to Monday Night ‘Rumble’ did little to explain exactly what you're about to get into. As this was no ordinary wrestling show....