Dr. Shawnee Davis. free porn video

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Dr. Shawnee Davis ran from the ladies dressing room and towards the emergency room as fast as she could go, hoping Dr. Weller hadn't already assigned the incoming trauma to someone. She hadn't been the lead on a trauma in over a week and Shawnee was starting to get pissed off.

Two weeks ago, Shawnee and another intern got in a heated argument over a patient not being covered while being examined. Shawnee made it a point to ensure that everyone who came into the E R was treated with dignity and that all patient rights were followed to the letter. After the loud yelling match in the middle of the E R, Shawnee was reprimanded and informed that if it happened again, she be released from the intern program.

She walked around the corner and to her dismay, there lay a man, completely uncovered and in full view of anyone that walked by. 'Damn it!' she growled in a low voice as she grabbed the bloodstained sheet, jerking it over his groining, noticing his legs were amputated.

'Davis, look over his head and see how many stitches it needs.' Dr. Weller ordered as he rushed into the room, slipping on his lab jacket, hoping that she'd say just one word about the man not being covered. He wanted her out of the program for two reasons. The first was, she was smarter than he and all the other interns put together and, the night he asked her to fuck, and she kneed him in the balls.

Shawnee walked to the man's head and gently caressed a spot that wasn't bleeding. 'Hey sweetie, ' she smiled, sitting on a small chair next to the gurney and saw that his arms were also deformed. 'Other than being here, ' she smiled bigger, hoping to distract him from all the tests, poking and prodding. 'How ya doing on this beautiful Friday night?' Shawnee asked with more concern than normal as she pushed back her short and curly blonde hair. This poor guy had enough wrong with him and now, he had to deal with being hit by a car too.

He looked up to her, trying to clear his mind of all the pain and couldn't believe his eyes. 'You're beautiful!' he said in a weak voice, trying to smile for the gorgeous, young doctor. 'I've had better nights, ' he added looking into her soft and loving green eyes.

Shawnee heard him and couldn't help but smiling more. 'Thank you!' she said feeling her face turning red. 'I'll do my best to make it all better, ' she added in a soft voice, hoping she didn't start crying. She'd seen so many horrible things over the last three years, but this broke her heart. How anyone could hit a guy in a wheelchair and just leave him lying in the street was beyond her.

'That'd be nice, ' he whispered, watching her dabbing his head with a large piece of gauze. 'You're the first one in here, to even ask how I am, ' he added and started to forget some of the pain.

'You'll have to forgive them. They don't have much compassion for anyone, ' she replied looking up to see everyone giving her nothing but hateful stares and she didn't care because it was true. Dr. Weller didn't bother with any type of bedside manors and he didn't care if any of the interns did either and it pissed Shawnee off. To her, being a doctor meant more than just fixing someone up and shoving them out the door. She thought there should be more kindness and consideration shown to the people they treated.

He couldn't help but laugh. 'I know that's true. I've seen enough doctors in my time and 99 percent of them are nothing but rude assholes, ' he laughed again, watching the young girl covering her mouth, holding in a laugh of her own.

'I try my best to be different. I think everyone deserves kindness, no matter what, ' she smiled, wanting to hug the great looking man and show him that she really did care. 'So, do you remember what happened?' Shawnee asked, preparing to stitch the very large gash in his head.

He thought for a few seconds, watching her concentrate on opening some medical crap. 'I was working at my computer, discovered that I was out of cigarettes and went to the store to get a pack. The next thing I know, ' he paused, watching her looking at him, feeling that she did care about people and that it wasn't just an act. 'I'm lying in the middle of the street, ' he laughed, hoping that the cops caught the person that hit him.

'Poor baby, ' she said putting out her lip, wishing she could hug him. 'Do you need us to call your wife or girlfriend?' Shawnee asked, looking into his dark eyes, wondering if he was single and all alone. He seemed to be a great guy and most likely had women lining up to go out with him.

He laughed again and replied, 'No, there's not many girls that'll go out with a guy as messed up as I am, ' he smiled, wishing he had a girl like her in his life. 'Oh, by the way I'm Caleb, ' he said trying to lift his arm and a massive rush of pain like he'd never known, shot through his body. 'Fuck!' he yelled trying to sit up and look, but the pretty doctor quickly pushed him back down.

'You do not want to see that. Your arm is broken pretty bad, ' she said, watching hurt covering his very handsome face. 'Don't worry, we have a great bone doctor on call tonight and he'll fix it as good as new.' Shawnee said in a soothing voice, knowing that with his arm being broken, life was going to be a lot tougher. 'Oh, I'm sorry. I'm Shawnee, ' she smiled as she couldn't help caressing the side of his face.

'Her real name is.' Dr. Weller quickly said in a cold voice, wondering just what she was doing. She had no business telling anyone her first name, let alone a patient. She was a doctor and that was supposed to demand some respect. 'Dr. Davis!' he added, jamming an x-ray up on the viewer, wishing he could let her go and been done with her once and for all.

'Damn, what an ass!' Caleb said watching Shawnee quickly covering her mouth, trying to hold back a laugh. 'Some people can be so rude, ' he added looking towards the hateful doctor, wondering what his problem was.

'He's always like that.' Shawnee whispered to Caleb as she continued cleaning his head and very long mustache. 'He doesn't like me at all. I stand up for people and it pisses him off. Something else happened, but I can't talk about it right now, ' she smiled to Caleb, noticing him looking down her shirt. 'See anything you like?' she asked with a smile, hoping her face wasn't turning red with embarrassment.

Caleb smiled back to her and said, 'Heck yes! It's nice down there, ' he winked, trying to keep his eyes from wondering back to her shirt. 'Somebody needs to kick his fucking ass for being so mean to you.' Caleb replied not caring if the rude fucker heard him or not.

Shawnee fought to hold back another laugh. 'You need to stop before you get me in trouble!' she whispered and could resist caressing Caleb's face. He was a great guy and still couldn't believe that he didn't have a woman in his life. She'd kill to find a guy like him and she'd make time to be with him. 'Is there going to be anyone to help you? I'm thinking you have enough problems and this is going to make things a lot harder, ' she said putting out her lip, thinking of him being alone and she knew that he was going to be in horrible pain.

'Not really, but I'll make do.' Caleb replied and knew she was a very loving woman that did care for people. 'I'd love to find someone like you, ' he thought, watching her concentrate on stitching up his head. 'You're so pretty, ' he thought again looking at her beautiful face and her pretty green eyes.

'I'll send down Doctor Kelly to look at your arm, I'm sure that he'll be able to get it set and get you out of here as soon as possible.' Dr. Weller said in his normal 'I don't give a fuck about you' voice. All he cared about was if a person had good insurance or not and the guy lying on the bed had the worst kind. Dr. Weller wanted his kind out of the hospital as fast as possible.

'Dr. Weller is there anyway that we could keep him here for the night. He's going to be in bad pain and he doesn't have anyone to help him at home.' Shawnee asked, hoping that the Dr. would say yes. Even though she'd just met Caleb, she'd hate to think of him all alone and with one to help him.

Dr. Weller couldn't believe what she'd just ask him after the hour long meeting yesterday. 'May I see you in the hall, Dr.' he said in cool voice, hoping that she'd mouth off to him one time as she followed him out in the hall. 'Dr. Davis, do you remember the meeting yesterday about insurance and getting the bad ones out of her as fast as we can? He has state insurance, that's considered bad and we can not afford giving him a bed for the night and wait a year for our great state to pay up, ' he said looking into Shawnee's eyes, wishing so bad that she'd change her mind about sleeping with him. If she did, Dr. Weller would be more than willing to forget about her mouth and her being dropped from the program.

Shawnee just stood listening to him and wanted to scream, but she just smiled and replied, 'Oh shoot! I forgot. I'm sorry, ' she said smiling to Dr. Weller, knowing not to say another word as she tried to think of a way to help Caleb. She knew he was going to be in massive pain, he had no one to help him and it was killing her just thinking about it.

'Well, maybe next time you should take some notes and try to remember.' Dr. Weller said giving Shawnee on last cold look before he walked away. 'I'd give anything to fuck her, ' he thought as he headed outside for a smoke.

'Fuckin' prick!' Shawnee mumbled under her breath and quickly went back to Caleb. 'Hey there, ' she smiled, running her loving hand over his chest. 'Did you miss me?' she asked with a little smiled as a hot rush flooded her body. 'Damn, that was strange, ' she thought as the excitement from touching the near, helpless man continued to race through every inch of her.

'Hell yes I did!' Caleb said looking up to her, wondering if she was married or had someone in her life, but why even think of it. He knew someone like her would never be interested in some little crippled guy like him. 'So, what do you do when you're not doctoring people?' he asked as she worked on his head.

'Not much really. I catch up on sleep, clean up my little apartment and if it's nice out, I'll walk down to the pier, ' she said giving him a little smile. 'What about you?' she asked as that warm feel came back to her, but this time, it went between her legs.

'I'm trying to be a writer, but it's a bitch trying to get someone to publish erotic stories, ' he said watching her face turn pink. 'Yeah, I write dirty stories, ' he laughed.

'Oh really? I like reading a nice, hot story from time to time.' Shawnee said, feeling her face began to feel flush, wondering if he'd write a story about meeting her.

Caleb laughed and replied, 'Trust me, mine are real hot, ' he smiled looking up to Shawnee, watching her pretty face turning a warm shade of pink. 'What kinds of things do you like to read?' he asked, wondering if she'd be shocked reading his.

'Oh shoot ... let me think, ' she replied pausing for a few seconds as she reached for a piece of gauze. 'I'm a sucker for a good love story and if it has some steamy sex, ' she said going back to work on his cut. 'It's even better. Do you have any like that?' Shawnee asked trying her best to keep focused on his cut, but she hadn't felt this way since high school. No guy had caught her interest in so long; it made her feel so good that Caleb was flirting with her.

'Yes and if you go for love stories, I think you'll really like mine, ' he said with pride, trying his best not to look down her loose top, but her large, full breasts seemed to be calling him. 'I write a lot of things about disabled people finding love, ' he added, giving her white bra and great looking boobs another look.

'Ah, that's so sweet, ' she replied giving him a quick glance, noticing his handsome eyes were once again looking down her shirt again, but it didn't bother her, it felt good to have him interested in her. 'Have you written any about yourself?' Shawnee asked making sure to lean just a bit lower, knowing she was giving Caleb a great view down her shirt.

He couldn't believe she was doing this and it was great. A hot and very, very sexy doctor seemed to like him just as much as he liked her. But, deep in the back of his brain, a warning light started flashing. 'Do you want to get hurt again?' It flashed, remembering all the times that he'd fallen for a girl and just ended up getting hurt.

'Not really ... well kind of, but it's always just a sad story with an unhappy ending, ' he said, knowing he should stop this before he hurt himself with false hopes and dreams that would never come true.

She heard him and felt like crying. 'How come a great guy like you doesn't have a girl?' she thought, as the final stitch went in and she carefully bandaged him. 'Well, how was that?' Shawnee asked and couldn't help but noticing a sad look on his face. 'Are you feeling okay?' she asked caressing his face, hoping the fast and crappy exam didn't miss anything. She'd die if anything was wrong with Caleb.

'Yeah, I was just thinking. I'm okay, ' he replied in a cool voice, knowing he needed to stop being so friendly. There was no way that he wanted to get hurt and this girl could take his heart without even trying.

'I didn't upset you did I?' Shawnee asked, hoping she hadn't said anything wrong. She liked this guy and hoped he felt the same about her. She was even willing to write down his name, address and phone number, but now he seemed to be turning away from her. 'If I did, I'm really sorry, ' she said putting out her lip and felt like crying. She liked him so much and for the first time in so long, she felt like a woman and not a medical machine.

'Nah, I guess the shock of being hit is finally setting in, ' he lied, hoping this fantastic lady didn't see through him. Caleb liked her so much, but he wasn't taking a chance on being hurt again. A girl as wonderful as Shawnee would break his already lonely heart into a million pieces.

Shawnee had a good idea that something else was wrong, but she didn't want to press it. 'Well, if I can do anything at all, you tell me, okay, ' she replied, wondering why he seemed different. 'I'm going to get you a shot that will help with your pain. The doctor should be in to see you soon, but if he isn't, I'll page him again, ' she smiled, caressed his handsome face and left to get him a shot of morphine.

She made her way to the nurses' station and around the desk to the supply room. 'Hi Jenny.' She said to a large black woman sitting at a small desk in the corner of the room. 'I need a shot of morphine for the guy in 2B.' Shawnee smiled to the woman as she typed on a computer.

'Hello Miss Shawnee. How are you this fine evening?' Jenny asked in her deep, Cajon voice, as she typed in the bed number and quickly knew that Shawnee was going to be very upset. 'Well sugar, I got some bad news for you, ' she said turning to look up at Shawnee. 'All I can give him is some aspirin, ' she said with a frown, knowing it was wrong what the hospital did to people and it didn't bother her if she had a chance to make things better.

'You're kidding me, right?' Shawnee asked, feeling a massive rush of anger flooding her body. 'He got hit by a car and his arm is broken so bad, you wouldn't believe it, ' she added feeling like she was close to crying. Her little guy was going to be in so much pain and with the shock of being hit wearing off; it was just a matter of time before he'd be in agony.

'I know baby. This is cheapest place I worked in my life.' Jenny replied as she reached to hold Shawnee's hand. 'Is this the man everyone is saying you've been flirting with?' Jenny asked with a grin, hoping this beautiful young lady would find a guy and stop devoting her life to the hospital. Jenny knew Shawnee needed something to draw her away from here and start living.

'I can't believe what big mouths these people have.' Shawnee said watching Jenny smiling at her. 'What?' she asked feeling her face starting to flush. 'He's just a really sweet guy and we get along good, ' she added, watching Jenny's smile widen.

'It's time you start look for you a guy. You spend too much time here. You need to start taking your days off and get out of here. Is he handsome?' Jenny asked giving Shawnee a wink, watching the girls' face turning red. 'Ah, Miss Shawnee is liking him.' Jenny teased as she did a little more typing and got up. 'I'll tell you what I can do.' Jenny whispered. 'That guy in 7A used so much stuff ... they never know if we add something to his file and you can give your sweetheart a shot.' Jenny smiled at Shawnee and again watched the young girls' face turning red.

'No he's not.' Shawnee smiled, knowing that Jenny was the kind of person that could see right through you and quickly know the truth. 'He's so sweet and he just deserves better that asshole Weller said to do. That's why I came to find you, ' she added and had an idea that Jenny already knew about Caleb. Some traumas caught the attention of the staff, babies, very bad car wrecks and the ones like Caleb.

Jenny smiled and saw a look on Shawnee's face that she'd never seen before. Shawnee looked happy and in love. 'Don't worry about that evil man. I got me a feeling his days are numbered.' Jenny said with a very large smile and a laugh that would send chills through as she handed Shawnee a syringe. 'Give this to your guy and after you do, give him a little kiss and see how it feel. If you don't feel nothing, fine, but if you do... ' she smiled to Shawnee, watching her beautiful face light up. 'You best go after him. You should see your pretty face. I've never see you like this. It has warm glow like nothing I see before.' Jenny said as she gently caressed Shawnee's hand. 'Go to him. Fix him up and you find out if he's the one that fills your dreams.' Jenny added watching a surprised look cover Shawnee's face.

'I will.' Shawnee replied feeling very good as Jenny's words filled her ears. It was known around the hospital that Jenny practiced voodoo and was a master at it. Shawnee took her words to heart and knew that she had better do as Jenny instructed. 'Thank you, ' she smiled to Jenny and rushed back to Caleb.

'Hey baby, ' she said leaning down to his face and quickly saw that he was in terrible pain. 'I have something for you, ' she smiled, remembering Jenny's words about kissing him, but not until she gave him the shot.

'What is it?' he asked, trying to smile at her, but he was in agony.

'A friend of mine gave me a shot, that's going to kill all your pain, ' she said to Caleb, wishing that she could hug and give him better care, but for now, the shot was all she could do.

'I hope so.' Caleb said in a weak voice as he couldn't help thinking of how pretty she was and deep in the back of his mind, prayed that he'd get to spend more time with her.

She gently cleaned a spot on Caleb's arm and carefully stuck him, shooting the morphine in. 'Now you'll be feelin' real good!' Shawnee said caressing his face, wondering if she should do what Jenny told her to do. 'What the hell, ' she thought leaning down to his face and gently kissed his lips. 'Oh my God!' she thought, feeling like a bolt of lightening had just shot through her, sending every nerve in her body, into a state of frenzy. 'Wow!' she gasped, looking to see a big, wide smile on his handsome face. 'Did we like that?' Shawnee asked knowing he did.

Caleb didn't know what to say. Yes, he loved it, but why would someone as beautiful as she was, be kissing him or wasting her time doing it. 'Yes!' he grinned. 'What brought that on?' Caleb asked as the drug rushed through him and the horrible pain began to fade away. 'Ah, much better!' he moaned looking up to her as she softly caressed his face and he drifted off to sleep.

'I could fall for you so easy.' Shawnee whispered in soft, loving voice as she leaned to kiss him one last time. 'Oh my God!' she moaned as a more powerful rush of excitement smothered her body and she knew this had to be the man of her dreams. 'I'll be checking on you every few minutes baby, ' she whispered and left the room.


After being invited to watch a three hour heart operation, Shawnee went to check on Caleb and he was gone. She ran to the nurses' station as fast as she could, searched through the charts and didn't find Caleb's. 'Hey Marci, where's the guys' chart that was in 2B?' Shawnee asked the young nurse sitting at the desk, wondering where Caleb was.

The young knew Shawnee was going to be pissed off. 'I didn't have anything to do with it, Dr. Weller put a cast on his arm and then released him about thirty minutes ago, ' the young nurse said as she watched Shawnee's face turning red with anger.

'You're fucking kidding me? Dr. Kelly was going to set his arm, why did Weller do it?' Shawnee asked, trying not to yell or get any angrier than she already was. Dr. Weller had no business doing something like that, when Dr. Kelly was on call.

The nurse knew Shawnee was pissed. 'I don't know. He came down after you left to do your rounds, set his arm and as far as I know, ' the young girl paused to get up and move away from the desk. 'They just rolled him outside by the taxi stand, ' she added, watching Shawnee's mouth fly open.

'Oh God!' Shawnee threw down the charts and ran outside as fast as she'd ever ran in her life. This was a very bad part of town, Caleb wasn't able to defend himself and she'd given him a massive shot of morphine. 'I hope he's okay, ' she said running out the door, towards the taxi stand and saw him leaning against one of the benches. 'Thank God!' she said running towards him, hoping he was fine and none of the punks that roamed the streets hurt him. 'Hey sweetie.' Shawnee smiled sitting down on the bench next to him. She quickly saw that he was still under the influence of the morphine and had no business being outside. 'That fuckin' jerk!' Shawnee growled thinking of Weller and his 'one man' quest to save the hospital a few bucks by mistreating low-income people like Caleb.

Caleb looked up and smiled to Shawnee. 'My pretty angel is back, ' he said looking to her pretty eyes. 'It's cold out here, ' he added in a weak voice, trying to pull his cut tee-shirt together, hoping the shot would hurry and wear off so he could think of a way to get home.

'I know baby. I'll get you back inside where it's warm.' Shawnee said as she stood up, moved in front of Caleb and couldn't resist hugging him. 'You're freezing!' she said wanting to cry, hugging Caleb as tight as she could without hurting him. 'I'm getting you back inside. I get off in thirty minutes, and then I'll take you home and get you in bed, ' she smiled, pulled from Caleb and pushed him back in the hospital.

'Here we go!' Shawnee said pushing him next to the linen cart and pulled down two thermal blankets. 'You'll be warm in just a few minutes, ' she said wrapping the blankets around him and pushed him towards the ladies dressing room. 'I'm going to change and then we'll get you home, ' she smiled walking down the deserted hall, wondering if the dressing room would be empty. She did not want to take a chance on leaving Caleb in the hall and have Dr. Weller see him. Shawnee would be sure to loose her internship if he did. 'I'm taking you in the dressing room with me and I better not catch you peeking, ' she teased, not caring if he looked at her or not.

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Sophia could not remember how she managed to get Amelia in bed without Estelle, but she didn't feel like questioning it. In fact, what she did feel had very little to do with rational thought. The weight of Amelia's body on top of hers made her wet with excitement, while the thickness of the blanket that rested atop of them both made her wet everywhere else. There were so many arousing sensations happening at once, that comprehending them all was turning out to be an overwhelming task. The...

2 years ago
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Mom8217s Affair With Her College Friend 8211 Part 1

Me and my mom used to live alone due to frequent fights between mom and dad! Because of that, she hasn’t had sex since many years… Let me describe my mom Meenu, she is 32 years old and very fair with a height 5’8 and perfect curves! She has a figure of 34-28-34. Coming back to the story, mom mostly used to be sad when she used to be at home after teaching in school. One day i saw my mom smiling while talking on the phone…i asked her that who was she talking with, she said that she was talking...

1 year ago
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Note : This story is completely fictional! Hey there friends, my name is Jeff and let me tell you what happened over the weekend. I have served a total of 4 years in the Marines and was finally headed home. I stand at 6ft and 4 inches and my build is 205 lbs of pure muscle and no I’m not making up for a small dick by working out because my cock stands tall at 8 1/4 inches. When I left home, I left my Father (47), my Step Mother (29), and my sister (18) at the time. What I can remember about...

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Dating Site

This is a true story that happen just before my birthday this year in November. I had been sitting in front of my PC at the house when I noticed this notification pop up. I did not pay it much mind as we always get some type of notification popping up seeing how the entire house hold uses this PC. Well it ended up popping up about 6 or 7 times and was beginning to bother me some. So the next time it popped up I clicked on it and it went to this dating site. I was about to delete it when I...

2 years ago
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Eat It Then Feed It

“That is one flawless cunt,” Henry said, breathlessly. His hands gripped her ankles tighter, as he held her legs open, pushing them back toward her shoulders so he could get a closer look at it. “Thank you,” she said, also breathless. She was dripping wet inside, though Henry had yet to touch her there. He had touched her everywhere else, but seemed to be waiting to touch her there, as if it was the last, most delicious ripest peach left on the tree, the one he’d been saving until the very end....

3 years ago
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Juliana the evangelical woman was raped

Besides all these talents, what Juliana was most impressed to conquer male customers was her hip, with an uncompromising butt, steep and always with glued pants, which by the size of her hips, were bogged down between her voluminous savings and then she was always trying to get them out of the racket, where it was possible to see that all the men were crazy with those scenes, and imagined themselves penetrating that white woman. Many of the perverts didn't even buy anything or even their...

2 years ago
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Two Part 2

Two (Part 2) The question, of course, was ‘what next?’ It took a couple of weeks before the right idea hit me. I was sure Amy was interested in sleeping with Allison (at least when she was turned on, which is the vast majority of the time), but I wasn’t certain what Allison wanted, if anything. Also, she was an important part of my little business, and I didn’t want to lose both a talented, trusted secretary and a friend. But then the idea came, and all rationality evaporated. I had to take...

3 years ago
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Fantasy of the Mind

The room was quiet and cool…the hum of the air conditioner buzzed in the corner. A typical small inexpensive hotel room. The bed had the pillows in a ’T’ shape. Also some of the covers folded to create and complete the ’T’ shape with a slight gap in it, the other bed almost bare except for a sheet. Something shiny sit on the counter beside the bed along with a cup of what looked to be ice water. Multiple ropes was on the bed also.He instructed her to disrobe. Not strip, but to disrobe. Quietly,...

3 years ago
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Red Barn Wanking Club Part One

Following on from my previous story Louisiana Lessons Part Three in which: “Tell me about this Wanking Club” I asked. “We meet about once a week on a Wednesday night at an old barn on a friend’s farm” he said “there are about 6 members and we are all 16 years old, we enjoy communal wanking and showing off our erect cocks. The objective is to teach each other ways and means to stretch our cocks to greater lengths and thicknesses. This is all measured and recorded something like Weight Watchers.”...

3 years ago
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The Nymph That StayedChapter 4

Everyone seemed fairly upbeat at breakfast. Harold's father, Robert, had already eaten at some point in the early morning, and returned to his work area. The family saw very little of him when he was involved in a project and this project seemed longer than any before. With food out of the way, Barbera told everyone to shower and dress for the day, and when they were ready Ayl'fair would lead them to the Sacred Grove. Sixty minutes later they all met in the kitchen once again, ready to...

1 year ago
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Nerd Orgy

Author’s Note: This is probably going to be either my final or penultimate story. Not quite as kinky as some of my previous entries, but like some of my previous efforts, I did try and mix things up a bit. ***For such a small, thin guy, Leon felt very heavy. He was on top of Paige, and was rutting her very hard. She had run into him after her college freshman biochemistry class, and he had offered to smoke her up back at his place. The little guy had stolen two large ziplock baggies of the weed...

2 years ago
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Caught short

Hi All This is my first story, hope you like it.Sarah had a busy morning ahead and had slept in, much to her annoyance, as time was short she threw her clothes on and left the house in a hurry for work. Before she got into work that day she had to pick up a few bits from the supermarket. Finally making up the lost time she started to relax a bit and started to look around the shop when she realised she was in need of a pee as she had not been that morning so she headed for the toilet to reileve...

1 year ago
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Juicy Forum! If you love browsing beautiful models that make the Web a fun fucking place to live, then you have so many goddamn options that await you. Hell, just look at the sites that I have reviewed on ThePornDude if you do not believe me! You will see how many fucking options there are for jerking off to amazing models.And if you don’t mind browsing a forum, then you need to know that this is where JuicyForum fits into the fucking picture. You will find all kinds of amazing models from all...

Porn Forums
2 years ago
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The Dolls House Hotel Chapter Ten Conclusion

The Doll's House Hotel - Chapter Ten By AmyAmy. December 5th, 2005 This story is a work of fiction. Any similarity between the characters portrayed here to real people living or deceased is entirely coincidental. The author retains all rights to this work, except in allowing that it may be archived and distributed for non-commercial purposes, providing all text remains intact, including this notice. This story deals with 'adult' themes of a highly sexual nature, including...

3 years ago
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He Should Have Played Ball Part 5

He Should Have Played Ball - Part 5 Erica Kennel Chris sat alone on a small bench during recess. His only awareness was of a lurking unease, something he new would make him feel bad if only he could remember what it was. After a unsuccessful reflection, Chris noticed a group of girls eyeing him from the far side of the playground. They were giggling and pointing at him, and soon he began to feel self- conscious. Looking up again a moment later, his discomfort grew as more and more...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 10 BridgetChapter 79 The Last Risk Of Freeze

May 14, 1997, Chicago, Illinois “Start talking!” Melanie demanded when I sat down in her office about an hour later. “There isn’t much to say. Katya found the information for me when I asked her to look into several things about Brandon Littleton, Kevin Lomax, and John Milton.” “Do you know more about him?” “A LOT more. I don’t think you want to know.” “Probably not, but I’m your criminal defense attorney, and even though San Antonio doesn’t have you involved in this, you know the CPD...

3 years ago
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Neighborhood weirdo pt2

So I visited kevin a few times after that. We pretty much just got high and fucked. We didn't really need to change the routine. We were both vers while I tended to bottom only slightly more than half the time. I think this was mostly just because he was older and more experienced, and partly I guess because I loved it that way. After a couple weeks kevin brought up my promise to get revenge on david for stealing: read part 1, basically kevin kinda used weed to seduce my friend david, but when...

2 years ago
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Spare the Rod

“Miss Compton!” I was a grade 12 math teacher in an upscale charter school. The school was set up for parents who were concerned about giving religious training to their children. In addition, the board and the parents felt it important to retain some of the traditional discipline. Thankfully math was not one of the subjects that required adherence to any quirks of the Charter curriculum; and it had the added bonus that most of the students assumed I was out of it and so usually didn’t engage...

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My name is Meredith and I have always been a self-centered woman. I am in love with myself. Well, actually I am in love with my body. How can I help it? Any mother who has a full set of DD tits and a 22 inch waist even at the age of 42 would feel the same. And yes, I am a mother. But at the end of this story anyone reading this will know that I am the furthest from that. Since my body developed in high school I have used it to get me everything and anyone I wanted. I have never even had a job....

1 year ago
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BangBus Selena Blaze Getting Everything From This Money Loving Chick

Today we caught a hard one, this girl wasn’t happy to see the camera right from the start. She dismisses us even after we offered a bit of money for a quick interview. So i had to throw down on the big cash promise right away, Thanks to her creepy neighbor we get her inside the van to start having fun. We find out about her love for money which opened the doors to seeing her tits right away. This chick took the great opportunity to get fucked and paid but not knowing what would happen at the...

2 years ago
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Nathan and IrisChapter 6

Swinging his walking stick and whistling a tune Nathan climbed the steps at 213 Elderberry. In his other hand he carried a small, soft-sided case. He rang the bell and the door opened. "Hi," he said upon seeing Iris. "Hi." "I brought an overnight bag just in case." "Thinking ahead," she remarked. "Come in. What do you think of my outfit?" She turned to model it. She wore a short, red dress. It was backless and the bodice was a halter with a scoop to display some of Iris's...

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Aurum Et Periculo the Mystery of the Roman GoldChapter 4

The action’s over. But I need to finish the story. Voting is enabled now. So, please tell me what you think. I hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I did writing it. - DT I went into my bedroom and dropped my bag. When I came out, I found John sightseeing my art. He said with astonishment, “These are originals!” It was a statement not a question. I said “Yes, some are from my mother’s old place in Philadelphia, some I picked up from a friend on Majorca. I have been collecting since I was...

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Wilbur Sees It DifferentlyChapter 11

Sunshine and I went to Smith's to work on laying out the factory. I intended to build it like my barn, but twice as big. We took measurements and decided where the factory would sit best. We also considered additional buildings in the layout. We staked out the original building dimensions. I began to cut the trees for the log structure. I worked long hours every day. Sunshine and Cloud kept me company and brought me water and food, as I needed it. Sunshine bathed me every day. I enjoyed...

2 years ago
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ReplayChapter 17

The evening went cheerfully and happily. The Carstairs did not hang about after dinner leaving Simon and Joanna alone. They snuggled up on the sofa in the family room. "Are you coming hacking tomorrow?" Joanna asked. Simon shook his head. "Tricia wants some time alone with you." Joanna looked apprehensive. "Is she going to give me a hard time?" "No, my precious. She likes you and told me so." They continued to talk happily interspersing it with kisses and hugs until Joanna...

3 years ago
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Third time with my room mate

About a week had passed since my roommate Matt and I had finally played alone togetherand things were back to normal, but there was definitely much more sexual tension around the house. It was a Tuesday evening when Matt came home around 8 pm, and I was in the kitchen ‘I’m gonna take a shower, you wanna play after?’ he said. I immediately felt a rush come over me. ‘That sounds like fun,’ I said. Matt showered in his bedroom bath and I took one in the hall bathroom. When I finished, I decided to...

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Mrs Smith Part IV

Mackenzie:I spanked him until my hand hurt and then I told him to get up, figuring I had taught him a lesson. But when he stood up and I saw him totally erect, I couldn't believe my eyes."Oh my god" I said disgustedly, "You enjoyed that? What's wrong with you. I'm more than twice your age”"I'm sorry. I know its not right but I think you're beautiful""That settles it. I can't live my life worrying if my shades are down, to be afraid to even hang my laundry outside. I'm going to have to tell your...

1 year ago
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The Other Side Of MeChapter 5

The clouds were dispersing above, leaving the woods full of long shadows while the wind rattled the trees and made it nearly impossible for Frank to hear anything else around him. He inhaled the earthy scent left by the rain while his eyes watered and his lungs began to burn from exhaustion. Frank didn't know how long he'd been running. He was certain that not much time had passed, but he'd run so hard that he could feel the heels of his feet all the way to his knees, and the aches from...

4 years ago
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Unexpected love triangle 9

Jacob I was on my computer writing a paper for my English class when I hear my phone ring letting me know that I had a text. I finish writing my sentence and grab my phone. Incoming text message from Beautiful Jenny Hey, Jacob…? I smile. I cornered her one day at school and finally confronted her about why she never texted me. She confessed that she lost my number so I grabbed her phone and called my phone. Since then, we have been texting each other non-stop, but I was always the one who...

Love Stories
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A WellLived Life 2 Book 5 MichelleChapter 35 The Root of the Problem

December 16, 1991, Chicago, Illinois “I have some analysis for you, if you’d like to hear it,” Doctor Mercer said. “I’m all ears.” “I think we can trace all of this, in fact, practically all of your interior life, back to your mother and your sister. In what I would call a distortion of the traditional archetypes, your mother is equated to bad, cold, and anti-sex, while your sister is equated to loving, understanding, and sexy. This means, I think, that for you, at least subconsciously,...

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A Night To Remember Part 1

Chelsea sat alone at a booth in the far corner of the bar, her bellini sitting neglected before her. A bellini was usually her drink of choice but tonight she didn’t feel like drinking. An hour ago Chelsea had arrived home to find her fiancé Andy in bed with their next-door neighbor. She felt hurt and rejected and could not for the life of her think of what she had done to send him running in the other direction. Checking her phone she saw that she had six text messages and four missed calls,...

Straight Sex
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Rape your mother

You are sat at the kitchen island in your upper-middle class home in the suburbs. You're idly chomping down on some scrambled eggs, thinking about the day ahead as your mother is busy cleaning up the dishes. The rest of your family has left for the day while you're staying home recovering from a fever. Your eyes wander onto your mother's backside as you continue to eat. Her arse is of a lovely shape, big and meaty due to her age but still fairly firm with her semi-strict regiment of daily...

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Not Quite a White Knight Book 1Chapter 14 Goggles and the Horse

I told Gracie I had a nice surprise for her extreme hotness; after moving some furniture she was to put on the bag but not tape it. When she was ready I came in wearing a full face mask and what I called my KKK gown (really they are just a baggy old white haz-mat outfit) to conceal my body height and weight. When I was ready I explained what I was going to do. I told her to close her eyes and keep them closed. I removed the bag and fitted her with the modified diving goggles I had bought. The...

2 years ago
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Emma 3

This sort of thing went on about once a week for a month and I was getting quite horny and looking forward to it, but it was too good to last. He didn’t need the excuse of bad dreams now, if he was horny and hadn’t got anything from mum he came into me. I was ready for him, waiting expectantly and true to form he went down on me straight away, getting me really worked up getting me right to the edge and stopping until I was nearly screaming for it. Then he said it: “do it for me now Emma”. I...

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two is to one

Hi doston main Raj Kolkata se . Main sex ke bare me shuru se hi bahut active raha hoon. Meri shadi ke das saal ho gaye hain. Is website par kahniyan bhejne wale aur padhne wale jydatar shadishuda log hi honge aisa main sochta hai. Un logon se ye meri gujarish hai ki apni biwi ko kisi aur se apni aankhon ke samne cudwa ke dekho kitna maja aata hai. Ya apne kisi dost ki biwi ko us dost ke saath milkar chodo aur dekho kitna maja aata hai. Isme naitikata ki baat aati hai to mera manna hai ki...

4 years ago
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the turning

Just until recently allowed a certain bit of privacy..That being to shut the bedroom door, but leaving it cracked..In fact my aunt had the lock mechanism removed years ago.. Grace before every meal and church every Sunday..Reading the scriptures on a daily basis and monitoring of the TV shows.. No music of the day's generation..No magazines allowed in the house, even those of news and popular everyday life.. Although puritanical and strict i love her.. *** At the age...

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A Husband Watches His Wife Get Banged From The Basement

Dan was 27 years old when he first met his future wife Katie for the first time. Katie had been a 24 year old server at a sports bar that Dan and a few of his friends had frequented. She had just started working their one night when Dan and a few of his buddies had stopped in. She was their server and Dan practically fell for her beauty almost instantly. Dan’s friends razed him all night long that there was no way he could ever get a beautiful girl like that to go out with him. Katie was a...

Wife Lovers
3 years ago
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She is Beautiful Part 6

The bed was a complete and total sodden mess. I looked over at the table clock which said it was two-thirty in the morning. We had been sucking and fucking for over three hours. There was nothing to do but call the front desk and ask for a fresh linen change-over if we were going to get any sleep whatsoever.We all came down from our high, breathing deeply, drinking champagne and chugging more water, gazing at each other with wonder and somewhat sated lust. Not much was said as the girls got up...

Gay Male
4 years ago
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Quite a Pair

Modern living has advantages and disadvantages, and sometimes, one gets a bit of spice from the aforementioned advantages. The crowding of houses close enough to touch created townhomes and condos, and some advantages. I live in a townhouse and the neighbor's across the walkway moved out recently, and I was hoping that someone interesting would move in. I didn't have to wait too long, as a week later, Michelle and her friend, Jackie moved in. Their place is a small two bedroom, two bath...

1 year ago
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BusherChapter 20 Emily

Mother called me on Monday night while Patsy and I were watching "The Closer" on cable, and I was a little irritated, because I had been absorbed in the show. I signaled Patsy to turn on the DVR so that I could at least catch up, later, with Deputy Chief Brenda Johnson's doings. "I hear you're in the market for a house," my mother said. "Really? Where did you hear that?" "Are you? Is it true?" "Yes. It's true. How did you hear about it already?" I was doubly irritated now....

4 years ago
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Awaking Chapter 8

Awaking This story is about Adult Babies. That is adults who dress and act like babies. All reference to babies or minors or similar In this story, refer to adults acting like babies And NOT adults substituting for minors. This story has nothing to do with child pornography. Chapter 8: The payoff Returning to the living room Colin cleaned off the coffee table of the few items from the last box. Pulling the coffee table out further into the middle of the room, Colin reached...

3 years ago
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Slutty Mom8217s Illicit Affair Helps Son Fuck Her

Hi guys, I am sharing my erotic experience with you all about how I got to fuck my own juicy mom! I am from Mumbai city. I, mom and dad stay together. Dad is a manager in a private company. My mom is a housewife, a very good housewife. She is not skinny nor too bulky, she is perfect. Her boobs and ass are in great shape and size. Mom mostly wears saree. At night, mom wears nighty, sometimes without a bra. So, coming back to the story. It was a regular day in November. I took leave for my...

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Auny Se Masti

Hi to all I’m Krishnahere and I’m 30 Years old skinny guy. I’m a big fan of ISS. I would like to share my story with you guys. I’m from Colombo live in high class residence area. This story happened with my neighbour aunt 10 years back. I’m 20 years old the time this happens. I use to live with my parents. There were a couple lived next doors. They came to our neighbour house after their marriage. They don’t have baby in their marriage life. My room is situated on roof top. There I have my...

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