A.N.JIE free porn video

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How did we ever get by without Satellite Navigation computers in our motorcars?

Brian Mullender hadn’t really thought about it before, if he was honest, but the subject came up in a lively conversation at his workplace. One of the snooty sales managers had taken delivery of an expensive rather flash new car the day before and was going on and on about it, particularly with regard to the state-of-the-art onboard computer system.

It was quite an amusing exchange, Brian thought, held between the four employees sitting in the works canteen enjoying a cooked mid-morning breakfast. It was the boss’s rare, in fact virtually unique, treat because between them they had managed to produce and despatch an urgent order in double-quick time. It was the sales manager’s, and therefore the company’s, biggest and best account, so he sweet-talked the boss into rewarding the main contributors to the successful salvage operation. Naturally, the sales manager managed to wangle himself in on the free meal too.

Brian was just a cog in the wheel of the large plastics manufactory, though he was important in this particular instance. Brian wasn’t bright or clever, but he was an accomplished machinist. He operated a machine that moulded and punched out the particular plastic containers that the customer just had to have consigned that day. The company stores normally carried enough quantity in stock to more than cover this client’s usual weekly order, but they needed twice as many as normal and apparently the Sales Department didn’t inform the production department until just the afternoon before they were required.

If the truth ever came out, the order had been placed at least a month earlier by the client, during a rather boozy lunch, paid for by the supplier, Brian’s company. However, the sales manager who hosted the lunch, had forgotten to follow the verbal order through correctly by putting the appropriate paperwork in hand.

Brian just had time to set up the moulding tool so that it was all ready to go late into the night before. It was therefore ready to go when he clocked into work, along with a colleague to assist, a couple of hours early that morning in order to bang them out in timely fashion. A truck was standing by to take the consignment direct to the client’s door and thereby save the day. Brian had been doing the same job for nigh on twenty years, so it wasn’t difficult but he did have to put himself out at very short notice on the company’s behalf. Even so, it was unusual for the company to bother to thank their staff.

His best friend Toby Marshall assisted, of course, and they couldn’t have achieved the result without his help. He feed in the raw materials at one end, then trimming off the tines and stacking the product onto Europallets at the delivery end. Brian was left free to concentrate on keeping up the quality and speed of production.

They made a good team, Toby and Brian went to school together and always remained firm friends throughout their adult life, even though they now lived forty miles apart.

They were each other’s best man when they married, Toby to Sally Moran 17 years ago, and Brian to Marianne Edgar five years ago. Brian was godson to Harry, Toby and Sally’s teenager, along with Toby’s younger sister Alison. Toby had another child, daughter Amy, who was ten going on 18, but she had a different set of godparents.

Brian and Marianne hadn’t started their own family yet. At 29, Marianne didn’t feel ready to tie herself down to motherhood, while at 37 Brian didn’t want to wait too much longer. Nor did he want to rock the boat by pressing the matter beyond Marianne short patience fuse.

Alec, the production foreman, who had assigned his best two men to the urgent job, was also invited to the late breakfast in the otherwise deserted restaurant. Rupert Goring, the sales manager, hosted the party. They enjoyed their bacon and fried eggs, sausage and fried tomato with a round of toast, choice of white or brown, on the side. With a maximum of seven items to choose from at the staff canteen, Rupert opted for the fried bread and the black pudding, while leaving off the tomato and toast. Toby was the only one to add a tasty roundel of bubble and squeak to his plate, reluctantly foregoing the sausage option. Alec and Brian were satisfied with the standard fare.

Rupert regaled them throughout their repast with all the minute details about his fantastic new company car.

“Took delivery yesterday, a reward for the level of orders I’ve been bringing in. What this car can’t do, ain’t even been thought of yet!” According to the self-appointed Motorists’ Bible, it had leather this and titanium that and polycarbonate something else. This wasn’t just the luxury executive car of the year, according to Rupert, it was the creme de la creme of the millennia.

His audience of three looked at one another, when they thought he wasn’t looking, not a difficult task as he rarely expressed interest in the feelings of others all the while he was the centre of attention, effortlessly conveying the universal rolling of the eyeball to signify the message of “What a plonker!”

“As far the onboard computer, it exceeded all my expectations, and would clearly amaze you guys. This computer’s got more ram than the Welsh mountains, it’s nippier than Usane Bolt and more powerful than Obama,” Rupert enthused between mouthfuls. “It manages the engine performance, keeps check on exhaust emissions, oil pressure and lubrication quality. It checks water level, brake condition, reports back on road surface temperature, even the tyre pressures. It can start the engine automatically, timed to simultaneously warm it up to optimum operating temperature, defrost the car and acclimatise the interior to match my house first thing in the morning before I have even finished my early morning cuppa.

“As for the sat-nav,” he continued without interjection, “It’s so ‘super-nav’, it should have secret identities and caped-costume change when I switch it on.”

Rupert went on and on. All this superlative performance was controlled by the driver’s voice commands, he hardy needed to press more than the odd button now and then to enter passwords and destination coordinates or postcodes.

The computer even sent data back to the main dealer, so they knew exactly when the vehicle needed attention and the garage would consequently phone the driver to book the car in at a convenient time and date for the service. Rupert insisted on taking his dining companions out for a spin after their breakfast.

It did look a nice car, Brian had to concede that point, when they reached the car park. It was sleek and aerodynamic, its paintwork shone like a mirror in the sunlight. A quality-built car of European manufacture, inside it was smothered in soft leather and polished burr walnut. It smelt so new it assaulted Brian’s senses.

Brian immediately thought that Marianne would definitely love this car, she always complained that ANJie smelled a little musty, although Brian thought ANJie was fine, she certainly should be as Brian kept her clean to the level of obsession. But ANJie was eight years old and, even though Brian kept the car in immaculate condition and carefully maintained mechanically, while protecting her (he never regarded any of the three cars he had owned since he first started driving as “it”) overnight in a warm garage, she was starting to look dated style wise and she had only been a bog-standard entry-level car bought on a tight budget at the outset. In fact he had originally sought to buy a secondhand car but he got such a good deal on ANJie. She was the last of the old model the dealers had, so they included the sat-nav, alloy wheels and rubber car mats to sweeten the deal.

Brian had always looked after his cars, treating them like members of the family. He had kept his last two cars garaged. Prior to that he had shared his home with his parents, when the garage was full of their junk that they hadn’t the heart to part with.

He washed his car with shampoo every Sunday, rinsing off carefully, noting every small paint defect. He would clean all the windows and mirrors and vacuum-clean the interior, wiping down all the surfaces. Every month he would apply three layers of wax polish after washing, having touched up any chips in the paintwork the weekend before. He regularly checked and topped up as necessary all the liquids, coolants, lubricants, and checking air pressures, and tyre treads for wear. A couple of times a year he would clean the upholstery, even going as far as lightly oiling the upholstery springs. Brian’s wife Marianne’s little car, a two-seat sporty convertible, was totally impractical as a family car. Marianne only used it to get to work or for one of her regular nights out with her girlfriends; for the weekly shop Brian drove her to the supermarket to collect the groceries using the capacious and ever-reliable ANJie.

The couple had argued at length when they first got hitched, about who would get to garage their car in the single space available. This was after Brian’s Dad passed on and his Mum was placed for her own comfort into an elderly care home.

Marianne had all the advantages in the argument, she thought. She worked in a local office, while Brian faced at least an hour’s drive both ways and set out for work much earlier; so he always left first and mostly returned home last. Also, Brian natural inclination was to avoid arguments, preferring a quiet life to one of conflict. So it looked on paper like Marianne would easily win the day over possession of the garage hands down. Marianne certainly thought so as she had initiated the discussion of the subject herself just weeks before their impending nuptials. Although she had moved herself, and her substantial wardrobe, into Brian’s little house some months before, she realised that he had regarded his ugly old-fashioned automobile with unnatural regard, so she hadn’t felt quite sure of her ground before this time.

But argue, cajole and threaten dire consequences as much as she dare, Brian was adamant. Her car had never been garaged, either round her Mum’s or Brian’s house, while ANJie had always been garaged from the day she was brand new, which was why she still looked, to Brian’s eyes at least, in showroom condition. What Brian did concede, was that he would carry her spare car key on his keychain and move Marianne’s cabriolet each time he needed to and would scrape the ice and snow off as winter dictated, before leaving for work.

He also undertook to wash and polish her car just as regularly and thoroughly as his own, including checking essentials like tyres, oil and water, but he was not prepared to clean out and vacuum the interior. He did check the fuel and filled it up every three or four weeks, her local mileage being merely a fraction of his.

Brian loved his car and thought his sat-nav was near perfect. He had only two minor reservations about the device, both of them being roads that ANJie had clearly been pre-programmed to avoid. One of them was a feeder road which went by a scrap metal yard in the middle of a series of tight S-bends, just off the ring road which by-passed Brian’s home town.

Brian had to admit that the route was hazardous, particularly first thing on Mondays when there was often a queue of heavily-laden recycling trucks alongside the road with car transporters loaded with old wrecks for crushing. Sometimes bits of debris would fall off these trucks, some as large as car panels, old exhausts or as small and destructive as nuts and bolts which could damage tyres, windscreens and chip paintwork. However, Brian always drove carefully with his full attention on the road and he decided the risk was acceptable.

The other area the programmers conspired to force him to avoid was the south-west quarter of the ring road on the clockwise direction. That was the last phase of the ring road that was completed about ten years earlier. Brian assumed that the version of the road network loaded into his sat-nav was quite an old one. He had never felt the need to buy an update in the eight years he had driven ANJie.

Alec naturally sat in front with Rupert, being management, for their test drive in Rupert’s car. Brian and Toby piled into the back. Rupert started the engine and was prompted by a disembodied voice to tap his password into the computer which took a moment or two thereafter to load up and get ready to receive input. Rupert tapped in a post code destination, which was the petrol station on the other side of the ring road, apparently. The computer whirred, a box with a slider on it appeared on the screen indicating the progress of calculating the route, then it declared with a beep that it was finished, thereafter commenced instructing the driver verbally, and by arrows on the map, to turn left.

In the earlier animated discussion held in the canteen, Rupert had said the voice on the sat-nav sounded sexy, very much like Joanna Lumley. Brian smiled to himself without commenting, it sounded to his ears like it could only be Joanna Lumley if she was playing the role of a Dalek. It was nothing at all like the smooth much sexier dulcet tones of his own sat-nav, which sounded much more feminine and expressive, definitely unmetallic. Admittedly, both voices seemed to have trouble with numbers, making them sound oddly sing-song-like, as if each individual number had been recorded in a wildly different combination.

Also, ANJie had more than a hint of an oriental accent to her English, which Brian had always found somewhat endearing, attractive, oddly ... stimulating even. Yes, ANJie had a very pleasant voice that he could listen to all day, every day. He looked forward to any opportunity to insert and twist his ignition key again and again. Rupert’s computer voice, Brian was certain, would grate on him in a very short time indeed. Rupert’s computer certainly didn’t have a voice that Brian could tell his troubles to. His journey to work each day was generally 55 minutes to an hour on the outward leg and up to 70 minutes in the evening, longer on Fridays.

His journey hadn’t always been a daily round trip of such magnitude. Brian and Toby joined the company straight from school, when the plastics plant was in an industrial estate on the edge of their town. That was before the ring road about their home town was even started. However, the local plant was closed down about eight years ago and selected staff had the offer to take the redundancy payments to which they were entitled or move to the other plant, forty miles away. The offer came with some assistance with relocation costs, or contribution to commuting expenses for a reasonable, though limited period.

Toby immediately upped sticks and moved house lock, stock and barrel with his young pre-school family, Brian was unable to do so. He was still living with his widowed and disabled Mum at the time. Although his Mum was now cared for in a home and he was relieved of the daily efforts he had been used to putting in all his adult life, he wanted to live in his old family home and be able to see his Mum regularly and be situated close by for any emergencies. His wife Marianne moved in with him about six years ago and she had her work, family and friends locally and didn’t want to relocate either.

So he spent long hours in his car, singing along to the radio or a Blues CD and telling all his troubles to ANJie, who was the ideal listener. As he sat in the back of Rupert’s car, cruising around the ring road of this distant town, Brian smiled at the recollection of ANJie and lost himself for a few moments in pleasant reminiscence.

He had originally personalised his first car, an ancient vehicle, already 15 years young when he had acquired it. The previous owner had put a knob on the steering wheel so he could steer it with one hand as he apparently had limited movement in his other arm due to a stroke. The one previous owner from new covered very little mileage and so the car was in good condition despite its long life. Brian instantly thought his first car had a personality of her own so he christened her Betsy, silly he thought, but he did. And she seemed to fit her name, somehow, being mature, unexciting and eminently reliable.

Brian may not have been particularly bright or well-educated, but he was never stupid. He sensed he would be ridiculed, he only ever told Toby and his Mum that he called his cars by personalised names. They held Brian in such affection, that they understood his action without question or ridicule, they smiled, that was just so typical of Brian. He was crazy, sure, but he was also nice, at the very least harmless, anyway.

That very first Betsey only lasted two years. Although the paintwork was immaculate, the underlying rust had already eaten into the steel chassis and when the implications came to light she had to be compulsorily retired.

Brian then purchased a multiple-owned vehicle that was already six years old when it came into his possession. It brought with it a high mileage but Brian nursed that machine, which he christened “Betsey 2”, for a further eight years, giving him almost trouble-free motoring for the period.

When the threat of redundancy or commute materialised, Brian was forced to consider purchasing his third vehicle. He had enjoyed driving Betsey 2 so much that he had already planned ahead for the inevitable and had saved enough, he thought, to buy a similar model perhaps only one or two years old.

So it was about six months before the time he had planned on upgrading anyway, that he received notice that his plant was to close. Brian weighed up the options and he decided to commute to the alternative factory. He had a few months’ grace before the move but he was very aware that the old reliable warhorse would have to be retired before the move.

So he visited the main dealers to see what they had on offer. His old model was 14 years old by then, was still being manufactured and, although it had gone through an evolution of re-stylings in the meantime, it was still recognisably the same type of car.

His timing couldn’t have been better. The style had just changed once more, the transformation of bodywork so radical that the older models looked boxy and dated compared to the broad, spacious and curvy new design. This was despite the fact they were almost identical under the new pressed and painted shell. The dealers were having difficulty offloading the remnants of the old style that they still had untidily clogging up the lot.

Brian was a godsend to the salesman. Here was a customer who actually quite liked the old style, it was still a vast improvement in looks on his old model. He assumed that he could not afford a new car, he had intended selecting one of the best of the used models. However, he was surprised that the price of a new unfashionable version was so reasonable. He took into account the salesman’s comments that he would have three years of manufacturer’s warranty compared to just one year’s dealer warranty on a used one. Added to that, he could delay having to take a Ministry Of Transport safety test for three years with a new car. As further sweeteners to the deal, the salesman was prepared to throw in a set of smart alloy wheels, rubber mats throughout and the latest Satellite Navigation Kit containing integrated radio and CD player with surround sound speaker system into the basic model, which normally only came with a rather basic radio/cassette model. Brian sat and thought it through. He fully accepted that he may have been a bit on the dim side educationally but he was always careful, never did anything rash or unconsidered. He had already taken a test drive in the car, which he felt very positive about. He quite liked the colour, a conservative blue that looked very attractive with its showroom shine. Weighing it all up, it cost only a few hundred more than the cost of a used one on the lot, which was easily outdone by the near grand’s-worth of additions. To be honest, Brian had no real need of the alloy wheels, although he understood that they would be less likely to look unsightly over time if he was to maintain it as long as the previous model had motored on for. The sat-nav meant absolutely nothing to him, in fact he had trouble programming his VCR and setting the clock on the cooker was, frankly, beyond him, he left it flashing zeros after the first power cut. He was useless with computers at school and only forced to use the factory one to log on for his time sheet.

However, as he had recently replaced most of his vinyl Blues and Bluegrass records with CDs, that part of the entertainment package greatly appealed to him. The salesman was also prepared to offer a good trade-in on Brian’s old car which solved the problem of what to do with her once Betsey 2 was replaced.

“Sold!” Brian smiled to the salesman, who grinned even broader back at him, and Brian happily signed the papers put in front of him and handed over his debit card. Two days later, after the registration had been completed and the wheels, mats and sat-nav unit had been installed, Brian proudly drove away the very first brand-new car he had ever possessed.

Brian had to admit to himself that he wasn’t the sharpest chisel on the workbench. Everybody had always told him that anyway. Even at school they didn’t think he had the remotest chance of getting an engineering apprenticeship, so he settled for his first job as a packer and loader at the local plastics factory. He was a good reliable worker, so much so that one day the foreman asked if he would try out on a plastics extruding machine and, Brian thought, why not? He took to it well and had been doing the same job ever since.

If someone physically showed him what to do, he was fine, and was practically-minded enough to run with it, and able to sort out any problems which arose. He just wasn’t too good at reading instruction manuals. He had to admit that he had some misgivings about what to do with the dreaded sat-nav in those two days leading up to handing over his old car and taking over the new.

So when he was sitting comfortably in Betsey 3 and had adjusted his mirror and fastened his seat belt, he found he couldn’t delay the inevitable any longer and so he switched the unit on. He was delighted that, in addition to the radio, which was already tuned in to a popular music station, a map instantly appeared on the screen showing his route towards towards the by-pass, and he hadn’t even had to punch any buttons yet. He liked this. He’d not slept very well the last couple of nights wondering how he would get the device to work and there it was working without having to do anything.

When he picked up the car, the salesmen were all too busy to show him around his new acquisition. They were inundated due to an enthusiastic response by the public to the flashier new models, and Brian was almost shooed out the door. He went without complaint, never liking to make a fuss.

He had two possible routes home around the ring road from the garage, which was situated quite close to the main road running east. The southward clockwise route around the ring road was fractionally the shortest way around and that was the way he had decided on travelling. However, as he approached the main road, the ring road appeared on his little screen, showing the northbound route as bright yellow and the southbound as a foreboding black, which looked ominous. Brian was uncertain how to proceed. He was a careful driver and hated to be in two minds. He needed help. Then he spotted a button, in a bank of buttons to one side of the unit, that was marked “Voice”, so in desperation, Brian pushed the button, more in hope than conviction that he had any clue what he was doing.

A voice said, “Congestion delays ahead, please take the third turning off the roundabout and head ... North, along the A-three ... seventy ... nine.” The voice was commanding, insistent even, and Brian obeyed without a second thought and even said “Thanks, Betsey 3”.

The voice was mechanical, the road numbers sounded curiously stilted, but Brian got used to the slight idiosyncrasies and in time grew to love the voice. It was a warm definitely female voice, a little on the bossy side and sounded a little annoyed, like the parent of a wayward child whose patience was being tested, on the few occasions he ignored her commands or missed his turning in error. The language spoken was English, but it seemed like the English used wasn’t the first language of the woman who had input all the phrases. To Brian’s untrained ear he thought perhaps she was Japanese, no surprise really as the car was Japanese-designed, although built in Europe, and the installed Satellite-Navigation unit appeared to be of Japanese manufacture.

He signalled in plenty of time and safely moved his new car into the righthand lane and took the turning to the right as he had been advised or instructed. He enjoyed a safe and uneventful journey home to his Mum’s house, a house he later took possession of when his Mum had to go into care. Brian never found out what the problem was with the alternative clockwise route and never gave it a second thought. He put his trust in the machine and everywhere he went his journeys appeared to be much more often smooth ones than otherwise.

So trouble-free were his trips that he was minded to recall that only two years ago, he and Marianne holidayed in Scandinavia for a fortnight. Motoring through Norway and Sweden mainly, with a couple of days in Denmark and then a swift drive through Germany and Holland leading to the ferry home. The sat-nav performed perfectly on the trip, as it had promised to so when he had pre-planned the trip, running through all the proposed routes with ANJie beforehand.

So it was when Rupert started espousing the claim that only the top sat-navs included Western Europe along with the usual UK maps that Brian took exception and spoke up for the first time. This was out of character, he normally never allowed those boastful types to get his rancour up but this time Rupert touched one raw nerve too many.

“Look, there doesn’t appear to be anything special in your new sat-nav that is any improvement over my standard eight-year-old one. I have Europe maps on mine, too, as I took a trip through five countries just a couple of years ago. Mine has a much more natural speaking voice, she also warns me about road temperature, accidents and planned maintenance hold-ups, tyre pressures and brake wear. She even points out where I can find parking spots in unfamiliar towns. I don’t even have to press any buttons to give her instructions or a password. She is so user friendly, she even calls me Brian.”

Well, that reallyput the cat among the pigeons!

“Brian,” Rupert said, angrily, “You better put up or shut up!”

So, as soon as they got back to the company car park, they all bundled into Brian’s HN05 ANJ and Brian put the key in and started the engine in anticipation of amazing his carful of Doubting Thomases. And ... nothing happened. Nothing at all. This was not at all as Brian had expected. The engine started with no problem, the battery and ignition system was in excellent condition, the fuel and air mixture tuned to near-perfection and the car’s electronics performed almost as it always did. Except for the sat-nav. ANJie displayed the map showing the roads but her voice didn’t kick in to greet him as he had told his guests that she always did.

“Hello, ANJie,” asked hesitatingly, ever since he’d pressed the “Voice” button on his first day, he had always chattered away to ANJie as if she was a best friend. And she always greeted him as soon as he turned the key. Today, though, nothing.

Nor did she answer any of his increasingly desperate attempts to communicate with her. He even turned her off and on again to get a response, but to no avail. That had never happened before, ever.

“Well,” said Rupert, “Amaze us, Brian, tap in the destination, your own town for example, and show us what she can do.”

Brian had never tapped in any co-ordinates before, of course, he had never had to and didn’t even know how. ANJie always knew where he was going by talking to her, often narrowing down the destination by a number of questions and answers. He had never once read the manual or even take it out of its shrink-wrapped covering. Of course he had never read the manual, Brian had never read any manual.

After Brian hesitated, Rupert, who had jumped into the front seat, sighed and started tapping the screen, located the library of destinations and found it completely empty. Of course then he decided to take the piss out of Brian and openly laughed at him.

“Brian, you are a joke, you stupid thick bugger!” Rupert laughed, “This sat-nav is a non-starter, it doesn’t work and you have clearly never even used it. You are either trying to make fools of us or else you are delusional, or completely off your trolley!”

Brian was red-faced and had no response to the insults, none at all. ANJie’s lack of response had rocked him to the core. He switched the engine off, mumbling incoherent apologies and excuses for the temporary non-performance of his computer and everyone got out.

Alec and Rupert walked off laughing.

Toby squeezed his friend’s shoulder and told him not to worry about it, that Rupert was full of hot air and not to let him get to him. At least, he pointed out the bright side, they got a free breakfast out of the whole exercise. Brian was a little upset about the result and even more concerned that he had upset ANJie, there was no other explanation, but he had to get back into work. Angrily, he slammed the car door, regretting the petulant action immediately, he never lost his temper like that. Brian never showed any sign of petulance, even Toby noticed, waiting to walk into the factory with him. But Brian did dwell on the events throughout the rest of the day. His production rates were down as a consequence.

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Reddit AsianCuties, aka r/AsianCuties! Do you like Asian babes? I sure do. When I see a hot Asian chick, I always wonder how much effort I need to put in if I were to fuck her. Sometimes I feel that it’s too much, but at other times I see completely reasonable goals. I’ve gone to Asian countries before; I have to say that Asian pussy is just something else. If you want to enjoy seeing Asian cuties show you what they’ve got, there’s gotta be a community for that on Reddit.com. And wouldn’t you...

Reddit NSFW List
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Enslaved Chapter 43

After a couple of visits to the Carmargue area, Quentin and Melissa decided they had found what they wanted. It was a rambling 18th century farmhouse which had been considerably extended in the 19th century.“Four reception rooms... eight bedrooms... servants quarters... usual offices... ” said Melissa reading from the particulars an agent had given them.“Even more important,” smiled Quentin, “large wine cellarage space.”“Quite so,” nodded Melissa.“Not too difficult to convert. Though it will...

2 years ago
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Xanders Sister

It had been a normal summer day. They had decided to go to Xander's house, since Will'ss parents were home. Not that they were doing anything inappropriate, but they could be loud with out parents. Will and Xander had done weird shit together in the past. They had watched porn together and masturbated in the same room when they were younger. Once they got in to high school and college, they had videotaped each other having sex and had had threesomes together. But nothing as weird as...

4 years ago
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A Winters Tale A Seasonal Dental Anaesthet

So it was going to be a White Christmas after all. Snow had started to fall through the dwindling twilight of that crisp afternoon in late December, covering the rooftops and pavements with a light powdery dusting. Wrapped up well against the chill in my duffel coat, woolly hat and gloves, I trudged on in silence leaving a trail of footprints in the freshly fallen snow. "Perhaps we could make a snowman in the garden?" said my mother. I nodded. My mother kept up a flow of jolly and distracting...

2 years ago
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Becky and I exploring togetherpart 2

  Becky and I exploring together...part 1I met Becky through her dad. He was my immediate supervisor and over the summer I believe that he saw that I had a good work ethic, was respectful to others, and always went the extra mile to make sure our customers were satisfied. I would be willing to bet that he didn't foresee how Becky and I would put those qualities to use. From the moment we met I was enchanted with her beauty. Her golden blonde hair was just past her shoulders in length,she didn't...

2 years ago
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Such A Small World

I watch her several times a week. Her beauty takes my breath away. I cannot stop. It started a few weeks ago. I was sitting in front of my computer thinking of something to do. I’d just completed several rote tasks and earned my day’s pay and wanted something to do. Not that there weren’t a half million thing I could do, or should do, but I just didn’t feel like it. So I did what I always do when this happens, I turned to the Internet for sex. I figured that if I jerk off, maybe I’ll be able...

4 years ago
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Bahu Bani Randi Purre Ghar Ki

Reena ki zubani…Meh reena raipur me rehti hu…. Meh dikhne meh ek dum model lagti hu meri body ka shape 36 38 40 hai meri gaand k shape ubhre hue hai aur gol matol hai,ab story par aati hu……Meh jab 18 saal ki hui thi mere liye ek rista aaya ap ko bata du ki mere pati war me mom dad aur meh hi hu me maa baap ki ekloti beti hu….Toh meri shaddi fix kar di gayi aur 2saal bad meri shaddi kar di gayi m school chod chuki thi…..Shaddi hone k bad jab m sasural gayi to meri life badal gayi mere pati ravi...

4 years ago
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The Vassal GroupChapter 2

Jeanette had been taken to the promised land of upstairs. For the last five weeks, she had endured humiliating and degrading punishment in the cells, while Sandman, the computer worked to erase her memory of anything before her arrival here, and to program her to serve the Master. Master would show he or she was pleased by giving Jeanette love in the form of ejaculations or other gifts. Jeanette stood in the room, Master Devon having departed only a minute or two before, and stared at the...

1 year ago
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WebYoung Lyra Law Ivy Jones Father Cant Stop Us

Teen Ivy Jones is in her bedroom making out with girlfriend Lyra Law. The lesbians tumble around on the sheets, slowly peeling off their clothes and planting kisses on their soft nipples, just when Ivy’s father walks in! He screams in anger, and Lyra bolts out of the house. Ivy better believe that she’s grounded! Later at the dinner table, Ivy sits across from her strict father and sheepishly tries to negotiate a trip to the mall. But he’s adamant about not letting her out of...

3 years ago
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Aunt Amandas footjob

Jerry is a 24 year old guy. He have had a foot fetish all of his life. He have always found his Aunt Amanda's feet to be exceptionally sexy. She is in 42's but looks to be mid 35's, a COMPLETE MILF! She's 5'7, average sized body, always well dressed and pampered. She's kind of a flirt as well and feeds into him obsession with her sexy feet.He went to visit her one weekend at her house to stay for a few days. She came into the living room where he was hanging out, watching TV."ouhhh my feet,all...

4 years ago
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The Succubae Seduction 2 The Twins Chapter 28

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = Chapter 28 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = Truth and Bluffs Megan stared at the tiny Faery in shock. She understood taking strong, decisive actions, but to unleash three MOAB bombs on US soil against a camp of Knights was too much. Intellectually, she knew the Paladonic Knights were considered a terrorist organization. She also knew that they stood against magical creatures and anything from the other world. They were evil, filled with...

3 years ago
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Greg makes a switch

Greg Makes A Switch Greg woke, and gave himself a mental high-five. "I made it!" "The switch worked! General Anderson's life is mine!" "But something's wrong, why am I so unsteady on my feet, and what are these bars for?" Before he could clear his eyes enough to try and figure out what had happened, a large man came into the room, and looked at him. "But it cant be you! I took your life!" General Anderson frowned and said, "No, you didnt. The monk who taught you how to...

4 years ago
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In love with my Mother in Law1

I live pretty far from her so any chance I get to be close to her drives me crazy. When we first meet we did not get along at all, but over the years she has grown to love me. I have been trying to figure out a way to show her how I feel. It all started very innocently with a family photo actually.( I might be reading into this WAY to much), but the whole family crowded on the coach. I end up sitting crammed right next to her. Just that bit of contact had my heart racing. I intentionally rested...

2 years ago
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Emilys Story

If you read my other story, "The Fishing Trip," then you are familiar with my first exposure to incest. At that time of my youth I had no regrets, even though I was well aware of the moral taboos associated with incest. I was sure that what had happened between my sister and myself was a rare and unusual event. I actually thought my experience to be almost unique in the world. It would be years before I would later learn just how untrue this was. SOAP is an acronym describing the methodology...

3 years ago
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Magic finale Touch Of Magic

The suspense of actually meeting you is driving me crazy with desire. Oh god, the thought of your hands, fingers and lips wrapped around my nipples had made them remain hard most of the day. My pussy is yearning to have your cock thrust deep inside it and my panties were so wet I had to change them three times. The accumulation of the emails and the talks about our stranger-to-stranger encounter has electrified my whole body. I see this image of you knocking on my door, pulling me into your...

2 years ago
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Delhi Turned Village Girl To Sexy Bhabhi

Hi friends, This is Rajesh. I am back after a long break. You people are just fantastic and your response to my earlier stories has just been fantastic. Your mails have pushed me to limit of desired happiness. Any how today I am going to narrate an incident which happens to me 15days back when I was in Delhi. My cousin brothers Akash and Vijay live in Delhi. Both are married and younger one is Vijay and his wife is Anu bhabhi. Vijay and Anu bhabhi are married for 12years now and Anu bhabhi is...

4 years ago
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Technically first encounter

when I was younger and when I started to get curious about sex I watched a lot of porn. This lead me to watching all kinds of porn and eventually lead me to "sissy/gay porn" after a while I stumbled upon craigslist and stright/gay chat sites. for a while I would pretend I was a female on the straight chat sites and message guys asking them what they would do to me if they were with me right then. Everything they said made me so horny. Most of them would say how they could rip my clothes...

3 years ago
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Runaway TrainChapter 82

I spent most of my day shopping in Nashville with Skye and Dom. I had been informed that the clothing that had been appropriated the night before was not going to come back anytime soon. I also decided that I didn’t really need more than four pairs of basketball shorts. Conny had shown up at the house – looking remarkably fresh – just before I was sent on my merry way. The quartet was still working on a song when I returned three hours later. Sadly, Skye had purchased far more than I had....

2 years ago
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Total Woman Requests 04

Mrs. Rush reviewed the TWR Final Request Voucher. It looked to be in order: the Pledge Contributor’s Requested Scenario, TWA Security’s Clearances for Scenario Participants, Electronic Funds Transfer Authorization and the Confirmed Venue Schedule. All Total Woman Academy Pledge Contributors (PC’s) had discretionary use of the Total Woman Academy Graduate Network. TWA graduates donated their time and talents to events that contributed their earnings to the TWA Alumni Fund. The graduates...

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Summer Fun

“When are you going to take those swimming trunks off?” I asked Ben. “I dunno… maybe later,” he responded. “You say that every time we come here and you never do!” We were at the clothing-optional beach in the middle of the woods, a few miles from our houses. It was late in the day, and we were alone. Everything was bathed in golden, late-summer sunshine as the day lazily slipped away and evening crawled closer to us. The still-warm barbeque that had been used earlier in the day was quietly...

4 years ago
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A Gift for Gillian

Gillian had been my best friend almost since I had known her. When we met, I was dating her best friend, Diane. Diane had confided in me early on that she wanted to have sex with another woman. We were fortunate enough to achieve that goal, several times. I was lucky enough to be present every time. A few months after Diane had her first f/f experience, she began to talk about Gillian. She had just separated from her husband and was ready for some wild times. Diane had told her of some of our...

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Courtneys Story

A dark night had cast itself around me as I walked through the people milling about. I was no longer in a hurry. I knew where the man would be that I had come here to kill. Anger and hate boiled up inside of me at the thought of seeing his picture, his 'file', and his family. He taken my parents from me, but he had everything of his own. Why had this happened to me? What had made him do this? These questioned bounced around in my head as I aimlessly walked around this small town in Kansas....

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Gypsy SailorChapter 2

"Jerry, Winter Harbour, Thursday night. Be there! Brandy" I must have read that note thirty times before the message sank into my head. Brandy had left without so much as a "Good-bye". Even just a hint of why she'd sailed out of the cove so early in the morning would have made me feel better. Winter Harbour. Shit, how I hated that place. With the draft of my 32-foot sloop, the only way that I could safely enter or leave that harbour was at high tide, just as it turned. At any other...

4 years ago
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Pas de Deux

This is a story of fiction. Any similarity to persons alive or dead and to institutions is coincidental. My thanks to Erik Thread for his invaluable advice. * CHAPTER ONE Many people had heard of Toni Berwick. She was the new sensation of the Ballet, a young dancer in the classic mode who was thrilling the critics with her poise and skills. Even I had heard of her. I did lift my eyes from the laboratory bench from time to time, a break from the constant research that absorbed me. In those...

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Strangers on a Train

The train was crowded and hot, packed with tourists and people travelling to London for the Olympics and she'd been unable to get a seat, forced to join the masses clinging for dear life onto the handles thoughtfully attached to the ceiling like toys in a childrens playground. Feeling mildly claustrophobic, she took deep breaths, trying to ignore the jostling of sweaty unknown flesh behind her and the occasional opportunistic male hand, as each station saw a few departures and the press of...

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A Threesome Turns to Cuckoldry Part 1

My wife Sherri and I have been married for 8 years. We have a very loving relationship. Sex is good but over the last few years has become less frequent. My wife insists on me using condoms when we have sex, certainly birth control is the main reason but we have found without a condom I don’t last very long. On occasion, she’ll let me fuck her without protection. Of course I cum quickly, but she then insists that I eat her pussy to orgasm. I am good with my tongue so she certainly enjoys the...

3 years ago
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Unexpected Fuck With My Rekha Aunty

Hai n Hello to each and every Handsme and sexy beauties including admin, This is Madhan 23, 5.9’ft from Andhra Pradesh, I’m going to narrate my own experience which happened unexpectedly.From my 1, I strted to watch porn and I dont sleep a single night without shagging my Active Cock.So, years passed….coming to story, Heroine is my friends Mom Rekha, She is in late 30’s because she got married in her very young age, white complexion, perfect and rounded boobs with stiffness and wonderful Things...

2 years ago
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Tina and the Stuffed Pussy Chapter 9 Beer Wench

I wake up Sunday sore and depressed from last night’s ordeal. I can’t even grasp what has happened to me over the last 3 weeks! Four weeks ago I didn’t know anything about sex or men or as it turns out, even my own body. I blush and groan in shame as I think about all of the whorish things I have done even in the last 2 days. Thinking about Silvia frigging me on Friday, the angry cock squirting me in the face last night, and cumming on Dan’s cock in my butt makes my tummy flutter in a way...

2 years ago
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How the ghost of Adolf Hitler helped me to become a better person and fuck my sister2

Does their life flash before their eyes, like all those cliched accounts in movies and books and bad sex stories tell me? Is there a white light that feels warm and fuzzy? Do you actually feel anything? Is the moment long, or is it short? Is it true that you actually shit yourself one last time in the moment of your death? It's different for everyone, I guess. Hitler certainly didn't feel anything like that. "I didn't see anything special, no white light, no angels, no...

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Dirty Tricks Chapter 4

The anteroom was noisy and reeked of desperation, but Sean endured it because his political future depended on it. He'd arrived early for his nine am appointment. It was already five past. He tapped his foot like a tweaked up junkie, still hyper from his early morning meeting with fellow competitor Heather to discuss the latest scandalous photos of their car park tryst. Discuss. Yeah. The scent of her flowing arousal was still fresh beneath his nostrils and he could swear she broke skin where...

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Part 4 Country Western FUN in Vegas Saturday w

Saturday we woke up about 1:30 pm to a knock on the door again. We told Angel to answer it (naked again) while Billy & me got quickly dressed. This time it was the maid wanting to clean our room. Billy told her to go ahead & clean it & Angel stayed naked as well. Billy then told Angel to go in & take another quick shower so we could clean her out again. She had to leave the door open too so the maid could see her taking a shower & then as we also gave Angel a douche & an...

4 years ago
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2222 ? Meine Besitzerin hat mir befohlen die Ver?nderungen in der Gesellschaft seit der Jahrtausendwende? in chronologischer Reihenfolge aufzulisten. Ich beginne mit dem Jahr 2000. Zur Zeit des Jahrtausendwechsels befand sich das klassische Patriarchat in den letzten und schlimmsten Degenerationsprozessen. Orientierungslosigkeit, Zukunftsangst und weitgehender Verfall von ethisch moralischen Wertvorstellungen bestimmten das Leben der meisten B?rger. Viele waren durch Erwerbslosigkeit z...

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Our polyamory life part 1

This is a true story. My wife, Carol, and I met at work. We hit it off immediately. We worked in a large company. It was a technology company staffed with young people with eccentric ideas. Sex was everywhere. My wife loved to flirt with everyone. She wore scandalous clothes, short skirts, short dresses halter tops and sheer gauze blouses. When we got married she wore a mini dress and we spent our honeymoon in a sex motel complete with pornographic TV, stacks of sex magazines, tubes of oils and...

Wife Lovers
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First my hubby let his friends use me

First time Hubby let his friends have me.A true story by LadyM/Sue122It was my husband’s birthday and we had gone out to dinner with four of his friends. It was a very nice dinner at a steak house in town. I had two glasses of wine which is my limit, after that I am totally drunk. All the wives accept for me where out of town, so I was the only girl out with five guys.After dinner my husband invited his friends over for some pool and a few beers. All the guys gladly accepted the invitation....

1 year ago
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The best of two Worlds 1

I just can’t help myself. The heat of Australian summer and the exposed bodies around me drive me . It’s the hot wind playing with women’s skirts exposing their thighs and buttocks that make me loose my mind. I keep on looking down their blouses and up their skirts at every opportunity giving me a horn and starving my brain of blood. And it happened again. As usual I bought a bottle of Scotch and mixed it with soda and Coke in a drink container and begun consuming it to loose my inhibitions and...

She Males
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My Freaky Girlfriend

Recently, I met the freakiest chick I've ever met. This chick has the greatest body and what an ass. It's perfectly round and she wears those short shorts and you can see her pussy right through them. The girl is freaky and she loves to have anal sex. In fact, we had anal sex long before I ever fucked her pussy. She loves to get all nasty and even enjoys when I dominate her. I must be the luckiest dude out there. I have to tell you she dresses in the tightest clothes you've ever seen and she...

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How I Lost My Cute Little Girlfriend

My name is Tim, I am an average looking, kind of nerdy biology student in my last semester. I met my girlfriend Sarah two years ago at a scientific talk about future sustainable resources and fell in love with her at first sight. Since then, we have been happy together, even though I never really understood what she saw in me.Talking about looks, people would say she is completely out of my league and could have had every guy she wished for. But somehow, she ended up falling in love with me....

1 year ago
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The Wimp and the DebChapter 4

Rory Before leaving the McFarlane household that evening I had been quizzed about my hobbies and my social life. As you will have already gathered my social life was nonexistent and as for hobbies apart from computing, gaming and research for my advanced studies I did not have any hobbies. I think Mrs McFarlane in particular had difficulty comprehending the extent of my isolation and lack of interest in outside activities and particularly activities that required physical activity. At one...

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The All Asian Sexfight Championship 2008

Copyright Aussie Greg 2008 The 2008 All Asian Sexfight Championship rotated and this year was being held in Jakarta at the Mercure Convention Centre Ancol, its only international resort hotel, complete with a private beach. Despite the companionship of my Indonesian 14 yr old future competitor and passage to the gravy train of the Gold Brick Road, Anissa I felt out of place in my cargo pants and T shirt as I soaked in the amosphere courtesy of my lifetime Gold Pass.. Money, power and...

1 year ago
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Cleacuteo a lady of respect

She looks at herself in the bathroom mirror checking the dyed hair, tô hide the whites that no longer stop being born. She carefully examines the roots - I'm glad she thinks, all right.Cléo puts on her new, red and lacy panties, very expensive! But it is for a good cause, she justified. Goes tô her room looking for the big mirror, at the closet door, open - turns, spins, admires. With an air of frustration.- It's no good. Damn it!She says it out loud. Two weeks and the belly... Hasn't changed...

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PetiteHDPorn Elza A Mette Taste My Pussy

Elza A. and her girlfriend Mette enjoy a romantic picnic outside that quickly turns sexy as the girls feed each other fruit and then kiss the sweetness from each other’s lips. Elza is the instigator, but Mette is fully on board as their kiss turns into a full on makeout. When Elza drops Mette’s top so she can palm her lover’s small tits, Mette’s response is to hold Elza close and encourage her to continue making magic with her tongue. Elza is happy to oblige, especially when Mette makes it...

2 years ago
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Mazboori Ne Banaya Gigelo

Hi sexy dosto Mere naam Rahul hai. Umar 33 saal. Meri height 6 ft hai. Ye kahaani hai meri gigelo banney ke shuruwat ki. Kaise meri mazboori ne muzhey ess line me le aaya. Dosto sex har kisi ki khawish hoti hai. Eska ameeri gareebi umar rang se koi lena dena nahi. Baat aaj se kai saal pahle ki hai. Mai ek ghar me pg rehta tha. Landalady koi 55 saal ki rich aurat thi. Pati marr gaya tha aur bacchey metros me rehte the. Waha hum 2 log alag alag room me pg rehte the. Hum aksar tv dekhne aur chai...

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Karen My Best Friends sister

Karen My best friend’s sister I had always had a crush on Karen and was always trying to get a look down her shirt or up her short skirt when I was over at Bill’s house. I was 15 years old when I first meet her and from that day on I knew that one day I would see her naked body and hopeful get to use my man hood on her. Karen was 4 years older than me , but always treated me like I was special , She was so bubbly and smiled all the time . She would hug me whenever she saw me and I was always...

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Almost Cumming Over

For those of you who have read two of my previous stories entitled, 'CAUGHT IN THE ACT' and 'ALMOST TOO LATE', you will know the background of the tale I am about to recount to you. It was some fourteen months ago that Paul, Antoinette and Calen {pronounced K-Len} left for Ireland. Apart from the occasional phone call requesting help for his PC, I hardly heard from Paul or his family, until four weeks ago. Out of the blue I got an email from him which rather intriguingly read. "Hi...

3 years ago
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SM Diary Part 2

I had met a very tight-nit group of new friends from my Master, a man I had only just met. (See S&M Diary). I found myself trembling in the Master's bathroom after the events of what had transpired in the basement. I was staring at myself in the mirror cleaning cum up off my neck, nose, ear, and hair. My face felt tight from the dried seamen and as much as I wanted to inspect the mess that my new friends made, I couldn't help notice my hands wouldn't stop shaking. My throat burned and...

2 years ago
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Inflate or inflated

A world so similar to ours but filled to the brim with inflation possibilities. Maybe the person who falls victim to the visitor's whims will be inflated like a balloon and be filled with air, water or whatever fluid the visitor's perverted mind can imagine. Or maybe the inflation will be one of a fruit based variety where the victim gets turned into a juicy ball in a flavor of the visitors choosing whether that's blueberry, cherry or any other kind. Or maybe still the visitor may be looking to...

4 years ago
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"I got something for you," Robert said, as my wife sat down.We were sitting out on our deck drinking coffee. It was late morning and my wife had just joined us. She was barefoot, her hair still mussed and tangled from sleep. She was wearing one of my old flannel shirts, just a couple of the buttons buttoned and buttoned into the wrong buttonholes. She was naked underneath. Robert was wearing shorts. I was wearing a sarong.My wife had come out moving carefully, carrying a mug of coffee she'd...

1 year ago
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The Mrs Hollingsworth Project Part 9

"The 'Mrs. Hollingsworth Project'" (Part 9) "'He' actually called me Mr. Hawthore the other day," Richard said as he sat at his desk in his office while Ms. Lawrence paced the room. "Of course there's Ben Hawthorne from the Los Angeles meeting and there's Morton Craig, Hunt Sewell, Donner Post from others too. Was that designed to confuse me or something? I mean he's coming along so well that I didn't want to say anything. Maybe it's too many meetings or jet lag or something," He...

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BrazzersExxtra Harley Haze Sarah Arabic My GFs Roomie is a Total Thirst Trap

Foreign exchange student & curvy goddess Sarah has moved in with her college acquaintance Harley. Harley invites her boyfriend Apollo over and sneakily tries to fool around with him in front of Sarah. Not only is Sarah savvy to Harley’s hijinks, but she is simultaneously thirst trapping Apollo with her ample assets. Apollo only gets sneaky glances & teases of Sarah’s beauty as they slink around behind Harley’s back, until Sarah decides to give him the full reveal with the hottest in...


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