NicaChapter 6 free porn video

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Nicole went home aroused, and remained aroused through bath, dinner and bedtime. That night, she resisted the temptation to masturbate. No, she told herself. She wouldn't masturbate anymore. She would leave that to her father... and Joy's father. Fingers or tongues, she wouldn't mind anymore. Let them use what they like. Let the urge and desire build up till Saturday, when she would be going to Joy's house again.

What if her father wanted to use his cock in her cunt? The very thought of what her father had done, drove the wildly aroused girl to an orgasm, without she even touching her cunt. How thrilling her father's cock had been in her cunt! Even if it was inside her only to a depth of 3 inches and for only a short while.

On Thursday morning when she got up for school, she started thinking of her father and what she had done with him and started to get aroused. Her clit started to swell and throb. How she needed her father's love!

At school. Nicole did admit to Joy that she was looking forward to going over to her house on Saturday. Nicole wished that she could stay longer than the usual 2 hours. She admitted to herself that she wanted more time with her father so that he could love her more.

As luck would have it, her mother helped. Friday morning, before she went to school, her mother said, "Nica, I'm going away with my boss on a business trip Saturday afternoon and would come back on Sunday evening only. And I don't want you to stay alone in the house... it's not safe these days."

"So, do you want me to go with you?" asked Nicole.

"No, that wouldn't be a good idea." Nicole knew that her mother would say that because that would spoil her sex life with her boss.

"So, what do you suggest, mom?"

"I was wondering whether you could sleep over at Joy's house Saturday night... and I'll fetch you back Sunday night."

Of course it was fine with her. But she wondered whether her father would agree to spend the whole of Saturday night and Sunday to stay there and love her. That would be fun. But she hid her excitement from her mother for fear that she might suspect something.

So, she said calmly, "I'll have to ask Joy, mom... to find out whether it's okay with her and her parents."

"Please Nica, try your best to persuade Joy to let you stay with her. I'm very keen to go on this business trip. My boss wants to discuss a business arrangement with me."

"Alright mom, I'll try my best. I'm sure Joy would help."

When Joy heard this at school on Friday morning, she was very happy for Nicole. "Of course, you can stay at our house, Nica. But, tell me, do you like your father also to stay the night?"

"Do you think he would agree?" asked an anxious Nicole.

"Of course he would... he would be delighted to stay Saturday night and Sunday. He loves you so much... he'll have a chance to give you plenty of love."

Nicole said, "I hope you don't mind sharing your bed with me Saturday night."

"Why should I share my bed with you?"

"Then where am I to sleep?"

"Are you forgetting your room? We have given you and your father a special room..."

"Yes, I suppose my father will sleep there. But what about me? Where do I sleep?"

Joy said, " You silly girl... what's the use of asking your father to stay over if you don't sleep with him?"

"Oh my God! I can't sleep with him! He's my father, Joy."

"I know he's your father. He loves you and you love him... and what's wrong in father and daughter sleeping on the same bed? In many families, parents sleep with their children on the same bed."

"Well, if you mean in that sense..." said a shy Nicole, thinking she had misunderstood Joy.

But Joy knew what she had meant; she had meant for Nicole to actually sleep with her father! In the sexual meaning of the expression. But, not to frighten the innocent girl, Joy kept quiet. The two girls parted, Nicole promising to go to Joy's house on Saturday.

Nicole's mother was happy to hear the news that evening. So, on Saturday evening she dropped Nicole at Joy's house and drove away after saying, "Goodbye darling. I'll come on Sunday. Have a good time but be a good girl."

"Goodbye, mom. You too have a good time." Nicole knew that her mother would certainly have a good time with her boss.

When Nicole entered the house, she was greeted by Martha and Joy with friendly hugs and kisses on her cheeks.

Then Joy's father, in shirt and slack, gathered her into his arms and said, "Nica, we've been longing for you... thank you for coming." He kissed her lustily on the mouth for a full minute, tonguing her mouth and sucking her tongue.

Her father, also in shirt and slack, invited her into his arms, "Come to daddy, darling, I love you."

Saying, "I too love you, daddy," the young daughter allowed herself to be hugged and kissed. Father and daughter kissed passionately for a couple of minutes, tonguing their mouths and sucking their tongues. Inevitably they aroused each other.

Martha said, "You men are lucky?"

"Why?" asked her father.

"Nica is staying here tonight. Isn't that wonderful news for you men?"

Joy's father said, "Of course... Nica's father is staying here also... to give his daughter lots of love."

Nicole saw that her father looked very, very happy.

Martha added, "You can enjoy her company tomorrow also... she'll go back in the evening only." Then she suggested that they dress up suitably because, she said, "We are going to have a party."

Joy said, "Tell Nica about it, mom. She doesn't know about it yet."

Martha explained, "Two weeks ago, our next door neigbours on either side of our house moved in. So, we have invited them over for a party... to get to know them."

Nicole said, " May be I can stay alone upstairs while you all have the party."

"Why Nica? Why don't you like to join in?" asked Joy.

"Because I don't like to be seen in a party. Someone might see me with my father and tell mom about it."

Martha explained, "You don't have to worry about that, Nica. Besides us, there will be only 4 other persons."

Nicole looked puzzled. So, Martha explained, "Our neighbours consist of two men and their 15 year-old sons.There's nobody else in the family. I'm sure they don't know your mom."

Joy urged, "Please join in the party, Nica... I need my best friend with me."

Smiling, Nicole agreed.

Martha said, "These three 3-seater sofas have been specially bought for the party. They can open out into 3 spacious beds. " Nicole saw that they had been arranged in a triangular formation.

Martha, Joy and Nicole went upstairs to dress up for the party.

Martha took the two young girls to her bedroom. Martha wore a skimpy thong. She then got into a long body hugging yellow dress. It had a wide deep cleavage that exposed a great deal of her bra-less breasts that were big, full and thrust forward delightfully. The dress was slit over her right thigh all the way down from the hip. Each time she put forward her right foot the whole of her shapely right thigh was exposed giving glimpses of her skimpily thong covered loins.

Joy exclaimed, "Mom, you are beautiful and sexy. You'll wow the men tonight."

"Thank you, Joy," said Martha and looked at Nicole.

Nicole thought that it was only fair that she also complimented her. "Yes Martha, you are lovely... you are sexy... and you have a fabulous figure."

"Thank you girls. Now you two undress completely."

The two girls striped to the buff and waited.

Martha said, "Wear these hot pants." Both girls got into the pants.

Like Joy's, Nicole's was small and very thin and loose around her shapely buttocks and lush loins. Not only did the pants wore low on her waist, but the waist band was also loose. Nicole knew that the pants would slowly slide downwards if she kept moving. But since Joy wore hers without protest, she couldn't refuse to wear hers.

Then the girls were given mini tube tops to wear. Joy's was green and Nicole's was blue.

"What about bras?" asked Nicole.

Joy replied for her mother, "We can't wear bras with this mini top, Nica." Nicole saw why when she got into hers.

The filmy tube tops struggled to cover the huge breasts of the girls. Delicious mounds of their bulging breasts above the nipples spilled out of the top.

In the case of Nicole, the tube top was losing its battle to contain her 40" breasts. At best, when she stood still, it covered the nipples but exposed the upper rim of her aureoles. But when she moved, the gentle vibrant jiggle of her huge breasts pushed the top lower, exposing her nipples and aureoles completely. Frequently the young teenager had to pull the top up to cover the nipples.

Nicole old Martha, "This dress is too small... my breasts keep popping out. Can I wear something bigger?"

Martha said, "The dress is perfect for you Nica. Don't worry about your breasts popping out now and again. You'll make your father and my husband very happy. Just keep adjusting the dress, that's all." Nicole knew that she had no choice but to wear the skimpy dress. But then there as going to be a party, and four strangers would be present!

"But there'll be our neighbours... strangers..."

Before she could say more, Martha said, "This dress is perfect for a party."

"I'm shy to be dressed like this, especially with strange men and boys present," offered Nicole.

Martha said, "You don't have to be shy, Nica because there will be no other women apart from Joy and me and you already know us... since there'll be only men, you don't have to be shy, Nica"

Nicole was surprised by the reasoning. Martha explained further, "You see Nica, at parties men like beautiful girls and women to be dressed sexily... "

Nicole smiled, and this was taken as agreement.

Martha continued, "And men like to be nice to sexy girls..."

Joy asked, "And how should we respond, mom?"

"And girls should be nice to the men... only then parties can be fun, " replied Martha. Innocent Nicole couldn't say anything and didn't fully understand what was meant by, "girls should be nice to the men".

Then they went downstairs to meet the men, the fathers of Nicole and Joy. On the way down the staircase, Nicole had to keep pulling up into place her pants and the tube top again and again. Joy let her tits bounce and jiggle in the open and only pulled up her pants and tube top into place after reaching the bottom of the staircase.

The men looked eagerly and happily at the delicious display of young hot sexy flesh.

Martha told the men, "Your daughters wanted to wear sexily for the party." Nicole gasped at the lie! Martha continued, "But the loose pants keep sliding down and their small tube tops tend to slip down to expose their tits."

"So?" asked Joy's father.

Martha said, "So, you fathers will have to help your daughters by constantly adjusting their pants and tube tops whenever they tend to expose them."

"Of course, we'll be delighted to do that, " said Joy's father, and Nicole's father agreed.

Martha said, "Alright girls, let's set out the food for the party." Then she told their fathers, "And you two be behind them to help adjust their pants and tube tops."

So, what followed during the next 15 minutes was a wildly stimulating experience for the young schoolgirl daughters. Nicole found her father all the time behind her, one hand cupping and fondling one breast or the other on the pretext of adjusting the tube top. The other hand remained on her loins, caressing her intimately and stimulating her rapidly. Even when she moved carrying the food to the table, her father moved along with her, his hands busy on her breasts and on her loins. When she stood still, waiting for instructions from Martha, Nicole was also kissed sexily on the mouth in addition to her father's stimulating hands on her body, and she kept moaning softly into her father's mouth, "Hmmm... hmmm..." Joy was going through a similar experience with her own father.

Nicole found that more often than not, her father was purposely pulling down the tube top to expose her breasts so that, on the pretext of adjusting the tube, he could cup and fondle them nicely, his thumb and fingers rolling her nipples into hard buds. Oh God! It did feel nice! She smiled at her father to let him know that she knew what he was doing deliberately.

His hand on her loins was also naughty. He deliberately kept pulling down her loose pants, and on the pretext of adjusting it, kept caressing her cunt intimately, his fingers searching for her cunt slit through the pants. The stimulated daughter kept opening out her thighs to give her father's fingers better access to her cunt. And Nicole shuddered with thrill each time her father's fingers rubbed against her clitoris, causing it to swell and throb. And whenever her father kissed her on the mouth, Nicole panted softly into his mouth, "Daddy!" or "Hmmm!" or "Yessss".

The 8th time she said that, her father panted into her kissing mouth, "Want more, darling?"

Nicole moaned back, "Hmmmm." Her father took this to mean Yes. His hand went inside her pants and the long thick middle finger slipped inside her warm wet juicy cunt. The finger was slowly moving in and out of her cunt, causing her hips to convulse in rhythm as she began to enjoy the finger. Nicole loved it.

Nicole panicked and looked around. Martha was busy giving the final touches to the food arrangement on the table. Joy's pants were down to her knees and her father's fingers were moving in and out of her cunt also, quite vigorously. Oh my God! And Joy was loving it.

Just then the door bell rang. The neighbours must have arrived. The men adjusted the pants and tube tops of their daughters and they followed Martha into the hall. Martha opened the door and invited the two men and their young sons into the house.

While the introductions were made, the neighbours, the men and their sons, were feasting their eyes all over the hot deliciously exposed bodies of the girls and Martha. The neighbours were Max and his son Sam, and Mike and his son Steve. Straight away they sat at the table to partake of the food.

Nicole and Joy sat on their fathers' laps while they ate the food. The neighbours watched how the fathers were constantly cupping and caressing the breasts of their daughters as they ate. Martha noticed this and explained to the men, "The fathers have to keep adjusting the tube tops and pants of their daughters because they are loose and tend to slip down."

The men smiled knowingly. They knew that the fathers were having fun with their daughters. Then Martha told the girls, "You girls better feed your fathers so that their hands can be free to adjust your dresses."

The girls did that and their fathers kept their hands busy on their breasts and loins. Nicole and Joy were very stimulated. Their fathers too got excited and the young girls could feel the bulges of their fathers pressing and throbbing against their buttocks.

After their meals, they sat down on the three 3-seater sofas. Nicole sat between her father and Joy's father on one. Martha, Joy and Steve sat on another. The rest on the third sofa.

The men explained that their wives had left them leaving behind their sons. Max said further, "Mike and I don't miss our wives. But most times we feel very sad because we don't have daughters, to love and to be loved by them. Our wives gave us sons but no daughters."

Then Mike added, "Our sons are very sad too... many times we have found them crying... because they miss their mothers. How we wish they can have mothers to comfort and love them."

Martha now said, "I think we can solve that problem."

"How?" asked Mike.

Martha said, "Since we are neighbours, Joy and I can solve the problem."

"What do you mean?" asked Max.

Martha explained, "Both of you can take Joy as your daughter. She can give you the daughter's love that you both miss."

"That would be wonderful, " said Mike. "We can give her a lot of fatherly love."

Martha explained further, "And I can be mother to your sons. I'll give them lots of motherly love."

Max asked the two boys, "Would you like Martha as your mother?"

Beaming with happy smiles, the boys said together, "YES." The boys desired Martha sexually.

Martha said, "Alright, that's settled then. Joy, you go and sit between Max and Mike... be their daughter and be nice to them." So, Joy got up and walked over to sit between the two men. As she sat down between them, her tube top slid down exposing her breasts and her pants too had slipped down quite a bit...

Martha told Max and Mike, "Joy's tube top and pants are loose and tend to expose her. You two must help take care of her by adjusting her attire." So, the two men quickly adjusted her tube and pants, touching her intimately during the process...

Then Martha said, "Sam and Steve, you two come and sit beside me. I'll be your mother from today." So the two boys sat on either side of Martha.

"Let me give you a mother's kiss." Then she leaned over and kissed one and then the other on the mouth, each kiss lasting one full minute with her tongue exploring the inside of their young mouths. As she did so, her hands rested on their inner thighs, caressing them there slowly. The boys got aroused.

"I love you as my sons. I hope you'll love me as your mother." Both boys eagerly and happily assured her that they loved her. She continued to kiss the boys.

Martha told the boys, "Since I'm your mother you can touch me." But the shy boys didn't do anything.

Saying, "Come, let me help you," she took one hand of each boy and placed them on her bare inner thighs under the slit of her dress. She then took their other hands and placed them on her breasts.

She told the boys, "Don't be shy... touch your mom... get to know me... and give me, your mom, some love." The aroused boys started to touch and fondle Martha. And she took turns to kiss the boys as her passion for fun built up.

After observing this, Max and Mike took turns to kiss the excited Joy on the mouth, exchanging and sucking tongues with the hot young girl. Meanwhile their hands touched and fondled her breasts and loins. Nicole saw her friend Joy drop her hands on the crotches of the men and cup and caress their bulges.

These happenings resulted in Nicole herself being kissed sexily by her father and Joy's father. Their hands fondled her breasts and fingered her cunt. Moaning softly, Nicole opened out her thighs inviting their hands into her loins.

Nicole's father panted into her mouth, "Darling, thank you for being so nice to daddy... I love you."

"I love you too daddy... I love the way you make me feel nice," panted Nicole.

Joy's father asked, "I love you too, Nica."

She kissed him now and whispered into his mouth, "Yes, I know... I love you too Dad... thank you too for being so nice to me... you make me feel nice... yes, your fingers... yes, touch me like that... yes, I feel nice... keep touching me, Dad... please..." Nicole couldn't believe that she was telling this to Joy's father.

Joy's father asked, "Are you referring to my fingers on your nipple or my fingers on your cunt, Nica?"

"Both nice, Dad... your fingers on my cunt... your fingers there... very nice Dad!"

Nicole's father now told Joy's father, "Dan, look at your wife... she is undressing the boys. You look at that while I finger my daughter's cunt."

So, while Joy's father looked at his wife and the boys, Nicole's father told her, "Let me touch you there darling. " His fingers started rubbing her clitoris through the cloth., making Nicole gasp with thrill, "Daddyyyyyy..."

Looking at his wife undressing the boys, Joy's father, said, "Let her enjoy herself. You see, we have only a daughter, so while Joy and I have fun as father and daughter, my wife doesn't have a son to play with. Now that she has these two young boys for sons, let her have some fun with them."

Nicole was surprised to hear Joy's father being so open-minded. Then her eyes caught Joy in another sofa undressing the boy's fathers. Oh my God! Soon both boys and their fathers were naked.

Martha had gone naked also, except for her tiny thong. What a beautiful sexy young looking hot body she had! She started to hug and kiss the naked boys.

Meanwhile the two naked men stripped Joy naked and started to hug and kiss the wildly moaning girl.

Joy's father said smiling, "Nica, all the others have gone naked. Only we three are still clothed."

Nicole asked her father coyly, "So, what do you suggest, daddy?"

Her father said lovingly, "We let you decide, Nica. We won't do what you don't like."

Before she could say anything Martha spoke to everyone, "Let us convert our sofas into beds." Nakedly, she walked around to operate the sofas and converted all three into spacious beds with pillows.

Then Martha looked at Nicole and said, "My goodness... Nica, you have not done what Joy and I have done with our men... you haven't removed your father's and my husband's clothes."

Her father came to her defence. "It's not her fault. We haven't given her enough time."

Martha said, "Alright, remove their clothes now... and because you are the last to do so, we will get you to start off the party." Nicole didn't know what she had meant. But she had to proceed after some encouragement from her father to strip the two men naked. Her father and Joy's father had fantastic bodies, their cocks erect and huge, the bulbous cockheads glistening and throbbing. Then her father and Joy's father removed her tube top and hot pants and made her naked also.

Martha invited the naked neighbours, the two men and their sons, to stand in front of Nicole who sat on the sofa nakedly, shyly, voluptuously. Nicole could see that the men's cocks were fully erect, but the boys' cocks were soft.

Martha asked the two neighbour men, "What do you think of the girls? Are they beautiful? Do you like them?"

Nicole heard the following words, as they took turns to praise Joy and Nicole. " Delicious lips... magnificent breasts... sexy hot bodies... voluptuous loins... delicious thighs... ripe for pleasure... desirable..." and so on. They kept admiring the two young schoolgirls.

Martha said, "Good to know you like the girls."

Max said, "Of course we like the girls. If fact, we love them... we desire them."

Martha said smiling, "Oh oh, not so fast... well, you can love Joy and I'll love your sons, but Nica here is special... she belongs to her own father for the moment... may be later or tomorrow... we'll have to wait and see."

The men appeared disappointed. Mike asked, "Shall we at least kiss her body for a minute... to show Nica how much we adore her?"

Martha asked Nicole, "Is that alright, Nica? The men seem to like you so much. Perhaps you can be a bit nice to them. Let them kiss you?"

Nicole looked at her father, wondering what he had to say. Her father smiled at her and said, "It's okay darling. They are not going to hurt you... they only want to kiss you... to show you how much they like you."

So, Nicole smiled at Martha and nodded. She thought they would kiss her on the mouth.

Martha asked, "Alright, who wants to kiss her first?" Max, Mike and the two boys raised their hands together.

Martha said, "All four of you?... fathers and sons?"

The four of them looked sheepishly at Martha. Martha said, "Alright, in that case we'll get all four of you to kiss Nica at the same time."

Max asked, "How?"

Martha explained, "You want to kiss her body, right?" They nodded.

Then Martha asked Nicole to lie down on her back on the sofa bed, her head resting on the pillow. She said, "Nica, bend your legs at the knees and open out your thighs." She bent her legs at the knees but was shy to open out her thighs because that would expose her naked cunt to everyone. Joys father gently opened out her thighs, fully exposing her delicious wet cunt, with her downy soft pubic hair gleaming attractively.

Martha said, "Sam and Steve, you two boys go and kiss Nica's tits. Mike, you kiss her on the mouth... and Max, you kiss Nica's cunt. All of you kiss Nica like that for one minute."

Nicole was shocked by what Martha had suggested, but before she could fully comprehend the instructions, their mouths were already on her body. Mike was kissing her sexily on the mouth. Her breasts were being sucked by the boys, and Max was tonguing her cunt and sucking her clit. Her body shivered and shuddered with rapidly arousing thrill. For a full minute they stimulated her. Nicole couldn't help but admit to herself that it was indeed very nice. Four naked men kissing and sucking her naked body simultaneously was wildly stimulating. Max's tongue in her cunt was really wild!

After one minute, Martha made them stop. Nicole was a little disappointed, but Martha said, "Now rotate yourself clockwise... move and kiss the part you hadn't kissed before." Oh my God! A new tongue in my cunt, thought Nicole. And sure enough.

Max and Mike sucked her breasts while the boys took her mouth and cunt. Four sensitive parts of the hot young Nicole were kissed and sucked. The boy's tongue in her cunt wasn't bad at all. She raised her hips to invite the boy's tongue deeper into her convulsing cunt. The men sucked the massive tits, and Nicole was moaning with pleasure, "Hmmmm... hmmmmm... Hmmmmmm... ahhhh... ngggggg... hmmmm..."

Another minute passed and they moved around clockwise and sucked her body again. The boys were back at the breasts while Max was kissing her mouth. Mike now slipped his fat tongue inside her warm wet cunt and tongue fucked her, sucking her clit now and again. Nicole's body thrashed about and she kept moaning, "yessss... yessss... hmmmmmm... hmmmmm... yessss..."

Another minute over and they moved again. Max and Mike sucked her breasts and the boys were at her mouth and cunt. A new boy was tonguing her cunt. "The boys were not bad,", she thought. The boy sucked her clit and thrust his tongue deep inside her and swirled it, touching her warm inside walls. "Is this Sam or Steve? Who cares!" This was the fourth tongue in her cunt in four minutes. What a wild party!

To Nicole's disappointment, the fourth minute was up and Martha asked the men and boys to move away and said, "Joy, you take the men to your sofa bed and have fun. I'll take the boys to my sofa bed... to suck and fuck them." Oh my God! What was Martha saying?

As they were moving away, Martha said, "Rick and Dan, Nica is all yours now."

The wildly aroused Nicole pulled her father onto the bed and hugging his naked body said, "Daddy, four of them... all at the same time... oh daddy!"

Hugging his voluptuous naked daughter and kissing her he asked, "Did they hurt you, darling?"

Pulling her naked father between her naked thighs Nicole said softly, "No daddy, but... but four of them... at the same time."

Joy's father was now cuddling Nicole also. He asked, "You mean you didn't like four of them kissing you?"

Nicole now kissed Joy's father and said, "No dad, I didn't mean that."

Her father and Joy's father adjusted Nicole so that she was now sandwiched between the two men, Joy's father's cock rubbing against her ass cheeks at the back and her naked father pressing his naked loins against hers between her open thighs.

Her father asked her, "Then what do you mean, darling?"

Nicole whispered, "They did more than kiss me on the mouth daddy. You saw them... they sucked my tits and tongued my cunt... all of them! So... so... so..."

"So what darling?"

Nicole hugged her father tighter and said, "So, I got stimulated daddy... four of them tongued my cunt daddy... I couldn't control myself... they stimulated me sexually daddy."

"But did you like it, darling?"

Nicole didn't answer. So, her father kissed her and said into her kissing mouth, "Tell us the truth, darling... you mustn't be shy... please tell the truth."

Nicole hissed into her father's mouth, "Hmmmmmm... Yesssss..."

"Yes what, darling... tell daddy," persuaded her father.

"Yes... I liked it daddy..."

Joy's father now kissed Nicole on the mouth and asked, "It lasted for only four minutes... did you want them to tongue your cunt longer?"

Nicole was too shy to answer. She merely sucked at Joy's father's tongue in her mouth.

Her father now kissed her and asked, "Tell us, darling... don't be shy... tell us the truth..."

Nicole said softly, "Yes."

Her father asked, "You mean you would have liked the men to have tongued your cunt longer?"

Nicole said softly, "Yes, daddy..."

"Why darling? " asked her father

"Because it was nice... very nice, daddy." Nicole blushed as she said that and hugged her father more tightly, getting very aroused.

Joy's father asked, "So, were you disappointed when they stopped tonguing your cunt?"

Again Nicole felt shy to answer the question.

Her father urged her, "Tell us, Nica. Be honest."

Shyly Nicole whispered, "Yes."

Same as Nica
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From across the room Brian sees her and she smiles. April is thinking about how much she wants and needs his kiss and his touch. Patiently, she waits as he works his way across the room towards her. With her back against the wall and the apple martini in hand, she is forever aware of his passionate heated stare. Her body quivers with the anticipation of his touch. As he approaches, her legs weaken and standing becomes a chore. He picks up her right hand and kisses it ever so gently. “Good...

1 year ago
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Scream Like a Girl

"Keith, you're making such a big deal out of this. It's not real, just relax!" my older brother David tried to calm me down as we waited in line for the scariest and most terrifying haunted house in the Midwest, Neurosis. The attraction itself locked in on people's fears and found ways to make them piss and shit their pants, at the same time. It wasn't for the faint of heart, and it even had the toughest, most unbreakable of people coming out shaking. I'd paid a hefty fee of $40 for...

4 years ago
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Twist of the knife ch 9 Part Une

Fall 2016. I certainly won’t get much sleep tonight. The moon is coming up, and it’s full. But that’s okay, it’s not like I have to get up and go to work in the morning. Okay I know, you want to know what happened next. Well, letting Lori going out with the girls was a real turning point for us, and you know how when things are going really good, but you have this nagging feeling it’s too good. Yeah, I thought you might. I guess I should have seen it coming, but on the other hand, I was...

3 years ago
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New Young Princess

Introduction: a very wealthy young Prince chooses and tames a forbidden young girl The life of princess Jessalyn was simple, smile, nod, mind the men, know your place, and try to be married and produce an heir before your sisters. Easy, right? Her father, the king, was a very powerful ruler, he ruled their land with an iron fist and was feared by most. His armies were stronger, his cities were thriving, and he was well respected. But, he was most well known for his stunningly beautiful...

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The lost book of Slytherin

((note: story inspired by NilioJ (Harry potter spell book of desire‘s)) (Note 3. For the purposes of this story, all students start hogwarts at the age of 18, as Hogwarts is a High School/ College. ALL students are 18+. Salazar Slytherin was a pure-blood wizard, noted for his cunning and determination. He was regarded as one of the greatest wizards of the age, respectively as a Parselmouth and as a skilled Legilimens. Slytherin was one of the four founders of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft...

3 years ago
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My life was rocking. I had a new hot girlfriend, a new job, and a nice place to live. My girlfriend was a sexy little number that loved to fuck. At times I thought she was a nymphomaniac, all she wanted was to fuck. As soon as I walked in the door, she would be all over me to get at my cock. Even if she had dinner ready, she wanted to fuck before I would get to eat dinner. It was great most of the time, but there were times when I did not want to stick my cock in her before doing something...

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The Devils Pact Chapter 49 The Victors Reward

Introduction: Alison and Desiree are rewarded for destroying the Patriots, Sam has found the key to capturing Lucifier, and Lilith has found a weapon to destroy Mark. The Devils Pact by mypenname3000 edited by Master Ken Copyright 2013, 2014 Chapter Forty-Nine: The Victors Reward Visit my blog at Who were the Patriots? Who wrote their Manifesto? After the ravages of the Demon Wars, only speculation was left behind. The only clue that had survived was a paper that had...

2 years ago
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Shes the BOSS

  Working for a multinational company, my new role as the training manager allows me to travel abroad quite frequently. This is a great job and particularly at my age, 26, is considered a very remarkable achievement. I have been in this company for about a year now. From the time i joined about a year ago, up till today, i conduct several training sessions within the company and and abroad and almost every day i have a female student (colleague of course) approach me in private after class for...

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My BrotherInLaws Big Rican Cock

I have always thought that my sister Denise and I were lucky to be raised by parents who taught us to be unprejudiced and accepting of all ethnicities. We grew up in the suburbs near Philadelphia, which has a sizeable Puerto Rican population, and we had a fairly representative mix of Caucasian, black, and Latino friends. My name is Ed, and this story takes place when I am 42 years old and Denise is 43. But first, it will be helpful for you to understand a little about our pasts. Denise was 17...

4 years ago
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Soniya Kapoors Sex Year Part 3

Hello. Everyone it’s same story soniya kapoor’s sex year part 2 ke aage ki story hai To jihne mere bare m nhi pta wo phle wali story pd le aur jihne pta h wo aage ka enjoy yahi se kree. Jisne soniya kapoor’s sex year part 2 nhi pda h please wo pde tb jyda maza aayega to m aage se start krti hu Next day mom ke job pr jaane ke bad m n bhai ko dubara invitation dene ke liye aaj maine black bra aur panty m poochha lgane lgi. Bhai ko awaj dekar uthayaa bhai ne mujhe waise dekhaa aur sidhe apne...

2 years ago
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Housewifes AwakeningChapter 13 The Dam Breaks

Stephanie reminded Brett of their bet as her car pulled up to Platinum Blondes. Brett couldn’t help but snicker to himself as they entered the club. “Debbie wouldn’t be caught dead in a place like this. Oh well, looks like I just might have some fun tonight after all.” Carlos couldn’t help licking his lips as he watched the threesome enter the club. As they approached him he was taken aback by the beautiful brunette attached to Brett’s arm. Stephanie’s long brown hair was let down and...

1 year ago
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Private Lana Roy Fucks In Public

Today in Private Specials, Girls’ Real Fantasies we have the pleasure of introducing you to Lana Roy, a beautiful brunette with a stunning body who has come for her debut and to live out her sexual fantasy of sex in public. Lana has taken her man Gerson Denny out to a restaurant where they soon head for the restroom and get Lana’s dream underway… Watch as this gorgeous teen gets down on her knees for a nice sloppy blowjob before offering up her amazing tits and tight wet pussy for a...

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GirlsWay Aali Kali Aspen Romanoff Strip Searching The Maid

Aali Kali calls her maid Aspen Romanoff into her living room, telling her that she needs to talk to her. Aspen enters, putting down her rag and spray bottle. Aali is mad. Her favorite bracelet is missing, does Aspen know anything about that?, she asks Aspen. Aspen says that she doesn’t know anything about that. Aali narrows her eyes. Is Aspen sure?, because the last time she saw the bracelet, it was on the living room coffee table, and Aspen was in the living room cleaning this morning,...

2 years ago
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First and best time ever

It happened when I was 18 and used to babysit for a young couple Mark and Launa. I'd been their babysitter since I was 15 and lived a few doors away. My mother recommended me for the job, little did she know!Mark and Launa were both 25 and had a baby boy. They were a really cool couple. Mark was very good looking with piercing blue eyes and the sexiest smile I'd ever seen. I always got the feeling he knew I fancied him, just by the way he seemed to tease me sometimes with a wink or a...

First Time
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Angel of the Morning

Angel of the Morning By Cassandra Morgan "The redder the better," Shannon Michaels thought, pursing her lips in front of the round make-up mirror on her vanity. She smiled as she applied the Revlon tube to her lips. It was a deep red, far bolder than she normally wore. but Coco had told that was good, that a girl needed for her makeup to be bold enough to make a statement. She put a second coat on and turned her head to the left, then to the right. She blew herself a kiss from her...

3 years ago
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The Focus

Once I had a setting bird (probably the mama bird) try to lure me away from her ground nest, in the pebble bed framing of a running track. She was one confused little bird, and was kept much too busy trying to distract runners and passersby like me to try to sit her nest by the track. She might have been a hybrid northern tern who didn’t have migratory instincts, and she otherwise had a light orange breast -or the white stone beds were just too irresistible. Of course, I wasn’t an arctic fox,...

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Pakathu Veettu Akka Shalini

Hi friends, indru kathaiyil 24 vayathu aagum pakathu veetu akkaivai sex seithen. Akkavai eppadi sex seithen enbathai intha tamil kama kathaiyil ungalidam pagirugiren En peyar Prakash, vayathu 22 aagugirathu, en pakathu veetil oru akka irunkiraal naangal siru vayathil irunthu nanbargal. Aanal akka vayathirku vantha naal muthal en udan niraiya naatkal pesa vilai, eppozhuthavathu paarthaal kaiyai asaithu hi matum kanbithu koluvom. Aval kalluriku pogum pozhuthu aval chudithaarai paarpen, miga...

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One Night Stand 8211 Long Distance

This is my first story here or anywhere for that matter and I hope you enjoy. Write to me at This was a few years back when I had just been through my divorce and was happily single again. I spent my days doing just three things – Working at Office, Working out at Gym and Surfing the Net. While I chatted with a lot of women, spoke to a few, dated fewer and mated even fewer. Very early into my second innings of bachelorhood, I met Sonal on the net. We got along pretty ok and soon exchanged...

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Frontier Incident

To the Senate and People of Rome from Q. Cassius Sextus, Senior Tribune, Legio XIV, Hale! I am commanded by Didius Claudius Meritus, Governor of Phrygia to offer the following report into the causes of the late unpleasantness in the city of Atarbraxis, since renamed Pentium. I know you will be all familiar with the facts regarding the results of the rioting - the Forum ruined, approximately half of the city's dwellings either destroyed or severely damaged by the ensuing fires, etc. etc. The...

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Badge of Dishonor Ch 19

Passion In James County X Badge of Dishonor By D.C. Roi Chapter nineteen When Tim Jackman got home from work he found his wife, Heidi working in the kitchen and their house filled with wonderful smells. He hung up his coat and put his gun away, then he walked into the kitchen. ‘How was your day, honey?’ Tim asked. Heidi shrugged. ‘The usual,’ she said, ‘How was yours?’ ‘Nothing too weird for a change,’ Tim said. ‘Alex and I put a couple of bad guys behind bars.’ He took a deep breath....

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Exposing Cindy butterfly vibrator chapter two

Coming soon) Chapter two – back at home   I had a bit more to drink at the club and had partially recovered from my very public orgasm on the dance floor when Jim shocked me by inviting Bob to come back to the house with us for another round of drinks in the our new spa. Jim teed up the conversation with, “Bob, since I am driving, I have to limit my alcohol intake here. Would you like to join Cindy and me back at our home for a few drinks where I can relax, have a few drinks and unwind myself?”...

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Godless and Faithless 2 Ch 5

The hospitality god’s blessing on the brothel provided numerous small benefits. It allowed warm water to run throughout the building, providing warmth without the need for a pumping system. It also sourced light that appeared to originate from nothing and with only a simple thought to activate it. Frankly, the blessing even this petty god, so weak as to not have a name, provided was a marvel even to Axel, who came from a modern world with advanced technology. Grace had informed him that...

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Justin Darks Terrible DestinyChapter 1

"You must be terribly proud of yourself," Miss van Cleef said. "Being so pretty." Justin didn't answer. If you didn't answer a teacher's question at St. James's School for Young Men, you could get in trouble. Answering a statement that sounded like a question could get you in trouble too, though. He sat looking straight ahead. There wasn't anything for him to say, either. He'd been called both proud and pretty before. Both were frequently epithets. He could deny neither. When he...

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Studying with Caitlyn

Spring arrived and shortly after the first rains it neared to summer. The temperatures became hot again as it slowly approached summer. I was in my last semester of my first year of varsity and it was the Monday 2 days before my first exam. I arrived by Caitlyn a bit after 9am as we planned to have a full on crunch day to prepare for our first exam. She was wearing a casual dress as She walked up to me and greeted me with a kiss on the cheek and a hug. We then made our way up to her room. We...

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It was 1988 and Laura and I had been married for almost two years. I was deputy head in Storton Middle School, while she led Home Economics in the Brandley High School, and doubtlessly, one of the reasons I married her was because of her cooking skills.We met at a conference and my first sight of her, that exquisite figure and delicate nobility of her face framed in the shoulder-length tawny hair had me trapped immediately.From the outset, she had let me know that she had little interest in the...

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Expect Me When You See MeChapter 2

After I disconnected the call, I went to the yard to find the kids just sitting and watching the squirrels chasing around the trees. “Jack? Jill? I need to talk to you. Please come up on the porch.” The kids bounced up and sat with me on the big porch swing. I had it built to hold them and their mother and me. I sat in the middle and the kids sat on each side of me. “Kids, we need to have a talk.” “I cleaned my room.” Jack volunteered. “I know, and Jill did too. I am so proud of how you...

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Junior Year Part IIChapter 3 Itrsquos All Fun and Games Until

I met Caryn in the hotel restaurant for breakfast. For me, it was back to work on my movie. I did have one last interview to do on Jimmy Kimmel Live, but Elizabeth and Bree would join Ashley in my place. Jessup had put his foot down, because I only had another full week in LA. Caryn received a text while we were finishing up that told her Fritz would be out front in twenty minutes. I’d brought my bags down and left them with the concierge. Caryn still had to pack, so she left me to finish...

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MomsTeachSex Audrey Noir Ember Stone Practice With Mom

Audrey Noir is happy to help her stepson Logan Long with a personal problem. He asks for guidance, and Audrey eventually agrees. Logan pulls her forward and buries his face in her hairy pussy, lapping with his soft tongue as Audrey runs her fingers through his hair and moans. They’re almost caught when Logan’s stepsister Ember Stone returns home, but that doesn’t stop them picking up where they left a little more quietly. Peeling off his stepmom’s clothes, Logan brings...

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Jean Therapy

Jean Therapy Amanda said she found them on sale from some store that was going out of business. She'd always been envious of those girls in the stretchy jeans that flattered their perfect buns. She could never find a pair that she could either a) afford or b) fit into, but here was a pair that fit the bill on both counts. She snapped up the last two that they had and decided to give me a fashion show when I came over for dinner. Amanda and I had been dating for about 6 months, and...

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Ariadne and the Tales of Heroes Erotic VersionChapter 5 The Mission

Ariadne walked up to Toha and the group. Her powerful form dominated his vision. Toha only knew so much about the Minotaurs of stories that his mother read to him from his father’s library. They were known as beasts that guarded the labyrinths, and that was all he knew. It was hard to see all her features from behind. Upfront, Toha could see that Ariadne was wearing bronze armor that covered her chest and body. She had small horns protruding from her head. Her trident turned almost into a...

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A Wondering Eye or a Wondering MindChapter 2 They Both Get What They Want

It was almost two weeks later that I received a call from Ethan saying he thought he'd found the perfect lamp for me, he'd found it at a dealer in Boston and had contacted him. The dealer in turn had sent a photo of the lamp and a description of the details. It sounded exactly like what I'd told Ethan I had in mind, so he had went ahead and bought it, with no obligation for me to buy. He said, "if it isn't exactly, what I you're looking for, I'll keep looking. "Oh Ethan" I said,...

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Harry Potter and the Legacy of Hogwarts Part 5 Classes Begin Part 1

Disclaimer: This story does not reflect the actual Harry Potter series, its author, characters or book and movie franchises. This story has not been sold or created for profit. Story Codes: Mf, mf, exhib, f-solo, grope, magic, spank, unif Harry Potter: Harry Potter and the Legacy of Hogwarts Part 5 – Classes Begin Part 1 by Avatrek ([email protected]) It had been a very tumultuous first day of Hogwarts for Harry, Hermione, Ron, Ginny and Luna. Harry and Hermione had spent their first night...

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Surviving the DivorceChapter 4

"So," I said, stretching luxuriously as my wilted cock slipped out of my lover's pussy, "what's on the agenda for today?" "To be honest," Patricia replied, turning over to snuggle on my chest, "I don't have anything planned for today..." she sniffed and wrinkled her nose, "... except a shower. It's Sunday, you know, and even God rested on Sunday!" "Hmmm!" I mused, "If you're thinking of the same kind of 'rest' I'm thinking about, we'd better at least fortify ourselves...

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Educating Kyra Ch 02

Kyra looked around and grinned; the coast was clear. Tightening her light gray raincoat around her body, she hurried her pace until she reached the steps of the teacher’s dorms building. Glancing around her once again, Kyra entered in the building and quickly climbed the stairs, running toward her Uncle Jon’s room. Once she stepped in front of his door, Kyra stopped there for a second, a grin playing in her lips and a tingling in her pussy as her mind went back to what had been happening...

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PenthouseGold Savannah Bond Busty MILF Savannah Bond Pounces

We know busty MILF Savannah Bond loves cocks, but boy does she really pounce all over it like a ravennous cougar when it’s humongous and black. Case in point is this steamy interracial Penthouse porn video where big titty blonde takes ebony stud Rob Piper’s monstrous dark dick balls deep down her throat and juicy shaved pussy. Watch the Australian bombshell’s massive melons and big ass cheeks shake as she gets a hardcore BBC fucking until he unleashes a messy cumload on her...

2 years ago
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Harry Potter Convincing Him

The Hog's Head Inn in Hogsmeade was filled with students when Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley led Harry Potter inside. Harry took one look at the overflowing pub, turned to his friends with a strange look, and stormed out."Ehm… hang on, all, I'll check what is wrong," Hermione excused herself to the assembly, and she ran after Harry. Ron elected to stay with the group. By the time she caught up with him he was halfway back to the carriages."Harry! Hold up!"He stopped and let her catch up with...

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my neighbor big tities wife

I am Mihai.I live in Romania.when i have moved in Oradea i was very bored because i have not know not a person.All day i have stay in bed waching at tv and thinking what to do.In one day i saw a big tities women that has enter in neighbour house, i was thinking how to touch that nice big juicy tits.When my mom has arrive house i have ask her who she is,she told me that she is my neighbour wife.when i heard i was glad because i told to myself that now i have a reason to like the new home.I have...

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Wild Sex With My Friend Rithi

Hello everyone, Today I would like to share a unique experience which happened a couple of months ago. It was Christmas day when rithi (name changed) pinged me in hangouts appreciating my story. It was 6 in the morning when my phone buzzed and it was rithi’s message. I was genuinely happy as she liked my story and she provided some good feed back on my story. It was a holiday and I didn’t want to let go the company of her. We spoke to each other for couple of hours and quickly realized that we...

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Ed and Natalie Naked In SchoolPart 6 Saturday

I woke up, a bit disoriented, until I realized that Ed was wrapped all around me. Oh, man, did that feel nice! I could've stayed there forever. Well, almost. The ol' bladder pressure eliminated that thought. I quietly extricated myself from Ed's arms-he didn't even stir, he was still out-threw on my clothes, and went to find the bathroom. Ed's Mom was there. OK, so I blushed. Coming out of my boyfriend's bedroom in the morning and running into his Mother was another new...

1 year ago
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I Love My Dad Part 1

I love my Dad. Actually, he's my Step Dad. So, I love my Step Dad. Even though I consider him my real Dad. Confused? Me too. I'll start over.My name is Amber and I am 18 years old. I just graduated high school (yay me!). I'm not sure what I want to do with my life yet, so I'm taking a year off to explore my options. My Dad is cool wth it, which is just one of the many reasons why I love him so much. Randy came into my life when I was 9 years old. He and my Mom got married and he moved into our...

2 years ago
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In the hood

Walking in the street of a dangerous neighborhood that you never thought you be in, you , Jessica Queen, wearing your snapback obey, your red and white shirt , your jeans with two holes on the knees, and your new nike shoes ( from the pictures)decided to find some sweet and sensual black fun for your 18 birthday. As you walk down the street of a well known street gang, people are whistling at you. To start, two tall black man approach you. " Dammnnnn looking fine! " the first ones...

3 years ago
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Hitting All Three Part I

I have a gift for you in my bag and carrying it around all day has gotten me incredibly excited. You mentioned the idea once, but it was a while ago so I think you'll be surprised. Excited and prepared, I removed my panties at the end of the work day so I arrive at your door wearing only my dress. I knock on your door and you greet me, beautiful as ever, without a shirt with your strong chest in full view. We kiss and grasp each other's bodies in the doorway. I lead the way to your bedroom and...

Straight Sex
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The Paper RouteChapter 32

I felt Nadine sliding off my cock, just as I was about to blow my cum. Then, I felt a mouth cover my cock and I knew it wasn’t her. Just the thought that Heather may have my cock in her mouth, made me blast her a heavy duty load into her throat. When I moved my right hand, I felt her feet and I knew then, it really was Heather who had my cock in her mouth. I pulled her left foot over next to me and ran my open hand up between her thighs until I felt her pussy. She moved her body toward me...

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Nokarani ki lambi choot

Yeh un dino ki bat hay jub ma college may perta tha. Mujh ko sex ka bohat janoon tha. Mager koi moqa na milla may kissi sa sex karoun. May akser lund takia ko more ker is ander dal ker khob dhakay marta tha. Mager sahi choot ka maza kabhi na milla. Aik din may apna dost Salim kay ghar us sa milnay gia. Jub ma us kay gher poncha us na mujh ko apnay drawing ma betha ker challa gia. Kuch dare ka bad us dost ki nokarani meray lia pani laker ayi. Nokarani ki umer 35 sal tuk thi. Us kay boob bohat...

4 years ago
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My parents were helping me with my first year college tuition and board but made it clear that I was on my own as far as paying for fun. There was no money for a car so I made do as best I could. Without a car, I was very limited as far as part time employment was concerned so I fell back on the familiar job of babysitting. My parents did help me get a credit card with a low limit but I had to make the payments myself. I enjoyed the use of the card a little too much and soon had the limit...

2 years ago
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Three In A Storm Pt 2

Preparations for breakfast brought back a sense of normality to the threesome. The ladies were wearing jeans and blouses while Mark had donned his heavier clothes. He planned to shovel out the doorways and bring in more wood for the fireplace as soon as breakfast ended. The wind had lessened and the snowfall decreased as temperatures began to plummet.The telephone buzzed for the first time in days. Helen answered, "Oh hi, Steve, thanks, but I am fine. Not to worry, all's good here, lots of...

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Kellies First BlowBang Part 2

In his bathroom, I took my time and applied my makeup, adjusted my wig, and spritzed some perfume in strategic locations. After 15 minutes or so I was amazed at the gurl staring back at me! I thought to myself: “I’d fuck her…” And I hoped others would feel the same way today. I exited his bathroom and sauntered down the hall towards his spare bedroom. Usually, when we met I would just please him downstairs on his sofa with only occasional trips to his spare bedroom. But today I knew we would...

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I made my dads friend my cashbitch

Most of the stories I'll tell are true. But If you want to ask me to write something else, don't hesitate!I love feedback or just to talk to you, please reach me at [email protected] would also very much love donations: / nicolestonecashEnjoy!*****************************************************************************My name is Nicole. Rumor has it that I look like an angel, though I’m not like one. I’m way more naughty, if you ask me or anyone that knows me…But yeah, I’m...

1 year ago
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The Fantasy 8211 A Tale Of Son8217s Fantasy

The following story consists of explicitly incestuous scenes. Please those who are sensitive to family relations stay away. close the tab and leave. All the readers reading this are reading at their own risk. both the publisher and author are not responsible for anything ensuing from this. The following story is a fiction. this kind of incident doesn’t happen in real life. this story is only for reading and enjoying DO NOT try anything from the story. even though it seems real but its not. it...

2 years ago
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Afternoon Sex Part 1

I'm 16 years old. And I stayed home from school today and I was on my computer editing a video and watching videos on youtube and videos from Pornhub. I became hard, watching BBW porn. The girl in the porno was white and chubby, Brunette and must have had double D's. I love big tits. But I have no idea what there called like C cups if those are big or not. I don't know... Anyway, I was becoming hard and my balls were still soft. Every time my hand reached the base of my cock, my balls would...

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Webcam Boys Chapter 1

This is a series originally posted on Nifty by a friend of mine. On his behalf (because for some reason, he couldn't get an account here), I'm posting it here. He reckons people who read here might like it too. The tags for this story aren't specific to any one chapter, but are general for the entire series. It's a work in progress, with currently 8 chapters and counting. Chapter 1 serves as a prologue. Chapter 2 is the actual start of the story, with Chapter 3-8 containing the real meat...

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