Life's A Bitch free porn video

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"They'll pay one million dollars each." Windy reminded herself for the one millionth time as she closed the door to her office with an almost soundless click. "My student loans can finally be paid off. I can buy mom a new house, or a new double-wide if I can't talk her into living in a real building. I can travel the world. I could meet a nice guy!" She placed her pink Hello Kitty lunchbox on the gleaming white work surface and opened it. "Any guys I meet will certainly never hear about this damn thing!"

She looked at the tapered instrument and sighed. It was very delicate and narrow. It wouldn't be like she was 'losing' anything important! "How in the world did I let her talk me into this?"

Windy knew that answer. She thought about the allegedly chance meeting of just yesterday morning. She had stopped at Queequegs for her usual morning coffee and had bumped into a very elegant and sophisticated looking woman. The red business suit she wore must have cost a fortune. It was exquisitely tailored to highlight the woman's equally exquisite figure. Windy was struggling with issues over her orientation, and the stunning raven haired Asian woman made her think wistfully of certain nights in college where her dorm mate Casey had overpowered and forced her into social networking of the bedroom kind.

The woman had smiled kindly as Windy tried not to spill her decaf double tall non-fat extra-dry cappuccino. "Windy Cumulonimbus Cloud, I presume." The woman had asked in a lovely voice with just a hint of a Chinese accent. "I've been hoping to meet you here."

The petite blonde felt her face grow warm. Nobody, but nobody knew her middle name! Windy Cloud was bad enough! It made her sound like a porn star or something! She didn't want anyone to know that she was conceived in the back of a van when mom got picked up by a group of storm chasers while she was hitchhiking cross country.

According to mom, she didn't have money to pay for gas, so she quite willingly offered a much older form of payment to square the deal. The worst part was, there were four of them! Without a paternity test, which mom had refused, there was no way to tell just who her father really was! Windy never had the nerve to ask for one herself once she was old enough. Besides, she cleaned up on birthdays and Christmases since all four had gone on to become very popular TV meteorologists in four major markets. Father's day was a bit of a financial drain though, but she had grown quite used to having four out of state daddies. "You have me at a distinct disadvantage." She finally muttered as she sipped her cappuccino.

"You may call me Jade. Miss Cloud. It isn't my real name, but it will do for now."

"Who are you? What do you want from me?"

"I represent a certain company. We rival the firm you have worked for these last five years since graduating from college. What we want from you is nothing more then a tiny free sample."

"Free sample?" Windy took a deep breath. "You're an industrial spy!" she snapped, but instantly lowered her voice. "No deal! I'm happy in my job, and there's no way I would help you! I'm no criminal! I never broke the law in my life!"

"Never, are you quite sure about that?" Jade placed her briefcase on the counter and snapped it open. "Have you forgotten something?" She pulled out a professionally bound copy of what looked like a thesis paper. "Are you sure you never broke the law?"

Windy's heart did a sudden flip flop beneath her breast. "Uh oh!" she let slip, before she could stop herself.

"Just as you say, uh oh." Jade smiled kindly. "Key elements of this paper were originally written in nineteen eighty-two. That is not really my concern though. How much did you pay for this?"

"You have to understand! I did write my thesis! My hard drive crashed and all my notes, the paper, and everything were lost! I was in a huge bind! I had only two days to produce something, or my scholarship would be history!"

"I have no doubt of that. I have seen all of your transcripts. Aside from this one paper, your studies in bioengineering were exemplary." The woman sighed. "Now answer the question! How much did you pay?"

"Um, five thousand dollars."

"Where did a struggling college girl manage to find such a sum? Our research tells us it wasn't from your mother, or even your time share fathers." The business woman tapped a long crimson nail on the paper. "It is in your best interests to tell me the truth, for you have no way of knowing how much I have learned already."

"I, um, I knew this girl who was, uh, putting herself through college, well, on her back." She giggled nervously. "You know, the world's oldest profession, prostitution."

"This professional girl paid you five thousand dollars out of the kindness of her heart?"

Fear and humiliation made Windy feel like she was about to cry. "I knew about it for some time, but after my drive crashed, I followed her around one night, and shot lots of pictures and video. I told, uh, this girl, that I would email the files to all her friends and family back home if she didn't help me."

"Very good. That is what Amanda Kincaid, now Amanda Anderson has told me. She was quite miserly with the information when we showed her a few carefully selected photographs. Thankfully, she could hardly stop talking once it was mentioned that we would pass ALL the files along to her wealthy young husband." Jade shook her head. "It was very foolish of you to keep that DVD. You should have given it to Amanda, or at the very least, destroyed it. Or, where you planning on turning back to blackmail some time in the future?"

"No, of course not! I wouldn't do that again!" A lump of ice seemed to fill her heart. The one and only copy of that damn DVD was at her house! "You, you were in my basement? What do you want?"

"Like I said, I represent a certain company. We just want a small sample of your company's work. We are prepared to pay you quite handsomely, too."

"If, if I say no?"

"Blackmail, as you know, is a felony. Did you know there is no statute of limitations on felonies committed in the state of Virginia? Are you willing to gamble on my being able to bring enough pressure to bear against Amanda in order to force her to confide in the police her wicked tale of woe?"

"Oh my God, I can't go to jail!" the blonde felt dizzy. "Okay, I, I'll help. What do you want me to do?"

"It's nothing very Earth shaking. In fact, we want only a few microscopic items." Jade smiled again. "My company is very interested in the breakthroughs that Microdyne Genetics has made in the custom engineering of canines."

"Then buy one!"

"Temper, temper, Miss Blackmailer." The beautiful woman slipped the paper back into her case. "Your company's delightfully intelligent and long lived beasts are only sold as males. To date, we have been unable to secure a female for our needs. As you know, the so-called super-mutts will not breed true with a normal everyday bitch. All attempts have produced no offspring."

Windy felt a burst of pride. "That was my doing. I came up with a proprietary chromosomal sequence that changes the characteristics of the canine sperm to a degree that normal dog eggs will not be compatible with them. As of this time, we don't even produce females. That's why you can't locate any. There are no females yet! We rely on banks of force grown ovaries nourished by artificial blood in a closed system. Once the eggs are fertilized, they are analyzed. Any female is separated and cryo-frozen for future projects. All our male pups are then decanted into synthetic uteruses that I helped design. That's why we cornered the market! If you want a dog with an average life span of seventy-five years, that can understand human speech completely, and can even write at a human ten year old level using a special keyboard, you have to pay Microdyne Genetics a quarter million dollars!"

"Exactly so." Jade smiled. "How much did you get paid for all your work in helping to ensure an illegal monopoly?"

That was a sore point with Windy. "Uh, I'm under contract. Anything I come up with while working for Microdyne Genetics, belongs to Microdyne Genetics. They um, they sent me a gift basket with some very nice soaps and scented candles in it though."

"That's all they gave to such a valuable employee? I think we can offer you much more then soap. All we want from you is as many viable ova as you can get to us. We are willing to pay one million U.S. dollars for every finished product you can deliver for us."

Images from the first Jurassic Park movies filled her head. "It can't be done! There's no way I can smuggle anything out of the facility. Sure I can bring my lunchbox in with no problems. Going home is an entirely different matter! If we are carrying anything home, it's visually inspected and then subjected to a blast of ionizing radiation to sterilize any genetic material. There's no way to make shielding small enough to protect something that could fit in a lunchbox or briefcase! Before you ask, there's no way to build such a cryo-device that would fit, uh, up inside me, either! Once in the locker room we have to strip and our scrubs are incinerated! Finally, as if that's not enough, they pat us down, and run us through metal detectors at the exit! We aren't even allowed to leave the building with our company issue laptops. No other electronic devises are even permitted on the property. Even if all that weren't true, the fertilized ovum are guarded better then Fort Knox!"

"But not the unfertilized eggs, correct?"

"No, not them. I work with the ova-banks on a daily basis." Windy looked thoughtful. "Sure, I can get as many unfertilized eggs as I want. The smuggling out still stands! There's positively no way to get them out of the building! Any kind of freezing unit would be discovered instantly and I'd be arrested if I tried to sneak it out!"

"The risk is too great of losing an egg if we should clumsily freeze them. Our research department has developed a much safer form of transport, which will be totally undetectable by any known means."

"What method is that?"

Jade pulled a different paper from her briefcase. "Are these dates correct?"

Once again, Windy blushed. "Hey, what are you doing with that?" she snatched the paper away from the woman, and gave it a more careful look. It was a scan of calendar pages! It wasn't from the one hanging in her kitchen, either. This was her very personal private one. Just because she a tiny bit confused on gender issues and wasn't dating anyone just now, didn't mean Windy wasn't careful! She always charted her cycle. That way she'd know if it was safe to let "Mister Right" claim her virginity!

"Answer me, Miss Blackmailer. Are these dates correct?"

"Yes! Yes they are!" The pretty little blonde felt like sinking into the floor. "I'm as regular as a clock. What's that have to do with anything?"

Jade explained.

Windy shook her head, bringing her back to the present. She stared at the little cylinder with its micro computer guided extendable ovipositor. It had been waiting for her on the kitchen table when she got home from work yesterday. The function was simplicity itself. Windy had to just swipe as many unfertilized eggs as she could, and load them into the astoundingly sophisticated device. The dispensing was completely automatic. That was the easy part.

The hard part came when she had to pull down he pants and insert the nasty thing up inside herself! Thank God it was narrow enough as to not disturb her precious virginity! Jade had known that she would be at the right point of her menstrual cycle today, thanks to her calendar. The endometrial lining of her uterus was at just the right thickness for egg implantation. The computer controlled ovipositor would plant the doggy eggs into this blood rich lining and her own body would cherish them until Jade extracted them later tonight.

She took a deep breath. "Let's get this show on the road!" Picking up the device, she slipped it into her lab coat pocket. The pretty little blonde tried to calm her racing heart as she casually strolled down the corridor. She felt the eyes of the security guards on her, but it was nothing more then the usual checking out of her 44DD breasts, and the way her hips swayed as she walked.

She reached lab fifteen, and put a baby blue eye to the biometric retina scanner. The door soundlessly slid open. Good, she had the place to herself. Windy did her legitimate job for about a half hour. She carefully checked the readings of each banked ovary and recorded her observations. Now came the tricky part! Using the remote manipulator micro Waldos, she began the daily harvest.

As usual, more eggs were ready then were actually needed by the technicians in what they referred to as the "Womb Garden". The discrepancy always varied, so swiping a few would go wholly undetected. Knowing where all the security cameras were located was a great help. Windy managed to keep her body between the cameras and her work, while diverting twelve healthy viable eggs to be loaded into the ovipositor.

Minutes later, Windy found herself locked in her office's private bathroom. Jade had given her plenty of pointers on how to do this. One tip was first and foremost in importance. In order to make things more comfortable, Windy should be in a state of arousal before attempting to implant the eggs. The blonde was far too nervous to be aroused. This called for drastic measures!

What she needed to do now, she had never done without taking off all of her clothes. She was afraid it wouldn't work any other way. "This is so embarrassing!" she breathed as she began to undress. Sure, she had used this bathroom hundreds of times, but Windy had never stood naked in it before! Her fingers trembled as she slipped out of the hospital style scrub shirt she wore. Looking at herself in the large mirror over the sink just made her blush from head to toe as she shrugged out of her bra. "This feels so wrong!" she gasped while kicking off her slippers and then slipping out of her slacks.

"Okay, this is no different then when I'm in bed." The nervous young woman washed her hands with nice warm water, and then gingerly slipped one between her legs. "This is so nasty!" she whimpered as her fingers began to tease in their accustomed way. She closed her eyes tight. "Only a pervert would masturbate at work!"

Well, her body knew what it liked, even if her mind was embarrassed. Just touching herself was enough to make the warmth begin to spread throughout her body. Whoever thought she would be diddling herself in the bathroom at work? As the minutes passed, her nerves settled. Opening an eye, she peeked at the nasty woman in the mirror, playing with herself in a sort of public place. "This, this is kind of nice." She breathed as her fingertips teased the swelling little pearl of her clitoris. "This is really nice!"

The panting blonde thought of several cute guys she had known. Windy's special problem resurfaced before long. Thanks to Casey forcing her into it, her concentration weakened. More and more, she thought about women as she pleasured herself. She still liked boys, but girls were just so much nicer! As her fingers worked their magic, her mind settled on the glamorous Jade! A big part of her was afraid of the woman blackmailing her, but still, she was just so beautiful!

"I, I wonder if she shaves down there, like Casey?" she gasped, imagining what the lovely woman would look like naked. "I wonder if she likes girls."

Fondling her full breasts, Windy tweaked her nipples, pretending it was Jade gently nipping them between her teeth the way Casey used to do. Panting rather heavily, the blonde stroked herself into a near frenzy. Meaning just to arouse herself, Windy took it a little too far. Standing up on her toes, she gave a mewling cry as her body shuddered. Naked and trembling in the bathroom at work, the lovely young woman was consumed by the power of the first self produced orgasm she ever had while not in bed!

"Oh shit! That was good!" Already she was thinking that this was a much better use of her lunch break then mere eating! "Damn, I better do what I came in here to do!"

Picking up the slender device from the counter top (she had scrubbed clean first) Windy put a foot up on the toilet seat. 'It's no different then inserting a tampon!" she whispered as she used one hand to spread herself, and the other to guide the device towards her opening. The end of the probe passed easily through the little opening of her still intact hymen. Once again she was glad she would still technically be a virgin! Slowly, she pushed the instrument in deeper.

Feeling a slight whirring, Windy knew that the onboard computer had taken over. Since she was very near ovulation, the walls of her cervix were looser, and the canal had widened. She only felt a slight discomfort as the narrow tip eased up into her uterus. "This is it." She whispered as a soft musical tone indicated the start of the first implantation. Thankfully the blood lining had no pain receptors. Still, Windy winced at each tone, as they signified the point being driven home.

Normally, an unfertilized egg would not implant itself, and be lost. The twelve canine eggs would remain safe though, as they were pretty much shot into the lining like microscopic little cannon balls. In less then five minutes, a louder beep signified the end of the process. Smiling in relief, Windy slowly slipped the now dormant ovipositor from her body. Without thinking, she licked off the tip, only to end up blushing again. "Jeeze, I'm turning into a real pervert! Oh well, that was kinda fun! I only hope the technicians can handle the removal as easily as this thing did the implanting!"

The final act was simplicity itself. Dressing hurriedly, Windy once again slipped the ovipositor into a lab coat pocket. Going about the rest of her day normally, the course of her duties brought her near the chute leading to the incinerator. It was a simple matter to drop the little device in, along with the normal medical byproducts of her job. In moments, the intense flames melted and finally vaporized the expended tool.

At the end of the day, Windy smiled and handed her pink plastic Hello Kitty lunchbox to the silent unsmiling security guard. She watched as he set it on the conveyer belt that took it through the lead lined shielded wall and into the specially adapted food irradiating equipment. The ionizing irradiation wasn't strong enough to disintegrate the nucleus of any atoms making up the objects passing through the field, but Windy had a bit of a phobia about it anyway. She feared such disintegration would somehow happen after repeated exposure, and set up a low level radiation hazard in her lunchbox! That's why she had selected this one. Both the pink plastic box and the little matching insulated bottle had absolutely no metallic content. There was very little chance of residual radioactive buildup due to nucleus degradation in the organic compounds of the plastic. Besides, it was so darn cute!

Not for the first time, Windy thought the security chief was more then a little bit paranoid. She stepped into the locker room and stripped out of her company provided hospital scrubs, including slippers socks and underwear. These went down their own incinerator chute, insuring nothing was smuggled out in anyone's clothing. Blushing as the female guard's eyes watched her every move, she extended her arms wide and did the required full turn to show nothing was taped to her body. Windy thanked heaven that a cavity search wasn't required! Like she told Jade, there was still no way to build a cryo-device small enough to fit up there! With a sigh, Windy opened the cubby containing her street clothes and began to dress.

Ideally, having females as observers in the locker room was supposed to avoid embarrassment. This didn't seem to be the case. Windy was the only woman in her sector, and as such was always alone with the guard. Ms Coates never said or did anything inappropriate, but it was quite obvious in what direction the muscular, well built woman's interests led. As always, Windy felt more then a little embarrassed that her naked body responded to this attention.

Finally ready to leave, Windy approached the guard. "Um, could you make sure someone puts in the proper requisition forms?" Feeling herself grow warm, she managed to continue. "This morning I used the last bra in my size."

The Amazonian proportioned redhead smiled. "What size would you be wanting, Miss Cloud?"

"Um, 44DD." She managed to whisper, knowing full well that the guard was VERY interested in that number. "Please make sure there are some here tomorrow morning, okay?"

"For you, anything!" the guard made a note on her clip board and then watched as Windy walked away.

Feeling a little self-conscience, the petite blonde tried to appear carefree as she walked down the long corridor that lead to the parking lot exit. No less then six cameras had her in view the entire time. It felt like anyone would be able to see that she had twelve dog eggs implanted in her womb! She accepted her pat down and frisking from the final guard without comment and walked through the metal detector to retrieve her lunchbox as it slid to the end of the conveyer belt. Once she reached the warmth of the late afternoon sun, she decided that the security chief may be paranoid, but he obviously wasn't paranoid enough! Daydreaming about twelve million dollars, she whistled happily while heading to her car.

The clock on the dashboard told Windy she was right on time as she pulled into the parking lot of the Queequegs she always stopped at on the way to work. She tried to tell herself it was because of the money that her heart raced when she found Jade in the coffee shop waiting for her. Today the woman wore a stunning black suit. She looked very mysterious and glamorous behind the dark sunglasses that hid her lovely eyes. "Do you have news for me?" she asked in her lyrical voice. "I need to know exactly where we stand."

Windy smiled and patted her tummy. "I, um, everything went perfectly." She hesitated. "What's the next step?"

Reaching into her pocket, Jade removed a hotel swipe key. "Meet me tonight at ten o'clock, room 612 at the Pageant hotel. Then we'll complete our transaction." Leaving the card on the table, Jade gracefully rose and left the shop.

Windy took the card and tapped it on her lower lip. "Curiouser and curiouser. Damn, I forgot to tell her how many eggs! They better not have a problem with paying that much!"

Time seemed to stand still as Windy waited to leave for her appointment. Was there a secret lab set up somewhere in the city? Maybe the equipment needed for the egg extraction was just as portable as the ovipositor. "Will Jade want to perform the extraction herself?" That thought kept running through her mind as she showered and dressed. Wearing jeans and a baggy sweatshirt, Windy paused as the thought once again made her blush. "It wouldn't be so bad if she did the extraction." The blonde grinned sheepishly, and pulled her clothes back off. She hurried to dress again, but this time wore her very best bra and panty set, a cute little black skirt, and her best silk blouse. If Jade was going to see her get undressed, she didn't want to look like a frump!

Promptly at ten, Windy swiped the card through the electronic lock on the hotel room door. She opened the door and nervously stepped into the luxurious interior. At first she thought the suite was empty, but then she heard a steady sharp clicking growing closer. A nose poked out from the adjoining room's door, and Windy watched as a truly beautiful, blue eyed Siberian husky entered the suite's sitting room, and walked calmly up to her. "Hello boy!" she said cheerfully. "How are you?"

Wagging his tail, the dog turned to an oversized keyboard sitting on the floor next to a laptop computer. Draping himself over a specially shaped cushioned support, the dog began tapping away with his now freed front paws. "I'm good, how are you?" the computer synthesized voice spoke when he hit enter.

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A Threesome With 2 Married Naughty Bitches

Hi guys, this Ronny once again from Mumbai with another hot story of threesome session with 2 married hotties and me. About me, my height is 5 ft 7 inches and cock size of 6″. I’m based out of Mumbai would love to fuck such a sex starved or hungry college girls, working bhabhi, housewife in most dirty and hardcore way they dreamed always to get fucked by stranger by most brutal and extreme way as well as romantic too. I’m narrating another hardcore session with my 2 long slaves Swathi and Sonal...

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Paybacks A Bitch

Payback’s A BitchAuthors Note: Hey Guys. This is only my second attempt of a story so any feedback or ideas will be greatly appreciated. The more reviews/feedback I receive the more inspired I’ll be to write that little bit quicker. Thank you to the people who reviewed my first story ‘Taking Advantage of A Betrayed Lover? and I hope to be able to come up with some more ideas for that and finish it soon. Anyways thank you for reading and I hope you enjoy.The Morning After. Jasmine’s House....

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MindControl Panties Story 8 Hot Naughty Bitch

Story Eight: Hot & Naughty Bitch By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Note: Thanks to Alex for beta reading this! The figure entered a store it had never been in. Or, to say, it was the type of store it had never ventured into before. It wasn't the sort of place that young girls shopped at. Nor was it even a place that people typically went to to find clothing. It was a gaming store. The place tingled its senses. The air hummed with probability, chance, and wagers. The possibility sent a...

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Black man White Girlfriend and Their bitch Chapter 3 Party bitch

Black Man, White Girlfriend and Their Bitch Chapter 3 - Party Bitch By sissybabs In the first chapter Mark's black supervisor and his white girlfriend figure out that Mark is submissive and probably has fantasies about being a sissy cuckold. They catch him breaking the company's Internet policies while viewing a Cuckold website. They offer him a deal that if he services his supervisor orally then he won't fire him. Once Mark does this their suspicions about him are confirmed and he...

1 year ago
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I Am My Daughters Bitch

Note : This story is completely fictional! How did I end up like this? On my hands and knees dressed in just sexy stockings and suspenders and a lacy corset, my face in slutty make up, my lips wrapped around my daughter's boyfriend's cock while my daughter herself rammed an eight inch strapon up my arse. The worst of it was, humiliated though I felt, this was really turning me on. This is the story of how I became my daughter's bitch and how I came to love it. I suppose I shouldn't have let...

4 years ago
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I Am My Daughters Bitch

I Am My Daughter's Bitch by Richard-to-Rachel How did I end up like this? On my hands and knees dressed in just sexy stockings and suspenders and a lacy corset, my face in slutty make up, my lips wrapped around my daughter's boyfriend's cock while my daughter herself rammed an eight inch strapon up my arse. The worst of it was, humiliated though I felt, this was really turning me on. This is the story of how I became my daughter's bitch and how I came to love it. I suppose I...

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CD crossdresser daughterrsquos bitch

Note : This story is completely fictional!How did I end up like this? On my hands and knees dressed in just sexy stockings and suspenders and a lacy corset, my face in slutty make up, my lips wrapped around my daughter's boyfriend's cock while my daughter herself rammed an eight inch strapon up my arse. The worst of it was, humiliated though I felt, this was really turning me on. This is the story of how I became my daughter's bitch and how I came to love it.I suppose I shouldn't have let...

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Mistress Stormys Lil Bitch

It was finally the weekend and this slave, Little Bitch had time to sit downand start writing his story. He had Mistress's preferred toys laid out andhad just gotten done getting himself cleaned up and dressed. Mistress had requestedthat Little Bitch wear a little lace white thong. It took some time to shaveall the private places and that is only after a couple quick enema's to makesure Little bitch is clean inside and out. Little bitches instructions wereto write as much as possible until...

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Becoming Enzo8217s Bitch

One night while we were lying on the floor drinking wine, smoking marijuana and listening to music he had a silly idea and I went along. I had a bit too much wine. I was too agreeable. I couldn’t really believe he would let anything happen. He was just testing me. It started out with me lying naked on the carpet and him getting the dog to sniff my cunt and lick me. He put peanut butter on me, spreading it on my throat to get the dog to lick me there. Karl said I was offering the dog my...

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Biker Bimbo Bitch

Bimbo biker Bitch So taking a quick break from the super sluts story for something a little different had this concept in my head and needed to write it. Kevin was nervous as he walked up to the bar. He was wearing panties, women's skinny jeans and a crop top. The bar was the only gay lesbian bar for twenty miles and he'd never cross dressed before. Right outside the bar were several motor cycles one caught his eye a candy apple red custom Indian. He admired it for a few...

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The Bitch

As usual she showed up around a holiday. Thanksgiving this time - a time for family and friends. Of course. She knew it would be hard for us to deal with her. We couldn’t toss her out on the street in front of my mother-in-law. So she had a place to stay for a little while. Someone to prey on. The Bitch just won’t leave us alone. It starts small – snide comments, impatient remarks. She acts like she somehow owns what my wife and I have built. She’s nasty to me and talks my wife down every...

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Being Barbis Bitch

Being Barbi's Bitch By Heathyr Diamond After ten wasted years of foolishly trusting in love to 'cure' me of my femininity, I had only just begun to re-embrace the sissy inside me when something made me reach out to an old friend. What made me do it, I really don't know. Although I was once again revelling in even the smallest aspects of my femininity, treasuring and celebrating them in a way that only someone who has truly missed them can appreciate, I had made a conscious decision...

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Squealin Snitch Bitch

No reason needed for a bitch to get fucked in Colefax. [s]he probably deserved it anyway, either because of "her" crime on the outside (stupidity in getting caught, arrested, charged, convicted, and sentenced), because some bitch on the outs had it in for "her" and revenge-dialed the cops. Or, because [s]he fucked up and pissed Somebody off in here. Or, [s]he just got punked and turned out anyway because [s]he either sent out the vibes that [s]he liked it. Or [s]he looked pretty and...

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Prison Bitch

*********************************************************************** Note to Readers, this story contains racial stereotyping. If you do not like this do not leave a comment saying so...JUST DON'T READ IT *********************************************************************** Of course I dodge my taxes everyone does, it's the American way. Of course all the big businesses dodge taxes in fact with their high paid lawyers it's doubtful most pay any taxes at all! So I failed to...

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Dog Bikers Gang Bitch

“Hi Ray, be with you in a minute honey,” I say as my dreamboat of a lover comes into the diner. Finally I get the last table cleared and pocket the tip. Not too bad. Of course I do provide excellent service and my short shirt which shows off my pert ass plus my blouse showing the cleavage guys love to see certainly help. “Hey beautiful, how is my bitch tonight? Feeling frisky?” Ray asks with a smile that almost makes me wet. Being his bitch really turns me on. “Oh, darling, you know I’m...

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Daddys Little Bitch

Introduction: Katies Stepdad gets fed up with his daughters antics and trains her to be his pet bitch. Daddys Little Bitch by Katie Spencer ([email protected]) *** Chapter 1 Katie wasnt sure if she was the prettiest girl in town, but she damn well knew she was the hottest. She had just turned 18 and was beginning her senior year in high school. She was 54 and 120lbs with curves for days, long wavy brown hair, and a deep dark tan. She had developed large breasts at around the age of 12 and...

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Becoming Bitch

Linda, Part 1 - BeginningsI had met Linda three years earlier. She left her husband and moved in with me within a year. I was, from all she said, the lover she had always wanted. When it came to sex, her ex had ranged from lackluster to not interested, at best.We went at it like a couple of rabbits most of the time, especially in the beginning. She was apparently just trying to impress me in the beginning as well, by telling me of fantasies that ranged from being tied and taken by strangers to...

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Mindcontrol Panties 08 Hot Naughty Bitch

Note: Thanks to Alex for beta reading this! The figure entered a store it had never been in. Or, to say, it was the type of store it had never ventured into before. It wasn’t the sort of place that young girls shopped at. Nor was it even a place that people typically went to to find clothing. It was a gaming store. The place tingled its senses. The air hummed with probability, chance, and wagers. The possibility sent a rush through its veins. If it hadn’t found this new high of mind control,...

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Wifes in Charge Your My Little Bitch

Sex had become a one-night-a-week chore that left me barely satisfied. In fact, I had recently unleashed the world wide web of porn on the internet to get me off between our weekly fornications. After everybody was in bed for the night, I'd retire to the study, sit down at my keyboard and surf my way to a satisfying jerk-off. As the weeks progressed, the r-rated pictures of hot little teen cuties had less and less effect on my middle-aged boner. I started surfing more hardcore stuff; orgies,...

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Guy said he wanted to me till I was his bitch

It’s been a while since I had anything to write about but that just changed. Most of the messages I get on A4A have the same subject line, nice ass or Mmmmm or sometimes just a smile so when I opened my inbox and saw one that said “I want to face fuck you and **** your hole” my cock sprung to life. I opened the message and it was short and to the point. “You’ve got a nice bubble, I want to put you on your knees at my feet and stuff my cock down your throat till you gag around me and once I’m...

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The transition from Shalisa to Bitch

I woke in the morning and stretched, enjoying the stretching of muscles sore from a long nights work. I went down stairs and fixed breakfast, making sure there was enough for my and bitch. Then I unlocked to door that lead to the basement and went down the stairs. Bitch was laying on the twin bed i had brought down into the basement. Her collar had a chain going from around her neck to the headboard of the bed. The collar couldnt be removed without a key, which I had hidden. For...

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He found his young Bitch

It was a warm summer night.I had just turned 18,so I thought i,d take in the local club.I got all dressed up,a short little leather mini skirt,black thigh high,s,satin black pantie,s,black bra and white blouse.I know I dress like a slut,but hey it,s saturday nite.I walked into the club,it was real quiet,but it was early yet.I went to the conner of the bar and ordered a beer.I was sipping on my beer when a man walked up and said have,nt seen u in here before,well no this is my first time just...

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Being Brittanys Bitch

Being Brittany's Bitch It all started innocently enough. Okay, maybe not. I had heard the one and only Brittany Andrews was back in LA for one night only before heading on the road for a few months, so I lied to the wife and took off for the club. Of course, by the time Brittany got on stage, I had had a lot to drink, and had also gotten up close to the stage, so I could see the whole show. During her dominatrix routine, she grabbed me and said, "Is this as close as you've ever been to...

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Hunting Down Evil Bitches

I’m going to be brutally honest here, folks. I hate bitches. I hate everything about them. They’re wicked, evil and manipulative. They think that having a vagina grants them special rights. They ruin the lives of good men. They destroy entire families. They bring down whole organizations. They are agents of chaos and destruction and I hate them for it. I pity any fool who gives away his love, his money or his trust to a bitch. What I really hate about bitches is their total lack of remorse...

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Biker Bitch

The following story is true my wife and I were only18 and 19 at the time. Rick and his biker friends took my wifes ass virginity and turned her into a cock hungry woman. After her first gang bang she wanted to try everythng and anything. This was only the start.... We arrived at out motel and quickly went out with a friend for supper. We returned a short time later only to find 2 men waiting outside our room, we were told that their boss wanted to see us in room 120. We asked what this...

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Little Farm of Horror Part 1 Charles Becomes a Bitch

This is my First story ever written. Email comments, criticisms and blatant praise to [email protected] this story is also complete fiction everything in it is nothing more than the twisted fantasies of the writer. The writer does not condone mind control or rape in any form. (Unless the writer is the one being raped or mind controlled) Little Farm of Horror Part 1 Charles had been driving for hours. He was getting worried, very worried. The last gas station he had...

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How my girlfriend turned me into her sissy bitch

Her Perfect Ass And Evil Sexy Dirty Looks Mind Fucked Me Into Wanting To Be A Girl Rather Than Fuck this naive, innocent, christian, bible believing 20 something gave me the best sex of my life with a reach around, as I would cum, she would whisper "Not bad for a cock sucker. LOSER!" and then push me away, stand up, look at me in disgust with those evil sexy eyes that would become so powerful as she threw me the meanest, 'fuck you, loser' look ever, then she would leave, her perfect...

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Whoring My Hos And A Bitch

It was fairly easy to notice that Mrs. Graham, our high school senior teacher, was constantly looking at the black boys crotches in class. The only problem was she finally looked at the wrong one. Mine.I stayed after the other k**s left class that evening to test my theory. She didn't notice as I watched her cleaning the blackboard. Her large hips swayed with each rub across the board. Her dress was fairly low cut for a lady in her mid 40s but her legs were nicely firm. She turned around and...

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My Hos And A Bitch

It was fairly easy to notice that Mrs. Graham, our high school senior teacher, was constantly looking at the black boys crotches in class. The only problem was she finally looked at the wrong one. Mine. I stayed after the other students left class that evening to test my theory. She didn’t notice as I watched her cleaning the blackboard. Her large hips swayed with each rub across the board. Her dress was fairly low cut for a lady in her mid 40s but her legs were nicely firm. She turned...

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Jackis Bitches

Jacki's BitchesBy ReddbunnzChapter One:  Carol?s Parents ReturnCarol was sitting in the parlor of her Uncle Rob?s home awaiting the arrival of her parents.  Carol, an 18 year old high school senior, was staying with her Uncle and his girlfriend, Joy, in order to finish high school while her parents were on an extended, three-month long European vacation. Carol was not only wanted to see them again, but she suddenly realized how much she had missed them both dearly.  Carol loved both her Uncle...

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Bottom Bitch

Bottom BitchBy [email protected] me set the scene. My name is Mike, as a "Gurl" I go by Fiona. I am a gay man, mid thrities,white, 5' 9'165, reasonably handsome, both in and out of women's clothes. One of theways I express my sexuality is to dress as a woman and get fucked byother men. Preferably in a humiliating situation, with several guys fuckingme.Just one of my kinks.~This night was the second time I had gone with Anthony. The first time wasthe Friday Night before.I dressed in 3...

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becoming a bitch

Becoming a BitchIt was supposed to be simple. A blind date, set up online. A hot chick. Me getting laid for the first timein a while. You know. Simple. And that's what actually happened. Sort of.I get to the bar, I see Meghan across the way, sitting pretty in a short black dress, legs crossed,sipping on a martini like she's sucking my cock already. Far as I'm concerned, I'm as good as fucked,the way she's making herself out to be: smooth thighs, big, round tits, lips that could blow the cap...

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The Making of a True Bitch

I shouldn't have been surprised when she confessed having a sexual curiosity towards my large male German Shepherd, Lex. Lex was a pretty horny beast, always humping furniture and legs. Anna admitted it turned her on knowing the dog was horny and eager to fuck a bitch. We'd been together a few months and I'd entertained numerous Daddy fantasies and schoolgirl fantasies, not to mention a rape scene. But I'd never once considered involving my dog in our sex life... She wanted the dog in...

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punishing bitch

"You should eat." I told her. She looked up at me with hateful eyes and said "Why, so I have energy when you rape me?" the words flew out of her mouth in an angry flurry. I looked at her coldly. I figured there would come a point when bitch got so full of hate that she back talked me. I wasn't surprised by her actions. But I would punish her for her words. She was my property. My truck wouldn't stall out of spite, and bitch will learn not to be disrespectful to her master. I...

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becomiing a bitch

It was supposed to be simple. A blind date, set up online. A hot chick. Me getting laid for the first timein a while. You know. Simple. And that's what actually happened. Sort of.I get to the bar, I see Meghan across the way, sitting pretty in a short black dress, legs crossed,sipping on a martini like she's sucking my cock already. Far as I'm concerned, I'm as good as fucked,the way she's making herself out to be: smooth thighs, big, round tits, lips that could blow the cap offa bottle of Bud,...

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Linda Part II Becoming Sires Bitch

Last night, Linda had succumbed to my 'trickery' and had allowed herself to be mounted and thoroughly fucked by Sire, our Juvenile Golden Retriever. She had said she liked it and depending on how guilty she felt afterward would determine whether she would allow it to occur again. I was determined to not let a silly thing like guilt stand in the way of us opening up our sexual horizons. Linda was naturally submissive. As I mentioned in Part I she had fantasies of being tied up and used...

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Linda Part II Becoming Sires Bitch

Introduction: The beginning wasnt enough *** This is the second installment in a continuing saga. I recommend you go back and read Linda Part I Beginnings or the context of the story may be lost to you. Last night, Linda had succumbed to my trickery and had allowed herself to be mounted and thoroughly fucked by Sire, our Juvenile Golden Retriever. She had said she liked it and depending on how guilty she felt afterward would determine whether she would allow it to occur again. I was determined...

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So who is the Boss now bitch

That morning my Boss called me to his office.I went there in a rush, fearing the worst about my position in the firm. But my kind Boss noticed it and said I should calm out…He explained we had a matter of attitude with one of the junior employees. The guy was the son of a good friend of his; so he did not want to take a decision about his fate… He needed me to correct the problem and fire the guy by myself…I knew this guy Tyrrell was a pain in the ass and fortunately, he did not work for my...

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Being Amandas bitch

Being Amanda's Bitch.As I sat there, slumped back in the leather car seat, my body shuddering in post orgasm shudders, turning my head lazily to the right I noticed Amanda staring at me her head cocked to one side, a wicked smile playing across her lips.“You're not done already baby, are you?” Amanda's velvety voice cut through the silence. Her golden hair falling in front of her face, I could just about make out that smile dancing across her lips, as she reached across and started to fondle my...

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That Bitch That Bitch That Little Fucking Bitch

"That bitch, that bitch, that little fucking bitch!" I kept repeating that phrase over and over again in my mind. I was trying hard not to lose my composure, not to hit my wife in her pretty, confused, disloyal little face. I am not usually a violent man. Oh the potential for it is always there, just beneath the surface, but I know how destructive, how dangerous an SOB I can be; and I don't like myself when I let the asshole out of the bottle. Maybe I was being unfair, maybe I had not heard...

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Riding Bitch

Riding Bitch By Cissykay It was my favorite day of the year. September 1st. I worked my ass off for ten months counting the days, hours and minutes until my yearly pilgrimage to Sturgess. At twenty seven years of age, it is my first year as the president of the local motorcycle club. All twenty two men in the club rode Harleys. I had been riding since I was old enough to shift a small mountain bike. I graduated to the big "hog" as soon as I earned enough money to buy one. As the owner...

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