A Night With Ms Davis
- 3 years ago
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Dr. Shawnee Davis ran from the ladies dressing room and towards the emergency room as fast as she could go, hoping Dr. Weller hadn't already assigned the incoming trauma to someone. She hadn't been the lead on a trauma in over a week and Shawnee was starting to get pissed off.
Two weeks ago, Shawnee and another intern got in a heated argument over a patient not being covered while being examined. Shawnee made it a point to ensure that everyone who came into the E R was treated with dignity and that all patient rights were followed to the letter. After the loud yelling match in the middle of the E R, Shawnee was reprimanded and informed that if it happened again, she be released from the intern program.
She walked around the corner and to her dismay, there lay a man, completely uncovered and in full view of anyone that walked by. 'Damn it!' she growled in a low voice as she grabbed the bloodstained sheet, jerking it over his groining, noticing his legs were amputated.
'Davis, look over his head and see how many stitches it needs.' Dr. Weller ordered as he rushed into the room, slipping on his lab jacket, hoping that she'd say just one word about the man not being covered. He wanted her out of the program for two reasons. The first was, she was smarter than he and all the other interns put together and, the night he asked her to fuck, and she kneed him in the balls.
Shawnee walked to the man's head and gently caressed a spot that wasn't bleeding. 'Hey sweetie, ' she smiled, sitting on a small chair next to the gurney and saw that his arms were also deformed. 'Other than being here, ' she smiled bigger, hoping to distract him from all the tests, poking and prodding. 'How ya doing on this beautiful Friday night?' Shawnee asked with more concern than normal as she pushed back her short and curly blonde hair. This poor guy had enough wrong with him and now, he had to deal with being hit by a car too.
He looked up to her, trying to clear his mind of all the pain and couldn't believe his eyes. 'You're beautiful!' he said in a weak voice, trying to smile for the gorgeous, young doctor. 'I've had better nights, ' he added looking into her soft and loving green eyes.
Shawnee heard him and couldn't help but smiling more. 'Thank you!' she said feeling her face turning red. 'I'll do my best to make it all better, ' she added in a soft voice, hoping she didn't start crying. She'd seen so many horrible things over the last three years, but this broke her heart. How anyone could hit a guy in a wheelchair and just leave him lying in the street was beyond her.
'That'd be nice, ' he whispered, watching her dabbing his head with a large piece of gauze. 'You're the first one in here, to even ask how I am, ' he added and started to forget some of the pain.
'You'll have to forgive them. They don't have much compassion for anyone, ' she replied looking up to see everyone giving her nothing but hateful stares and she didn't care because it was true. Dr. Weller didn't bother with any type of bedside manors and he didn't care if any of the interns did either and it pissed Shawnee off. To her, being a doctor meant more than just fixing someone up and shoving them out the door. She thought there should be more kindness and consideration shown to the people they treated.
He couldn't help but laugh. 'I know that's true. I've seen enough doctors in my time and 99 percent of them are nothing but rude assholes, ' he laughed again, watching the young girl covering her mouth, holding in a laugh of her own.
'I try my best to be different. I think everyone deserves kindness, no matter what, ' she smiled, wanting to hug the great looking man and show him that she really did care. 'So, do you remember what happened?' Shawnee asked, preparing to stitch the very large gash in his head.
He thought for a few seconds, watching her concentrate on opening some medical crap. 'I was working at my computer, discovered that I was out of cigarettes and went to the store to get a pack. The next thing I know, ' he paused, watching her looking at him, feeling that she did care about people and that it wasn't just an act. 'I'm lying in the middle of the street, ' he laughed, hoping that the cops caught the person that hit him.
'Poor baby, ' she said putting out her lip, wishing she could hug him. 'Do you need us to call your wife or girlfriend?' Shawnee asked, looking into his dark eyes, wondering if he was single and all alone. He seemed to be a great guy and most likely had women lining up to go out with him.
He laughed again and replied, 'No, there's not many girls that'll go out with a guy as messed up as I am, ' he smiled, wishing he had a girl like her in his life. 'Oh, by the way I'm Caleb, ' he said trying to lift his arm and a massive rush of pain like he'd never known, shot through his body. 'Fuck!' he yelled trying to sit up and look, but the pretty doctor quickly pushed him back down.
'You do not want to see that. Your arm is broken pretty bad, ' she said, watching hurt covering his very handsome face. 'Don't worry, we have a great bone doctor on call tonight and he'll fix it as good as new.' Shawnee said in a soothing voice, knowing that with his arm being broken, life was going to be a lot tougher. 'Oh, I'm sorry. I'm Shawnee, ' she smiled as she couldn't help caressing the side of his face.
'Her real name is.' Dr. Weller quickly said in a cold voice, wondering just what she was doing. She had no business telling anyone her first name, let alone a patient. She was a doctor and that was supposed to demand some respect. 'Dr. Davis!' he added, jamming an x-ray up on the viewer, wishing he could let her go and been done with her once and for all.
'Damn, what an ass!' Caleb said watching Shawnee quickly covering her mouth, trying to hold back a laugh. 'Some people can be so rude, ' he added looking towards the hateful doctor, wondering what his problem was.
'He's always like that.' Shawnee whispered to Caleb as she continued cleaning his head and very long mustache. 'He doesn't like me at all. I stand up for people and it pisses him off. Something else happened, but I can't talk about it right now, ' she smiled to Caleb, noticing him looking down her shirt. 'See anything you like?' she asked with a smile, hoping her face wasn't turning red with embarrassment.
Caleb smiled back to her and said, 'Heck yes! It's nice down there, ' he winked, trying to keep his eyes from wondering back to her shirt. 'Somebody needs to kick his fucking ass for being so mean to you.' Caleb replied not caring if the rude fucker heard him or not.
Shawnee fought to hold back another laugh. 'You need to stop before you get me in trouble!' she whispered and could resist caressing Caleb's face. He was a great guy and still couldn't believe that he didn't have a woman in his life. She'd kill to find a guy like him and she'd make time to be with him. 'Is there going to be anyone to help you? I'm thinking you have enough problems and this is going to make things a lot harder, ' she said putting out her lip, thinking of him being alone and she knew that he was going to be in horrible pain.
'Not really, but I'll make do.' Caleb replied and knew she was a very loving woman that did care for people. 'I'd love to find someone like you, ' he thought, watching her concentrate on stitching up his head. 'You're so pretty, ' he thought again looking at her beautiful face and her pretty green eyes.
'I'll send down Doctor Kelly to look at your arm, I'm sure that he'll be able to get it set and get you out of here as soon as possible.' Dr. Weller said in his normal 'I don't give a fuck about you' voice. All he cared about was if a person had good insurance or not and the guy lying on the bed had the worst kind. Dr. Weller wanted his kind out of the hospital as fast as possible.
'Dr. Weller is there anyway that we could keep him here for the night. He's going to be in bad pain and he doesn't have anyone to help him at home.' Shawnee asked, hoping that the Dr. would say yes. Even though she'd just met Caleb, she'd hate to think of him all alone and with one to help him.
Dr. Weller couldn't believe what she'd just ask him after the hour long meeting yesterday. 'May I see you in the hall, Dr.' he said in cool voice, hoping that she'd mouth off to him one time as she followed him out in the hall. 'Dr. Davis, do you remember the meeting yesterday about insurance and getting the bad ones out of her as fast as we can? He has state insurance, that's considered bad and we can not afford giving him a bed for the night and wait a year for our great state to pay up, ' he said looking into Shawnee's eyes, wishing so bad that she'd change her mind about sleeping with him. If she did, Dr. Weller would be more than willing to forget about her mouth and her being dropped from the program.
Shawnee just stood listening to him and wanted to scream, but she just smiled and replied, 'Oh shoot! I forgot. I'm sorry, ' she said smiling to Dr. Weller, knowing not to say another word as she tried to think of a way to help Caleb. She knew he was going to be in massive pain, he had no one to help him and it was killing her just thinking about it.
'Well, maybe next time you should take some notes and try to remember.' Dr. Weller said giving Shawnee on last cold look before he walked away. 'I'd give anything to fuck her, ' he thought as he headed outside for a smoke.
'Fuckin' prick!' Shawnee mumbled under her breath and quickly went back to Caleb. 'Hey there, ' she smiled, running her loving hand over his chest. 'Did you miss me?' she asked with a little smiled as a hot rush flooded her body. 'Damn, that was strange, ' she thought as the excitement from touching the near, helpless man continued to race through every inch of her.
'Hell yes I did!' Caleb said looking up to her, wondering if she was married or had someone in her life, but why even think of it. He knew someone like her would never be interested in some little crippled guy like him. 'So, what do you do when you're not doctoring people?' he asked as she worked on his head.
'Not much really. I catch up on sleep, clean up my little apartment and if it's nice out, I'll walk down to the pier, ' she said giving him a little smile. 'What about you?' she asked as that warm feel came back to her, but this time, it went between her legs.
'I'm trying to be a writer, but it's a bitch trying to get someone to publish erotic stories, ' he said watching her face turn pink. 'Yeah, I write dirty stories, ' he laughed.
'Oh really? I like reading a nice, hot story from time to time.' Shawnee said, feeling her face began to feel flush, wondering if he'd write a story about meeting her.
Caleb laughed and replied, 'Trust me, mine are real hot, ' he smiled looking up to Shawnee, watching her pretty face turning a warm shade of pink. 'What kinds of things do you like to read?' he asked, wondering if she'd be shocked reading his.
'Oh shoot ... let me think, ' she replied pausing for a few seconds as she reached for a piece of gauze. 'I'm a sucker for a good love story and if it has some steamy sex, ' she said going back to work on his cut. 'It's even better. Do you have any like that?' Shawnee asked trying her best to keep focused on his cut, but she hadn't felt this way since high school. No guy had caught her interest in so long; it made her feel so good that Caleb was flirting with her.
'Yes and if you go for love stories, I think you'll really like mine, ' he said with pride, trying his best not to look down her loose top, but her large, full breasts seemed to be calling him. 'I write a lot of things about disabled people finding love, ' he added, giving her white bra and great looking boobs another look.
'Ah, that's so sweet, ' she replied giving him a quick glance, noticing his handsome eyes were once again looking down her shirt again, but it didn't bother her, it felt good to have him interested in her. 'Have you written any about yourself?' Shawnee asked making sure to lean just a bit lower, knowing she was giving Caleb a great view down her shirt.
He couldn't believe she was doing this and it was great. A hot and very, very sexy doctor seemed to like him just as much as he liked her. But, deep in the back of his brain, a warning light started flashing. 'Do you want to get hurt again?' It flashed, remembering all the times that he'd fallen for a girl and just ended up getting hurt.
'Not really ... well kind of, but it's always just a sad story with an unhappy ending, ' he said, knowing he should stop this before he hurt himself with false hopes and dreams that would never come true.
She heard him and felt like crying. 'How come a great guy like you doesn't have a girl?' she thought, as the final stitch went in and she carefully bandaged him. 'Well, how was that?' Shawnee asked and couldn't help but noticing a sad look on his face. 'Are you feeling okay?' she asked caressing his face, hoping the fast and crappy exam didn't miss anything. She'd die if anything was wrong with Caleb.
'Yeah, I was just thinking. I'm okay, ' he replied in a cool voice, knowing he needed to stop being so friendly. There was no way that he wanted to get hurt and this girl could take his heart without even trying.
'I didn't upset you did I?' Shawnee asked, hoping she hadn't said anything wrong. She liked this guy and hoped he felt the same about her. She was even willing to write down his name, address and phone number, but now he seemed to be turning away from her. 'If I did, I'm really sorry, ' she said putting out her lip and felt like crying. She liked him so much and for the first time in so long, she felt like a woman and not a medical machine.
'Nah, I guess the shock of being hit is finally setting in, ' he lied, hoping this fantastic lady didn't see through him. Caleb liked her so much, but he wasn't taking a chance on being hurt again. A girl as wonderful as Shawnee would break his already lonely heart into a million pieces.
Shawnee had a good idea that something else was wrong, but she didn't want to press it. 'Well, if I can do anything at all, you tell me, okay, ' she replied, wondering why he seemed different. 'I'm going to get you a shot that will help with your pain. The doctor should be in to see you soon, but if he isn't, I'll page him again, ' she smiled, caressed his handsome face and left to get him a shot of morphine.
She made her way to the nurses' station and around the desk to the supply room. 'Hi Jenny.' She said to a large black woman sitting at a small desk in the corner of the room. 'I need a shot of morphine for the guy in 2B.' Shawnee smiled to the woman as she typed on a computer.
'Hello Miss Shawnee. How are you this fine evening?' Jenny asked in her deep, Cajon voice, as she typed in the bed number and quickly knew that Shawnee was going to be very upset. 'Well sugar, I got some bad news for you, ' she said turning to look up at Shawnee. 'All I can give him is some aspirin, ' she said with a frown, knowing it was wrong what the hospital did to people and it didn't bother her if she had a chance to make things better.
'You're kidding me, right?' Shawnee asked, feeling a massive rush of anger flooding her body. 'He got hit by a car and his arm is broken so bad, you wouldn't believe it, ' she added feeling like she was close to crying. Her little guy was going to be in so much pain and with the shock of being hit wearing off; it was just a matter of time before he'd be in agony.
'I know baby. This is cheapest place I worked in my life.' Jenny replied as she reached to hold Shawnee's hand. 'Is this the man everyone is saying you've been flirting with?' Jenny asked with a grin, hoping this beautiful young lady would find a guy and stop devoting her life to the hospital. Jenny knew Shawnee needed something to draw her away from here and start living.
'I can't believe what big mouths these people have.' Shawnee said watching Jenny smiling at her. 'What?' she asked feeling her face starting to flush. 'He's just a really sweet guy and we get along good, ' she added, watching Jenny's smile widen.
'It's time you start look for you a guy. You spend too much time here. You need to start taking your days off and get out of here. Is he handsome?' Jenny asked giving Shawnee a wink, watching the girls' face turning red. 'Ah, Miss Shawnee is liking him.' Jenny teased as she did a little more typing and got up. 'I'll tell you what I can do.' Jenny whispered. 'That guy in 7A used so much stuff ... they never know if we add something to his file and you can give your sweetheart a shot.' Jenny smiled at Shawnee and again watched the young girls' face turning red.
'No he's not.' Shawnee smiled, knowing that Jenny was the kind of person that could see right through you and quickly know the truth. 'He's so sweet and he just deserves better that asshole Weller said to do. That's why I came to find you, ' she added and had an idea that Jenny already knew about Caleb. Some traumas caught the attention of the staff, babies, very bad car wrecks and the ones like Caleb.
Jenny smiled and saw a look on Shawnee's face that she'd never seen before. Shawnee looked happy and in love. 'Don't worry about that evil man. I got me a feeling his days are numbered.' Jenny said with a very large smile and a laugh that would send chills through as she handed Shawnee a syringe. 'Give this to your guy and after you do, give him a little kiss and see how it feel. If you don't feel nothing, fine, but if you do... ' she smiled to Shawnee, watching her beautiful face light up. 'You best go after him. You should see your pretty face. I've never see you like this. It has warm glow like nothing I see before.' Jenny said as she gently caressed Shawnee's hand. 'Go to him. Fix him up and you find out if he's the one that fills your dreams.' Jenny added watching a surprised look cover Shawnee's face.
'I will.' Shawnee replied feeling very good as Jenny's words filled her ears. It was known around the hospital that Jenny practiced voodoo and was a master at it. Shawnee took her words to heart and knew that she had better do as Jenny instructed. 'Thank you, ' she smiled to Jenny and rushed back to Caleb.
'Hey baby, ' she said leaning down to his face and quickly saw that he was in terrible pain. 'I have something for you, ' she smiled, remembering Jenny's words about kissing him, but not until she gave him the shot.
'What is it?' he asked, trying to smile at her, but he was in agony.
'A friend of mine gave me a shot, that's going to kill all your pain, ' she said to Caleb, wishing that she could hug and give him better care, but for now, the shot was all she could do.
'I hope so.' Caleb said in a weak voice as he couldn't help thinking of how pretty she was and deep in the back of his mind, prayed that he'd get to spend more time with her.
She gently cleaned a spot on Caleb's arm and carefully stuck him, shooting the morphine in. 'Now you'll be feelin' real good!' Shawnee said caressing his face, wondering if she should do what Jenny told her to do. 'What the hell, ' she thought leaning down to his face and gently kissed his lips. 'Oh my God!' she thought, feeling like a bolt of lightening had just shot through her, sending every nerve in her body, into a state of frenzy. 'Wow!' she gasped, looking to see a big, wide smile on his handsome face. 'Did we like that?' Shawnee asked knowing he did.
Caleb didn't know what to say. Yes, he loved it, but why would someone as beautiful as she was, be kissing him or wasting her time doing it. 'Yes!' he grinned. 'What brought that on?' Caleb asked as the drug rushed through him and the horrible pain began to fade away. 'Ah, much better!' he moaned looking up to her as she softly caressed his face and he drifted off to sleep.
'I could fall for you so easy.' Shawnee whispered in soft, loving voice as she leaned to kiss him one last time. 'Oh my God!' she moaned as a more powerful rush of excitement smothered her body and she knew this had to be the man of her dreams. 'I'll be checking on you every few minutes baby, ' she whispered and left the room.
After being invited to watch a three hour heart operation, Shawnee went to check on Caleb and he was gone. She ran to the nurses' station as fast as she could, searched through the charts and didn't find Caleb's. 'Hey Marci, where's the guys' chart that was in 2B?' Shawnee asked the young nurse sitting at the desk, wondering where Caleb was.
The young knew Shawnee was going to be pissed off. 'I didn't have anything to do with it, Dr. Weller put a cast on his arm and then released him about thirty minutes ago, ' the young nurse said as she watched Shawnee's face turning red with anger.
'You're fucking kidding me? Dr. Kelly was going to set his arm, why did Weller do it?' Shawnee asked, trying not to yell or get any angrier than she already was. Dr. Weller had no business doing something like that, when Dr. Kelly was on call.
The nurse knew Shawnee was pissed. 'I don't know. He came down after you left to do your rounds, set his arm and as far as I know, ' the young girl paused to get up and move away from the desk. 'They just rolled him outside by the taxi stand, ' she added, watching Shawnee's mouth fly open.
'Oh God!' Shawnee threw down the charts and ran outside as fast as she'd ever ran in her life. This was a very bad part of town, Caleb wasn't able to defend himself and she'd given him a massive shot of morphine. 'I hope he's okay, ' she said running out the door, towards the taxi stand and saw him leaning against one of the benches. 'Thank God!' she said running towards him, hoping he was fine and none of the punks that roamed the streets hurt him. 'Hey sweetie.' Shawnee smiled sitting down on the bench next to him. She quickly saw that he was still under the influence of the morphine and had no business being outside. 'That fuckin' jerk!' Shawnee growled thinking of Weller and his 'one man' quest to save the hospital a few bucks by mistreating low-income people like Caleb.
Caleb looked up and smiled to Shawnee. 'My pretty angel is back, ' he said looking to her pretty eyes. 'It's cold out here, ' he added in a weak voice, trying to pull his cut tee-shirt together, hoping the shot would hurry and wear off so he could think of a way to get home.
'I know baby. I'll get you back inside where it's warm.' Shawnee said as she stood up, moved in front of Caleb and couldn't resist hugging him. 'You're freezing!' she said wanting to cry, hugging Caleb as tight as she could without hurting him. 'I'm getting you back inside. I get off in thirty minutes, and then I'll take you home and get you in bed, ' she smiled, pulled from Caleb and pushed him back in the hospital.
'Here we go!' Shawnee said pushing him next to the linen cart and pulled down two thermal blankets. 'You'll be warm in just a few minutes, ' she said wrapping the blankets around him and pushed him towards the ladies dressing room. 'I'm going to change and then we'll get you home, ' she smiled walking down the deserted hall, wondering if the dressing room would be empty. She did not want to take a chance on leaving Caleb in the hall and have Dr. Weller see him. Shawnee would be sure to loose her internship if he did. 'I'm taking you in the dressing room with me and I better not catch you peeking, ' she teased, not caring if he looked at her or not.
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Hi friends, I am Maxx not real name 24, with an athletic body type. I am a new reader of this site. I like many stories published in it. Today I want to share one of my sexual experiences which I enjoyed very much. It all started 4 months ago in Kolkata when I changed my job from Hyderabad to Kolkata. This is a very common thing in a BPO sector in the day of induction I met a cool guy Sunny, before long we became good friends. We decided to take a common accommodation as he also relocated...
Wendy was sitting in her room on her bed, clutching her phone to her chest. She had built up the courage all day to take that picture of her pussy, and she had made sure to play with it a lot so it was as wet as she could get it. It didn't take much, as she pictured what had happened with Mr. Fine that morning. It had felt so good when he sucked on her pussy! Her insides were on fire just thinking about it...But now that she was alone, she couldn't stop these feelings of arousal and attraction...
Part Seven My exhaustion from my day of incredible sex was total. I feigned a little sunstroke and with my Mum being, well, a Mum, she gave me some painkiller and packed me off to bed. I was asleep in minutes. Mike did wake me up as he came to bed and we had a little cuddle. I felt myself falling asleep in his arms, wishing we could do this all night, every night. I woke early next morning and tiptoed to the bathroom. After I had freshened up, I quietly snuck to our parents room and peered...
Hakima and I meet her tasty teen twins in their traditional village up at the mountains' poor sideWe are welcomed as most honoured guests and served specialities by old fam1ly traditional recipesHot Hakima watches with satisfaction how my trousers serve as a tent, hardly holding in my hard-onWe love the looks of the tasty tiny tit twins who serve us bare breasted by old standing traditionHot Hakima and I fly one week earlier to Bali before the lesbian couple will arrive as our guestsWe need...
My Big Tits Babes! I have a question for you, glorious degenerate. Well, what’s the most important thing in the world? Go on. I’ll wait… Tits! You said tits, right? If tits weren’t the first thing that popped into your mind, my friend, I’m afraid you’re living life all fucking wrong. Of course, tits are the most important thing in the world! That’s all that fucking matters. Screw everything else. Tits are the reason we do anything at all! They’re the reason we build, wage war, and the reason...
Big Tits Porn SitesIntroduction: First in a series of incest, force, gangbangs, and fantasy. This first chapter introduces Adara. She is about to join the king and queen in a threesome. The following chapters will begin to deal with more taboo topics. After you read this story please read the request I ask of you in my profile. You can help turn me on so that I can write the next story&hellip,and if you want, maybe you could lend me a little character inspiration.—– Come in and let us have a look at you. he...
(copyright held by the author, February 2003) The only reason I'd hesitated at taking the apartment - on a beautiful block in east Midtown Manhattan, walking distance to my office, and below-market rent - was that it was not on the top floor, because, after all, one man's ceiling is another man's floor. In the end, I was seduced by the wood-burning fireplace, set in a beautiful, gray marble mantel. I decided I'd take a chance. I have been fortunate with most of the tenants who rented...
Hello everyone it was nice to hear from all of my fans. Thank you all for your valuable feedback. For My new readers, “ Hello, I am Ankur. I have a perfect athletic body with a 10 inch cock. “ For my New Readers, These are the assets ( or figure ) of my HOT MILFs. Jasmine my Wife has a figure of 34D-24-36. Alura my Mother in Law has a figure of 34G-29-38. Louise my Wife’s Aunt has a figure of 40F-29-40. So After fucking huge tits MILF Louise just before my Marriage, I went to marriage hall...
We made our way to our horses and waited for our friends to show up. Eventually they did, but the delay was caused by one of the men having a broken leg. It was a simple break, so I was able to set it and apply a splint before we rode back home. The consensus was that the raid had been successful, but it had been a lot more work than anybody had anticipated. When we got home and the story of the raid was told in excruciating detail by everybody, yes, I was finally learning how to act...
I woke up to a hand gently stroking my back and felt a warm, soft body against me. Jerking away, I let out a yelp as I rolled onto my back and the pain in my bruised ass brought back my memories of yesterday. Rolling back into Kiera, I snuggled in and tried to block out the pain. “Would you like to nurse on me, Gianna,” Kiera asked quietly. “It might help distract you.” I smiled up at her and nodded before scooting down and latching on to her nipple. I’d been fantasizing about sucking on...
We came to that time in our life when the ki ds are to growing up to come on holiday and it falls to you to start and take your parents away with you instead. We decided to take the mother in law Jenny away, seeing she was newly widowed from Kelly’s step dad and couldn’t face going anywhere by herself.It was one of those late arrivals at the hotel, time the bus travelled around the island a few times by the length of the journey. A quick drop off of bags in the apartment and change of clothes,...
Be open to new experiences... Once deciding to move from Worthington to downtown, things became interesting to say the least. I moved into a 6 bdrm house with my bestfriend, her daughter & g-babies and girlfriend and her son... Whew, that's a lot of people. But things worked. Since the bff was working when I was off, I spent quite a bit of time with the girlfriend. She told me that she had feelings for me since the first time she met me, a year previous. I admitted that I was confused...
Hi, this is priyanka, 26 years old, working with a reputed women college in Bangalore. I am good looking fair women and happily married. You can reach me on My husband introduced me into the world of porn after marriage and we really have a very healthy sex life. One of those clip was girl to girl clip which made me super excited and ignited me which my hubby noticed this and we started discussing about this in the following months. I am very lucky that my hubby understands me well and he kept...
LesbianHi friends, mera naam Puja Kaur hai mere ghar me mere mummy papa or mera chota bhai hai mere mummy house wife hai or mere papa govt job karte hai mera bhai mujhse choda hai or wo abhi class me padhta hai, M dikhne me sundar hu or mera figure 32,30,34 hai jeans or leggings me meri back thodi ubhri hui dikhti hai jo mujhe sexy look deti hai, m girls school me 11th class me padhti hu or mujhe school mere papa chodne jate hai, Apko pata hi hai 11th class me jawani ka asar suru ho jata hai, mujh per...
It was eight thirty when my doorbell rang. As I opened the door and looked at the faces of my neighbors, it was obvious that they came for a change of scenery and maybe, some moral support. ‘Hi, sorry to barge in on you so late,’ apologized Isabel, but we just had to see you for a few minutes and talk to someone like you to refresh ourselves. We are worn to a frazzle.’ ‘You definitely need a refresher, and I have one. I just opened a bottle of a nice Pinot Noir that you cannot refuse.’ They had...
His roommate, Carl Branson is a sophomore and a major douche. He has no respect for Wolf and acts like a complete bum rather than a decent roommate. He eats all of Wolf’s food, “borrows” his stuff without his consent, leaves the dorm a complete mess, etc. All of this stuff bugs Wolf and every time he confronts Carl on this, he gives him a fake apology followed by a half-ass excuse. Something like "Oh sorry bro, I had to borrow your notebook for my class." or "I figured since you packed the...
Introduction: Silk get her first punishment Dear Readers. See its starting to pick up Come in the dining room when you are finished, slave, he ordered and walked out of the room and turned to the right. She knew this was a room she had not been in yet. Some sort of secret room she thought and wondered what it contained. Knowing Michael, she figured it was his B&D room. She finished drying herself and wrapped the towel around her chest and went to the dining room as ordered. Once there, she...
Hi Friends h r u..? I hope u all r fine.. I introduce myself I am the student of Engineering aur last time main Uzma wali sex story sunai thi.. Aj main apko 1 bht he intresting sex story sunaon ga jo gand se related hai.. Kaha jata hai k agar kisi larki ko Motion lagey howe hu tu uski gand nhi marni chahiye kyon k es se larki ko bht he takleef hoti hai lakin maine aisa he kr dya aur Motions me bhi gand maar di.. Ab story suniye jo real hai.. Yeh aj se 1 saal pehle ki baat hai jub main apne...
Hi everyone. I am too a fan of the site and used to read the stories post here time to time. So I thought of sharing my experience too here. Well the names and places are altered here but the content is stuck to originality. Ok let us get to my story. First let me tell about the girl. She is one of the gorgeous women I ever met. A raving beauty, photographic face and a wanting body. All the above words are very few to describe the goddess. I first met here as an aspirant to my college. She was...
A Year In My Life Part II - 4 Thursday, May 15 We'd just moved our things into Kate's parent's house for the summer and were taking a break. Her mom had joined us and said, "I was doing some spring cleaning and getting your room ready for you and I found something." Kate looked at me, then at her mother, and asked, "What was that mom?" "I was rearranging the things on the shelf in your closet and I knocked a box off." "So?" "When it landed on the...
Alexia Anders is set to take on the DREDD leviathan in this scene from JulesJordan.com. Primped in lavender lingerie, we are treated to a quick tease with Alexia Anders. The amber haired, all-natural jade is petite. And when the mighty DREDD appears the word “contrast” is immediately written down… Audacious Alexia Anders quickly warms to DREDD. She says “You smell so good” then unfurls DREDD’s wonder wang. “Oh my god, such a huge cock. It’s bigger than my face!” Alexia exclaims. Yes, which...
xmoviesforyouI called the older sub that had participated at the party and told her to meet me at the club at 6:30. I instructed her to cleanse herself, figuring she knew what this meant. We were alone which was rare, but allowed me the use of any equipment available. The first order of business was to check to see if she followed my instructions. After she was shed of clothing, I motioned for her to climb onto the table and place her feet in the stirrups. As she did this, I noticed she was already...
BDSMThe boys met me at the door. They had been shopping today with Jenny and Pop-pop. They had new work boots and two new John Deere pedal tractors with wagons. They had been to the John Deere dealer in Queen Anne with Dad and Jason to look at a new combine - a five hundred thousand dollar investment without the corn or grain heads. The combine they had was bought used from the farmer that we bought the farm from near Morton Field. It had a lot of hours and was nearly worn out. It was OK as a...
I have been into cross dressing for a while now and have kept it a secret from my wife. She likes to play and is a dominatrix. Usually, we go into dom and sub mode where I worship her cunt with my tongue as she flogs my ass. I like getting dominated by my wife. But tonight, she saw me, in my female form. I was at a local club, which she doesn’t frequent, with my gang and we were all dressed up as pretty women. I was wearing her glitziest dress and had a full face of makeup with a wig. Yet she...
Cross DresserSharon was running late for her lunch date with Kathy and Donna. They usually met every few months for lunch to get caught up with each other's lives. Sharon had recently retired from teaching at the local high school and missed some of her friends. Today was her birthday and she didn't look anywhere near 54 years old. Kathy had called last week to set up the luncheon date on her birthday so they would have two reasons to get together. Kathy was also newly retired from the same high school....
Jessica called Heather early Saturday morning. Heather was up before her husband and kids, as usual. She excitedly answered the call, as she made her way to the laundry room in the basement. “Hello,” she answered in a dry emotionless voice, toying with her friend. “Fuck the hellos! Spill it!” Jessica chuckled in to the phone. Heather replied as a giant grin formed on her face, “Two words, Jessica. Multiple, mind blowing orgasms,” Heather teased. “EEEK!” Jessica whispered her squeal, “Told...
BDSM_______________________________________________________________________________________ I awoke to the worst feeling any teenage boy could ever have. The feeling of the first day of high school. I walked downstairs and grabbed myself a bowl of cereal, as I sat upon the couch I looked around, and noticed that my brother had not come down with me. Also, he never came in last night to get on his top bunk of our bunk bed. I called to my mom. "Mom, Where is Noah?" "He went to...
Lilly: It sounds fun! I imagine a lot of lying on the beach, drinking from coconuts, and chilling with the horses. Kyle: You know, this job can be a lot of fun. But right now, the horses are stressed out! They’ve become engorged. Lilly: Oh my! Kyle: There are no mares around, so they have a lot of sexual energy. They have erections almost constantly. We can’t let the girls ride them in that condition. Unfortunately, it clogs the drain if we try to pour it out. And attracts flies if we put...
Yes I remembered all right! "You look gorgeous in that darling" I said, "Far sexier than she ever did" She giggled and twirled round again to show me the narrow white band separating her lovely firm bum cheeks. "I always feel so fucking horny when I wear anything of hers daddy, especially her panties, do you think I'm a pervert?" "Oh definitely baby, that's why I love you so much!" "That's exactly what Sadie said" she laughed, "And Sharon!" At the mention of their names,...
Hi im sarah. one day me and emma were on our way home when she stopped to say she needed a piss, while she did that I made sure my dildo in my bag was nice and smooth. when we reached her house we started to watch films untill I said its a little hot in here( I only said that coz im crazy 4 her) so I took off my pink t-shirt and shorts. luckily she is gullible so she did as well. we were used to being with each other bra+knickers on. her boobs were so nice, I put my head into her bra and...
LesbianThe Amazon Queen by RiverOtter Warning! Adult Content! This story contains strong sexual content and is intended for mature audiences and is not suitable for minors. If you are under the age of 18 or are otherwise legally prohibited from viewing such material in your area of residence, stop reading immediately. You may be breaking the law and may also end up spending an eternity in hell with perverts like this author. This story is copyrighted © 2007 by RiverOtter....
Hi ISS readers, how are you people? This is Rohan from Bangalore.. i’m 19 yrs old…. i’m a regular ISS reader n a big fan of dis page…the story i’m gonna narrate nw took place recently in my lyf n its abt my fresh girl friend AKHILA. Basically i’m from Andhra Pradesh. i’m doing my graduation in Bangalore. i have desire of sex but afraid of that. let me tell about me, i’m 5’10” fair looking owned a good physic. It was my 1st day 2 college and everything was new 2 me there. but after sometime a...
Sometimes you get lucky. Like the year that the company sent Jessica and I to Jamaica for a conference. Of course it wasn't just us, about six from our company got to go, and we had four days after the end of the conference before our return journey was to start.The conference itself was pretty boring and very uneventful. There were always people around, so trying to get Jessica's attention was just falling flat. I watched the tight skirt stretched across her gorgeous bottom from afar for three...
Sister Ellen - Order of Saint Silenus (*) Part 2 by [email protected] (*) Saint Silenus does not exist. Silenus was a mythical Satyr, appropriate for a name of a mythical holy order created by Transgenders under the auspices of the Church. If you aren't old enough, or live in a place where erotic fiction is banned, or are offended by stories involving transgenders having sex with men and boys, you should stop reading now. When I was 18, I officially joined the Order. I...
‘And now Michelle Leonard will play a selection from Mozart,’ the conductor announced as a beautiful woman stood and approached the solitary microphone stage center. ‘This should be good,’ someone behind him stated. ‘I heard she’s magnificent,’ his date whispered into his ear as the conductor slipped away from his microphone, allowing all eyes to settle upon Ms. Leonard. As she bowed to the appreciative crowd, Nathaniel Howe began to squirm in his chair. Mozart. The child prodigy he was...
Ginger's Makeup She was tall in her stilettos and the ankle was the only part of her legs I could see when the manger Mr. Thom introduced me around that early fall afternoon three months ago. After the first hour of watching her parade about delivering the guest's their cocktails I saw more of her leg since the sheath gown of sequins in soft red was split along the left, biased to expose Ginger's thigh well passed the knee. Her smile cause me to dream of her over the next few...
I did my best to act business as usual around him, and for the most part I succeeded. That is, unless Gavin was around. And as Vincent had moved out of the dorms and in with his new fiancée the week prior, Gavin was now around a lot. I couldn’t face him, couldn’t even see Gavin without the feeling of guilt eating me alive. I felt an almost physical pain even being in the same room as him, so like any brave, moral person, I hid my shame, lied my ass off, and ran away every time he was...
SISSY SERVING GIRL SCENE 2 by Throne My head was still spinning from the announcement which Owner had made so casually the day before. My wife Denise was coming to see me today. Maybe to release me from my new life as a sissy slave to the man I was living with. I decided to dress extra pretty to show my spouse how cooperative and well behaved I was being. Maybe she would take that as a sign that I was willing to do whatever she said once I returned home. If she would take me back. ...
It was my own fault. If I hadn’t given in to my sister the night before, I wouldn’t have found myself in the middle row of the family’s people carrier, sandwiched between Aunt Mary and my Mum. It was about the least comfortable seat in the car, since it was only half as wide as a standard seat, meaning three of us were crushed into two and a half spaces. But I was too tall for the two back seats, which didn’t really have any leg room, so there I was stuck. As usual Dad had Frank Sinatra on...
Mister Hamilton was well-aware of Tammy’s improvement in the matter of conversing in complete sentences with proper pronunciation. Her usage of slang words and outright obscenities was curtailed to the bare essentials. He was so satisfied with her improvement and her dedication to following his program of better conversational skills that he gifted her with a diamond bracelet that did a lot more to impress her than his skilled rimming of her hindquarters performed with great gusto underneath...