Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 91 First Time Training at Aikido
- 2 years ago
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By now, I could sympathize with Simmons, the Regional Operations Manager I had been called in to "clean up" for. No doubt he was a screw-up regardless, but his assistant, Marsha O'Donnell, might drive anybody to distraction.
No, I don't mean because she was hot — although she certainly was. No, Marsha O'Donnell would drive anyone crazy with her endless prattle.
Here are the things you would learn about Marsha within ten minutes of meeting her, whether you were interested or not:
First, that she was the single mother of a thirteen-year-old girl, Mary-Margaret, who was beautiful, brilliant, yada-yada-yada.
Second, that her husband had run off many years ago, and although he had followed the formalities of eventually divorcing Marsha, that didn't matter, since Marsha was a "real" Catholic, and would never remarry, at least as long as this erstwhile husband was alive.
Third, that being a single mom who had to work was tough, since this made Mary-Margaret a latchkey kid; in other words, she was home alone to fend for herself between 3:00 pm, when her Catholic middle school let out, and about 6:00 pm, when Marsha got home from work.
And fourth, that Marsha was a militant pro-life, anti-abortion activist, who often spent Saturdays picketing abortion clinics, daughter in tow, as part of a group led by her parish priest.
Perhaps I exaggerate. Perhaps it takes Marsha a full hour of acquaintance to get these factoids lodged in most cases. However, I heard them all within the first ten minutes of arriving to take charge of the facility.
Oh, I guess I should explain. I'm the corporation's executive "fixer." I travel to whichever regional location needs me, spend a few weeks straightening things out (usually after we've just fired an executive, or when one pulls the old "screw you" resignation and joins a competitor without giving notice).
In this situation, it had been the former: Simmons had so bollixed up the operations of the Upper Midwest Region that they had sent me out with his final paycheck and a job to do.
I had become the fixer through a meteoric rise (I may have left a few "corpses" along the way) and I loved it. It paid a lot better than a stationary role, and I got to move around a lot, which certainly had its advantages. I wasn't married, and I had no parental responsibilities, so I was free to pursue this job wherever and whenever the firm needed me.
Of course, I said I had no parental responsibilities. I have had plenty of paternal irresponsibilities, at least six that I'm sure of, and happily, not a one has been ever connected to me by any authority. And now I was going to try for number seven.
I had been in Springfield doing my "fixing" for nearly three months now, and my job was done. Simmons' permanent replacement had arrived a week earlier, and I had just completed my turnover. I had a flight out of town today at 4:00 pm, and after that, I'd be just another fleeting episode in this region's history: who was that masked man?
One of the characteristics of my odd role in the organization was that I never seemed to make it into any company photos — you know, the kind that employees have posted on their bulletin board behind their desks, or receive in their (big thrill) company Christmas cards. Well, part of the reason for this was the role; the other part was that I took great care to "miss" those group photo sessions if one happened to coincide with my current stint onsite.
Another care I took was to never participate in "company family" events — Christmas parties, picnics, etc. As the interim guy, this passed without much notice, as the longer-term office or HR manager would usually organize and host those sorts of things in the absence of the permanent facility chief. It's not that I was unsentimental or anti-social — although I was most certainly both of those things. I had other reasons. You see, with my lifestyle, I had to maintain a peculiar state of affairs. Call it "anonymity in plain view." I think you'll understand why by the time I've finished sharing this account.
Let's get back to the current career objective. No, not my performance for the firm, although by delivering that, I was quickly accumulating a great degree of wealth. No, the real object of my career was the extracurricular opportunities it afforded me. And the opportunity in Springfield was Mary-Margaret O'Donnell.
I have said that Marsha prattled on. I said that it would drive most people crazy. But I didn't say it drove me crazy. I found it extremely informative and interesting.
What I heard in those first ten minutes, now three months past, was something more like this:
One -- Thirteen-year old daughter: Right in my wheelhouse as a confirmed hebephile.
Two -- Catholic middle school: Schoolgirl uniform of plaid skirt, knee socks, saddle shoes, and, of course, white cotton panties.
Three — Divorced: Only one parent to dodge and she happened to take orders from me on the job.
Four — Anti-abortion activist: All I had to do was plant the seed, and Marsha would tend the garden.
So after the first ten minutes of meeting Marsha, I was delighted to have made her acquaintance and was already developing the very real hope that my quarry had been marked. Of course, I still didn't know what young Mary-Margaret looked like, but with a hot mother, she'd surely be a cutie. Take a cutie, make her thirteen, and you've got a hottie, as far as I'm concerned!
This fact was confirmed shortly thereafter, when a close scan of Marsha's desk revealed a precious photo of her only daughter. Mary-Margaret had a sweet elfin face, with an upturned nose, a light dusting of freckles, big green eyes, and long, rich, auburn-red hair. The photo was not a body shot, of course, but I could tell she was slender, just as I like them.
So, within, say, twenty minutes of arriving for a new, interim assignment, I had selected the young pubescent girl I would try to impregnate by the time I left town. That has to be my all-time record for target acquisition.
Over the course of the next three months, in addition to straightening out the regional operation, I studied my objective and planned my hunt.
I saw young Mary-Margaret in person, of course, many times, although I took great care to make sure she never saw me. It was important that she never connect my face with her mother's company in any way whatsoever, despite the fact that I also planned that she would never even see it on the fateful day, either. Redundancy in safety protocols is a must.
I spied on her as she walked home from school. She was everything I could ask for — and more. She was slender, and adorable in her little Catholic schoolgirl uniform, which she wore (gasp!) at least two inches above her smooth knees. Her white blouse revealed a cute pair of budding boobies, the size of nectarines, which mommy's keepsake photo had not disclosed. Perhaps they were a recent development?
Her blue plaid skirt swished from side to side on her just-now growing hips, and her pert rump was outthrust in a jaunty and eminently fuckable shelf.
And then, of course, there was her hair. Mom's photo had shown it to be beautiful and at least past the shoulders in length. In reality, it was spectacular. It was a glowing red-brown auburn, straight and shining, as though she gave it a hundred strokes with a brush every night. And it went past her shoulders, all right. Way past.
Mary-Margaret's hair hung straight and glorious, from the top of her head to the top of her ass, no shit. She must have never had it cut in her life, except perhaps a trim every couple of years to remove split ends. It was amazing! I took several photos of Mary-Margaret with my high-zoom digital camera over the weeks and months of plotting — in uniform, cheerleading, in a swimsuit at the community pool — and I had quite a collection of camel-toe, upskirt, down-blouse, and sweet butt shots, but my favorite masturbatory material by far were those shots that best displayed her long, sleek auburn hair in all its splendor.
I had to take care to keep my distance. There had been some close calls. I of course declined when Marsha invited me to their home for dinner. And one day, I arrived to learn that it was "take your daughter to work day", and I left with the flu before I even made it to my office suite and the inevitable mommy-daughter pair.
I also had to feign precisely the right degree of polite indifference as Marsha would go on about Mary-Margaret. I actually wanted to hear the details, but of course I also wanted to appear to be barely listening. From these monologues I learned that Mary-Margaret was the perfect child, never in trouble, good at school, and deeply religious. In fact, she was even considering a life as a nun, but Marsha, despite her pride in this fact, admitted she hoped that this was just a phase. I nodded sagely while imagining myself fucking the young teen decked out in her novitiate's habit.
So I had to take care to keep my distance, both physically and in conversation. Instead, I agonized from afar for three long months. In previous escapades, when the quarry was not so close to home, so to speak, I had taken a variety of approaches, some of which had afforded me ongoing and repeated pleasure for at least a few weeks before I made my "escape." These were seductions under false names and misleading circumstances, with a carefully camouflaged trail. Those opportunities bore higher risk, of course, but also a greater probability of breeding the particular young adolescent than did the completely anonymous, one-time despoilment I had planned for Mary-Margaret.
In fact, because in this case the young filly was the daughter of my own assistant, the risks of discovery or later identification were quite high, so in order for my plan to safely work, I'd have to wait until the very last day of my local engagement to pull it off. It's bad enough fishing off of the company dock — but criminal fishing off the company dock is far more hazardous.
And that day had finally arrived. It was 1 pm, and my flight's scheduled departure was at 4:00 pm. I handed Marsha a final, very thick file of typing to do, with instructions to get it done today and to overnight it to headquarters. That would ensure she stayed at the office until at least 7:00 pm.
Actually, I could have left town at any time over the last week. There was really no turnover to speak of, as everything was already put back in order over the previous three months, and the permanent replacement was a seasoned pro. But I had delayed, with an eye to the weather reports. I was leaving today because the weather was awful, and getting worse. I waited to ensure the one thing that an air traveler always wishes he could avoid — a storm delay on his flight — was certain for my flight. Today promised to be such travel mess, so the gears of my alibi rolled into place.
I cabbed to the municipal airport, having returned my rental car that morning. After checking in my luggage, I went to the internet kiosk and rented a private, closed-door carrel. I flipped open my laptop and connected, setting it to download a meaningless, but endless, set of filenames from a server so that the kiosk's logs would show me buzzing with activity over the next few hours. Although I had made every effort to be noticed by the operator going in, I waited until the pimply-faced kid stepped away from his post before I dodged out, shutting the cube's door behind me.
I skirted around the more active areas of the small airport, and snuck out the door, assuring myself one more time as I passed the departure screen that my flight was delayed indefinitely.
Once outside, I crossed the busy street to a construction site, idle for the past few weeks, where I found the bicycle I had stashed there the night before. I had swiped the bike off of some random suburban yard, miles from my office, from the airport, and from Marsha's home.
I rode it the two miles from the airport to the alley behind the house that Marsha and Mary-Margaret shared. Using the copy of the key I had made — from the original I temporarily filched from Marsha's handbag one day, weeks ago — I entered the back door, crept to a side room, pulled a nylon stocking over my head, and awaited the latchkey girl.
So far, I have recounted at great length my motivations, Mary-Margaret's charms, and my careful preparations. Perhaps you think I am too paranoid; that such care is excessive, or immaterial to my story.
Let me tell you something. I participate in a sport far riskier than skydiving, enriched-air scuba, or auto racing. One screw-up and the whole thing would unravel, and I'd be thrown in prison for the rest of my life which, given my story, might not be a very long one under the care of a suddenly conscientious prison population.
I had, by this point, impregnated at least six girls through these efforts. There may have been more; six actually gave birth to babies at just the right time after my departure to make me confident of the "score." Many others had been deflowered and inseminated, but had either failed to conceive or had ended the resultant pregnancy one way or another.
Risk? Let's just talk about the six mothers.
Not a one of them was over fifteen when I got to her, so each had been a case of statutory rape (the youngest was twelve, but Lordy! You should have seen those tits!).
One of these girls had been raped by an unknown intruder (yours truly) while babysitting, and two others had been drugged and then impregnated insensibly in their own beds while their parents slept in the next room. So add actual assault-type rape to the charges.
And in the three cases in which I had befriended, seduced, and impregnated the young girls under a false identity, I had taken the opportunity afforded by the more accommodating several-week schedule to turn each of them into a cock-sucking, cum-swallowing, butt-fucking cockslut. So, if you like, you can tack on three counts of "contributing to the delinquency of a minor" or some such.
Now, my batting average is only about three-fifty regarding progeny. Multiply my offenses by about three for the girls who never bore me a bastard.
So far, my careful preparations — even paranoia — had allowed me to get away with all of this. When you consider my success record, as well as the high risks, I think that careful documentation of my precautions is justified. I hope that if you are inspired to take up this exclusive sport yourself, you will also take the sort of precautions I am describing. It's not that I care about you — remember, I'm anti-social and unsentimental — it's just that I want to see you do it well "for the good of the sport."
If you're still with me, recall that I was at this moment waiting for sweet little Mary-Margaret O'Donnell, of the wondrous hair, to return from school.
Realizing I had a few minutes — mind you, I had surveilled the young thing plenty over the past three months, I knew her schedule down to a cunt-hair — I decided to poke around the house to check out my options.
First, there was the living room. The couch was large, and comfy, but fucking Mary-Margaret in that room did little for the imagination. Besides, the carpet was a rough berber. If things got as rambunctious as I hoped, we'd spend some time rolling around on the floor. Now, the idea of her perfect little pooper suffering some rug burns was fine — better than fine — but I didn't want to scrape up my knees. Not that I'm a wuss — scraped knees constitute circumstantial evidence, my friend, leading to probable cause, leading to a warrant for DNA testing, leading to bye-bye.
Moving on: Mommy's room is always appealing. I love the idea of fucking an underage morsel in her own parent's bed. But that pleasure I usually limit to those situations in which I have a complicit (and thoroughly naive) girl to play with, where she is willing to take some risks for me, and will take steps to cover up any evidence. In a case like this — a case of basic rape — I try to avoid it. Why? Because it is my belief that in many cases, the girls I've raped don't ever tell anyone, including their parents, of the attack. This may seem counterintuitive, but I believe that their own humiliation and shame will often ensure their silence. To increase the odds of this shame, I always try to get my girls to achieve an orgasm, or at least to experience great pleasure from our tryst. Somehow, that makes them feel that they share in the blame. Nice, huh? In any case, cumstains on Mommy's bed to be explained would kind of take the shamed silence possibility out of play, don't you think?
I'm sorry to sound so didactic, but I always get a little nervous — pregame jitters — while waiting to rape a girl.
Let's move on to the most promising setting — the young girl's room itself. Since I focus on girls aged thirteen to fifteen, these are usually decorated in an adorable "tweener" style: a mixed bag of boy-band posters, high school pep, and hold-over little girl motifs. There are exceptions, of course, like that sass-mouthed fourteen-year old Goth girl a couple years back. Her room was a morbid study in black, and chains, and skulls. Some parents exercise no judgment, letting such a young girl make such significant decorating decisions! Anyway, I cuffed her with her own pair — she had them hanging on the wall as decor — and raped her little cunt six ways from Sunday. Ah, what a sweet memory. I recall twisting her various piercings while I loaded her with sperm. Unfortunately, that one didn't "take."
Mary-Margaret's room went to the other extreme from that of "Miss Goth Wannabe." You'd never know that a thirteen-year old lived in it. It looked more like an eight-year-old's room, with a princess motif, Powerpuff Girls posters, dolls, etc. Such stuff wasn't that uncommon in my experience, but what was unusual was that there was not a jot of older girl "trying-to-be-cool" stuff. Mary-Margaret was probably a very sweet girl. I couldn't wait to fuck her.
Well, it was decided. The setting for this little escapade absolutely had to be Mary-Margaret's own precious little-girl room. I was about to make my way back downstairs when I glanced out the window and saw Mary-Margaret herself making her way down the sidewalk, only a few moments away. Damn! I'm getting sloppy, I thought. Oh well, I decided to simply step behind her bedroom door, and trap her in her own room.
I heard the key in the lock, down through the open staircase. I heard the door swing open, and then shut, and heard the latch turn to lock the door once more. She was inside.
She wasted little time, but started walking up the hardwood stairs, humming a little ditty to herself. How precious. She was almost to the door, and I tensed.
As thirteen-year old Mary-Margaret stepped into the room, I almost fucked up and vocalized my pleasure. She was absolutely scrumptious!
I was standing behind the door, and hence behind her, as she came to a halt before the foot of her bed. I just couldn't get over that gorgeous long hair, and from this vantage I could see its entire length cascading down her back and over the top of her sweet rump.
That sweet rump was encased in a blue plaid schoolgirl uniform skirt, out from under which projected two skinny long legs. Her butt wiggled a bit, and I realized this was because she was unbuttoning her blouse. Wait for me, Hon!
I sprang forward, and with practiced skill I wrapped one hand over her mouth and the opposite arm around her waist. Lifting her off the ground, I marveled at her slight form. She couldn't have weighed ninety pounds.
Once over her first moment of shock, Mary-Margaret tried to scream through my hand, and her cute little body started squirming in my grip. In response, I shuffled forward to the foot of the bed, and sort of tossed her onto the mattress, following close behind so as to retain control over both her body and her mouth. I took care, however, not to land bodily on the precious little thing.
First, to stop the screaming.
"Little girl, I want to take my hand off of your mouth. But you're trying to scream. I need you to understand something. If you scream, I will kill you. Then I will wait till your parents get home, and I will kill them. On the other hand, if you cooperate, nobody gets hurt, and after a short little visit between us, I'll leave. In fact, your parents won't even need to know I was here." Of course, I knew that she had only one parent. I always take care to plant disinformation.
"So, what's it going to be? Are you going to cooperate, and not scream?"
Her head nodded in my grasp.
"And you're not going to make me kill you and your parents?"
Her head shook.
"Good." I was making no attempt to disguise my voice. Mary-Margaret had never heard it, and as I was leaving town tonight, she never would again.
Before I go on, perhaps I should clarify something. In case you haven't completely got my number yet, my threats were of course completely hollow. I may be a selfish asshole, but I'm not a murderer or even a batterer. In short, I have no interest in causing my young counterparts any harm, nor any pain beyond the natural sting of a torn hymen, the discomforts of accommodating an adult male penis within a pristine, pubescent pussy for the very first time, or the erotic agonies of a sturdy spanking bent over my knee. Oh, and let's not forget the object of the exercise — I certainly wished for them the pains of childbirth as a result of our acquaintance. No harm or violence was ever contemplated for failure to cooperate. But Mary-Margaret didn't need to know that.
I released my hold over her mouth; she kept her word and kept it shut.
"Good girl. No reason to go all panicky. Everything will turn out just fine. Now, what's your name?"
"I happen to think that that's a very nice name. And how old are you, Mary-Margaret?"
"Th-thirteen." Of course, I knew all of this, too. But hearing her sweet, frightened voice acknowledge her tender age made my dick twitch.
"I also happen to think that that's a very nice age to be, too, Mary-Margaret."
She sniffled.
"I'm going to roll you over now, Mary-Margaret; I want to look at your face. Don't worry, you won't be able to see mine — I'm wearing a mask. That's for your protection, sweetheart. If you saw my face, I'd have to kill you, and like I said, I don't even want to hurt you. Are you ready?"
She nodded.
I rolled to the right, so that I was lying on my side, leaving some space between us, still holding her firmly about the waist. As I did so, I also rotated her little body, pulling her up onto her own right side, and she quite cooperatively finished the movement under her own power, ending up on her back snuggly back against me. Her face instinctively turned to mine, and her tear-filled eyes were huge, green, and gorgeous. Her long auburn hair had sort of wrapped around her body as she had turned. Her half-unbuttoned shirt was twisted open, to reveal a cute white lacy bra. Her lower lip trembled.
"Wh-a —"
"Shhh," I said, putting a finger across her pouty mouth. "Just to be on the safe side, maybe you shouldn't speak unless I ask you to, okay? Now, what is it you wanted to say? I give you permission to speak."
"What do you want, mister? I can give you my babysitting money. I don't have much else."
"Now aren't you the cutest thing. So, how much do you have?"
"Umm, like eighty dollars."
"Oh, well, now, that won't be nearly enough. You're going to have to give me more than that."
"But I don't have any more!"
"Well, yes. Hmmm. You know, I have an idea. You can earn it."
"Earn it?"
"Yeah. Now, let's see ... oh, yes. I've got it. Have you ever heard of a strip club?"
"You know, where ladies take off their clothes in front of men."
"Well, men pay money for that. Maybe you can give me a show, since you don't have enough money for me."
"I'd never do that! I'm a good girl. That's gross!"
"I see. Well, sorry, but I can't think of anything else. I'm going to look at your naked body. Yep. That's what I want. Plus the eighty bucks. Now, remember what I said about screaming? Good. Well, the same goes for fighting against me, okay? Good."
I lifted my arm from her waist and reached for the topmost of her blouse's still-fastened buttons. I heard Mary-Margaret draw and hold her breath, but she didn't struggle or resist. She really was a good girl.
Allowing no time for reconsideration, I quickly and completely unbuttoned the white blouse and spread it open, exposing her pale belly and her cute little A-cup bra. Her chest above the bra was lightly freckled, to go nicely with her Irish complexion. She began breathing once more, which caused a delightful rise and fall in her dainty chest.
"Now that's not so bad, is it? You're earning your money already. As soon as you've earned enough, I'll be out of here, and you'll never see me again."
I was still lying on my right side, sort of spooning against Mary-Margaret's much-smaller body as she lay on her back. I was actually propped on my right elbow, which left my right hand free to stroke the top of her head and luxuriate in her thick, silky hair. That was nice.
My left hand was enjoying an even greater tactile pleasure, as I ran my fingertips lightly across her bare tummy. She shivered.
"What cute little boobies you have, Mary-Margaret. I just love them. But I bet you wish they were bigger, don't you?"
I reached my hand up to cover and lightly squeeze the far one.
"Mary-Margaret, you can answer me."
"I don't know."
"Now, young lady, I can see that you attend a Catholic school. What do they tell you about lying? Sure, some of the things that will happen this afternoon are naughty, I'll grant you that. But you won't be sinning, since it's not your fault, I'm making you do this. Taking your clothes off, I mean. So you won't even need to tell your priest in confession — it's all on me. But if you lie to me, then it's a sin. Then you'll probably have to confess everything, including the embarrassing parts. I don't want you to have to do that, Mary-Margaret. So, tell me the truth: don't you wish they were bigger?"
"Are there girls in your school whose tits make you jealous?"
"Yeah. Mine are too small."
"Thank you for telling the truth, sweetheart. Now, let me tell you something about your breasts. I think they're perfect. But I do have some good news for you. I have a plan for today's activities that will make your breasts grow bigger, and it starts with my taking a look at them. So, I know you don't want me to be here, but if something good for you can come out of it, that's alright, isn't it?"
She nodded, and I noticed that the tears had stopped. I pushed the bra up over her little boobs, one side at a time, and although I could tell she was holding her breath again, she still made no move to resist me.
Her tits were little white mounds capped with adorable pink nipples. Her skin was, of course, completely devoid of freckles here, for the innocent Catholic schoolgirl had never exposed them to sunlight. I traced my fingertips over them, and around the nips, which crinkled in response. Cute!
"Okay, honey, this bra is going to get uncomfortable for you, so ... just let me reach under here ... there, got it, now we slide it over your shoulders ... shirt off, too ... there we go, that's better, and you've earned some more money. We're getting close now, I almost have enough, and then I'll leave, all right?"
She nodded.
A silver chain stretched across her delicate throat. I took it in my fingers and pulled on it, revealing that it was a longer chain that had coiled around her neck as I had rolled her over. On the chain were two items: a St. Christopher medal, and a house key. I gently pulled the necklace to its full length, and laid it between her small bosoms. The chain was rather long, reaching almost to her belly button, which made sense, since that way she could probably unlock the door without removing the chain from her neck.
I stroked down along the chain, from her neck to her belly, gliding between her wee mounds, which caused her to shiver again. I repeated this action two or three times. No matter what else came off of her today, that necklace was staying. The two pendants were emblems of my prize: she was my adorable little Catholic schoolgirl latchkey kid!
She was breathing again — in fact, a little more quickly now, it seemed — and her yummy little cupcakes rose and fell. I wanted to suckle at them, but my nylon-hose mask was an unfortunate necessity. Maybe later, when I'd worn her down a bit more, and she was less likely to note any tell-tale facial characteristics, I could pull it up at least far enough to free my mouth. We'd have to see.
"Mary-Margaret, I just love your little boobies. I have an idea that will set them off to their best effect, really look pretty. I want to frame them, like art, with your hair."
I arose from the bed. There was no danger at the moment of the girl trying to escape — she had calmed down and seemed to think that the worst was over. She actually helped me gently pull her hair out from under her and spread it around. Most of it I fanned out on the bed, to either side of her slender young torso and in a sweeping circle above her and around her head in a great auburn nimbus. In addition, I drew a long lock from each side and ran them over her sweet little tits.
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Introduction: The adventures of a well hung black nerd in a town of hot white bimbos. Story is inspired by characters from John persons though story is way different than the comics. No racism is approved by the author. Chapter one Craig and Jenny. The bell rang for the last time in coxville High as the kids packed up their books to be put in their lockers or carried back home for homework. One kid was the first out of class, wanting to get home quickly. His name was Craig, and he had made...
“Don’t scream or I’ll kill you.” the guy, who looked to be about 23 years old, said as they walked deeper into the woods. “What do you want with me?” she asked him fearfully. “You’ll find out the hard and painful way.” He said as she realized that this was pre-planned. After they walked for about ten more minutes; a fifteen minute walk from the road; they reached a small clearing and there was a mattress on the ground with trunks and a chair around it and a fire pit a few feet away,...
Introduction: A girl is kidnaaped and falls for the man who kidnapped her She walked along a roadway, her car had broken down and she was going to get help, she had forgotten her cell phone back at her house. She wore a black mini skirt, a light pink short sleeved blouse, and navy blue flip-flops. She had dark blonde hair that was so short that you couldnt do anything with it, she had hazel blue eyes and she looked to be about 18 years old. As she walked past the woods a man who was walking in...
story:[mF, cheat, wife, inc, mother, son, BBr] Every teenage boy at some point thinks about fucking his mom. And for most, it’s just a phase. They find a girl. They move on. For Josh Stevens, fucking his mom was his obsession. Lisa Stevens entered the kitchen. Her husband sat at the table, drinking his coffee and scanning his tablet, reading the news. Their son had just left for school. “What’s up with that dog of yours? This is the third time this week he’s dragged one of my bras under...
Within the various stories, you will take on the role of a man who will end up having his big dick shrunken significantly - whether that be medicines, spells, superpowers, special teas, or what have you - to a comical level. They also run the possibility of being humiliated, their tiny cock free for the world to see. Will some regain their meat, or are they doomed to be a mockery in the sack forever?
FetishCongratulations on your recent marriage, John Doe! I hope you have many enjoyable years with your new spouse, although I did notice you looking over your new stepchildren as well throughout the ceremony… Before you share your story with us, there is one thing we need to know. Are you male, female, or somewhere in between?
IncestEinleitung Regine ist eine 20jährige Arzthelferin aus München. Sie ist etwa 1,80 m groß, hat lange blonde Haare, blaue Augen, einen weichen vollen Mund, Titten der Größe 75C, ein schön geschwungenes Becken und unglaublich lange schlanke Beine. Sie ist also eine Frau, nach der sich die Männer umdrehen. Aber sie reagiert verstört und abweisend, wenn ein Mann sie anspricht. Denn im letzten Winter hatte sie ein Erlebnis, dass sie für ihr Leben gezeichnet hat....
You are in the land of Kidemia, where the sword and magic rule. Your first object is to decide who you will be and from there enjoy. It is easy, do you want to be a brash and virtuos warrior, a rogue who will do anyting to advance himself, or even a wizard who's whole goal is to fight with his magic and make himself more powerful. The choice is your's, so think with your head and your heart get in to the character and enjoy.
Non-EroticAbout 2 years ago I began looking at Transexual porn and realised that I was attracted to the male genitals when surrounded by the female form.It was at that point that a seed of an idea formed.There I was in a backlane somewhere in the suburban areas of a UK city looking down a path to the entrance to some slightly salubrious looking flats which fronted a tired row of commercial property.Prior to this I had been considering how I might do this thing. How to keep it secret and what might go...
The initial plan was to rent a cabin, spend a week in the mountains, get away from life as we knew it, and just have fun. Little did I know, the fun that we wound up having would be something completely unexpected, off-the-wall and dirty.But I had no complaints whatsoever. None at all.The vacation planning took the better part of six months. My wife and I had finally agreed to visit the mountains, rent a cabin, see the sights, visit some museums, eat some good food, do the tourist thing, and...
TabooThey drove back to town at a high rate of speed. Nearing the outskirts they passed through the skid row section of the city. Earl slowed and began to look at the surrounding area. Suddenly he stopped the van and got out. Walking down a dark and narrow alley, Ted could see him approach what appeared to be an old wino sitting on the ground with his brown paper bag of booze. Earl spoke with the wino for a minute and then returned to the van. "Debbie, you have a customer." Debbie stared...
“Wait, before we start we have to get some soda!” Tony yelled. “Hmm.. Ok, yeah, it is movie time right?” I went into the kitchen poured each of us a cup of orange soda. As I was about to finish filling up the second I heard Tony yell, “Popcorn too!” I accepted the request, grabbing a bag and putting it in the microwave. While that cooked I grabbed the soda and carried it into the kitchen. Half way there the microwave went beeping and Tony rushed off the couch and ran past me towards the...
Salma is 32 year old, she is 5 ' 5 " tall, weighs about 115 pound, and a 34D 25 36 figure. while She's got a lovely figure, it's her pert ass and firm toned leg's are her asset, we'v been married for 9 year's. and were born in bangladesh but lived in london since we were childs, Salma works for an accuntancy firm, and i run a small business... we have a good sex life an enjoy role play and fantasy games, and although it's forbidden in our religion we always read erotic stories of...
Introduction: Bengali wife fucked by neighbours son My name is R Khan, and Id like to tell you this true story of my beautiful wife Salma getting fucked by our neighbours son, it took place about two months ago, Before I tell you about this incident let me tell you about my wife, Salma is 32 year old, she is 5 5 tall, weighs about 115 pound, and a 34D 25 36 figure. while Shes got a lovely figure, its her pert ass and firm toned legs are her asset, wev been married for 9 years. and were born in...
My name is Kat, and I was in my mid-thirties working at a boring office job in North London. Days rolled into one without anything exciting happening. I lived alone in a two-bedroomed flat. I go to work nine till five each day, I leave my flat at 08:30 am, get on a tube at 08:45 am. And then arrive at work at 08:55 am. I just answered calls all day.One day, after another boring day at work, I was walking towards the tube station when this black van stopped in front of me and a man wearing a...
HardcoreThe Whiz Kid Belladonna Angelica Park sat alone in the living room of her spacious colonial style home. She caressed the sleeveless, dark colored dress decorated with a bright sakura pattern that was resting in her hands as a number of thoughts went through her mind. She looked down at the above the knee dress with an elastic waist and wide black belt and admired its design. She felt that it would look nice on most young women, but she was not a young woman. Angelica was in...
March 15, 1994, Chicago, Illinois “How was your first week?” I asked. “Very interesting,” Stephanie answered. “Obviously, it’s very different from what I was doing at Arthur Andersen, though they offered me a manager’s position on the Enron account if I would stay. But I think this is better for me in the long run. It’s not the same business, obviously, but Samantha is mostly going to let me run things day to day, with her input and control, of course. Thanks for working this out with...
Hi I’m Maddy this is my story. One fine Sunday morning my wife went to market to buy some vegetables for cooking. In the market she saw her good friend Divya. She brought her home and introduced me to her. When Divya met me she asked me how old am I? I told her that I’m 32.she said “you don’t seemed to like 32yrs old man, you look younger”. After that statement she went into the kitchen and started chatting with my wife. I was watching TV. As time passed I got hungry I’ called my wife **** my...
Hi friends this is my first iss blog which is about the feelings I went through in my early days.Hope you like it!! My name is Sushant from Kolkata and I am currently 27 years of age as a college student. Now some of you might be thinking why I am so much frank in a way to share my exact details which usually not happens.The reason being I have seen so much which tends me to just try to fuck myself and in a way to fuck the entire world that now I don’t feel ashamed of myself.!! So it all...
Ovid 20 - The Whiz Kid By The Professor Of all the Gods I had come to know in my time in Ovid, there was only one I had come to actively dislike. Some of the Gods had practically become friends, and one in particular - Diana - had become one of my best friends. Others were more standoffish, indulging human company but actively avoiding it. Some of them could be brusque while others were merely distant. My own boss - The Judge - could be like that at times, although I gave him a bye...
I rode into a little town looking for a meal. It was noontime, and I had eaten only a small breakfast in an overnight camp. This town was so small that it had only one saloon! I looked around for a restaurant, though it looked like it would take a miracle to find one. Not seeing anything that looked appropriate, I settled for the saloon. I figured that there was a good chance that I could find a sandwich in the saloon, since Mr. Jones always had the makings available for a customer who...
college fuck chapter 2: New kid It had only been a few days since me and Justin had fucked in the shower rooms. Me and Justin had already moved in together and starting a secret relationship. It felt weird seeing Justin making out and bringing s different chick to fuck each night but I didn’t mind as we would fuck again and again and again. We never went out but we would order takeout and download some new movies or porn. Football season was over so the shower rooms were closed. We would always...
GayKidnap"You know that when you kidnap for ransom, youhave to be prepared, if they don't pay. It's nodifferent when it's a political kidnaping. If theydon't release the prisoners, bad things happen. Somake the bad things happen, and video tape thehappenings, so they know they have to respond toour demands. Do it, now."Z went into the room where the girl was. She lay,crying, on the concrete floor, her hands and feetbound, her school uniform soiled, for it had beentwo days since she had...
Chapter Eleven: Bimbo Wife Kidnapped By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 Frank Jackman, CEO of BimboTech Chemicals I groaned as I sank my cock into Donna's wet, sultry pussy. My bimbo wife let out a moan around the senator's cock ramming down her throat. Around us in the small exhibition room in the Smithsonian Museum of Natural History, Nicole and Veronica, two of my other bimbo wives, writhed as they were fucked by the collection of congressmen and senators, some of the most powerful...
[23:53] Tjampion: Is everyone here? [23:53] nar8tor: not yet. waiting on durden. [23:55] System: User "Durd3n" has just connected. [23:55] Durd3n: Wazzzuuuup!? [23:56] Tjampion: Now are we ready? [23:56] Durd3n: hey guyz! Sry Im late. Crzy nite! [23:57] nar8tor: yes. ready. [23:58] Private message from Tjampion: Are you seriously friends with her? [23:59] Private message to Tjampion: she grows on you. [00:00] Durd3n: wat r u waiting 4? [00:01] Tjampion: Sorry. I was just...
Kidnapped Pt 1 By Kyle My son was taken from me when he was only eight years old. It was the event that shattered both of our lives, but it hurt him far worse. I wonder if there is anything I can do to heal what was done. He never told me what happened to him, but it was bad enough that it turned a kind and loving eight year old boy into a boy full of anger and hatred by the time he was thirteen. Is there anything I can do to help him? Can he become that kind and loving boy that I...
Frank Jackman, CEO of BimboTech Chemicals I groaned as I sank my cock into Donna’s wet, sultry pussy. My bimbo wife let out a moan around the senator’s cock ramming down her throat. Around us in the small exhibition room in the Smithsonian Museum of Natural History, Nicole and Veronica, two of my other bimbo wives, writhed as they were fucked by the collection of congressmen and senators, some of the most powerful men from both parties. I grinned, my dick throbbing in Donna’s pussy as I...
“Did you just give a teenaged girl two credit cards with no limit?” Tina’s mom asked. “Yep. I know that Bambi won’t go insane, and there isn’t anything around here where she can do all that much damage. Plus, she is ready to get home after having been here longer than expected,” I answered. “How about some breakfast in town? I know this place you won’t believe,” I told them. Tina’s dad asked, “If your friend took your car, are we taking our minivan?” “No need. I have a car waiting for us...
I picked up Nora and we headed over to Julie's place. Nora brought her covered dishes. She really looked nice, but she always did. As we pulled up to the house some of the younger grandkids came running out to the car. "Hi Grandpa," said Ashley. She had just turned four. After she gave me a hug and a kiss she looked at Nora. "Are you my new Grandma?" she asked. Nora smiled at Ashley. "No Sweetheart, I'm just a good friend of your grandpa's. You can call me Nora if you...
I sat on the couch knitting while watching the kids as they watched the TV screen. They were so entranced they didnt hear as Bill came into the room, arriving home from his day at work, and sitting on the armchair. Evening Bill I greeted politely. He grunted, lying down on the couch, filling up the entire space with his legs. Kids, say hello to your father I said. Hi Dad They barely glanced away from the TV to say hello. Wheres my dinner? Silently, I got up and walked into the kitchen,...
My sister Diane called me, and started talking about how she and Stu were planning this 10-day second honeymoon. Puttering around the Caribbean on one of those boats so huge you see a picture and immediately think How the hell doesn't that just sink?!! She actually called it a marriage rejuvenation cruise. "That means were gonna fuck like bunnies," she tittered. "Really? With the kids in the next berth over?" "Well, actually, that was why I was calling..." "Well, actually," I sort...
Disclaimer It's set in Yorkshire England not Cali-Fucking-Fornia, Inner Merica and its got real dialogue so if you don't like the F word read something else.Kidnap.She was feisty little thing, struggle, oh did she ever struggle, wriggling, squirming, kicking out even when we got her inside the van, oh and the lungs oh her, it was a good job it was raining or we would have had the entire neighbourhood chasing after us, but in the end we had her down on the carpet in the back of the van with...
Kidnapped by Danielle P (if you want to help me continue this story, send an email to [email protected]) One hot day in March, Dan was walking down the street downtown he was wandering around trying to pass the time before his appointment at the barber. His 6' 165 pound frame was very well toned for an eighteen-year- old high school senior and he decided to show it off by taking off his shirt which left him with just a wife-beater, when suddenly two men grabbed him and...
A few weeks ago, I was returning to my car at the mall. Before I knew what was happening, a windowless van pulled up beside me, some men jumped out, grabbed me, put a rag over my mouth and nose that knocked me out within seconds, and pulled me into the van. My next recollection was regaining consciousness and wondering what the hell was going on. I could hear voices so I kept quiet as I assessed my situation. I was laying on my side with my hands tightly secured behind me. My legs were tied...
Fifteen minutes later one of the Provincial Guards appeared and motioned us to follow him. As we approached the encampment I caught the unmistakable scent of blood and death. All the tents were standing, and there was no sign of destruction other than the dead bodies strewn about the area. A group in front of my tent included Amal and Omar, plus the two other Provincial Guards who had been left at the encampment. The other bodies, of which there were seven, did not appear to be labourers or...
When he was 16, he found a stash of dirty mags at the bottom of his parent’s hamper. He was looking for a sweater and thought maybe his mother dropped it in there accidentally. As if he unearthed some hidden treasure from a sunken Spanish galleon, his eyes lit up with excitement. He breezed through the pages, heart racing and cock rock hard, wanting to stroke it but being terrified his parents would walk in on him. Up until that point, Jake’s jerk sessions had been strictly powered by sheer...
School had been bad the previous year but at least he'd had his friends. Now, with his dad moving to a super-rich suburb, he knew nobody. Worse, everyone but him was rich. All the kids had cars, fancy clothes, ski vacations in winter and trips to Europe in the summer. Chances seemed good that Matt would become the ultra-nerd, despised by his fellow students, ignored by the teachers, and belittled by his father. Matt resolved that this year would be different. He wasn't sure how he'd make it...
TeenI was lying on my back in bed with her kneeling over me. We were both naked, and she was gliding along my erection with her really wet vagina. I smiled at her appreciatively, taking in the soft auburn-red hair, storm colored eyes, and voluptuous body completely uncovered by the normal work suit I was use to seeing her in. She was even more beautiful now than the first time we made love, if that was possible, though now her beauty had an edge to it, like a little girl full of mischief. She...
I had to fly to Brisbane. It was faster and cheaper to take the hour flight to Brisbane from Airlie and then the half hour one back to Bundaberg. I’d have a three-hour layover, but I’d be at mums by about 4:30pm, give or take. It was better than a ten-hour drive down and then back. I booked the flights and then dropped Beth home. I wouldn’t see her until Tuesday when I flew back to the island. I could catch the milk run from Bundy and be in Mackay in time to catch the flight to the island....
Annie and her Granny By Susannah Donim Chapter 8A - Three Damaged Kids (Insert) How Ingrid, Fred, Steve's father and Dolly first got together, and how they became who they are today. [Author's note: as there was some interest in the past history of Steve's family, I thought I might flesh it out a little. 5,500 words later, here it is. For those who care, this section fits in the original Chapter 8 immediately after the visit to M & S when Annie and the new Ingrid bump into...
My wife and I were agonizing over what to get the kids that year. They were boys ages five and eight. We watched all the ads on television, took note of all the hottest toys out there on the market, and finally decided on a few high tech toys we thought they would absolutely love. There were a few things they asked for we knew we had to get them. There were the action figures from Beasties (a retake from the original Transformers), we bought two each for them. They were pretty wicked action...
My heart suddenly felt like it was going to die as I saw Celcia cry."Mom, this isn't what it looks like," Celcia sobbed, getting up while covering her private parts. "Why are you in just your bra and panties?" she questioned before a pause. "What, were you awake when we were together. Do you know everything now?"I nodded and then I closed the gap between us as Todd stayed behind her. I didn't know what I was going to say, but I needed to say something as the giant elephant in the room had...
IncestI looked deep into Charlie's eyes as I paused, on the brink of making love to only the second woman in my life. In the main bedroom next door, my wife Elizabeth slept soundly with Charlie's husband Jason in the bed next to her. Charlie looked back at me, her eyes shining. "Do it, Martin. Make love to me." I'd carried a torch for Charlie for quite some time, since our college days in fact, when I'd first met her, Jason and Elizabeth. Don't get me wrong. Elizabeth was gorgeous, with her...
Vignettes: A Zest for Kidnapping By Xspy4u – Please do not reprint/repost without author’s permission Author’s Note: It is very difficult for me to write a single chapter short story. I do however often have story ideas and reader requests that I seldom have the time to work out (or into a story). Last week, such an event occurred. I was in the BDSM chat room and started to write a few lines of a story idea just to get the conversation moving forward. A ?Chatter? commented that she liked...
I’m a schoolteacher in an Inner-city Hellhole and my friends call me Julie the Schooly. It had been a pretty shitty week teaching 7 and 8 year olds who had already given up on the learning process; so had been looking forward to getting ‘fall down drunk’ on Friday night since second period on Wednesday morning. The plan had worked and I could hardly stand up as I staggered to the taxi rank near the railway station at midnight. “Shit!” I grumbled when I saw the length of the...
Introduction: First story. Married couple has a date day. My wife and I have been together for 7 years. Some say thats when the itch creeps in, the 7 year itch. You know, the wives tale goes that after 7 years a person is supposed to start wondering whether or not they can still pick up the opposite gender. Well, the itch hasnt gotten me. I still crave my wife and have eyes only for her. As happens though, time and kids (we have three under 5) tends to slow things down. So we decided to take a...
Lying in bed the next morning, Robert and Lisa strategized on how to introduce the idea of their having sex with the kids. Since the kids were already fucking each other, the only tricky thing would be suggesting that sex with their mom and dad was on the menu too. Lauren had taken to it pretty well, but there was no way to tell how they others might react. Fucking one’s parents is a very different thing than fucking one’s siblings. Still, even if they decided not to go for it, the situation...
Introduction: A new guy at school seems to be radiating a strange kind of power. Who and what is he? Its only my first story, and its not all action. Just to brief you ,-) He was tall, dark and excruciatingly beautiful. I was jealous from the moment I saw him. Even though I had quite a way with the ladies, the lady I wanted was surely going to fall for this new guy. His face was not handsome in the way that models are handsome. Male models all look the same: small, blue eyes, light brown hair,...
I was not one that hanged around with him, but whenever we would get changed in PE, I would look at him and wish I could do something to him, just... have fun. He was hot. I dreamed about the things I wanted to do to him every time I saw him. I would stare at him constantly during PE, looking at his amazing legs and chest, under his small singlet. One day, it was just too much. He was getting changed in PE with all the other students. I saw him there, with his amazing chest. He...
"Hey looked at what just popped up" It was a video of a girl touching her boobs while a guy sucked her pussy. "i'm gonna jack off" he said The thought of him, masturbating next to me turned me on. But I played the innocent. "What!?" I said "Here? Next to me?" "Ha! You wish." "What is your dick too small" He laughed "Please, I bet mine is two times yours" he said There was a part of me that wanted to see his cock... Wait. i'm a guy. I like girls. It was...
Do you know Audrey?To ask, “Audrey who?” is to lose. No breakfast at Tiffany’s for you. You'll be relegated to IHOP.My grandad loved Audrey. Because of him, I am, maybe uniquely, a millennial bought up in her image. I even named my cat Holly Golightly. For once he surprised me, for some reason that role underwhelmed him.Holly was free-form, fluid and difficult to categorize. Inspirational to me, and Audrey as Holly, elegant and sophisticated in her iconic little black dress, helped me...
Love StoriesIntroduction: A sleep over at Jakes house changes everything. This is a true story. I was watching You Tube videos with my Cousin Jordan, we were 14. I was slim and kinda tall. I had a 6 inch cock when hard. Hey looked at what just popped up It was a video of a girl touching her boobs while a guy sucked her pussy. im gonna jack off he said The thought of him, masturbating next to me turned me on. But I played the innocent. What!? I said Here? Next to me? Ha! You wish. What is your dick...