Vendetta free porn video

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Jake Hawkins was dying of heart disease. He got along fine until Congress cut off financing for Medicare. Now, he could no longer afford $700 per month for the medicine he needed to keep him alive. Each day, he got a little weaker, and one day, his weak heart was going to give out on him.

Jake's wife, Marilyn, had already died of diabetes. The problem had been the same: they could not afford the insulin needed to keep her alive without Medicare. They had been homeless for about seven months after Jake was fired: he could no longer work a full day because of his heart. The couple had lived in their car, but they had no way to keep cool the little bit of insulin that Jake had been able to buy, so Marilyn had died and been buried in a pauper's grave because Jake had no money for anything more for his beloved wife.

They had no immediate relatives who could have helped them, even if the money had been there. The result was that Jake sat on park benches and slowly starved to death. He was eating one meal a day at a homeless shelter, but they had no room to take him in. Charity was the word for it, and charity was not very popular right now. Selfishness was the dominant mood nowadays, and very few people were willing to help those who needed a helping hand.

It all started a few years ago with the economic slump of the early 2000s. People lost jobs and ran out of unemployment insurance. The federal government tried to help, but there were so many people in need that the money started running out. A hard choice was presented: either raise taxes on those who had money to pay for the needy, or lower taxes on those who had money and let the needy starve. Well, after a few years of lying propaganda and selfish votes in Congress, the money was cut off that normally went to helping those in need.

The country was divided into three groups: children up to late teens who had no control over what was going on, adults from about 20-45 who were only interested in their own comfort and full stomachs, and adults from 45 and up who were running out of money and could no longer pay for the food, shelter, and medicine that they needed. The very rich, of course, were above all of this, and could not care less what happened to the hoi polloi.

Jake had nothing but time, so he spent the time trying to figure a way out of the economic mess. Well, Jake had a very good education through a Master's Degree, but it was in chemistry, so Jake knew little more of the fine points of economics than did the average man. However, Jake was a damned good chemist, and his heart problem did nothing to impair his mental abilities, so he looked at the question from a different point of view.

Jake decided that he could do nothing to fix the economic problems, but he sure could do something to get even with the people who caused his personal tragedy. He could blow them to Hell with what he could do with explosives! Jake came to the conclusion that the big trouble makers fell into one of three groups: the ultra rich, Congress and politicians by extension, and with the 20-45 age group that was so stupidly selfish. Therefore, he vowed to get rid of them, or as many as he could before he was caught and/or killed.

Anybody could buy gasoline, so he decided to make that the key feature of his bombs. That should mean that it would take longer to catch him. What he needed was a reliable fuse. He did not want an electronic fuse because he did not know how to build one, and he was afraid that he would be caught sooner if he tried to buy the kind of fuse he needed.

The kind of fuse that he had in mind was the sort that would not time out for several days. That way, he would have plenty of time to establish an alibi. The first thing that occurred to him was white phosphorus submerged in gasoline. White phosphorus would flame up as soon as it came into contact with the air, so it would be completely safe as long as it was submerged in gasoline. However, if the gasoline were allowed to evaporate, the white phosphorus would eventually ignite, and that would set off the residual gasoline.

There were two variables: the depth of the gasoline over the white phosphorus, and the rate of evaporation of the gasoline. Only a few simple experiments would give Jake the data he needed, so that part of the problem was easily solved. The only big problem was where to acquire the white phosphorus. Many inorganic chemistry labs, some even in high schools, had white phosphorus in stock, and all Jake had to do was to steal it.

As it happened, Jake lived in a suburb of Washington, DC, so he was close to his primary target. There were five high schools within easy reach, and, surely, one of them would have some white phosphorus on hand.

The other possibility for a fuse was sodium or potassium and water. That would be somewhat trickier to set up, but it would work if Jake could not find any white phosphorus. Jake decided to start his program of revenge that very night. He broke into the nearest high school and found everything he needed. For some reason, there was almost 1 kg (2.2 pounds) of white phosphorus and 600 g (1.3 pounds) of potassium in the store room.

Jake found two large bottles of benzene that he could use in place of gasoline. Actually, a number of fire codes were being violated by having these chemicals in a high school lab, but Jake had been confident that the chemistry teacher would not bother with the details of fire safety.

Anyway, he poured the benzene into a bucket he found in the janitor's closet and set up his fuse in a small beaker that he floated in the bucket of benzine. As with any good chemist, Jake made sure that his experimental setup was exactly what he wanted before he set his fuse. Jake had everything ready and scooted with his white phosphorus and potassium loot in plenty of time for him to get away.

Jake made himself comfortable on a seat he found nearby and waited for his fuse to ignite the gasoline. He had about an hour of waiting, but he was very gratified when the fuse set the benzene off. What he saw was a sudden whooshing burst of flame jet out of the windows of the chemistry lab. Moments later, other flammable chemicals in the lab and storeroom went off with a series of explosions. Jake sat and watched until the FD (Fire Department) showed up. They could not do much with the original fire because they had no foam equipment, but they did manage to keep the fire from spreading to surrounding homes and businesses. Jake thought that the FD did a creditable job, everything considered, but he was quite pleased with step one of his vendetta.

Jake had no access to TV, so he did not see the fire there, but he got all of the information he needed from a discarded newspaper. The fire was classed as an accident, but it did destroy the whole high school building. The chemistry teacher was arrested for having improperly stored flammable solvents in her lab. No mention was made of white phosphorus or potassium, so she must have kept her mouth shut about them. They would only have increased the charges against her. The principal was also in trouble, but Jake was made most jubilant by the note on the estimated cost of replacing the school. Let the selfish bastards stew on that for a while!

Jake went "home," back to his car and was already planning his next attack. The school had been fun and had pinched the pocketbooks of the people he hated, but he was anxious to do something that would get him and his cause some publicity. The destruction of a full commuter train sounded like what he wanted. The train would be full of the hated 20-45 age group, so that looked like the perfect target. The problem was how to go about it.

A fuse similar to the one he had used at the school would work, except that there was a timing problem. A speeding commuter train would be long gone before the fuse could set off the gasoline, so he had to come up with a location that would give his inaccurate timer a chance to do some good. The ideal place for the bomb would be within a subway tunnel and someplace where the train would be stopped for a few minutes. That seemed to indicate one of the underground stations.

Okay, that would work, Jake thought. What he needed to do was to place his bomb during a period when traffic was slack. That would give him time to get everything in place. Jake came up with a device that would drop a piece of potassium from a closed container of gasoline into a pool of water. The gasoline would float on the surface of the water and be set off as soon as the potassium began to react with the water. That should be a maximum of about five seconds.

Jake crept into the station while it was empty. He had managed to steal a set of maintenance worker's coveralls so that he would be ignored if he were spotted. He boldly walked into the station carrying his bomb materials in a large paper bag that looked like a change of clothes. Nobody was around at 3:00 AM, so his disguise was not tested, though he might have been seen by a surveillance camera. He would just have to take that chance.

Jake walked to the stairs that led down to the track. He put his container of gasoline under the lip of the platform so that it could not be seen by anyone but the train driver, and that person would probably ignore it as just being a loose piece of junk paper. Jake carefully set his fuse and trigger mechanism so that the trigger would be tripped by a train that stopped to discharge and pickup passengers. Once everything was in place, Jake calmly walked out of the station to a public restroom where he removed his disguise. He found a bench to sit on while he waited for the first commuter train of the day.

A lot of people of the demographic Jake was interested in entered the station and went down to the platform to wait for the train. It arrived about 30 seconds late, but that made no difference to the trigger, fuse, or bomb. Approximately seven seconds after the train arrived, the fuse burst into life. By this time, there had been a large collection of gasoline fumes under the platform, and that went off first.

There was a tremendous flash of flame as the gasoline vapor burned and spread throughout the station. The station was something like a bubble of air held in place underground, and it was not going anywhere without a Hell of a lot of pressure. Therefore, most of the initial flame was confined to the station where it killed virtually all of the people waiting to board the train.

However, that was not the end of the carnage. There was a second explosion of the bulk of the gasoline as it was vaporized by the first explosion. This was not a true fuel-air thermobaric explosion because a lot of the oxygen had been used by that first explosion, but it was enough to blast the train, the station, and the entrance into rubble. There was even some tracking of the explosion down the tracks in both directions, and that caused sections of the roof to fall in.

Jake was very pleased when he felt the ground shake from the second explosion. He figured that he had done the job he was interested in, and he was ready to leave. However, there were people rushing past him and headed toward the site of the explosion. Jake figured that if he tried to walk away from the blast site, he would make himself conspicuous; therefore, he ran toward the site like everybody else. He rationalized that he was curious as to just how effective his bomb had been, and there was no better way to find out than by a personal inspection.

Naturally, there was so much smoke and destruction coming from the bombed station that it was impossible to see down the entrance ramp. Oh, well, Jake mentally shrugged his shoulders and walked away. It was going to be at least 24 hours, and maybe longer, before the police issued a public statement, and that was all he was ever going to get, anyway. Jake figured that he would get what he needed to know from a newspaper account.

He wondered how much longer it would be before various kooks started claiming responsibility for the disaster. Jake decided to wait until he had done a few more attacks before he issued a public statement. He already knew what he was going to say, it was just a matter of finding the appropriate moment to do it.

The next afternoon, Jake had his information on the subway attack. There were 394 fatalities with only four people who were injured and expected to live. The station roof had collapsed, crushing those people who had escaped the fire. At the time of printing, there was no official statement as to the cause of the disaster, though most people thought that it had to be the action of a terrorist group. If a bomb had been used, it had to be much too sophisticated for an ordinary individual to have constructed it. Jake could not help laughing at that.

The next day, Jake joined some tourists going through the capitol building. For one thing, he was not sure that there was a way to destroy both the Senate and the House of Representatives at the same time. They were at opposite ends of the building, and the building was much too large for Jake to take it down with a single bomb. Theoretically, Jake could place bombs in both chambers and have a delayed fuse set them off, but he was not sure that he could manage that at the current state of security.

It was a cinch that the two bombs would have to go off within a few seconds of each other. Whichever bomb went off first would trigger an exodus from the undestroyed chamber that would let too many of the politicians escape their just desserts. From the point of view of doing the most damage, the House of Representatives should go first simply because it had the most members. Also, by law, that was where all money bills were started, so they had to be the most to blame for the loss of Medicare and Marilyn's death. The Senate was bad enough, but certainly, the House of Representatives had to go first!

Jack was able to slip away from the tour group and go down some stairs to the first level of the basement. That was really the best place for him to put his bomb to do the most damage. That was when he found the little trolly connection that ran from one end of the building to the other. It was used for maintenance and for transporting legislators from one place to another when they wanted to avoid meeting the public. Perhaps that could be used to destroy the second chamber!

Jake Hawkins was dying of heart disease. He got along fine until Congress cut off financing for Medicare. Now, he could no longer afford $700 per month for the medicine he needed to keep him alive. Each day, he got a little weaker, and one day, his weak heart was going to give out on him.

Jake's wife, Marilyn, had already died of diabetes. The problem had been the same: they could not afford the insulin needed to keep her alive without Medicare. They had been homeless for about seven months after Jake was fired: he could no longer work a full day because of his heart. The couple had lived in their car, but they had no way to keep cool the little bit of insulin that Jake had been able to buy, so Marilyn had died and been buried in a pauper's grave because Jake had no money for anything more for his beloved wife.

They had no immediate relatives who could have helped them, even if the money had been there. The result was that Jake sat on park benches and slowly starved to death. He was eating one meal a day at a homeless shelter, but they had no room to take him in. Charity was the word for it, and charity was not very popular right now. Selfishness was the dominant mood nowadays, and very few people were willing to help those who needed a helping hand.

It all started a few years ago with the economic slump of the early 2000s. People lost jobs and ran out of unemployment insurance. The federal government tried to help, but there were so many people in need that the money started running out. A hard choice was presented: either raise taxes on those who had money to pay for the needy, or lower taxes on those who had money and let the needy starve. Well, after a few years of lying propaganda and selfish votes in Congress, the money was cut off that normally went to helping those in need.

The country was divided into three groups: children up to late teens who had no control over what was going on, adults from about 20-45 who were only interested in their own comfort and full stomachs, and adults from 45 and up who were running out of money and could no longer pay for the food, shelter, and medicine that they needed. The very rich, of course, were above all of this, and could not care less what happened to the hoi polloi.

Jake had nothing but time, so he spent the time trying to figure a way out of the economic mess. Well, Jake had a very good education through a Master's Degree, but it was in chemistry, so Jake knew little more of the fine points of economics than did the average man. However, Jake was a damned good chemist, and his heart problem did nothing to impair his mental abilities, so he looked at the question from a different point of view.

Jake decided that he could do nothing to fix the economic problems, but he sure could do something to get even with the people who caused his personal tragedy. He could blow them to Hell with what he could do with explosives! Jake came to the conclusion that the big trouble makers fell into one of three groups: the ultra rich, Congress and politicians by extension, and with the 20-45 age group that was so stupidly selfish. Therefore, he vowed to get rid of them, or as many as he could before he was caught and/or killed.

Anybody could buy gasoline, so he decided to make that the key feature of his bombs. That should mean that it would take longer to catch him. What he needed was a reliable fuse. He did not want an electronic fuse because he did not know how to build one, and he was afraid that he would be caught sooner if he tried to buy the kind of fuse he needed.

The kind of fuse that he had in mind was the sort that would not time out for several days. That way, he would have plenty of time to establish an alibi. The first thing that occurred to him was white phosphorus submerged in gasoline. White phosphorus would flame up as soon as it came into contact with the air, so it would be completely safe as long as it was submerged in gasoline. However, if the gasoline were allowed to evaporate, the white phosphorus would eventually ignite, and that would set off the residual gasoline.

There were two variables: the depth of the gasoline over the white phosphorus, and the rate of evaporation of the gasoline. Only a few simple experiments would give Jake the data he needed, so that part of the problem was easily solved. The only big problem was where to acquire the white phosphorus. Many inorganic chemistry labs, some even in high schools, had white phosphorus in stock, and all Jake had to do was to steal it.

As it happened, Jake lived in a suburb of Washington, DC, so he was close to his primary target. There were five high schools within easy reach, and, surely, one of them would have some white phosphorus on hand.

The other possibility for a fuse was sodium or potassium and water. That would be somewhat trickier to set up, but it would work if Jake could not find any white phosphorus. Jake decided to start his program of revenge that very night. He broke into the nearest high school and found everything he needed. For some reason, there was almost 1 kg (2.2 pounds) of white phosphorus and 600 g (1.3 pounds) of potassium in the store room.

Jake found two large bottles of benzene that he could use in place of gasoline. Actually, a number of fire codes were being violated by having these chemicals in a high school lab, but Jake had been confident that the chemistry teacher would not bother with the details of fire safety.

Anyway, he poured the benzene into a bucket he found in the janitor's closet and set up his fuse in a small beaker that he floated in the bucket of benzine. As with any good chemist, Jake made sure that his experimental setup was exactly what he wanted before he set his fuse. Jake had everything ready and scooted with his white phosphorus and potassium loot in plenty of time for him to get away.

Jake made himself comfortable on a seat he found nearby and waited for his fuse to ignite the gasoline. He had about an hour of waiting, but he was very gratified when the fuse set the benzene off. What he saw was a sudden whooshing burst of flame jet out of the windows of the chemistry lab. Moments later, other flammable chemicals in the lab and storeroom went off with a series of explosions. Jake sat and watched until the FD (Fire Department) showed up. They could not do much with the original fire because they had no foam equipment, but they did manage to keep the fire from spreading to surrounding homes and businesses. Jake thought that the FD did a creditable job, everything considered, but he was quite pleased with step one of his vendetta.

Jake had no access to TV, so he did not see the fire there, but he got all of the information he needed from a discarded newspaper. The fire was classed as an accident, but it did destroy the whole high school building. The chemistry teacher was arrested for having improperly stored flammable solvents in her lab. No mention was made of white phosphorus or potassium, so she must have kept her mouth shut about them. They would only have increased the charges against her. The principal was also in trouble, but Jake was made most jubilant by the note on the estimated cost of replacing the school. Let the selfish bastards stew on that for a while!

Jake went "home," back to his car and was already planning his next attack. The school had been fun and had pinched the pocketbooks of the people he hated, but he was anxious to do something that would get him and his cause some publicity. The destruction of a full commuter train sounded like what he wanted. The train would be full of the hated 20-45 age group, so that looked like the perfect target. The problem was how to go about it.

A fuse similar to the one he had used at the school would work, except that there was a timing problem. A speeding commuter train would be long gone before the fuse could set off the gasoline, so he had to come up with a location that would give his inaccurate timer a chance to do some good. The ideal place for the bomb would be within a subway tunnel and someplace where the train would be stopped for a few minutes. That seemed to indicate one of the underground stations.

Okay, that would work, Jake thought. What he needed to do was to place his bomb during a period when traffic was slack. That would give him time to get everything in place. Jake came up with a device that would drop a piece of potassium from a closed container of gasoline into a pool of water. The gasoline would float on the surface of the water and be set off as soon as the potassium began to react with the water. That should be a maximum of about five seconds.

Jake crept into the station while it was empty. He had managed to steal a set of maintenance worker's coveralls so that he would be ignored if he were spotted. He boldly walked into the station carrying his bomb materials in a large paper bag that looked like a change of clothes. Nobody was around at 3:00 AM, so his disguise was not tested, though he might have been seen by a surveillance camera. He would just have to take that chance.

Jake walked to the stairs that led down to the track. He put his container of gasoline under the lip of the platform so that it could not be seen by anyone but the train driver, and that person would probably ignore it as just being a loose piece of junk paper. Jake carefully set his fuse and trigger mechanism so that the trigger would be tripped by a train that stopped to discharge and pickup passengers. Once everything was in place, Jake calmly walked out of the station to a public restroom where he removed his disguise. He found a bench to sit on while he waited for the first commuter train of the day.

A lot of people of the demographic Jake was interested in entered the station and went down to the platform to wait for the train. It arrived about 30 seconds late, but that made no difference to the trigger, fuse, or bomb. Approximately seven seconds after the train arrived, the fuse burst into life. By this time, there had been a large collection of gasoline fumes under the platform, and that went off first.

There was a tremendous flash of flame as the gasoline vapor burned and spread throughout the station. The station was something like a bubble of air held in place underground, and it was not going anywhere without a Hell of a lot of pressure. Therefore, most of the initial flame was confined to the station where it killed virtually all of the people waiting to board the train.

However, that was not the end of the carnage. There was a second explosion of the bulk of the gasoline as it was vaporized by the first explosion. This was not a true fuel-air thermobaric explosion because a lot of the oxygen had been used by that first explosion, but it was enough to blast the train, the station, and the entrance into rubble. There was even some tracking of the explosion down the tracks in both directions, and that caused sections of the roof to fall in.

Jake was very pleased when he felt the ground shake from the second explosion. He figured that he had done the job he was interested in, and he was ready to leave. However, there were people rushing past him and headed toward the site of the explosion. Jake figured that if he tried to walk away from the blast site, he would make himself conspicuous; therefore, he ran toward the site like everybody else. He rationalized that he was curious as to just how effective his bomb had been, and there was no better way to find out than by a personal inspection.

Naturally, there was so much smoke and destruction coming from the bombed station that it was impossible to see down the entrance ramp. Oh, well, Jake mentally shrugged his shoulders and walked away. It was going to be at least 24 hours, and maybe longer, before the police issued a public statement, and that was all he was ever going to get, anyway. Jake figured that he would get what he needed to know from a newspaper account.

He wondered how much longer it would be before various kooks started claiming responsibility for the disaster. Jake decided to wait until he had done a few more attacks before he issued a public statement. He already knew what he was going to say, it was just a matter of finding the appropriate moment to do it.

The next afternoon, Jake had his information on the subway attack. There were 394 fatalities with only four people who were injured and expected to live. The station roof had collapsed, crushing those people who had escaped the fire. At the time of printing, there was no official statement as to the cause of the disaster, though most people thought that it had to be the action of a terrorist group. If a bomb had been used, it had to be much too sophisticated for an ordinary individual to have constructed it. Jake could not help laughing at that.

The next day, Jake joined some tourists going through the capitol building. For one thing, he was not sure that there was a way to destroy both the Senate and the House of Representatives at the same time. They were at opposite ends of the building, and the building was much too large for Jake to take it down with a single bomb. Theoretically, Jake could place bombs in both chambers and have a delayed fuse set them off, but he was not sure that he could manage that at the current state of security.

It was a cinch that the two bombs would have to go off within a few seconds of each other. Whichever bomb went off first would trigger an exodus from the undestroyed chamber that would let too many of the politicians escape their just desserts. From the point of view of doing the most damage, the House of Representatives should go first simply because it had the most members. Also, by law, that was where all money bills were started, so they had to be the most to blame for the loss of Medicare and Marilyn's death. The Senate was bad enough, but certainly, the House of Representatives had to go first!

Jack was able to slip away from the tour group and go down some stairs to the first level of the basement. That was really the best place for him to put his bomb to do the most damage. That was when he found the little trolly connection that ran from one end of the building to the other. It was used for maintenance and for transporting legislators from one place to another when they wanted to avoid meeting the public. Perhaps that could be used to destroy the second chamber!


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Rainfall: Arrival By Tom J. Hyde Synopsis: The brave Battlemage, Therobelin, enters the town of Ghanton, seeking knowledge regarding the dark and mysterious Rainfall Cult. Discovering he may be in over his head, he calls forth his most able companions and prepares himself for the coming fight. * * * This story is a little different from anything I?ve ever done. I've usually done things in the vein of Spells 'R Us, of magic in the reality we exist...

2 years ago
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The Perfect Prescription Part III

I swallowed nervously as Master greeted Dr. Johnson. I stood awkwardly trying to cover up my reddened tits and pussy, still stinging from the cat Master had used on me. Master slapped me hard on the ass and told me to greet the doctor properly. After I had, he told me to get some drinks ready and that he and the doctor needed to talk. I walked into the kitchen and prepared drinks for the men and set them on a tray. I carried it to the living room and approached my Master and the doctor. They...

4 years ago
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Met Sexy Doctor For My Motherrsquos Illness ndash Pt 3

I am back to share my experience with a beautiful and sexy doctor, Reetika. I want to say thanks to all of you for liking the earlier parts and encouraging me to write my full experience. Some of you were very curious to know what happened next. So I am sharing more of my experience.After releasing my load in her hands, I opened my eyes after 1 or 2 minutes and looked at Reetika. Her eyes were wide open. I saw my cum flowing on her saree. I immediately felt sorry.Me- Oh god, I am really sorry....

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Camping survival

Everyone here kept to themselves pretty much and weren't really very friendly. That was fine by me as long as they didn't cause me any trouble. In the six years we lived here we had no trouble out of anyone. They all seemed to respect everyone's privacy Our vacation plan this year was to go horseback into the mountains for a few of weeks of rough camping. We had been coming to the same spot for 5 years. It was a beautiful isolated high meadow we had seen from a small plane years ago. It...

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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 326 Finishing the DHS CIA Lawsuit and Other Miscellany

Friday, December 1 to Sunday, December 31, 2006 (Continued) Early December, the jury finished their deliberations in our $242 trillion civil lawsuit. The trial itself had gone very much as expected. The DHS had picked me up without a warrant - end of story! That was a breach of my Fourth Amendment rights. The DHS's claim that they had acted under the Patriot Act and so didn't need a warrant was a dead duck of an excuse, and had been openly laughed at when their lawyer advanced it in...

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The Plan in Formed

My driver and I weave our way through the streets of Philadelphia. After my meeting with Luke and Jada I couldn’t concentrate, so I decided to call it an early day. I adjust myself in the back seat trying to hide the strain of my cock. It has been a long time since a woman has affected me this way, I mean I’m at least fifteen years her senior. There is just something about this young woman, something I fully intend to explore. Jeff, my driver, asks if I have any errands to make before we...

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TabooHeat Cory Chase Victoria Lobov Teaching My Step Family About Sex

I (Luke Longly) pull my step-sister into my parent’s bedroom, because I’m trying to quickly fuck her without my step-mom catching us! I have never had sex before so I’m not sure what I’m doing! I ask Cory Chase which hole she wants me to fuck, and she points to her pussy. I still am not sure what I’m doing though, so we call out for our step-mother to come help us. Victoria Lobov walks into the bedroom wearing slutty lingerie, and she hops on to the bed to assist...

2 years ago
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HungerChapter 4

"You're kidding, right?" Arnie said. He knew by the look in her eyes, though, that she wasn't kidding. "Make more donuts," Julie said. "Lots more." "Listen, Julie, I'm spent right now," he said. "I don't think I have enough energy to pull my pants up, let alone--" "Make. More. Donuts," she said. "Now." There was something in her voice that chilled Arnie right to the bone. She had been a gymnast in high school, and she had muscular arms that were intimidating. She seemed...

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Stephanie part 7

I have a wide grin on my face as I hold up the small, brightly-coloured CD case, turning my face so that each of the cameras can get a clear view of me- and, of course, the CD, which is the real star of the show. I'm wearing a very slinky, silvery red- grey dress that has a halter neck and a short, tight skirt. My waist is taken in a couple of inches by an elasticated waist cincher and my chest is 'enhanced' by a strapless padded bra. My hairless legs are encased in thin, translucent...

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The InitiationChapter 2

That weekend all of the senior and junior girl cheerleaders, along with the captains of the football, basketball and baseball teams met at the summer cabin belonging to one of the senior girls parents. The party started in mid afternoon with mixed volleyball on the lawn and progressed to hot dogs and hamburgers, and all the extras. The five freshman candidates had been invited to attend as well, and, surprisingly, all had arrived by the time dinner was ready. Since this particular cabin was...

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Teaching SisterInLaw 8211 Part II

Hi Readers. My name is Arvind and this is the sequel to my first story on ISS.Thank you for all the positive responses which encourage me to write more of my experiences.This a continuation of the first part- Teaching Sister in LawI had to visit my in laws place again in 6 months’ time after the incident I narrated in the first episode.My in laws were very happy as their younger daughter Rupa was pregnant now and they were thrilled about the news. I reached on a Friday and planned to stay for...

3 years ago
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Moving Day

 The boxes were stacked in the corner, and I was almost ready to go. The apartment I’d shared with Shawn for the past two years looked bare, even though he was staying here. Most of the big furniture had been mine, either handed down to me by relatives or found at the rummage sales that I liked to frequent.The apartment itself was fine, but it was located in the midst of the college district, where I’d gone to school. In three weeks, I’d be starting at the law firm of Hollister and Banks. It...

Group Sex
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The Lesbian Debt Chapter 33 Lauras New Life

LAURA'S NEW LIFE Laura's new work arrangements started the next day. She was moved, along with Katy, Taylor and Candy, to an out-of-the way area on the second floor, with doors that locked and no windows. Alistair worked just nearby. He started the morning by getting a blowjob from Laura while Taylor licked his ass, then he removed the girls' clothes, leaving them naked, and locked them in the room from the outside. They had computers, and were able to do a certain amount of work, but...

2 years ago
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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 273 Fooling Mrs Norris Dianas and Claires Mother

Thursday, July 28 to Thursday, September 1, 2005 Back at home, there was a great deal of catching up required. For example, Katie West had been laid low by her treatment, but had bounced back (that's what it was supposed to do), and now seemed fine. She wasn't fine, as the chemotherapy had only been a delaying action, but she looked better if you ignored that she was wearing a wig. Carson was also booked in for something similar soon. We'd talked to Ava every day while we'd been away,...

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In the Vineyard Ch 06

Miles stopped for a cup of coffee at a convenience store before returning to the winery. He tried to remember how much of a mess was left from the poker game. It didn’t seem like it was that bad. Most of it could be removed with generous use of large trash bags. And, the windows had been left open to clear the air. As Miles pulled into the winery, he saw Todd’s big, black luxury car. Can’t be good news, he thought. He parked in the public lot and went up to the winery building. It was locked,...

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Awesome Fucking On Terrace With Unknown Girl 8211 Part 2

Hey everybody! This is Arshad (name changed) here from Mumbai. This is my second post on Indian sex stories and I hope you like it. I’m really happy and grateful for the feedback and response I got for part 1. With this post I’ll conclude the first story. So, if you haven’t read part 1, please do so at the above link: If you have, then dim the lights, lay back and enjoy it however you wish ; – ) (Short recap of part 1) Now this encounter happened in April 2015. I met a girl on my way to...

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Naughty Daughter Mala

Naughty Daughter Malareal storyNote: ——I am NOT the author!I’m 38 years old tall and handsome man, I got married at the age of 21 when I was graduated from Uni. My wife was 18 years at that time, I have such a beautiful and good wife and we are made for each other. We got two daughters, both are beautiful, while my wife was busy with younger one I’m more attached to elder one Mala, she too very affectionate with me and it’s a good way to relax by spending time with beautiful k**s. Well she is...

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Me And My Mom Complete

Well my name is Parth and I came across many Mom fantasy stories and I always wanted to share mine but was hesitant. Let me first tell you something about my mom. Her name is Varsha and is a very homely lady. She is 48 years old now but looks like 30 only because of day to day household work and morning routine exercise. My Dad was an aircraft engineer who died of an accident when I was 19 years old. My mom was then 38 years. She still looked young as she got married at a very young age.We had...

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I had recently watched Ros blowing my man while I had two men pleasuring me, though she had never even laid a finger on me, so the thought of her providing sexual pleasure for me has great appeal. And perhaps me pleasuring her in return. My man and I have never seen her naked, something I am looking forward to. I am Julie, I am blessed with a high sex drive. My man Charles and I are in our early forties, we are both bisexual and we enjoy an open relationship with an extra man or woman on a...

4 years ago
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Fraternity Girl Initiation

Tammy wiggles uncomfortably, looks around the smoky hotel suite. Where isKrystal? She looks at her watch-only nine pm, they've only been here an hour. She sips her beer, tugging at the hem of her entirely-too-short denim skirt. Stupid parties-she hates them, hadn't wanted to come in the first place. ButKrystal had insisted, hadn't wanted to be alone at the biggest frat bash of theyear, the one where the official "Frat Girl" was chosen from a collection ofnames put in a hat. It sounded silly...

1 year ago
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This Maid was Made For Fucking

“Love a ya baby!” shouted Sasha as she reversed out of the driveway. She was saying her goodbyes to her new found love Dave. Dave and Sasha had been married for a little more than six months. She had said so long to her old life and was starting a new one with Dave. As she traveled on her way to work, she thought how lucky she was to have such a sexy, caring man in her life. Dave was A sweet man. He was a construction foreman and had built up a nice little nesrt egg to share with the woman of...

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Rainy Day

As I stepped onto the street I felt a sense of freedom burst excitedly within me. I had rashly cancelled my afternoon appointments and decided to skip work for the rest of the day. I hadn’t played hookie since high school so the thrill of pulling a disappearing act for the day was exhilarating. It had been a wet and miserable day, and all morning the dark stormy clouds kept luring me away from my work. I wanted to be somewhere cosy, and warm. Curled up comfortably in a blanket ... with wine, a...

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spider man the beginning

the beginning for ppl who always wondered about the sexual life of that web slinger i suggest some spiderman knowledge before reading thanks peter parker was bit by a radioactive spider… blaa blaa blaa peter rolled over and looked at his gorgeous wife mary jane. her red hair shone in the early morning light. Peter watched her breath as her incredible 36 d tits slightly moved up and down beneath the sheets. Peter laid back and thought of having sex with his beautiful wife. His 8...

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TrickChick Part One

INTRODUCTION: Hello Ladies and Gentleman, we would like to introduce you to Cassie. Cassie is a 19yr old busty slim young woman, it would be fair to say she was not the brightest spark in the world, and any man looking for an intellectual conversation was looking in the wrong place. However, for those guys who liked a good body and a good time, Cassie was your girl!Men who had an evil streak saw Cassie coming from a mile and she was far too dumb to know she was being tricked. She shared her...

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Bete Ne Banaya Maa Ko Apni Rani

Hello everyone. This is my first story so please read it completely and do comment or email me and tell me your ideas too. Am an indian housewife who just got into this by the way public look at her and their comments. Anyway lets directly start with the story. I am the queen if a very big kingdom and the most beautiful and sexy figure. Am 5.7 feet tall, fair skin, 34 c boobs, 24 waist, 34 ass. Everyone envy my husband for owing me including even my son. So ek baar mere pati yane ki raja ko...

2 years ago
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Cops Can Be Naughty TooChapter 7

When I felt how Eva started to wiggle her body in my arms, I knew it was time to let go of her. I didn't want to do it, but we couldn't stay up here for ever, of course. So, when I let her go, she rolled away from me and while still lying on the ground, she looked at me with a interesting smile on her face. "So, how was it for you?" she asked me. I rolled with my eyes and asked her back, "What do you think?" She giggled and answered, "Okay, stupid question!" We looked in each...

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Valentines Gift

Introduction: A present for a special Valentine GIFT FOR VALENTINES DAY It all started a few months ago when we went to the doctors office and my wife met Dr Miller. One look at Dr Miller and you knew she preferred women. She had very short and neatly trimmed blonde hair. She stood about 55 and 110 pounds. She carried herself like a man but had just enough feminism to know she was a woman. The cute Dr made my wife stop and notice, as I soon found out why. My wife asked me when we left if I...

1 year ago
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First Liars

I sat with Jenna on her front lawn. We loved to chat in the evenings especially when it stayed lighter for longer. I'd known Jenna for as long as I could remember. We always lived next door to each other as far as I knew. We were playmates in elementary school and remained friends when we hit puberty and middle school. Jenna and I were both in high school now. We both were sixteen and I was only a month older. She turned sixteen just a week ago. The best thing about our friendship was we...

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A Dance Together

‘I’m so excited! I can’t wait for this night to begin. This dress and seeing everyone, let’s get this night started already.’ Taylor says at the thought of the upcoming formal dinner and dance. What is more exciting is to see Brian once again. ‘Tonight is the night,’ she says as she gets ready to leave. Just before shutting the door to her condo behind her, Taylor takes one last look in the mirror. ‘I hope he likes the dress’, I mutter as I do one last look. The short, form fitting red...

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on the brink

If I'd known how wonderful it felt to kiss another girl, I would have tried it a long time ago. I've always been attracted to other women and have even fantasized about making love to them, but I never thought I would actually do it. I became painfully aware of my girl lust while in college, and that was due mainly to my roommate, Ingrid. I had flirted with and daydreamed about girls in high school, but none of that compared with the all-out lust I felt for Ingrid. It started the minute she...

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BJ Jones the Story of My Life Book 2Chapter 100

We dressed very conservatively – non-descript high end pantsuits, flat black shoes with minor heels, no makeup and hair pulled back into pony tails. Also, we each carried a scarf. I knew the rules for this part of the world - there was no need to make waves. The five OPEC ministers we were to meet were in a group meeting at 0800 dealing with OPEC business. Our meeting with them was at 1100. After arriving we were shown to a large elegant elaborately decorated room to wait. Majestic curved...

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DaddysLilAngel Gia Love Sunday School

Gia Love is trying to mix things up a bit by wearing a scandalous outfit to attend Sunday School. Her stepdad, Marcus London, catches her on her way out the door and calls her on her attire. When Gia protests, Marcus decides to teach her a lesson about what it’s like to be a slut by pushing her to her knees so she can suck his cock in a deep throat blowjob. When Kyle realizes that Gia likes it, he puts her on the couch and urges her to lift her miniskirt so he can slide two fingers into...

4 years ago
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All in family 2

Mu jane engineer. Mo bayasa 28. 5ft 9inch well built slim. Mo banda 6inch. Mu nua baha heithili. 6 masa heba. Mo stree dekhibaku bahut sunder. Lamba slim. Gora pura gol gal. Ta doodha masta gool gool tan. Bhundi light black. Bia upare alpa alpa bala. Bia ta kahi paribini. Dekhile janib. Jangha masta tight. 1st night re banda jama pasila nanhi. Bahut tight thila. Khali banda agaku tike purei genhithili. Dhire dhire pura pasuchi. Daddy momi asithile taku mo pakhare chadibaku. Alpa dina rahi palei...

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The New StartChapter 16 Seth and Rain

Seth still helped Mark with the animal herds and building and repairing the corrals and fences with the help of the robots. He spent a lot of his time on the fishing boat. Most often he went with Mark but when Mark couldn't go he enjoyed the company of anyone who was willing to accompany him. One of the robots went with him at all times and helped. There was still a lot of physical work involved and Seth had the strong muscles to prove it. He also had a deep dark golden tan. Quite often he...

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First Fucking Assignment Of Asha

It was tuesday, asha met director at his cabin. Asha, “Kal kya sach mein clients ke saath meeting hai”. Director, “Koi problem hai kya”. Asha, “Nahi sir….Main aise hi pooch rahi thi”. Director, “Haan hai, par meeting nahi bas get together hai friends ke saath”. Asha, “To kya mujhe bhi aana hai”. Director, “Tum to us get-together ki centre point ho”. Asha, “Sir, mujhe wahan kya karna hai”. Director, “Jiske liye maine tumhe promote kiya hai aur inta increment diya hai”. Asha, “Ok sir, I got it”,...

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Sex Toy part two

Part two   The next few days revealed some startling things about Cindy and maybe even Patty. Cindy seemed to have an almost pathological oral fixation, Patty’s body was soon covered with tiny red suction marks left by Cindy. Patty’s nipples began to get so raw she had to restrict the time Cindy was allowed to suckle. But Patty’s clitoris was Cindy’s main object of sucking desire. Patty had to limit her to three times a day just to be able to stand the orgasms generated by Cindy’s attentions....

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Shannons Boyfriend

Dani had wanted her sister's boyfriend for a long time. She had spent many long nights awake, masturbating to the thought of him, pushing in and out of her, like he did with Shannon. Dani had seen them once. Their grunting had awoken her. She had crept out into the hallway and followed the sounds. Shannon's door was ajar, so Dani peered inside. What she saw was Joe, rutting in to Shannon. Shannon was moaning with pleasure, Joe was grunting with effort. Dani had seen Joe with his shirt off...

2 years ago
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Lust or love Does it really matter

Something a little different. I am not native english speaking, so if there are sentences that read a little weird, it’s because of that. I hope you can enjoy the story despite of this. Feedback is always appreciated. — An instant attraction to romantic interest usually occurs within the first few minutes of meeting. And so it was that they were sitting next to each other on his couch. She wiggled a bit uneasy in her denim skirt, looking at his full lips moving while he talked. Her mind was...

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Timelooper Chapter Two

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = WARNING! All of my writing is intended for adults over the age of 18 ONLY. Stories may contain strong or even extreme sexual content. All people and events depicted are fictional and any resemblance to persons living or dead is purely coincidental. Actions, situations, and responses are fictional ONLY and should not be attempted in real life. All characters involved in sexual activity in this story are over the age of 18. If you are under the age...

3 years ago
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Tease me

Tease me It started out like any other Friday night. You and I were talking on the phone about anything and everything. About an half an hour had passed when I asked for a favor. Would you please entertain me with a story? At first you stalled, but the realization finally hit that I wouldn’t give up so easily. Reluctantly, you thought up a steamy encounter that involved the two of us showering together. To your surprise and utter enjoyment I let out a sigh of longing. The sound caused you to...

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How Diana Overcame Her Shyness Ch 01

CHAPTER ONEDiana loved visiting her Master at his apartment, even though it terrified her. The ritual she was required to perform before she was even allowed to knock on his door was nerve-wracking and humiliating. It was also almost unbearably arousing and never failed to make her pussy soaking wet. Which was the whole point, of course.As always, she was extremely nervous and looked around before beginning her ritual. There were three other apartments on the top floor of this old house, which...

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A Model for CCs Pt3

Chapter 3 Seeing the 'Closed' sign at the door Victor was just about to give Linda a call, terrified that he would have shown up at the wrong address and as a result be too late at what he considered his absolute last chance to get his old life back. He was just dialling when a young pretty redhaired girl showed up at the other side of the glass door. Her hair was pretty much the same colour as Linda's, she wore a similar outfit as well apart from the fact that her skirt was shorter...

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Friggin DogChapter 3

“Jill, I will do whatever you need me to do. What could you possibly need my opinion on?” I replied. “Well the first favor is, I’m going to be here for the next two weeks. Ty and I are going to celebrate our fifth year anniversary in a week-and-half on Friday night. I wanted to ask if we might have the place to ourselves for that day and the rest of the weekend.” “No problem. My girlfriend, Gina, will be back in school, and I’ll go see my parents that weekend. Will it be okay if I take...

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Its the Thought That Counts

It was about a week and a half after our 4th of July cook out. We have a nice big yard in back so we put on quite a spread every year. We always invite the whole neighborhood, even if we don't normally socialize with some of them during the rest of the year. As usual, everyone seemed to enjoy themselves and it was a great event. But that was several days ago now. This was a nice, lazy Sunday afternoon. My wife Cathy, and I had gone out earlier to do some shopping and had lunch at the mall. We...

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MilfBody Rachael Cavalli Her Magic Healing Titties

Rachael Cavalli is the kind of hot MILF who has guys chasing her on the street. That is exactly what happens today when our stud sees her jogging by in her skin tight work out gear. He tries to keep up, but ends up hurting his ankle in the process. Luckily, Rachaels nurturing instincts immediately kick in. She gets down on the ground to help this injured stud get better. Then, they move inside and Rachael rubs her magic titties all over the guys ankle. You never know what will help! One thing...

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moonbeams training the puppy slave

Master wanted me to write a short story that was truly short – 2 pages. Since i have a fascination with being treated as a dog, i married the two, hence this story. I didn’t quite make the length limit, since I tend to be a verbose writer. I hope the readers will understand my passion for the subject, hence its length. When he came home from work early on Friday afternoon, He said, ?I have something special planned for you this evening.? i smiled at Him and said, ?Whatever you wish, Master.?His...

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