The Hen Do The Saloon Girl and The Businessman Chapter One
- 2 years ago
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I arrived late, towards the end of the morning plenary, and found a seat near the back of the lecture theatre. On stage, the chair was just introducing the final speaker of the session - a woman currently playing "hunt the USB port" on the laptop beside the podium - so I took a quick look around the room: Attentive audience, the room more than two thirds full, mostly women as you would (sadly) expect in an Occupational Therapy conference. A fair number of familiar faces and an all too familiar room - I had been at University here, after all. I sat back to listen to the talk, technology now sorted.
An hour later, I was pretty much first out the room, ignoring the coffee and biscuits to join the growing huddle of smokers by the door - this really was just like being a student again. Conversation was desultory; I said a brief hello to a few of the people I knew, however vaguely, but kept out of the general discourse: They were mainly slagging off the morning speakers and as I was due to speak myself just after the break I didn't really want to get involved. So I stood back, had a look at my speakers notes - all three lines of them - and sort of drifted into a reverie of old memories, old times and old faces. There was a ChemSoc party in this building which was where I met...
I was interrupted by a soft touch on my arm, and looked round to see a dark haired woman smiling apologetically at me.
"Sorry to hassle you, but you don't have a cigarette I could borrow, do you? I seem to have left mine back in the theatre".
"Not good smoking behaviour, that. You could have points docked for lack of professionalism", I said, as I handed her the packet, "However, you 're welcome to borrow a fag, though only if I can be sure of getting it back in one piece?"
"Of course", she said, "maybe a bit charred, possibly pretty much incinerated, but I'll make sure its all there. Well, aside from the poisonous bits, I'll inhale those for you ... I'm a caring professional. after all".
I grinned, and said "Why, I thank you for your consideration, and your dedication to caring - despite your apparent pyromanic tendencies"
She shrugged, "Pyromania? Oh, that's me, for sure - I just have to walk into a room and it catches fire..."
I was contemplating some sort of riposte to this when her phone rang and she turned away to answer it, giving me a half wave of acknowledgement as she did so. I lit another cigarette, had a quick glance at my notes again and found myself being hauled away by the conference chair, needing to discuss her introduction to my presentation, room arrangements for the workshop I was due to give the next day and such like. And then it was time to go back in, and get back to business
I survived. My fellow speakers were interesting and the general standard of delivery at these events does seem to have gone up recently - no more endless drones reading from copious text heavy slides. The guy who spoke before me even had people up on the podium dancing, and though I didn't really understand why it did at least take my mind off the nerves I always get immediately before speaking. And my own presentation went OK, given that I was talking about quantitative methods in OT research and, face it, people of a mathematical bent do not predominate in these circles. Still, they laughed at the jokes, nodded seriously in all the right places and actually asked interesting questions rather than delivering statophobe rants about "losing the human" and the "uniqueness of the individual". In fact, the only vaguely disconcerting moment came from my cigarette burning friend who asked an almost angry question, taking quite technical issue with my description of paired Student's t-tests, which threw me simply because it was so unexpected in the context. I did eventually answer it to her satisfaction, I think - she sat down with a distinctly sardonic look - and I doubt anyone else in the audience felt the tension. Well, hopefully. And anyway, I'd done my bit for today and if they chose not to come to the workshop tomorrow - well, I'd get back to London all the sooner.
I skipped lunch, having eaten more than enough curly sandwiches in my time, and instead wandered over to the village behind the campus and sat by the pond for a while, indulging in a bit more nostalgia and enjoying the sun. After a while I decided that I was enjoying myself enough to make going back into the afternoon session a lot less attractive than going for a wander on the Downs. Just like my students days, again. In fact, I decided that I'd really get back into the student way of doing things and drop into the village pub first, for a pint and a cheese roll. Though, I thought as I walked away from the pond, hopefully without the interminable conversation about Gramsci that ran on a loop there in "my day"...
I was just turning into the car park when I saw her, my smoking friend from earlier, sitting at one of the tables outside, mobile in hand, smoking and having what looked like a fairly animated conversation. I nodded as I went past but I wasn't really sure if she'd noticed, then went on into the bar, and ordered the usual from the same foul mouthed and misanthropic landlord who'd run the place when I was sort of a regular. I also noticed a group of my fellow conference types at a table in the corner, sipping at soft drinks and producing reams of notes and drawings on piles of paper spread out between them. They looked busy so I was preparing to go back out again, pint in hand, when one of them waved and called me over.
"Excellent talk you gave this morning", she said, "What I understood of it, anyway. Will you join us? - I think we've about finished with this lot."
"Looks complex", I said, going over but not sitting down, "Actually a lot more complex than anything I was talking about..."
"Yeah, well, its team building, goal setting, that sort of stuff - never get the time to do it in the office and, as we're all here, its a good opportunity. Well, except that Cris is off outside having an emotional crisis by phone and Emily seems to be stuck in the loo."
"Didn't have the ham roll, did she? They can be pretty fast acting, I can tell you. Still, the beer's good", I said, taking a swig. "Incidentally, is Cris the dark haired woman in the garden?" A nod, "Yes, and as you might have noticed she's our team statistician. Not formally, of course, but her partner - probably her ex-partner the way things are going - is a mathematician so she gets to do all the stats stuff. She said she really enjoyed your talk this morning, by the way." Oh, really, I thought - wonder what sort of questions she asks when she isn't impressed? Politeness costs nothing, though, so I said I was glad to hear it and excused myself to take pint and roll outside to add some essential tobacco smoke to the mix.
I was half blinded as I emerged into the sudden brightness, but I saw the dark haired woman - no, Cris - sitting on the other side of the garden. She was still talking intently into her mobile, a fag burned right the way down in her hand. Didn't look a happy bunny, at all.
I went and sat in the opposite corner, ate the roll, sipped the pint and idly looked through the paper I'd brought to read on the train down. Nothing unusual going on - wars, famine, corruption in high places. Eventually, I put it down, just as I noticed the dark ... no, Cris, come over to my table.
"I think I owe you a fag," she said, sitting down. I told her not to worry, offered her another of mine. Had she been crying? Her cheeks looked shiny, eyes a bit pink. Ever the discrete one, I asked her if she was enjoying the 'team building and goal setting'.
"I could live without, but - and I quote - this is work, not a jolly. Personally, I'd prefer a pint. Or ten." There was an edge to her voice I recognised. The Professional Being Professional Despite It All. Do Not Cross Line. You Do Not Want To Know. Despite myself, I asked her if she was OK.
"I'll live." She paused, smiled slightly hesitantly. "But I guess I ought to go back to the team, gird the proverbial loins and face up to this afternoon. Why don't you walk back down onto campus with us?" I shrugged, "That's a nice idea but unfortunately nature calls - by which I mean I have evilly decided to skip this afternoon's delights in favour of going for a walk on the downs. Afternoon lectures used to have the same effect when I was a student here, I'm afraid." For a moment, I thought she looked disappointed, but she shrugged, gave me a tight sort of smile and excused herself to rejoin her colleagues. When I went back into the bar to return my empty glass, they had gone.
Later, I went back to my on campus accommodation for a shower and a change and found a note from the conference organisers inviting me to join them for a drink in one of the campus bars, the one we used to call the 'airport lounge' for its vibrant atmosphere and luxurious seating. Or not. However, there are times when one needs to show willing, so I decided to delay my night on the town and go make small talk with the great and the good. But, I promised myself, only for half an hour or so - its this sort of social situation I hate perhaps more than anything, which is another way of saying that I'm really bad at it.
Consequently, I wasn't surprised to find myself a little while later leaning against a brick pillar, half of tepid lager in hand, half listening to a conversation of which I understood about half the content. Professions do so love their jargon. I'd just got to the point when I realised that I had actually completely lost track of the subject and had no possibility of contributing should anyone bother to ask me to do so, when I felt a touch on my arm again. And, yes, it was the... Cris, this time with a slightly younger, vaguely sort of geeky bloke in tow.
"Enjoy your walk?" she asked.
"Yeah, a lot - I always loved the Downs. Interesting afternoon for you?" "Oh, you know, OK as conferences go." Geeky Bloke cut in, "Oh, come on Cris, your presentation was brilliant". Turning to me, he added, "I gather you weren't there, but she basically trashed four or five accepted paradigms of what we do and why we do it. It really made the whole event worthwhile." Ignoring this implicit slight to my own world shattering efforts, I looked back at Cris. "You were speaking? You should have said, I'd like to have been there". She looked dubious, "Doubt it. Second last talk on a hot afternoon: Trust me, people only liked it because it was short. Anyway, 'OT and the Inclusion Agenda' - hardly a title to appeal to an academic and meta-ontologist like you, is it?"
"Well, you never know", I replied, "Actually I would have liked to be there because (i) it appears to have been pretty well received and (ii)..."
I felt myself drying up, took a sip of the vile beer and realised that I was pissed off with having missed it but couldn't work out why. Was it because I knew she'd been having a hard time and would have wanted to be supportive? Was it because I liked her? I really didn't know and I continued to stand there speechless, confused and looking more than a bit of a prat. For a change.
In return, I got another of her humourless smiles. "Well, well. Famous academic reduced to stunned silence by little old me. I must be having a good day. Sadly, I also have to go, though, so maybe you can think about it a bit more and hopefully I'll see you around at some point and..."
And ... she was gone, again, sweeping off with Geek Bloke a pace or two behind her. As I came to my senses, I realised that I had been about to ask her if she'd be interested in going into town with me that evening. And had been thinking nasty thoughts about the Geek - well, he could lose the hair gel at his age - and ... And where had that meta-ontologist crack come from? As far as I was aware that had been used just once, in a review of my last book, and I'd never really worked out whether it was meant as a compliment or an insult. But why would she have read anything like that? I decided it was time to go into town and see the sights.
What with me being an academic and all, you might expect that I went and sat in a gloomy cafe somewhere and pondered the nature of life and the human condition. Actually, I went into town, met up with an old friend and got just as slaughtered as I could afford to and still function the next day. The soul searching and analysis had to wait till the next morning.
When, waking up in the inevitably depressing "visiting faculty accommodation" I was using, it all came back and hit me like the proverbial brick. I don't do casual chat ups, am careful not to objectify women (as colleagues or in any other context) and generally put a lot of effort into being a safe and trustworthy male of the species, again in and out of work situations. I acknowledge that this has not been particularly helpful viz a viz my recently pretty much non existent sex life, but all these things are givens, from my point of view. They are simply The Right Things To Do. And yet, here I was feeling a definite interest in a woman I hardly knew and had exchanged maybe twenty words with. Nonetheless, I had to be honest with myself and admit that my abject failure to construct a sentence the previous evening was probably caused by a sort of adolescent-standard angst in even talking to her. Worse, I was aware that I very much wanted to see her again and might even take the risk of having another go at actual dialogue. This was distinctly out of character. And it would probably end in tears.
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Drawing the covers back, hearing the hiss of the material against your spread legs. I see they are pulled back slightly, giving me full and unhindered access to your throbbing cock. My tongue sweeps my lips in anticipation, noting its length and girth. I watch it throb with each beat of your heart and notice the glistening, diamond drop of pre-cum at the tip. I can’t help the purr from rumbling softly in my throat as I crawl cat-like up the bed and settle between your legs. Stormy eyes darken...
In the previous part I mentioned about a swinging party of lactating women and their husbands. Well I was invited by Sajitha to one such party. Such networks usually operate underground (as I found out) and are usually restricted and invitations are only through contacts and word of mouth. The party that I went to was attended by well to do people in the society. Each group consisted of a Man, his wife (condition being that she has to be lactating), a spinster and a bachelor (both being invited...
CHAPTER 4 For good reason Megan didn’t get any sleep that night. She tossed and turned in bed thinking about her interview the next day. Every thought that went through her head was about the interview. What would they ask, what would they make her do, what should she wear? When her alarm went off the next morning, she had butterflies in her stomach like never before. She rolled out of bed and had three hours before her interview. Megan and her new roommate Erin talked for a few minutes but...
LesbianIt was excruciating. Hannah still hadn't made a move. Samantha was convinced she had left her waiting for over a hour by now. With her eyes and ears covered she couldn't check on her. Of course her fine hearing could not be completely dimmed, but it hindered her enough to get a clear picture. Hannah was probably on the other side of the clearing. A few moments ago Samantha had heard some noises from that direction. The whole situation was rather arousing for her. She tried to close her legs a...
It was summer when I met Eddy. He worked for my Dads travelling fair as a bare fisted fighter for money. Him and a few others that had proved themselves worthy to be put in to the ring, not just to show off but to earn a good wage from it. My Dad always said your heart's got to be in it not like most of the audience who just want to show-off in front of their mates or their girl friends. It's a cold-blooded sport. I had worked the entrance of this blood-ridden tent for five years and hated...
As she waited for an elevator in the lobby of the tall office building, Judy Jeffries was depressed. A tall blonde with beautiful features, Judy was the daughter of Major General Stanton Pierce Jeffries and Susan Barnes Jeffries. Because of her father's high rank, her childhood and adolescent years had always been strange. Since she had been raised on military posts, her father had always far outranked the much younger — and far more junior — fathers of her classmates. This happened because...
I never thought I will jump up with joy when my uncle called me from India and said my dad had passed away!I almost said "Yes" on phone but controlled myself and continued being sorrow! It was not because my dad was abusive or something! He was the best dad I could have! For that I was greatful to him! The main reason I was happy on his death was my mom! Yes my mom!I had my eyes on mom eversince I hit puberty! My feelings triggered when I saw two dogs fucking outside my house. Me and my friends...
A Well-Rounded Education Karen 2063 It was with genuine affection that Karen gazed across the kitchen table at the hairs on Kevin's chest. She leaned forward and placed an open palm over them, entangling the tips of her fingers in its grey wiry forest. He was still damp from the shower they'd shared after making love together on the living room sofa. She rose up from the kitchen stool where she'd been sitting and pressed her lips on his while letting her other hand fall limply onto his...
So, all my meat was almost done, and I stepped into the kitchen to prepare vegetables for the grill. Lance glided into the kitchen right after me. He immediately started grabbing several fruits and some of the vegetables I was working on."Whoa, dude. What are you doing with all that?""Oh, wimp boy out there is bitching about how drained he is from his workout session and begged me to make him one of my post workout recovery smoothies. It tastes like shit. But they always bring my energy back to...
IncestPicking up right where we left off...After taking Big Daddy in my mouth, I shifted into a more comfortable position so I was on my hands and knees next to him on the couch instead of leaning forward. I wanted to just relax and worship his big black cock.I loved his big black cock so much.After giving him head for a couple minutes, he grabbed me by the hair and raised my head up. Keeping one hand on his big black cock, he gave me a deep kiss, blowing a huge hit of weed into my mouth.After we...
Here is new chapter but those who havent read previous chapters please do so. Positive comments are appreciated as well as new ideas. Story: I woke early the next morning and slid out of bed to make coffee. Tina had to work today and had to be in early so I figured that since I was up I would treat her to a nice breakfast. I had had my first cup of coffee and read the paper when I heard her get up and go into the bathroom. I took a cup of coffee made the way she likes it and walked to the...
MASTER OF TRANSFORMATION By Tammie Anne Freeman Chapter 1 I couldn't believe it when my dad announced that he was getting married tomorrow. He introduced us to a woman we had never met, telling us that her name was Janet, and that she was going to be our new mom. I asked my dad how long he had known Janet, and he said he just met her this morning. He said I should start calling her mom, since she would be my mom tomorrow. But having just turned 16, there was no way in hell I...
we sit at a bar in a nice hotel sipping over drinks...i can see you looking wantingly at a pretty fit barman as we sit there. you finish your drink and say your going to head up to the room, i,ll follow you up i say....when i arrive at the room you lying on the bed in a skimpy black silk nighty and nothing else.....i walk into the room...followed by that fit barman....looking at you he becomes at little embarrased but that dos,nt last long....come here slut and show our guest your glad he,s...
TASTY TEEN TESSEL'S TURN TO TRY TEASING THAT TASTY BIG BROWN BENT BANANAI invite tall tasty teen Tessel to watch, while I lick love lips for first sexy satisfaction of her hot MomI see she is standing at the doorstep, fully nude, with both her hands busy at her bare sexy snatchI continue conquering cute curly Carla by offering her an almost endless row of big unexpected 'O's The teen has the hots, great gestures in my direction, every time I take a look at her, in hot self-satisfactionTessel...
I had just moved to a new location. Single and wanting to have some fun I ask out one of the local girls from the video store. She was a few years younger and really hott so I was hoping she would except and when she did I didn’t realize how much fun it would be. I took her to the local steakhouse and wined and dined her afterwards she suggested my place for a new release video that she had grabbed from the store. Once we got to my place we played the movie and started to relax together on the...
Inga's ministry was over, and Mr. Marcus could breathe a sigh of relief. No more Inga to tease or torture him with an unobtainable goal. In your dreams... Revenge of the Niece The fireman dropped me off, still in the once-piece jumpsuit. A plastic bag with the international haz-mat symbol contained my valuables. Somewhere, my rolled-over coupe contaminated with biological waste was sitting, awaiting damage assessment. And some lucky doctor who wasn't constrained in how and where he...
“That is time now Dave, I think we will pick this up next week” he closed his note book and got up to help end the boredom and the session. The small balding man stopped what he was saying and didn’t seem to mind the interruption and quietly collected his beige coat and walked meekly out of his office. Paul watched him go and prepared for his next and much more interesting appointment. This girl’s problems weren’t interesting - in-fact common garden anxiety but what interested Paul was how...
We are on the plane together — it’s a red-eye flight and the plane is silent, and all the passengers are asleep. Amazingly, we are alone in our row. You and I are cuddled under two blankets. At first, we converse and exchange simple small kisses. You nip my lower lip, and I catch my breath. You ask me my thoughts on your last presentation. Whenever I make an astute comment, you kiss me a little deeper, your tongue piercing my mouth and rubbing against me. As you slide your tongue out, I lick...
I was trimming around the gardens when Mr. Newburger came out and beckoned to me. I walked over, trying not to smile. I had made a cuckold of him a half-dozen times with his trophy wife, who was one hot fuck, but I had only met him once before. He stuck out his hand and said, “Need a favor.” I waited. “My ex is getting married and sent me my kid. Might be permanent, damn it, lawyers are working on it. Anyhow, she can’t drive and I ain’t gonna haul her ass around.” I nodded. “So you willing...
My wife & I were doing some occasional swinging & she wanted to go to anadult theater. We went in & sat in the next to the back row well away fromthe isle. Once settled in she began to notice the men playing with theircocks nearby & she got turned on. I took out my cock for her to stroke,undid her blouse (no bra!) exposing both of her breasts as I cupped them &played with her nipples. A nice looking man sat down a few seats over, waswatching us & stroking his nice...
Vanessa Week commencing May 11 Had an accident on Wednesday while I was doing the washing-up and broke a plate. Jon immediately put me over his knee and gave me 10 smacks with his hand. It was all over before I really realised what was happening. But not quick enough for me to miss the lump in his trousers that was pressing into my stomach. When it was over. I thanked him for giving me what I deserved, and asked him if could show him how sorry I was by giving him relief to the bulge in his...
Hello guy my name is rav and I am 6 feet tall with brownish colour my age is 20 and my dick is 6.7 inches so all young lady or woman be ready..So lets begin the story.. Yeh story 3 months phele ki hai ham sab boys apni galli mai cricket khel rahe the ki tabhi mere dost ne hamari gali ke ek ghar ki balcony mai ball mar di or bahut tej avaj ayi!! Phir kuch sec bad prachi(my sexy jucy babe jese mene choda)thode gusse mai bahar aye or omg ..!! Kya lag rahi thi mera lund to jum raha tha use dekh...
Laying to the right of the cops looking down at the wreck, Bobby could make them out in the light from the fire below, their pistols still in their hands. He remained completely still as he lay on the ground, hoping they wouldn't see him. When they turned away to return to their cars, he studied the slope of the bluff below him. After earlier seeing a police car roar up to Julie's house, then again at his own home, and now here, he doubted the cops had shown up here to arrest Van. They...