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BREAST.TXT by Cindy V Femdom, TV, Humiliation A note came over the company e-mail system from one of the women in Human Resources that Friday, October 9, 1998 was National Breast Cancer Research Day, sponsored by one of the major jeans companies. In return for a five-dollar donation, you could come to work on Friday in jeans. I had a number of thoughts about this note. First, I had grown to dislike the Human Resources department. A department of all women, most of them quite attractive, who invariably would not acknowledge your existence when you passed them in the hall. Second, I was really getting tired of being hit up for donations in this company - someone was always getting married or pregnant or sick, and there was always another request for money. Sure, cancer research is important, but so are lots of other worthy causes. Third, wearing jeans to work was not a big deal to me since Friday is dress-down day anyway, although not in jeans. But fourth, I resented the idea that this was a deal where everyone would know who contributed or not by whether or not you were wearing jeans. They might as well have made the non-contributors wear a scarlet B. Cancer in fact had been front-page news last week, at least in New York, where baseball player Darryl Strawberry had been diagnosed with stomach cancer. Darryl had never been my favorite player, what with his history of drugs and alcohol and spousal abuse, but he seemed to have recovered from these and put his life back together, and so his cancer was a source of sadness. The e-mail note said the administrative assistants would be collecting the donations. I resented this whole Breast Cancer Day, but hey, this is a serious disease, so I asked my administrative assistant, Heather, if she would take my donation. Heather replied that she didn't think she was supposed to be doing the collecting, but she would look into it for me. I replied that the note said the S... - I stopped myself in time from saying "secretaries" -administrative assistants would be doing the collecting. Jeez, I thought to myself - it had taken me long enough to remember to call them administrative assistants. But now the person who did the typing and the filing was no longer sure if she was an administrative assistant? I forgot about this and got back to work. On Wednesday, October 7 there was a lot of activity going around the office. Something was going on with all the women - the professional women, the administrative assistants, and the human resource department - but no one would talk about it. I assumed it was another baby shower or something, and I went back to my work. On Thursday, October 8 there was an e-mail note from Donna, the head of Human Resources, saying that an emergency meeting had been called for 4 p.m. in the cafeteria and that all employees absolutely had to attend. My first thought was that the company had been sold, but then I decided if that had been true the president would have called the meeting. But then I remembered that the president and his senior management team were out of town for meetings, so the president could not have called this meeting. We were all at the cafeteria at 4 p.m., expecting the worst. That is exactly what we got. Donna got up to speak. You could see she was furious about something. But it was not what we had thought. "National Breast Cancer Research Day is tomorrow," she said in a loud voice. "We asked for a little five-dollar contribution to fight this terrible disease. 100% of the women in the company contributed. Only about 2% of the men did." I sheepishly remembered that I had not followed up with Heather on who was doing the collecting in my group. Donna angrily continued. "Obviously you men have no empathy for what it means to a woman to have breast cancer. I find this ironic, considering how obsessed with breasts you men are." Well, she had me there. I don't know what it is, but when it comes to women's breasts I love to look at them, I love to touch them, and I love to kiss them. Donna was absolutely right. Donna then looked around and a small smile appeared on her lips. She lowered her voice. "Apparently your moral obligation to fight this terrible disease, plus the inducement of wearing jeans to work tomorrow, are not enough. I will give you a different inducement - but 100% of the men have to agree." I could not imagine what she had in mind. But Donna went on. "If you men agree to contribute five dollars each, and agree to a few more conditions, here is what will happen. The women in the company have all agreed to not only wear jeans tomorrow, but to wear sexy bustiers and no bras. They have also agreed that they will make themselves available to you men for five minutes of breast kissing and sucking. Yes, you will be able to kiss and suck the breasts of one woman, of our choice, for five minutes." "However, you men have no idea what it is to have breasts that weigh on you all day and that men ogle over. We have an idea to help make you more aware of this." "We have obtained a large number of artificial breasts. Each man will be fitted with a pair of these breasts, and I have to tell you that there will be some discomfort. You will also wear a bra, but the bra will not totally support your new breasts so you can feel what women have to go through. And so that you will know what it is to be ogled all day, and so that the women can have a little fun, you will also wear panties and heels and whatever else we feel like dressing you in. This will last all day Friday." I,and no doubt all the other men, were speechless. This seemed like a ridiculous tradeoff. Why would all of us go around work in bras and panties all day? We wouldn't get much work done, would we? Not that Human Resources ever understood that we do run a business here. But on the other hand ... Every woman would wear a bustier and no bra? And five minutes of kissing someone's breasts? I had been dateless for - well, for a long time. Nobody said a word for a long time. I looked around. The women had obviously discussed this and agreed on it. I found it hard to believe that each woman would willingly bare her breasts and allow someone to kiss and suck them. Martha. Karen. Grace. Betty. Jill. Women who work on other floors and who I didn't even know. The company did have a lot of hot looking women. I could tell the men were mulling this over. So we would embarrass ourselves for a while - who really cares? Donna broke the silence. "This only works if we have 100% agreement. We can't have some people agreeing and some not. Does everyone agree? Everyone? I want to see everyone's hand raised." All the women raised their hands immediately. One by one, reluctantly, some of the men's hands went up. I kept looking around. I didn't think any of the men were going to refuse. I closed my eyes and imagined sucking someone's breasts for five minutes. I raised my hand too. "Then it's settled," announced Donna. "Women, you know how to dress tomorrow. Men, come dressed in your normal business casual. Don't forget to bring your five-dollar donation. Watch your e-mail for where to go for some -adjustments," she grinned. She adjourned the meeting. I came in the next day not knowing what to expect. This was Friday, October 9. The office was decorated with banners proclaiming it to be Breast Cancer Research Day. The women were abuzz in conversation. Strangely, the men were not talking to each other. The women, however, looked fantastic. They were all wearing colorful, low-cut bustiers that showed off their cleavage and the tops of their breasts magnificently. They were also in tight jeans that emphasized their curves and butts. Even women that I normally did not find attractive were looking ravishingly today. It was going to be some day! I turned on my computer and found a new e-mail note from Donna. I was to report to a particular room on another floor at 9:30. Other men had 9:00 assignments, but when I got up at 9:25 I still had not seen what the women had done with any of the men. I arrived at the assigned room. There were three women already there, but since this was not my floor I did not know any of them. The three of them ranged in age from young twenties to mid thirties to early fifties, but each of them looked quite sexy and I wondered whose breasts I would soon be kissing. "Yes, as Donna promised you will soon be enjoying someone's breasts," the thirty-ish woman said. "But first, may we have your donation?" I reached into my pocket and handed it to her. "Good. Next, you need to take off your clothes. Everything. Give them to me when you are done. You'll get them back at the end of the day." I was a little embarrassed about stripping completely naked in front of three strange women, but one of them was going to bare her breasts to me, so fair is fair. I removed all of my clothes and gave them to her. She put them in a large paper bag and wrote my name on the bag. "Next you may sit down in this chair," the twenty-something announced. "Notice that the seat is padded, so it won't be cold on your bare ass," she giggled. I sat and awaited my reward. The older woman leaned over right in my face, displaying her mature but erotic breasts close-up to me. I wondered if she were the one I would get, but she quickly grabbed both my arms and pulled them behind me, where the other two women started tying them to the chair. "Sorry, honey," the older woman explained, "but Donna was concerned that you guys might use your hands on our breasts, and that wasn't the deal. You don't mind, do you," she purred at me. I licked my lips in anticipation and shook my head "No". Suddenly a blindfold was put over my eyes and tied behind my head. "This will heighten your pleasure, don't you think?" she asked me. Then there was silence. I listened carefully. I heard a strange but familiar sound, like something small rolling on the desk. I couldn't quite place the sound, although I'm sure I had heard it before. I leaned forward, as I heard the sound two more times. "Yes, dear," one of the woman said for my benefit. We have been rolling dice to see who gets the honor. Sorry, but you don't get to know who." I did remember in Donna's speech her saying something about the woman of "their" choice. I guess I was not surprised that the guys did not get to choose. I was surprised that I would not find out who. But it didn't really matter. In the dark, all female breasts are wonderful. Then one woman, and I could not tell which one, sat in my lap. I could feel her undoing her bustier. I could feel her shake her breasts free. She put her arms around me and kissed me. Then she took one of her breasts and stroked the side of my face with it. It was so soft! I extended my tongue, but in my blindfolded state she kept teasing me and pulling just out of reach. Finally she took pity on me and presented one of her breasts right in front of my mouth. I kissed it gently. I inhaled a faint scent - she must have showered with a floral soap and it smelled heavenly. Otherwise I could not smell any perfume, so that would make her nearly impossible to identify later on. I kissed her all over her breast. I found the nipple and kissed it tenderly. Then I took it into my mouth. I licked her nipple slowly in circles, trying to feel every millimeter of it. Then I hungrily inhaled the whole nipple and started sucking. What is there about women's nipples? I felt myself slipping into a trance- like state, just enjoying the sensation of sucking on a delicious nipple. I heard her moaning softly. She whispered to me that I could use my teeth to bite her as long as I was gentle. I bit down ever so gently, stretching her nipple ever so slightly. She moaned and sighed, and it was obvious we both were getting turned on. She whispered to me to open my mouth, and she released her saliva coated nipple from my mouth. "Was my time up already?' I asked, dejectedly. "No," she whispered, "I just want some attention on the other breast. Soon the other breast was placed in front of my mouth. I kissed it reverently. This time when I found the nipple I decided to flick it with my tongue. I started slowly and then increased the tempo. I was flicking my tongue left and right very rapidly, as her moans got stronger and stronger. She was also squirming in my lap, rubbing herself against me. I just realized that I was not feeling the rough fabric of her jeans against my groin, nor even her panty. She was rubbing her own naked groin against my penis, and she was quite wet. I continued flicking my tongue on her nipple as fast as I could, until she moaned loudly one last time and then stopped. I guessed she had cum. I didn't know if this had taken five minutes over thirty. I had enjoyed her breasts immensely, and presumably, so had she. She removed her nipple from my mouth and kissed me gently on the lips. She climbed off my lap, and I could hear her getting dressed. Several minutes later they removed my blindfold, still leaving me tied. I looked at all three women. There was no way I could tell which one that was. "We hope you enjoyed that," the thirty-something woman said to me. "Would you agree that we held up our end of the bargain?" I nodded. "Now it is your turn to hold up your end." "The fake breasts?" I asked. One of the women had a tape measure and she measured me around my chest. "Forty-two," she said. One of the other women came back with a pair of falsies and a pink bra. "Unfortunately these are not so easy to attach," she said. The other two giggled at that comment. With that, two of the women started playing with my nipples! They kissed them, they blew on them, they held them between their long fingernails, and finally they started sucking on them. I closed my eyes and lost myself in the eroticism of this. Two beautiful women sucking on my nipples. I was getting aroused again, and someone was running a fingernail up and down my penis while all this was going on. The two women started pulling on my nipples with their teeth. I gritted my teeth, as this was starting to hurt. Finally they released my tender nipples from their mouths. "Oh, look at the little lipstick prints," the youngest woman exclaimed. But before I could look, the women rubbed my sore nipples between their fingers, and then placed a couple of clothespins on me. I screamed from the pain. The two women felt pity on me and kissed my cheeks. "We're sorry, but we need to do this to get the blood trapped," one of them said. This made no sense to me, but I was in no position to question them. After who knows how long they removed the clothespins from my nipples. I had never seen my nipples stand out the way they did now. Then the women took some ultra thin string and wrapped them many times around my extended nipples. Because the nipples were so extended, there was plenty of area to wind the string. They painted the area around my nipples in a clear smelly liquid that must have been glue. Then they carefully fit a falsie over the area they had painted, attaching the string to the middle of the falsie. I looked down, and sure enough I had two lifelike breasts! "I'm sure you wonder why we used the string, since we did use glue," the older woman said to me. "Let me show you." With that she took the tip of her finger and teased the right nipple of my falsie. I had expected to feel nothing, but I felt it in my own right nipple. It felt pretty nice. She did the same to the left. They had connected my own nipples to the nipples of the false breasts. "Don't be surprised if during the day someone tweaks your nipples, Sweetie," one of them said to me. I moved around a little in the chair, trying to test the weight and the movement of my new breasts. They were quite lifelike, and would move as I moved. Someone produced a pair of panties in a hot pink color. Not only were they in a girly shade of pink, but they were full of lace. She slipped them up my legs, giving my penis a little stroke as she tucked it inside the panties. They had a silky feel to them, and felt wonderful. Unfortunately I could see that they were extremely skimpy and did not cover a lot of skin. The younger woman produced a makeup kit. "Is this necessary?" I whined. "Oh excuse me," she replied sarcastically. "You're going to walk around the office all day in breasts and panties, but you don't like the idea of makeup?" My objection seemed a little ridiculous when she explained it like that. She applied some cool liquid all over my face, spreading it with her fingertips. When she was satisfied with that, she took a mascara and stroked my upper and lower eyelashes with it. I could feel the weight of the mascara on my eyelashes, a very strange and unfamiliar feeling. I had a difficult time not blinking and flinching as she colored my eyelids with eyeshadow and drew a fine line all around my eyelids. She dipped a soft fluffy blusher brush in some pink powder and stroked it over my cheekbones. Finally she examined her collection of lipsticks and chose one. She firmly held my chin in one hand as she carefully painted my lips from a tube of lipstick. "It's an all-day plum color, in case you wondered," she explained. "Plums and purples are 'in' this fall. And it's an all-day consistency because we can't run around giving you touch- ups all day, can we? Well, can we?" she insisted. She expected an answer from me, so I quietly replied "No." Someone finally untied my arms from behind me. "I don't think you'll be running away," she said. The women produced a bra in a hot pink to match the panties, and they eased me into it. I felt ridiculous. They told me to stand. Donna was right - I don't understand the physics of it, but it was a poorly fitting bra. My new breasts were quite heavy, and the bra was not relieving their weight. I had to stand straight with my back tilted back to relieve the weight. This served to push my breasts out, which the women remarked at and laughed over. They had me sit again so they could measure my feet. They slid some sheer black stockings up my legs, which ended at my thighs. Then they gave me a pair of women's shoes with heels. They had me stand and practice walking for them. I knew I looked ridiculous, but I gave it my best and tried to walk femininely. Eventually they said I was ready to face the world, and they told me to go back to my desk. I was in a pink bra with falsies, matching pink panties, stockings and heels, and makeup. I licked my lips and tasted my lipstick, although I could tell that I was not going to be able to lick it off. I walked back carefully, since both the falsies and the heels changed the distribution of my weight. As embarrassed as I felt, I thought it would be even worse, if that was possible, to fall. I walked past lots of desks. Every single woman I passed whistled or laughed or made some obscene comment. I blushed through the makeup. So much for all our sexual harassment awareness training. Some of the men returning to their desks were also in their outfits - none of them wore much more than bras and panties although there were some variations. There were some panties that barely covered a penis, but left the balls exposed. Some men with longer hair than I, had had their hair styled. Others wore nail polish or earrings, things my particular three women had either forgotten or decided against. I saw some exaggerated false eyelashes, some hooker-like eye makeup, and some outlandishly huge breast sizes. Comparatively, I was only moderately ridiculous. It was a long day. Eventually all the men were dressed. Heather teasingly complimented me on being bold enough to wear plum lipstick to work, a shade she would only wear to clubs. She did make me sit while she and her friends debated endlessly whether I needed lip gloss on top of the lipstick, which she laughingly applied. The whole office of women seemed unusually aggressive and took advantage of our embarrassment and uneasiness. At best they would make teasing, lewd remarks about what kind of men must we be to go around dressed the way we were. They would find ways to rub up against us, or corner us in tight places for a kiss or a pat on our ass. Some of them would feel the front of my panties to make sure that I still had my male equipment, as if that wasn't obvious from the sensuous feel of the panties against me. Perhaps the worst was when several women would corner me and pretend they didn't believe they could tweak my nipples through the bra and make me moan in ecstasy. There was a mandatory meeting in the cafeteria late in the day. The lights were turned off so we could see an educational film about breast cancer. When the movie was done the lights were turned back on. There was Yasmine Bleeth, the stunning actress who had appeared in Baywatch and who is one of the celebrity leaders of the Breast Cancer Day. Donna presented her with a check for our donations and explained how the men willingly dressed in female clothes and breasts to better understand women and breasts. Donna asked each of the men to parade past Yasmine and her, so that the two of them could each give us a kiss and a final nipple tweak for participating in this day. This was excruciatingly embarrassing, as we had to submit to this in front of the whole company, and as Yasmine was wearing a short tight dress that was getting most of us hard, a fact which could not be hidden beneath a flimsy pair of panties. Finally Donna thanked everyone for being good sports and told us where to go to get our clothes back and our breasts and makeup removed. End

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CHAPTER 5 LAST EPISODE: The galaxy?s greatest scientist (and high-school teacher) is the next target of a nasty tentacle monster. Our girl spies are there to save him. So far, there?s been no monster, but other oddities have been occurring. Now, Caitlin gets to find out what it truly means to be a girl? Crystal helped me into the shower while Amber ran out for some quick ?feminine protection.? Since Crystal was feeling everything I felt, you?d think it would be a case of...

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PracticeBy: Londebaaz Chohan Although Rosie did not have a good experience and it was pretty painful when she was ass fucked for the first time but still she enjoyed it. It was just being inexperienced of the whole process which made her think many times if being ass fucked was for her. Her ass did not feel normal for many days after being fucked and every time she thought to get her ass fucked again, she could feel her ring squeeze and sphincter getting tightened but she knew George, her lover...

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Goddess Blessing

The Goddess' Blessing By Angie "kitn" Hughes Spring equinox had finally arrived, tonight was the night. The moon was nicely full, too, an added bonus. Tracy turned off the monitor on his computer and walked over to his personal altar. All the components for the spell he was researching were gathered and waiting. He looked around his room to be sure everything was in place, his bed neatly made, his clothes clean and put away, his floor clean as he could manage... All of the...

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bbc twist of fate little white boy

I wasn't always this way. In fact i quit the wrestling team in junior high because i didnt like grinding on the matt with some other guy, now i would love to grind with anyone named matt, or steve, mike, david or any other name for that matter. I am getting off on a tangent, so i will think of sucking your cock from now on to stay on topic. By the way, i am right now thinking of your beautiful cock, so keep stroking it or if you want, i am pretty easy and ready to please. Lets get back to my...

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Lonely Wife8217s Wild Sex Fantasy With A Masseur

Hi Guys, my name is Karthik and I am from Hyderabad. I am working in a MNC and simultaneously I am a professional masseur. It has more than an year’s time that I choose this as my secondary profession. I learnt the art of a perfect professional massage from one of my chat friend whom I have met in a social networking site. She helped me understand the pressure points of a human body and how to massage to relax them. If anyone in Hyderabad is looking for a decent professional massage send an...

3 years ago
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How to Lose a Friend

Thirty-three years ago, or thereabouts, I lost a friend. It didn’t occur to me at the time that it would happen, but it did, and it has become one of life’s great regrets. I didn’t really want to admit it for all these years, but I ruined a wonderful relationship with a person who would have made a marvelous life-long friend. How did I do that? It was quite simple. It all actually started out quite innocently. We were brought together within a group of people who went together to provide a...

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Sarah Carerra Chapter 28 Shh Its a Secret

Please email me at AngelJediGirl (at) gmail (dot) com before posting this story to any other site. Posting to a pay site is prohibited. Comments and suggestions are also welcome at the above email address. --- Sarah Carerra By AngelJedi (Released: March 29, 2010) Chapter 28 - Shh! It's a Secret! The first thing that I did after getting home from my appointment with Mary was to go over to Emily's house. I had about an hour before I had to be at the studio, and I wasn't going...

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Free use fandom city

Welcome to Free use city, a place where female charcters from all media have come to settle down into a simply city way of life. However this city is diffrent for her male residents have the right to use any of the female residents as they see fit as such the name free use city is one you'll hear being used aroud here. Never the less with the basic explained about this place its time to start, if your ready to hit up an adventure with the nameless resident of Free use city please select new...

1 year ago
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Lesbian Lands End Part 4

Kea didn’t even know that Landra had a brother: Terio. He was nine years older than her and worked and lived at the main town, an hour and a half bus ride from Land’s End. Landra’s godparents had just received a phone call informing them that Terio had a car accident and that he was in the hospital. Apparently, his life was not at risk but he needed special attention. Landra and her godparents were talking in the kitchen while Kea waited at the reception counter. After a few minutes, Landra...

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Stumbling Upon Life Chapter 3

A fictional story based on true life events. Please enjoy chapters 1 and 2 before to enhance your experience. Thank you for reading my stories! I love your comments! Please share.Chapter 3: A Sweaty MessWe took our buzzed, sex-coated bodies outside, all the way reliving our erotic deviance through lively giggles and repartee. Bouncing shoulder to shoulder between us, Rachael pointed and laughed at the elephant in the parking lot.“It’s a Winnebago?” “A Minnie Winnie. It was a 25th anniversary...

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Gay getaway from gfs

The weekend finally came and we told our gfs we would be having a guy's day outdoors and we told them about all our plans. Hiking, Bbq, fishing, you name it. But what we didn't tell them was that all we were going to do was fuck. We went ahead and got all our things and headed out, telling them there would be no service so we wouldn't be able to reply to their messages if they needed us. Anxiously driving as we got to our destination, a small campsite by a stream about an hour away. We parked...

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Friends with lots of benefits

This story will be as accurate as I can make it. It is the events of last night, with my fuck buddy Joss.  It's 10:00PM and I've just arrived home from work. It's not even midnight yet and I've got no plans for the night. I take out my phone and text Joss. Me: Busy? Joss: Horny? Me: Yes. Joss: Then no. 5 mins.  I smile, satisfied at his reply and kick off my shoes, relaxing on the sofa and patiently waiting for Joss to come over. 5 minutes later, there's a soft knock on the front door of my...

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Playboy in chennai

Hi friends, this is manmadan again. Hope u liked my previous stories on my experiences. I wish to personally thank you each and every one of you for the kind words you have mailed me and also inviting me for dinner in Chennai. Now this is about my neighbor. She is Suji and was my neighbor’s wife. Her husband was my family friend and was a businessman. Suji was 27 years beauty. Anyone would love to fuck her for life. She was very much attracted to me in the beginning; One Monday afternoon I went...

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Feels So Right It Cant Be Wrong chapter 3

Kelly woke in her brother’s bed cuddled next to his nude body. The sheet barely covered his morning erection. She thought about teasing him awake, it struck her as the big-sisterly thing to do, but then rolled onto her back, stretched, and immediately dozed off and slipped into yet another rerun of her dreams. Like most of those she’d had recently, they involved sex. Unlike the usual panoply of unfulfilled fantasies, however, these featured the sex she’d had the night before with...

2 years ago
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Alone Time

I smiled as I heard the click of the door I was finally alone and with much need of it. I was a single mom and ever since my husband died two years ago I have been happy every time both of my kids left the house. Having a 17 year old boy and 15 year old girl is stressful enough when you have a husband to handle the kids and leave me with some alone time. I went to my bed room and lit a few candles. The aroma of cinnamon always entices me. I started to remove my top and jeans revealing my...

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Carolyn CagedChapter 5

jade woke up the next morning feeling a lot better. Her battered and abused ass had healed some and while she still had some lingering soreness, especially when she rubbed it, for the most part, she was back to normal. As was her typical routine these days, her breakfast came in and today she greedily ate it down. It still wasn’t the fancy, elaborate meals she had come to expect in her old life, but then this was not her old life! jade was just finishing up her breakfast when she heard the...

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Halloween Surprise pt1

Its been a while since this happened but I remember it like it was yesterday. I had just turned 17a few days before my favorite holiday. Im a good looking guy, 56 maybe 140 lbs. Not the biggest guy in HS but not the smallest either. I have what I call camouflage colored eyes. Sometimes their brown, others green depending on what Im wearing. I have a nice slim toned body from track and always loved being outdoors. Yep, Halloween was right around the corner. Trying to come up with a good...

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ShakespeareChapter 10

Justice Nelson began fiddling with the course selected by Merlin almost immediately. They were small changes, but as soon as one was entered and took effect, she made another. Merlin: 'Jay, aren't we going to be awfully close to the sun. Well inside normal military parameters.' Jay: 'Do you consider the pinnace to be a USN ship, Merlin? Or are we half of the space navy of Yerowl, now?' Merlin: 'I think that is a distinction without a difference. You and Robertson are USN personnel; I...

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The Curator Ch 04

As soon as she was passed the custodian, she realized that she had been noticeably dripping with sweat. She reluctantly used the sleeve of her nice cashmere sweater to wipe her brow. She should look normal now, the black tights should hide the sweat and the sweater was too thick to easily soak through. Sue stood up straight, took a breath, and continued back towards the lobby. She forgot to check her watch so couldn’t time the 10 minutes. At least 2 minutes had to have gone by before she left...

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The Interview

Times are rough theses days and my wife job just closed down. She is not a well woman and is having a difficult time finding employment. Just flipping through the paper one Sunday I find an ad for a part-time job I can do without jeopardizing my regular job. I don't tell her about the extra job I'm trying to get. I call the number and get the receptionist. She sets up an evening appointment time for the interview. I arrive at the address, it's an impressive office building in a desolate part of...

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Mrs Smith Part VI

Mackenzie:"What the fuck are you up to now?" I asked, stunned."Just checking out your toys. I was wondering which one you used last night when you called out my name""You bastard. Were you listening at my door?""No, actually I was in the room," you lied, "I was hiding in your closet using my phone to tape you. I'm sure my friends would love to see it""Why do you always have to ruin everything. I was so happy with what you did to my boss that I was going to give you a treat anyway. You don't...

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Youngsville Part 1

Part 1: Moving  Life in the city had never been great. I had always been a little bit of an outcast in school. I never made it into the social life there and most kids avoided me. I had good grades and was usually the best in my class in all subjects. Could that have been the case? Jealousy? I guess I was smart and a bit of a know it all. My name is Eric and I’m a jack of all trades. I spend most of my spare time tinkering with things in my life, but I have also worked as a craftsman in my...

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Forcing the hot kid

I was not one that hanged around with him, but whenever we would get changed in PE, I would look at him and wish I could do something to him, just... have fun. He was hot. I dreamed about the things I wanted to do to him every time I saw him. I would stare at him constantly during PE, looking at his amazing legs and chest, under his small singlet. One day, it was just too much. He was getting changed in PE with all the other students. I saw him there, with his amazing chest. He...

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Sexy Coffe

Sitting down at a coffee enjoying the rich smooth taste of my coffee after the first sip, this guy start’s to wave’s at me?Alright might be to the people behind me or to his girlfriend if he has one, (he is sexy cute) any ways he doesn’t stop waving. Like what is wrong with this dude. My friend join’s me a while later and as we get talking she sees him waving as well. And waves back, I very politely tell her “what the hell are you doing?” Her simple reply was something I did not expect but...

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A quiet weekend

At last the weekend they had been waiting for arrived. No work, no kids, no plans. Just drive to a small country hotel, book into their room and have fun! It was nearly 9 o’clock before they got there, and the kitchen was long since closed. Not really caring they decided to have a couple of drinks then go up to their room for an early night. The bar was nearly deserted, with just an elderly couple sitting in the corner and a guy on his own sat further down the bar. After the long drive the...

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Kink Development Kit

Hi! Welcome to the Kink Development Kit (or the KDK for short). I don't know how you managed to come across a copy of this, considering it was never released to the public but consider this to be some very good luck on your part. Using this app you can manipulate and change the kinks/fetishes of other people. Whether this is making their desires slowly become stronger towards you, making them more open to being sexual with the user or even outright changing what makes them tick. There are a few...

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The SparkChapter 26

The rest of October turned out to be quite pleasant with the government leaving me alone for the most part. Dr. Atwater did try to make contact with me through Steve, he was polite in asking me to work with him, but with Peter's memories still floating around in my head, I refused both requests to work with him to improve my talents. After I declined a second time, I noticed that the extra officers on campus had been replaced with two others that did not 'feel' that they belonged on a...

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She Settled Him Down

It was 1970 and Jake was back home from Vietnam for 2 years and has been traveling and taking odd jobs at various towns and when he had the money saved up he was back on the road. His mode of transportation was his 1946 Harley Davidson shovel head and he loved it. He stood a solid 5'9" and weighed a muscular 195 lbs. and he had shoulder length light brown hair and always wore his leather bomber jacket which he got at an Army Navy surplus store. Every one of his Levis were faded which...

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Late For DinnerChapter 10 Tres Chic

"You're really a good actress," Mrs. Potter was wiping Mr. O'Conner's sperm from Kathy's tear-stained face. "Thanks, I guess," the girl sobbed. The session had gone so well that the patient had been allowed to repeat the exercise three times. "He's really making progress. Who knows, you may find him waiting for you after school before you know it," Mrs. Potter teased as she helped Kathy remove the last shreds of the school uniform. "That would be... great," Kathy stammered,...

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Life Is Good

Life Is Good By Tawney W. I guess it all started when I was about six or seven years old. My fascination for all things feminine began manifesting at such an early age that as I grew older it was more or lees just a part of who I was. I never thought it was "wrong" in any way, and since I had many girls my age to play with it never even occurred to me that I was missing out on "boy" things. With my girl friends I would play house, dolls, dress-up, and even though I wasn't a...

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Savannahs A Grade

Savannah was a student in my last period Math class. She was a beautiful 18 yearold girl with blond hair and blue eyes. She was fairly chubby but that's whatI liked about her. Her tits were large and she had a nice big sexy ass. Shewas normally an A+ student in every class but this class was different. Shehad never been any good at math. This was her senior year and the end of thefirst term. Everyone knew she wanted to go co collage but without this courseshe wouldn't be able to attend. It was...

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The Boys at Johns HouseChapter 26

"Ok, you two." I said as we got out of the car. "Get everyone - including the angels - in the dining room. I want to change clothes and then we need to have a family meeting." I kissed Ivan. "I'm not done with you, yet." He grinned lewdly. "Any any, Boss." "Good boy. Give me fifteen." I went to my room, changed to a more comfortable t-shirt and a pair of lightweight pajama-like things we'd started calling 'house pants'. I took a minute marvel at my changing physique. Sex was...

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My First Time From the Journal of the Serial Killer Thomas Riley

From the Journal of the Serial Killer Thomas Riley by Millie Dynamite Copyright © 2019, by Millie Dynamite From the Journal of Thomas Riley — July 10, 20— Doctor Peters suggested I write things down, my daily happenings, feelings, the events that run wild in my life, and depress me. I figured it couldn’t hurt. That’s the reason for this book, journal, dear diary, and all that bullshit. He doesn’t say it, not in so many words, but he’s worried I’ll act out some of the fantasies I have...

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Conclave Of ConspiracyChapter 8

They were as they had been when they started, walking slowly around the periphery of the audience chamber. The Emperor was no less agitated now than he had been then. "I am telling you, Z'haas, there is little to worry about from Freya," Gronnus declared. "I have already spoken with her." The Emperor cast a dubious gaze at the Overlord. "From what I have heard, 'talking' is not a means by which she obtains what she wants from other Overlords." Gronnus allowed himself a sly smile....

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My best friends brother fucked me hard

I’m Jess and I’m 18. I’m just at the end of my last year at college and my best friend, Beth, and I are making the most of our time before we go our separate ways to college! I have long, wavy, brown hair and I about 5’2. I would say I’m thin as I do a lot of sports. Beach volleyball, Swimming and athletics. So yeah, I’m pretty toned. I recently split from my boyfriend of three years and I’m going through a rough patch. I don’t like talking to boys much and I find it hard to strike up a...

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The OutsiderChapter 18 Christmas Vacation

Mike had expected to pursue "pay-dirt", as he always put it, by ticketing students who felt that finals week provided a justification to violate parking regulations around campus. However, he had forgotten that his boss wanted to assign him as an alternate for maintaining and collecting money from parking meters, which was a promotion from being a student ticket officer. During the final week of the semester, Mike's intended victims got a break and his ticketing machine sat unused in the...

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Annie Loves Her Daddy Part3

That night Annie.. I fucked your mom like a maniac. I know you must have heard all the loud grunting and screaming.. But all the while that I was slamming my cock into your mom. It was with thoughts of having my cock buried deep inside of your tiny pussy. With your mom screaming "OH SONNY! BABY! YEAH! FUCK ME HONEY! FUCK ME HARD! CAUSE I'VE BEEN BAD DADDY!!" I must say that after that night, our family threesome changed considerably. Best of all you Annie. Began wanting and...

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