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Monica watched me excitedly wander around the kitchen, making breakfast and coffee for the both of us. She sat at the table, reading the paper, relaxed as was always the case these days, simply enjoying the good life.

“Excited about today?” she asked.

“You know it!”, I exclaimed, “It has been great for the past three months doing pretty much nothing, but I really do enjoy working. It’s why I became an engineer. The job is simply fun.”

“Well go for it. I am glad for you,” she said.

Our house was in a nice location in London not far from the Tube. We had moved here from California two months ago, looking for a life change. We had made our fortune and this was our opportunity to try something different. We had struck it big - or at least my wife had. We were the classic Silicon Valley couple - she was from New York, I was from Nebraska, but we both converged on high tech central looking for the start up excitement that imbues all life in the area. We had met while rock climbing and found that we had a shared interest in outdoors activities. One thing led to another and we moved in together. Strictly speaking, we were partners because we had never actually married, but ten years of living together and supporting each other made us as close a couple as you could imagine.

I was the software engineer type, always looking for interesting challenges with a mild hope that somehow this would lead to an Uber-esque exponential ramp to success. It had never happened, but I was always well paid and was considered a pretty hot property in terms of getting software projects developed. I generally supported my wife as she moved from company to company, looking for the next big thing. And, astonishingly, it happened. At some, seemingly random Meetup, she met up with a biotech specialist and over a few days put together a plan with a software engineering friend on the back of a proverbial napkin. It was a back end system that analysed drug interactions and needed only one round of venture capital before they had some successes - enough to be purchased in a back room deal by a major pharmaceutical. She ended up with a cool eighty million dollars out of it - all cash. Her partners did quite well too. But after the buyout, their expertise was still needed and hers wasn’t, so we ended up with lots of cash and nothing much to do.

And that is how we ended up in London. I must admit that the stress of the previous five years was tough for our marriage, mostly with respect to sex (or lack of more precisely), so when the opportunity presented itself, we decided for a complete change. Monica suggested London - a place where we could base ourselves for travel to the continent, get jobs that we simply enjoyed doing, and live a low stress lifestyle. We purchased a row house - one of those pretty houses that you see in the movies - millions of pounds - but when you have the money, why not spend it? We toured around for a month or so before I began to get bored and started looking for an exciting job at a start up. I had stumbled on an interesting startup company involving genomic mapping, but most of the work was software, and they desperately needed a cash input into the company and someone to manage the software team. As a consequence, I ended up with thirty percent of the company, a small ramen noodle salary (not that I needed it), and, most importantly, someplace to go every day to keep my mind engaged.

The best part about the job was that it was only three Tube stops away and then a ten minute walk. How good is that? After years of being stuck on the Highway 101 parking lot, it was liberating to neither own nor need a car. When I jumped off the Tube, I realized that I was quite early - too early really - so I was wandering up the road to check out the cafes near work, when I was bumped, rather strongly in the back. I felt that flash of annoyance one feels at an unexpected physical hit and turned around to look down, at which all of my annoyance fled immediately.

“Ow! Ow!” moaned a woman on the ground, clutching her ankle. “I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to bump into you. Ow!”

The first thing that struck me as I looked down was that she was very good looking: long dark hair and quite slim. The second thing that occurred to me was that I was a bit of an ass pondering on her looks while she was lying there in pain. I knelt down to see how she was.

“Are you OK? Do you need help?”

She straightened out her leg a couple of times and then grimaced when she put it on the ground.

“I’m not sure.” She looked around a bit and said, “do you mind helping me to the cafe? I think that I will be fine once I sit down a bit.”

I feel a nice gentlemanly thrill associated with being asked for help by a very good looking woman, and immediately responded, “No problem. Let’s help you up.”

I helped her up on one leg, and reached around her waist to help her hop over to the cafe. As I glanced down a her, I realised that she wasn’t just good looking, she was flat out beautiful, and very curvy. I couldn’t but notice that I was holding onto a narrow waist, with somewhat wide hips beneath, but most noticeable of all, I could see very large breasts bouncing up and down as I helped her hop over to the cafe. It was only a few hops over and I helped her over to a table to sit down.

She looked up, “Thank you so much. And, please, let me buy you a coffee. And join me at the table.” I looked at her for moment, seeing that her long black hair framed a lovely face. Since I was only walking around to scout out the cafes in the area anyway, I was more than happy to start this activity with the company of a beautiful woman.

“Sure” I said, “but the coffee is on me”.

I sat down and we looked at each other for that awkward moment when two people try to figure out how to begin. I broke the ice and introduced myself. We exchanged basic information about each other, looking for areas of commonality, as one does with strangers. It turns out that she was American and had been in the country for the same amount of time as myself.

Stephanie, her name as I learned shortly, provided me with her story, “I graduated a few years ago from a small liberate arts college in Connecticut and have been working for the past few years for a museum in Ohio. I know, I know, not exactly considered a prime source of culture, but it was pretty much the only job in the area that I could get. I specialized in Ancient History, the thousand years or so before the Romans appeared. I had a great time for about four or five years, but the museum had budget cuts and I was out of a job a few months ago. I received an interesting offer, albeit not full time, for a job here, and I jumped at the chance to see the world. Mostly, I have started work and have been exploring London for he past couple of months. By the way, it’s good to hear an American voice - I know that Americans are all over the place, but that’s mainly tourists, and I get the impression that you actually work around here?” she looked at me with the question in her eyes.

I gave her my story, though holding back on any mention of financial success, rather focusing on my intent to start anew in another country as a bit of adventure. I dropped “my wife” in the conversation a couple of times to head off any embarrassing misunderstandings, just on the off chance that she was interested in me for more than just a chat. I am not bad looking, but with my sandy brown hair, mild complexion, and ordinary build, I didn’t stick out. More importantly, I think that I exude a bit of geekiness, having been a software programmer for so many years and always being interested in technology. People like me just can’t hide this.

In spite of this, she gave the impression that she was interested in me and, if I didn’t pick up the wrong signals, attracted to me. Naturally, this appealed to my ego. Surprisingly we found common ground in technology - it turns out that museums are actually pretty high tech. She described how they scanned objects using multi-spectral scanners in order to avoid the metameric issues one gets with an RGB scan. I was actually quite impressed at her knowledge of color science and it wasn’t long before we were batting around our preferences of digital cameras and wide screen televisions. She was a woman after my own heart.

While physically stunning, she honestly wasn’t really my preferred type. I tended to prefer the athletic, thin, blonde look, like my wife, and Stephanie did not hit the mark on any of these other than perhaps thin. However, I don’t think that there was a man alive who wouldn’t appreciate her looks, and it was certainly nice to be seen with her.

We wound up the coffee and she insisted on exchange phone numbers, asking if I would be OK to “Do Lunch”. She explained that she knew hardly anyone, since she had spent most of the time traveling for the museum job she had taken in London. However, she was going to be based here for the next year, and needed to make contacts. Having precisely zero plans as yet, I was more than happy to agree to this situation. I left, forgetting about her ankle, something that I felt mildly guilty about when I recalled this later in the day.

My first day at the office was truly wonderful as I began to scope out my domain. It wasn’t long before I realized why they needed my technical background as much as my investment. There were six software engineers, being managed by the researcher who started the company and acted as both CEO and Head Researcher. While the programmers were quite skilled, they knew absolutely nothing about scoping out project plans, resource management, and did not even have an issue tracking system! I sat them down at the end of the day and laid out my plans for them.

“Guys, we need to get our plans in order and our tools in order. There is no revision control system in place, bug tracking, regression testing, or even code reviews! We do need to deal with this reasonably quickly because I won’t be able to trust anything we produce otherwise”.

They looked at me sheepishly - they were too young and inexperienced to have ever seen the downside of the type of bug ridden chaos that results without at least some kind of rigor in tools and process, but they did understand the concepts and did know they were supposed to do this. It was just that no one had ever asked them to do it. Certainly, the Researcher cum CEO didn’t know anything about this.

I laid down the law, “Start looking over the tools and come to me with a proposal in two days. Don’t stick with freeware if you don’t want to. For example, I am happy to pay for Jira if you prefer it to Bugzilla. Just make a choice. And if you can’t make a choice, I will flip a coin to choose between options. I have used them all, and have my own preferences, but you are the ones that will have to live with the decision.” They seemed to accept this and went off to do their investigations.

I spent the next couple of days with the CEO, learning more about the fundamental technology. It was very very cool stuff, we would be able to revolutionize personalized medicine if we got this right. It was exciting, probably the most exciting thing I had ever been involved in.

I was on the way to work a couple of days later when I received a text from Stephanie to do lunch. I immediately accepted and ending up having a very pleasant lunch with a beautiful woman who seemed to like me. Conversation ranged from technology in pre Roman times, mainly military machines, to art, to technology. She was very engaging and animated when she spoke, clearly getting quite excited about the various topics we engaged in. I was impressed enough that I continued to do lunch a number of times over the next few weeks. In some ways, it was awkward because I couldn’t imagine inviting Stephanie to my house for dinner - I could only imagine what my wife would think - on the other hand, I developed a very real friendship in a short period of time with someone who was intelligent and attractive.

It was on one of these days that instead of lunch, Stephanie has asked me if I could come over to her house and sort out her Wifi router for her. She often had to work from home and broadband was essential for her work. She thought that she had her firewall operating correctly, but when she pinged external penetration sites, they said that she had a number of ports open. She offered to make lunch so as to make it worth my while. I naturally accepted the offer - being a natural “fix it” person for home networks. So I arrived at her apartment at the designated time.

It was a nice but very small studio apartment, the type where everything is one room, and in the worst position in the block. I completely understood, having been in financially impaired situations for many years in my life. We had a short lunch that she had whipped up - a green Thai curry. I think I had a bit of a food coma come over me as I sat down at the computer because it was only a few minutes staring at the Wifi router configuration page when I felt a wave of tiredness and I think that I phased out for a moment.

Harold Harold had received a text from Stephanie that Wayne was ready and she let him into the apartment.

“Why don’t you go outside to the park for an hour or so and let me work. It’s just a simple interrogation for information, nothing important, but it is best if I work alone.” Harold said.

“Nothing bad will happen to him, will it?” She said. “I really like him you know. I connect with him. And, and, I think that he is very attractive. When you hired me and I agreed to do this, I was really worried that you were going to stick me with a loser, but he’s not. In fact, he’s probably the nicest guy I have ever met. The problem is that I don’t think that he is very attracted to me. It’s driving me crazy.”

“Stephanie, my dear, you underrate yourself so much. You have a scintillating intellect, a charming personality, and, let’s face it, you are beautiful and sexy. Given time I can’t imagine that any man can resist you. I bet that he will come around soon. How could he not? Please keep at it. It’s for your country.”

As she walked out, Harold thought about a session from three months ago.

Ohio - three months ago “How are you feeling Stephanie?”, Harold asked.

“Fine. I feel fine”, she said in the flat voice of someone under the influence of Persuader, a designer drug developed by a now defunct corporation that plays free with memories.

“OK. So let me ask you a few questions. First, what do you think of sex? Do you enjoy it?”

“It’s OK. Nothing particularly special”.

“Stephanie, sex isn’t just OK. It’s wonderful as you recall. In fact, let’s go over your history. Do you remember the first time you had sex? What was it like?”

“It was in high school with my boyfriend. He was an asshole in the end. It was kind of clumsy and hurt a bit and I don’t think that I enjoyed it much.”

“Stephanie, you remember that your sexual encounters with this boyfriend were wonderful. You were very wet and excited and you had orgasm after orgasm. Your boyfriend still turned out to be an asshole, but the sex was great, wasn’t it?”

“Mhmm mhmm. I remember now how good it was”.

“OK, let’s move on. How about your next sexual encounter. What was it like?”

“This was in college, I was dating a senior, and we had sex in his room a number of times. It was a quite a bit better. I remember that he liked to play with my nipples and I liked that. But he wasn’t so good at the other bits.”

“Stephanie, what you remember about your college boyfriend is that you loved to have your nipples touched and sucked and handled. And your breasts. This turned you on and you got very wet and very excited. In fact, it felt so good that sometimes you had an orgasm from this. And then when you made love, the feel of his penis inside you made you feel incredible and you experienced orgasm after orgasm. It was wonderful.”

“Yeah. I remember now. I remember enjoying it a lot. That was lovely.”

“Stephanie, did you ever have oral sex? Did you ever give a boy a blow job? And did you ever get cunnilingus?”

“I gave my boyfriend in college a blow job a couple of times, but I didn’t really like it because I didn’t get anything from it. He was very good with his tongue. That was very nice. I actually had an orgasm when he did this.”

“Stephanie, you remember that you quite enjoyed giving blow jobs - they gave you an enjoyable buzz that you were satisfying your partner. And when you received oral sex, you remember that you came so hard that you squirted. Do you remember that?”

“Oh yeah. I do remember. I loved that.”

“Stephanie, what kind of man attracts you? What does your ideal man look like?”

“I like a man with muscles and who is very confident in himself. Very assured. I prefer black hair and olive skin”

“Stephanie, you remember that your ideal man is somewhat slim - you don’t like big muscles very much. And you prefer sandy brown hair and brown eyes. Someone about six feet tall. And you like guys who are a bit humble. And mostly you like guys you are very technical, geeks, because the fact that they know complex technology kind of turns you on. You feel very comfortable and sexy with engineers - you know that they make the best boyfriends and the best husbands. And they are terrific at sex. You remember that when you have sex with a guy like this you have orgasm and orgasm. And most of all, you are turned on by someone who looks like this,” I held up a picture of a rather ordinarily looking man.

“Oh, yes, I remember now. I don’t like arrogant guys with big muscles. I love engineers - they are so sexy. Sex is best with them.”

“What do you think of working for the government, almost like a spy?”

“I don’t think that I would like that. The government tortures spies don’t they?”

“Stephanie, you have always loved the idea of working in a job where it is like being a spy. It gives you a thrill and you feel very patriotic. You know that your are helping the government and this is good. You still don’t like the idea of torture and you recall that you would never do this.”

“Oh yes. I always kind of wanted to work in the CIA. That must be why I majored in Ancient History so that I could travel and help my country.”

“Stephanie, it’s time to go home and have a good night sleep. You will remember everything that we discussed here. And when you come back tomorrow for your final interview, you will be very excited about taking the job that we are offering.”

Harold watched her get up and walk out. He thought that she really was a very lovely woman. Harold had sorted through over two hundred candidates to find someone who would work out. Stephanie was perfect - no close family, beautiful, in financial straights trying to pay off her students loans having just recently lost her job. Perfect. This would work out well.

“So let me get this right,” she said to Harold. “You are offering me a job to seduce a married guy and get him to break up with his long term partner and then enter into a long term relationship? This doesn’t seem like it is something that I would want to do.”

“Well Stephanie, there are a number of considerations going on here. First, financial: We will pay off all your student loans, you will get a small apartment to live in with all rent prepaid for a year so you can stay for an entire year, and you will get a healthy salary for this. Now you need to work part time for the university of London museum and get paid for it, but your real job is as I described. If you successfully manage to seduce this person and have him move in with you, you get a bonus of fifty thousand pounds. And if you manage to keep him in the relationship for over a year, you get a bonus of two hundred thousand.”

“But, it’s kind of weird what you are asking me to do. Can’t you tell me why?”

“Sorry - it’s government work. Spy stuff and critical to national security so I can’t say much more. But what I can say is that if you succeed, you will be helping your country.” I looked at her and I could tell that this statement made a big difference.

“And this guy. What if he is ugly and obnoxious? What if he is violent or something?”

“Stephanie, we have good information on this guy. He is not violent. He is actually a software engineer - very stable. Here is a picture of him.” I could tell that each statement had made an impact. Her eyes widened at the words ‘software engineer’ and then her pupils dilated as she looked with avid interest at the photo. I think that it was the photo that did it.

“Well, I still think that it’s weird, but I’ll take the job.”


Present day “Wayne, what type of women do you think are attractive?”

“I like women who look like my wife. Blonde. Thin. Ripped.”

“Wayne, you recall, in fact, that your tastes in women changed a while ago. In fact, you like brunettes with straight black hair, preferably long. And you like a woman with curves - narrow waist, wide hips, and really big tits. You really are attracted to women with big tits. You recall that your wife is too thin, too many hard muscles, blonde. You are indifferent to this.”

“Oh yes. I remember that I do like brunettes with big tits. A lot. My wife is a bit thin. I don’t really think that I am attracted to that anymore.”

“Wayne, do you like foreplay when you have sex?”

“Yes, I like to kiss and give a massage.”

“Wayne, recall that what you really like to do is fondle a woman’s tits and fondle her nipples. You particularly like to do this with a woman who has big tits. You love to do this. And you really enjoy cunnilingus because you know that women get off on this. And you like to have sex until your woman has orgasms. This turns you on.”

“Oh yes. I remember that I really like to play with huge tits and fondle with nipples. And oral sex. Orgasms. Yes.”

“Wayne, how do you feel about having sex with someone who is not your wife?”

“I wouldn’t do that. I am committed to my wife.”

“Wayne, there is only one case where it is OK to have sex with someone other than your wife. It is with a woman has dark hair, narrow waist, and big tits. A woman who looks like this,” Harold held up a picture in front of Wayne’s eyes.

“Oh, yes. I recall. It is OK to have sex with a woman who looks like this. I like her tits.”

“Wayne, you will soon wake up, and think that you have finished working on Stephanie’s firewall. You won’t remember this discussion, but when you wake up in the morning, all these memories will be yours.”

This was so easy.

After Wayne left, Harold briefly met up with Stephanie when she arrived back at the apartment.

“OK, Wayne had the information that I needed, so rest assured that everything is fine. Just continue what you are doing. What I would like you to do tomorrow, is have lunch with Wayne. Wear something tight that shows off your curves. In fact, do this the next few times that you see him. I bet that he will come around. Here is a thousand pounds you can use to purchase some interesting dresses.”


Next morning, I was on the way to work when I received a text from Stephanie, to see if I as interested in lunch. I felt a thrill run through me - I was really enjoying these lunches with her and was looking forward to seeing her again today. I texted back with a suggestion for a restaurant and a time and she agreed. Setting up a lunch date with her was turning me on for some reason.

I spent most of the morning doing code reviews with the team. They really were good programmers and I was now getting comfortable that we had a stable set of tools and processes to produce reliable software. We had started running everything as bi weekly scrums and were scheduled to finish off the first scrum in a few days. We only found a three minor bugs - and a couple of inefficiently designed algorithms, so it was a good morning.

I made it to the restaurant a bit early for lunch and settled in to look over email on my iPhone. I heard a murmured comment from a neighboring table, so I looked up to see Stephanie walking over, looking like sex on heels. She had on a tight white dress that showed off every curve, and there were many of them. It was tight around the waist, flowing outward into a loose pleated skirt at the bottom. But it was the top that gave me heart palpitations because it was low cut in the front and she must have been wearing some kind of push-up bra because her tits seemed even larger than normal. I think that my jaw had dropped as she walked over because, when she was close enough to see my face, she giggled delightedly, stopped near the table, and did a twirl. Her skirt expanded nicely before coming to a stop. Her tits didn’t stop, moving back and forth in waves before setting down. I think that my hard on almost burst through my pants.

“Do you like my dress?”

“Uh. It’s stunning. Incredible.” I said.

She looked at me a moment and she blushed because she realized I was serious.

“I bought it this morning - I have some functions to go to for work over the next few days and I decided to treat myself to a new look.”

“Continue to treat yourself,” I replied.

“I will,” she said. I could swear that she blushed again and then she reached over and briefly put her hand on on top of mine. A bolt of electricity went through my body at her touch.

She looked at me intently for a few moments and then said with a smile, “Since I am getting such compliments, I will be sure to wear something special for you next time we do lunch”. I mentally blocked out my lunch period for the next week when she said this - no one was going to book me in for lunch at work if I had a chance of seeing Stephanie wearing something something like today’s dress.

I was riveted by Stephanie throughout the entire lunch and could barely stop looking at her to eat my food. I was acutely aware of every time she touched my hand to make a point or even the time that her foot accidentally touched mine under the table. I had a momentary fantasy that she had reached out to play footsie. I couldn’t have been more disappointed when our hour was up and it was time to leave. As we walked out of the restaurant to say goodbye, I stepped over to give her a hug and kiss goodbye. As I gave her a light kiss, I could feel her breasts pressed against my chest and I couldn’t help running my hands over her waist. Hopefully, I wasn’t too obvious about it.

The rest of the day was a bit of a blur for me, but I am sure that it went fine. Probably the only odd thing that happened was that evening. After a pleasant dinner with my wife, we went to bed and she was uncharacteristically interested in sex. For some reason, I wasn’t interested and couldn’t even get an erection. I feigned sleepiness and that was the end of that.

Two days later, I couldn’t wait any more and texted Stephanie to see if she wanted to do lunch again. She quickly texted back in the affirmative and we arranged to meet up at a different restaurant, this time a very upmarket one. She was at the restaurant already when I showed up. She stood as I walked up and my first sight of her dress was like another bold of lightening. This time she was wearing a green dress. The dress was tight fitting at the waist and there was a surprisingly small amount of fabric coming over her breasts, because both the front and sides of her breasts were visible as she walked over. When she walked over to give me a kiss, I discovered that her dress was backless and, based on the movement of her chest as she walked, it seemed unlikely that she was wearing a bra. This time, I couldn’t help giving her a kiss on the lips instead of cheek. My hands reached around her and I felt a thrill as I touched her bare back. A quick glance downward showed me that her nipples were tenting out of the fabric so I was pretty sure that there was nothing underneath her dress. When I looked up, I saw that she had a flush around her neck so it looked like the kiss affected her as much as it did me. This affected me deeply, because it seemed to confirm that she was just as affected by me as I was by her.

As usual, Stephanie was quite animated as we chatted. This had the lovely affect that her dress moved back and forth in shock waves due to her unconstrained breasts. I must have caught myself staring for or five times during lunch when this happened. I would look backup quickly, and I caught her smiling each time I did this. She was obviously delighted at the affect her dress was having on me. As usual, she would reach over and touch my hand to make a point, and, each time I was acutely aware of her touch. This went for a wonderful hour, and we stood up to leave.

As we left the restaurant, Stephanie suggested that we talk a walk down to a park she had discovered that was only a few hundred meters down the road. Having no commitments for the next hour, I was more than willing to agree to this request. Stephanie walked closely by my side - so close that I could feel the movement of her arms as we walked. I wanted to put my arm around her waist, hold her hand, anything to touch her, but, telling myself that I was married, I used willpower that I didn’t know I had to avoid doing so.

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The Suite Orgy a continuation of Dianes life with her black lover

The After Party The Limo pulled up to the Four Seasons. Thomas let Diane out. David had already texted her to come straight up to his suite. She walked through the foyer to the elevators and pressed the button to the top floor. However, it was security locked. She needed a key. She went back to the front desk and asked to be escorted to his room. The valet went with her. She noticed he could not keep his eyes off of her. ‘How are you tonight Miss…’ he asked. ‘Mrs.’ she answered coyly.’ I am...

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An Accidental Misunderstanding Conclusion

I arrived at the lake hideaway, about five am and took a refreshing shower. I put some pizza logs in the oven, then opened the new computer up, eight hours to charge, two for me to use. Phone needed some go-go juice as well. I set the old fashion alarm clock for nine am and hit the sack. Back at the Party Betty was the first to stir, she saw the clock, four forty-five am. “What the fuck?” She looked around and didn’t see Alfred. Tyler and Veronica were coming around. “Okay you two, time to get...

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Birthdayanniversary surprise

It was my b-day/our 5 year anniversary and we decided to take a weekend off from our 2 youngens and get a room on the beach. After a day of hanging out on the beach together we where back in our room and i noticed u had been on ur phone more than usual so i ask u what u r doing. You look up at me and smile ur cute lil mischievous smile and say "i got a suprise for u". I laugh nervously "what is it?" U make me sit next to u on the bed and after scrolling threw ur phone really quick u turn it...

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Hijabi to Whore Part 5 Iqra eats Pussy

The school year was almost ending and the annual day was on the following Friday and the preparations were going high. Iqra also was busy in managing her groups act and was staying in the school after hours since the week had started. Kevin had not texted her since they had fucked in the parking lot and it had been three days but she didn't care about him at the moment. She did miss his dick but she now had other options and she had used one of them as she fucked Coach Wilson yesterday after...

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The Answer Is

WWAC: The Answer is ?Yes? by Ashley B. D. ZachariasFriday, 29 August: ?I hereby call this meeting of the Wicked Women’s Adventure Club to order.? Lydia said to the other four women sitting at her table. ?Today, we are meeting in Jeanne’s home because we have a single item of business that concerns her. As you recall, we had a problem with our adventure in May. Amelia was playing a game against three young men who now work for Jeanne. Amelia played well and may have won, but we will never know...

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Fucking in the Bushes Part 2

I moved from the rocks behind a large group of laurel bushes as quietly as I could, parted the branches ahead of me and peered through. A twig broke under my feet and both girls stopped kissing and looked my way. My heart pounded so loudly I felt they may hear.  Sarah grinned and began pushing Samantha back by her shoulders towards a large tree. Samantha looked at her with wide eyes. “Stop Sarah, stop now,” she pleaded, “I’m sure someone’s watching.” “Shut up, tart.” Sarah purred, roughly...

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Dees StoryChapter 4

Nothing. No pain, nothing. I had invested so much emotion, so much expectation, only for there to be nothing. The blindfold fitted so well that I couldn't see anything, not even light or dark, the sides covered my ears, not intended to block out all sound, they just muffled everything, except there was nothing to muffle. I tugged at the chains holding the cuffs, not to get loose, just to check they were still there, my mind working overtime, perhaps it was a joke? Perhaps nothing would...

1 year ago
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My first time on cam

It took some time for broadband to come to my small rural area and when it finally arrived I couldn't wait to have some fun on cam.Now, to set this story up you need to know I used to walk my dog, Jess, early each morning before work. Every morning I would pass a woman with her dog, coming in the opposite direction. Her name was Steph, about 40ish and all woman. We always stopped to say hello and chat a little. The dogs would sniff each other and play, then we carried on in our own...

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Charlotte in a Shower of RainChapter 5

It was early afternoon on the Sunday when I woke up to find my arms wrapped around Charlotte’s soft body, her firm buttocks pressed into my crotch. The house was generally still, except for the unmistakeable sound of Ellie in a state of orgasm, the sound coming from the next room. As I lay there listening, Charlotte stirred in my arms, rolled over and slipped her tongue into my mouth and we kissed gently for a few minutes. Then she said, “She is such a noisy lover!” and we laughed. I took...

4 years ago
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Long day part 2

Part 2She reaches for a drink, she rises from the bed, her breasts feel heavy and her nipples hard, she drinks from a bottle of water, he runs his finger down her spine and circles the top of her bum, then he leans over and kisses her cheek. He stands, his cock still firm, his balls empty. He goes to the bathroom. She replaces the water on the cabinet and lay on the bed, a smile covers her faces as she relives every moment of the few hours so far. The sound of water splashing in the bath fills...

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Tempest of LiesChapter 26

If nothing else had yet humbled the former Noble Lord, one look at the esteemed meeting place Rennis had procured would have done it. The Province which Tarras had governed before the Inonni came had a fine auditorium. Cavernous but not intimidating, decorated but not ostentatious, and comfortable but not lavish. The acoustics were perfect, allowing one to stand upon the stage and project his voice to the very back row with little effort. Tarras had used that chamber on many occasions to...

3 years ago
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A Perfect 10 Part 2Chapter 8

Fort McCoy, Wisconsin Monday, 5:30 AM “Mphfm!” Ok, this is getting ridiculous. Pussy in the morning is nice, and it smells and ... yup, it tastes nice and clean, but there is a tit right in the middle of it! Well, it’s a nicely shaped breast and nipple that is poking between her ... hmm, her who? ... uhh, between her legs. And there are two, minimum, mouths working on my groin. And ... Darn, I am totally buried in women. It must be every woman in the harem, all nine of them. I hope the...

1 year ago
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ChangesChapter 5

A few minutes later, Misty walked from the cell and was pushed aside. 'I gotta clean this fuckin' place, ' an older black woman rushed by Misty pushing a small mop, holding an empty bucket. 'Damn, I gotta clean this nasty shit hole before the governor gets here, ' she said pushing the mop past the other women. Shelly walked up to the woman. 'Mary you go clean your cell, ours is already clean, ' she said with a laugh as she looked to Misty. 'Poor Mary worked for the governor's...

3 years ago
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My Night In Paris

So I Was In Paris France Last Year Hanging Out With My Best Friend Maya Now Maya Has Been My Friend For About Ten Years Now And Me And Her Had Always Been Close Sometimes we would Cuddle Kiss and a Little Bit More, Even Tho She Had a Gf at the Time and One Night I was At her Pine House she She Asked Me To Come To Her Room she Took MY Hand and Just Kissed Me and not Just a peck on the Cheek i mean like Kiss Kiss French Kiss it was amazing she told me, iv been wanting to do that for a long time i...

1 year ago
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My First Time Touching Another Boys Cock

Note : This story is completely fictional! Hi! My name is Scott. When I was little, my family had just moved into this house and it was different from the last house we lived in and the family had even changed a little. You see we had moved into an actual house! Whereas before, we had always lived in apartments. In this house my mother, sister and I occupied the first floor and the basement, while my mothers' best friend (my aunt) took the upstairs. We all shared the bathroom on the second...

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Getting To Marie

She was on her third husband and had one son who was as old as I was and she had been giving me hard ons for over twenty years. Marie was five-foot even and weighed maybe one-twenty and a third of that was tits. Her bust size was thirty-eight and she knew they were attention getting and she displayed them accordingly. Low cut blouses were a staple in her wardrobe and when she waited on your table she made sure you got a good shot of her cleavage. I'm sure she thought that helped her get bigger...

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Seduction At The Cove

The searing midday sun cast a golden gaze over proceedings, as Adam ambled down the sandy path. In the distance the horizon shimmered, wilting in the intense heat. An odd wispy cloud stretched out like a slight blemish on the pristine azure sky. He gazed out upon the majestic Mediterranean waters.The cove covered less than two hundred metres, enclosed on either end by steep cliff-side. Pebbles of varying sizes covered most of the area, save for a small band of unspoiled sandy beach in the...

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Mistaken Identity Scotts Chapter 1

Yay! third Sunday of the month is here! And with it, Daphne's version of Chapter 2 on Patreon, as well as Scott's version of Chapter 1 on Fictionmania (and! I've been anxious to get these both out for weeks now. Lol. I currently plan to release publicly one version of each chapter, a month after the release of the second version on Patreon... so everyone gets the whole story, but those of you in my patreon get both versions of each chapter, meaning not only do you get...

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Just A Walk In The Park

It was a stupid argument, and Jenna had stormed out, just wanting some fresh air and a clear head. Her anger was still with her as she walked into Soapstone Park, she walked down the trail as the sun began to set, oblivious to her surroundings. The small lights beside the trail came on as she ventured further into the park; her anger starting to subside and she wondered why she even put up with his shit at all. She was attractive, had a good career and didn't need him, nor any man for that...

4 years ago
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Marks Pegging Fun

Mark Green was what you would consider a sissy. He liked his wife to take control of him in the bedroom. Lately, he was a bad boy and needed to be punished by his wife.Susan Green was dominant and used force to give her husband pleasure. He could only get off with being spanked. He enjoyed his wife to peg him.Susan caught her husband trying on her intimate apparel when she came back from a lunch date with her mother. Mark was wearing her bra and panties. He even tried on her wig and put...

Strap-On Sex
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Maid for the Job Chapter Eleven

Maid for the Job Chapter Eleven I woke with a start as the memories of the previous night's activities came flooding back, the pain in my used hole a further reminder of the assault that I had experienced. But had it been assault?! I could have tried to fight him off, I could have revealed Mrs Smith's plan, but I didn't, I allowed Mr Smith to use me as a sexual plaything just as his wife had done previously. Why hadn't I fought him off? Fear of exposure? Fear of further cruelty? But...

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While You Sleep

There is a beauty to watching the woman you love sleep. One of not just love, but something that the Gods would admire. Lying there, her head resting softly of the pillow. Her breast moving the sheets with each breath, you get lost in the love. Kim and I have been together for almost two years. Each morning I love to wake up early for work to just watch her sleep. Lying there, so innocent and beautiful. No one could imagine the passion she holds inside. She is totally committed. Watching...

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What Happens in Vegas A trip to Vegas changed hi

Every year I go to Las Vegas for a convention and it is always a good time. I eat like a king, drink like a fish and spend like Rockefeller. I usually meet up with friend while I am there and play a few rounds of golf and go to a few strip clubs too but this year none of my buddies could make it. I was kind of bummed about flying solo but it ended up being the craziest and most memorable trip ever.The craziness started the first night after dinner at Paris with one of my sales reps. He had to...

1 year ago
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Training With Mom

This is a true story that happened to me. I was in my mid teens and well into puberty. We were on vacation,me, my mom, dad, and my sister. We only had one hotel room which was okay with me as it allowed me to see alot of mom and s*s naked. The second morning s*s and dad went somewhere and would not be back for sometime. Mom and I were going to take it easy and go hang at the pool. Mom was changing into her suit and sat down on the bed totally naked. Mom was pretty, long blonde hair, perky...

3 years ago
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Casual Encounter

As I sit at my desk at work, I look at the clock again, 12:45pm. My friend and co-worker, sitting behind me giggles at my nervousness. It’s all her fault anyway. She set me up to this, it was all her idea. I had been perfectly content living life like a frumpy divorced woman since my husband of many years left me for his too young, very ditzy, secretary who was convinced he hung the moon. The divorce came as no surprise really. I had known the marriage was dead for years, but had decided to try...

Straight Sex
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Satisfaction Guaranteed

Satisfaction Guaranteed By Julie O Edited By Robert Arnold Chapter 1 "Tim, I just got a phone call from Kelsey and she may have a job for you," stated Sean Clarke as he entered the kitchen. His roommate, Tim Howe, glanced up from the stove. "Really, what is it?" Sean reached in the...

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The Four Hour ErectionChapter 8

By the following Tuesday Angela had forgotten about peeing in the cup for Bob, and was thinking less and less about Dub too. Things seemed to be going very well. Bob was healthy, and her patients presented complaints that she was usually able to do something about. She finished suturing up the leg of a man who'd been gored by a wild boar, listening to him tell her all about the hunt, and how, when he first saw it he couldn't shoot because his dog was in the way. The boar had ignored the...

3 years ago
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If I Had One Wish

--------------- Women are all filthy, nasty fuck sluts. They deserve to be beaten, fucked and tortured against their will. They should be bought sold and mistreated like the dirty whores they are. Women should roam the streets naked at all times, and fuck any man who pleases; no words, no consent. They should just be bent over and take anything that any man gives them. If that means being beaten, fucked or even killed just for the enjoyment of a man, then so be it. Who cares? It's just...

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Double Dare Part3

"So, what's dare?" asked the young redheaded Katie staring at us."Err?" me, my blonde haired cousin Josie, and her hot ebony friend Emily, replied not sure how to reply.Then our college professor Mr Mane stood up and said "Okay, people. We're nearly at the farm. So, make sure you've got all your belongings, because the coach isn't stopping with us, it'll be back later to pick us up!""Oh thank god!" exclaimed my cousin, and quickly the three of us got properly dressed again, and as the coach...

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GirlsWay Cadence Lux Brett Rossi Girls Do It Better

Brett Rossi has relationship problems. Her man can’t make her cum. She confides in her best friend Cadence Lux how bad it is. Cadence recounts how bad every guy was at eating her out before she became a lesbian. She counsels her to fuck a girl on the side. Brett tries to envision how and where that would transpire. Cadence takes off her button down and offers to help her out. Brett politely refuses her offer because it sounds too weird. Cadence keeps trying to talk her into it. Finally,...

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410 Daves reassuring hand holding pt2

410 Dave`s reassuring hand holding pt2They sat at the table she naked, he in PJ`s, coffee and a chip and egg meal, filling empty stomach`s, it was the Sunday evening and she had been sleeping all day after her overnight ordeal. He too had slept after masturbating a number of times watching the video and marvelling at her absorption of the pain she had endured. They were both wondering how to break the massive silence between them. In the end it was Gaye who spoke, “Well? Am I the biggest whore...

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SporesChapter 3

Joshua feverishly tried to stuff his erect cock back into his pants - getting up so quickly that he almost knocked Claire over onto her ass. He made it a few steps towards his front door - he had a hunched-over gait due to the prominent bulge in his pants - before he turned back to look at his daughter. Claire was still kneeling frozen in place where he had left her - her face contorted into the perverted expression he had told her to make. Anyone seeing her would know immediately that...

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Dirty Porn 303000

@_Dirtyporn! Porn is one of the top sources of joy to modern man. It is a cold world for men as they work their asses off for the benefit of their family.I know feminists with would argue that both men and women work hard for the sake of society and their loved ones. They often point out that they have fought for equal opportunities for both sexes. Yet, you don't see them advocating to work at mines, construction sites, and other jobs that keep our civilization running.Men have little to no...

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Maxine Stones New LifeChapter 169 the Broad Strokes

"Since this is off the record, is everyone here?" Jen asked. "Far as I can tell, when Lucas get's back from the little boy's room, we will all be present or accounted for," I replied. "So everyone knows the purpose of this meeting. We are here to decide what to do with the James Smiley information, which Maxine and Lucas have gathered." she went on. Lucas entered looking nervous. He didn't want to blow his big chance to get back in. "So Lucas tell us what you have?" Jen...

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RuneswardChapter 20

Elva, Issa, Bena, Syl, Uud, the Princess and her ladies had been hidden in the cellar and Ardt and Yren had carefully re-laid the tarp on the floor. The tarp was expensive; made from braided, aged leather specially treated with oils and tinctures, it was fairly resistant to fires and extreme heat. Even when it did burn, it didn’t catch fire or produce a flame but rather simply smoldered. Regardless, Ardt and Yren regularly doused it with water when working in the smithy just to be sure. Most...

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The Doctor Part 9 Tarryn

On Monday, Tarryn got the email accepting her to McGill University Law School. She was so happy, but at the same time apprehensive. She didn’t tell anyone about it for all of Monday. Monday night she tossed and turned in bed, and struggled to sleep. She touched herself a couple of times, but even that, normally a great sleeping ‘pill’ did not seem to work. Finally, she slept with the dawn not far off.Tuesday morning she woke late, after 9:30 AM and lay in bed. Instead of thinking of McGill and...

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Training to become my husbands slut pt 3

I have been reading erotic stories for a while but the stories that turned me on the most were about Doms and Subs, more specific masters and slaves. I even got turned on by the raping and when the master's would make their slaves fuck whoever they wanted. I thought it was just fantasy so I didn't think much of it but at first but I kept thinking about it more and more. I never considered myself as a submissive in our relationship, I spoke my mind and never let anyone tell me what to do....

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The Mystery Solved part 2

Cassie and Vera turned and walked around the suite to check it out. “Very nice,” Cassie said. “Let’s get comfortable, Vera.” They both began to undress and by the time they were naked, Terry was fully erect. Vera was much smaller than Cassie, almost flat chested but she had small hips and a tiny firm ass. Her pale skin was quite a contrast from Cassie’s. Cassie walked around the room a little more and Terry was amazed at her perfect body. Her breasts stood out from her chest, full and firm...

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Britney Spears Parental DisconsentPart Four

As James continued mouth-fucking Britney Spears, the dog came closer to the active couple. Within a few steps his sensitive nose picked up a distinctive scent. The scent of sex. This encouraged him to lurch forward even more. All the while James kept a watchful eye on the animal. He remained at the ready to fight off the dog if it decided to rescue the captive diva. Meanwhile, Britney was having a hard time breathing past the cock stuffing down her throat. She was totally unaware of the...

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Surprise of a Lifetime

The roar of the engines could be heard overhead as a girl struggled to keep her red dress from flipping up in the backdraft. She smoothed the slinky red thing down to her mid thigh. She was waiting here for Danny, the friend she had made online around six months ago. He was coming down here just to visit her, but she was a little worried. The guy had never sent her any pictures of himself, but she trusted him more than anything in the world. She waited and waited, looking down at how her...

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Going on

While standing at the bar with Ryan I noticed her talking to David. One swift glance and I knew that she was all that I wasn't. She had long blonde hair, excellent make up, manicured hands. Her slender figure with large tits was emphasised by a white, tight fitting blouse and a short black skirt that revealed her tanned legs. Even with her high heels she had to look up to him. “That's Eve”. Ryan had followed my gaze. “She's been seeing him for the last two weeks.” I just nodded, turned...

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A Twist in The Tale Part Two

The rest of the day was consumed by work and we both relaxed a bit. Friday came around, Jo told me she would follow me home in her car so as not to arouse any suspicions in the office. Linda was waiting for us in the lounge, she was wearing a low cut top, a long skirt and sandals. “I’ve ordered in a takeaway, it should be here soon and then we can get down to business. Jo your rooms ready, I’m sure you want to freshen up and change into something more suitable. And then you and Alan can have...

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nita gives me a surprise

This time Anita had flown away from town on a boring business trip, according to her own words. Those days I stayed at home, going each morning to my office and coming back in the early evening.On the fourth night I received a picture from my sweet wife on my cell phone. I could see her holding up her huge black dildo. She was sitting on the bed in her hotel room and her legs were spread wide. The text said:"I'm horny, I can't wait until coming back home… what could I do…?”I answered her I...

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Namaste Porn

NamastePorn is your go-to place for a taste of some good Indian smut as well as porn from all over the world. The site has done a great job of collecting erotic porn videos from popular tubes to bring you a fantastic collection of nothing but the best porn around. Most of the scenes here involve straight and lesbians getting it on hot, heavy and sticky, although there is a decent collection of shemale and gay porn as well.Speaking of the content, ThePornDude was amazed by the sheer volume. I’m...

Indian Porn Sites
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Journey Into The World Of Submissive Sex Part 3 Master

This is a work of pure fiction. I am Rajesh and I have been into BDSM for the past 7 years. This is the continuation of the series ‘Journey Into The World Of Submissive Sex’. Start of Part -3 I was taught how to prepare my body for the Master. I was super hungry and my stomach was almost empty. I was given an enema just to show how I should be prepared for anal sex. I was instructed by Shivani to keep my body devoid of hair and asked to apply lotion at least 3 times a day. Moreover, I was...

3 years ago
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he touches the nipples with both hands but does not realease them from there warm material he just tease them slightly making me shudder at the prospect of what he was going to do next.It didnt take long ,he reached down lifted my skirt up over my hips and spread my brae legs wide with his foot.Once again he just stood back and looked at my pussy,i felt vunerable but very sexy ,i knew he wanted me as much as i wanted him.He drew closer and reached out and slowly touched my tummy circling my...

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Decent Mom And Incestuous Son 8211 The Classmates

Hello everyone, this is my new story. I hope everyone will definitely like this hot story of a professor-mom, her student son, and his classmates. My mom’s name is Roslin. She is 40 years old but looks like the 30s because of her regular yoga and hard work. She is a fair looking beautiful woman who works as an English professor at our college. Every female lecturer feels jealous of her fairness and body structure. Her stats are 34 28 34. Every male lecture and student has a crush on her. In our...

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Tell Laura Chapter 5

LauraIt was around five in the afternoon when there was a knock at the door, which I answered why would I not? The smiling face that was there, when I opened the door, was the reason why not.“Hello Laura,” he said, as he pushed the door wide and stepped in.“Get out! You’re not…” I stopped when he raised his hand ready to slap me.Two of his friends, who I had ‘entertained’ before, followed him in and shut the door.“Bring her,” he said. “Okay, sit her in there, while I have a look around.”I was...


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