- 3 years ago
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I went to the local public golf course to see if I could get a membership or some such and save a few bucks. Did I need to? No, but I hated throwing money away. I showed up, the pro pointed me to this little office in the back of the pro shop and ... There was this girl.
I met Pamela there while I was signing up for that membership. I knew I’d be here for at least two years, probably golfing twice a month, at an absolute minimum, and probably twice a week or more. I love the game. I suck at it, but I love it.
She was working the back office, and I was sent in to settle up with her for a two-year membership, giving me an even deeper discount over two back to back annuals. I was really saving the bucks, and they’d have money for a grounds crew for a month, and maybe a couple of electrical bills, on my dime.
She was very friendly, and I noticed when the pro walked me back that she was treated well by the other staff, not to mention she was very friendly with them. I handed her a check. A fairly large check.
“Thank you, Mr. Cross.”
“Thank you as well ... Pamela. I see it on your nametag there. Thank you as well, Pamela, and I’m sure you’ll be seeing me around pretty often, so Charlie will be fine, just call me Charlie, for now.”
“OK, Charlie, you can call me Pam. Pamela is a bit formal. My parents use it constantly, though.” She smiled. “They’re both a bit stuffy and formal, though, so it’s understandable.”
“I remember my mother calling me ‘Charles’ now and again, but it was usually for a reason, and not a good one.”
“Were you a little troublemaker, Charlie?”
“I sure thought so, but she told me I wasn’t all that bad as she passed. She thanked me for being the boy and the man that I was, so I’d say I didn’t do too awfully badly.”
“Interesting. For some reason, I wish I could have met her.”
“Pamela ... Pam, would it be out of line for me...”
“Yes, Charlie, it would, but do it anyway and see what happens.”
“Pam, would you go to dinner and a movie or something similar with me?”
“I’d be delighted. You have my number. I may give you my other one, depending.”
“Yes, Charlie. Depending on whether we go out a third time.”
“Gotcha. Do good and I get your other number. Your cellphone number?”
“No, my home number. Fifth date for my cellphone.”
“You drive a hard bargain.”
“I’m not the dumbest nineteen-year-old blonde you’ve ever met. Trust me on that, unless I’m the only nineteen-year-old blonde you’ve ever met.” She giggled.
She had a lilt in her voice and a bounce in her giggle that just made me want to take her home to mom. Oh, yeah, that wouldn’t work. It was still hard getting used to. Less than a year. Just less by a little.
It was Wednesday afternoon when I met her. I doubt I will ever forget that day, or the date it happened. I called her the next day and arranged to pick her up for a movie and a late dinner, the location of her choice. She asked for Olive Garden, having not been there for a while and hoping for some special menu thing. I had no problem with that. Their shrimp scampi, the angel hair pasta one with asparagus, was my absolute favorite. I wouldn’t pass up some mushrooms, either, especially if she wanted to share them with me.
I picked her up Friday night for a movie and a late dinner at the Olive Garden. Lots of conversation took place and I learned a lot about her. She was in college, taking evening classes and living at home. It was her year off, but she didn’t really want to go all the way with that, so she worked at the golf course her uncle ran for an investment group. It was open to the public, but privately owned. The reason I didn’t meet her parents was that they were in Las Vegas at a computer convention of some sort.
I took her home that night, thanked her for the wonderful time, receiving her thanks for the great dinner and the movie. She said she enjoyed herself and hoped I did. I assured her that was a fact. She gave me a peck on the cheek and told me if that was true, to make sure to call her and ask her out again.
“Charlie, that was like a preapproved loan. I’ll say ‘yes’ when you ask me out on another date.” She giggled, I smiled, and she disappeared into her house.
She’d said she worked Tuesday through Saturday and was in school all day Monday and Wednesday nights. Thinking it might work, I called Saturday and asked her to show me around town on Sunday.
“Oh, that’s right. Charlie ain’t from around here, is he?”
“Nope! He’s a stranger in these here parts.”
“Yes, Charlie, that sounds like fun. I’m pretty well caught up, and spending the day out sounds nice. The weather is supposed to be nice, too.”
“See you Sunday at noon, then. I’ll feed you, so plan accordingly.” We signed off and I looked at the phone. I liked her. ‘She’s fun’, I told myself.
Sunday, I picked her up, getting a little peck on the cheek. We talked more and drove through the foothills, through town, and out on the prairie looking at different parts of town. We went north, up past the Academy, then toward Monument and had a really interesting day.
“Nice truck, Charlie. A bit different from the little car, huh?”
“Yeah, but it needs to get out once in a while, and I didn’t know whether or not we’d want to get off the beaten path, so I came prepared.”
“Oh, I see. A naughty boy and a boy scout! Good combination.” She giggled again, causing me to smile a bit too much. I started laughing.
“I like you, little girl. You’re funny.”
“Good. Glad to hear it.”
Dropping her off after dinner at the roadhouse, I got another peck on the cheek, this time, she held my forearm with her hand, squeezing, and maybe caressing it, when she did it. Her other hand was pulling my head toward her when I got the smooch. It was more. It was a gradual improvement. It was progress.
I called Tuesday asking her if it would be stalking to ask her out to dinner that evening.
“Yes, but ask anyway. There is a new place I heard about and I’m dying to try it. It shouldn’t be too busy on a Tuesday night. I’ll buy.”
“That won’t work. Pick you up at home? At work? Time?”
“Five, here at the golf course. Mom and Dad are back, so I don’t have Mom’s car. What part of that won’t work, Charlie? I don’t mean to be pushy, but...” I interrupted her.
“If you are on my arm, I’m buying dinner.”
“Oh, that. OK. I guess. I just don’t want to take advantage. I have a bit of money and can afford dinner.”
“Me, too. Now, hopefully you’ll allow me to be the macho, chauvinist pig, and buy dinner. Maybe ice cream at that place out on Powers by the movie theater afterwards?”
“No problem, I guess. I’ve never dated a male chauvinist pig before. A pig, yes, but the male chauvinist thing sounds fun, and I might even save a couple bucks.”
“With me, yes, you will.” She thanked me and we signed off.
We tried the new place, Wilbur’s. It was a barbeque joint that was getting high marks for the quality of the food but wasn’t highbrow at all. Lowbrow chic might be a better descriptor. Reservations would probably go in the trashcan with a hearty laugh from the cashier. He wasn’t the host, exactly. When you got to the front of the line, he just pointed at a table and said, “Over there. Someone’ll be right with you.” Friendly enough, I guess.
Wilbur’s was a really fun place. I took her home after we used half the wet naps in the place, and once at her place, getting a thank you, an eye twinkle, and a really nice peck on the lips.
“Charlie, that was fun. Thank you. That was three, by the way. Give me your phone.” She put her home number in it, then clicked down and put her cell number in as well. “Don’t use the bottom one until I tell you. We haven’t had that fifth date yet. After that? Maybe.” She giggled. I kissed her forehead and thinking I was being dismissed, but I was instead dragged in through the front door. “Mom! Dad!” Nothing. No response. “Oh, well, I guess we can do it next time.” She walked me to the door, held my arm and kissed my cheek. “Thanks again, Charlie. Stalking is OK, but I have two classes tomorrow night.”
I nodded, kissed her hairline on her forehead and thanked her for putting up with me. She giggled again and I left.
I slept easy knowing I was falling for a really, really nice young lady.
I saw her in the office the next morning, as I stopped in on the way to the driving range. I dropped a note on her desk. ‘Date #4: Movie and Red Lobster Friday?’ I got a nod.
I put a large bucket down range and then went to work. Just a six-hour training flight to some God forsaken part of the Nevada desert and back. The kid did fine, I signed him off and went back to my apartment. Marie Callender and I had dinner together. Turkey and fixins. She’s actually a pretty good cook.
It was about ten when my phone dinged, indicating a text coming in. It was from a new number.
“dont look at number - two more dates then ok”
“Got it - unlisted - you call #5 – no limit – none”
“ballet in denver sat night?”
“done - I need info for res”
“already have – going with ‘rents”
“sounds fun – what do they know about me”
“you are very very old and employed – and cute”
“and have a nice truck – they should not know about car for sure”
“secret between us?”
“yes - no - nevermind - you are employed? I just assumed”
“very much so – work for rich uncle”
“I thought you would catch that date #1 – pilot”
“oh yes - uncle???”
“oh OH DUHHH haha ROTFLMAO – ‘night charlie - friday - cant wait”
“Night hon”
Not a word until I picked her up. Her parents were already out, so I dodged a bullet yet again.
Although we didn’t even hold hands on the way into the movie or the restaurant, it was comfortable. Mostly. I got to wondering if something was wrong, but she seemed like she was having a good time, so I let it go.
Afterwards, I took her home. We were sitting in the car, outside her house, letting the cheddar garlic biscuits settle, I guess, when she caught me off guard. She leaned over, took my cheek in her hand, pulled me to her over the console, and kissed me. On the lips. Not a peck. A kiss. She licked my lips. Oh, God.
“What would you say if I just wanted to enjoy your company tonight, and not get entangled with any long-term commitments?”
“I’d say there are so many enjoyable things we could do. A foot rub, all night miniature golf, a late movie, all kinds of things are possible.”
“Even if I ask, you’re not going to have sex with me and ravish my body tonight, are you?”
“Probably not, since I’m not a ‘have sex, see you later’ kind of guy. It may be old fashioned, but when we make love, have sex, cuddle with petting, or if I just plain fuck you into a mattress so I can hear you scream my name, there will be a commitment involved. It’s just how I roll. I’ve made love to two women previously, Miss Martin. They left me for guys with more money. I was in love. They, obviously, weren’t. I thought they were. They said they were. I’m going to keep looking for Miss Right. You qualify in so many ways. You are a beautiful woman, apparently are very kind, generous, and liked by oodles of people, but ... I’m not here for the night. If you like me as much as I like you, I’m here for the duration. If you don’t want the commitment, or a long-term relationship, Pam, please let me know now, so I can let myself down sooner and easier and get out of your hair.”
Later that evening, when Sam pulled up in front on Sally's house, she saw her waiting on the front porch with a small suitcase. She smiled when she saw the young girl's beaming face. Although she had second-guessed her decision since she had agreed to go, Sally's enthusiasm made her feel better. Besides, it would be a chance to rest and get away from the pressure she was feeling. At least for one day. Sally jumped into the car with a cheery hello, throwing her bag into the back seat. Then...
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this is a short story by a published UK author. i wont say her name incase this gets deleted - pull those panties to one side or get your cock out because your gonna love this!-------------------------------------------------------------------------------This is a fantasy rather more than a story, and one which is special to me. It was my first really involved submission fantasy, and it kept me in orgasms for years, in innumerable subtle variations. Occasionally it still does. Like many of my...
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Ok readers, here’s the fourth installment. It’s hopefully a lot longer than the others so it should give you a descent amount to read. I know some of you have asked for longer chapters, but I’m afraid that with story writing, you can’t really plan the length of a chapter, the story happens how it happens, so if you think they’re too short, then tough cookies. Just a little reminder to PLEASE VOTE AND COMMENT. I can’t improve on my stories if I don’t know what you think about them. Us writers...
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Office SexRon – my saviour I have been OFFLINE for 18 months and hope that you will forgive me – also hope that you can accept this first story since then – don’t forget to vote and comment as that will give me more inspiration. Thanks jena121My brother, Ron, was living with his girlfriend when my husband passed away, about 4 years ago. They came to visit about twice a week mostly so that I would not feel too lonely. I had not started thinking about any other relationship as yet, I was still...
Incest© copyright 2003 Thanks Christa, The last five years of my life have been pretty much shit. When I married my wife she was a total babe, now she has gained over a hundred pounds and adding more each day. It's getting to the point where she just asks me to bring more food to her. She won't get up to help herself. My daughter, Beth and I had a thing between us for years. She loved turning me on. It first started when she was around fifteen or so. She would never lock the bathroom door...
Some parents relive their dreams through their c***dren, be it a career move, thoughts of untold wealth, either way they hamper their k**s ambitions and choices in life.My own daughter by year ten had won five beauty pageants, been on TV with advertisements, countless magazines and local newspaper photo-shoots, she by all standards had a bright future ahead of her.When you have a protegee you might have a problem c***d on your hands, but safe to say she entered that most troublesome time in a...
Hi everybody. It’s Sonal, the slut again. If you haven’t read my previous stories, So, this happened a month ago. I moved out of my old apartment recently. Right opposite my block was another block and we can look into each other’s apartments if the curtain was not drawn. The women there were scared of me seducing their husbands because I was a slut. One of them talked bad about me for no reason, I did nothing to her or her husband. She called me a bitch, whore, etc. So, I decided to take...
(A little background information to make the story make more sense) This is loosely based on my first experience as a mistress and details like names have been changed , neither me or my pet are into excessive amounts of pain in our relationship (only light bondage). This happened a few weeks after I started going out with her and was my first time staying at her place. Any comments or criticism are appreciated and I may write more based on if people enjoy this or not. This is an early draft...
LesbianHello everyone. This is Chirag, a Guajarati guy basically from Chennai, right now in Bangalore pursuing MBA in a reputed college in Bangalore. Girls/Aunties mail me your feedback at I am 21 year old, not the fittest guy as mentioned here on ISS. But definitely can bring a smile to your face. Coming back to the story, I moved to Bangalore in the month of July 2014 to start a new phase in my life. As it was a new place, new people it took time for me to make friends. It was August where our HR...
I sing as the water beats down on my shoulders, my voice echoing off the walls in the tour bus bathroom. The only place I actually feel comfortable singing when I'm all alone.I jump and I drop the bottle of shampoo on the shower floor once I hear the tour bus door open and slam shut. My eyes are wide with fear and my singing instantly stops. Millions of thoughts run through my mind since all the guys are at rehearsal for their concert tonight, so no one should be on the bus.I run my fingers...
IncestMinxx Marii needs to lay down the law with her new stepbrother, Nathan Bronson. She walks out of her bedroom one morning and can’t find any coffee so she immediately begins rubbing her boobies. She tells Nathan she needs either coffee or sex in the morning, which leaves Nathan befuddled. The next morning Nathan hears Minxx’s alarm and runs to make coffee. He tries to find the coffee to make Minxx some, but it’s nowhere to be found. Minxx claims that Nathan drank all the coffee...
xmoviesforyou(All characters in this story are at least 18 years old) Hermione, Ginny and Luna where in the school's potion lab, the room was for students to make potions for extra credit, Hermione and her two friends where working on a new potion, this potion was going to be for woman who want to look younger as well as sexy'er then what they are now. "Are you sure this is the right color" asked Ginny who was stirring the potion, the potion was a light red. "yes, now stir it clockwise two more times, and i...
I’m having a hard time seeing into my crystal ball today. For some reason it seems to be fogged up, and I can’t see anything. No, wait, it’s clearing up now. There is someone in the shower, so the room is full of steam. It’s you, your hair is full of suds, and your body is slick. Hmmmm, I love slick. On the other side of the shower curtain, I’m undressing, planning to surprise you, and join you under the warm water. I poke my head around the curtain, and see your back. There is a...
Complacency was a mood foreign to Andy Trainor’s makeup. He was much likelier to be worried. Yet, he was almost complacent as he drove up the interstate from Champaign towards Chicago in the spring of ‘77. Though he kept his eyes on traffic, he was constantly aware of Marilyn riding shotgun beside him. She wasn’t a passenger; they were a couple. Okay, they were a dating couple, not a married couple. They weren’t even engaged, and they couldn’t be until he was a hell of a lot closer to being...
Chapter 2 Portland, Oregon Randy was furiously stroking sissy's little cock to Mrs. Alex's demanded rhythm. Back and forth. Up and down, and sissy was mewling, it's eyes melting in him; please let me come, please, please, as it bucked against the straps that held it firm. For to Ms Alex, sissy had become an it, and had only three names. Sissy, it, husband. Something had gone on, long before Randy entered the picture. But here he was now, dressed like a French maid, in heels that...
You've been driving in your black silverado for 3 hours on your way to your friends cabin for the weekend. You're looking forward for a weekend of adventuring and drinking. After downing 4 mountain dews and a few burritos, duty calls and you stop at the truck stop rest stop. You walk in and there's 4 stalls and 6 urinals. Here's the bathroom setup: Stall 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Urinal 1 Stall 2 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Urinal 2 Stall 3 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -...
GaySince I was about to do a run with David’s team, the terrible Trio took the bus to Nancy’s Gym and home again. Later that night. the girls crashed through the front door while I watched the Blackhawks about to get knocked out of the playoffs. Tired from a hard practice session, the shower warmed up while Nat waited impatiently with a towel over her shoulder. Kate headed to the kitchen to warm up food, and Jude crashed on the floor, not even trying to move. No complaints, just three...
The man saw the woman as she paid for her ticket. At first he thought maybe she was on a movie date with someone. The movie they were both going to see had gained notoriety by nearly getting an x-rating because of its sex scenes which were crucial to the plot. The theater was an old one which had balconies which were no longer used and was what was called an “art house theater”.She went into the theater with him a few paces behind. The theater was crowded but they both found seats next to each...
I look down at my feet that appear so white as I slip on my panties after taking my morning shower. The day will be hot, somewhere in the upper 80’s and I contemplate wearing shorts with my extremely pale legs. I look in the mirror and see my bare chest, the small white mounds with nipples erect from the chill of being freshly out of the shower. I have no tan lines to speak of because I have no tan and though I know I will wear a tank top, I also know that I will slather on the sunscreen to...
MasturbationIt was Sunday, and Sophie made her way to band practice eagerly. Her band was no ordinary orchestral type band, nor was it a rock band. Her band was a Junk Band. They practiced every third Sunday. They had a pretty weird name too, 100% Recyclable. They’d seen it on a box during a rehearsal, and agreed on using it as a name. Sophie liked going to band, because she got to hit things very hard, and had a good sense of rhythm. But there was another reason. “Hi Sophs, how’s things?” His name was...
First TimeRob and Yvonne were so happy to at last have found a suitable house to rent. Their marriage was just a week off and they'd been beginning to despair at the possibility or finding something affordable.Having looked all through the house, they locked the door and, hand in hand, wandered around to the back garden."Hello," a cheery voice called out.They both turned to see the next door neighbour over the low dividing wall. He was a scrawny looking, bald headed man in about his sixties, he had a...
Not even a downward push, the latest drunk blonde tourist I picked up at Drai’s night club, gobbled up my dick as if I had paid her. Right to work, that’s the spirit. Passionate as well, an obvious nympho with an oral fixation, saliva dripped down my balls as her head bounced furiously.A bouncing dick-sucker works for me, I’ll cum that way, though not the fastest path to climax. I relaxed against the headboard in her Bellagio hotel room to admire my latest pick-up. She should stop to suck it...
Oral SexIntroduction: A man and wife find out about the boss and his wife At The Company Picnic My wife and I attended our first company picnic just last weekend. It was a small affair as the company isnt that big but everyone seems like family. We were new so when we arrived, the boss immediately invited us over to his table where we met his wife. They were both very gracious and kind, wanting us to feel at home. The afternoon progressed until it was time to clean up and go home. After helping, we...
CHAPTER TWO: SUGAR AND STRIFE It was twelve noon when Katherine arrived at the Rio. She threw away the half smoked cigarette and checked with a receptionist she knew. Daniel was indeed staying there, and by a remarkable co-incidence, in a suite on the same floor as Mario. When she alighted from the elevator, she resisted a strong urge to turn left and see if he was there. That could come later if things turned out that way. Instead, she headed left and gently knocked on the door to Mario’s...
Ich heiße Brigitte, 22, Polizeimeisterin und habe lange blonde Haare, im Dienst zu einem Pferdeschwanz zusammen gebunden, leuchtend blaue Augen, laut Anderen bin ich sehr hübsch. Mein Busen ist fest und nicht zu groß, ich habe eine Wespentaille, einen knackigen Po und sehr lange, schlanke Beine; meine 56 kg verteilen sich auf 1,76. An jenem heißen Sommertag hatten wir Befreiung von der Uniformjacke, und so fuhren mein Kollege und ich ohne Jacke, auch an jenem Abend waren es noch 28 Grad, und...
Giuseppe arrived at my hotel in his carriage promptly at the time he had stipulated. Neapolitans have a reputation of being tardy at keeping appointments, but both Francesco Caracciolo and Giuseppe di Campania showed this to be a canard. I joined Giuseppe in the carriage, and we sped off to Cleopatra’s Palace, situated a little way south of Naples, towards the base of Mount Vesuvius. As we rumbled along a well maintained road Giuseppe regaled me with stories of the great and the good of...
Daddy's friend Mark lived out of town, so when he came to see my daddy he would spend the night at our house. He did this about once a month, and we even had a guest room just for him.Mark came down for the weekend a few years ago, when I was 15 and Mark was about 40. I had just started "blossoming", I guess you could call it. My tits had grown from a 34A to 34C in just a few months, and I could tell Mark couldn't help staring at them all through dinner and while he and daddy played poker that...
Dharmendra road was surprisingly quiet on this October afternoon. Nestled in her tiny kitchen, Kanchana was supervising her vegetable stew. The chopped onions and cucumber along diced carrots seemed to swirl on forever. Hers was a small apartment in an ancient building. The greenish plaster was falling off in many places but repairs was something she could not afford as a simple tax returns employee. The liabilities didn’t stop there as a broken window, leaky pipes and frequent power outages...
Romance“Well, good morning,” I said with a smile on my face as I closed the door behind me. I sat the tray on the ledge beside the sink and glanced over to the bubble-filled bathtub in our suite. There she was, just basking in the glow of our late night/early morning lovemaking. She looked so beautiful in the tub covered with bubbles in all the right places.I popped the cork and poured the champagne out and went to hand Sydnee a fluted glass. I did make her pay me with a kiss to get the flute...
ThreesomesI was eleven when I watched my sixteen-year-old baby sitter fuck two high school boys. "If you don't say anything about it," Mellisa said, "I'll give you a treat." What eleven-year-old wouldn't say he'd be quiet for a candy bar? I told her I wouldn't tell and when her friends had gone she did not give me a candy bar - she gave me my very first blowjob. "Did you like that?" she asked. Stupid question - I stood there with my tongue hanging out and my head shaking like a puppy dog...
Was thinking how lovely it would have been if we were going out to central London town to this highly lovely wine bar at the basement. Very secluded and with romantic settings. Wooden floor with low wooden ceiling, dim lights with small wooden round tables with small petite chairs round the able. A fire place with real fire on one of the walls not far from the table we choose to sit down at. The place has a very chilled romantic atmosphere to it, relaxing and yet so cosy. We sit at the table...
VoyeurMike and Sally meet Jacki and the flirting began.Mike and Sally arrived on campus and moved into their separate dorm rooms. Their parents were with them and they all ate lunch together, and then their parents went home. They went to their rooms to finish unpacking, in what would be their homes for the next eight months. They did live close enough to go home every weekend, so they could get anything they might have forgotten.They both worked at the same company but in different departments....
CheatingTHE TALE OF JET & QUARTZ By: Darian Deamos Chapter two: Live Strong Dan and Sam walked down into their living room, and into a storm. A storm of confetti. There was a big sign up in the rafters, saying 'WELCOME BACK!' and Brian and Diane were standing on either side of the door with noisemakers, blowing them into the twins' ears. If they could have, they would have blushed. "Um, thanks?" Sam muttered, feeling suddenly and unaccountably self- conscious. If she could have...
Introduction: Back with the second chapter! Im still hoping for plenty of comments on how to make my story better as well as requests as to what races and fetishes you might like to see. Anyway, the saga continues as Alaric finds himself looking back at his life while making progress moving forward. (Alaric) Light struck Alaric unkindly in the eyes the following morning. He ruffled his blonde hair and sat up. He groaned from the throbbing pain in his ass. Tyr was still curled next to him and...