Cristina’s Re-birth free porn video

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Christina rocked my world the first time I met her. There were no fireworks. No wildly passionate sexual adventures. But, these eyes had never seen a more stunningly beautiful woman. It was embarrassingly easy to stare. And, it was equally difficult to not maintain visual contact.

What made her so attractive? I guess, and this has ran through my mind often, that a woman with all her attributes just doesn’t come along very often, if ever. I can describe how Christina appears but it will never do justice. She is about five feet, eight inches. Hair of blonde, almost shoulder length. Eyes the color of warm chocolate. A wide, happy smile that could stop enraged animals in their path. Skin that hinted of porcelain. She carried herself with refined grace,never a wasted movement. A slender frame that hints of ballet in her past. Her attire is always simple and impeccable. But, as said earlier, this description is utterly lacking. Maybe these words can convey a small part of her totality.

She was a new employee, co-worker, that well-remembered morning. We did not work in the same department but since the company is relatively small, we did cross paths often. Over a period of time it became quite evident that her intelligence, and common sense, carried her to that point in her career. Most would have assumed that looks were the deciding factor in her hire. Gradually I overcame my uneasiness of Christina’s presence. I would never consider her as a friend, only a fellow worker. Our conversations were mostly work related and never too personal. But, I looked forward to every moment and spoken word. A glancing view from the end of the hallway was enough to brighten my day. Her life away from work was a total mystery, as was her past. All in all, it was better to be on the periphery of Christina than trying to match her splendor.

Then, without any advance notice, Christina was gone. I heard through the office grapevine that her long time boyfriend had proposed marriage. He lived in the neighboring state and wanted Cristina to move immediately so wedding planning could begin. There was an emptiness that couldn’t be completely explained. I knew that there was not, and never would be, anything between us. I knew that there was obsession on my part. And, that could be dealt with in time. I was well aware that time would relieve me of my loss. The strangest feeling though, was one of foreboding for her. I couldn’t escape the feeling that she was not happy. Not that I was capable of providing her with a contented and happy existence. So, over a period of a few weeks, Christina became a pleasant, but distant, memory.

Over the next two years my own career proceeded nicely. I was rewarded for my competence by being promoted to the head of my division. I must say the level of responsibility was staggering but there was enough stubbornness to never back down from a challenge. When I graduated from college the jobs were long hours and little pay. Now there was a sense of accomplishment. Unfortunately the personal life suffered as a result. Unbeknownst to me, that was headed for change.

While sitting at my desk, working through lunch, waiting for my secretary to return with some takeout, I heard a soft tapping at the door. The immediate thought was anger due to the interruption. When I raised my eyes that changed completely. There was Christina, more radiant than ever before. I quickly rose to my feet and gestured her inside. I blurted out my surprise like some pimple-faced teenager. When I asked what brought her back here there was an almost imperceptible drop in her smile. That’s when I saw her left hand missing a ring. There was elation that she wasn’t encumbered, but sorrow for her life not going as planned. She told me that the marriage went sour from the moment the ceremony ended.

Her few friends were in this city and she wanted to work for the corporation again. She asked me if there were any openings in my division. Christina told me that her whole life had been one where men wanted her for a trophy. I was one of the few who treated her as only another person and didn’t overstep my bounds. I couldn’t tell her that my fears prevented approaching her. I couldn’t tell her that I desired her along with all the others.

As she talked her shoulders slowly sagged. There was a sadness that I had never seen on her face. In fact, I could not remember ever seeing Christina’s face without a smile. I knew that my hidden caring would be reason enough to not hire her. But, how could I refuse? I knew that she would be a great addition to my division. There were accounts that would only prosper under her guidance. I had removed the thoughts of Christina over the past two years. Now they were flooding back like a burst dam. I honestly didn’t know if I could handle working that closely with her.

I told her that there were positions available. The salaries were not to the level her work deserved, but she could pick the one she liked most. The look on her face was all the justification I needed. I felt bathed by the glow of Christina’s face. The effusion of thanks left me slightly uncomfortable. She assured me that her work would be top-notch. That was never a given a second thought. My questions were of a completely different nature.

Over the next few months Christina settled into an amazing pace. She had a capacity for solving problems that was unmatched by anyone I had ever worked alongside. She rapidly learned my feelings on how to handle catastrophes and dealt with them without ever letting them cross my desk. We did spend much more time together, but it never had any tone other than professionalism. I still knew nothing more about her marriage and divorce. I knew little about her life away from work. She never mentioned whom she saw after hours, if anyone. And I had the good sense to not ask, for my own sanity. In fact, the rumors were that she had friends at work but not away. I really didn’t believe that she confided in anyone.

My secretary was wary of Christina. It wasn’t jealousy. It was more of a feeling. Grace was reluctant to trust someone with so many hidden areas in their life. It was like Christina lived a secret life. But, it wasn’t my business even though I often thought about how she could be so wonderful in her job, have the adoration of the clients, and never mention what she did away from the job. I had my close friends and occasional romantic interests. So, I became adept at keeping Christina from my thoughts, except while at work. That’s how it had become, life with and without Christina. The company had few clients outside of our city. We were quite comfortable providing services unmatched by any other firm in this area. The advantage was not making business trips. I hated changing my routine. Unfortunately, a large firm from the other coast was planning on opening on office nearby. We had been recommended to handle issues for them, rather than have a firm three thousand miles away try to be hands-on. That meant the inevitable cross-country trips to set up the initial contract.

Christina was the logical choice for that job. I gladly let her fly back and forth. It was a very comforting feeling to know that she was in charge of the deal. But, two days before the contract was to be finalized Christina called me in a panic. The fact that she was not calm and cool was enough to make chills travel up my spine. There were some last-minute changes that she didn’t have the authority to make. The clients board of directors wanted me to fly out and deal with everything first-hand. Great, not only did I have to leave on a moment’s notice, but wondering how badly it might be if Christina was flustered, caused my stomach to turn over.

Two days of round the clock work solved all the points of contention. Christina was valuable beyond belief. She was able to wade into the middle of hard-set ideas and soften the steeliness. I mentally told myself that she was going to get a raise and promotion when we returned. The con
tract was signed on Friday afternoon, late. Since it would be impossible to get a return flight that evening it was decided that we needed a celebratory dinner. The hotel concierge told me of a wonderful Italian restaurant three blocks away. He arranged the reservations while we changed clothes. I was waiting for Christina in the lobby when she made her entrance. I know that every person, man and woman, had to notice her as she walked out of the elevator. I had regaled in her beauty for so long there was some degree of immunity.

She wore a simple black dress, just above the knee. It showed her figure without revealing anything. Her body seemed to glide under the fabric. Christina’s only jewelry was an elegant pearl necklace and matching earrings. Her smile reminded me of that first day, many years before. She marched up to me and gave me big hug. I barely remember her voice, thanking me for coming out to help. She immediately let go her grip, headed for the door, looking over her shoulder and telling me to hurry up. She was hungry. That was the first time we had ever touched. I felt the blood rush to my head and appetite vanish. At least I gathered my wits before she turned out the door. Did I really see a barely perceptible glint in her eye?

The restaurant lived up to its billing. It was very rustic. None of the large rooms crammed with tables from corner to corner. It was filled with small alcoves holding two or three tables. We were seated in a tiny corner that blocked us from other diners. The food and wine was exquisite. We even shared a desert. Again, the conversation rarely ventured from work. But, Christina was more animated than she ever had been. I wouldn’t have complained if she had talked about acne and incontinence. I wished we didn’t have to leave but three hours for one meal is long enough. As we entered the hotel Christina asked if I would like to join her in the lounge for a last drink before heading to our rooms. Anything, to prolong this night, was welcome. The lounge was mostly deserted. Just a few pairs of businessmen near the bar. Christina chose to sit on a leather sofa near the fake fireplace. Undercurrents flowed through my brain. This was, like the restaurant, quite romantic. We sat mostly side-ways so it would be easier to see each other as we talked. The waiter brought our drinks and we spent several minutes just watching the gas logs. Christina was the first to speak. She softly told me, ‘thank you’. I reassured her that it was my job to come help, if it was needed. ‘No’, she said. ‘ I mean thanks for everything else’. She could see the look of confusion on my face.

Christina told me how much she appreciated that in all the years since we met, I had never once tried to delve into her past or life. She took a long, deep breath and said, ‘ I think it is time you got some explanation about myself’. I started to open my mouth but she held a finger to her lips to shush me. I was instantly on edge. I was about to hear her story. What made Christina the person she has become? Why everyone knew so little of her life. She told me that since early childhood her beauty had shaped her existence. She always was treated like some rare antique doll. Fawned over by an over-protective mother. Isolated by a father who knew the boys would be coming with intensity. Her entire childhood had been one of exclusive private schools, modeling classes, dance instruction. She thought at times that she was being groomed to be queen of something. Her life was never her own. She never received the opportunity to get dirty, to make mistakes, to have friends that were not approved.

Her life was totally sheltered until she left for college. She related that the desire to leave town for college almost estranged her from mom and dad. They still wanted to rein her in at every point in life. When she left for college, Christina had never been on a date where there weren’t chaperones or other couples. Her parents called her every day to check up. Most weekends found them driving to see her. She knew it was their way of keeping control. She wasn’t bitter. She realized, in her heart, that they loved her deeply. And, they knew there would come a time when they couldn’t stop her from spending time with young men. They had seen the way the males at every point in her life had looked when she passed.

She did start to date during her freshman year but quickly learned that most men wanted one thing from her. They could not seem to understand that just because she was gorgeous did not mean that her life experience was vast. She had been so repressed by her folks that she had no clue about personal relationships. There were no girlfriends to share the thoughts and ask questions. The women around her avoided her like she was a leper. One had told her that no woman wanted to be near her and be ugly in comparison. So, in time, she was thought to be cold, aloof, and bitchy. She learned to entertain herself. She poured her time into the books, becoming a stellar student. Not that she was lacking in intellect to begin with. It became her refuge from life itself.

By the time she graduated, with honors, from the university, Christina could count her dates on both hands. She had long before felt relegated to a life of loneliness. It wasn’t what she dreamed about but it did keep her from delving into the psychological reasons for her life. Her parents had instilled in her a fear that men would never want her for what she was. She felt cursed by her beauty and secretly hated her looks. She knew her appearance kept any man from seeing the true person that lived inside. And she had no clue how to show them.

She met her fiancé soon after graduation. He lived in the apartment next door. It wasn’t that he was different from other men. He just happened to be more insistent than any other. She still had no idea how to open her feelings to someone else. She maintained her celibacy like it was the one thread that kept her constant. To give in before marriage would be an admission that her parents had been right and she had failed them miserably. When the proposal for marriage finally came Cristina felt as if life had finally turned her way. Regretfully, the lavish wedding turned into a honeymoon nightmare.

Christina had buried any thought of sexual expression for so long. Her new husband never thought to ask Christina if she was a virgin. He assumed that she had partners before but decided that it was better for them to wait for marriage. She never thought to tell him of her rudimentary, at best, romantic skills. She had no idea how to please a man. She had no clue how to accept pleasure for herself. The intimacy, after so many years of isolation, was terrifying. She knew that her marriage and new husband should give her pleasure but there was no knowledge to draw from. He was frustrated with her coldness. Actually, she was terrified. He could not understand that it was her abject fear, not him. She didn’t know how to explain. Before the honeymoon ended the riff had started.

Every time her husband approached her for sex she would tense up. Her thoughts were always that boys only wanted one thing, even him. He quit asking. And, ten months after the wedding, he filed for divorce. She was not unhappy. She knew he was not getting what he deserved from her, as a wife. She didn’t know if she would ever be capable of giving that much of herself to anyone. She still had never obtained any pleasure from their lovemaking.

After the divorce was finalized she knew that moving back to our city was her only option. After trying to stay for several months Christina gave up and moved. She had prayed that a job would be available. Even though no one would ever have noticed, she was happy at our company. She always knew that I was the one who held no high expectations. Christina told me of her fears as she approached my office. What would she do if no job existed? How could she continue this woefully isolated life without even some semi-friends at work? She was slowly dying inside and was so entra
pped by her past there was no hope of escape. My granting Christina the job was the only moment of happiness that had passed her way in recent memory.

As she finished talking Cristina’s eyes began to tear. Her usual smile was now melancholic. Barely perceptible sobs were racking her shoulders. I could not begin to imagine her pain. I felt so totally helpless. My mind was still numb from her narrative. How could anyone manage to get to this age of life, experience all the negatives she had waded through, and still maintain a semblance of sanity? Christina was hurting and I was in agony watching her cry.

I slowly slid over to her side and put my arm around her shoulder. It seemed the correct thing to do. Christina buried her head against my neck and chest. The quiet sobs finally came to an end but she didn’t move. How long we sat, who knows? It didn’t matter. This unbelievable woman had poured her life out before me and if she needed to sit until tomorrow it would be all right. As we sat Christina placed her hand over mine and gently squeezed. I knew it was her thanks. She shifted her body to move tighter to my side and whispered, ‘ I feel safe’. Christina then lifted her head and lightly kissed my cheek. Her lips on my skin were more electric than any moment of my life. That was the instance the lights dimmed and brightened to announce the closing of the lounge for the evening. Why now?

I removed my arm from Christina’s shoulder and slowly stood. When I offered my hand it was readily accepted. As we walked to the elevator my mind was racing in every direction. Was this tiny show of emotion more than Christina could bear? Did I overstep? Did she have any inkling of my feelings? We silently rode the elevator to our floor. I didn’t to leave her. I really feared that she was too fragile. Standing at the door I reached out and put both arms around her, hugging tightly. Her arms surrounded my back and returned the hug. She looked up and said, ‘Please don’t leave me alone. Too much of my life has been alone.’ I was hopelessly lost. I do believe that if she had asked me to set fire to my hair and run naked through the streets it would have seemed reasonable.

After entering she told me to sit and be comfortable. She had to wash the smeared makeup from her face. That was when I first noticed that she was less than perfect looking. But, in that imperfection Christina had become a person. She had shed some of that long-term pattern of never being out of place. And, in that instant, Christina became more beautiful than ever before. I placed my jacket over the back of a chair, loosened my tie, unbuttoned and rolled my sleeves, and settled onto the couch. She smiled and went into the bedroom. I could hear water running. I had no recognition of time. It could have been five minutes, or easily thirty. My mind was trying to assimilate the past several hours, with no real luck. I knew she had entered a new stage of life. One of openness, even if I was the only one who knew.

I heard the water shut off and the door slowly opened. Christina had changed into the palest pink silk pajamas. They were far from revealing but my imagination was running wild. It was the first time I had ever seen her without makeup. I remember thinking, ‘Why does she need makeup at all?’ She looked alive. The smile, both in mouth and eyes had returned. She motioned for me to not get up and walked to the mini-fridge. Christina removed a bottle of chilled wine and proceeded to remove the cork. I could tell that she wore nothing under that fine fabric. The hints of her shape were revealing themselves. I was beyond captivation. I had never felt this way about another human being. She walked to me with two glasses and asked me to stand.

She raised a toast and started to speak, saying, ‘ You will probably never understand how much your friendship has meant to my life. So many times I have sat alone in my apartment secretly knowing you were the only person I could trust. That knowledge gave me hope when there was none. I want to apologize for never telling you. There was always unconditional respect and support. When I quit to get married you were the one I missed most. While the marriage was decaying, you were the one who I wanted to be near. And, I always wondered if you were the one who could make me feel. I never knew your true feelings but I know mine. If I am capable, to any degree, it is you I love.’

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HOLD ON TO YOUR HATS, DON'T CHANGE THAT CHANNEL, THE BEST IS YET TO COME..... First a note of thanks to those in the next paragraph Wow.....thank you, Cindy, Anon, MB Fan, Daphne, Mikerpen and Princess for your kind words and review of this storyline. I took note that so far there have been over 3000 individuals who have read the story and wish to make sure that you who have reviewed the storyline get credit for taking the time to write a quick review. I hope that all readers would...

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Robins New LookMockingbirds Rebirth

HOLD ON TO YOUR HATS, DON'T CHANGE THAT CHANNEL, THE BEST IS YET TO COME..... First a note of thanks to those in the next paragraph Wow.....thank you, Cindy, Anon, MB Fan, Daphne, Mikerpen and Princess for your kind words and review of this storyline. I took note that so far there have been over 3000 individuals who have read the story and wish to make sure that you who have reviewed the storyline get credit for taking the time to write a quick review. I hope that all...

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Nagarjun entered his birthplace

hi i am SMBhargav, from Karnataka , i thank all ISS readers for giving a great response to my own story” I saw my birthplace” . In this moment i am going to give you my friend Nagarjun’s experience as a story now. My friend Nagarjun actually told me about all incest stories and he was incest with his sister Sarvamangala. He has a desire to penetrate his mom at least onece his life. But he was afraid to ask her and also to do that. His father was a teriffic man and very angry man. He beats his...

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It was clear that all the vampire myths had some elements of truth sunlight didn’t cause me to burst into flames but after a while it did make me tired so I would wait till darkness fell and select my first victim. Here see is jenny, blond hair blue eyes firm 32 c cup breasts 5ft 5 with just a hint of natural tan , but its her ass that makes my blood flow south. A firm peach if ever I saw one and no man would ever get between those cheeks; well I’m not a man and tonight after she finishes...

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Project Rebirth

"This is your second chance at life" You have just been arrested for multiple offences and have been sentenced to 5 years in prison, but on the day you were supposed to be incarcerated you have instead been escorted to what had looked like an abandoned warehouse from the outside. Inside you were led through several winding corridors, into what looks like a futuristic hospital room. There was bed in the middle and and a strange transparent pod in the corner. "My name is Dr. Emmett Carlson, and...

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The Rebirth. By Alyssa Davis I knew I should have checked the long range weather before I left the airport. I had been airborne for several hours and the weather was rapidly getting foul. November weather can be very tricky in this area and can change quickly...warm one hour and cold the next. It was snowing heavily now, I was hitting strong, gusty headwinds, and I wasn't exactly sure I knew where I was. I estimated I had about an hour's worth of fuel left in my single engine Cessna...

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Bless Me Father 6 Rebirth

Bless Me Father 6: Rebirth By Deane Christopher Edited by Steve Zink It was a beautiful night. It was crisp and clear, with just a sliver of a crescent moon riding low on the horizon. It was, as all the local meteorologists proclaimed, the perfect night for viewing the spectacular meteor shower that was scheduled to begin short after midnight. Gus, who was sitting in the driver's seat of his wife's Chevy Blazer, caught sight of several falling stars streaking across the sky...

4 years ago
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Stargate SG1 Rebirth

Stargate SG1: Rebirth Hintaar was a pre-industrial human civilization under the rule of the Gou'ld known as Nir'Ti, who was widely known for her efforts to perfect a perfect human host. Recent intelligence reports had uncovered some startling evidence that Nir'Ti had located some highly advanced DNA resequencing technology from some unknown source on the planet, possibly Asgaurd. The target, in the heart of Nir'Ti's base on this primitive world, was the brig. Several SG1 and SG6...

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REBIRTH ADVENT Chapter 1 I sat at the bar, alone, just enjoying the dim lighting, the cool air, and, most of all the quiet. It should be quiet; it was only 1o'clock in the afternoon, after all. I have always enjoyed this place because it was just a bar; in a world of specialty drinking houses, sports bars, strip bars, pick-up bars, you name it, it was pleasant and relaxing to find a place without pretention, without ambition, that just is what it is and is content with that. The...

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"Rebirth" A Wish Fulfillment Story by Rugburn Elements include: TG AR The sun gleams brilliantly over the bay during Golden Hour He was an unassuming fellow. Walking down the road to an outdoor cafe he brought no eyes onto himself. His gait was smooth with no variation that so many of the young folks have. His appearance was middle aged, slightly out of shape, a not-so-neatly trimmed black beard and short cropped hair. His face was round, and caucasian, though his eyes had a slight...

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Rebirth (Author's note: This is a sequel to 'Laura's Ladies', and will make more sense if that is read first, but this can be read without doing so.) *** At the far edge of my vision, one of the big windows is shattered. The rest are streaked and dusty in the bright sunlight. That disturbs me. How can people see me when the windows are not clean? I can't see my reflection. My thoughts drift like warm honey. I stand in my pose, as I always have. I'm wearing black, strappy...

4 years ago
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New Harry Potter Adventures Chapter 1 Flight and Rebirth

Chapter 1 With a faint pop, that was almost drowned out by a loud clap of thunder, three men appeared before the high, forbidding gates of Malfoy Manor. One of the figures fell immediately to the ground as suddenly, a stroke of lightening illuminated the faces of Draco Malfoy and Severus Snape. ‘Help me get him up,’ ordered Snape as the harsh wind and rain enveloped them. Quickly, Draco scurried to the fallen figures side and wrapped an arm around his side as he and Snape wrenched the man...

3 years ago
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Elegy of Birth

We speak of passion lightheartedly, as if we transgress those that have come before us. Quite the contrary to where reality has brought the evolvement of humankind. I lay in wait where timid creatures play and dance with emotions beneath flaccid and ember skies. Yet we adapt and survive on pure strength of will by clawing and scratching toward the light at the end of the tunnel. Forthwith I take another white colored capsule and I too will survive. To purge oneself of unspeakable recollections...

3 years ago
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New Harry Potter Adventures Chapter 1 Flight and Rebirth

Introduction: Harry prepares to leave Privet Drive forever. This story does not reflect the attitudes or characters in the Harry Potter series, or have any affiliation with the author. Chapter 1 With a faint pop, that was almost drowned out by a loud clap of thunder, three men appeared before the high, forbidding gates of Malfoy Manor. One of the figures fell immediately to the ground as suddenly, a stroke of lightening illuminated the faces of Draco Malfoy and Severus Snape. Help me get him...

2 years ago
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A Cuckold by Birth

Chapter 1 - IntroductionsThis is the story of my beautiful wife - who is no less than a queen to me - and my life with her . We hail from an upper middle class family and have lived for most of our lives in the surrounding areas of Mumbai but not exactly in the city. It has helped us stay connected with the fast moving things in life but at the same time offered us solitude and privacy of the distance from the hustle bustle of a city life. We own a small business that has been doing reasonably...

2 years ago
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A New Start The BeginningChapter 9 Recovery Birth

It has been just over a year, and things were just getting back to normal or what we considered normal under the current circumstances. I still think it has something to do with the strange meteor storm. All the women in a committed relationship are pregnant, Cheryl, Brenda, Michelle, and Linda; Two-Spirits, Pamella and Amy; all three T's; Teri, Toni and Tina; Deann and Naomi; also Ellen. The military agreed to put Carl & Latonya Smith and Dorthy Anderson on inactive duty; {only after...

4 years ago
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Yuusou and KizunaChapter 10 Birth

After knocking on the door of Peter and Earl's apartment, it was a couple minutes before Peter answered. He looked a little confused to see us there. "Good morning," he said, then yawned. "What are you doing here?" "It's, um, it's kind of complicated," I replied quietly. "Is something wrong?" Peter asked. He looked at Kizuna's tear-streaked face and asked, "Christ, are you guys okay?" "Well..." Peter held up a hand, yawned, and said, "No, I got it. She's pregnant, your...

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Crystal ClearChapter 19 Swimming Nude Nadias Sexy Toga Party a Birth

My dive neatly cut the water, leaving little back splash. I soared under the surface for thirty feet or so before my natural buoyancy carried me to the surface. The endorphins I'd generated from a seven-mile run put me on an elated high. The meditation time I'd spent in the forest clearing near the back of the house had given me clarity and renewed spiritual awareness for the day. I felt a unity with mind, body, and spirit, as well as good chi. I allowed myself to float on my back,...

3 years ago
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Where the Mountain RisesChapter 17 The Birth

Fall 2029 Nature was teasing them with a delightful Indian summer. The days and weeks remained warm and dry, and the leaves refused to change color. The conditions worked to Clark’s and Sally’s advantage as they harvested the crops, picked several bushels of apples, and got all the remaining vegetables from the garden. The only thing left was to haul what they needed for the winter months up to the cabin. They had already brought up about a third of their needs. Clark was confident that over...

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Three Square MealsChapter 71 Two unique souls united by birth

Tossing and turning in bed, the blue-skinned Maliri girl whimpered as she suffered through a terrifying nightmare, one of her more frequently visited horrors from a broad and grotesque catalogue. She was standing legs parted and arms upraised, shackled to the floor by her ankles, and to the ceiling by her wrists. Stripped entirely bare, she was exposed and horribly vulnerable to violations by the repulsive monstrosity that lurked with her in the darkness. Her sharp, pointed ears heard it...

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E076 Birthdays

The last couple of days of their vacation pass as wonderfully as the vacation started.  Back home Emma and Donald fall into a routine.  The pool is finished, and it is all they could want.  They spend many afternoons in it for an hour or so playing and swimming to relieve the tension both sometimes feel from their days.  They spend their evenings playing at touching, licking, sucking and entering each other.Regularly they visit the basement room for some exercise for Emma.  She notices that...

Love Stories
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James Silver let out a yawn. He was nearing the end of his eight hour drive home from college. He had just wrapped up his sophomore year at Port Charlotte State University. As a second year student, he still hadn’t taken many classes in his psychology major yet, but the intro classes he took were interesting enough, if a bit basic. James was eager to get deeper into the subject over the next few years. The prospect of spending the summer at home did not excite him, however. James had chosen...

Mind Control
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Emilys Rebirth

Emily was sitting in the morning room when the doorbell rang. She was not expecting visitors that day so listened carefully as Katherine walked across the tiled hall floor to answer the door. Voices murmured and the door clicked shut. Once more Katherine’s shoes sounded on the tiles as she came to bear her message. The morning room door opened. In seconds, Emily took in two things: the look on Katherine’s face and the envelope in her hand. Katherine held it towards her, her hand clearly...

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Tales Of Symphonia Rebirth

Yggdrasill was gone. The giant Karlan tree had returned. The two worlds that had been warring over manna, were joined together. Everything seemed to have taken a step for the better. The only problems facing this world now were the lingering racial barriers between the average person and half-elves, and the now crumbling church of Martel, which had been the only thing holding the government of both worlds together.

2 years ago
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I knew I should have checked the long range weather before I left theairport. I had been airborne for several hours and the weather was rapidlygetting foul. November weather can be very tricky in this area and can changequickly...warm one hour and cold the next. It was snowing heavily now, I washitting strong, gusty headwinds, and I wasn't exactly sure I knew where Iwas. I estimated I had about an hour's worth of fuel left in my single engineCessna 172. Unable to make radio contact with...

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Chapter 1 the Rebirth

This is the first of a number of chapters in the life of who is now Jami Lin. Jami started out as a fairly typical young lad who was interested in much of what young boys and then teens were interested. James as he was then known was a very energetic boy who ran track and was very involved in competitive swimming and diving, bicycling and dabbled in tennis and golf. He was the youngest child, by seven years, of three children with two older sisters, Grace and Lauren. He lived in...

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Eons of eons in the future, or at least what humanity once called the future, earth and all of its inhabitants have long disappeared.  The sun, the beginning, and source of all life exhausted its hydrogen fuel, and, as a result, slowly expanded into a red giant.  Earth, and the other inner planets, had been swallowed up, vaporized.  Only a slowly cooling white dwarf remained to pinpoint where humanity began and once lived. Humanity, however, did not die.  Just as the sun had evolved, so too had...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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The strobes flashed, and the fans churned up a make-believe ocean breeze. It even smelled like the beach in the studio, from the ton and a half of sand they hauled in for the shoot. The center of attention was a lithe, fair-skinned model with long hair that flowed like black water in the wind. As the cameras clicked and hummed, she posed expertly, every move perfect, every look to die for. Two lighting technicians enjoyed the show. Their equipment was in place and required no...

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Eric Olafson Midshipman Vol 4Part 79 INTERLUDE REBIRTH

At first he could not remember anything. All there was in his world were sensations. Then slowly the fog of oblivion lifted and he found himself floating in a tank of greenish goo. The cables and hoses to his body pumped vitalizing fluids with concentrated cell nutrition and medical nanites through his veins. At the same time memory and knowledge was added forcefully via cerebral upload into his mind. With memories and knowledge came the realization who he was. Since he was in the process of...

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Tim The Teenage MCPart XVII 1 Rebirth

My memories of waking up in the motel room Joey had taken us to are extremely gray. Not fuzzy, not indistinct, just very... gray, in the emotional sense. I wasn't happy. I wasn't sad. I wasn't excited or content. I wasn't anything. The words Joey spoke to me I just didn't bother to comprehend, for I didn't feel the need to. I had no motivation to do anything. I think I would have just stopped breathing if it hadn't been automatic. Joey had to take control of my body several times...

3 years ago
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The Young Adults of New StartChapter 33 Rebirth

Autumn was the sole survivor of the crashed AAC's and even she had many broken bones and major burns. Jake and Tasha were the only survivors of the ground forces although how they remained alive considering the terrible wounds each had was a mystery. Tes treated their wounds and placed them on life support to await further treatment by Redi when she arrived back at the compound. Tes feared that even with the use of Redi's micro rebuilding machines many, many months would be required to...

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Living Next Door to Heaven 285 Rebirth

My parents and Dani's parents were waiting with the rest of us. Mom, Anna, and Sylvia, of course, were right beside Dani's bed. They weren't about to let their little girl go through this alone. Debbie and Dolly were both going through sympathy pains and wanted to touch their sister. Dani clutched my hand when Dawn suggested I might want to leave now and let the women handle what women have always handled. I scowled at Dawn. "I was just kidding," Dawn laughed. "Part of the reason to...

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The Rogues Harem Book 3 Rogues Passionate HaremChapter 22 Rebirth

Note: Thanks to WRC 264 for beta reading this! Ealaín – Az, Princedom of Kivoneth, The Strifelands of Zeutch My pussy clenched down on Sven’s cock as his question echoed around me. I shivered and glanced to my left, locking onto my charge. My wife now. Kora writhed in a daisy chain with the others, lying on her side, performing such a delicious act of love as she ate Zanyia’s pussy. The lamia’s tail swished as she devoured Nathalie who had her face buried into Princess Ava who feasted on...

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Captain GoldChapter 17 Rebirth

Floating... Darkness... Floating... Where was he?... Who was he? '... Rand. You are Rand. Rand Korsun... ' '... I am Rand Korsun. I am Rand Korsun. I am Rand Korsun!... ' Memories came flooding back. He tried to open his eyes, but they were sealed shut. He was floating, and not breathing, and something was holding him in place. Something that felt like webbing. He remembered the fight on Skryben's bridge, and that he'd been hurt fighting against Captain Jeryth, trying to protect......

1 year ago
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A Sapphic Rebirth

Let me tell you how I met and fell in love with Joyce: My husband passed away a few years ago and I found myself feeling quite lonely, depressed and sexually frustrated. I tried seeing men again, but I found myself not being attracted to any of the men I went out with on dates. The only way that I was getting any sexual satisfaction was through masturbation. I preferred giving myself pleasure through my vibrator. I did not want to have sex with a man whom I did not like. I guess I shouldn't be...


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