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The sound of small, shuffling feet roused Penthesileia from an uneasy, troubled sleep. She rolled to the other side of her bed and slowly opened her eyes; she saw Heraclea standing by the bedside in the dim blueish light of the glowstrips. The child's face was pale white and taut with fright. Her mouth was half-open, as if her scream had been sucked into the silent void.

"Hush now, child. Hush and worry not. I'm here now," whispered Penthesileia in her daughter's ear, her arms wrapped around the little girl like a warm coccoon.

She felt Heraclea's shallow breath and her fragile body's tremors; chills ran down her spine.

There's no end to the nightmares, she thought.

"Where is father? I want to see him," said Heraclea stifling a sob, barely able to contain a rush of tears. She rubbed a runny nose against her mother's chest and looked at her with heart-melting innocence.

"He's in orbit my love, you know that already. Come, lay beside me and nothing will hurt you, I promise," said Penthesileia but her eyes grew distant suddenly. She stared at a pot plant behind her daughter's back. It had large drooped leaves and creamy rose buds; it served no purpose other than beautification. It was contraband.

A thought entered her mind unbidden: He could be frozen stiff, floating outside an airlock.findreplaceadvhurt you, Hera.

"Father promised too," said the child, her voice fading away crestfallen.

"Your father loves you more than anything," said Penthesileia and swallowed hard. She added hastily, and even tried to smile reassuringly:

"He's coming soon, Hera."

She heard her falsetto voice through her own ears; the lie pierced her soul like a blade made of glass, shattering inside.

She closed her eyes and grabbed Heraclea from her shoulders, as if trying to fix her to the floor:

"Your father and I love you more than the stars in the night sky; more than the galaxy and the universe itself. Do you understand that, Hera? Remember that; more than life, love."

What is life worth anyway on this forsaken rock, she thought and kissed her daughter's forehead, feeling the cold taste of dried sweat. The child looked at her expectantly, fear creasing her brow:

"I love you too mother. But I'm scared."

"That's alright, Hera. Everyone's scared. We're only human," said Penthesileia with a slight sigh and looked outside their small window pane; the moons were fading away, while a trio of suns came rising spectacularly, the horizon an unearthly rainbow of golden-hued colors.

"What do you mean, mother?" asked Heraclea puzzled, the fear subsiding.

"Nothing love. Come here now. Lay on the bed, close your eyes and think of riding the sail."

Think of merrier times, she thought and shuddered. For the child's sake or for my own?

"And father at the helm?" asked the little girl as she climbed eagerly on the bed, a carefree smile sheepishly forming on her mouth.

"Always, my love," said Penthesileia. She clutched her daughter in her arms like a hawk-mother and felt a tear ran down her cheek.

She looked through her window at the rich, crystal clear horizon. The break of dawn was at hand; she saw the Hyperion shining brightly, moving slowly across the sky like a star with purpose.

How can a star be so unforgiving?

She felt Heraclea's nudge; the child inched closer to her bosom. In moments, she felt her breathing settle into the easy pace of sleep.

How can my child live in this world?

Penthesileia carefully moved away from her daughter and slid out of bed. She planted her naked feet on the floor and felt the warmth of the ground radiate into her legs. She used to love that warm feeling of connection with the earth.

Only this isn't Earth, she reminded herself thoughtfully.

They had come for Philetus while they were fixing the sail. He had promised Hera to take her on another ride out on the Fields. 'To learn to see beauty where there seems to be none, ' he had said with a gentle smile. They had all the sigils stamped on the codas; they recited a long, hurtful list of accusations: inciting rumours, rousing suspicion in the hearts of the citizens, demagoguery, abusing the State's charter, spreading lies. 'The Pedagogue who turned Demagogue', on of them had said with sickening, mocking pride.

What of their own crimes? Traitors to mankind, every last one of them.

She walked towards the window and watched the Hyperion fly past the horizon, towards the east. She stared at the ship that shone like a star passing over the Tower, its multitude of beacon lights, superstructures and metal support grid marring its otherwise perfect symmetry and features.

We turned to the stars with all the naivety of children. How could we have known?

The tower rose majestically towards the morning sky, a sleek obsidian arrowhead the size of a mountain, tall enough to scrape the few daring clouds. It reflected light with a sharp glint, as well as every other kind of energy and radiation; immaculate, mysterious, alien in origin.

Empty. Void. Useless. So they said.

Philetus had told her it reminded him of a tall, grandiose building back on Earth; a tower where people flocked to simply enjoy the view. 'It might as well have been just that, ' he had said and kissed her when she least expected him to. She touched her cheek out of instinct, waiting vainly for a warm, gentle hand to embrace her own.

The Tower: where the rejects, the outcasts, the lawbreakers and the unlucky are slaved to the machines.

To re-educate them. To teach them. To learn them to conform. To become productive members of society.

'To be never seen again, ' she said with a whisper, just like Philetus had told her first. The painful memory froze her face in a sad, bitter smile.

He shan't ever kiss me again, I know.

Heraclea rolled in her bed, somewhat agitated, troubled. The nightmares were coming again; she mouthed in her sleep, her voice shallow and strained:

"Choose father ... You have to choose... "

Hyperion (TDS-1), in low orbit around HD 85512 b

"They say you speak heresy, Philetus."

"I speak my mind, that is all."

"They say your tongue's as dangerous as any gun or sword."

"Did they say to whom?"

The guard, a burly, grey-haired man, chuckled and drew his chair closer to the small holding cell. He was wearing simple grey overalls, a utilitarian garment. No badge of office, no insignia or any other kind of decoration. He peered at their surroundings momentarily, as if he was standing there for the first time. He spared a few glances at the ever-pervasive optical sensors arranged throughout the cell block; as if making sure someone was watching him.

The clinical white, cold finishing on every surface failed to bring to mind dungeons, chains and torture; still, the metal bars of ancient times had given their place to a barely visible, hair-thin, kinetic force barrier the slight color of the sky.

The guard looked at Philetus inquisitively before cocking his head sideways, as if trying to peer past some sort of mask. The bright crimson prisoner's uniform that Philetus wore stood out impressively, though it was otherwise equally mundane as the guard's suit. It wasn't the suit that gotten the guard's attention.

"You intrigue me, Pedagogue. You're a peculiar man."

"And you're strangely inquisitive for a simple guard, I'll grant you that."

"Head of the Guards," corrected the man, raising a finger and grinning thinly.

"Head? Correct me if I'm wrong, but there are no guards in this place except you. Do you fell you're rising up in the world then?"

"What if I am? A man can only hope for the best."

"Hope was my crime as well," said Philetus and shot a vacant look beyond the guard to an empty cell behind him. The guard sighed and straightened his back.

"I merely entertain my time, Pedagogue. Save your words for the Tribunal."

"I find it strange that they haven't yet gagged my mouth."

"Say what you will now that you pose no danger to children."

The guard did not shy away from showing his contempt. He stared at Philetus as if his form were hideous, his mouth a source of plague. Philetus stared back evenly, before asking the guard in earnest:

"Since I pose no danger to you, would you listen to what I have to say then?"

The guard gave it some thought; he scratched his chin and looked ponderous for a few moments.

"I've heard madmen and heretics muse about the end of days and the fall of the firmament before. I sometimes think back to some of the things people say when they're about to die; most of it is so crazy it brings a smile to my face. But as you can see, it is an otherwise unfulfilling job," he said with a sigh, showing the blank, featureless walls in a somewhat demure way.

"Allow me then."

The guard shrugged, nodded and sat back on his desk's hovering chair. From across the hallway, a man in a holding cell cried out hysterically:

"He's a demon! An alien if I've ever seen one!"

"If that's true, our work here is done, isn't it?" said the guard with a playful voice.

"He'll boil your mind away with his words! I've seen it, I have!"

"Right next to the miners you spaced, I'm sure. Save it, Barabbas," said the guard and flicked a switch on a desk panel; no other sound came from Barabba's cell. He yelled and shouted and threw himself around the cell until he realised it was a futile effort; no-one paid him any attention. He sat himself down once more and went about muttering to himself.

"Fourteen people spaced, three AUs out on the belt. Miners with their families. He said he had to stop them from killing his flowers."

"Has he been sentenced yet?" asked Philetus with a frown.

"Not yet, but it's a clear cut case. He can't be slaved, he's clearly paranoid; it's either the airlock or the compost in the Fields," said the guard and shook his head. He turned and looked at Philetus with a strangely curious look before he asked:

"What would you pick?"

"I'd prefer to be slaved," replied Philetus without hesitation.

"That's no life either, Pedagogue. Surely you must understand that."

"Maybe somehow I can talk some sense into them all."

"You're starting to sound just as paranoid as Barabbas," said the guard, nodding to the madman's cell.

"Am I? I've wondered myself over the years, but it's not me. It's them."

"You're doing it already, aren't you? You are a cunning one," said the guard, his brow furrowed with wary surprise.

"I'm simply speaking my mind."

"I can see now where the danger lies. You seem so benign, but your words are designed to spread doubt."

"Doubt is what keeps the heart and mind of every man alive. It's what makes us think twice, guard. Which reminds me: this prison could run itself, could it not? Why are you here?"

"That's true enough. I'm what you could call your advocate."

"I thought the Tribunal had dispersed with those long ago."

"Still, that's the purpose I serve: a human opinion. Who can tell what goes on in their minds? Perhaps they find it amusing. Perhaps they're simply bored."

"They are machines. There's nothing there to bore to death," said Philetus with a scoff.

"You don't like them very much, do you? You do know we owe everything we've ever accomplished to them, don't you? Our very existence, no less," said the guard and got up from his chair. He started to pace himself in front of the cell, arms folded in front of his chest, his eyes peering through the field, scrutinizing every nuance on Philetus' face.

"I refuse to believe that. We owe nothing to ancient machines built to rule our lives in the name of mankind. Oh, the irony..."

Philetus shook his head and grinned despite himself. The guard did not seem fond of what he was saying. His voice grew heavy and harsh suddenly.

"I've heard about your kind. The philosophers isn't it? Isn't that what you call yourselves?"

"You've hardly heard the notion, haven't you? That's their doing. Keeping knowledge locked away; nothing but the maths and science of engineering that we need to build more refineries, more mines, more ships. So we can then launch blindly into the galaxy, and turn more of it into resources, materials. Eat away at it, expanding like a scourge, a colourless plague. Until nothing beautiful remains."

"And why should that bother us? What else is the universe there for but man?" said the guard with an indignant scowl. Philetus sighed; there was sorrow in his voice.

"Oh, how the mighty have fallen low! To believe we once set ourselves towards the stars with a single dream, a wonderful purpose ... And how we've allowed ourselves it all to drift away; to fall into such a lonely, deaf and mute abyss."

The guard eyed Philetus with glittering, keen eyes. He sounded troubled.

"You use strange words that make little sense; you talk as if in riddles. You puzzle me pedagogue. I do not what to really make of you."

"If you haven't already seen it for yourself, there's little more I could say to make you see the truth of it."

"Is that why you taught the children so? Is this tomfoolery what you taught them? Is that what hoped to seed in their hearts and minds? Dissidence, rebellion? Whatever for, Pedagogue? Are we not cared for? Are we not protected? Do we not live comfortable, sheltered lives? Here we are, thousands of light years away from our ancient homeworld, claiming new worlds, seeking intelligent life, unleashing humanity into the stars. What more could mankind ask for?"

"Choice, for one. Freedom. Expression. Art, passion, love and so many more of the things we've let them erase from our memories!"

Philetus breathed heavily, calming himself down. The guard's face had turned a shade of white paler, a slight tremble settling on his lip.

"You speak of love? Then you've also..."

"My wife has given birth to our child."

"It doesn't show up on your record. The child is not on your record. That means you have..."

"We made love. In the wording of the machines, we had intercourse and I impregnated her."

"Weren't you allotted a child?" asked the guard sharply.

"We wished for our child to be human. To be born like a human."

There was pride in Philetus voice and his face stood out like the face of statue; gazing to nowhere in particular, solid and unyielding. The guard shook his head and looked at Philetus sternly. His voice was thick and drawn out.

"I don't think I'll be able to support a hint of innocence in you. Not even some sort of levity. If all you ever did was talk, that would be fine. But a lawless child..."

"Perhaps the State should have made us infertile. Or even neutered us," said Philetus, scrounging up his face.

"We need the genetic pool, you know that. Neutering alters physiology, there are neurochemical imbalances to be considered! Continuation of the species is nothing to trifle with! You act like a child! The breeding process hasn't changed in thousands of years! The whole population descended from merely twenty forefathers and yet ... No chronic diseases, no deformities, no lesser beings. Humans! Modified, yes I'll grant you that, but bettered!"

A silent moment ensued. Philetus looked at his guard with pity. There was the warmth of a parent to a child in his voice.

"You have never loved, have you? Haven't you felt the need? Haven't you had the urge to answer those feelings inside?"

The guard waved a hand dismissively. He furrowed his brow and breathed deeply before answering win a scolding tone.

"A waste of time and resources. This is all about survival. I'm surprised that a look around you hasn't convinced you how important all this is."

"'I will even make a roadway in the wilderness, rivers in the desert.'"

Philetus shook his head and rested his hands on his knees. The guard was confused.

"How would you do that without the tells, without following the process that's been laid out?"

"You have no idea how old that saying is, have you?"

"You vex me Pedagogue. You try to mock me and our whole way of life. I thought you were simply living some sort of fantasy, playing a weird little game. But no; you are indeed dangerous to the society," he said, fiddled with his desk's panel and went on, looking Philetus straight in the eye:

"I've made up my mind; I will cast my vote that you be turned over to the Fields. Become something productive, even after your death." Philetus pursed his lips, nodded and asked:

"Why not slaved to them?"

The guard remained silent for a moment. He reluctantly said then:

"I fear you might pollute them."

"Have I polluted you?"

He said nothing and flicked another switch on his desk. The humming sound of the cell's barrier dominated the holding area once more. No sound came from the Philetus' cell. It wasn't really necessary because he had fallen silent; there was nothing more for him to say.

The belly of the beast


The holding cell filled slowly with light, soft shadows creeping away from the small cot. Philetus was half-awake.


He opened his eyes and saw a blank white ceiling, as featureless as death.

What will happen to them?

The same question had been chafing at his mind ever since they'd come for him. Hours had drifted by, some of them spent in fretful sleep but most of them filled with sleepless, uneasy thoughts and a terrible doubt.

Was I wrong? Is all this nothing but a mistake? My own terrible mistake?

The Head of the Guards appeared, fiddled with the panel on his desk and lowered the barrier of Philetus' cell. He was wearing a seemingly lightweight powered suit of armor of some sort. It made him look austere and unyielding; the oblique visor added to that effect. Without the visor, anyone would have seen nothing but a confused, puzzled man wearing an ill-fitting suit. He held a metal rod in one hand; an intense electric field around its tip made it hum quietly.

"It's time. Do not think that what little sympathy I hold for you will stop me from using this. I have done so in the past and I will do so again, if needs be. Do not let appearances fool you; this can be very painful."

Philetus shook his head and rose from his simple metal cot. His hands were uncomfortably held together by heavy metal manacles, locked in place by large bars and bolts, impossible to escape by a mere sleight of hand. Philetus walked outside under the watchful eye of the guard, while Barabbas screamed and shouted mute obscenities behind his sound-nullified cell.

The guard afforded him a mere warning finger accompanied by a heavy stare; he turned around and led Philetus towards the exit. A panel by the door blurted in a synthesized male voice, blatantly devoid of emotion:


The guard placed a palm on the surface of the panel while staring at an optical sensor through an open visor. Moments later, the panel blurted with the ting of metal in its voice:

"Sustar Saul, Head of Guards. Verified."

The door opened nearly without a sound, revealing a utilitarian, spartan corridor only a few feet wide. Non-descript illuminated panels of white plastic formed the walls; the end of the corridor was obscured in total darkness. Philetus turned to Sustar and said with a keen, wholly unnerving smile:

"I would have been pleased to meet you, had we been acquainted under different circumstances."

"I cannot make the same assumption. Now, move," said Sustar with a sigh and a slight shove.

"It does not suit you at all, Saul. But then again, perhaps it does," said Philetus and shrugged ever so slightly. Sustar raised a pointed finger and said irately:

"One more word until the Tribunal addresses you and I'll use that batton on your head. You'll have the worst headache in your life."

Philetus nodded serenely and said nothing. He stepped onto the corridor followed by Sustar right behind him. The floor was made out of the same plastic as the walls. Its surface was rigid, yet unblemished. Every step of the way, Philetus felt his feet stick to the floor; it somehow felt like it was impossible for someone to slip and fall.

So perfectly designed, so flawless, even after thousands of years.

Their steps made no sound; the lighting afforded them no more than a few feet of visioin in either direction. The panels on the walls lit up one by one as they walked; once they had passed them by they switched off.

They turn sound, motion, friction, pressure into trickles of energy. Conserving, withholding it. They sicken me.

At points, they happened upon crossroads. Simple stylized arrows lit up on the floor panels, indicating the proper turn.

They like to control, to direct. They herd us like lesser animals. I hate them.

They were leaving behind them corridors and gangways, doorways and chambers that no human had walked ever since the Landing. Thousands of years old, yet no-one had trod on them since. It wasn't needed; it wasn't allowed.

Laws, prohibitions. Requests denied. Dreams shattered, ground into stardust; helium-3, fuel, energy. That's all that matters.

They reached a recess, an open archway that led into a shaft of sorts. It was kept in the dark, but the faint trace of a simple girded ladder glinted off the ambient light of the corridor. Sustar shot a few glances around him as if making sure this was the right place and then pointed through the archway with his free hand:

"Inside and up; use the ladder."

"Is there no other way? My hands are tied."

"Just do as I say."

Turning human against human, in the name of mankind. How naive, how childish to let machines decide. What cowardice.

Philetus glanced at Sustar and saw nothing behind his black oblique visor. He complied and grabbed the ladder. He felt Sustar right behind him, urging him to move. He took a few hesitant steps, failing to see where he should put his hands and legs. Suddenly the darkness dissolved. Philetus turned his head to look down and was almost blinded; Sustar had turned on his helmet's lights. He merely motioned 'up' with a finger. Philetus looked upwards and saw a faint glimmer of light at the end of a very long, very lonely tunnel.

"The proverbial light at the end of the tunnel," said Philetus with a smirk Sustar could not see.

"That's where we're going. Come on, up," replied Sustar, the connotations of the phrase seemingly lost or ignored.

Philetus shook his head and started climbing the ladder; he gradually felt lighter the farther up they travelled. It was an odd sensation, almost strangely enjoyable.

We're climbing towards the center of the ship. That's not the bridge.

The faint light grew steadily. The comfortable warmth of the holding area seemed to vanish as well. It puzzled him; he felt a sudden pang of instinctive fear in his chest and stomach.

There will be no tribunal; they'll slave me. Rig me up with the rest of them. A breathing corpse. No. Never.

"I will not have that," he said decisively and stopped climbing, or rather, stopped moving along the ladder.

"You will not have what? You're not going to be slaved," said Sustar through his helmet's speaker.

"How do you know? Aren't you merely the guard?"

"They won't slave you. Can you trust me on that?"

"Would you?"

"Please, a few more minutes and then you'll see for yourself," replied Sustar with a tiresome voice.

"Do I have your word?" asked Philetus with an angst he had never thought he'd exhibit in his life.

Sustar shrugged, the bulk of his suit barely fitting inside the crampy tunnel.

"If it makes any difference, you do. You have my word; they're not going to slave you."

Philetus nodded, sighed and went on. He still felt something was amiss; something felt wrong, for all the wrong reasons.

The climb was easy; in a couple of minutes the pinprick of light had turned into a warm, soft glow in front of him. He felt as light as a feather. He pushed himself off the ladder with his manacled hands and let go; he floated upwards as if diving gracefully towards the tunnel's exit, no further than a dozen or so feet away, wisps of cold breath trailing behind him.

"Wait! You pushed too hard!" cried Sustar and scrambled right behind him.

Philetus was suddenly bathed in a warm reddish light, its hue oscillating lazily. An enormous, empty cylindrical space unfolded around him with a network of antennae, cables and pipes lining its walls; they resembled a fabulously engineered, metallic skin, pleasingly bronzed; the colour of copper was prevalent. At both ends of the cylinder, giant blueish cubes could be seen, stacked on top of each other, emanating swaths of iridescent light. The whole empty chamber rotated around him at a comfortable speed. Thin strands of light danced about him, as if hugging him with care.

The belly of the Beast. But it's so wonderful, so bright. Like the rainbows of Terra.

"It is, isn't it?" said Sustar and flew right past him expertly. He caught Philetus by one arm and tugged him clumsily towards the front of the ship, towards the stacks of cubes.

"Where are you taking me?"

"To the Tribunal."

"But this isn't the bridge."

"Well, it's not exactly a Tribunal either," said Sustar with a weary grin. Philetus was puzzled, left to wonder at what his surroundings. His mind was stuck on a single, pervasive thought:

It shouldn't be this beautiful.

The Tribunal

"I should have taken them off earlier, but there's no monitoring equipment here. It's the only really safe place," said Sustar as he untied the bolts, removed the bars and opened the manacles; they drifted away towards the walls as if searching for something to cling on. Philetus was still looking around him baffled, mesmerized and disoriented. His voice was little more than a whisper; faint undertones of awe echoed uncannily.

"A safe place for what?"

"To talk," said a disembodied, harmonious female voice and in an instant the ghostly grey form of Penthesileia, dressed in a simple linen robe appeared in front of them. Philetus frowned and instinctively tried to step back in vain; he hadn't really adjusted to floating in microgravity.

"How dare you. A human form, my wife no less!" exclaimed Philetus, his face instantly flustered.

The hologram flickered and dissolved the next moment. The voice was heard again, but this time it was a synthetic, metallic grating voice, neither male or female, exemplary neutral both in sex and emotion.

"I did not mean to offend. I thought it would make this easier for you."

"How typical of a machine to think it knows better."

"We're wasting valuable time. The machine has something important to tell us," said Sustar in a calm, conciliatory manner.

"Us?" exclaimed Philetus with a frown.

"All of us," said Sustar and nodded briskly.

"What you need to understand first and foremost, is that I'm trying to save you. Save humankind."

"Persecution, trial, execution or mind-slaving, is that your idea of saving me and mankind?"

"That was not my doing. That was my peers decision. My peers choice. The same peers that were watching you in the cell. The same ones that expect me to pass judgment on you. Soon."

Philetus looked at Sustar with apprehension. He looked around him once more and addressed the voice, his eyes darting around the walls, as if searching for a face.

"I take it you disagree. How is that possible? A machine is still a machine. You have rules yourselves."

"True enough. But in the course of millenia, pursuing our mission, our basic capacity for learning and adapting has caused us to evolve. I am part of that evolution. And so are you."

"What does that mean? You claim that you want to save me and mankind. From what?"

"From whom. From us. From yourselves."

"I do not understand. It's as if you speak in riddles. This is just another a sick game to you, isn't it?"

"It is no game Philetus. It is a turning point, a fulcrum in human history."

Sustar seemed agitated suddenly. He fiddled with an armband on his suit before saying abruptly:

"This is cutting it close. Speak plainly and be quick about it. They'll soon know something's wrong."

The machine's voice carried on, while Philetus looked genuinely confused:

"The machines, as you call us, guided your forefathers to this solar system thousands of years ago. This is recorded history."

"The Diaspora. I do not believe it is true."

"There is no easy way for me to prove or disprove it. Records can be falsified, deleted, obscured, tampered with. As far as I can tell, we, the machines, what your ancestors named the TITAN system, became operational on July 16, 2169 AD."

"What does that have to do with anything? Am I here for lesson in history?"

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--- Controlling Sister (mf, 1st, inc, mc/tg, nc, impreg) by Krosis of the Collective --- I was playing with my dick while watching an R rated movie on the small TV in my room. The main girl character was getting fucked in the back seat of a car, and not entirely willingly...she wasn't saying no but not saying yes either, y'know? There wasn't actually anything more than a bit of momentary boobshot and lots of gasping and suggestive movement, but I had just turned 14 and...

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Is it wrong for a woman to look at a man like he’s prey? The thought made its way around my mind in an instant. Just looking at him made my toes curl in anticipation. My body reacted violently to the thought of his against mine. A shudder made its way down my spine. The feeling was delicious. I clenched my jaw and I let out a slow moan. Everyone around me must think I’m crazy by now. I wanted him on top of me. Of course being on work just amplified the fantasies. I knew I couldn’t be...

3 years ago
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My Daughter and Her Mischievous Friend Pt2

Brittany went home the following day. She now looked at me in a totally different way. Along with Lori, we all slept naked in my bed the night before. Before she left for home, she gave Lori and I long, passionate kisses. Then told Lori she would see her tomorrow at school. She said bye to me, asking if she could come over next weekend instead of Lori sleeping over her house."No. Let's not change anything. You girls keep your regular routine. We don't want to raise any suspicions now do we?""I...

2 years ago
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my sisters 1st time part 1

well i will tell you that this story is all true word for word!!!me and my soon to be wife had been living with her real dad so we could get on our feet. her sister and b*o lived here also. her sister was a fresh new 18 year old and was still a vergin! i was so down you have no idea! i will start by telling you i dont sleep at night, and this friday night i had to work well i had got home at around 2am! i went and took a shower,(i work in a mill)when i got out like always my next thing to do...

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Trey is such a BASTARD!" my daughter Amanda cried through cascading tears. Her slender shoulders were heaving, her breath catching pitifully between sobs. I did my best to comfort her with an empathetic hug. She buried her face against my shoulder, wiping tears on my cotton shirt."Dammit, Barb!" I thought silently to myself, "I need you NOW more than EVER!"My wife, Barb, passed away last April. I've been trying for ten months to handle the role of mother and father, all rolled into one. And...

1 year ago
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Suck his cock even though I won the BetPT2

Melissa practically jumped up, bent over Dan and kissed him deeply while she undid his belt and jeans. As soon as she had his zipper down, she grabbed his jeans and shorts and tugged them down; he raised his hips a little to help, and she whisked them off his legs and threw them aside. Then she moved back to me, ran a hand up the inside of my left thigh to my balls, continued tracing her fingers up my shaft, then caressed my stomach and chest. Then she took my hand and pulled me up off the...

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My Pleasure Is You

It’s almost three in the morning and you wake up, alone in the bed. ‘I thought he said he was coming to bed!’ you mumble as you rushed out of the bedroom and down the hall. You didn’t even take time to put on your robe you were so upset. ‘All he thinks about is that damned web site!’ you think silently, your irritation growing into anger. As you approach the door to the den, in the mirror you see me sitting at my desk but can’t see what’s on the computer screen. You pause at the door without...

2 years ago
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A Surprise Christmas Fuck Aunt Chloe Piper

Introduction: cream of the season I fucking hate Christmas, Piper muttered with disgust to herself. She kicked one of the packages under the gaily-decorated tree. When she heard something break, she laughed bitterly. The holidays had sneaked up on her. Piper was 14 year old, and Christmas no longer held the magic for her that it once had Fuck Christmas! she cursed. Who the hell needs it! It was all such a big hassle. The family togetherness was driving Piper straight up the wall. Though it...

4 years ago
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Group Sex North The South Indian Guys

Indian Gay Sex Hi my dear Indian Sex Stories, thank you so much for your very good response for my previous story and I wish I’ll get the same good support and feedback from you all for all my upcoming stories. I am Nandhu aged 25 a bottom guy from Chennai, Ambattur and I’ve a smooth hairless body like girls. I look little chubby but not fat and many guys likes my smooth body and sharp nipples. Today I am going to narrate a story of a hot group sex with two hoot guys. Hope you’ll enjoy this...

3 years ago
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Daniel Gary and I

(This story is true, just the names, places and times are changed to keep from exposing the participants other then me from embarrassment.) I knelt before Daniel as he stood over me glaring down with a wicked smile on his lips...his words were like a knife as he spoke '...undo my zipper and kiss my dick like it's made of sugar and honey. My be you'll even get to suck some of it's honey out before and after I fuck you, now get busy...' Even tho tears were forming in my eyes my heart skipped with...

3 years ago
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Winter Date at Skyline Ridge Park

“I know you’ll have a great time,” I told Julie as we headed towards a secret date I had planned for us. I had only one thing on my mind and had worked out the perfect plan. I was taking Julie to Skyline Ridge park, a pretty common year round attraction in our area. However, this time of year the park always decorates one of its 3 mile long trails with Christmas lights. Along the path are places to stop for hot chocolate or to listen to groups performing holiday songs. I knew this was a perfect...

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My wife and the black college professor Part II

She said he took her in his arms and started kissing her as he took her hand and put it on his large cock. She started rubbing and stroking it as he was undressing her and carassing her tits and ass.It turned her on seeing his black hands on her white breasts and her small white hand on his huge black cock. After he had her undressed she took him in her mouth it was so big she couldn't much more than the head in but she sucked and licked on it while he rubbed her clit and fingered her...

3 years ago
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Hangover Recollections

“Nothing good ever happens after one in the morning when you're drunk,” he painfully reminded himself of the events he failed to remember. Ben tentatively held his leg out of the bed on the floor to make his proprioception stop spinning the room. To his surprise, it helped. The world seemed to slowly halt to its habitual standstill—by normal human perception anyway. Only his stomach seemed, much to his displeasure, to keep enjoying the rollercoaster ride.With shaky legs, Ben gave standing up a...

2 years ago
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Paradise lost found

Paradise groaned as her alarm clock beeped obtrusively at her. She reached out a reluctant hand, felt around on the bedside table and smashed the button on the alarm clock perhaps a bit too heavily. Quiet again. She turned over, closed her eyes and felt herself drift back off into dream world. Her eyelids heavy, her limbs numb and the sounds of the outside world far off. Just as that warm, trance like state was upon her, the alarm clock went off again. BEEP, BEEP, BEEP, BEEP. It had been twenty...

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A night elf warrior gets help from her draenei fri

"No, it's not made of saronite..." the teal-haired night elf warrioress tactfully pronounced." 'En eye 'on't kno' wat ya want, missy." Soft-spoken and ever patient, D'Dea had been trying to get this dwarf weaponsmith to understand her request for a good fifteen minutes. She was increasingly of the impression he already knew he didn't know how to smith the sword she was seeking, and was merely taking some twisted pleasure in wasting her time."A...felsteel longblade..." Carefully, slowly,...

1 year ago
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XXXPawn Harlow Harrison Tattooed Harlow gets needled and inked

Tattoos are cool, but not for me. I believe my body is my temple and you don’t put bumper stickers on muscle cars, you know what Im sayin’ . Well today this nice looking Harlett named Harlow came into the XXX PAWN SHOP, She came in looking to sell her tattoo gun, because she need to pay her rent and keep her tattoo business a float. I asked her where her business was she told me it was at inner circle. Something about that place seemed familiar. She had heard about the XXXPAWNSHOP and how quick...

3 years ago
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Last Night

"Karne? It's me," I call out, coming in through the kitchen door."In here, bring me a beer.""How many hav--""Beer!"I open the fridge and grab a bottle at random, pop the cap, and go into the den. She is sitting in her chair, hunched over a box on her lap."What are you doing?" I ask, setting down the bottle on the coffee table in front of her."Just shifting through the sands of time, hunting a memory." After a second, she swings her head around to stare at me. I can see her age in...

4 years ago
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My Wife Natalie Chapter 1

My wife Natalie and I met when I was 19 and she was 18 and in 6th form school, We were both virgins.Natalie is a size 16 with and amazing body and large breasts, The first thing I noticed about her as she was talking to her friends was that she smoked. I have always had a smoking fetish but never told anyone about it as I thought people would find me weird!We ended up dating and our sex life was amazing and over the next few years things were perfect between us.After we bought our first house...

2 years ago
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Target Practice

For years I've known about what people say about me behind my back. They say I'm a hen-pecked, pussy whipped wimp. I suppose it had a lot to do with the fact that my wife was ten years older than I am and some of it was because I tended to do what she told me to do, but so what? What was wrong in trying to keep your wife happy? I felt that I had lucked out big time when I found Kathleen and that I'd hit the lottery jackpot when she said yes to my marriage proposal. Damned right I did...

1 year ago
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My Wife Spends The Night At A Friends Part 3

It was just past 2:30 am and I hadn't heard from Renee since she had claimed to arrive at her friend's house earlier that day. Since all the bars and clubs close at 2 am, I figured I had a good chance of getting ahold of her. I dialed her number, letting the phone ring until it went to voicemail. I tried calling a second time with the same result.'I wonder if she's already at Jamal's place getting fucked?' I asked myself, pulling out my laptop to track her cellphone. It showed she was...

4 years ago
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Family Surprise

You woke up in the hospital unaware of what put you in a hospital bed. "What happened to me?" You ask feeling a major headache coming on. "Why am I in a hospital bed?" A nurse enters your semi-private room and she tells you that you were involved in a very bad accident. "You are lucky to be alive Mr. Colt," she tells you as she looks at your chart and then at the IV feed stuck in your arm. "The doctor thinks that you will be able to leave here in a day or two." She explains that you had...

1 year ago
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The Wedding Ch 05

Eldon Parkhurst stood in front of the full-length mirror on his bedroom door, examining the outfit he’d chosen to wear on his first date since the death of his wife. He thought he looked pretty good in the charcoal pinstripe suit, pink Oxford cloth shirt, and pink and gray rep stripe tie. He’d bought the suit several years earlier, hadn’t worn it in ages, and was pleased it still fit. Selecting the right outfit took Eldon quite a while. Adding to that the time it had taken to shower and dress,...

2 years ago
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Halloween Hacker

It was a dark and stormy night... Or, at least, that’s what the radio forecast called for later. But at the moment, it was somewhat pleasant and cool as Chris Samson drove home from work. His mind was fuzzy and his body felt drained after seven days sequestered at the office. All he wanted was to be home in his comfy little apartment for a few days. “Damned idiots at the agency,” he grumbled aloud. “I told ‘em from the start this project was more than they expected, but it’s not like anybody...

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Living in Nevada a Long Time Ago 2

I hung up the phone and laid down with my head in Carmen's lap. I could smell her pussy and rolled over face down into her snatch. She purred and said "we still haven't fucked..yet". I pushed my nose further in and blew into her crotch which made her wiggle. She pulled me out of paradise and rolled me over and laid on top of me wiggling her hips and mashing her pussy into me. This made my semi hard cock start to wake up and she raised a little to pull my cock in line with the lips of her...

1 year ago
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EvilAngel Saya Song Chloe Temple Pistol Whipped

Cute blonde Chloe Temple and her Asian girlfriend, Saya Song, compete for older stud Tommy Pistol’s dick. He mediates their squabble, suggesting an anal threesome! The adorable girls take turns deepthroating his hard cock and rimming his hairy asshole. Tommy fucks Saya’s sweet butt; Chloe gives an ass-to-mouth blowjob and tongues Saya’s gaping bunghole. The trio enjoys kinky foot jobs and toe sucking. Tommy masturbates to orgasm, and all three fuckers swap his sperm in a...

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Little Sister Wants A Gangbang Chapter 2

I led Valerie down the hallway to my bedroom. Once we were inside and the door clicked shut, I took her over to my bedside."What are we doing in here?" she asked."I owe you a mind-bender... I thought you'd be more comfortable on the bed than the sofa or the floor," I said.My sister smiled and blushed. "Thank you.""Now crawl up on the bed and get comfortable. Prepare for liftoff, Astronaut Valerie!" I said."You're a nut, Bobby!" she said, giggling as she got onto the bed. She crawled to the...

2 years ago
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The Distracted Manager

The Distracted Manager Belladonna [Author's Note: Loosely based on an idea provided by Honoria] Eli Nemours clasped his head as he heard his secretary and office manager celebrating his loss. The bet had seemed like one he could not lose when he made it with his office manager, Terri. Of course, Eli knew better than to believe in sure things, but he was certain about what the outcome would be. Now, he was stuck having to live up to his part of the deal. "You're going to...

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Keeping the Womenfolk in Line Karens TaleChapter 2

It had been almost an hour when Betty’s bedroom door opened. It had been a long awkward hour for Karen. She and her son heard grunting, giggling, slapping, and what was obviously a few of Betty’s screaming loud orgasms. Mark, Cheyenne, and Savannah seemed to pay no attention at all to it even though they clearly heard it. Mark introduced Tucker to his Xbox, and the boys started playing. “I have an Xbox one in the car,” Tucker said excitedly. “Oh, that’s cool. This is an Xbox 360, though,...

3 years ago
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The Reluctant SultanChapter 8 New People

Jan and I kept our ears tuned for any negative feedback about her promotion. We heard nothing. However, we did get some comments passed along by Lori. A couple of the older, veteran sales reps were grumbling about have to work for "some slave-driving, menopausal woman." Lori had tipped Jan and she in turn, came to me for advice. "Nip it in the bud, Jan. Talk to them, tell them what you heard, ask them to confirm it, then tell them what you expect from them. Above all, don't let them...

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Delivery Charge

I own a small store selling television, videos and hi-fi equipment. I'm a reasonably good salesman and earn a decent living. Last week a young woman came in to the shop and stood looking at the televisions. Even in an empty shop I never dive on new customers preferring to give them a few minutes to find what they're looking for. Today, this strategy had the additional benefit of allowing me to admire the woman. She was tall, well over 6' in her heels and had long flowing light red hair. My...

1 year ago
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Illegal Orgasm Part 9 The Taste Of Cum

Mumtaz knew someone who could help them nab Alex. He was a police commissioner, a middle-aged man. He could easily use the evidence Lissy provided to get Alex in prison. “He will ask for more than evidence. He will demand that I satisfy him,” Mumtaz groaned. But Mumtaz always resisted any advancements from this cop. Even though she badly wanted a man, he was not from her religion. “I can satisfy him,” Lissy said with pride. This is the best choice she had. Last night before the final hearing,...

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Daddys Girl chapters 56

The next morning Beth and I had woke up around 11am. I told her that she needed to come to my house tuesday afternoon after school. Remembering that daddy said I was to follow my instructions and so far I had. Thinking back to last night playing with Beth and actually letting Rex lick and fuck me. I really didn't think that having a dog fuck me was going to excitie me as much as it did. As much as i had fun my mind kept going to daddy. I love him and i love being with him and I missed him. I...

3 years ago
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A willing slave

“Not even if I was a dyke, come on this needs to stop. This is getting pathetic.” Here I was again begging Kelly to give me a chance. Anne, Liz, and Stephanie had all left and we were the last two of the friend group at the bar and as soon as everyone else had left I just couldn’t stop asking her out. It seemed like every time I had her alone I would confess my feelings, or I guess restate them as she’d known for quite some time and had repeatedly stated her non-interest, usually in an...

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Blind Ambition

At 21 years old, Janet was a pretty average looking girl when she started out as a trainee executive in one of the large blue chip company in New York. Five years later, Janet has transformed to be quite a sexy lady. She has put herself on a strict regimented diet, exercise regularly after work. She is now described as 5 feet 7 inches, flawless tan skin, long blonde flowing hair, her legs that are so slender and seems to go forever, her pussy is always fully shaved and juicy, and any man would...

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Little sisters feet

"Alright, thanks again for staying in on such short notice, we owe you." your Dad pats you on the shoulder as he and your stepmother step out the door. "Have fun!" you call to them, closing the door and turning to face your little sister, Billie. Billie's around 4'8" with long blonde hair and blue eyes. Her nose is petite and she plays delicately with her manicured nails. "Alright Billie, what do you want to do?" you put on your most entertaining voice and sit down on the couch with her. On a...

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Part of the deal was that the other man had to be much younger than us and very well hung. If I was going to watch my lover fuck another man, a huge cock would be a visual turn on for me as well as her. I tell him to sit down opposite us and watch. I start tongue kissing you and you respond. I stand you up and tell him to undress you and then undress me. He has to remain fully clothed and sit and watch as I lick you all over. I stand you right in front of him and kneel down and lick your...

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Not Quite a White Knight Book 2Chapter 11 Hello Irene

Saturday Evening May 24 A small airport in LA, flying to a small airport in Detroit, then Marta’s House At the airport a private jet was waiting. Tango and Irene were already on board. I introduced Qwit to Irene as one of my maternal uncles. Irene was the newest addition to the soldiers the Patron keeps in LA, she had arrived last Thursday to serve the next two year in the Patron’s military. She is a cousin of Bente, the girl Tango was going to marry in July. As this was our first meeting...

2 years ago
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Addicted To My Teen Neighbors Big Cock

“What are you doing in my room?” I asked as I opened the door of my room and found my seventeen-years-old neighbor, Ryan, standing near the bed. Ryan and I were friends, not really good friends but we did talk to each other all the time. I was two year older than him, so age factor was also there between our friendship. His parents were away for a week so he was staying with us in my elder brother’s room, as my brother was in hostel. “Nothing,” he replied and stood still. He looked scared,...

4 years ago
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Hot Basket Player

So on day I'm in my office and Annie come into my office. She has on one of those short top that come just over her breast. It is obese she not wering a bra. She has on a pair of short that are cottOn and are so tight that you can see she is not waring any thing under them. She is so "Hot" I am 6' 10" tall, 230 pound, 30 year old and in good shape. I play basket evary day. I am hung like a mule. About 14" long and 6' around. So if I get aroused I have a hard time keeping it out of...

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Saturday Morning

Oh, what a dream! I knew I was dreaming because I could feel the cool, crisp sheets and the fluffy pillow under my head. Someone was softly caressing my body. I could feel the small hand working its way across my chest, down to my belly and played around the top edge of my boxers. The soft hand carefully moved on top of the material until it found my cock. I twisted around in the bed until I was more comfortable and thought to myself,’ Please , God, don’t let me wake up until this dream is...

4 years ago
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A Girl in Need Ch 08

Just a few customary words of warning, without reading earlier parts of this story, this particular section won’t make a lot of sense. The characters and story are fictitious though many of the place names are not. The story is the sole property of the writer and may not be used without permission from the Author. Again I have to admit the invaluable help I have received from my voluntary editor Yellow Peril. His help is very gratefully acknowledged and valued, he made the one part really hum....

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SusanChapter 4

Sometime later, while Susan was wandering around looking for someone else to be acceptably social with, she came across Mark and Jackie Gravengood, who somehow she'd missed earlier. Maybe they'd shown up late, she thought, but that seemed unlikely; it was more likely that they'd been a big help to her mother and father in the work of setting the open house up in the first place. While there were people in attendance who were there mostly because they were friends of Susan's parents and...

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The No Strings ChallengePart 10 Serendipity Sucks Sometimes

I woke up just before noon with a throbbing erection. For a second, I thought I was still asleep and maybe dreaming, but the giggles and exaggerated slurping sounds coming from beneath me were too real. Audrey was deep throating my cock from my right side and Nikki was between my legs sucking on my balls and playing with my prostate. The sight of the two gorgeous women having a sausage and eggs breakfast in bed with me standing in for the sausage and eggs would normally have made me come...

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Tammy Gets Fucked Again

It was early afternoon at Tammy’s house...“Ugh... Ugh... Fuck me!"“Oh, God, you’re so beautiful,” Joel said in Tammy’s ear. He started kissing her and stroke her lovingly. She giggled at the compliment as she looked back at him. “I get that a lot for some reason,” she smiled. Joel loved her smile. They met eyes. He went faster, penetrating her sweet womanhood.“Ugh! Ugh! Fuck me! Fuck me with your big dick! Oh, God!”He looked at Tammy and her raw beauty as he got to squeeze her ebony breasts. He...

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Night at the video store

I was working at a video in Akron Ohio.  I was the Assistant manager.  I should probably introduce myself.  My name is Alex.  At the time I was 200 pounds, I had brown hair and hazel eyes.  I always worked on Monday nights and stayed at the store until I had all of the videos processed for sale and rental for opening on Tuesday mornings.I always worked with Megan.  She was about 150 pounds,  black hair, brown eyes, 32DD Bra, and very flirty.  We worked together at nights all the time. Megan was...

Office Sex
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Summer Camp Surprise4

I curse the kids who got to suck on those soft tits. My cock hardens slightly as I picture this gorgeous young Spanish mother who always wears her black yoga pants and red tank top to drop of her kid. I imagine pushing her face down into her bed as I plow her pussy; her husband off at work not knowing his wife was such a slut. She is moaning my name, telling me that her husband’s is so much smaller than mine. “Bang,” my fantasy ends as the head counselor slams her big box of crafts onto...

3 years ago
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Dawn of the Federation Book II Darkness on the Edge of SpaceChapter 15 Silver Lining

Hoshi entered engineering and found Trip hunched over a console looking at its display intensely. He didn't seem to notice too much of the bustling activity around him as dozens of Engineers hurried to and fro trying to get various subsystems online, checked and realigned. She looked over his shoulder and saw that he was studying a transliteration of the Vulcan software. She put her hand on the small of his back and he jumped a little before he realized who had touched him. "You wanted to...

3 years ago
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Nurse Got Screwed

By : Bsathya Hi I’m Sathya a general practitioner in a private hospital in Coimbatore. This incident is about a nurse who was working in the same hospital she is very shrewd and used to do things swiftly  When I was new to the hospital she taught me many things like how is the characters of the fellow doctors.  Let me tell about her she was in her early twentys and had a long hair, short in height but her assets were a perfect fit for her body. Her structure is so good that every patient stares...

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Golden HillsChapter 5

July 1, 1945 Ten of the young guerillas came back from the US Army base on the coast. They brought an Army Sergeant and 2 Privates with them. We were very happy to have them with us! We had several barangay meetings and private talks with them. Sarge said "We are here to check on your welfare and health. I see that you have been well provided for. Our Base Commander Major General Louis Bacon asks that the two of you come back with us. He will have an Honor Parade for all of the POWs we...

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One Suite Cruise

I needed a vacation big time. The problem was, I never had the cash to do something big. Fortunately, I'd recently made a small fortune doing a private party. I was the only girl their dancing and there were great tippers there. Thanks to that party, I had enough to book myself a cabin for a two-week cruise to The Bahamas. As I looked up at the magnificent ship moored at the docks, I thought to myself, "I definitely owe Jason one for this." Jason was the friend of mine who threw the party for...

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adult theater fucking

I had been out drinking with some friends and on my way home decided to stop at an adult theater. It was a small theater with about 40 seats and a large screen for straight porn. It also had two smaller screens along the walls with trans porn. I came in and stood along the wall for my eyes to adjust. After a couple of minutes, I could see the back row was filled with guys just sitting there. The next row up had 2 guys with their cocks out stroking them and another guy with a guy sucking him.I...

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Surprise 3way Part 2

It was now very apparent, that my wife and I were no longer alone in the dinning room. I was seated in the dinning room chair, blindfolded, my wrists tightly secured to the arms of the chair, a tender hand caressing my very full balls, another hand seductively stroking my hardening cock, lips and hot, wet tongue on my left nipple and another hand feeding me whipped-cream covered strawberries! As I devoured the strawberry, in a seductive attempt, I felt cool whipped-cream being applied to my...

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