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It had been nearly two years since my wife had unexpectedly passed away. It had been a very rough two years, not only on myself, but on my stepdaughter Melinda. Ironically, Kathy and I had met several years ago at one of those support groups for recent widows and widowers. Kathy's husband, Melinda's father had been killed the very same night that Melinda was born, rushing her to the hospital. It was a miracle that Kathy had survived, let alone the baby, with the additional news she would never again ever be able to bare children.

My first wife had also died just a short time prior to that, a long drawn out illness with cancer that had left me emotionally drained, confused and somewhat vulnerable. We met, became friends and soon after become what was then called as "Coffee buddies" meeting twice a week after our meetings were over. In time, we became more than that. And for Melinda, I was the only one she ever knew or called daddy. To her, I was, even though she had been told long ago that I wasn't really her father. For all intense and purposes, as far as she was concerned anyway, I really was.

Melinda was a feisty little go-getter, just like her mother had been. Popular in school, almost to a fault, she'd been a cheerleader, active in gymnastics and had even considered briefly trying out for the Olympics at one point, she was really that good. Time and circumstance dictated otherwise however, though she had gotten a scholarship that allowed her to attend school out of state where she'd always dreamed of going.

Melinda was built for gymnastics. Not skinny, not by any means, just lithe, a bit of a more voluptuous build perhaps than a lot of gymnasts were expected to have, especially with much larger breasts than most I'd seen. Though lately as we'd both noticed, many of the girls we'd seen on TV seemed to be gravitating in that direction. Though her almost black hair was long, she always wore it in a ponytail most of the time. It was a rare thing to ever see her wearing it any other way. Melinda also had her mother's eyes, dark brown almost smoldering when you looked at them. Hell ... she virtually had her mother's face, so often reminding me of her every time I had seen her, which lately hadn't been all that often while she'd been away at school. Every time I did see her when she came home for one of her quick brief visits, it seemed she had changed. Slowly over time, coming to look more and more like her mother, though I think I partially projected that in her myself as I still missed my wife. But the fact I didn't see Melinda as much anymore either contributed to that.

Melinda had in fact been after me to start dating again, though the truth of the matter was, I simply wasn't ready for that. It hadn't even been two years yet, and I'd made a mental promise to myself that I wouldn't even consider such a thing until it had at least been that long. I'd already been through this twice now, I had no desire to have to go through it again.

Up until recently, I'd managed to hold on though it hadn't been easy, but then came the layoffs. Almost overnight the word came down they'd be closing the facility I worked in, soon to be unemployed.

Fortunately, I hadn't been frivolous with the insurance money we'd received after Kathy's death. Most of that had gone into savings, which I'd hoped I could grow towards retirement, and a portion of which I'd intended to save for Melinda to have as small stipend after she'd graduated from College. I'd also managed to invest a bit in a 401K, though the thought of having to draw from any of that made the hairs on the back of my neck stand up. With unemployment, and a slow draw from savings, as long as I tightened my belt up a little, I knew I could get by for as long as a year if I had to. The only problem with that was, I couldn't afford to support Melinda's going to school out of state the way I had been. Even with a scholarship, I'd been helping her with her expenses, which had included taking care of the rent on the apartment she shared with another girl, someone who'd in a very short period of time had become her dearest and best of friends.

I hadn't as yet told Melinda about the worrisome finances, though she of course knew about my recent unemployment. She'd called to let me know she was coming down for the weekend to visit, and in fact had asked if it was all right if Charlene came with her. I'd met Charlene only once before when I'd gone there for a visit to check out their new place, but I hadn't seen her since then, so it had been almost a year since I had.

I'd decided to wait and break the news to her in person. And it wasn't something I was looking forward to either. The plain and simple truth was, I could no longer afford to pay her rent and expenses, that and keep from depleting her savings and mine in the process.

Melinda and Charlene had made pretty good time, making short order of the five-hour drive, arriving late the following Friday afternoon. Though delighted to see my stepdaughter again, I wasn't too keen on her neither appearance, nor Charlene's for that matter when they stepped out of the VW Bug they were driving. Although she had every right to be a woman, and a young good-looking woman at that, I had noticed a slow gradual change in my stepdaughter's demeanor over time and couldn't help but wonder if Charlene hadn't had some influence over that.

I had welcomed her "excited to see me kiss" along with the hug ... but I'd given her one of my patented "Don't care for what your wearing looks" even as I did that. Both she as well as Charlene stepped out of the car, each of them wearing what appeared to be a cut off football jersey from the University they were attending. Though I understood the purpose behind exposing their midriffs perhaps, to go along with their almost too short shorts, I wasn't too happy in realizing that one tiny little movement in the wrong direction would reveal the bottom half of her braless breasts. Which was another unexpected revelation, as I don't think I recalled ever seeing Melinda going braless like this before either. But like I said, so was Charlene.

And talk about a quandary of mixed emotions because of that. On the one hand, Melinda was my daughter, at least that's the way I thought of her even if she wasn't, so I quite naturally averted my eyes as I reached over to help them with their luggage as Melinda attempted to dig out their usual over packing, over loaded vehicle. The firm roundness of her breasts suddenly revealed as I stood there. Not so with Charlene however. In a weird way perhaps, my morals had somehow distinguished between the two, and though I would of course never act on any aroused thoughts, looking at Charlene was somehow permissible.

Charlene likewise wore her hair in a ponytail too, though she was blonde. She was a bit taller than my daughter as well, nearly as tall as I was at just under six feet. She also had a slightly larger chest, which made it even more difficult for me not to notice as she opened the hood of the car and began passing back to me a few additional somewhat smaller suitcases. Charlene's bare breasts hung down in front of my eyes like ice-sickles hanging off the porch during the winter.

"You brought a hell of a lot of stuff with you for only three days!" I told her when I eyeballed what appeared to be several boxes crammed into the back seat of the VW.

Melinda smiled at me, "That's because I'm moving back daddy," she said simply. "My plan is to re-enroll here locally in a couple of months, though living at home again while I do," she added. I know by the shocked look on my face that I had more than one or two questions to ask her about that, but she headed me off. "Help us finish unloading, then we'll sit down over a beer and discuss it," she informed me.

Another surprise. "Since when did you start drinking beer?" I asked myself. Though under the circumstances, it seemed like a rather silly thing to get all worked up over. She was after all old enough to drink, beer at least anyway along with a bit of wine on occasion.

Once we had in fact hauled up everything into her old room which remained exactly the way she had left it, we headed back downstairs to the kitchen, opening those beers they'd requested and began to chat.

"So you ready to tell me what it is that's going on here?" I asked.

"Reality," she answered simply. "I'm not so naive to think that you're going to be able to continue on in supporting me away at school, at least for the time being anyway," she answered. "And even working a part-time job isn't the answer either. I've been studying hard, maintaining my near perfect grade level, but I also know, the moment I start having to work a part-time job in order to try and make ends meet, my grades will no doubt slip a little, I'll be too damn tired to study. So ... the obvious solution is to move back home for a while, at least until things change again. At least living here, you don't have to worry about the rent, and obviously my expenses will diminish greatly as well."

I was shocked, but proud and relieved to hear her telling me this. She'd basically beaten me to the punch as it were. But ... as I damn well should have known, I still wasn't aware that there was another shoe that was going to fall here, so I didn't really see it coming when it did.

"Just one thing, one small little favor I'd like to ask daddy," she said smiling at me the way her mother once used to do whenever she wanted something in particular. I guess I should have seen it coming, but didn't until it was too late, especially after I answered her beforehand.

"Just name it baby, whatever you want."

Melinda turned grinning broadly towards her girlfriend. "See? I told you he would understand!" Melinda beamed.

"Understand what?" I thought without saying it, now smiling stupidly in return as I sat there waiting for the rest of it.

"Obviously with me moving back, that put Charlene in a difficult spot as well as she could no longer afford to live there either. And she didn't want to have to worry about looking for another roommate, especially as we're best friends, and she doesn't want to have to live with anyone else besides me. When I told her I really did have to move back home, at least until things change again, I assured her that you'd be ok with her moving back with me, living here at home with us!"

Once again I tried to sit there and smile like everything was perfectly ok, and must have managed it at least to some degree, though I was pretty much in a state of shock even then.

"My room is plenty big for the two of us," she now added. "And we certainly don't mind sharing the same bed, we do that now anyway," she informed me, once again reminding me of the close quarters they had been sharing together back in their apartment. "All we really need is another dresser, for her stuff. So, what do you say daddy? Is it ok if Charlene moves in with us for a while, at least until we all can get back on our feet again?"

"Sure baby ... why not?"

I mean ... what else could I say?

Almost immediately I was to discover that the three of us now living in this moderately sized home together would create a few unanticipated problems. When Kathy and I had first purchased the place, it came with an unfinished basement. Something I had planned to eventually complete. At the moment however, it remained unfinished. All that was downstairs was the laundry room and plumbing for a second bathroom, which I'd not gotten around to yet either. Needless to say, that meant the three of us would be sharing the one and only bathroom.

Although the place had three bedrooms, the one at the end of the upstairs hall I'd turned into a study, though it was more like a storage and junk room as I'd really let the place go. Enthusiastically however, the girls agreed to help me fix the place up again, and give them a quiet decent place to study in. Sharing the one bedroom together, which connected to the bathroom we both shared, me on the other side of that would prove interesting, not to mention take some getting used to as I was soon to discover.

With a long day ahead of us as we all settled in, the girls had decided to retire early, just as I decided to do as well. Having lived alone for so long now, I'd gotten into some personal habits that I would soon need to make some adjustments for. The first of which was walking out of the bathroom into my room to undress, leaving the connecting door open, which I did.

I had sat down on the end of my bed, taking off my shoes and then my pants along with my underwear. As I very often did, sleeping in the nude, I then lay back on the bed just relaxing there for a moment, thinking about the day's events. With my feet still dangling over the end of the bed lost in thought, I didn't at first hear the door to my daughters room open, nor did I hear or realize what was going on before it was too late. Charlene had of course entered the bathroom. Bad enough that I was half sitting, laying there on the end of my bed naked. Thank god that I didn't have an erection! When I heard the all too familiar sound of someone 'tinkling' I sat up. Not that I was offended by that, not at all. Just surprised by it, especially since I hadn't heard that particular sound for years now. In my somewhat tired confusion, I almost expected to see my wife sitting there instead of Charlene, had it been Melinda, I might have believed it was actually her for a moment. But at least seeing Charlene sitting there brought me back to reality. The problem was, I was now standing, looking at her naked as she sat there on the toilet peeing, looking at me. And smiling.

At first I didn't know what to think, a thousand thoughts racing through my mind all at once. I found it shocking that she hadn't closed the door. But then I wondered if upon seeing me laying there on the bed the way I was, that in her doing so, she might have worried about embarrassing me and decided not to do so. Had I continued to lay there the way I had been without sitting up, I wouldn't have seen her, only heard her. Now here I was standing in front of her, entirely naked watching her pee, though again ... she was smiling.

"You need to use the bathroom?" she actually asked. "I'll be done in a minute," she then added grabbing a wad of tissue, which I then watched her use as she slipped it down between her legs wiping herself. I was again dumbfounded with her unworried, unconcerned activity. Especially when she stood up, only then reaching down to pull her very tiny black thong up covering herself. It was perhaps only a second or two that I had seen her, at best. But for the duration of time she had given me, I had actually looked upon her totally bare pussy. I mean not like there was a lot to see at that angle or anything like that, just enough to know it was bare ... and that I had seen it as she now turned showing me the near perfect backside of her ass as she walked over to the sink and began washing her hands. "Go ahead if you need to," she now added as she stood there. "And don't be shy ... I'm used to it, and no sense flushing it yet either, why waste the water?"

For some reason, that comment seemed to shake me out of my trance, making me realize I was standing there naked when she said that. Almost at once I first drew my hands over, covering myself, which she giggled at. I now watched as she reached down pulling that skimpy football jersey up and over her head as she walked towards the open door on her side. And though all I saw was her bare back, across the room as she entered it, I now saw my own stepdaughter. She too was entirely naked, waiting to come in. They passed one another in the bedroom sharing a smile, and then Melinda looked up seeing me still standing there, though thank god I had my hands over my private parts. Unfortunately, she didn't. But what she did do, which Charlene hadn't done, was walk over pulling my door closed. Though like Charlene, she too smiled at me without a hint of embarrassment.

I knew then, there'd have to be a few rule changes around the house, most of which I myself was going to have to observe and adhere to.

It didn't get any better the following morning either. If anything, it got worse.

I woke up to the smell of freshly brewed coffee, something I hadn't done for a few years now. Just smelling it was invigorating as I climbed out of bed, and eventually made my way downstairs. Maybe having the girls living with me wouldn't be so bad after all, especially if I was to wake up to already made coffee every morning. What I should have guessed at and realized, was that Melinda had never been a morning person, and probably would never be either. If she had the opportunity to sleep in, she did so for about as long as possible until she absolutely had to get up. Charlene on the other hand was one of those people that got by on six hours sleep, if that. And like me, had to start off her day with a nice steaming cup of the brew. As I followed my nose into the kitchen, I was soon to discover another issue I felt would eventually have to be addressed. Charlene, though sitting at the table had even more revealing clothing on than she had last night. At least she did the way I saw it. She had on what was obviously a man's sleeveless underwear shirt, which looked painted on. Especially as it highlighted her rather large breasts, both nipples of which could be clearly seen pressing against it as she sat there. Thank god she was at least sitting down at the moment, visions of her wearing that all too brief tiny thong would have been more than I could have handled.

"Morning!" she said bright and cheery, about to stand up in order to pour me a cup. Seeing that, I headed her off however.

"Don't bother, I'll get it!" I said perhaps a bit too loudly, almost wincing upon hearing myself, though Charlene merely resituated herself back into her seat, taking a sip of her coffee. I had to tear my eyes away from her chest as she did that, walking past her towards the kitchen counter. She had laid out two more empty cups, one of which I then turned over, filling it. As I did so, I looked down at myself and nearly panicked.

All I had on was my robe, and nothing else. Once again, my typical morning attire as I most often went outside, grabbed the paper while waiting for the coffee to finish. After which I would usually sit down at the table, or most often during the summer months, head outside to the patio and sit there reading it. If it got warm enough, I very often took off my bathrobe and did so naked. But not today.

Today, as I looked down, I saw my erection, or rather the end of it poking through the opening in my robe. I very often had a morning "pee-hard" as I called it, and had never really given it much thought until now. But this one was of course more than that. It most likely had been at least half of what it was now when I'd first come down the stairs without really thinking about it. The moment I had glanced at Charlene's breasts however, even for the second's time that I had, it had been enough to awaken it to full staff. There was no fucking way I was going to keep it hidden from her dressed the way I was. All I could think of to do was to fill my cup, and then walk back to the table sort of the long way around, and then slide into my chair, almost backing in to it when I did. It might look weird as I did that, but at least I'd hide the obvious from her in doing so. Finally retaking my seat, I did in fact receive a curious look from her as I sat down, but she never said anything.

"Been a long time since I've woken up to the smell of fresh coffee," I told her.

"Bet it's been a long time for a number of things," she quipped looking at me over the rim of her cup as she took another sip. All I could think of to do was smile back at her without saying anything. Which perhaps she took as approval to carry on with our discussion.

"Melinda tells me you haven't started dating yet," she said suddenly out of the blue. Once again I was surprised that my daughters concern over my personal life, or rather lack thereof, would have been a topic of conversation between the two of them.

"Not ready yet," I responded hoping that simple answer would be enough to end it, and leave it there. But it wasn't.

She did nod her head as though accepting and understanding that, which again was what probably helped to catch me off guard.

"Yeah, I can sort of see why you wouldn't want to get into another long term relationship with anyone just yet, Melinda told me about your first wife too," she adding then continuing, "but what do you do about finding any relief in the meantime?" she boldly asked.

At first, I didn't realize what it was she was actually eluding too. I was as yet a bit confused, my head not fully cleared yet from waking up, not to mention the fact I was still having difficulty not staring at her nearly exposed tits, or clearly revealed ones anyway. I actually thought for a moment she was talking about my diet or something, the way I'd been eating, and that perhaps I was experiencing or having some sort of stomach problems or some such. I guess the expression on my face once again told her to continue on with her bold questioning, especially as I didn't exactly respond or head her off in doing so.

"Do you just masturbate? Or do you at least have a fuck buddy?" she now asked.

"Excuse me?"

She now laughed, though I was now in an even greater state of shock as my mind tried to register what she'd just said.

"Melinda's worried that, that's probably all you've been doing," she now told me, stunning me even more, that my own daughter, even stepdaughter, might raise such a question with her regarding her father's sex-life. "Obviously, she's not about to ask you directly about it, but I promised her I would if given the opportunity, which obviously ... I have," she said once again taking a sip of her coffee before sitting it down in front of her. An action that immediately drew my attention back to her chest as I fought for words to say.

I finally found them, after taking a breath of air first. "Charlene, I'm not sure this is a subject that the two of us should be discussing," I told her sounding like some tired old man, which in a way, I probably was.

She wasn't about to let it go however as I soon found out. "I'm not asking for me ... I'm asking for her, she really is worried about you," Charlene stated somewhat seriously. "It's not good, not healthy for anyone to go without sex for any long period of time, and I'm willing to bet, you aren't and haven't been have you?" she pressed.

Having put it in that context, I honestly believed my daughter was showing some real concern for my welfare, as strange as a subject it seemed to be. But at the same time, answering Charlene as opposed to directly answering my daughter seemed like the lesser of two evils.

"No, I haven't," I answered simply, once again hoping that would end it. I should have known better.

"But you at least jerk off yes?"

"Occasionally, though not very often," I actually heard myself saying to her, surprised when I did, though as I did, I felt an almost forgotten reminder of that as my prick throbbed inside my robe, once again making an appearance which I casually reached down in some attempt to conceal by crossing my legs and tugging my robe back together over it when I did.

She was again smiling at me, studying me for a moment. I almost excused myself to stand up and go dress, but it was going to be another moment or two before I could finally do that. That, or risk exposing myself to her the moment I stood.

"So when was the last time you even saw a naked woman?" she asked me, once again shocking, surprising me with her question. Though I answered her almost immediately.

"Last night," I chuckled briefly, trying as I said that to lighten the mood somewhat, and relieve my nervousness. The fact was, it was the truth too, though I actually hadn't really seen her naked, not entirely anyway. But then, I recalled that image of Melinda as she walked across the bathroom just before reaching up to close the door. She I had seen, for the first time since she'd been a little girl when suddenly she'd began maturing, and Kathy had to just about chase her around getting her to put clothes on rather than running around naked as she back then always tended to do.

I didn't mention that part however, though it was now firmly engrained in my memory and probably always would be.

"You didn't see my tits though," Charlene said shocking me back to the present. "At least not when I was looking anyway," she then added with a lusty smile on her face now as opposed to the more friendly one. Before I could even respond to that however, she had reached down, pulling her tight form-fitting shirt up and over her head. Now she sat in front of me, or rather they were as I sat open-mouthed just staring at her ... at them. "You like my boobs?"

"Ah ... ah yes, of course, but ... but, I think, Charlene!" I said finally clearing my head. "I'm not sure it's very wise, or very appropriate for me to be looking at them, even as beautiful as they are," I added a bit more softly, which she chuckled at upon hearing.

"I don't mind ... really," she told me, and now stood up. Sure enough, all she was wearing now was that tiny little black thong that hardly covered the folds of her pussy that I now found myself staring at.

"But I do," I actually heard myself saying. "You're young enough to be my own daughter, and you are in fact my daughter's very best friend. What do you think Melinda would say if she were to see you like this?" I asked.

"I don't know ... we could ask?" She actually shot back at me. The fact was, she was serious as she said that.

I knew then it was time to retreat, hard on or no hard on. "Listen, I think it's time we get dressed, at least it is for me anyway," I said standing up. I knew damn good and well that she could see my erection too if she looked down, which I noticed she did just as I turned and began to head off back up the stairs. Though she caught me at the doorway.

"Mr. Edwards?"

That seemed a bit too formal under the circumstances, especially after all this. "Just call me Keith," I told her once again smiling back at her, though she now walked towards me, her beautiful bare breasts leading the way. As though frozen in place, I watched as she walked up to me, one hand coming up towards my face as she leaned forward kissing me on the cheek.

"Thanks Keith ... for allowing me to stay here," she told me. "And just so you know, anytime you change your mind, all you have to do is ask."

Somehow we managed to get through the rest of the day and evening without any further mishaps or run-ins. I was also very cautious about closing my side of the bathroom door after using it that evening in preparation for bed.

Though the girls had brought most of their personal items with them when they came, they still had a few odds and ends along with one or two pieces of furniture which was theirs, including another chest of drawers which was sorely needed. The fact that I had a truck offered up the only viable solution to that. We'd drive up the next day, pack up what remained of their belongings, spend the night in a motel, and then make the drive back the next morning. After we had in fact moved everything out, and spent some time cleaning up the place so that the girls could get their cleaning deposit back, it was already getting late. I'd halfway entertained the thought of just turning around and driving back, but I knew now I was far too tired to even attempt that. We soon located a rather inexpensive motel. I was prepared to book two separate rooms, but Melinda immediately squashed that, telling me it was one of those "frivolous" expenses we could no longer afford, which was correct. We ended up booking a room with two queen-sized beds, one of which the girls would share together, which seemed like a logical solution, though even then I was somewhat worried about the close proximity we would have with one another. A fact that once again presented itself as I came out of the shower ready for bed as Melinda took her turn behind me. Charlene had showered first and now sat on the edge of the bed towel drying her hair. All she had on was a bath towel which she'd wrapped around herself, but it also happened to be a rather small one, barely large enough for her to even close, especially around her more than ample sized breasts.

Sure enough, as she vigorously toweled her hair, the body towel she had on opened and fell off. Unlike before, this time she was entirely naked, and made no move to cover herself either. All she did was look up at me still shaking her head and say, "What's the point? It's just going to fall off again anyway," she giggled. It was about the third time I'd seen her grab for it to keep it from coming undone before, but Melinda had been present at the time when she had. Now she wasn't.

I smiled at her awkwardly, nervously, and said goodnight, sliding into my own bed, purposely turning my back towards her though that's not the side I usually slept on. I knew that before the night was over, I'd wake up on the other side, but hopefully by then we'd be up and at it soon, and back on the road again.

I dozed off, though I vaguely remember Melinda coming out of the bathroom, Charlene shushing her saying, "I think your dad's asleep," she'd stated and then giggling. Once again I dozed off after that, somewhat waking again, though the room was now pitch black. Always a light sleeper, something I always had been, the slightest sound out of the norm seemed to stir me. And as I previously thought, I now realized I was in fact sleeping on the other side facing towards the girls where they slept, though in the darkness of our room, I could barely even make out the bed they were in. I once again closed my eyes, content to do so until morning when I heard it. Another simple short-lived giggle.

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Dark Desires

There is a dark side to us all, sexually I mean. I'm not sure I understand mine completely yet but I sense that it is there. It excites me, scares me a little. My fling with Neil and his flatmate Sally started me off on my adventures exploring my dark desires. I am a nurse and Neil a writer of sorts. We met at a conference I was attending for work; advances in stroke rehabilitation. I was giving a talk and Neil was in there to write up the meeting for some journal he was freelancing for. After...

Group Sex
2 years ago
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Secret Desires

Another day, another night. After wrapping up your homework for tomorrow, it's time to get ready for bed. You lay out your favorite pajamas on the comforter and strip down to your underwear. Like most nights, you take the opportunity to pose in front of the mirror atop your dresser. You don't find your reflection disappointing. You are...well, you know who you are. After three-and-a-half years at an all-girls high school, you're in your final semester now, 18 years old and ready to head off to...

4 years ago
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Secret Desires

“Honey, are you coming back to bed?” yelled Ellie. Nathan took one last look in the mirror and realized his 9 and a half inch dick was fully erected again. He couldn’t figure out what was going on with him, why was his stepson’s dick making him so fucking horny. He walked back out into the bedroom where Ellie lay naked. At the sight of his erect dick she was pleased to go another round. She jumped out of bed and pushed him down on the bed, taking his hard dick into her mouth. Her head was...

2 years ago
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Dark Desires

Miriam had dark desires from time to time but she knew that she shouldn't. The lovely blonde wife had been able to repress those feelings and desires before. She was happily married to her husband, Maurice, for fifteen years and had never strayed before. Before now, that is. It was really her husband's fault, she liked to think. Miriam enjoyed sex but for the past several years, the lovemaking with her husband didn't seem to satisfy the hunger within. She hadn't been sexually active during...

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The Futa Fairy Futa MILFs Harem Wish Chapter 1 Mrs Fatimas Forbidden Desires

Chapter One: Mrs. Fatima's Forbidden Desires By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 “Have a good night a work, husband,” I said formally in Arabic as I embraced Tarik, fighting my disgust at the sour reek about him. I was glad to see him leave, even if he'd return in twelve hours. Once, when I was a girl of nineteen, I thought I loved him. But at forty, I knew differently. Especially after my encounter with Dr. Rita, a woman who had a huge cock and who healed me with her magical cum. Just...

3 years ago
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Dangerous Desires

College transforms young individuals for their awkward teens to sensual adults, but there is always a hitch when it comes to the transformation, lack of privacy. Some are quicker to shed embarrassment while others burrow deeper into themselves to the point of antisocial behavior. In the case of Samantha’s evolution, she found herself blossoming in every case but her sexuality. Since leaving home, she has been unable to find the time or privacy for self-pleasure. Her roommate having fit into the...

1 year ago
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My Deepest of Desires

Note : This story is completely fictional! It was shortly after my birthday, my grand entrance into my teenage years, that I first began my journey down the road of sexual exploration and desire by masturbating for the first time. It was an entirely new world, and a good one at that. I craved that sexual satisfaction for which I had little understanding of, but the greatest expectations. This was the point at which I began to see my older, and only, sister, in an entirely new light. She was 3...

3 years ago
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Submissive desires

Submissive desiresSometimes fantasy becomes reality. That can be something very satisfying,or even terrifying.I love erotic stories and am a voracious reader of stories on theinternet. My favorites are ones about trannies or cross dressers beingdominated and used to please men. That's what I love, both in my fictionand in my own sex life, to tell the truth. I've been cross dressing foryears, having finally given in to my urges to dress up and be the bestsissy slut I can be, and let me tell...

3 years ago
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When Married Angel Desires

Hi guys this is Yash, aged 22 from Bangalore. This is my Second Story & i thank to all those who appreciated my previous desirous story. I live in an independent house with my family. Adjacent to my house, there lives a Couple who just moved in two years back. Since two years their family & my family were too close. Here the Husband was very busy man, who never had time for his own wife. Let me introduce you her name Anagha aged 27 Years . She was a very beautiful Angel with a very sweet face...

4 years ago
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Friends meet to explore thier kinky desires

Part 1 – The BarAfter sharing messages and chatting for what seemed like so long...though actually a relatively short time, it was just the almost instant connection and sharing similar outlooks and desires made it seem that we had been communicating for much longer...the day had arrived that we were to meet. Though having shared desires, fantasises and arousing each other via the ethereal medium, we had agreed that there was no pressure for this meeting to be other than an opportunity to meet...

3 years ago
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Unrestrained Desires

Chapter 1At the sound of door bell, Tina turned to the kids and said, "hurry up, they are here...get your things, we don't want to have them waiting for you too long, do we!?" Mike and Sara grabbed their backpacks and jackets and eagerly went to the door as I was opening them. My parents entered with big smiles on their faces; they really enjoyed taking the kids with them to the country whenever it was possible. Kids loved them and loved those trips and me and Tina also loved being alone for...

3 years ago
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Deepu Fulfills Her Hidden Desires

Hello all, I hope you all doing well! This story is about a housewife Deepali’s hidden desires. It is a true story. Without wasting any time, I will start my story. I am Deepali, and everyone calls me Deepu. I was married at the age of 21 to Dhananjay. Dhananjay is from a rich background, and he is working in the government sector. So without any second thought, I married him. I look innocent, but I was horny at the time of marriage. I was very excited to fulfill my dark imaginations with my...

2 years ago
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Hot Wife KatieChapter 43 Katiersquos Neverending Desires

Mrs. Jackson’s pussy was a smoldering mess since her husband returned to England a few weeks ago. She paced around her bedroom and kept glancing at her phone. Last Saturday night Katie volunteered a shift at the soup kitchen. She was dressed in a pair of tight jeans and a blouse as the sexy mother fought the feelings erupting inside of her as multiple men stared at her. Some of the vagrants complimented her as they walked past her about how nice she looked that evening. Their admiration...

4 years ago
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Hidden Erotic Desires

We all have those hidden desires, those unfullfiled sexual fantasies.....Would you let losse your inhabitions if you knew no one would ever know?Karen had just received a text from her friend saying that her train had broken down and she wasn’t going to be able to meet for a drink If she had received the text five minutes earlier she could have saved herself the £7.00 she’d handed over to the barman who had just served her a large glass of wine. Although he was quite fit and it was a very nice...

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Secretes By Mistress Kay Most nights at the motel are non eventful, But this Friday night was different. JoMarie was at the counter waiting for her friend to get in from Texas. Now JoMarie has a past with him (John ). She can never tell him NO. And this night was no different. JoMarie and John  has been playing around with BDSM and they have been taking turns being the top. JoMarie didn’t feel right dominating John  but he seamed to enjoy it. JoMarie had gotten herself a Master and over the...

4 years ago
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The Rogues Harem Book 2 Chapter 1 The Princesss Desires

Book Two: Rogue's Wicked Harem Part One: The Princess's Desires By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Note: Thanks to B0b and WRC 264 for beta reading this. Chapter One: The Goddess's Daughter Zizthithana – Kozzithni, the Shahdom of Shizhuth The rasp of my scales made a sibilant hiss through my throne room as I tribbed my sex slave. Shilia, my lamia, whimpered and moaned, her big breasts rubbing against the serpentine coil of my lower body. Her nipples were two points of hardness on my...

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Arrow Forbidden Desires

Continuity wise, I suppose this is set after episode 1.14, "The Odyssey" as it references events occurring in that episode. However, I have no choice but to completely ignore the fact that the vigilante confronted Moira and pretend it never happened, that development would throw way too much of a monkey wrench into everything. My first ever fanfic, so all reviews and feedback would be greatly appreciated! Oliver Queen woke up in the morning in his own bed at 8 AM. He stared at the...

2 years ago
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Soul of Desires

It had been a while since I had seen you and the eagerness grew as did my passion and desires for you. We had made plans to meet and quench this fire that burned inside of me. You had mentioned that you too had been thinking of me and wanting to have me once more. I wanted you so badly that I did not care where or when as long as we could be together again and make love with the heat and passion that burned inside my soul. The weather was getting chilly so our normal spot was out of the...

3 years ago
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Desires By Vicky I had many desires but none so strong as that to crossdress. I had dressed in the quiet of my home when no family members were around but that was never strong enough. So I started to do some investigating. I picked up the local underground paper to where I lived and searched the personals. There were large ads from massage parlors that offered role-play. So I called and made an appointment. I explained--very nervously- -what I was looking for and they were...

1 year ago
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The Well of My Desires

The Well of My Desires By Alysa Desiree This story is inspired by a painting on found on the internet with the same title. I found this painting to be extremely beautiful and I wished that I was the woman in the painting. Part of the story is true and based on part of my life. This is also my first story and I hope you enjoy it. I write this journal now documenting my journey. It seems that it was a dream so many years ago but I know it happened. I no not, if anyone will find it,...

4 years ago
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Desires I wake to the sound of the shower running. I can hear my Master, who I lovingly call Daddy in the shower singing to himself. Its obvious that he is excited about today. Finally after many long discussions with Daddy we have agreed that today will be the day that we work on over coming my fear of anal sex. Over coming my fears has never been easy for me. Daddy always stands by me and helps me over come anything that is bothering me or keeping me form doing what I love to do. I...

2 years ago
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Dark Desires

Dark DesiresThe boy was spreadeagled against the wall. Padded metal cuffs at his wrists, and upper arms, screwed directly into the white tiled wall, held them tightly above his head. More cuffs at his ankles, held him flat, stretched against the cold white ceramic. His head hung limply, tilted slightly to one side, chin resting on his chest. His youthfully handsome face looked almost angelic as he appeared to sleep peacefully, his defined chest and taut flat stomach expanding and contracting...

3 years ago
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Moms Secret Desires

If a guy keeps his ears open, sometimes he can learn something that he can really benefit from. Now I'm not a snooper nor an eavesdropper, but one wonderful day I overheard a conversation between my mother and her sister, entirely by accident, that changed my life--and theirs--in a terrific way. It was a warm day in June, and I had been out running, keeping myself in condition, although football season was still a long way off. I wasn't as heavy or as strong as some of the other guys on...

4 years ago
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Secret Salons

When people enter a barbershop or salon the most extreme thing they think might happen is for them to leave with a bad haircut or styling, something that is annoying, but will grow out given time. 99 times out of 100 that is exactly what happens. However few people know there is a war, of sorts, going on and it is being waged by a secret cabal of salons, not on each other, but on everyday thought, everyday people. Some of these secret salons do what they do deliberately, others by...

3 years ago
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Secret Admirer

A Fairy Tale I was reading a three year old National Geographic about bats in Indonesia. Typical waiting room reading. I looked up and saw her sitting behind the reception desk. She was tall, maybe 5'9. She had a round face with pale white skin, nicely built. Her blouse was tight and molded itself to her body and left an inch of belly showing between it and her tight pants. The tight blouse molded to her body drew my eyes to her tits. The kicker for me was the red hair, long straight red...

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Secret Santa Stag

So, it was about time for the annual Christmas/Holiday party, and as usual, I was more than ready to participate. Of course, I was a lapsed Catholic, but a secret pagan side of me thought of it as Yule, which was the true origin of Christmas, anyway. Anyway, the parties tended to get a little wild at our company, a publishing firm where I was one of the rising young editors. Many of us were single young adults, and it was not unheard-of for a few people to get laid at the thing each year, often...

1 year ago
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Futa Naked In School 12 Futa Changes the Program 1 Birdies Naughty Desires

Chapter One: Birdie's Naughty Desires By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 President Birdie McTaggart, Monday “And here is what you have all been waiting for!” I boomed into the microphone in the auditorium of Rogers College, my school. I was the president here. The architect of one of the most successful Naked in School Programs in the country. “The final four chosen to go naked for this year!” Cheers erupted through the auditorium. The cheer squad, led by Tatyana Naumov their captain, were...

2 years ago
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Brothers Incestous Bet Chapter 1 Brother and Sisters Incestuous Desires

(An Incestuous Harem Story) Chapter One: Brother and Sister's Incestuous Desires By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! Sean Reenburg I stepped out into my backyard, strings of lights running from the various sculpted plants and statues to illuminate everything. Knots of people were gathered throughout while servers in crisp, white shirts (whether they were men or women) and black slacks moved through the crowd holding trays with various horderves...

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The Knight and the Acolyte Book 8 Chapter 1 The Shamans Desires

Book Eight: Labyrinth of Love Chapter One: The Shaman's Desires By mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 Note: Thanks to B0b for beta reading this. Knight Kevin – The Free City of Hargone The splashing, gurgling fountain cooled the inn's common room. It was an aptly named establishment, though the innkeeper was not happy we had commandeered his entire main room despite the gold we paid him. The twelve of us sat around a circular table, reclining on tasseled pillows. My fellow knights and I...

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Nancys Golden Desires

Nancy Conners was basking in the warm afterglow of a wonderful fuck. Her fingers trailed down her tight stomach, over her bare pussy mound to run gently over her still engorged clit. She could feel Jim’s cum beginning to leak from her well-fucked pussy and Jim’s eyes as they drank in the beauty of her dancer’s body. Jim loved Nancy’s small tight frame, her pale skin, entrancing green eyes, fiery red hair. Her small hard tits had the most responsive of nipples and Jim loved to see the...

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The Reader With Desires

Hey, Fellas, Hope all are well, and enjoying the world of sex n relationships. So, today again I am here to share one of my experience which happened in Pune in this sex story. I’ll wait for your valuable feedbacks. Please take out a minute from your precious time to write me on So, here we go: This happened in January 2017, one fine morning, I woke up and saw my mobile screen which displayed a notification sent you an email. I opened the email and it says “Hi Vicky, I like your sex story on...

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Aunt Used Me For Desires

Hi I am Shankar, ma aunties name is Vanitha. she has big boobs and a big ass, I always use to wait to see her beautiful thoppul(navel) and her cleavage whenever she exhibits it without her knowledge. I always use to think of her and masturbate and I even use to sniff her used panties in her absence. I have noticed many times her panties lying around her room it would be very wet often, and of course it’s her moothiram (pee). I use to lick her panty in the area where her pussy and shit hole...

1 year ago
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The Chronicle of Human Desires

As I looked into her eyes, I knew it was true, and there was nothing I could do about it. Her eyes locked onto mine, conveying everything. But still i stood there, my cool brown locks wafting in the slight breeze and my rosy glare locked on to hers, the connection still there. Both she and I had waited so long for this moment, and both of us were hesitant. Neither of us wanted to take this step. Neither of us wanted to do this now, and maybe not ever, yet both of us needed to. Not by...

3 years ago
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KINKChapter 7 Desires

Dillon turned the shower on and started to strip angrily, pitching his clothes at the floor as if attacking the wayward wonton desires that had started to surface. Ripping his pants off, his painfully hard erection sprung forth. Scowling down at it, he was furious that he was feeling so aroused by this whole thing. “This isn’t me! I’ve never been so immediately turned on by a chick I barely know. Sure if it’d been any of the other chicks in my class I’d probably have been curious but I...

4 years ago
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Secret Moments 1

Secret Moments 1 By Lorna Elizabeth Black Copyright - Lorna Elizabeth Black 2007 None of this work may be distributed as original by any other person or group. Permission is given to redistribute this work in its entirety and any credit is given to me as the original author. Any resemblance between characters in this work and persons living or dead is purely coincidental. Be also advised, some of...

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Secrete Sex

I was still in high school, I spent the weekend over at a friends home. I was afforded my own room and after eleven the family went to bed. i t was well after midnight, when I felt the bed move, thinking nothing of it I drifted back into deep slumber. I was startled by the weight of a heavy body climbing over me, as I laid prostate on my stomach. Suddenly I became aware of a massive blunt appendage probing my neither region.I tried to raise up when I heard the deep rough voice of my friends...

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Secret Affair With Team Member Dhanya

Hi Readers, This is Deep Roy from Kolkata, West Bengal. I’m visiting ISS in every Sunday’s & checking all the latest stories. From past 4 years I’m reading everyone’s stories which I would like, whether it’s a real or fiction story by the submitted author. But it’s made me hornier & gives me sexual pleasure. After all I thought why I shouldn’t share my real story with ISS which happened recently (after a long time affair) & this is my first story for all the readers. Now let me introduce...

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Secret Girlfriend

My Secret Girlfriend "So, off to see the woman you've stashed away again, Ken?" Barbara was always teasing me about my love life (or lack thereof). I'm guessing that married women feel they're entitled to know everyone's business for some reason. "Uh, she's not 'stashed away' Barb, just, well, she's a bit shy." "Is she really ugly, is that why you don't want us to meet her, Ken? We won't judge. Let's set up drinks after work, just to be friendly." Boy, she never lets...

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Secret Thrust The Decoy Ch 0102

Chapter One The flanks of the bay gelding were slick with sweat as it galloped across the bridge and through the water gate of the city. Swearing merchants and shrieking fishwives leapt out of his way as the rider thundered by and then reined to a sudden halt in the muddy street before the door of an inn. Before his mount had fully stopped, the rider leapt from the saddle and spun around to survey the street behind him. His wide-brimmed hat, sporting a jaunty ostrich feather, covered long...

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Secret Brotherly Lust

Secret Brotherly LustDon Abdul ©2009Danielle is very pretty woman, she knows she could have her pick not only of men but also beautiful women should she decide to swing that way. She however dreads having to keep her affair with another woman secret. She realises that every woman has a secret, and although she has never had an affair since she got married, her mind is already burdened with a secret of her own, a very closely guarded secret she has never ever shared, not even with her closest...

2 years ago
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I close my eyes for a moment and thenreluctantly tear them open again. My desk is a mess and I start to tidy up my desk. I see the time and realize it is so late and by now I should have been home already. I leave my office and walk down the corridor and soon realize that I am completely alone. The quiet is so welcoming after a day of challenges. My iPod is a welcome companion and I put on my earphones and select shuffle. A soft slow song starts off, its just easy listening with almost no...

3 years ago
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Secret Moments 8

Secret Moments 8 By Lorna Elizabeth Black Copyright - Lorna Elizabeth Black 2007 None of this work may be distributed as original by any other person or group. Permission is given to redistribute this work in its entirety and any credit is given to me as the original author. Any resemblance between characters in this work and persons living or dead is purely coincidental. Be also advised, some of the...

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I close my eyes for a moment and thenreluctantly tear them open again. My desk is a mess and I start to tidy up my desk. I see the time and realize it is so late and by now I should have been home already. I leave my office and walk down the corridor and soon realize that I am completely alone. The quiet is so welcoming after a day of challenges. My iPod is a welcome companion and I put on my earphones and select shuffle. A soft slow song starts off, its just easy listening with almost no...

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Kindred Desires

KAYEI love people, but I don’t enjoy being treated like some naïve teen who doesn’t know what’s best for her.I’m a card-carrying adult, fully allowed by law and motivated by disposition to engage in any ethical activity of my choosing.  Yeah, my short stature, girlish face, and medium-small breasts might freak you out at first sight.  However, if you were ever lucky enough to sample my surprisingly curvaceous ass on your face while I begged you, husky voiced, to taste my cunt, you’d know...

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Meeting Auntie8217s Desires

My name is Jona, age 24, short person with big and hard cock from Andhra. This is my second real story posted to ISS. This story shares my erotic experience with a young neighbor aunt. This incident took place before 2 months back. I attended one program where this aunt also came. We had good photo session. I uploaded the pic in Facebook. One evening my neighbor aunt told me to tag her in the pic. I told her that I don’t have her mail id. She gave her id. Through fb we became close friends. She...

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Forbidden Desires

Hiiiiii. My name is Krishna. I come from a family that comprised of my father, mother and me. My father was working as a manager in a private firm and my mother was a housewife. We were a typical middle class family and live in Hyderabad. We were a happy lot. This story is a mere fantasy. Tell me how you liked this story. Mail your comments to “”. I completed my B-Tech examinations and in the summer vacations decided to make a trip to Vizag to meet aunt and my two cousins, Vineetha and Nitya....

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Secretarial Skills

Damn it's cold out today! Julia thought as she hurried from the parking garage across the street and into the building she worked in.Stopping by the mailroom on the main floor, she picked up her office mail and then grabbed a cup of coffee and made her way to the elevator to head up to the fourteenth floor where her office was.It was indeed cold out that December morning–one of the coldest her hometown of Buffalo, New York had seen in some time. And the cold was only part of it; the wind...

Oral Sex
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Secretarial Revenge

Secretarial Revenge Ally is happily serving as Mr. Davidson's sexy little secretary, until she discovers the truth about her identity. Chapter 1: Performance Review Mr. Davidson summoned me into his office with a sharp, "Ally, get in here!". I shyly looked up from my computer monitor and tried to avoid the sneers of some of the other staff in the office. No one would say anything, but everyone could see that something was going on whenever I went into his office to 'help'...

1 year ago
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Secret Lives Part 1

Author's forward: This is a work of fiction so any resemblance to persons living or dead, in whole or in part, is purely coincidental. All of the usual copyright rules apply, but this story may be posted freely on any site that does not require a fee for accessing it. Also, the usual rules about legal restrictions on accessing stories like this apply according to where you hail from. I hope you enjoy, Joanne Secret Lives By Joanne Foxcourt, 2004 Chapter 1: Secret Agent...

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Secret Shared

Secret Shared By Karin Roberts Opening Up Right from an early age I knew I was different from other boys. I was always fascinated with women's clothes and in particular high heels, fur coats and long length evening gloves. I remember trying on my mother's high heels and fur coat and loved the silky feel of the gold silk evening gloves she had. At first I thought this was only kid's play and I would change, but it didn't happen. As I progressed into early teens the feelings...

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