Lair of the Cryptmother
- 3 years ago
- 32
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I had gone through a fairly rough period of time. My marriage was coming to an end, and I knew there was nothing I could do about it. In the beginning, Robert and I had been deliriously happy, just like any newlywed couple. And even when the 'honeymoon' was over as they say, I had come to expect that our sex-life would no doubt diminish a little because of it. The day-to-day pressures of work, trying to keep up the home, took a natural toll on us both, but never to the degree in which it did, could I have ever imagined.
And then I started seeing the signs. Little by little Robert started working late. Working late at a job he had never had to work late at before. And then the sudden unexpected trips out of town that was now a new requirement (without any sort of promotional increase for this sudden addition to his already heavy workload). And though in the back of my mind I was starting to fear and worry, I did the one thing that perhaps I shouldn't have. I pretended it wasn't happening. I figured as perhaps most do, what I didn't know ... wouldn't hurt me.
I couldn't have been more wrong.
When it happened, it hit me in the face like a ton of bricks, and to make matters worse, my sister was with me at the time when reality hit me squarely between the eyes. Joyce and I had decided to spend the evening together going out to see a movie, and then a late night dinner afterwards. Robert was again out of town for the weekend, so rather than spend another night home alone, Joyce had invited me out, and I had gladly accepted.
We had gone and enjoyed watching a very typical "chick-flick", and then afterwards went for a walk just a short distance down the street to a quaint little Asian restaurant we'd decided to try. It was cozy and dark, very romantic and I thought about suggesting it to Robert after he came home in hopes it might help to spark some interest in our relationship once again.
I didn't hold him entirely to blame for his obvious lack of interest in me either. I had indeed put on a few pounds, not so much that I still didn't get looked at by other men, but I knew what changes there were. And if I did, Robert certainly did, though he never once mentioned anything to me about it, nor did I mention the few extra pounds he'd put on either. Once again, after nearly eight years of marriage, who looks exactly the same they once did anyway?
Joyce and I gave our names to the cute little Asian hostess, and then sat down to wait for our names to be called in order to be seated. As I was in dire need of using the restroom, I then asked where it was, and was pointed towards the back. Joyce remained in the waiting room of course in the event our names were soon called, and I headed towards the bathroom. As I turned the corner, I was in for the shock of my life. Ahead of me sat Robert and a woman who I knew was his personal assistant as they now call them. For a moment I was confused, wondering if I'd somehow gotten things wrong and that Robert hadn't left town, but was doing business in town, and then I remembered him taking his luggage. Before I realized what I was doing, I ducked back behind the wall, worrying and likewise confusing the poor little Asian hostess who had taken our names. I peered out once again just in time to see Robert lean over kissing his assistant, her hand suddenly reaching over to rest itself upon his thigh there beneath the table, and then almost as quickly, move a bit further up, obviously and provocatively fondling his groin. I wanted to faint, to yell, to scream, to cry ... to throw something. But I didn't. As calmly as I could, I turned around and walked back out to the waiting area and told Joyce we were leaving.
My sister knows me well enough, that she knew I was upset and needed to get out of there before telling her why. I made it as far as the side of the building before my legs virtually gave out from beneath me. As I began blubbering, trying to tell her what I had seen, and what was going on, we stood for a moment more as I finally collected myself, now telling her clearly what it was I had seen, which ironically is when the two of them came out.
As we hadn't driven, Joyce and I hurriedly made our way deeper into the parking lot, which is when I spotted my husband's car. Like a couple of thieves, we stood over behind a nearby truck just a few cars away, watching them approach, now walking hand in hand together, laughing, kissing like a couple of high school teenagers. If there had been any uncertainty as to what was really going on, there wasn't any now. Especially as Joyce and I both stood there watching the two of them, reaching the car, opening her door, and then placing his hands upon her breasts for a moment as they kissed once again, before allowing her to slip inside.
I'm not sure, but I think I actually had to hold Joyce back this time, her anger well beyond mine even at this point. And so we did nothing more than watch the two of them drive off together. Needless to say, Joyce took me home after that, and I sat up the entire night, trying to somehow find a way to rationalize what I'd seen, how I felt, and if there was any way at all to somehow reconcile at least in my own mind, what I now knew my husband was doing on the side.
As he sort of promised, he called me the following day, but considerably earlier than he said he would, claiming that he'd now scheduled dinner plans with a couple of the guys he'd met at the convention, and that they'd no doubt stay out late and have a few drinks together. When I asked him what he'd had for dinner the night before, he told me he'd just ordered in a burger with room service, especially as the company was of course paying for it. That's when I called him a liar, told him I'd seen him and his sexy little assistant Becky having dinner together.
Like they say, the silence was deafening. I'll give Robert points on one count. Once he was had, he didn't try and bluff or lie his way out any further. All he asked me then was, what it was I wanted to do, and gave me a few options. The only one he didn't give me was the one where I told him to go fuck himself ... or Becky, and be out of the house within a week.
It was then that I called Joyce, and asked her if I could come and stay with her for a few days until Robert got his personal things out of the house, but not before I filed that very same day for divorce, doing so before Robert could hide any of our mutual assets. At least I was smart enough in that sense to be very well aware of everything we had, and where it was, though I was piss-poor at knowing where my husband's cock had been at the time, even though I'd honestly expected it.
And Joyce of course, along with my brother-in-law Ted were more than happy to let me come and stay over at their place for a few days while Robert and I finalized things, and let him move out, even though he then tried of course to reconcile, asking forgiveness and all that. But ... I was wounded of course, and not in a very forgiving mood at the time either.
The one thing I had always envied my sister of, was her relationship with Ted. Not that they hadn't had their own ups and downs either, they certainly had, especially early on in their own relationship. I had even once asked my sister what her secret was to keeping a happy home environment between them, especially sexually. What surprised me about that was, Joyce and I had always been close, sharing at times the most intimate of details with one another, and to some extent, we still did. But when it came to that particular issue, it was the first time I can honestly recall that she hesitated about talking to me about it. She more or less laughed and joked it off, telling me that perhaps someday she'd share with me her little secret, and that very possibly, I might even come to see the sense and logic of it once she had. Even twisting her arm at the time wouldn't have gotten anything more out of her, so I finally gave up and decided to wait for a more opportune time to discuss it again. Unfortunately, it didn't really happen, and I basically forgot all about it.
When I showed up on her door that first night, and as she showed me into the guest room just down the hall from their own, I was more than pleased when she told Ted she'd be spending the night with me in my room. Something we hadn't done since we were kids together, sharing the same bedroom. In a way, I felt just like that young woman once again, and wished for a moment I could in fact go back in time. We stayed up late, drinking, crying, yelling, and screaming even falling into a fit of hysterics at some point before eventually falling asleep. Little did I know how the very next day would suddenly come to change my entire life, along with my entire way of thinking.
I called into work the following day, and having a very sympathetic boss, she told me to take as much time as I needed while gathering myself together. As I'd hoped, Joyce did the same thing, taking the day off at least in order to spend it with me so that I didn't just sit around all day by myself and get myself all worked up once again.
More than anything I appreciated just sitting there at her breakfast table sharing a cup of coffee together again, just like we'd once done. And in the nature of doing that, I suddenly remembered what I'd once asked her, and what she had at the time hesitated in telling me about. I figured now was as good a time as any to ask her again. So I did.
"Joyce? I once asked you what your secret was, how it is that you and Ted seem to have the perfect marriage. You hesitated about telling me. Now I'd really like to know what it is," I began.
"Are you sure you really want to know Debra?" She asked. "Because it's not so much a secret, as simply a mutual understanding, which is what works for us, keeps us happy and together. But it's also something that may very well shock you in hearing it, and not something that I daresay, would work for everyone either, though it certainly works for us."
The thing was, I knew it had nothing to do with the way she looked or the way she kept herself. Though sisters, we could have almost passed for being twins in a way. Only two years apart, with me being the oldest, we were very similar to one another in size and shape. We each had fairly large breasts, and having seen them enough a time or two to know, we looked very similar in that regard, amongst others. Though back then, I shaved my pussy bare, and Joyce just kept hers closely trimmed. We were roughly the same height, though Joyce was perhaps an inch taller if that, and within a few pounds of one another in weight as well. We both wore our hair shoulder length, dishwater blonde as they called it, and had what most men might say as full sensual lips. The truth was, there was very little difference between us, a different look in the face perhaps to keep us from actually looking like twins. But neither one of us felt ourselves to be more attractive than the other either.
"Yes Joyce, I really do want to know," I said simply and saw her expression change to one of real seriousness as she walked over to the kitchen table carrying our coffees with her as she did. Placing them down, she took a sip, steeling herself for whatever it was she was about to tell me. I hurriedly did the same patiently waiting, and now anxious to find out what was so difficult for her to tell me and why she was still dragging her feet before doing so. "Come on sis, spit it out? What gives?"
Resigned by the look in her face, she smiled. "You know Debra, you and I have always been close, we've pretty much been able to discuss and share most everything over the years, and to be perfectly honest, I hope we'll still be able to do so. But ... what I'm going to ask you to do now, is to simply listen and not pass judgment on what I'm about to tell you, not until at least you've heard me out, and everything I have to say about it. After that, feel free to ask me anything you'd like, and I'll be totally honest with you about it. Fair enough? Deal?"
"Deal," I replied not even bothering to think about it.
"Just remember what I asked you to do for me," she reiterated, and then took a deep breath, continuing. "The secret of our happy and content marriage is this Debra, we long ago, each one of us realized, neither one of us would be content just keeping things between ourselves. Like I said, it's not something that would work for everyone, but it works for us."
I know my eyes had to have been as big around as saucers at this point as I sat there trying to digest what she'd just told me. "You mean to say, you and Ted have sex with others? On the side?" I asked incredulously.
"Yes, and no..." she said confusing the situation even more. "We do enjoy having sex with others, but never a part, it's the one rule we have and never break. Part of the deal between us," she said.
"So you're telling me then, you and Ted get together with other couples simply for the sake of having sex together?"
"Sometimes yes, we have certain very special friends we do, do that with yes. But we also have other friends, a couple of single males, and a couple of single females, so sometimes we just have a threesome here and there, which we both find far more arousing and erotic as opposed to those times when we're actually with another couple, or a time or two ... even couples."
"Holy shit! You've got to be fucking kidding me!" I stammered somewhat in shock. My dear sweet (or so I thought anyway) sister, was having the kind of sex-life adventure that most people only read about in books, or saw in porn movies. And at the moment, I was having trouble trying to even picture her ... let alone Ted, in that kind of a situation.
"I'm sorry if that shocks you," she said almost indignantly, and I could tell by the tone of her voice she was having second thoughts about telling me.
"A little yes, I mean come on sis ... after all this time? I'm just finding out about this now? Why didn't you say something to me about this before?" I asked.
"Because before sweets ... I don't think you were ready to hear it, maybe now ... you are."
She had me there. I did want to hear it, to hear all of it, from the very beginning, what it was like what they did ... how they felt about it afterwards, everything.
"So tell me ... when you and uh Ted have these threesomes with other women ... you don't get jealous or anything like that?"
It had been a long time since I'd seen my sister actually blush, and she certainly was now.
"Well, not really no. You see Debra, I've sort of acquired a taste for being with a woman myself, so its not like Ted's the only one deriving any pleasure from those experiences. I do as well. And I certainly do, when it's he and I and another man. Ted in fact quite enjoys seeing that, and to be perfectly honest with you Debra, he's done a few things for me that I've wanted to see him do, things I've fantasized about. And he's done them, for me ... and as I now know, he has enjoyed doing them too."
"You don't mean..."
"Oh yes ... I do mean," she said winking at me, and then giggling. "And believe it or not Debra, it's pretty fucking hot too. Though so's going down on another woman as I've now come to enjoy doing so very much!"
As I said, when we were young, there was very little we didn't share or discuss with one another. I had taught her what it meant to masturbate, she had told me what it was like to lose ones virginity when she did, a year before I did even being the oldest. And we had once even explored a few things together sexually, out of a simple curiosity more than anything else, though as far as I knew, neither one of us had pursued that with any other women. At least I hadn't anyway, though it now raised a few unanswered questions that I hoped to hear more about.
But the bottom line was, throughout most of our life growing up together, we hadn't kept any secrets, until now.
As strange as this might seem, especially after everything I was currently in the process of going through, I was oddly aroused. Hearing my sister's admission, trying to imagine both her and my brother-in-law engaged in some of the things she had now shared with me, left images that were a bit hard to shake. Ted did have a reasonably nice body, especially for being in his middle forties, easily passing for a man ten years younger than that at least. And through our years ago candid discussions, Joyce had told me back then how big his cock was, how nice it felt inside her, and how really good he was in bed when they had sex. Something I'd remembered and once again been more than a little jealous of, especially after my own sex-life with Robert had suddenly started going downhill.
"So you actually enjoy doing that then ... being with other women I mean?"
Joyce laughed, giggling, blushing again. "Yes, I do ... and of course I still enjoy being with men just as much ... other men," she again winked. "But you see Debra, what makes it work for us, keeps our own arousal fresh for one another, is that we do all this ... WITH one another, not behind one another's backs. And ... we talk about it before hand, before we ever introduce or include anyone else we might meet, or be interested in. If either one of us is the least bit uncertain, we either talk about it further, or we simply call it a "no go", and don't invite the other couple to join us if we're both not totally interested. That way, neither one of us ever feels slighted, uncomfortable, or unwilling to do something we just don't feel like doing with someone if we're not attracted to them for whatever reason. So far, it's worked ... and worked well. Even with all this outside exposure we've been having, our own one on one personal sex-life is far better than it's ever been. Ted and I still have sex at least twice, if not three times a week now, on top of all that."
"Holy fucking shit ... really? You're serious? Damn sis ... if I'd known this was the secret, I might have actually suggested it to Robert a few years ago. Now ... I could kick myself!"
"Oh, so you wouldn't mind sharing Robert with that assistant of his?" She asked. That one I had to think about. Had we all gotten off on the right foot, and had she been willing, she might have been interesting to explore my own curiosities with. Now ... under these circumstances, no.
"Not too surprised at that one," Joyce said laughing back as I thought about what we'd both recently seen.
"Stupid prick," I said ... thinking about it now, though I was likewise calling myself a stupid cunt too for letting things go as far as they had without really doing anything to correct the problem either. And now, here I was ... once again soon to be alone, without anything but my own hand, and one or two favorite toys as my only relief, and my very own sister, basically having the time of her life. Now ... I was jealous, and horny to make matters worse, especially as I still prodded my sister to divulge some of the things the two of them had now done and enjoyed together. We sat for the next two hours, or rather I sat listening to her and my brother-in-laws naughty escapades getting hornier and hornier by the second.
But what did feel good, was feeling a bit of distance from all the recent stress. It felt good to feel alive again, to laugh, and to share the renewed closeness with my sister. Something I'd begun feeling we had lost over the span of time. Perhaps it was a bit of that natural high that we began joking around somewhat, even if I was only joking and not being serious about it, though I gave words to my thoughts nonetheless.
"All this talk has got me sitting here squishy in my seat," I told her. "Now I wish I'd thought to pack one of my favorite toys," I admitted once again jokingly. "Don't suppose you've got one I can borrow do you?"
"Only if I get to watch," she answered back smiling, though again I didn't take her comment seriously, just part of the old way we used to tease one another, especially as we'd only once ever really done anything together, and that was a lifetime ago.
I smiled back at her comment, figuring it only to be that when she suddenly stood holding out her hand towards me. I laughed.
"Come on Debra, come with me."
I followed her upstairs to her bedroom, curious as to why, but figuring she was actually going to dig out one of her naughty toys and give it to me. At the moment, I had every intention of running off to my own room and using it too. When we walked into the room however, Joyce simply dropped the robe she'd been wearing, naked beneath it as I now discovered, and slid into the middle of the bed. I stood there looking at her, the surprise in my eyes at the unspoken suggestion clearly evident.
"Come on Debra, let me show you something, let me give you a little pleasure, a little release."
"But you're my..."
"Sister, yeah ... I know. Now, get undressed and climb into bed."
Nervous as hell, and more than a little unsure about all this, I removed my own robe along with my simple shift that I'd worn to sleep in. Now naked myself, I climbed onto the bed, lying almost as stiff as a board as I did so.
"Relax," Joyce near whispered stroking my hair with her hands. "It's not like we haven't done this before," she reminded me. Though like I said, it was a lifetime ago, and we were just curious kids back then. Though admittedly, I found myself even more curious now, especially after everything she had told me.
"I know but..." I stammered my breath suddenly coming out in a rush, goose bumps now racing up and down my arms, my legs, as my sister's fingers began trailing down the side of my face towards my neck. Finger tracings now finding their way towards my breasts as she circled the curvature of my somewhat flattened tits as I lay there, eyes closed. "Oh god..." I moaned allowing the words to spill from my mouth unavoidably. Her touch was exquisite, the sensation thrilling beyond anything I had felt in so long, I'd almost forgotten it.
"That's it," she urged me, her finger tips now lightly touching my rapidly hardening nipples, making them stand like twin little peaks up off my breasts. She tapped them, flicked them and playfully pinched them, once again sending a new wave of unbridled pleasure coursing through my entire body.
I didn't even realize I had involuntarily spread my legs until I felt her hand and fingers once again traveling down past my naval, lingering there momentarily in order to probe it, fucking it briefly. As she did that, she leaned over capturing the closest nipple within her mouth gently sucking and kissing it. I realized I'd been holding my breath and slowly let it out, feeling the tingle as Joyce suckled my hard aroused tit, gathering it deeply into her mouth. But it was when her finger touched my clit, that I couldn't help but expel it, my surprised gasp forcing the air out of my lungs as the tip of her finger suddenly began encircling my almost too tender clitoris.
As my ass came up off the bed, my sister's fingers slid deeply inside me, and as she did that, she moved down between my legs, moments later her mouth now doing to my clit what it had only moments ago been doing to my nipple.
"Oh fuck! Joyce!" I screamed, and then came so quickly I was almost unaware of it. It wasn't a hard climax, just a soft tickling sensation, yet I felt every fiber of my being contract, pulsate and expand as she continued to lick and tickle my aroused clit. The sensation of my climax ebbing briefly like an outgoing wave, and then rolling in again almost as quickly. But this time, the sensation, the force, the rapture I now felt was intensified ten-fold.
"That's it baby, let it go ... feel it, come again for me baby," she cooed urging me to release, her fingers now fucking me deeply, penetrating my very core, her tongue once again lapping crazily at my clit as I reached up seizing my own breasts, capturing my nipples between my fingers and pinching them almost as hard as I possibly could.
"Oh my god sis! Sis!" I cried out, thrashing about wildly as wave after wave of pure pleasure coursed through my entire body, my legs jerking about uncontrollably. I half sat up, looking down, seeing my sister's face still buried between my legs, letting go of my breasts, forcing her head away. "Ok, ok ... enough!" I began giggling, the sensitivity of my little clit now too much to bear as my sister reluctantly sat up, grinning at me. The glistening moisture of my spending like a sheen on her face as she licked her lips.
"Damn girl, you came hard that second time," she mused laughing along with me now. I felt like a rag doll, collapsing back into the bed, still shivering with pleasure, my toes clicking against one another as the aftershocks continued.
"You're telling me!" I managed, now sitting up again, an evil expression on my face as I looked at her. "Now it's my turn!"
Early on in my marriage, back when the sex with Robert was reasonably good, we had occasionally shared pillow talk with one another as a means of further exciting and stimulating ourselves. It was during one such encounter that I had actually shared with him a few of my teenage experiences, one in particular with Joyce. It had aroused him to no end, hearing how the two of us had curiously lapped at one another's cunts, though doing so only briefly upon each. Neither of us achieving orgasm while doing it, though we did lay afterwards side-by-side, fingering ourselves, watching one another until we did. Even that had caused Robert to blow his load as he sat beside me jerking himself off while I used my own fingers to do so myself.
Now, here I was again, after all these years about to taste my sister's pussy again, and only the second time I had actually done anything with another woman, though I had admittedly thought about it several times, always curious, always wondering.
"Tell me if I'm not doing this right," I asked her.
"It's hard to do it wrong," she giggled excitedly as she made herself comfortable. "But don't worry, I will. If I like something you're doing ... you'll know, and then just keep doing that unless I tell you to do otherwise," she explained. "Oh, but play with my tits at first too, that always helps," she informed me.
Now lying between my sister's legs, I found myself looking at her in an entirely new way, a perspective of myself perhaps that up until now I hadn't really considered or thought about. Similar enough in many other ways, this just happened to be an area I wasn't at all too familiar with, at least not as up close and personal as I was at the moment.
"What are you doing?" She asked now lifting herself up, balancing herself on her elbows as she looked down at me. I basically hadn't done anything yet, except lay there looking at her.
"I'm looking," I responded casually, smiling, feeling my own blush spread across my cheeks at the admission of that. "Believe it or not Joyce, this is the first time I've actually seen a pussy this close, even mine!" I told her admitting it.
"Haven't you ever looked at yourself in a mirror?" She asked.
That made me laugh out loud too. "No, I haven't! Have you?"
"Hell yes! I've actually used a mirror to watch myself masturbating," she said sharing with me. "I've found it interesting to see the way my pussy pulsates when I come, not to mention the white frothy juice I very often leak out when I am," she added hotly, sending an unexpected jolt down to my own cunt upon hearing her say that. "Add that one to our things to do list," she then quipped winking at me. As neither one of us was in any real hurry here, she lay back closing her eyes, content to allow me whatever time I wanted or needed to simply familiarize myself with my sister's cunt. Something I now very much wanted to do.
Almost immediately I noticed her labia where perhaps a bit thicker and longer than mine were, at least by feel anyway. And as I gingerly placed my fingertips upon them, gathering them up in between, I carefully pulled on each, stretching them out. Joyce moaned pleasurably as I did so.
"Take your time sis, do anything you'd like to, to me ... for as long as you like, we're not going anywhere."
I was delighted to hear her say that, because I honestly was fascinated, and decided to then take my time, exploring her in ways I'd never really explored myself. Once again I pulled on her neither lips, stretching them out like wings, even flapping them a little, marveling at their elasticity. I had likewise played with my own too of course, but never really watched it before, only felt it. Now seeing it this close as I did so, I could somewhat envision the way my own must have looked while pulling on them, teasing them with my fingers the same way I was now doing to Joyce.
"That feels nice," she giggled.
"Looks nice too," I told her hotly, becoming more and more aroused by the second, but not wanting to rush this exploratory pleasure in any way. Nor did Joyce seem in too big a hurry for me to move on and do something else either, encouraging me to take my time, which I did.
I now peered down into the darkness of my sister's cunt, saw what appeared to be a gathering moisture as I did, tentatively probing at her now with my finger, drawing out a bit of seepage. I then held it to my nose, once again marveling at her musky fragrance, sticking my finger into my mouth, sucking it, tasting her as I did.
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Eagle's Cry *** This is my first attempt at a western genre TG story. I wrote it to stretch my comfort zone and hopefully improve my overall writing. This story contains no graphic sex, but does contain a rape scene and thus I rated the story X. This is my twenty-fifth story submission to fictionmania. I love writing but what keeps me writing are your reviews and comments. Please consider reviewing this story. I hope you enjoy it. *** The sun scorched the high desert heating...
Song Cry By Starson Daly "Everything's going to be taken care of, trust me." Everything is going to be fine, he says. I wish I could truly believe him. Throughout this entire ordeal, Thomas had been so comforting and understanding. Even though it was so close to ending, I felt that it was only another step towards the impossible. I looked over to him nervously and tired to manage a weak smile. I honestly wanted him to think that I believed in him, and I suppose in some ways...
'Ello, Alex=), again. This time I'm going to do an incest since I was told so many times not to in my last story. Aren't I just the worst =] Another difference is that I'm going to put this in a boy's point of view. By how well I do this, I'd like to bring the question up again. Am I a boy or a girl? =) No offense to mothers, it's just a story =} -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- My...
Introduction: Sequal to The Neighborly Thing To Do!, Now its Jennas Turn To Cry. The Neighborly Thing To Do! The Sequal Jennas Turn To Cry Story: #44 Copyright 2009 Written: March 22 2009 A story By: KaosAngel Proofed by: KaosAngel Please send any comments about this story to ([email protected]) ******************************************** At 6pm Jessica could be smelled all over the neighborhood by this time she was dead and almost ready to be served, Ok we need to get the pig moved over to...
This tale is an ADULT experience. It contains strong sexual content that is not at all suitable for minors.-------------------CRYSTAL.-------------------WrittenbyMiss Irene Clearmont.This story can be read separately, or be regarded as a continuation of ?Phoenix Rising?. Be aware that there are spoilers here for ?Phoenix Rising? and that you may wish, therefore, to read that story before you tuck into this one?As you wish, it?s your experience not mine?Copyright ? 2012 (Feb) Miss Irene...
I felt her lips reach the base of my cock and I gave the back of her head a soft caress followed by a little push. Her lips gently flared out on the base of my hairless shaft and she moaned with my cockhead buried in her throat. I looked down and watched her green eyes as they stayed locked into mine. Crystal had enhanced her eyes the way she usually did when we went out somewhere. She fringed her lashes with lots of that CoverGirl ThickLash mascara that gave her lashes a longer, plush look....
I felt her lips reach the base of my cock and I gave the back of her head a soft caress followed by a little push. Her lips gently flared out on the base of my hairless shaft and she moaned with my cockhead buried in her throat. I looked down and watched her green eyes as they stayed locked into mine. Crystal had enhanced her eyes the way she usually did when we went out somewhere. She fringed her lashes with lots of that CoverGirl ThickLash mascara that gave her lashes a longer, plush look....
*** This tale is an ADULT experience. It contains strong sexual content that is not at all suitable for minors. *** This story can be read separately, or be regarded as a continuation of ‘Phoenix Rising’. Be aware that there are spoilers here for ‘Phoenix Rising’ and that you may wish, therefore, to read that story before you tuck into this one… As you wish, it’s your experience not mine… *** CHAPTERS. CRYSTAL A job with prospects. CRACKED CRYSTAL A service with no prospects. LEAD CRYSTAL The...
FetishBroken Crystalby AbeCrystal left her job at King Softy about nine. It was a pretty good job, serving soft ice cream, hamburgers, and shakes. In the winter, the owner closed the place and went to Florida. It was late summer, still light , still warm. Crystal was a brown-eyed, dark roots blonde, pretty sexy looking, she thought. She wore her thrift store shoes, short white shorts, and her King Softy tee-shirt, which nicely showed off her boobs. Her fancy Frederick's bra was, she thought, a...
Since we were both still mostly clean, Crystal pulled me into the bathroom to hunt for deodorant. I was reminded that I was not supposed to talk to girls about sweating and that included under the arms. She was very stern about it. Once she found what she wanted, she told me that it was ok to talk to her about questions on etiquette around girl's hygiene, periods, and stuff. There is a whole lot that girls can talk over in front of boys, but boys can't ask girls about. "Just so you know...
The Sequal Jenna's Turn To Cry Story: #44 Copyright ©2009 Written: March 22 2009 A story By: KaosAngel Proofed by: KaosAngel Please send any comments about this story to ([email protected]) ******************************************** At 6pm Jessica could be smelled all over the neighborhood by this time she was dead and almost ready to be served, "Ok we need to get the pig moved over to the prep frame now" Susan said as she picked up a large...
shelf and retrieved the video I was interested in. Her skirt barely hid her pronounced buttocks, and the slight smell of sexual excitement was in the air. seemingly, we were the only ones in the store at that time. "This video is hot, hot, hot," she said as she turned and bumped into me suddenly. Slightly flushed, I could tell her temperature was rising as we headed toward the checkout stand. I could hear the heavy "Swish" of her wetness as she walked toward the counter. "My husband and I...
The Dark Crystal (revised and updated) by Olivia Evans "Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." Arthur C. Clarke The Dark Crystal? is a key major component of the standard survival kit of a starship. Intended to be used by shipwrecked survivors to make modifications to their bodies in order to survive in otherwise hostile and deadly. Depending on the environment some changes are merely cosmetic and minor, others involve complete restructuring down...
CRYSTAL HAD BEEN frantic trying to find Sierra, as the infuriating girl would not pick up or switch on her cell. It was clear from what clothes she’d packed, and the way she left the drawers and wardrobes open and hangers scattered on the floor of her bedroom, that she was gone and not just overnight. Ordinarily, a mother would assume she was staying with friends, but knowing how Sierra reacted yesterday to her Mom’s confession about the lies she told about her father that, wherever Walker...
The sextet had a busy time ahead. They spent most of the first week just sorting out who was to do what to get the girls set up. Aaden was a huge help as he outlined what was required and how Lord Storm ran his presses and printing shops. One of the first things they decided to do was fix the road between the two cities, as it needed some serious work. Keven’s City, Rockville, was also on the coastline. The road from Greco her city was severely rutted and had to cross several low-lying...
Creating Crystal I Jennifer and I met when we were both in college. She was in the pre-med program specializing in Psychology and I was studying finance. We just seemed to be made for each other. We had the same likes and dislikes in everything from friends and food to ideology and lifestyles. We both enjoyed the outdoors and were kind of fitness nuts. We were married shortly after I graduated and had landed a job in investment banking. Jennifer still had three more years of school...
Dead Girls Don't Cry All Souls Day 2008 Story Contest By Maggie Finson All Souls Day kind of sneaked up on Walt Hynes. With a soft, but insistent knocking at his front door at three AM. Turning over in his bed, unhappily without a partner, Walt groaned, stared at the bedside alarm clock and winced as the knocking at the front door got not only louder, but even more demanding. "All...
SRU: Big Girls Don't Cry By Heather St. Claire It was a beautiful late spring day when the SRU store appeared at the Twin Pines Mall. The Wizard felt a sense of delightful anticipation as he awaited his first customer of the day. All the years, he thought, all the years I've been at this, and there's always something new. The Wizard's back was turned at the moment George walked through the door. All he heard was the tinkling of the little bell, but he offered a cheery, "Hello,...
"The Dark Crystal" by Olivia Evans Chapter one: "Oh, God that feels so good..." the beautiful young woman moaned as she felt the surprisingly hot, thick shaft slowly enter her. She opened her eyes in the dimly lit room to look at her partner, trying to imagine the face of the current video star on the blank, mask like face of the android which had just so exquisitely penetrated her. The Surrogate Sex Partner...
Gertrude Müller never gave much credence to rumors that floated around. The teens in Darmfurt were so encumbered by a lack of hardship and trouble, that their exaggerations far exceeded the bounds of believability. Like they said on the news, there’d been some kind of incendiary device at the school which blew up a few cars. That was plenty enough to be concerned about, she didn’t see any reason why they’d go on to say there were some super soldiers fighting a monster. More than that, what...
The Blue Crystal ___________________ This is my first story, so please be gentle. This is the story of a blue crystal that grants 2 wishes that can be undone if you do not like the results. Sounds perfect, right? Not so fast... ___________________ I loved my former girlfriend. Well, I guess I still do, but she just isn't my girlfriend anymore. Now, we're just really good friends, and I guess I am okay with that, all things considered. On a scale of 1-10 Missy would have been...
SAD LAD & DAD After school the next day, Jeff goes straight to Sean’s house. “I thought you would be showing up soon.” “I see. You’re in your bikini already.” As they frolic in the pool Sean tells Jeff that Roxanne had called. “Oh, is she coming over to swim topless with us.” “Ha. Ha.” “Well, we’re topless too.” “Ha. Ha. Ha.” “So did she bare all at Black’s Beach?” “No. Jeff, when you saw her turn around, she went back to put her top back on.” “Why are you so...
Can dreams come true? (The dream crystal) A man has dreams of being female, which become more and more realistic, with the help of the dream crystal. (If this seems a bit rough, it is because some of dreams are based on actual dreams I have had; p.s. it is only "autobiographical" in that sense.) --------------- I can't remember the exact details, but I am running in a forest and playing. Gradually I become aware that I am wearing a dress. A blue and white, frilly dress, with...
CRACKING CRYSTAL! Chapter 1 – Arrogance Rewarded. By Anne Gray She was an arrogant, supercilious, stuck up, snarky bitch and it was timeto take her down a peg or two; it would be my pleasure to do it. Only in her mid twenties, and a dream to look at, she had an attitude thatnot even a mother could love. She stared down her nose at people like theywere something she had found on the sole of one of the high-heeled strappysandals she favoured. Her answer to everything was the platinum no limit...
Oddly, it was Woody who took charge now. He was thinking about dancing, which was his strong suit. And, now that she was willing to talk, he felt better about being more aggressive. He took her to the sweeping driveway, where two cabs were parked under the awning at the front entrance of the conference center. Both drivers were napping, their windows down in the evening heat. Woody woke the younger one up. "Any place in town that has more than one dancing style?" he asked. "Yeah," said...
The next morning, in his office, Jack was still nervous about the coming confrontation with Lansing. Besides that, he was worried because last night he didn’t dream about that ancient city. First, I worry about the dreams, now I’m worried because I didn’t dream, he thought. “Construct, how could I have one of those dreams before I found the crystal?” “Lord, as I told you, I know nothing of your dreams except what you have told me. Perhaps when the earthquake exposed the crystal, its power...
So what are some things that could happen in sex? Come on, think back, everyone has their awkward moments ... Are you one of those people who gets crazy drunk off of Jell-O shots, to the point of exposing yourself to the general public at a dance club ... while on the dance floor, making a complete fool of yourself to anyone who may happen to look up and see you? (I am!) Or how about also getting so drunk that you are dancing on (that same dance floor, different night) the dance floor with...
Tonight I wanna cry. Those words echoed in his head, coming from the radio that was being played too loudly down the hall. The neighbor girl and her damn country music. But tonight, that song, those words, were a fitting tribute to the pain that tore apart his heart and ripped into his soul. Along in this house again tonight. He stared into the tumbler of Jack Daniels he held in his hand, not seeing the amber liquid. All he could see were the tears that threatened in the misty gray eyes, the...
-- Crystal -- I awoke depressed. Another day to get through. I rolled out of Kegan’s arms and moved over so I could flop back onto my back. I thought about Vaughn and Harmony. It has been nearly three months since my portal book said he had connected to a portal on another planet. He has tried to send me there, but for some reason, the portal on the other side refuses to let him send me. ‘I didn’t meet protocols’, were the replies that Vaughn got. He even connected to the portal on...
Chapter 03 - Throw Eevee off My boxers nearly slipped, and the Eevee clamped her jaws down on my breastbone, making me wince and drop the crystal to better grab her by the back of her head. Some rock isn’t going to help me here. To stop her, I had to use force. “That’s enough!” I forcibly barked, grabbing her with both hands and hissing through my teeth as I forced her off of me, her claws and teeth leaving red marks on my chest as she landed a few feet away from me. I quickly stood, trying...
"Ding."The alarm was never very loud, nor did it last very long. It didn't even have a particular sound. But it was effective. Karen never slept through it. In fact, she never heard of anyone sleeping through it.She sat up and opened her eyes. Her field of view landed on the window of her bedroom, but the status updates were what captured her first attention. The right-hand side of her peripheral vision listed the day's events. It was Tuesday, February 11th, 2042, 7:01 AM. She had a full day of...
Fantasy & Sci-FiSerenaded by the gentle sounds of the woodlands, Amanda sleepily made her way to the kitchen of their luxurious cabin. Pausing, she gazed through the skylight. The stars seemed so much brighter than she was used to. It had taken a week for her to finally start to relax. Breathing seemed easier there. The air was clean and clear and not laden with the tension under which they had been living. There was a gradual lessening of that ever-present dread niggling at the back of her mind, wondering if...
"How are your joints feeling?" asked Woody, as he and Crystal walked out the doors of the conference center. "Fine," she said, looking around. "Oh," he said. "Good. I just thought you might need to stretch... or something." Crystal turned to him, her gaze level. "Just because I acted like a fool last night doesn't mean I'm a fool." "You didn't act like a fool last night," he objected. "You acted like a woman, who needed something. I thought I gave it to you." "Don't...
This is a work of pure fiction. Fantasy is an incrediblething, reality is not. OUR FUN WITH LITTLE CRYSTAL My wife and I picked up this young girl near a school last summer. She wasplaying on the swings without a care in the world, so full of innocence andnaivety. I never knew her age, only that her name was Crystal Murray. She wasjust beginning to develop soft titties that would become huge one day and hershape showed she was about to grow into a very sexy piece of ass. She had longstraight...
“Well, it was going to happen sooner or later,” said Jack. “Yes, Lord. The only way you could have possibly prevented this was by taking control of each and every person that Solana and Lansing controlled. Their chief concubine was important, but unless you controlled them all, they would begin slipping from your control and begin acting independently. That is probably what they were able to detect.” Jack sighed. He had taken both Maria Solana and Caroline Hudson to delay the Order’s...
My name is Andy, and I have totally fucked up. I’d never been in trouble in my life before. Then a lad I knew asked if he could stick some gear in my garage because his girlfriend had kicked him out and he needed somewhere to stash it until he was sorted. Like a mug, I said ‘yes’. I’m a mug because I know what he’s like, and I’ve always avoided him in the past, so I didn’t get involved. This time, for some stupid reason, I believed him.Next thing I knew, the cops were round with a warrant and I...
i just came home from my prom i was wearing a blue prom dress, i walked into the house after saying night to my boyfriend, i walked in trough the door when somebody put their hand over my mouth and was taken the the main room, where i see my dad beaten up,their is a man holding a baseball bat, he is demanding money. my father tells them where the money is, thier is none, he turns to me and says, either you tell me where the money is or i will kill your daughter, he walks over to me, and says...
i just came home from my prom i was wearing a blue prom dress, i walked into the house after saying night to my boyfriend, i walked in trough the door when somebody put their hand over my mouth and was taken the the main room, where i see my dad beaten up,their is a man holding a baseball bat, he is demanding money. my father tells them where the money is, thier is none, he turns to me and says, either you tell me where the money is or i will kill your daughter, he walks over to me, and says...
very sexy i just came home from my prom i was wearing a blue prom dress, i walked into the house after saying night to my boyfriend, i walked in trough the door when somebody put their hand over my mouth and was taken the the main room, where i see my dad beaten up, their is a man holding a baseball bat, he is demanding money. my father tells them where the money is, thier is none, he turns to me and says, either you tell me where the money is or i will kill your daughter, he walks over to me,...
IncestINTRODUCTION In a near-filled church, Conrad and Lydia Fitzgerald held hands while watching their youngest daughter Bella at the altar in the process of being married to Fergus McDuff. The youngsters had met unromantically, being arrested for drunkenness. When they appeared in Court next morning they were let off by the Judge who probably remembered his own youth. Being first-offenders counted in their favor. Bella and Fergus had reunited outside the Court and grinning sheepishly they swapped...
The sun was just starting to rise in the sky stretching its fingers across the earth to pull itself over the horizon. A few scattered stars remained in the sky, reluctant memories of the beautiful night that had just ended. It was going to be a hot day, even with the sun just beginning to climb into the heavens it was already over seventy degrees outside and quickly climbing. ?Rat.? Damian mumbled as he walked around his barn checking the traps. The first had a rat glued in...
This is a true story -- my story. My analyst suggested I write it. She said it would help me "release", whatever the hell that means. This is not an erotic story, nor a drama story, nor humor. It is simply the truth as seen through one man's eyes about a life -- a life of mistakes, a life of successes, just a regular life. My life told in a thousand words. Young men may find words of wisdom or not, old men may laugh or weep as a personal distant memory is brought to mind. Women may see life...
Her name was Crystal Hoffman. The two of you were inseparable throughout Middle and three years of High School. You were her confidant, her favorite companion, and above all the one she talked to when no one else would do. So close to one another that you were the first one she showed her budding breasts too, the first person she revealed her period to, the first ever to see her naked. She was the first to touch you in a way only your girlfriends would, the first to see you naked, and of course...
FetishMarch 29, 1992, Chicago, Illinois “You could have knocked me over with a feather,” I said to my wives as we sat in the sauna just before lunchtime on Sunday. They had finally come downstairs about 11:15am and asked me to join them in the sauna. I had been sitting in my study typing furiously into my journal trying to sort out everything Abbie had told me. “If you think about it, it really does make sense,” Kara said. “You taught her how to love and how to be loved.” “I know, but it still...
This story has no graphic sex scenes in it. Sorry, suggest you look to other authors for that type of writing. Constructive critiques and comments are welcome and appreciated. Thanks for reading my story and Enjoy. My story is inspired by the Toby Keith song ‘I’m so happy, I can’t stop crying’.She says, are you o.k.? I was worried about youCan you forgive me? I hope that you’ll be happy. I’m so happy that I can’t stop cryingI’m so happy I’m laughing through my tears * They came face to face...
They came face to face at the park during their son's soccer game. He had hoped to sneak in, watch his son for a little while and leave unnoticed. It was not to be, she saw him the minute he left his truck. Bonnie was surprised that J.W. was there. She approached him and told J.W. she was worried about him. If it wasn't so sad, so hurtful, so heartbreaking, it would be funny. She's worried about me? She's the one that snuck out of the house while he was at work, taking the children with...
My wife of forty-five years was lying there on the bed. I was resting in the reclining chair right next to her. She had taken a turn for the worse, with only days to live. I wasn't going to let her die alone. I promised her from the day we were married that I'd be by her side, till death us do part. The extended care unit of the hospital told me I should go home and get some sleep, but I let them know I wasn't going anywhere; I was staying with Mary. Mary is and has always been the love...
You're taking my cock in your mouth wanting to make it hard again. You're so good at it. But as you didn't hold it and peed in my face. I think i can do it too. I need to let some of this dirty burning pee out of me. And your hand deep in my ass (feeling "things" on your fingers) is not helping to hold it. My tongue tasting your dirty pussy, a mix between a squirt and some urine and i want to taste more of you. I want to lick your ass. As my hands are opening it, i put my mouth on your little...
The arrow leaped off the bowstring and buried itself in the orc’s wide open maw, causing him to stumble backwards and drop his weapon. I reached down, towards the quiver at my hip, intent on plucking the next arrow. There were none left. Cursing, I dropped my composite shortbow and drew my blade. Just in time. The fallen orc’s comrades were upon me, three sweaty, stinking greenskins. In stark contrast to most tavern tales, they were no raging lunatics or inept simpletons. No, they moved in tune...