- 3 years ago
- 22
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The box had arrived just in time. Nakamura's two "gentlemen" went to work unloading it as soon as the garage's roller shutter had closed behind the inconspicuous white delivery van. One of them I knew by name: Tanaka, a ridiculously muscular bloke in an ill-fitting jacket. He was beyond any doubt capable of dragging the box alone. Hence his scrawny new colleague was rather latching onto the wooden crate while it was pulled out of the van.
"Will she be missed?"
"Not in this country, Nakamura-san. A European tourist, wanted to discover Japan on her own – away from that all-inclusive stuff."
Nakamura's face kept its emotionless expression: "She will indeed gain insight into some interesting facets of our culture, I can promise that."
Once the box stood on the concrete floor, the van was dismissed. Although on my payroll, the following was none of the driver's business. With the gate shut again, I beckoned Tanaka to grab the crowbar.
"There she is..."
Only the base plate had survived Tanaka-san's crowbar-assault. Draped on it – and I was delighted to rightfully use the participle "draped" – was my latest merchandise.
Please allow me to introduce myself at this point: I'm a freelancing trader of and trainer for private companions (persons of a more indiscreet disposition might use the term "sex slaves"). My dear Nakamura-san here represents a client with whom I had at least a dozen lucrative business dealings over the past three years. Today Mr Nakamura will inform his client about the conditions of another transaction – after checking the quality of the goods, of course.
The three hundred kilometre trip inside the stifling crate would have been much easier on her if she were nude, but that would send out the wrong signal. So her body had suffered the last six or so hours inside a tight – and I mean tight – black latex catsuit with mouth- nose- and eye-holes as only openings.
"Hair colour?"
"Blond," I answered as we closed in. I had ordered to keep her fair mane under latex, too.
She reacted to our voices by producing rasped sounds. When I had specified the openings, I had been imprecise. A latex blindfold was holding her in darkness and a large tube gag in silence. The former – wide enough to cover her nose-holes, too – bereaved her of four openings, whilst the latter forced a fifth into agonising dimensions. Ever since I saw its kind in Japanese hardcore bondage porns, I knew it to be the perfect travelling accessory for my trainees.
The gag's head-harness ran unyieldingly over both hood and blindfold, with a rubber stopper dangling on a chain from the mouth frame. The fact that the stopper and its chain were identical to those which could be found on washbasins and bath tubs added to the contraption's depravity.
Nakamura and I hunkered down before the girl, for she was on her elbows and knees, and only on her elbows and knees. Her claves were bent back against her thighs by the means of latex tape. I noticed with satisfaction that the wraps of tape had been applied smoothly and without kinks (pun intended). Same with her arms, but here additional bondage mittens engulfed her hands. A strong curb chain ran along the back of her neck to connect the rings at the mittens' ends.
Nakamura reached out with his left hand to caress her rubber-clad and leather-trapped face, paying special attention to the obscenely wide opening of her mouth. He pushed his fingers through the reinforced rubber tube, all four and a half. He missed a part of his little finger, which made it quite obvious what nature his profession was of.
Sweetest sounds of distressed gagging came from my captive as her throat reacted to the invasion. The girl wiggled in her bondage, but had learnt the hard way during her journey that too much movement would cause her torment in addition to the gnawing cramps which were searing her muscles.
To ensure the correct body tension, the sender of this charming cargo had forced the female's back into a severe arc. And to do this in the worst way, he had knotted a leather strap to the ring at the top of her head-harness. Nothing too wild so far; the fun came with the item at the other end of the strap. An anal hook was bending its shaft around her tailbone. From there the bare metal disappeared between the sliders of a naughty dual zipper running between the suit's legs.
I didn't know whether or not her juicy bum had received intrusive objects before. But I dared say that even without the relentless strain from her head this particular toy would be a challenge.
Not only was the steel hook absolutely unforgiving, it was also fitted with a two-inch sphere at the end instead of just a rounded tip. And to drive the point home, a legion of dull spikes covered aforesaid sphere. Since the strap wasn't fastened centrically, the hook tilted every time it was pulled at, pressing the spikes into the tender wall of her rectal tract.
The four-fingered hand retracted, and the girl's gaggings were replaced by coughs. Nakamura wiped his hand on a handkerchief. The rubber tube was wet with saliva, but the open mouth gag had dried out her throat cruelly. The fluid which should moisten her oral cavity was covering her rubberised chin and or was running lazily down the stopper's chain. Said stopper had of course not been inserted during her trip – dead she would be of far less worth (although there was a market for that, too). No, for a sufficient exchange of air had been taken care of. Her mouth had been lined up with a hole in the – now removed – crate's front wall. It didn't take much imagination to reckon that air had not been the only thing going through his opening. For someone standing on the road behind the van, the crate had been in the right height.
It is important to understand that my special customer did not care if the merchandise was pure or virginal in any way or hole. The girls he bought were not precious in any way to him.
On the contrary: He loathed them, wanted to loathe them. That's why he ordered – I better say demanded – only gaijin. Always gaijin. Always blonde ones, so their origin and therefore supposed worthlessness were even more blatant.
I'm a gaijin, too, a "person from outside". I had travelled many countries before. But the Asian serenity had fascinated me ever since I had come to this country for the first time. That, and the prospering market for trained females.
Speaking of which: It was time to initiate the first step. Being kidnapped, bound in an agonisingly unnatural position, humiliated, boxed and orally raped had softened her up, no doubt about that. Yet these actions had induced no development, no progress towards the true aim. If I wanted to sell scared, abased puppets, I would just have them drugged and beaten up for three days. That did not meet my standards. At the end of her training, my little tourist – like all her predecessors – would be a high quality product, a fetish doll for sadists beyond sadism.
With some effort I pulled her blindfold away. Not only was it trapped under the snug gag harness, but also sticking to the hood. Yet I insisted upon her witnessing the following event.
As the blindfold finally came free, I was greeted by a pair of enchanting grey-green eyes. And although yon eyes were filled with fear, there was no trace of the mindless panic I had seen on so many other trainees-to-be.
"Well..." I took her passport from the inside pocket of my jacket, " ... Illaun from Éire."
I intentionally mispronounced it as "Eerie", hoping to hurt her proud Irish ears with it. The photograph in her papers didn't do her justice; Illaun was far better looking in real life. Especially gagged and hooded...
I looked up to the new guy.
"Oi! Have a light?" I knew that both Nakamura and Tanaka were non-smokers.
He just looked insecurely at me and smiled. The dumb gofer hadn't understood one word.
Now his face showed genuine relief.
He handed me a cheap disposable lighter, and I turned my attention back towards the grey-green eyes.
"Are you with me, Illaun?"
She made a guttural sound.
"This is the last time you answer to that name."
I lit the lighter and held the flame at her passport. Illaun made no further sounds, but the Irish eyes filled up with fresh tears as the red booklet was consumed by the fire.
I dropped the smouldering remains.
"From now on you will answer to dorei."
The strong covers hadn't burn up completely, and I used them as makeshift dustpan and brush. With quick moves I shovelled the ashes into her mouth and sealed it with the rubber stopper.
My new trainee withstood the temptation to shake her head in disgust (I only say anal hook), but tried vainly to push the stopper back out with her tongue. Next to me, Nakamura-san smirked. We both rose, and I grabbed the strap oh so cruelly tautened between the crown of her head and her rectal tormentor.
"Come, doggie!"
Doggie was a little bit unsure on her paws as I walked her away from the box's wreck. Every "step" felt like a hammer blow to her tantalised joints. The hook embedded in her anal depths sent hot pain up her lower intestines every time I jerked at her "leash". After a little tour through the garage ("That's our new car hoist", "Over there we store the engine oil barrels") she was panting heavily and slipping every other second. I pulled the stopper and watched her retching out greyish saliva mud, decorated with partly burnt paper flakes. Satisfied with the achieved level of degradation, I called for Tanaka.
The workshop I used as façade for my true business didn't provide the right, non-retraceable background. Temporarily freed from of her latex prison, Illaun was standing in the middle of a sterile, well-lit room. The practically naked woman was shivering in both fear and apprehension, but otherwise held up well. She had even put up a quite entertaining fight when Tanaka and I had peeled off the punitive suit. A rapid extraction of the anal hook and the threat of it being equally fast rammed in again had put an end to her little rebellion.
Being essentially nude didn't mean she wasn't fitted with any new regalia. A very strict four-inch posture collar raised her chin towards the light, advantageous for the upcoming photo shoot. Even more beneficial in my opinion was the leather monoglove holding her arms in a merciless grip. It was one of my severest models, running all the way up to her shoulders before sending out straps around her chest. Fully laced like it was now, it made her elbows touch. I normally didn't use this kind on fresh trainees, but, oh boy, did she look hot in it! Shoulders bent backwards to the utmost, arms neatly stowed away, her full breasts pushed out.
Not that she was in need of it. Especially Tanaka admired her womanly attributes, now not longer compressed by the restrictive material of the suit. I confirmed that she was quite boobed (a term that made the 110 kilo hulk giggle like a schoolgirl).
The photo shoot which was scheduled next was an important part of the almost ritualised procedure of trading (Japanese love rituals). On the basis of the photographs Nakamura's boss, his oyabun, used to decide whether to purchase my charming captives, once their training would be completed. If his answer regarding this one were "no" – and I saw no reason to expect that –, I would have little problems to sell Illaun elsewhere. Quality was always on demand.
First came the face shots (not what you're thinking), which required her not to be gagged. Due to the posture collar Illaun wasn't able to turn her head away, and did not dare to move her whole upper body. I had made myself quite clear by showing her some tools from a roller cabinet that I did not accept blurred photos.
Nakamura and I waited in the far corner while Tanaka was taking the first set of pictures. The scrawny lighter-boy had stayed in the workshop, just in case of unannounced visitors. None of us wanted to get on a pic accidently; you never knew who would look at it in the future.
With the close-ups done, it was time to re-gag Illaun. I chose a nice 8-buckle bishop gag.
"No, please!" She turned away at the waist. "I won't scream for help, I promise!"
I believed her to a certain degree, but that wasn't the point. I could indulge myself in the psychological meaning of a gag, about humiliation and de-humanisation. All of that was correct. It was correct that I adored the muffled noises of a beautiful woman in oral distress. That I did not want to hear endless pleadings once things started to get truly serious. That I took her ability of speech because I had the power to do so.
The point was: Illaun just looked so fuckin' cute with her mouth filled to the brim!
Realising that begging was of no avail, she clenched her teeth. Smooth move. A trip to the large toolbox got me the needle nosed pliers. When she saw them, she actually backed off, but couldn't escape me. The pliers found her left nipple and closed. Squashed for resisting in the first place. Pulled for moving away from her new master. Twisted to coerce her into opening her unruly mouth.
I stuffed the ball through between her teeth, transforming her long sweet scream into a battered grunt. Two and a half inches of hard rubber – there's something about nearly dislocating a girl's jaw...
After securing the straps behind Illaun's head not too gently, I flipped the leather panel over her sensual and now very strained lips. I buckled it tight, really tight, to teach her a lesson. It forced the oversized ball even deeper into her mouth, grinding her tongue and palate. If she wanted to keep screaming, she had to put a little bit more effort into it.
Full body shots came next, and I wasn't happy with her posture. The armbinder did a wonderful job, so did the collar. But something was missing.
"Feet together, more! Knees, too! C'mon, dorei, show some enthusiasm!"
Better, but still...
"Up onto your toes," I commanded, which got me a puzzled look from her reddened eyes. But as soon as her left nipple was caressed by the pliers once more, her heels left the ground. I literally pulled her up by her breast.
"You stay like that. If anything else of your body beside your toes touches the floor, I crush this bud..." I emphasised it by closing the handles a bit more, " ... and then move straight over to your right one."
And Illaun did stay like that. Tanaka spent the next ten minutes documenting her constrained body. The who-knows-how-many gigapixel camera almost disappeared between his huge hands as he was circling her methodically, taking pictures every twenty or so degrees.
My trainee was unintentionally helping him by looking stoically towards the far wall, trying to deal with her captivity and bondage in general and with her straining leg muscles in special. Now and then muffled groans escaped her gag, and sweat appeared on her forehead.
Soon she wobbled on the balls of her feet, first noticeably, then dramatically. Illaun's groans turned into howls. Her calves were cramping up nicely, so were her insteps. Forcing someone to stay on their toes is an official torture technique.
She kept looking at the wall. Had to be a really interesting spot over there.
Tanaka had finished his creative phase and joined his comrade (actually I had asked him to do so, for I suspected the scrawny bloke to smoke in the workshop). I discussed some final details with Nakamura. Illaun was balancing.
Illaun was still balancing after I had sped the three yakuza on their way. By now she was in real torment, every fibre in her muscles a red-hot wire of pain. Several times she had lost her posture and hit the ground with her heels, only to rise up again in a rush. I pretended not to notice it. To say the truth, I considered it quite entertaining. Watching her fighting. Watching her tormenting herself. She was obviously afraid of the punishment. But at least to the same degree Illaun was unwilling to give me a reason to punish her.
I loosened the gag and let it dangle around her posture-collared neck, both as a reminder and decoration. She winced as her stiff jaw muscles answered her attempt to close her mouth only with pain. The ball gag bore the danger of suffocation, but soon she would learn how to sleep with an open-mouth gag.
I stepped through the door of the soundproof room and switched the strong lights off from the outside.
"Lie down and sleep, dorei."
I closed and locked the door, leaving Illaun in total darkness.
After a night in the armbinder, her shoulders were petrified. So Illaun gave me little trouble during the very thorough washing routine in the morning. Afterwards, I hung her out to dry by a septum clamp. That brought back bad memories to her feet as she was tiptoeing under the pulley, hands cuffed behind her.
"Oh ho, just under the wire," said Mom as I came in the back door. Dinner was being put on the table. I washed my hands and sat down in my usual place. "How was your visit with your girlfriend?" "You shouldn't call her that." "Why the hell not?" "Nothing is official yet." "OK, how was your visit with Kirsten?" "She was her usual charming self, although her and her mother did torment me a bit." "How's this?" Mom had keen interest in tormenting me. I encouraged the...
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© Copyright 2004 I tell you, it was far worse than my other two hangovers. While my right hand fumbled the light switch, my left kept my head on. I used it to turn my face to the mirror. I winked a leaden eyelid at the same exquisite face now before you. I had more trouble than usual getting out the words, "Morning, handsome," because of the five pound sweater on my tongue. I tried to lower my boxers, but for some reason I wasn't wearing them. I glanced around, slowly so as to...
As your hands are tied behind the chair back. My legs wrapped around your head.My heels digging into your back as I groan. My nails running through your hair as I grab and hold you in tight to me. My thighs tighten against your face as i cum harder and harder. Until at last I have had my full and my legs release.Kicking my heels off I push your chair back way from me by placing my foot on your lips and pushing you hard and slow back. Then sliding down off the table I walk toward you. I sit in...
A full moon reality of it was brought home to Graham by his heightened sense of arousal and the majesty of the individuals before him. He had been selected from a long list of applicants to witness a special ceremony like none other. The Southern Regional Obeah Society was having a rites of passage ceremony for one of its most exalted members. To the outside world, the organization was nothing more than a Black BDSM group that promoted Black Supremacy. In actuality, it was nothing of the sort....
FetishI know you are wondering why I put up with all the drama that Rachael kept heaping on me. Well join the freakin' club, cause I didn't have a clue either. When she told me before Christmas break that she would be coming home early, I thought it was going to be to spend the rest of the holiday with me. So what happens? We spend one night together and she says she'll see me in a coupe of weeks and she splits for parts unknown. And the kicker was her reason, "Johnny it is just too good when...
In math class, Tony usually sat on the far-left side of the room, that being the only place where left-handed desks could be found. But on Wednesday’s class, he scanned the room anxiously looking for Manjula. She was wearing the revealing sundress he’d picked for her. Stretching out her legs in the front row, she looked irresistible. And few guys could resist her — there were two flanking her on each side, each vying in assorted ways for her attention. Tony smiled sadly in her direction and...
Online form to follow The Observer by C. Sprite (c) 1999 For Tamara Prologue This is the story about a man and a woman who were in the wrong spot at the right time. Switched into each other's body by an alien visitor, they are ill-fated to remain that way for one year. Or possibly more? Chapter 1 "For crying out loud, will you give it a break? I'm not happy about it either." I yelled at the woman sitting next to me in the car. "If you hadn't turned onto this damn road,...
Names will obviously be changed. This Is a true experience of my first time Well it all started when I was about 13, you know THAT AGE where everything is happening. Well my cousins would come out and always swim with me during the summer and I started to notice their bodies and I always found myself masturbating to the images of the in th pool in their very skimpy bathing suits. But their was one of my cousins that always stood out Megan she was about 5'5" amazing size...
Standing in line at the meat counter of the local market, i couldn’t keep my eyes off the attractive young woman waiting ahead of me. She was wearing churidar that perfectly displayed her fine young form. Over the years i had met far more interesting women in food markets, fabric stores. Purse fell from her hand.she bend to take her purse and her bottom touchrd me. It was a nice feeling.she said sorry. I said its ok .then to continue i asked her “have you shopped here before?” but it was a...
In my last letter, I told you that I would be going on a mini vacation this past weekend. Well, Tom and I went to the city for a little fun, and I’ll tell you all about it in this letter. For those of you who don’t know me, my name is Bobbi Sue, and I have turned out to be quite the exhibition- ist. Well, I guess that is putting it mildly. You see, I don’t just like to show off, I really enjoy following through. You’ll get a better idea after you read this ...
Based on a true story, by Master ZigurShe was a lovely Asian wife. Her looking was simply provocative. With that sensuality that only Asians have, a mixture of humble and sensuality that makes her as desirable as delicious for sexual perversions and all the senses enjoy. Not tall, average body, silk skin, a long dark hair, covering a beautiful face, with beautiful Asian eyes, voluptuous lips, and that look that only the naughtiest ones have.Her body was smooth, with her vagina completely...
Let me tell you a story. But lets get out of the shower first OK? The hot water is running out and little hellraiser don't like it much. I'll dry you off cutie. Lets go into the bedroom.Now stand right there. I'd like to start at your sexy feet if that's alright with you. So I kneel down behind you and start slowly flickering my long tongue and light feather kisses around your sexy ankles, working up and around your beautiful calves. Maybe stopping at the back of your knee to give a little suck...
She was in a big group, and I didn't notice her at the start-line. It wasn't till about the half-mile point that the runners gradually separated-out into their classes - dedicated athletes upfront, then the keen amateurs, and lastly the clowns, just in it for a laugh. She and I were in the middle group, and she was proving to be slightly faster than me.It was cold for the time of year, and I'd put on a heavy track-suit. She'd compromised with tight-fitting pants that reached to the knee. The...
It was funny how over the summer my friends changed. With school out, the neighborhood became more important than the sports and popularity cliques, and this year it meant hanging out with Jerry Mallory more. Something I would NEVER do in school. He was a nerd and outcast, but he had his own group of weirdo gamers to hang out with, birds-of-a-feather and all that.During the summer break, Jerry had 5 things going for him which hadn't really mattered much before, and were now changing my opinion...
When the four of them were finally assembled for breakfast, Sharon announced that she had the schedule for the tournament. Each of them was entered in the singles division and Tom and Ashleigh were a couple for the mixed doubles and she and Ted were also. It was a single elimination tournament, which meant if you lost you were out. The boys were scheduled first this morning and the girls in mid-afternoon with the semi-finals and finals to be played on Sunday. There was also a pool party and...
The flight home seemed to take forever. I had decided, with mixed emotions, to spend the first two weeks of February in New Orleans. Granted, I had to endure long lectures and endless role playing for a Certificate in Conflict Resolution but that was still better than enduring snow and mind numbing cold in Minnesota. But spending those 14 nights without Carol was another matter. We had been dating since last summer. We were very close friends and lovers and although we still lived in separate...
I have been a history professor at a local community college for years and while I had heard tales and seen the precautionary notes from administration about professors engaging in extra curricular activities with students, I had never had any type of offers from any students. My male libido and male ego were hurt, but I didn’t dwell on it, as I had plenty of other things to worry about.Then, I met Regina, a sexy college coed, and for whatever reason, we connected. While Regina was very...
College SexDave was starving. It had already been fairly late when Acacia woke him up with a blowjob, and he had dozed off again after her churning hips and clenching pussy coaxed his second orgasm out of him in a surprisingly short time. He thought he would have lasted longer, given that the edge was taken off with the anal sex. In the end he barely managed to ride out her orgasm without surrendering his seed to her quivering quim, and then he flipped them over and thrust only half a dozen or so times...
I should have known something was wrong as soon as Pet hung up. Her imperious tone cut through all rational thought, and I could only think of getting to her as fast as possible. I could only think of pleasing her, and hope that she might give me some pleasure in return. It was a bit early to be cutting out of work, but I didn't allow that to impede my hasty departure. Minutes later, I arrived at her house, and she met me at the door. "Naked, now," she commanded. "Why are you so slow? You know...
Group SexI got off work in the morning, after having finished another graveyard shift, and haven’t eaten yet. So I just grabbed some ice tea and a bottle of vodka, yet forgot any food.I arrived early at the sandbar and parked in the corner. A woman about my middle age (~40) was parked there with a pontoon boat, laying on it tanning. Of course I left enough privacy space, exchange a quick “Good Morning” and parked. I mixed myself a drink and laid down do improve my tan. Not having eaten but having a...
The essence of porn is fantasy. While real life may deny you the pleasures you seek, the theater of the mind is always ready to take your heart where it desires. You would be correct to assume that Jennifer Aniston would rather sit on a landmine than your dick, but she can’t stop you from imagining what that pussy feels like. I bet it feels like warm apple pie. Mia Khalifa would rather spend ten years in a Siberian labor camp than let you place your tongue on her clit, but I bet it tastes like...
Live Cosplay Sex CamsDamien wasn’t really sure where Lauren went after Amos, Tara, and he returned to work, but he figured that she had some loose ends to tie up, so he wasn’t going to sweat it. He still had a job to do, as did the other two, of course. Tara went back to the mall to gather more information that way about the mall Santa, while Amos compiled and organized the data that he received from Lauren a little better, after which he got cracking on his article. It was probably almost done by the time that...
I was at a wedding and on my own, enjoying the evening. There was a group of young girls chatting and laughing but I kept noticing that one in particular was looking at me. The wedding night continued and after a few drinks this young girl came up to me. ‘Hi, I’m Ella. I’ve noticed you’ve been on your own all night.’ This girl was beautiful, about five foot three, with long black hair, Indian looking and wearing a blue satin dress. I couldn’t believe someone this gorgeous would choose me. We...
We arrange to meet one another and we decide to meet in a restaurant. I’m dressed to the nines in a black dress with thigh highs and heels, matching jewelry, and a smile on my face. I’m met by a nicely dressed gentleman who pulls out my chair for me and asks what I would like to drink. As we wait for our drinks, he gazes into my eyes and whispers that I look beautiful tonight and he cannot wait to touch my lips (the ones on my mouth). He slips a hand under the table and sparks shoot up my body...
The second part of a real event that happened to me in the past, when lust clouds our judgement Disclaimer: This story is based on an event in my life that actually happened, so I thought why not share it. If you like, ill be more than happy to continue with the story! Anyway, happy reading! The plane touched down in the place I was born and raised: Los Angeles, California. Of course, I wasn’t thinking about being back home. I was thinking about E3. It has always been my dream to go...
Straight Sex-- SATURDAY, DECEMBER 22, 2007 -- Nick preceded the two girls into the hallway leading to the master bedroom, with Deedee still leading Dawn by the hand. But just before they passed out of view, Dawn glanced back at me with a smile and a little wave. I waved back, and when I turned around I found that Kenzie had joined us, an amused look on her face. “Miss me?” the perky redhead asked with a grin. “Absolutely,” I replied and took Kenzie into my arms. I kissed her, and was rewarded by her...