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Hello readers, this is Rupali. I know what you're thinking: if Rupali is writing the foreword for one of Belinda's "Headmaster" stories then her secret mystery man is no longer a mystery. It's true; I know his identity. I feel a bit late to the party because her readers knew so long ago but ... well I'm one of you now; no more secrets.

The story that follows is – Belinda tells me – the second of three on my discovery of her secret. I read the first one: 'Twisting on the... ' – I can't say the rest, it feels like bad luck. I can vouch for the first part before she left the dorm, but as for the rest ... frankly I think she made some of it up.

Belinda also let me read the other stories. I didn't like the ones with me in them; it was weird reading an 'I' and 'we' story (ED: We call that First Person Narrative, Roops. BL) where I was getting all of the attention. It's like having sex with yourself, but not in a good way. To make it up to me, Belinda promised to write me a story where I was the 'I' and she was the 'she' (ED: A Ghost Written First Person Narrative. BL). "And it will be super hot!" she assures me. We'll see.

This is that story. I haven't read it yet, but Belinda has been asking me some very personal questions about the day we went shoe shopping, so I guess I know what it's about. I hope you enjoy it. Please don't make up too much stuff, Belinda.

I love you. R. (ED: Love you too, sweetie. BL)

"Do they do autopsies on heart attack victims?" I asked Belinda.

"Depends," she said. "Maybe if they're young. Why?"

"Because I don't want my parents to read 'Evidence of sexual arousal' in the Other Comments section of my post-mortem," I replied miserably. In truth, I was feeling anything but miserable; I was only half kidding about the heart attack because my heart really was pounding like a marching band on meth, but I was also excited, apprehensive and so, so horny.

"Oh, you poor princess," Belinda teased. "Have you lost your crown?"

"Don't be snotty, sweetie," I told her. "It doesn't suit you. And mind the wind; I think you just flashed your bottom."

That took away some of her sass. She looked around and checked for people behind us – there weren't any, I had already checked three times – and then smoothed her summer school dress and held the hem casually with one hand.

"What was wrong with the last two stores, anyway," I asked. We were shoe shopping ... well that's what Belinda said we were doing, but we had walked in and straight out of two shops already. What we were actually doing was fulfilling a fantasy for her, but if I got a nice pair of heels out of it then ... hey, win-win is still a win, right? OK, that's a lie; it was a fantasy for us both, so win-win-win if I get the heels.

"Um, the creepy old pervs, for one," she said, "who were undressing you with their eyes the moment you walked in. Don't you want to flash a hot young guy, Rupali."

"I don't recall saying anything about wanting to flash anyone!" I lied, because playing up the reluctance seemed to fit with the fantasy. "You make a valid point about creepy old guys, but I'm sick of walking, so promise me you won't make any excuses when we find a shop with a young hottie."

"Promise," she smiled. That was a pretty quick agreement; I got my first inkling that I was being set up.

There was another shoe shop up ahead and I looked in as we passed the window. Empty: good. Half past three on a Wednesday afternoon in early spring is a good time for shoppers and a bad time for shop-keepers; even the streets were pretty empty of pedestrians. We stepped in the door and looked around for the shop assistant... oh, fuck it!

"Let's go," I said. "There's another one down the street."

"Hang on," Belinda whispered. "He's pretty young and handsome."

"He's pretty young and Indian!" I hissed.

"You're being racist," she said.

"I'm Indian!" I glared at her. "I can't be racist to another Indian."

"You told me you were Australian," Belinda smiled. "Besides, what's wrong with Indian? Hot is hot in any package."

"He'll judge me," I explained in a whisper. "Indian boys think all white girls are sluts and all Indian girls are chaste virgins. If you flash him he'll smile and enjoy it; if I flash him he'll think I just crawled out of the gutter from fucking a wino."

"You're being melodramatic," Belinda rolled her eyes at me. "Besides, he could be Pakistani."

"Right! A Muslim with a little statue of Ganesha on his desk?" I asked, tapping one foot and giving her my best 'Oh, really?' look.

"Hey, don't get your panties in a tangle!" she teased me.

"I'm not wearing any!" I hissed. "And it's your fault!"

"Well me neither, but I'm being a bit more grown up about it," she shot back. "Look," she said, suddenly getting all serious and trying on her commanding act; but at 4'11" and three-quarters, blonde elfin features and wearing a green and white striped summer school dress, Belinda looks about as commanding as a Brownie ... although I concede she does look a lot hotter.

"This is how it is," she delivered the ultimatum, "he's hot and you promised. Is any of that untrue?"

"You set me up, didn't you?" I said. "Have you been here before?"

"That's hardly the point," she defended. "Am I, or am I not, the Queen of Hot?"

I sighed. "You are the Queen of Hot, Belinda. And I am but your humble servant girl." This was a familiar game.

"If I say it's going to be hot, is it ever not?"

She had a point. She comes up with sexy games on an almost daily basis – the girl's got imagination – and she never strikes out. Ever! "If you say it's going to be hot, it's going to be hot." Sigh.

"This is going to be hot, Rupali." She looked up at me with blonde eyebrows raised. At 6'1", I'm more than a foot taller than her; why do I let her push me around? I could pick her up under one arm and walk her out of the store myself.

"OK. Let's go." God, was my heart hammering before? Now it was about to leap out of my throat. The shop assistant – pardon me; the hot, Indian shop assistant – started towards us with a big smile. He looked to be our age or a few years older and he was also about my height – nice and tall – narrow across the shoulders and chest, but with slim hips he still had a very manly shape. His thick, wavy black hair was trimmed to a neat length and his long face was made handsome by prominent cheek bones and a strong jaw. His skin was a lovely coffee and cream brown like mine, so his family was probably from the North, or he might be carrying some British colonial blood – and still my beating heart – he was clean shaven. Why so many Indian men want to go around with a moustache looking like a criminal – or worse, a pervert – is beyond me.

"Hello. Namaste," he said, "Welcome to Sundara. My name is Rajit." He pointed to his name tag. "How can I be of assistance?"

Oh God. How did I get myself into this?

It's possible Belinda had been planning this for some time – she loves the long game – but the first I knew of this fantasy adventure was the night before when we were in bed together playing Hot Five.

We are both in Year 12 at an exclusive private school in Sydney – what Americans would call Senior Year at High School. We live in the senior girls' boarding house; I am new this year and Belinda has been a boarder for years, so we were a natural pairing for roommates as far as the Boarding House Mistress was concerned. Clearly she overlooked the whole tall vs. tiny, brown vs. pale, brunette vs. blonde, sporty vs. bookish situation, but perhaps she knew something we didn't because within the first month of school we became lovers and best friends. We'll never share clothes or shoes or make-up, but we share our emotions, our dreams, a love of sexy games – and on one incredible occasion we shared Belinda's mystery boyfriend, although I was blindfolded and still do not know his identity. At least I didn't at the time; but the day of the shoe shopping fantasy was the day I found out.

Hot Five is another of Belinda's inventions. One person thinks of a topic ... OK, Belinda thinks of a topic and then together we agree on the five hottest examples of that topic. Without fail it gets us so aroused that we have to quit the game to make love, which is true of all Belinda's games and one of the things that makes her so special.

We were spooning in the dark in my bed, Belinda's tiny form folded into mine like a Russian doll; my left arm under her neck and my right hand cupping her breast through the sheer satin of her nightie. This is how we usually sleep until she gets too hot – literally, not figuratively – and sneaks back to her own cold bed.

"Hot Five things you do with your clothes on," she began.

"Oooh, good one," I said. "I know Number One already."

"You just go ahead and think that, sweetie. But remember who's the Queen of Hot."

"Of course Your Majesty," I said deferentially, giving her breast a little squeeze. "But it was your royal personage who was the number one hottest thing with your clothes on at the beginning of the year. Do you remember No Panties Tuesday?"

I was smiling with the recollection. Trish had dared Belinda to go sans panties all day at school in a game of Truth or Dare, but Belinda had grown out of her school dress over Christmas and it barely covered her pussy. She spent the whole day sitting with her laptop bag on her knees and ended up getting a yellow card to visit the Headmistress.

"Remember it? It's burned into my psyche, from embarrassment though, not hotness!"

"Oh, it was hot all right," I laughed. "You were so nervous and red faced; you just drew more attention to yourself. Every time you twisted in your seat to see who was watching, that tiny dress would ride up. I saw your pussy three times."

"Oh, you dirty perv!" she cried, elbowing me gently in the stomach, the poorly veiled glee in her voice betraying her words. "Why didn't you ever tell me?"

"We were just roommates then," I said. "And afterwards it never came up. I still think about it when you're not around though."

"OK then," she said. "In that case, Number Two is you playing netball without your shorts."

From the sound of her voice, I could tell she was smiling in the dark; pleased to turn the tables on me. I was selected for the school's First Seven netball team at the start of the year and didn't realise that there was an unlisted item of uniform. The official uniform is a pleated netball skirt worn over the school gymnastics leotard with a netball bib. The leotard is very high cut and – for gymnasts at least – is designed to be worn with opaque tights so that it is athletic rather than sexy. What I didn't know is that all of the girls buy black athletic shorts to wear under their skirts so they don't have to shave their bikini line before each game.

"Fair enough," I smiled. "I think the boys appreciated it more than you, though. I've never seen the front row of the bleachers so full!" If I'm truthful, I kind of enjoyed the attention and did a bit more jumping and pivoting to make the skirt flare out than was probably necessary.

"I've got my Number Three," she said. "But you won't like it."

"I thought that you were the Queen of Hot," I teased. "Do you think something's hot that's not?"

I expected some sassy response like I wasn't refined enough to know it was hot, but she didn't.

"Writing," she whispered. It sounded like she was a bit ashamed, which is strange because she's never backwards about sharing sexy thoughts with me.

"What? Like Christmas Cards?" I asked, trying to lighten the nervousness I heard in her voice.

"No. Erotica," she replied. I gave her a moment but she didn't continue.

"So like pornos for blind people," I asked, trying not to giggle.

"You're not taking me seriously," she pouted; I didn't need to see the pout, I could hear it.

"I'm sorry, sweetie," I said. "Do you write pornos?"

"Erotica!" she corrected me. She sounded less annoyed now; I think she worked out that I was teasing her. "You know that bedtime story I told you a few weeks ago?"

"The one about your Physics lab partner Bob?" I said. "That was very sexy. I look at Bob differently now." This is true; I was masturbating while she told it and it made me come. I'm beginning to see why Belinda has a crush on him.

"IT! WAS! NOT! BOB! FROM! PHYSICS!" she snarled, punctuating each word with a poke to my bare thigh. She is so in denial. "Anyway," she continued, "that's erotica. When I wrote that one out, I had to stop every page to cool off. You might have noticed some weeks I'm a bit needy."

"Well, now that you mention it... ," I said softly, stroking her nipple through the satin. Actually I had noticed; but I would have used the word 'horny'. For about a week at a time – when she's writing, it turns out - she's completely insatiable.

"Erotica is usually just a short, sexy story – or a collection of them broken into scenes long enough to get you good and hot," she explained, beginning to sound more animated as she hit her stride. "Good erotica is pretty hot; it can get your fires burning and keep them going for an hour or more. When you come after that it's... ," she paused, maybe realising she was favourably comparing sex without me to sex with me. "It's just really nice," she finished weakly.

I let her off the hook. "I know. I read erotica too, sweetie."

"Oh, really?" she seemed surprised. "OK. So think about the hottest erotica you've read."


"What is it?" she asked.

"Not telling," I smiled.

"Chicken! Anyway, you know how your favourite erotica gets into your head and pings your secret fantasies?"

"Sure," I agreed.

"Well, writing it yourself is about ten times hotter because you use your own fantasies and have perfect earth-shattering sex every time. As you're writing it and editing it, it's like having super hot sex over and over. It's actually pretty exhausting."

Feeling her nipple harden beneath my fingers as she spoke, I began to wish I could trade some of my sports and science prowess for creative writing.

"Would you write some for me?" I asked.

"We'll see," she teased me back. "You need to build up your favour bank, lassie; especially when you see the toy my mystery man made for you."

My heart skipped a beat. I bought Belinda a strapless strap-on dildo some months ago and I wear it to make love to her. She wanted to return the favour but couldn't find one big enough to ... ahem ... accommodate my tastes. Long story short: her mystery man – the one who took me blindfolded – is a very well endowed toy-maker. Belinda called in a favour to get him to make a strapless strap-on modelled on his own cock, but I haven't heard anything about it for ages.

"Oh my God!" I breathed. "Do you have it? Get it now!"

"You need to learn some patience, sweetie," she said. "Not tonight, but soon. I need a special occasion."

"I'm horny," I said. "That's special."

"Not special enough," she said. "What's next? Hot Five, Number Four?"

I sighed inwardly and squeezed my thighs together to quell the fire that had kindled there (it didn't help), but I knew better than to push her. She really is the Queen of Hot and if she says she needs an occasion then it's going to be worth the wait.

"OK, this one is a bit of a cheat," I began, "because you were actually trying to get out of your clothes, not stay in them."

"Oh God, not Spike again!" she cried quietly.

Oh yes, Spike again. We went bikini shopping at the end of last summer and for reasons I don't remember we were wearing one of her mystery man's new inventions: a pair of radio linked vibrating vaginal plugs that we called Ike and Mike; when you switch one on, the other one switches on too providing it is in range. She tried on a skimpy string bikini and – this still makes me laugh - all four knots got stuck! We got Spike the cute shop assistant (yes, that was his real name) to undo Belinda's bikini and while they were alone in the changing room, I triggered the plugs to buzz her to a secret orgasm while Spike was sitting with his face barely a foot from her pussy trying to undo the last knot.

"Yes, Spike again," I said. "You were so hot in that tiny bikini with Spike trying to undress you without staring at your rack, and then at the end you were trying to hold up the halter he had already undone without flashing him or letting him know you were coming. In fact, I'm promoting that one to Number One because he was a sexy stranger and it was in public."

"Alright," she sighed. "I'm not going to argue with you because I don't want to talk about it anymore. I'm not as big of an exhibitionist as you seem to think."

"Your turn then," I said. "Number Five?"

"OK, you might not agree with this one," she said tentatively.

"Try me," I was smiling; despite her reluctant introduction, she does tend to save the best until last.

"It might just be me, but... ," she paused, "shoe shopping. You know when..."

"Oh. My. God! Yes! Shoe shopping!" I was instantly hot again. Belinda had stumbled upon a little fetish of mine that I hadn't shared with her.

"You didn't let me finish," she complained.

"You don't need to," I said. "Everything about shoe shopping gets me wet. The kneeling, the feeling, parading up and down with the clerk watching your ass instead of the shoes, the straps, the buckles, the laces ... hell, just everything!"

"Are you serious?" she asked. "How did I not know this?"

"It was embarrassing," I admitted. "I wasn't brave enough to tell until you said it."

"It sounds like you like it a lot more than me," she giggled. "The bit I like is when the guy..."

"The hot guy?" I interrupted.

"Sure, when the hot guy is..."

"Kneeling in front of you!" I blurted.

"Yeah, kneeling in front of you; and you wonder..."

"Whether he's trying to look up your dress!" I finished for her.

"Um, actually, I was going to say, you wonder whether he's thinking about going down on you," she said. "You're a bit of an exhibitionist, aren't you?"

"Maybe a bit," I admitted. I wanted to share my fantasy with her, but I was still afraid that it was weird. "If I tell you something, promise you won't judge?"

"Promise," she said solemnly.

I took a deep breath; here goes. "I fantasise about a sexy shoe store clerk kneeling in front of me, stealing glances at my bare legs and – not that I have ever been brave enough to do it – I open my knees a little so he can see my panties, special ones just for shoe shopping, pale pink with a gauzy gusset so that at first glimpse he thinks he has seen my pussy. Then when I open a bit wider, he realises it was only my panties, but I watch his face and after a few moments he realises that the panties are translucent and he can see my pussy after all." Christ, I was hot! Could Belinda feel my nipples stabbing her through the back of her nightie?

I continued: "He's fumbling with my feet and trying not to get caught looking at my pussy, but he's getting flustered and I can see his erection. He can't adjust himself in front of me and he's trying to bend over more to hide it, but it only brings his face closer to my pussy, and now I'm thinking about him going down on me – like you were saying. Watching his cock has gotten me even more aroused and I can feel myself getting moist, and I know it will soak through my panties and he will see how wet I am and then..."

"And then what?" Belinda asked breathlessly; I could feel her squirming in my arms and I was secretly pleased to be able to pay her back for the sexy stories she tells me.

"And I don't have any more," I said. "I don't know where to take it from there. I don't really want to fuck the store attendant. I'm not being prudish about it; it's just not as hot as having him look up my dress and I think it should finish on a high note."

I could almost hear Belinda thinking and I could certainly hear her breathing. The ring and little finger of my hand on her breast were touching her ribcage and I could feel her heart hammering nineteen to the dozen in there. This was confusing for me; what she said about not being an exhibitionist was true and I was wondering what part of my flashing fetish had her so worked up.

"In your fantasy," she began slowly, "would you bring a lover shopping with you?"

"Um?" I thought about it for a moment. "Is that so I'd have to be more discreet? I don't think so; it's hot because I'm being so brazen, not because I'm frightened of being discovered."

"What if the lover was watching you too?" she asked. "Because they wanted to see your pussy, and..." she trailed off.

"And?" I encouraged her along.

"And maybe the lover's fantasy is to watch the clerk looking up your dress."

"That would be OK," I replied tentatively. Actually, that would be super hot; two people looking at me but the clerk doesn't know he is being watched. I wriggled tighter into Belinda's body.

"And the clerk is watching you, but nobody is watching the lover, except you of course," she went on, more confidently this time. "So she..." she paused, "um, he or she is masturbating behind the shelves across the store, maybe flashing you too while you watch."

Oh my! What had I tapped into here?

"And then you leave the store," she continued, "all hot and frustrated and you go straight home and have explosive sex with the lover." She paused to let that bit sink in. "Is that finishing on a high note?"

Cuddled into me as she was, Belinda's head was right in front of my mouth; so she could certainly tell from my breathing what I thought about it. "Yes," I husked. "That is definitely finishing on a high note."

"You'd only need to change one thing," she whispered.

"What's that?"

"The lover wouldn't be able to see your pussy from across the store," she said. "So you might have to lose the pink panties."

I felt a shopping trip coming on. "Would that... ," I had to clear my throat; God, why was my mouth so dry and my pussy so wet? "Would that qualify as a Special Occasion?" I asked, still wondering when I would get to see the new toy her mystery man had made for me.

Belinda didn't answer. She rolled over and pulled me close, one hand under the curve of my waist and the other stealing beneath my nightie. "We need new shoes for the Spring Ball," she whispered in my ear.

My mouth was so dry now I couldn't even swallow. "When?" I croaked as her fingers snaked under the waistband of my panties.

"Tomorrow after school," she replied.

We kissed. Tomorrow was going to be a long day of waiting.

"Hello. Namaste," he said, his voice was accented with the clipped precise consonants that were so familiar from my parents and their friends. "Welcome to Sundara. My name is Rajit. How can I be of assistance?"

I could feel the cotton of my summer school dress brushing across my bare pussy and felt completely exposed, like I was standing on a mirrored floor. Here goes.

"Namaste," I smiled back at him. "Sorry, but now you've exhausted my entire Hindi vocabulary." Voe-cabb-you-lair-ree. Oh my God, I'm talking with my parents' accent. What's wrong with me?

"No, it is I who should be sorry," he apologised. "This place, Sundara; it means beautiful and charming in Hindi, so I am very accustomed to serving beautiful Indian women." He paused and looked away, realising he had just paid a brazen compliment. Looking back into my eyes with a bashful smile he said: "It is not the worst job I have ever had." Oh, bravo, what a recovery! Aussie understatement from an Indian boy; I could feel Belinda beaming beside me. I was now positive she had scouted this store earlier.

I noticed that Rajit was actually a little taller than me; a nice change from peering down at Belinda all the time. I was surprised at how he set off the Indian mannerisms that I didn't even know I had when I realised I had lowered my eyes and was watching him through my eyelashes. What was more surprising was that I liked the way it made me feel and I found myself smiling and flashing my eyes at him.

"I'm going to browse," Belinda said softly, touching me on the hip with her fingertips as she stepped past and around Rajit. Once she was behind his back, she reached down and scratched the back of her thigh, lifting her dress to expose the smooth curve of her bare bottom to anyone watching, which of course was only me. I remembered why we here and felt another flush of adrenalin course through me, setting off tingles in my breasts and deep in my stomach.

I hadn't said anything since Rajit's lovely compliment and he seemed compelled to save me by continuing as if he was still finishing a thought. "Actually it is refreshing to serve Australian girls," he said. As he was talking, I began walking towards a row of shoes but I kept eye contact so that he would come and browse with me. "They seem..." he paused to think of the word.

"Exotic?" I suggested. Goodness! Did I just say that?

He laughed as if I had made a joke rather than a fool of myself. "I was going to say that they seem less inclined to judge an Indian man who is not a doctor or an IT professional."

I looked down and fingered a lovely black sling back so that he wouldn't see the guilt on my face. I expected that he would judge me because I was Indian and instead I realised that in doing so I was judging him; not by his occupation but by his race. He was right though; many immigrant parents – not just Indians – push their children towards professions that they perceive as being more successful. It made me reflect; as progressive and Australian as my parents behave; I still have not discussed my career with them. They expect that I will go to university next year to study science or IT, but more and more I have been considering applying to the Australian Institute of Sport for a netball scholarship. And everybody says I should do modelling ... what would my parents say about that?

"Rajit, can I ask a personal question?"

"Only if you tell me your name," he said in deep tones that I was beginning to find very manly and attractive. "That way we won't be strangers."

I looked back up into his smiling eyes. "I'm Rupali," I said, holding out my hand to shake.

He took my hand firmly but gently, his skin felt warm and soft and gave me a bit of a tingle. "The name Rupali also means 'beautiful'," he said, "although I'm sure you already knew that."

I did. I thought he was going to say something cheesy like 'a beautiful name for a beautiful girl' – or worse – but he didn't. "Now that we are introduced, Rupali, you may ask your personal question."

I picked up a patent leather lace-up pump (laces are so, so sexy) and continued to browse as we talked.

"How did you explain your career to your parents?" I asked. "And how did they react?"

"I am sorry," he laughed. "I have misled you; this is not my career. I completed a Bachelor of Science with a Physiology major last year and have enrolled for a Bachelor of Podiatry at the University of Sydney next year. I took a gap year to work in a shoe shop; here I will see more feet in twelve months than I will in twelve years of private practice, so I should get a very good idea of whether I want to devote my career to feet."

I felt a little flood of warmth through my core; oh my goodness, a tall, handsome man with a double-degree, I'm such a snob to like him more because he is educated.

"Oh, I'm sorry," I said. "I didn't mean..."

"No," he smiled, holding up a hand. "Again there is no need for apologies." Then changing the subject to save me again: "Those shoes are very beautiful," he said, taking it from me. "Would you like to try them on? I believe they will suit you very well."

"Um, OK," I said. "Yes please." I felt another surge of adrenalin as I remembered why I was here. I saw Belinda smile at me from across the store and give me two thumbs up.

"What size are you?" he said, looking down at my feet. "A ladies size eight?"

"That's right!" I said, more impressed than I ought to have been at such a simple trick for someone with a good eye. "I take an eight-and-a-half in some shoes because the right foot is too snug; I think it's a little bigger."

"Let me get the Brannock and we'll find out for sure," he said, taking a few steps away and returning with one of those stainless steel foot measuring devices. "If you don't mind Rupali, I will take the measurement standing," he explained as he kneeled and placed what he called the Brannock beside my right foot. I was about to kick off my school sandals when he looked up at me (I wondered how much closer he would need to be to see up my dress), "May I help you with your sandals, Rupali?"

"Oh! Uh, sure." I was a little bit charmed by his politeness and chivalry. Unbidden, a lightning flash image lit up in my head; lying naked beneath him in bed as he asked 'May I put my cock in you now, Rupali'. I quickly raised a hand to my mouth to hide the smile and was glad that my complexion wouldn't show me blushing.

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The luscious beauty Linda Weasley gets up early to do her morning routine in the bathroom after a wild night with her boyfriend. She thinks that she is all alone, but she has no idea that her boyfriend is standing behind her and jerking off. She is very embarrassed when she finally notices him. But at the same time, she is ready to thank him in gratitude for a gorgeous night together. Linda gets down on her knees and starts sucking his dick to let him know how appreciative she is. She licks it...

2 years ago
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MactownChapter 6

MARK Mark’s friend Jesse had a big basement. There was a pool table, air hockey, a whole TV/Stereo set up with lounge chairs and a big couch. But no one was playing the games or watching a movie. The lights had been dimmed at strobe lights were flashing and moving with the music. Mark had never been to a Mactown party before, he spent most of his time an hour north, on the other side of the city. But it was more than he’d ever dreamed. This high school party made college parties he’d been...

3 years ago
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Subway series 4 Whos Sorry Now

This story should give you a clear understanding of how I experienced Japan. I'm sorry about that. But that's the Japan I saw. I make no claims that it's a complete picture. Quite the opposite, in fact. Japan is a wonderful land full of picturesque vistas, fascinating history and friendly people. All the guidebooks say so. You won't be reading about that Japan today. Sorry about that. Almost all that I saw of Japan, aside from the lights of Tokyo as I arrived (I had an aisle seat on...

3 years ago
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Cool Spring Nights Part 1 A Family Finds Love

This is an original work by inferis created in 2011. It is intended for mature audiences only. If you dont like it or find it offensive stop reading it and find something else to enjoy. ———— Cool Spring Nights (Part 1: A Family Finds Love) It was the sound of our garbage can being knocked over onto the sidewalk that woke me up on this cool spring night. I glanced at the clock on my bedside table. 2:17am it glowed. I lay in bed staring at the clock thinking of a phrase I had heard somewhere,...

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James Family Awakening

The only thing to do was to start at the beginning. James started in the “nice” section of Jamaica Plain – low crime, great restaurants, and plenty of young, college-aged women to wave hello to. He was growing up to be a regular kid…until, at age 2, he lost his mother and father in a skiing accident. After weaving in and out of Social Services for a few months, he was fostered to a newly divorced mother with a six-month old baby girl. Having been left by her husband, Patricia (Patty to her...

3 years ago
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The Rise of AzkovalChapter 11 Strange Alliances

Joseph let out a long breath and placed his sword on the ground before standing to his full height. He had no sooner arisen than a second voice came to his ears. “I would suspect things will go better for you with him if you refer to him as the king,” a voice spoke. “And they certainly will go better for you with me if you follow your own advice. Put the crossbow down and I won’t put a bolt between your shoulder blades.” Joseph hazarded a look over his shoulder and saw a bedraggled man with...

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Aunt Ellen

At a certain point, though, I started to react differently when for example I saw a topless woman on television. In the past I would have thought that was dirty, probably because of my Catholic upbringing. Now, on the other hand, I began to find such a sight very interesting. Also, I noticed that when I looked at a naked woman, my penis started to grow. Obviously, it didn’t take me long to discover masturbation and that immediately became my favourite hobby. Late at night, when my parents...

2 years ago
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Mothers Milk

Mothers' Milk by Elizabeth Mann Women, Their always good to have around. I play with when I'm bored or when I need a blow job. Yes they cook and clean too, but that's expected. That's what my mother did for my father, that's what I have women do for me. But I was stupid like my father, I married one, a stupid idea, marriage. Why say "I do" in front of some priest? So I can fuck her? I can fuck her without the priest. Women, they want the priest. They want the marriage, why? So...

3 years ago
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JennyChapter 8

Jenny and Ingrid were enjoying the last minutes of their "girls' night out" as they sat in Ingrid's great room and enjoyed a glass of wine. Jenny had told Ingrid of her desire for to become pregnant and she and Tom were hoping they would know soon. She had also shared her concerns over Tom's intervention on Vinnie's behalf. While the incident turned out well, she sensed Tom had taken some personal risks that might have put him in danger. Tom had brushed the confrontation off, but Jenny...

4 years ago
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Masters Home

Master?s Home Master?s Home She searches for the oven mitts hoping the cookies wont burn before she finds them, meets her best friend for coffee, has a less than encouraging conversation with her mother on the phone, and watches a half hour of mindless chatter on television between her daily chores...It is a day like many others but she doesn't complain; she does all these things with a sense of pride and purpose that few would understand. She finds joy and contentment in keeping her...

1 year ago
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Past nightmare became a dream come true

I had just turned 18 six months ago, i was fresh out of high school with the very nice, old thunderbird that my dad had bought me for graduation. With all the money i had saved up from the many checks, gifts, and jobs i had gained over the year i was off to kentucky to see my mom, brother, and all the friends i left behind just 3 long years ago. I had many worries as i crossed the county line. Nobody in that small town knew i was coming home, even my mom would be shocked since i haven't seen...

Erotic Fiction
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Tear It UpChapter 11

Lisa had to take the phone into the kitchen once the conversation got a bit more intense, so I watched the movie with the kids for a good while, as did the rest of us, not that it stopped the ladies from flirting rather brazenly with me ... and David, for that matter. This lasted a good half-hour and the kids asked me why she was in the kitchen, but I simply told them that she was talking to Grandpa and Grandma Tucker, which she was. She counted on her parents getting Amber's to co-operate...

3 years ago
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Introducing Scarlet Part 1

Don't be shy and just stand there. Come on in... if you dare. There you go; get yourself comfortable and welcome to my world. I'm Scarlet. Actually it is Jasmine, but Scarlet has been my nickname ever since my high school days because of my crimson red hair. Many people would call me a very attractive woman if it weren't for one thing that makes me... let's say, "special". Ok, I'll stop beating around the bush—I'm a transexual. I never got surgery or anything; I was born like this. Most people...

4 years ago
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Dancing and the next day part 2

“Help,” she said in a loud whisper. Syndee and Stacey laughed at her at first, and then began to help her. Syndee tried to roll Michael over while Silk and Stacey tried to pull her hair out from under Michael. They tried not to wake him but finally his eyes popped open. “What are you three doing, besides bothering me,” he said in a grumpy tone. Stacey was the first to answer, “Forgive us Master, but slave Silk’s hair is trapped under you and she can’t get up.” Looking down he saw...

2 years ago
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AC Brought Me And My Mother Together 8211 Part 1

Hi every one.I’m jay,20 years old and studying my engineering 3rd year.I’m from Hyderabad.I am a huge fan of ISS and after reading stories about sexual relationship with mothers,i grew interest towards my mom for the last 2 years,i started looking at her in another way and started masturbating at least twice a day.I am very desperate to have her. Coming in to the story,it happened a week ago.My mom’s name is Shravya.She is 38.Her height is 5’7 she was married to my dad at very young age and...

2 years ago
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Weekend Fun With My Love

Hey all.. this is Swarna back with a new experience to share.. It’s been two months that I have been away from iss .. Due to lot of work and busy schedule couldn’t be in touch… Thanks to all who kept writing to me and over chat & here you go… It was Friday evening 7:30 pm I came home early so that I can prepare dinner for our date, continental was on my mind. 9pm was our date in the balcony. I was busy making dish in kitchen when someone grabbed me from back, little surprised but I knew it was...

2 years ago
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The Escort and the Dirty Substitute

My heart was pounding in a symphonic surge as I lingered in front of the hotel room door. I checked and rechecked the metal plate bolted to the rich, dark oak. Number 2412. Yes, this was definitely the right room. The hallway corridor was empty. The dimly lit sconces glowed invitingly along the richly textured walls. They had led the way from the elevator of the lushly swank boutique hotel, The Hazelton, just like beacon lights leading me towards the precipice of a decision I still wasn’t sure...

3 years ago
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TNWS01 The Girl With The Voice of an AngelChapter 12 Nudie Boy

The two fourteen year old girls still didn’t quite know how they ended up in the bathroom waiting for Paul Terrence to have a shower. They had both originally objected to Paul’s dinner table request but teen girl curiosity and Paul’s very persuasive and engaging smile had some how won them over. So, now here they both were squatting down against the tiled walls and floor of the bathroom waiting for Paul to come back with his towel and toilet bag. When Paul did finally come in his young...

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How I Got Fat

Ladies and gentlemen, I would like to explain how it came to pass that I got fat. You see, I didn't always used to be this way. Once upon a time, I was buff ... muscular and REAL fit! Back in those days I was a weight trainer and minor fitness guru in the area. I'd always been interested in keeping healthy. I worked out every day and watched carefully everything I ate. I had a taut, muscular, tight body ... the kind that drives women wild! Oh, back in those days, I used to wake up in...

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Night Bus Ride With A Weird Couple

Hi readers, just want to give out a big thanks to all the passionate readers out there for your wonderful support and comments. So this incident that I am about to share with you happened a few months before. So let’s get into it, shall we? I was going to Bangalore that night to visit my brother and spend the weekend with him. I got into this special semi-sleeper bus which had three seats on one side of the bus and a walkway. Then there was a row of single seats to the other side of the bus. I...

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It all started when my husband came home in a blue dress. My name is Kim. I'm a forty-something housewife living in suburban America; Sunday church, bible study. I have a daughter named Stacy... I think you've met her, everyone has. I'm easy to spot at PTA meetings as I'm the short red head with long skirts, peter pan collars and low heeled shoes. My husband Ron is a cowboy wanna be - he looks the part but he's never riden a horse and I seriously doubt has ever eaten a bowl of chili. I was on...

4 years ago
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My Sex Sister 8211 Part I

By : King1308 Hi, this is Bitu I’m 23 years old male currently living in Vellore Tamilnadu with me cock size 7.5 inches and 3inches thick. This is the incident with my cousin sister reeta who is 26 years old she is my uncle’s daughter. Uska figure mujhe kuch yaad nhi magar uske boobs 36 ke aur mast badi gand jaise 2 volleyball kas ke band di ho. Shola thi wo jisne mere dil me aag laga di thi. Ye meri pehli story hai to galti maaf Karen aur story enjoy Karen.. Meri hieght 6 feet hai aur me gym...

3 years ago
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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 94

Two Men were out fishing when one decides to have a smoke He asks the other guy if he has a lighter He replies “Yes I do!” and hands the other a 10 inch long BIC lighter Surprised the guy asks “Where did you get this?” The guy replies “Oh I have a personal genie.” The first man asks “Can I make a wish? “ Sure says the other man “Just make sure that you speak clearly cause he is a little hard at hearing” “Ok I will” says the other as he rubs the lamp a genie appears and asks the man what he...

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From Flautist to Fellatrice at Camp Webloya

Little Celia Whitcomb was a sight to see. On her slim, 14 year-old chest, a t-shirt inscribed ‘Jail Bait’ would have seemed redundant, as everything about her shouted the same message. Celia stood a slight, yet curvy 4’10”, with puffy lips and heavy-lidded, bedroom eyes. Black hair and light brown, sparkling eyes complemented her olive-sheen complexion perfectly. Yet, the first thing many people noticed first on meeting her was the way her lips seemed to turn up very slightly at the ends, in a...

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Incredible ChangesChapter 167 Road Less Traveled

Those windbags are going to get a real shock when try to break into our suite only to find two MPs pointing their guns at them. “So where are we heading now Molly,” asked her as we were crossing over the Rockies toward California. She messaged my goggles we were staying in Salt Lake City tonight. She wanted to see the Great Salt Lake before we headed to the Redwood Forest, which was the last place she wanted to see on our sight-seeing car tour of the U.S. The changes to our itinerary would...

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Swiss teenage escort

I have read a lot of stories on the site, and I wanted to share an experience of mine.A few years ago I went to Zurich for a meeting, and spent a few days in a hotel. I had a lot of time free and some money to burn, so I looked up a few escort sites. I am not sure what led me to the one I spent a long time looking at, but the girls there were just a whole lot more fresh.They gave a variety of styles and the rates were quite reasonable, and for hotel visits too. I saw a few of the girls didn’t...

5 years ago
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Unemployed Males Forced to Service Men in Sex Industry Part 4

Unemployed Males Forced to Service Men in Sex Industry Part 4 UP: Miami, North America "Her mouth will make a good urinal." These were the first words Holstein heard spoken in relation to her since she arrived in Miami, Florida. She visibly shuddered as the men devoured her curvy form with hungry eyes. Most readers will remember the arc of Jon Hermein's story thus far. A former citizen of Germany, he was sentenced to indentured sexual servitude for the crime of indolence....

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Mr No Hands

Was just before midnight and was kind of quiet out so I was just hanging out around the bookstores. I had given a quick blowjob to someone a bit earlier in the night upstairs in a room but that was all. I was a few doors down standing back to the wall finishing a smoke when I noticed someone walk by checking me out. They cut into the 7-11 next to me then came back out unwrapping a fresh pack and asked for a light.He seemed a little nervous so I prompted if he lived around here and he kind of...

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Boys and girls together

Introduction: Agroup of boys tried to come up with a way for boys and girls to get to know ech other better int heeir school, but very controlled I guess that my life started to take shape in elementary school. My seventh grade teacher, Miss Schmidt, started to treat me better then the other children in my class. I was a little above average intelligence. My parents were of the type that believed that the teacher had complete authority over me, as their student. I was well mannered and clean. I...

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Long Hair Maid Gets Her Hair Cummed 8211 Part 1

Hi everyone, my name is Kabir. I am 21 years old, to be doctor, staying in Bombay. I have a long hair fetish. I love hairplay, hairjobs, and foreplay. This incident happened very recently and it happened between me and my kinky maid. Her name is Anita – 5 ft 2 inches height, a great figure and an amazing pair of boobs. My maid has wheatish complexion and is married for 5 years. She has a 3-year-old kid. We hired her when our previous maid retired due to her age. Anita was happy with her pay and...

3 years ago
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Revenge of the NerdChapter 69

No, it was not that easy. "Jeff, we need to talk." He started to laugh and continued for some time. "I'm gratified you seem to be over the fear those words strike in most men's hearts." "It was a reaction to the fear they strike in most men's hearts. When you say them it's usually a way to make us better. It's usually something I could have thought about but didn't." "Jeff, I think I'm too beautiful." He started to laugh again. "I didn't see that coming. I'm not sure...

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Just One Change

It was a beautiful sunny, spring day and Hiro was enjoying his lunch alone on a park bench near work. His thoughts roamed from the 10 emails he needed to send out this afternoon; the tweets he wanted to send out this afternoon to his multiple twitter accounts on topics of politics, climate change, and his favourite sci-fi show; to the shape of his coworker Ericas ass; to his boring baloney sandwich. But mostly it was about Erica. Her red hair, he shining eyes, and her ... (thwap!) Something...

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Country Boy City Girl Book IIChapter 34

We had barely closed the door when I pushed Holly back against it, pinning her to the door with my body and kissing her deeply. Her arms wrapped around my neck, clutching me tight as her tongue invaded my mouth. Holly moaned softly as I pressed my hips against her, knowing she was feeling my cock against her belly just above her mound, and she moaned louder as I rocked into her. I think I might have heard a soft giggle from the other room, but did not care as I moved my hands up to cup...

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Wifes Date Ch 03

Walt was pacing the living room as he looked at his watch wondering when Bruce was coming back with Angie, it was past midnight and she had promised to try to bring him back as soon as she could. Walt started to make another small trip across the front room when he saw car lights shinning in the front room than saw Bruce's Hummer pull into the driveway. Walt did not want to seem too concerned when they walked though the door and decided to go into the bathroom and pee while they cam into the...

2 years ago
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------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ WARNING! THIS IS A WORK OF EROTIC BDSM FICTION. IT IS ADULT ORIENTED MATERIAL OF A SEXUAL NATURE. The copyright of this story remains with the author, Night Owl. This posting does not give you the rights to post this on any website without obtaining the author's permission...

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Becoming a Cuckold

It all started about a year ago when one night I brought up the idea of sharing her with another man. It was the beginning of me becoming a cuckold. I had mild fantasies of being one in the past, but as time went on my feelings for it only grew stronger. The thought of being another man's cuck, while he fucked my wife senseless in front of me and ordered me around had my cock bursting from the seams. Some men get off by being dominate and controlling, while others like myself want to be...

1 year ago
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Displeasing the Boss

She sits on the leather chair fidgeting. Her boss has called her into his office clearly upset about something. "Diane," his boss started. "I heard that you were doing something of the questionable nature during office hours." "Sir?" "Have you been sending personal emails during office hours instead of doing your work?" "I-I'm not, sir." "I heard otherwise," his boss said raising a brow. "I'm sorry. It won't happen again." "Oh it's not. You're fired." "Sir, please. I promise it won't happen...

Group Sex
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JapanHDV Tsuna Kimura Has a friend over that slips his cock in her pussy

Here is our lovely Miss Tsuna Kimura is a lovely girl but the last few days she has not been feeling well. If you remember her friend stopped by to see if he could help her. Here is the time he had to rub her body with a cold damp cloth to cool her hot tits down. What a nice friend he was to her to take care of her. He is doing his best to take care of her and make sure her fever breaks but also keep her cool as she is burning up. He is so tender with her and really taking care of her even as...

5 years ago
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Dragon Clans Bk 01 Pt 25

Nicholas watched from the top of the cliff. The moon was just starting to rise beyond the distant horizon. The gentle wind that blew up and over the edge of the escarpment had the hem of the long cloak that he wore dancing at his feet. He watched the bonfire being lit, watched as people moved off, heard the lilting sounds of ancient songs being played, their notes and melodies drifting on the breeze. ‘Enjoy the evening Ian, enjoy these last few breaths of your life. Tomorrow you shall meet...

3 years ago
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A Desperate Mom Fucking When Her Son Was Sleeping

Hi all, this is a real incident that happened to me and my wife’s aunt, a middle-aged housewife. Regarding me, I stay and work in Bangalore in a reputed MNC. I am very horny, of age 30, having good looks and an average well-built body. I have a weakness for middle-aged busty women. I have always thought that Bengali women are genuinely conservative and family oriented, especially women from the suburbs. But this incident completely shook my belief. It was my wife’s cousin sister’s wedding and...

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ThatSitcomShow Addison Lee Married With Issues Meet Your Match

Kelly and Bud Bundy are constantly arguing, and lately their competitions have turned into who can get a partner first. Their argument escalates to which of them can get the hottest date, which is where they leave it as they each storm off. Later, Kelly has a date lined up with her new beau Jake but she decides to take the edge off before he arrives. She’s in her room masturbating while, unbeknownst to either of them, Bud is in the living room doing the same when Jake shows up. Bud greets...

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Fantasies By strangefun WARNING: This story contains graphic depiction of depraved sexual acts, sisification, sexual abuse, humiliation and torture. Read at your own discretion! Some new toys have arrived in the mail yesterday. One of them is an eight-inch-long silicone dildo with balls, in my favorite color - hot pink. Today is Friday, and I am at work, squirming in my chair with the full length of that hot pink monster buried deep inside my ass, held in place by two pairs of...

4 years ago
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Annies WayChapter 7

Annie was still asleep when the Sheriff arrived but woke up when she heard the men’s voices. “Annie, we called the Sheriff to report the break in and I think it might be a good idea if you get a restraining order against Ron.” Spencer said sounding like his old self and in full control of any situation. “Why, do you think he will be back?” Annie asked knowing that of course he would be back. “Honey, you know he will and even if he doesn’t try anything, we can have him arrested for...

2 years ago
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WildOnCam April Olsen Jewelz Blu April Olsen and Jewelz Blu Together This Is Porn Heaven LIVE

COTM for September 2021 April Olsen meets COTM for September 2020 Jewelz Blu! These hot babes sure do know how to coordinate their attire looking absolutely incredible in their school girl uniforms being sure to be a tease with their long legs and letting you see their panties as much as possible before they come flying off! April just loves running her finger and thumb through Jewelz’s shaved pussy playing with those pouty lips that are begging to be licked and spread apart to show that...

5 years ago
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Mrs Correllis Lover

Suggested by the Short Story: MOM'S AMOROUS SON by Roderigo LaBloke I rubbed my forehead and thought: Oh, God. What has he done now? "No, Mr. Correlli," I said. "I'm sure you're mistaken about that. My son would never--" "You're son's a goddamned menace!" Mr. Correlli yelled into my ear. "And a seducer. I ought to call the goddamned police on his sorry little ass, the little bastard." My son is not a bastard, I thought distractedly, and he's certainly not little. But he is...

3 years ago
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Jessicas Capture Part 9 of 10

Story: #23 Copyright ©2005 Written: January 30 2005 A story By: KaosAngel Proofed by: Piasa_Troll Please send any comments about this story to ([email protected]) ********************************************************************** Part 9 - The Great Escape Three month's later, the plant's loud speaker came to life with Jerry's voice "All supervisor’s and department heads report to the manager's office immediately” he said seconds later people started pouring into his...

4 years ago
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SouthboundChapter 12 The Ring The Survey Overload

I don't know whose idea it was, but Tina accompanied us to look for a ring. I didn't object, but I wondered if this was appropriate. I looked on it as a very personal matter. Although Tina was involved in the family, this marriage was exclusively between Fiona and me, with Tina as a spectator. Some decisions are easy to make and some are hard. Between Fiona and Tina, they turned the ring selection into a route march to the point where we visited the same jewellery stores twice, comparing...

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Two Sex In Two Weeks 8211 With A Shemale And Then With A Married Woman

Hi to all the readers of ISS. I am a great fan of this site. I am Ronald from Mumbai . I am 24 yrs old. I am a football player.I am 5ft 10 in my penis is 6 inches I hit gym regularly. Now lets come to the story. This story is about 2 months old I went to play a match in my friends area. The ground was situated between apartments on all all four sides. While the match had half time I noticed a women from first floor looking at me . As the match was over still she was starring now I knew what was...

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Sissys SheCock Training

Sissy was in the corner on his knee's patiently waiting for Mistress's command. mind racing at the thought of days adventure, a nervous tremor passed through him wondering what it may be. Mistress had said she had a little surprise in store. Mistress standing there in black leather corset, her ample breasts on display fully fashioned stockings, 5" studded 5" heels crop in hand.Smiled and turned to the dresser grabbing, shiri, and sissy's collar, turning back to sissy in the corner, said over...

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The Porcelain Mask

This story is a fan fiction that takes place in the Whateley Universe and was specifically written to expand upon one of the characters I introduced in my story Absinthe 2: The Absinthe of Malice. The Porcelain Mask By Morpheus It was the latest hour of the night or the earliest of the morning, in the indistinct time when two days met and blurred into one another. Most of the Whateley campus was covered in darkness, though small pools of light existed near many of the...

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That Morning With My StepSister and Her Friend

This is one of the first stories I wrote, now tarted up and wheeled out for your delight dear readers.God! I’m sure my cock grows a bit bigger every night. Some guys would do bad shit to own one like mine. The girth of it fills my palm, its purple bulb a fucking wonder between my fingers. This morning it's so hard it fucking hurts.Why is there never pussy at hand when you need it? God, Ryan, you’ll just have to think about how they moan when you push into them, how it opens them up and fills...

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A Monogamous Affair

She had been anticipating his visit all week long, the only time that was truly hers throughout the whole week. The time she made just for him to come over while her husband was working and the kids were in school. Where for just an hour or two of her time, she could forget the stresses of everyday life and be in her own world. She sits on the couch waiting to hear the noise of a car door shutting and his footsteps up the walkway. When she hears him coming she jumps up off the couch, her...

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Friend ki wife ki jabardast chudai

Mera naam Sunil Kumar hai. My mailo id is hai.main aaj aapko ek sacchi kahani sunane ja raha hu. Pehle main aapko apne bare me bata deta hu. Mere highet 183 cm hai, mera weight 69 kg hai aur mera land 9.5 inch ka hai mota aur 4 inch chaura hai. Ab apni baat par aate hain. Ye ghatna phichle sunday ki hai. Mera ek dost hai jiska naam anil hai. Anil ek dubla patla larka hai aur financial week bhi hai. Kuch dino pehle anil ki saadi neha se hui. Neha ekdam mast larki hai. Jab se maine usko dekha...

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