- 3 years ago
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Girls will be boys, and boys will be girls.
It's a mixed up, muddled up, shook up world,
except for Lola. Lo lo lo Lola.
Lola had just turned fourteen. Her party had been a roaring success, as far as she was concerned that is. All of her friends had been invited. She had received a ton of presents. Everyone had watched movies, talked, and played games. Several kids had sneaked away to play spin the bottle. Lola had even been able to sneak away and take a turn. She had kissed Jacob and Troy before she had to go back to being the hostess of her party. It had been the best day of her life. What she didn't know was that her life was about to change.
A baby screamed and the exhausted mother was delighted. The young doctor held the squalling infant and gave it a quick examination. Everything looked fine. She said, "Congratulations. It looks like you have a fine healthy boy, uh, what?" Then there was the longest silence.
Finally the new mother couldn't stand it. "What? What?" She nearly screamed, "My baby! Is my baby okay?"
The doctor turned to the mother. "Your baby looks healthy."
She let out a held breath. "My baby is healthy. He's okay then?"
The doctor paused. "I don't know if he's a he or a she." The young mother looked confused. "Your baby has a penis and a vagina." The world went black for the new mother.
Luckily, for this family, the young doctor was fresh from a progressive medical school and had studied the latest literature on intersex children, hermaphrodites. In the past, these unfortunates were turned into girls because the surgery was simple; lop off the penis. But a psychiatrist had studied these children and learned that they were born genetically a boy or a girl. That preference had little to do with which physical attribute was dominant, penis or vagina, but was inherent in the genetic structure of the child. About age five, the child would decide whether he was a he or she was a she. The decision was permanent and was locked in genetically. So the doctor advised the new parents to wait until the child was five before they decided to make her a girl or a boy.
Of course, in our society, it isn't possible to have a sexless child. So the family raised her as a girl, Lola. They even worked with the psychiatrist to best help Lola grow up without the feeling of being 'wrong' that many intersex children do. During her fifth year, the psychiatrist administered a whole battery of tests to Lola. The results were conclusive. Lola was mentally and socially a girl. There was the tricky issue that her male sex organs were dominant.
It isn't often appreciated that hermaphrodites are never born with two complete sex organs. The embryonic tissue can only form one complete set of organs. So if they form ovaries, they will not form testes. In this case, the 'penis' is usually just a greatly enlarged clitoris, rather than a fully functioning penis. In Lola's case she had a full set of male organs and a vagina, but she did not have a uterus or ovaries. If they did surgery to remove all of the male sexual equipment, she would be able to have sex, but never conceive. It would also be difficult, if not impossible, for her to achieve orgasm, as she would be missing a clitoris as well. Because she lacked ovaries and therefore the hormones to make her a woman, she would have to use artificial hormones from the beginning of puberty. The psychiatrist wondered what would happen if a girl had male sex organs. He persuaded the parents not to force Lola into surgery, leaving her the option 'later in life, ' even though his own research indicated her choice was already made. He would be able to write a professional article about this case. The family assumed he had their best interest at heart and trusted his judgment.
It was the day after her fourteenth birthday that the psychiatrist explained all of the facets of her uniqueness and some of the decisions she would have to face to Lola. She had started the hormone therapy two years before. She was growing into a lovely young woman, her breasts swelling, her hips were becoming rounded. Her face retained the softness of a female and her voice would not change. The hormones had slowed but not stopped the development of her penis which had started to grow as well.
After he had finished, he asked her for questions. Lola was a little dizzy. She always knew she was a little different, but this was hard to get her head around. "Am I a boy or girl?" she asked.
"You are a girl. You'll always think of yourself as a girl," he said. "And the hormone therapy will make your body into that of a woman."
"Then why didn't you cut it off?" she asked. "Like you said you could have."
"We don't really know if you would be better off. Lola, I want you to understand you aren't less than your friends, you are more. You can be a girl and you can also be a little bit like a boy if you want. This is going to seem confusing for a while. What I want you to realize is that everyone your age is confused about their sexuality. It is quite normal. Don't think you are confused because you have both options. You simply will have more choices but everyone your age will be confused," he said paternalistically.
Lola was confused, but no more so than any other fourteen-year-old. She kept clear in her mind that she was special, not just different, but better; she could chose either sex.
She was fourteen and a half when someone other than her family and doctors found out about her special character. Her family had tried to raise her like any other girl, with some special limits. When her parents finally allowed her a sleepover with her best friend Caitlyn, there was a faint feeling of uneasiness. They had put her off for several years. It wasn't until they were certain she knew the risk of others discovering her difference that they relented. It had taking months of begging, crying, and wheedling on the part of Lola.
The evening had been perfect for Lola. She and Caitlyn had eaten pizza, watched romantic movies, and talked forever. Caitlyn was supposed to sleep in the guest room, but they had decided to sleep together. After everyone else was asleep, Caitlyn had snuck into Lola's room. They had gotten into bed together. It was only then that Lola realized that something had changed. She looked at Caitlyn in her skimpy pajamas and she felt her penis swell for the first time. She had never had this happen before. She knew she was able to be a boy sexually if she wanted and had been convinced that this made her special. But to have it happen so unexpectedly...
The light was out in order to not attract attention but bright moonlight poured in through the window. They looked at each other and giggled. Lola screwed up her courage and asked Caitlyn, "Are you my best friend?"
"Of course, silly," she answered.
"What if I had the biggest secret in the world? So big, you would have to promise never to tell anyone," Lola said.
"Of course I'd do that," Caitlyn said sobering a little.
"And what if you had to promise not to think I'm different or weird," Lola asked.
Caitlyn was realizing that this was something serious. Luckily for Lola, she had picked a very special best friend. Caitlyn said, "Lola, you are my best friend. I'd never tell your secrets and I'd never hate you because you are different."
"I mean, like really different," Lola said.
"Cross my heart," Caitlyn answered.
Lola did one of the hardest things she had ever done. "I was born different," she said.
"You mean, like retarded?"
"No, nothing like that. I'm not missing anything. I've got something extra," Lola said.
"Like a hump?" Caitlyn asked.
"Well, sort of. You want me to show you?" Lola asked. Caitlyn nodded. Lola took a deep breath, then pulled down her pajama bottoms. Her penis and balls flopped out.
"You're a boy!" Caitlyn nearly screamed.
"Shhhh. No I'm not," Lola said.
"Give me your hand," Lola ordered. Caitlyn reached over. Lola took her hand and held it between her legs. "I've got a vagina just like a girl."
Caitlyn would normally have felt awkward having her hand on another girl's vagina. In this case, it seemed a relief. It felt just like her own pussy, which she had been feeling for two years and she knew how a vagina was supposed to feel.
"I'm a girl. They did all sorts of tests and I'm a girl. I just have something extra," Lola said.
"So you're a girl, have a puss, but you have a..." as her hand moved up from Lola's vagina and over her penis. Caitlyn took the opportunity to feel it. After all, she was a girl so it wasn't really like a boy's. Except that it swelled in her hand, just like a boy's would have. "Cool," she said feeling it pulse with life and grow. Caitlyn stroked it softly watching it grow in the silvered light from the moon. "God, that is weird," she said.
But from her friend's voice, Lola knew she didn't mean a bad weird, but a strange maybe cool weird. "It's never done this before. It feels kind of good," Lola said.
"Don't you touch yourself?" Caitlyn asked.
"No. Do you?"
"Sure. I've been doing it for two years. You have to try it," she said. Caitlyn thought about how some of their friends were practicing together because they couldn't have boyfriends yet. Practicing with Lola would be even better. Then she giggled. She thought, 'My best friend has a cock and a pussy.' "I bet you could do yourself," she said.
"What?" Lola asked.
"Sex. You know, do yourself." Caitlyn decided to show her. She started to bend her penis back towards her vagina.
"Ouch," Lola cried out.
"Sorry," Caitlyn said. "Maybe when it's not hard. You know, when it's soft you could bend it around and do it to yourself. God, wouldn't that be something."
Lola had her doubts. That had hurt when Caitlyn had bent her cock. Caitlyn was still stroking her cock which quickly dispelled the hurt feelings. It was feeling quite good. She started wondering about what Caitlyn had said, touching herself. Maybe she would have to try it.
Caitlyn was looking at her friend's cock. She wasn't a boy, right? So it would be alright if she pressed against it. 'It really is okay to practice with a girl, ' Caitlyn thought, 'since so many of their friends had done it.' "Can I try something?" she asked.
Lola was a little worried after the last idea Caitlyn had, but she said, "Okay."
Caitlyn squirmed out of her pajama bottoms and moved over to Lola. She held Lola's cock and pressed her pussy against it. It wasn't working very well. Lola was bewildered wondering what Caitlyn was trying to do. Caitlyn pressed Lola onto her back and moved over her. She slid her pussy over her cock. They both felt something quite good was happening to them. "Oh," they chorused in pleasure. She was quickly wet with arousal. It felt good to be rubbing against something hard, even better than when she rubbed herself. 'It wasn't really sex if she was doing it with a girl, ' Caitlyn thought as the knob of Lola's cock caught in the opening of her pussy. Caitlyn pushed back and felt the hard shaft forcing her open. Her pussy lips flared open to accept the invader into her body for the first time. There was a momentary pain as the cock slid into her fully, but that was quickly overcome by the intensity of the pleasure of being filled. She bottomed out, full of cock and ground her clitoris against Lola.
Lola was surprised when Caitlyn began rubbing herself over her girl cock. But she was even more surprised when she felt her cock enter her friend's pussy. Surprised, but not displeased. In fact, it was one of the best things she had even experienced. Well, she had always been told she had the option of doing it either way. This way certainly was good.
Caitlyn ground down onto Lola's cock, driving both girls crazy with delight. She lifted up and began fucking her girlfriend with her pussy. Lola's cock drove up into her repeatedly, over and over, filling her. Caitlyn had never felt anything so wonderful. 'This is what it feels like to be a woman, ' she said to herself.
Caitlyn was swept up in the pleasure of sex, pounding down and being filled. She felt her own climax rising. Once more, she thrust her girlfriend's cock up inside her, and then one last time... The world exploded around her as waves of pleasure filled her. It had never been this good before when she touched herself. Her body trembled with the last dregs of pleasure as she felt the strength flee her body
Caitlyn collapsed onto Lola. Lola felt spasms in her balls and thrust up into her friend. Her orgasm waned after a few spurts. Her hormone therapy left her balls underdeveloped and only a trickle of cum was ejected, but it didn't matter to Lola. She had her first orgasm and it was incredible. Caitlin rolled to the side. "You are special."
They both giggled. "Can we do that again?"
"Oh, yes."
They fell asleep in each others' arms.
In the morning, Lola's mother looked into the room. She saw the girls sleeping in the same bed and was appalled. Not because they had sex, the idea never entered her head. They were both girls after all, but because she knew that Caitlyn would learn of Lola's difference. It was her worst fear. "Lola."
Lola woke, brushing the sleep from her eyes. She saw her mother standing in her door. There was a worried look on her face. Then the girl realized that Caitlyn was still sleeping next to her. She was going to be in trouble. "Yes?"
"Please get dressed and both of you come to breakfast. Hurry, please," her mother told her.
"Yes, Mom," Lola said. The door closed. 'Oh God. Mom is going to be mad.' "Caitlin," she said shaking her friend. Caitlin woke up slowly. "My mom found us."
"So," Caitlyn said.
"What if she thinks we've, you know?" Lola asked. Caitlyn's eyes opened wide. "Come on. We have to get dressed."
The girls bounced out of bed and quickly dressed. Caitlyn stared as Lola put on her panties, carefully tucking the cock between her legs. "Wow, is that how you do it?"
"Yeah. Otherwise it can stick out and make clothes look wrong," Lola said.
"Do you think we're in trouble?" Caitlyn asked.
"I don't know. She said we should come to breakfast, so maybe not," Lola said. "Come on, let's hurry."
Mrs. R was putting the bacon in the pan wondering how she was going to tackle the subject of Lola's special nature. Was it possible that the girls shared a bed and Caitlyn didn't know? The fact that Caitlyn hadn't run screaming from the house argued for that. She was mixing up the pancake batter when the girls stormed into the kitchen.
"Hi, Mom."
"Good morning, Mrs. R," Caitlyn said.
"Pour some juice," Mrs. R said. "Three, your father has already left for work."
The girls helped get the table set and ready while Mrs. R prepared breakfast. At one point, Caitlyn had taken some dishes out and Mrs. R asked, "Did Caitlyn discover your special nature?"
"Yeah, but..." Lola started to answer. But as Caitlyn returned Mrs. R hushed her and turned back to the stove.
As they sat down to breakfast there was the usual small talk about the girls enjoying the sleepover. Mrs. R wondered how to broach the topic. She settled on the direct. "Caitlyn, last night you found out about Lola being special."
Caitlyn took another mouthful of pancakes, "Yeah, cool," she answered around the pancakes.
"I want you to understand a few things. Lola is a girl despite her extra appendage." Caitlyn nodded. Mrs. R continued, "And we have been very careful because some people wouldn't understand."
"Yeah, I know. Lola and I talked last night. I thought about that." She turned to Lola, "Like Trish, she'd be a total bitch." Then back to Mrs. R, "Sorry. I mean I totally understand. Lola and I are best friends, Mrs. R. I'd never do something to hurt her. I won't tell anybody unless Lola says I can first."
Mrs. R breathed a deep sigh of relief. It seemed that Caitlyn did understand. She just hoped this would work out. It wasn't possible to keep it hidden forever, but the longer the better she thought. "Thank you, Caitlyn. It is important to me and to Lola."
"No problem, Mrs. R," Caitlyn said around more pancakes.
After breakfast the girls helped clean up. Mrs. R told the girls she was going shopping and would be gone a couple of hours. She suggested they take showers while she was gone. The girls ran upstairs to Lola's room. Once there, Caitlyn said, "Let's take a shower together."
Lola agreed, "Okay. We can use my parent's shower. It's big enough for two." They waited for Mrs. R to leave before stripping and heading for the shower. Once in the shower, Caitlyn asked, "Would you like me to wash you?"
At first, Lola was nonplussed. But in the night something had awakened in her. Caitlyn's question brought it to the fore. She felt little butterflies in her stomach, nice ones. "Yes," she said, not sure why she liked the idea. Caitlyn grabbed the soap and lathered her hands. She stood behind Lola and started washing her back. It was a very nice girl's back. Lola had a cute little butt and Caitlyn liked running her hands over it. Lola was enjoying the sensuality of having another's hands stroking her. At the same time, she felt a little nervous; this was all so new. Caitlyn lathered more soap onto her hands. She pressed against Lola, which brought a gasp from the girl. It was exciting to feel her friend's skin rubbing against hers. Caitlyn's hands started on her shoulders and washed in circles, down until they were rubbing Lola's tender young breasts. Her nipples erected. Lola then felt this thing that was so new to her. Her little cock started to grow. She looked down to see it pulsing and standing up. Caitlyn, behind her, couldn't see the effect she was having. Her hands continued washing the girl, lower and lower. When they got to Lola's cock, it was standing hard and straight. Caitlyn was surprised, "Oh." She wrapped her hand around it and slowly stroked it. Caitlyn thought about the prior night, how good it felt to have Lola fucking her. And Lola was a girl so it wasn't wrong to have sex with her like it would be with a boy. Her mother had warned her about boys. Caitlyn couldn't wait. "Let's get dry and go to your room."
Lola was surprised, "But we aren't done."
"We can finish later, please," begged Caitlyn.
"Okay," acceded Lola. They turned off the water and dried off quickly. Caitlyn pulled the girl to her room and lay back on her bed, legs spread wide.
"Lola, do me again," Caitlyn asked.
Lola looked at her friend and she knew what she wanted her to do. Her cock was hard. She crawled between her legs. Caitlyn's hand grasped her cock and led it to her pussy. Lola lay on Caitlyn and her cock nestled into her girlfriend's pussy, already wet with arousal. Lola pushed and her cock found its way into Caitlyn. Caitlyn moaned as her pussy flowered open around Lola's cock. Lola was again caught up in the glorious feeling of her cock buried in Caitlyn's warm pussy. Lola began fucking her best friend.
Their small breasts brushed against each other as the girls fucked. Caitlyn felt a strange warmth suffusing her body. The warmth crested and her body tingled... then she climaxed, moaning from the new sensations coursing through her body. Lola felt Caitlyn's pussy spasm on her cock and it drove her over the top her own climax bursting inside her. The hormones used to make her a woman interfered with the development of the testes and she wasn't able to produce semen. Her cock spasmed, but nothing was produced. She didn't notice at all as the orgasm swept over her as a pleasing lassitude filled her.
The girls lay next to each other in bed. "Lola," Caitlyn said. "You are my best friend."
Lola smiled, "You are my best friend. Do you want to do this again?"
Caitlyn smiled, "Yeah. How about every day?" They laughed together.
So Lola learned to use her cock and Caitlyn was a very happy girl because she was sexually fulfilled and yet didn't have to put out for any boys. If she got too wound up, she would just stop by Lola's house and they would 'take care of it.' They were both happy with the situation.
The only quandary was that Lola was a girl and she wanted a boyfriend too. She had continued developing with the help of the therapy. She was growing into a very attractive young woman. When she and Caitlyn turned sixteen their parents told them they could date. Mrs. R was again worried, but she couldn't put Lola in a cage and protect her forever. She did suggest double dating with Caitlyn which Caitlyn's mom also thought was a good idea.
At school, Caitlyn and Lola had been working on two boys, Danny and Patrick. Danny had just gotten his drivers license. The girls made the boys think they had a great idea; why not a double date with Danny driving. The big event, dinner and a movie, was a hit. Both guys got big kisses at the end of the date, enough to leave them with blue balls until they got home and furiously jacked off. The couples became a foursome.
Danny complained a few times to Caitlyn. He wanted to get her alone for some serious foreplay. She always made it plain that she felt comfortable with Lola, and don't worry, I will do anything with her there as I would without her there. Danny wasn't sure exactly what that meant, but in his jack off fantasies, it meant she was going to put out.
They had been dating for about a month when the boys decided it was time to try to up the ante. They took the girls to a drive-in movie. They parked in the back row. Patrick had scored some Coors from his older brother, who had given him a rubber and instructions on making a girl go crazy; kiss her neck. That was his whole secret. It was no wonder that Patrick's older brother had as little experience as Patrick. Patrick broke out the cans of Coors. The four of them drank a couple cans as the movie played.
They were all feeling mellow when Danny turned to Caitlyn and began kissing her. Patrick followed suit and the windows quickly steamed up, not that they cared. The boys had talked earlier and decided tonight was the night to go for it. Danny worked his hand up Caitlyn's side until it was touching her breast. She turned so that her tit filled his hand. She moaned as he softly stroked it. Patrick heard the moan and lifted his hand up to Lola's wonderfully formed breast. It filled his hand. She pressed against his hand. He was in Heaven, feeling a real live girl's tit. He caressed it slowly and softly. Lola moaned in his mouth as they kissed.
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Erotic Fiction‘What you doing today?’ ‘Fucking you. All day.’ I’m a doctor and work shifts, so despite being mid week I had a day off. Unfortunately my husband did not. ‘Afraid not – I’m working all day.’ ‘I’m so fucking horny.’ ‘You’ve been horny since Annie fucked you up the arse. She really got you.’ ‘Annie fucked me up the arse because I was so horny. Come on, a quickie?’ ‘I really have to go – I’m already late.’ ‘Spoilsport. Pass me a dildo then.’ ‘Front or back?’ He’d pass me a smaller one if...
The two weeks until Phil came to stay went by in a horny blur. Carrie and I fucked most nights, then 3 days before she put a stop to it telling me she was now saving herself for Phil. This may not be as 'story-like' as the others as I am recollecting from what Carrie told me so is more factual. Hopefully this won't disappoint.I left for my training course early that morning. Nervous and excited about what was going to happen to Carrie and how our lives were going to change forever....we kissed...
When I woke up, it was getting dark out. The last remnants of sunlight were coming through the skylight. Tristan was still asleep. I glanced over at him, studying his face as he slept, noticing the way his nose curved, his lips, his long grayish hair and beard. Having a man in my bed was so strange after all these years. A few hours ago he was a stranger. Now, what was he? What would he become, if anything? What was happening to my safe, quiet life? I got up, slipped on my jeans, but not my top...
“When I come to the woods, I am not me.”“And especially when the summer moon is full.”My company moved to new offices, on a complex close to the borders of the city, and I decided it was time to make a change in my life. Since cancer took my wife away, I’d existed rather than lived. I just lacked any purpose. I’d stayed in the same house, our house, and missed her every single second of every single day. And night. Especially the nights. The company moving gave me the push I needed and so I...
OutdoorPeter contemplated his situation. Somehow he had been given the power to control other people's minds. He knew that there was some kind of moral or ethical problem somewhere in this, but at this moment, with two hot girls sucking his cock and licking his balls, it was kind of hard for him to see it. Besides Tanya, who he had fucked so thoroughly not too long ago, Sara, Tanya's flat mate, was sitting naked in front of him, looking up at him with her big blue eyes, as she buried his dick in...
Most of Megan Richards' dreams for the future had been shattered ... the only one that remained in tact was her dream to use her talents in Hollywood some day ... one way or another. She was every bit as talented as her mother, Diana, and she'd always thought her slightly superior intellect had come from her father ... Her Daddy, Charles, was a highly intelligent and rational man, but she'd not inherited her smarts from him ... except maybe by osmosis. Her biological father, Thomas...
After leaving the club, totally charged with the experience of having big black birthday cocks that my husband arranged for me, I still wanted to do something else. I had just experienced pleasure like never before, so deep and so filling, and I wanted to keep those inners feelings alive. Unknowing to him, I had invited both of my ebony play toys to meet us back at the house for a session of anything goes. ‘Baby, can we stop at the adult toy store on the way home and look at some big dildos’ I...
I had to shorten some of the time passage, and change names so I wouldn't give away real information, but I attempted to retain it's natural beautey as a story... and yes I'm more of a romantic kind of guy.... SOOORRRYYY! I don't like stories which give no character development, and just jump into two strangers having intimate sex, so if you're here for that jump to chapter 5 Chapter one: Teases me. Allison was so beautiful in her Blouse today that I couldn't wait to get home and...
Hi indian sex stories dot net friends….I’m a regular reader of ISS…Now I also decieded to share my experience. My name is aman from haryana. Baat kuch saal pehle ki hai main haryana se bahar job krta hu or un dino vacation pe ghar aaya tha….Us din mujhe meri bua ka cal aaya ki aaj wo aa rhi hai raat ko late train se aayengi to kya main unhe rcv krne aa skta hu…Fufa g army main the so bua or unke bache army main sath he rehte the…Aapko bua ke bare main bta du 5’2″ height mast figure boobs 36 nd...
The wife really nasty sometimes and she loves getting fucked by a big fat cock, her husband doesn’t mind it, and in fact he loves eating her pussy filled with cum of her young lovers…The story I am gonna share with you happened to me when I was 41 years old, and my wife, Huanna, was 37. She was a hot fucking curvy and sexual Latina babe, namely from Mexico, where her parents and relatives lived. I knew that before we met, my wife had experienced and fucked many cocks in her life and she knew...
A day after leaving Palakkad Fort we arrived in Palakkad. I made myself known to the chowkidar at the entrance to the governor’s mansion. Mimi, N’reeta and I were then admitted into the extensive grounds of the large three-story building that was the administrative centre for the area, and the Governor’s official residence. We were allocated a suite of rooms in the building, a bedroom and a small withdrawing room for Mimi and I, and a bedroom for N’reeta. Meals were served in the large dining...
Friday Evening It was 6:50 PM when I pulled into the parking lot of the Brodricksburg Inn. Carrie had told me to be there at seven o'clock so I had ten minutes to kill before I had to walk into the ballroom. This would be the seventh time in the last three years that Carrie had acted as chairperson for one of these charity dinner dances. After the success of Carrie's first dinner dance three years ago, every charity in town wanted her to run their fundraisers. To her credit, Carrie is an...
The club was loud and dirty and crowded. Everyone was bumping into me and I felt like I couldnt breathe. As bad as it sounds, something about it was enthralling. People were grabbing me and there were lots of couples in various stages of sex. I saw a girl bouncing up and down on some guys lap, and I started to get wet. My thin silky panties were quickly soaked and I was afraid someone would see the juices under my short blue skirt. Suddenly I felt a big hand beneath my legs. It roughly grabbed...
I loved Saturdays. They were easily my favorite day of the week. There was something so great about them. Yeah, having no classes was nice. Yeah, the beer was great. Yeah, the football was pretty awesome. But my favorite thing about Saturdays was the cheerleaders. College cheerleaders. While I had a hardon for most cheerleaders from most of the nation's schools, the cheerleaders from my own school, Rasington University, were the sexiest of them all. Those firm breasts, those short skirts, those...
College SexFred Boyd his brother. Alice Boyd his sister in law. Nephew John 15 Niece Gabby 13 Jo Anne Wall old girl friend Windy Wall her ex husband. Lewis and Ellie Keith’s in laws. Sarah Marsh retro hippie General Briggs rd Doris owner of the consignment shop. Jo Anne Joyner Wall : Keith’s first girlfriend. Three girls 16 13 10 oldest daughter ginger Mr Jessup buyer of Keith’s scooter. Rebecca Avondale deacon and keith’s client. Marsha stylist to Rebecca Gulfcrest hotel/casino Elanor, Mark and Simon...
I grinned, when I listened to the sounds, coming from my sister’s room. They were the noises she always made, when she was in there, “busy” with herself. I licked my lips. Let’s see how she’s going to wiggle out of this one, the little slut, I thought, and gripped the door handle tight. With a quick, decisive push, I threw her door open wide, loudly entering her room. “Hey sis!” I called, sending her reeling in her chair. I had to admire her, she was sneaky. With one smooth motion she flung...
We arrived in the village on a Friday, late morning. It was a lovely day. Not a cloud in the sky, but not too hot at the same time. Moving is always a pain, but there was loads of space in our new dream house in the country, so we could take our time with things, and bring in boxes from our spacious double garage as and when.By late evening, the kitchen was sorted, the bathroom was sparkling and our clothes were all tidied away in the master bedroom. I suggested to Sarah that first evening that...
My friends and I were planning a weekend getaway to my lake house where I experienced orgy with a shemale. I didn’t know that they were planning my birthday party too. I packed up and all of us headed to the house. Soon it was evening and I hear the doorbell. “Surprise delivery!†my friend Sean shouts. I go to the door and see a tall blonde walk in. She is dressed well, some cleavage too and heels. She has a large paper bag in hand and she sets it down on the coffee table. We are four of us and...
ShemaleI woke up Sunday Morning with Jenny in my arms. I was quickly getting used to this. I would love to have this happen every morning for the rest of my life. Since it was Sunday, I didn't have to get up early for any special reason. I just held Jenny and watched her sleep. She had rolled over during the night and was now facing me. It was some time before Jenny started to stir. When she opened her eyes, she was looking right into mine. "Morning Love." "Morning Mark. It feels nice to wake...
Saturday I awoke with Peyton cuddled into my side. I couldn't think of a better way to wake up in the morning. I glanced at the clock. Five in the morning. I thought back to the night before and realized we were out pretty early. "Good morning," purred Peyton, looking up at me and smiling. "How long have you been awake?" I asked. "Half an hour," she said. "I was just admiring you as you slept." "So, you okay with last night?" I asked. "Definitely," said Peyton with a smile....
'Warning, this is a story of woman's depravity, read with caution, and please remark about what unfolds'As we drove my husband looked across at me, 'Fancy a gang-bang'?Asking your wife or girl friend to sexually gratify up to twenty men, is easier said than done, it takes a certain temperament in a women to realize that, just fantasizing about multiple men when you're having sex with one, is one thing, but actually being confronted by many men eager to rip your fucking pussy off is another.We...
Just then she saw a huge ogre enter the cave. He was wearing nothing but a loincloth and came straight over to her. He stood several feet taller than she and her hands were level with the top of his head when she was stretched out like this. By the look in his eye she could tell he intended to take advantage of her as she hung here helpless. His hands were large and powerful, and after a moment of gazing at his captive, he reached up and grabbed the top of her blouse. She let...
Hi this is Vikram form Kanpur. I’m 20 years old with an average body i am 5’9” height and have average body but having a 6.5 ” long and very thick dick . I am a mechanical engineer in a mnc and working in Kanpur. Basically I’m from Mirzapur. I’ll narrate you one of my real story at that time i was in my second year of my colleg when i met Sonali my girlfriend, she was sexiest of all the girls in our batch she has seductive lips, tight ass, perfect sexy body and her stats are 34-29-35 very fair...
You can literally say that Rob and I have known each other our entire lives. Our parents were next door neighbors and we were born three days apart. We grew up as “non-identical twins born by separate parents”. We were brothers in all ways but biological. We would even sometimes finish each other’s sentences. We were inseparable – almost. Rob met Tamara on one of those moments I was not around. This would have a significant impact. It was love at first sight and all I could say was that...
TabooWe live in vizag in a house on rent. The home rent is very high. My father also has to bear the tuition fee of my college. As an ordinary Clerk, father sometime have so many financial problem that he can not even pay the rent of house. Our landlord, a 55 year old non-Bengali is generally a modest person. He does not even bother if father (father) can not pay the home rent on time or making any delay to pay. But in the year 2003 father becomes retired from his job and took a huge loan for his...
The Beginning of the End --or - The End of the Beginning By Samantha White xxx My name is Tom; I am 26 years old 5 foot 6 inches in height, and of slim build. I am married and have been with my wife for six years, and we decided when we got married we would have no children for the next few years. My wife's name is June, she is 27 years old, about 5 foot 8inches...
Vixen’s elderly World History teacher was Professor Ivan G. Wainmoor who had a Ph.D. from a Midwestern college that no longer existed and was the long-time head of the history department as well as a respected member of the faculty council. He had been at Seaside for more than twenty years and could do almost all of his lectures from memory. He gave the same exams year after year, and any student who did not acquire a copy early on wasn’t really paying attention to campus life. Sometimes...
Reluctance"Slutty? No. You just needed to reach all your bounds. Now your hands on my chest are creating a stir. Come around and sit on my lap." Needing no more prompting Cindy settled on me, my semi hard cock resting between her ass cheeks, her legs spread overlapping mine. I reached around with my right hand and casually cupped and caressed her right breast, circling her areola with my thumb, I ran kisses along her neck and left shoulder, my right hand slid down her stomach, over the slight swell...
I am 5 foot 6 and 129 lb with a pretty fit body so I couldn’t help but notice men, particularly younger men, looking at me in a lustful way. Wendy At The Start I first started cheating on my husband maybe four years after we were married. As he is and engineer in the oil business it soon settled into him working away maybe 60% of the time. The loneliness of course led to me using dildo at first which seemed to ignite my sex drive. I am 5 foot 6 and 129 lb with a pretty fit body so I...
First TimeI got seven shots before they noticed me. David jumped off the bed yelling “Give that fucking camera.” I pulled the 1911A1 that was tucked in my pants behind me and pointed it at him. He stopped, sneered and said: “You don’t have the balls.” I pointed the automatic at his left knee and pulled the trigger. He fell screaming to the floor. “Jesus Christ” my father said. “You shot your own brother?” “The only reason I’m not going to shoot you is because I don’t want to deprive mom of the...
They ran upstairs laughing, both of them tumbling onto the bed, out of breath, kissing Ben deeply and thanking him for a wonderful Birthday and all her lovely presents, Ben smiling into her eyes whispered there was more to come, Annie felt her pulse quicken and Ben noticed her eyes darken with desire, smiling down at her he began to undress her peeling away her summer dress her large breasts, topped with dark pink nipples revealed, as he pulled away her lacy bra, his hands softly caressing her...
Buffy came home and collapsed on the bed. "Not a great night for slaying," she said to herself as she lay there in the dark room, feeling so tired she was almost sick and could throw up at any moment.This wasn’t the first night that had ended this way.Lately it seemed she was slower to vanquish the demons, and a couple of times she was dangerously close to being one dead Vampire Slayer herself. If it wasn’t for her quick thinking.'It was strange,' she thought, 'I can leave the house so full of...
The old farmhouse was perfectly set in the lush mountains of Magoebaskloof, one of South Africa’s special jewels. The tropical scenery there is exquisite and the house we rented was an isolated old dame. It had no electricity so we cooked on an old coal stove and water was heated via a donkey that we had to light half an hour before we needed to bath in a huge, old-fashioned tub. Best of all was the huge fireplace in the lounge. It wasn’t sophisticated any more, but it had character and charm. ...
Group SexThis was my dream as Mommy woke me. She was sitting on the edge of my bed, stroking my forehead. “Wake up Ronnie.” she cooed. “It’s time for breakfast.” I opened my eyes and my cock got even harder, because I was looking between her heavy breasts, into that deep cleavage where I longed to work my cock. Momma’s eyes held mine as she ran her fingers through my hair. I flicked my eyes between hers and those delicious jugs. “Oh, mommy, good morning, nice view.” She was telling me that...
"Well, well, well. What do we have here?" An elderly man with a rake and hoe looked at the frightened girls as they stared at the man who discovered them sleeping. He reached down and roughly grabbed both by the arms pulling them out of the shed. "What were you two doing in my toolshed?" he demanded. "We were sleeping," Carol answered, her voice shaking. "That is obvious, lass. But why here?" "We were tired," Emma stated less afraid than Carol. "And running from?" "No...
There are 6 mature, big breasted, curvy, white ladies who have worked very hard to lose their baby fat from their 3rd pregnancies after their 3rd breeding session last year with 4 well endowed, young black men. White ladies are; Tryphaena, Elaine, Connie, Wendy, Beverly and Steph. Black men are; Randolph, Sam, Tom and Danny. Although all 6 ladies lost their baby fat, because they're all mature none have six packs, but are very well proportioned and are in excellent shape with great hip to waist...
Suzanne had stripped naked, the office building all locked up for the weekend. She could make her escape via a fire exit once she had finished her fun, the evidence of her upcoming exploits safely dried away by the following Monday.Her bladder was fit to bursting and she was desperate to start. Opening the Managing Director's office she slipped inside, her nipples hardened on her small pert breasts as she ran on bare feet towards the imposing chair situated behind the long conference table and...
WatersportsBy : Indiansexstorywriter Is it true that most girls want a handsome boy with ‘athletic’ body and huge dick, like they describe in their stories (believe me you will find many, specially in couples section) to satisfy themselves? Oh I am sorry girls whoever said ‘looks don’t matter to me’ and then they kept dreaming about MTV VJ or Shahid Kapoor in their sleepless nights. Well this story is dedicated to those girl’s who are in search of handsome, some good looking, so called ‘hot’ (by the...