- 2 years ago
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The team moved through the clinic, rubber soled boots squeaking on the metal floor. They stayed in cover and shadow, keeping low and out of sight. They had infiltrated without incident so far, what few ADVENT troops had been guarding the entrance had been dispatched silently, the alarm had not been raised. Alien blood dripped from Moreau’s machete leaving a trail behind him.
The clinic was in a remote rural area, XCOM didn’t know what kind of research was going on here, but it was related to the Avatar Project, so it couldn’t be good. An informant had tipped them off that there was a sample here of some kind, of critical importance to the project, and they had been tasked with retrieving it.
Moreau raised a clenched fist, a gesture for the team to stop, they crouched, readying their weapons. He peeked around the corner and saw two ADVENT soldiers standing by a console, facing away from them. He unsheathed his blade slowly, advancing silently behind them. When he was in range he leaped, driving the serrated blade into the back of one, and decapitating the second as it raised its weapon to fire on him. The rest of the squad moved up, taking cover behind the console, and towards the end of the room they glimpsed the sample, a clear glass canister containing a glowing green liquid that was standing on a pedestal surrounded by machinery at the end of the room. That had to be it.
Moreau put his finger to his helmet, static hissed as a transmission from central came through on an encrypted frequency.
“That’s the sample we’re here for soldiers, grab it and evac ASAP, we’ll get it back to the lab and have the good doctor run an analysis.” Bradford’s voice echoed in Moreau’s helmet.
“Yes sir, we’ll get that sample back to you, soldiers, fan out!”
The team spread out, advancing quickly to cover the room, it was unlikely the sample would be so lightly defended, Moreau expected an ambush of some kind. To his right a heavy gunner wielding a massive chaingun lumbered forward, plates of heavy armor clanking as he walked, and to his left a scout with a long rifle took up position behind some crates, his fingers hovering nervously near his sidearm. The team of six soldiers took up position to cover him, and Moreau walked up to the sample, examining it for laser traps or pressure plates, anything that might give them away. It seemed clean, he couldn’t see any obvious traps. He prodded it gingerly with a gloved hand, then grabbed it, pulling it down from the odd machinery upon which it resided. He turned it over in his hands, the viscous liquid sloshed and bubbled, he couldn’t begin to guess at what it was.
“Central, have acquired the sample, extracting now.”
“Roger that, sending you a Skyranger.”
Moreau hefted the glass canister under his left arm and grabbed his pistol in his right hand, preparing to make for the exit. Suddenly the wall behind the heavy gunner blew inward, shrapnel and pieces of broken masonry flew across the room in a cloud of dust and debris, the gunner weathered it, turning to fire on a huge Muton who lumbered through the breach. The ugly creature bayed through its rebreather, tribal tattoos decorated its visible skin. The chaingun’s barrel spooled, but before it could fire the great creature drove a massive bayonet affixed to its plasma rifle through the soldier’s chest. It punched through his armor and he dropped his weapon, falling backwards to the floor. The rest of the team opened fire, shotguns, rifles and pistols filling the air with loud cracks and bangs as they harried the monster with bullets. It brought an arm up to protect its head, but the concentrated fire brought it down, green ooze leaking from innumerable bullet wounds as it fell back the way it had come.
“Evac, evac!” Cried Moreau, vaulting over a guard rail and making for the door with his precious cargo, the team fell back with him, guns trained on the breach.
Another Muton and two ADVENT troopers took cover, firing blindly through the hole at the retreating soldiers. One tossed a plasma grenade which exploded in a green flare, throwing the scout off his feet, he skidded on the floor, picked himself up, but was cut down by a well placed laser shot, his limp body lying motionless.
Things were getting out of hand fast, they had to get out of here. The team exited the way they had come, through the front entrance, and one of the soldiers popped a red flare, its colored smoke signaling the circling dropship.
The enemy came around the side of the building, suppressing the team with plasma and laser fire. They took cover behind tree stumps and rocks as best they could, returning fire when an opening presented itself. There was more cover in the dense forest adjacent to the clinic, but they’d never make it there without being cut down.
The skyranger’s engines kicked up dust at it came to hover a short distance away, dropping ropes to the ground. The team couldn’t move, they were pinned, and in the distance Moreau saw more reinforcements arriving by dropship. It was now or never.
He called to the soldier nearest to him, and tossed him the container of green liquid.
“I’ll cover you, make a break for the skyranger!”
“But Sir-”
“Don’t worry about me, go!”
The soldier hesitated, then nodded, dashing from cover towards the evac zone, and the other two followed.
Moreau tore off his helmet, dropping it to the ground and threw a smoke grenade behind him, the grey cloud obscuring his retreating team.
“Come and get me you ugly freaks!” He bellowed, unholstering his assault rifle and firing at the aliens on full auto, brass shell casings bouncing on the ground as he emptied his magazine. They pulled back behind the corner of the building, taking cover from the hail of bullets and chattering angrily in their strange dialect.
He pushed forward, throwing a grenade that blew away chunks of masonry, keeping the pressure on while his team escaped. He heard a hiss of static in his earpiece as the skyranger powered up its engines and flew away over the treetops, its signature whine becoming faint.
“We’ll come back for you, Moreau.”
It was a nice gesture, but he didn’t intend to be taken alive. Fuck whatever experiments these freaks would perform on him, or what tortures they would make him endure trying to get him to spill the beans on the location of the XCOM base or their known informants. He’d take a few of them down with him, they had traveled untold light years to be here today, and he’d end that journey with his machete. He dropped his empty rifle and pulled out his pistol from its thigh holster, along with his prized blade, rounding the corner of the building at a sprint. He shot the first surprised ADVENT trooper in the mouth below the helmet, and it dropped like a sack of bricks. As the second raised its laser rifle to fire on him he slashed the blade across its throat, it stumbled back, grasping at the wound as dark lifeblood flowed over its hands. The towering Muton raised its rifle, sharp bayonet glinting in the sun, and brought it down hard, but Moreau dodged the blow, and it planted deep into the soil.
He drove the machete through the beast’s jaw from below and into its brain. It slackened, and collapsed forward into the rubble. Moreau retrieved the weapon, planting his foot on the alien and pulling it free with a sickening squelch, then wiped it on his pants leg. The trooper he had cut was lying on the ground, gurgling as blood oozed from its mouth, Moreau aimed the pistol at it and shot it twice through the helmet, it stopped moving.
He leaned against the wall panting, his hands were shaking. Holy shit, he should not have survived that, God was rolling the dice in his favor today. The sound of the approaching dropship interrupted the thought, and he turned to run towards the nearest treeline. Something fired on him but missed as he sprinted between the gnarled trunks, followed by the green heat of plasma splashing against their bark. The forest was dense, perhaps he would survive this after all, they couldn’t fire at him in here. He heard shouting behind him, but soon the light dimmed as he pushed deeper into the woods, panting with exhaustion.
He had run for at least twenty minutes, as far as he could, they’d never be able to follow him. He rested against a tree, wiping sweat from his brow. He gulped lungfuls of air, adrenaline surging through his veins. He couldn’t believe he was still alive. He tapped the communicator in his ear, damn, no signal. If he could find a homestead out here sympathetic to the resistance, he could-
He listened intently, rustling? Something heavy being dragged along the ground? He raised his pistol, aiming it through the dark trees. The Mutons couldn’t fit between these trees, and the troopers were too dumb to take that kind of initiative, what could it be? Not ... oh no. It wasn’t something being dragged through the leaves, it was slithering, it must be a Viper.
He began to panic a little, pointing his pistol at every shadow and rustling leaf. Could he take a Viper on in single combat? He’d have to find out the hard way.
It was stalking him, it could be hidden anywhere in the shadowy foliage, hell, the snakes could probably climb trees for all he knew, he gripped the leather handle of his machete nervously.
A twig snapped behind him, he turned and fired blindly, the yellow muzzle flash lighting the forest like a torch for a split second, the shot echoed through the woods, they probably knew where he was already, but if they didn’t, they did now. He had encountered Vipers before, they were large creatures, with a humanoid torso and the long, winding tail of a giant snake. They could spit corrosive venom, and he had seen them use their muscular bodies to crush the life out of a soldier like an anaconda. Neither option sounded like a fun way to go, but if he had to guess, he’d say they were going to try to take him alive, he might be able to use their restraint to his advantage.
He saw movement out of the corner of his eye, and before he could respond, a massive force slammed into his ribs, sending him crashing into a tree. He wheezed, picking himself up off the forest floor, and saw his stalker, a massive specimen, its chest covered in shiny black armor. It towered over him, its cobra-like hood flaring in anger, or maybe excitement. It hissed a challenge as its long coils undulated, and he stumbled to his feet, brandishing his machete.
“Come on then, you fuck.” He spat. It didn’t seem to speak English, but it understood the rebuttal well enough, and it began to sway like a snake preparing to strike. Moreau circled around it, his blade raised defiantly, his pistol had been knocked out of his hand by the surprise attack.
The alien seemed almost amused by his defiance, its lips curled into what could only be described as a wry smile, and its long, sinewy tongue flicked the air experimentally, smelling him perhaps. Could it tell that he was exhausted from running, or was the concept of a human challenging a Viper with a machete amusing in itself?
“Smile while you can...” He chided. “Let’s see if I can’t wipe that ugly grin off your face.”
He lunged, striking at the giant creature with his blade, but it dodged the blow easily, tripping him with its muscular tail. He fell on his face into the leaves and mud, then rolled over and sprang back to his feet.
The thing huffed rhythmically, laughing? Mocking him?
He struck again, and the alien deflected it with a quick blow to his wrist, using its tapering tail as a whip. He circled around again, looking for an opening, anything he could use to his advantage. He had lost his gun, he had no grenades left, nothing but his machete.
He feinted a strike, the alien brought its tail up to whip him again, but he was ready, he swiped the blade sideways, cutting into its soft meat. The Viper hissed in pain and surprise, pulling back into a protective coil. Moreau twirled the machete, chuckling as the creature eyed the deep gash in its tail and spat angrily at him. It had a massive plasma caster holstered on its back, but it didn’t reach for it, he must have been right in his guess that they wanted to interrogate him.
“Who’s laughing now?” He chided, resuming his circling. The alien narrowed its eyes and uncoiled, moving more warily now and affording him more space, he had made his point. Its long tongue flicked the air, and it tracked him, yellow reptilian pupils reflective in the forest gloom.
It struck suddenly, and quickly, but Moreau was fast, and dodged out of the way, the massive creature’s muscular tail slammed into a tree behind him, splintering the wood. He slashed again, cutting another gash in the alien’s fat tail. It recoiled, howling in pain and rage.
“Yeah, not such a walk in the park now, is it? How does it feel to bleed?”
He doubted the creature could understand him, but his gloating was obvious, the Viper seethed and it coiled up defensively like a rattlesnake. Moreau was no longer afraid, his hands were steady and he was hyper aware, seeing the world as if in slow motion. In his mind he was a dead man walking, his only destiny now to inflict as much hurt on this invader as possible before it would be forced to strangle the life out of him, he might die today but he would live on in its scars.
He lunged forward, intending to strike at the chubby coils, but the Viper reacted quickly, parrying the machete blow with its armored wrist, the blade bounced off the shiny black alloy, reverberating metallically in his hand. It followed through with a powerful strike to his chest, sending him sprawling backward onto the ground. The beast loomed over him, its cobra hood flaring as it opened its maw and revealed two massive hypodermic fangs, he had just enough time to roll out of the way as it struck, slamming them into the soil. It struggled, violently writhing its long body like a worm that had been cut in half, barreling into trees and kicking up leaves as it attempted to free itself.
Moreau leapt to his feet and raised the blade above his head, intending to decapitate it. Instead it brought its tail towards him, colliding with his ribs and knocking him down, dazed. He struggled to rise to his feet, a hand on his bruised ribs, and the alien pulled free using its tail as leverage. It spat dirt, glaring at him angrily. Moreau was weakening, the alien was strong and its blows were starting to wear him down, keeping one hand on his ribs he sliced at it, it recoiled in time, hovering just out of his range and hissing its displeasure.
Defiant, he beckoned, his blade raised aggressively.
“If you want me, you’ll have to come and get me.”
The Viper considered for a moment, tracking him as he walked, then struck with its fangs. Moreau raised his blade, intending to use the creature’s own power and weight to drive the machete through the roof of its mouth, but the strike fell short, from the left came the alien’s dexterous tail, a trick! It hammered his hand, the machete flew from his grip, landing in a pile of leaves a short distance away. He turned to run for it, but the Viper’s tail slithered around his waist, compressing him painfully and lifting him off the ground.
He struggled impotently, waving his legs in the air and punching the thing’s scaly skin, but the fight was over, he was trapped. He relaxed, dangling as it brought its face in to examine him. Up close the alien had a strong jaw and thick, almost human lips. Its amber eyes peered at him from beneath discolored lids, and its fleshy hood extended down its neck to the shoulders. Had he angered it enough that it would kill him? It didn’t seem that way, but he could correct that.
He punched it square in the face, it recoiled, hissing angrily, and he waved his hand, trying to dispel the pain. The alien’s jaw bone was made of concrete. It squeezed him tighter, he gasped, pushing against the smooth coil, but he couldn’t slip free. He cried out, his head rocking back as it compressed him in revenge for the punch, and it huffed again, as it had before, laughing at him.
Maybe he should jam his thumb into its eye next time, see if it laughed about that.
The Viper coiled more of its tail around him, pressing his arms to his sides. It had an odd texture, imperceptibly smooth scales, almost like soft skin lined the surface, patterned with shades of brown and yellow, beneath a layer of soft puppy fat he could feel strong, sinuous muscles flowing almost like liquid as it flexed. It would drag him back to the clinic now, and he’d be loaded onto a dropship and transported to a holding cell, where he would surely be tortured for information. He should have used that damn pistol on himself while he had the chance, now it was too late.
The creature examined him again, its reptilian eyes rolling over his body, it made him uncomfortable, like a predator sizing up a meal. Maybe it would eat him? Fair enough, he couldn’t complain, it would be better than what ADVENT surely had in store. It reached out with a clawed finger and pried at his camouflaged armor, peeling back the ceramic chest plate and tearing the fabric beneath. He flinched as he felt the sharp claw poke his bare skin under his clothing. What the hell was it doing? It reached in and tore his clothing loose, the fabric ripped, the strong fibers pulling painfully against his skin as they tore, and exposed his naked torso.
It dragged its shiny claws over his skin, leaving red welts that didn’t quite draw blood. He squirmed, dull pain flaring in his chest. It huffed rhythmically, was this revenge for the scars he had given it? These animals must be far more intelligent and emotional than anyone at XCOM had suspected.
The alien’s obscenely long and meaty tongue left its parted lips, trailing strands of thick saliva as it reached out like a tentacle to slide across his cheek, it was hot and slimy, he turned his head but the Viper held him straight, tasting the sweat on his skin. This whole situation felt ... wrong. It wasn’t killing him, it wasn’t capturing him, it seemed to be toying with him. It leaned in and pressed its soft, fleshy maw against his neck, the two sheathed fangs in the roof of its mouth pricking his skin gently as it chewed, he squirmed in its strong grip, feeling the warm saliva on his skin. It pulled back, eyelids low, and dragged its purple tongue over its puffy lips, wetting them.
The Viper reached down and unclipped some catches on its chest plate, the heavy, black metal plating fell away with a thud, releasing two weighty, full breasts that hung attractively, bouncing gently as they settled. Moreau gaped, it was ... she was ... female.
“What the fuck...” He muttered under his breath. He struggled again, kicking his legs, but she held him tighter, squashing the air out of him with her iron grip. She dropped him unceremoniously to the ground, still wrapped in her muscular tail, and maneuvered over him, her large boobs hanging above him enticingly, swaying gently as her chest rose and fell. His eyes were drawn to her belly, where twin rows of firm abdominal muscles trailed down to her navel, he noticed a slit where the groin would be on a human, slightly pink on her soft, white underbelly, it glistened with moisture in the light. His head began to cloud, what was she going to do to him? Attempt to mate with him?
He jumped as he felt the tip of her tail slither over his groin and squeeze his bulge gently, the stimulation encouraging a half erection despite himself. He noticed the gash on her tail, slightly towards the tip about half way down her body, it still leaked a slow trickle of crimson blood. She followed his gaze, her eyes lingering on the wound, then turned back to him, a sly look in her eyes.
She settled, leaning back against a tree, perched on one of her soft, fat coils as if it were a beanbag, she dragged him towards her across the ground through the leaves and twigs that littered the forest floor. She propped him upright, lounging as she examined him like a child might examine a new toy, turning him over in her tail. Seemingly satisfied she pulled him close to her, resting him on her long body so that his head was level with her wide, oddly feminine hips. She reached a clawed finger down and gently pulled apart the slit on her groin, puffy labia parted, linked by strings of viscous liquid to reveal pink flesh beneath. Moreau could feel the heat emanating from her lions on his face. He pulled his head back, but the tapered tip of her agile tail coiled up his back and around his skull, tugging it straight and forcing him down towards her.
She was really doing this? Forcing him to give her head? Were all Vipers like this, or was this some kind of rogue? He didn’t dare bite her, there was no way she had orders to do this, who knew what she might do to him in revenge, alone in the forest. She crooned, a low rumbling emanating from her reptilian vocal cords, and pushed his mouth up against her vulva. It was warm and slippery, the familiar smell began to excite him. He struggled to keep himself under control, his life was still at risk, and a surge of guilt flooded his mind. This was an alien monster, his hated enemy, to even twitch under her touch was unacceptable. He kept his mouth closed defiantly, and the Viper squeezed him painfully in a gesture of impatience. He winced as she compressed his ribs in her strong tail, and glanced at the organ apprehensively.
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L.I. - The Melting Pot It was just another day in college to me or so I thought. The spring semester had started about two weeks ago and I was in a hurry again. I was just a normal guy in the mix of things. I am 5'10" with a medium frame. I had a flat stomach, but I was not cut; actually there was not much muscle to me at all. I have dark black hair that was only kept the first few days after I got a haircut. I come from a middle class family from northern Michigan. I was a...
Lasting Impressions: How It All Started The new white paint on the outside of the laboratory did it little good. The water damaged roof, broken gutters, and busted window still gave the place a "drug production" look. "Finally, the city will quit hounding us over the graffiti," Eagan said. Catherine just rolled her eyes. The bars over the few windows the lab did have and the steel door on the front was not esthetically pleasing by anyone's standards. The grass in front...
Lasting Impressions By: ASTRO Many people used to wonder what it would be like to experience life from the opposite sex's point of view. I, like many people have their own story to tell about how new technology changed my life. My name is AJ. I am married and a father of two little girls. I am a 25 year old Caucasian male with an athletic body. My life has been pretty normal. I am a mechanical engineer and live in a nice home near the city of South Bend,...
An Accidental MisunderstandingIt's been seven hours since I left the three of them at the cabin. It was planned as a fortieth birthday party for #1, by his wife, #2, and my, well now soon to be ex-wife, #3. I’m #0. What happened? Did I overreact, not trust in my wife or friends? You decide as I already did. Read my recounting of the evening and judge me how you will. oOo We’d known #1 and #2 for about ten years. He’s a nice man, stubborn yet with a somewhat kind touch, if a lumberjack could...
Group Sex“I know” she beamed back. “Ladies, stop” came a firm direct order. They froze. Principal West stood before them, he was a tall man in his fifties with silver hair. There was a tense silence as he looked at them, inspecting them with his dark eyes. “Miss Greene, what’s this?” he said, stepping to the side of her and pulling at a loose strand of her dark hair which had fallen out of her neat bun. Madison’s heart sank and she remained silent for a moment. “Please-” “I think we better have a...
THE MISUNDERSTANDING My name is Jeff and I'm writing this down because I think I may need to have something to remind me of exactly what has happened. I believe this may come down to legal proceedings and I must be certain of my facts. My best friend is Victor West, more normally Vic (at school he was called Beetle, just look at his initials) and he is married to Christina who everyone knows as Tina. They married a couple of years ago and I was Vic's Best Man. I must admit that I...
Misunderstanding. One part only. Bill and his wife is Sally are pretty much average as couples go. I am in good shape and Sally is 5' 3", 120 lbs, brown hair and green eyes. She is not model gorgeous but she is pretty, well proportioned and has a beautiful ass. The last few months Bill has been reading about chastity devises and has not only gotten interested has been jacking off every day and fucking his wife as much as he can while dreaming about being locked up. Finally he...
Oh God, don't let this be true, I thought as I weaved my car in and out of traffic. He can't be serious. Or can he? Just a half hour ago, I was working at the bank helping a family secure a loan for their first house. Then the call came. The police. My husband had been seen with a gun in the house. "A gun?" "Yes Ma'am, a neighbor came over to borrow an item and saw him. Seems he's threatening suicide. We need you here to help us talk him out of it." Suicide? But Conner loved life....
James waved at the ceiling. "End this call," he muttered. "The communication has ended," the AI replied. "Please note that Major Bonham is looking for ways to conduct surveillance of this side of the colony. Do you wish to block his attempts?" "I should," James replied with a snarl. "But if he only sees rooms and not the hallways it shouldn't matter too much. Just make sure he doesn't find out about our little hold out tunnel. I'm beginning to fear we might have to use it...
Day 23 AJ and I have been screwing each other like bunnies. We would get a session in every morning and every night. Each day I would wake up use a bio sensor to see if I was pregnant and then go screw my husband's brains out. AJ kept telling me that I had to be patient. It could take a month or more for my body to find its own natural cycle and that coming down off birth control takes a little time. Well it took too long because I had to go through another one of my painful...
Lasting Impressions: Chapter 2 By: ASTRO Day 1 The next morning I felt like I was waking up from a dream. I reached over to wake up my wife only to find that no one was in bed with me. I looked at the clock after pulling my hair out of my face and looked at the time. I paused as my actions started to sink in. First of all the clock must be broken. The time read 9:28 AM, and second why is there hair in my face. I sat up in a panic and felt the weight of...
Lasting Impressions: Chapter 8 By: ASTRO Day 35 The alarm clock went off at 7 AM. I was my normal groggy self as I moaned and complained. AJ had to take the covers off of me so I would wake up. We had to be on the maglift by 10 AM if we were going to make our appointment. We had a little time and AJ knew exactly what to do to wake me up. My vision was just beginning to clear when I felt AJ grab my feet and pull them up in the air. I was flipped on my...
Lasting Impressions: Chapter 3 By: ASTRO Day 2 I woke up the next morning again with the surprise of finding myself in my wife's body, but I was quicker to calm down this time. AJ had set the alarm for me at 7 AM as he left for the gym before work. I was very out of it this early in the morning. I slid out of bed and walked into the bathroom. There was a note on mirror. Jess you are acting like an idiot. We had sex yesterday and you have not taken...
Lasting Impressions: Chapter 6 By: ASTRO Day 18 I woke up to the sound of the alarm clock. AJ was a work today and I had an appointment with the doctor this afternoon. Thankfully AJ was going to get off work early to watch the kids. I went about my day unchanged from before. I was dressing as conservatively as I could, considering my options. I really did not feel sexy today. I was also very fearful of going and seeing a doctor. As a nurse I had...
Lasting Impressions: Chapter 7 By: ASTRO Day 25-30 I woke up this morning feeling a little off. I was for the most part really tired. AJ had set the alarm for me like he always did, but for some reason I was pissed off that he set it to wake me up. I calmed down pretty quickly and thought that I was acting a little irrational. I pulled the silk sheets off and stretched as I got out of bed. I was happy to be waking up as a woman, and I was starting to...
Lasting Impressions: Chapter 4 By: ASTRO Day 6-7 I woke up to the alarm clock going off at noon. I rolled over realizing that my plan to stay up late last night worked out. I had to work the night shift tonight as Jessica and I was a little nervous. I had not tried to use her memories yet, and I did not know what that was going to be like. I rolled out of bed without any surprise from the feelings of my body. I had come to accept the swaying of my...
It was early fall, the air was still hot, and the leaves hadn't even begun to turn yet. As far as I could remember, I always loved being outdoors in nature. I only recently moved here, and I was still exploring my surroundings.I enjoyed my daily running sessions through the forest that was close to my house and using the nature gym that has been set up in the middle of it. This way, I could relax and calm down after a hard day at the office I worked at in the city. As I started in from my spot,...
OutdoorLasting Impressions: Chapter 5 By: ASTRO Day 14 It has been two weeks since the switch and I felt fantastic. I never realized being a woman could make me feel so energetic and alive. Working part time was nice too, because the hospital did not need me this weekend. I woke up this morning with a smile on my face and grabbed whatever underwear was easily available. I grabbed some jean shorts ... really short shorts, and a tight feminine t-shirt with...
It was a morning hunt, the last hunt of the opening weekend. Daylight was just breaking. Dark, mysterious figures along the forest line were finally beginning to reveal their harmless details, growling miniature beasts transformed into harmless, dead stumps as sunlight shined upon them. John was sitting in his stand, a simple, ground level box stand with large openings on three sides for windows. For the past forty-five minutes, since he had taken the stand, his mind had been on one thing....
It was a morning hunt; the last hunt of the opening weekend. Daylight was just breaking. Dark, mysterious figures along the forest line were finally beginning to reveal their harmless details; growling miniature beasts transformed into harmless, dead stumps as sunlight shined upon them. John was sitting in his stand; a simple, ground level box stand with large openings on three sides for windows. For the past forty-five minutes, since he had taken the stand, his mind had been on one thing....
Straight SexThe two rode into the bailey and dismounted, then took their mounts into the stable. Natalie watered the stallion, then brushed him down. She smiled at Drapper as she walked out and was surprised to see him frowning at her. Telling Rav she was going to change and wash up for dinner, Natalie went up stairs to her room. Passing Mary on the stairs Natalie asked for a bucket of hot water be sent to her room. Mary gave her a cold look and nodded. Natalie waited in her room for the hot water, it...
Just as the sun began to come up Jack rolled over onto his back and yelled, "Jesus!" "Ugh. What? What is it?" Zelda asked, not even half awake. "It felt like a hot knife just went through my spine. I can't move and it hurts. Oh man but it hurts. Quick, roll me over on my belly, please." He moaned, and then grunted as she rolled him over face down on her bed. Another small lump formed just above his tailbone. The festered area pushed up, almost breaking through the skin. "Wait here,...
“All right,” I said to the three boys in the room. “Your Mother and I are going for a walk on the beach. We’ll be back in a while. We’ve got our cellphones if you need us. Only call us for fire, flood, or blood- and there better not be any blood, ok?” “Ok, Dad,” said one of them non-commitally, staring at the TV screen. The oldest, my 15 year old, grunted in agreement as he continued to hammer away at his Xbox controller. The other sibling was silent, engrossed in watching his brothers shooting...
Straight SexA One Night Stand by counterparts199 The phone rang for the sixteenth time. Somewhere around the fifth ring, Arnie felt a pang of guilt. Then around the eleventh ring, he started laughing, imagining the lady's desperation. He envisioned Marlie, a bit love struck, pleading at the dead receiver for him to "Pick up, pick up." He thought it might be interesting if he did pick up and shout something like, "Sure. Come on over, and I'll be happy to fuck you blind again before I put you out!" ...
Linus woke up normally, just as any other. But one thing felt odd, he felt a bit too loose - like after having a really good massage. He didn't think more about it besides it feeling really good, all of his normal stiffness was gone. He checked his phone but nothing interesting got his interest. After a few minutes, he decided that it was time for breakfast, so he sat up, placed his legs over the edge and sat there staring at his stomach. Normally his stomach was flat, with a bit of excessive...
FantasyYou're gonna really love this one. Arnie deserves all he gets, and boy does he ever get it. A One Night Stand by jo The phone rang for the sixteenth time. Somewhere around the fifth ring, Arnie felt a pang of guilt. Then around the eleventh ring, he started laughing, imagining the lady's desperation. He envisioned Marlie, a bit love struck, pleading at the dead receiver for him to "Pick up, pick up." He thought it might be interesting if he did pick up and shout something...
Last stand: prologue 8-12-2545 I was sitting in a recliner, looking down at my chest and looking at the bandages, and dog tags, SSGT. McRiley, it was August 12, 2545. I just returned on leave, I took a plasma shot to the lower stomach, I luckily survived. I was station on a small UNSC outpost on a distant system; I can still...
I have seen a lot of things in my life and I question what morality really is. Wanted to post my thoughts somewhere on this, and since it covers adult subjects I figure it might belong here on Lit. My first thought is, the normal ethics and morals of today’s society has failed us. Plain and simple, they have become overly complicated, unrealistic to where no one would ever be able to actually achieve what is considered to be the modern moral standard. It kind of reminds me of this one sexual...
I'll be updating this story as often as I can, and as inspiration comes. For now, I hope you enjoy what's here! Atlanta, Georgia, 1988. The hottest summer of the past fifty years. The Cold War is reaching its climax, but things have never been hotter. America is absolutely burning up, and the temperature is only rising. In one of the busiest cities in the South East, even finding a place to cool off is starting to become a rarity. An ice cold glass of Coca-Cola, even one that's lukewarm is...
InterracialLife is all about memories. You never know when a small incident can turn up into a memorable time and long lasting memory in your life. Well, I am Anand; I am working in Bangalore now in an IT industry. About myself, I am a very average looking guy. The incident I am going to share with you is of about 13 years back when I was a student studying in a college. I used to travel by train to reach my college everyday which is 60 Km away from my home town. Very first day in my class, I saw a very...
I can't remember when Amy and I weren't best friends, we were both very small when they moved in next door to us and my parents tell me that within half an hour Amy and I were playing together in out garden. Our parents quickly became friends with each other too and we were always in and out of each other's house, we all went on holiday together and Christmas days were always spent in company with them, both sets of parents even invested in an extra bed so we could stay over as often as we...
Back to the fall after their trip to Maui... Amie is crazy about fall. It always seems to her that it is the start of something new and exciting. This year, she and Lex are seniors in high school and only one more year and she'll start college. "Your father must be home Amie, his car is in the garage." "Yes, Mom, he said he would be home today. He must've caught an early flight because I didn't expect him until around 6:00." Marnie pulled the car up to the curb and Amie threw the...
Spring, a month before high school graduation... "Did you ask my mother about going to Maui with Dad and me after graduation, Lexi?" "Yes. She raised a huge fuss, but I told her if I couldn't go for the month, then I was going to move out. She relented, but she is not at all happy. I don't really give a shit if she is or not actually." "I didn't want to cause trouble, but I know how much you liked the last trip. Dad wants to show us 'the other side of Maui'. The side that is away...
The wind was howling and there is a light snow falling. School was out for the day and Alexis wouldn't drive in the snow, so the girls are spending the first "alone time" together in awhile. Amie and Alexis were sitting on Amie's (and her father's) bed looking through some picture albums together. They were dressed casually in panties with a top and nothing else. Amie's back was to her best friend who has her arms around her and her chin on Amie's shoulder trying to see over her...
There were going to be eight guys plus Frankie there tonight. A good reminder that, sometimes, Craigslist was a pretty great way to get what you want. As usual, I was the bitch tonight, so I'd have to keep these nine men very happy for the next few hours. I was always the bitch because that's what I was looking for. Or at least, that's what I had put in my ad when Frankie responded. The concession stand had been abandoned for about a year now, so it was by no means run down. It was...