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This is my entry for the 2017 Halloween contest. This is a semi tongue in cheek BTB story with an occult twist. If any of these things are offensive or not what you are looking for I understand if you stop reading. Any how, here it goes.

Dave woke feeling surprisingly well rested. All of a sudden he remembered the reason he was sleeping in this little cottage. It all came back to him.



The feeling of that assholes hand on the back of his head as he shoved Dave’s face into Melissa’s dripping pussy. The sound of Mellisa’s laughter as his face was covered in another man’s spunk.

Frankly he knew Melissa was too good looking to be with him. But he honestly thought that if he was kind enough, and showed her how much he cared for her, she would come around. She saw the earning potential and agreed to marry him. He did everything he could do to make her happy in the bedroom. She often bragged about how his tongue was better than any girl’s. Not that she would reciprocate of course. For the thousandth time he cursed himself for being such a wimp.

If he stopped to think about it, he knew that Mike wasn’t the first lover she had. He just kept his blinders on and tried to make her happy. She would put out as much as he wanted and she kept her lovers discreet. He kept her in clothes, cars, and jewelry despite the fact that they really couldn’t afford it. She kept him in decent pussy whenever he wanted. While this wasn’t the relationship he had dreamed of, he felt that as they got older she would see that he was the man for her and they would eventually settle into the type of relationship he longed for. Then came Mike Stanton.

The first thing he noticed was that she cut him off. After two weeks of no sex he finally had enough. He canceled her credit cards. Limited access to her debit card and put her BMW in storage. At 5’ 9” and 150 pounds there was no way that he was going to stand up to her current lover whom she met at the gym.

Of course cutting her off got her attention. Five days ago she called him up and asked him to come home early so they could talk. She promised him something extra special. Two seconds after stepping through the door his world went dark. He woke up to the sound of them going at it. He found himself naked on the floor with his hands zip tied behind his back. Mike stopped long enough to look down at him.

“Cucky is awake. I am just about to bust my nut in your wife here and then you get to lick it out.” he giggled.

Dave heard an answering giggle from his wife.

“It hurt my feelings when you cut me off baby. I asked Mike here what I should do and he said we needed to train you. So after you clean me out, Mike is going leave. Then you can have my pussy for ten minutes. After that you will get my pussy for a whole hour after you unlock my accounts. If you decide not to I will have to have Mike show you how a man takes care of business. If you cooperate you will get my pussy for an hour every week until Mike leaves next month.” she cood.

Dave couldn’t help but notice that her eyes were glazed over. Mike had the same glazed look. They must be on something.

“Fuck you if you think I am coming any where that diseased cunt. The minute I get out of here I am going to serve your ass with divorce papers and let ol Mikey here support you.” Dave spat.

Mike started pumping into his wife again. He came quick then hopped off the bed and manhandled him up. Melissa slid over to the edge of the bed and Mike grabbed the back of his head and shoved his face into her dripping snatch holding it there for what seemed like eternity while they both giggled and chuckled. Some got in his mouth and he puked right into Melissa’s beaver. Mike must have had a sympathetic puke reflex and he spewed all over also.The two of them set Melissa off. While everyone was vomiting Dave made a break for it. He got down to the kitchen as was able to get a knife and cut his hands free. Now that he had a knife he started walking back up there to kill them. Mike came crashing down the stairs and saw him holding a weapon. He yelled and barreled forward swatting the knife hand away and then punching him so hard in the jaw he fell down and saw stars. Mike kicked the knife away and started kicking his prone form as he curled up into a fetal position.

“Next time I am gonna fuck her ass and have you suck the shit off of my dick you stupid cuck!” he yelled at the groaning man. Giving him one last kick, he grabbed his clothes and ran out to his truck. He laid there crying in pain for almost fifteen minutes before Melissa came downstairs. She helped him up and recoiled in horror at his face.

“Oh no, this isn’t what I wanted. I am so sorry honey. I was just pissed at you for cutting me off and I thought we would have some fun at your expense. I didn’t mean for your to get hurt. I’ll tell Mike he went too far.” she sobbed.

It was too much. He stumbled past her to get his clothes from upstairs. He threw some extra clothes in a work out bag and stumbled down to get in his car. Melissa was crying with her face down in the table. He stopped and grabbed her wedding ring off her hand. Then he got in his car and left.

He drove aimlessly for a while before he realized he needed a plan. Divorce was too good for them. He needed a place to gather his thoughts and lick his wounds. It suddenly came to him. He gassed up his car and headed for the cabin.

He nearly missed the two track drive that led to the cabin. Recent rains had rutted the road so bad the his car scraped the bottom more than a couple times. Finally his headlights illuminated a small stone cabin set in a grove of willows. Turning off the lights he grabbed his bag and went inside.

The old oaken door had swelled a little so he had to put his shoulder into it to shut it. The cabin was one big open room with a stone fireplace to the north and a old pot bellied stove to the south. A large bed dominated the room with a couple of tattered bearskin rugs providing the rest of the ambience. There was a big pile of wood outside alongside the outhouse. Over the years various family members had tried putting in plumbing and electrical to the cabin but it seemed to resist anything other than the hand pump well. This cabin and the forty acres it sat on were owned in a family trust. Mellisa would never get her hands on this, his little retreat. He winced his way through making a fire in the fireplace and started one up in the stove to boil water for some tea. There was a rain barrel shower just outside that would absorb heat from the chimney. After about an hour or so the water would be just about right to give him a hot shower.

Dropping into the chair he couldn’t help but notice that the mortar around the base of the fireplace was crumbling out. Family lore had this fireplace dating back to the late 1600’s, one of the original settlers of the area. Family lore also had it that they were black magic practitioners, casting spells and consorting with demons. It was always fun to laugh about. He wandered over and looked harder at what he would need to do to fix this. One of the side stones was just about gone and when he went to touch it, it fell on his toes. Smarting from the ribs and the face and now the toes he just about lost his temper. Looking at where the stone was he noticed a cubbyhole that looked to be crafted. He reached his hand in and pulled out a tattered bundle of cloth wrapped around what appeared to be a book. A quick leaf through it showed it to be written in some form of language he couldn’t read.

Reaching back into the cubby hole to see if there was anything else he felt a stabbing pain in his fingernail. Bringing it out he saw that he had bent the nail backwards on a stone and it started bleeding. He dropped the bundle and squeezed his finger causing a couple of drops of blood to drip. One hit the old oaken floor and another hit the corner of the book. He noticed that it seemed to disappear into the cover and a dark cloud surrounded the book briefly. Cursing, he grabbed the black bound volume and threw it on the nearby nightstand while he looked for something to wrap his hand. After he calmed down and staunched the bleeding, he looked at the book and found that the letters were familiar.

Sitting down he started at page one and read through. It read like a family history book with recipes thrown in. According to the book his great-great grandmother was a witch who could commune with different entities. One was Jerdal and she bound him to serve the bloodline. The spell for summoning Jerdal was written down and involved gathering various herbs and woods. Once Jerdal was summoned he would take over the body for three days, working to ensure prosperity and survival. The closer it was to Samhain the more powerful Jerdal would be in this world. He wanted to laugh at all of this but he secretly wished he it was true. If Jerdal could take care of his wife and her lover he would be all for it. He had thought about getting a gun and going back to finish them off but he knew he would get caught. He thought about trying to catch that bastard Mike off guard and beat him with a baseball bat. But look how easily Mike had gotten the knife away from him. Dave had spent some time in the army, but working as a file clerk did nothing to help this situation. He had no friends or South American connections to help him send his wife to a Guatemalan whorehouse. Nope, Dave was only an accountant who was above average with computers and enjoyed gardening.

“How awesome would it be,” he thought, “to have a big bad demon to help me not be such a loser.”

With that thought he went and grabbed the bottle of whiskey that had been stashed in the cupboard for the past thirty years. He took a swig out of the bottle and looked over the “spell” to summon this Jerdal.

“Huh, most of this stuff is around here. I could probably find all the stuff in the weeds as I headed to the outhouse.” he thought to himself.

After another swig he decided to use the bathroom. Sure enough almost everything was outside. The only thing he couldn’t find was a stalk of yellow nettle. He grabbed a stalk of milk thistle since it was in the same family.

Heading back inside he wrapped all the components together in his bloody bandage and took a couple more swigs of whiskey. He saw a “rejuvenation” poultice recipe that used most of the same weeds and wrapped a couple of those together. Taking another swig he mumbled the incantation and tossed the blood soaked rag into the fireplace. It flared briefly, then burned away with nothing special to show for it. In his half drunken state he looked around and saw he was still alone in this little cabin.

“Fuck, I must be drunk or concussed if I thought something like that would work. I am going to bed.” he thought. “I will wake up tomorrow and face the world with a hangover. Melissa said Mike was leaving in a month. Maybe we can talk about things.”

With that he fell asleep.

I had been waiting for this call for what seems like an eternity. When that thrice damned witch bound me to her family my only hope was that they would die out soon. Unfortunately they always managed to have one male offspring. At least now I could stop waiting around and DO something. My awareness was drawn into what looked like a cabin. Yes, this is where the bitch and I fought and where she bound me. Casting my awareness further into the room I expected to see a couple of waiting Warlocks. The spell had power to it. All I saw was a pudgy, balding man snoring in his bed with one shoe off. I went to do my demon thing to this wretch when I saw his power. It was amazing that this pathetic form could hold so much potential. I would dearly loved to flay his skin and absorb his power while bathing in his blood and entrails. Unfortunately this was the one I was to serve. Might as well get started.

I did a check of his memories to get a clearer understanding of what I was working with. God this guy was pathetic. His mom breastfed him until he was five summers? He really creamed his pants when the pretty girl in the short skirt fell on him? What was a “cheerleader” anyways? Ahh these computers. Okay he was pretty good with those. I would have to steal his skills to learn more. These numbers he dealt with all day. Making sure greedy people kept more of their money. I can deal with avarice. What was this? His mate was with another man? This man humiliated him? Ahhh, The man is physically stronger. We can change that. The wife needs to go also. Hrmm, it looks like he plans to steal their energy with those rejuvenation packets. Good thought. So I have to make him stronger, better looking, and richer. I can do these things. OOOOH only two days till Samhain. Smart fellow to call me so close to the witching night. I could work with this. I took a deeper look into his thoughts. This Brent guy that recently joined his work was giving him a hard time. Let’s start with him. I forced my awareness into his body and was immediately regretful. SO squishy! His mind was shut down due to alcohol. It made it easier for me to slip in the cracks and set up house. From here I could start tweaking his anatomy. I manipulated glands and hormone production to burn fat and gain muscle. I had to expand some magical energy to get him a respectable eight inches below the belt. I could have done these things slowly and carefully but the bitch that bound me only said I had to serve the family, I didn’t have to make him comfortable. His body should be in serious pain after forcing all these changes in one night. After a couple hours and a few spells I sat back and forced him to wake up. Now I was in charge.

I could feel Dave’s presence in the back of my head. I smiled as I let him deal with the pain of the body transformation and the hangover. The pain would shut him up long enough to let me do what I had to do. When I left this body, Dave would remember everything that happened. He seemed to the milktoast type that would whine about morality and what not. I don’t care. My job is to get him more successful. Let’s get started. Brent.

Before I left I went and put the book back into the hiding place. I put the stones back together so no one should stumble across it the next few days.

Having access to Dave’s memories, I knew how to drive these things called automobiles. This was good since the last time I had been out to play horses didn’t care for me too much. It made getting around difficult.

Dave’s workplace had a Halloween costume party tonight. Brent was supposed to be there. We had to look good. Dave’s memories told me there was a place to get clothes that could change your appearance called a costume shop. We stopped in and I felt Dave focus through the pain to look at the mirror through my eyes. The changes were noticeable. With the added three inches of height I gave him and my non slouching posture, Dave now stood about 6 ft tall. I used the roll of belly fat for energy to increase muscle mass so he had some definition in his arms and abs. I had used a spell to fix his vision so he no longer needed the bulky glasses. He also had a lush full head of hair. I was going to make a decent human specimen out of this guy if I had to kill him. We went and grabbed a Roman toga costume that left most of his chest exposed. Getting this guy laid by something other than a cheating whore seemed to be part of the compulsion. I put the toga on and went to walk outside. Some idiot behind a counter was talking about paying for the costume but I cast a spell and he went blank. He wouldn’t remember the last few days. I wanted so bad to snap his neck and break each one of his ribs individually but I was still using Dave as a meat suit and he would get in trouble if I did that. I gotta get away from this curse.

Before walking into the building I could smell something sweet down the alley. I walked down and found two guys talking in the corner. One of them saw me and pulled a gun. By the time the would be killer got it out of his baggy pants I was up next to him and took it out of his grasp. I backhanded him across the face and he dropped like a stone. I looked at the other guy and who started running. Searching the guy I knocked out I found a bunch of pills. This was the sweet smell. These would make a person feel loose and have some nice hallucinations. I smiled. This should cause some chaos and yet not be traced to old Dave here. I took the cash and the drugs.

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Foreign Woman takes Me

Am a 30 year old male and live in bangalore. This is a true story that happened a few years back when I was still working in the hospitality industry. I was working in a very reputed hotel chain in Agra as a manager. The city was not very happening, the work was long hours and my social life nearly non existent as I was new to the city and was there on a temporary assignment. I decided to go out and catch a drink and dinner one evening. I walked into another 5 star hotel, headed to the bar. I...

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I bet you like to touch it Big Cock Gay

I was playing some basketball down at the gym the other day with a bunch of my buddies. We had a great game, strenuous, but fun. Afterword, instead of hitting the showers, Cody and I just stayed in our gym trunks and t-shirts and I went out for a couple of beers. Cody's a great guy. A 31 year old divorced stock broker, 6'4" tall and chiseled out of granite. We'd been work out buddies on occasion and the one time I'd actually seen him with his shirt off, I thought he looked like a fuckin'...

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Forbidden Fruit Part 1

Welcome to my first published TG story, my friends. This is a rather explicit story, so as usual, if you are not of age, please refrain from continuing past this point. I would like to credit the "Simply Captions" website by Polecat for the idea of using fruit as the vessel for the transformation. As usual, with all of my stories, I beg you to give me some feedback at [email protected]. I look forward to hearing from you all. Enjoy the show and I hope you look forward to the next...

2 years ago
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We decide to open a resort

So I have a little thing for showing myself off in public. I’m usually dared to get naked by my friend, but lately I’ve been thinking about a serious vacation. Just me and Satin, somewhere that we won’t be judged and can be one with nature. Happy the whole time together. So far, over the weeks of searching, I’ve found a couple places that cater to just gay people and some that were just ridiculous with their rules. So I had kind of given up on the idea and just enjoyed being with her in either...

1 year ago
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Craig HillChapter 17

Mark also went to church. It was not a formal function so he went as an individual. He still went to church but the experience with Nicholas Richardson all those years ago still made him wonder why he did, perhaps because it made him remember Nicholas. "Still all right for two?" Victoria asked afterwards. "Yup and looking forward to it." "What are you having for lunch?" asked Elspeth suspiciously. "Probably the same as you as Sergeant Roberts has a hand in it," said Mark with a...

4 years ago
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Unforgettable First Time Revised

Now after working for a while and have gotten to know everyone personally in the office, I was now an official employee and actually getting a paycheck. I was now working with new employees by showing them around and introducing them to everyone. After just a few weeks of doing this I found her. You can’t even imagine how beautiful she was. Long, black, curly hair, dark skin, and beautiful green eyes. The best way I could describe it was “exotic.” “J I’d like to meet our newest...

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Cuddling SecksChapter 2

Ursula isn’t sure she understood correctly. She quickly sits up and stares at Secks. “But I thought I was only going to have you.” The answer comes to her and she bites her lip. She lets go of it and crawls forward and onto the bear’s lap. Ursula likes how big Secks is; it makes it incredibly easy to climb on. Plus his super cozy fur is so great to snuggle her naked body against. She settles against him tightly. “Why do I have to do it?” she asks. When she gets her answer, she smiles. “And...

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Chad and Michelle

Chad and Michelle were two friends. They had been talking on the Internet through an online dating site for a year and a half and discovered they had a lot in common. Chad is 25 and has blonde hair, blue eyes, glasses, is 5'9", an average body type, and a Very BIG, THICK cock. Michelle on the other hand is 23 with a slim body type, brown hair, hazel eyes, 5'4", with small perky tits and a very firm ass to die for. Despite having so much in common, Chad and Michelle had yet to meet. Chad was...

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Anthonys Great RaceChapter 5 Friday

Anthony woke up before the sun poked over the horizon, roused from his slumber by the incessant sounds of large semi tractors pulling in to the truck stop to refuel or to spend the night. Holy hell, he grumbled as the sharp blast of a horn penetrated the walls of his Winnebago. What time is it? Anthony groaned as he realized he'd only been sleeping for a few hours. I'm never going to make it to Denver unless I can get some more rest, he thought, but his attempts were thwarted as more...

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My Wife Her SlaveChapter 35 A Weekend at Gretchenrsquos Saturday Night

Gretchen had a smirk on her face during the entire drive home, mainly due to the way her slave kept twitching in the seat beside her. Of course, Gretchen was the cause of the twitching as she nearly always had a hand on Nina, alternating between pulling and twisting her nipples and sliding a finger into her very wet pussy. Nina’s clit got its own share of attention, usually at a red light so that Gretchen could spend more time harassing the little nub. As they pulled into Gretchen’s driveway...

1 year ago
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A New Matrix

I am Timothy du Shard. I was taught to be a matrix mechanic. My birth home is Castle Shard on Darkover. We are a lesser line of the Hastur clan. When I was fourteen I rode along with my cousin Rafael to learn how tiny star stone fragments were carefully fused to make larger ones. We gathered those tiny stones from the river which came down from the mountains in the spring run-off. Then we carefully matched them and, one by tedious one, linked them together. If we chose properly and aligned them...

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turning gay

I've always been straight. I have always been attracted to females, and never to guys. I have had many girlfriends over the years. however, I'm realizing that I'm slowly turning gay.I think my path to being gay started on the internet. I posted pics of my cock on newbienudes many years ago. I was only on there to see amateur women. the only responses I got on my pics were from gay guys who wanted to suck my cock. that's when I realized that I could also look at amateur guys there. I've always...

3 years ago
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Custom Threesome

In this story you will be able to set up and enjoy your fantasy threesome. You'll be able to select your gender and orientation, and the gender, orientation, and stats of your partners. I'm hoping for a big story so if you feel you can contribute please do!

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Climbing the Corporate Ladder

It is known that the business world is as unstable and unpredictable as an earthquake. So it would be wise not to leave your career in the hands of destiny alone, push it along and make sure it keeps growing. Sarah Ford was one of those young professionals seeking to build enduring and continuous supremacy within the company. Many employees were willing to leave their job for a pay raise of 20% or less, but definitely not her. Sarah would rather build stability by moving up the ranks within...

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What is wrong with this woman

I am 53year old skinny short 5ft3 tall wrinkled face thin lips green eyes grayhaired soft butch single lesbian woman. People call me ugly alot of the times, and also make jokes about my looks. Ever since I was younger people always call me names. I think I'm ugly and you can tell me I'm beautiful but I won't believe it.There are so many odds against me but it doesn't change dealing with the feelings. I am going to attempt to describe this as clear as I can. This woman moved here in my area with...

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Why Dont You Fuck Me

“Mister Tony, why don’t you fuck me? I was told American men are hot for young women like me. I work hard to learn English. I work hard to learn good fucking. I want to thank you for sponsoring me for this trip.” I was rather surprised, to say the least. I had put up money to pay expenses for a Russian college girl to spend the summer at an American university. I am single so some friends of mine provided room and board. Galina had been here a week and kept asking to spend time with me. It...

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PropertySex Kay Lovely Going To Use Someone Else

When Tony sees Kay Lovely putting up a sign for an open house, he has to have an awkward conversation. He’s been ignoring her calls because his new sweetie is a real estate agent, and he’s going to go with her. Kay really wants the commission, and tells Tony she can convince him to choose her. She takes out her tits and puts them in his hand, then offers him a blowjob. The hot blonde begging for cock turns Tony on, and she gives him a sloppy blowjob. Spreading her legs, Kay lets...

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The Importance of Being Auburn

Once again I must thank my LadyCibelle and Techsan for their patience, proof reading, editing skills and of course encouragement. As always I must also add, that I can’t leave a story alone. I could well have added some cock-ups after they have seen it and before it gets posted. That should keep the GPs happy at least. The story starts circa 1966. There is no sex in this story. I must also point out that at the beginning of the story the protagonists are only 17 years old. The legal age of...

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Sleepover Fun

Introduction: This is my first story so sorry if theres any mistakes but enjoy. At thirteen, my friends and me always hung out after school. Wed play video games or try to skate board(even though we werent that very good). Most of the time, on Fridays, we would go hang out at someones house and sleepover. It was a normal thing to do, stay up all night or try to, and just play video games or watch Jackass. Joe gave me a call that Friday night, Hey Alex, you wanna come on over? Me and Nick are...

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INTRODUCTIONWhat happens when a frustrated, compliant, and accommodating housewife is manipulated by a powerful, dominant, and determined man used to getting what he wants in business and life?This is the story of Karen Samson. The 39 year old housewife married to her 43 year old husband with no c***dren who perhaps read a dozen too many romance books. Her frustration over her married life has evolved so slowly it wasn’t a conscious recognition for her. Gerald Samson is a good man, has always...

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Priya8217s Journey Into Erotic Wonderland 8211 Part III

(We thank Mrs.Priya for sharing all details of her wonderful experiences and giving liberty to make changes in her story as necessary. Please send your comments and suggestions to or ) ……………………and I went into shock and depression. Rahul’s death was so sudden it was like a mind numbing blow with a sledge hammer. I lost interest in everything and would sit and stare vacantly for hours together. My parents were worried. All doctors and elders advised them to get me married and change of scene,...

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My friends dad

"I notice that we're the only two females around here now. Is your dad not dating anymore?" I asked. "Well I guess not. I don't know if he has just stopped trying or what. I haven't heard about any plans he has with anyone. I suppose he could just be testing the waters. But I don't know why he wouldn't tell me though. On the other hand, if my mom wasn't the one, then I don't know if there is anyone else he'll wanna settle down with honestly," Jeanette replied. "OK then. I...

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My downfall with texting Part 11

My downfall with texting- Part 11... Still Day 6 of my ordeal of being in Jessica's body. Bunny bondage lunch time date with Gary my former self continues. An evening and night of fun with Lucy. Part 1 tells of Gary age 50, married to Jane, both keen golfers and how through playing golf they met a couple called John and Janet, Gary after a awhile starts a secret affair with their 17 year old daughter who is called Jessica, Gary was to do a University course in Management, and Jessica...

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If we had just one night together… The first thing I’d do is give you a sponge bath. I’d slowly undress you before letting you get into the water. I’d lift your nightgown over your head, letting my hands slowly brush their way up your body, caressing your sides and running over your breasts as they did so. Next, I’d stand in front of you and reach around to your back to unhook your bra. Of course, I’d have to press my face between your beautiful, small breasts as I did so, letting my tongue...

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Under The Moon

We were just cruising along the country roads out near my house, when we looked each other in the eyes. what I saw was the most beautiful face and the most beautiful brown intelligent eyes, I knew that she was growing tired of just going around in a grid pattern following roads. I switched my truck into four wheel drive so we could make it through this next spot that could have gotten us stuck. once we were through we found ourselves getting out of my truck. I left the music playing but very...

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The neighborhood sex slaves

If you've read my other stories, you know that I'm a bi-sexual guy who loves shemales as well as guys. Well, this story happened after Kelly had been living with me for about 6 months. I had been a through a nasty divorce, lost pretty much everything and then came into a large sum of money in one of my business deals so I bought a house in a nice, middle class neighborhood in SoCal. It is a two story, 4 bedroom with a big backyard that had a pool already when I bought it. I had a jacuzzi...

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A sweltering day in August finds us arriving at our chosen holiday destination, a baking hot Yellowstone National Park. Heat haze hangs in the air blurring the impressive natural beauty and the 1,000s of other sightseers also present.We’d thought this out well in advance and had picked a camping spot a long drive away from any of the major attractions. We knew that there would be few people wanting to travel that far, especially after a long muggy day walking round the park.Pulling up to our...

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Ultimate Submission Jacquelines StoryChapter 17 My Life as a Cunt

Ramon returned carrying a number of bags; some of them seemed quite heavy. "Has she eaten?" he asked Caroline. "Like a prisoner on death row," Caroline answered. She always had had a strange sense of humour. "Has she used the toilet?" "Yes. She's well-fed, cleaned and dried." Ramon bent over me and kissed my lips. "I love you, Jacqueline," he said tenderly. He sat down on the bed in front of me and looked into my eyes. I could tell that it was not easy for him to say what he...

4 years ago
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Sibling MagusChapter 18

Ms. Morgan walked up to Dalton with a quick, sure stride. Her heels clicked on the concrete with a tone that set off warnings in my head. Her determination had returned in full force. Dalton noticed too, shot me a quick glare, and then eased off the Suburban as if getting ready for a fight. I didn’t think it would come to blows, but I didn’t know either woman well enough to be certain, so I quickly closed the distance between us, but didn’t touch anyone. Dalton towered over Ms. Morgan by...

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