Babysitting Me free porn video

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I opened the door as Kristy came up the driveway. She lived just a block or two away, so as usual, she just walked. Kristy was my babysitter, well, my baby sister’s baby sitter. Me, I’m 15 now, so I don’t need no babysitter!

I had known Kristy for three years now, ever since mom first started hiring her back when I was just 12, and she was 15. My sister, well, half-sister, was only 6 months old then and now 3 (and a HALF she reminded us constantly). Kristy babysat for us loads of times over those years.

Mom was gone again for a couple days on another business trip, and she always had Kristy come over during that time. Kristy was such a fixture around our house that mom let her use the basement bedroom for herself. She even kept some clothes and stuff here. Kristy said she liked staying over to get away from her own “madhouse” at times. She also said that we were such good “kids”, which I hated.

It was after I turned 15 that things shifted for me. Originally, Kristy was just “the babysitter”, then she was kinda like a big sister, but now, well, she was a ... Girl! Thus, I met her at our door.

“Oh, hi, Rick! I thought you were going to be out.”

Kristy greeted me, closing her umbrella and knocking the water off her rubber boots. Yes, she had a key to the house, but I wanted to be a gentleman...

“Ah, well, it’s ‘sposed to rain all night tonight, and Dan’s mom didn’t want to drive us...”

“ ... but I didn’t mind!” I blurted a little too quickly, then embarrassed, holding the door for her.

Kristy at 18 looked, well, fine! More than fine. Her 5 foot 6 inches of perfectly shaped female body that young women can have, particularly those cheerleader types with their blond hair, blue eyes, tanned legs, muscular tummies, and firm rounded, ah, well, just everything.

I can’t believe that just a year or so ago, I was such a brat that I didn’t like being around Kristy because she was ‘The Babysitter’, and I was NOT a baby. Ok, back then, I wasn’t going to babysit my little sister either, so I put up with Kristy, and she put up with me, I guess.

Jesus, I was dumb back then! A year sure changes a guy’s perspective!

“Rick, you can close the door. I’m in,” she giggled at my awkwardness.

She had to slide by my 5 foot 8 inch body, half blocking the door and totally fixated on her to the point I had forgotten I was even standing in the doorway. Luckily, my lean, if rather lanky body wasn’t blocking too much. Soccer kept me in pretty decent shape, I figure.

It was then I noticed her eyes were wet ... and not from rain.

“Are you ok?” I tentatively asked, trying not to pry.

She gave me a depressing kind of a face and wiped her tears.

“Sorry. I just broke up with my boyfriend.”

She had taken her raincoat off and placed it on a hook and was taking off her boots as she looked up at me.

“Oh,” I said, sorry, not sorry.

“Yeah, he cheated on me ... with one of my best friends! The louse! Both of them!”

She had on her typical shorts and tee shirt. Sports shorts and a loose tee, that is. Long legs and now barefoot. I had a hard time keeping with the conversation.

“Oh ... sorry,” was all I could think of to say.

Personally, I had not had many girlfriends, ok one girlfriend and that was a year ago, and she had ‘moved on’. So...

“Well, you have me!” I exclaimed, as a kind of a joke.

She laughed but looked at me.

The Brat, my baby sister, came running down and into Kristy’s arms with a big hug. I wanted a big hug too, but not from baby sister. Ok, her name isn’t Brat, but Kitty, well Katherine, Kat, Kitty.

Mom had said I could order pizza for us, which was typical for our Kristy, Kitty, and Ricky dinner. (Mom, DON’T call me Ricky! It’s ‘Rick’ now.) Anyway, Kristy likes all-veggie pizzas, and I like all meat. Kat likes anything; she just picks off the stuff she doesn’t want, which is usually everything.

Usually, I order a half and half, but trying to impress Kristy, I ordered an all-veggie this time.

As I tentatively picked at the vegetables on my piece, looking more like Kitty’s finicky eating, I glanced at Kristy. She was just smiling at me, knowingly. I’m sure I blushed, so I proceeded to eat the whole piece. No more picking for me. Amazing what a girl can make a guy do!

After dinner, Kristy took Kitty up for her bath and bed while I cleaned up ... yes, true story! I cleaned up the table, tossing the uneaten half and went to the bathroom, and brushed my teeth, yes, mouthwash and all. Even looked at my face in the mirror, combed my hair with my fingers, smelled my breath ... and my underarms, now where was that deodorant? Jesus, you’d think I was going on a date. I sat on the couch in my typical spot, turned on the TV to some movie already in progress, and zoned out.

Our basement had a family room with a couch, TV, and some games and stuff along with a bathroom and the bedroom, Kristy’s bedroom. Ok, I admit I had investigated it once, twice ... Anyway, she just had a few clothes there as well as a couple photos and a stuffed toy. Oh, and underwear; Bra and Panties, with a capital B and P. Without an older sister, I never got exposed to that kind of stuff.

There were a few other items of clothing like socks and such. Oh, back to those Bras and Panties. I blushed as I touched them, felt them, ok, yes, sniffed them. They were wonderful, like perfumed detergent. Washed. I’m sure I was beet red as I stuffed them away, trying to arrange them the way I found ‘em and then hurried out of her sanctum. That was a few days ago. I still felt embarrassed when I glanced toward there. So I avoided looking and focused on the TV.

Kristy came down the stairs in her cute little gallop, plopped down on the couch ... beside me! Not her usual place on the other end of the sofa. She folded her beautiful long legs under her. I had to adjust myself.

“What ‘cha watching?”

I hadn’t a clue as I had utterly lost attention to the TV.

“Ah, nothing in particular.” as I handed her the remote, “You pick something!” being gallant.

She did. Something that had handsome guys and virtuous women and horses and whatever.

She watched intently. I was intent on other things. Tears came to her eyes again. The ex-boyfriend, not the movie.

“Ah, are you ok?” I asked, yet again.

Her hand patted mine. “Boys are so MEAN sometimes!”

“Uh, not me!” I quickly offered as a witty return.

She responded with a cute little giggle, a smile, and another pat on the hand. Her hand remained now in mine.

“Yes, you are not mean, Rick.”

She smiled again. She called me ‘Rick’ not ‘Ricky’!

Her face was still intent on the TV. The lovers kissed ... TV lovers, that is. Kristy’s fingers laced through mine. I didn’t move a muscle, other than to remember to breathe. We were holding hands!

She started quietly talking and went into more detail about her ex-boyfriend, before and then after, including their rather heated debate on the virtues of monogamy and trust. I listened to her voice, watched her face as she continued to watch the TV show while she talked. The TV lovers broke up as she slapped him. The TV girl cried, and then Kristy cried.

My free hand went to her face. I wiped a tear with my knuckle. I felt her hand tightened around mine. Outside, the rain had started to increase. Raindrops beat against our windows while wind swept the Irish countryside of the TV show.

Her head leaned onto my shoulder as she continued to watch the show. My heart beat louder in my ears than the horse’s hooves of the soldiers in the movie. Her face turned slightly towards mine, eyes still on the movie. Oh God, she can be kissed! I can kiss her, right here, right now. Inches from my lips are hers. I start to turn.

“Rick, you are a good boy.” She said abruptly, still watching the TV.

Boy. Boy! BOY! I am a GOOD BOY! I want to yell, ‘I am NOT a BOY, I am a Young Man! A young man who loves you! Yes, I LOVE you, Kristy McPherson!’

I said nothing, but leaned away, holding back my passion and my anger.

But then she kissed me. Ok, just on the cheek. But it’s a kiss. HER kiss. I can’t hold back. I go for it.

I kiss her. On the lips.

Just a quick peck. Not very good. Untrained and boyish. I’m angry at myself. I’m also waiting to be slapped.

She looks at me. Surprised, then pensive, then puzzled, as if something confused her. Her eyes are no longer on the movie. They aren’t on me exactly but are staring through me. Focused on something else. Thinking. They focus back on me.

I blubber, “Uh, sorry, ah, I didn’t ... It just...”

She looks at me with ‘shush’ eyes. I shushed. Her hand squeezes mine. She leans in. We kiss. Not a long kiss. Just a second or two that lasted an eternity. Her eyes are still watery. We kiss again. And again. I’m getting pretty good at this. No, I’m not. I am sweating all over, my mouth is dry, my palms sweaty, my heart racing. I’m scared and excited at the same time. She, Kristy McPherson, 18-year-old hottie, is kissing me! On the couch, in our basement, without parents anywhere to be found.

My arms go around her. I resist my body saying ‘grab the titties’. I hug her. Her arms are around me. She has moved more onto me, pushing me back and down into the corner of the couch. I have a girl nearly on top of me. Kissing me. We are making out!

She suddenly stops. Rats! Her brain has caught up to her body. She looks at me. Intently, studying me ... her eyes narrow, thinking. I feel her warmth on me. I smell her perfume. I smell her hair beside my face. She is still just inches away. A decision is made by her. I don’t know what it was.

“Rick,” she starts in a whisper, “Can you keep a secret?”

“Of COURSE!” I try to contain myself.

Is she going to reveal some intimate detail of her life?

“Really, really keep a secret. Even if we do something?”

“Yes, absolutely! I would NEVER tell.” (tell who what?) I don’t have many friends to tell anything to anyway.

She looks straight at me, “Make love to me.”

Now, this is modern times, and modern women are more forward and well, assertive. But a 15-year-old boy (YOUNG MAN!) being asked to perform something that he has only dreamed about but never ever actually accomplished is, well, pretty significant.

“Ok,” is all I could squeak.

I think I came in my pants as they all of a sudden got rather sticky.

Rebound lover. I am her rebound lover. Ok, that’s fine. I’m fine with that. I like being rebounded upon!

She kisses me again, deeper this time. Our lips part and squeeze together. I’m glad I brushed my teeth. I don’t care that she hasn’t. She tastes wonderful. Heavenly. Her legs have shifted over my legs. She is straddling me, lying on top of me. Her body pressed against mine. Only our clothes keep us chaste. I want to tell her I love her, that I have loved her for months, all my life. I want to tell her about being in her bedroom, touching her underwear. No secrets. I say nothing because we are kissing and kissing.

She pulls off her top. Just her bra remains. I look at her tatas, then her face.

She breaks off, “Are you ok with this? I mean...”

I nod my head affirmative, very affirmative. My lips move towards hers. She kisses me. Her tongue touches my lips. I open my mouth to her tongue flicking in, touching mine, sparks all over. My underpants feel wetter. Outside it’s raining harder. Luckily Kat sleeps like a rock, very unlikely to awaken. What would Kat’s tender eyes see if she did? ‘Mommy! Ricky and Kristy were doing funny things on the couch!’

Kristy pauses again, a worried look across her face. “Do you like me?”

Surprise crashes across my face. ‘Like’? Hell, I LOVE YOU! I’d marry you right now if I could!

“Kristy,” I start; girls like hearing their name, “Kristy, yes, I do. I, ah, I...”

She puts a finger to my mouth. She knows I want to say the L-word. She knows a 15-year-old boy can’t really know what love means. She kisses that 15-year-old boy, and he stays quiet.

She feels comfortable with him. Me. She had felt comfortable with him for a long time, even an attraction. He is funny. He is cute. He is tall and ... built. She knows he is attracted to her. That he is kind and gentle with her and in recent months, attentive. Very attentive. Puppy love. No ... it’s more than that. She felt herself blush many times around him. They had played little games for months; a look here, a touch there. Had she not been dating ... But now.

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A New PastChapter 44 Flying High

“Do you have it all figured out?” Jeryl asked as she peered over my shoulder at the wire-frame model of PTO-1, our orbital lab. “I think so,” I said as I pointed at the screen. “We’ll have to shift some modules, but the re-configuration will give us a lot more long-term growth options.” Right now, we had four types of modules in orbit. One was a junction module, a six-meter rounded cube that had a docking ring, standard power and environmental connectors and a pressure door on each of its...

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A School Sex Lesson

Jason opened the door with shyness and apprehension. The schoolroom was much different then he was used to. The desks were all gone, the floor was covered in blankets of different sizes and colors strewn about as if it were only met to cover the floor, no matter in what fashion. The large oak desk was cleared off and the 6 foot long, 4 feet wide top was also covered in padding. These blankets were all thick white bed sheets, neatly placed so that the entire area of the desk was covered with the...

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Satisfying Punjaban married lady

Hello readers I am big fan of this website, today I decide to share my real life experience with you all , first of all I would like to introduce myself .. I am hot chap, 22 yrs aged Punjabi guy from Chandigarh. The story is of the period when I used to study at Punjabi university in Patiala and where I used to stay in Patiala, there was a Punjabi family in my neighborhood that family had one old lady and a son and daughter in law. Son was 27 years and working in some mnc and daughter in law...

2 years ago
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Nanbanin Chithi Seetha Sugam

Hi friends, indru tamil kama kathaiyil nanbanin chithi udan nadantha kama anubavathai ungalidam pagirugiren. Vaarungal tamil kama kathaikul selalam enathu peyar prabu vayathu 27 aagugirathu, naan en nanban veetirku adikadi seluven. Apadi selum pozhuthu nanban avan chithi veetirku enai adikadi azhaithu seluvaan. Angu oru chithi irupaargal, naan irandu varudathirku munbu selum pozhuthu enkau avargal meethu entha kama ennamum varamal thaan irunthathu. Aanal ippozhuthu enaku veetu manaivigal meethu...

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Maisies Big Day

The alarm clock beeped insistently, and a small hand wriggled out from beneath the sheets to bat at it. "Shut the fuck upppppp," came the hoarse voice from somewhere in the mess of duvet and blanket. The hand found the snooze button and retracted, an audible sigh of contentment coming from within the den of comfort. The alarm beeped again. Had it really already been fifteen minutes? With a heavy sigh, Maisie Williams tossed the covers off herself and sat up, her hair a mess, and reached for her...

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The CircleChapter 24 A special incentive program for the house crew

Monica was laughing as she came into the kitchen to fix herself breakfast. Zoey gave her a questioning look. Monica said, “Well, I guess you could hear; they started the house addition this morning. I gave the guy on the backhoe a real thrill a couple of minutes ago.” “What’d you do?” I heard all this noise so I went to the glass door to the bedroom porch in Kyle’s room. I was nude, of course. Anyway, I found myself eyeball-to-eyeball with the cute guy running the backhoe machine. I watched...

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To Be Or Not To Be A Doctor Chapter 5

Tony should have been on seventh heaven after that experience. But one thing nagged at him.“Why... why did you kiss my feet?”“I am parachi, you are karaiyar. For centuries my people have prostrated themselves before you.”“No! I don’t believe in the caste system. We are equals.”“I was only teasing,” She grinned. “Your parents were telling me how the community here thinks of caste. I did not tell them, but actually they are stuck in the eighties. In Sri Lanka, we have moved on. The rebels did not...

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Ten Rounds With Jose Cuervo

Then some stranger asked me dance And I revealed to her my two left feet. Said, Don't get me wrong I'm glad you asked But tonight's about me and an old memory. Ten Rounds with Jose Cuervo (Tracy Byrd) I had quite enough of it, of course. Jane had done her number on me one time too many. I was fucking finished with that girl now. It wasn't that she cheated on me so much as her attitude when I caught her. I told her that I was willing to forgive her and I admitted my own infidelity at that...

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Swap In Farmhouse1

Anjali was introduced to the concept of wife swap by her husband who wanted to do it two years ago. Their close friends, that is, two married couples, had started doing it and had invited them through Amit but Anjali had refused. Amit was crazy about it during the first few months when he learned that Ramesh and Jai were swapping wives and enjoying while he was stuck because Anjali refused. The craziness took time to die down and now after two years when Anjali asked Amit the plan for weekend...

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A nice reception part 1

"Jeez, this whole thing has gotten boring..." Mandy commented as she sat down in an empty seat near the back of the reception hall. The reception had been going on for only a half hour, and already she was ready to go home. The 5'10" brunette shuffled in her seat, and her breasts heaved a sigh against the constraining confines of the pink taffeta dress she wore. The wedding ceremony itself had been the usual, customary boring length, with the exchanging of vows and the sermon from the pastor....

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A Flawed DiamondChapter 10

Six female forms stepped out of the house as Brock's SUV pulled into the driveway – behind Merie's identical model. The Fearsome Foursome (Jen, Susan, Melanie and Tara) were a little nervous about meeting Chastity Durant. In fact, they were more nervous about meeting Chastity than they were about meeting Randi Raver. Randi was far more famous but Susan had assured everyone that, underneath, she was just a normal teenaged girl. Chastity was an unknown. They had seriously underestimated...

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A family ACT CHAPTER one

Mary Desmond was sixteen and hot to fuck. She straightened as she stepped from the shower. The warm air felt wonderful upon her naked teenaged body. The shower would help her look fresh for the act she would be doing on stage. She was sharing her dressing room with her brother, Ronny. He had used the shower first, and then she had gone in. The warm water had excited her. Her tits bobbed on her chest. She moved carefully. She liked the feel of her flesh sliding freely. She glanced...

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Loaded Gloves

Not every fight is on a level playing field. Sometimes, people can cheat, either knowingly or unknowingly, and be left with a stiff advantage. When she puts on loaded gloves, he won’t be able to stop her from dropping him to the canvas.

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His Feminine Twin 3 Dont Knock It Till You Try It

Note : This story is completely fictional! Monday, December 28th, 2009... The entire weekend had gone by, and Double D hadn't said a word to Sean. At least, not in private. He still spoke to his twin in front of the rest of the family, to keep up appearances and avoid suspicion. But Sean wasn't going to let this go on forever. He was going to straighten this matter out before it got any further. Sean waited until everyone else had gone to bed, before sneaking up to the guest room where Double D...

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“Would you like to join us?,” Chantal and her man Chris ask. Chris is a hunky and good looking muscular man, six feet plus and two hundred pounds. Chantal is tall blond, around four inches less than him with a voluptuous body encased in a tight black thigh length skirt with a white silk blouse undone enough to display good cleavage. And I love her killer heels on her long legs as she crosses them and flaunts them for my man. Thirty minutes later we are in the elevator with them on the way to...

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So I Divorced a Succubus

I would have to say, if asked by someone in the know, that this whole situation is truly bizarre, but to be fair, that hardly makes it wrong. Supernatural? Sure. Unnatural? Arguably so from the perspective of those who view nature with an uncritical eye. These are the same idiots that would have you believe that all of life’s answers are found in a book written gradually over two to three thousand years, which teaches you that Man was created from dust and Woman from the man’s rib. True, some...

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Almost caught

Heather felt a tingle of excitement run through her body as she looked over the items arranged neatly on her bed. Firstly there was the clothing. From an adult store in the city she had purchased a French Maid's outfit, short, black and lacy and, for added fun, it would expose her delightfully pert breasts. To enhance the look she had stockings and a suspender belt, high, stiletto heeled shoes and, to top it all off, a wide leather collar and a rubber ball gag. Beside the clothes were a number...

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My hot servant Ramu 4

Thanks for your responses, readers. This story is about my neighbor, Vijaya, age 38. She is fair and her body is like the south actresses, big boobs and big ass. Her plump figure is 38-32-40. she is fair and has very long hair till her ass. She was very proud of her bigness, and used to joke that it was her big balloon like melons and her fat ass that kept her husband off other girls. Privately I thought to myself, most likely it was the fear of his tool getting cut that kept her husband off...

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The Ranch Chapter 1

Do you have dreams? I mean really vivid dreams? Really vivid very dirty sexy dreams? The kind of dreams that will make you orgasm in your sleep?I ask because I do. Well, not lots of them. Just one dream. I’ve been having it since I was a teenager. I’ll just quickly tell you how it goes, because it’s not the real story, but it is the beginning of the story.It feels like I’m awake but in a field, not in my bed. It is always spring in the dream. It’s a little cool, the grass is that vibrant green...

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Her Neighbors Pool

All it was to the families on this block was a party that was to invite summer into the season once again. There was partying, hanging out and talking and laughing, and yes of course that included some good old drinking too. Many of the younger ones kept to themselves and went swimming in one pool or another if a family had one. Well only about 10 of those families had one At about eleven in the morning, he began to set up. Everyone of course helped him out seeing as they knew he always hosted...

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SisLovesMe Harley King Mira Monroe This Sure Beats Poetry

Allen is attempting to win a contest through his poetic talents, but his stepsister, Harley, and her friend, Mira, think he is wasting his time. Instead, the girls think he should use them to win the prize money – and by use them, they mean fuck them and film it for the whole world to see. Allen isn’t sure at first, but when the girls start stripping and sucking on each other’s tits in front of him, he can’t resist. They bring him back inside and have an intense threesome, letting him savor...

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Russian Spies

The sound of a door is heard behind you. The lock being disengaged and the hinges creaking as a Tall man in a military uniform comes from behind you. Looking straight ahead, feigning courage and stupidity at the same time, the man sees right through it. He knows you are a spy for the Russians. Why else would you be here. As he looks down to you, you look past him, as if he wasn't there to begin with. He starts speaking to you, a formality you guess. You have nothing to say to him, let...

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For The Virgins

By : Indiansexstorywriter Is it true that most girls want a handsome boy with ‘athletic’ body and huge dick, like they describe in their stories (believe me you will find many, specially in couples section) to satisfy themselves? Oh I am sorry girls whoever said ‘looks don’t matter to me’ and then they kept dreaming about MTV VJ or Shahid Kapoor in their sleepless nights. Well this story is dedicated to those girl’s who are in search of handsome, some good looking, so called ‘hot’ (by the...

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MyPervyFamily Evelyn Payne Secret Sex Spot

My dad is having a party and I’m just not feeling it. I (Johnny Love) call up my stepsister Evelyn Payne & tell her to meet me in our old secret spot, the room with bunk beds in it. She’s wearing a cute crop top and tight shorts, she was headed to the gym before I reached out. After a little chit chat she reminds me that we used to do other things in our secret spot. And I don’t mean video games! She lifts her top to show me her perky little tits. She’s impressed...

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Ashley Part IV Posting the Pictures

Introduction – This is the final part of the story about my wife Ashley.   It took place not all that long ago.   As with the other parts, you’ll get more out of this one if you read those first.   Please, please, please give me your feedback so I can improve any future writing.   Ashley and I have had real growth in our relationship during this year and it has continued even after the end of this story.   Maybe one day I’ll be able to take the time and write about that as well, but to be...

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