Diana my Workmate
- 4 years ago
- 40
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"I wish you didn't have to work today," Jack said. His arms went around her as they kissed.
"Unfortunately customer service is a 24 hour a day business." Rachel kissed him back, and then leaned her head against his chest. "At least I don't have to work nights."
"True." He brushed the dark hair back from her forehead and gave her another kiss. "Lunch?"
She thought a moment. "Sure. 12:30?"
"I'll be out front."
She gave him one more kiss and then headed inside. She really didn't like working on the weekend, but there was this one customer they had that insisted on it, and it was only for one day of the weekend. The story was that their own employees had objected to the hours, so they'd outsourced it to Hubbard & Associates, and probably laid off the employees who'd objected. At least she had a job.
Getting in to the offices was always a pain. There was security in the lobby, keycard access in the elevator, and security at the door to the offices. It was a highly competitive business, and you didn't want people interrupting things.
Once in the door she shucked her jeans and panties. Saturday was a 'casual' day at Hubbard, and that meant she could wear a tee-shirt instead of a nice blouse. She kicked off her shoes in favor of the sandals, flip-flops actually, that everyone favored. You might be nude from the waist down, but the carpet held staples that could cut up the feet.
She took a towel and spread it across her chair. Then, with her morning coffee in hand, she donned her earphones, read through the latest memos and emails, and then finally logged into the Call Center System. She didn't have long to wait.
"Good morning," she read off the screen in front of her, "Geithner and Turney. This is Rachel, how may I assist you?"
She glanced at the clock as she read that last. It was her first call, but break couldn't come too soon.
Ms. Hubbard had insisted that nobody man the phones for more than two hours at a time. And at least the company had generous breaks. Rachel could remember one company she'd worked at; they gave you 10 minutes, which was barely enough time to go to the bathroom. Here you had 30 minutes, and 90 minutes for lunch. Of course the downside was that your regular day was longer, but Rachel agreed with most of her co-workers, it was worth it.
She met Tom, another Customer Service Rep, on her way to the break room. "Bad day?"
"Somewhat. I think I'm catching all of the cranks."
She slipped her arm through his. "Well let's forget them for a while."
She left her coffee cup in the break room and followed Tom into the room next to it. Two of the cots were in use. She settled on one of the empty ones and pulled off her tee-shirt. Tom pushed up her bra before she could remove it, and his mouth zeroed in on her breasts.
"Silly," she murmured, "give me a chance to get undressed."
"Too eager." He pulled back, though, leaving her nipples wet and aching. She dropped her bra on top of her tee-shirt. By then he'd removed his own shirt, and as she lay back he began kissing the inside of her legs.
Tom was one of those unappreciated geniuses: he'd learned to give head, and took a lot of pleasure in doing so. He kissed and nibbled his way up her inner thighs, She stroked his cock while he did so, when she could reach it, but when he reached her core it slipped out of her hands. Instead, she grabbed his hands, holding him to his work.
"God, you are so good with that thing," she murmured. He'd slipped two fingers into her while his tongue bore down on her clit. Fiery and chills alternated as he lapped. She closed her eyes, gasping as the sensations flooded her. This had to be her second-most favorite thing to do.
Tom knew how to wind her up, and she came all too quickly—she'd rather have drawn things out. But finally he kissed his way up her heaving tummy, detoured briefly on her mounds, and then settled in against her, his lips and tongue tracing heated little circles around her neck.
She could feel his hardness against her thigh. She wanted it, but she was willing to wait, willing to hold onto his tight bottom and really strong shoulders. Tom knew what he was doing, though, and lifted himself up enough that he could reach between them and guide his cock into her.
This was what she liked even better than getting head. He slid into her wetness with a clever thrust. She felt his balls against her bottom, and smiled and gave him a kiss. "That's so good," she whispered.
"You are so tight." He began to move, stroking every fiery nerve in her channel, and giving her a full-body massage at the same time. She wrapped her arms and legs around him, pulling herself up on him. It was like getting massaged inside and out at the same time.
She'd already come once, it didn't take that long before she was crying out her rising passion into his shoulder. Her whole body convulsed around him, spending and deliciously plugged at the same time.
He wasn't far behind. He began to speed up, and then his body went rigid as he squeezed and stopped breathing. She could almost feel the twitches deep insider her as his resistance crumbled and he came.
They gradually relaxed, grinning at each other foolishly. She kissed, and then hugged him. "That was so good, just what a girl needed."
He kissed her back, and for a few moments they cuddled, holding on to each other as the tension drained away. Finally they had to slide apart to make room for the next couple. Rachel felt wild and fluttery, still turned on, and all charged up. Tom was tired, and slumped slightly against her.
After a quick wash in the single-person shower, and a hug as a thank-you, they had to part. She was still slightly bemused by the sex, and when she carried her steaming cup of coffee back to her desk she just sat there for a few seconds, drifting.
She'd hired in three years before, first working at the north satellite offices before accepting a job that included weekend work in the main offices. The north satellite had been just like the customer service department she'd worked in before for a cable provider: small cubicles, constant calls, and the feeling of being a small cog in an impersonal machine.
The 'undress' code and constant sex were a surprise. She'd surprised herself by adapting, and then growing to like it. Sex had never done that much for her before she'd started at Hubbard. Oh, she'd gone to bed with a few boys, but it hadn't been at all what her girlfriends described, or what she'd read in the magazines. She'd liked the closeness, and being held, and putting up with a hard dick was just what she had to do.
During her interviews for the job at the main office she'd felt an unfamiliar itch between her legs. It almost exactly described what she'd read in a couple of trashy novels, enough so that she got worried. Everyone knew those stories were just that, stories. But she'd been ... horny. That was the only way to describe it. And she'd gone home and done something she hadn't ever done before, she'd masturbated.
Oh, she'd touched herself down there from time to time, but she'd felt dirty doing so. Girls didn't do that, despite what she read in the magazines. Boys, now, boys were a different story. Everyone knew they had a physical pressure. Their balls were always producing semen, and they had to get rid of it on a regular basis or they'd suffer pains. But a girl didn't have that. So when she lay on her bed in her darkened bedroom while changing, and her fingers had dipped down there, it was a surprise. And so was the relief. Things had gotten really tense, and then she'd relaxed in a rush of feeling. Later on she figured out she'd had an orgasm.
She rubbed herself to one the next day, two, actually. She'd been put in a room with several other people and they'd taken part in the call rotation. She'd been told it was to see how they handled the more important calls that weren't routed to the satellite call centers. When she'd taken a break and gone to the bathroom she'd been surprised at the tingle that went through her when she cleaned up after peeing. That never happened. But she had a few moments, and her fingers had lingered, rubbing, cautiously at first, and finally has fast as she could.
She'd come, oh how she'd come. When she came back to her senses her hand was still between her legs, those legs were clamped together, and she was hunched over slightly. It'd taken a couple of minutes to put herself back together, but that night she'd done it again, exploring this new element in her life.
After a week of working in parallel, she'd been offered a spot in the central offices. The partial-nudity was a shock. She couldn't recall ever exposing so much, even in gym class in high school. But nobody seemed to mind, and she found the sight of all of those men to be a tremendous turn-on. And then she'd discovered the rooms next to the break room, and how they were used.
There were four cots in those rooms—there were three different break rooms—and employees used them to have casual sex with each other. In one way it was a relief. She didn't have to masturbate in the restroom two or three times a day. Instead she had men who could satisfy that particular itch, and they did so quite enthusiastically. She also decided part of her problem with sex was that the men she'd gone to bed with hadn't known what they were doing. These men did, and they demonstrated that knowledge quite eagerly.
She took another sip of her coffee and put it to one side. Tom had certainly shown her a good time. She'd have to see about hooking up with him again. In the meantime, she had work to do. She put on her earphones, signed back in, and got in queue for the next call.
Lunch was brief and rushed. Well, it seemed that way afterwards. Jack took her to a bistro just down the block, one with an outdoor patio. They ate, they talked, and they shared steamy looks. One of the things that was different about him was the sex. She'd had, and lived with, a couple of boyfriends before, and the sex had been so-so. And things hadn't really blossomed, either. Maybe the sex had something to do with it.
But Jack was different. She'd met him about a month after starting at Hubbard, and it had been some casual dating that had slowly gotten better and better, but without any real intimacy. That changed shortly after she accepted a position in the main offices. There came a night when he kissed her goodnight, and she felt his arousal. It stirred something in her, and without quite knowing how it happened, they ended up in bed.
That night had been fantastic. He'd been kind, attentive, and willing to get it up again and again. When he finally couldn't, he'd gone down on her. Oh, he wasn't as good as some of the guys at work, but she figured that had to be experience. The average guy at work went down on someone at least once a day, and usually twice as part of foreplay. And doing it with enough different women had taught them what worked and what didn't.
Two weeks after that first night they'd moved in together. Six months later they found a place to call their own. They had to furnish and decorate the place, that was fun, and as a reward, had set about having sex on every piece of furniture in the apartment, as well as a couple of countertops and the throw rug in the living room's hardwood floors.
She laughed a lot more than she had with her previous boyfriends. She enjoyed being around Jack, and from the look on his face, he enjoyed her company.
"I have a class this afternoon," she said as he walked her back to the office. They'd only taken 45 minutes to eat, she hadn't told him that she got 90 minutes for lunch. She was afraid that if she did, she'd have to tell him why.
"A class? About what?"
"Some new computer software. Hubbard is hosting it, and people from all over the downtown area are attending."
"Ah. So you'll be late?"
She shook her head. "I should get off at the usual time." Only after she said it did she catch the double-meaning. Fortunately, he didn't.
"I'll still give you a call on your cell when I'm nearly there."
They paused in the lobby to hold and kiss each other. She was turned on from just being near him, and she wondered if it showed. She caught a glimpse of herself as she walked past a mirror; maybe she could claim her prominent nipples were from the fresh air.
When she got back into the offices and pulled off her panties she could feel her moisture on her thighs. Her nipples were even harder, threatening to poke holes in her tee-shirt. Well, there was a simple remedy for that.
She hooked up with a guy named Bill that she'd last had sex with during a company off-site. His hardness slipped easily into her wetness, and a few minutes later he added a lot of his own wetness to down there. But his hardness had excited the nerves of her channel into a really good, really hard climax.
"Whew," she got out after he came, "I think we both needed that."
"Yeah, I had lunch with my wife, and it was everything I could do to not jump her bones."
"Boyfriend, and the same thing."
She glanced at the time. Lunch was nearly over, which was a shame, because she felt in the mood for another go-round. But Hubbard was paying her to do customer service, not screw.
"Have to move, sugar. Back to the salt mines."
"That's a shame. I like where I am at the moment."
"I like having you there, and I notice you really haven't gone down."
He chuckled, which made his cock stir inside her. That sent a jolt of pleasure through her, and for just a second she considered being late back to her desk. Then sanity prevailed.
"I think it would be best for both of us if you took it out."
"Yeah, you're probably right."
He took his own sweet time about it, a couple of times 'accidentally' slipping and sheathing himself in her depths. But eventually he pulled all the way out. She smiled as he eased back. There was a thin strand of come connecting his tip with her sex. There were other reminders, too: white drops on his wet cock, and the feeling of more come slipping down her bottom. It was almost too sexy to ignore, but...
She felt more wetness on her thighs—one of the other girls had complained that the feeling of men's juices running down her legs was the one thing that she really didn't like—but that went away with her shower. His stiffness didn't go away, but Hubbard was the only legal business in the city where a guy with a hard-on would get favorable reJacks from the women. Elsewhere somebody would complain to HR.
She had to work for an hour before her class. Ironically it was being held in the same room where she'd done her 'practical' to prove she could handle the increased and more varied workload of the main office. And double-ironically, she ran into Marcia, a long-haired blonde who lived just down the hall from her.
"What are you doing here?" she asked as they sat together.
"My company is thinking of buying this software," Marcia said. "I'm here to learn how to use it. If we do, I'll be lead trainer. If we don't, well, it's an afternoon out of the office."
"I think we're planning on buying it," Rachel said. "I'm here to get a jump on everyone else in the office." She looked around. She could see at least four guys and one other gal from Hubbard in the classroom. "Well, most people. I'll be in line for a better job if we do."
The instructor rapped on the desk and started her power point display. "Good afternoon, class, I'm Susan Carmichael, and welcome to..."
The material was interesting, but after a bit Rachel found herself getting distracted. It was the men: she couldn't keep her eyes off of them. She'd had sex with all four of them at one time or another, and she kept flashing back to those times. So it was with no little amount of relief that she jumped up when the instructor called for a break. Someone must have said something, it was a 30 minute one.
"See you when I get back" she told Marcia.
"Why? Where are you going?"
"I left my cell in my purse, and I'm going to call Jack and tell him this might run over." It was a lame excuse, but a logical one, and Marcia nodded. "See you in a bit."
She and the other gal, Anna, made for the nearest break room, with the guys in tow. Fortunately it wasn't in use. Their clothes went in a pile on the floor. She grasped too eager cocks and gave them both a kiss. "I want both of these," she said.
The next few minutes were a blur. One guy did her while she sucked the other, and then the guys switched places. And when number two was finished, number one dove right back in. It was hot, it was fun, it was intense, and whatever tension she'd felt got wrung right out of her with the wave of orgasms that swept through her.
They barely managed to get through the shower and back to the classroom to start the next module. And Rachel shifted around a little as she sat down. She wasn't sore from the pounding, it was simpler than that. She'd accidentally put on Anna's bra, and the seam in the cups was right against her still-sensitive nipples. Almost as bad, Anna needed a bigger cup than she did. She sympathized with the girl: Anna needed a D cup, and she was squeezed down into the B-cup that Rachel used.
Anna found an excuse to leave the room a little later, but was back before Rachel could make her excuses and slip away with her. As Anna sat, Rachel saw a little more sway and jiggle with the woman's boobs.
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Weekend Sissy Little Girl by SusieQ I looked at my reflection in the hallway mirror. My make up was immaculate, the pink glossy lipstick matched the subtle eyeshadow and the delicate rose blusher, a shade or two darker, flushed my cheeks, highlighting my ultra girly look. Of course the short blond bob wig with its floppy fringe and a white ribbon tied into a bow on top of my head helped. The short pale blue cotton dress I was wearing had a white Peter Pan collar and a fitted bodice...
"BANG, BANG, BANG, BANG!" Laura Poultney-Davis woke to the sound of loud hammering and rending of timber. "Oh what now! As if that row last night wasn't bad enough I have to be woken up by bloody workmen." She thought back to the argument that had raged the previous evening. She didn't want to marry that peasant from Birchtree Farm. "How can they expect me to even try to seduce such an uncouth slob?" she asked herself. But of course her parents insisted that it would be to her benefit...
Weekend Daughter By Pamela ([email protected]) My mother, may she rest in peace, was a very beautiful woman. She had done some modeling and been in some theater productions and even a couple of movies, but then she decided she wanted a quieter life. She met and married my dad and had me, Greg, a son. Unfortunately, my dad was a philanderer and when I was about 5 he left to never be heard from again. Though, many years later, I did receive a small inheritance from him after he...
I sleep on my side, not so well on my back, so it was natural that I was turned towards Rita or Claire the entire night. Rita had climbed into bed on my left, my wife Claire on my right, and they had stayed there all evening, sexy naked bookends for me. There was plenty of room for us, and I woke several times during the night to one or the other snuggling up against me, bare breasts and naked thighs pressed up against my body. Sometimes it was both of them, and I traded kisses with the one I...
I read on my Graduation Card. I looked up and seen her eyes smileing at me it was kind of special to me. Ali was a very toned and shapely young ladie. She was as old as me but one year behind in school due to late birthday. she and i planed to go to community college and all of our friends were going north for school. It was rather disapoiting all my best buds gone for the school year but hopefully i will transfer there after 2 years but we will see? It was that time when everyone was...
Weekend Story - Part One Thursday night found us packing the cases ready for a very naughty weekend. It seemed to have taken forever to get here. We were now middle aged, without family responsibilities, free to do what we wanted and to please ourselves. Both still fit, good looking, me slim and blonde, Rob tall and dark and both with a hunger for plenty of good adventurous sex. Rob came into the bedroom and looked at the piles of my sexy clothes next to the suitcase. "We're only taking one...
Wife LoversI listened half-attentively as Sarah answered the ringing phone, Weekend of Surprises, Part 1 ? Bob Aganoush Note:? If you?re looking for wall-to-wall sex, this story isn?t for you.? There?s quite a bit of sex, but also at least a modicum of plot and character development.? So you need to have some patience to enjoy this story. ?Wow, how are you?? I haven?t talked to you in what, about three years?? Where?? When?? Absolutely, we?re not doing anything, we?d love to see you!? Okay, give...
"Thank you for meeting me, Bryce." "What do you want, Patrice?" He was always sharp with me. Always mean and nasty. It was because I was ugly, I know. My hair was short and wiry and steel gray since I was 23. I had no figure. I was tall but pear-shaped. My butt was too wide, my chest too flat. My teeth were my only good point — white, straight, perfect thanks to years of braces. But my nose was crooked and my eyes were set too close together and noticeably uneven. Still, I was...
It is coming up to Easter weekend and I suggest a weekend in London . “Let’ s see what sexy fun we can have” I say. I book a hotel in central London for the Friday and Saturday. You pack your suitcases for the weekend but I am waiting for a chance to do a little unpacking. While you have a bath I open your suitcases and remove all your underwear, pants and long dresses. I only leave you with 3 miniskirts, 1 see through blouse, 2 low cut tops and a few pairs of stockings and suspenders. I...
My phone starts to go off, a text message. I was expecting a girl I was talking to who worked in the building I work in to call back. We had a delightful lunch the other day, exchanged numbers, so naturally, I thought it would be her. Looking at the sender “Dani” it said. “Hi Mike! You busy?”. It read. “Hi Dani. What’s up?” I replied. “I applied to UM and wanted to see if I can take you up on that offer to show me around the town and campus.” “Sure, when you want to come down.”...
A WEEKEND GETAWAY Caroline Kingsley It was anything but another dull, boring, routine Tuesday at work. The phones were ringing off the hook but that was to be expected in a company of this size. I was usually in charge of filing, routing phone calls, general correspondence and mail. However this week I was working as a personal assistant to Robert, the head CEO of the company. His regular assistant was off for the week and somehow I was lucky enough to be asked to fill in. Well I’m not sure if...
WEEKEND TO REMEMBER Holly When I arrived home, the first thing that came to mind was how quiet it was. There were no sounds of playing kids, a rarity in our house. As I put away my briefcase and changed my cloths, my wife entered. I asked her where the kids were and she indicated that they were staying with friends so that we could have an 'adult' weekend. It had been a long time and I nearly came then and there. She handed me a drink and the strong liquor scent made me aware...
It is coming up to Easter weekend and I suggest a weekend in London . “Let' s see what sexy fun we can have” I say. I book a hotel in central London for the Friday and Saturday. You pack your suitcases for the weekend but I am waiting for a chance to do a little unpacking. While you have a bath I open your suitcases and remove all your underwear, pants and long dresses. I only leave you with 3 miniskirts, 1 see through blouse, 2 low cut tops and a few pairs of stockings and suspenders. I...
A WEEKEND GETAWAY Caroline Kingsley It was anything but another dull, boring, routine Tuesday at work. The phones were ringing off the hook but that was to be expected in a company of this size. I was usually in charge of filing, routing phone calls, general correspondence and mail. However this week I was working as a personal assistant to Robert, the head CEO of the company. His regular assistant was off for the week and somehow I was lucky enough to be asked to fill in. Well I’m not sure if...
BDSMWeekend At The Cabin I could not get the thought out of my mind that she was theone to put this into motion. I always tried to keep the relationship a friendlyprofessional one between the two of us. Jodi, a 26 year old very nicely built blonde, has worked for me as my administrativeassistant for the past 5 years. She has been an asset to me at this large firm.She is very good keeping things in order for me. All I have to do is pass hera note and forget about that task, knowing that Jodi will...
On Monday I was faced with the age old dilemma: what to wear. I no longer felt like wearing the usual jeans and a top. I wanted to dress up a little, though not too much. Denim mini? Maybe. Or I could wear nicer slacks; no, too dressy. And then, in the back of my closet, I saw it. A full skirt, just more than knee-length, certainly modest, certainly flirty in an itty-bitty way, and it probably still fit. There's something light and airy about wearing a full skirt. Pencil skirts and most...
Hi, indian sex stories dot net Friends, I am back with another story of mine. A small background about me, this is Raj 33 from Bangalore 5’11”. You can reach me and share your feedback at This incident happened very recently. I am a normal looking Tamil guy working in Bangalore. I stay in one of the premium apartment in South Bangalore and I stay with few of my friends. This story is about my encounter with the neighbor lady Padma. She must be into her late 30s or early 40s, as like most of...
My wife Claire had a very active sex life in college. Of course, it was pretty active afterwards, but only with me, so far as I knew. Friends of hers still corresponded with her, which is to say sent (and received) sexts, pictures, and some live feeds. Sometimes I caught her online, naked or nearly so, with hands on her body, stroking her pussy, and watching someone else, not always male, doing the same for her pleasure. “Caught” isn’t quite right; I knew she could have done this while I was at...
The three workmen were slaving away in the back garden, in the hot sun. Vanessa watched them from the upstairs bedroom window, getting more excited by the second. Under her robe she was wearing a beautiful red basque with a red g-string, black stockings and five inch heels. This was topped off with the tiniest lycra red halterneck dress which barely concealed her ass or bulge. She undid her robe and looked at herself in the mirror. Her long blond hair and heavily made up face looked as good as...
"Danni, can you get tomorrow off if I write a note for you to take to the school?" Mum asked. "Aunt Jenny has just rung to say the friend staying with her at her Lake District hotel has had to go home, so she wondered if you would like to take her place for Friday and Saturday nights. I can take you over to the hotel, then she will bring you back on Sunday afternoon. I'll meet you after school if you like, and we can look for some nice clothes for you to wear - it sounds a really...
The long day was finally over and it was Friday. The entireweek was a tough one and I was glad that I could finally just relax at home and do nothing. That is, if my children didn’t demand too much of my attention. My kids were fifteen and eleven years old and usually a real joy to be around. Today, though, I just wanted to veg. “Bye, Frank.” Wearily I waved to the night security guard as I walked through the lobby area. “’Night, Natalie. Any exciting plans for this weekend?” “Yes. Nothing,”...
Group SexNaturally their oldest daughter thought she should have been able to stay at the house by herself, but her parents told her they wanted her to help watch her siblings so it wouldn't be so hard on her grandparents. Just like my my siblings and I, there was an age gap between my oldest niece and her youngest brother, as he was an unplanned souvenir after a family friend's wedding a few years back. The next part is the same worn out story about an uncle not having much contact with his niece...
Copyright© "You will be away at the weekend, won't you?" there was silence, "Stanley I'm talking to you." she aimed the question at the plume of cigar smoke rising from behind the newspaper. At the other side of the Victorian drawing room a voice answered, "I will be seeing Lord Sandale on Thursday before we travel to his estate for formal discussions about the India fleet, why?" She busied herself with her embroidery, "Well Jane is staying at the school over this weekend, some...
In the hands of my workmates After moving to L.A. I got a nice new job and of course, new workmates. One of them, a nice guy from my office called Thomas, suggested that we might like to go to a club on Friday evening, in order to meet other coworkers. He said it was a nice place with a small dance floor. Victor agreed, I decided to wear something conservative as I really did not know what the form would be. I dressed in a long flowing skirt zipped up the back, a white blouse, nylon hose and...
I live with a very handsome guy who works the night shift from 10pm to 6am at a local factory, he leaves for work at 9pm so i am on my own from the time he leaves. He left to go to work one night last week as usual so before he left i was dressed in a sexy g string panty lace bra and i was looking real hot so he could think about me all night at work. About ten minutes after he left i heard a knock on the door so i thought he had forgot something so i opened it without thinking that it was his...