Sober Living
- 3 years ago
- 23
- 0
I was fucked.
I turned up the wiper blades, to fight the constant splatter of snowflakes onto the windshield, and cursed my indecision, weakness and my constant foot-dragging.
The weather had been fine back in the Apple, and traffic wasn't bad on that late Tuesday morning, but still I'd taken one of the slowest departures from that city. Every traffic light found me lost in thought, fighting with myself to turn around and go back to Carla and throw our plan of a clean break to the four winds. Usually someone else would help my resolve by using their car horn; once there was actually no one behind me and it took a beat cop tapping on my window to make sure I was okay.
But I finally got clear of New York City; a place where Carla and I had made so many memories together. It seemed like once I'd crossed the Hudson and entered New Jersey, I was released from the near-inexorable grasp of our past, of that constant compulsion to turn around and race back to her, and spoil this clean break we were making.
Having crossed my personal Rubicon, I made good time through the garden state, and through Pennsylvania, stopping for lunch in a place called Snow Shoe, and checked in with my mother to reassure her – and myself – of my progress.
But once I'd left PA for the buckeye state, and my route took me close to Lake Erie, it started to snow. And here I was, driving slower than expected – I hadn't driven long-distance in years, and bad-weather driving? It just wasn't going well.
As it began to get dark, I realized I wouldn't reach my goal of Toledo by suppertime, and with it pitch black with only halos of snowflakes in my headlights to see, I pulled off the turnpike at the first exit that had that 'accommodations' icon on the sign. Soon I was presented with a series of motels just lining the road heading north from the highway to Sandusky. Proceeding slowly up the snow-covered road, I thought about it, and selected the first one on my left – if I was to set off the next morning, even if the storm had cleared, there'd probably be 'rush hour' traffic, and it'd be easier turning right to get back to the highway than cut left out across both directions.
There were a fair number of cars in the lot, but the lit sign still indicated vacant rooms, so I relaxed a little and pulled into the nearest spot to the front desk entrance.
After some rummaging, I'd pulled out my coat, donned it, and pulled up the hood to protect me from the elements.
The wind didn't seem as bad as I thought it was while driving, but the snow was thick and accumulating quickly; I looked back as I grabbed the door handle, and my furthest footprints had all but disappeared.
Delighting in the warm refuge of the reception lobby, I stretched out the cramps from driving for hours, and then stepped up to the vacant registration desk. A ring of the bell labelled for this purpose roused a woman from in the back office. She rubbed her eyes as she stepped up and greeted me. I quickly paid for a room for the night, was informed that the satellite tv and the wifi were out due to the storm, and given a key. I thanked her and she returned to her office and presumably resumed her nap.
Checking the layout of the motel, it was easier to leave the car where it was and get just the essentials and take them to my room through the front lobby. One quick chilly trip, and I was setting up in a modest room and relaxing in my alternate safe haven for the night. I confirmed that the tv was only capable of showing 'no signal' blue screens, and my laptop couldn't find any wireless connections, so I sat on the bed and picked up the hotel phone from the bedside table. I used a calling card to put any long-distance charges directly to me, instead of letting them burden the hotel ... who would likely then charge me exorbitantly for the inconvenience. After a couple of rings, my mother answered the phone.
"Mom! It's Nate. I know I'm a little late, but there's a snowstorm blowing into Ohio off Lake Erie; it slowed me down and I'm camping down in ... Sandusky, I think – didn't make it to Toledo."
"No, I'm fine, just got slowed by the storm. Car's handling just fine – even in bad weather, luckily!"
"Yeah, after we're done, I'm gonna brave it out there and get some supper – I think just some junk food from whatever burger chain's closest; 'Any port in a storm' after all."
"Yeah, I'll call Carla after I eat – just wanted to keep you up to date. I think this'll blow over before morning, but even so, I'll probably need another day to get there; maybe a hotel near Davenport."
"Oh right! Thanks, I'll call the hotel in Toledo and cancel my reservation; I hadn't thought of that in all the last-minute plans."
"Okay, again I'm warm and comfy now, and it's good to know you're fine; I'll call you tomorrow when I start off again, okay? Good – love you, ma. Bye!"
As per her suggestion, I called and cancelled my other reservation, then unpacked some clothes before bundling up again to go get some quick hot food.
It was as I expected, a burger chain was the closest source of food for quite a ways according to the tourist maps of the area, so I settled for that, ate at the fast food place, then drove back to the hotel.
Lounging on the bed, I dug my calling card out of my wallet and called the number to what was recently my residence.
It rang and rang and went to the old-fashioned answering machine Carla kept to screen calls – which she'd likely do since she wouldn't recognize the number coming up on the phone's display.
It was then that I discovered that she hadn't changed the greeting, and I listened to myself apologize that Nate and/or Carla couldn't answer the phone and then I asked myself to leave a message.
I complied saying: "Carla, pick up! It's Nate; I'm using the hotel phone because my cell isn't getting a very good signal-"
"Nate! Are you okay?"
"Yeah, fine; just a little delayed by a lake effect storm, tho – I didn't get to Toledo. Near Sandusky actually."
"Oh, pity. But 'best laid plans', I guess?"
"Yeah, this'll probably tack on another half-day or so. So how's the Apple; falling apart without me?"
"Yeah; the Chrysler building imploded on hearing that you left, and Lady Liberty tossed her torch and book away, and is sitting on her pedestal, sobbing!"
We both laughed. "No, it's going fine – routine day at the restaurant; I did a little shopping to try to find things to fill the gaps you left..."
"Good. Hate to leave scars, after all." I chuckled to myself. "So... all the gaps, you said," I asked with a leer evident in my voice.
Carla responded with exaggerated indifference. "Yes, all of them – I am a lonely divorcee after all, and I do need companionship on these cold winter nights all alone in that big, empty bed."
"Rebounding already? Well, that's good to see I guess."
"Would you like to say hello to the one who's going to keep me company tonight? He's right here."
I was puzzled and a tiny bit uncomfortable, but kept up a brave face. "Gladly – I must thank this kind gentleman for staving off a pretty maiden's loneliness!"
"Okay, here he is." And after a moment, I was presented with a mechanical buzzing sound. My eyebrows knit for several seconds as I puzzled over this, and then the penny dropped.
"Oh, you! CARLA!!!"
She came back on the phone, giggling. "Admit it, I had you going – you thought I'd actually gone out and picked up some random stranger for a one-night stand the very day our divorce is made final!"
I had to stifle laughter of my own ... I could still hear the vibrator in the background. "Okay, at first I was just playing along, but I did get a little worried after a bit. You got me fair and square. But a vibrator?"
"Come on, like there's a flesh-and-blood man who could actually take your place? Properly, I mean?"
My voice became soothing. "Well, I'd say there's plenty of decent guys out there who could. It'll just take some time to find them."
"Yeah, maybe ... after I'm through grieving over the death of our marriage for a while."
"I'm sorry, Carla – but you realized it as much as I did – you don't want kids, and I do, and if we tried to stay together, whatever happened would make one of us unhappy, and the other would be unhappy because they'd made their closest one unhappy. I could forgo children, but you'd always worry whether I was sad or resenting you or something, and vice versa – even if you were on board with bearing a child, I'd never be comfortable."
"Yeahhhh, I know, but it doesn't mean I don't miss you."
"And I you, love. Hell, life just isn't going to be as fun without you."
"Fun? Stop, you're making me blush!"
"Well, maybe you should after some of the things you instigated! You know that part of the reason I had to leave New York is because the was nowhere I could go that didn't remind me of some time we had sex there!"
"Heh, okay – we were pretty randy newlyweds."
"Newlyweds? You have an odd definition for that word! I remember just a couple of years ago, when the Intrepid Air Museum got their Enterprise orbiter exhibit set up, you had to go and bribe the night watchmen – plural, might I add – to let us sneak in so we could join that really small group of people who 'have had sex on the space shuttle'!"
Her reply was uproarious laughter. Hearing it made my cheeks ache from smiling and my heart swell in my chest. "You know? I could have gotten a discount if we'd let them watch!"
"The guy offered it as a joke, and even if he was serious I wouldn't have, but I meant to mention it – I knew you'd find it funny – but I didn't want to break the mood. Then I forgot about it until you reminded me."
"Oh ... wow. I ... well, you get my point, right? Last week, I thought I finally found someplace quiet to just not be reminded of you – some new juice bar – but as I looked out the window to people-watch, I realized I was sitting across the street from that art gallery; you know the one, where you talked me into buying that GOD AWFUL painting!"
"Excuse me? I seem to recall that that 'god-awful painting' is sitting in the back seat of your car."
"Yes, because you made ME buy the god-awful painting; it's my god-awful painting. I had to TAKE my god-awful painting, because it's hard to complain about OWNING a god-awful painting when it's hanging on someone else's wall!"
I evoked more laughter from her; I loved that ... and I was gonna damn well miss it.
"Yeah, hun?"
"I ... I don't wanna rehash sore subjects, but do you really need to have kids? I mean, if you were willing to wait, I might-"
"Oh, honey ... I'd love to, but ... well, it's not like 'I MUST MAKE BABY NOW!!', but I'm not getting any younger. I'm forty-two; even if I were to drive home through this blizzard, and take you in a manly way in the front foyer and fuck a baby into you-" I barely registered Carla moaning a little at that moment "-it'd ... I'd be almost forty-three when our child was born. I'd be sixty-one when our son or daughter graduated high-school."
"That doesn't sound too bad?"
"Okay, how about this, when they'd be seven, full of energy and running around, you and I would be fifty – or pushing it – can you see a fifty-year-old me playing catch and giving piggyback rides?"
Carla said nothing for a few moments. "Yeah, I'm sorry I stole away your youth, Nate."
"No! It's not like that, honey; it's just I feel like if I don't do it now, I'll miss 'the window'? And you don't want kids and I don't want to force you into it-"
"Well, to be fair, I wouldn't mind you forcefully trying," Carla murmured breathily. I shivered and felt a twitch in my pants.
"I ... oooh, um"
"You don't want to make me go through bearing a child, and I ... yeah, I have to thank you for that."
"Heh – you know I get kidney stones; they say that's a little bit worse than having a kid via natural childbirth. If it was even half as bad, I'd never wish something like that on you! I love you too much, Carla."
"Oh, it still sounds weird that you're leaving me because you care for me so much ... or that I'm letting you go because I care so much for you, too."
"We never do seem to do things the easy way."
"Did, lover. But you're right – it worked for us with the restaurant, though."
That shifted the conversation to more mundane things, and we became joint owners of a business discussing things that had happened in the day since I'd been gone.
"Okay then. I guess..."
"Yeah. Um, well the storm's going to prolong my trip – I was supposed to get to Ames tomorrow evening, but I'll have to hit up a motel somewhere in Indiana or Illinois now; I guess I'll call you tomorrow evening when I get in?"
"Okay, Nate. G ... good-bye. I love you, and I hope you find your ... um, would 'brood mare' be a mean thing to say?"
I snorted. "Well, maybe to her face, but I know what you mean. I hope you find some sterile stud who's fun and funny soon, too. Wait! I mean-"
"I know what you mean, you silly man!" We both laughed for a few moments, the tension of ending our contact eased.
"Yeah, tomorrow; I'll wait for your call. Rest well!"
"And you."
We hung up.
It was then that I realized I was pretty bored; it was still only about eight in the evening, and I wasn't very tired. The storm was still raging outside, and that was cutting into my usual activities since the TV couldn't show anything, the internet was down, and my cell signal was spotty. I twiddled my thumbs and thought about books and things in the car, but quailed at the thought of rummaging around in the trunk or backseat during a blizzard.
I lay on the bed and sighed, then shrugged. Pulling the sheets down, I slipped off my shoes and pants and dress shirt, and went to bed in my underwear and socks, and tried not to think of Carla.
It took a fair while to nod off.
I was muzzily awakening from an already-forgotten dream. I'd been dozing on and off for a few hours, but this wasn't the usual 'no, we don't want to sleep right now' of my body staying awake.
I listened, wondering what roused me. After a few moments, I was patience and attentiveness were rewarded. There came a rhythmic thumping against the wall, and – if I concentrated and listened really closely – it was accompanied by a barely audible moaning and murmuring, which made me grin.
I lay back and 'enjoyed the show' for what seemed like a half-hour, having to shift my stiffening cock so it pointed down the leg of my boxers. A couple of times I thought back to making love with Carla, and a couple of times I fantasized about some future mystery woman taking my seed.
Unfortunately, my neighbours seemed to finish before I could really get into being a voyeur, and I was left high and dry, so to speak. I grabbed at my phone and checked the time; it was a little before midnight. There was better signal on my phone, but the bars were still flickering on and off. I got up and checked out the window; the storm seemed ... less 'dense' but still blowing a lot and the cars were featureless bumps in the parking lot.
Sitting back on the bed and dropping my phone on the bedside table again, I sighed and took stock; I'd napped enough to recover from the tiring drive, and I wasn't sleepy. Also, listening to my neighbours had made me somewhat horny.
"Maybe a good hot shower will relax me ... and, of course, I can always..." I frowned as an image of Carla stroking my hard cock appeared in my mind. "Hell, maybe a cold shower!"
I stood and tugged off my socks, and started pulling my undershirt off. As it was up over my head, I was startled by the abrupt sound of music.
It ... it was the ringtone of my phone – but my phone didn't have a song-ringtone? I stopped and listened:
♫I have to fake it
I'd leave if I could
I'm not in love
But the sex is good♫
which then repeated.
I yanked my shirt clear of my head and arms and rushed over to pick up the phone. The display showed "Your Ex" and Carla's face, sticking out here tongue and winking. The number was the phone at the condo. I marvelled at this for a second then hurriedly answered.
"Carla? Hello?"
"-ate! I mi--ou. Wait, are y--llo?"
"Carla? You're breaking up! The storm's still messing with cell service!"
"Wha- Na- I can-" and the call disconnected.
I reached for the hotel phone, cursed and grabbed my pants to find my wallet and calling card, ran through the process to call out, and rang Carla up at the condo.
Busy – she must still be trying to call my out-of-service cell.
I tried again; busy.
Crossing my fingers that she'd slow down and wait, I tried a third time ... I got through, and the phone barely rang once before she picked up.
"Hello, Nate?"
"Yeah – hotel phone again; storm's still bad. So," I continued, not letting her talk, "you got hold of my phone and set up custom ringtones? I like the new profile pic."
I could almost hear her blushing. "Yeahhhh, I heard the song something like a week ago during a cab ride; looked it up, and well, it kinda reminded me of us and all this."
I laughed to show her I wasn't angry. "Slipped my phone away today while we were packing, didn't you?"
"Yeah; it wasn't hard."
"Well it is now."
"Oh! Then perhaps you should do as mother nature intended?"
Her voice got sultry. "I've thought it over, if you want kids, then it's only fair that I should get to enjoy the making of them, stud." My breath caught in surprise.
"Really? Are you sure? We went thro-"
"Just tonight; you're going to breed your mate ... you're going to fuck me senseless and then fill my fertile pussy with your hot, thick, virile seed."
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The Second School. Part Four. It was the following year that Ann went down with appendicitis. We had said our goodbyes to our class and also just finished our ritual fight on the mats, myself getting that now vicarious thrill at seeing Ann being fucked by Peter. His big cock sliding in and out her as he brought her to an orgasm before coming himself. We’d also progressed so far that after he’d come inside of Ann and me coming inside of Penny, we would swap partners and Peter and I would both...
I was on vacation going snowboarding with a few friends. Usually after going boarding all day, you party in the late afternoon/evening/night. I took private lessons from a guy employed by one of the local skiing and snowboarding schools.Soooo long story short, one night I didn't go party with my friends, because I was invited by my snowboard coach. So Carl, my coach, invites me to go partying with him and of course I'm allowed to bring friends, but since at that point we kinda had the hots for...
The Second School. Part Four. It was the following year that Ann went down with appendicitis. We had said our goodbyes to our class and also just finished our ritual fight on the mats, myself getting that now vicarious thrill at seeing Ann being fucked by Peter. His big cock sliding in and out her as he brought her to an orgasm before coming himself. We’d also progressed so far that after he’d come inside of Ann and me coming inside of Penny, we would swap partners and Peter and I would both...
Group SexSUNDAY, JUNE 26, 2016 On Sunday morning a line of men sat on the porch of the women's shelter, all wearing Hobo Army uniforms. One at a time timid women came out of the shelter and met the men who had agreed to accompany women to the church. There was no kissing among the couples: they were all too early in the relationship. But if a woman offered her hand to the man, then they were kissed on the hand, impressing women who had been forced from their homes by violent and Neanderthal...
TEAM SPIRIT: THE SECOND HALF By Meps98 CHAPTER THIRTY FIVE We loaded the bags in Bob's car and climbed in. "We have to make one more stop before heading home Honey. You will need to get some equipment before we can move on to 'Phase Three'." "I think I've spent more than enough of your money today. What 'equipment' are you talking about?" Bob has a broad grin. "You should be able to figure that out fairly quickly when we get to the store. Buckle up." I pull my seat belt...
THIS IS NOT MY STORY, I FOUND THIS STORY ON ANOTHER SITE AND THINK EVERYONE ON XHAMSTER SHOULD HAVE THE CHANCE TO READ IT.Chapter 1Terri and Danielle had been rivals all of their lives.Growing up together, they had never really seen eye to eye. Throughoutgrade school, they had been the two brightest students in their classes,and had fiercely competed to outdo each other. Later on, in high school,this type of competition had continued on a more social level. Terristealing away Danielle's...
‘But don’t you find it just a tad bit strange?’ Cliff Clayton asked his wife, Susan. Even though they were sitting knee to knee on rickety kitchen chairs, they barely could see each other through the decorated and lit pine branches. Two bushy Christmas trees, enveloping the room in a strong, eerily light, were positioned in the small living room, in opposite corners, but with their branches almost touching in the center of the room. ‘Shh, she’ll hear you,’ Susan muttered back at Cliff out of...
Second Chance By Julie O. Edited by Robert Arnold Chapter 1 (Sometime in 2008) In many ways it started off as very typical day. I arrived home from a long day at work, and after greeting Max the cat at the front door of my condo, I sorted through the day's mail. For the most part it was the usual collection of bills, magazines, and junk mail. However,...
Myself Jyoti Papani married to Sumit Papani, works as General Manager in a Textile Company, I’m 34 and married for 10 years by now. I haven’t lost my figure as I was at the time of marriage but gained extra weight for sure but it always complemented on me as per my husband. I had a perfect figure of 34 by 34 by 36 and tugged in sari, I looked ravishingly beautiful and no one could resist to fuck me. I am a little whitish by complexion but still have nice face cut, beautiful and luscious lips,...
Due to college, I hadn't been to the Brickyard 400 in two years. I was excited to see that things had even gotten a bit wilder. I got cheers and whistles, including a few stiff ones, as I exposed my naked body to all the men. Having done a live sex show at the age of nineteen (and just two weeks before), I couldn't believe I was so nervous flashing at Indy again. But let me tell you: I was as nervous as I could be. I could only make it home for Saturday, the real party night. I put on my little...
ExhibitionismSally and James lead two very different lives. Their first life was very much like every other married couple’s life. They went to work, they paid their bills on time, and spent most of their spare time running the kids around to sports. They were even part of the school PTA at the local Christian school. Sally volunteered from time to time at the school while James helped out at the local Men’s Shed, helping older members of the community build and work with their hands through their retired...
BDSMAugust?? 2004 "Tell me a little about yourself, Doctor." "Why?" I asked the Voice. It came, I supposed, from a face ... but it was a face I couldn't see. The bandages wrapped over my eyes and around the crown of my head kept me blind and in the dark. Was it a male or female voice? I couldn't be sure, but from the speech patterns and word choices I thought it was most likely male. Where the ideas about speech patterns and word choices came from were as much a mystery to me as the...
I rolled out of bed fairly early, even though there was no real reason to. I wouldn’t be starting college until the fall, so I could have slept in if I wanted to. The view out the window when I opened it was still strange to me. Born and raised in Iowa, the sight of the ocean off in the distance on a summer morning in Florida was a far cry from what I was used to.Mom had told me the story several times about her and my Dad – whom I’m named for – scheming a move to Florida as their ultimate...
IncestMy Second Me - Part 01By ManndeePart 1We all have fantasies, we all have dreams - few of us ever share them for fear of upsetting a loved one or shocking a friend. We are all individual, and that is probably what makes us so complex!So what would we do if we achieved our fantasy?Imagine the one thing that excites us and gets us high! How would we deal with it? Think of it another way...Can we all achieve our dreams?We all want things, we all want to better ourselves. When we are young, our...
A Second Chance (inc.) by Pyrite Friday Morning I had expected that today was going to be just another day for me when I had first set out to go to my office. Just the same as every other day had been in my routine and boring life I thought, as I sat in the old-fashioned coffee-shop for my now, customary early morning break. As had become my habit, I had gone into the office first and then printed out my emails, ready to review the morning's correspondence, and then come here...
The Second Coming of Man By Lana B. This story may not be re-posted without the permission of the author. *** PROLOGUE It was the year 2172 and the last man in the United States had just died. The end of the line for American males was hardly unforeseen. In point of fact, it was largely anticipated. Nevertheless, foreknowledge of the outcome did nothing to assuage the shock that ensued when the final death occurred. It was an indisputable fact that this catastrophic event...
Those who succumbed to savagery were ample in number as usual; poor soul who will either perish in the first Savage Cave or by stroke of luck will regain their sanity. The former was more probable. The Blood Red Grapes’s groves were occupied as expected. Zax did not care much about their occupants, but neither he disturbed them when he passed through some for an invigorating unripe Blood Red Grape, which he developed a taste to during the old days... ‘The gravitational force’. Zax noted...
Copyright © 2005 All Rights Reserved Author can be contacted at [email protected] Second Serving To the outside world, Tony and his wife, Angela, appear no different fromany other happily married couple living in an unremarkable, respectable suburbof a modern city in Britain . No debt collectors call. No ear-splitting, late-nightraves pierce the midnight air. No inter-neighbour disputes disrupt the peacefulcalm of the street. They leave together for work every weekday promptly atquarter to...
by Vanessa Evans Part 05 I woke up to the feeling of a cock entering my vagina. My initial thought was that it was Aryn’s but something was different, I wasn’t getting stretched as much. I looked over my shoulder and saw that it was Chuck who was fucking me. I relaxed and enjoyed it. The woman who was laying in front of me turned over and I saw that it was Mary. “Morning little girl, how are you?” “Fine, umph,, thank, umph, you, umph.” “Good little girl, for someone so young and small...
TEAM SPIRIT: THE SECOND HALF By Meps98 FOREWORD Several years ago I read a story written by Janice the Dreamer titled "Team Spirit". It was wonderful, inventive, and involving, with compelling characters. There was no hero or heroine, just damaged people seeking justice ? as defined by them. This story stuck with me and I found myself asking the classic question, what happened next? I kept creating my own sequel to the original story in my mind. Finally, I was able to contact...
It's been nine months since visiting "The Brickyard" and I was nervous all over again. I was now the ripe old age of seventeen and my measurements were 39D - 19 - 32. I still have a hard little butt, big nipples and cunt lips that were swollen with excitement. I wore the same denim dress that opens like a robe. It's low cut showing some serious cleavage and had an above mid-thigh hem. I had on just the dress and a pair of high heeled sandals; other then that, I was naked under that dress. ...
ExhibitionismNext day we went back to the beach, same place, relaxing, swimming, sun bathing. In the early afternoon all over sudden two guys appeared next to us and asked us whether we would like to join them again. We looked at each other and agreed. We wanted to take our clothes but the guys told us just to come with them barely naked as we were. We looked again at each other and followed the guys. It was bit strange because we were naked and they were clothed. After a few minutes we arrived at the same...
Star Trek: Voyager - Second Season Synopsis: After critical damage to engineering leaves Voyager nearly powerless, Harry Kim's landing party changes its mission from resupply to locating some new dilithium crystals to replace the stocks of the crippled Voyager. But something unexpected happens on the planet - something that doesn't begin to manifest itself until long after the starship departs. Note: "Star Trek" and its characters are registered trademarks of Paramount...
I become the Second Woman in a Threesome During the two months after my divorce became final, I sold our house, split the profit with my ex-wife and moved my business back to my old hometown. It had been three years since I had been back and things had changed some but not a lot. I needed a place to stay while I searched for a house to buy and my oldest friend Jay suggested I stay with him and his wife until I found a house. Jay and I had been roommates prior to either of us getting...
Hi, I am Mrs.Madhumita Pal with nick name Reema,a 28 year old probashi bengali lady who is married to a lean built middleclass man of 34 year name Arindam. I run a beauty parlour of my own in Hyderabad where ladies from upper middleclass of both single,married and divorcee community pay visit.I am an orthodox patibrata woman without an issue till after couple of years of marriage.I look absolutely stunning with my envious 36C-28-36figure.I am medium built with 5’3”.I am issueless and look real...
It had to stop; we both knew it. What had begun as a favor to a friend, being a companion, a listener, a protectorate, had escalated from a casual crumb to famishing desire. Megan's boyfriend was half a continent away. She needed companionship; help with schoolwork, and shielding from a multitude of horny admirers. Kelley was three hundred miles away. I needed to feel needed. We made rules: the attraction we felt for each other would be kept submerged. There would be no kissing, no sexual...
When he arrived the next morning he was instructed to report to John’s office. With a sigh, Daniel knocked at the door.“Enter,” came the reply from inside.Daniel turned the knob and went in.“Close the door behind you,” John ordered, sitting behind his desk in a red pull-over and khaki slacks.Daniel did as instructed and stood in front of John’s desk.“Get your assignment done,” John asked looking at Daniel’s crotch.“Yes,” Daniel whimpered.“That’s ‘yes Sir,’” John corrected. “Let’s see.”Daniel...
One of my classes is critical to all students graduating high school. They must get a passing grade or else they cannot move on to whatever awaits them beyond the hallowed halls of the only high school in this county. It is English after all, our native language. I moved here from the city because I wanted peace and quiet. I had thought that maybe my experiences would be different. But I see the same amount if not more students just squeak by or drop out. Then they go on to local farms thinking...