Gwens First Taste
- 2 years ago
- 33
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There is something very romantic about lying back on a tub and drawing a warm washcloth up over the chest of the girl in your arms. A warm, soapy wash cloth being pulled slowly up her belly and over the nubile young tit, slowly, both of us watching and the Cat arching up against my left shoulder, slowly, so slowly I could see her nipple get visibly harder as my hand palmed the cloth around her breasts, but I just circled the cloth slowly around as a tease. The Cat made this half snarly thing she did, cat talk for 'oh, you lovable bastard, yah, keep torturing me like this, but too much of anything is just enough' kind of snarl.
The bathtub wasn't big enough to fit Nancy and me, but the Cat was short enough to lay her back on my chest, a very cuddly little bundle indeed. Outside the winds howled and an occasional puff of wind made it's way past the window above the john and the candles would flicker gothicly for a moment. The moaning of the wind in the tall trees gave a background to the soft jazz on the reel to reel playing in the living room. I had put two fingers on a budding nipple and drew the washcloth down the middle of her chest with the other. She squirmed slightly as the rough cloth dragged over her right nipple, one that I had been chewing on perhaps a bit too much a while ago.
While cuddling the Cat like this was soft and romantic, she still had all of the energy of a sixteen year old, so she stretched back and pushed her tit a bit more into my hand.
"Eager, aren't you?"
She reached back with her hands and brought my head down, but it took a little rolling on her part to get long me's head lined up with short her's mouth. The bath oils made us both slippery all over, and she got me with something hard in a place on my body that made me react with an 'ouf!'
"Jezze, I'm sorry, are you okay?"
"Yeah, maybe if we do this," followed by some readjustments requiring using a certain amount of care least the rearranging resulted in some more awkward interruptions of the ambiance. Being how it was a dark and stormy night, the flickering candles, of course there was a knock at the door.
"Oh, shit. Let me up so I can go see who it is."
"I'll get rid of them," She climbed out after giving me a peck on the lips, grabbed a robe off the wire coat hook on the back of the door and went out to make inquiries.
She'd arrived drenched and I'd started to fill a hot bath for her, but she had an idea for how to warm up quicker. I was glad she'd attacked me in the bathroom, because I'd had the presence of mind to turn off the tub before events took a rather tawdry turn for a while. I'd joined her in the tub after we had a little romp.
I couldn't really hear what was being said at the door, but I was not really in the mood for someone at loose ends just dropping by. I was in my 'catchup' day, catching up on the books and receipts in piles on the desk. Nancy had split, after giving me a 'you need some exercise' very athletic fuck. An hour afterwards, the storm had really hit and I knew she'd be staying over to Chuck and Phyllis' tonight. We'd made it twice, and I was given a good 'ride em cowgirl' that still took a lot of energy. Then the Cat, drenched and horny, now just laying in the tub and not doing too much sounded like a really good way to spend the evening. I hoped whoever it was would just take a hint and I wouldn't have to get out of the warm water and the Cat would come cuddle up to me and get into something a little slower than I had a feeling she wanted. The jazz tape I'd put on seemed like a good background, now I couldn't hear what was being said at the door and I was getting ready to accept another 'best laid plans' taking a dive into oblivion. I'd had a fantasy of cuddling in that tub, but with Nancy almost my height, it hadn't happened and couldn't happen in that tub. She had to sit on my lap to do that, and her head, when laid back, was on my forehead. So I was in a 'aw, damn, so close, please, make them go away!' mood and the Cat was in heat, so I was praying that she'd just deal with em and toss them back out into the howling winds and lashing rain to fend for themselves, but with the aforementioned HW's and LR's, Cat's more than likely to invite them in.
So when I heard the front door close and the mumble of voices, I was figuring 'show's over, folks!' The Cat cracked the door. "Okay if Gwen comes in and hangs out?"
"Yeah, sure." I mentally gathered myself to get up, but the Cat just opened the door wider and Gwen came in. She had a good rain coat, so her jeans were only soaked from the middle of her thighs down. The Cat got the little high school shop project step stool out from under the sink while Gwen got out of her rain jacket and the Cat took off her robe and climbed into the tub at the faucet end and Gwen got out of her shoes and wet jeans. She had on blue panties and took one of the bath towels and dried her legs and feet and then sat down on the stool.
"You guys look pretty cozy for the evening,"
Gwen and Cat had been planning for this shoot Gwen wanted for a while, and Gwen and I had been getting it on casually for longer than that. Casual more than just one night stands sort of thing, whenever it seemed like a good idea. She was my all time favorite lab tech, period.
The Cat settled back against me and I wrapped my arms around her. Gwen was comfortable on the stool leaning back on the towels on the wall rack. She picked up the little brass ashtray and fired up the fairly decent sized roach. "I brought over some stuff I liked for you to look at later," Gwen told the Cat. I thought, 'oh, good, business, ' to myself and relaxed. Now while getting it on with both Gwen and the Cat would have turned my crank almost any time, I was less than fifteen minutes from my last orgasm, an hour and ten minutes from the one before it, maybe an hour and thirty five minutes from the one before that one. Ever hear the term 'really laid back?' That about describes it.
"I really think that grey back drop is the way to go. White makes it seem too Vogue or something." They had just shot a test at my new studio in San Rafeal. Mine and three other guys who pooled gear and split rent.
The bathroom was nice and warm and we had all seen each other in the nude, so while having a conversation with a naked teen-ager in my lap was kind of strange, it was also very business oriented. Gwen had an idea about how she wanted the Cat to take some nude pictures of herself: She always wanted to know what she looked like coming, and she'd like the set Cat had done of Katrina and me, as the Cat had captured the tone Gwen was looking for, the way she saw herself in those pictures she had in her mind's eye. So while the talk was about backdrops, pushing film, film stocks and Kodak paper types, some of the conversation got kind of graphic.
The Cat could feel the way my dick had filled out against her butt, still pointing down, but nudging her more firmly, and the Cat pulled my hand with the wash cloth down into the water and pulled it up again.
"This should be a good shoot," I said. "You guys both know what your aiming at, and you can talk about it and get it solid in your minds. I can't wait to see the results."
"Likewise. I've been half torn between having butterflies and having to change my panties two or three times a day." Gwen giggled and the Cat and I laughed. The Cat took my hand and brought it between her legs and I got the idea.
"I think it's going to be hot," the Cat said. "I've been having that same laundry problem myself."
Gwen gave her a glance, "Yeah, but sometimes I just think I might freeze up or something when its time, you know?"
The Cat giggled, I could hear a little nervousness in it, but I knew the Cat well. "That's about how I feel, too." They looked over at each other, then smiled, glad that they weren't the only one feeling nervous. Gwen took a deep breath and centered herself.
"You know, stage fright is something when you're getting up in front of an audience. You two know each other, you guys'll be fine." I encouraged. I cupped the Cat's cunt hair gently in my hand, very gently, so when I pushed up and down on the curly hair, water would move quietly over her mound. I have no idea what it felt like, but she didn't tell me to stop. Gwen couldn't see below the edge of the tub very well from where she was sitting, so it was a gentle tease on my part, and partly a sexy thrill toying with the Cat while she's talking business.
Gwen chuckled. "Here we are talking about my exhibitionism, and I'm the only one dressed."
"You get into watching, too?" The Cat asked.
"Yeah. I guess I do." She smiled wistfully. "You two sure look romantic in the tub."
"Tony's idea." The Cat smiled at her. "Candle light bath, corny, huh?"
"No, it's kinda sweet, actually."
"Well, I have to admit, I like it myself," the Cat smiled to her.
"Well, I better be getting going."
"You can stick around," the Cat said, giving her a Look.
Gwen looked back, and then said after a significant pause. "You sure?"
"I might not be able to handle this," I said. "Nancy just got done banging my brains out, then the Cat here, I don't w ant to leave you guys hanging."
"It's okay, that isn't what I had in mind." The Cat whispered towards my ear, but loud enough for Gwen to hear.
"She's going to be showing me hers, and I think I got a little exhibitionist in me, too." She said with a leer. I grabbed her cunt with my fingers, the middle one slipping right inside her crease and the others in the 'one finger bowling ball' grip. "Fuck, yeah." Gwen looked a little excited; her dark rain wet bangs over hung her glinting eyes. The Cat's tone of voice told her that something was happening in the tub. Gwen looked into my eyes and licked her lips.
"Okay." She said.
The Cat leaned back and squirmed around on me, bringing her right tit out of the water. Gwen looked at my finger and thumb rubbing it slowly. She licked her lips again and leaned forward.
"This turning you on?" Cat whispered to me.
I nodded and Gwen said aloud, "It'd give a nun a wide on."
"Then check this," and the Cat moved her knees as wide apart as she could get them. Gwen put her head up next to the tub and looked down.
"Oh, that is so hot."
I started to finger fuck the Cat, then pulled my finger out of her and palmed her mound, sliding slowly up until I had her pussy spread wide open and her clit skinned back. My dick was really starting to get into this, but I wanted to play, not just come.
"Blow on it, Gwen," I whispered. "She'll go nuts."
Gwen puckered her lips and looked over at the Cat's face as she leaned in, but the way the Cat was breathing shallowly in anticipation made it clear that this particular artist-model relationship was about to undergo a change.
The focused little breath of wind wandering around her lips made for some squirming on the Cat's part, and my having to break the mood to deal with how my balls were getting kind of mangled by the squirming and all. I pulled her hips up and over me by pulling on her legs. A bit of a squirm and my dick was under her butt and my nuts were out of range. I hadn't realized how little the bathtub actually was in my fantasies.
The Cat made a keening sound, and 'eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee' like note, as Gwen's little jet traveled up her lips and circled her clit. Gwen then pulled back and sat on the floor. She fumbled around a bit and her panties came up in her hand. "Guess I won't need these in the way with you two." She pulled the bench over to the far end and leaned on the corner of the tub. She smiled up at us.
"Can I watch?" she asked mischievously, giving a good send up to the line.
"Sure, little girl, mommy and daddy will explain the birds and bee's to you." I lowered the Cat's legs a bit, and Gwen's eyes looked down curiously, watching her legs closing and my hands roving over her belly and up her body.
Gwen licked her lips, looking like a kid in a candy store.
I begin to lay my hands around the Cat's tits, working her large nipples with my thumb and forefingers. The Cat leaned back against me, part of her head on my shoulder, part on the back of the tub. The water made her a comfortable ell like slithering body on mine, the tub overflow making a gurgling noise.
The candles were enough to see by, the one on the sink sending a good high light down on the Cat's torso. I ran my hand down to her mound and cupped her gently. She'd moved her legs apart as my hand went down, and I ran a fingertip down over her lips and as far as I could reach. Then I drew my hand up until I held her mount cupped in my hand. "Does this look hot, Gwen?"
"Yeah," she said in a husky voice. "God, I'm soaked."
"Check this." I pulled my fingers out in the Vulcan whatever sign, and spread her wide open again. "Lean forward and smell."
Gwen and the Cat both moaned, and my fingertips felt a little tug of her pussy. It wasn't a big one, but it was a surprise to me and the Cat both. Gwen leaned in and smelled, a deep breath with her eyes closed. "Good, isn't it?" I whispered.
"God, I just gotta jill here." She rolled to the side a bit as she opened her legs. I couldn't see anything from where I was laying, but I think I had an idea from the way she just kind of sagged with her eyes closed and her mouth half open.
"Jesus, I gotta get that look, or kill myself trying." Cat whispered to me. "Do I look like that?"
"Yeah, sorta. I usually have my eyes closed, so I'm not exactly sure."
"You have your eyes closed?"
"Well, yeah," I stopped what I was going to say. "You keep your open, right?"
"Why in hell do you keep your eyes closed?"
"I don't always, just sometimes more than others."
"Tony, you're a photographer, for Christ sake, why would you keep your eyes closed?"
Gwen was looking at us kind of bemused from her orgasm and wondering what we were talking about.
"Well, my other sense get sharper, I am into what my lover is experiencing, I dunno, it just works for me."
"Wow, your weird, dude. And better watch your fingers, dude, I wouldn't want to flap in the breeze, y'know?" She'd been amazed at a friend of ours labia that were very long. I took the hint and put my hand over her cunt gently and gave her a small intimate kiss on the shoulder, about what I could comfortably reach. I moved my hand around slowly, just massaging the whole general area, making her aware of how it bowed out from the bottom of her body, feeling the gentle scrunching around of her pubic hair. She put one foot up on the end of the tub. "Want to make me come instead?"
"Oh, yeah," I said sincerely. "You are going to come until I can get you to squirt, then come some more."
"Uh," she said, but the thing we were about to do was already way past the boundaries of sharing a little private information about her physical reactions to stimuli. She kind of changed her mind when I squeezed my hand over her mound. "Yeah," she finally sighed.
I smiled and tweaked her nipple with my hand. I pulled it down and scooped up some bath water and poured it over her from my cupped hand, a slow dribble of warm water. I did that a couple of times and then moved my hand up her slit and poured a little on her pussy. She hissed. A few more little dribbles, and a squirming around. I refueled and did that for a little while. I noticed Gwen had her head down on the edge of the tub, her neck on the edge. Her face was flushed and she was spell bound by my fingering the Cat, I could hear a faint slurp slurp slurp sound coming from outside the with my right ear. Good for Gwen.
Although when she first said it Gwen Mitchell did not really mean that perhaps Alan Mills would spank and fuck her and Mavis Tompkins on the same occasion the more that she and Mavis thought about it the better the idea seemed.With Mavis's husband Mike due to be away all the following week for work Mavis was going to contact Alan to visit her for her semi-regular spanking and sex session and now that Alan had given Gwen her first, very memorable, session Gwen was keen for a second meeting.The...
ThreesomesMy name is Govind and I want to share a true story from about 6 years ago (circa 2013).While studying in undergrad, I became friends with Gwen. We both were taking an art history class for our lib ed requirements. She had come into the lecture hall once reeking of weed. As a fellow connoisseur of herbal remedies, we started smoking soon together after that. We talked a lot about music and since our tastes were so different, I got to learn about many new artists. A couple times, she had talked...
It had been almost 2 years, and at my age I was worried. Previously this site for affairs had produced 3 year long periods of fun. All 3 had chosen after a year to end it, two going back to their husbands, the other finding a single man to marry. Now I get a message from an Asian woman of 42 years, who lives within 15 minutes’ distance. The message was private to me and included 3 pictures. She was beautiful, with long hair to the middle of her back and what seemed to be much more than the...
Gwen and I met in college. The meeting was not an auspicious one and anyone seeing it would never in a million years have suspected that one day we would be man and wife. It was in the college bookstore at the beginning of the spring term. The last item on my list was the Managerial Economics text. There was only one copy left on the shelf and as I was reaching for it some one else saw that it was the last copy and they lunged forward and tried to beat me to it. The person bumped into me and...
A social whirl enveloped Gwen after her coming out party. Several times a week she was invited to visit one neighbor or another. She sometimes accompanied her parents, and other times she and her brother went together. Still other times she went alone. Always, though, she returned home with her slit well lubricated and her sexual fires quieted for a few hours. Gwen and Thad were popular socially, for between them they could satisfy the most lascivious and rampant desires of men or women....
Gwen Anderson had lived in the same house now for over 60 years. She'd been there 25 years by herself, after her husband Chris had passed away after a massive heart attack. There were no children, as Gwen was unable to get pregnant and neither one of them wanted to adopt any children. They figured is Gwen was unable to get pregnant then they were meant to be childless. They had a good life, getting married just after Gwen turned 19. Chris was already 20 and they'd been dating, with their...
Gwen and Marcie Thaxter had been best friends for as long as the girls could remember. They were nearly the same age — Marcie was five months older — and they lived just a few miles apart on the same lane. For years, they'd explored each other's bodies in childish ways. Pushing, probing, tickling and once even kissing each other's developing breasts. But they'd been too shy to go any further. It was a Tuesday, and Gwen was visiting Marcie for the first time since returning from Gracely...
So Gwen and I were were back up hiking in the Hills..A beautiful gay it was, After a couple of hours climbing I said to Gwen, " lets have a break and something to eat. She said that sounds great, " I need a rest "Then she said " let's go down this way, off the path " So we head down the hill a bit, then come across some large rocks, " Perfect says Gwen " Next thing she is taking her clothes off.. And starts to strip me naked. Then she gets on her knees and takes my cock in that beautiful slut...
100% fiction! I was eighteen, in my first year at college, my sister, Gwen was nineteen, in her second year. We were from the Midwest but Gwen went to a west coast school and mine was on the east coast, we both took summer courses, so I hadn’t seen her in almost two years. Last summer Mother’s parents organized a big family reunion for their anniversary and begged us to come home. Relatives came from all over the country, more than our house could hold, so me and Gwen shared a room at a local...
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Christine glanced out the window at the sandy-haired young man mowing her lawn and licked her lips with a little shiver. For the last week, she’d found her thoughts almost completely consumed by sex, and two people figured very prominently in those frequent fantasies. One of them – stripped to the waist with a sheen of sweat glistening on his muscular torso – pushed a lawnmower around the various obstacles in the yard.Seeing that Adam was nearly done with the yard work, Christine turned down...
IncestEinpaar Jahre her machte ich einen Auslandsjahr auf einer kleinen Farm in Amerika. Meine Gastfamilie bestand nur aus den beiden Elternteilen die zwar Kinder hatten, aber die Kinder lebten nicht mehr zuhause da sie schon 20 und älter waren und alleine lebten. Das Haus indem ich war, war SEHR groß es war eine Verbindung von 2 Häusern ein neues und ein altes, im alten residierte ich und meine Gast Eltern im anderen also waren wir sehr abgeschieden. Ich muss zugeben, dass das Jahr ziemlich...
As per the image with this story my mature, blonde, blue-eyed, gorgeous wife, 44EE-36-47 and her best friend who is 38DD-31-42, long brunette hair were walking through a park and noticed a number of nude people. One was like the black man in this image, he was short, good body and well endowed with an extra long veiny foreskin covering his penis as it hung down. Two very nice sized testicles hung below it. My wife and her best friend (let's call her Elaine) are both the same age, wife is 51 and...
She listened to the chimes of the doorbell echo in the hall for a second time. 'Maybe he's still asleep?' she thought to herself as she stood there. Usually her sister was home on Fridays, but only her sister's boyfriend's car was in the driveway. She waited patiently because she wanted to leave a magazine for her sister that had an interesting article on coping with the death of a spouse. She watched her sister Gina go through such a death, and was amazed at how well she handled it....
Straight SexFebruary 4, 1992, Chicago, Illinois “You came to bed very late last night, Tiger.” Jessica was standing in the shower and I was leaning against the sink. “Sorry. The conversation just kept going and going.” “What did you talk about?” “Core values. Philosophy. Sin. God. She’s not confused. In fact, quite the opposite. What she is, is curious. Very curious. And not THAT way, O smirking wife!” “Sorry,” Jessica said. “She’s one of the most intelligent, thoughtful young women I’ve ever met....
The motel shower had a showerhead that had a hose attached to it and it could be unhooked to shower a particular area of your body. Jeff suggested that since she was now covered in dried cum he wash her off first. He wet her lush brown-skinned body down with the warm water and then lathered his hands up with the bar of soap. Starting with her neck and shoulders, he massaged her lovingly and gently. He worked his way down to her melon-shaped tits whose nipples were already enlarged from contact...
Porn Go! I made a list of the worst things in the world recently, and it had some real doozies. It sucks when you stub your toe, or when the hooker you hire turns out to have a cock. I hate when I’m jerking it and I run out of lube, as well as the sinking sensation you feel when the police show up at the library before you finish masturbating. War, slavery and murder are pretty bad from what I understand, but number one on my list was not finding the right porn when you’re lubed up and in the...
Free Porn Tube SitesThat night whilst I laid next to Liam and listened to his peaceful breathing; I found myself unable to will myself to get out of the bed and leave. Selfishly, I had chosen to stay despite not feeling like I deserved him. The idea of just going and never knowing his love again was overwhelming. For whatever reason, he had sought me out, but due to his preference for sadism and his level of intoxication that couldn't happen.~~~Several days then pass with Liam leaving the bed early and only...
BDSMHow, you might ask, did I wind up bound naked in my sister Kay’s basement last weekend you might wonder? I could try to explain the whole sordid story to you, but to be honest, I do not remember large parts of it myself since I can say that there was a large amount of beer and several tequila chasers involved! What I can tell you is that she has known now for decades that if she calls out my manhood and says that I am a chicken, she can set the hook deep in me and get me to try damn near...
I’m a straight married guy here, but I used to jack off with my coworker from time to time. It started off more or less by accident. Jarred and I use to trade porn back and forth until after a while we stopped trading and started watching it together. The first time we jacked off together it was kind of awkward because neither of us had ever done anything like that before and neither of us had ever been naked like that in front of another guy. We weren't sure where to look; if we should keep...
Gay MaleHey, guy’s, it’s me again. I love indian sex . If you need my help in satisfying mail me at for only in and around Madurai. Let me share my indian sex experience with you guys. Anu(fake name) was living at top of my house. And my family at ground floor. I love boobs of women. But I was not interested in her. On one fine day, she came to my house to have a talk with my mom. I used to talk with her normally. My mom and Anu are planning to draw some Rangoli drawing for a new year. So I purchased...
NOW: Ronald walked up to the woman behind the desk, wishing he could wipe the sweat from his palms but not wanting to wreck his suit. He’d dressed in his nicest outfit for this, it seemed somehow appropriate to look good for Elsie, given how long it had been since they’d last seen each other. Would she even remember the time she’d spent here? Or would she just open her eyes, smile at him, and wonder why he looked three years older? (Or perhaps more than three years. He felt like he’d aged a...
I am 25 YEAR OLD VERY VERY FAIR muslim woman my hubby.. Saleem is 34 and we are totally compatible in every way. When Saleem tells me to dress properly and to attract his boss I started to wonder just what he was expecting of me. Before Saleem arrived home I showered and shaved my underarms and legs and thought about trimming my pubic hair but I know Saleem loves my very bushy hair and I didn’t want to shave or trim it unless he approved first. I really didn’t know what to wear so I simply put...
Hi everyone of indian sex stories dot net . My name is Meet and I am 25 year old. Main odisha ka rehene wala hun or ye kahani mere or meri masi ki beti k bare mai hai. Jo mai dil se share karna chahta hun. Meri masi ki beti ka naam sneha hai or wo 23 saal ki hai uska ek chota Bhai hai Jo 8th standard mai padhta hai or uska naam shabby hai. Sneha bht khubsoorat hai, slim body, gora rang, 34 28 34 ka figure or puri typical Punjabi girls hai. May 2017 mai mere new ghar ka opening tha. Summer...
It took me a while, but I’ve finally discovered what’s wrong with women. Men; no doubt about it, men are the problem. As I sit here in this bus stop shelter, smelling the leftover piss, from the derelicts that sleep here when no one is around, I can see all of my mistakes, and they’re crystal clear in the rear view mirror of my mind. I’ve got about an hour, so I can tell you about this chunk of my life. My life isn’t exactly going the way I’d hoped. In fact right now it’s an absolute...
Hello, friends, your night rider is back with the new encounter, firstly let me thanks to all those readers who like my stories and send me their comments, I would also like to thank iss for creating a beautiful platform, to share experiences. For new readers, let me introduce myself, I am night rider (nightriderforubabes) from Hyderabad, a well decent guy working for a reputed company in a respectable position. Any unsatisfied or fun loving ladies wish to have a secret relationship can contact...
Chapter 13: Lacie’s Party Lacie still blushed anytime someone looked at her. Probably because no one was just looking at her, they were outright staring. Her long, soft hair was done up in a wonderful style, seemingly tied in a gently flowing waterfall down her back, falling smoothly from a complex, artistic knot at the back of her head. She carried a small, silver and blue purse, matching the elegant hue of her shimmering dress. Lacie’s long gown was simple in it’s elegance. A single thin...
Hey iss friends ! I have been following iss from last 5-6 years and have enjoyed every bit of it, finally today in a mood to write one of my sexperience which I had last year. I am arjun age 30 from jaipur, height 5’10” nice & decent looks, fun loving and just trying hard to stay & keep myself and people around me happy. The heroine of the story is a lady named ‘maya'(name changed), she is around 40 with a die hard figure of 36d-32-36(which I came to know later). Any bhabhi/ unsatisfied/...
There comes a time in a young woman’s life when the love for her man becomes so true she cannot imagine it ever changing. For some, it proves to be an ethereal and elusive moment that is eventually lost in time, never to be rediscovered. For a lucky few, it is what it seems, a harbinger to a lifetime of wedded bliss… Julie felt the steamy air rise up through the bubbles covering the surface of the bath. The pleasantly warm vapor enveloped her in its embrace like a soft blanket. With a gentle...
Love StoriesLincoln was just as nervous returning home with her. He’d tried talking her out of it, saying it didn’t feel right, but she would ear none of it. It brought a smile to his heart—she hadn’t changed after these months of being away from her. She was just as strong a woman as when they’d first met. His hands both rested on his knee, and hers draped over his while they rocked beside each other in the backseat of the taxi cab, listening to the driver mutter as curse as the cab’s wheels stepped into...
She laughed naughtily as her eyes met mine. Her tongue emerged and starting at the base went up the full length of my engorged member, and traced a long slow circle around the tip. An intense shudder of pleasure rocketed through my body, and I sighed deeply. Her mouth wrapped around my cock and slipped down my shaft as her tongue kept working on my tip. She began gently massaging my balls. She stopped occasionally to stroke my cock. I thought my eyes would roll back in my head. I was grunting...
She had been working all day and it was getting late. She had a report to get out and was very tense. Her office door opened and her aide came in with coffee for her. "You have been working hard in here. I brought you coffee." she replied. The boss stretched and told her, "Yes I have been leaning over this computer for hours." Her aide said "let me give you a massage" and got behind her and began to rub her shoulders. "Oh that feels good" said the boss. "it gets better" replied the aide. She...
I moved into my place about 12 years ago and became quick friends with all of my new neighbors, most of who had young kids that I have had the pleasure of watching grow up. The oldest of the kids was Kat who is now 23 and what can I say but she has grown into an amazingly beautiful young woman. She is about 5’ 10” with long brownish red hair and a perfect body that I attribute to her long dance career. As Kat got older I began to notice what a beautiful young woman she had become. We would talk...
Introduction: A quick and kinky lesbian fantasy! Authors Note 1: These short fantasies started off as weekly mini-stories for my readers, but the newsletter was shut down because autoresponders do not accept adult content. I thus decided to publish these fantasies for free for my readers to enjoy. It is meant to entertain, so please do not leave hateful comments if everything is not perfect. I am only human after all. Authors Note 2: Although this fantasy can be read independently, it was...