Thibadeau the PirateChapter 7
- 3 years ago
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Sarah and Jason Thibadeau received a letter from the publishers of their story Thibadeau The Pirate. Opening it they read: Jason, we have just received a letter from a person by the name of Thibodeaux located in North Carolina. She has asked me to put you in contact with her. She claims to have information about an ancestor of hers that very possibly could be the same person as the first Jason Thibadeau of Vermont. According to this lady there are too many similarities between her ancestor and the Jason of your book to be just a coincidence. Her address follows. Miss Harriet Thibodeaux 123 River Road Charlotte, NC 28205 Tel 919-555-6201
Sarah and I were both curious about Jason's early years and just maybe this woman had some answers. Sarah called that evening. A woman with a pleasant voice answered. "Hello, this is Harriet Thibodeaux."
"Hello, this is Sarah Thibadeau of Vermont. I'm calling in reference to a letter you sent to the Sunshine Publishing House about the family Thibodeaux. Would you explain why you might think my husband's ancestor that we wrote about and the one that is the ancestor of yours might be one and the same?"
"I certainly will. I have the diary of the mother of the one we are talking about. Her name was Winifred Boylston, wife of John Boylston of Raleigh. She had three children, all boys. John Jr., Jason, the middle son and William, the youngest."
Sarah broke in. "Thibadeau. I was asking about Thibadeau."
"I know. This may take a few minutes to connect the dots. Bear with me. John Boylston owned a small plantation and kept slaves. Apparently his was an unhappy marriage with dissension between husband and wife always present. It had to do with the husband spending much time among the female Nigra slaves which Winifred felt was very demeaning. Especially as her husband was producing progeny by these same Nigras.
"According to this diary, things came to a head when the second child reached four years of age. John Jr. was short, fair and the same coloring and stature as his sire. Jason, on the other hand, was slim, dark and tall for his age. John Sr. never gave it a thought until some visitors from Winifred's home town came to call. One of visitors was Etienne Thibodeaux and he made much of little Jason. It was obvious that they shared some common blood when they were seen in close proximity. John Sr. recalled that Winifred had made yearly trips home on extended visits for the last several years.
"A major battle raged for over a week until a truce was put together. Each had to compromise. John Sr. agreed to raise Jason until he reached the age of ten years. In return Winifred agreed to never have contact with Thibodeaux again. When company came, Jason would be hidden from view, for Boylston feared humiliation.
"In many ways, it was a miserable life for little Jason. The Boylstons, father and son, made sure of that. The mother Winifred, produced another son, William. This child was born a year later after the compromise and conceived from the rape by her husband.
"The day she regained her feet from her confinement she faced her husband. 'If you ever touch me again you will die. Look around you. I brought my slave Mammy with me when I came to you. If I say I want you to get sick and die, that is what will happen. And know that if you try to sell her, I will have the law on you. I will be your wife in name only from this day on. I also would have you consider how you treat my son Jason. I will make the arrangements to have him leave as agreed when he reaches the age of ten. Just make sure nothing happens to him until then.'"
"You read this in Winifred's diary?"
"Yes. It gives an insight to daily life on our early plantations."
"How did you come by this diary if she was a Boylston and you are a Thibodeaux?"
"Winifred outlived her husband by some years. When this Jason was thirty years old she moved back to her home town away from her oldest son who had inherited the plantation. She did keep her promise to never see Etienne again, but was in constant contact through the years with him by post. She was buried in his family plot although not next to him as he had family of his own. She was a cousin of his wife, so she legitimately could lie there. She directed that her papers be given to the cousin or her niece after her death."
"Is there any way to tell if this Jason was the one who came to Vermont?"
"Not absolutely, but it is quite certain. He wrote his mother letters which I have, as well as the diary. Letters continued periodically to the family up until 1794 which seems to be the last time there was any information about him.
"Later on it was indicated that one Rachel Curtis may have had contact with someone from the north, but there is no record of it that I have in my possession. You will find that this Rachel Curtis played a large part in being an ancestor and I am descended from her through her son, Steven.
"Jason was a privateer, for he sent his mother the Lettre de Marque he sailed under sometime after the war was over. He did live a very exciting life, both at sea and on land, where he had the honor of meeting well-known personages. He met General Washington several times."
"Why did he drop out of sight when he did?"
"There was a scandal in 1793 that possibly contributed to his disappearance. He and his older brother never got along, going back to his childhood before he was driven from home. The scandal was over a woman that both men may have coveted. The woman was to be William's wife. It isn't quite clear what the relationships were.
"A duel was fought with Jason wounding his older brother. He spent quite some time in the sheriff's keep while the case against him was being decided. Dueling was illegal at that time although seldom enforced. John Jr. was a well-known plantation owner and that is why Jason was held. Shortly after he was released, he disappeared and was lost to friends and foes alike."
"The time line seems to be correct. He was thirty-five when he reached Vermont."
"Maybe not. This Jason Thibodeaux would have been nearly forty. That seems to be a discrepancy."
"If he is the one, maybe he lied about his age for some reason. What do you want to do with the information you have?"
"I thought maybe you would take what I have and make a fairly factually account of him. He is the only ancestor I have that I know of that was the least bit exciting. When you read the letters, you will see what I mean. I would be glad to have you peruse them."
"I would love to see them. Would it be possible for us to visit you?"
"Certainly my dear. Just think, both of you could possibly be relatives of mine. My family in and around this section of the country have mostly died out. Down through the years, the Thibodeauxs never amounted to much, all being in trade of one sort or another. That may be why I have clung to all of the papers concerning Jason Thibodeaux."
"Don't say that. There is nothing special about either Jason or myself. We met, found out we had common ancestors, fell in love and wrote a story about what drew us together. Jason will bring some pictures of his great-aunt Nellie. Who knows, there may be a similarity in your features. As soon as we can make arrangements to travel, I will let you know when to expect us. Our two-year-old son Marcus will be traveling with us. He is a Thibadeau to the last hair on his head."
"Oh, I'm so thrilled! I almost didn't write your publisher, thinking it would be futile to expect that they would forward my letter to you. Then I ascertained there was nothing to lose. I do have plenty of room for you to stay with me."
"We don't have your letter. The publisher just gave us your name and phone number. We don't really need the letter now, do we?"
"No. It was just a request for you to contact me if you were interested. Do call soon so I can meet you in person."
"Jason, we are going to North Carolina as soon as I can arrange travel plans. We have to meet this lady. We have often wondered about the original Jason Thibadeau. You are his namesake and we must find out if there is a connection."
"I suppose. What about my business? Do you expect me to drop everything and take off?"
"Yes. You are going even if I have to bribe you."
"And how would you bribe me?"
"The same way Ruth Baker bribed the original Jason Thibadeau when she wanted something."
"Okay, put Marcus in bed and make sure he is asleep."
My wife had flown several times but I had not, so was a little hesitant. It was almost a nonstop flight so there was only the complication of having to make one change. Marcus was excited and we bought a little model plane for him to play with while in the air. Landing at Raleigh-Durham, we took the shuttle into Raleigh to a hotel, only going into the lobby to call a taxi to take us to the address of Miss Harriet Thibodeaux.
I was startled when we met, for this lady could have been the sister of Aunt Nellie. She looked much as I remembered my aunt when I was twelve. Miss Harriet was a little more refined looking, had somewhat finer features, stood more upright and had beautiful coiffured white hair. But then she never was burdened by having murdered her husband as my aunt had done. This lady greeted us as if we were long lost relatives and we may be just that.
The first thing Miss Harriet did after finishing our greetings and we were relaxing, was to ask if she could take a picture of Marcus. Hooking her camera up to her computer, she printed this image out. She did something so it came out old-time looking. Opening up an album she placed this with images of three other children. "Look at these. Tell me they are not all of the same blood."
Sarah and I stared at the images as she continued, "This child is Steven and could be little Marcus' twin. The other two resemble him closely. They were a little older when their pictures were taken. All these children are from different generations. Jason, I wish I had asked you to bring a baby snap of your own to compare."
"No need for I looked exactly like those you have here."
I think this Miss Harriet was as strung up on the Thibodeauxs as Aunt Nellie had been. Conversation would drift away but soon would return to the Thibodeaux family. She had contact with three distant cousins that lived in the Louisiana area near New Orleans. She was somewhat disgusted with them for they didn't appear interested in family history at all and had kept no documents going back more than a generation or two.
Miss Harriet brought forth the diary that she treasured so. Winifred Boylston was evidently literate, for every word inscribed in the diary was legible. Her letters and sentences were even and well-formed and quite easy to read. Much different than Ruth Baker's struggle to record the life of Jason Thibadeau.
"I brought out only the first of three books that comprised her diary. This is the one that tells of her marriage to John Boylston. Boylston was not her choice for a husband, but that of her father's. She never forgave her father and he wasn't welcomed to come and visit. She did have one brother who she thought well of. She wrote much of life on the plantation up until Jason was four.
"I will tell you this though, there is very little information on these pages after that except about Jason. Even Etienne Thibodeaux was seldom mentioned. He was always referred to as 'My Love' after the big fight that she had when it was discovered that Boylston was not the sire of Jason. The most salient fact I wanted you to see is the birth date of Jason Thibodeaux." She thumbed through the diary. "Here it is; Jason Boylston, son, born April 19th, 1756.
"He would have been four when his parentage was disclosed in 1760 and he went to his biological father in 1766. Winifred made much note of this remarking she was sad to see her son leave her side, but that the agreement she made was a good decision. Her eldest son, two years older than Jason, had already followed his father at his early age to the quarters of the Nigras. He bedded a wench which he was wont to brag upon. She didn't want that for Jason."
I was thinking that life in Vermont and life in North Carolina ran parallel in some respects at that time. A whole lot of fornicating going on. Maybe not as much in the north, but for the reason only of not having an available partner as on a plantation. I guess in this instance, my sympathies would lie with the slaves who couldn't object to the attention of the one that owned them.
"How well do you know these diaries and the letters that you say you have?"
"Almost word for word. Would you like to see the Lettre de Marque? I have it here."
"May I?"
Miss Harriet went out of the room and soon returned with an elaborate document encased in a frame that we could tell was made by a conservator of valuable papers. This was issued by the Continental Congress of these United Colonies. It listed the countries that the bearer of this document could legitimately attack and seize ships and take prizes.
This really was a document that was a protection for the bearer, if caught, to prevent him from being hanged as a pirate. Other than that, it was a license to go about as a privateer, attacking whoever he wanted as long as the country at war with the issuer was on the list. There were other conditions spelled out as to the dissolution of the goods seized. Maritime law was the most universal adhered to form of governance and recognized by every country.
"Miss Harriet, tell us a little about yourself. It is fun talking about past history and those in it but we are here and we should talk about the present. You know much about Sarah and I from the book, but we know nothing about you."
"Not much to tell. I taught school, more of the arts than the three R's. I never married, but that isn't to say I haven't had my share of companions. I think the Thibodeaux blood runs deep in that respect. The most exciting happenings in my life usually centers around hurricanes that come down on us periodically. I did live in the center of Raleigh for a long time and have moved to this location just within the last three years.
"How long will you be staying? I ask for I would like to take you down to Wilmington where the Thibodeauxs were located and show you the actual homestead. I will point out the graves of Etienne and Winifred and Miz Liz as well. The Boylston plantation here in Raleigh was swallowed up a century ago by developments. I do know where it was located though."
"What was the crop the Boylstons produced--cotton?"
"No it was tobacco. The world clambered for it as people became increasingly addicted to it."
"We should have rented a car to drive you to these places. We only planned on being here three days."
"No need. I have a nice roomy car and know the area. I may be getting old, but it hasn't slowed me down one iota. We leave here and go right down Route I 40. I make the trip all the time. Wilmington, you know, was a great shipping port early in the 1700's. It has always played a part in shipping and ship building.
"The Thibodeauxs first settled in New Orleans, but some splintered off and came here to this port." Miss Harriet started laughing. "You notice I seem to always get back to mentioning the Thibodeauxs. That is why when I discovered your book I just had to contact your publisher."
"I'm so glad you did. You know if worst comes to worst, we could have some DNA testing done to prove we are related. I have a feeling though that your Jason Thibodeaux and my Jason Thibadeau are one and the same. We just have to make the connection."
"I alluded to Jason meeting and the knowing of great personages. That came about right here in Wilmington. When Jason was four, there was a shipping firm established here in Wilmington by a man that later signed the Declaration of Independence. His name was Joseph Hewes. He was what we would call today a shipping tycoon. He was much into politics and an elected official both here in the colony and in this new administration when it was established.
"He dealt with all things naval and placed his ships at the disposal of the Continental Forces. He was instrumental in procuring a great portion of the heavy armament such as the cannons and shot for General Washington to wage war with. He died young at age fifty after falling ill while in office. He was the first de facto Secretary of the Navy. Where it touched on this family, he was the one to give Jason Thibodeaux the Lettre de Marque at age nineteen. Jason earned it through some previous hair-raising exploits while at sea."
Harriet Thibodeaux was a most interesting person. The Thibodeaux family was not her only interest. She was proud of North Carolina and its history. Especially some of the famous men that had made the history. She recounted the exploits of numerous men, some even while still a colony of England.
I, in turn, bragged about those of Vermont. I spoke of my mother with affection and when age was discussed we decided that Harriet and Mom were of the same age. She gave forth that she would like to meet her. I, off the cuff, invited Miss Harriet to visit us in Vermont. She in turn pleaded with us to extend our visit as long as we were here. We did and it was ten days before we saw Vermont soil again.
We returned with all of the papers and journals that Harriet had in her possession. While we were with her, the conversation always turned to the family Thibodeaux and what the diaries contained as she knew them so well. By the time Vermont and its luscious Green Mountains came into view, we had a pretty good idea about the early life of Jason Thibodeaux.
1760 Jason Boylston, age 4
Author's note: I leave the present and pick up Jason Thibodeaux at an early age. I have given this child until he was ten the ability to speak as an adult in the interest of furthering the story. Actually he spoke much beyond his ken at that age. This is also written in the manner of centuries ago.
The man came to see Mama. He was much different than Papa. Papa was very angry and I didn't know why. Maybe it was because the man kissed Mama and Papa saw him. The man called me to him and squatted down and looked into my face. He looked very happy to see me and smiled up at Mama looking pleased. Papa got very angry and told the man to leave. This man was tall and had very dark hair and he laughed at Papa saying he would, but wanted to talk to Mama first.
Mama was closeted with the man while Papa walked up and down outside and swore great oaths. If I hadn't dodged Papa would have kicked me. Mama saw him do this when she was coming out the door with the man. I never saw Mama so mad. The Nigras came up from the quarters and watched Mama and Papa fight. The man stood and then said some words to Papa warning him against doing something to me and Mama.
The man got ready to leave. He came to me again and knelt down and said someday I would live in his house. He hugged me to him and kissed me on both cheeks. He then went to Mama and kissed her on the lips as she clung to him. He then mounted his horse and rode away. Papa went down to the Nigra quarters and got drunk. Johnny called me a l'il bastard the next day. I hate him!
Mama and Papa are fighting all the time. I go and stay by Mammy when this happens. Mammy belongs to Mama and sleeps with Big Obie. I feel safe with Big Obie. I go to the fields and he shows me how to be strong. Johnny can't be mean when I am beside him. Big Obie is Papa's best Nigra, so Papa doesn't say anything about me being with him.
Sometime after the man came, Big Obie was acting different one afternoon. Papa had given him some rum. Mammy was awful mad at Big Obie and stayed down in the quarters with him so Essie and Madie wouldn't get in the bed with him. Papa came to Mama's room that night and Mama was screaming at him. I wanted to help Mama but I didn't know what to do.
Mama is going to have a baby like Madie and Essie do. After Mama gets a big belly Mammy says I am going to have a brother or sister. When my brother came, he is small and I guess I like him and I call him Willie. Mama likes him too, but she doesn't like Papa at all. She locks her door every night. I start school this week. Mama has a man come in from the big town to teach us, Johnny and me. Mama says for me to study hard for someday I will need to know things. She didn't tell Johnny this, and spoke to only me.
I knew I was studying for something--Mama said to be bright with my figures. Mama was loved by the Nigras and they protected me as best they could. If Papa was drunk or feeling mean, I was shielded by them urging me to be someplace away from him. In other ways they helped me too. When it came time to learn to ride a pony, I was given every guidance by those same Nigras. As my ten-year birthday approached, Mama was more with me.
Sitting me down one evening, she proceeded to tell me that Master Boylston was not my father. "Your real father is a man of the sea. I have always loved him. Years ago your grandfather informed me he was dead and pressured me to take Boylston as a husband which I did to my regret. When I became pregnant and had nearly come to term with John Jr., Etienne Thibodeaux and I met by chance, he believing me dead and I believing the same of him. Later in subsequent meetings you were conceived. Etienne Thibodeaux visited that time you were four, but you were too young to go with him.
"You remember him don't you? Your life has changed much since that time."
"Yes Mama, I remember him. He kissed me on both cheeks."
"That is the French way. It is time for you to join him now that you are ten. My heart and my love go with you. You may tell him that I have taken a vow not to meet with him, but I still love him dearly. His representative will be here in the morning to escort you to the south and to the town of Wilmington. Son, even at ten years you are the image of your father.
"Now tonight, go down to the quarters and tell those that love you good-bye. Don't forget to kiss Mammy, for without her I could never have stood between you and the death that Boylston would have had for you. I will see you in the morning." Mama was crying as I left her room.
The drums were beating a sad and slow rhythm as I approached the quarters. Shy for once before all of these people so much different than me in so many ways. My heart ached for the freedom that they deserved but might never see. Then the rhythm speeded up and Essie came out from between two huts and danced around me as I stood in the middle of the little square. Madie, big with child, came and joined her. Soon all of the Nigras were dancing.
Mammy and Big Obie had pulled a cart wagon in to sit on. They motioned me to come sit between them. I watched as the rhythm picked up until there was a whirling mass of jumping and gyrating dark-skinned bodies giving homage to me that was leaving in the morning. The dancing went on for hours. During the third hour, Papa came staggering into the square screaming for everyone to go to their huts.
There was immediate silence. This was the man that had been my father. I thought he was for the first four years of my life and then he was the hated husband of my mother for the last six. Silently the Nigras closed in about their master. Looking into their eyes, he put his head down and slowly pushed his way out through the ring of bodies.
Soon tired and only of ten years, I crawled onto Mammy's massive lap and with her arms around me I fell asleep. As the sun was coming up, Mammy said as I looked around and found everyone gone, "Come little master, I'll make you breakfast. You say good-bye to your Mama and then the chaise will be here to take you away."
1766-1775 Jason Thibodeaux The learning years
Three days we were on the road. My driver was a free Nigra. When I asked a question of him he said Thibodeaux would tell me. Other than that he took care to see that I was fed and the two nights we traveled, he pulled into a plantation and I was taken to a small room where I was to sleep. I was fed in the kitchen by a mammy much like my own. Each time when we left, there was a new horse pulling the chaise and it was just as fast as the one we left behind.
It was well after dark when we arrived and the Nigra said that we were here. A good thing it was, for I was sore all over. The chaise was of one seat, two wheels and I had been bounced and buffeted for three days. A pleasant faced woman came and helped me down. "How did it go, Sam?"
"Fine Miz Liz. The young one never complained a bit. He took the trip almost as well as I did myself." He pulled away after telling the lady he would bring my things around in the morning.
I was alone and homesick which the lady must have been aware of. "Jason, for the time being you can call me Aunt. Thibodeaux has some plans for you which he will explain when he returns in a week or so. Right now he is at sea. Have you ever been to sea?"
"No ma'am."
"You will be very soon. Come, I'll show you where you will be sleeping. Do you want anything to eat?"
"No, I'm too sleepy."
"To bed with you then. You will be hungry in the morning. There will be my two girls breaking fast with you. They have been waiting anxiously for your arrival." I hardly remembered the walk from the front door to my room. My shoes came off and then my shirt and I didn't care if this fine lady saw me when my trousers came off, I was that tired.
Emmaline and Maybelle were the two girls. I was introduced and for the first time I was near a girl that wasn't colored. They had on beautiful dresses which were even prettier than what my Mama wore. My new aunt was pretty too. They all seemed to resemble each other, being very white of the skin and with long dark tresses. It was very straight, not like the kinky hair on the girls I had known. Emmaline was fourteen and Maybelle was twelve.
When my new aunt left the room, Maybelle said, "You are not a cousin you know and Mama isn't your aunt. You are Papa's bastard and that makes you some kind of brother. Did you know he is going to make you a Thibodeaux just like us? Mama couldn't have any more babies after she had me and that is why he made a baby with Mama's cousin and was glad when you were a boy to carry on his name."
I looked at Emmaline, who I thought was the prettiest. "Does your mama know about this?"
"Of course, she is the one that told us. She is happy for Papa too. We are all sad for cousin Winifred though. She can't ever see Papa again. It must be awful for you to leave your mother. Do you miss her?"
"Yes." As I said this a wave of loneliness came over me and tears came to my eyes. My aunt heard this last exchange and came and put her hand on my shoulder.
"Jason, don't mind them. They aren't being mean. They just wanted you to know how bad they would feel if I wasn't with them. They know how you feel. They feel a little bit of this every time their papa goes to sea. Even I feel like that. Come let's go write your Mama a letter and then you won't feel so lonely."
And he came! His presence filled the room--maybe the whole house even. He was quite loud and kissed his daughters and then kissed their mama long and hard. He turned to me and did just as I remembered. He kissed me first on one cheek and then the other. "Good, you made the trip fine. Missing your Mama some I expect. That is good too. You should never forget those that love you. I'm tired tonight. You and I will have a talk in the morning. I have some changes planned for you. I hope you will like them."
He turned away and taking his wife by the hand, led her from the room. Maybelle giggled. "Papa is going to make love to Mama. He always does when he first comes home."
In the morning he called me into a room where there were a few books and racks and racks of rolled up paper which he said were maps. "Jason, I don't know how much you know about your mother and myself. At one time I loved your mother and wanted to make her my wife. Events interfered and we were denied that pleasure. I married her cousin whom I now love very much. She has given me two beautiful daughters.
"For reasons I won't discuss, I coupled with your mother and you are the result of that union. That makes me your father. I would ask you if you would take my name. I have been informed that you have no particular affection for John Boylston. If you have objection, I will listen."
"No objection at all, sir."
"Good. I will petition the Royal Governor to have your name changed to mine. Now as to your instruction. Your mama says you are intelligent. Have you ever been on the water out of sight of land?"
"I have never been on any water."
"We will change that, and soon. To go long distances and fast and if the wind is right, water is the only way to travel. I am captain in the employ of a man that has a great number of ships. This next year you will be with me at all times here at home as well as on the water. You have much to learn. After that you will be shipping out with other captains and eventually earning your papers so that someday you can captain a ship of your own. Is this something you would do?"
"Sarah here." "Hi." "Hi, yourself. Jason, if you were here I would kiss you. God, I have never been so interested in anything as I am in these journals. I turned them all out of the chests and started to read the one written by a Ruth Baker. You know when I identified her as the first author of the first journal, it struck me that she had a biblical name and I have one too. How fitting, don't you think?" "If you say so." "Did you know your namesake was a pirate during the...
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Rachael Morgan deserved a good, long vacation and traveled to the Florida Keys. After working so hard over the holidays at the office, she earned plenty of cash to use for her trip. She wanted to go somewhere warm and sunny, a change from the cold, hard winter in Cincinnati. Rachael also wanted to get away from her jerk ex-boyfriend Jack, who she dumped because he wasn’t romantic, took her love for granted, their lovemaking was too routine, and their relationship had been in a rut. She got into...
The following story is going to be at least a 10-parter, with each chapter in a different category. If you enjoy this story, I’m afraid you’ll have to go find each part. Hope it’s worth it. Charlotte D’Ormond was the daughter of Francois D’Ormond, Comte de Filleaux. She was 19 years old, and her father had finally arranged a marriage for her. It shouldn’t have been difficult to find a husband for the daughter of a count, but Charlotte’s father wanted the very best for his daughter. So, it had...
“Hey!” Bonnie said, as she burst through the door. “Look what I found at the club.” She leaped into my lap, waving a flyer. “We have a sexy Halloween party to go to.” Since we'd moved in together at her uncle’s condo a couple of months before, we hardly had time to go out together. Bonnie calmed down enough to show me the flyer. The headline said: “Dress up for the sexiest night of the year! Spend Halloween Night with fun and games!” The graphics on the flyer suggested sex. Lots of sex....
Group SexAfter 6 long months at sea on the hunt for the notorious Pirate known only as the Princess I had decided it was time to sail to dry land and let the crew have a little time drinking, gambling and whoring. The past few months had been incredibly profitable we had sunk several Spanish galleons all loaded with gold and riches from the new world, and stopped a couple of rookie pirates who had started plaguing the Atlantic crossing. The crews had been killed, some joined our ranks and the captains...
Bad Wishing: Pirate Gold By DanielSan59 *Author's Notes: This story was inspired by a Joe Jusko painting. It just screamed for a tale involving a certain leprechaun. Thanks to JRD for letting me play in his back yard. His review of my portrayal of Patty O'Toole was invaluable. Any faults in the character at this point are mine, not his. Also, for those avid numismatists out there, don't bother trying to find reference to a "gold denarius." I made it up, but the story sure...
Rachael Morgan deserved a good, long vacation and traveled to the Florida Keys. After working so hard over the holidays at the office, she earned plenty of cash to use for her trip. She wanted to go somewhere warm and sunny, a change from the cold, hard winter in Cincinnati. Rachael also wanted to get away from her jerk ex-boyfriend Jack, who she dumped because he wasn't romantic, took her love for granted, their lovemaking was too routine, and their relationship had been in a rut. She got...
“The pirates would kiss Hayden, and sometimes they would cut off a hank of hair - ‘as a reminder of yer kisses, me lad’ - and one of them even cut off a piece of his earlobe. This particular pirate was Bill McGregor, and he was the one Hayden feared the most. Bill McGregor was the worst of them - and at night when everyone else was asleep, Bill McGregor would come looking for Hayden, his step slow and hollow on the planks of the deck, his voice a deep whisper. Boy,’ he would murmur. ‘where...
Kali Romanov had no idea how it happened. One minute she’d been in the middle of a screening of the latest pirate movie. The next thing she knew, she was on a boat in the middle of the ocean, hearing screams and the clash of swords. Kali took in the rough appearance of the men on one side, and their uniforms on the other. It took only an instant to figure out what was going on. She was on a ship that was being boarded by pirates. So far the pirates seemed to be loosing. Under the...
Monday, September 26 to the end of 2005 (Continued) The usual jock-related crap didn't occupy much of our time, as there were too many other fun things to do. Carol and I had both enjoyed "Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl" (I'm pretty sure for different reasons, although we both agreed that we liked Johnny Depp), so I booked out one of the local movie theaters on Nov 7, the day "Dead Man's Chest" came out. Me, Carol, and a hundred of our closest friends saw the...
The other disguised Freespace operations unit turned out to be a Togar Claw ship. A truly ancient tech level six Togar warship that had the stylized form of a lion’s paw, at least that is how Shaka described it and it was 600 meters long. At first we actually went to battle stations but the Togar female identified herself as Captain Roranak of the NAVINT X Fleet and on the same special communications equipment we had and was exclusive to NAVINT. We met aboard her ship, officially named...
Who doesn't know The Pirate Bay, aka TPB? But, do you remember Napster? How about Bear Share? Kazaa? Lime Wire? Back in the early aughts, programs such as these are what introduced me to a whole lot of fun. I remember the feeling of excitement that came with downloading an album or a movie from one of these programs back in the day. I was young, too, so it was a little tinged with nervousness. That nervous excitement led to a fuck ton of burned CDs (full albums and customized mixtapes) that...
Porn Torrent SitesThere was about ten more minutes before the meeting was due to start. I had left the bridge and found my new quarters on the same deck and not far from the bridge. Everything was still sterile and new. My quarters were spacious and equipped with the latest technology, including an Auto Dresser, but to my astonishment it was not the standard Navy issue but an advanced Saresii model. I still had time to correct my shave, get a haircut and alter my uniform according to my new rank. As I stepped...
The super liner Queen Mary 2, was 1,132 feet long, carried 2,620 passengers and 1,253 crew members. It was essentially the size of a skyscraper landed on its side. Possibly the biggest liner of its kind in the world. It was, simply, big. However, off the Eastern Coast of Africa, it was merely a great big target. Abdi Barre smiled at the super liner. He was, at first, impressed at the size of the liner, and awed by its majesty. His second impression, however, was to plan to board her, and...
Seedy Pirate By Persephone CHAPTER ONE: The Beginning I... I really don't know where to start. I know I said I needed to talk to you, to tell you something, to explain. Well, like I said on the phone, I need to tell you something about me that you need to know. I guess that down deep I knew I would be in this spot someday trying to explain this to someone. I really want you to know that I appreciate you being here and I hope that you are willing to keep an open mind....
Keith Jones – Pirate Fooks – Gunnery Terry Brakston - mate Micky Folliger – new mate Big George - crew Monique Debeer – governess (30+) Madrigal – brown hair eldest sister (19) Melissa – light brown hair second sister (17) Angela – blonde third sister (15) April – light black maid (17) May – flat and black haired maid (17) June – brown haired (17) Augusta – pale hair( 39) Zanubia – pale straw hair (25) Nell – cook Bill Non-mad Bill to distinguish him – handiman and husband to Nell The ship...
Once up a time there lived a pirate by the name of Long John Thomas. A bloodthirsty fiend who terrorised the kingdom of Albion, he sailed the seven seas on his trusty galleon the Randy Badger. Any man who dared to take to the sea would find themselves on the end of his sword and any woman who dared to take to the sea would find herself on the end of his cock. This is the story of how Long John Thomas humped the oldest daughter of the King of England. Princess Beatrice was not a fan of...
Thanks to b0b for beta reading this! Warlock Faoril – The Golden Hunger, The Nimborgoth Shock paralyzed my actions as the pirate captain, Thyrna, pressed my face into the shaved, spicy folds of her pussy, smearing it on my flesh as she held a fistful of my short, light-brown hair. Pain flared across my scalp as she humped against me. She lay on her bed’s edge. I knelt on the deck of her cabin while her ship rocked and creaked about us. It was dim, sunlight streaming through small portholes,...
The next morning it was clear with the bright yellow sun rising behind the ship as she made her way west. The wind had not changed during the night and when the log was thrown she was making nine knots. The captain called for divisions after eight bells. When all the men assembled on deck, Amelia with her new shorter hair and dressed in her new ship’s boy togs stood next to the captain on the quarterdeck, the captain called out the first lieutenant. ‘Mr. Jeffries, is the ship’s company...
My name is Michael Brent Mason and I was born on a large farm. The problem was it was on Barburas, which is a pirate world. So my dad taught me how to fight and shoot, he also taught me about piloting and engineering which was what he had been. He had a secret that he shared with me when I was eighteen and ready to leave. When he was a pirate many years before there had been an old alien space wreck. They had checked it more because they were bored than anything else. Anyway dad had found a...
The following story is going to be at least a 10-parter, with each chapter in a different category. If you enjoy this story, I’m afraid you’ll have to go find each part. Hope it’s worth it. Part 1: Non-Erotic. Part 2: First Time Part 3: Loving Wives Part 4: Exhib & Voy Part 5: Lesbian Part 6: Interracial Part 7: Letters and Transcripts William was beside himself. How could that bastard do that to Charlotte? And poor Charlotte. Her last entry had been in March. It was now mid-September. That...
When I came around, I was still lying under that purple thing. The armed and fully armor suited men were close now holding their weapons ready pointing them at my friends. The bearded dark skinned man wearing a battle suit of unknown origin argued with Cardwell. “I want you to open those Translocator storages now. We do not have much time.” Cardwell barked back and pointed at me. “I told you that two command codes are needed to open them, the only one able doing that was killed by your...
THE PIRATE She stood in the tiny cabin, looking out the windows, towards the horizon, towards the smoking, sinking wreck of a ship. Then she moved her head, looking about the tiny cabin, noticing his bed hanging from ropes, swinging slowly back and forth. She noticed his desk, the single chair. She noticed a carpet, frayed and worn, upon the deck. She looked again out of the windows at the smoking sinking wreck of the ship. Once she sat at the captains’ table. Once she strolled on...
HMS Brilliant has been in the South China sea for the last few months carrying out anti piracy operations. The duties like those of the blockade around the Balkan states was becoming tedious. Lieutenant Liz Hall was detailed to lead a four man team from the Brilliant to the Tanker "Siam Xan Xai" it was early evening. The tanker had departed Singapore the day before and was bound for SongKhla, Thailand. She hated duties like this. The Captain had an attitude about Women in the Navy, He always...
I know what you’re thinking. What happened to Earth? Was it blown up by aliens, you’re thinking. Nope. Hell, after the few humans that managed to escape and found other suitable planets to live on only a few had aliens AND they called the humans aliens, most were hostile, some nice, and only two races annihilated everyone. But that was decades ago. Now just about everything is half or part human or has some sort of connection with the human race. Not only because humans fall in love with...
In Which Miss Esme Winterblossom, Now Wearing The Mantle Of The Late Sapphic Pirate Miranda, Conceives An Extraordinary Plan Of Escape For Her Crew From The Sargasso Sea, Through The Use of A Rite Suggested By Her Catamite Hippolyte, And Boldly Goes Where No Sapphic Pirate Has Gone Before Sept. 17, 17-- And Beyond The Infinite Captain's Log, "I know many of you are unhappy to find that we have one of the Male Tribe on board," I shouted to the crew. "Rather I regard it as the hand of...
The pirate sloop Phantom had begun life as the French ship Epée born in the shipyards of Marseille. The Epée had been built for speed, in order to run the blockades of the British navy. Although she was lightly armed, with only six nine-pound cannon, she was light and under full sail ran fast on the bowline. One night she had been anchored in Port-De-France on Martinique, with most of her crew ashore celebrating their escape from the British fleet, a group of out of work sailors, led by an...
Diary of a dark haired beauty as she roams across the ocean to the New World. (Pirate Era) Diary of Anne Breckinridge part 3Part III The days passed slowly and one day like the others William visited me bearing the same old bread and water, along with his lustful needs. I did as before and pleased him with my mouth, as was his favorite taste of fornication. I was moving my lips faster along his manhood when I heard his moaning become more incessant and he began panting slightly, just then a...
Love StoriesBeth slowly rose up to stand in front of both the groups who were seated around the usual table, waiting expectantly. She looked at Jason and started speaking. “Firstly, I would like to say how sorry I am about what happened to Razza. We saw on the surveillance in the room what was occurring, but it took us ten minutes to assemble our forces to take the building. Razza was clearly heroic, diving in front of Jason to save him from being shot. Jason your powers are singularly...
Dr Sabina Harding is not like any doctor you will meet. For a start, she is quite young to be a doctor, only twenty-five. She is a beautiful, a strikingly good looking woman. She has long black hair and beautiful brown eyes. She is well groomed and well dressed.From a young age, Sabina was influenced by many game and movie heroes. Fictitious characters like Lara Croft and Indiana Jones had a profound effect on her. As a result, she learned many subjects and many languages. From the age of...
NovelsThe ship rocked gently as it floated leisurely through the southern sea. Melinda could feel the sway even as she sat at the table in the captains quarters.The Pirate captain, she reminded herself.The pirate who had k**napped her and was holding her for ransom; who, for some unknown reason had invited her to dinner in his cabin. Truth be told, she had been treated well since her capture. She had been fed well, not harmed except for some rough handling and a little teasing as she was brought on...
The pirate captain slammed the door behind him as he entered his cabin, his thick, leather boots planted firmly on the gently rocking floorboards. He wore a frilly shirt, a pirate captain's hat, a kilt, and baggy leather pants to his boots. He was still a little sweaty from battle, and there was a hungry look in his eye as he surveyed his captive. She was a barmaid from the town he has just sacked, and her ankles were loosely chained, facing away from him. She turned as he entered, and now...
At breakfast, Jack remembered to ask Mom about borrowing a pair of boots. "I don't wear pirate boots." Mom answered with an arched look that fell between outrage and humor. But she remembered being young enough that fashion was important. "I suppose my brown boots could be folded down. But the heel is a bit high on those." "That's ok." Jack remained nonchalant. "I'm the only one in my class that doesn't wear high heels all the time." "I've seen some of the little tramps in...
Sera stood in his room and took stock of his situation. They had just five minutes until they had to leave for the party, having the hike up to the Neville estate to reach their destination. Sera only knew the host by a vague one off when Thomas had introduced them over the summer. Generally Sera found Thomas's friends a little dull, though this party, by it's very nature, proved that this was not the case here. Fancy dress was not something that Sera was often drawn to. He was a pirate....
The first thing I did when we got back to Jayport was to order all of the cargo ships careened and scraped. Every one of them would have to row west from Jayport to Rocky Point, the headland that marked the south-west corner of Hunter Island. They may be fat, and they may be pigs, but they could be a lot faster pigs. It may only be fifty or sixty miles, but there was no reason for them to wallow the whole way. After that, they may be able to sail on a reach northward, using the easterly...
Time comes in cycles for pirates, one decade we fight to take a ship and during others we have managed to stun the crews. There are four types of merchant ships, runners which carry a small cargo but travel very fast. Merchant ships which are still fast but have a large cargo hold. Cargo ships which are slow and have up to six large cargo holds. Last is the freighter which is even slower but has a dozen huge cargo holds. They are the only ones that can not land on a planet. Plus they tend to...
A Pirate tale A long time ago, the kingdom of Spain ruled much of what we call now Central America and the Caribbean. Their domination was opposed by the British, but not using the Navy, no. The British used pirates. There have been many tales written of those times, and this may not be the strangest .... At the docks of the great city of London, a young man moves carefully, occasionally looking at a piece of paper he carries. The docks are a place of bustle and noise, which...
HistoricalEven though I had little medical knowledge, my time serving in the Devi’s sick bay and getting basic med training at the Academy I was helping with the triage of wounded and somehow remembered Dr. Dwyer my old Nilfeheim doctor as I derma-patched an eleven year old’s scrape wounds he had suffered falling while running and hiding inside an service crawl. The Casualty numbers were depressing. “943 dead among them many civilians and 1532 wounded of which more than 500 were very critical. Over...
The next day, their parents didn't notice anything odd. The twins aways spoke in half phrases. They always seemed to be laughing at a joke that no one else knew. But Jim noticed right away. Halfway to school he stopped walking. "Ok, you two! Give! What's the deal-e-oh?" They exchanged a look. "Don't say nothing! You guys only do that look thing when something big's up and you've been doing it since yesterday afternoon." "Seriously, dude..." John started. " ... we just learned...
By the time they got home, John had an idea. His health class had discussed the movie "Jackass" and some of the things the guys did there. When the term "homoerotic" was explained, Jim and John had a hard time not looking at each other - although it had far more specific meaning to John. But the movie discussion suggested that boys could enjoy sticking thing up their butts just like girls liked sticking things in their pussies and John had an idea what. Jack knew John was planing...
This was our third day in this star system called Auriga Xi. Somehow I pictured the start of our pirate career a little different. Right after our call to the Admiral, we landed on the first planet of the system. A hot, unfriendly world with temperatures hovering around 800 degrees, with puddles of liquid lead and molten sulfur, between cracked rocks and fine dust. Circuit, his engineers and Narth were outside fixing the Janus System. Shea and a team were also outside happy as can be...
July 9, 17-- Diarie My Dear, So much has transpired since last I had the opportunity to commit my thoughts to your Pages, dear Diarie, that I scarce know where to begin. Rather than relay each event in the order of its occurrence, I shall begin with the Peril in which we now find ourselves, and explain how we have come to this point. Late last night Amelia and I escaped aboard a small rowboat and made our way toward the lights of the small fortification on the island of St. Roger. Only...
This story is based on an episode from Velamma comics which you can read Captain Velamma and her all-girl crew had floated on the ocean for years after the pirate war had destroyed all the men. These women had tasted each other, rubbed their juicy bodies together. They tribbed and scissored across the High Seas. Despite the sweaty, lustful pleasure they experienced daily, they still longed for the feel of a throbbing, veiny cock thrusting deep into their wet pussies. It was just another one...
PLEASURE ISLAND: THE POOLSIDE ENCOUNTER Chapter 9AA Theme Trips/Tours-Pirates After leaving the clothing store you grab a quick bite to eat. You continue to joke with Wendy, "Um, maybe your not hungry? Have you eaten enough for the day?" "Perhaps if your cum was still a thick as it used to be, then I would be full. As it is, I'm definitely not thirsty at all. I mean I do intend to drink you dry a soon as I can." "Well, maybe I should eat some more of your thick cream. Sandy wasn't...
There's something great about pirate settings for erotica. I'm trying out stats/variables for a more RPG experience, so hit the 'Start' Game' button. Hit the 'customize' tab to set your own name. If you enjoy the story, feel free to add it to your favorites or leave some likes on the chapters. You are a lowly crew member—named Jack—on a pirate ship, with dreams of one day being captain of your own ship....and hopefully finding plenty of plunder and booty on the way. You wake up with a start....
FantasyJessica Rabbit, a Pirate Wench, or ... by Teddie S. As I walked into the G&H Costume Shoppe, the girl behind the counter asked, "Can I help you?" I was there looking for a part-time job. I wanted to make a little extra money to buy my girlfriend, Patti, something really nice for her eighteenth birthday. Halloween was just a little more than six weeks away and I knew that the big costume shop in town hired part-time help for Halloween. This shop...
Authors note: This is the story of a high school senior that takes a part-time job for Halloween, and finds himself. I started writing this story a few years ago, and then my muse went away. I don't know if she's back or not, but I just felt that I needed to finish it. Enjoy. ---------- Jessica Rabbit, a Pirate Wench, or ... by Teddie S. Hello. My name is Russell Madison. My friends call me Russ. But,...
The rest of the flight to Alvor’s Cove was uneventful and we descended onto a brownish planet that somehow did not just look dry but dusty even from space. TheSaresii woman who was also the leader of the secretiveSojonit Order dressed herself in a sand colored voluminous cloak and handed me a similar colored garment. Then she said.” If you touch the side of your mask, about here next to the eyebrows and tap the spot twice, a shield of thin transparent Duranium seals your masks openings. The...
PLEASURE ISLAND: THE POOLSIDE ENCOUNTER Chapter 10AA Theme Trips/Tours-Pirates Planning and Plotting "Let's claim my first treasure ship." There is no hesitation for Wendy. "Yes, Captain. We will set a course for the primary shipping routes at once. The treasure ships are heavily armed and sometimes escorted by other vessels. It may get dangerous. It will be tomorrow morning before we are in position. Is there anything that you require tonight?" "Send in a bottle of rum for now. My...
Katherine stepped into her elegant living room and took a book from the shelf. She sat in a plush lounge chair, specifically selecting a chair in the back corner of the room next to an old dumbwaiter that was once used to ferry delicious meals from the downstairs kitchen to the dining room table. She planned to read the book for a short while, but she already knew her attention would soon be diverted. Tonight the dumbwaiter would once again be placed into service, except this time it would be...
Hi friends, indru tamil kama kathaiyil en sontha thangaiyai epadi oothen endra kudumba tamil kama kathaiyai ungal idam pagirugiren. Vaarungal tamil kama kathaikul selalam, en peyar prathap vayathu 28 aagugirathu. Enaku oru thangi irukiraal aval peyar mala vayathu 26 aagugirathu, avaluku innum thirumanam seiya vilai Avaluku thirumanam seithu vaikum alavirku engal idam ipozhuthu panam ilai, loan apply seithu atharkaaga kathukondu irukirom. Naan oru kama veriyan eppozhuthu pen kidaikum avargalai...
Hi friends, indru kathaiyil en nanbanai kathal seithu emathiriya pennai ootha kathaiyai ungal idam pagirugiren. En tamil kathaiyai inaiya thalathil pathivu seithatharku nandri, en peyar pradeep vayathu 21 aagugirathu. En nanbanai oru pen kathal seithu matter mudinthathum kayati vitu vitaal, athanaal naan avalai usar seithu hardcore seiyanum endru mudithu seithen. En nanban enaku nanban endru kanbithukolamal aval idam muthal muthalil pesi pazhaga aarambithen. Aval pathini pola en idam nadika...