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The box had arrived just in time. Nakamura's two "gentlemen" went to work unloading it as soon as the garage's roller shutter had closed behind the inconspicuous white delivery van. One of them I knew by name: Tanaka, a ridiculously muscular bloke in an ill-fitting jacket. He was beyond any doubt capable of dragging the box alone. Hence his scrawny new colleague was rather latching onto the wooden crate while it was pulled out of the van.

"Will she be missed?"

"Not in this country, Nakamura-san. A European tourist, wanted to discover Japan on her own – away from that all-inclusive stuff."

Nakamura's face kept its emotionless expression: "She will indeed gain insight into some interesting facets of our culture, I can promise that."

Once the box stood on the concrete floor, the van was dismissed. Although on my payroll, the following was none of the driver's business. With the gate shut again, I beckoned Tanaka to grab the crowbar.

"There she is..."

Only the base plate had survived Tanaka-san's crowbar-assault. Draped on it – and I was delighted to rightfully use the participle "draped" – was my latest merchandise.

Please allow me to introduce myself at this point: I'm a freelancing trader of and trainer for private companions (persons of a more indiscreet disposition might use the term "sex slaves"). My dear Nakamura-san here represents a client with whom I had at least a dozen lucrative business dealings over the past three years. Today Mr Nakamura will inform his client about the conditions of another transaction – after checking the quality of the goods, of course.

The three hundred kilometre trip inside the stifling crate would have been much easier on her if she were nude, but that would send out the wrong signal. So her body had suffered the last six or so hours inside a tight – and I mean tight – black latex catsuit with mouth- nose- and eye-holes as only openings.

"Hair colour?"

"Blond," I answered as we closed in. I had ordered to keep her fair mane under latex, too.

She reacted to our voices by producing rasped sounds. When I had specified the openings, I had been imprecise. A latex blindfold was holding her in darkness and a large tube gag in silence. The former – wide enough to cover her nose-holes, too – bereaved her of four openings, whilst the latter forced a fifth into agonising dimensions. Ever since I saw its kind in Japanese hardcore bondage porns, I knew it to be the perfect travelling accessory for my trainees.

The gag's head-harness ran unyieldingly over both hood and blindfold, with a rubber stopper dangling on a chain from the mouth frame. The fact that the stopper and its chain were identical to those which could be found on washbasins and bath tubs added to the contraption's depravity.

Nakamura and I hunkered down before the girl, for she was on her elbows and knees, and only on her elbows and knees. Her claves were bent back against her thighs by the means of latex tape. I noticed with satisfaction that the wraps of tape had been applied smoothly and without kinks (pun intended). Same with her arms, but here additional bondage mittens engulfed her hands. A strong curb chain ran along the back of her neck to connect the rings at the mittens' ends.

Nakamura reached out with his left hand to caress her rubber-clad and leather-trapped face, paying special attention to the obscenely wide opening of her mouth. He pushed his fingers through the reinforced rubber tube, all four and a half. He missed a part of his little finger, which made it quite obvious what nature his profession was of.

Sweetest sounds of distressed gagging came from my captive as her throat reacted to the invasion. The girl wiggled in her bondage, but had learnt the hard way during her journey that too much movement would cause her torment in addition to the gnawing cramps which were searing her muscles.

To ensure the correct body tension, the sender of this charming cargo had forced the female's back into a severe arc. And to do this in the worst way, he had knotted a leather strap to the ring at the top of her head-harness. Nothing too wild so far; the fun came with the item at the other end of the strap. An anal hook was bending its shaft around her tailbone. From there the bare metal disappeared between the sliders of a naughty dual zipper running between the suit's legs.

I didn't know whether or not her juicy bum had received intrusive objects before. But I dared say that even without the relentless strain from her head this particular toy would be a challenge.

Not only was the steel hook absolutely unforgiving, it was also fitted with a two-inch sphere at the end instead of just a rounded tip. And to drive the point home, a legion of dull spikes covered aforesaid sphere. Since the strap wasn't fastened centrically, the hook tilted every time it was pulled at, pressing the spikes into the tender wall of her rectal tract.

The four-fingered hand retracted, and the girl's gaggings were replaced by coughs. Nakamura wiped his hand on a handkerchief. The rubber tube was wet with saliva, but the open mouth gag had dried out her throat cruelly. The fluid which should moisten her oral cavity was covering her rubberised chin and or was running lazily down the stopper's chain. Said stopper had of course not been inserted during her trip – dead she would be of far less worth (although there was a market for that, too). No, for a sufficient exchange of air had been taken care of. Her mouth had been lined up with a hole in the – now removed – crate's front wall. It didn't take much imagination to reckon that air had not been the only thing going through his opening. For someone standing on the road behind the van, the crate had been in the right height.

It is important to understand that my special customer did not care if the merchandise was pure or virginal in any way or hole. The girls he bought were not precious in any way to him.

On the contrary: He loathed them, wanted to loathe them. That's why he ordered – I better say demanded – only gaijin. Always gaijin. Always blonde ones, so their origin and therefore supposed worthlessness were even more blatant.

I'm a gaijin, too, a "person from outside". I had travelled many countries before. But the Asian serenity had fascinated me ever since I had come to this country for the first time. That, and the prospering market for trained females.

Speaking of which: It was time to initiate the first step. Being kidnapped, bound in an agonisingly unnatural position, humiliated, boxed and orally raped had softened her up, no doubt about that. Yet these actions had induced no development, no progress towards the true aim. If I wanted to sell scared, abased puppets, I would just have them drugged and beaten up for three days. That did not meet my standards. At the end of her training, my little tourist – like all her predecessors – would be a high quality product, a fetish doll for sadists beyond sadism.

With some effort I pulled her blindfold away. Not only was it trapped under the snug gag harness, but also sticking to the hood. Yet I insisted upon her witnessing the following event.

As the blindfold finally came free, I was greeted by a pair of enchanting grey-green eyes. And although yon eyes were filled with fear, there was no trace of the mindless panic I had seen on so many other trainees-to-be.

"Well..." I took her passport from the inside pocket of my jacket, " ... Illaun from Éire."

I intentionally mispronounced it as "Eerie", hoping to hurt her proud Irish ears with it. The photograph in her papers didn't do her justice; Illaun was far better looking in real life. Especially gagged and hooded...

I looked up to the new guy.

"Oi! Have a light?" I knew that both Nakamura and Tanaka were non-smokers.

He just looked insecurely at me and smiled. The dumb gofer hadn't understood one word.


Now his face showed genuine relief.


He handed me a cheap disposable lighter, and I turned my attention back towards the grey-green eyes.

"Are you with me, Illaun?"

She made a guttural sound.

"This is the last time you answer to that name."

I lit the lighter and held the flame at her passport. Illaun made no further sounds, but the Irish eyes filled up with fresh tears as the red booklet was consumed by the fire.

I dropped the smouldering remains.

"From now on you will answer to dorei."

The strong covers hadn't burn up completely, and I used them as makeshift dustpan and brush. With quick moves I shovelled the ashes into her mouth and sealed it with the rubber stopper.

My new trainee withstood the temptation to shake her head in disgust (I only say anal hook), but tried vainly to push the stopper back out with her tongue. Next to me, Nakamura-san smirked. We both rose, and I grabbed the strap oh so cruelly tautened between the crown of her head and her rectal tormentor.

"Come, doggie!"

Doggie was a little bit unsure on her paws as I walked her away from the box's wreck. Every "step" felt like a hammer blow to her tantalised joints. The hook embedded in her anal depths sent hot pain up her lower intestines every time I jerked at her "leash". After a little tour through the garage ("That's our new car hoist", "Over there we store the engine oil barrels") she was panting heavily and slipping every other second. I pulled the stopper and watched her retching out greyish saliva mud, decorated with partly burnt paper flakes. Satisfied with the achieved level of degradation, I called for Tanaka.


The workshop I used as façade for my true business didn't provide the right, non-retraceable background. Temporarily freed from of her latex prison, Illaun was standing in the middle of a sterile, well-lit room. The practically naked woman was shivering in both fear and apprehension, but otherwise held up well. She had even put up a quite entertaining fight when Tanaka and I had peeled off the punitive suit. A rapid extraction of the anal hook and the threat of it being equally fast rammed in again had put an end to her little rebellion.

Being essentially nude didn't mean she wasn't fitted with any new regalia. A very strict four-inch posture collar raised her chin towards the light, advantageous for the upcoming photo shoot. Even more beneficial in my opinion was the leather monoglove holding her arms in a merciless grip. It was one of my severest models, running all the way up to her shoulders before sending out straps around her chest. Fully laced like it was now, it made her elbows touch. I normally didn't use this kind on fresh trainees, but, oh boy, did she look hot in it! Shoulders bent backwards to the utmost, arms neatly stowed away, her full breasts pushed out.

Not that she was in need of it. Especially Tanaka admired her womanly attributes, now not longer compressed by the restrictive material of the suit. I confirmed that she was quite boobed (a term that made the 110 kilo hulk giggle like a schoolgirl).

The photo shoot which was scheduled next was an important part of the almost ritualised procedure of trading (Japanese love rituals). On the basis of the photographs Nakamura's boss, his oyabun, used to decide whether to purchase my charming captives, once their training would be completed. If his answer regarding this one were "no" – and I saw no reason to expect that –, I would have little problems to sell Illaun elsewhere. Quality was always on demand.

First came the face shots (not what you're thinking), which required her not to be gagged. Due to the posture collar Illaun wasn't able to turn her head away, and did not dare to move her whole upper body. I had made myself quite clear by showing her some tools from a roller cabinet that I did not accept blurred photos.

Nakamura and I waited in the far corner while Tanaka was taking the first set of pictures. The scrawny lighter-boy had stayed in the workshop, just in case of unannounced visitors. None of us wanted to get on a pic accidently; you never knew who would look at it in the future.

With the close-ups done, it was time to re-gag Illaun. I chose a nice 8-buckle bishop gag.

"No, please!" She turned away at the waist. "I won't scream for help, I promise!"

I believed her to a certain degree, but that wasn't the point. I could indulge myself in the psychological meaning of a gag, about humiliation and de-humanisation. All of that was correct. It was correct that I adored the muffled noises of a beautiful woman in oral distress. That I did not want to hear endless pleadings once things started to get truly serious. That I took her ability of speech because I had the power to do so.

The point was: Illaun just looked so fuckin' cute with her mouth filled to the brim!

Realising that begging was of no avail, she clenched her teeth. Smooth move. A trip to the large toolbox got me the needle nosed pliers. When she saw them, she actually backed off, but couldn't escape me. The pliers found her left nipple and closed. Squashed for resisting in the first place. Pulled for moving away from her new master. Twisted to coerce her into opening her unruly mouth.

I stuffed the ball through between her teeth, transforming her long sweet scream into a battered grunt. Two and a half inches of hard rubber – there's something about nearly dislocating a girl's jaw...

After securing the straps behind Illaun's head not too gently, I flipped the leather panel over her sensual and now very strained lips. I buckled it tight, really tight, to teach her a lesson. It forced the oversized ball even deeper into her mouth, grinding her tongue and palate. If she wanted to keep screaming, she had to put a little bit more effort into it.

Full body shots came next, and I wasn't happy with her posture. The armbinder did a wonderful job, so did the collar. But something was missing.

"Feet together, more! Knees, too! C'mon, dorei, show some enthusiasm!"

Better, but still...

"Up onto your toes," I commanded, which got me a puzzled look from her reddened eyes. But as soon as her left nipple was caressed by the pliers once more, her heels left the ground. I literally pulled her up by her breast.

"You stay like that. If anything else of your body beside your toes touches the floor, I crush this bud..." I emphasised it by closing the handles a bit more, " ... and then move straight over to your right one."

And Illaun did stay like that. Tanaka spent the next ten minutes documenting her constrained body. The who-knows-how-many gigapixel camera almost disappeared between his huge hands as he was circling her methodically, taking pictures every twenty or so degrees.

My trainee was unintentionally helping him by looking stoically towards the far wall, trying to deal with her captivity and bondage in general and with her straining leg muscles in special. Now and then muffled groans escaped her gag, and sweat appeared on her forehead.

Soon she wobbled on the balls of her feet, first noticeably, then dramatically. Illaun's groans turned into howls. Her calves were cramping up nicely, so were her insteps. Forcing someone to stay on their toes is an official torture technique.

She kept looking at the wall. Had to be a really interesting spot over there.

Tanaka had finished his creative phase and joined his comrade (actually I had asked him to do so, for I suspected the scrawny bloke to smoke in the workshop). I discussed some final details with Nakamura. Illaun was balancing.

Illaun was still balancing after I had sped the three yakuza on their way. By now she was in real torment, every fibre in her muscles a red-hot wire of pain. Several times she had lost her posture and hit the ground with her heels, only to rise up again in a rush. I pretended not to notice it. To say the truth, I considered it quite entertaining. Watching her fighting. Watching her tormenting herself. She was obviously afraid of the punishment. But at least to the same degree Illaun was unwilling to give me a reason to punish her.

I loosened the gag and let it dangle around her posture-collared neck, both as a reminder and decoration. She winced as her stiff jaw muscles answered her attempt to close her mouth only with pain. The ball gag bore the danger of suffocation, but soon she would learn how to sleep with an open-mouth gag.

I stepped through the door of the soundproof room and switched the strong lights off from the outside.

"Lie down and sleep, dorei."

I closed and locked the door, leaving Illaun in total darkness.


After a night in the armbinder, her shoulders were petrified. So Illaun gave me little trouble during the very thorough washing routine in the morning. Afterwards, I hung her out to dry by a septum clamp. That brought back bad memories to her feet as she was tiptoeing under the pulley, hands cuffed behind her.

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BangBus Richelle Ryan Richelle Ryan on The Hunt

This week we bring to you a reverse BangBus with the one and only Richelle Ryan. She is horny and hungry for some cock. So she decided to call us up to see if we could help. With her on the bus it didn’t take long to get some random guys to agree to jump in and attempt to fuck her. Like always, they don’t all succeed but hey at least they tried. Either way, Richelle takes some cock in her tight pussy, making her cum in multiple positions. And eventually she gets to swallow a hot load herself.

3 years ago
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Her new toy takes my anal cherry

Ready for some more wild shit? Hey guys, I'm sure you have seen those make your own dildo kits. You know the kind, where you make a mold of your own dick, and use it to make a vibrator so your significant other can fuck themselves with it when you're not around. Well, I'm here to tell you be careful, if you get one of those, the decision might come back to bite you in the ass. Or worse. Here is my second chapter…As we get out of the shower she guides me on the edge of the bed and has me sit...

3 years ago
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Seduced by my Mother in Law Part 2

In the first episode of the story my intense dislike for my mother-in-law (MIL) changed to one of appreciation and gratitude as our relationship took a sharp turn for the better. Read on ::The ‘ice ‘between us had been broken but not the rules of the family. She was my MIL, my darling Sushma’s mother yet we had never liked each other from day one. This frosty relationship continued even now at least outwardly. More than a month went by and there was no communication between us. Yet MIL loomed...

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The Cuckolding of Neil Dodds Part 19

She did dream and she did awaken to their hands vying for her private parts but she also awoke to Neil’s voice. He had showered and dressed and was about to leave for work. She had momentarily forgotten that it was Monday. It was also her day off. She smiled. Neil leant over and kissed her on the lips. “Would you like some tea?” She shook her head. “No thanks,” she told him. “I’ll get some later.” Karl spoke briefly to him about the lease that was expected that day and promised to speak to...

1 year ago
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Nirvana on FireChapter 1

The tall man leaned over the hospital bed and rested his right hand on the injured man's right shoulder. The tall man's dark eyes blazed with anger as he looked down on his wounded employee. Both arms were covered with bandages. Another bandage was wrapped over his left shoulder and around his chest. A third set of bandages were wrapped around his body from the waist down both legs to his feet. "It was a she devil, Hefe," the bandaged man said. His brown eyes were opened wide with fear...

3 years ago
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Sex With Office Colleague Debra 8211 Part II

Hello All, its Harry here back with the second part with my colleague. (you can find my part on at ) like i said on the previous post, the second one happened in just few days. From the i left her place I did not call her, and neither did she, so I thought this was a perfect one night stand, but once when we returned to work, at our immediate glance we were talking through our eyes and we were like lovers. Going for...

3 years ago
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Womyns World Being True to Oneself

Womyn's World - Remaining To Oneself to Be True By Belinda In the future, it is better to have all people live in a women's lifestyle. One person from the future is sent back to the past, and given the option to either stay in the past in man's lifestyle or return to the present in a women's lifestyle... One person who Jane found in the other reality and came with Jane to Womyn's World happy and...

3 years ago
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Fucked My Tamil Mami

Hello indian sex stories dot net friends. This is manish currently from chennai,with another incident of mine (do read my previous story. You’d love it if you are a tamil). This is about how I drilled by mami(aunt). Most of the conversations in this story will be in tamil for the ease of tamil reader. Talking abt my mami ,her name is kavitha (obviously name changed) ,she is in her early 40s ,mother of two and her hubby is a shift worker. You can’t really predict when he is at home. Sometimes he...

1 year ago
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Tales from Taboo Stables

Taboo Stables was located in Connecticut. The vast majority of the horses boarded there belonged to barons of industry, the nouveaux riches big spenders, a few movie stars, the odd Kennedy, real estate magnates, hedge fund managers, and even Middle Eastern royalty. The place was owned by Marguerite Percy-Sandoval. The 83 year-old, five-foot-three, white-haired lady was the only c***d of the third son of an English earl and an American socialite. Her father had bred and trained horses his entire...

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Violets AreChapter 5

Violet looked out the van window at the passing snow covered trees. Four days. It was like she was a time traveler. In the blink of an eye, she had been sent four days into the future. Four days of her life, gone. It could have been worse, but her mind was having a hard enough time wrapping itself around this as it was. Four days of her family thinking she was going to die ... how would her brothers and sisters react to her? How would SHE react? What the hell had happened? The Red Witch...

3 years ago
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All for Nothing Part III

Here is the last part to "All or Nothing" and I have no further plans to add on to it. Some have suggested that they might want to write within this "universe", creating other stories about Mason and Mason and its club, the Getaway. If you are so inclined, by all means do so. I would only be flattered. Also, if you are so inclined, feel free to post any of my stories here on Fictionmania to any other sites. Again, I would only be flattered. Anyway, this is Part III of "All or...

2 years ago
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Boss Lady

"Damn, I hate that bitch!" Carl muttered as he walked from the building. Carl was a short, fat and rude person that nobody really liked, they just put up with him. "Friday night, five o'clock and she want every computer counted," he added looking to his friend Todd. Todd just tilted his head, "Well, it's her company and she pays us pretty good," he said thinking that he didn't mind. He had more time to look at her wonderful, mature body. "Oh fuck! That tight ass cunt is a...

2 years ago
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Rachel Fire and Innocence Part 2 The Fun Begi

Rachel: Fire and Innocence - Part 2 – The Fun BeginsWhen I opened my eyes, I looked up to see Rachel straddling my outstretched body, and patting my bare chest with a cool, damp wash cloth. I could feel a cool cloth folded on my forehead, and another one behind my neck. I could also see right down Rachel’s dress, as she leaned over me. Her breasts were perfectly round and firm and her nipples were aroused.She asked me how I was feeling, poor thing, as she continued to administer her version...

4 years ago
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My First Consensual Pussy Fucking Experience

If sex is sex and no gender binding was necessary for a very satisfying and enjoying sexy session, I was on cloud 9 from a very young age. After Rajeev and I had boy boy sex for the first time, we had sex on every occasion we were together for class work or a project and we were sure of our security. Yes, I was very happy but I was getting more and aware of my sexuality, discovering that I was NOT gay but bisexual. The girls looked beautiful, sexy and often gave me a hard on but somehow the...

2 years ago
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Ambush at Willow RunChapter 11

That afternoon, we went looking for a preacher to marry us in 4 weeks. The Methodist preacher was agreeable, so we scheduled the shindig with him for a Sunday afternoon, 4 weeks away. We were able to arrange everything that day, so we left happy. The next day, Joe and I, as Jake Esposito, took the buckboard to Trinity to look into the LeMat conversion. The gunsmith was relieved to see me; he had feared that he had lost a customer since it had been so long since I had been in to see (and nag)...

3 years ago
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Geeks Lucky Night

Rhonda was appalled. She stood as Randy, her steady boyfriend was carted off in the ambulance. The Paramedic had said, "Alcohol Poisoning," and slapped him onto the gurney and they trundled off down the road with him. The medics had said they should call the cops, considering all the underage drinkers at the party, but they would cut some slack if the remaining three kids knocked off the drinking. They had poured the remaining hooch out into the toilet and the paramedics had left...

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A Thousand Years of PeaceChapter 6 White Eagle Walks among Us

John had known for almost 40 years that his totem was the American Bald Eagle. Another name for the majestic bird is the White Eagle. When John participated in healing, he became very high. That is why, after performing healing, he identified himself as White Eagle when he was asked, where under normal circumstances he would have very likely had said “No.” John watched as a young man was riding his bicycle on the sidewalk in front of them. The young man waved at them as he rode by. He looked...

1 year ago
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MomPOV Dasha Professional in the art of pleasure

– 38 years old – Referred to us by her friend who also worked with MomPov – New to porn, but has worked in a brothel in the past – She is foreign, speaks with sexy accent – Is shy at first, once comfortable she becomes a freak – Has always been very sexual, sex comes natural to her – Loves getting fucked from behind, makes her cum hard – Its been 6 months since she last had sex, VERY tight pussy – She also has never tried anal but we went for it – She wants to come back to try more anal next...

3 years ago
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A Shoulder To Cry On Part Two Six Weeks Later

Six weeks. It was six long weeks since I'd last seen or touched her. So much had gone on between us since then. I couldn't close my eyes without flashbacks. Her opening the door, kissing me, touching me, me spanking her arse and cumming all over her. I couldn't tell a soul. I couldn't tell anyone that I had never fucked, or been fucked like that by anyone. She was undoubtedly the best sex I have ever had. In the long, agonising days and weeks that followed that eventful night, she had been...

4 years ago
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Sex with my cousin

I’m a guy. My height is 6 feet 2 inches. I’m from Delhi. My dick is 8.5 inch. My cousin is 5f 5 inches and she has huge set of boobs. So I started talking to her on fb. Then we became best frnds. Then we started talking on Whatsapp. Our friendship started growing stronger. She started sharing every little thing with me. She even told me about guy who proposed her and asking my suggestions to accept their proposals or not.By fearing of losing her, I suggested to reject them. One day I got to...

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Lesbian Garter Hypnosis

Denise placed the personal ad because she was bored, mostly. Three months of living on her own in Benton Harbor, Michigan had not been a terrific boon to her sanity. It was a crappy little town off the interstate with fast food chains and a couple of bars, but when you looked closer to find all the tremendous depth that always lurks in Smalltown, America (at least, so she'd always been told) you found ... nothing. The people here weren't even all that different in an interesting sort of...

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My Little VentrueChapter 49

~~Beatrice~~ Nearing Azamel’s hole in the ground, back in a place she very much didn’t want to be. But this was how the magic happened, throwing yourself into the deep end and seeing if you could swim. She had Jacob with her, so at least he’d help her out if she started drowning. Hopefully. Maybe. Azamel’s place was still maybe a quarter mile ahead, and each step down the abandoned tunnel sent larger and larger chills up Triss’s spine. She could feel it, her, the old woman, feel the...

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The Island chapter 110

hell broke loose. The two boys lunged at each other and began to fight. Jimmy realized that this was no ordinary boy fight. It looked as if the two boys wanted to kill each other. The two boys battled each other, causing much blood to fly, until finally one boy fell to the ground, and then staid there. The winner went over to the looser, and challanged him to get up. The defeated boy looked up at the winner and grunted something. The fight was over, and the looser had admitted his...

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wife being stubborn

i have been asking Sue for ages now to have sex with a black man, she always says yes but never comes through, she loves watching black porn and she loves her BBC sex toys, she makes me use them on her and talk dirty to her and tell her she is getting fucked by 3/4 black cocks. i blindfold her and she tells me she is thinking about other men when i am fucking her. every time she has a drink she always says i wish you had set up a black cock to fuck me tonight i am wet just thinking about...

1 year ago
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MMF for the first time

Hello readers let me tell you about Swati's first threesome... It was a hot summer day. Swati (Referred as S) invited me and Bhavya (Referred as B) to accompany her as she was alone at home. We reached her place by 5 pm at the evening... She lived in an isolated Neighborhood on the out skirts of the city. We knock at the door within a minute she answered and welcomed us into the drawing room. Sorry readers I forgot to describe our characters... S a hot 36-30-36 built Female 5 feet 6 inch tall...

First Time
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My Wife Set Up To Get Fucked By Black Guy

I have been married to my wife Abby for just over a year now and married life is just wonderful ,considering I married my high school sweetheart. At 20 she still looks the same way she did in high school. She still has her petite sexy figure, 4'8" 115 lbs, gorgeous silly black hair shoulder length, firm 32c cup breasts and a cute tight butt that guys can't seem to take their eyes off when she walks by. I joke around sometimes in bed about her being with another man, but secretly craving...

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Slovene Tranny and Her American Men

Milena Dorin awakened from her slumber. She grabbed her iPhone and pressed the button to see the time. It was 6:14 a.m. She decided to get up and bathe. She walked into the master bathroom of her palatial two-bedroom, two-bath downtown condo. She pulled her douching apparatus from beneath the sink. She cleaned out her 40-inch ass. After completing that task, she hopped in the shower. The steamy, hot water felt good against her milky-white skin. She scrubbed her curvaceous figure with a purple...

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Apocalypse BluesChapter 12

“So, what’s with the nudity?” Mayor Eileen Connally asked me as I pumped in and out of her in front of an assembly of all townsfolk fourteen years of age and up. “It was my idea,” Ariel announced his return, with Lavelle accompanying him. “You ... you’re ... you’re ... an angel! You’re both angels!” Eileen crossed herself, having been a good Catholic prior to Fireball Day. “Yes, we are. Angels, that is. Do not leave with this party. Do not attempt to leave with them. Except for any women...

1 year ago
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Our Roommate the Master

Ty comes home and sets his stuff down on the table before calling through the house. “Anyone home?” He asks. “Yeah I am here” comes Amanda’s voice from the bedroom. Ty smiles and moves to the couch where he sits and props his feet up. Before he can turn on the TV or anything Amanda walks out of the bedroom in her booty shorts and a tank top. “How was your day?” She asks him. “Pretty good” Ty replies. Amanda smiles “that’s good,” she says before walking to the kitchen. “Have any plans for...

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TripinChapter 15

"Lucille Avery?" the male voice on the phone asked. "Yes, how may I help you?" I asked. "Actually I can help you. I am looking at a package which I have for you. It's from the Texas State Police. If you stop by and do the paper work I will be happy to return your .38 Saturday night special to you," he said. I had expected a detective with whom I had previous contact to make the delivery. Instead it was a patrolman who was assigned to the property room. My guess is that the pistol...

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