Picnickers - MChapter 4: Re-adolescent free porn video

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Complacency was a mood foreign to Andy Trainor’s makeup. He was much likelier to be worried. Yet, he was almost complacent as he drove up the interstate from Champaign towards Chicago in the spring of ‘77. Though he kept his eyes on traffic, he was constantly aware of Marilyn riding shotgun beside him. She wasn’t a passenger; they were a couple.

Okay, they were a dating couple, not a married couple. They weren’t even engaged, and they couldn’t be until he was a hell of a lot closer to being able to support her. But, seeing them from outside the car, you wouldn’t have been able to tell that. And, she seemed willing to continue as a couple.

She’d even had sex with him. The immediate sensations had been overwhelmingly delightful. What he took away in the long run was that she had accepted him. Marilyn wasn’t the sort to have sex casually. Even if she hadn’t revealed that he’d been the first, he’d have known that she didn’t choose sex partners lightly or frequently. If they weren’t married, they were on the road to being married. All he had to do was to keep their relationship developing along that track.

School, if he hadn’t received the grades for the last semester yet, also felt like it was on track. After the distribution courses and preparatory stuff of the first year, he’d taken real engineering courses. And they’d felt like they’d gone okay. You could always really blow an exam without knowing it, but up to the finals almost all of them had felt okay. He was worried about Drafting, a real engineering course but not his cup of tea. The rest, always allowing for unseen disasters, had gone well. At the very least, he’d learned the content. Even if he had somehow failed to show it on the last exam, he had that learning. Even Phys Ed had been fun -- the first fun he’d had in a gym class in his life -- and now he could swim. Which, since Marilyn enjoyed swimming, could be important.

If he hadn’t accomplished any of his three goals for his four college years after the first two, he was on track. He had always known that becoming an engineer would take four years. Marriage to Marilyn, which he hadn’t allowed himself even to dream about for the first two years he’d known her, depended on his being able to support a family. That depended on his being an engineer. His final goal, independence from his Dad, had to wait for the first two. Dad paid his tuition. Intellectually, he knew that he had to wait, although dependency grated.

He got past the on-ramps and exits. The traffic -- mostly trucks this time of day -- was flowing freely. He could pay attention to Marilyn again. He’d already heard her grade predictions; he’d go to her sorority little sister.

“Did Beverly tell you how she thought she did?”

“She wasn’t afraid of any failures. She doesn’t have your standards, you know.” And so, they went on until they stopped for lunch. After that, it was a pleasant drive until they got to Chicago and the spaghetti bowl of interchanges. From there, it was east to the Outer Drive and then Sheridan to Evanston.

He drove up to her street and backed into her drive. He left more room in front of the garage door so he could get her suitcases out of the trunk. She opened the door, and he put her luggage down in the entryway. She went up two steps on the stairway to compensate for the 14 inches difference in their heights. She turned to him, and he kissed her. It wasn’t really goodbye; they’d see each other all summer. Still, it was a long, warm kiss.

“Marilyn!” It was Marilyn’s mom. He took his hands off her, in case her mom was looking as well as calling. Marilyn didn’t pull her arms from around his neck, although she did break the kiss to answer.

“Yeah. Later. I’m busy now.” She went back to the kiss, and he cooperated to the extent of chasing her tongue with his. His heart wasn’t really in the kiss, though.

“Is that Andy?” That did require an answer.

“Yes, Mrs. Grant. Hello. I brought Marilyn home.”

“Come upstairs now.” That clearly wasn’t directed at him. Well, the kiss had been nice while it lasted.

“Love you,” he whispered.

“I love you, too,” she said loudly. She’d said it before, and he believed she did, but this was for her mom to hear.

At home, he used his key but gave the family’s two quick rings to let Mrs. Bryant know that someone else was in the house. She came out to greet him.

“Andy! You hungry?”

“Well, we stopped for lunch. Let me get my bags.” He hauled his stuff in from the porch and carried the actual bags upstairs. Back downstairs, he resisted the special homecoming meal until Dad could join him at regular dinner time. He did have some of Mrs. Bryant’s good chocolate-chip cookies.

“Well,” Dad asked after dinner, “think you passed any courses?”

“Not until the teachers grade them. Anything can happen to blow a test, but otherwise I’m happy with most of them. I’m worried about Drafting. It would take a miracle on the last test to get me an A. But I’m virtually certain to pass Phys. Ed. The very last gym class I’ll ever take.”

“Was it that painful? Swimming, wasn’t it?”

“Yeah, no. Swimming was rather fun after a while. The guy told you what to do; you did it; after some practice it moved you through the water. And, too, Marilyn swims. We might go to the lake this summer.”

“Ah, Miss Grant. Always an important consideration. You don’t want to look incompetent in front of Miss Grant.”

“You’re teasing. Anyway, I’m competent in all sorts of things.”

“And so you are. Unfortunately, she’s unlikely to see you solve differential equations, or know what you’ve done if she did see.”

“Yeah, but she understood dean’s list.”

“And that impressed her? She impresses me. The coeds of my day were more interested in men with a gentleman’s C.”

“Being impressed by her is one thing we agree on.”

“So it is. I’ll even pretend that your impression extends beyond the gonads.”

“It does. I won’t pretend that I’m not sexually attracted...”

“That’s fortunate. Five minutes in your joint company would tell anyone that you’re sexually attracted.”

“But she has many good qualities beyond that.”

“I don’t doubt that. I was only dubious that you saw beyond your lust.” But, really, Dad was only arguing for the sake of argument. Dad was quite happy to show up at church a little early so that he could wait for Marilyn while Dad took his usual place. While he was standing at the top of the steps, the Pierces drove up. Mr. Pierce stopped right in front in the unloading zone. Mrs. Pierce hurried downstairs while Mr. Pierce unloaded the twins. While he walked them upstairs, he left the rear door of his car open.

“Can I leave them with you, Andy?”

“Of course.” The kids were cute, and it wasn’t as though he was going to go far. Mr. Pierce put one hand securely in his and then the other, reciting the kids’ names as he did so. He ran down to his car and drove away to park it. By now, he’d have to go blocks.

The kids tugged him towards the stairs.

“Down,” said John.

“Please,” said Paul. It was either struggle with them at the top of a long flight of concrete steps or walk down. They walked down, the boys clearly enjoying themselves. When they got to the sidewalk they turned around, taking a lot of space to turn the three of them. He wasn’t about to let go of a hand. They started up assuming his agreement. On their second trip down, Marilyn came up with her family.

“The Pierce twins,” he said. “Wait for me in our pew, will you?” He’d rather have gone in with her, but the kids couldn’t turn around where they were.

“Of course.”

“Andy, you’re a worse sucker than I am.” Mr. Pierce had come back and was behind them. The boys looked around and tried to jerk their hands loose. When Mr. Pierce passed him, they started up the stairs after their father. He wasn’t as much a sucker as Mr. Pierce, not by an order of magnitude -- not by two orders of magnitude.

When he joined Marilyn, she snuggled up to him a little closer than they were used to sitting in First Urbana. When her dad looked back at them, she snuggled closer yet. He loved the warmth against his hip. He’d have preferred thinking that it was an expression of her desire for him instead of her rejection of her parents.

After church, was coffee hour. The kids already back from college gathered at two adjoining tables. Some schools weren’t out yet. Marilyn, former MYF chair, was one of the foci of the group. As her guy, he was a bigger part of it than his one year of attendance before college would have justified otherwise. Mr. Schmidt stopped at the table with his wife as he went out. He greeted the kids, who’d been his charge when they were in MYF.

“Think you can make it in at 8:45 tomorrow, Andy?” Mr. Schmidt asked him.

“Of course.” After he left, the Pierces came up the stairs. The rest of the choir had been up for some time, but they probably had something to do for the twins.

“And here, my dear, is a worse sucker than I am,” Mr. Pierce said to his wife. Not by two orders of magnitude. But he’d have to say that in a way the half-educated would understand.

“Not by one percent, I walked the twins up and down twice. How many trips have you made with kids who wanted to climb stairs?”

“You have to understand, Andy,” said Mrs. Pierce, “that being one percent as much of a sucker as Bill still makes you a huge sucker.” She stayed around with the kids while her husband went for the car. The twins were the center of attention, and they looked used to that.

As the coffee hour was breaking up, Dad came over.

“Are you riding with us, Miss Grant? Are you ready to go?” he asked.


“Do you think you’d like to repeat the seating arrangement with my daughters when they are here later this summer?” She looked at him.

He was fine with that arrangement.

“Sure,” she said. Dad immediately handed him the keys. Well, he knew where the car was parked. Apparently, he was driving today. When he got back, Dad handed Marilyn in to the front seat before he could go around. Dad got in the back.

“Take Miss Grant home first,” Dad said. “We’re going to a restaurant. I’m sorry, my dear. You’d be welcome to accompany us, but your parents would have objections -- deservedly so -- on your first Sunday back from school.” Dad was always appreciative of Marilyn and warm towards her -- the “Miss Grant” until she called him “Jim” excepted. Still, he always treated her as Dad’s guest and him as a stray when they were together. He drove Marilyn home.

“Backing in?” Dad asked. Was he going to supervise his driving, now?

“Gets Marilyn closer to the door.” Which Dad should have been able to figure out for himself.

He got out. A lady, she waited for him to open her door. He walked her to her porch and stood the usual two steps down. They had a kiss, even an open-mouth kiss. Still he could feel that she was conscious of Dad’s watching. He heard the car door slam. Still, when he got back, Dad was in the passenger seat. He was still the driver.

“Get your voyeur kicks for the week?”

“You know, when somebody sneaks around and peeks in your bedroom window, you have grounds for complaint. Even when he peeks in the car window when you’ve parked seeking privacy. When you do something on the front porch in broad daylight, you have no grounds for complaint that others are in view. And, when I want voyeur kicks, I’ll choose among stronger fare than a good-bye kiss, thank you.”

“So, where are we going?”

“Well, if you’re in the mood for an argument, we have plenty of left-overs back home. Mrs. Bryant really cooked up a storm for you.”

“I’m done.”

“Bread Box.” So, he drove to The Bread Box. Despite its name, it served full meals, standard fare, but tasty.

“So,” Dad began. “Have your summer mapped out?”

“Sorta. I’ll be working at the hardware store again.” Dad, who had picked up the app and mailed it to him, was aware of that, but you started a description where the audience was. “I don’t know the specific hours, of course. I brought the book for PDE. Figured I’d read a little ahead.”

“PDE being.”

“Partial differential equations.”

“I thought you studied differential equations this past year. Was it only the impartial ones?” He gave Dad a smile, a thin one but better than the joke deserved.

“Let’s say you want to lose weight by exercise. You burn 3,000 calories, which are really kilocalories, in one exercise session. But you eat food containing 4,000 calories after the session because it made you hungrier. Your partial derivative of weight over exercise is the negative of whatever weight 3,000 calories represents. Your partial derivative of food intake with respect to exercise is 4,000 calories.

“Well, that situation, while not continuous and, thus, not really dealt with by derivatives, represents a common physical situation. Z is a function of X and Y; Y is a function of X. The partial derivative of Z with respect to X represents what would happen if Y were held constant. I really need paper -- or a blackboard.”

“You really need an audience which is up to speed on that. Remember what happened with your AP calculus?”

“Don’t remind me.”

“You performed perfectly honorably. Your high-school teacher didn’t do what the course description claimed it would do. You fell behind in college. You learned what you needed to know by yourself. But you needed to know a fraction of a semester’s work. To follow that description, I’d need to have taken -- and remember after decades -- entire college courses I never touched.”

“Anyway, PDE is a course different from Diffy Cue. And, if I were interested, I’m sure that there is a continuation of each somewhere in the University catalog.”

“‘Of books and the making of books, there is no end.’”

“Well the number of courses in the catalog is quite finite. I, however, will never come to the end of them. For that matter, the number of books in all the libraries of earth is finite, as is the number of sub-atomic particles in all those books.”

“Andy, you are a literalist.”

“Marilyn made the same accusation.”

“Well, if Miss Grant says so, it must be correct. And, in your case, it’s not an accusation; it’s an observation.”

“She introduced Beverly as her ‘little sister.’ Beverly isn’t tall, but she’s much taller than Marilyn -- as who isn’t?”

“There is that, but she’s using the term metaphorically. Not even that. Sorority girls use it as a technical term. I must say, that if Miss Grant exceeds my memory of coeds, she overwhelms my memory of sorority girls.”

“She doesn’t like you calling her that, you know.”

“Well, she is Miss Grant. I’ll change when she calls me ‘Jim.’”

“She doesn’t want to call you ‘Jim.’ You’re not her contemporary, you’re the father of her boyfriend -- the stuffy father of her boyfriend.”

“Now, is that your opinion or hers?”

“It’s an observation.”


Monday, he was in the hardware store, in his place, and with his week’s schedule well before the store opened at 9:00. There wasn’t a flood of customers, and he was the only one on a cash register. When there weren’t customers, he figured out what would be convenient for evenings. Now to see what would be convenient for Marilyn.

When he called that night, they agreed on movie dates Tuesday and Wednesday and a day at the beach Thursday. It was a damn sight harder to find private parking places in the northern suburbs than it had been in Champaign. Forget Evanston itself. But he found the places and Marilyn was sexy as hell.

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He sat at the edge of the bed, naked and full of anticipation. She was topless, her full breasts swinging as she moved. She was beautiful, with short, dark hair done in a pixie cut. She bent down to take his penis in her hands, but he stopped her. ‘You know what I like’, he said, pointing at the pack of cigarettes on the nightstand. The woman took a cigarette from the pack and put it in her mouth. Her mouth was painted in deep red lipstick, which stained the end of the cigarette as soon as...

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Over the years, I’ve written many stories. Some include an element of spanking, albeit quite light. I have to admit, I do like the occasional situation where, usually as part of foreplay, or during sex, I get a kick out of being spanked. A hard slap, or two, across my bum cheeks, while I’m being taken doggy style, always adds that little extra thrill. On occasion, a particular friend of mine has used a leather belt on me. Actually, that’s one situation I do like. Standing there, watching a man...

2 years ago
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Paartha Udan Kaama Thee Patriyathu

Enathu kalluri kaalangalil entha pennaiyum kaamam seiyaamal ippozhuthu oru nirvanathil velai paarthu varugiren. Naan eppozhuthum athigam pengal idam pesamal thaan irupen aanal en manathil yaaravathu vanthu enidam pesa maatargala endru thaan irukum. En manam niraiya pengal mulaiyai pidithu azhuthi vilaiyaada engum aanal enathu nanbargal irupathaal naan yaaridamum pesamale irupen en endraal veti banthaa. Naan engineering kalluri padipatharku munbaaga diploma padipu padithu vanthen. Athu arasaana...

3 years ago
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A Happy Homecoming

A picture is worth a thousand words Because of the scarcity of motor transport I had to take what was available at whatever time that would be, therefore I arrived at the transit unit’s air departure compound hours before I was scheduled to be there. An orderly came across from the little office and told me that the ‘plane readying for departure had a spare seat because some unfortunate squaddie had ended up in sick bay. “If you can make it to the departure gate in the next ten...

1 year ago
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Royal Moon

“I got it!” George shouted through the tiny flat to his new bride, Nina.In January 1982 the University of Hawai’i signed off a plan to support the continued development of scientific facilities at the site. They wanted someone neutral to observe the setting up of scientific projects and how they interacted with the local environment, including the indigenous people. At the end of the year, the observer would produce a report to give everyone a guide to move forward. As a professor of Natural...

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family SLUTPT 5

So I went to town to buy something sexy to wear for tonight.I bought this cute little TEDDY,and some Sheer stockings.I'm finishing my bath.I shaved my Pits.Pussy and Legs.I put on my Favorite Perfume"RED DOOR" a dab behine each ear,each wrist,and my inner thighs.I put on my new out fit.check the mirror one last time.I open my bedroom door and called for the 3 men I love to come to me.My Dad,brother,and Son all entered with their Boxers on.I model for them my outfit.They liked it.I frenched...

4 years ago
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Unexpected love triangle 8

Jenny Ring. Ring. Ring. My phone kept on ringing over and over as I sat by the window looking outside at the gloomy sky. I knew who it was, it was the same person who constantly called non-stop. I wish he’d just stop. As if the caller knew what I just wished for, the phone went quiet. I sighed and put my head between my knees and closed my eyes trying to ignore the dagger-like pain that shot through my heart making it hard to breathe. Three months ago, Douglas told me that his...

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Girl friend past

Hi my name is Miss C, when I was 19yrs old & with my Bf Mr T 27yrs old. We had a son together who was about nearly 2yrs old on this day & I ad lost all my weight n gone back to my normal slim size 8 with perky little breast & firm ass cheeks again with all the pram pushing I done. That Mr T & I was having our up & downs & he decided he wanted a little break & packed his stuff then left. Few hours later that afternoon, 2 friends of his mr A & mr B came round...

2 years ago
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The Way I Dreamed It Part 1 Chapter 4

RnR “Normal speak” ‘Thoughts’ Written by Dragon of the Underworld Revised by Evildart17/Darkcloud75 And on to the story. Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx The Way I Dreamed It Part 1 Chapter 4 The nurse had left and Hinata was alone in the room. ‘Pregnant . . . . . I’m pregnant’ she was surprised but in a couple of seconds her face turned to a happy one, she brought her arms to her belly and hugged herself. “I’m ganna . . . . . . Be a...

1 year ago
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JAV Tsunami

JAVTsunami! Nobody does porn quite like the Japanese. That nation pumps that shit out as though it were its main fucking export. Seriously, there are more amateur, professional, and homemade videos coming out of there than anywhere else that I can think of aside from maybe India. But, still, the production quality of JAV porn is next fucking level. The hard part is finding a good source for the shit that isn’t going to cost you an arm and a leg. I know you cucks don’t have the money to pay for...

Asian Porn Sites
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The Door Next DoorChapter 10

Molly set her coffee mug on the counter. "Well," she said. "I'm off." "You won't be too late?" he asked. "I don't expect to be. I might be home early, even -- mid afternoon." He regarded her. "Jeans and a turtleneck as office attire?" "It's Saturday, Ben -- casual. You won't be bored, will you?" "No -- I have plenty of work to do." "Then I'll see you later." Ben kissed her lips and watched as she headed out the door. He busied himself at his laptop working on the...

3 years ago
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The boss wife

I am going to tell you about my encounter with Sarita my boss wife. She is 45 years yet she looks like 25 yrs. She had a sexy figure of 38 28 32. She used to wear a low cut blouse from which her cleavage is visible. Whenever I saw her I feel of having sexual fun with her but as she was my boss wife I had to keep some distance. One day my boss invites me to his house for dinner. When I reach there I came to know that boss had to go to the neighbor house for some work and would return in an hour....

2 years ago
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Am I a Cock sucker

When you look at porn photos or videos do you want to see sexy young ladies with other ladies or playing with themselves? Or do you want to see them fucked by huge cocks?When a girl is alone and a guy walks on screen and she reaches over to massage his crotch do you get excited when she finally pulls his Dick out of his pant ? Is that something you look forward to ? Do you like it when she sucks his cock and it grows larger ? Now think about this one....do you wish you were HIM or do you...

4 years ago
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Seans Story Chapter 6

Introduction: Enjoy Seans Story Chapter 6: The Best Kept Secret We lay on my bed for a while before the cold hit me and I realized that I was still naked despite the lack of any sexual feelings between us at the moment. I was content emotionally for now but I was cold. Laying in front of me was Josh, his eyes were closed. D-Do you mind if I get dressed? He laughed. I guess the moment died huh? It went down in flames. I carefully disentangled myself from Josh and stumbled off the bed. My...

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In a surprising development, Brett’s father had been taking advantage of multiple opportunities to feel me up and grab my tits, ass and pussy ever since we arrived. I didn’t want to ruin our visit or the upcoming wedding, so I didn’t’ say anything to Brett. As it played out, on the 3rd day of our stay Carl had ended up fucking me from behind on the chaise lounge by the pool. To be fair, Brett’s dick is a nice size – about 10”, when fully erect – and we had a great sex life. But by the pool...

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Showing off the wife leads to a creamypie

The fact that my wife's pussy is available is common knowledge to my friends. I myself are denied the pleasure of her womanhood. The typical scenario is she has sex then comes home with a pussy full of cum for me to clean with my mouth. So on this day I'm writing about that's almost what happened.We went down to the Peachtree Road Race to watch the runners. The city of Atlanta does a over six mile race every fourth of July. It was hot and humid as it always in here in Georgia so my wife chose...

2 years ago
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Glorious box holy initiation

“I’m ready,” she said through the hole before leaning back. Her voice felt too high pitched; she cleared her throat as she waited on her knees, her hands folded on her lap like a good girl. She was naked. The only light she had in her box was her phone’s flashlight, shining from a corner behind her.She knew what to expect. After all, dicks were dicks regardless of shape or size. Yet, her heart pounded in her chest, and she gasped audibly as her first customer slid through the hole.It was white...

1 year ago
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Caught 30

I haven’t moved yet. I’m still naked but I’m under the sheets now and my shoulder is wrapped with a pillow case. So you did what I told you to, my good little pet. I look for you and find you asleep with your back turned to me; your hand is still pulled up off the bed from the handcuff. I slide out from underneath the sheet and slip out of the room. I go to the bathroom and take off the pillow case. It sticks and pulls off the wound with a slight pop. Damn it! It’s infected. I don’t know how...

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I come from a long line of sexually deviant women

I know from experience that there are men who get off on women being force fucked and that some women, themselves need to have that kind of dangerous sex.Sex on the edge, sex bordering the darker side of humanity, and I dont mean skin color, though for me it happened with black men.Used, abused, marked and branded, made to do things I once thought impossible, thats what can happen when your naked, helpless, and have a body that cant stop having orgasms, making those bestial men think your...

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PornstarPlatinum Ariella Ferrera Richelle Ryan 4th Of July Threesome

Happy 4th of July first of all! So I’m here with my sexy friend Richelle Ryan & I just pulled these festive July 4th cupcakes out of the oven, Richelle thinks they look amazing! But the real question I have for Richelle is if she thinks Billy will come over. She seems to think he won’t pass up the opportunity to pay us a visit. I hope she is right, Billy is so hot! Just as soon and Richelle & I started sucking on our July 4th Frozen Pops, in walked Billy! Of course we had it...

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FamilyStrokes Jade Amber Biker

My stepmom has never understood my taste in guys. I guess when it comes down to it, I just really like bad boys. When she meets my latest man, she’s appalled by his tattoos and his bad manners. But I know something about him that she could never understand. When he shoves his giant cock inside my extra tight pussy, it stretches me out and makes me cum harder than I ever have in my life. I can’t keep my hands off him, so I suck him off right at the dinner table! Then, my stepmom catches him...

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The Last Dance Ch 02

You know when you look back at your earliest works and you laugh your ass off? Well, this is one of those. I wrote this bleak attempt at a crime drama / thriller when I was 17 and experimenting with different genres. *shuddering* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * At the crime scene, Shawn Williams leaned down, and with a gloved hand, recovered a sopping wet cloth from the ground. After waving the fumes toward his nose, he detected a strong, pungent odor emanating from the material. He quickly...

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Cum At 15 Part 2

“You could, if you wanted” “Yeah man it would be mint.” We decided that I would get a girl and soak her in cum while they filmed me doing it. That next day at school I hit on a girl called Bethany, she was one of these girls who seem to be too sexy to have a boyfriend. Well after a bit of persuasion I talked her into coming to my house, under the pretence that we could help each other with our course work. The day came when she would be coming over and me and my mates arranged a place...

1 year ago
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Blackmailed by My Own StudentChapter 3

3 days after my ordeal, Jeremy called me again, for his so-called, “round 2.” It coincided with my husband’s business trip to Indonesia. I wept, thinking when would this going to end, if ever. My supportive husband knew there isn’t much of a choice either. His wife’s naked photos, of being fucked and the shot of cum that was in my open mouth can easily be uploaded if I do not agree to it. It would certainly ruined my career and our life together. One of Jeremy’s friends sent a parcel to my...

3 years ago
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Naked on TV Naomi

The fifth day of our reality TV survival program had a few surprises for Celeste, Sam and me, Naomi. The first was the arrival of the producer, Fred, and program psychologist, Julia, at our camp, and the second was Julia's massive orgasm. She must have been without sex for a long time.We had to decide on the fate of our captives. Celeste turned to me."What's the best punishment for Fred?"I smiled. This man had double standards. I had to endure his sexcapades with other women but when I flirted...

3 years ago
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A Gay Naked Cross Country Adventure

Cross County One morning, Charlie approached me with a really lucrative challenge. He challenged me to go cross county by hitching rides with big rig truck drivers. For his part, he was willing to pay 50,000 dollars when I reached 69 Brainerd Street in San Francisco. In return, I would travel naked, with no money or identification. At no time during the challenge could I cover my nudity or accept money. I would have to rely on the drivers for food and shelter. If I mentioned the challenge, the...

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The Museum Exhibit

Michael Iveson was a forty-four-year-old bachelor and he was currently on a two-week touring holiday in Scotland. He was travelling alone and staying in Guest Houses and B&B's.He was visiting a town in The Highlands and he had two nights booked in a Guest House. He had arrived the previous evening and was exploring the town the next morning. In the square was a museum that contained a mixture of things, mostly relating to the region.Part of the building had artefacts from the 1745 uprising in...

3 years ago
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Jasper and His Daughters in LawChapter 8

When I walked in the house Beth was sitting on the couch with her legs spread wide and fingering herself. I said, "looks like a cunt looking for a cock." She said, "yeah. Know where I can find one?" That statement and tone got me instantly hard. I went over and laid her flat on the couch and rammed my cock in her. "Oh yeah, I needed a fuck so bad I'm glad you just rammed it on in me. I don't want no easy stuff. Fuck me hard my dear husband fuck me into oblivion." I began pounding...

4 years ago
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That Sunday AfternoonChapter 3 The Confrontation

It took Sonya about an hour to round up all the guests and get them to head home. During that time I thought about what I had seen and tried to make sense out of it. How long had this been going on? Had they been together before? Had she spent time with him over the last two days while I was out of town? If this was the first time what do you call it? If you defined sex as having intercourse then they didn't have sex, but he had his fingers inside her. The biggest question on my mind was if...

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The Show Piece

‘Damn Jennifer. How the HELL did I get myself into this?’ Scott was cornered… well, literally ‘countered’ at the moment in this case. These girl friends had been running around for a while now. He’d met them all before. Jennifer, Kailyn, Julie, and Karen. Jennifer & Kailyn were closer friends than the others, both married. Karen had been divorced for some time, and had two kids – he thought anyway. Julie was recently divorced and the reason for the troop’s current rash of wild times. Times that...

2 years ago
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Colton came up to Joan and pulled her hair back, gently kissing her and pulling her tightly against him. He stroked her hair and gently nuzzled her hair, ‘I need you Joan… I need you right now.’ He whisperd against her throat. Joan moaned softly and pulled him closer, grabbing his hand pulling him up the stairs to her room. They went inside and both layed down on the bed. Joan looked at Colton, she saw his deep dark brown eyes, with dark black flakes in them. She loved his eyes. She tangled her...

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