Absence makes the heart grow fonder chapter one
- 2 years ago
- 26
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Hi my name is Karl and this is my story, when I was 25. I moved to New York in search of a better life. I left everything behind when I was offered a job in the big apple. Things didn't work out like I wanted to at all, my job was boring, my boss was a pain in the ass, and it was very difficult for me to make new friends. I had moved into a big appartment block in Harlem not realizing that I was moving into a ghetto. Most of my neighbors were black and the few others were Spanish Hispanics and a small minority of white trash.
I told myself that when I got promoted I would move up town but that wouldn't be soon.
I spend most my time working but my boss didn't really apreciate my efforts and my colleges saw me as a weirdo.
I was getting more and more isolated and I was thinking of moving back home. But the idea of coming home with my tale between my legs and moving back home with my parents wasn't really hopeful. If only I had left while I still had the chance...
One Saturday night in may I was very bored with myself, I was sitting in front of my pc and had just finished some work and before I logged of the internet I decided to surf the net for some porn. I stumbled onto a web site and was checking out some hardcore when I stumbled upon a picture of a very young blond that had the tip of a large dildo up her ass. She was so beautiful that I decided to jerk of with this pic opened. For some reason I had been fascinated with anal sex for a while and although I had sex with a number of girls I had never been able to fuck them up the ass. Seeing this young vixen made me curious, she seemed to enjoy it a lot. I wondered how it felt for this girl, and if it was really possible to enjoy something like that. Whithout thinking my hand lowered down from my dick between my cheeks. My finger touched the small hole but didn't enter, I put some spit on my finger and tried again. Even the wet finger didn't go in very easy, I had to push hard and it hurt like hell.
"How can anyone enjoy this?" I thought. But I was so horny that I decided to keep going and find out what it is really like. When the first finger was completely in I tried to push in a second but even with more spit it wouldn't go in. For a moment I wanted to stop but my horny state made me go on. I got down on the ground on my knees and try in this more comfortable position. After a while the second finger popped in and I was moving the fingers in and out at a slow pace. Still this didn't give me any pleasure, my dick had even gone limb.
I jerked of in this position and after a few minutes I came and shot my load on the ground. Suddenly the horny state was gone and I felt ridiculous, the two fingers were still in my sore butt and when I pulled them out it hurt like hell. I suddenly felt very ashamed and realized that I hadn't even closed the curtains. In panic I rushed to the window and closed them.
"Had anyone seen this?" I asked myself as I looked trough the curtains at the huge apartment block on the other side of the street. But couldn't see anything special. So I got up to take a shower but first I had to go to the toilet, seems that playing with you're ass make you have to go. That night I didn't sleep well as in my dreams I was playing with myself bet there were hundreds of people watching me, even people I knew were standing next to me as I was rubbing my ass.
Chapter 2: All Hell Breaks Lose.Sunday morning I woke up with a strange feeling that something was wrong. I just put that feeling down to lack of sleep. At about noon I turned on my computer and to my surprise a message popped up explaining that I had mail, this was unusual because the only mails I get are work relate and I was Sunday. The subject said: YOUR ASS IS MINE. I thought that it was some add from a porn site but when I opened it my face turned pale and I suddenly felt very sick. A picture of a male butt with two fingers down the ass, in all there were 5 pictures and on 3 of them my face was clearly visible. Almost automatically I turned my pc of, as if that would help.
I waited about 5 minutes before restarting it, it was still there, I went to the window and looked outside and looked at about all the windows across the street from where the pictures could have been taken. A few people were looking at me and I closed the curtains. I spend the whole afternoon in a terrible panic I tried to reply the mail but the address didn't exist anymore.
At five a clock the phone rang.
"Hello?" I asked with a trembling voice.
"Hello assboy, open the curtains for me" the deep voice said.
"What? Who is this?" I replied.
"Open the fucking curtains! " he answered
"No, I don't know what you want, but I'm going to call the police " I yelled.
The line went dead, and I thought that I had scared him off by yelling, I was feeling very proud of myself and made a decision, I was going to leave New York and go back home to Holland. My confidence grew and I started packing right away. At about 8 o'clock in the evening I had packed in most off my stuff and I was feeling hungry and ordered a pizza.
Half an hour later the doorbell rang and I opened the door thinking it would be the delivery guy. To my surprise a huge muscular black guy was standing in front of me and before I could do anything he knocked me out cold.
When I came around I was lying on the sofa and I could see the guy sitting on my computer.
"Who are you?" I asked while getting up.
"I am your pimp." He said calmly while turning towards me.
"What..." I started.
"Shut up assboy, ill explain in a minute." he answered.
"Go away, I'll call the police..." I tried again.
He didn't answer and I didn't know what to do, I hesitated for a moment and then went for the door.
But he blocked the way and grabbed me by my ear and guided me back to the sofa.
"Listen to me assboy, you have nowhere to go, so just sit down and listen to me." he said
I sat down and while smoking a cigarette he started to explain.
"As you might have guessed I am the man that took the picture's of you playing with yourself yesterday, I don't know why but for some reason it turned me on to see you do all that stuff" he said. "I've never been turned on by men, I'm straight, but seeing you made me curious so I decided I was going to have it on with you"
"What do you mean..." I asked.
"We are going to have sex, you and me, don't you speak English" he said.
"No way man, go find yourself some other..." I started.
'You don't understand assboy, I have pictures of you, how would you like if I send them to you work so all your colleges would get to know you a little bit better assboy " he said "I could even print out copy's and hang them around the place so everyone could see what you are like"
"Fuck you" I said, "I don't care, you can't tell me what to do, and I'll call the police."
"No assboy, you have it wrong again, I'm the one who's going to do the fucking" he replied "and about the police, I could kill you right now and they probably wouldn't find you until next week, you picked the wrong neighborhood to live in."
As he started explaining what he wanted I was stunned, I couldn't believe this was happening to me.
He explained that I was to call in sick the next day and spend it preparing for the 'fuck', as he didn't want to fuck a man, he gave detailed orders how I should dress up. He would ask me to repeat his orders to make sure I would remember them.
As he was talking I realized that the only way out of this would be to leave the block tonight, I was almost packed and I could spend a few days in a hotel before taking the airplane back to Holland. He would still have the pictures but who cared I would be far away.
"So you understand what to do assboy" he said.
I nodded, even though I had missed most of what he had said. But I didn't care I would be out of here tonight and all this would be over. I even felt a strange sense of victory.
"Oh, before I forget, I can see you are all packed, I hope you're not thinking of going back home" He said
I looked at him in disbelieve, and shook my head with my mouth open.
"You see, I just printed out a copy of you're contact list, I know all the email-addresses of you're friends and family back home." He said "and I bet they would love to know what their friend is doing in the big apple."
He held the peace of paper in front of my face to shove me he wasn't bluffing. Then he left with a big smile on his face.
I couldn't believe it, this guy was way smarter then I had thought, and the idea of all the people I knew getting pictures off me in that position was to much, I would never be able to face them. I had to give in.
My mind was going a in overdrive trying to find a way out of this mess, but all I could see was my parents getting to see the pictures of there son playing with himself, after about half an hour total panic struck in and the only way to calm down seemed to be a large amount of whiskey.
Chapter 3: Tell me why I don't like MondaysMonday at about 10 O' clock I woke up, my mind was a total blank but it didn't take me long to remember what a mess I was in. I had a terrible hangover, I closed the curtains and turned on my pc, I had one message:
Good morning assboy,
So you finally woke up, no yesterday wasn't a dream.
Because you seemed a little shocked yesterday I write you this mail to repeat the instructions I gave you last night. I figured that with all that booze you might have forgotten our little agreement, yes I could see you drinking that whiskey, that reminds me the first thing you have to do today is get those curtains down, from now one I want to be able to look into you when ever I want.
Okay, here is the list with things to do today:
Clean yourselves up, you're a mess, first shave: that means all the hair on your body except on the top of your head, then shower. Call work and tell them you can't be this week. You can clear it with a doctor later this week. Shopping: red string and matching bra, not the fancy kind but something that goes with a cheap slut. A very short skirt (black) and matching top, you know the kind whores wear. And perhaps more difficult high heels and stockings and to top it of a long blond wig and makeup. I'll be expecting you at about 7 p.m., so you better start dressing up at 5 O' clock.I suggest you practice speaking like a girl all day, so you don't screw up tonight.
Two more things, you have all day to come up with a name for yourself, a female name, and just to make sure: No playing with your ass today, I know you are a horny little bitch but I want you nice and tight for tonight.
See you tonight at apartment 256 in the building across the street.
I ran to the toilet and threw up. Mike that was his name
At about 11 a.m. I got myself together and started to shave, first my face going down to the chest and finally my arms and legs. I wasn't a hairy person but up till this point I had used 4 blades, I needed two more to shave my ass ad pubic hair.
After I had something to eat I went shopping, The underwear was easy, I just went into a lingerie-shop and told them that I wanted to surprise my girlfriend with a gift and that she was the same size as I was. The dress was a bit more difficult but I think that the salesgirl bought the same excuse I had used before. But when I went in a shoe shop and asked for the high heels size 10, the girl just looked at me in a strange way before starting to laugh. I rushed out to the street and looked for hours, finally I found a shop for people with big sizes they had shoes that were okay but 1 size to small. I bought them anyway and rushed home When I came home the phone rang.
"What the fuck are you doing." He asked.
"What do you mea..." I stumbled.
"The fucking curtains bitch, get rid of them, throw them away you won't be needing them" he yelled.
Before I realized what he meant he threw in the phone. I rushed to the windows and one by one I got them down and threw them away. I was surprised by my obedience but his loud voice had really scared me.
I went into the bathroom to put on the clothes I had bought, to my surprise I fit in them okay, and as long as you didn't see my have passed for a girl, accept for the bulge in the tiny underpants. While I was putting on the make-up I practiced speaking with a female voice, this wasn't easy I found that the best result was when I whispered. The make-up wasn't easy either and I spend a lot of time redoing it. Finally I ended up using too much but I figured this was the best I could do.
Although I don't have short hair the wig also fitted okay and when I looked in the mirror the result was better then I had hoped for. You are glad you look good like this? I asked myself, and that idea made me throw up for the second time that day.
It was dusk outside and I would have made it if it hadn't been for the high heels. Not only did they make me arrive late but also the sight of this person dressed as a slut staggering around trying to hold on to the walls in order not to fall down attracted some attention. All the people I passed, most of them neighbors I knew laughed out loud when they saw me. And some of them must have seen that I was really a man, luckily none saw who I was.
Before I knocked on the door I thought about turning round but I had no choice.
I knocked
"Who's there?" a voice said.
"It's me..." I started but I suddenly realized the name I had to choose "Carol"
He open the door and turned his back on me, he was only wearing pants and I could see that he had been working out, his muscles were swollen and hard.
"You're late bitch" he said.
"I'm sorry I had a little problem... " I answered.
"I know" he said with a smile on his face at the same time pointing at the TV. It was showing a rerun of my attempt to cross the street in a graceful manner.
I looked at the window and saw the big telescope pointing outside, it had a camera attached to it.
I looked back at him and I realized there was something wrong, it seemed he didn't know what to say. Maybe he is having second thoughts, he not sure he wants to do this with a man I thought. This was my chance to talk him out off it.
"Please don't do this Mike." I said in my normal voice "you're not gay, I'll give you all the money I have just let me go"
He just looked at me without speaking, his eyes moved to the ground.
"I'll give you the money and you can go fuck some girls with it, please" I tried again.
Still nothing.
"Would you like your friends to know you fucked with another man" I asked.
This wasn't smart of me, my treats made him angry and seemed to have an opposite effect.
He walked up so me and slapped me in the face. It wasn't very hard but I fell on the floor because I was wearing high heels. As I was sitting on my hands and knees he sat down on the sofa.
"Listen to me bitch, we are going to do this here and now." He yelled "You have 5 minutes to get my cock and you're... ass wet, because then I am going to fuck it"
"Please don't do this." I tried still on my knees.
"Get ready bitch, I doesn't make much difference to me whether you're wet or not but it will make a difference to you"
I couldn't move and wished I could still get out of there. After a minute of pleading with him he was still in the chair.
I couldn't take the tension and crawled to the chair still crying my eyes out and begging him to stop this and let me go home. When I realized that this didn't have any affect on him I got myself together and started to open his pants. His cock was huge even though it was limb I put some spit on my hand and rubbed it on his dick. This was not what he had in mind and without speaking he grabbed my ear and pulled my mouth closer to his cock. When my lips touched the cock head he squeezed my ear hard. I opened my mouth and he shoved his cock in all the way, it was limb but it filled my mouth more then completely.
"That's it white slut, choke on my fat black cock" he said "suck bitch suck!"
I did the best I could, and I seemed to be doing something right because to my disgust his dick grew hard and even larger, it must have been at least 7".
That's it slut, you have a lot of things to learn but you seem to have a talent for this" he said
Now he grabbed both my ears and moved my face up and down his cock, making me take it deeper all the time. Every time he pushed down the dick rammed against my throat until it finally entered.
"That's it slut deepthroat me, take it all" he said "You like this don't you? Don't you?"
I couldn't answer him but I didn't like this at all. He reminded me to prepare my ass for his dick. I took some spit witch was dripping along my lips now and rubbed it on my ass but he didn't give me time. He pulled my face of his cock by my ear, Then he leaded me to the sofa, first he wanted to fuck me doggy style but when I was in position with my ass high in the air, chest on the sofa and knees on the ground he suddenly changed his mind.
"Turn over bitch." He said "I want to see you stupid face as I fuck you're tight virgin ass."
I got up from the ground and sat down on the sofa, he grabbed both my legs and spread them as far as they would stretch. The skirt I had on slid up as my ass became visible, he pushed the legs back toward as far as they would go and told me to keep them open using my arms. Then he brought his cock to my face again and told me to get it wet. Across the room I could myself in a big mirror, a big black cock in my mouth and in this humiliating position. Then he pulled his dick out, took a few steps back to admire the sight while rubbing his cock.
"It's time to fuck you're tight hole bitch." He said "what do you think about that slut"
"That's what you like, isn't it whore?" he went on "answer me slut?"
"Please let me go?" I begged with tears in my eyes.
"I've had enough of you're begging slut, now you are going to beg me to fuck you!!" he yelled.
He walked over and started spanking me hard. I gave in right away and begged to be fucked but he wasn't pleased and kept spanking hard until I was screaming him, begging to be fucked hard like the filthy whore I was. Anything to stop him spanking me, the pain was unbearable.
As soon as he was pleased with my begging he pulled the string aside and put his hard cock at the hole and started pushing hard. Although my ass was still a bit wet with the spit I had put on the cock didn't go in easy and again I found myself screaming in pain begging him to stop. My cries only made him push harder and the head of the cock popped in my tight hole, I was no longer a virgin up there.
"oooooohh, you're tight, aaaaaah you're a tight little slut aren't you?" he said "You haven't been playing with you're tight ass today, it's so tight."
I wanted to tell him I never play with my ass but I was to busy screaming my lungs out. I put as much spit as I could get out and rub it along his cock as he kept on pushing it deeper. Slowly his huge cock disappeared in my ass. When it was halfway in when he pulled it out a few inches and trusted it forward hard. Then he started pumping at a slow pass until it was in all the way, I could feel it deep inside of me. The pain started to drift away as the muscles relaxed and he started fucking me faster, going in and out all the way every time.
"I 've seen enough of you're ugly face." he said "turn over, I want to fuck you like a bitch in heat."
As he slid out of me I could feel pain and relief at the same time. I turned over with my knees spread on the ground and placed my ass in position. He ordered me to guide his cock in my hole. I took his cock with my right hand and pulled my cheek open with the other. I guided the cock to the hole and as soon as they touched he pushed his cock in all the way. I screamed in pain as he split me open. This time he wasn't very patient and started fucking me hard right away.
"Come on slut push you're ass back at me" he yelled "you little peace of white slut!"
He kept fucking me very fast and telling me what a slut I was. I was surprised he could keep up this enormous pass and I could feel the sweat dripping down on me. He ended fucking me even faster and harder but finally he pushed his cock deep into my ass and I could feel his cock pumping cum in my guts. He collapsed on to of me, I tried to move away from him but he told me to stay put, his dick was probably sore from the hard pumping action. Slowly the cock got softer and slid out of my hole until it finally popped out and some cum ran down the inside of my leg. When he finally got up his mood changed.
"Get the fuck out off here stupid whore, I don't want to look at you're stupid face anymore, get out" he yelled.
I got up as fast as I could, he grabbed me by the arm and pulled me to the door opened it and using his right foot he kicked me out. I fell on the ground, my clothes were still in a mess. I got up and straightened my skirt to cover myself and started walking home. Again this wasn't easy, not only were the heels killing my feet but after being fucked that hard up the butt you walk kind of funny. When I was almost home I saw myself in a mirror, my clothes were a mess, my make-up was all over my face and I was staggering around like a drunk prostitute; in short I was all fucked up.
Chapter 4 : The end of the beginningAs most rape victims (at least on TV-shows) I rushed to the shower when I came home an washed myself for more then a hour, paying a lot of attention to my ass. I felt terrible as the images of this guy fucking me hard were burn inside my brain, My ass felt sore of the hard fuck it had received. But at least my problems were over I thought, it had been obvious that as soon as he had fucked me his interest in me was gone. He had looked disgusted with me and himself and I thought I would never hear from him again. I would leave this place in a couple of day's, go back home and start over again. The idea of leaving this place and the terrible memories gave me new hope as I stumbled into bed and cried myself to sleep.
On Tuesday morning I woke up and at some leftovers out of the fridge, after that I finished packing and was ready to pick up the phone and call my parents to inform them I was coming home. When my hand touched the phone to my surprise it rang.
"Hello" I said.
"Good morning slut, what are you doing?" a voice said.
It was him.
"I asked you a question, why are you packing?" he asked.
"Why don't you leave me alone?" I asked. "We had a deal, last night I did what you said, now leave me alone."
"Shit, I don't believe it" he yelled "Don't you get it you're ass is mine now get dressed, I'll be there in a hour."
"But..." I said.
"No but's, except you're own" he replied "would you like me to send these pictures to your mommy bitch."
"Please..." I said
But the phone had already gone dead. Again my hopes were shattered. Like a robot I got up and started dressing up, this time everything went faster and better because I had a little practice last night. After half an hour I was ready but because I had sometime to kill I perfected my makeup a bit. And again I was surprise with the result. This time the makeup was just right and from a small distance you couldn't even tell I was really a man.
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I’m sitting on my hotel bed looking at a blank screen that seconds earlier had been displaying my wife’s freshly shaved and fucked pussy. I was massively aroused and outrageously jealous at the same time. She had betrayed me by being unfaithful and breaking every rule we had agreed on before I took this overseas assignment. One night stands only. No anal sex and no sex in our marital bed. She wasn't showing any signs of remorse as she revealed the previous night’s sexcapades, even wearing the...
At 3.30 am my laptop pinged informing me that I had mail. Curiously I opened the laptop and clicked on the mail icon. It was a mail from Becky with a very large attachment.I clicked on the attachment and an MP 4 Movie file began to download. On the email was written the following words.“Honey I've sent the video the guys have just made fucking me. They’re both downstairs having a drink and getting their breath back then we’ll begin round two. Both these guys have huge cocks, but you’ll see that...
Part three:At 3.30 am my laptop pinged informing me that I had mail. Curiously I opened the laptop and clicked on the mail icon. It was a mail from Becky with a very large attachment.I clicked on the attachment and an MP 4 Movie file began to download. On the email was written the following words.“Honey I've sent the video the guys have just made fucking me. They’re both downstairs having a drink and getting their breath back then we’ll begin round two. Both these guys have huge cocks, but...
I’m sitting on my hotel bed looking at a blank screen that seconds earlier had been displaying my wife’s freshly shaved and fucked pussy. I was massively aroused and outrageously jealous at the same time. She had betrayed me by being unfaithful and breaking every rule we had agreed on before I took this overseas assignment. One night stands only. No anal sex and no sex in our marital bed. She wasn't showing any signs of remorse as she revealed the previous night’s sexcapades, even wearing the...
Part three:At 3.30 am my laptop pinged informing me that I had mail. Curiously I opened the laptop and clicked on the mail icon. It was a mail from Becky with a very large attachment.I clicked on the attachment and an MP 4 Movie file began to download. On the email was written the following words.“Honey I've sent the video the guys have just made fucking me. They’re both downstairs having a drink and getting their breath back then we’ll begin round two. Both these guys have huge cocks, but...
Part three:At 3.30 am my laptop pinged informing me that I had mail. Curiously I opened the laptop and clicked on the mail icon. It was a mail from Becky with a very large attachment.I clicked on the attachment and an MP 4 Movie file began to download. On the email was written the following words.“Honey I've sent the video the guys have just made fucking me. They’re both downstairs having a drink and getting their breath back then we’ll begin round two. Both these guys have huge cocks, but...
I’m sitting on my hotel bed looking at a blank screen that seconds earlier had been displaying my wife’s freshly shaved and fucked pussy. I was massively aroused and outrageously jealous at the same time. She had betrayed me by being unfaithful and breaking every rule we had agreed on before I took this overseas assignment. One night stands only. No anal sex and no sex in our marital bed. She wasn't showing any signs of remorse as she revealed the previous night’s sexcapades, even wearing the...
Our sex life used to be so raunchy but in recent years it had began to wane.I was scheduled to take an overseas assignment and discussed in detail with Becky what this would do to our relationship. Could we endure a long distant relationship? Would we be able to remain faithful? Becky surprised me by saying if we were unfaithful as long as the other partner knew about it and it remained only a sexual relationship then we could endure and possibly grow. This intrigued me and I began to enquire...
Our sex life used to be so raunchy but in recent years it had began to wane.I was scheduled to take an overseas assignment and discussed in detail with Becky what this would do to our relationship. Could we endure a long distant relationship? Would we be able to remain faithful? Becky surprised me by saying if we were unfaithful as long as the other partner knew about it and it remained only a sexual relationship then we could endure and possibly grow. This intrigued me and I began to enquire...
“If there is anything you need, don’t hesitate to phone room service, Sir” said the hotel concierge, as he handed Jake a key card. The couple excitedly stepped into the glass lift, hearts pounding, Jake’s cock visible through his shorts and Lucy’s pants dampening with every second. Jake called for floor 15 and pushed her up against the glass wall as the views of Paris became smaller in their ascent. The couple opened the hotel door. It was 3pm, they had the hotel until noon the next day. With...
Time is measured in seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, and years. Distance is measured in feet, yards, acres, and miles. But time can feel like it’s frozen in place and a few hundred miles can feel like hundreds of light years when you are away from the one you love. There is a delicate equilibrium to maintaining a long-distance love affair. Most people think that the time and the distance away from a lover keep the relationship fresh and exciting. The perception is that if you...
“If there is anything you need, don’t hesitate to phone room service, Sir” said the hotel concierge, as he handed Jake a key card. The couple excitedly stepped into the glass lift, hearts pounding, Jake’s cock visible through his shorts and Lucy’s pants dampening with every second. Jake called for floor 15 and pushed her up against the glass wall as the views of Paris became smaller in their ascent. The couple opened the hotel door. It was 3pm, they had the hotel until noon the next day. With...
AnalMary and Michael are a married couple who are finding their sex life getting a little staid. They had sex on the same night each week, in the same positions with the same foreplay but what they both secretly wanted was to find other couples that liked to swap partners. If only couples talked more these days they may have discovered the pleasure of others sooner. It was only when they separated that they became closer. Michael is a 40-year-old surveyor with the state roads dept and splits his...
Sandy and Tom had become very intimate lovers while her husband was away for many months on military duty. He'd actually brought her out of a deep depression from the lack of intimate attention from her husband. Tom hadn't known it but he'd actually saved her life because Sandy had become very depressed and almost suicidal in her deep sadness. Eventually Sandy would end up having Tom's baby, a little girl, but before that happened, Sandy descended into a forbidden territory of sexual...
I'd like to tell you about a fantastic change that has occurred between my wife and I in our sex life over the last six months. My wife is Sue and I am Rob and we have been very happily married for 18 years. Our sex life has been ok but nothing to set the world alight. When it's good it is very good but certainly I have been the one with the greater sex drive over the years. I have always joked with Sue that it is a shame she does not use her body to greater advantage as at 5 foot 10 and a...
I woke suddenly with a muted scream covering my mouth with my hands so as not to alert the Sisters or the orderlies. Glancing over to see if Skank was back from his latest excursion, I found myself in an empty room with only a single golden, glowing, baseball sized orb floating in the center. The small room didn’t have any obvious noticeable exits from my brief inspection. Gathering my courage, it seemed that Stoneface wasn’t pulling my leg. Not that I would ever forgive him for throwing me...
Tammy got up from the breakfast table and went to the back door of the house. I felt my stomach sink, knowing what was coming. She opened it and stepped aside, her arm extended to the outside, palm up. She looked at me and my heart began hammering. ‘Get out,’ she said plainly. Her voice was soft and even, and I instantly measured it against the first time she had said them, the harsh way she’d spat the words. ‘Get out now, or stay,’ she finished. It was the choice. The same choice she gives me...
Tammy got up from the breakfast table and went to the back door of the house. I felt my stomach sink, knowing what was coming. She opened it and stepped aside, her arm extended to the outside, palm up. She looked at me and my heart began hammering. "Get out," she said plainly. Her voice was soft and even, and I instantly measured it against the first time she had said them, the harsh way she'd spat the words. "Get out now, or stay," she finished. It was the choice. The same choice she gives me...
CuckoldNot by Choice By Stefanie Flowers VOWS OF A LIFETIME So here I am standing at the alter about to take wedding vows. I had always thought that one day I would marry the girl of my dreams and raise a family; but how could I have imagined this? My spouse to be was not the girl of my dreams and I was very reluctant to be here today getting married; certainly not as I am now. I was being forced into the marriage. Not by a gun held to my head but by a series of unfortunate circumstances...
My boyfriend, Ben, had been out of town on a business trip for over two weeks and was still a week away from coming home. This was the longest time that the two of us had been away from each other since we started dating. We actually both agreed to not even to masturbate for the whole time he was away. Needless to say I was really second guessing my pledge. When he called the Sunday before he was to come back, I confessed I really needed a little physical relief. He suggested I get naked, get...
Authors note: It's been five years or so since my last published effort. I hope you enjoy this first part. Part 2 is already being written and will try to soften the bad karma from part 1. Life is Full of Choices Part 1 As I had always said to myself, once I graduated high school, Hillstown would only ever be a memory for me. A glance in the rear view mirror of my '89 Toyota and that would be it. My trailer trash step-mom and my three idiot half-sisters could stay in the...
She is in the attire of my preference. Short little mini skirt that is more than revealing, a tight tube top pushing her round fleshy breasts awkwardly upwards and almost falling out. Her make-up is dark and she is walking on heels that resemble stilts. I take a look at her succulent neckline and there is the collar that I placed on her 3 months ago, proudly owning the body that belongs to me now. I answer the door, not allowing her entry as yet. She greets as she has been taught, “Good...
The expression "Hobson's Choice" is named after the keeper of a livery stable in seventeenth century England who required customers to accept the next horse available. Hence "Hobson's choice" means no choice at all. Hobson's Choice © 2003 by Nom de Plume "Young man, do you have anything to say for yourself before the Court pronounces your sentence?" The judge, a gaunt man with a hawk like face and bony hands protruding from his black robe, glowered down at the youthful...
Kidnap Meeting Dr Millar Brave New World Angel Making Plans for Georgie Treatment Mrs Perkins Max Georgie's Choice Release and enslavement Epilogue This story was inspired by two of my favourite on line stories - The Stepford Wives by Sarah Barndt and Guinnea Pig by Ruth White. If you enjoy the story check these two out or e-mail me at [email protected] Kidnap I staggered out of the bar, took two steps down the alleyway and collapsed. Another typical...
1. Inside the club it was like being at the bottom of the ocean, a dim, uncertain place filled with random movement and sound. Grant Blackley moved through it like some great marine predator, shoals of lesser creatures parting before him as if unconsciously realising all of this was his territory. Because it damn well was, Grant thought. He took up one of his regular positions at the top of a flight of stairs, overlooking the dance floor. At six foot five he hardly needed the extra...
Hezekiah's Choice She quickly but quietly entered my room and came up to my bed. It seems I am incapable of getting out of my bed without assistance. She has a razor in her hand as she tells me she will be removing my hair from my legs, chest and abdomen. I have no choice but to allow her to proceed. I have no choice because I am laying in a hospital bed being prepped for quadruple open heart surgery. The doctors told my wife and me that surgery shouldn't wait as I would probably be...
She awoke from bad dreams into worse. Her arms ached, pinned painfully together behind her back and wrapped immobile in a tight sleeve buckled to her waist. Her calves were belted to her thighs, pressing her ankles against her buttocks; a metal bar linked to straps wrapped around her thighs kept her legs forced wide apart. She couldn’t even turn her head – a high, rigid collar was wrapped around her neck, keeping her gaze focused straight ahead at a blank wall. Her jaw ached, forced open...
By my choice I read the diary. I am struck by the fact that almost everything that has happened to me was by my own choice. I watch the sea break against the shore, hear the cry of birds, and my mind goes back... I was always small. Slim, barely five foot five inches tall, I was the despair of my father. He had wanted someone his size, six foot three, a linebacker in college. Instead he got a boy that read, sang and danced. I had grown my hair long in rebellion against my father, and...
Book Three: Naughty Fantasies Unleashed Chapter Four: One Naughty Choice By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Note: Thanks to WRC264 for beta reading this. Steve Davies Sam looked so sexy in the shower. She let the water spray on her body as she leaned against the wall. My barely legal daughter, eighteen and nubile, made my dick so hard. She grinned at me, that mischievous joy on her face. She grabbed my cock and pulled me to her. I groaned as she stroked me, teasing me. She brought me to...
AUDIO MEMO; NEENA ALEXANDROVNA TO SVETLANA NIKITECHNA Physiology has played into my hands and provided an excellent teaching opportunity! I went to collect Vyera early this morning to get her started on her work for the day. She has had a language lesson each day with regular testing, to make sure she is absorbing what she has been taught. Afterwards, she has been working as an assistant to the Domestic Staff and has been given all the menial tasks to do, such as cleaning the floors in the...
To all of those that make up the Hollywood establishment, in the world of music, TV, and film, the People's Choice Awards have always been a favorite of theirs. That's because, while some music awards shows will have a select few publicly-voted winners, for the most part, the biggest awards shows in town are nothing but ass-kissing contests. And while different, the People's Choice Awards had always been perceived as more of a "popularity contest" due to the fan-voted aspect of them. But once...
CHAPTER 4: MY CHOICEThe next morning I am awakened by Wolf. But this is different, this is the morning after my successful survival of The Hunt. And not just any Hunt, the first ever Hunt when the hunted has survived the full three days and nights. The concept of The Hunt is very specific, but I wonder if any of the leaders who established the criteria, rules, and rewards had any anticipation that someone might actually evade capture all three days. Was the outcome even defined for this...
Dan and I were high school buddies that ended up at the same university in our hometown. I played football while he played basketball. He was the taller and more slender one concentrating more on cardio and speed. I had brown hair and brown eyes while Dan was a redhead with blue eyes. I was a gym fanatic working out with weights and drinking protein shakes. We both had sports scholarships to get us through school. I was still going steady with April who I knew from my childhood...
Life and Choices COPYRIGHT 2004 There can exist at any given time in this world one mind to one body. There are exceptions to all rules though. Some folks or at least one existed of two minds in one body for a time. This person is Jay Hall. Of course, Jay has never realized this, unless you count his dreams. Although these facts should be painfully obvious to him, he fails to realize that his entire state of being is a paradox to the universe, and one that should soon be...
I was sitting in the railway waiting room on a cold winter night, wondering which sin of my last life had cursed my commonsense so I had to make a series of wrong choices , which had condemned me to spending the night in a deserted station 100 kilometres from the nearest town. . A tiny voice in my mind told me I was lucky too, if I hadn't been I wouldn't have gotten tickets to the next train in the morning, which would take me to the nearest outpost of civilization. And to think all this...
Wishes don't exist, but you always have choices! Greetings to anyone that finds this journal/story. My name is Brandon. I will once again be a 20+ year old male living in Northern California, sorry for being cryptic but I will explain what I mean later. My wife and I have to sacrifice our memories of the events I am about to transcribe, so I am writing this letter and hoping it finds someone who believes me. I am leaving this letter to be a testament to all that has happened and a...
(Author’s note: This story is an entry into FAWC (Friendly Anonymous Writing Challenge), a collaborative competition among Lit authors. FAWC is not an official contest sponsored by Literotica, and there are no prizes given to the winner. This FAWC was based around the theme of music, with four songs given to choose from. The song that inspired this story was ‘Midnight Train to Georgia’ by Gladys Knight and the Pips.) * * * * The blast of a departing train’s whistle drew me to the window of...
Notes: Thanks to WRC264 for beta reading this! Steve Davies Sam looked so sexy in the shower. She let the water spray on her body as she leaned against the wall. My teenage daughter, fourteen and nubile, made my dick so hard. She grinned at me, that mischievous joy on her face. She grabbed my cock and pulled me to her. I groaned as she stroked me, teasing me. She brought me to her pussy. She rubbed me against her flesh. The shower sprayed on my back as my wicked daughter guided me right to...
Choices, by Armond Note: this is a continuation of my story, 'Useful Information'. It helps to read that story first. 1. C-r-a-a-c-k! The wooden banister splintered on impact. All went slow motion: body slipping backward, hands grasping at air, emerald eyes, opening wide, dark red eyebrows, arching high, mouth opening to scream. She fell. Through the banister, toward the hallway floor, three stories below. "DEIRDRE!" "Una, wake up!" Ula said, giving her a sharp shake....
(An Incestuous Harem Story) Chapter Six: Sister's Naughty Choice By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this and to PAEUL for an idea used in this story. Melody Samuels What did I want? My Darkest Day's Porn Star Dancing thudded through Flashing Glitter, the strip club. I was on stage, my hips swaying, my tartan, schoolgirl skirt dancing about my thighs. Men whooped and hollered around me. They showered me in attention. It was an exhibitionist wet...
The next morning I am awakened by Wolf. But this is different, this is the morning after my successful survival of The Hunt. And not just any Hunt, the first ever Hunt when the hunted has survived the full three days and nights. The concept of The Hunt is very specific, but I wonder if any of the leaders who established the criteria, rules, and rewards had any anticipation that someone might actually evade capture all three days. Was the outcome even defined for this condition? Would...
Sarah and I grew up together. We were from the same country stock, hard working families that sweat together from daybreak to dark with almost no thought of weekends or vacations. Living on farms away from all of the rich kids that lived in town, with parents who had jobs and money caused us to gravitate towards each other. We were friends, the kind there is no explanation for. No matter where I was, she was somewhere nearby and vice-versa. Sometimes we would have a few hours free from work...
NOT VERY NICE PEOPLE by Crazy Baron Chapter 11: Mike's Choice Synopsis: The moment of truth has arrived for Michael Caldwell. He must choose between two different paths, but neither is free of troubles and challenges. Perhaps destiny or higher powers just cannot be fooled, regardless of what you do. ***** I was filled with a cold horror that threatened to disable my mental faculties altogether as I witnessed how a creature out of the most outlandish nightmare I could possibly...