Jackie's New Mans Best Friend free porn video

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Being a bit of a perv and enjoying chatting about my wife and sharing pics of her etc, I often hook up with guys on the internet. A few months ago I met a guy and we got chatting, we exchanged e-mails and discussed some of our exploites and fantasies. When I mentioned my kink of watching her with other guys and couples, (we’de dabbled on the scene for a bit) he surprised me by asking, completely out of the blue, had I ever seen her mounted by a dog! Well actually he used the term K9. I was a bit phased at first but, my dick twitched and my mind raced, and I told him, no, but that it was a big fantasy of mine, (I’d written stories about her that included that scenario). Anyway he said that he had seen it and knew a lot of women who liked that sort of thing. Anyway we had a chat and a mutual wank as he told me some stories and he suggested things that might happen to Jackie, I shared some pics of her and he said she’d be perfect, a good looking, sturdy woman with a nice big arse and accomodating cunt! At 52 she was still very attractive, curvy size 16 with full pendulous 38dd breasts, and an aura that attracted the attention of men. His suggestions and exploits were great, he really got me going and I blew my load over the PC! We chatted on and off for a week or so and then he suggested we skype as he had a proposition for me ... Intrigued I agreed.

He was a nice bloke, quite a small geezer, and a bit plump, not ugly, but not attractive, short hair, thick rimmmed glasses, clean shaven, his name was Jon. He had a slight Norfolk accent. So we chatted on skype for a while mostly about J and then he said he wanted to show me something ... I expected him to get his cock out, but he called out, and to my surprise a large black and brown dog walked slowly into camera. Now, he was a big handsome cur, he looked a bit like an alsation, hence the colouring, long nose and pointy ears, but his body was stockier and his tail less hairy, infact he was quite short coated, bright inteligent eyes and a long slavering tongue. He jumped up resting his paws on Jons lap, fuck he was huge! ‘His name is Bruce’, Jon told me, he was an Alsation cross, his dad was a bay retreiver. ‘And’, he said, being all dramatic... ‘ He has a thing for fucking women!’ ‘Really!’ I exclaimed, ‘is he yours?’ I asked, and Jon confirmed that he was, he’d had him from a pup and had trained him for the very purpose and he’d turned out to be a pro. Jon said that in the past, he had met a few people, wives and husbands who wanted to experience such a thing and so he’d decided to make it happen and 6 years ago he’d got Bruce ... seeing his potential, and about 4 years ago, he’d had his first fuck and hadn’t looked back. Jon said only mature people, ‘our age’ he said, no fuss, people who know what they want, and mostly couples, he’d done a few special shows and stuff but kept things very close to his chest ... for obvious reasons. As he was chatting, jon stroked the big old dog, he seemed soft as butter, he’s a lovely old thing he said, and Bruce nudged him for more fussing, as he did the camera dropped a little and I saw the dogs midrif, there was his sheath and within what looked like a good size cock and a set of huge doggie balls! ‘Blimey’! I exclaimed he is a big lad! Jon laughed, ‘yes’ he said ‘I can guarantee he never disapoints and can fuck for hours and repeats too’. The dog jumped down and wandered out of view as he went, I watched those balls jiggle, they seemed even bigger! And his sheath swung heavily as he disapeared.

When Bruce had gone, Jon took on a lacivious look, ‘so’, he said, ‘you think Jackie would like to try old Brucie then?’ ‘Fuck!’ I said,’ I’d love to watch that, but I don’t think she’d be up for It’. Jon laughed... ‘you’d be surprised’ he said. I said, ‘that if I asked her about it, she’d be libal to go berserk!’ Jon laughed again, ‘yes’ he said ‘she probably would, so whay ask? Maybe its better to let it happen naturally’. I fround... ‘How?’ I asked.

Then Jon explained, he knows a couple, the husband just like me and she was probably just like Jackie, he wanted to see if his missus would go for it, but knew that if he suggested it, she’d do her nut, so Jon lent him Bruce for a week and before they knew what was what, she was getting it three times a day from young Bruce and hubby was wanking himself silly watching! Jon quiped, ‘we could make up some excuse why you needed to dog sit and and then see what happens, leave Bruce to do his thing’. ‘But how?’ I asked, ‘she wouldn’t just let him fuck her, I could guarantee that’. Jon chuckled, ‘that’s true’ he said ‘but there are little tricks here’. Jon explained, look Bruce is fine around other dogs and is well socialised, and he loves people, and he’s very charasmatic, she will love him as soon as she see’s him and he is very obedient too, does as he is told. ‘Bu’t I said, ‘she’d go mad if he tried to hump her, as soon as he walked in the door!’ ‘But he won’t’ said Jon,’ trust me’. Jon explained further, ‘he will behave pefectly normal, unless she is on her period, or her pussy is wet and horny, he will pick up on that and zero in for the sweet stuff. And again he will be fine until he see’s her naked or see’s her naked lower half ... He has never fucked an actual bitch, and only knows women, but clothed they are just people who make a fuss of him, but a naked woman or a naked female arse will trigger a response, it means sex to him and he’l make every effort to get his way!’ Jon, continued, making it sound very plausable, ‘so all you will need to do is orchestrate a suitable opportunity’. ‘The guy, I said about, accidentally’ let Brucie upstairs just as his wife got out the shower, just as he told her he was going out to the bookies! He snuck back in, after ½ an hour and lets just say ... he wasn’t disapointed, and nor was she!’ ‘I don’t know’, I mumbled, but already my wicked mind was working up a plan. ‘I bet your miles away’ I said, ‘I’m in Bath’ Jon replied ... Crickey I though, I could be there and back in an afternoon. But I was still causious, ‘so whats the catch? whats in this for you?’ I asked. Jon grinned, ‘all I ask is that if things work out well and maybe you can get some photo’s or some film, I get to see, and if she wants more ... I get to meet her and if she is up for it, I get to watch too’. My mind was racing, her Saturday morning bath, the dog let in the bedroom as she dried and dressed ... Would it work? But I said nothing. Jon broke the silence, ‘so what do you say? At the very least, you have to dog sit for a couple of day, but think on the positives’.

I hesitated for a second, ‘Ok’ I said,’ lets do it!’ ‘Good man!’ Jon was grinning,’ I have a good feeling about it, so when you want old Brucie then?’ ‘How about I pick him up Thursday and drop him back on the following Monday?’ ‘Christ!’ Retorted Jon, ‘your keen! But ok, make it after 2pm, ring me when you get to Bath and I’ll give you more details, oh and I have a tiny remote ‘spy camera’ you can borrow will link to your PC with Bluetooth, you could if you felt daring try and record it?’ ‘In for a penny in for a pound’ I said, ‘your on!’ I told Jackie that a work colleague had asked if someone could dog sit for them while they had a short weekend break as their usual dog sitter had let them down, I said I’d voluntered and I hope she didn’t mind. I said it was a very good dog, very obedient and wouldn’t be any trouble. She took it very well and said it would be fine, then she said, we could walk it on the beach, be nice to walk a dog on the beach again, I agreed and said I will pick him up on Thursday, give him Friday to settle in before his owners fly out that evening Jackie would be at work, Friday, but I said I’d work from home Friday to keep him company, fine she said. So that was that.

I hatched my plan, over the rest of the week and I finished work at noon on Thursday, Jon and I met up without a hitch and I picked Bruce up with no problems, he seemed very comfortable with me and didn’t seem bothered about leaving Jon. He’s an old hand Jon said, he laughed, he’s used to it, he’s something of a sex tourist. Jon gave me food and instructions on feeding, a lead and his bed, a big soft cushion oh and the tiny ‘stealth camera’. Before I left I had to ask, what about? You know? What if, is there anything I need to do. Jon just smiled, no he said, just let nature take its course, if it does come to that, they will sort it out. My advice he said would be to keep a very low profile, for the 1st time at least, and don’t get your hopes to high ... I thanked him and said see you Monday, fingers crossed, I called, and headed for home.

I made good time and was home before Jackie, Bruce settled in, he was a big strong lad but as gentle and submissive as a lamb, he wandered a round abit then settled on his bed by the radiator. When Jackie came in, he jumped up and greeted her as if he had always known her. His tail wagging he jumped up a little, and Jackie gave him a fuss, she was used to dogs and when she told him ‘down’ he complied as if Jackie was his owner, she fussed him some more and then said she would put the kettle on. There’s still plenty of day-light she called from the kitchen, can we take him to the beach for half an hour? Great I replied, we can get a takeaway, save cooking.

We ate in the livingroom on food on our knees, watched a bit of tv and went to bed, Bruce, went out in the garden for 5 mins and then he settled down. As we went up to bed, Jackie looked at him, ‘awww’ she sighed,’ its nice having a dog about the place again’.

Jackie was up and away early Friday morning, she made a big fuss of Bruce before she went and said she’d be home as quick as she could, so they could go down to the beach again. As she got a bit of breakfast and made coffee to go, she chatted to him and he followed her about, his tail wagging. I was so excited, my plan was working, there seemed to be a connection forming! But I had to stay focus, tomorrow was the big day. Once Jackie had left, I kept my pretence of working from home, but I got to work figuring out the camera and where I would secrete it, I already new a perfect spot, tucked in amongst the leaves of a trailing plant in our bedroom, and when I linked it to my pc I was amazed at how good the picture was. There streamed in front of me was our bed and the big wide space infront, I walked in with the laptop and there I was on the screen! As clear as day, I changed the angle a bit so the door to the en-suite was just visible and moved a chair a little to give a better view of the bed and floor space. I checked the sound and then made sure that the tiny camera was suitably hidden from view ... Perfect the stage was set.

That afternoon, when Jackie got home from work, we went to the beach, she threw a ball for Bruce and he happily retrieved it, she gave him cuddles and stroked his big head, telling him he was such a good boy and such a lovely man! I actually wondered if Bruce really was all Jon had said he was. That evening, as we curled up on the sofa, Bruce sat at her feet, Jackie said she was worn out, such a nice walk on the beach, again she chatted about how nice it was having a dog again. Gets us out of the house she said, and its nice to get a bit of excersise. And, she said, it would be a bit of company when you are away for work. I of course, agreed. And then I sprang the first phase of my plan.

I said that I had to pop out for an hour or two tomorrow morning, to wrap up some business at work, I said ‘Bruce will keep you company, and besides, I said you’l lounge in the bath best part of the morning’. She giggled, ‘its my only luxury, it will be lovely after all that walking!’ ‘What time will you be leaving?’ ‘about ten’ I said,’ that’s ok’, she replied,’ but don’t be gone too long’.

Saturday I got up early, fed Bruce as Jon had instructed and gave him a walk round the block and let him run and do his business in some woods behind our house. I got back and jackie was still in bed, I gave Bruce a rub down and cleaned his feet and paws. Then made some tea, when I went up Jackie was running her bath in the en-suite, the smell of bubblebath filling the room. I left her tea and went back down stairs.

I gave her ten minutes to get comfortable in her bath then went up to say I was off ... But, I purposely left the kitchen door open and quetly called Bruce to follow me up the stairs. As I entered the bathroom, calling out im off now love!, Bruce bussled in behind me. ‘hey’ I cried’ your not supposed to be up here’! Jackie laughed,’ its ok’ she said,’we can allow it as he is a guest’. Bruce stuck his head over the bath rim and lapped at the bath water ... and then licked Jackie’s foot and calf, which were resting on the tap. ‘Hello’, I quiped, ‘you can get him to do your back!’ Jackie dropped her leg back into the water and I gently shewed Bruce out of the door, Bruce leapt straight on the duvey. ‘Hey get off the bed’ I shouted, but Jackie shouted, ‘leave him there for now, I’ll have to change the sheets later anyway’. Perfect I thought! Bruce laydown on the bed and I closed the en-suit door. I ruffled Bruces head, good boy I whispered. I quickly turned on the camera, Jon said it would record for about 2 and a half hours on a charge. I then went down stairs and set my PC to record. I called up the stairs, that I was off and would see her later. And then I headed out leaving her and her new friend alone in the house ... The rest would be up to Bruce.

I decided to drive to the office, it was a good hour round trip and that would keep me away for a while, it was hard, I was so excited, I wanted to turn round and go see what might befall. I tried to find things to do, but my mind wasn’t on work. I rang Jon and told him that Jackie had taken to Bruce and I explained my scheme, that I hoped he was still on the bed and that when she left the bathroom the fireworks would start. I told him that I hoped his little camera would record the show. Jon said it was as good a plan as any and he hoped it would work he said he was looking forward to seeing the result ... God! ‘Fuck! What have I done I’ said. Jon laughed,’ its ok’ he said, ‘if she wants it, it will happen, if she don’t it won’t, either way she will be ok, she might even thank you. See you Monday’ he said and rang off.

I adhered to the speed limit all the way home, and as I pulled into our drive it was an hour and forty five minutes since I’d left. I let myself in ... almost shaking with anticipation. The house was quiet, not a sound, I called out my hello’s but no response. When I enterd the lounge Bruce got up and greeted me, his tail wagging, he had been lying on his bed, My heart sank, oh well I thought, it was worth a try. I went up stairs, quietly, the bedroom door was open, I put my head around the door. Jackie was sound asleep curled up in the duvet, her hair, a mess, stuck to her face and a tangled mass, there was a towel on the floor and her dressing gown lay dishevelled in her chair. The room, smelt sour and a lttle fishy, like sweaty pussy, my cock twitched at the aroma. At the bottom of the bed, where Jackie had pulled the duvet up, were two very large wet patches and some silvery stains were splashed over the undersheet. Fuck! I thought, can it be? Did she? Did Bruce? I tiptoed to the camera, it was off, I retreived it and quietly left the bedroom, my heart pounding, my cock tingling! Had the camera worked, had it run out of charge before ... Before...

I went out to my car and stashed the camera ... then eagerly dashed back and opened my laptop. As it came ready, the small icon for the camera program flashed, I opened it, a message flashed’recording end, memory full’.

I clicked the file icon and a box opened, ‘open with media player or vsl player?’ I clicked media player, it opened...

And this is what I saw.

Bruce was on the bed, and there I was, leaving the bedroom. The room when still, I turned the sound up, I could hear quiet gentle splashing, Jackie was still in the bath. I watched for a further 5 minutes, nothing just bruce on the bed. Then the bathroom door opened, and Jackie came out, she was wearing her red satin dressing gown. Bruces ears pricked, she quickly walked to her bed side cabinet, took something out, it was her lelo, her fabulous little vibe, it was waterproof. Then she hurried back to the en-suite and closed the door. Bruce jumped off the bed and sniffed at the closed door, then he clambered back onto the bed and lay down. It all went quiet again and nothing happened ... I turned the sound up as high as it would go, I thought I could hear Jackie sighing and groaning ... But to be honest it was probably my imagination. I ran the film on five minutes and then another five minutes, I restarted just as Jackie left the bath room. Again clad in her red dressing gown and with a towel on her hair, she returned her vibe to the drawer. She then went to her dresser and checked her face in the mirror, she looked gorgeous as ever. Bruce sat up, his ears pricked, he watched her intently. She towel dried her hair and dropped the towel at her feet, she combed her hair and applied creams to her face arms and chest, giving me a nice flash of boob, which was very titalating to watch. She picked up her pot of cream and went to the chair by the window, she sat down, this meant her back was slightly to the camera, but I could see her face in profile and the right sideof her body and her right leg. Bruce climbed of the bed, and walked over and sat in front of Jackie watching her intently. His tail wagging, I could hear the thump, thump as it hit the rug.

Jackie looked at him, ‘hello boy’ she said, she chuckled,’ look at you, quiet the voyeur’. Then she started to put cream on her legs, her gown parted and I could see her naked legs, and ... Yes a tantalising glimps of breast and nipple. Bruce stood up, she sat forward, her right leg up, her calf balanced on her left knee and she appliedthe cream. Bruce whined and whimpered, his tail wagging faster, he leaned forward and his nose began to twitch, Jackie looked at him, with her dry hand she stroked his head... ‘good boy’ she said. Then as she put her leg back down, bruce lunged between her thighs, and attempted to sniff and lick at her sex. ‘Hey!’ Shouted Jackie, she pushed him away, ‘cut that out you cheeky boy’, she chuckled, ‘there’s nothing there for you’! Bruce, shook himself, licked his chops and sat down again, Jackie then applied cream to her left leg, but now she was looking at Bruce rather quizically. Once she’d finished applying her cream, she put her leg down again ... Bruce stood up again his tail wagging, his nose twitching. ‘Oi’, Jackie said, ‘don’t you dare’. Then without getting off the chair she leaned to her side stretching out and grabbed the towel, she had thrown down earlier, as she did her legs splayed to stop the chair from topperling and as she did, Bruce made his move, he dived between her thighs and got his nose and I assume tongue on her minge. Jackie yelped, but off balance she took a moment to regain her position, and so naughty Bruce had some time to do what ever it was he did! As she regained control Jackie shouted,’ Bruce no!’ and she pushed him away ... Fuck it I though, that will put paid to that. But as she pushed Bruce away, he simply sat down and yapped at her, just once, he looked at her and whined his tail still wagging... ‘Bruce!’ she said, ‘you are a bad boy’, but there was no anger in her voice. And then, without any further word or command she simply slipped down a little in the chair and opened her thighs wide.

Bruce looked at her, and stood up, his tail wagging slower now, he stepped forward and gently pressed his snout between her thighs, I could’t see what was happening but Jackie just gasped. Then Bruces head began to move up and down slightly and from side to side. Jackie took a sharp intake of breath and put her hands over her mouth, ‘Oh my’, she whispered. She moved her hands from her face, placed one on her tummy and the other on Bruce’s head... ‘Christ, Brucie’ she croaked, ‘where did you learn to do that, Oooooooh, yessss, Oh, God!’ But then she pushed him away,’ no no’, she snapped and I thought that was that, but she stood up, Bruce jumped back,’ I need to be more comfortable’ she said, she let the robe slip from her shoulders, into the chair, and completely naked she stepped over to our big kingsize bed. She sat on the end, just off centre, she pushed the duvet, a way behind her, ‘come here boy’ she called softly, and laid back and opened her thighs luridly and imediately Bruce returned to her hot wet pungent pussy - and all this perfectly in-line with the camera! As Bruce began to lick her again, Jackie gripped her own large breasts and pinched her hard, dark nipples, groaning in her lust.

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On Becoming Miss Louisa Harper of New York and Newport 3

From 'The Autobiography of Miss Louisa Harper' ~ "Langdon Beech-Thorndyke III was 'a catch.' Mother and Father thought that he would be a perfect match for me. He was twenty three and I was fifteen. My parents hoped that we would become betrothed that summer and then a grandiose wedding would follow in three years after I turned eighteen. This was my sister's summer, though. Miranda would be married in August to a Vanderbilt cousin who she barely knew. The opulent affair...

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My Virgin Neighbour Mansi Part 8211 4

Hey, guys, this is arav, once again I am here to share my further experience after a long time with my gorgeous, bold, beautiful girlfriend Mansi, Please read the previous 3 parts for more pleasure and excitement and also do likes and comments. This is a continuation of the third part and I began with that horny evening, As this part is most exciting and hornier please read as whole to enjoy. After that evening we again busy in our exams schedules because every weekend we had back to back exam...

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Uncle Fucked MansiPart 1

Hello, everyone, this is Ishan again going to continue with my sex story. So after sharing my experiences on the farewell night then last on graduation day, I am going to share with you all today about what happened to Kavya (name changed) after we parted. Well, today I will be using the real name of Kavya in the sex story as suggested by some friends. So the real name of the girl of all my stories I have submitted so far is Mansi. Those who have read my last sex story will be knowing that...

3 years ago
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Shamans and Harpies

Foreword: I first began this story on a free site I created. It was a captioned story line, so the story was woefully condensed due to it being captioned. I loved the overall story line, which is the reason for in me bringing it to a greater degree of life via this format. Join with me as we see Tammy Wallace aka Cindy Williams reflect on her past year. A year of where; hers, a fake husband that she's come to love, two beautiful little girls, one having been a friend of many years,...

2 years ago
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Mansi Bhabhi Ki BraPanty Ki Shopping

Hi, dosto, mera name Sushant hai, main West UP se hu. Mera lund 7 inch lamba aur 2 inch mota hai. Meri lambai 5 feet 8 inch hai, main dikhne mein smart hu.  Yeh kahani mere tau ke ladke ki wife Mansi ki hai. Mansi ko main bhabhi kehta tha. Bhaiya ki shadi ko abhi ek sal hua tha. Bhaiya subh office chale jate aur sham ko ghar aate the. Rat ko kabhi-kabhi hi bhabhi ko chodte the. Yeh bat bhabhi ne mujhe bad mein batayi thi. Bhabhi ghar par akeli rehti thi, kyoki mere tau aur tai gaon ke rehte...

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Mans Best Friend

Man’s Best Friend I had nothing planned. It was supposed to be my normal Sunday afternoon – put the TV on, find some sport to provide some background noise… and catch up on some work, maybe even have a beer or two. I’m not saying I had my priorities right but life had been that way for a few years now, not enough hours in the work week to keep up, so my Monday morning started on Sunday afternoon. I didn’t quite live alone, my faithful, ageing, companion was a Black Labrador called Ben who...

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On Becoming Miss Louisa Harper of New York and Newport 2

From 'The Autobiography of Miss Louisa Harper' ~ "Beauty comes from pain, Louisa. A proper young woman does not present herself unless she is properly coiffed, properly made-up, properly attired and wearing the proper accoutrements. That, Louisa, is what 'proper' means." Of course, I tried to argue. That is, after all, what an adolescent is supposed to do, but my mother would just purse her lips, shake her head in disgust and repeat that one sentence that she spoke most frequently...

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On Becoming Miss Louisa Harper of New York and Newport 6

From 'The Autobiography of Miss Louisa Harper of New York and Newport' ~ "The day of Miranda's wedding was cloudy and overcast, so perhaps Aunt Ada had been correct. Perhaps God would not waste a beautiful day on a wedding that would lead to a loveless marriage. Instead of using the vast tents that had been erected on the lawns at Golden Bluffs, everything was moved into our grand ballroom, which was large, but could not accommodate everyone who'd been invited. So, tables were also...

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On Becoming Miss Louisa Harper of New York and Newport 5

From 'The Autobiography of Miss Louisa Harper' ~ "The week prior to Miranda's wedding was a hectic and crowded one at Golden Bluffs. All of our relations came to Newport for the event and many of them stayed with us. Unfortunately, we also had many friends and business associates staying as well, which did lead to some difficult choices. Father was a self-made man who had family he wanted in attendance, but they were from a lower rung of society. So, since the rooms were assigned to...

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Miss Manson Gets Caught Out

Ms. Jasmine Storey, the Deputy Head Mistress in charge of student behaviour at St Katherine’s School sat behind her desk in her office in disbelief. Never in her seventeen years as a teacher, and even in her seven years as Deputy Head Mistress, had she heard anything like it. She could not believe what the young Head of Music, Miss Mulligan, had told her that morning. Even when Rebecca had presented her with overwhelming evidence that one of the teachers at St Katherine’s had been over-stepping...

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A Visit To Miss Manson After School Part One

Unlike my initial thoughts, finding Miss Manson after twenty-eight years had not been difficult. All it seemed to take was a Facebook message that my friend had found and then a Google search. Turned out that my ex-History Mistress and the lady who had smacked my bottom five times in after school detention, was still doing what I had heard she was, and Google had revealed exactly where she was based. I had managed to find an address for her goat farm on the internet and had even driven up...

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My Virgin Neighbour Mansi 8211 Part 3

Hi,  friends, this is a continuation of my previous stories in which I share my further experience with my gorgeous chubby neighbour mansi with whom I am deeply in love so as she,u people already know her age, figure, and our sessions.If don’t know please read previous two parts for more enjoyment and excitement. Guys this is a hottest session and I want to share every moment so please read fully you all will enjoy after reading full Please read whole As we all know that after defloration and...

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Memories of Miss Manson

This is a true story of what happened to me during my time at secondary school between 1987 and 1994. In 1986, if my memory serves me correctly, corporal punishment in schools was banned. However, that didn’t seem to stop teachers at my old school – and may I add – completely female teachers – from using it on occasions. I remember an incident in a Drama lesson at the school. We were all in PE kit of t-shirt and shorts and had been instructed by the teacher, a tall, blonde lady called Mrs...

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A Visit To Miss Manson After School Part Two

After about ten minutes, I heard footsteps on the stairs as the women made their way to the bedroom. They made their way along the landing and walked into the room, standing and looking at my already red and bruised bottom which was facing them as I lay face down on the bed. Elaine placed my clothes on the chair in the far corner of the large room.“That’s a well spanked bottom, Auntie Pauline.” Kirsty laughed.I then felt Pauline’s cool hands rubbing my bottom gently. I pushed my hips down...

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Die Beste Valerie

Zusammenfassung: Er ist ein erfolgreicher Bundesligaspieler und hat zudem ein seltenes Hobby. Er verf?hrt und unterwirft Frauen, um zu sehen, wie weit er ohne Zwang mit ihnen kommt. Als er die hochbegabte Valerie kennen lernt, wei? er genau: Die will er haben. Egal ob er bereits eine Sklavin hat. Als sein Versuch seine alte Sklavin loszuwerden nicht von Erfolg gekr?nt wird, beh?lt er beide. Eine scharfe Konkurrenzsituation entsteht, welche beide Sklavinnen zu unvorstellbaren Leistungen an...

5 years ago
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My Virgin Neighbour Mansi

Hi, this is arav (25), sharing my 1st true sex experience with my neighbor mansi(24) whom I banged many times in every fantasy situation please read the whole story will enjoy a lot. I am an engineer and preparing for govt jobs, my family and many family are nighbours for 8 years so its understood that I and mansi were friends for 7 years but suddenly things changed last year. When mansi completed her post graduation and I left a job for government job preparation, till then we were out of our...

2 years ago
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My mans view on my new desire for bbc

Let me tell you a bout my somewhat recently/maybe newly single, x/current gf Rach.She is a smoking hot dark blond/ lite burr. I have secretly lead her down this path of corruption. When i met her she was a fun part-yer and lush drinker. When we started dating along time ago, i notice she ONLY would ware thong panties/ underware. She had here belly pierced ones and had been when 1 other dude prior.Well for the past idk greater part of the year i got addicted to cuckold/ir porn in my own time and...

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A cuckold with Mans Best Friend

Me on the other hand am in my last year of college. I am getting my teaching degree. I have allways loved teaching. I allways knew what I wanted to do with my life. I am not very out going, not really shy just sort of blends in. I dress plain, I have the body, I just dont show it off, except to Tom. One evening Tom and I were having dinner, one of his hunting dogs was laying by the fire place licking himself. Tom, I said, Why dont you let that dog out, I dont want to watch him doing that in...

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Womans Best Friend

((Please be aware that this story is very much a heavy set fetish story. My writing is and will always be focused on the "darker" side of fetishes, and might upset some people. It is not my intention to bring discomfort, but with that said I wont go out of my way to tune down the intensity or depravity of the way that the fetishes are portrayed. This story contains plenty of dehumanization, degradation, submission and much more. Some topics might be very disturbing to some people and if so then...

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My Virgin Neighbour Mansi Part 8211 2

Hi, guys, this is arav again sharing my further true experience with my horny neighbour mansi.I thank you, people, for the mixed review of my previous story, this is the continuation of that. So please read the first part if someone missed it…   …So that same evening I called her twice but she didn’t pick my call I messaged her but no response.Then after 1 hour she called me asked me “How are u?”   Fine, I said, I asked the reason why she was not responding my call& msg so she said she was...

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Mansi and Jiya

They were warm and firm and had a smooth silky texture, exactly as she had expected. Two of them were thicker than her wrist and they lay in neat heart shaped curves on her breasts. The remaining four were slightly thinner but longer and they made beautiful curves around the heart. Even in her intense state of arousal, Mansi could not help smiling. This was Jiya's speciality. No one else could do it with such perfection. Jiya's mountain of an arse was still only a few feet above her face with...

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How Do You Solve A Problem LikeMiss Manson

After her meeting with Ms. Storey that lunchtime and on hearing that the strict young deputy headmistress was going to allow Rebecca Mulligan to carry out her plan to deal with Miss Manson, the head of Music at St Katherine’s School did not hang around for long after the end of the school day. Once she had taken the full school orchestra for their after-school practice she returned to the Music office, packed her bag and hurried to her car. She arrived home just after 5 pm and decided that she...

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A young mans obsession with me

THIS STORY IS FICTION ONLY A young mans obsession with meMy name is sally and I have been married to my husband John for 15 years and in all that time I have never looked at another man in my years of marriage, My husband and I have a very active sex life and he is a great lover and sex is amazing with him, I love john very much and would do anything for him, we are a normal couple who like to experiment in the bedroom our favorite is fore play we love watching porn films while in bed,John...

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Bestie Sex Is The Best Sex

Hello, friends, this is Krish again here with my new sex story, I am 22 slim looking guy with a good length of 7inch and from Vijayawada.This is my 2nd sex story.Please excuse me if there are any mistakes in my sex story. My first sex story is “Mutual seduction of cousins” (https:www.Indiansexstories.Net/incest/mutual-seduction-cousins/) please read it from the above link and you are gonna love it definitely and also give me feedbacks on my email id: I just completed my engineering in another...

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An Old Mans Sick Fantasies

Derrick gets sucked by my wife My wife yelped and moaned as derrick pinched her nipples and slapped her breasts. Her nipples got really hard and turned quite red with the pinching and twisting he did to them. I then helped him oil up her torso, her hips, then her ass. We made her bend over and I got to rub the oil into the crack in her ass, then into her asshole itself. She squealed in excitement as I pushed oil in past her sphincter. Then I pushed two fingers into her as she screamed out in...

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Every mans dream0

Let me start off by saying this is a true story that I have personally experienced. Everything here is true and nothing has been made up except for changing the names of everyone involved for privacy reasons. This story contains every man's dream as well as every man's nightmare. I hope you enjoy! Let me also start off by telling a little bit about myself. I am in my mid 30's and have been a police officer since I was 21 years old. (Yes, cops are just as sexual as the rest of you...

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Seducing my new best friend

My name is Sue, and I'm forty-three. I'm a brunette, that has a nice C-cup rack. I have a wonderful daughter named, Britney. She is eighteen, and I'm a single mom. She never met her dad, because he bailed when he found out I was pregnant. Anyway, when Britney started her senior year of high school, she met a new girl, that moved there from out of state. Her name was Cindy, and she was also an only child, with a single mom. Her mom's name was Allison, and she also had a C-cup rack. I mention...

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Mansi Ki Meri Chahat

Dosto, Aap Sab ko mera yani ki Raj ka Pranam, mari age hai 26 Year and I am from Gujarat. Mere land ka size 6.5” hai jo kisi bhi bhi ladki ko shantust karne ke liye kafi hai, agar koi ladki, bhabhi or aunty sex karna chahti hai or sex chat karne ki ichhchha to mujhe mail kar shakti hai mera mail id hai. To jyada bore na karte hue hum chalte hai aajse karib 3 saal pahle ke flash beck mai sidhe apni story par, yeh story ka main hero mai hu or heroine mere sath kaam karne wali Mansi (Name...

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Fucked Girlfriend8217s Bestfriend In Oyo Room

Hi friends! My name is Divine and I’m here with another story and I hope you will like this one. This happened last week. I’m in last year of my graduation and fortunately, I have a girlfriend since second year. So, coming to the story. The name of the girl in this story is Vaishnavi. She is my girlfriend’s bestfriend and they are like sisters. One day, my girlfriend and I were casually talking and I asked my her to have sex with me. But she said I won’t do it till marriage. I tried to convince...

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Despite the Romans

DESPITE THE ROMANS By GENEVA Merala, the queen of Genoria, is faced with the total Roman takeover of her small realm. The arrogance of the Romans leads her to plan for the preservation of some of the Genorian way of life and some retribution for the Romans. This story takes place in approximately 100 A.D. (C.E.) and is another tale of the ancient women's realm of Genoria, situated on the shores of the Black Sea in Asia Minor. The story will stand on its own but some of my earlier...

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A New Gurlfriend

A New Gurlfriend by Paul1954 Discovery - May 14th, 1999 William Alistair Burns slammed the door shut, threw down his wet umbrella in the corner of the hallway, and started to remove his wet overcoat as he examined the drawn, and pale looking face that stared back at him in the mirror. He had just been through another piss awful day at the office and had arrived home late once again feeling mentally drained and physically exhausted, and he was really looking forward to winding...

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Eric Olafson Midshipman Vol 4Part 74 NEWPORT

We entered the outmost orbit of the Dover System ten hours before the deadline. Har-Hi who stood next to me sighed. “I wished it would have taken longer. This is what I am born for, to be aboard a ship and roam the stars’”. I felt the same way and agreed with him, saying. “Me too.” The doors opened and Wetmouth stepped through, taking her seat behind the small science station at the rear of the bridge. I observed Har Hi who acted as the OPS officer of our little crew dedicating sensors...

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My Bestfriend

So here I am....my bestfriend Justin's cock lying on my bottom lip. His hand slowly stroking it as I await for his sperm. His moans fill the room and turn me on even more. My mouth opens as a bead starts to form on his slit on his head of his 7 inch cock. It's creamy white in color. I could hardly wait for Justin to cum in my mouth...I watched a lot of gay porn and saw videos of guys cumming in other guys mouths and it was hot! I came a lot just watching them and now I was about to get a hot...

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My Wifes Best Girfriend

My Wife's Best Girlfriend (cd, mf, cons) by Princess Pervette "I'll bet that butt of yours would look good in panties," my wife said one morning when we were getting dressed. We had been swinging singles before we married, and if my workload had permitted, I suppose we would have been a swinging couple now, but I wasn't prepared for a remark like that. I gaped at her and said, "Huh?" "I said, you'd look good in panties. You've got a really neat ass." She grinned. "That isn't...

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My Pretty Little Slaves Chapter 16 Moving into the New Mansion with New Beginnings and Jessicas Decision

Introduction: This is a Fictional Story, Romance, Love and Sex. Enjoy it but dont take it too seriously My Pretty Little Slaves Chapter 16 Moving into the New Mansion with New Beginnings and Jessicas Decision Characters Introduced: Maize, 34, 58 Black maid Hazel, 33, 56 Black maid Dominic, 35, chef 62, white, Derrick, 18, Dominics assistant 60, White Charmaine, 14, 52 Black maid, daughter of Hazel Chellise, 14, 52 Black maid, daughter of Hazel Chemier, 14, 52 Black maid, daughter of Hazel...

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My Pretty Little Slaves Chapter 16 Moving into the New Mansion with New Beginnings and Jessicas Decision

Characters Introduced: Maize, 34, 5'8 Black maid Hazel, 33, 5'6 Black maid Dominic, 35, chef 6'2, white, Derrick, 18, Dominic's assistant 6'0, White Charmaine, 14, 5'2 Black maid, daughter of Hazel Chellise, 14, 5'2 Black maid, daughter of Hazel Chemier, 14, 5'2 Black maid, daughter of Hazel Chrystyna, 16, 5'7 Black maid, daughter of Hazel Cleona, 16, 5'7 Black maid, daughter of Hazel Corine, 17, 5'8 Black maid, daughter of Hazel Kasmira, 17, 6'0 Black maid,...

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A WellLived Life 3 Book 1 SuzanneChapter 56 A New Best Friend

October 7, 2000, Chicago, Illinois “Are you sure that’s a good idea?” I asked. “What if they come home?” Actually, I wasn’t sure it was a good idea even IF they didn’t come home. I’d reluctantly agreed to the threesome because Cynthia had really wanted to do it. But that seemed out of the question, especially because I had decided, for sure, to ask Kelly to be my girlfriend after the dance on Friday. It wasn’t that there was anything wrong with Libby. In fact, I had been very disappointed...

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Mansi 8211 The Beginning

Hi frnds, this is sonia. Aaj main aap logo ko emotions k us roller coaster pe leke jana chahti hu jisse har ladki kabhi na kbhi guzarti hai. Ye kahani hai ek chote shahar se ayi ek seedhi sadhi ladki mansi ki, jo ki aankhon me sapne liye, architect banne chandigarh aati hai. So, bina waqt zaya kiye main ye kahani usi k lafzon me aapke samne pesh karna chahti hu.   Baat un dino ki hai jab mere 12th k exam abhi abhi khatm hue the, aur gharwalo ne question karna shuru kar diya tha ki aage kya...

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Mansi Aunty K Saath Mera Pehla Sex

Ye story mere aur mansi aunty ke beech pehle sex ki hai, maine pehle baar sex unke saath hi enjoy kiya. Mansi aunty meri neighbor hain unki age 35 years hai. Unke husband ka glass ka business hai. Unke dono bacche mere ghar tution k liye ate hain meri mom un baacchon ko padhati hain. Ye baat tabki hai jab mai bca 3rd year mein tha. Mai unko shuru se like karta tha jab mai unko first time dekha tha tab se unke saath sex karne ka man karta tha ek din unke mobile mein kuch problem ho gayi thi to...

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Mansi my sex partner

Hi Friends, I am Abhi aged 30 from New Delhi. I am regular reader of ISS. This is really an amazing site. I have been reading stories o this for the past few years and really enjoyed them. This is my first story here that just happened a few days back. Just to tell you about myself, I am the owner of a software services company here. It’s a small company with a staff of around 20 people. There is a lady amongst my staff named Mansi who’s taking care of accounts. She is married and has a 3 year...


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