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A sequel to "A Room With A View "

Jim O'Rourke glanced up from the stack of papers he'd been feeding into the high-powered copier, just in time to catch sight of the smartly dressed young woman who'd just walked into Reproduction. That was one of the few perks of working here at Moore and Ryan, the nineteen year old told himself, even if he was only doing so part-time while he went to college. The women you got to meet were in a class he normally didn't find in his native Brooklyn.

Or at least that was what all of his friends told him and for the most part, at least so far, he had to agree. Before any of the other copy drones could spot her, Jim put his assignment on hold and quickly headed for the countertop that separated the small reception area from the larger work one.

"Welcome to the lower depths," Jim smiled, making light of the departments basement location as he brushed a lock of his sandy hair out of his eyes, "what can I do for you this afternoon?"

"Is Mario around?" the twenty-seven year old Hispanic woman asked, a noticeable anxiety in her voice.

"I'm afraid he had to leave early today," the young man replied, trying hard not to be too noticeable as he checked out the attractive woman, "but I'm sure I'll be able to help you."

"I hope so," the black haired woman said, a look of concern on her face as she laid a large stack of folders and loose papers on the counter.

Jim listened attentively as the caramel skinned woman explained that she needed eight hundred copies of the pile of documents in front of her made into a report. Glancing through the material with the professional eye the college student had developed over the last eight months, he quickly decided that would hardly be a problem. With copying and collating, it would only be an hour or two's work at most.

"Even if I needed it before five?" the woman asked, the simple question explaining her predicament.

That, thought Jim, might be a problem. It was no wonder she had wanted to talk to Mario, who was the assistant manager responsible for the Reproduction Department. It was her bad luck to have come in on a day when his daughter had delivered his first grandchild and he was off at the hospital. Not to mention that there were three other projects already in the pipeline, all of them promised for today and none carrying less than the signature of a department head.

"That might be difficult," Jim admitted as he glanced up at the large clock over the door.

"Even if I said my job might depend on it?"

Jim didn't put it into words, but the look that flashed across his face said that he'd heard that one before.

"I know that sounds melodramatic," the woman said, "but it's really true."

She went on to explain that the report had originally been printed two days ago, in plenty of time for a major presentation to the company's stockholder meeting this evening. It was only late last night that she discovered that certain data her group has been responsible for had been reported incorrectly. It had taken her pretty much the entire night to redo the numbers and make all the corrections. Something her boss wasn't going to care about if it wasn't there to be handed out at the meeting.

"I don't know if I can..." Jim started to say, then stopped in mid-sentence as he looked into her face and realized that he'd seen this woman before. Or at least he thought he did.

He paused for a moment more, his face blushing a deep red as a long ago memory resurfaced. A condition evident enough to catch the woman's attention.

"Are you all right?" she asked.

"Maria?" Jim asked in turn, "Maria Gonzalez?"

"How do you know my name?" she asked, sure that she hadn't given it and the work order with her signature was still in her hand.

"You used to live in an apartment house in Brooklyn, about three years ago," he continued.

"Do we know each other?" Maria asked, her question answering his.

"Jim O'Rourke, I lived just across the hall," he finally explained.

"Jimmy O'Rourke," Maria repeated as she tried to match up the memory of the skinny teenager with the much more developed young man in front of her. "My Goodness, I never would've recognized you."

With the growth spurt that Jim had gone through the year after Maria had moved out of the apartment building, it was easy to see how she wouldn't have made the connection. The opposite, however, was hardly true. With the exception of longer hair, the former waitress looked pretty much the same.

"Well I should've recognized you," Jim said, trying to banish any residual trace of embarrassment. "You look exactly the same."

Maria thanked him for the compliment, her face flashing a smile of appreciation. Her eyes, however, then glanced down at her report, still reflecting her need to get it done quickly.

"Don't worry," Jim said as he picked up on the hint, "it'll be ready in time. I promise, I'll take care of it personally."

A look of relief filled Maria's face as she took Jim's hand with both of hers and thanked him. He said it was nothing, the least he could do for an old neighbor.

Jim stood at the counter and watched Maria exit and disappear around the hallway corner. He then took another minute for his hard-on to go down before getting back to work himself.

"Damn Jimmy," Alex Willis, his best friend on the job asked him as he went back to the twin copiers both of them had been working at. "Why the hell did you promise her that report would be ready in time? We've got enough as it is to keep us busy until quitting time."

"I promised her, that's reason enough," Jim said as he turned his on machine back on and began to feed paper into it. "And I can get it done if I work on it through lunch, especially if you help me."

"You want me to give up my lunch and not get paid for it?" Alex said, his tone showing his reluctance.

"Do I have to count up how many times I covered for you on afternoons when you blew out of here early last summer?" Jim countered, his question putting an end to Alex's reluctance.

"Geez, you'd think she showed you her tits or something the way you're bending over backward to help her," Alex muttered instead, low enough for only Jim to hear him.

"Actually she did," Jim answered, if only in his thoughts, "even if she doesn't know she did."

With that he speeded up the normal pace of his work so that he could finish the project in the copier and get to Maria's as soon as possible,

"Jimmy, you are a lifesaver," Maria said when she showed up a few hours later and picked up her report.

"I'm glad I could help," Jim replied, "and I really prefer Jim now."

"Of course," Maria smiled, "you're not the little kid across the hall anymore."

Glancing over her shoulder, Maria gave instructions to the two boys from the mailroom as to where they should take the piles of reports they had just loaded on their hand trucks. As they left, she again turned her attention back to Jim.

"I know you had to have really hustled to get this report done for me," she said, "and I want you to know how grateful I am."

"It's okay," Jim smiled. "I was happy to do it."

"At least let me buy you dinner to show my thanks," Maria insisted, "I know you had to have skipped lunch at the least."

"You don't have to..." he started to say and then changed his mind, "oh why not. But nothing too fancy, I wouldn't want you to go to too much trouble."

"We could just go to Harrahan's over on Kent Avenue," she proposed, "say around six."

"Six would be fine," Jim said, thinking what the hell, he had earned a good dinner at least.

"I'll see you there," Maria promised as she went off after the mailroom clerks to make sure their important cargo made it to where it was supposed to be.

Six O'clock came soon enough and most of the staff had already punched out when Alex came up to Jim to say good night.

"So we're even now, right?" he said, thinking this was a good time to try and get out of any future obligations.

"Not a chance," Jim grinned, "not with the amount of times you skipped out of here. But I'll tell you what my friend, I do appreciate the help and you went a long way towards wiping the slate clean."

Alex figured that was good enough and said his goodnight. The weekend was here and the last thing he wanted to do was hang around work longer than he absolutely had to.

Dinner at Harrahan's more than made up for the skipped lunch. He'd even had a few beers to go with it although Jim was pretty certain that the waiter really hadn't bought the bogus ID he showed when he ordered. But Maria evidently was a regular and they were willing to give him the benefit of the doubt.

Dinner conversation had consisted mostly of how people they both knew were now doing. Maria had asked about his parents and was sad to learn his dad had died the previous year. His mom, he told her, had moved out of Brooklyn to live with her sister in Queens. His oldest sister, Susan was now married with two kids of her own and Judy, the middle child was engaged to a guy she was already living with.

Mentioning Judy's engagement, Jim asked Maria what had happened to Carlos, the man she had become engaged to just before she had moved out of the apartment house. He was about ten years older than her, Jim remembered, and owned his own home contracting business.

"In the end, it just didn't work out," Maria said briskly.

What she didn't want to say was that the two of them had an explosive breakup one afternoon when she'd come home unexpectedly and found Carlos in bed with the fifty-two year old woman who worked as the secretary/bookkeeper in his office. Evidently, the two of them had been fuck buddies for the last few years and saw no reason to change that simply because Carlos was now engaged. Maria was far from a prude, in fact she had previously lived out one of Carlos's fantasies for his birthday by having a three-way with him and another woman only a few months before. What she couldn't abide was him lying to her. Sex was one thing, trust another.

"I know I said it before, Jim," Maria said as she changed the subject, "but you really saved my ass today. That was the first real assignment that my boss ever gave me on my own and most of the other uptight bitches in my office who went to schools other than City College would've liked nothing better than to see me fall flat on my face. I wouldn't have put it past any of them to have jumbled the numbers in the first place."

Jim knew the type of people Maria was talking about all too well. When any of them honored him with their presence down in reproduction they looked at him as if he was some lower form of life. If helping Maria had indeed disappointed one of them, then that alone was worth the effort.

But Maria's mention of her ass reminded the nineteen year old of why he actually owed the woman sitting across from him. Back in his mid-teens, he discovered one night that Maria's bedroom was right across from his, separated by only the length of a clothesline.

More importantly, he'd discovered the curvaceous Puerto Rican kept the window open and the shades up on warm summer nights and he could look right into her apartment. And as long as he kept his own lights off, he was practically invisible as he watched her.

This led to his most important advance in sex education since he'd discovered where his Dad hid the Playboys, one that the few close friends he told about it could only envy. Maria was the first woman he had actually seen naked. More so, it wasn't long before she became his main masturbation fantasy, going so far as to schedule his self-pleasures to coincide with the time he knew she turned in for the evening.

Remembering the many nights he had happily jerked off watching her, Jim was also reminded of the night, shortly before Maria had moved out, that he had the chance to watch her masturbate. That was also the night when he'd been sure that, despite the fact that the lights in his own room were off, she had somehow spotted him watching her. Especially since the next day a new pair of blinds had appeared in her window, obstructing his cherished view. If she had seen him, she'd never said anything about it, but he had worried over it for weeks.

"Jim?" Maria repeated after getting no response from her guest the first two times she had said his name.

"Oh, I'm sorry," Jim said as he snapped back, "I guess my mind drifted for a moment."

"We all do that sometimes," Maria said with an understanding smile.

Looking back at Maria, Jim now realized he had a new little problem. No, make that one little problem and one that was getting bigger by the moment. Looking at the well-dressed businesswoman across the table, he no longer saw her as she was. Instead, he couldn't help but picture her naked, as she had been on those warm summer nights. And with that image came the second problem, an erection that put the one he'd had this afternoon to shame.

Maria didn't seem to notice his discomfort and went on with her conversation. She asked about the old neighborhood and if he ever went back there.

"Actually," Jim said almost hesitantly, "I still live there. I took over the apartment after everyone else moved out. I know its not Manhattan but its all I can afford."

"Manhattan's not all it's cracked up to be," Maria offered. "At least it's not what I thought it would be. The apartment I have now is half the size of the one I had in Brooklyn and I have to share it with two other girls just to make the rent."

The cost of living in the city was something Jim was all too familiar with. If it wasn't for the fact that his family had a long-term lease with the building owners, dating back to when it wasn't such a nice neighborhood, he'd never have been able to afford an apartment as large as his, even in Brooklyn and especially not in Park Slope. His rent was a fraction of what the three bedroom could actually bring in, but the lease was airtight as long as a member of the original family living there when it was signed was an occupant.

The waiter appeared and asked if they wanted anything else. A quick glance between them confirmed the answer was no for both. Maria paid the check with her charge card, but Jim insisted on at least taking care of the tip.

They walked together to the train station, then said their goodnights as Maria was headed uptown and Jim back to Brooklyn. Both agreed that it had been the best non-date that either had ever been on.

Maria started to head for the stairs to her platform then stopped. Jim was watching her go and hadn't moved yet and was surprised when she turned back around.

"Say no if it's an imposition, but I was just wondering," Maria said after walking back to him. "I have to go to Brooklyn tomorrow anyway and I was wondering if you'd mind if I stopped by in the afternoon and took a look at the old building. Just to bring back some old memories you understand. If you have any other plans, just say so, it's okay."

"No, I don't have anything planned," Jim admitted, having no reason to say otherwise since he'd told Maria earlier that he wasn't seeing anyone right now. "If you like it, feel free to stop by."

"I think I want to do that," Maria replied, "but only if it's not an imposition."

"Not at all, stop on by," Jim repeated.

Maria leaned over and kissed him on the cheek, saying he had turned into a really nice guy. As she then rushed down the stairs to catch the uptown train that was just pulling into the station, Jim wondered what all that had been about. Why be sentimental about an old building? It was different for him, after all, he had grown up there and his family had lived in the building since his grandparent's day. Maria, on the other hand, had only lived there a few years.

"Oh well," he thought as he walked down to wait for his own train, "I'll find out tomorrow I guess."

Saturday passed normally enough with Jim spending the morning playing softball in Prospect Park with some friends from the local bar. The afternoon was spent catching up on the laundry, which made him think again of Maria as he hung it out on the line. It was getting late and he wondered if she'd had a change of mind and wasn't going to stop by. He really should've given her his number, he thought, so she could call and let him know at least.

Less than ten minutes later, his doorbell rang and when he opened the door, there stood Maria, dressed in dark slacks and a light blue blouse, holding a large white plastic bag. The small white cartons visible inside identified it as Chinese takeout and the wording on the bag said it came from the small restaurant down on the avenue.

"I hope you haven't had lunch yet," Maria said as she stepped inside. "I really didn't feel right showing up empty handed."

"No, I haven't," Jim said as the enticing aromas from the cartons reminded him that he'd barely had breakfast either.

"Great," Maria said as she carried the bag into the kitchen, "why don't you get us some plates and I hope you have something cold to drink, I didn't like the look of the cooler they had at the take out place. To say the sodas were room temperature would be kind."

"I have cold drinks," Jim replied, knowing the cooler in question and agreeing with Maria's assessment. He opened the refrigerator door to check what he had, realizing as he did that shopping was something he hadn't gotten around to this week. "Would you like a soda or a beer?" he asked as he took inventory.

"A beer would be great," Maria said as she opened the cartons and dished out a generous portion of each on the plates Jim had produced.

Jim placed two cold bottles on the table. He got his beer from the local deli where he'd been picking up six packs for his father and uncles since he was ten years old. The owners, who had known him all his life, weren't going to deny him the right to a few beers because some stupid law said he had to be twenty-one to buy one.

"The neighborhood certainly has improved in the few years since I moved out," Maria said as she tossed a piece of shrimp into her mouth.

"Yeah, it has gotten a lot better," Jim agreed as he went to work on the beef and broccoli.

"I passed a real estate office down on the avenue when I stopped to pick up the lunch," Maria said between bites, "Looking at the apartments they had listed in the window, I can't believe what they're getting for them. It's almost as bad as Manhattan."

"Yeah, they have jacked up the rents pretty bad," Jim concurred, "That's why I'm so glad we have that long-term lease."

When Maria inquired what that was all about, Jim explained it to her. The owners had several times tried to break the lease, but failed. Worked out at a time when people were moving out in droves, the agreement had been worked out by an uncle who was a lawyer. One that knew all the loopholes and made sure everyone had been covered.

"Wow, that's even better than rent control," Maria exclaimed as she realized that Jim was paying less than her one-third share of her Manhattan apartment.

They talked a little more about the neighborhood and continued their discussion from last night about Jim's plans in school and Maria's at work. Finally she asked if she could look around the apartment and Jim said of course. After all, he had spent a good amount of time last night after getting home cleaning it up in case she did show up.

"It really hasn't changed much," Maria said as she recognized most of the same furniture from the last time she had been here.

"Well Mom didn't take much more than her clothes when she moved in with Aunt June," Jim explained, "and neither Susan or Judy wanted any of the old furniture."

"Oh I'm not saying there's anything wrong with it," Maria said. "In fact, I kind of like it, it looks very comfortable."

Jim said that it was.

"You still have the same bedroom?" Maria said as she stepped from the living room to the smallest of the three bedrooms. "I thought you'd have taken one of the bigger ones since the whole apartment is yours now. "I guess I'm just comfortable in the little one," Jim shrugged, "after all I grew up in it."

Actually, there was a good reason he kept his old room, but he really felt silly explaining it. Sleeping in his parent's bed was out of the question. Somehow, he really didn't feel comfortable having a woman sleep over, and it did happen occasionally, and getting it on in the same bed his parents had. He could of course just buy a new bed, but never got around to it. As for his sister's room, well he had no reluctance about getting laid there, even though both Susan and Judy had done it there when their parents weren't home. He just had other plans for the large room, such as turning it into a sort of den where he could study and work in peace.

"Well there's the old home," Maria said as she looked out across the courtyard into her former apartment. "You know, I never realized you could look right into my bedroom before."

Jim almost choked. It took all his self-control to take a deep breath and then say "Really?"

"Oh come on, you can't have never noticed," Maria laughed. "Especially at night when the lights are on."

Not knowing what to say, Jim just smiled and hoped she would let the observation drop.

"Who lives there now?" Maria asked curiously.

"A nice lady named Mrs. Dumbrowsky," Jim answered, "she works at the Parish rectory. But I really don't think she plans to move anytime soon. She took the apartment after her husband died." he added, remembering what Maria had said about wishing she'd had her old apartment back and thinking that was what all of this was about.

"Oh I wasn't wondering if the apartment was available," Maria said as she continued to look out into the courtyard. "I probably wouldn't be able to handle what they now charge for rent anyway."

She pulled her head back in and turned around to Jim. The broad grin on her face told him she certainly had been thinking about something.

"Is something wrong?" Jim asked.

"I was just wondering," she said, "if you lay in bed at night and jerk off to her while she changes like you used to do when you watched me, that's all."

This time, Jim did choke.

"Easy now," Maria said as she patted him on his back, "take short breaths and relax."

"You knew?" Jim sputtered out as he regained his breath.

"Well, not in the beginning," Maria said, the smile on her face reassuring him that the revelation hadn't been made out of anger. "But one night I just happened to be looking in the right direction when someone opened the bedroom door here," she explained with a motion to the door to her right. "The light from the living room lit up this room just long enough for me to notice that someone was laying on the bed over there." she added with a motion in the other direction.

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FACE THE STRANGE by Crazy Baron Chapter 10: Room with a View I came to with a slight start and comprehended that I was looking at a wall of white panels. The sight was not particularly magnificent and stirring for a first impression of afterlife, but at least I had gotten there and finished my journey. I had nothing to complain about. As usual, it took me a while to become reoriented. The ornamented paneling was in actuality not a wall, but the ceiling of a room; I was lying on...

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Brother in laws view

Hello Friends I read many stories here and I really liked every one of them and this gave me courage to share my experiences with all of you. This is my 6th story. Now let me tell u about myself I am 26 male from Hyderabad (India) good looking, 5.9 ” Height, 67 Kgs Weight, 7 ” rod. About 2 months ago when my wife Kavitha and I took a trip up to visit her younger sister Lakshmi and her husband Suresh. We arrived about 9:45 pm and were pretty tired. Let me tell you a little about my wife’s little...

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Hospital of Bangalore Chapter 20 Baby showers and the interviews

The Saturday after Christmas was Josie's baby shower. James' and Joe's wives, Beth and Mira Spio and Sushi all went together. I had dad and Alex escape to James' home. We played cards. I made reservations at Cafe Davis in Santa Rosa for all of us for dinner. New Years Eve was a party at the James' house. It was sort of bittersweet. Soon after the party we would all be going to our homes on Bangalore and Felandia. Sushi, Beth Spio, and I would stay until the interviews at the end of...

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Good Medicine Senior YearChapter 21 A Pair of Interviews

September 13, 1984, McKinley, Ohio On Thursday morning, Clarissa, Sandy, and I ate breakfast early, then returned to the dorm to dress for our interviews at McKinley Medical School. We met in the lounge, then took the elevator down to the lobby and walked to my car. We got in and ten minutes later we were walking into the main building of the medical school. We found the appropriate elevator and went up to the sixth floor where the interviews would be held, where we were greeted by a trio of...

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Selecting the Right GirlChapter 7 Day Two Interviews

KATHERINE ASKED HIM "had a good night did we? You certainly look very happy?" smiling at him, as he joined her in the interview room. Frank not only had a big smile on his face, but his whole physical movements had much more bounce than yesterday. "Well yes" he said a little sheepishly before adding "I am starting to believe that this whole process is going to work and I am going to find a compatible travelling companion. I have to confess I have had my doubts about what I am trying to...

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A Room with a View

A Room with a View. (With apologies to EM Forster) By Belle Gordon Chapter One His name is Alexander Evelyn Carpenter, and I know a lot about him. I know his age - 19, his birthday -April 25th, his school history, where he lives, where he came from. I know his height and weight and his shoe size. I know his likes and dislikes, his music preferences and what he reads. I even know what he had for breakfast this morning. I also know that he is gay. How do I know so much...

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Darkness at its Best Previews

1. Nadava 2. Alana 3. Jake Previews Preview: Nadava “Noah,” I hear. “Noah,” the voice repeats itself. “Noah,” it continues. I open my eyes to see a woman standing right in front of me. “Noah,” she repeats in the same tone. I feel the small rocks under my hairless arms poke into my skin. I sit up and look around. I look ahead to see there is no end to this cave I am in. I am trapped by a grey circular wall that...

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His View

He leaned back in his chair, arms stretched out high and wiggled his fingers that had been cramping. There was something to be said, about handwritten contracts. He enjoyed the strategies and alliances he could construct on a simple piece of paper. There was a reason of course, as to why the law world called him the master manipulator. He ensured he had time to alway double-checked and triple when needed to secure his strategies that looked like a gift horse in the mouth, but were in fact, a...

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A Room With A View

The hotel room door opens. She walks in, swinging her hipsand singing. She's wearing a dark shirt, tight where it matters, the top few buttons undone enough to show her cleavage and the edge of a black lace bra. She has a skirt too, black; but it barely reaches her thighs. Her favourite. Black stockings, following down to a pair of small heels that she kicks across the room as the door swings shut behind her. She stretches, hands above her head, chest straining against the tight, thin fabric of...

Straight Sex
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Remote Viewing

I can remote view my neighbor as her husband fucks her!I learned to remote view while in the Army. They’ve had a remote viewing program since the 1940s and was used by personnel to see what German forces were doing. It helped America win World War II.I was taught to remote view during the Iraq war, so I’ve been doing it for more than twenty-five years. I've seen the backside of the Moon and several moons of Jupiter and Saturn. But now that I'm retired, I use it just for my entertainment…and to...

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Remote Viewing

I can remote view my neighbor as her husband fucks her!I learned to remote view while in the Army. They’ve had a remote viewing program since the 1940s and was used by personnel to see what German forces were doing. It helped America win World War II.I was taught to remote view during the Iraq war, so I’ve been doing it for more than twenty-five years. I've seen the backside of the Moon and several moons of Jupiter and Saturn. But now that I'm retired, I use it just for my entertainment…and to...

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Roof with a View

Roof with a View By Beverley Anne Miles There was no point in closing the curtains now, so I looked out of the window at the two of them. They waved and smiled back, then one pointed to his watch. I nodded, and began to undress. **** They had been waiting for me outside when I came back to the hall of residence at lunchtime. They were just a couple of ordinary workmen, dressed in worn jeans, ripped at the knees, scuffed boots and old faded t-shirts. I appraised each one...

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Sarah Carerra 232 Surprise Interviews

Please email me at AngelJediGirl (at) gmail (dot) com before posting this story to any other site. Posting to a pay site is prohibited. Comments and suggestions are also welcome at the above email address. --- Sarah Carerra By Megan Campbell (Released: April 18, 2011) Chapter 32 - Surprise Interviews The calm, serene silence of early morning was shattered by the alarm on my phone for the second time. I groaned loudly, but reached for the nightstand to turn it off. A glance...

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Jerrys World First Viewing

I went up to shower before dinner and didn’t even think about shutting the bathroom door, why would I anyway as Bev was cooking plus it’s not that kind of household, privacy is not only hard to come by its also deemed unnecessary. I was happily soaping my body and as often happens was a bit over zealous in the nether regions but then my parents had always instilled in me to give that area a good clean, it’s something that has stayed with me all these years so it was no surprise that I ended up...

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The Historical Viewpoint

Mark felt like he was playing the main part in the movie GATACA as he sat in front of the mirror trying to remove every last piece of hair from his body save for his head. He was sorry that he lost the bet, but he would have expected her to take it up the ass if he had won, so here he was paying up without complaint. He had already taken the 1/16th inch clippers and removed nearly all the hair from his chest, genitals, legs, and the parts of his back he could reach. He was unfortunately...

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Rods Viewpoint

My girlfriend Tina has written a lot here about our unusual four-partner relationship. She asked me to write how I view what we have. My perspective.My life changed dramatically for the better when I was twenty-two. In the three years since then, my life keeps getting even better and better.About six months before I met Tina, I had broken off a short-lived relationship with my previous girlfriend. All she ever did was complain about life in general, and about me in particular.Mostly, she hated...

Group Sex
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Rods Viewpoint

My girlfriend Tina has written a lot here about our unusual four-partner relationship. She asked me to write how I view what we have. My perspective.My life changed dramatically for the better when I was twenty-two. In the three years since then, my life keeps getting even better and better.About six months before I met Tina, I had broken off a short-lived relationship with my previous girlfriend. All she ever did was complain about life in general, and about me in particular.Mostly, she hated...

Group Sex
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My Naked Mother And Me 8211 Pt 2 An Amazing View

The 8th day of my summer vacation is when I got an amazing view. I was in the shower again, enjoying the ice-cold water pouring over my whole naked body. At the same time, my mom was cooking lunch. I yelled once again: Me: Shit, amma! I forgot my towel again, sorry! Please could you bring it to me? Mom: I’m busy, just get it yourself, it’s all right! And there it was, my golden ticket! What I was expecting. My whole body was smiling, and my dick came back to life. I opened the door, went...

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A View in the Rear View

My work day over, I walked across the parking lot and jumped into my car. I glanced in the rear view mirror as I shifted into reverse and stopped dead. One row back, up against the fence, a car was parked with its nose forward. I could see the expression of the driver who sat behind the wheel with his head tilted back slightly. It was one of those pleasure/pain looks but it was obvious that he was enjoying himself. I could also see what had caught my eye in the first place, a large mass of...

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A Table For Two With A View

Part One Mark closed the computer down quickly. The noise of his wife’s key in the lock had jerked him back to reality. Today was really close. He was usually more careful, but today he had been finalising details. Details that would mean he would meet his friend, the friend he had been talking for nearly a year. Her name was Rhiannon, and as far as he could tell, she was a really nice lady. The small photos they exchanged online were only passport sized and didn’t show any detail but their...

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The Womans View

The Woman's View By SONIA (Email [email protected] - Please send comments) This story is based on an exchange of emails I had with what I thought was a woman chatting about her husband. As our exchanges continued I began to wonder whether in fact it was a guy pretending - so much of what was suggested was to close to a cross dressers dream to be real but it was fun anyway! Much of the dialogue to the groups was exactly as it was sent from the person. It was Saturday and...

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A Photographers View

A Photographer’s ViewIt happened by chance. Most things that leave a mark on your life often do, especially when its related to a sexual nature.As a photographer, I often wander through areas that are very difficult to get to. Overgrown trees, gorse bushes or brambles, even steep cliffs and rocks, all try to put me off, but as a true professional you always get to where you want to go in order to get that perfect landscape picture.On one very sunny day, I happen to have scrambled down a steep...

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The Lost Notebook of Doctor EChapter 22 Riki is taken in full view

Inviting Riki in, Alex took her by her mane of blonde hair using it to guide her wanting mouth, onto his hard cock while his sisters looked on. Izzy was frigging herself like mad as she watched. Abby was rolling her hips against Gwen’s mouth but she was glued to the erotic sight and even Gwen who was eating her younger sister out, was taking breaks to peer over at her very cock hungry mother. Riki, in turn, was giving quite a show as she devoured Alex’s dick like she was in heat. A dam had...

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A Teacher and Her Student a Forbidden LoveChapter 13 A panoramic view

The next morning they slept in. Like usual Alice was the first to wake up and after enjoying the warmth of their comfortable sleeping bags for a few minutes, she decided to wake John up with a blowjob. The gesture was well appreciated and John grunted loudly, while he came in her mouth. Licking off her lips, Alice remarked, "Yummy, nothing like a morning snack to start the day!" John had to laugh at that and said, "Now you make it sound as if I'm some sort of vendor machine!" "Well...

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Ninas HR Review

Nina had been happy when she was told that Julie, Mrs Lawson to her, the forty-three-year-old HR Director, didn’t get back to the office on the day that she said she would, and in fact, it would be several days before she got back. Nina was dreading the meeting with Mrs Lawson because as well as discussing the clothes that she wore for work, Mrs Lawson was also going to undertake her six-month review. She said that she already had a report from Miss Millie, and there were, ‘things,’ to...

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Indian Muslim forced gangbang in interview

Shabnam was in lounge of a reputed software firm in Bangalore for her job interview as a Data Analyst. She never had the need to search for a job after her BE graduation as her husband Raman Mathur was earning quite well. Since his accident three months back, he had lost his job and the rent his medical bills were mounting up day by day, and Raman’s family nor her family come to their help because of the inter caste marriage, and they had deserted them two years back when they got married...

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Exclusive A FullAccess InDepth Interview

****************************************** The computer screen flickered to life with the image of a blazing sun. A small caption appeared in the lower left corner of the screen: “The Wrecker (EXPLICIT) / Artist: Black Phallus / Label: E&I Records”. There is no music at first, just the occasional pluck of a lonely guitar string. The picture whites-out then refocuses on a road in the desert. A car drives down the road, smoke wafting from under its hood. Finally, the car’s engine...

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The View

Jason checked the gate at the side of the house, making sure it was shut as he carefully worked his way into the backyard of the old bungalow. It was difficult to see much as it was quite dark, but he knew this backyard like the back of his hand. He had been here many times before.A soft pool of light shone out from under the veranda, he moved quietly over and double checked. The light was from the bathroom, and he could see a figure silhouetted against the window. Jason smiled, she was in the...

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Enjoy the View

"Hush. Shh. It's all right. You don't need to say anything. I just want you to sit there and enjoy the kind of view you like to see so much. You don't get to enjoy this as much anymore since I've been going out with my friends and leaving you at home all alone lately. You don't have to say anything at all. Just enjoy the view, sweetie. I've really learned to like it when men look at me! You like women who dress up so they can be looked at, don't you? It turns you on, doesn't it? I'm...

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My First Job interview

Hello reader my name is Monmee. I have just passed my engineering from a government college. I have also done diploma course after matriculation. I belong to a decent upper middle class family. In my family I have my parents and my brother who is two years younger to me. Here I want to share with you an incident that happened with me during a job interview. At first let me tell you about myself. I am fair looking and got a very smooth skin. Have long hairs. But I am a bit short height of...

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20130712 Performance Review

When I interviewed with Raine for the job I now have, the thought of having sex with her never remotely entered my mind. I was here for a paycheck, not to bang the boss, and she didn’t strike me as a very attractive boss either. While she did have the type of thin, petite frame that attracted me, she didn’t have specific features that stood out. She stood about 5’1”, had short, slightly curled blonde hair, pale blue eyes and paler white skin. She wasn’t unattractive, but I just wouldn’t have...

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The Review

Young man passes performance review by older female boss...The Review.Back in the early eighties just before I joined up with my friend Rich in his telephone services company, I had an office job at a local securities firm. It was a relatively menial job, getting files and miscellaneous paper work but it did put some spending cash in my pocket. That was the main priority at the time. Come to think of it, some things haven't changed. What was a change for me at the time was having to actually...

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Room with a View

This is one of my best stories, in my opinion, but I would love to hear and see comments on what others think of it. Either comment here or mail me on [email protected] with a View - A Voyeur’s Story As soon as my wife leaves our flat and the door closes behind her I move quickly to the telescope which would normally be pointing up to the stars. I often sit late at night with a glass of wine in my hand gazing up into the darkness above the city lights and out into the universe...

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Point of View

Point of view Okay, you asked. My story goes something like this: You have to see things from my point of view, to know how I ended up here. I wasn't just poor, I was invisible. Imagine, being the fourth of six children, with the only adult in the house a single mother who was always chasing the next dream dad for her kids. She usually just ended up getting pregnant, and then dream dad would take off with the next bimbo. Horrible thing to say about your own mother, but it's...

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hotel view

I was a bit insomniac, and looking out a hotel window at the city beyond. The trip was worthwhile, I was doing good work during the day, but the nights were just dull as hell. I'd been leaving it all in the office, hadn't really had the energy to go out and do much, but I was still bored looking out over the town.My eyes wandered across the hotel itself. It was L-shaped, so part of my city view was obstructed by it. Mostly blank windows with shades drawn, but the occasional light on in an...

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Birds Eye View

Marian peeked out her dining room window to see if her “Adonis,” as she called him, was on schedule. Sunday morning at 10 … if he wasn’t there by 10:15, it wasn’t going to happen. Marian’s heart rate was elevated. She stood there in a bra and panties, a vibrator in her hand, peeking around the window rail, awaiting the arrival of the beautiful young man in the house across her shared back garden. She felt completely silly, but nevertheless determined. It was the best part of her week.She had...

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An Unexpected view

My name is Albert and I’m a long distance truck driver.  I bought a house in a small development near a ski area in New England.  While I like the privacy of a house, it is difficult to maintain it when I’m on the road so often.  Therefore, when I met a single mother who was struggling to make ends meet, it seemed like a perfect solution for her and her daughter to move in with me.  Doris was in her mid-forties, as was I.  Her daughter, Karen, was twenty-three, taking college courses online,...

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Promotion Interview

Introduction: A year after being sandwiched by her partner and boss in hopes of a raise, Abby applies for a promotion, for which shell have raise the bar even higher. Things had been progressing pretty quickly all day, and they certainly werent slowing down once Abby came up to the side of the bed and undid the last button on her collared blouse, revealing her bra. That innocent white smile spread across her face as the equally white top slipped off the young girls arms and fell out of my sight...

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Promotion Interview

Things had been progressing pretty quickly all day, and they certainly weren't slowing down once Abby came up to the side of the bed and undid the last button on her collared blouse, revealing her bra. That innocent white smile spread across her face as the equally white top slipped off the young girl's arms and fell out of my sight to the hardwood floor of my bedroom. Next, Abby climbed onto the bed with me, one knee at a time, and shuffled toward me, having already left her shoes behind. I,...

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