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Many thanks to Techsan for editing this story.

Chapter 1

It was a chilly and windy midwinter evening with large snowflakes filling the air, which caused my best friend Alexander - "Lex" among his friends - to drive slowly on that lonely Scandinavian county road. We were on our way to my home in a rented Ford Transit van. Due to the bad weather we were later than planned, but I didn't care because this sad day couldn't be worse than it already was.

All lights in my house were switched off but as expected, a black BMW, covered by several centimeters of newly fallen snow, stood parked on my driveway. Had I not fixed the lock in my garage, the BMW would have been hidden inside there. Lex parked the Ford on the street so the BMW would have a free way out.

Lex asked me, "Are you okay?"

"I'm okay."

Lex kept talking, "So far it seems to be exactly as you feared. Do you still want to go on as you've planned?"

"I do."

I think Lex was a bit unsure about me because he asked, "Okay, I'm with you but stay cool. For heavens sake don't go too far."

"No, I'll only do what I have to do."

We went to the house, I unlocked and opened the front door and we went in. Lex took up his digital camera, I waited while he made it ready, and then he followed me to the master bedroom. No reaction from the room when I slowly opened the door. Then I switched on the light and rushed to the bed, dragged off the comforter and just as expected, we saw two naked people sleeping there. One of them was my common-law wife Anna-Lena and the other was Samuel Albertson, an accountant working with her and usually known by his nickname "Ass-Hole-Albertson".

Anna-Lena began screaming when I dragged Albertson off the bed, hit him hard several times in his belly with my right fist before giving him a hard kick between his legs so he fell to the floor. With a hard kick to his ass I ordered him to rise up from the floor. When he was up, I dragged him to the front door where a new hard kick to his naked ass sent him flying in the snow. Lex took pictures as fast as the flash on the camera allowed him to do.

Back in the bedroom I shouted to Anna-Lena, "The damn asshole out there needs his clothes."

She screamed, "Oh, my God! Did you throw him out naked in a snowstorm?"

"Shut up and don't blame me. I didn't strip him. Get his damn clothes out of my house."

She collected his clothes and left the bedroom. I think she put on a coat and her boots at the hall before she went out to him and a few minutes later we heard him drive away.

When Anna-Lena was back in the house I told her that I didn't wanted any excuses or explanations because the only thing that remained for her to do in this house was to get dressed, pack her belongings and get out. But the only thing she could do for the time being was to sit down in a kitchen chair and cry loudly. After a while she dressed, rang for a taxi and left.

Lex went for the Ford and we took in the cardboard boxes to the house and he and I began to pack Anna-Lena's clothes and other personal belongings in the boxes.

In the morning we loaded the boxes and her new TV into the van and I took it to her parents' house. Nobody opened the entrance door when we rang the bell, so we piled the cardboard boxes and the TV against the house. While looking at the windows both Lex and I was sure we saw somebody watching us behind the curtains.

Anna-Lena's driving license was cancelled for speeding and as I owned her car we let it remain in the garage. Back at the house we changed all locks before we left for the next town, which was Lex's current hometown where he had rented the Ford Transit. After a short stop at his home we went skiing for a week in the mountains where our two friends already were waiting for us in a rented cabin.

I'm Michael Hagen, a 32 years old owner of a small but rather profitable small factory, specializing in making patented high quality steel clips, sold to customers in 14 countries. It was my uncle who invented and built the automatic multi-operation machine, the only one of its kind, which makes them. When he retired, he sold it to me for a fair price. A single mother working half time and I were the only employees.

Once again I had had a crushed relationship. I sent Anna-Lena a text message and suggested we meet to sharing some other things in our home when I got back from my vacation.

Lex, me and the two other friends, whom we joined at our vacation, used to be lucky with horses. We put some money on V75 every week and so far we had gone plus every year. V75 is a very popular and very big weekly horse game. The simple rule is to pick out the winners in seven trotting races. Seven winners in a bet can give anything between 100 and 20,000,000 equal to US$ depending on the number of unexpected high odds winners in the races and far less prizes for bets with for six and five winners.

Of course, to pick out seven winners in seven races would be a genuine mission impossible if it hadn't been for the very low price, equal to 8 US cent a bet. Most people used to pick out a single winner in two of the races and have the other five races covered with several horses in each race. Our gang usually gambled for amounts equal to 200 - 250 in US$ a week, which gave us system with 1500 - 2000 bets.

If I could be regarded as lucky with horses, it was quite opposite with girlfriends. Usually it was easy for me both to get them and get rid of them. Sanne, the girl before Anna-Lena was a real beauty, tall, slim, and naturally blond but unfortunately she fit into the description "stupid blonde".

Many guys in town regarded me as a fool when I dumped her but I found it impossible to be with a woman who never did anything at all at home and spent everything she earned on clothes, hair and make-up equipment. Though I got some money from V75 and took a fair salary from my company, which gave me a good living for an average guy, I was too poor to afford an expensive trophy girl like Sanne, especially after her interest for sex began to be limited to quickies. We parted without quarrel and she almost immediately met a wealthier guy who was happy with a new trophy girlfriend.

I met Anna-Lena, who was quite different and in many ways a dream girl during our first four years together until her company hired Ass-Hole-Albertson as their new accountant.

Albertson is a funny guy in many strange ways. He is the most clever and best-paid tax expert and accountant in this small town. Living a good life with a lovely beautiful wife, two nice small kids and one of the nicest houses in town, he got into serious problems when his wife at last caught him cheating. She kept him sweating for some time before she forgave him after counseling and his promises never to do it again. To keep some pressure on him she demanded and he agreed to give her their expensive house as her private property. Albertson kept his promises and was faithful for almost a year before he was caught again. Now she kicked him out and filed for divorce.

After sharing their stocks, bank accounts and losing the expensive house, Albertson moved in with his mother in her big house. Though he had several discrete affairs while married, now he forgot all scruples. He sold his family car and bought an expensive BMW as a real "extender". In this country we have a national car register with three random chosen characters and three digits on the plates. Albertson's BMW had a plate that began with AHA.

The rumors goes that the first time Albertson came to the Golf Club with his new BMW and began bragging about the car, one of the present members said, "If you're taking that damn 'extender' to Scotland during your next golf trip there, the Scots will be convinced that AHA stands for 'Ass-Hole-Albertson'"

After some laughter, one of the other golfers, who obviously didn't like Albertson said, "It means exactly the same thing here too."

Like we use English words such as 'swing', 'hook', 'green', 'birdie', 'eagle', 'hole in one' and several others in golf, Albertson's new English nickname was accepted without any problem among the golfers.

From that moment many club members began to call him for Ass-Hole-Albertson, probably because he had caused a very sad divorce for a nice couple at the club and his habits of using his wealth and social talents for seducing and fucking other men's wives and girlfriends rather soon got his new nickname spread all over the town.

Albertson didn't like me very much since I had refused to vote for him as chairman in our Marina Club, which had left him yelling at me about paying back with interest.

Obviously he saw his possibilities to get "two flies in one hit" when the old accountant at Anna-Lena's work retired and Albertson was hired to replace him. Probably he would have made his attempts on a lovely woman like Anna-Lena whoever she had been married to. But now he didn't see any disadvantages of both getting even with me and fucking the very nice woman I intended to marry in the future.

As usual, Albertson did a good job when he immediately saw how old and inefficient their accounting system was and persuaded the owners to purchase new modern computer programs and assisted Anna-Lena to get used to them.

Of course they had lunches together now and then and as there were nothing strange with that I hadn't any reason to care about what Anna-Lena did at her work or with whom she had her lunch.

Then she began to show signs of her increasing interest for Albertson. She told me he did so and so, the price of his Rolex, how much he bragged about having won in Monte Carlo compared to the peanuts that I in his opinion got from the horses and much more of his bragging. When she began to dress in different ways those days Albertson would come to her work, I had enough and tried to have a friendly talk with her about his earlier known seductions of married women and the consequences it had caused them and what it would do to her if she went too far in her admiration of Albertson.

Anna-Lena didn't appreciate my kind warnings, not at all. Instead she became angry as a wasp and accused me of being a jealous nerd who saw ghosts in daylight because I probably envied a successful man like Albertson. I really did my best to get Anna-Lena to understand that this Ass-Hole-Albertson most of all wanted to get even with me because in his opinion I had seriously humiliated him at the Marina Club. I told her that he was a notorious pussy hound slowly working for his chance to get into her panties and when he had done that, she would be out of my life and probably even out of Albertson's because his only interest was the seduction, not any relationship with "fucked sluts" as he used to name his used preys.

Nothing happened in that matter before the V75 gang had booked our annual "boys week" at a winter holiday resort in the north. Albertson had been away to see the national hockey team playing a match in our county capital and several drinks later at the hotel bar after the match he had bragged about getting a creep's lovely wife very hot and when the creep went skiing in the mountains, he would spend the nights with that lovely wife.

Though the admirers had promised to keep quiet, one of them had told his wife, who told her sister, who told her fellow worker, who told her husband, who happened to be one of my V75 friends. He knew about Ass-Hole-Albertson's increasing interest in Anna-Lena and told me so we could make our plans to take care of that problem.

My plan had been simple: before going to the vacation I fixed the garage doors so they could not been opened from any side so Albertson had to park his BMW visible on my driveway. On my way to the north I would make a stop at Lex's house for a couple of days if necessary while waiting for information from a friend about a black BMW on my driveway. We had rented a Ford Transit and bought cardboard boxes and been ready to go when we got the expected message.

Lex had taken many pictures during the debacle at my house; some of them were very good. He was even a very skilled "Photoshop" user and couldn't resist the temptation to fix Albertson's penis to a very tiny size in the pictures. I sent Anna-Lena a color picture in A4 size of her and Albertson naked in the bed after I dragged away the comforter. I wrote on the backside, "Hopefully this picture of you and the man in your dreams can replace the wedding picture I never got a chance to get taken and give you."

I have never pretended to be a nice guy and jolly good fellow because it's okay for me to be an average man with some shortcomings and some advantages. A short time after my debacle with Albertson I managed to hear the whispers behind my back that said, "There goes the wimp who got his girlfriend fucked by Ass-Hole-Albertson."

The rumors say that my friends had felt sorry for me, worried for my health and had decided that Albertson needed a real lesson. Obviously they knew that most color printer leaves a small invisible ID on the picture and can be traced so some of them bought a stolen printer during his visit at the capital. Then some of them had written and printed a leaflet with a picture of Albertson naked in the snow with Albertson's Accounting Company's logotype with phone and fax numbers.

Over the picture was a text, "New Extended Service!"

Under the picture they had written:

"As a real Nordic Viking I proudly want to announce that I will be serving your female employees with all kind of male escort service for personal pleasures. References on request."

Of course, while making those leaflets they had never worked without rubber gloves or licked any stamps. When the printing was ready, the USB drive and the printer was to be dumped in one of the old water filled deep mining pits in the forest.

Exactly as the authors had planned he leaflet caused the expected attention and consequences. Albertson went to the police and accused me. His lawyer sued me for libeling Albertson and I sued Albertson for accusing me. Both Anna-Lena and her father rang me; she only cried and he threatened to beat me. Several of my friends and even several of my customers accused me of spreading it. Though I denied all knowledge of that leaflet, even one of my best friends told me I had gone too far in my vendetta with Albertson and cancelled our monthly chess games.

A policeman rang and asked me if I knew anything about the "Albertson leaflet" and I told them the truth that I had got one by mail to my company but I had no female employees who could been interested in his services, so I had thrown it in the waste basket.

The rumors in town said that Albertson had been furious and thrown things at his office when he had got a letter from the police that had said, "Your cause is removed from the cause list because any conclusive evidence of crime is not found."

He complained to the Parliamentary Commissioner for the Judiciary and Civil Administration, who only had replied with a short standard letter that no valid reason for a complaint was found. Once again Albertson had been loudly screaming and swearing about our legal system.

The gossip said that Albertson had sworn to pay back with interest, so I had hired a security company for keep an eye on my properties and one of their night patrols had succeeded in catching a man throwing a stone in a window. That fit me perfectly because the man was one of Albertson's employees.

Then Anna-Lena found out that she was pregnant and decided to keep the baby probably in some kind of hope that I would take her back. I didn't and refused to sign any papers or pay anything at all before a DNA test. When the authorities tried to push me into agreeing to be the father I told them they better ask Albertson, who had intercourse with her after me.

While my vengeance with Albertson went on as planned, I wasn't very successful with women for the time being. At my age of 32, the number of available single women in the right ages was a bit limited in my small Scandinavian town. The main disadvantage in a small town is that everyone knows everybody and their backgrounds. It is not funny to be together with a girl when knowing all about her background and if she's been an easy lay in her younger days.

I did like many others, tried my luck on the web. My first three dates were real fiascos in different ways. The worst one was 38 but had used a photo, which was at least ten years old. One another was married and demanded that her husband be allowed to watch if we had sex next time we met. We didn't do that because there was no next time. The third was very handsome, indeed, a 26 year old redhead but she had too many problems, obviously many of them economic, which she expected me to solve. I didn't.

Then I met Nina. She was great in many ways except one big problem: she had a weird dog, which was the main reason for her boyfriend dumping her. I like dogs and had never had any problem with any dog until I met Nina and her dog. I really did my best to befriend that animal but without any hint of success and as she refused to get rid of it, we gave up our attempts to be a couple and I had to confess that the dog was the winner. When Albertson heard about Nina, her dog and me, he sent her a dog collar and a message saying that it would be useful now when she had two mad dogs.

To my great surprise Albertson's ex-wife Catharine rang me about the Marina Club's annual spring ball and asked me if I had a lady or if I could escort her. A membership in the Marina Club is both more difficult to get and more expensive than a membership in the local golf club. The simple reason is that there are no exact limits for the number of members in a golf club but in the marina club the number of members were limited to the number of spaces for their boats.

During a short meeting Albertson's ex and I agreed to go together to the ball but without any further intentions.

The simple reason why I once had not voted for Albertson as chairman was that before he was elected he had accepted bribes for giving memberships to some of his cohorts though the waiting list for a membership was several years.

Exactly as expected, the ball was a great event with many photos in our local newspaper. One big color photo of Catharine and me outside the ballroom caused much gossip in town. Ass-Hole-Albertson wasn't looking very happy when he found out whom I was escorting.

One sunny day something happened that gave us local single men a great challenge. Erica Peterson, a very beautiful easygoing 28 year old nurse, who had been living in the country capital since she went to the nurse school ten years ago, had gotten a job, met her husband and settled down there.

Her happiness had lasted until the day when she had forgot something at home and went there and found her husband fucking his 22 year old secretary in their marital bed. She divorced him and now she was back in our town again with her two year old son.

Her brother and I had been classmates at the school so I knew him rather well and when Erica and her brother met me at the supermarket's cafeteria we had a pleasant small talk. Erica's brother joked that we two divorcees ought to have a date. I replied that it was a good idea and suggested to Erica that Saturday we take a trip to a big zoo park together with her little boy.

She told me that she was busy elsewhere that weekend but would be happy to go with me the next Saturday. We even decided to meet Wednesday evening to talk about the trip.

I really looked forward to meeting Erica and we met at a café just as we had agreed. Everything was fine until she told me what she had done during the last weekend. She had seen a musical at our capital, had a dinner at one of the best restaurants there and spent the night at Sheraton.

Chapter 2

I asked, "Who was the happy guy?"

She replied, "Samuel Albertson. Is he a friend of yours?"

What could I say? Off all available single men she had choose to date the worst creep, Ass-Hole-Albertson, who had really done his best to impress on her. The musical had been sold out for many months, so the tickets must cost him a fortune on the black market. Though my own date now sounded like a cheap budget alternative compared to his I decided to continue my own race as planned and not care about Albertson, so I replied, "I know him rather well but wouldn't be honest if I called him a friend."

She didn't ask me more about him and I doubted it would be of any advantage for me to say anything negative about him at that moment. Instead we talked about our trip.

Both Erica and her son Elliot were in a good mood on Saturday morning when I did catch them at her parents' house. Erica must have told him about the animals because he talked a lot about them during the drive to the zoo park. During our walk around the park we had a coffee break at a café where we got a table next to a couple with a boy the same age as Elliott and they began to play and had fun together.

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// It’s a rare day when Ashok gets to leave the office early. He is happy that he can now spend more time with his sexy Savita. He calls her and tells her he will pick her up from work and they can go out later. Savita is also happy and wants to finish her work fast. But what about Savita’s boss Mishraji? Will he let her go without his daily dose of sex? Watch this video and find out: Savita Bhabhi: Episode 28 – Business OR/AND Pleasure. Liked the trailer? You can watch the full video...

2 years ago
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Betting On My FamilyChapter 2 A Room With a View

The next two weeks were spent unpacking and getting accustomed to the place. The new house was a large one, but we were also trying to squeeze two households into one. Because of their devotion to fitness, dad and Babs decided to turn one ground-floor bedroom into a training room where dad and I set up our free weights and the girls stored their mats, and steps, and resistance bands, and ankle weights, and all of the other weird shit they apparently required to get not as fit as me. They...

4 years ago
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indian grandma and grand son

i ISS readers, I am Nandu from Kerala I want to share my sex experience with my grandmother Prema. I am living with my grandmother as my parents are abroad she is 60 years old. My grandfather’s name is Kumaaran. He is having Alzheimer’s disease he is always in his bedroom. My grandmother looks after him for 3 years he does not getup from bed coming to the story my grandmother is really a sex bomb she has 36 size boobs and a great well built figure her boobs are in awesome shape like 2 mountains...

2 years ago
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Mother and Daughter ndashMotel Fuck

I’m sitting in a cheap hotel in downtown Detroit; the curtains closed, the room light barely hiding the grubbiness of the room. The noisy air-con is struggling to cool the room at all. A knock at the door barely heard over the air-con, The voice the other side of the door saying, You there Mister, sorry we are late traffic problems. Standing in the doorway was a mum and daughter, The mother late 30’s maybe, dressed in lycra leggings and sweat top hiding potentially nice large tits, not too...

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Sam And The Pornstar Killer

"Oh, God! Yes! Fuck me! Yes! Yes! Yes!" I cried, balancing on my spread knees and bracing firmly against the back of the slippery Naugahyde sofa as the stud standing behind me held me firmly by my butt while he short-stroked my pussy again and again. JT only had a third of his shockingly-long cock in me, and after several long minutes of tantalizingly-great sex, it was making me seriously crazy that he wouldn't give me any more of it. I pushed back against him to try to get him to go...

3 years ago
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Kathys German trip

My mum called around one evening and asked how I fancied a long weekend to Hamburg in Germany. She said we would be going on the Friday and returning on the following Tuesday. I asked who would be going, and she replied that my aunty Pam would be going as she always does, herself, and a friend of Pams called Clair. I said, I would love to go if it was ok with Chas. I shouted him and asked if he minded me going off for a few days to Germany with mum, Pam, and a friend. No, you go, he said,...

1 year ago
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The Gathering Book 1Chapter 21 Nina and Aimee and Alice and Her Egg

Nina lay quietly alongside Alice in the dressing room until Alice came out of her sexual delirium. "Jesus," she murmured, "that was the best!" "It really was," Nina responded almost too quickly, causing Alice to furrow her brow questioningly. "What I mean..." Nina began. "I can't recall blacking out like that," Alice said, interrupting her. "I... better get dressed and reopen the store," Nina said, hoping she hadn't somehow offended this wonderful woman. "Yes, I had...

3 years ago
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Surprise Melody Flintkote Part TwoChapter 57

It was more a groan than a moan. “Oh god.” That would be Her Highness. “This is all your fault.” So would that. “Now ... I didn’t make you,” I said. “No ... but you let me,” She said. “But ... you’re so tiny.” That would be me. “I never thought you would.” “You’re so tiny,” was repeated a lot during the photograph session after the successful endeavor. An ominous belch from the royal. “Over the side, Junior.” I said that... “I don’t want to see it.” And that. “Shit ... too late.”...

3 years ago
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Complex Family Ch 02

Thanks to luvtaread for editing * The tours the next day went rather well and Ashley seemed to impress both schools. It turned out that once you piece together all of the classes from the various schools she had started and not finished it added up to more than enough to graduate. All that was left was for her to do her student teaching and take a few certification exams in the spring. The best part of this was that, provided she finish a few of the papers she had started in other classes,...

3 years ago
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An Unexpected Lucky Incident Chapter 2

Chapter 2 Kat was sleeping right beside me. Her hands were around me and her head was resting on my arms, with her feet coiling around mine. I had made her wear her clothes again as it was still damn cold. Pale moonlight illuminated the room from the window. We were both snuggling in the blanket. I could clearly see her beautiful face and her pink luscious lips. Her lips curved upwards to form a bright smile unlike any other I had ever seen. We knew each other for only some months, but...

3 years ago
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Pagan Princess Chapter Six

Melissia stared at the voluptuous woman standing before her; Fulvia’s body stirred something inside her.“Who are you and what has happened to Ithicus?”Fulvia delighted in Melissia’s obvious discomfort on seeing her. “Worry not about your physician my girl, he is the least of your worries at this time.”“Ah your very demeanour tells me something has happened to him.” Melissia took a step towards Fulvia fists clenched.“Take not a step further Melissia it will not ease the situation you find...

3 years ago
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Girlfriend on Loan Part Four The Dessert

Girlfriend on LoanPart FourThe DessertCumming inside someone else’s girlfriend has that extra little sense of naughtiness that makes it feel that little more dirty so it’s even better than normal and she certainly isn’t complaining, her hot body sprawled out on the bed, I can see her ribcage rise and fall like a pair of bellows as I gently pull by shaft from her hot wet embrace. “Oh no! Stay!" Such a tight fit that I feel it twang as my head pops out from her wet lips like her vagina doesn’t...

3 years ago
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Integration Part 3

Integration, Part 3 My first day at work after realizing I could not hide my breast implants had been better than I could have hoped for. The reactions of my co- workers ranged from a shrug to enthusiastic support, with my friends Anita and Kim taking it upon themselves to bring all of my feminine clothing, makeup and other things out into the open and transform my home into a more feminine (though not frilly) environment. But I faced a bigger challenge: My girlfriend Alli was coming...

2 years ago
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06 HomeChapter 34

Flashback – Jack – On the way to Russia I woke up, looked around and Banzai was gone. Damn him! I bet he was 'taking one for the team' with that cute flight attendant. But I was glad he was gone because I needed to tap a kidney. I unbuckled, headed toward the back of the plane and saw Banzai 'holding court' with a bevy of beautiful flight attendants. I approached and interrupted, "So here you are." Banzai grinned and replied, "Ladies, this is my spotter and best friend Jack. He...

1 year ago
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Doctor Patient Privilege

Doctor Patient privilege Susanna says: - It is, as always, the simple things that are the most beautiful and enjoying. I am sitting writing this story simply dressed in my PJs, my Ugg boots and my false breasts lightly attached, whilst wearing a page boy wig and some coral lipstick. I'm sipping a glass of chilled white wine and eating some fresh blackberries from the garden. I have some chill-out music in the background to relax me, whilst between my pussy lips sits a butt plug,...

2 years ago
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What Kind of Erotic Writer are You

This place is very crowded, and very cutthroat. In order to survive, you can’t even let it be to allow your stories to speak and breathe for themselves. You can’t just pen erotica. You have to become an erotica writer, and be a name on this website yourself. Perhaps that’s confusing in theory, but odds are if I said ‘Melanieatplay’ or ‘Squatting_Eagle’, then hold up my other hand and say ‘mypenname3000’ or ‘White_Walls’ you’d get where I’m coming from. You can easily compare and contrast...

2 years ago
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All Tied Up In Love

Ellie Dor is a very sweet and passionate girl. She loves to look up at the sky, whether it’s during the day or late at night. She loves the sound of thunderstorms with all the thunder and lightning. Laying in bed with nothing to do, Ellie can easily get lost in a good book such as The Cask of Amontillado, The Picture of Dorian Gray and The Count of Monte Christo. She is spiritual, genuine, honest, sensitive, thoughtful, compassionate and understanding. She is also a hopeless romantic,...

3 years ago
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Thunder and LighteningChapter 16

Seating himself in the futon, Jerry shook his head trying to clear it. The previous day his son was officially given into his custody and new support arrangements were made in light of that fact. After the hearing, he had returned home and gotten his son settled on the Futon before returning to work. After work, he had bought a new bed and mattress for his son. The evening had been spent with Henry assembling the bed frame and getting the mattress set up. That morning had started early, as...

3 years ago
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The morning after the night before

The morning after the night before. Peter fucked his daughter Meg faster and faster as he knew he was also getting close to coming. His daughter wrapped her legs tightly around her father and her thighs tightened rigid around him. Susie inserted a finger into Peter's asshole and wiggled it with the result that his ass muscles bunched and he groaned loudly cumming in ecstasy cumming the most he had ever came inside of anyone even his wife Lois. "That's it Daddy come inside me give...

1 year ago
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First time roommates

I'm sitting on the couch when Lexia walks into the room. Now let me first share something about Lexia she has been like a best friend to me since I came here to visit loving heart with no foul intentions, eyes that completely pull you in even when she's not really looking at you. As for her body she's about 5'3 with meat on her and I thick ass that I refer to ass two watermelons side by side. And her tits oh oh my her breasts are a 42 DD and they make your mouth just drool. But I have never...

First Time
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She Got It Hot in Honolulu

They were in Hawaii, on a trip that was part business, part holiday. Em was feeling neglected. She didn’t like that, it wasn’t really her. It was inevitable, however, because the business part of it involved Ambrose and he was only around for a bit of the playtime Em had imagined they would have. That would end soon. Ambrose had only a few more days of talking to people (that’s what he did) before he could relax properly too. Em knew he wanted to relax and that it would be nice when he did,...

1 year ago
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rger im Asylantenheim

Karsten Weber hat eine anstrengende Nacht hinter sich, er liegt in dem kleinen Zimmer, das ihm zugeteilt worden ist und schnarcht, er schläft tief. Wie immer, liegt er nackt auf seinem Bett. Sein schlaffer Schwanz ist immer noch ganz verkrustet von der Nacht, wie so oft hat er keine Zeit und Energie mehr gehabt, sich noch einmal zu waschen. War doch sowieso egal, denn morgen würde er schon irgendwen finden, der ihn saubermachen würde. Im Schlaf umfasst er seine Pimmel, und ganz...

3 years ago
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The Crush

The Crush I can remember the first girl I fell for in college. I was a sophomore. Shewas amazing, she had jet black hair, long and straight, like a waterfall ofblack ink, she was spectacular. Her frame was tall and lean, like a cheerleader,but she was not really into being a spectator. She was more of an athlete.She liked to climb, loved to bike, and played football and tennis on the side.She was, in a word, very well balanced. She was also completely out of my league.Which is why I was...

4 years ago
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Leather Armchair

Julia wrote: Becky, my pussy is so warm and juicy this evening. Don’t you wish you could be here with me? I’d instruct you to make me a cafetiére of hot, strong coffee and bring it to me with a slab of dark chocolate. I’d sit in my brown leather armchair with you kneeling at my feet. Hold on. I’m going upstairs to change. You must stop reading this e-mail for 5 minutes and wait for me. Start timing now, no peeking. Hi. I’m back now. Look at the pictures to see what I’m wearing. Hasn’t the...

2 years ago
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Arlene and JeffChapter 81

Jeff pushed the door of the theater open with his foot and walked in holding three go-cups of coffee in a cluster in front of him. "And what are my two senior wives doing in here at this time of the morning?" he asked in a teasing voice as Laura jumped up to help him with the coffee. "Might have known you would have coffee," Diana said, refusing to verbally answer about the reason they were in the theater, but her blush answered for her, anyway. "Thought you didn't want to see that...

2 years ago
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My daughter Diane

Note : This story is completely fictional!It happened one night when my 16 year old daughter Diane came home from a party drunk off her ass. I?ve always thought she was beautiful as I watched her grow up .I made a peephole in the bathroom so I could watch her. I watched her body form into a sexy woman. When she would shower I would take her panties and smell them while I jerked off dreaming of her pussy. Any way this night she came home very drunk about 1am. My wife and I were in bed I was...

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First Time a Cross Dresser Gets Laid Pt 1

Mark was a shy guy who had always found it difficult chatting up girls. There was always some reason. He didn’t like their hair, or their body, or their look, or their personality, or his family would not approve. His upbringing was very conservative, old fashioned and his stoically minded, overbearing, controlling parents, forced their ideology on him. This had left its mark on him and he was a nervous, timid person. Any idea of an alternative life style was just not something he could do or...

First Time
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Nauti girl

My family owns a house on the river with a couple boat docks in our backyard. In one of these docks is where my family parks their precious 40 foot cabin cruiser. I’m not fond of boating or anything dirty. I am, after all, the definition of a girly girl, from my nick name (Sexy Lexi) to my name brand clothes. However, I do like to lie out on our boat and get a nice, golden tan, and since I am going to be a freshman at a new college this fall and want to look good, that is exactly what I did.

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Roger and Cynthia Naked in SchoolChapter 26

When they got home late Sunday evening, Stuart told them that his reassignment to Lejeune had been finalized and his report date was set for between June 25 and July 8. “You three will be in college in the fall so we won’t need that large of a house,” Sarah said. “Dad’s reporting around July 1 and I’ll be closing our house here in July and moving our effects that last week. Do you know when you can move in at your school?” “Yeah, that’s something we planned to discuss, Mom, Dad. I told you...

2 years ago
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Harry Potter Ron Blackmailed to fuck

Introduction: Ron/Hermione , Ron/Pansy She looked at him from the green satin armchair next to the window. His handsome body was hit by the faintest rays of the moonlight, but she didnt need her eyes to see him through the dark. She knew where his muscles and his bones were, she knew where he liked to be touched when they had sex, she knew what made him moan. Above all she knew what made him come, spilling his hot seed inside of her. What Pansy Parkinson didnt know was how to moan and come...

1 year ago
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The Lonely Salesman Ch 03

Ch 3 – Holidays are for hearts. My alarm went off at 7 AM. I reached up to hit the snooze button and felt her warmth beside me. Connie’s sleepy eyes opened and she half grinned at me. I pushed the snooze and wrapped my arm around her soft shoulder and pulled her tighter to me. Connie sighed and just snuggled in closer to me. Neither of us wanted to get up, both of us wanted the warm comfortable feeling of waking up in your lover’s arms to last forever. A new day was dawning, and with it a...

2 years ago
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LaredoChapter 20

"Good mornin', men. Please be seated. I've called y'all into my office to discuss a new assignment for ya up near El Paso. I trust that neither of you have ever been up there?" Ezra answered for the both of them, "No, Sir, Maj. MacGregor. Sean nor I ain't never been to El Paso." "That's good. That way y'all will see the place with fresh eyes. There's a problem with Comanches movin' in an' trying to drive out the Anglos an' Mexicans what have settled in southeast of El Paso....

3 years ago
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Patti by: Princess Panty Boy Part 1: The Mall I'll start my story when I just turned 18, but I look a lot younger. I was always small and kind of skinny for my age. My mom always kept telling me how cute I was and to get my hair cut. I wouldn't. Saying all the cool guys had long hair, so I let it grow and grow. I was 18 now so no one was going to tell me what to do, I laughed to myself. I have two little brothers and a little sister. I'm the oldest even though my brother who...

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Who Am I Part 1

Authors note: I wasn't really planning on writing more stories after my last one but this idea kept bubbling around in my head. It's not the most original take on a TG story but I do hope you enjoy it! Who am I? I smiled as I straightened his tie and smoothed it down with one hand, making sure it was tucked into his suit jacket. I took a step back and smiled. "You know I'm so lucky to have such a handsome husband," I said, "but you really should know how to put a tie on straight...

1 year ago
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The Wagon Train Night One

I had decided to send some hay and feed plus some human supplies to my mountain cabin. I don't allow motor driven vehicles on my land so it was a four day trip by wagon, although the horseback route was only about a day, but the wagons could not get up there by that route. We had five loads of hay, three loads of horse and mule feed and two loads of supplies for the cabin which had not been used for about twenty years. I also sent along a chuck wagon to carry bedrolls, tents and food for the...

Group Sex
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Mother8217s Lustful Incest Relation With Her Two Sons 8211 Part 3

After I caught mom(Ramya- 32 28 34) having sex on the farm with brother(Kiran) she explained how their relationship started after the divorce with dad and she let me know that she looks at both (Kiran & me) of us equally and wanted to have sex with me as well. I immediately showed my acceptance by hugging mom as I was super horny listening to how everything started between mom and Kiran. Mom asked me whether I wanted to have sex here in the farm or somewhere else and I said that I wanted to...

2 years ago
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Swimming with my stepdaughter Claire and her frien

This spring has been unnaturally warm, so I opened the backyard pool early this year to get ready for spring break. Claire is home from college, and her friend Ana is still living with me while she finishes high school. The two of them are taking advantage of a super sunny day to swim in the pool and sun a little to get a head start on their tans. They've emerged from the pool, wet and cool but warming in the sun, little goose pimples all over their arms and breasts and thighs amplified by the...

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