Charli's Rosebud free porn video

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It took a minute before Ryan realized the girl who caught his eye walking through the doors from baggage claim into the arrival area was his fifteen-year-old daughter, Charli. The beautifully built, raven-haired Asian girl was wearing a little fedora cocked at an angle, pulling a rolling suitcase and striding confidently through the doors in a black pencil skirt that looked too short to be practical for traveling in. She was also wearing a matching black jacket that almost made the outfit look businesslike, except for being so revealing, especially with the charcoal grey tank top underneath that showed off a very tantalizing valley of cream-smooth cleavage.

Charli just laughed at the stunned expression on her father’s face and hurried the rest of the way to where his feet felt like they were nailed in place. Ryan knew he was busted. He just hoped his striking daughter would let it pass for a normal father’s surprise at seeing the way his little girl had changed since they’d seen each other. She’d always borne a much bigger resemblance to her Southeast Asian mother than Ryan, but she was more beautiful than her mother had ever been on her best day.

“I missed you sooooo much!” she cried, immediately throwing her arms around him.

Ryan was so happy to see his beautiful girl for the first time in two years that he forgot to feel embarrassed by his initial reaction. He just threw his solid arms around her and hugged her back as tightly as she was hugging him.

“I’ve missed you, too, Charli-girl.”

But then, Ryan couldn’t help feeling overly conscious of the fact that Charli wasn’t wearing a bra under her outfit, and her full, pliant tits were squashing against his firm body as they hugged. But he’d missed her like he’d never missed anyone in his life and the two just stood there hugging for a long time while scores of people bustled around them.

With their arms around each other, Ryan pulled his head back so he could look his daughter in the eye. It didn’t seem possible she could be even more beautiful, but there she was, smiling right back at him.

“I can hardly believe you’re really here. I almost didn’t even recognize you when you first came through the door,” he said.

“I could tell,” she replied with a giggle and a knowing look in her eye.

“You look incredible,” he said, too flustered to think of anything else.

Charli smiled, obviously pleased. “If you think so then I don’t care what anybody else thinks.”

The girl threw herself into another close hug, pressing her face against her father’s broad chest. Ryan was half relieved. His daughter had taken the compliment just the way he meant it, which was the last thing he wanted. At least the hug gave him a minute to compose his addled brain after being caught checking out his own daughter. He hadn’t meant to, but he couldn’t help that she had everything that appealed to him. She was just his type. When he realized it was her it was too late to take it back.

It wasn’t that Charli had changed that much in the two years since Ryan had seen her. It was true her tits and ass were fuller and rounder, and her legs a little shapelier, but the biggest changes were more in her fashion sense and the bright, confident way she carried herself. He’d never seen her in anything as boldly revealing as the outfit she was wearing now. He took a deep breath and told her how much he missed her five or six more times before they broke the hug.

“Let’s get you home so you can rest up from the trip,” he finally told her.

He offered to take her suitcase, but she brushed him off, saying it was no trouble, and she kept rolling it alongside her as he led her out of the building toward the parking lot across from the arrival gate.

“You didn’t bring much with you,” he pointed out.

“Oh, I shipped a couple of boxes, and then, um, I kinda figured you’d take me shopping for other stuff. Like the old days.”

Ryan grinned happily. Taking his daughter to the mall and spoiling her rotten as she damaged his credit cards couldn’t have sounded better. Her mother had always chided him for doing that, but Ryan’s ex had always chided him over the time and attention he always lavished on their only child. Charli had always been a classic daddy’s girl, and the two had been as close as any father and daughter could ever be.

When they got to Ryan’s SUV, he opened the hatch. Again, Charli refused his help, deftly picking up her suitcase and pushing it into the back of his vehicle. The way she handled the sizeable luggage proved she was even stronger than she looked. He’d taken out the far rear seat, expecting to need room for more luggage, and as Charli bent over to shove the suitcase all the way forward, the hem of her tight miniskirt easily lifted over her firm, shapely ass.

He didn’t mean to, but Ryan could see his daughter wasn’t wearing panties. And when she arched her body forward, not only could he see her bare, hairless pussy, but her tight, perky looking rimhole also appeared between her firmly formed ass cheeks as they parted just enough to let it show. His breath caught in his throat. He quickly moved directly behind her, his first thought being that he should block anyone else’s view.

This was a whole other league from the way he’d looked at her coming through the arrival gate doors. Suddenly his whole body flushed with heat. He might have been able to recover from a sudden flash of her pussy, even though it was the freshest, prettiest looking slit he’d ever seen, but the sight of her asshole made his blood boil.

The whole incident lasted no more than ten or fifteen seconds, yet there was something life changing about it. When Charli straightened back up, she almost seemed surprised to see her father still standing behind her yet Ryan could tell she knew exactly how much he’d seen. She just smiled and asked if he was going to take her home now as she pulled her skirt back over her hips and walked around to the passenger’s side.

Ryan shut the hatch and went to get in the vehicle. As he drove out of the parking lot, he couldn’t help wondering how many other people had seen his daughter’s ass or pussy while she’d been traveling. Could she really have made the entire trip in a skirt that short and tight without panties underneath?

On the ride to Ryan’s place in the hills above the local beaches, he and Charli talked as if they hadn’t already been talking every day since the divorce. Yet it seemed there was always more to catch up on. Charli had traveled to the coast to live with her father the second she graduated, planning to apply to colleges near where he lived. It had been a constant topic for them ever since he split up with the girl’s mother and moved. But Ryan couldn’t clear the image of his beautiful daughter’s fresh-looking asshole from his mind. Even worse, the memory of her taut rosebud only brought back the image of her silken pussy along with it.

The girl’s short skirt rode teasingly high on her shapely thighs as she sat in her seat. They were very slightly parted and Ryan was now painfully aware that she wasn’t wearing panties. This wasn’t the way he’d envisioned his reunion with his daughter and best friend in life. He promised himself to take a cold shower at the first opportunity, and then get his head clear and set on rebuilding their close relationship.

But that proved more difficult than he hoped. Heading south from the airport, Ryan worked his way onto the route that followed the coast, wanting his daughter to see the many sights it had to offer. Yet there were long stretches peppered with frequent stop lights where Charli would look out her window and let her thighs drift further apart. As much as there was to see, she was the one sight her father couldn’t get over. Given the warmer weather than she was used to, she eventually squirmed out of the blazer she’d been wearing on her flight and tossed it behind her onto the back seat. Then she took off her hat, too, and tossed it back with her jacket.

She fluffed her silky hair and flashed a bright, sweet smile at her father, who now couldn’t ignore the ripe swell of her tits in her tank top. They weren’t overly large, but so shapely and perky that Ryan had a hard time keeping his eyes on the girl’s pretty face. The thing that worried him as much as the way he was looking at her was the way she just kept smiling back at him like she either didn’t notice or didn’t mind. And he knew she had to notice.

When he started to tell her about the room he’d had set up for her for almost a year already, it was as much an attempt to distract himself as her. The girl smiled brightly and put her hand on her father’s leg.

“I’m really glad I’m finally here, Dad,” she told him. “I can’t wait to see my room. Everything just feels so perfect now. No one’s ever been so good to me. Or so ... loving.”

Ryan smiled and put his hand over Charli’s on his leg and gave it a light squeeze. In turn she squeezed on his thigh muscle. She kept her hand where it was all the way to the next traffic light, where he took the opportunity to look at and admire his beautiful girl. She smiled back at him, and with her jacket off it seemed like her out-thrust tits were the most perfect pair he’d ever seen. He somehow managed to keep eye contact with her, though, despite the fact that his cock was swarming heat and threatening to grow. Her hand was mere inches away from his crotch, only making matters worse.

When the light turned green again he took his hand back for driving, but Charli left hers on his leg. She wasn’t wearing a bra under her top and her tits wobbled heavily with the motion of the vehicle. And it wasn’t long before Ryan’s cock began to respond. He ground his teeth in desperation and hoped it wouldn’t grow long enough to bump his daughter’s hand. Yet there was a part of him that kept hoping it would. What’s more, he had a strong suspicion the girl wouldn’t mind.

There were plenty of shops and places to eat along the way, and Ryan asked her if she wanted to stop anywhere before they got to the house. Charli said she was excited to have him show her everything, but it had been a long flight.

“If you don’t mind, I’d really like to see my new room and maybe relax on that gorgeous beach you keep sending me pictures of,” she told him.

“Anything my baby girl wants,” he replied with a loving smile.

“Oh, so I’m your baby girl now?” she giggled.

“You always have been and don’t you forget it,” he quipped.

“Hmm, and what happens if I do, Daddy Dearest?”

“You’re never too old to get spanked, young lady.”

“Promise, Daddy?”

The smile on her face when she said it looked so sweet and wicked that Ryan’s cock twitched in his pants, still mere inches away from the girl’s hand. He made an attempt to just laugh it off like it was nothing but a joke, but in his mind he couldn’t help seeing his daughter’s naked, luscious ass just like it was when she bent into the rear of the vehicle, offering those tightly rounded cheeks up for Daddy’s open hand.

When they reached the house, Ryan pulled into the driveway without pulling the car into the garage. This time he insisted on getting Charli’s suitcase, and she didn’t argue. She was standing close to him while he pulled it out of the back.

“Thank you, Daddy,” she told him almost shyly.

It almost seemed that now that they were home she was turning more into the Daddy’s kitten she’d always been.

“Welcome home, baby girl,” he told her, putting his arms around her and hugging her even tighter than they hugged at the airport.

He showed her around the ground floor first, which was open and spacious. They went out onto the wide deck on the back of the house overlooking the beach below and Charli gasped in surprise the moment she saw the view.

“Oh my god it’s amazing,” she cried, once again throwing her arms around her father in excitement.

They held the hug for too long and Ryan very nearly kissed her supple mouth. But he broke up the hug before making such a crazy mistake and took her upstairs.

At the top of the stairs there was a large bathroom on the left. On the right was Ryan’s bedroom. It was also large and well appointed, but he’d only just moved into that room from the master bedroom a week ago. The master bedroom was even larger and had windows overlooking the beach. He’d enjoyed it for the time he used it, but he wanted to give his daughter something really special.

Ryan showed her the other room at the back first. It had been meant as a bedroom, but he’d converted it to an office. Then he opened the door to Charli’s room, and the girl gasped excitedly when she saw the large, bright room with such an amazing view. There was even a desk with a brand-new computer, a couch and easy chair, a huge bed and even its own bathroom. Charli was stunned.

Ryan watched his beautiful young daughter stare in awe for a moment, then rush in and jump backward onto her big bed, causing her legs to rise up before flopping back down. The movement caused her tight skirt to bunch around her hips and Ryan saw the flash of her bare pussy when her legs went up. But when they came back down her skirt was still bunched high enough to expose her smooth mound, and she did nothing to rearrange her clothes. She just let her bald pussy show openly as she gazed at her father with an excited looked.

“Oh, Dad, it’s amazing!” she cried. “But why don’t you have this room? It’s obviously the master. So it’s supposed to be for the master of the house.”

Ryan just smiled, forcing himself to keep from staring at the most perfectly formed pussy he’d ever seen. He admitted that he’d been using it until a week ago, and that he just wanted his favorite daughter to have something special. Besides, he was doing a lot of his work from home these days, and his office windows allowed him to enjoy the same view.

Charli giggled. “Your favorite daughter? Dad, I’m your only daughter.”

“That doesn’t matter,” he told her. “You’re still my favorite.”

As he looked at her lying there on her bed, he realized that the last girl he’d had with him in that room had looked a lot like her. In fact, the majority of the girls he dated since his divorce looked like Charli: young, pretty, dark-haired and sexy. But none of them compared to her.

She finally got up off the bed and went over to him, hugging him tightly. Ryan put his arms around her, fully aware that she still hadn’t bothered to pull her tiny skirt back down. Her bare pussy was practically pressing against his leg, and he was in more danger of getting hard now than any time since he saw her at the airport.

“I love you so much, Dad,” she sighed against his chest.

“I love you, too, baby girl. I just want you to be happy here.”

“Oh god, I want to live here forever.”

“That sounds perfect.”

Ryan broke the hug before his cock ended up throbbing against his newly arrived daughter’s body.

“Why don’t you get settled and we can go out for something to eat if you want.”

“Can we do that later? I’m dying to go check out the beach.”

“Whatever you want, Princess.”

She giggled when he called her the name he used to when she was little. She leaned up and kissed him on the cheek, and Ryan backed out of the room before he lost his mind and kissed her the same way he’d kissed the last hot young woman he’d had in that room.

He went down the hall to his own room to throw on a pair of shorts and a T shirt for the beach. Then he went downstairs and waited for Charli. He couldn’t help thinking about the careless way she kept flashing her ass and pussy. She had to know how much her father could see. Either she was doing it on purpose or else just didn’t care.

Being alone in the kitchen area of the mostly open ground floor, he heaved a sigh and gave his tingling cock a quick fondle through his shorts. He made himself stop, though. It didn’t make any sense at all to let himself get hard for his own daughter. She hadn’t even been home for an hour and already his brain was spinning. Charli was there to stay, and he was going to have to find a way to coexist with the hot young vixen that happened to be his one and only daughter without having to fight off a hard on every time she flashed her amazing cleavage or peach-smooth pussy.

It was a problem he never anticipated, but there had to be a workable solution. There just had to be.

Ryan hadn’t been seeing anyone for at least the last month when he became intent on making changes around the house to make Charli happy. He wanted her to like it there enough to stay as long as she wanted. The best solution seemed obvious. Get together with Rita or Kaylee, two of the girls he’d been with in the last few months and hope they hadn’t started seeing anyone regular, or else get together with someone new to get some relief for the tension that was rapidly building for his daughter.

Yet Ryan didn’t want to start bringing girls home so soon after Charli’s arrival. And he couldn’t imagine what his daughter would think if she saw Rita or Kaylee and how much they were like her. Ryan knew it wouldn’t look good.

He was no closer to thinking of a solution when Charli came downstairs to be escorted down to the beach. She was wearing a big yellow T shirt as a beach cover. It didn’t cover any more of her shapely legs than the skirt had, although it was a much looser fit. Ryan couldn’t tell what kind of swimwear she had on underneath, even though he tried.

“Ready?” he asked, forcing himself to look her in the eye.

The fresh-faced girl was smiling at him and nodded. Ryan took a few seconds to grab an extra-large beach towel straight out of the drier which was in the small laundry room built into the garage. The door was right off the kitchen so it was an easy grab. He led Charli through to the back of the house, onto the deck where there was a set of stairs down the slope onto a path that led down to the beach. There were still a couple of hours of sun left for the girl to enjoy her new environment.

Ryan had the towel around his neck and stood by while his daughter yanked off her T shirt, exposing herself in a strikingly skimpy, white bikini. He couldn’t help admiring her openly, and she responded with a pleased smile. Then she spun on her heels and ran toward the water. Her father’s eyes were trained on the flexing of her firm, shapely ass. She shrieked when she ran into the water, obviously surprised to feel how cold it was.

Her father stood in the sand watching her. She didn’t go too far into the water, but just far enough to dive in and swim a little. Fortunately the waves weren’t tossing her too much, but it wasn’t long before she quickly rose back up to her feet and practically ran back to where Ryan was standing. Her tits bounced so enticingly as she ran, and her body was only that much more erotically appealing soaking wet. Even worse was that her bikini became slightly transparent when it was wet, and her father was hopelessly entranced by the sight of her thick, swollen nipples and the telltale shade of her areolas showing through the V shaped strips of material containing her luscious tits.

And with the bottom being so snug and skimpy, Charli’s camel toe was strikingly visible. Ryan was practically holding his breath by the time his daughter got to where he was standing.

“Oh my god, the water is so cold!” she exclaimed.

“You’ll get used to it,” he said, smiling and wrapping the big, warm towel around her shoulders. It was a relief to cover the girl’s lush, young body with the towel since Ryan didn’t think he could go on looking at her much longer without developing another inconvenient hard on. His daughter was just outrageously sexy by any standard. He couldn’t imagine being the only father in the world with a daughter as beautiful and sexy as Charli, but at the same time he realized he could never love any girl as much as he loved his own.

Charli snuggled under the towel and then up to the front of her father’s body. He shifted the towel around to her shoulders and let it drape down the back of her body while she curled up to him. Her barely covered body was damp and pressing snugly up to him. It might not have been so bad but the sun was getting lower so the air was starting to cool down too.

“Good thing I’ve got a hot dad to warm me up,” the girl said as she mashed her tits against his body.

Ryan felt much too good, and he shouldn’t have started running his hands over his daughter’s back through the towel. She folded into his embrace, pushing her tits against him until her mounds were mashing into him. She turned her face and rested her cheek against him while he hugged her closer, his hands on her body through the towel. At the moment, he couldn’t imagine why he thought about trying to see some other girl. It suddenly seemed unimaginable. How could anyone else be as beautiful, sexy or loving as his own baby girl? The logic of it was completely out of whack, but it made sense to him there on the beach as his cock began to grow thick and full of tingling as he held his bikini clad daughter.

“I’m so glad you’re here,” he told her softly, letting one hand slip dangerously close to the swelling curve of her ass.

She didn’t say anything at first, just let out a faint mewling sound against his chest. “Me too, Daddy,” she finally said. “I haven’t been able to think about anything else.”

Ryan just heaved another sigh and let his hand slide over one of his daughter’s firm, rounded ass cheeks through the towel draping over it. He held it in place around her shoulders with the other hand, and when he gently squeezed her ass, Charli uttered a contented whimper. His cock was steadily growing bigger and hotter inside his shorts, to the point where there was no way she couldn’t feel the swelling organ bumping against her body.

She moved, rubbing her father’s aroused cock ever so slightly. The movement was so subtle it could’ve been an accident, though Charli couldn’t avoid feeling her father’s growing arousal. Ryan’s mind was in a spin. As much as he couldn’t imagine wanting another girl, it was just as crazy to imagine wanting his own daughter. But from the moment he spotted her in the airport, and that insane moment she bent into the back of his vehicle and exposed her delectable rimhole, he felt like he was on a collision course with his own lust and desire.

Then her body moved against his cock again. It was more deliberate this time, and Ryan knew it had to be on purpose. How could his teenaged daughter actually be encouraging him? Trying to be logical, he finally pushed away from her.

“Maybe we should get you back to the house and into a warm shower,” he deflected, forcing a casual smile. “We can get you warmed up and dressed for dinner. If you want to go out we can go someplace nice.”

Charli looked at him with a loving gleam in her eyes. “As long as it’s us I don’t even care,” she told him.

They walked back up to the house and in the back through the deck, the same way they’d come out. Ryan’s cock barely had a chance to go down as they took the steps back up and then inside. The evidence of his arousal was obvious as it bounced and strained against the front of his shorts. There was no way to be discreet about it, but since Charli had definitely felt his cock pressing up against her, Ryan didn’t bother making any effort to hide the obvious. His daughter didn’t say anything, but he caught her checking out his bulge a few times, a coy smile gracing her supple lips.

Ryan stayed outside on the deck overlooking the beach while his daughter went upstairs to shower and change. The sight of her supple, pouty lips as they curled up into that not so subtle smirk in response to his bulging cock kept lingering in his mind. If she were any other girl in the world besides his daughter he’d be kissing those lips right now. He’d be clutching the firmly rounded cheeks of her ass and pulling her body against his needful cock.

But thinking like this was only making his erection worse. With a moment of privacy on the deck, he squeezed his cock through the material of his shorts, remembering the way Charli looked running back toward him in her wet bikini. He massaged his shaft and sighed, knowing he shouldn’t be thinking of his daughter that way. But then he thought back to the way she’d bent into the back of his vehicle at the airport and revealed her tight, fresh-looking asshole. He couldn’t help imagining touching her taut little rosebud with the tip of his tongue, pulling her luscious cheeks apart and licking her until the ring was wet enough to slip his finger inside.

Then he just tried to shake it off. She was living with him now and he couldn’t afford to give in to the kind of daydreams he shouldn’t have. Not about his own, insanely sexy daughter. He was just going to have to get used to his new reality, which shouldn’t include cock-hardening fantasies about rimming his daughter’s delectable asshole or fondling her amazingly firm tits.

As hard as his cock was, he was dying to jerk out a load to give himself some relief and help him think straight, but if he started masturbating to thoughts of his daughter when she’d barely been in his house a couple of hours he would only end up in deeper water than he already was. It seemed like the best thing he could do was go upstairs and take a cold shower.

He went straight up to the hallway bathroom. It was going to take some adjustment to get used to using that one after having the one in the master bedroom all to himself, but deep down it felt good to spoil the girl a bit. It made him feel good to love her the way he wanted without her disapproving mother getting in the way. Besides, she deserved it.

Ryan stripped down and got in the shower, running the water just cool enough to let his swollen cock relax and calm his lust-addled nerves. The water felt refreshing and quickly took the edge off his body’s barely controllable needs. Yet he couldn’t stop thinking about the luscious girl just down the hall in her own bathroom probably just as naked in the shower as he was. Everything he’d seen and that had happened so far that day were just the tip of the iceberg of having Charli move in with him, and he was just going to have to find a way to cope with it. And fast.

He finished his shower quickly and toweled himself dry while he thought about where to take Charli to dinner. He wanted to take her someplace special. Wrapping the towel around his waist, he left the bathroom to go across the hall to his own room to get dressed, but he stopped short the second he set foot in the hallway.

Charli was standing there in a daringly brief, white tank top and panties that made her bikini bottom look prudish by comparison. The front of her panties barely covered the full shape of her smooth, young pussy mound while the top emphasized the proud jut of her shapely tits.

The exquisite girl giggled briefly when she saw the stunned look of surprise on her father’s face. He realized his instant inability to make eye contact was obvious to her as he scanned the tantalizing shapes and curves of her ripe, young body. What kind of father must he be, he wondered, realizing he’d been gazing at the girl like he needed to fuck her as much as breathe from the first moment he spotted her in the airport. The fact that she caught his eye like had before he even had a chance to recognize her only proved his fear that he’d want her badly if she weren’t his daughter. But she was his daughter, and he wanted her anyway.

“Is everything okay, baby?” he asked, forcing his eyes to stay on her face. “Is there anything missing from your room?”

Charli was smiling knowingly. She obviously didn’t mind letting her father know she liked his dirty attention.

“Oh everything’s fine, Dad,” she replied. “You did a great job stocking the room with girly necessities. I was just wondering about dinner, though. You said maybe we’d go out, but I don’t have much to wear on a date until my boxes get here. Or, um, if you took me shopping.”

Ryan couldn’t help smiling at the not so subtle hint. “Since when does dinner out with your father qualify as a date?”

“Since forever, silly.”

“Hmm, in that case, we can go shopping first thing tomorrow. I can’t have you going around without enough outfits to wear.”

Charli giggled, making her tits wobble slightly in her skimpy top. Ryan’s cock started to grow thick with heat again. He started to wish he’d jerked off after all, then maybe he wouldn’t be getting hard in front of his daughter again. If he didn’t escape to his room pretty quickly he was going to have a very obvious rising bulge in his towel.

“Mom would say you were spoiling me, you know.” Her eyes drifted toward the lump in the front of his towel. He was definitely starting to grow and she didn’t even bother trying to hide her satisfaction at the visible result.

“It’s none of your mother’s business. You’re under your father’s roof now and we can do what we damn well please.”

Charli actually blushed a little, and Ryan realized he should have chosen his words more carefully. And the way she kept looking at the front of his towel was only making his cock grow faster.

“That’s all I’ve ever wanted, Daddy,” she said, her voice a little bit husky.

Ryan just wanted to escape to his room. His cock was once again growing obvious and giving away his deepest secrets.

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Mujhey Laddoo kehte hain….mein apni family ke saath Alberta Canada ke aik city Calgary mein rehta hoon….Meray dad railway mein guard ki nokri karte hain.idher mein 12th grade mein aik school mein parhta hoon…..yaani meri age isswaqt 15 saal ka bara sexy and cute larka hoon…school se aane ke baad mein apne mahelley ke dooston ke saath park mein Basket Ball khailta hoon…. Mere Dad ziada tar gher se bahir railway duty par rehtay hain aur ghar sirf aik month ke baad aatey hain….sirf two or three...

Gay Male
3 years ago
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Char Saal Baad Sister Ko Mila Aur Chod Dala Usko

Hi Mera naam Manoj Sharma hai aur mai BHOPAL me rahta hu..mai 22 sal ka hu aur BE graduate baat aaj se 6 mahine pahle ki hai jab mai apne ghar gya tha collge khatam karke .ye kahani mere aur mere Sister ke bich me hua jiski umar 23 sal hai aur wo graduate hai Uska naam Pinky Sharma hai aur wo bhot sunder hai Meri mail id hai Agar kisi ladki ya aunty ya copule(for threesome or group sex) ya ladke ko mujhse baat karni ho ya meri sister() se baat karni ho to wo meri mail id pe chat...

4 years ago
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I was standing at the kitchen sink doing dishes from last night's poker game when I felt the head of a cock entering my pussy from behind. A really large one. Think, 'Coke can' - and he was just as hard. I inhaled a deep and very audible breath as he pushed into me. I gripped the counter ledge with my fingertips. As a quarter was thrown on the counter I heard Travis' voice. "Good morning, whore.This man is a professional bull. All he does is get women pregnant. You're probably past that stage...

2 years ago
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Charlies Pain and Healing

Charlie Fielding was not only following a family tradition. Charlie was following a personal dream. For as long as he could remember he had watched his Grandfather, his Father, his siblings and many of his uncles dress in their uniforms and go off to defend this great nation. When he was young, all he ever wanted to be was a soldier. As he got older, he added to his dream. Now he wanted to be a soldier AND a Veterinarian. The summer between his junior and senior year in high school his parents...

3 years ago
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Charlies Pain and Healing No 2 Life With Amanda

This story will make a little more sense if you read CHARLIE'S PAIN AND HEALING first as this is a continuation of that short story. The wedding went off without a hitch and throughout the reception Charlie and Amanda were constantly together. They were always touching, giving each other gentle kisses and staring soulfully into each other's eyes. Every time he looked at Amanda Charlie felt his heart swell with love. At times he wondered just how he could have been so lucky to win her for his...

4 years ago
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Frankie Part 3

Frankie and I lay together on her bed. Her body was warm and slightly sweaty and she was still convulsing from her intense orgasm. We lay facing each other on our sides and she pulled my leg around her. I kept studying her face as I kissed her neck, cheeks and behind her ears. Her breathing was still ragged and it brought me immense happiness to know that I had given her so much pleasure. With her eyes still closed she began to touch my body. First with her hand moving up my thigh to my waist;...

1 year ago
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The x reunion

When you text to say you are coming over, my heart stops, ithas been so long, 12 years is a silly amount of time to still think about someone, especially with the relationships that we both have. But my heart takes over and my brain is frozen. I quickly run upstairs and jump in the shower, with a week’s stubble, I look and feel like a tramp. I quickly turn the heat of the water up to full, steam filling the room, my arousal already starting, my heart like a jackhammer in my chest. I jump out of...

3 years ago
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Hidden Heritage II The ScholarsChapter 9

It was clear that the woman riding next to me didn’t feel comfortable riding a horse. The negotiations last evening made it clear that Birgit was very willing to look for new profitable business possibilities, and after sampling the products, it was soon agreed that the following morning she would accompany me to visit my ‘aunts’ in order to discuss things in more detail - and to check that the quality of our products was consistent. When I had agreed to that but informed that she’d need to...

1 year ago
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First time at my birthday party with two male friends

I was the night of my birthday and I asked my mom if I could have two friends over for the night. She agreed and I called both Adam and Bradley over to see if they were free. To my excitement they were. Now i never thought about them in any way other than a friend but as the night grew we all began to explore each others fears, likes, dislikes, and eventually our bodies. As the night went on we all had the idea to stay up all night and watch old wrestling pay per views and play video games....

1 year ago
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My first fuck

I was 18 the first time I had sex and it was with a married man twice my age. He had been giving me lifts home from work where we both worked for a few weeks. There was a long leafy road we drove down every day and that's where my sex life started.I had a couple of boyfriends from leaving school and we had kissed and I had my tits touched over my bra but nothing more, maybe that's why they never lasted. I wasn't going to give my virginity away so easily.The guy from work used to joke and flirt...

3 years ago
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June Goes for the Glory

Over the years, June and I have become friends with benefits.  We have had some amazing sexual adventures. June started out as a naive widow and had a metamorphosis into a wanton woman craving to experience everything a sexual life had to offer a person.  Her marriage had been boring and she was making up for lost time.Whenever I heard her car pull into my driveway, there was always something afoot.  The doorbell rang, I answered the door and let June into the house.  "Hi, how have you been? ...

3 years ago
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Daddy Makes Sasha a Whore Part 1 rewrite

Introduction: This story involves some subject matter such as incest and rape that may offend some readers. If you are one of these readers please dont read this, just find a different story. It is purely fictional so if there is any resemblance to anyone or anything in real life it is coincidental. Part 1 He kissed me softly at first, I responded and he deepened the kiss. His tongue was flicking my bottom lip and I moaned. His hand slid up my stomach till it reached my breast, then he cupped...

2 years ago
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Ingrid in the cafe

   Ingrid's lips moved up and down on My shaft with such fragile want that it was amazing to watch. Her right hand was underneath her pussy with her right forefinger deep inside. The sound of her juices flowing matched the slurping suckles her mouth made on My Dick. I knew she was sucking Me off so she could feed but there was something more about this act of devotion, it was her way of getting off like she had grown up getting off. Ingrid stayed a virgin until she was married because she had...

2 years ago
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Ana enjoys a black waiter

Ana and I were enjoying our quick Cuba’s vacation, when my sweet wife decided we could go for dinner at a restaurant by the beach.The waiter attending there was a Cuban dark skinned man in his early forties, with athletic body and a handsome face. He was wearing a tight shirt; that enhanced his muscles…We sat down and he approached to ask what we wanted to drink, while he was standing there, I noticed that my wife was looking directly at his bulge…Both me and Anita we were hypnotized by the...

2 years ago
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getting his cock

My friend we will call Fred is about 6-7 years my juinor. He is a homebody to say the least, a great guy with a bad situation. Fred will know this is him I am talking about as I always tell him I wish I had half the talent he has (he is an unbeliveable muscian). Fred had a real bad breakup a while back and hasent really gotten back into his grove so to speak. Fred is a very thin guy with a light complextion. I find myself more and more thinking about his body. Fred would never...

3 years ago
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Magic finale Touch Of Magic

The suspense of actually meeting you is driving me crazy with desire. Oh god, the thought of your hands, fingers and lips wrapped around my nipples had made them remain hard most of the day. My pussy is yearning to have your cock thrust deep inside it and my panties were so wet I had to change them three times. The accumulation of the emails and the talks about our stranger-to-stranger encounter has electrified my whole body. I see this image of you knocking on my door, pulling me into your...

1 year ago
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XVideos ASMR

To many, XVideos is known as a platform that can provide you with a pretty substantial number of porn videos. And while that may be true, it’s also a website that can provide you with some more niche categories of content. One such category is ASMR porn. I know, it sounds silly to think that ASMR has made its way into the porn industry, but it’s true. On this website, you will be able to get ASMR porn and enjoy it as much as you want, and all for free. Well, if that doesn’t sound like a good...

ASMR Porn Sites
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Feeding an addiction A Threeway Street Ch 1

Scarsdale, NY: Friday 2nd November 2018Pete gives the background to Sue and his four-year journey of sexual discoveryAsk any addict and they’ll tell you that it only takes one second to slip. And that once you’ve slipped, you’re in freefall with no earthly idea of where and when that freefall will end. And whether you’ll still be in one piece.I’m Pete, or Peter if you prefer. A ‘happily’ married forty-nine-year-old guy, married to the woman who’s blessed my life these last twenty-six years....

Wife Lovers
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A Holiday In Africa

Kirstie stepped tentatively into the bar. She had arrived that evening from New York, but was too excited to catch up on her sleep. At last, she was here! In Africa, on a safari holiday! She had flown in with a group of Americans and had been met at the airport by the safari firm, where she had met the other people who would be on the tour with her. Some of them were in the bar, but they did not seem to have noticed her. They were a mixed bag. Two couples, two families with their kids, and...

4 years ago
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Harry Potter and Fleur Delacour

Fleur gasped approvingly as the clothes separating her from Harry’s flesh vanished and her sex pressed against his organ where she had been grinding it. Her juices began to coat his shaft. The French witch wasted no time in reaching down and grasping his pole. She began stroking the firm rod while her tongue continued to duel against his. His powerful hands gripped her bum and kneaded her tender flesh. Fleur’s attraction to Harry grew with each passing second. Finally it reached a point...

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PornWorld Cherry Kiss Baby Kxtten Wild BDSM DP at the Clinic with Dr Cherry Kiss Baby Kxtten and 3 Guys

It’s that time of the year and Baby Kxtten is at her annual gynecology appointment. At some point during the examination, Dr. Cherry Kiss starts touching Baby is such a way that it begins to turn her on. From there, it doesn’t take long for Dr. Cherry to pull out her favorite strap-on dildo and start fucking Baby. Minutes later, the doctors male nurse walks into the room and is shocked by what he sees. Instead of freaking out, though, he takes the opportunity to join the fun. With all of the...

1 year ago
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A Boy and His Powers

A few days after my escapade with chemistry, I was still a normal geek. You know, getting stoned. But then, one hit me in the head, and something snapped. I turned back to my tormentor, Kenny (my next door neighbor), and stared right into his eyes. He laughed but I could tell that he was creped out. He made to throw another stone. I thought, “STOP” and somehow pushed it into his mind. Suddenly, he was frozen, not even blinking. I moved out of the way and pushed “GO”. He threw the rock at where...

3 years ago
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Free Universal Carnal Knowledge Pt 42

XLII The teacher taught They found Elspeth sitting up in bed, bare-breasted but not caring, looking dazed but definitely conscious, and radiantly happy. Laura ran up to her and grasped her hand. ‘Elspeth, are you all right?’ Elspeth appeared to have trouble focusing on this difficult question. She blinked. ‘Laura? So it was you earlier?’ ‘Yes, I was in here before but I didn’t think you were awake.’ ‘I was. I could hear you but I couldn’t move or speak, I just felt so lovely all over. I...

2 years ago
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New EducationChapter 6

Wendy was a little surprised when she arrived at the Demarre estate and was told to go directly to Mrs. Demarre's office. Usually Mrs. Demarre made her wait before summoning her to her office to satisfy her desires. But then she remembered the day before, smiled, and went directly. As usual the woman was seated behind her desk. Today the aristocratic matron was wearing a green floor length dress with her hair tied up. Wendy walked to the front of the desk and smiled at Mrs. Demarre. "Good...

3 years ago
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Divided at Division OneChapter 48

Jared Winslows Saturday morning wake-up call was for 6 a.m. That gave him plenty of time to get up and get his pre-game prep done over coffee and then go down to meet the bus and then the team for the ride to "The Trop". Friday's practice, work-out and subsequent video and blackboard session left he and the team confident that they knew how to compete with and beat Florida International. The only thing he worried about, and he spent the last 30 minutes of their session talking about it,...

3 years ago
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JJ wanted to try something new. He wanted to be with two big beautiful women. He also liked to film his sexual escapades. One day JJ decided to find two nurses that would be willing to fulfill his fantasy. He ran an ad in the paper saying he wanted two big beautiful woman who were interested in becoming a star. The girls had to play the role of a nurse.It didn't take long for JJ to get his two candidates, April and Jessey. Both girls had 38DDD breasts, with one quick turn could knock you out...

3 years ago
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Naturist School CounselorChapter 8 Giving Thanks

Sunday - Day 7 of 8 at camp, October 26th After my late night adventures with the Twins I was feeling tired and my shoulder was a little sore, yet there was a bounce in my step as I strode to the communal shower through the brisk morning air. I was disappointed to not see the Twins in the locker room, but found Faith in the shower area. While she mostly picked at her food and it had only been a week, it looked like she'd managed to put on a few pounds, making her look much closer to...

2 years ago
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Run to the West Pt 1

Erika Hoffmann was afraid as she walked through the dark, rain soaked streets of Eisenach, a small town just inside the border of East Germany. She should not have been out at this hour, ninety minutes after the curfew of ten o’clock which had been imposed in January. The soviet rulers had been worried about people attempting to escape to the west and if she was caught by the Stasi who knows what would happen to her. People sometimes disappeared without warning. The fact that she had been...

3 years ago
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Georgie GirlChapter 19 The Big Step

The morning after we returned from Sacramento, I was on the phone to Dow. "Bob, I wanted to let you know that the tests we conducted with the state water resources board were a complete success. Your filter material performed perfectly and we're having some of it sent to you today for your inspection." "That's great, John. Congratulations. I'm sure Rex will be delighted to hear that too. He convinced us to listen to you, so he gets a lot of credit as well." "I'll call him right...

2 years ago
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Third Time Sucking BBC Gay

I was on my way to a party with my cute blonde girlfriend, the host was a friend of hers from work. He was a short stocky gentleman of African descent. She had mentioned to me she though he was maybe gay, and she had also often noticed he had a considerable bulge in his pants.She knew this would pique my curiosity as I recently confessed my occasional desire to suck cock, not any cock, specifically big black cock. She also enjoyed watching this as she found it a huge turn on to witness my foray...

2 years ago
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My secret love for her

Wanting to win the argument and still insisting she was right... I could see her trying to find the words to throw in my face to display her frustration... She is standing in front of me... Aggressively leaning towards me so close I can feel her hot breath as her anger is steaming now... Knowing how stubborn I am and finally admitting to her self that she cannot win this argument she suddenly starts laughing.I feel relieved that this is finally over. I hate arguing, and I hate arguing with...

4 years ago
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Massage session with milkman

Hi Guys & Gals, this is Chaitanya again. With the first story and the feedback that you have given to me I was very much surprised. I am very thankful for all of you for liking my narration and your emails have encouraged me to write an other one. This one is not mine, but one of the ladies who have told me about the incident happened in her life and requested me to narrate it for all of you as she cannot write it properly. Well cutting all this straight into the story. I am a milkman usually...

2 years ago
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Her Revenge 8211 Part 2 Husband Has No Regrets

Sneha saw the pics and videos sent by her husband, Nitin, on my phone. He was fucking prostitutes and taking erotic massage in Bangkok. Sneha got upset and went back home. I called my wife and updated her and asked her to speak to Sneha. She would certainly listen to my wife. I was completely taken back by her behavior towards me. I expressed it to my wife. It was in the heat of the moment I understood that. But I felt very bad. My wife called me later and told me that she has spoken to Sneha...

3 years ago
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River RatChapter 29

There was a full month to the day between Thanksgiving and Christmas, and by the end of the Thanksgiving weekend they were getting bored. "Hey, Scoot," Crystal said Sunday afternoon, "What do you say we get out and do something, get some exercise?" "I could be talked into it," Scooter agreed. "You got any ideas?" "The first thought that comes to mind is that we go out and knock the rust off our skiing and snowboarding," Crystal shrugged. "Sounds like a reasonable," Scooter...

2 years ago
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A Sisters Benefaction Through Shared Grief Pt2

Brenda took a seat on the side of the bed, and smiled at Dave as she looked him over. His breathing was heavy with lust and anticipation, and so was hers. He was hers for the taking, and knowing she had him in that vulnerable position with full control, had her wanting to do everything to him all at once. Chocking back her desire, she laid down next to him, and let her finger tips crawl along his landscape. His body wore the sun so elegantly, with the light providing a light shade on his chest....

Straight Sex
1 year ago
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Mrs Franklin Teaches something new

“Kyle, you’ve failed all the tests do you want this class again?” “Not really, I just don’t get the stuff” “Then stay after for help, but that is little help to you now” “Is there any way I can make it up” asking in that pleading voice used so often in hopes of evoking sympathy. “Well there is one thing but I doubt you’ll want to do it” “I’ll do anything to pass this class” “Well then, I have had a sexual fantasy that I’ve wanted to do for a while” “Wait one sec, you want me to have sex...

1 year ago
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LoveHerFeet Kay Lovely Mila Monet Missing Shoes

Stealing is a big NO for housemates. However, you can’t stop yourself from stealing the beautiful shoes of your gorgeous blonde housemates, Kay Lovely and Mila Monet. You think the girls will never find out if they are missing a shoe or two. However, Kay values her personal things. She even installed a security camera in her room to catch the shoe thief. Kay quickly tells Mila that the camera in her room recorded the thief. With a piece of video evidence in Kay and Mila’s...

1 year ago
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Dog Gone

Dog Gone By Miss AnonnaI had been looking to get a dog for quite some time now and still was undecided so I thought I’d head down to a local Dog Park and chat with some people who had dogs. I looked up a few on the internet and chose one about 3 or 4 miles away near the creek. I was so excited I could hardly contain myself as I slipped into my halter top and tight jeans. I did not really think that I would need a bra so I didn’t put one on as it was a very warm, sunny day.I got to the park and...

Oral Sex
2 years ago
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E054 The TwentyNinth Pearl

Friday morning Donald and Emma wake early; it is just after six o’clock.  Donald tells Emma since her spa appointment is not until noon, he wants her to learn how to do something from Karen and Julie this morning.Emma looks at him quizzically.“Emma, one or the other of them would give me massages during the day from time to time, but now with you, I want you to learn how to do so for me so that I can feel your warm hands on me instead,” Donald explains.Emma is pleased about this; she is afraid...

Love Stories
3 years ago
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Painful ParadiseChapter 3

Paul pulled the station wagon to a halt at the gas pumps, and climbed out, stretching elaborately. While the station attendant filled the tank and checked under the hood, Paul glanced into the rear window and satisfied himself that the interior betrayed no trace of his illegal cargo. He went into the rest room, and by the time he had returned, the bronzed, wrinkled old operator had finished with the vehicle and was sucking at a can of beer by the battered old desk in the office. Paul...

2 years ago
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Casanova Redux Ch 18

It was over. Jenny came by and we made love but somehow, it wasn’t the same and we both knew. I’d always enjoy making love with her but as friends, not as long-term lovers. Over the next few weeks, I met Jenny whenever I could and I loved her hard. Passion had given way to desperation and Jenny was the first to notice. One day, she told me that we needed to stop until I’d sorted out my feelings. I knew that I loved her but the hole left by Withers was so deep that I could barely function. I...

2 years ago
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A Lad and a LadyChapter 3 Mistakes and consequences

A plainclothes policeman came to my door. I knew he was a policeman by the way he was dressed and by the way he walked. It may have been that I knew he was an officer of the law because I'd been expecting him. He had come to arrest me. You see, I had been breaking the law. It is unlawful for a lady of thirty-two to have sexual relations with a lad of sixteen, and I'd been doing it for a few weeks. I knew I was breaking the law, but I couldn't stop. "You can make breakfast for you and...

3 years ago
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Hot Sweat at the Gym

Written from a female perspectiveI’ve always taken good care of my body, going to the gym two to three times a week so when I read an article in cosmopolitan on giving yourself a mini orgasm just by working out I suddenly took to the gym even more! It’s called a coregasm, it happens when you do certain core exercises that also engage the pelvic floor muscles toning the vagina and inducing sexual pleasure once they become fatigued. They also help improve blood flow to the genitals which means...

4 years ago
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My Cousins Birthday Party

Jason!" shouted his mother from the foot of the stairs. "What?" he shouted from his bedroom. "I need to go into town to get some things for Cindy's Birthday party on Saturday." "OK, see you later," he shouted back. A moment later his mum shouted, "Come on, I haven't got all day." "Why can't I stay here?" he asked. "No, you have to help me choose a nice birthday present for her." "Mom," he moaned, "I'm busy!" "Busy playing that play station thing," his mum retorted, "now...

4 years ago
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RigbyChapter 6

Rigby volunteered at the Red Cross-sponsored Jeep House one day each week, usually on a Wednesday that summer. Most of the time he was sent out to work in somebody’s Victory Garden as part of what they called the “weed brigade.” Now that school had started, he was only able to work on Saturdays. This day he was sent to an upscale neighborhood just off old River Road. He parked his bike and went to the back door of the big, brick home. A white-haired woman opened the door, and he told her who...

3 years ago
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Bridgets Nights Ch 02

The music was just as I liked it, loud, fast, hammering my ears. The deep bass rhythm had my body moving on its own. My hands were raised over my head as my whole body twisted to the beat. The two guys I was dancing with were enjoying it too. I could tell. The one in front of me kept his body moving along with mine. His hands were on my sides and the straining bulge of his slacks kept brushing the front of my leather pants. The guy dancing behind me was even less subtle. His hands were locked...

2 years ago
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The Controllers FollyChapter 4

Sleep came eventually despite her mind flickering back to all sorts of raunchy images and thoughts. Muddled and nonsensical, she found herself in a variety of strange situations. In one scene she was riding a horse, but the saddle was a man lying down, so she had to mount him cowgirl style ride and ride him in a race for her life. In another scene she was being chased by mini panda bears wearing nutcracker uniforms wielding dildos. They kept catching her, but then she’d jerk one off and...

2 years ago
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my wife and our friend cuckold true story

where to start my wife loves her tattoos so one day during sex we like to play fantasize about her fucking another man while I watch so this one particular sex session I asked her if shed like to fuck the guy who does her tattoos she said yes straight away but she said hes an ex weight lifter so he may have a small cock I said only one way to find out try it she said ok. so two weeks later off we went to get her this tattoo I said what you getting she said wait and see so off we went. when we...

2 years ago
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The sweet asses Ive fucked for you ass fucking lovers

#1, Kristine. A cute redhead from a job I was working at as a truck stop hand. Changing truck oil, fueling, etc was my job, but it wasn't long after she started working there that I was fucking her.  Kristine was a naughty girl, a typical truck stop whore. I fucked her ass so hard at the counter of work one night, that she dribbled cum down her legs until sun up.  We worked the graveyard shift together and one evening she looked so good in her little skirt. I went up behind her and slipped...

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