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I always considered myself to be just an ordinary guy. Like everyone else, my life had its ups and downs. Maybe I had more downs than most, but that's the way it goes. The best part of my life seemed to be the earliest. I was born David Alexander Duncan, in nineteen seventy-nine. My parents owned and ran one of the two drugstores in our small town, and we were comfortable enough.

I had the usual childhood, and was an average boy. In fact, I was too average. I had average friends, made average grades, and didn't stand out in any way. Being average isn't anything to brag about.

I didn't get into any university, and settled for attending the local community college. That was where I found my niche. Purely by accident, I discovered I had a talent for writing software. Web design, in particular, fascinated me. I actually began to apply myself to my studies, something that was entirely new to me.

I'll never forget the day I made the dean's list for the first time. It should have been an occasion celebrated with my parents, but fate took a different turn. I rushed to the store with the report, only to find it sealed off behind crime scene tape.

Things were a blur for a while after that. A policeman, who looked not much older than I was, gave me the gory details. Some drugged up thug decided he needed more medication, and didn't feel the need to acquire a prescription. He didn't leave, however. Unfortunately, neither did my folks.

The security cameras dad had installed just the year before, told the story. It looked like mom reached under the counter. The robber probably thought it was to hit the alarm button. He was right, but he still shot mom. Dad, hearing the shot, grabbed the .38 he kept in the pharmacy and ran to the front of the store. In the exchange of gunfire, both my dad and the junkie were fatally wounded.

I didn't have any family to lean on. I was an only child of two only children. My grandparents were all gone, too. Somehow, I made it through the funeral. Afterwards, the first thing I did was to sell the store, and the house. I just couldn't deal with the memories.

The only thing I kept was the hundred and fifty acres we had in the country. It would have been unthinkable to sell that, since it had been in the family for generations. All the time I spent there, had been good. It was where I learned to hunt, fish, and just plain relax. I couldn't live there, though. I closed up the house, and rented an apartment.

Most of the cash I received went into stocks. Purely on a whim, I chose internet companies I believed showed a lot of promise. I had no Idea how much money I would make, and frankly, I didn't give a shit.

Knowing my parents would have wanted me to stay in school, I did. I even graduated third in my class, and went on to get my bachelor's degree and webmaster ticket. I also made a big mistake.

I guess the loneliness finally caught up to me, and I got married. It took about a week before I discovered how big a mistake that was. Before long, I was glad the job I landed after graduation required extensive travel. Every second I spent at home was an ordeal. Because Cindy was such a bitch, I never mentioned any of my investments.

The arguing was constant, and started during the honeymoon. The first issue was guns. I had never made a secret of the fact that I owned, and used them. I even let her in on a secret that no one else knew. I had a carry permit, and was never without at least one weapon. I was a lot like my father, and refused to be an easy target.

When I informed her that the guns were there before she was, and would stay regardless of whether she did, things went downhill fast. It seemed like the whole courtship had been an act on her part. She wanted to change me, and I was not receptive.

Children were an issue, too. While we were dating, she adored them. Now, she refused to have any. I quickly discovered that we had absolutely nothing in common, and I was miserable. I began sleeping in a separate room when I was home, and avoided her as much as possible.

I even took precautions with my computer, and password protected everything I could. I think it was the mail that tipped her off. Whatever it was, she found out about the investments. By this time, the one point five million in insurance money had turned into more than ten. She did some investigating, and found out some disturbing facts. Chiefly among them, was that she couldn't get her hands on it if we divorced. There was only one solution, in her mind.

Cindy wasn't quite as intelligent as she thought, however. The 'hit man' she hired was an undercover cop. The divorce went smoothly, and she got fifteen to twenty in the state pen.

During the trial she tried to say that I was a gun fanatic, and she feared for her life. The jury didn't buy it, but my employer turned out to be almost as anti-gun as she was. They gave me an ultimatum. If I carried a weapon while working, I would be terminated. My response was to resign, and they were happy with that. That is, until all of my accounts went with me.

I opened the old house in the country, and fixed it up. The T-1 line served me quite well, and I worked from there. I don't know if most people would call it work, though. The maintenance and updates took about twelve hours a week.

I began restoring cars, just to stay busy. Having sworn off women, I had plenty of free time, and built a range to practice on. There were a few glitches along the way. One of them was the electric company. They felt that I lived too far off the beaten path for them to read a meter, and started estimating the usage. Naturally, the estimate was three times what I was actually consuming.

I tried to be rational, but they wouldn't budge. I think they regretted that later. In less than a month, they were buying my excess electricity. I covered the entire roof with solar panels. With just me, I had a lot left over. As a kicker, by law they had to read the meter every month. They were not happy. I was, and that's all that mattered to me.

My only companions were of the four-legged variety. Devil and Angel were Siberian Huskies, and great dogs. Most of the time, I didn't miss people at all. I had to rig up a feeder for them, though. My work still required some travel to meet with clients. There was a spring, so I didn't need to mess with a watering system. They could probably feed themselves, too. Game was abundant on my place, and they got pretty good at catching rabbits.

My trips provided some interaction with others, and I even invested in some 'short term companionship' during these excursions. I still got horny, I just didn't want complications. I kept those instances as far from home as I could, though. I only went to town for shopping, and that only happened twice a month.

You can only stumble through life 'fat, dumb, and happy' for so long, I guess. Reality bit me in the ass one fine spring day. I needed some groceries and a new pair of coveralls, so I decided that a trip to town was called for.

I dressed as usual, complete with the Smith and Wesson model thirteen. I wore that in a shoulder holster. I had a smaller thirty-eight in my right front pocket. With a T-shirt under the holster, and a denim button up over it, nothing showed. I decided to hit the mall first.

'Situational awareness' is something most concealed weapons carriers practice daily. I was no exception to this, and paid attention to things around me that seemed out of place. As I entered the mall, one of those things rang an alarm bell.

It was seventy-five degrees today, and the guy who entered ahead of me was wearing a long coat. It wasn't heavy, but it was way too warm for the weather. I might be a semi-recluse, but I kept up with the news. I figured the best place to be was behind this individual, at least until I was satisfied he just dressed funny.

I wish that had been the case, but it wasn't. He seemed to be walking with a destination in mind, so I almost relaxed. It was at that point he pulled a pistol from under his coat, and started to point it at a group of people. I reacted immediately. I had trained myself for just such a scenario, and my response was automatic.

Because there were people in front of him, I went to one knee as I drew. The last thing I needed was for my shot to either miss, or go through him. The thought of accidentally hitting an innocent was abhorrent. That was also why I chose a head shot. It wasn't the best target, but the angle assured that if I missed, the only victim would be a ceiling tile. I didn't miss, but before I could appreciate that fact, something struck me in the back.

I knew I'd been shot. I guess my vaunted "situational awareness' needed some serious work. I fell on my right shoulder, and saw another guy dressed much like the first one. He was lining up on me again, so I took the only shot I had. I wanted to put him down as fast as I could. With this angle, that was a shot to the pelvic area. My first one was low, but the second one was better. I was still too slow to keep him from getting one more round off. The lights went out pretty quick after that. I figured I was dying, but didn't care all that much. I worried about my dogs, though.

I woke up staring at a blindingly white tile ceiling. If that hadn't tipped me off, the rails on the bed sure did. All the beeping and shit was probably what woke me up. There were tubes everywhere, and machines galore. It couldn't have been more than fifteen seconds after my eyes opened, before a nurse was there.

I couldn't say hello, though. There was a damn hose in my throat, too. I'm sure she realized the reason for my silence, as she explained.

"Mr. Duncan, I'm glad you're back with us. You had us quite worried for a while, but you're going to be fine. You're in I.C.U., and fresh out of surgery. Pretty soon, we'll move you to C.C.U., and the doctor will tell you more, OK?

She had been busy during the monologue, doing the normal checks of blood pressure, temperature, and stuff. I managed a nod, and even that hurt a bit. It was a couple of hours before I was moved, but I didn't mind. I slept through most of it. I guess I was still drugged up pretty good.

I was coherent enough when the doctor came in, but I didn't think it was the doctor. I first thought they had some damn nice looking nurses, until the pretty little redhead started talking.

"Hi", she began, "I'm Dr. Randolph, and I'm the one who operated on you. I'm sure you're curious as to how screwed up you are, so I thought I'd drop by and give you the poop."

I would have smiled, if I had been able. I liked this lady already.

"You were shot three times with a nine millimeter", she continued. "One was a complete through-and-through. Thankfully, it missed everything but your left lung. Another one was little more than a graze on your left side. The third one caused the most damage. It broke your humerus. That's in the upper arm, by the way, and severed your brachial artery. You lost a large amount of blood before they got to you. If it hadn't have been for one of the women nearby, you would've probably died. She applied a tourniquet in time to save you."

She paused for a moment, and I was worried what else she was holding back. I guess she saw the look on by face, because she smiled.

"You're going to be fine, Mr. Duncan. In fact, I bet you get out of here in under a week. I'm sorry if I caused you any worry, I was just woolgathering. I want to tell you that I'm very glad you were there yesterday. You've got an extra large pair of brass ones, sir. A lot of people could have died, if you hadn't stepped in when you did. Everyone here at the hospital wanted me to thank you. If there is anything you need, you'll get it. We're going to take the breathing tube out, and move you to a private room. I'll be by to see you after you get settled in, OK?"

I nodded my thanks, and she left with a grin. Damn, she was cute! I dozed off again, and only woke when they removed the garden hose. The chipped ice helped, but I couldn't talk much. An hour later, I was in my room.

I had a visitor waiting for me. I had expected the police to show up, but not this soon. He looked kind of familiar, and I hoped he wasn't here to tell me I was under arrest. He must have seen me study him.

"Looks like you might remember me a little, Dave", he said. "We met a few years ago, under some difficult circumstances. It seems to have happened again."

I remembered, now. He was the cop who tried to comfort me when my parents were killed. He was going a little gray around the edges, and was wearing sergeant's insignia, but it was him.

"Yeah", I croaked. "Sucks, doesn't it? Can you tell me what happened, and are you here to read me my rights?"

"That's rich", he laughed. "Dude, if we arrested you, there'd be a riot. You'll be lucky to get out of this without the mayor pinning a badge on your ass! I know you don't have a clue what those two had in mind, so let me fill you in."

"Their plan was to have the first one open up on the crowd. The second one was supposed to hide. When swat showed up, they planned to start killing cops. Both of them had an AR-15, and our body armor isn't the best in the world. It might have worked. By the way, how did you know they were wearing armor?"

"What?", I managed, "They were? I didn't know that!"

He looked puzzled. "Then why the shot placement? I figured that's why you shot them where you did."

"Pure, dumb, luck", I admitted. I didn't want to risk hitting anybody else on the first one, and on the second, I didn't have any choice. What happened to them, by the way."

"Both D.O.A.", he sad with a smile. "Society owes you a debt of gratitude for adding a little chlorine to the gene pool. I'm kind of curious as to why, though. I mean, what made you get involved? You could've just walked the other way, and nobody would have known."

"Sorry", I explained, "that's not the way my folks raised me. I wouldn't have been able to look at myself in the mirror, if I had run. Is that a problem?"

"Oh, hell no!", he was quick to reply, "don't go getting the idea you're in trouble or anything. Shit, when word got out that the hospital was low on blood, every cop in the precinct who wasn't on duty lined up to donate. That was before we searched their houses and found out what they had planned."

"Then why are you here?", I asked. "I mean, I appreciate the visit, but what's up?"

"Precautions", he sighed. "The chief wants to make real sure they didn't have any friends. Until that's settled, we'll have a man on the door. I don't think there's a problem, but we're not taking any chances, you know?"

My reply was interrupted by the entrance of the doctor. She gave the sergeant a dirty look, but I spoke up before she could say anything.

"Doctor Randolph, I'd like you to meet my old friend, sergeant Grayson. Sergeant, this is the beautiful and talented Doctor Randolph. She was kind enough to work on my gnarly old body, and piece it back together."

The sergeant chuckled at her blush, and said "Pleased to meet you, Doctor. I'll leave you two alone, now", and slipped out the door.

"I see you have your voice back", she huffed. "I think we have you on too many pain killers, but thanks just the same."

"Hey, doc!", I'm serious here. I don't feel all that bad, so you obviously know your stuff. I'm kind of curious how somebody as young and pretty as you can be so good at what they do, though. Were you one of those child prodigies or something?"

"You know", she retorted, "if you hadn't included the talented part, I'd be pissed. I get hit on all the time, and it gets old. I'll have you know that I'm the same damn age you are, mister. Not only that, but I went to school with you! You don't even remember me, do you?"

"I find it hard to believe, but no", I admitted. "I generally walked around with my head up my ass, though. I wasn't exactly the most attentive pupil in the school. Besides, I doubt you were in any of my classes. I was in the 'dumb track'."

"Oh yeah?", she growled, "what about homeroom and study hall? I had both with you junior and senior years. You don't get off that easy!"

I studied her for a second, and then it dawned on me. "Tammy? ... Tammy Fitzgerald? ... Whoa! Yeah, now I remember. You're the cute red haired girl that I was afraid to ask out. I felt like frickin' Charlie Brown. Your husband is a very lucky man."

That admission seemed to take her by surprise. She sat down as if stunned, and said "What? ... ME? ... But, why? NOBODY ever asked me out! Hell, I didn't even grow breasts until my sophomore year in college! What would make you too scared to talk to me?"

"Brains", I admitted. "You were so damned smart, and I was an imbecile. I had a thing for brains, and I still do. Girls like that weren't interested in a loser like me, especially pretty ones. You were way out of my league, and I knew it. Looks like I was right, too! Look at you now! Is your husband a doctor, too?"

"I don't have a husband", she mumbled before looking at me. "I mean, I used to, but he couldn't deal with residency. He left me a year into it, and I haven't heard from him since."

"I guess you do like idiots then", I quipped. "Because he surely qualifies. Only a moron would leave someone like you."

She brushed that off with "Yeah, right!", and asked "What about you? Why hasn't your wife and family been in to see you? Are they out of town?"

I filled her in, and she apologized for asking. "Don't worry about it", I told her. "It's all water under the bridge. I don't know if it's proper, but I wonder if you would consider going to dinner with me sometime? After I get out of here, I mean. Whenever that is."

"I think I'd like that", she said with a smile. "We'll talk about it after I release you, though. I can't get involved with a patient. Ethics, you know?"

"I'm looking forward to it", I assured her. "When can I escape, by the way? I've got a couple of dogs that are going to be getting hungry pretty soon, and there's no one else to take care of them."

Maybe your policeman friend could take care of it", she suggested. "If not, I'll do it, if you want me to."

"Sorry doc", I chuckled (damn, that hurt!). "That's not a good idea. They're friendly to strangers if I'm around, but mighty protective of the place if I'm not there. They're likely to make 'kibbles and bits' of anybody they don't know. I'm sure they'll be OK for a day or two, but I don't know about any longer. They can hunt for themselves, but I'd rather not leave them alone for any longer. They know when I'm going to be away for a while, and didn't expect me to be gone long this time. They'll be worried about me."

It was absolutely true, too. When they saw me pack, it wasn't a problem. They knew I'd be away for a week or so. I didn't have a suitcase when I left, so they were probably wondering where the hell I was.

"I'm sorry, Dave", she sighed, "but you're not going anywhere for at least a few days. The chest tube won't come out for two days yet, and then we have to keep monitoring you until we're sure there's no infection. It would be too dangerous to let you go any sooner."

"I was afraid of that", I admitted. "Could you ask the sarge to come back in?"

I outlined the problem to him, and he had a solution. It was simple, really. He would drive up to the house, and toss a fifty pound bag of dog food out the window. It might not be elegant, but it was almost foolproof. He might not even get bit.

I asked him about my weapon, and got the answer I expected. My model 13 was being held as evidence. So was the 442 hammerless I had carried in my pocket, along with the Spyderco Delica folder. He promised to let me know when I could pick them up, and didn't think it would be long. I wasn't being charged with a crime, and the investigation was almost complete.

I took the opportunity to ask him something that had been bugging me since the shit hit the fan. Why didn't I see the other guy?

I found out that at least it wasn't because I hadn't seen him. They had entered by two different doors, to keep from standing out as much. It made me feel a little better, anyway.

After he left, Tammy informed me that there had been several attempts to visit me, but they had been turned away. None of them were family. Most were people who had been at the mall, but others were reporters. I was glad they hadn't been let in to see me. I don't know what I would have to say to people that had witnessed the shooting, and I definitely didn't want my story in the paper.

It showed up anyway, of course. It was also the lead story on the television news. I turned the channel to a cable news network, only to see it again. I ended up watching the history channel. That didn't bother me, since I watched it all the time anyway. It was disturbing to have my name on the national news, though.

I tried to contemplate the reason I had hit on my doctor. I hadn't asked a woman out since college, so why now? I think the truth was in what I had told her. I really did have a crush on her in high school. I was serious about the rest of it, too. I had thought she was a living doll, but way out of my league. I could've kicked myself for not asking her out back then! She sure had turned out well.

Eventually, the pain got to me. I used the morphine pump, and was asleep before I knew what hit me. I woke up in time for dinner, such as it was. I would be on a liquid diet for a day or so, and it wasn't much. I drank it, though. I was starved. I almost used the pump again afterwards. Not from pain, but out of sheer boredom.

I was happy when sergeant Grayson dropped in for a visit. After informing me that his name was Phil, he told me about his trip to the cabin.

"I barely got out of there alive!", he chortled. "Those dogs of yours are something else, I tell you! I couldn't get the bag out of the window, because I couldn't open it far enough. Hell, I had to call for backup! I had a buddy take the wheel, and we did a 'drive by feeding'. I tossed it out while we were moving, so they couldn't get in. You don't have much trouble with burglars, do you?"

I admitted that there hadn't been a problem for quite a while, but I thought it was because I was so far from the road. I doubt more than three people even knew the place was there.

"There will be more, now", he warned me. "Reporters are like that. They smell a story, and they won't let up until they get it."

"What can I do about it?", I asked. "I don't want to be bothered with those people. Can't you make them leave me alone?"

"'Fraid not, Dave", he admitted. "Unless they break a law, we can't hassle them. We can keep them off of your land, since it's posted, but you're fair game, in town."

"What can I do?"

"Talk to them. Pick one, and do an interview. One's enough, and should satisfy them."

"But I don't want to!", I complained. "Surely they'll get the hint, after a while?"

"I'm sure they would", he said, "but is that the best way to handle it?"

"What do you mean?"

"Think about it. You have a real chance here to make a point. You know how many folks out there are dying to paint all concealed weapons carriers as some kind of gun nut who's just dying to shoot people. Let them see you for what you are, instead of letting them use their imagination."

Maybe he was right. Hell, he probably was. That didn't mean I had to like it, though. I asked him for a name, and sent him for Tammy. She didn't like the idea any better than I did, but admitted that she thought it wouldn't endanger my condition any. I had her set it up for me.

They didn't waste any time, and were there the next afternoon. Phil had made a wise and informed decision in his suggestion of the local news reporter. Tom Kendall had always impressed me as being fair, for a reporter. I hadn't known he carried, as well. That particular item never came up, of course.

I made sure everyone knew the story was an exclusive, and that I would speak to no other news source. The interview went very well, I thought. Afterwards, I wished I had kept my mouth shut. That night, I was national news again.

Every outlet seemed to show the interview, and they all talked to witnesses who had been at the scene. They made me sound like a cross between Rambo and James Bond, or something. The only part of the whole thing that was satisfying to me came from them, though. The honest gratitude made getting shot a little less painful.

As soon as the news ended, I was treated to a sponge bath. I thought using the bedpan to take a dump was bad, but this was even more embarrassing. They really should use ugly nurses for this, but I think they enjoyed torturing people. If it hadn't been for the catheter, the cute brunette nurse would have caused quite a reaction. Nothing could persuade Willy to get rambunctious with a tube rammed down his gullet, though.

The next day, I had the chest tube removed. As an added treat, Willy was freed! I had to have an escort, but I could now take care of the necessities in the proper manner. That was even better than having the breathing tube removed.

As soon as Tammy told me I could get out of bed, I did. I wasn't too weak, since I hadn't been laid up that long. Walking felt great, once I got my balance back. I did it as often as I could, but refused to go into the hall with my ass hanging out.

Thinking about that brought another problem to mind. How in the hell was I going to get home? Not only did I seem to be without any clothes, but transportation, as well. Phil had offered to bring my car from the police lot, where they were kind enough to store it for free, but that wouldn't work so well. It was a nineteen sixty-nine Mustang Mach I, and a four speed. I couldn't drive it with my arm in a cast. I had just finished restoring it, and drove it to the mall as a road test. I was stranded.

I related my dilemma to Tammy, and she came through in a big way. She volunteered to buy some clothes for me, but that wasn't all. She insisted on driving me home. The only stipulation was that we used the Mustang, and she got to drive. Now I knew I was in trouble. She was a car nut!

Freedom was sweet, and so was being fully clothed. I had to ride to the car in a chair, but that was normal. The ride home was anything but. The 'Stang had a 428 Cobra Jet in it, and it would scream. Once Tammy hit the highway, she decided to see how loud it could yell. I just held on for dear life. I thought I drove fast!

I was worried about Devil and Angel, but they took an instant liking to Tammy. They seemed to bask in her praise when she remarked how gentle they were with me.

"It's like they know that you're hurt!", she had said. "Those are some really smart doggies!"

They lapped it up, and followed us inside. The first thing I did, was head for the kitchen. I wanted some real coffee, and needed to get something out of the freezer for dinner. Most of the stuff in the fridge was borderline, so the dogs were going to get an extra treat that night. By the time the coffee was done, so was I.

Tammy and I talked until my stomach interrupted the conversation. I took that as my clue to start dinner, and asked her if she would stay. She accepted, but only if I would "Keep my ass in the chair and let her do it". So, we kept talking, and I told her where things were. I found out that she could not only cook, but knew what to do with venison.

"I'm just a country girl", she told me. "I used to go hunting and fishing with my dad all the time. If it's edible, I've cooked it."

I ate more than I should have, but less than I wanted. My stomach had shrunk a bit in the hospital, I suppose. Tammy wouldn't even let me help clean up, afterwards. I did manage to get her to sit down after she finished. We talked a bit more, and as the sun went down, I asked if she needed to leave yet. I had a couple of vehicles with automatic transmissions that I could drive.

She looked a bit embarrassed, and said "Dave, I have a confession to make. You really shouldn't be out of the hospital, yet. I only agreed because I knew you wanted to come home so badly. I wonder if you would mind if I stayed here for a couple of days, just to be sure you're alright? I can sleep on the sofa, if you agree. It would make me feel a lot better about things."

"Tammy", I replied, "I haven't said this for a very long time, but for once in my life, I'd appreciate the company. Forget the sofa, though. There are four bedrooms in this place, after all. What about clothes, and work?"

She actually blushed when she said "I took a weeks vacation, and snuck a suitcase into the trunk before you came down. I don't want you to get the wrong impression, though. I fully intend to sleep in a different room than you, and am not doing this for any other reason than my concern for your health, understood?"

"Damn!", I said with a chuckle, "Just my luck. I get a beautiful woman to move in, and she turns out to be the motherly type. Don't worry, I promise to be a gentleman. By the way, I'm assuming that you released me from the hospital. Does that mean I get my answer about dinner?"

"After you're better", she said coyly, "we'll see. I'll go get my things, now."

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The New Doctor Part 1

I just graduated from Johns Hopkins Medical School with honors and was doing myresidency at Farmingdale Medical Center in Farmingdale, Long Island. Thehospital was relatively close to my house and had a solid residency programthat seemed to have a lot to offer for a k** just out of medical school. Yeah,I passed my boards with flying colors, had a girlfriend for a while but shegraduated a year ahead of me and met a Lawyer at Boston General Hospital. I gotover the fact that she was getting it on...

2 years ago
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Kathy welcome my sister into our fun

Wife continues to submit joined by s*sAfter Kathy got started she could not turn it off. One cock was not going to be enough for a weekend so most Friday’s we had one to three guys spending the night and Kathy fucking and sucking all of us. This also was the giant step into Kathy becoming submissive.The first few months turned into a couple of years and along the way we agreed, and I do mean we, that Kathy would do what she was told during play times and even during the average work day. I...

3 years ago
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I told her you know, like a peeping Tom, or somebody I don't know who's sneaking a look at me while I'm touching myself. "And you get off on that?" still sounding confused. "Well, yeah. You have things that turn you on. Right?" "Yeah. Okay." Still unconvinced. Where do sexual fantasies come from? A lot of places I'm sure, and as far as I'm concerned I don't care where the fuck they come from. They're just my fantasies. Tori thinks too much. But that's just my...

1 year ago
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The Goddess of Passion

Note : This story is completely fictional! Jenna, at eighteen, had started her freshman year at Idaho State in the fall on full academic and athletic scholarships. Dell was extremely proud of her. In high school she had been an exemplary student, a cheerleader for the football team and a striker on the soccer team. At Idaho State she went right into both these same activities, devoting the rest of her time to her studies. She planned to become a medical doctor, specializing in sports injuries....

1 year ago
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You Dont Want To Do What I Wanna Do

Faleshia had her eye on Alex for sometime. But he was always in relationships, relationships with people she knew. Constantly making his rounds with the girls all aroud her, except her. Each day that went by and he would visit, her interest in him flourished. Faleshia was a 21 year old virgin. She wanted nothing more than to give herself to some suave man. Alex filled this description. He had dark hair and dark eyes. His lips were full and looked very kissable. Faleshia herself was a catch. She...

First Time
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Toman of the CherokeeChapter 8

“WHAT?!!! I thought it was a trick!” I said as the apparition of my mother stared at me... “I’m sorry Toman in almost all cases it is true that ghosts cannot exist on this plain. In certain cases when a death is so horrific and quick the essence of a person can latch on to another. In this case it was father. I thank you father for holding us as long as you have. I know it has taken a supreme effort on your part.” “We?” I almost shouted. “What in the hell do you mean we?” Even as I watched...

1 year ago
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BJJones the Story of My LifeChapter 515

Friday afternoon we had a long meeting. There were progress reports on everything that had happened in the last few weeks. Vicky and Jake were pleased with the construction progress at the dorm for the security team at South Korea. If they were satisfied, then I was too. The State Department and the CIA had approved the list of new hires that were going there. All of them were to be here in two weeks for training. The first week would be used for administrative training and mandatory State...

1 year ago
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The Replacement Chapter Four

I followed "Mum" still hyper-aware of the video I'd recorded, and easily I'd been accepted as just another girl. Was I really going to have to endure an entire birthday party as a girl? What would that entail? I absent-mindedly started peeling my nail polish as I entered the kitchen. I wasn't sure I liked what I smelled."Stop picking those nails or I'll have to repaint them for you." my new mother snapped at me. She pressed the *1* button on the control, enough for a short...

2 years ago
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1 Clan Amir A Fighting HeritageChapter 03

During the day of Tuesday the 21st of December Claymore soldiers enter Berana in small numbers to meet at prearranged points so they can prepare for the task ahead. Because of the need to keep secrecy as long as possible the plan is to take out all of the auxiliary positions first. Thus, overwhelming forces are assigned to each target. The whole of the Royal Army is used to ensure a quick capture of all of the civilian and small military targets in the city. At 12:30 a.m. on Wednesday the...

3 years ago
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CommunityChapter 26

Tina's turn: Alan's at the office. I'm at home. It would almost sound like I was the little wifey staying home with the kid, except that right now the kid in question is talking to me about computer programming. What makes it worse is I'm answering her questions and in the back of my mind I'm thinking I need to send this eight year old down the sidewalk to talk to a fifteen year old who is leading the pack in computer skills. Or a fourteen year old who's just about that far ahead and...

2 years ago
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White Tigers Summer of FunChapter 10 Another Week of Fun

I had two weeks left of the School Summer Holidays. Most of the few friends I had at home were away. So I was looking for something else to occupy my time. There was a baseball camp going on at the state college campus, which seemed ideal to my needs. Mom and Dad were agreeable to my request to join. I think Mom was the most happy about it since it got me out of the house for another week. The course was on all portions of the game, so I could get help in learning more in everything I did...

1 year ago
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Demon GateChapter 7 Proposition

Higa emerged from the woods at the edge of the campsite, a freshly killed doe hanging limply across her broad shoulder. She set the carcass down beside the tanning rack, then planted her massive cudgel in the ground, leaning on it as she wiped the sweat from her brow. “That’s three today,” she announced, looking over to where Satou was preparing a stew beside the fire pit. “I swear, they’re so loud and careless when they’re horny.” “Just like you,” Satou replied. She marched over to him and...

2 years ago
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Derrick and Tanika come to party

Introduction: This is a follow up to 4 MILFs share a hung black boy. This is a follow up to 4 MILFs share a hung black boy. You may want to read it first. After dinner Joyce and Don sat in the living room. Joyce was watching TV and Don was reading the days newspaper. Joyce turned off the TV and said, Don. Don put down the paper and looked at his wife. Joyce started a conversation that, at about the same time, was also taking place was taking place in the homes of Donna, Sue and Paula. Have you...

1 year ago
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Alberts FantasiesChapter 12

While Albert was enjoying Ana in apartment 1015, Will and Jason had taken the drugged teen to apartment 1006. There they fucked Paula’s hot tight pussy again. Still high on the drugs, she just laid there softly moaning as they fucked her hot young pussy again. Afterwards, she was left lying there nude, locked in the secure apartment to recover from her drug induced state. Ana was forced to sleep with Albert. The next day Albert decided it was time for his stepmother to perform oral sex. The...

4 years ago
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Adam Knight AbbyChapter 3 Shawna

The neighborhood where Ms. Crystal's was located was one of the ritzier communities in Rexville. It was filled with mansions, BMW's and sports cars of all kinds. Lots of walled-in houses. All with automatic gates and guys working security. Ms. Crystal's house was behind an eight-foot high brick wall with an iron gate that was controlled from the inside. There were rumors that Ms. Crystal had a pack of Dobermans that she let wander the grounds when the place was closed but I had never heard...

2 years ago
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WetChapter 4

Thursday morning we slept in, had breakfast in bed - after a long slow morning fuck - and after highly overdue showers, we got dressed, packed and checked out of the hotel. We left our luggage there as our flight home was not until the evening. I introduced Melissa to that Booklover's Temple called Hatchard's. Just as we had left it and were walking up Piccadilly hand in hand, my phone rang. It was Lydia. "Daaad!" she said in that voice that means she wants something. "You're in London,...

3 years ago
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Leather Passion Revelation

I had a dream where Jess was kissing my cock & sucking it. Then I pulled up her underwear in her 5ft nothing frame & she disappeared. I couldn’t have any of it.What I imagined from that was being in a club with her on a night out with friends & seeing her body on the dance floor. I pictured her in long black leather gloves in a longish dress & leather thigh boots up to her ass but you wouldn’t have known from the dress. They were at least knee high. Sure enough we complimented...

2 years ago
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Hubby8217s Desire Fulfilled

Hi guys this is over 2nd story here. Our first story was “how swap has changed our life”. I hope you enjoy this and let me know me if you do. After having swap with that couple we decided not make any further moves of swapping as my wife was not comfortable to see me having sex with other women. I too didn’t force her for this. As the time passed and after having some discussions we came to conclusion that we can have a threesome MFM as she does not have any problem having sex with other man...

4 years ago
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Becoming a girl in Las VegasII

First a quick recap from Part 1. [Michael encounters a hot woman in a hotel bar. The woman is a dominating one who humiliates Michael, dresses him up, makes him pretty, then cuffs him and the two make love. In the middle of the night she quietly slips a chastity device on his penis.] I awoke to the jingle of my own handcuffs. I saw that my head was still on Jessica's bosom. My hands were still cuffed together but were not chained to the bed anymore, and I was still wearing that soft,...

2 years ago
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Rosie wanted another lesson

Just last night whilst driving home I saw Rosie walking through the estate.Only last Friday I had reluctantly (not) offered my cock to Rosie to use so that my wife could teach her the art of oral sex. Rosie had a new boyfriend and did not want to appear like an amateur and wanted to give him 100% pleasure.Anyway I pulled the car over and rolled the window down and called out to Rosie.Rosie came running over and asked if my wife had passed her message on."What message would that be?" I...

Oral Sex
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Kathy CarlsonChapter 19

At this point Ken Carlson asked Jerry if he could have the microphone for a few moments. The bandleader was startled but immediately complied. Having watched Jerry, Ken knew where to hold it so he started right in. "Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. First, on behalf of my wife, Kathy, and myself, I want to thank you all for this warm tribute. I would also like to make a few remarks on the evening of one of the most remarkable days of our lives. "First, I would like to comment on the...

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Sub basement dream

It was over.  It was exactly one year ago today I was planning a very serious, life altering experiment and that experiment has come to an end. One year... One year to find myself and figure out what the fuck I'm doing with my life. One year goes by really fast.Let's back up... Halloween 2011 I moved from New York to Philadelphia on a whim.  A man I barely knew offered me a chance.  A chance to get on my feet in a new city where I had no family and no friends... so grabbed that chance and ran...

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Teachers Pet Chapter 1

Amy Robertson had just turned 17 years old and was in her sophmore year of high school. And even though she was an attractive girl with a very cute face, five foot tall, a hundred pounds with a very appealing 34-26-30 frame, Amy had a problem. A secret she didn’t reveal to anyone. Amy was a nymphomaniac. She looked, dressed, and acted like a slut, and she made no qualms about telling anyone who asked that she had been with several of the boys in school. After all, she flirted with anyone who...

2 years ago
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Oh Teacher My TeacherChapter 6

We retired early Friday evening and for the first time in several days, we didn't make love. I think we were both asleep when our heads hit the pillow. I was up early the next morning, showered and shaved as I headed for the kitchen and breakfast. Our tee time was 9:12, and I felt much better after a good night's sleep. "Sleep well?" Crystal asked. "Very. I guess we were tired and maybe a bit stressed with everything that's been happening this week." "I'm sure. Is Astrid...

1 year ago
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Slechts Groot Part two

Slechts Groot : Part 2 (translation:"Only The Large"). Please read part one first. *** M+/F, Intr, slut wife, Size, Exh, Brothel, Orgy, SM, and is Pre-Viral. Prelude: The sixth and seventh decade of the twentieth century was a time of true sexual revolution. Not just a phrase in cultural jokes, it was documented by every conceivable source, from the street tabloids, famous men's magazines, radio, television, and horrified pulpits, to the academic testing and juried scientific publishing of the...

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ss Mom and Me Makes Three 1

‘Oh Jimmy, I’m so happy to see you, honey!’ mom said, her eyes gleaming with excitement. . ‘Why’s that, mom?’ I asked, a touch smugly, knowing full well she was happy to see me at least partly because she guessed we were going to have ourselves another round of torrid lovemaking, like we had last time. You see, for several weeks now I’d been having sex with my mother. She had me when she was sixteen, my s****r a year later. So mom was only thirty eight. Thirty eight and sexy as hell. For years...

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The Office Girl

Tim stared at the autumn leaves across the street before he unlocked the door to his office. The day was to be like any other, unlike what the next day would pose he assumed. Today was October 30, and tomorrow was Halloween. Tomorrow was the dress up day at work, and he already had his Superman costume picked out. It was really nothing more than a glorified body stocking. That was why it drew Tim's interest. It would arouse a few chuckles from his office girls, but he was sure that...

3 years ago
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As usual I am ordered to remove my clothing in the ante-room I enter the cathedral by one of the many discreet side doors that pepper the massive stone structure. I am admitted by one of the older acolytes. She refuses eye contact but peers briefly around the heavy door before ushering me in and then gently closing and bolting it. The air inside the old cathedral is noticeably colder. The acolyte leads me down several flights of stone stairs into the bowels of the building. Eventually we...

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I don't know why I did it but in retrospect, I'm definitely glad I did. I was driving down one of those uncountable mountain roads. You probably know the kind, not a straight section over fifty feet long and a sheer drop to the treetops hundreds of feet below with only a thin guard rail (if that) between you and eternity. Most of the traffic is from coal or log trucks, each weighing sixty thousand pounds and every one a menace. I was daydreaming as usual while reflecting on my wasted life...

4 years ago
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Dollys first Party

Dolly's first “Party.” Dolly were a reet studious sort of girl. She had her heart set on being a high class hooer but she had struggled with her Hospitality degree course at Hull University and eventually failed her finals. Which were actually first time anyone had failed. All she had to do were drop her knickers and let principal screw her but she even fucked that up. It were a reet bugger. She had to borrow nigh on hunderd quid to do course but there weren’t a council in Yorkshire what...

2 years ago
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A trip and affair for Linda part 1

Linda was our admin assistant at a company I worked at in the 90s.  She was a fit older lady in her late 50s and I was just turning  30.   Our company was having a major customer conference in Vegas and we were two people chosen to go ahead and work with the show vendor to get everything ready for the big conference.   On our flight from Philly I was able to get her upgraded to first class so she could sit with me.   We talked for the whole 5 hour flight.   She confided in me that her husband...

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Two Moms Two Sons

POV: London "It is good to have you and your son over, Sandra," I mentioned, stirring the pot. "We're practically best friends now, and don't forget my hubby, who is currently locked in your bedroom with your husband," she whined, strolling towards me with her arms crossed. "If I didn't know any better, I'd say they were having sex." "Sandra," I said a tone while grinning. "Keep your voice down; Joe and Pete are in just in the living room." "So what, London?" she complained, walking away...

1 year ago
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The Warrior Caught by FlowersChapter 22 Mothers Can Be DeadlyWhy Demons Fear Her

“Mother! We’re home –!” Bells sang, bursting through the door, dragging Eigis behind her. Outside the sun was halfway through sinking behind the horizon, and it was almost night. A tall, long boned woman turned from where she’d been preparing a batch of rolls for the oven. She was wearing a ruffled homespun apron decorated with a cross-stitch of daisies over traveling clothes and armor. A welcoming smile lit up her angular, fox like face, making her half moon shaped eyes crinkle...

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I Pimp My Own Mom Part 8211 2

hi guys this is south Indian fucker back with the second installment of I pimp my mom series I am sorry for the late posting of my stories if you have any fantasies even if it is weird share with me and inspire me to write stories my email is … story continues….. I accidentally sent that troll to another contact … it was praveen …he was second year in college and staying as a paying guest near our home… I started feeling tensed… vinu:are you OK pimp? me:shut up man… Jacob:what happen...

4 years ago
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Donjeta and the SeaEncounters at Pylos

The north wind blew for days, filling our sails, sending our deep hulled ship scudding across the dark sea. I stayed aft, mostly, watching the vague horizon fall away and the dolphins play in our wake. "Princess, we'll put in at Pylos to take on water and food. It's another day's fast sailing, I reckon, if the winds keep up." "That'll be fine." Ardys the Maeonian looked at me with his bald head and great beaked nose. "You'll want to stay below, I think." "Oh? I was looking...

3 years ago
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The Golden Rule

Introduction: Learn the rule and get what you want. The Golden Rule When I spread my legs, the world opens up to me. At least thats the rule I learned at a very early age. Its amazing how a simple little hole between my legs can have such a profound impact on the male of our species. Growing up with 3 brothers will make you become inventive, and a bit daring. It also teaches you the value of the most valuable commodity you have, your pussy. But the real weapon is in being a girl. Especially...

1 year ago
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The CircleChapter 14 Graduation Party

The graduation from the nearby university for Tracy, Ellie, and Kyle, the youngest members of The Circle, was due the following May. Sitting around one evening in April after some of The Circle had made love together in the family room, Alex enthusiastically suggested, "Hey, we need to have a blowout graduation party for our grads. Would you like that Ellie?" Ellie lay spooned against Alex on the sofa in the same position they'd been in when they finished making love. His turgid cock...

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Beware the RoasburiesChapter 22

Monday 1st to Friday 5th February 1971 One consequence of the exposure of the lying photos and report was that Connie and Penny became much closer and spent more time with each other. I was happy that Connie was getting out and that now she had a sister to talk with as well as my friends. What I didn’t realise, of course, was what they were talking about and planning at that early time. I assumed it was girl stuff, and that I was well out of it. Another consequence was a more careful watch...

3 years ago
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Window neighbor

I moved in my apartment three years ago. I live on the top floor of a triplex. Because of architecture reason, my bedroom window is on the side of the building. They made it a big window because the next building is not that far. Since they want to make a parking for two buildings, the made the same building but reverse just beside mine. So I have my big bedroom window facing my neighbor big bedroom window. For the first year my blinds where pretty much close all the times because I did not see...

4 years ago
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Getting to know Amy part 1

The rain came down incessantly, soaking me to the skin. I’d gone for a walk in the morning, stopped for lunch at a pub that I knew, and was on the way back when the skies opened. Most of the walk should have been on country paths, but because of the rain, I played safe and took a short cut through a small village. I say a small village, but in reality, there were just three houses, stretched along the road. As I passed the last one, I was hailed by a voice from the front door. “You look...

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A Threesome With 2 Married Naughty Bitches

Hi guys, this Ronny once again from Mumbai with another hot story of threesome session with 2 married hotties and me. About me, my height is 5 ft 7 inches and cock size of 6″. I’m based out of Mumbai would love to fuck such a sex starved or hungry college girls, working bhabhi, housewife in most dirty and hardcore way they dreamed always to get fucked by stranger by most brutal and extreme way as well as romantic too. I’m narrating another hardcore session with my 2 long slaves Swathi and Sonal...

1 year ago
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Jenny and I2

Jenny flopped back into the position she had been in for our previous fuck, and I moved between her legs. She raised her knees and spread them as far as she could. That gave me a direct shot at her cunt, and I had no trouble finding the right place to put my cock this time.Ever mindful of the hints that I had received from the previous time, I rubbed my cock head up and down in her pussy slit to make sure that it was wet with her lubricating oil. Jenny was dripping liquid from her cunt hole, so...

1 year ago
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The Visit

It was an unexpected knock on the door in the middle of summer. I’d separated from my wife two years earlier and hadn’t seen much of her family since, apart from her parents who I still called on regularly. (See the “Just Passing” series of stories ;-) ) I opened the door to see my ex’s sister Donna. “Hi John, I was just passing after visiting Sarah and thought I’d say hi and see how you are keeping,” she said I invited her in, gave a kiss on the cheek and said what a pleasant surprise it was...

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Lyla 3s Company

Lyla buckled her seatbelt and set her bag on next to her, in the front seat sat Clarke, Mr Howe was in the passenger side looking through a folder on his lap. The car was stifling, she could feel herself sticking to the leather seats. She had been dreading this meeting, the overseas investors were crucial to their plans to salvage the company. Not knowing what was going to happen or what was expected of her was bugging Lyla. "I didn't expect you to be driving yourself Clarke." She said as she...

1 year ago
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ExxxtraSmall Gianna Gem Bets Get Her Wet

Gianna Gem is a control freak, so when the remote is laying around, she wants to be in charge. Unfortunately, our stud is a lot bigger than this teeny tiny chick, and she has a little trouble reaching it when he holds it above her head. When they final settle in to watch the big game, they make a wager. Whenever one of their team scores, they take off an article of clothing. Soon, Gianna is butt naked, and our studs cock is stiffer than an upright! He sticks his dick inside her endzone and...

2 years ago
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Shorty and his friends hung out on the corners in the neighborhood. They would check out the girls and women who walked by going to or coming from the store, the bus stop or work, or those just looking for something or someone to do. The boys as they called themselves were always looking to hook up. They commented on the weaves, the Jeri curls, the fine looking mamas and most of all the bodacious asses that passed by. They were always courteous to elderly women and church going ladies. All...

3 years ago
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My Friend Harshita 8211 Part 12 Femdom Domination Saga Finale

Please read the previous chapters to understand my story and situation of the femdom domination saga. I was bent down and naked, legs spread, and waiting for something, then I got a spank. Soon Jen followed me by pulling my hair and asking me where we should start this. She took a butt plug from the box. She came close to my face and shoved it in my mouth and told me to lick it good. Within a minute I covered it with my saliva, I knew my ass would be dry now. Jen: Ah, I see, you are trying to...

2 years ago
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Mama Ke Family Ki Chudai 8211 Part 1

Mama ke family ki chudayi-1 mera naam sam hai mai 22 sal ka athlete body wala young handsome boy hun. Me ek christian converted family se hun. Ye me khud ki story sunaraha hun.Ye meri paheli story hai.Mai diwali ki chuttiyon me apne mama mami ke ghar gaya hua tha. Ye story meri,mami aur unki 2 ladkiyon ki hai. Mami ka naam pooja unki badi ladki ka naam seems aur choti ladki ka naam rima tha.Conversion ke bad mami ne khud ka naam only pu rakhliya.Pu 40 sal ki lekin khoobsurat fit aur tight...

3 years ago
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The Governess shame

She had been with us for several years now looking after my son James and daughter Emily since my dear wife departed. Departed with Mr Wilmot the cuckold and all round scoundrel you understand not departed this mortal coil. “My Lord, I must speak with you,” Miss Williams urged. I looked at her. In the deep shadow cast by the oil lamp I could see that her facial bone structure was good, her bosoms bulged alluringly enough her waist seemed trim enough and her legs were both long and slender,...

2 years ago
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Campus Life Rush WeekChapter 4

"You mean to tell me that you're a corporate call-girl?" gasped Dee Rivers, as she sat with a look combining shock and envy aimed at her new friend, Andi Steadman, as they shared lunch two days later. "Look, Dee. It's not really as sleazy as it sounds at first," answered Andi. She paused to take a sip of her iced tea as they sat at a small table in front of a campus sandwich restaurant. "Remember I need for you to keep this a secret. It's important for my husband's company--and your...

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Family Friend

Storming down the stairs of Adam's apartment block, I caught a glimpse of myself in the long mirrors that adorned each adjacent wall. My eyes were tearing up. I briskly raised my hand to my face and caught the wetness that was pooling around my eye lid with the side of my finger as I continued down the stairs. I had no intention of smearing my mascara, to appear, outwardly on the street as a damsel in distress. My straightened hair ended at my shoulders and swung to and fro as I carried on down...

4 years ago
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Sex With My Sandhya Ma8217am

Hi, I am Rahul Verma. I am 20 years old good looking guy. I lust only for the best beauties around me. I can satisfy any kind of woman. Send your feedback to my email id: Coming to the story, the incident happened in my first year. I joined for BCom course in a college in Coimbatore. Since I was from a science background I was very weak in accounts. I somehow managed to pass in 1st sem. Then in 2nd sem, we again had accounts subject. This time it was my doll sandhya ma’am who was teaching.I...

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My Adventures with KeikoChapter 4 The Adventure Ends

For the next several spring and summer months, Keiko and I were inseparable companions. On many evenings we would go out and have an exciting adventure, exposing ourselves in public. We would go to the beach, especially a beach where nudity was not allowed, wearing our g-strings and letting as much of ourselves show as we thought we could get away with. We skated a few more times, but never comepletely nude like we did the first time, always wearing something revealing and provocative,...

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