Amour interdit
- 3 years ago
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Have you ever wanted to change something about yourself? Like your nose maybe, or the color of your hair. Be a little taller, of have bigger breasts. I did. I saved for it, the way other girls saved for college, or a car, or even a pony. I saved for self-improvement and I'd look through magazines like Vogue, rich with tall wisps of supermodel beauty, and I'd try to imagine myself like that. All pale and blonde with puffy lips and big tits, with big hard nipples ... But it never worked.
It isn't healthy looking at magazines like that, not when you're 5'3" tall and all of a hundred pounds, wrapped up in brown skin and thick black hair. I'm Amerasian, and my Asian half is Filipina, so most people in pasty Seattle thought I was a Mexican. I was attractive; I knew that, I just didn't believe it. And so I was determined to do something about it, even if it meant going to Sweden, of all places.
I couldn't wait to tell my boyfriend. I'd told him I was getting a boob job for my 18th birthday, a gift from my father, which it was. But neither of them completely understood my intentions. My father was a little surprised when he picked me up at the airport. I was wearing a tight pink tank-top that clearly showed my complete lack of breasts, or even nipples. I'd enjoyed the looks from men, women, even children as I traveled back home, but my father's look was priceless. He just stared in disbelief.
I ran up to him, smiling and giggling happily, wrapping my arms around him and hugging him, even though there was still some soreness.
"What do you think, Daddy?" I posed for him and grinned.
"I, well, uh ... I thought you, uh ... What happened?" he finally asked.
"I got my boobs done!" I practically squealed. "Aren't they great?"
We didn't really talk after that. When I got home I called my boyfriend and he said he'd be over in an hour so we could go out and celebrate. From the tone of his voice I knew he meant we'd stay in and celebrate. I'd been walking around the house topless, wearing just my skirt, and my father was clearly disturbed by this, but I didn't stop. I wanted him to get used to the fact that I had no breasts. None.
My boyfriend's eyes practically popped out of his head when he saw me. I answered the door wearing a very slinky dress I'd found at Heathrow waiting for my flight home. It was royal blue and I'd paid too much, but it was beautiful and it had a bust line that plunged to my navel. It revealed exactly the flatness of my chest.
The saleswoman, an older lady, prim and proper and oh so British, had tried to talk me out of it. She was very sad, asking me if it had been cancer. I told her yes. It was just a little white lie to make her feel better. I made it seem as though I was buying that dress to help me deal with it, like it was therapy. Her eyes were sympathetic and the lady hugged me, giving me 25% off the E730.00 price tag.
"What the ... fuck?" My boyfriend was pale and his eyes were wide open.
"How do you like it, Mark?" I smiled and put my hands on my hips.
"Why?" he asked.
"I told you, I didn't like my tits," I shrugged.
"But I thought, I ... Why didn't you get bigger ones?" He looked ready to cry.
"Why would I do that?" I was starting to get angry, actually, realizing that my boyfriend liked my tits more than he liked me.
We both looked down at my chest.
"I thought you'd be happy for me," I looked at him. "For us."
"Well, baby ... I'm not." He turned around and left.
My father was there, just around the corner and I ran to him, hugging him as I started to cry. He stroked my hair and kissed the top of my head.
"Hmmm, that went better than I expected," he said.
I couldn't help but giggle then, just a little. But I was still hurting, still crying. I changed clothes and we went to McDonald's. I needed some French fries. They have the best and they always cheered me up, even though they gave me pimples if I ate too many.
My boyfriend screened his calls and wouldn't pick up. A week later it wasn't even his phone number anymore. He'd changed it and the one time I'd thought about going to his house to confront him, I chickened out. I had the taxi drive past and then take me back home. I was a little broken hearted, but I got over it, I think, sort of. Perhaps it was for the best, really. But it did send me into a bit of a dive.
By the time I'd started college though I was better. I still felt good about myself, especially since my father had at least outwardly seemed to come around. At first I knew he wished I would wear a maiden form bra when we went someplace together, just to give the appearance. But I wouldn't. My only compromise was that I'd occasionally wear something loose and baggy, like a big sweatshirt. But eventually even that attempt at normalcy was forgotten.
I was proud of my body and I especially liked wearing tight t-shirts and low cut dresses. As I'd always detested women who pushed their large breasts in everyone's face for attention, now I was guilty of the same thing, in a manner of speaking. In my case though it was the lack that drew second glances and curious stares. I was not an object of lust, obviously, more a curiosity, but it was interesting how often and quickly that could change.
My first real experience happened at a shopping mall of all places. Lynnwood Mall, just north of Seattle. I was drinking an orange juice, wearing a short white skirt that showed off my legs and ass, and a too small halter top that exposed my stomach and gave proof to the fact that my chest was flat as a 12 year old boy's. I looked nice though, although my hair was back in a ponytail and I wore no makeup at all. I wasn't looking to get picked up, and that's probably why it happened.
"Hi." This guy was suddenly next to me and I was a bit surprised I hadn't noticed him. He was tall, with short brown hair and nice hazel eyes. Not bad looking, mid-twenties probably.
"Hello," I replied.
"I hope I'm not bothering you, but..." he smiled a little awkwardly. "I just want to know your name. I mean, I'll be wondering for the rest of my life and..." he faltered and shrugged.
"And I couldn't have that on my conscience?" I smiled and teased him a little. As far as pickup lines go it wasn't bad, really. But it might have been my mood too.
"Right, yeah," he grinned self-consciously. "I sound like an idiot, huh?"
"Oh, I don't know." I twirled my straw.
"Can I sit down?" He looked at the chairs around the small table.
"I was just getting ready to leave," I looked at him as he lifted his eyes to mine.
"Really? I wish you wouldn't," he sat down. "I was thinking about going to a movie, but I hate going alone, you know?"
I nodded, "Yeah."
"Do you like movies?" He smelled good, I noticed. Most guys don't really smell like anything, or else they smell bad. This guy smelled clean, like after shave cologne kind of. The way my father did after his morning shower. It wasn't anything exotic, or erotic, just a pleasant thing that I found comforting.
"Sometimes. Yeah, I do."
"Would you like to see one with me?" He was smiling a lot. I liked that too.
"Now?" I shook my head. "Nah, I should probably get going."
"Where?" He turned his head, looking at the mall around us. "What could be better than this?"
I laughed at his smile and made a gesture of futility. "I don't know," I admitted. "Maybe home."
"Yeah, well, hard to beat home. Yeah," but he didn't sound so sure. "Can I take you home?"
"I don't know, I..." I smiled a little shyly for some reason, maybe because it felt really good to have someone interested in me for a change.
"Please? I have a bus and everything," he grinned.
"A bus?" I laughed. "Okay, yeah ... me too."
We walked together through the mall, towards the exit where the busses stopped. There was a drug store at that end and we stood near it, looking outside through the big windows. There weren't any buses yet.
"Which one is yours?" I asked, looking at the bus schedule and the route numbers.
"Uh ... You don't know?" He looked at me and we laughed.
"Nooo ... You're taking me home ... Remember?" I gave him a sideways look.
"Oh." He thought about that for a second. "Oh! Um ... The downtown one and then, ah, we have to get on my other bus. The West Seattle one."
"Ohhh ... You have two buses. Okay," I nodded.
"Yeah," he was nodding too. Both of us just smiling.
"Can I ask you something, sort of weird?" I looked at the man. Not totally sure I wanted to be doing any of this, but I did, you know?
"Personal?" he looked back at me.
"Yeah. I guess so," I shrugged and he nodded. "Do you have any condoms at home?"
"What?" His eyes widened. Those hazel eyes. That's why I was doing it.
I pointedly looked at the drug store next to us and he followed my gaze. He didn't say anything, he just walked in and I followed him, rather enjoying this. It was something new to do.
He found the aisle with condoms in it and he scratched his head a little, glancing at me, and finally picked up two small packages, lifting them in his hands as if he were weighing them. He tried it with a couple other brands, apparently having no preference and fearing I did. Also a little afraid to ask, I suppose. I just watched.
"These people look happy," he finally said, holding up a little box of a dozen ribbed, lubricated, and ultra-thin condoms of one sort or another. The box had a beautiful couple, naked the both of them and kissing.
"Yeah," I shrugged and laughed.
He took his little box to the register and there were a few people there, a pair of women, one young like me, except she had boobs and too much makeup, and an older one. She looked like she was bored and in a bit of a rush, tapping her credit card on the counter. Behind it, ignoring all of us, stood another woman, a girl really, who looked like she'd just dropped out of high school because she heard you could steal a lot of cool stuff if you worked in a drug store.
"Hi Lonnie," I smiled at her.
"Hey!" She looked at me, past and between the two women. "Shit! What are you doin' here?" Lonnie grinned at me and I knew she was stoned. I'd gone out with her brother a few times when we were in high school together, they were twins.
"Just buying some rubbers," I bobbed my head. "Waiting for the bus. You know."
I was peering around the women and I wondered what Lonnie would think of my new tits, but she didn't even notice. That was disappointing.
"Yeah, cool!" Lonnie reached out between the two women and took the box and a ten dollar bill from my friend. "Gonna do it on the bus, huh?" She laughed like that was funny as hell. "I've done that! Nine eighty five."
"Hey!" the older woman, the impatient one, gave Lonnie a frown.
Lonnie ignored it. "That gonna do it for you?" She smiled and dropped the condoms in a plastic bag and threw in a handful of other stuff, a key chain, some cheap sunglasses, and an air freshener.
"Love this job." Lonnie gave him the bag and his change and ignored the woman's dirty looks. "You want drugs, let me know!" she giggled at me. "It's a freakin' drug store!"
"Weird," the guy laughed as we walked out. He opened the bag and put the sunglasses on. They were tortoise shell wrap-around shades for old women and I laughed at him.
We got on the bus, sitting together and it's a long ride from Lynnwood out to West Seattle. We changed busses downtown and it was starting to rain. But we didn't do it on the bus, there was no way. I wasn't like Lonnie and I breathed a sigh of relief. We didn't even talk very much, which was strange for me because I'm a talker.
My dad told me once, out of pure frustration, "You know, sweetie, you don't have to fill in every blank space." Meaning he wanted to hear a little silence for a change. I'd largely ignored that advice and Dad lived with it.
"Can I ask you something weird now?" He was holding my hand, which was nice, and we were climbing a hill in West Seattle, walking in the street because the sidewalk was too narrow to walk side by side.
"Personal?" I asked him with a little smile.
"Sure, I guess so," I nodded.
"You, uh ... you are a girl, right?" He was blushing a little. "I mean, if you're not, um..."
"You'd still take me home?" I laughed.
"Well, yeah," he laughed too.
"What if I'm a boy?" I asked, just to tease him.
"I'll turn gay," he gave me a tiny shrug. "But only for you."
"You don't have to," I squeezed his hand. "I'm a girl."
"Good." He really did laugh then.
"Nice to know it doesn't matter though," I said huffing a little cause it was a long steep hill.
"Oh, I didn't say it didn't matter!" he grinned at me. "I'm just really glad I don't have to buy the Village People's greatest hits, you know? I don't really like those guys."
"Me neither!" I giggled.
His house was large and not very empty. He had a lot of stuff, not anything specific, just ... stuff. He gave me the tour, after we'd caught our breath and had some cold water to drink. We were both flushed and a little breathless from the climb, and I told him he should move a little lower, but then I saw the view and changed my mind.
"Pretty nice, huh?" He was smiling and we were standing in his bedroom, facing the southwest through a huge picture window. Or a dozen of them really, smaller windows caught in an ornate lattice of ancient wood to create the whole.
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Wife LoversThey had met in a hotel bar and she knew immediately she wanted to fuck him. He had her so wet just by looking at her, that when he told her he was a glamour photographer who had just finished a shoot up in his room with a local girl, she almost came there and then. Controlled by the pulsing in her damp pussy, she found herself telling this stranger that she had always wanted to be a glamour model and did he think she had what it took ? Would he take the bait ?He smiled and said the best way to...
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SupernaturalI came hard and huge, thrusting into Alli as deeply as possible. Of the same mind, she pushed her ass back against my groin, trapping my balls between us as her hot pussy tightened and clutched at my spurting cock. I had my arm around her and was squeezing her breast, pinching her nipple harder than I probably should have, but she didn’t object. I think we were both so wrapped up in the sensation of our respective orgasms that any pain from my crushed balls or her pinched nipple was irrelevant,...
Wife LoversThe next morning, Wednesday, dawned bright and clear. Both of us were well rested, our sleep sound after our vigorous lovemaking of the previous evening. Allison joined me in the shower and we touched, teased and talked as we cleaned up. It quickly became apparent that she was looking forward to her day, far more enthused about her modeling than I was about another mundane day of work, especially considering that I’d have the knowledge that she’d once again be posing naked with one – or...
Wife Lovers“What? He is not after me – that’s absurd!” I was pretty sure she was riding my cock and yanking my chain all at the same time. Multi-tasking, as it were. Accomplishing yet a third simultaneous task, she reached back beneath us and found my balls, which she gently squeezed and stroked even as her pussy tightened on my hard shaft. “Ah, but maybe he is! I have it on good authority that Derek likes the hunky guys just as much as he likes the pretty girls, and you, my sweet husband, are one hunky...
Wife LoversI turned and looked at her and immediately noticed that her eyes had that smoky, sultry look, pupils enlarged, the way they get when she’s very aroused. That rocked me, but I managed to speak more or less normally anyway. “Are you actually interested in doing something like this? You’d be comfortable posing in front of a camera like this – in these types of suggestive, sexual poses?” Her hand squeezed my shoulder as she spoke. “No, I’d be terribly uncomfortable, I think – at least at first; but...
Wife LoversWe woke the next morning rested and satisfied, looking forward to our weekend together. While Alli hit the shower I went down to start the coffee, and was sitting at the table reading the sports pages and enjoying a cup when she walked up behind me. She reached over my shoulder and dropped something in front of me; it took me only a moment to recognize it as a pair of lacy black panties. “Okay, mister - would you like to explain to me why I found these in your pants pocket just now?” My mind...
Wife LoversModel AvailableThe days passed quickly, and before Sukky knew it, she was again climbing the stairs to Chris’s studio. Her bag was heavier than it had been before, she had added various items, and bits and pieces to it since that first booking. Here she was on her forth outing as a glamour model. One of Chris’s contacts had booked her, for a photo session. Chris had arranged it of course. They went into the studio. Chris was talking to an older man at the desk. This was the guy who would be...
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Love Stories"Oh, Simone, I know just the thing!" I was talking with Moira about my anniversary and what I might get for Kyle. Suddenly she dashed off to her bedroom to fetch something, leaving me to wonder what it might be. She returned with a framed picture and triumphantly presented it to me. It was a picture of her wearing some scandalously revealing lingerie! I just sat there and stared. The picture appeared to be very professionally done, and her pose didn't quite reveal anything, but...
You know how it is when something happens on one of the milestone dates in your life, or one of the ones on the calendar, something that then becomes inextricably tied to that date or that holiday each year when it rolls around? For me, for what I’m going to tell you about next, it started on my birthday, and I suppose I’ll always tie these events to that date. And that, for some reason strikes me as being very odd. Well, really it’s odd that it started at all, regardless of the date, but all...
“Do you really believe that he wasn’t admiring your ass in that shot? You do have one of the world’s greatest asses you know.” She laughed. “You’re so kind – and so classy, I might add.” “Yeah, well, it just bugs me to think of him with a big old hardon while he was ogling my wife’s tits and ass.” “Oh David, it wasn’t like that at all! He was too busy to notice! The entire time we were in the studio he was either taking pictures or talking to me, giving me encouragement and saying stuff like...
I took my car, an Infiniti G37, the previous year’s model. Sometimes we traded vehicles for various reasons, but today I took my own. I loved driving it, and for me it was the perfect combination of power, sportiness, and luxury, and yet not so ostentatious that I felt like it stood out in a crowd, it fit my personality very well in that regard. I turned to a classic rock station on the radio. They were playing something instrumental, no lyrics, Stevie Ray, I was pretty sure. As I drove I let...
Michael groaned, looking down at the mess he’d made on his own chest, the copious, glistening cum in parallel white streaks on his dark skin extending from his navel, where the swollen head of his cock lay, to his shoulder. He cupped his big hands under Allison’s ass, his muscles bulging as he lifted her off his groin, even as she continued to try to hump herself against his thick erection. He was obviously embarrassed at his loss of control in front of all of us, although I’m sure he’d enjoyed...
Wife LoversSeeing the photo of Derek with my wife, his extremely erect cock against her skin, had sparked a white-hot flare of combined jealousy and anger almost instantaneously. Now I was struggling to control it, struggling to apply reason and logic and not do something in a fit of rage, something that would be very uncharacteristic of me. Marci sensed my anger and had the wisdom to say nothing as I drove us out of the parking lot, my fingers aching and my knuckles white from gripping the steering wheel...
Wife LoversI held her there as she rode out her orgasm, deeply impaled on my cock, her hot, tight sex squeezing and spasming around me as she came. As it began to wane she melted against my chest, her hard nipples thrusting out against her silky blouse. She rubbed them against the front of my suit jacket, shuddering at the intense sensations as her hips went on autopilot, making small, circular thrusting motions, using my hardness to touch every place inside of her that needed touching. It all felt...
Wife LoversI glanced at her before returning my attention to the road.“Wow, he doesn’t waste any time, does he? How’s he going to meet with you on Monday and start shooting Tuesday when he doesn’t even have a contract offer out to Michael and Marci yet?” She shrugged. “I don’t know, he didn’t go into that much detail. I’m sure he has other models already under contract, or he may want to do some solo shots first.”“Yeah, I guess that makes sense.” I looked at her again. “And you’re sure about this,...
Wife LoversHer thighs clamped tightly on my head as she came, her fingers tangling in my hair and holding my face to her wet pussy as I eagerly continued to lick her clit, driving her through her orgasm. Her hips were moving, thrusting herself to my lips, an entirely involuntary response to the sensations taking over her body. As her climax peaked and began to slowly wane her legs began to relax slightly, releasing their grip on my head and allowing me to hear again. I enjoyed her moans and heavy...
Wife LoversI had no idea what might come next, still shaken by the intensity of my own orgasm and Marci’s, not to mention the soul-searing intensity of seeing and hearing my wife rocked by a massive orgasm while engaged with and impaled upon another man’s huge cock. That he had entered her and come, mostly deep inside of her, had clearly been her choice, not his… not that he’d tried very hard to avoid the situation. To be fair, though, in the midst of his own orgasm that would have been expecting a lot....
Wife LoversI was pleased to discover that we’d be able to get a table after only a short wait. With last-minute plans on a Friday night, a short wait was not a sure thing by any means. We spent the time at the bar, where I had the pleasure of watching Alli, short skirt and sans panties, try to slide up onto the high bar stool without becoming intimate with the room. She slapped my arm when she saw me smiling at her struggle, and then I stood alongside her at the crowded bar, the two of us conversing in...
Wife LoversImpatient with my bumbling, she crossed to me and quickly finished unbuttoning my shirt. It was a little odd, because of her high heels, to be almost eye-to-eye with her as she pushed my shirt off my shoulders and then peeled my t-shirt over my head. I was very aware of her heat, and her scent, and the proximity of those gorgeous breasts and their extremely erect nipples as she began to tug at my belt. It wasn’t entirely out of character for Allison to take the lead in our fun and games, but...
Wife LoversThe next morning, after the rousing success of the bath, the massage, the candles…and the sex, of course - I felt so much better that I wasn’t even dreading facing Marci! In fact, when I stopped at Starbucks, rather than take the easy path and order a simple latte for her in lieu of trying to remember her favored but very complicated choice, I dialed my office, hoping she was there. Fortunately she was, and when she answered I said, “I’m at Starbucks; I’ll give the guy my phone, and you tell...
Wife LoversShe took another sip of her wine before I took it from her and set both glasses down, and then I slowly peeled her t-shirt over her head as she raised her arms obligingly, leaving her naked from the waist up. Her breasts were gorgeous, so very perfect, with her rose nipples erect and pointed just slightly upward, sexy and adorable. I tossed the soiled shirt on the floor near the laundry hamper and knelt to untie her once-white athletic shoes, pulling each one and each sock off as she braced a...
Wife LoversSleep was elusive and fitful, at best, and when the music of my alarm started playing I slid carefully away from Alli, who was sound asleep, spooned into the shape of my body. I shut off the alarm and walked around to her side of the bed, looking down at her. I kneeled alongside the bed and very gently removed a lock of her hair that had fallen across her face, pushing it back, and then brushed my lips softly over her cheek in a very light, gentle kiss, not wanting to wake her. I whispered,...
Wife LoversSo engrossed in their conversation were they that they didn’t even notice me approaching – or, at least, not until Ruby ran on ahead and inserted herself quite forcefully between Allison and the stranger. Mostly she was just seeking Alli’s attention, not acting aggressively toward this guy, but I loved this dog more by the minute! Alli turned and watched me walk nearer, smiling up at me; the stranger glanced at me, as if surprised, and then quickly looked away, wiping his hands nervously on his...
Wife LoversShe was heat and liquid inside, molten, a tight velvet haven for my straining hardness, and she groaned softly and stretched languorously as she pushed her ass back against me, taking me in. When she had taken all I had to offer, when I was all the way in, she paused and reached back to put her hand on my hip, holding me there. “You’re so hard! Were you dreaming something sexy?” Her voice was soft and sleepy. I hugged her to me, my hand finding her breast and holding it, enjoying the...
Wife Lovers“Me? I thought you went in and cleaned up – you know, when Marci did.” “No, I just tried to soak up some of Michael’s cum from my clothes – and none too effectively I might add, which is why I have this other wet spot on my leg and no top on. Since you so generously gave me all of this, I didn’t feel like I should just wipe it off and throw it away!” She giggled. “Besides, I know how much you like me all…creamy.” I swallowed a lump in my throat as my cock twitched weakly, still exhausted from...
Wife LoversSlightly chilled now, we felt the welcome heat of the house envelop our naked and still-damp bodies as we crossed the kitchen and great room and headed down the hall, en route to the bedroom where our clothes were. Our first inkling that we had a problem on our hands was the unmistakable sound of some very vigorous lovemaking emanating from that very room, through the partially-open door, those timeless, unique little noises – moans and gasps, a few soft cries and uttered words, the squeak of...
Wife LoversIt wasn’t a huge orgasm for her, but it was sudden, and intense, and something she’d desperately needed. Her hips bucked forward, pushing her hot, wet pussy against my lips and tongue as she came, and she kept her hand tangled in my hair, holding me there… as if I had any intention of trying to leave! She didn’t make much noise when she came, but then she usually doesn’t anyway, and having the others around us probably inhibited her at least a little bit. I rode it, tasting the flood of her...
Wife LoversAlready simmering with arousal, my condition was not aided by Alli putting her hand on my leg, beneath the water, and slowly running her fingers up and down the inside of my thigh. She never went high enough to really tease my sex – sitting as she was it would have been awkward for her to do so – but just her touch alone was a delicious torment! I reciprocated by reaching out just enough that I could touch her right breast, which was closest to me, and I began to lightly brush my fingers across...
Wife LoversBefore we could find a place to get undressed, Charlie came up behind us. “You two are actually staying, huh?” He seemed almost as surprised as I was. I nodded. “I guess, at least for awhile. Where’s the best place for us to leave our clothes, and where do we find towels?” “Come on, I’ll show you.” He passed us and led the way down the hall. He had shed his hood and his manacles, although I’d noticed he still wore his nipple clamps – and, to my dismay, with him in front of us I was assaulted by...
Wife LoversCharlie nodded and turned to her. “Oh yeah, where are my manners!” I had a ready answer for that one, but kept it to myself. He went on, “Dave, Allison, this is Diamond – and Diamond, this is my partner, Dave, and his wife, Alli. You can probably figure out which is which.” She smiled – a smile which expressed a whole lot of wickedness for such a simple little expression – and then said, “Hi, it’s really nice to meet you! Charlie has told me so much about you two, and I love your costumes! They...
Wife LoversJenny posed in front of the camera. The leather straps supported her large boobs. They wrapped around her body exposed everything yet was strangely erotic. She wore a riding cap, leather boots and held a crop. Her co model a skinny blonde on all fours wore a bridle, a saddle, leather boots and a butt plug in her ass that had long strands hanging off it like a tail. Christine the photographer had a large bench covered in bondage gear that had to be modelled and photographed. It was day two....
“Alli, we never go in the hot tub. I don’t think it’s a good idea.” Charlie’s hot tub is usually the place where the parties end up, generally after most of the guests have left and just a core group remains. We are traditionally some of the last to leave of the pre-spa group, departing about the time that everyone starts to head for the hot water. We’re always invited and encouraged to join them, but in the past we’ve always politely declined; it’s just not in our nature – either Allison’s or...
Wife LoversThings settled back into a routine after that; we both woke up the next day with a slight hangover – more from sexual satiation than from the alcohol, I think - but quickly got it together and made our respective ways to our jobs. Alli had a dog that she’d been talking about bringing home, one to replace our trusted old buddy, Sammy, a sweet, gentle, intelligent old black Lab that had died about a month prior to my birthday at the ripe old age of fifteen – or a hundred-and-five, in dog years. I...
Wife LoversAs much as I knew she was right, the wait – even though only a matter of minutes – would be excruciating, a situation that was not helped at all by her raising my pussy-slick fingers to her mouth and sucking her own sweet honey off of them as she stared into my eyes! I damn near creamed myself when she did that, and it may have been one of the most erotic moments I’d ever experienced. Throughout my entire lower abdomen I ached with arousal, a dull ache that I knew would persist for hours even...
Wife LoversShe reached for her small purse and opened it, withdrawing what was apparently a manila folder that she had cut down to protect the photos; it was obvious that she had put some thought into this, into waiting to catch me in a very relaxed, unguarded moment. She opened the folder and took out the photos in question - just a few it appeared, and in the same 5 X 7 format as the black and white ones she’d shown me about ten hours earlier. She set the folder aside and held the pictures in her hand,...
Wife LoversMarci called me on the intercom a short time later to tell me that the guys for our 9:45 appointment had arrived. I instructed her to call Louis and ask him to join us in the conference room, then went out and exchanged pleasantries and led them down the hall. I made the necessary introductions when Louis joined us, and Marci inquired as to whether anyone might like a cup of coffee or other beverage and then filled requests accordingly. The meeting went well. The clients seemed very interested...
Wife LoversI’d gotten up at that point, that day, standing on shaky legs just long enough to strip off all my clothes and drop them in a heap on the floor before lying down next to her again. She was still on her stomach, facing my direction, her body limp and relaxed; my cock was in the same condition, temporarily out of service. I knew she had come numerous times – three before I got there, and several more times since - but I also knew she had not had one of those “Oh my God!” moments; not with me,...
Wife LoversI took my car, an Infiniti G37, the previous year's model. Sometimes we traded vehicles for various reasons, but today I took my own. I loved driving it, and for me it was the perfect combination of power, sportiness, and luxury, and yet not so ostentatious that I felt like it stood out in a crowd; it fit my personality very well in that regard. I turned to a classic rock station on the radio. They were playing something instrumental, no lyrics; Stevie Ray, I was pretty sure. As I drove I let...
Wife Lovers“Do you really believe that he wasn’t admiring your ass in that shot? You do have one of the world’s greatest asses you know.”She laughed. “You’re so kind – and so classy, I might add.”“Yeah, well, it just bugs me to think of him with a big old hardon while he was ogling my wife’s tits and ass.”“Oh David, it wasn’t like that at all! He was too busy to notice! The entire time we were in the studio he was either taking pictures or talking to me, giving me encouragement and saying stuff like...
Wife LoversHi readers my name is Shalee and this is the 2nd time I’m writing my story in ISS. My 1st story was about a month back, thanks to ISS for letting me express myself. I’m a normal cool guy and takes life as it comes. I’m not that supernatural guy, I’m fare average built, reasonably good looking, like the next door boy. I felt like sharing my 2nd experience with your readers. As already told I’m a Keralate now in Chennai with my studies, this story also took place there back home. During the Vishu...
Well, the day had finally come. Here you were, standing in front of a camera, getting your picture taken. Except, of course, it wasn't at any Studio. Time for the old home photo-album. You and your lover had talked about it for some time, after you had admitted to him that you enjoyed Looking at the women in the men's magazines, like Playboy, and Penthouse. But, you had told him, they seemed a little tame, and that you got more Excited and envious when you were looking at the more graphic...
Beth - My First MatureI am now retired with the time to relate a lifetime of experiences and all with mature women. All my stories are true in essence and only some dialogue and scenes embellished to improve the story flow. I have spent my life seeking sexual exploits and each of my stories is either a real experience for me or related to me by one of the participants. Fortunately I had a career that allowed me the freedom to explore.I guess I had a very liberal upbringing and a happy one. ...
Uncle Victor's car pulls into his driveway. I've got butterflies going crazy in my stomach as we get out of the car and walk towards to house. I don't think I've ever been this nervous in my life - not even the night I lost my virginity. I don't know how I should act around my relatives now. What do I say to them? My mouth feels dry as Uncle Victor opens the front the door and ushers me into the house. I haven't taken three steps into the living room when my younger cousin Darlene comes...