Bountyville free porn video

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Standing behind her lectern at Featherview University, Dr. Bella Ramble was nothing if not impressive. Her eyes were dark violet--nearly black--and they perfectly complimented her shoulder-length black hair and bangs. Over six feet tall in the spike-heeled pumps she favored, she seldom smiled, but she knew she had the face of an angel, and the figure of a goddess.

That bothered her in younger days--since she generally despised men-- but since then, she had learned how to use her beauty as a weapon. Dressed in a tight purple suit and skirt, she took a special delight in the squirming discomfort of the few young men who had managed to last until the end of the semester.

Of course, most of her students were female--hard-core feminists who eagerly gobbled up her man-bashing Feminist Lit seminar. Most of their wardrobe was ordinary--the standard melange of T-shirts, jeans and sweats--but a few of them were picking up the art of power-dressing, which gratified the 28-year old Dr. Ramble.

"In sum," Bella said, "history is the story of woman's exploitation by man. Men fear us--they see in our vagina the wound of castration, and they see in our womb the power of creation which they lack--and that is why they seek to enslave us. But patriarchy is an aberration--a quirk of history shifting the locus of power away from the fertile Earth Mother, and into the sterile impotence of bankrupt, male-dominated ideology. This is a condition our generation will correct, and those who oppose us will be emasculated accordingly."

Pausing dramatically, Bella took a secret pleasure in the squirming discomfort of the young men--unwittingly lowering their hands to shield their genitals.

"That is all. Have a nice summer."

A moment later, the young women arrayed before Bella erupted in applause, and she absorbed their acclaim with token modesty. Inwardly, she was pleased to be in her element--influencing the minds of impressionable young people--and she let them continue applauding for several seconds before she finally stepped out from behind her lectern to take a bow. The clapping let up after that, and the students began to drift out the twin exits.

It was only then that Bella noted a familiar figure rising to stand up from a seat near the back of the room. It was Lydia Wilder--the dean of the School of Feminist Studies--and Bella frowned slightly at her dress and demeanor. For a woman in her late forties, Lydia was not bad-looking--she had curly-red hair and a figure that was classically Rubenesque--but Bella found her wardrobe excessively feminine, currently comprising a navy-blue skirt and blouse, with cork-soled sandals. But what was worse, some of the young men actually paused to speak with Lydia-- something they never did with Bella.

"I see you're fraternizing with the enemy," Bella said, coldly, after the students were gone.

"Oh, Bella," Lydia said, approaching the front of the class, "sometimes, I think you take your militant feminism a little too seriously."

"Oh, I'm sorry," Bella said; "I wasn't aware the male patriarchy had been overthrown during my lecture."

"Well, I'm not saying you're not popular with the students; I just wish you'd tone it down a bit. I was looking at your syllabus, and your lecture titles are a little strong, don't you think? 'Castration as a Theme in World Literature'? 'Impotence as the Impetus of Modern Society'... ?"

Bella crossed her arms, shook her head, and sighed.

"I see that women of your generation don't understand the modern dialectic. You seemed to think that burning your bras, and marching for the ERA, was somehow going to magically overthrow the male power structure. I say this is a war between the sexes, which must be fought accordingly."

Lydia shook her head, half-awed by Bella, and half-shocked. It was no wonder that Bella's boyfriend was a nervous wreck; Lydia had only met Bernie Wigglebottom once, but the mild-mannered banker almost fainted when Bella started talking about how small his penis was. Of course, Lydia could understand Bella's attraction to Bernie--the ultra-feminist Bella was not overly fond of being deeply penetrated.

"Well, anyway," Lydia said, "I was wondering about your plans for the summer. Going off with Bernie somewhere?"

"Please," Bella said, "that worm already benefits enough from my presence. No, actually, I was planning on visiting Bountyville."

"Bountyville? What, that polygamist town out west?"

"I see you've heard of it--a wicked den of pro-male proselytizing."

"What do you mean? I heard it was just a farming community..."

Sighing, Bella reached into her book bag and pulled out a novel. Lydia recognized it, of course; 'My Pussy, My Friend', was written by Hera Decopolis--a former professor at Featherview University.

"This pathetic work," Bella said, "illustrates the danger of Uriah Bounty. As I'm sure you know, Ms. Decopolis produced this gushing, pro-male pabulum after being brainwashed by Uriah Bounty. I understand she's even had six children by the bastard..."

Bella shuddered.

"Well, so what?" Lydia said. "Hera always was pretty uptight. If Uriah's half as well-hung as they say he is, I can almost see why she'd want to stay with him."

Bella was appalled.

"Please say you're being facetious."

Lydia sighed.

"Okay, so I'm being facetious. Now what is it about this novel that's got under your skin?"

"This novel," Bella said, shaking the book accusingly, "is nothing less than a bald indictment of Uriah Bounty's corruption of countless innocent women. Unfortunately, since it's a fictional account, it doesn't carry any legal weight, but I intend to remedy that. I intend to gather the evidence necessary to bring Uriah to trial for bigamy, then be there when they hang him by his balls from the nearest tree!"

"You know," Lydia said, "I'm no lawyer, but I don't think that's a legal punishment."

"We'll see," Bella said, tossing the book back in her bag.

"Perhaps I'll just castrate him myself."

At first, Bella wasn't sure quite how she should dress for her trip west; if nothing else, she expected a lot of dust and dirt, but she couldn't quite pull herself away from the look of a cultivated bitch she had worked so hard to achieve. Thus, Bella settled for a loose black blouse, tight blue jeans, and a (relatively old) pair of black leather pumps, polished up to a shiny finish.

She knew the look--complimented with dark sunglasses--was effective when she saw a male gate attendant at the airport shift his pants with an obvious erection. She knew she looked good, and that was gratifying; although she was certain that Uriah Bounty must be personally repulsive, he was still a man, and ought to be influenced by her appearance.

Unfortunately, there was little real information available about the current state of Bountyville, but Bella had managed to reach the proprietor of the "Happy Lamb Hotel" by phone a few weeks earlier, and learned that there was at least one room available. The proprietor--a woman named Sarah--seemed surprised at first by Bella's interest in tiny Bountyville, but then appeared suddenly understanding when Bella dropped a reference to Hera Decopolis's novel.

"Oh, yes, I've read that," Sarah said; "but really, it's not quite as perfect here as the book makes it seem."

"Still," Bella said, "I'm curious about your little community. Do you suppose I could actually see Mr. Bounty himself?"

Sarah just chuckled at that.

"Oh, I'm sure he'd be glad to see you," Sarah said, "if he can get away from all us girls."

Bella wasn't sure quite what to make of that, but she was soon winging her way west aboard a 767, taking the opportunity to work on her laptop revising a paper addressing the sword wound as a vaginal symbol in Shakespeare. A few hours later, she landed at the airport closest to Bountyville, then headed into the desert in a rental car. There was no doubt the country was starkly beautiful--jagged mountains were soon visible jutting up beyond the desert plains--but Bella's thoughts were dark and brooding. Switching off the radio (and the blathering commentary of some right-wing fanatic, on the only channel that came in clearly), she drove in silence, remembering her numerous unhappy connections with the opposite sex.

Bella's first lover--if that was the word--had been Bobby Bredwell, her high school's star quarterback, and already the father of several children by the time he turned his attention to her. In their senior year, Bobby laid on the charm with the sole objective of spearing Bella's virgin pussy, but Bella was loathe to be penetrated, even then. It was not until the night before the homecoming game that Bobby finally got through to her. Plying her with beer, Bobby pleaded with Bella to "go all the way" for the good of the team--if Bobby was out on the field the next day, thinking about how he hadn't been able to fuck her, he might actually blow the game.

Of course, that was silly, but Bella figured that was as good a time to get laid as any, and she duly lifted her skirt and spread her legs for Bobby in the back seat of his father's car. In the event, however, Bella was startled when she saw how small Bobby's cock actually was--no more than five inches long, fully erect! Somehow, drunk as she was, Bella managed to keep her giggling in check while Bobby pushed his cock inside her and popped her cherry, but it really was funny to realize that the big strong quarterback had such a tiny penis. Despite herself--even as Bobby started humping her--Bella started chuckling.

"What's so funny?" Bobby asked, pausing in his ardent sucking of Bella's 38D-cup breasts.

"I'm sorry," Bella tittered, "it's just your penis--it's so tiny!"

Bobby was taken aback--especially since he seemed to think he was doing pretty well, smacking his cock into the sticky-tight cunt of the virgin scholar.

"I'm not small," Bobby protested feebly--even as he continued pumping her; "can't you feel it?"

"Yeah, I guess so. Haven't you done this before... ?"

"Well, yeah--lots of times."

"Well, maybe it's an off day. Don't worry about it."

But Bobby was rattled--half in love with Bella's clutching cunt, and half embarrassed by his awkward shortcoming--and he finished in awkward silence. Whereas he'd been slamming her hard a moment before, he went slower now--perhaps afraid to embarrass himself even more--and he almost seemed ashamed when he came. Trembling and shuddering, he pushed in deep to squirt his sperm into Bella's belly, then abruptly pulled out and rolled over.

"So you couldn't feel it?" Bobby asked. "Not at all?"

"I'm sure it'll get bigger," Bella said, trying to smooth over the awkward moment. "They say you've got lots of girls pregnant, so you must have something."

But Bobby just curled up defensively, and Bella sensed it was best to go. Later, when she sobered up, Bella feared she might be pregnant, but that was soon the least of her worries. The next day, Bobby lost the homecoming game, and virtually the entire high school somehow learned that Bella was responsible for Bobby's lack of confidence. Bella became an instant outcast--shunned by boys and girls alike--which far outweighed the relief she felt when her next period came.

For Bella, the whole male sex seemed like a bizarre joke. Men were always joking about their conquests, but Bella had never met a man with equipment that was even remotely impressive. Of course, several of her dates in college had suddenly found it hard to get it up when she started talking about her research on castration and impotence, but surely a real man would not be intimidated by something so trivial...

"Men," she muttered, finally spotting the turn-off to Bountyville; "who needs them."

Although 'My Pussy, My Friend' focused on a fictionalized version of Uriah Bounty, the book did indicate that there were other adult males with wives of their own in the area. And sure enough, as Bella caught sight of the farms on the outskirts of Bountyville--where the desert suddenly turned to green, and corn was starting to sprout from the soil--it was the men of the town whom Bella saw first, working in the fields. Women--and disturbingly large broods of children--were more evident closer to the middle of town.

Although Bountyville was hardly large--a rather old sign gave a population of 250--it was clear that the women were more than a little fertile. They were not a flashy lot--the women seemed to favor simple cotton dresses and aprons--but Bella felt her stomach turning when she saw more than one young lady leading a string of children down the street, many with an obvious family resemblance.

In fact, it gratified Bella to see how weather-beaten the town looked--somehow confirming her belief that the women must be living in a virtual hell on earth--although it wasn't nearly as decrepit as she would have liked. If she were more disposed to be generous, she might have admitted to herself that the town was actually well-maintained for its location on a high and sun-baked plain. Along with simple houses, she spotted several stores, a battered old garage, and both a church and a school that were surprisingly large (doubtless because of all the babies people were having). What she didn't spot immediately was the great Victorian mansion where Uriah Bounty must live, which the novel described as being near the center of town at the edge of a large plot of farmland. However, she was more interested in finding her hotel at the moment.

When she found the hotel, Bella was immediately discouraged. There were few motor vehicles in Bountyville--mostly just pickup trucks for the farms--but none were parked at the hotel, and Bella realized it must be closed when she noticed that the whole front door was missing. Indeed, when she went out to take a closer look, she saw that the building must have been vacant for years, with the only occupants proving to be the hens and roosters of a slapped-together chicken coop.

"Goddamn it," Bella swore, kicking at the ground with one of her pumps. After a long moment spent scowling at the chickens, she then went looking for help.

Happily, help was soon at hand in the form of a young man about fifteen, who tipped his baseball cap upon seeing her.

"Hello, ma'am. If you don't mind me saying, you're awful purty."

"Er ... yeah. Look, I'm looking for a 'Happy Lamb Hotel'; you happen to know where that is?"

"Well, that's that building right there."

"Thank you," Bella said, with irritation. "I spoke to a woman named Sarah--she said she was the proprietor."

"Oh, you must mean my mom," the boy said. "Sure, she used to run a hotel, but we don't have near as many visitors nowadays. Nowadays, she just keeps a room ready in Pa's house, in case of kin dropping by."

"And your pa would be... ?"

"Well, Uriah Bounty, of course. Of course, he's most near everybody's pa, come to think of it ... but I did get Ellie May--that's my girlfriend--in a family way myself."

Oh God, Bella groaned inwardly.

"Anyway," the boy carried on, "I'm sure Pa wouldn't mind having another purty girl like you around."

"Okay. So where is your pa's house?"

"Oh, its right up the street, around the corner--a big old mansion. You can't miss it, really; the front yard's probably all full of kids."

Sure enough, the young man's directions were uncanny. Back in her car, Bella soon came across a looming two-story Victorian mansion, with no less than a dozen children cavorting on the front lawn. They seemed to be all ages, from teen to toddler, but the one thing they had in common was an obvious family resemblance.

Awkwardly for Bella, her sudden arrival before the house was just as startling for the children as it was for herself. Even as Bella stepped from the car, the children stopped in their tracks and turned as one to stare at her, reacting as if they had just seen a creature from another world.

"Now what's got into you?" a woman's voice said, from behind the children. A moment later, the woman herself waddled through the children, scuffing through the dirt in a pair of dusty platform sandals--and Bella was utterly amazed; hugely pregnant--perhaps with twins--the graying woman was Hera Decopolis!

"Oh, I see," the gravid woman said; "we got us a stranger."

"Pardon me," Bella said; "are you Hera Decopolis?"

"Well, I reckon I was once," the woman said. "Of course, I'm married now. Now I'm Hera Bounty."

"Jesus," Bella said, "you'd have to be--what--45?"

"I'm 48," Hera said, laying her hands on her stomach, "and God be praised, not too old to give Uriah another couple babies."

"Well," Bella said, "this is quite a surprise. I almost thought you'd be..."

"Dead?" Hera guessed.

"No ... it's just hard to imagine you're actually a real person, after all I've read about you."

"Well, I'm real enough," Hera said, with a smile. "Would you happen to be the person who called Sister Sarah about getting a room?"

"That's right," Bella said, finally venturing to offer a hand. "My name is Bella Ramble; I'm a professor at Featherview University."

"Oh, Featherview?" Hera said, shaking her hand. "Is Lydia still there?"

"Professor Wilder, yes."

"Well, we'll have to talk. In the meantime, why don't I take you in to see Sarah?"

In her mind, Bella Ramble was prepared to confront a miserable community, suspended in time as it perpetuated the nonsensical notion of polygamy. However, the inside of Uriah Bounty's home was neat and tidy, and Sarah--an attractive blonde in her thirties--was quite congenial. Not obviously pregnant at the moment, Sarah guided Bella upstairs to the spare bedroom, and Bella was surprised to see that it, too, was neat and tidy--if excessively feminine. Somehow, a bed dressed in pink satin with frilly lace pillows was not quite Bella's style, but it was a deal at $10 a day.

"You are awful purty," Sarah said. "You got a boyfriend?"

"Er ... yes."

"How about a girlfriend?"

"Excuse me?"

Sarah simply smiled, and opened a drawer to pull out a 12-inch dildo.

"Holy shit!" Bella said.

"Well, a girl can get lonely," Sarah said, "without her boyfriend."

Sarah then proceeded to rub the dildo between her legs--pushing her skirt down between her legs to do so--and Bella suddenly felt dizzy, indeed doubly so on her spike heels.

"I'll bet you've got a purty pussy, Miss Bella."

"Aren't you married to Uriah Bounty?"

"Well, sure," Sarah said, sliding over next to Bella, then rubbing the dildo against her groin, "but Uriah's kind of busy; he can't be with every girl, every night."

"Well, that's nice," Bella said, pushing Sarah back as politely as she could. "Maybe later."

"Well, okay," Sarah said, with a wink. "I'll look forward to it."

As it happened, there was a lot that was strange about Uriah Bounty's house. For one thing, the closet in Bella's room was filled with sexy lingerie, skimpy dresses and fuck-me sandals--hardly casual wear for a hardscrabble farming community. And yet the women of the house were not outrageously intimate in public, limiting their contact to the odd sisterly hug.

From Hera, Bella learned that Uriah now had 14 wives and over 70 children, but only a handful actually lived in the mansion. Uriah himself was not there--ever the dutiful husband, he was currently visiting other wives in other houses--but the four wives lucky enough to live at the mansion were all very eager to see him return. Along with Hera and Sarah, the other wives at the house were Ruth (a buxom woman in her twenties) and a young but shapely girl named Betty (age 15).

In fact, Betty had yet to sleep with her husband--and thus was very nervous in anticipation of him coming back--but the other women already seemed to have more than their share of children. Of the twelve children living at the house, two were Ruth's, three were Sarah's, and an incredible seven were Hera's.

Not surprisingly--given the fact that Uriah was often away--it was the children who did a lot of the manual labor on the farm, supervised by one or another of the wives. Although the work was hard--fixing fences, slopping hogs, weeding fields--the sheer number of hands available made it less onerous than it might have been, and there was plenty of time for the children to goof off and play, as they had been doing when Bella arrived. At any rate, the children seemed healthy enough, and Bella was secretly disappointed that she might have lost a potential legal angle--siccing the state's child welfare agency on Uriah.

"So," Bella asked Sarah delicately, while the latter was starting dinner for the house, "does Mr. Bounty actually do any work in the fields?"

"Sometimes," Sarah said, "mostly around planting and harvest time. It's the summer time, though, so this is the best time for Uriah to do his lovin'."

"Well, of course."

A short time later, Sarah had a tasty stew on the table for her sisters, their children, and the one curious visitor from the east. The children were a little rowdy at first, but a stern look from Hera put an end to that, and raised a logical question for Bella.

"You know," Bella said, "in your novel, I recall one wife being senior over all the others. Is that your role, Hera?"

"Not technically," Hera replied; "I'm just the oldest that can still make babies."

"And she can sure make babies!" Ruth said, leaning in close to Hera and giving her closest boob a squeeze. To Bella's surprise, the children didn't seem surprised by that.

"I just wish I had boobs like that," Betty pouted. "Maybe Uriah would pay more attention to me then."

"God almighty, girl," Sarah said, "I'd say your titties are right purty enough already."

"She just likes to complain," Hera explained for Bella's benefit. "She could have had her own husband--there's plenty of young men about--but no, she had to have Uriah."

"Now you're making fun of me!" Betty complained.

"Not to be rude," Bella interjected, "but how long will it be until Uriah returns? Can I see him before that?"

"Probably a couple of weeks," Sarah speculated. "It wouldn't be right to go interrupt him, though, while he's lovin' up the other sisters."

"Er ... yeah," Bella muttered.

In fact, a plan was formulating in Bella's mind even as she sat at the dinner table; if Betty really was 15, she was under the legal age of consent in this state. All she would need was a birth certificate, and she would have the entree for legal action against Uriah Bounty.

But to get that, Bella would have to be as polite and sociable as she could manage. With exceptional patience, then, she listened as Hera explained the theory and merits of polygamy (or more specifically, polygyny), and helped the pregnant woman with little tasks around the house as she did so. According to Hera, God very definitely endorsed polygamy in the Bible (did the King of Israel not have multiple wives? And did God not fail to chastise the king for polygamy, even as He chastised the king for his other sins?). Further, polygamy was good for women because it lightened the burden of work for each wife in the household. It was a woman's destiny to make babies, "to be fruitful and multiply", and this was infinitely more satisfying to Hera than any cold and sterile life as a professor.

Bella kept her rebuttal to herself--that men were inherently weak, and had no business asserting dominion over women. Bella liked toying with men in general, and teasing Bernie in particular; on the odd occasion she let him fuck her--always outside her window of ovulation--she took a special delight in making him pause, right in the middle of his ardor, to roll on a condom. Of course, the Pill did not appeal to Bella, as it obviously did to Lydia; given a chance, Lydia would happily prattle on about how much she loved to fuck her husband Eli, and loved to feel his sperm squirt away inside her. For Bella, that was just bizarre; even when she wasn't fertile, it made her skin crawl to think of untold millions of male sperm cells swimming away inside her, defiling the perfect temple of her body.

Strangely, though, Bella could feel her simmering rage toward Uriah starting to ebb as the days went by. At first she couldn't quite place the cause of it, but more than once she woke up in the middle of the night, hearing what sounded like people humping in the bedroom next door. The first time Bella heard it--resting under the pink covers in her black satin nightshirt and panties--her heart raced with the thought that it might be Uriah himself (the great bastard!) humping one of his wives. But no, the voices were clearly female. And, as this continued night after night, Bella soon realized just who was doing it--Ruth and Sarah.

And it wasn't like they were just cuddling, either; Bella could hear the cunt-slapping sex right through the wall (evidently, both were taking turns using a strap-on dildo)-- and the shuddering screams when both women came to climax.

The strange thing was, it was actually very arousing for Bella. At first--in her paranoia--Bella suspected a pair of old stereo speakers, hung in the corners of her room, might be broadcasting subliminal messages to break down her willpower. However, that did seem a little far-fetched. It was more likely that her own sexual frustration--compounded by the slap-happy pleasure of the wives next door--was to blame. And indeed, it was not long before Bella found her hand sneaking into her own panties; the very situation was arousing--while the hugely-pregnant Hera, Betty and the children were sleeping downstairs--Ruth and Sarah were going at it like a pair of horny teenagers.

As if the situation wasn't arousing enough, though, Bella soon discovered that she could actually watch the sex through a peephole in her closet. And--although Bella had heard that watching sex was only arousing to men--the sight of Ruth spearing Sarah with an eight-inch strap-on dildo was enough to make her cream her panties on the spot. To Bella's amazement, both Ruth and Sarah were dolled up like proper sluts--Ruth in a red corset and Sarah in a black push-up bra, with both in high-heeled sandals--and Bella startled herself with the force of her own climax, blasting a flood of vaginal juices across her thighs as she rubbed her clitoris. It was only by a sheer force of will that she kept her climax quiet, stuffing her wrist in her mouth, and she was careful to creep back into her bed while the women were still fucking, so the sound of the floorboards creaking would not be so obvious as she made her way back across the room in the dark.

In fact, it was hard for Bella to pretend she didn't know what was going on during the daytime, when Ruth and Sarah both dressed in dowdy farm-wear, and were almost demure in their conduct. This was puzzling, but Bella started to understand a little after the next Sunday service at the Bountyville Church. Bella herself was not allowed to go; Sarah politely explained that the "uninitiated" were not allowed inside the church. To an extent, this was disappointing; Bella knew that Uriah himself was a minister of the church, and it would have been a nice opportunity to finally meet him, but she satisfied herself with a fruitless search for Betty's birth certificate while the rest of the household was gone. On returning from church, it was clear that all the wives were giddy from their latest close encounter with their husband.

"That was some testifying!" Ruth said.

"I'll say," Sarah agreed; "I especially liked that part about the Song of Songs."

"Oh my," Betty said, bashfully, "all those breasts!"

"Pardon me," Bella said, "I don't mean to intrude, but what was that about the Song of Songs?"

"Oh, that's Uriah's favorite scripture," Hera said, fanning herself; "it's all about the pleasure a man takes in his wife, and vice versa. Some people say it's actually about Christ's love for his church, but we know better..."


"Uh-huh. In fact, Uriah believes it's natural for a woman to have pleasure--even if her husband isn't handy."

Betty blushed at that, and Bella got the sense this was not an appropriate subject to be discussing in front of the children anyway. Leaning in close to Hera, she whispered her next question.

"Are you talking about ... masturbation?"

"Well, that. But it doesn't hurt, sometimes, to make it a sister act."

"I see," Bella said, glancing at Sarah and Ruth.

Much as it pained Bella to admit it, it was clear that Ruth and Sarah were enjoying some pretty hot sex--and she wasn't. Of course, to be honest with herself, Bella had never had any really good sex, but it flew in the face of her theory of oppressed polygamous wives that they were having so much fun.

If nothing else, Bella could watch, and she took every opportunity to do that. Although it was clear that the women missed Uriah--more than once, they giggled as they recollected getting skewered by his baby-maker, clearly anticipating his return--it was also clear that this was more than just a substitute for his absence. In addition to using the strap-on dildo, they also ate each other's pussies, and nuzzled each other's ample bosoms, and sometimes they kissed like lovers. What was more, Betty and Hera were both brought in on the action at least once while Bella was watching--Betty in a jet-black teddie, and Hera buck-naked; in fact, Hera had described scenes somewhat like this in her novel--explaining that a loving husband would not begrudge his wives their own pleasure while he was away--but still it was stunning to see the aging lady lying there beside Sarah, with a plastic cock in her cunt and her babies visibly kicking in her belly.

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Hey friends, I am back with another story. Thanks all for such a good response to my previous story. I am here again with another real sexual encounter. I am currently working in Bangalore, 31 years of age. So the story begins. This happened recently. I was on a business tour to Pune for 2 days. On reaching the hotel, I downloaded Tinder and updated my profile to check out my luck. As I was on a business tour, I had to hurry to attend a meeting with a customer. On the way to the office, I...

3 years ago
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My steamy love life

This is my first story so I hope you like it.Andrew and I have been together for almost 2 years now and we still have great lusty passion filled sex. We are not afraid to try new things and love pleasing each other, so through our relationship he has taken me places I have never been and makes me cum in ways I never knew. Waiting for him to be home was like torture, it always felt like forever before I was on my way to pick him up from work at 12:30 A.M. I had already read a few stories on Lush...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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Stupid Boy Sophomore YearChapter 27 Baseball Ends

I opened the door to my apartment to let Duke out. I was surprised when he went towards the back of the garage, like he was stalking something. I had a mission though, so I let him have his fun. Mom bought doughnuts yesterday. She always bought us two each and only two Bavarian Creams. Dad and I had made a game of hiding them, because they were our favorites. We both knew we were not allowed to eat them, because Mom explained what would happen if we did. As I walked across the front of the...

3 years ago
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A Womanrsquos Revenge

I just found out that my husband is having an affair and he stormed out after a heated, blazing row, taking some clothe with him. I felt like shit and wanted to do the same back to him to get my revenge. I should have knowing better than to marry someone twice my age and he left his first wife for me, things went down hill after his sixteen year old son moved in with us, he is only ten years younger than me. The spontaneous sex stopped and I never felt comfortable making love, knowing Johnny...

3 years ago
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Claudias Condition the HealingChapter 36

Shirley decided to stay the night and would sleep in Allison’s bed. She lay awake, first feeling guilty of what she and the others had done, then smiling thinking of the great sex she had with Dan. She touched her pussy mound and it still tingled slightly from being loved by him, Claudia, and Allison. Her fingers explored her pussy and she knew she would never be lonely again. Dan and Claudia lay on their sides marvelling at the sweet beauty asleep between them. He fingered Allison’s golden...

4 years ago
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Giselle Clarize a Love StoryChapter 7

Whore. Her head split. Her mouth was the stinking den of furry animals. There wasn't a bone in her body that didn't ache. Even the air around her was hot. It felt wet and filthy. She stumbled along the sidewalk. Her eyes blinked against the cruel light of day. She cursed the person bearing her name. She had thrown her broken heels away and tried to make her shredded top to at least cover her nipples. She walked with a curious gait. It was due to the delicate tenderness of both her cunt...

2 years ago
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Sophie gets her man

I glanced at the clock on the wall.  I thought to myself, 8:50. Ten more minutes. Ten minutes and the youth group meeting will be over. Ten more minutes and that little slut, Sophie Summers will get what’s been coming to her for the past 2 years… It all started two years ago when the Rev. Rodgers asked me to Take over as administrator of the Churches youth group. Mrs Fairbanks was getting near retirement and he needed someone that was good with the kids to give them the leadership and guidance...

3 years ago
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For Rebecca two

Stefan drove home after a long day of researching the Napoleonic wars for some lazy author’s new book. He couldn’t wait to get home and relax with his longtime girlfriend Rebecca. He remembered what she had aid last night. “My friend Katie is stopping by tomorrow night, so you better be on your best behavior”. Something about how she said that kept bouncing around his head. Tonight was supposed to be their sex night where he was to be the sub to her dom. She knew how much he needed this but she...

3 years ago
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Myakka River

My wife, Hazel, and I on holiday in Englewood in Florida, this was our second visit and we were exploring some of the local beauty spots we'd missed last time we were there. On our first visit we'd passed the entrance to The Mayakka River State Park several times and were checking it out. Now my wife are nudist and we were looking for somewhere quiet where we could top up our all over tans. I turned off the main trail onto a dirt track and drove for about fifteen minutes until it ended at a...

3 years ago
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Fun During Gym Part 1

I stand in front of the mirror with my popular group of friends which stand beside me, making sure their tits are plunged out for the boys and makeup/ hair is perfect. I'm the leader of the popular possy because I'd been friends with them all the time. Sydney, the sexy latina with a curved ass, Meghan, the hot blonde with the smooth stomach, Hailey, the perfect blue eyed sex goddess with the huge tits, and me, Taylor, the beautiful long blonde hair, perfect curved ass and huge sexy tities. (The...

3 years ago
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A Forgotten Video

I was searching the iMac for a file I wanted to read when I spotted a video I made about six months ago. As I opened it I realized that I had completely forgotten it. I had recorded the video intending to upload it to an amateur porn site, but I never did. I hit the play button, and there I was in all my naked splendor. My middle-aged body was lying in bed. Cut to a close-up: two hands, an anal vibrator in one and a tube of Astroglide in the other. Followed by a generous glob of gel being...

1 year ago
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Wife Visits Hunting Cabin Fucked by Me and Best F

My wife was In the hunting cabin with us all day, and we were all naked the whole time. Dave kept touching and squeezing her, and she would walk around and clean dishes and wipe things with rags, and clean floors, all the while doing it naked. Then she said do you guys just sit in the cabin the whole time? And I said, no, we usually go out and hike around, or we go hunting or fishing etc. She said well why don’t you guys go and get some fresh fish for dinner? Dave and I went fishing, and she...

4 years ago
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Vicious CyclesChapter 7

Early the following morning Marianne awoke to find Lisa sleeping peacefully, snuggled warm against her young comforting body and safe in her arms. Gently Marianne arose so as not to awaken Lisa who moaned slightly as Marianne drew away from her. The younger lover bent over and kissed the older gently on the forehead, Lisa smiling in her sleep and drifting back to the delicious and satisfying dream of rediscovery. Quickly showering and dressing, Marianne toasted a bagel and made coffee....

1 year ago
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Her Eighteenth Birthday

Adam and Deb are in their mid twenties and have been living together in an apartment for the past two years. They met at work and after banging each other’s brains out for a few months decided they should move in together. They enjoy a very active and varied sex life and often stay home just to have sex all evening. They do everything together but sex is their favorite activity. Adam is tall and thin with a runners build. He’s average looking but very masculine. Deb is about 5’5” with a petite...

Group Sex
2 years ago
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Alans SisterChapter 3 The Aftermath

Alan came down to my room a few minutes later. Fortunately, Amanda had locked it on the way out. I don't think I could've stood to be around him, since I knew that I'd tell him what had happened, and if I did, I'd never get to see Amanda again. So I just ignored his pounding, and fell asleep. When I woke up, the first thing I saw was that the pile of junk stacked near the closet on the far side of the room had grown, the hallmark of Ed's return. I sat up, and noticed that I had been...

1 year ago
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I Once Was BlindChapter 3

The several rainy days that followed kept Doris away from the swimming pool, much to her dismay. Finally, the sun returned with a vengeance and she could hardly wait to get home from her afternoon classes and relax by the pool. On the way past, she noted that many voices came from around the pool. It will be crowded today, she thought. But, they won't notice me... of course. Once inside her apartment, it was not until she had spent a long while organizing her school materials that she...

2 years ago
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Beware what you ask for

As they lay huddled together, their naked bodies glistening with the sweat of the wild fuck they had just shared, he asked her. She giggled at his request, not sure she could do what he asked, what he desired, what he lusted for, without breaking up in laughter. He pleaded quietly, insistently, and she could hear the heat and lust in his voice. She bit her lip and looked at him, then kissed him gently and said "Yes, I'll do it." And she felt her pussy grow wet once more as she thought about...

2 years ago
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The New Place

The wife and I bought our dream home just outside of town. It was a sprawling ranch house that needed tons of work! The view was to die for...Paint was the first thing on the list and we started the project. It was a very Hot summer day in the Gulf. My wifes sister Sissy popped in to see us and our new place. We were now only about 75 miles apart. Sissy is very thoughtful and offered to help with the paint project right away. I didn't bring any work cloths though. Sissy said. Holly asked me if...

3 years ago
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Young Girl Sex ClubChapter 4

It required only two hundred miles of cottony white clouds, as seen from several miles above a sparkling blue Pacific, for the three girls to become acquainted. Seated together on the starboard side of the aircraft, they made an interesting study in contrasts with Kalola's dark, exotic beauty, the blonde prettiness of Ellen Canfield, and Lynn, the vivid and vivacious redhead. By the four-hundred-mile point, they had begun to tell each other their troubles. "I saw your picture in the...

3 years ago
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Tadapti Javani Ko Thanda Kiya

Hi friends, ye incident jo me apke saath share kar raha hu, ye meri life ka sabse khubsurat aur majedar incident raha hai jise mein aaj tak bhula nahin paya. Hua yun ki karib 2 saal pehle mein Jabalpur ke ek office mein kaam karta tha. Mera kaam data entry ka tha, office mein sirf 4 staff the jo aksar bahar ke kaam mein busy rehte, sab subhah sham reporting karne aate the. Par subah se sham tak mein hi office mein rehta tha, Humare office ke samne wale office mein tele calling ka kam hota tha,...

3 years ago
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Old Black Carl part 2

Old Black Carl (part 2)As Carl drove with his arm around me, and me stroking his meat through his pants, he told me that a year ago his wife had died, and that there weren't many Black women around, and the white girls didn't like him because he was older. So his plan was to make do with what he had. He would just make me into his white girl. It was pretty shocking, and scary to me. I wasn't sure how far I wanted all of this to go. But as he pulled into the Adult Bookstore parking lot, he took...

1 year ago
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BangBus Selena Santana Brings all the boys to the bus

Selena Santana finds herself in Miami riding around on the Bang Bus looking for a good cock to fuck. Selena is in the mood to fuck and we’re going to do our best to get Selena the cock she so desperately craves. We come across lucky contestant number one sitting all alone. His suspicion of winning the pussy lottery kept him limp. All he gets is an autograph and a memory for his troubles. Your brush with greatness is over kid. Lucky stud number two, thank god, proves himself to be everything...

1 year ago
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Sex Chat Turned Into Amazing Sex 8211 Part 1

Hi, guys, this is Nisha. I am from Mumbai and live in Thane. This is the story about how I lost my virginity. I am a hot looking fun loving girl of age 25 with vital stats 32-26-34. This incident happened when I was 22 years old still in college and full of enthusiasm and naughtiness. Many times I got bored I used to surf on the net and watch porn because now I was getting aware about the inner urges of my body. Watching porn and getting excited after seeing it was my favorite game. One day my...

4 years ago
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Krissys Number One Fan

Krissy's Number One Fan by Pamela ([email protected]) "What's that show you're watching?" Mrs. Davidson said to her ten year old son Timmy. She had left the kitchen where she had been cooking to tell Timmy to wash up and get ready for dinner; they would be eating soon. "It's the Krissy show!" Timmy said without looking up. "Is she that new teen sensation that everyone's talking about?" "Yeah mom, Krissy is just the greatest." Timmy's mom watched as a cute girl...

2 years ago
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Bill 3

Bill and I have seen eachother quite a few times now and one of our most memorable times was after a golf competition we both played in.We had arranged to play in this event which was close to where we both lived. We were joined by another guy to make up our tee time.During the round Bill hit a great shot into a green, quite close to the pin. He turned to me and said quietly "I think that deserves a blowjob" I retorted "You'd have the hole the putt too for that!"Our playing partner never knew...

2 years ago
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Playtime Stories Ch 6 BBC Oreo in a Motel

6. A lot of my playtime is at night. I start in the afternoon and get partially dressed in lingerie, heels, and makeup, and start to play around. I watch some porn get on an adult phone sex chatline on the female side and get nasty men and even a few freaky women off over the phone. Almost every time I am on a chatline I meet T-gurl lovers and occasionally I’ll put together a play-date. It’s a little risky, but it is very exciting to have a stranger knock on your door and expect nothing...

4 years ago
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The Magical world of Kissing 3

In Part 2 you have read about 7 Types of primary love Kisses. This part further details about Kinds of Kisses on Different Parts of Body during Sexual Union and Their Meanings in an attempt to provide information about kissiing at one place for kissing lovers ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 23 Kinds of Kisses on Different Parts of Body during...

3 years ago
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Devlins StoryChapter 43

Doug was a head case, that much was clear by the time they got to the car. "It felt... I don't know, it felt strange, Devlin. Not like anything I've experienced before." He started the car, but didn't move, letting it warm up. "A woman's vagina doesn't feel like her anus," she replied. "Or at least that's what I've been told. I don't know about guys." "Well, it didn't feel like any man, either. And she squeezed me. That's when I lost it. I was thinking I could maintain,...

2 years ago
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New Balls Please

It's a hot day and I'm wearing only my boxers. Warm thoughts fill my mind as my cock head chaffs lightly on the cotton material. There's tennis on the TV and I watch extremely fit young women sweat, yelp and groan whilst arching their fit bodies. Occasionally the camera lingers a little too long and a teasing glimpse of lycra clad arse or, better yet, pussy mound flashes onto the screen before an overly precious producer changes camera. I feel my cock thickening and I know what will have to...

1 year ago
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Yes Dale

Dale had been away for the summer, on a road trip with friends, guy friends. He left his best friend, a very close dear friend behind, and he missed her all summer. The first thing he did when he got home was to call her, but she wasn't home. He was very disappointed. He left her a voice mail, and then went on line to see if he could find her there. He did. DAleIII: Hey Puxgrrl: Hello, long time no see, how was the trip? DAleIII: Good, I had fun. I’m glad to be home though, I called you....

3 years ago
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Living Next Door to Heaven 244 Home Sweet Home

"Officially, I'm a junior in college when classes start today, sweetie." I was just a little spaced out as I mixed up bread to rise at four-thirty. It had been a night of wild abandon for those still at the ranch. But I'd awakened with the sense of excitement that the first day of a new school year brings. "Half the credits I need to graduate are behind me. I'm not really sure why I'm so hell-bent on finishing in three years, but I need to get further in life faster. I'll be twenty in...

3 years ago
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Puzzle Box Genie 20Chapter 19

Amara busied herself making 3 fresh cups of tea while I sat opposite my mom. She seemed a little confused why I asked Laura to leave, not believing in my excuse of Pip asking for her help. There was a slightly awkward few minutes of silence until Amara took her spot next to me after handing out the three steaming mugs. I felt nervous. I hoped I was making the right choice and tried to ignore the fears that distracted me. I needed to focus. Taking a steadying breath, I composed myself and...

2 years ago
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Tales From Helena Ch 01

Rachel looked down at her best friend, Staci, and wondered just what could have happened to have reduced her to this gibbering emotional wreck. She placed the two cups of tea down on the table and then sat beside her on the sofa, wanting to console her but not knowing where to begin. “Staci, calm down will ya! Tell me what’s wrong.” “Everything! Fucking everything!” sobbed Staci. Rachel put a consoling arm around Staci’s shoulders and allowed her friend to bury her tear streaked face into...

2 years ago
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A Little RR Ch 02

Reno strolled through the doorway, rubbing the towel on his head from the morning’s shower. He was only partially in uniform for this time of day, but since it was a holiday weekend, no one certainly was going to push the point. ‘I need to do something with my hair. It’s a mess.’ Rude came up from beside him and ruffled it up from behind. There hadn’t been one day where his hair kept to any order, much like the man beneath it. ‘S’no different than when you roll out of bed, no matter what you...

2 years ago
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Olivia Got Caught Getting even with the mother in

Getting even with the mother in lawThe only thing nicer than her warm, wet pussy is the feeling I get when she hands me the money. The look on her face is worth a lot to me too. The disgust that plays over her face, the absolute loathing in her eyes as she kneels in front of me to suck my cock. The hatred displayed for me when she opens her legs for me makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. The contempt in her voice when she says, "Okay damn you, go ahead and fuck me" sends a tingle through...

3 years ago
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Udays Toy ft Anna KournikovaChapter 5 The Wheel Of Stability

As she had guessed correctly, it was Rashid again. But this time, he was not only accompanied by two of his gorillas, but also by a bunch of other people. Anna was genuinely surprised that there seemed to be women involved this time. Or at least that was what she suspected under the four black burkas behind the pasha. Only their hands were visible, and they indicated that this was a bunch of old ladies for sure. One of them was carrying some kind of jar with a black liquid; another held a...

2 years ago
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NaughtyGirl Round Four

My favorite NaughtyGirl told me she has a fantasy about being fucked by a group of older (preferably married) men who are all friends. Now I am not married anymore but I do have several married friends who would definitely be down with fulfilling this hot little cumslut’s fantasy. I arranged for a few of my friends to come over Saturday night to watch the playoff games. I debated on telling them what I had for halftime entertainment. Should I just surprise them or should I let them know so they...

3 years ago
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My interesting summer

I hadnt always been interested in young girls. In fact, even now I still found girls my own age attractive, but last summer had changed me. It had been my summer job that had been my undoing. At eighteen years old, I had been about to enter the final year of my studies before heading on to University, and since I had had nothing to do over the summer, my Mum had been going on and on and on at him to find a summer job. I was well built for my age. I had been a swimmer since I was five, my mum...

1 year ago
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i think about me bending over the table naked you kneeling behind me.. your tongue is right inside my juices running down your chin..down my can hear me moaning you can feel my legs start to shake...i tell you that im cumming and as your fingers are rubbing my can feel my pussy start to contract around your tongue and you can't remember ever feeling so much juice from one feel your cock get rock hard again and as i am cumming and my legs are...

1 year ago
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A crazy family Ch 12

This story is not an apology for incest. It's wrong, guys. All characters are 18+. ----------------------- Chapter 1: The Holiday Meal Today is Thanksgiving. I celebrate it with my family (my sister, who is 2 years younger than me, and my parents). We are in the middle of preparations and my parents are stressed (will the turkey cook long enough, and all that trouble). I go out of my room. I cross my sister, still in pyjamas. It really stands out her beautiful ball, I like it a lot. I...

1 year ago
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The Gypsy And The StrangerChapter 6

That day seemed to go by so fast. There was so much to do! She found her old tapestry tote bag that had belonged to her mother. She took it out of the old cedar chest and dusted it off. Her father was out working with Romano so she had some privacy and time to gather her few meager possessions and pack. Riko was outside lying in the sun and everyone at camp was busy with their own work. She looked around the small room and gathered her little gold plated hairbrush and mirror. She carefully...

1 year ago
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316 sending in a substitute 2

316 Sending in a substitute Part 2 It was later that I awoke, she was gone, her side of the bed cold, I could hear her down in the kitchen clattering about as folk do. Groggily I arose, early shift on Monday, meant I should have only about 30 hours to myself before I went back to that wretched depot, I dragged myself down to the kitchen, “coffee, toast?” how could she sound so bright… It was after I had eaten, I put out the bins, and then while I mowed the lawn, that I started to think again...

2 years ago
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Busted With My Online Porn 2

It’s amazing how things can go from insane, wild and crazy to as plain as things ever were. The next morning we did all the same things we ever did when we are at the coast house. We got up slowly, made some coffee, watched a little morning news on the T.V. and I went out on the deck to enjoy a smoke with my coffee.Like normal, I took my laptop out with me and turned on the radio for background noise to cover my porn surfing. But today porn surfing was totally different my wife of over thirty...

Wife Lovers
1 year ago
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Mast Gaaand Wali Ritu Ki Chudai

This is Waseem here with another new real story of mine reply me on I have written a few stories of mine and now am writing my new story that happen a week back with me. As I told you I am very attracted to big ass married lady it happen last week when I went to attend my friend’s wedding in Delhi. I use to talk to lady name Ritu from Delhi on net and some time we talk on phone too. I have just seen her on cam she is very hot and got big ass around 40 her full figure is 38 34 40 I love big ass...

4 years ago
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A Night With My Sexy Sister

Hi friends this a real story of me and my sister. 2-3 saal pehle ki baat hai yeh. Meri ek 24 saal ki married cousin sister hai . Vo bohut sexy hai. Hot figure, beautiful face, killer smile ek number ki patakaa hai. Usko dekh kr to kisi ka bhi lund khada ho jayega. Hum dono vaise to bohut close the par pehle maine kabhi unko chodne ke bare mai socha tha. Yeh tab ki baat hai jab vo shaadi ke baad ghar aai thi. Ghar mai sab khush the. Hamari joint family hai. Garmio ka mausam tha aur hum saare...

2 years ago
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Debt Collector

Unlike many in the business you're not a loan shark, you charge 'competitive rates' and only choose those who can pay you back. Possibly because of this you're not loaded either. But you're fair and frequently give extensions making you almost a respected member of the community. Which considering your job is no small feat. Of course there are always accidents, the other week you had to beat up a guy for not meeting his extra extension deadline, but he paid up afterwards and nothing more was...

2 years ago
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Return to the Fortune Teller

FORTUNE TELLER.It was a few minutes after 11:00 at night, but the sign lite this late at night meant she was still open. People probably need their fortunes told late at night with a few beers in them. That's when people get into fights. Break up. Late at night is when love is lost and love is found. It is the time when tragedies occur and dreams come true. Both are impossible to believe and change a person forever.I turned into the driveway.The old crone slowly hobbled through the dark curtain...

1 year ago
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The Catalyst RebornChapter 62 So Much to Do

William Monte POV: We’d just witnessed Rex standing up for our friends, with the rest of us seconding our heartfelt support. It still amazes me how fast Bobby reacts to different situations. Their conversation about what he and Charlie planned on doing was set in front of people they didn’t want knowing anything that Charlie and Bobby were capable of doing. When Lenny asked his boys when they thought they’d be back, we all (well, those of us who could know) knew that he meant from...

3 years ago
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Chronicles Of A Seductress Chapter Four

Tasteful Glamour They Said?!Jane stood unclothed before the full length mirror. Her full breasts and long legs would take the breath away from any man. Another change of clothes before the next session with the photographers. Seeing herself naked made her ask herself, what the photographers would make of her if the perverts got the chance to see her like this, but such hadn't been agreed to and rules were rules and a contract had been signed..None of the photographers had missed a trick in...

2 years ago
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I let her try a BBC now she cant stop

Sexy in Seattle. It was about end of November 2010 when I allowed her the first opportunity to have a taste of her first BBC. She hooked up with a Craigslist encounter and I was able to be in the room and record their sex. As excited as she was she was very nervous. She downed a couple of drinks and pretty soon he was there at the hotel room door. He came in and he was shorter than expected but had a very nice hard body and after a few drinks and some short conversation they began to kiss and...

1 year ago
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My friends wife

My best friend Joe had invited me over to watch some football, his wife was in the kitchen making us up some snacks, a beautiful women named April. I had many a fantasy about her since he had first introduced her to our circle of friends.  They also had a huge freaking dog that was the nicest animal you had ever seen.  I made my way to the kitchen to see if April needed any help Shera the dog jumped on me and got dog hair all over my new pants which April had commented on earlier.  April then...

Wife Lovers

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