Picnickers MChapter 2 Lover
- 3 years ago
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Complacency was a mood foreign to Andy Trainor’s makeup. He was much likelier to be worried. Yet, he was almost complacent as he drove up the interstate from Champaign towards Chicago in the spring of ‘77. Though he kept his eyes on traffic, he was constantly aware of Marilyn riding shotgun beside him. She wasn’t a passenger; they were a couple.
Okay, they were a dating couple, not a married couple. They weren’t even engaged, and they couldn’t be until he was a hell of a lot closer to being able to support her. But, seeing them from outside the car, you wouldn’t have been able to tell that. And, she seemed willing to continue as a couple.
She’d even had sex with him. The immediate sensations had been overwhelmingly delightful. What he took away in the long run was that she had accepted him. Marilyn wasn’t the sort to have sex casually. Even if she hadn’t revealed that he’d been the first, he’d have known that she didn’t choose sex partners lightly or frequently. If they weren’t married, they were on the road to being married. All he had to do was to keep their relationship developing along that track.
School, if he hadn’t received the grades for the last semester yet, also felt like it was on track. After the distribution courses and preparatory stuff of the first year, he’d taken real engineering courses. And they’d felt like they’d gone okay. You could always really blow an exam without knowing it, but up to the finals almost all of them had felt okay. He was worried about Drafting, a real engineering course but not his cup of tea. The rest, always allowing for unseen disasters, had gone well. At the very least, he’d learned the content. Even if he had somehow failed to show it on the last exam, he had that learning. Even Phys Ed had been fun -- the first fun he’d had in a gym class in his life -- and now he could swim. Which, since Marilyn enjoyed swimming, could be important.
If he hadn’t accomplished any of his three goals for his four college years after the first two, he was on track. He had always known that becoming an engineer would take four years. Marriage to Marilyn, which he hadn’t allowed himself even to dream about for the first two years he’d known her, depended on his being able to support a family. That depended on his being an engineer. His final goal, independence from his Dad, had to wait for the first two. Dad paid his tuition. Intellectually, he knew that he had to wait, although dependency grated.
He got past the on-ramps and exits. The traffic -- mostly trucks this time of day -- was flowing freely. He could pay attention to Marilyn again. He’d already heard her grade predictions; he’d go to her sorority little sister.
“Did Beverly tell you how she thought she did?”
“She wasn’t afraid of any failures. She doesn’t have your standards, you know.” And so, they went on until they stopped for lunch. After that, it was a pleasant drive until they got to Chicago and the spaghetti bowl of interchanges. From there, it was east to the Outer Drive and then Sheridan to Evanston.
He drove up to her street and backed into her drive. He left more room in front of the garage door so he could get her suitcases out of the trunk. She opened the door, and he put her luggage down in the entryway. She went up two steps on the stairway to compensate for the 14 inches difference in their heights. She turned to him, and he kissed her. It wasn’t really goodbye; they’d see each other all summer. Still, it was a long, warm kiss.
“Marilyn!” It was Marilyn’s mom. He took his hands off her, in case her mom was looking as well as calling. Marilyn didn’t pull her arms from around his neck, although she did break the kiss to answer.
“Yeah. Later. I’m busy now.” She went back to the kiss, and he cooperated to the extent of chasing her tongue with his. His heart wasn’t really in the kiss, though.
“Is that Andy?” That did require an answer.
“Yes, Mrs. Grant. Hello. I brought Marilyn home.”
“Come upstairs now.” That clearly wasn’t directed at him. Well, the kiss had been nice while it lasted.
“Love you,” he whispered.
“I love you, too,” she said loudly. She’d said it before, and he believed she did, but this was for her mom to hear.
At home, he used his key but gave the family’s two quick rings to let Mrs. Bryant know that someone else was in the house. She came out to greet him.
“Andy! You hungry?”
“Well, we stopped for lunch. Let me get my bags.” He hauled his stuff in from the porch and carried the actual bags upstairs. Back downstairs, he resisted the special homecoming meal until Dad could join him at regular dinner time. He did have some of Mrs. Bryant’s good chocolate-chip cookies.
“Well,” Dad asked after dinner, “think you passed any courses?”
“Not until the teachers grade them. Anything can happen to blow a test, but otherwise I’m happy with most of them. I’m worried about Drafting. It would take a miracle on the last test to get me an A. But I’m virtually certain to pass Phys. Ed. The very last gym class I’ll ever take.”
“Was it that painful? Swimming, wasn’t it?”
“Yeah, no. Swimming was rather fun after a while. The guy told you what to do; you did it; after some practice it moved you through the water. And, too, Marilyn swims. We might go to the lake this summer.”
“Ah, Miss Grant. Always an important consideration. You don’t want to look incompetent in front of Miss Grant.”
“You’re teasing. Anyway, I’m competent in all sorts of things.”
“And so you are. Unfortunately, she’s unlikely to see you solve differential equations, or know what you’ve done if she did see.”
“Yeah, but she understood dean’s list.”
“And that impressed her? She impresses me. The coeds of my day were more interested in men with a gentleman’s C.”
“Being impressed by her is one thing we agree on.”
“So it is. I’ll even pretend that your impression extends beyond the gonads.”
“It does. I won’t pretend that I’m not sexually attracted...”
“That’s fortunate. Five minutes in your joint company would tell anyone that you’re sexually attracted.”
“But she has many good qualities beyond that.”
“I don’t doubt that. I was only dubious that you saw beyond your lust.” But, really, Dad was only arguing for the sake of argument. Dad was quite happy to show up at church a little early so that he could wait for Marilyn while Dad took his usual place. While he was standing at the top of the steps, the Pierces drove up. Mr. Pierce stopped right in front in the unloading zone. Mrs. Pierce hurried downstairs while Mr. Pierce unloaded the twins. While he walked them upstairs, he left the rear door of his car open.
“Can I leave them with you, Andy?”
“Of course.” The kids were cute, and it wasn’t as though he was going to go far. Mr. Pierce put one hand securely in his and then the other, reciting the kids’ names as he did so. He ran down to his car and drove away to park it. By now, he’d have to go blocks.
The kids tugged him towards the stairs.
“Down,” said John.
“Please,” said Paul. It was either struggle with them at the top of a long flight of concrete steps or walk down. They walked down, the boys clearly enjoying themselves. When they got to the sidewalk they turned around, taking a lot of space to turn the three of them. He wasn’t about to let go of a hand. They started up assuming his agreement. On their second trip down, Marilyn came up with her family.
“The Pierce twins,” he said. “Wait for me in our pew, will you?” He’d rather have gone in with her, but the kids couldn’t turn around where they were.
“Of course.”
“Andy, you’re a worse sucker than I am.” Mr. Pierce had come back and was behind them. The boys looked around and tried to jerk their hands loose. When Mr. Pierce passed him, they started up the stairs after their father. He wasn’t as much a sucker as Mr. Pierce, not by an order of magnitude -- not by two orders of magnitude.
When he joined Marilyn, she snuggled up to him a little closer than they were used to sitting in First Urbana. When her dad looked back at them, she snuggled closer yet. He loved the warmth against his hip. He’d have preferred thinking that it was an expression of her desire for him instead of her rejection of her parents.
After church, was coffee hour. The kids already back from college gathered at two adjoining tables. Some schools weren’t out yet. Marilyn, former MYF chair, was one of the foci of the group. As her guy, he was a bigger part of it than his one year of attendance before college would have justified otherwise. Mr. Schmidt stopped at the table with his wife as he went out. He greeted the kids, who’d been his charge when they were in MYF.
“Think you can make it in at 8:45 tomorrow, Andy?” Mr. Schmidt asked him.
“Of course.” After he left, the Pierces came up the stairs. The rest of the choir had been up for some time, but they probably had something to do for the twins.
“And here, my dear, is a worse sucker than I am,” Mr. Pierce said to his wife. Not by two orders of magnitude. But he’d have to say that in a way the half-educated would understand.
“Not by one percent, I walked the twins up and down twice. How many trips have you made with kids who wanted to climb stairs?”
“You have to understand, Andy,” said Mrs. Pierce, “that being one percent as much of a sucker as Bill still makes you a huge sucker.” She stayed around with the kids while her husband went for the car. The twins were the center of attention, and they looked used to that.
As the coffee hour was breaking up, Dad came over.
“Are you riding with us, Miss Grant? Are you ready to go?” he asked.
“Do you think you’d like to repeat the seating arrangement with my daughters when they are here later this summer?” She looked at him.
He was fine with that arrangement.
“Sure,” she said. Dad immediately handed him the keys. Well, he knew where the car was parked. Apparently, he was driving today. When he got back, Dad handed Marilyn in to the front seat before he could go around. Dad got in the back.
“Take Miss Grant home first,” Dad said. “We’re going to a restaurant. I’m sorry, my dear. You’d be welcome to accompany us, but your parents would have objections -- deservedly so -- on your first Sunday back from school.” Dad was always appreciative of Marilyn and warm towards her -- the “Miss Grant” until she called him “Jim” excepted. Still, he always treated her as Dad’s guest and him as a stray when they were together. He drove Marilyn home.
“Backing in?” Dad asked. Was he going to supervise his driving, now?
“Gets Marilyn closer to the door.” Which Dad should have been able to figure out for himself.
He got out. A lady, she waited for him to open her door. He walked her to her porch and stood the usual two steps down. They had a kiss, even an open-mouth kiss. Still he could feel that she was conscious of Dad’s watching. He heard the car door slam. Still, when he got back, Dad was in the passenger seat. He was still the driver.
“Get your voyeur kicks for the week?”
“You know, when somebody sneaks around and peeks in your bedroom window, you have grounds for complaint. Even when he peeks in the car window when you’ve parked seeking privacy. When you do something on the front porch in broad daylight, you have no grounds for complaint that others are in view. And, when I want voyeur kicks, I’ll choose among stronger fare than a good-bye kiss, thank you.”
“So, where are we going?”
“Well, if you’re in the mood for an argument, we have plenty of left-overs back home. Mrs. Bryant really cooked up a storm for you.”
“I’m done.”
“Bread Box.” So, he drove to The Bread Box. Despite its name, it served full meals, standard fare, but tasty.
“So,” Dad began. “Have your summer mapped out?”
“Sorta. I’ll be working at the hardware store again.” Dad, who had picked up the app and mailed it to him, was aware of that, but you started a description where the audience was. “I don’t know the specific hours, of course. I brought the book for PDE. Figured I’d read a little ahead.”
“PDE being.”
“Partial differential equations.”
“I thought you studied differential equations this past year. Was it only the impartial ones?” He gave Dad a smile, a thin one but better than the joke deserved.
“Let’s say you want to lose weight by exercise. You burn 3,000 calories, which are really kilocalories, in one exercise session. But you eat food containing 4,000 calories after the session because it made you hungrier. Your partial derivative of weight over exercise is the negative of whatever weight 3,000 calories represents. Your partial derivative of food intake with respect to exercise is 4,000 calories.
“Well, that situation, while not continuous and, thus, not really dealt with by derivatives, represents a common physical situation. Z is a function of X and Y; Y is a function of X. The partial derivative of Z with respect to X represents what would happen if Y were held constant. I really need paper -- or a blackboard.”
“You really need an audience which is up to speed on that. Remember what happened with your AP calculus?”
“Don’t remind me.”
“You performed perfectly honorably. Your high-school teacher didn’t do what the course description claimed it would do. You fell behind in college. You learned what you needed to know by yourself. But you needed to know a fraction of a semester’s work. To follow that description, I’d need to have taken -- and remember after decades -- entire college courses I never touched.”
“Anyway, PDE is a course different from Diffy Cue. And, if I were interested, I’m sure that there is a continuation of each somewhere in the University catalog.”
“‘Of books and the making of books, there is no end.’”
“Well the number of courses in the catalog is quite finite. I, however, will never come to the end of them. For that matter, the number of books in all the libraries of earth is finite, as is the number of sub-atomic particles in all those books.”
“Andy, you are a literalist.”
“Marilyn made the same accusation.”
“Well, if Miss Grant says so, it must be correct. And, in your case, it’s not an accusation; it’s an observation.”
“She introduced Beverly as her ‘little sister.’ Beverly isn’t tall, but she’s much taller than Marilyn -- as who isn’t?”
“There is that, but she’s using the term metaphorically. Not even that. Sorority girls use it as a technical term. I must say, that if Miss Grant exceeds my memory of coeds, she overwhelms my memory of sorority girls.”
“She doesn’t like you calling her that, you know.”
“Well, she is Miss Grant. I’ll change when she calls me ‘Jim.’”
“She doesn’t want to call you ‘Jim.’ You’re not her contemporary, you’re the father of her boyfriend -- the stuffy father of her boyfriend.”
“Now, is that your opinion or hers?”
“It’s an observation.”
Monday, he was in the hardware store, in his place, and with his week’s schedule well before the store opened at 9:00. There wasn’t a flood of customers, and he was the only one on a cash register. When there weren’t customers, he figured out what would be convenient for evenings. Now to see what would be convenient for Marilyn.
When he called that night, they agreed on movie dates Tuesday and Wednesday and a day at the beach Thursday. It was a damn sight harder to find private parking places in the northern suburbs than it had been in Champaign. Forget Evanston itself. But he found the places and Marilyn was sexy as hell.
Andy worried about Marilyn all day Thursday. Luckily, he was on inventory and didn’t have to deal with customers. Thursday night, he figured out one possible solution. They wanted walls and a bed; they couldn’t get them at her house or his. People rented these all the time, sometimes on a one-day basis. He’d been in his kid mode, still, but he had lots of money in the bank. He’d try hotels. What were the rules? That was the problem. What were the rules? He was fairly sure that if he and...
Early the next week, Andy invited her on a picnic for that Saturday and she accepted. They got the same order, drove to almost the same location. It was a bright day, and he parked under the trees and spread his blanket in the shade. After their first kiss, he turned her around to hold her. She could feel his erection against her back. He bent down to kiss her neck. His kissing her there always turned her on. “You go ahead,” he said. “I’ve got what I want to eat right here.” He nibbled at...
By Monday morning Marilyn’s itchiness had almost disappeared, and by Tuesday night she felt fine for her date with Andy. Afterwards, he scratched quite a different itch. “I love you,” he said as they got into the front seat again. “Yeah, but only on Saturdays,” She was in a silly mood. “I love you all the time. I want you all the time. I get you on Saturdays.” Clearly, Andy wasn’t feeling silly. “Do you really want me all the time?” Now, she sounded like she was fishing for...
Marilyn Grant felt better riding up from Champaign in May of ‘77 than she’d felt at the end of a school year since her freshman year in high school. And this was looking ahead while that had been relief at the year’s ending. The drive up from Champaign was delightful. She and Andy talked of their immediate future and their past two years. When they were silent, it was a comfortable silence. Different as they were, the two of them had both been successes in their sophomore years. Andy, while...
All sorts of things could have gone wrong with Marilyn’s plans to have some privacy with Andy, but nothing did. Pete went off as he was supposed to. Mom went to the Food Depository as she was supposed to. She was bathed, dressed, made up, and perfumed when Andy rang the bell a few minutes before 10:00. After she locked the door, they had a sweet kiss. When his hands began to roam, she led him upstairs. She finally had him in her room with the door shut behind her. He kissed her while taking...
When he rang her bell at 10 Thursday, Marilyn was prepared for Andy’s second visit. She was better prepared than last time, she hoped. The perfume she wore was minimal, only on the pulse points of her wrists. She had on her mascara but not her lipstick. A towel and the Airwick were already in the room, and the window was open. The alarm was set for 3:00. She let him in and locked the door. They had a great kiss. Her top was white and so thin that she’d never have worn it without a bra if...
When the phone rang Thursday at 9:30, Marilyn was sitting down to breakfast. “It’s for you, Marilyn,” Mom said. “Hello?” Who’d call her this early? “Marilyn, it’s Molly. You said to call you this morning.” She hadn’t said to call before dawn, though. Maybe she should have left more time between her day-date with Andy and her talk with his sister. But there wasn’t all that much time. These guys were going home on Sunday. “Look, I’m just starting breakfast. How about I come over to your...
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[Disclaimer: This story does, in fact, contain sex and all of that stuff. Just thought it would be fun to make you earn it. On another note, there is some implied violence, (you can meet several unfortunate ends that are mostly unmentioned, but someone with a sharp mind and a talent for reading between the lines can understand what they imply) but nothing gratuitous or that violates the rules of CHYOA. Of course if I'm wrong this story won't be here for that long and it won't matter much, will...
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ExhibitionismSo much to do and it’s almost 9 o’clock. Thinking to himself I don’t have a lot of time and there is still so much to do I will just need to focus on getting the basics ready and will take time later once the party has started to finish up. Who knows having her see things coming together might really be the icing on the cake so to say. With that he got going and finished up some small details. Glancing at the clock again it was 8:30 he had just enough time to jump in the shower and get...
She didn't look crazy—in fact, she looked the opposite of crazy, if there was such a thing, although it was true she didn't look the way she normally did. At the moment, to the casual observer Patti might easily be mistaken for a librarian: her dark hair was pulled up into a bun on top of her head and she had on glasses and no make-up, and she was dressed in a long, conservatively-cut leather jacket that came almost to her knees. The black high heels might have seemed a little out of...
I waited here before same time, same place, and same day. She always arrives first. Today she was dressed in a short red teddy that barely stopped mid-thigh. She turned when she heard him come in. A big smile on her face they exchanged words. I could never hear what they said but, whatever it was it didn’t matter I wasn’t there to listen to them but to watch. She glided to him and grabbed his cock through his boxers. He smiled as he watched her drop down to her knees. She glided her hand up...
VoyeurIf there was one thing that annoyed the crap out of me it was a straight boy who gave off mixed vibes. That boy was named Daniel Taylor and I’d simply become fed up with his games. When he wasn’t making fun of me along with all the other basketball players, he was smacking my ass or humping me when no one was paying attention. He sat behind me in our calculus class and would always put his feet on the legs of my desk and cause it to shake. And with me being on the cheerleading team, me and the...
100% fiction! One day while I came back from high school, mum told me that my cousin Beverly was coming over to stay with us the next day as her new workplace is quite near to our house. I was so happy hearing this because Beverly is my cousin sis who's 3 years older than me, by that time I was 18 and she 21. She's super hot, with her big boobs and sexy looking ass. Everytime I masturbate, she's the one I fantasize about. Simply knowing that she's coming to stay with us had made my cock hard...
Incest----------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 3 My mouth was dry and full of the taste of Candy’s pussy. I wanted two things at that moment, and the other one was a coke and rum. All the air that came into me had Candy on it. My lips, face, the inside of my nose and mouth were covered in Candy. I shook my head and opened my eyes. I couldn’t help but chuckle at what I had just gone through. Yes, I would have to get myself checked for the normal blood and dick...
There was one positive though. Indeed one really big positive, Chani had asked me several times when we could do some more hypnosis. Between work, school and my wife's schedule, the opportunity had not yet presented itself. Tonight, however, we should finally be able to have our second session. I was certainly looking forward to it, and apparently, so was Chani. Now, to be sure, I was disappointed. After our first session, I had expected Chani to be putting her tits on display later that...
Hello everyone Thank you so much for the feedback on my previous story. In this part, I am going to explain how I got to fuck my friend’s wife with his help. In my last story, for who all have read it, I had stated about the first threesome of my wife and that the person involved in it would certainly talk to his wife about a group sex. Well, he did start talking as promised. She is about 5 feet 3 inches tall a bit on the fatter side but in shape. I have been with her for movies as a family and...
Hi my name is Aboli and I work with a call centre in Pune. As you know call centre girls are very open about sex and in the last 2 years there I have enjoyed sex with my colleagues/vendors as well as some clients. One day I was just finishing my night shift it was 3 in the morning when my mobile buzzed. We were not allowed to take any calls but we used to keep it on and send and receive sms to each other. This msg was from my supervisor a handsome man in his thirties called Karan. “pantry on...
The only thing that I didn’t like about dating FBI Special Agent Gloria was that she was all caught up in the handcuff fetish and would hook me to the wrought iron bedpost sometimes when I fell asleep in the middle of the night. I didn’t mind her riding me on top because I liked the way her ass cheeks slapped into my thighs with that meaty sound of mutual lust that never failed to make me as hard as a rock at the right time. We were alone in the bedroom late that night and she had me just...
Sweet blonde teen step daughter Aria enters step daddy’s office hoping he wants to watch her cum again with her toy. Michael delighted to see her young beauty sits her on his lap with her skirt lifted and legs spread wide as he guides her vibrator all over her delicate pink pussy lips. Now soaked, he licks up all her sweet teen pussy juices before she drops to her knees sucking every inch of cock. Aria bends over onto the desk putting her nice juicy ass in the air as Michael slowly slips...
xmoviesforyou211 A young Soldier returns At eight the next day he was feeding calves, pigs and hens, collecting eggs and finally fetching the dog, a border colley named ‘Eric.’ Together they walked the old familiar fields, where he had played as a young boy, the sun shone, the birds sang, he had achieved some of the fantasies of his adolescent years, had a good leave so far and all was right in the world. Eric, having a right old time chasing rabbits, butterflies and any other creature that dared to move,...
Some delightful dreams are from in you, And made you loss touch from in reality, As I lay down in the confront of my bed, It was a delightful dream, I had dreaming of sweet vision was so sweet, it almost tasteful to me, I dreamed of an angel, he was fine as wine, with the sweetness in him, In a peaceful forest, nothing but beautiful flowers and trees, His skin is like deep chocolate that I love to taste him, With bright white wings sticky out of his back like a white dove, Wearing a thin white...
Erotic PoetryCynthia was on her hands and knees in front of George as he slowly plunged his stiff cock into her warm pussy. At her request he picked up the pace and the bedroom was filled with a loud slapping noise as his pelvis slapped against her big butt. George reached forward underneath Cynthia to grab each of her wonderful D cup tits and used them as handles to force her back onto his rod. Cynthia began to moan as she neared her orgasm, George didn't slow as her vaginal muscles began to constrict...
Nikole Nash took some time off this summer to spend some time with her man. She was hoping to get a lot of dicking this summer, but he’s been so busy that he only fucks her on the weekends! That simply isn’t enough for this horny girl, and she sets her eyes on the prize to get her needs met. As she watches the pool guy handle business, she realizes he would be fun to fuck. She decides to make her move, by playing with herself as she lounges out in a bikini. As soon as he notices, he...
xmoviesforyou"Hi. I’m your cab driver tonight”I take your wife’s hand and lead her to the cab, opening the back door for her. You follow on behind and jump into the other side. The cab pulls out and we set off.“So. Your off to the Hilton?”“Yes. that’s correct.” you reply."Out for a meal? Special occasion?” I ask.“”That’s right. its our anniversary.” Your wife chips in.“Well your husband’s a very lucky man.” the cab goes quite for a little while. I can see your wife on the back seat. I give her the eye, but...
‘I want you…..’ I whisper softly to you in the back of my car. A cold winter night in the middle of February, but the heat from both our bodies kept us warm. I watch as you run your delicate nails over my bare stomach tickling and pecking at the curly but soft hairs. You look up at me with a teasing smile, knowing full well that I am at your mercy.. My willpower sapped from me by your sweet strawberry lips.. Will you spare me and not leave me unsatisfied this time ?… Will you finally fulfill...
I stood before the full length mirror, naked, admiring myself. I was alone in the house. Thirty nine years old, I stand five foot four, shoulder length jet black hair, 36C breasts, areolas the size of a half dollar, nipples sticking out like pencil erasers, pussy hair shaved back to bikini-friendly. Ever since junior high school, I've been told that I was built like a brick shithouse. I know it's a compliment, but I'll be damned if I know what it actually means. I do know that I never had...
I tossed and turned all night in bed, my nipples sensitive, and my pussy swollen. What in the world was I thinking? Here I was, a respected school teacher charged with the care and safety of children, and I had ended up naked, bent over my desk in my classroom, practically begging a parent to fuck me with his monster chocolate cock! But instead of giving it to me, he left me, leaving directions to be waiting for him the next evening. And I was actually considering it. I considered it when I got...
InterracialI filled Penny in on our plans for the evening. School was more routine than we had expected. We only got a few back slaps congratulating us on our evening performance at Zack's party. The one unexpected thing to happen that day was my conversation with Chad Hurst. He grabbed me after German Class. "Kyle, can I talk to you?" "What do you want?" I snapped. "What you said yesterday about Penny saying being with me was like wrestling an alligator. Did you mean that or was it just a...
I awoke Tuesday totally refreshed, snuggled between long, tall, big-busted Wanda and Bobby, my biggest love of all. A sneak look at the clock said five fifty-five, so there was only five minutes before I should be getting up. The girls usually wanted to sleep till six fifteen or even six thirty, but I was ready to roll. The thought passed through my head to form some Tai Chi this morning, but I was at peace with myself, so I thought a swim would be the most fun. I slid from bed, slipped my...
I could tell as soon as Dani showed her in that this dame was trouble. No, not that she was trouble, but that she was bringing me a world of trouble that wasn't of her doing. Just a feeling I had as I looked up and saw her in the door. "Hello, Mr. Carter?" She asked nervously. I could tell she was married, as most of my clients were. "Nick Carter, ma'am." I nodded. No, not like that punk kid singer, but I sometimes get mail for him. One of the hazards of being a P.I. with a famous name...
The doorbell rang and Katie instinctively knew who it was. She couldn't stop herself from glancing in the mirror to see how she looked. Experience led to her peaking through the spy-hole to check who was calling and she saw Amira waiting for her ring to be answered. Opening the door, Katie didn't say a word. Instead, she stepped forward and pulled Amira into a hug. The other girl clutched at her tightly and Katie felt movement that suggested the tears had begun to flow. Her right hand rose...
I’ve never had a black man yet alone two. But I’m always willing to try something new. And so it happened. I had my two black men. Let me tell you about it. There I was at some club in Soho with my so-called friends. It was a quiet Wednesday night and not much had happened. I’d spotted a couple of cute black guys at the bar but they wanted to leave. The music was crap and there weren’t enough good looking men for them. So they left and I stayed. Lowering my top a bit, I coolly walked up to the...