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Being the story of an extracurricular lesson in the finer points of obedience, self-control, and extortion.

Ms. Hindress drummed her fingers on the desktop, her dark red nails clacking sharply on the well-polished wood. The color didn't suit her, she'd always thought, but like everything else about her professional appearance, it was chosen for effect. Her blouse was starched until it could stand on its own, her skirt and blazer tailored to perfectly grip and drape every curve, an unsubtle dare to look anywhere else. Her full lips matched the deep red of her fingernails and were set in their usual stern, neutral pose. Her auburn hair was swept back and pinned in a tight, flawless spiral at the back of her head, accentuating her high, broad cheekbones.

She arched one meticulously-plucked eyebrow, a tiny note of condescension to go with her piercing, blue-eyed stare. She was, from head to toe and as always in the presence of her students, severe.

The effect was not lost on the boy who stood before her desk. He put up a good show, as his reputation dictated, but his attempts to disguise his nervous shifting from foot to foot as boredom, his tugging at his collar as a casual gesture, were hopelessly transparent.

Play it to the hilt, Johnny Boy, Ms. Hindress thought, fighting hard to suppress a thin smile. The ball won't be in your court for long.

She loved to see them sweat. The predator in her liked to believe she could smell their fear. This time, though, a different sort of predatory instinct told her she could smell something else as well.

The clock by the door ticked past five thirty.

She slowly uncrossed her shapely, dark-stockinged legs and made a show of re-crossing them the other way. She'd been turned sideways, sitting up straight as usual but resting her left arm almost casually on the desk, sacrificing a bit of formality for the chance to bait him with her legwork.

He took the bait. A tiny downward flick of the eyes, very quick, no guilty expression to betray it. The kid was well-practiced, but he'd given himself away. Even as he stood in fear for his comfortable place in this silver-spoon school, he couldn't help but watch the show.

Ooh, Johnny, Johnny... I was right about you, she chided him in her mind.

Aloud she said, "How much do your parents pay to send you to this school, Mr. Thorton?"

He stiffened, rising to his full height. He was tall, broad-shouldered, built like the jocks he was forever getting into fights with.

"Too much". Despite his flippancy, she could hear him fighting down the instinctive tremble in his voice. She turned to face the desk, watching him watch her legs disappear beneath it, then leaned back in her leather chair and steepled her fingers before her.

"Do you resent them for that?"

His eyebrows twitched. He hadn't expected that one at all.

"You my shrink now?"

"You stupid now? Use complete sentences and address me with respect, boy." She used the last word like a spear and watched it hit home. No kid approaching eighteen takes being called boy lightly, especially not the cocky, smart-ass type like John Thorton.

He took the blow well. His lip twitched and he drew a deep breath, making his hard chest strain against his shirt front. Ms. Hindress was glad he'd taken his uniform blazer off. When he replied, his voice was even.

"Are you my shrink now, Miss Hindress?"

"Ms. Hindress." She said it in her sweetest voice, with her most sadistic smile.

He smiled thinly and repeated the name properly through gritted teeth. She sat up straight again.

"No Mr. Thorton, I'm not. I'm merely trying to gain a little understanding as to why, in God's holy name, you would throw all the money they're spending on you away by bringing these into my classroom."

She pointed to the spread of color photographs on her desk. They were low-angle shots depicting several of the school's prettier, more popular girls in the gym locker room, in various states of undress. Each photo was ringed in fuzzy blackness, the out-of-focus edge of the camera's concealment.

"And I'd like to understand how me dropping a pocket knife gives you the right to search my bookbag." His voice was still even, his tone more defiant than ever. She smiled pleasantly and flicked his Swiss Army knife with one finger, spinning it on her desktop.

"Dangerous contraband gives me probable cause. It's good to have authority, Mr. Thorton. Though at the rate you're going, you'll never know about that. And you didn't answer my question."

He shrugged. "The market's good."

She leaned forward eagerly, saw his eyes flick down the front of her blouse. Puppet on a string. "Market? Would you care to tell me who comprises your little voyeur market?"

"No." The word came out fast, a knee-jerk response. She'd been expecting it. This kid held the rare position of popularity without the aid of varsity sports. He was the sort of merry prankster who tended to become a sort of minor-league folk hero to his classmates, and this reputation could never be maintained by ratting out his followers.

"You know things will go easier for you if you do."

"I know. No deal."

Ms. Hindress breathed a heavy sigh.

"Well then, I suppose this is the part where I call your parents, and present these naughty little pictures to Principal Sturgeon tomorrow morning. I'm afraid you won't last the week, John."

His bright green eyes widened and flicked down to the phone on her desk. She gave it a long look as well, then looked back up at him and batted her long lashes expectantly. The young man chewed his lip in indecision. Ms. Hindress reached for the phone. He hung his head. Ignoring him studiously, she began to dial the number slowly, betting on four.

He surprised her. She had dialed six digits before he said "Wait." But the hint of desperation she'd been counting on was there. She looked up at him sternly, finger poised above the final key.

"Wait for what?"

He took a long time responding, as though choosing his words carefully.

"Isn't there... another way?"

She lifted her finger off the telephone dial.

"You mean, another way besides your inevitable expulsion, and besides you telling me who your buyers are?"


"Do I understand correctly that you'd like to deal with this... quietly?"

His eyes widened hopefully, and she could hear the desperation beneath the surface of his flat, toneless "Yes". She could already feel the thrill of victory. He was right where she wanted him. Step into my parlor...

She cradled the phone gently and sat back in her high-backed chair, her shoulders creaking against the soft dark leather.

"Well," she said thoughtfully, "I suppose there is one other option, if you really do prefer it."

"I do." He was jumping at it already. This one was just too easy. She leaned forward and slowly drew open her lower right desk drawer. She was already beginning to fell that old familiar tingle. The real fun was about to begin.

"I must admit," she mused, "that it isn't really all that quiet. But it will stay inside this office. I presume that's what you meant."

"Yes ma'am, it-"

And he stopped short as he saw what she was pulling out of the drawer: a long, well-polished oak paddle. It was eighteen inches long not counting the leather-wrapped handle, five inches wide and a half-inch thick. Small holes were drilled through the wood all down its length.

It was her favorite tool; easy and comfortable to wield, long enough for serious momentum, light and narrow enough for good quick swats. The holes made it even faster, and gave it a wicked little swish as it cut the air on its way to its victim. She'd once made an all-state quarterback cry with this paddle.

That had been fun, a romp for her darkest aspects, but she could already see that this time would be different. John's breathing had changed, grown heavy, and his wide eyes were locked on the paddle in her hand. She knew straight-up fear when she saw it, and this was not it. Not by a long sight. This was going to be the true, elusive experience so seldom found even by the most careful searching.

She spoke now in a deep, husky purr. The time for pretense was past... mostly.

"I had a feeling you might be interested in settling this between the two of us."

"So that's why you kept me so late." His voice nearly caught in his throat. She smiled her favorite bad-pussycat smile.

"Sturgeon's the last man out on Fridays. Five fifteen, like clockwork."

"I know."

"You would. The professionally naughty ones always do."

"Like you?" For the first time since he'd stepped into her office, his pouty lips curled up into his trademark mischievous smile. "This is illegal."

"But having you expelled isn't, Mr. Thorton. And whether you choose to go before my board of education or not, it won't be here tomorrow." She could see his hands shaking, sense his fear and excitement. As he spoke, his voice cracked the smallest bit.

"I'll go before it, Ms. Hindress."


She held his gaze for several long moments, then stood up with slow grace and stalked around the desk to stand beside him, putting a little extra swing in her luscious hips. Her heels thudded softly on the carpeted floor. Even with the extra three inches they gave her, she still had to tilt her head up a bit to look him in the eye. She'd always been proud of her ability to command the respect and attention of students who towered over her.

He kept his eyes forward as she approached, like a military cadet. She stopped right next to him, back straight, paddle at her side, her chest thrust out a bit so that her hardening nipples almost brushed his arm. He turned his head slowly and looked at her. She could see apprehension in the big green pools of his eyes, could feel his hot breath on her face. It smelled surprisingly good. And then, in a low, strong voice, she gave the order she so loved to hear herself give.

"Bend over. Grip the other side of the desk."

A rush of crimson surged into his pale, freckled cheeks, but she could have sworn she almost saw him begin to smile. His reply came out in a low whisper from the back of his throat.

"Yes ma'am."

He faced forward again and bent slowly from the waist. Resting on his elbows, he obediently gripped the far side of the desk. She watched with extreme pleasure as his khaki pants were pulled tight across his firm young ass by the motion. It took her a moment to realize that he was looking back over his shoulder at her. She tore her eyes away from his offered backside and smiled at him slyly. He'd caught her staring. In other circumstances, that would have embarrassed her. Not now. In this moment, as his strict disciplinarian, she felt no shame, made no apologies. Only demands.

"Arch your back, Thorton." She held out the paddle and rested its long, broad edge against his butt. "Get it higher." He blushed even harder, but did as he was told. She could see the muscles knotting in his broad shoulders as he put more weight on his arms, raising his ass up high for her. She drew the paddle far back, poised to swing.

"Face forward." Reluctantly, he did so. She held the paddle there for a long while, listening to the seconds tick away on the clock behind her. Twelve... thirteen... fourteen... She could see the tension mounting in her student. Twenty-eight... twenty-nine...


He started violently and let out a tiny gasp as the long paddle hit home. She held it there against his tight, trembling buttocks, listening to his heavy breathing.

"Even with all that prep time, you weren't ready for it, were you Thorton?" she chided him with great pleasure. He shook his head slowly.


He jumped again.

"Answer me properly, boy."

He took several deep breaths before answering, mustering the control to speak clearly. Even so, there was a definite tremble in his voice.

"No ma'am."

"Well I hope you're quite ready now. It's a feeling you'll be getting used to."

"Yes ma'am."

"What do you think... would twenty be sufficient to teach you a lesson?"

"Probably." Swish-CRACK! "It- it probably would, ma'am, yes."

Probably. Was that a hint? She usually got an emphatic "yes". She felt a fluttering of pleasant anticipation.

"We'll see," she said sternly, and then she began to paddle him in earnest.




He bucked and flinched with each loud, stinging impact, rocking forward onto his toes with the force. Though his legs trembled more with each hard swat, he was careful to raise his ass up for her again after each one. If anything, he was raising it higher by the last five strokes. Her heart thudded faster every time she felt the firm, satisfying impact of hard wood and lean, young ass.

She held the paddle firmly in place after the twentieth swat, watching him lower his heels back slowly to the carpet. She could hear the blood rushing in her ears, and over it the sound of his husky, excited breath. In this moment, she owned him.

"Th- thank you, ma'am." He said breathlessly. Her heart skipped a beat at his words. This kid knows what to say. She smiled wickedly. He won't have counted on this, though.

"My pleasure. Now, are you ready for your twenty?"

He looked back at her quickly, eyes wide with shock.


She raised her eyebrows innocently.


"That wasn't it?" Swish-CRACK! "That... wasn't it... ma'am?"

She could tell his mind was reeling, as expected, but she played incredulous. "Excuse me? Did you expect me to count them for you?"

His grip tightened on the desk edge. She saw his knuckles whiten.

"I counted, ma'am. Twenty."

"A likely story. Now count aloud. I told you you'd be getting used to this."

He faced forward again and hung his head, bracing himself.

"Yes, ma'am."



"One, what?"

"One... ma'am."

"Good. Let's try that one again."


"One, ma'am."

"Much better."


He let out a small cry. "Two, ma'am."


"Three... ma'am." His knees were trembling.


He whimpered. "F-four... ma'am."

Poor thing, she thought to herself. Poor, naughty thing. And on the next one, she really let him have it.


His knees buckled. He moaned loudly. "Five... ma'am." She drew the paddle back for the sixth, but then...

"P-please, Ms. Hindress. No more."

She paused. "I beg your pardon?" Her voice sounded dangerous. She was far more practiced at hiding excitement than young Mr. Thorton was. He tensed at the obvious threat in her tone, and went on breathlessly.

"Please... no more... with the paddle."

She rested the paddle against his sore backside for a moment, then began rubbing it across the smooth fabric of the seat of his pants.

"Do I..." She rubbed the paddle across his bottom in a long stroke that finally brought her fingers in contact with his left buttock. "... understand you correctly, Thorton?"

He nodded slowly. "Yes, ma'am."

She smiled. "Good." She watched him relax a bit as she set the paddle down beside him on the desk. She cupped her palm against his backside, savoring the hot firmness, and felt him arch back into her touch. He was asking for it.

She gave it to him.

Ten swats to each buttock in rapid succession, hard and loud, and he pushed his ass out for each one, begging for it. He was aroused - good. He had grown comfortable with the situation - not good. The more at ease he felt, the less control she had. She wanted him uneasily excited.

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KlutzChapter 23

Tim finally found a parking place. He was later arriving at the city park than he planned because Ruth and Susan couldn't get ready any quicker and most of the marked places were taken. Tim suspected the ladies' difficulties getting ready had something to do with all the giggling and whispering from the bathroom. Every once in a while Susan would run into the living room and give Bill a kiss. A few minutes later Ruth would run into the living room to give Tim a kiss. That may have slowed...

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Homework part 2

"Mark honey, don't tell Jeff about my little show, huh. Afterall I wouldn't want him to feel slighted." Mark agreed as he sat back down on the couch as Natalie sat in the recliner and finished her beer. "Geez, it's cold out there," Jeff blurted out as he entered the living room clutching a beer. "Here's another one, Mrs. Evans. I put a six pack in the fridge. "Thanks, Jeff." Scrutinizing his shivering body she saw how constricted his balls were. "Well, I can see that. You know you coulda put...

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With local University connections, I am able to make use of the 5 different gyms and work-out centers on campus, in addition to the 3 pools they have. I admit, that at the pools I spend way more time looking at the co-eds, than anything or anyone else. I tend to use the gyms either early in the morning, arriving well before 8am, or later after dinner, close to 8pm. I try to pick on certain days when they are less crowded. After my workouts, I always shower before going home. Of course, in...

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The Second Year and AfterChapter 85

My first “Milk Round” job interview was with British Petroleum. BP had a huge need for Chemistry graduates to work in many parts of their organisation, most of the junior posts at this time unfortunately being overseas after an initial training period in the United Kingdom. I didn’t really fancy going abroad so soon after University – even thought there were some very attractive salaries, often tax-free if you went to places like Iraq, the Gulf States or Saudi Arabia – so I was a little wary...

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Fucking Britney

Britney had just separated from her husband and decided a night out with the girls was called for so she contacted a few and arranged to meet at a bar they all knew from their singles days. Karen felt good about it decided not to get too tarted up so picked out a while blouse and mini skirt that really was a bit too short, but what the hell, it was all girls together. They all arrived and were soon knocking back the drinks, Britney especially as the girls, feeling sorry for her thought they'd...

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Hot Summer Night

It was a hot evening, I was restless and couldn’t sleep. I got up, and walked down the hall naked to the bathroom and took a piss. I rubbed my nipples and rubbed my clit, before I flushed the toilet. I was so horny. I shouldn’t be naked as my 17 year old son was asleep in the spare bedroom.He had come back to town to take care of some things, and being my son, he asked if he could stay here for a couple of days, while he was in town. I told him “Of course Dan.”He said “I know, and I was hoping...

3 years ago
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my fantasy

The story is slightly different please let me know what you thinkA quick delve into the perverse part of me, all my other stories have been true but this is pure fantasyI am home alone and like any normal person I am watching some hard core porn and reading some very erotic stories, I have watched some lesbians licking each others juicy cunts licking and finger fucking until one squirts her hot juice in the face of her willing partner. This gives me extremely tingly balls as my cock grows in my...

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The Anniversary Present

John was at the stove cooking his breakfast when Aileen walked past, dragging her hand across his butt on her way to the garage."I'm going to the store," she sighed, as she did every week."Of course you are," he replied sarcastically with a grin."Mmmm hm.""Happy anniversary to you too," he said, still grinning."Happy anniversary!"A short while later he took a quick break, as he always did, to get a drink and check the Find My Friends app on his phone.  This time, however, he was...

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Her First ArrestPart 3

After staking out the store for awhile, she narrowed down the count to three different men who could be the thief. She picked the most likely, then made her arrest. She took him in handcuffs to her house to interrogate him to see what he knew.After manipulating his body, she finally got him tied onto the bed with each extremity tied to the corners. She gave him one last chance to talk. When he just looked at her, she checked the straps to be sure they were secure, then climbed onto the bed...

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The Announcement

100% fiction! I know, it ain’t the custom for mothers-in-law to get along with the guys their daughters marry. But then, my son-in-law ain’t like the others, and my family has its own set of customs. I hadn’t closed my door all the way when I came home and decided to get into something cooler. I didn’t know Fran, my daughter, was home till I heard, “Oops, sorry,” and looked up to see her in the doorway. “It’s okay,” I told her, “I’m not bashful, and I’m sure you’ve seen women naked before.” She...

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Two Tits by loyalsock

As I walked in the door, coming home from the office, I saw my wife Carolyn standing by the cabinet preparing dinner. Carolyn has a body built like a brick shit house with all the fixtures in the right place. Today she looked especially good wearing a skimpy halter top with a pair of low cut shorts that fit snugly around her ass with the outline of her bikini panties showing through.Crossing the room and walking up behind her I reached around and cupped one of her tits with my hand while...

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GirlsWay Marley Brinx Anna De Ville Tattoo Sisters Part One

Freshly inked Marley Brinx has a hard time convincing her sister Gia Paige that tattoo artist Anna De Ville just licked her pussy while she drew her tattoo. Marley recounts how it all started with her breaking into a sweat from squirming in pain. Anna helps her remove her cropped top to cool down. But Marley keeps squirming, and in certain spots the pain turns into pleasure. Anna reminisces about how much she loved inking her ex-girlfriend when they would have sex. Marley admits the thought of...

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Taking a bathroom break

In the last story about my escapade with teasing a Canadian guy on cam, I mentioned in the very beginning, if you caught that, how I said that one of my original plans for the day was to go to the 4th or 5th floor of the library and masturbate in the bathroom stall...again. I owe a much clearer explanation for that.It all started on a Wednesday in October. I remember that it was a Wednesday because I was a part of this swing dance club (yes, you read that right, a swing dance club on a college...

3 years ago
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Mein dominanter GayFreund 2 ndash unser erstes Tref

Tom wohnte in einem Hochhaus, in einer der letzten Etagen, am Ende eines Korridors. Die Wohnungstür war schon auf, und ich konnte ihn im Türrahmen stehen sehen. Er war selbst schon nackt, und als ich näher kam sah ich, daß er ganz rasiert war. Ich habe das zum ersten Mal damals bei einem Mann so nah gesehen. „Hallo, schön daß Du gekommen bist, komm rein“, begrüßte er mich. „Ich war mir nicht sicher, ob Du Dich wirklich trauen würdest“, sagte er mit einem Lächeln. „Ja, um ehrlich zu sein war ich...

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Jack And Jill The Second BookChapter 44

We discussed where to go out to eat. Laurie was a little young to appreciate Perlione's or the country club. Jack suggested Home Town Buffet and told Laurie how she take her own plate around and put whatever she wanted to eat on it. That sold her on it and she started hounding everybody, asking "Can we go now?" every couple of minutes or so. Daddy finally got up after twenty minutes of this. "Honey, why don't we meet you over there? We'll take Laurie to the restaurant and get...

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Car Breakdown Leads To Sex With Cousin Sister

I am desiboy from Hyderabad. The sexy story that I am going to narrate happened a few months back with my cousin sister while traveling from Hyderabad to my hometown.I m in Hyderabad because of my friend’s wedding. In the ceremony, I met my aunt and her step-daughter (Buddi), who is married and has a c***d.We were having a casual conversation and my aunt got to know that I was leaving to my hometown the very next day. She asked me if it was possible for me to take Buddi to the hometown where...

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Gift HorseChapter 2

It was half way through the salary months. Three more months and I would be on my own financially. It wasn't like the money was pouring in, but things had improved enough to make me think I would do okay, and even keep my two employees. Three months anniversary to the day of my captivity was New Year's Eve. Old rodent visited briefly. He paid me after I paid him, giving him the paperwork to prove his returns. "You're doing a fine job," Fast Eddie said. "Any other improvements you let...

4 years ago
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Aunties IslandChapter 9 A Cavalcade of Antagonists

WILLIE: Alright, I think I should try to explain the dramatic changes that came over Frederick since we all returned from Auntie's Island. In the bedroom ... well if the other girls are writing their observations to Ann like this, I'm sure they must have mentioned it. Frederick TAUGHT me about sex ... I mean, I didn't know a thing before we first made love. And ever since that night, I just can't think of ANYTHING that's happened to me sexually that I haven't really (really, really)...

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Erotic massage at a mens parlor Gay Stories

I was an athlete, playing on the football team at my college. Today I was training and my body felt tired and stiff. So, on a recommendation I went to a spa for a massage. This place was highly recommended by someone and I was hoping to get some help with my stiffness. But it turned into something much more interesting than that and the erotic massage helped me to relax. I was feeling very tired and was hoping one of my girlfriends would be down for something sexy. However, I still went to the...

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Snowys Visit Ch01

“Do we need something from the store?” I asked Lydia while standing on the doorstep.“Sure. Get some bread. Oh, and get a bottle of coke,” she answered while approaching me. She kissed and hugged me, then continued: “When will you be coming back?”“I dunno… Around eight, maybe? Let’s say eight-ish,” I answered, already closing the door.“Cool. Oh, and I forgot to tell you – Snowy’s coming over sometime before eight o’clock,” Lydia announced casually. Snowy – or Snoween (yeah, really) by her full...

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The Love Monk or Zen in the BedroomChapter 11

It was clear as soon as he entered her apartment that SHE was stoned out of her gourd. She sat on the edge of the bed rubbing her nose and nodding off. "I'm sorry, Joseph. I needed it." "It's okay darling, but I'm beginning behavioral therapy and will not make love to you when you're high. Did you call your father?" "Yes, and he was thrilled. We'll head down there tomorrow night. You better fuck me by then or I'll be nodding at the wheel." "I promise." "I'll be strong if...

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I’ve had a crush on my gay friend, Luke, for a while now. I’ve known him for a year now, and we instantly became close friends. It wasn’t hard to tell that he preferred the opposite sex. With some people you just know. I met him at the hair salon I used to frequent. He was the hair stylist, and did my hair! We talked as he did my hair the two hours I was there. I wanted it colored. I’ve grown up a red head, and finally wanted my hair dyed black. Luke comes over to visit every now and again, and...

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Brian Naked in SchoolEpilogue

Friday didn't vary much from the previous routine, except in that I had shoes again. Connor went naked again, and once again distracted everybody from focusing on me. In gym class the girls avoided me, but I didn't overhear them saying anything about me. I guess by this point I was old news. I went home with Connor, and we had a great weekend hanging out at his house. I almost forgot about everything. It all came rushing back on Monday. With neither Connor nor me naked, the teachers...

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Game WorldChapter 72

My return to the keep and Oak Hall was welcomed by all except for Dindraine. The young elven girl greeted me with a glare of animosity that I couldn't blame her for. I felt the same way about myself. Nimue did not however share that opinion and she did chide Dindraine for her behaviour. I said nothing about it in response. Instead I walked over to Nimue and took her into my arms and gently hugged her. My heart ached at seeing her once more. She was dressed simply in a warm woollen tunic and...

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Chhote bhai ne todi meri kuwari choot ki seel

Meri kahani padne se pahle bahine apne bhai ka lauda apne hath me pakad le, aur bhai apni bahin ki chuchi ka nipple chuste hue, ek hath apni bahin ki choot me dal le. Aur milkar bole—- jai ho bahinchodo ki, jai ho bhai chodo ki. Incest zindabad.ye ghatna 1980 ki hai, mai us samay 20 saal ki thi. Mera chota bhai mohan 18 saal katha. Jab mai 19 saal ki thi to hamne ek dharmshala me ek chudai dekhi thi. Hame nahi pata tha ki ye chudai kya hoti hai. Dharamshala me ek charpai(bed) pada rahta tha. Us...

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Wife Spanked by Step Dad Updated

Wife spanked by step dadMy wife’s parents have always been strict disciplinarians, so my wife was used to corporal punishment. When she lived at her parent’s home, the punishments for my wife usually consisted of spankings to varying degrees.For minor misdemeanour's, my wife’s mother would usually take her over the knee for a hand spanking across her clothed or panty covered bottom and sometimes, if the misdemeanour warranted it, a spanking OTK on her bare bottom.For serious incidents, my...

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A Source of Warmth

Introduction: A new arrival and a late night warms up a mortuary technician. His name was Thomas Saniuqa. Theyd just wheeled him in on a bed at 4.50pm. Damn it, that means Im working overtime on my own AGAIN. I grumbled as I looked at his profile on the clipboard. Hmm, thirty-five years old and still unmarried? He was evidently very successful, too – CEO of a fairly large IT company Id heard about. I had to wonder what was going to happen to the company without him. I glanced down at him. He...

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