So Many So Fast Pt 5 free porn video

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Sitting there she hears a knock. “Hey Lisa are you ok in there? As Jose opens the door, Lisa looks at Jose “oh this is heaven. I feel sooo much better now. I’m ready to party now”. José looks at her with a sorrowful face. Oh about the party. Most of the people left. I guess they we’re here for you. How’d you like to go the bar and have a few? Jose asks. “I can’t. You know I’m not 21”. Then she grabs a towel and stands. “Its cool I can get you in. I know the owner. Lisa continues to dry off. “Ok sounds good to me but I don’t have anything nice to wear”. She steps out and Jose just stares at her beautiful body and face. “Damn I love looking at you. You are so hot. I don’t think I’ll ever get used to looking at you. O and I have something nice for you. Its not night club material but its nice. I left it on the bed for you. I’m gonna go down stairs come down when your ready and we’ll get out of here” Lisa smiles “ok I’ll be down in a bit.

Lisa hits the bed and lies on the fresh sheets that have replaced the cum flooded sheets that we’re there only 30 minutes ago. She stretches out grabbing a pillow. “I’ll just lay here for a min and recharge”. No sooner did that thought leave her head did she fall into a deep sleep. 25 minutes pass and Jose goes upstairs to check on Lisa. He opens the door to see her laying there in the fetal position with her absolutely perfect small round ass sticking out. “Man I can’t believe this girl does these things. If she wasn’t such a whore I’d keep her for my self but things are what they are. I am sure one lucky son of a bitch to have her doing anything I want her to do. What did I do in this life to get so lucky.”
He snaps out of his thoughts and grabs the blanket in the corner. He covers her then reaches down and gives her a kiss on the forehead. “Thanks for a great evening. I’ll see you in the morning” He whispers. He turns, heads out the door and closes it behind him. “Might as well let her sleep. Shit if I were her I’d be doing the same thing if I just fucked 24 guys”.

Lisa wakes up feeling refreshed but is a little thrown back by her surroundings. it takes her a few seconds to figure out where she is. It comes back to her then she realizes that she fell asleep and didn't party. " Well I guess it’s a good thing. I needed the rest. I’ve been in sex mode all weekend". She rolls out of bed and looks for her clothes realizing that she's still naked. She grabs the dress given to her by Jose and puts it on." wow this is a nice dress, slutty but nice as she admires her self in the mirror. The dress hugging her hips and squeezing her flat stomach as it cups her tits almost like a push up bra might do. The dress has a very large "v" cut in it showing off most of her tits. If she we're to move suddenly in either direction her tit would pop out.
The shoulders are cut out and as far as length the dress is just below the panty line. An inch higher and you would see her pussy mound. "Playing pool in this dress would be interesting. I think my entire ass would show trying to get the shot from the middle." she laughs. "I love the dress. Too bad I fell asleep but there's always another time".
She goes off to the bathroom and finds a new toothbrush, floss, mouthwash and a note. "Thanks for a great night. Here are some things. Use um. I’ll put them away for your use some other time. See ya down stairs.

Jose sits at the kitchen table eating some cereal as Lisa enters the room "you look great I knew that would fit you perfectly, how are you feeling this morning? "Oh I’m doin good, just ready to head home. By the way how many guys we're there last night 15? Jose starts laughing. "15? Damn girl you had 24 guys. That was the craziest shit I’ve seen and you seemed to take it like a veteran". She looks at him with a questioning look. " Thanks I guess. It didn't seem like that many. I never thought that there we're that many people here. I just thought that the guys kept coming back".

Lisa’s eyes started to swell up." o god what have I done. I really am a nasty whore". Lisa started to cry. José jumps up. "Hey babe its cool, don't cry no one even knew who you were. That’s the main reason for the oversized blindfold. I did it so no one could recognize you. So you could walk around town without everyone looking at you funny". Lisa stops crying thinking about what he's saying and gets a comforting feeling in her telling her that its gonna be alright. "I just want to go home if you don't mind." with that Jose gets his car keys and leads her out to the car and drives her home. On the way home Jose tried to make small talk but she just looked off in the distance. They pull up to the house; she gives him a peck on the cheek and gets out. See ya later she shouts as she goes into the house. Jose just pulls out and drives down the road.

Lisa closes the door behind her "hello any one home? We’re in here is the response she gets coming from the living room. "Ok" and Lisa goes up the stairs to her room.

Lisa lays in her bed in her pajamas even though it's 1pm on a Sunday pondering the weekend she just had. " Wow I can't believe I’ve had sex with 42 guys. I never would have thought that I would ever sleep with that many guys in a life time much less in one weekend. I don't know what got into me, well, (she smiles) I know what got into me but I don't know what made me do it. I never thought that I could do such a thing. I guess deep down every girl has a slut in her waiting to get out only if for a little while. She reaches for the remote for the t.v. and turns it on. She flips through the channels. Lisa then notices that she isn't even paying attention to what she is looking at. All she can think about is all the sex she's had. " Damn it I need to get these thoughts out of my head or I'll never get anything done". Shaking her head desperately trying to focus on the task at hand finding something on the tv to get her mind back to normal. With some success she finds a movie that she likes to watch and before the movie is over, she falls asleep.

She lays in bed tossing and turning. Her legs moving, her hands grabbing the pillow, she wakes suddenly and rapidly sits up in bed. " huh,wha...what the fuck was that" she says shaking her head. she was having a dream running from a street filled with men with hard-ons chasing her shooting cum at her like bullets. "That was one weird dream. I hope I don't keep having those dreams". Lisa sits wondering how in the world she could be dreaming about cocks when she's just had so many. "I've got to control this" she tries to clear her head when she notices that her pussy is WET? "How and the hell am I wet? I just got fucked all weekend?"

Her mind it telling her that its wrong but her body is telling her that its time to go again. She reaches between her legs and feels her pussy "Shit am I wet" she starts to rub her clit and feels a welling of hormones in her "I need to call Jose. I’ll just hook up with him that should do the trick" with that she grabs her cell phone and calls him. "Hey what are you doing?” she has a grin on her face from ear to ear. " Playing softball like we do every Sunday what’s up?” she starts to turn red at her thoughts and in a low voice says, "I have a little problem. It would appear that I'm horny again".

Jose looks at his phone "Are you serious? After the last two nights I never thought I would ever hear from you again. I'm busy for a while today I don't think I'll be able to hook up today. We have a double header today. Lisa sits with a pouted face and then her face suddenly brightens up "I can come over to you and cheer you on. Maybe you can help me out in-between games. I’ll grab my dad's van he's got a bed in back but only you. Don't tell the team. I have no intention on getting gangbanged today". Again Jose looks at his phone with a surprised puzzled look on his face and says, "Damn you are really horny. We’re at Independence Park. Could you bring some ice for the cooler on you way here? "Sure no problem anything else you need? was Lisa’s response. " Yeah I need you to wear the smallest and tightest shorts you have. I want to make the guys drool when they see you" she starts to laugh, "O REALY, we'll see about that. Be there in 45." with that she hangs up the phone and goes to take a shower.

While in the shower as her hands pass her nicely trimmed mound just above her pussy she stops. "I think I'll shave it off. No sense in having it. All it does is get all matted up when it get cum in it" so with that she grabs the razor on the shelf, spreads some gel shaving cream and begins to shave off every hair surrounding her pussy. she even gets the few hairs that are around her asshole. "There we go smooth as silk". She dries herself off, wraps a towel around herself and walks down the hall to her room closing the door behind her. In her room she drops the towel and starts looking through her drawers.

Lisa grabs a pair of jean shorts that could only be considered "daisy dukes". "These should do the trick" she snickers as she pulls them up. The shorts are so tight that even with her flat stomach she has a hard time getting them on. Once on they hug her beautifuly. giving her a slight camel toe in the front and a "grundy" look in the rear. The shorts are cut half way up around her ass cheeks so as to leave little to the imagination but covers enough not to get arrested. "O I forgot panties, ahh on second thought who needs um in fact, I'm not gonna wear a bra either that should get his and their attention" she grabs a tiny t-shirt, pulls it over her head. Once on her she looks at the shirt as it sits just below the bottom of her tits.

"Perfect this outfit should throw off the other team. I sure do look like a slut though". She walks over to her other dresser and grabs a pair of sweats and a pull over shirt. She proceeds to put them on knowing that there is no way that she is going to be let out of the house with that outfit on. "Now I only have to figure out how to get my dads van,” she thinks about it for a few minutes. "I got it I'll tell him I need it to help out Jen's mom." she smiles and heads down stairs. Walks into the living room where her mom and dad along with brother are watching a movie "hey dad can I use the van, Jen's mom need to move some stuff to storage. Nothing too big or dirty just lots of small stuff. We’ll cover the seats if you want" her dad looks up at her with a nervous look. "You think you could manage that thing? You’ve never driven it before it’s not like a car. I'm not worried about the seats just about you crashing”.

Lisa then walks over to the table where the keys are then grabbing them " don't worry dad I got this. I’ve driven my friends navigator many times so this shouldn't be a problem" she walks to her dad bends and gives him a kiss. As she rises she see's her brother looking t her with a grin. "what’s wrong with you" her bro snaps out of it "nothing why do you ask". She turn and walks away thinking he must have just been day dreaming "See you guys later. I'll be back in a couple of hours" she walks to the door her mom yells out "Don't be too long you need to get to bed early, you need to find a job tomorrow" she turns " ok mom" and she's out the door. Starts the van and heads down the road.

She pulls into the parking lot of the park and she notices that there are 4 games going on. She pulls the van in to a car spot nearly hitting the car next to her. "Maybe I shouldn't go out there in this outfit." she ponders the thought as she pulls the keys out of the ignition and climbs into the rear of the van. The van has a high top allowing her to stand with ease in the back "should I or shouldn't I" she taps her toe then quickly pulls her top shirt off and removes her sweat pants "I should, who cares. I have a nice body and I don't care if they all look in fact, let them all look".

With that she takes one more look at herself and climbs out of the van. "Now which one is he in" as she walks around every guy in the park is staring at her. Her ass slightly jiggling along with her tits. Lots of hoots and howls are directed at her from the guys. The women in attendance however are giving her dirty looks.

As she walked around she started noticing that she was not the only half naked female in the area. In fact there we're lots. Makes sense since they're only a quarter mile from the beach. After some searching she found Jose’s team. He was in the outfield when she approached the fence. He waved quickly just before he had to run to get a fly ball heading his way. He makes a leaping dive and rolls to a stop. With the inning over he runs in to the dug out. Walking to the fence "Hey there, Lisa you look hot in that get up. I can't wait to be able to get my hands on you and my cock in you" She smirks at him and ask what inning their in. there in the bottom of the seventh and Jose's team is winning. "Good then I won't have to wait long to get some" she turns and heads to the bleachers.

As she climbs to get in the bleachers all the guys on both teams are staring at her hot ass popping out of the short shorts with every step she took up the bleachers. Jose smiles thinking to himself, "I can't wait to bury my cock in her ass after this game. Maybe when I’m done I’ll get her to fuck both teams. I bet she'll love that". Lisa finally gets to her seat and see's all the guys checking her out. She can't help but get wet at the thought of banging all those guys " wow it would be nice to have all those guys sliding their hard cocks inside every hole I have and get all of their cum all over me". The game continues. The other team starts to catch up so Lisa gets an idea.

Lisa starts making her way to the fence on the first base side. She grabs the chain link fence with her back arched in a way that makes her ass stick outward. Jose's team it up to bad. The first batter hits a fly ball to right field. Just before the ball gets to the outfield she bends over at her waist to “tie her shoes". The outfielder being a regular horny male in his 20's looks at her ass as she bends over and the ball drops to the ground. The outfielder is so transfixed on her gorgeous ass that he doesn't even know the ball had fallen to the ground. When he gets his thoughts back he looks up to realize the ball was already on the ground. He then starts looking around franticly then locates the ball. He runs towards the ball and takes a look over his left shoulder noticing the runner circling 2nd on his way to third. All Lisa could do is snicker and stand back up looking with a "what did I do" kind of look.

Jose looks in her direction gives a smile and a thumbs up. She smiles back and waits for batter number two. This continues through out the whole inning. Jose's team had scores 4 runs that inning. The other teams captain comes over and says to her "listen hunny. We appreciate your "assets" but could you please go and sit in the bleachers. You’re turning my guys into a bunch of bumbling idiots out there", Lisa gives him a smile" Ok, ok, ill go sit down". Turning and giggling she makes her way to the bleachers where she sits like a good girl for the rest of the game. Jose's tam does end up winning the game. After the last out Jose walks up to Lisa "we need to get to the van. "I need to fuck you right now, I'm gonna bring a few friends with". Lisa expected this "after this weekend all I want is you.

As they headed to the van Jose was grabbin and tickling her all the way to the car. Lisa suspected all the groping was him showing off to his friends, as he has never done it before. "You having fun, I bet your friends want to come too"
She smiles and giggles, "you know they want to fuck your brains out. That’s what you get for teasing them the way you we're. Lisa tells him that she was just distraction the other team so they could win. "Sure you know you want them to fuck you" Jose grabs her ass while telling her this. " Yeah but, not today maybe some other time". She hits the remote for the car and unlocks the doors. No sooner did the doors clothes Jose pulls off his baseball pants and pushed her over the captain’s chair. He lines up his cock with her pussy and starts to guide it in which is easy to do since her shorts don't have much material hiding her pussy. The material easily slides to one side allowing him east access to her sopping wet pussy.
"Oh fuck that’s what I needed. I’ve been waiting for a nice warm cock to fill my empty hole. I’ve felt almost sick all day with out a cock". Hearing that Jose picks up the pace. They fuck for about 10 minutes when she whispers to Jose " her words come out of her in spurts as Jose is hammering in her pussy now. " Jose picks up his phone. "Hey get in here she wants another cock

I want you to tell them as they come in that I want them to talk trashy to me as I blow them. "Ok no problem there" with that he calls in four more guys "hey listen up. I need four more guys to come in here. No one is going to fuck her just get blowjobs and jerk off on her face. She wants a cum shower while I fuck her got it? Oh and talk very trashy to her she likes the trash talking. Come in one at a time so not to arouse suspicion also we need to move quick the next game is gonna start any minute" with that he hangs up the phone and continues fucking her.

Meanwhile in the stands and older guy seems to figure out what’s going on by the way the guys are going into the van with Lisa. He stops one of the guys going to the van "hey what’s going on in there" the guy looks at him and smiles "oh just having some fun with that hot girl that was standing here a few minutes ago" the older man looks puzzled and then a light goes off in his head "oh I get it a little fun mmmmm I’d like that" the younger guy starts walking away "sorry dude only by invitation but I’ll ask for you. See ya when I return.

The first guy walks in to see Lisa on what looks like an ottoman. She’s on her back with her dirty blonde hair hangin down while Jose pounds away at her bald pussy. He looks her petite size 2 frames with her c-cup tits bouncing with every forward stroke. Her shapely legs high with Jose holding each one by the ankle "wow this chick is hot I can't wait to blow my load on her pretty face" he quickly pulls out his cock without taking off his pants. He just pulls them down a bit then takes his dick and guides it towards her waiting mouth "suck this cock you whore I’ve got 3 days of cum waiting to explode all over you face" Lisa eagerly grabs his cock and starts sucking immediately with a hunger that even throws Jose back. "Wow this girl has really turned into a cock hungry slut".

Jose continues to fuck her but now at a slower pace. He needs to last so she can get all her cum. the first guy takes only minutes before yelling "I’m Cumming whore. Eat my cum. Take it like the wanting slut you are. Here it comes pig" he stands directly over her head aiming his swelling cock right at her nose. He starts letting blast after blast of cum pour onto her face. It never seemed to end the ropes absolutely drenched her face like the cum of 3 men. The guy just wipes the remaining cum off his dick with her hair. "Thanks babe I can't wait to get to you again so I could fuck the ass off of you" Lisa smiles and gazes at him bouncing as Jose continues to fuck her. She looks at the guy leaving through cum filled eyes.

In a matter of seconds she is presented with cock #2. " Holy shit how many have cum on your face whore? You’re a fucking wreck already. Ah,who gives a shit just suck my cock so I could add my cum to your fucking face" he grabs his shorter 5"cock and shoves it in her mouth. It must have been the site of seeing a hot little minx fucking like she was cause guy#2 blew his load almost immediately. "Oh fuck, holy shit, take my cum. Then BLAST!! The guys cum shoots straight up her nose. He actually holds the tip of his cock to her nostril and blows shot after shot up both her nostrils. This causes Lisa’s face to shrivel. With every exhale from her nose she blows cum bubbles. "Only a true slut would let a guy blow his load up her nose" he smiles and turns pulling up his pants and without saying a word leaves. Lisa’s face and hair is a picture of what a pure slut should look like.

Jose slows down even more "hey we need to wrap this up. I’m going to nut any minute now. You look so fuckin hot and nasty I don't know how much longer I can hold out. Guy #3 climbs in,"hey go get the other guy. Both of you get in here we have to get going" the other guy is called in and the two new guys immediately take out their cocks out. She starts sucking when Jose bellows out "I’m cumming whore" he quickly moves over her head. Grabs her by the hair and starts to cum in her hair. He actually puts his cock in a wad of hair so it goes deep to the roots. "Here’s some conditioner for you. Lets see how long it takes to wash this out" she starts to laugh "thanks for that.
Its gonna take half an hour to wash that out" Jose laughs "well at least you'll be thinking of me while you wash it out" everyone gives a little laugh. Jose puts away his cock "hey guys hurry up we need to get to the game its about to start" Lisa picks up the pace on the cock in her mouth. Then without any warning one of the guys lifts her legs and starts fucking her "sorry babe but we need to speed things up here" at first Lisa gets a little angry but that quickly faces away with the thought that he is right. "I guess one more cock this weekend won't hurt" the guys start fucking her face and pussy at the same time.

Then the guy in her mouth pulls out. Quickly rotates the driver captain’s chair. Grabs Lisa and shoves her head to the chair on its side. "Here bitch I’m gonna cum on your face in your daddy’s chair" her jerks his cock a few more times and starts cumming not only on her face but all over the seat. Before she could mount any protest guy#4 jumps up and does the same think. With half her face shoved in the seat, the seat was quickly a mess from the cum already on her face. The guy’s cumming on her like that made a huge mess on the seat. "There now you have a memento of our time together. Have fun on your ride home to daddy with our cum allover his chair" the guys quickly pull up their pants and practaly run out of the van without saying anything else. "Lisa I need to get out of here I’ll talk to you later" Jose darts out of the van.

The scene in the van looks nasty. There an 18 yr old sweet and innocent looking blonde teen-age girl is sitting on the floor of a van. Sitting with her legs open with her a pussy a little swollen and slightly gaping. Her upper torso completely covered in cum. smile on her face with her eyes closed relishing the cum she's wearing. She starts smearing the cum on her face like a crazed woman. Licking her fingers giving an "mmmmmmm that taste great".

Getting back to a normal mind set the realization of where she is and what’s happened she snaps up off the floor and stands there "oh shit I don't have anything to clean up this mess with. Although I would love to wear all this cum for a little more I need to get this van and myself cleaned up before I get home or my dad will kill me". She feverishly looks for anything to clean herself off with. Luckily she finds a small bunch of napkins in the center glove box. She wipes her face off. Pads her hair to try and get some of the cum off but it doesn't work. " I love the cum on my face but damn I hate it when it gets in my hair. Its so damn hard to clean up" she looks at the front drivers seat and sees a big cum stain on the seat. "How the fuck am I going to clean that off so my dad doesn't notice. "I know I could go to the truck stop. I could take a shower there and clean up the truck.

She sits on the wet cum in the chair and proceeds toward the truck stop. Once she arrives she see's that they have a washing service. Looking at the wash menu she notices interior cleaning and shampooing $59.99 larger vehicles add $15.00. "Damn its gonna be allot to clean out this thing. She goes in her purse. $42.00 "damn I need 5 for the shower. She thinks about it. "Ok I get a bar of soap that’s a buck. A buck for a small towel. That leaves 40 for the interior. What I need to do is see if I can get them to only clean the seat. She gets out and walks to the storefront. Peaks inside, noticing that most of the people in this old truck stop are in the diner. She looks at the counter to notice an older lady maybe in her mid 50's "perfect, she probably wouldn't know or notice that I have dried cum all over me. She walks around the isles quickly looking for the soap and towel. She finds the soap but no towel. She moves down the isles and notices a baseball cap. " I could wash up what can be seem, wear the hat hiding my hair and take a shower at home" proud of her new idea she proceeds to buy the cap and soap. The old lady never even looks up at her "that'll be $13.25" Lisa hands over exact change proceeds to the ladies washrooms.

In the washroom she washes her face and tries to wash her hair to get some of it off. She actually does a fair job at it. She dries off with rolled up paper towels. After a little brushing of her hair she looks in the mirror. "With the exception of the the cum in my hair and the cum on my shirt I cleaned up very nicely. I’ll just tell my dad that I got egged in the van and that would explain the stains on the seat and me. She leaves the washroom heads towards the van and puts the New York Yankees baseball cap on taking care of the hair thing. She opens the door looks at the cum filled seat " there is no way he's going to believe that that’s anything but cum. I’m gonna have to get this cleaned.
She closes the door and heads to the carwash counter. " Hi there I spilled on my car seat how much to clean just the seat? The guy looks at her "well actually we don't do just one seat we'll have to do the entire interior" Lisa’s heart falls into stomach "please if I bring that thing home like that my daddy gonna shit. Look I’m not asking you to make it perfect I just need to get that spill out before it stains". He checks her out looking at her sweet face and her even sweeter body "well perhaps we could work something out" he smiles. Lisa immediately knows what he's insinuating "I don't think so, could you please help me out I’ll give you every bit of cash I have".
The guy get a pouting look on his face then "how much you got?" Lisa reaches in her purse and pulls out $28.00. "This is all I have" he looks and says "just one seat right? No more than that right?" she looks over "infact, all you need to do is clean the bottom seat cushion". The guy gives a sigh "alright bring it around" she hurriedly brings the van into a bay. The carwash employee takes her keys "it'll only be a few minutes mam," she heads to the waiting area feeling all the employees staring at her half naked ass. " Damn I should have put on my sweats. Oh well the guys are helping me out. Let them enjoy the show" with that she bends over to pick up a magazine making sure to take her time allowing the guys a great long look at her ass. She hears clings and clangs room the guys dropping tools. She smiles and then sits down looking like the cat that just swallowed the mouse.

Ten minutes go by and the guy cleaning her car walks into the waiting room. He looks her way with a mischievous grin on his face. At this point Lisa figures that he knows what the "spill" was. "Your van is ready mam," she puts the magazine down. Gets up and follows after the man. Upon entering the bay where the van is all the guys are now openly staring at her. "Here you go mam, Just want you to know that we're always here to clean your "spills" for you. He smirks and so does she. "Well since you guys have been so nice maybe one day I’ll either tell you or show you how these "spills" are made". She gets in the van and pulls away heading home. "Damn I am such a slut. I can't even get the van cleaned without offering my pussy to someone". While she giggles to herself her cell phone starts to ring.
She thinks about ignoring it but picks it up anyway. "Hello" oh hi Stacy how r u doin? Oh driving home what’s the word?
Stacy on the other end of the line starts spiting out questions not even giving her a chance to respond, "so what’s thin I hear about you and the gazebo? And what’s with the rest stop? Where have you been all weekend? Are you with Jose now?” Lisa just lets her ramble on "hey why don't I call you when I get home. I’ll fill you in then ok?" she hangs up the phone and heads down the block toward home

After running to the shower and finally getting the cum off her. Lisa had dinner with her family. The whole time looking at them wondering what would they think and how they would act towards her if they knew how much of a whore she's been all weekend. Thinking about her weekend puts her into a daydream at the table. Her nipples get hard and her pussy starts to get wet. Lucky for her she is in her very loose fitting pj's so her nipples don't show. After dinner she watches a movie with the family. Amazing to her that she could even watch a movie after the weekend she just had. She seems so comfortable with the situation. No shame, well very little shame. She enjoyed everything that’s happened and wondered if the weekend would ever repeat. She found herself hoping that it would. Hoping to explore different things and places. The movie ends and she tells everyone that she's gonna chill in her room before going to bed. True to her work she calls Stacy back ready for the inquisition to start.
To be continued…………………


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Manya The Forbidden Lust IntensifiesChapter 10

The young girl lay on the bed, mashing her boobs as if they were grapes. For a girl of 18, she was very well built; was the envy of all her classmates and most of her teachers. The fact that this was an all girls college did not stop her from experiencing the joys of sex with boys. In fact, she was well known in the campus as a girl who would let just about anyone fuck her. This reputation was bolstered by the knowledge that just a few months ago she had given birth to a healthy bouncy baby...

2 years ago
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Manya The Forbidden Lust IntensifiesChapter 8

It did not take long for Tiger to recover, and his keen nose picked up the arousal of two bitches in the room. More than that, he picked up a delicious smell two feet from his nose on the floor where Manya had just been fucked just a short while ago. He reached over and start licking the ground to clean up any residual deposit and followed the smell to its source. Sana and Manya both stopped talking at this point and watched Tiger with their utmost attention and Sana, to her credit dropped...

3 years ago
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Manya The Forbidden Lust IntensifiesChapter 7

Binu woke up to the most heavenly sight in the world; his mother's tits a hair's breadth away from his lips. It took him not even a second to swing into action and he pulled his mother on the bed, rolling over on top of her. His hot and hard cock came into contact with her belly and the contact was electric, sending sensations she had been craving for days. The contact of her son's cock with her body was more electrifying than all the fuckings she had received. That did not mean that she...

1 year ago
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Manya The Forbidden Lust IntensifiesChapter 12

If there was one person in the world who knew how to fuck Manya, it was Deen. Even though Deen had never fucked her, or any other woman for that matter, he knew perfectly well what his mother needed. Gone was the woman who loved romantic lovemaking. She was replaced by a perpetual bitch in heat. Gone was the woman who liked to have her body worshipped when being made love to. She was replaced by a whore who liked to be fucked hard and fast, treated like a ragdoll. Getting bolder by the...

2 years ago
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Manya The Forbidden Lust IntensifiesChapter 13

After getting her morning charge by getting fucked by the milkman and the paper-delivery boy, Manya sipped her cum-filled tea seated across the table from Deen. Deen had obliged to put the icing on the tea by masturbating in it and then watching her drink it. Of course Manya was naked, and she sat with her legs wide open giving Deen a clear unobstructed view of her shaved pussy. Sitting across from his mother, Deen sipped his morning milk wondering how he could establish more control over her...

3 years ago
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Manya The Forbidden Lust IntensifiesChapter 11

Tanya settled into the house just fine. She decided to be a little different from her "sister" in the way she acted around people. Where Manya was calm, confident and fully aware of her effect on others, Tanya acted as if naive, gullible and totally oblivious of her effect on others. The two had talked about it and decided it was a nice approach to take for Tanya, seeing as how no one knew her this would provide an opportunity for her to get the maximum fucking possible. If there were any...

3 years ago
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Manya The Forbidden Lust IntensifiesChapter 5 Manya Reborn

Manya woke up early the next morning to find herself alone on the couch. The sun had not risen yet and it was foggy outside. She realized she fell asleep last night on the couch and it must have been Deen who put the blanket over her. He was such a lovely boy, so thoughtful and so caring. She was not in the least worried about him anymore as she had been the last few days. Once she read his diary, all her doubts were cleared, and she knew their relationship would only blossom from that point...

3 years ago
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Manya The Forbidden Lust IntensifiesChapter 6

Of all the bitches Gopal had fucked, this was definitely the hottest. Her plump ass, her melon-sized juicy tits, her angelic face, her pouty lips all begged to be fucked and fucked hard. However, he liked a challenge, and this bitch provided none. That's what women were to him - bitches. He reached over and grabbed her huge udders and squeezed them hard, anticipating a bit of a resistance, but instead it seemed to turn her on even more as she began writhing and pushing hard against him,...

1 year ago
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Manya The Forbidden Lust IntensifiesChapter 9

Today, her 17th birthday, was perhaps the worst day in Manya's life. Her life before her 10th birthday was an unknown to her, she knew she was adopted. Her father had brought her from the small but holy town of Benaras and she had lived in this house ever since. But ever since she could remember, she was highly charged up - sexually. She knew she was also built differently than most other girls her age. Whereas others had small breasts and thin waists, she had started growing boobs at the...

3 years ago
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Enter the DarknessChapter 17 Rocky Road to Belfast

July, 1989 My real birthday is only two days away, I thought as I watched the gulls flying over the Irish Sea from the back of the ferry. I was heading back to Belfast, alone. Eoin and Ambrose tried locking me in my room, but that only worked for a couple of days. Last night, after everyone was asleep, I opened my bedroom window and used the rope I wove out of curtains and sheets to lower my bag down to the ground before sliding down myself. I slipped by the roving guards, stationary...

2 years ago
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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriesS10E07 Donna Paterson 50 from Belfast

S10:E07: Donna Paterson (50), from Belfast We fade in on sleazy dark set. A single spotlight illuminates a steel-frame bed – no bedclothes or pillows, just that stained old mattress. It looks cold and dirty – it needs a hot woman to warm it up... There’s a clicking of heels as this week’s guest walks onto the set. She arrives in the pool of light and we see that she is a middle-aged lady, quite trim for her age, clearly doing plenty to stay fit. She’s also somewhat eclectic in her style...

3 years ago
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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriesS13E01 Christina Bruce 42 from Belfast

With series 12 completed, we roll straight through into series 13 - the same hosts, doing the same things all over again ... Aren’t we getting bored of this yet? Well, it appears not ... So... We start this week’s show with establishing shots of quiet suburban streets – semi-detached homes, very middle class and safe... And then, stepping into frame from the side, moving from behind the camera to infront - this week’s host ... Still the nation’s least likely sex symbol – short, fat,...

4 years ago
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A Handfasting

A hand-fasting was always a very special event. The pagan marriage ceremony, joining a couple in love before their friends, family, community and gods was usually held outside in woodland. This would be followed today, as was the custom, with an evening around the camp-fire singing, joking, drinking and eating into the early morning. Scarlet thought this one had a fine pagan feel to it, particularly given that she was, once again, on all fours, face in the dirt with her hands gripping the earth...

2 years ago
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Manya The Forbidden Lust IntensifiesChapter 2 Wardrobe Redesign

Manya woke up the next morning hornier than when she went to sleep. She felt Binu's head on her breasts, his finger in her ass. She smiled at both, realizing that the barrier they crossed last night did not bother her. Moreover, she felt a sense of relief now that it had been crossed, knowing it would make the two even closer now than before. Smiling, she move his head off her, and rose from the bed. She shuddered as she felt his finger slip out of her ass, feeling a bit of emptiness now...

1 year ago
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Many Vids! Starting off with a question if I'm 18 or not is always a great way to be reminded of just how old/young you are but with, this is overcome with their graphic content that captures attention from the jump. What's it all about you ask? It is about some groovy babes who love getting freaky for the camera in a way that you have not seen before. Nor did I, that's why this site caught me off guard. The Homepage is filled with circles with arousing women who have a...

Amateur Porn Sites
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Many Toon! When you’re looking for some good porn comics to beat off to on your lunch break, there’s always the question of just how many sex cartoons you’d like to have at your disposal. One piece of manga might do it, but two is even better. If you’ve got a whole stack of nasty hentai, that will keep you going a long time. At ManyToon, they aim to provide you with many pornographic toons. The number here may be vague, but it’s certainly high, and that’s what we’re looking is...

Hentai Manga Sites
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Memories of My Return to Belfast

Occasionally, a story has to be written. This one is mostly true. The incidents really happened much as portrayed. For my loyal readers, this story has been in my head for a number of years waiting for its time. Its time is now. Hopefully you will understand it and the bitter memories I have carried most of my life. * ‘Have you heard from Sean? He was arrested in ’79.’ Jenny shook her head. That was all she could do. So many dead or arrested. Arrested was the same as dead back in those days....

4 years ago
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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriess2e9 Hope 18 schoolgirl from Belfast

Series 2, Episode 9: Hope We’re at Birmingham airport, waiting with the crowds for an incoming flight. It’s 09:50 and the arrivals board notes that the 08.55 FLYBE flight from Belfast has already arrived. We watch as various businessmen walk through the arrivals gate. Then a mother and her young son – not her. A couple of flight attendants – they turn and walk away from us – not them. Then the cutest young thing - a pretty teenager with a bright smile and long auburn hair flowing over her...

3 years ago
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I was now on my first crusise on the ocean...I seen Melissa Gilbert up on the rail crying....I was running towards her when she jumped, I jumped in after her....Got hold of her and called for help but no one could hear me...we were adrift seems like hours with i see a small island and swim for it... When we hit the beach some time later and i got a fire going and gather some fruits and anything else i could find...I ask Ms. Gilbert why she jumped ship ? Well she said that her and Bruce had...

4 years ago
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Changes in Paradise Part 12 SEALS Surprises and Steadfastness

Disclaimer: The usual ... if you're underage, stop reading (and how did you get a hold of this in the first place), if you're offended by transgender or transsexual ideas, stop reading, and if you're unlikely to enjoy erotic descriptions of sex, stop reading. Please read "Changes In Paradise, parts 1 - 11," if you haven't already, and take a moment to post a comment or send an email. Permission granted to re-post on any free site with attribution. Thanks for the comments,...

3 years ago
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Living Next Door to Heaven 3 What Were They ThinkingChapter 31 Handfasting

I stiffened. And not in a sexual manner. My daughters were too young to be preparing for marriage. I was going to sit them both down... “They’ve both taken home economics in school to learn to sew and cook. That nice Mrs. Abernathy actually teaches a little about managing a household. You should be proud that our girls are preparing for a future husband and home.” “I thought you meant...” “Oh, I’m sure Lexi is pure as the driven snow. Our little puttana, though ... I’m sure she is sexing...

3 years ago
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Living Next Door to Heaven 197 Handfasting

We had a great time. After dinner, Dad led us all out to the fire pit. He must have taken the whole day off because there was a new addition. He had a kind of tent like thing set up that looked like a Navajo hogan. He'd slipped out earlier to light the fire and it was blazing when we got out there. We just sat around for a while telling stories about how life was going after the first full month of school. The guys were excited about basketball season coming up and were bummed that my class...

3 years ago
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Rainy Night in Belfast

"You've been shot" the doctor said, Dave grinned somewhat sourly, "Congratulations doc" She returned his grin but I detected a hint of respect, "You have a spinal oedema" "Yes" he said, "I've noticed" "So why did you call me?" "I didn't, she did" he inclined his head in my direction, "Why, Jackie?" "Because one minute he was standing at the window and the next he was on the floor, crying, have you ever seen a man cry doctor, a strong man?" "Many times" she said...

3 years ago
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Enter the DarknessChapter 19 The Exorcism of Belfast

July, 1989 "Two someones actually, my lord," an elegant baritone voice said behind me. Glancing over my shoulder I saw someone standing in a darkened doorway I had not noticed earlier. Alexandrios of Byzantium stepped into the subdued lighting of the warehouse. There were a couple of spots of what I had to assume were blood on the frilly white shirt he wore. It was almost like those shirts the heroes always wore in the old pirate movies except it had frills down the front and at the...

2 years ago
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Germany Changed Her 8211 Part 1

Hi everyone. For those who don’t know about me, I am Prudhvi from Chennai. I have an athletic body and girls say I am cute. I love to have sex with the cute and hot girls as well sex chat. Any girl who is interested in having fun or sex chat with me can contact me at You can read my other stories by clicking on my name in this page. Coming to the story, this happened last year when my company has sent me to Germany for 2 months for some Project work. When I reached the airport there I realized...

1 year ago
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Germany Se Lauti Pyassi Behen Smita Ki Chudai

Mera naam Harman hai. Mai 25 saalka hoon. Mai Bangalore me rehta hoon, aur profession se computer engineer hoon. Meri behen mujhse 2 saal badi hai, aur uska rang gora hai. Figure 34-30-36 aur naam hai Smita. Meri behen bhi ek software company me kaam karti hai aur pichle saal he usse Germany jaane ka mauka mila.Pura kharcha uski company ne uthaya aur mummy-papa ke permission se woh Germany jaane ke liye tayaar hogayi. Mujhe abhi bhi yaad hai ki jab woh Bangalore me thi, toh who bahut simple...

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Bill and I were staitioned in West Germany in the late 80's. The unit we were in did not go to the field much but we did spend quite a bit of time on temporay duty (TDY) in various city's across Germany, Belgium, UK and Holland. We typically stayed in hotels. For those of you who have never been to Europe there are a lot of differences, one of them being that a "double" in a hotel room often means two twins pushed together to form one bed. That was the case on this trip. Butt I'm getting ahead...

1 year ago
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I was stationed in Germany….a beautiful place. Being a G.I., in a foreign country and young, there were only three things we or us that liked to have fun, thought about – d**gs, alcohol and pussy. Germany was abundant with the best…I’m not bullshitting…of all three. I had a German girlfriend. She was a prostitute – well they call them escorts today. She called me Gregor instead of Gregory…it sounded so fucking sexy. Before I tell you about the good shit, let me tell you this. She politely...

2 years ago
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The Office Affair while temping in Belfast

I was 22 years old and just started temping in an office in the city centre. As the boss was showing me around the place thats when i saw her, she was tall and tanned with blonde hair down to her shoulders and i guessed she was about 28 yrs old, the first thing i looked for was a wedding ring.. There was none. There were a few temps starting that day and over the next few weeks of lunching and chatting together the conversation turned to women, someone asked what age you reckon the tall blonde...

1 year ago
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Naughty Cinema Trip in Belfast

Years ago when i still lived with my folks, i was seeing this girl, it was a sunday morning and i had a serious dose of hangover horn lol. She lived with her folks too so we arranged for me to pick her up in town and we were both going to go commando, i wore loose fitting jeans and she wore a maxi dress. I picked her up just outside the city hall and as soon as she got in i kissed her and slid my hand up her dress and eased a finger deep inside her just to check she had stuck to her part of the...

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Enter the DarknessChapter 18 Strange Bedfellows in Belfast

July, 1989 "Ah, if it isn't the inimitable Miss Alice Spencer-Killdare!" rasped the demon, his accentless voice sounding like a blade being run over a whetstone. His eyes flared as he saw me land, a smile curving the thin, colorless lips. The black dogs surrounding him looked even more massive now that I was on the ground level, the smallest of them easily outweighing me by at least four times my scrawny ninety pounds. They were almost tall enough to look me in the eyes, staring at me...

3 years ago
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Cost of TimeChapter 10 Moving Fast

Noia thought she'd traveled rapidly from North Port to Echanistra; then she thought she'd traveled fast from Echanistra to Baytown, even if it took a moon. She thought she'd traveled rapidly from Baytown to that nameless waterhole, even if it had taken a moon and a half. Then she thought she'd traveled fast from the waterhole to Outpost in the following few days. There was no doubt about it; the two hundred men of their escort moved very fast to Kingstown, making the trip in three days...

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Boy grows up fast

I began life at a very young age early in the 1940s. But though necessity I grew up fast. When you’re born into abject poverty, you tend to grow up fast, even if it does not seem like it.Just down the road from the Village of Gahanna was the small community called Wonderland. That is where I grew up. Wonderland was situated on the banks of Big Walnut Creek, which normally flooded during heavy spring rains. Many are the times I stood on a hill and watched people being rescued from their...

First Time
4 years ago
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Building Her Up Fast

The sole young female apprentice on a high rise construction site is boned by two tilers in an unfinished apartment...Tony was not your average sparkie. Workmates were impressed by where their small colleague could squeeze their slender arm and thin fingers to pull those frickin short wires through the bloody small holes the drillers left in the concrete slabs behind the plaster sheets; several storeys up, for the electrical sub contracted team to wire. Tony liked the electrical trade and was...

1 year ago
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Building Her Up Fast

The sole young female apprentice on a high-rise construction site is boned by two tilers in an unfinished apartment. Tony was not your average ‘sparkie’. Workmates were impressed by where their petite colleague could squeeze their slender arm and thin fingers to pull those frickin short wires through the bloody small holes the drillers left in the concrete slabs behind the plaster sheets; several storeys up, for the electrical sub contracted team to wire. Tony liked the electrical...

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Going Nowhere Fast

CHAPTER 1 The bitch, thought Freddie Johns. The young woman he’d banged overnight was no longer beside him. He felt the sheets and they were cold but then she’d been cold. She wasn’t in the bathroom and he checked his pants thrown on the floor and sighed. His wallet had gone. God what’s the chances of connecting to a woman these days that you could perhaps like? All the good ones were married and those who couldn’t land a guy were just out to screw guys. He grinned, thinking of Carol’s...

4 years ago
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First date goes very sexy very fast

The attraction had been there a long time. They had both felt it. It was the elephant in the room that no one wanted to talk about. She watched from a safe distance as he spent all his time and lust on others. She dated a lot of men, and he waited for her to make a move. They were at an impasse. Finally, he made the move. It was just a simple conversation. Nothing exciting, really or even remarkable, but the pull was stronger than either of them had thought. They talked for a while, and she was...

2 years ago
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Hard and fast

She said a lot of things to me this morning. She told me I needed to be tougher. She said that I give in too easily. That I was too nice; too polite, even. She even told me I can never think of the right words quickly enough. And she made it totally clear that unless I am a bit harder and faster there was no way I would get the research grant unless I was, well, to put it bluntly: not me.She also said that my ideas are excellent. That I am a good grafter. That no-one is as thorough as me....

1 year ago
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Hard and Fast

She said a lot of things to me this morning. She told me I needed to be tougher. She said that I give in too easily. That I was too nice; too polite, even. She even told me I can never think of the right words quickly enough. And she made it totally clear that unless I am a bit harder and faster there was no way I would get the research grant unless I was, well, to put it bluntly: not me.She also said that my ideas are excellent. That I am a good grafter. That no-one is as thorough as me....

1 year ago
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First date goes very sexy very fast

The attraction had been there a long time. They had both felt it. It was the elephant in the room that no one wanted to talk about. She watched from a safe distance as he spent all his time and lust on others. She dated a lot of men, and he waited for her to make a move. They were at an impasse. Finally, he made the move. It was just a simple conversation. Nothing exciting, really or even remarkable, but the pull was stronger than either of them had thought. They talked for a while, and she was...

Straight Sex
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Many Worlds Inc Switch World

MANY WORLDS INC: SWITCH WORLD by BobH (c) 2005 This is the second 'Many Worlds Inc' story. The first, also available on fictionmania, is: Finding Janine If you like this tale, you'll probably like that one. It also tells you a lot more about how Many Worlds Inc operates. (Note: This is a reworked version of a previously posted story with the ending altered. Various reviewers had suggested the original ending was emotionally wrong given what had preceeded it and, on...

3 years ago
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She Sure Grew Up Fast

The long drive from North, to South Texas, is the worst one you can possibly imagine. Hours upon ours of absolutely nothing. Most of my entertainment is usually music, but now and again I'll find something else fun to do. Call friends when there's reception, have a vape, whatever. As I began to count the stitches on the leather door panel, a call came in on my phone. "Hello?" I said as I accepted the call from my steering wheel. "Hey Donald it's Mom!". 'Oh boy, what is it'...

1 year ago
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From txt to real quit fast

It's an old story but nice.After a work related dinner we had monthly after a meeting on the way back I suddenly got a text. The sender wished me a good night and sleep well. The number was up till then unknown to me. But I knew I'd had to be the receptionist from the office. We could always have a nice chat about all kind of things when I wasn't working outside the office. She was a bit more then then years older then me. I thought to myself lets send back a sleep well text to. I have to add...

1 year ago
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Hot and Fast

It’s a gorgeous day out and we are out driving.  The music is loud and we have lots of open road in front of us.We are just chatting, and you are watching the road, but I am watching you and I am getting hot. I am wearing a short cargo skirt and a tight tank-top and I'm idly moving my fingers along the bare skin of my upper thighs as I watch you..  The road is flying by as you drive, and I'm sitting beside you, undressing you with my mind.You glance over and see me looking at you through lidded...

3 years ago
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They Grow Up So Fast

When my sister was 15 she mad e the stupid mistake of having sex and wouldn't you know it she got pregnant. The father sure he couldn't support a child took off which was no surprise to me. Now my sister is alone no father for her child and my parents were beyond angry and wanted almost noting to do with their pregnant teenage daughter. As a last result she went to them and begged them to help her. She was so skilled with using guilt to get what she wanted that their hearts broke and they...

2 years ago
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A WellLived Life 2 Book 6 SamanthaChapter 35 That Was Fast

December 11, 1992, Chicago, Illinois “I can’t believe that Diana and Charles are splitting up!” Samantha said at dinner on Friday. “I can’t believe she married him in the first place!” Elyse laughed. “What a toad! Not to mention a total loser!” “He’s the Crown Prince,” Jessica replied. “Which does NOT contradict what Elyse said,” I laughed. “Royalty aren’t exactly known for being super intelligent! He’s more like the ‘Clown Prince’! The best thing that could happen for England would be...

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Many Men I have Serviced

cumpig1962One of the hottest men i ever sucked off was a shorter very muscular man who was part owner of a family construction company. He got his build from working on sites but was getting a little big around the middle from working more on the office side of the business. He had a hot tight bubble butt that i used to lick out a lot. His dick was at least 8 and maybe 7 thick. At one time i was sucking him off at least every other week. Sometimes when he was backed up he would stop by twice in...

2 years ago
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Many Happy Returns

I had come home from college and was working on an assignment when my phone kept ‘pinging’ informing me there was an incoming message.I had ignored the first couple of messages but within five minutes, I had received over five calls.I opened the last message and all it said was, “I know you are home, RSVP ASAP.”I then read the earlier messages which were all from Mike, who lived in the next block. He and I were friends and had known each other for years. We are both studying the same subject at...

Love Stories
4 years ago
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Germany Changed Her 8211 Part 4

Hi, everyone. For those who don’t know about me, I am Prudhvi from Chennai. I have an athletic body and girls say I am cute. I love to have sex with cute and hot girls as well sex chat. Any girl who is interested in having fun or sex chat with me can contact me at or send a friend request on Facebook at the same email id.You can read my other stories by clicking on the author name on this page. Before reading this story please read the previous parts of this sex story. So if you have read them...

3 years ago
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Germany Changed Her 8211 Part 3

Hi everyone. For those who don’t know about me, I am Prudhvi from Chennai. I have an athletic body and girls say I am cute. I love to have sex with cute and hot girls as well sex chat. Any girl who is interested in having fun or sex chat with me can contact me at or send a friend request on Facebook at the same email id. You can read my other stories by clicking on the author name in this page. Before reading this story please read the previous parts of this sex story. So if you have read them...

3 years ago
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Germany Changed Her Part 2

Hi everyone. For those who don’t know about me, I am Prudhvi from Chennai. I have an athletic body and girls say I am cute. I love to have sex with cute and hot girls as well sex chat. Any girl who is interested in having fun or sex chat with me can contact me at or send a friend request in Facebook at the same email id. You can read my other stories by clicking on author name in this page. So let’s begin the story where I have ended. We are kissing in the water naked for 10 mins and my dick...

3 years ago
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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 54 Honeymoon Breakfast

Friday, April 15, 2005 I woke at my usual time, to the sound of my two wives quietly talking. Julia was describing how she was learning to drive a car, which reminded me that I was allowed to try for my license when my cast was off, which would hopefully happen this evening. They were both pressed against my body, which was a nice way to wake up. I said, "Good morning, my beautiful wives." They declared the same back at me, with one important variation, then started raining kisses on me....

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