An Ordinary Adult Sex LifeChapter 16: Lake Tahoe II free porn video

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-- SATURDAY, DECEMBER 22, 2007 --

Nick preceded the two girls into the hallway leading to the master bedroom, with Deedee still leading Dawn by the hand. But just before they passed out of view, Dawn glanced back at me with a smile and a little wave.

I waved back, and when I turned around I found that Kenzie had joined us, an amused look on her face.

“Miss me?” the perky redhead asked with a grin.

“Absolutely,” I replied and took Kenzie into my arms. I kissed her, and was rewarded by her moan of arousal and the way she pressed the full length of her body into me. Releasing her, I grabbed the telescoping handle of her suitcase with one hand and slid the other into hers. “C’mon, this way.”

Giggling, she let me lead her in the other direction and into my bedroom. Dayna’s bedroom door was ajar, and when I glanced inside I saw her settling onto the bed. But Kenzie pulled me straight into my bedroom, and once we were inside, I closed our door behind me and quickly found my arms once again full of smokin’ hot redhead.

Kenzie kissed me as if she’d stored up all her passion for the past four years and it was only now exploding out of her. She seemed in quite a hurry to get fucked, clawing at my back and wrapping first one leg and then the other around my waist while simultaneously attempting to hop us over to the bed. In fact, she was a little too manic, as if getting to this point after four years of delayed gratification had her completely desperate to finally cross the finish line.

But I didn’t want our first time to be a manic, hurried coupling. So suddenly, I moved.

Wrapping my left arm around her shoulders, I squeezed hard enough to pin her in place against my chest and dug my right hand through the waistband of the skintight cotton leggings she’d been walking around in after stripping off her snowboarding pants. Before she realized what was happening, I’d already imbedded two fingers all the way to the last knuckle in her sopping wet cunt.

“Oh, God,” Kenzie moaned and slipped her lips off mine, tilting her head forward and over my shoulder.

I went to work quickly. My index and middle fingers pumped in and out of her wet furrow, and my thumb briefly popped inside as well just to pick up lubrication before sliding up and over her clit. Kenzie’s love button was prominent and easily accessible, and she quickly started moaning and rhythmically humping my hand while I nibbled on her neck.

I had a feeling it wouldn’t take very long to get her off. Her lust had been building all day, anticipation feeding her arousal, and she’d been primed to explode long before coming into my room. Within seconds, my smokin’ hot redhead was whimpering on approach to orgasm as I continued to pump the fingers of my right hand in and out of her sodden snatch. I still had the magical skill of controlling my thumb independently of my thrusting fingers, and eager to see her climax, I quickly tripped her over the edge.

My left hand pinched the back of her neck, sharp enough to make her jerk her head back in surprise. My fingers then trailed down her spine, tickling her all the way down to her lower back as she felt the tingling sensation run the full length from her neck to her waist. Then, my left hand slipped beneath the back of her leggings and my fingers slid through the crack of her ass to the point where I could probe the pad of my middle finger against her sphincter, finally using her own sweat to provide just enough lubrication for me to pop the digit inside.

Simultaneously, I kept two fingers thrusting in and out of her pussy and my thumb on her clit. Finally, the coup de grâce, with her head thrown back I bit down gently on the side of her neck. This caused another spike of sensation while the rest of her body was still trying to figure out how to deal with the other feelings I’d provoked, and she stiffened up, squealed, and came.

“Nnnngggghhh!” Kenzie grunted into my shoulder. Her body went rigid and I dug the middle finger of my left hand even further into her asshole, curling it toward me while hooking the imbedded fingers of my right hand as if trying to make the fingertips of both hands touch deep within her. She trembled in my arms, a shiver passed through her from the neck all the way down to her toes, and after a few more seconds, she sagged against me and dropped her forehead onto my shoulder.

Kenzie went quiet, as did I. I set my feet and focused on holding her up, letting the seconds tick by while she panted breathlessly, her whole body rising and falling slowly against my chest. I held onto her, in no hurry to extract the fingers of either hand. But eventually some strength seemed to return to her legs, and only then did I pull both hands out of her pants.

Like a marionette whose strings had been cut, Kenzie’s legs buckled and she nearly collapsed when my fingers withdrew from her pussy and asshole. I caught her with my arms hooked underneath her armpits and pulled her back up, holding her again until she steadied herself. And with a smart-ass, knowing grin, I put my pussy juice-covered fingers to her lips, my eyes twinkling as I watched her open up and suck my digits into her mouth while she stared back at me in a daze.

When she was done, Kenzie looked at me with tired eyes and muttered almost regretfully, “I forgot you could do that.”

I arched an eyebrow. “Forgot? I thought me doing that to you last time was the ONLY thing you remembered about me.”

“Well let’s just say I wasn’t expecting you to do it to me again. And seriously, you STILL haven’t even gotten my clothes off!”

I tugged at the hem of her fleece sweater. “Don’t worry, that part I plan to do very soon ... as in immediately.”

She giggled as I gathered up the hems of her fleece sweater and the shirt she wore beneath, raising both of them over her head and off. But when she stood there, topless save for a black and gold sports bra that did a wonderful job of surrounding and showing off the roundness of her big tits, she reached up and tousled my still damp hair. “No fair,” she complained. “While I was gone you got to take a shower and get cleaned up. I’m still dressed for a day on the slopes and smell like a sweaty pig.”

I leaned forward, pressed my nose to the crook of her neck, and inhaled deeply. She indeed smelled a little sweaty, but it was mixed with a spicy sweetness I found intoxicating. She squealed at the ticklish sensation and pushed me away, and I came up grinning as I murmured, “I like the way you smell.”

“Still, a girl would much rather feel fresh and clean before getting together with a guy she’s never been with before.”

“Hmm, so you want to get fresh and clean, and I want to get your clothes off...” I grinned. “I think there’s a way we can both get what we want.”

A minute later, for the second time tonight, I found myself beneath the shower spray with a beautiful, busty young woman: kissing softly with plenty of tongue while lathering shampoo in her hair, using her breasts as loofahs, and having her scrub my penis for me.

Our night was just beginning.

Kenzie and I didn’t have sex in the shower, but she got her first taste of Big Ben with a warm-up blowjob that I stopped short of actually getting me off – I was pretty close to the edge and didn’t want to fire off a bullet prematurely. Instead, I fondled and fingerbanged her to another orgasm beneath the water’s spray. Then, we had a lot of fun toweling each other off, and she couldn’t stop pointing and laughing at the obvious tent my erection made when I wrapped my towel around my waist for the walk back to my bedroom.

I got her back by slipping the catch to her towel and making it fall to the floor ... twice ... That started up a tickle/makeout session that very nearly led to our first coupling right there on the bathmat. If I’d tried, she probably would have let me, but I resisted the urge, pulled her back up to her feet, and raised my hands in surrender while promising to not slip the catch to her towel again.

We exited the bathroom and I led her by the hand down the hallway to my bedroom. But just before we got to the door, Kenzie stopped walking, and so did I when I felt the tug of her hand no longer following me.

Dayna’s bedroom door was still ajar, Kenzie was looking through it, and when I backed up I could see that the eldest Evans sister was sitting up in bed reading a paperback, dressed in long-sleeved button-down pajamas with her damp hair loose to dry.

I, of course, already knew about the night’s sleeping arrangements, but Kenzie frowned before looking back down the hallway toward the other bedrooms. Knocking gently on the door, she poked her head inside and asked, “Are you all alone tonight?”

Dayna looked up in surprise. Her eyes yo-yoed down to the towels Kenzie and I wore as our only cover-ups. “Uh, yeah,” she replied. “But don’t worry, I’m fine.”

Kenzie glanced around and looked thoughtful, perhaps doing the math of musical bedrooms in her head. “Where’s DJ?”

“Uh...” Dayna smiled and shrugged before answering, “She’s with Brooke and Andrew tonight.”

“Ah, I see.” Eyebrows furrowed, Kenzie glanced back at me for a moment before returning her attention forward. “Would you like to join us?”

Dayna blinked in surprise. “Excuse me?”

“I’m serious. I mean, you made it obvious with some of your stories today that you and Ben are... ‘old friends’.” Kenzie squeezed my hand. “And I rather doubt that Ben is opposed to the idea.”

“Oh, I couldn’t possibly intrude,” Dayna stammered.

Shaking her head, Kenzie sauntered forward and slipped the catch to her own towel. The terrycloth slithered to the floor, revealing the busty redhead in all her naked glory. “You wouldn’t be intruding,” she murmured in a smoky voice, smiling as Dayna’s eyes automatically dropped down to ogle her nudity. “I’d be more than happy to share.”

“I ... uhhh...” Dayna muttered, her eyes flicking back and forth between Kenzie’s face and her boobs, obvious interest in her eyes. I hadn’t thought much of it before, but Kenzie really had spent a lot of time chatting with Dayna tonight. Perhaps I’d missed the signs before, too absorbed in my own romantic issues and only paying attention to the way Kenzie had been flirting with me to notice her flirting with anyone else. But when I stopped to think about it, there HAD been sparks between them.

A moment later, Dayna’s eyes started flicking back and forth between Kenzie and me, and she muttered, “Ben and I ... we WERE old friends ... but...”

“But what?” Kenzie asked, moving alongside me and stroking my well-defined pecs and abs while giving Dayna teasing looks.

Dayna frowned and muttered, “We’re not like that anymore.”

I focused my attention on Dayna’s face. She looked back at me with a guilty expression, and I didn’t need a psychic link to know she felt awkward about the situation. She and I hadn’t fucked since she broke up with me Tuesday morning, she still harbored some guilt about that, and her hesitance to have a shower quickie with me earlier tonight suddenly made sense.

“Sure we are, sweetheart,” I insisted, smiling and giving Dayna a ‘come here’ wave for her to join us. “No matter what else has happened, we’ll always be ‘old friends’.”

Dayna gave me an uncertain look. “You sure? No hard feelings?”

Patting Kenzie’s butt, I urged the redhead forward and muttered, “Go get her.”

Giggling, Kenzie crawled onto the bed and loomed over Dayna with her hanging breasts swaying. She smiled invitingly and leaned in to briefly touch her lips to the blonde’s. And then she murmured from inches away, “I insist.”

Still in shocked surprise, Dayna did not resist as Kenzie took her by the hand and tugged her off the bed. But she gave me a wide-eyed look while I grinned and gestured again for her to come with us.

Leaving her towel behind, the buck naked glorious redhead grabbed me with her other hand, and she happily skipped her way out of Dayna’s room and into mine holding both of her prizes in hand. I closed the door behind us, Kenzie took Dayna’s cheeks in her hands and kissed her again, murmuring, “Thanks for coming. But you don’t mind if Ben and I get acquainted first, do you? I really HAVE been waiting four years for tonight.”

Dayna laughed and gestured toward the bed. “Go right on ahead. It’ll give me a few minutes to wrap my head around the situation.”

Kenzie grinned and pecked the blonde’s lips one more time to say thanks, and then she turned and launched herself at me. My towel was soon on the floor, leaving us both buck naked, and then she was kissing me almost exactly as she’d done before our shower: clawing at my back, wrapping first one leg and then the other around my waist, and hopping us over to the bed. She wasn’t quite as manic as before, but still pretty manic. So when I picked her up and tossed her onto the middle of the bed, all she did was fling her arms and legs wide open and groan, “Fucking get INSIDE me already!”

“As you wish...” I grinned and jumped onto the bed atop her.

Grinning back, she chirped, “God, I love that movie.”

Having focused on placing my cockhead at the entrance to her pussy, I paused for a moment and arched an eyebrow, not understanding the reference.

“C’mon, Princess Bride!” Kenzie exclaimed in disbelief.

Dayna commented dryly, “You’re robbing the cradle, remember?”

I rolled my eyes and glanced back at the blonde, who was unbuttoning her pajama top and leaning back against the dresser. “I HAVE seen the movie. I just didn’t get the reference straight off the top of my head.”

“Oh, fucking forget about it,” Kenzie whined. “Just fucking FUCK me!”

“But I’m not done with the ‘kissing part’,” I teased, suiting words to action by bending over to peck her lips.

“Fuck the kissing part and skip to entering my Fire Swamp!”

I glanced down Kenzie’s body, re-confirming that she was a natural redhead whose carpet matched the drapes, and laughed over the ‘Fire Swamp’ reference. I grinned down at her, replying quite deliberately, “As you wish, my dear Buttercup.” And then I slammed it in.

After fingerbanging her to two orgasms already, the one in the shower with three of my fingers in her cunt, Kenzie was soaked enough and stretched out enough to take my entire length in one plunge. She moaned at my entrance, wrapped all four limbs around me, and practically had an orgasm right then and there. Tightening her arms around my neck, she crammed her tongue into my mouth. I kissed her right back, and then I really FUCKED her.

It was obvious right from the start that hard, fast, and rough was Kenzie’s style, or at least it was her style tonight. I wasn’t averse to it myself, having messed around with Dawn in the shower, fingerbanged Kenzie to an orgasm in this room, messed around with Kenzie in the shower, and only now had finally gotten the opportunity to REALLY fuck somebody. I’d been kept stimulated for some forty minutes without allowing myself to ejaculate, but I knew that my time had finally come, and I very much intended to CUM.

“Oh, ungh, ungh, uhhh, uhhh, ummm, mmm...” Kenzie grunted with each repeated thrust. She was a comparatively quiet lover, a moaner not a screamer, a good thing since our first encounter had been in a quiet corner of a very public living room surrounded by dozens of people. But her lack of high-volume vocal fireworks didn’t mean she wasn’t enjoying herself. My pelvic bone apparently kept banging into her prominent love button, mashing down on it with every thrust like a video game controller hard-wired to her pleasure centers. And within minutes she was clenching her legs around my butt while her cunt clenched around my cock in climax.

“Nnnnnngggghhhh!!!” she groaned through clenched teeth as her first orgasm swept through her body. Hooking my arms beneath her armpits, I grabbed her shoulders and yanked her body down against mine as I fucked her even harder than before, and soon enough her cunt started clenching me again.

“Nnnnnngggghhhh!!!“ she groaned again, this time her eyelids flying open so that those pretty blue irises expanded in surprise to find herself climaxing a second time so quickly. And still I pounded her harder and harder.

“WHAT-THE-NNNNNNGGGGHHHH!?!?!“ Kenzie’s eyes were really bugging out as she found herself climaxing a THIRD time. “WHAT ... THE ... FUCK?!?”

I grinned and kept pounding away. Unfortunately, I wouldn’t get to try for a fourth. My own cock had been primed for a long while, and fucking this fast and this hard for this long didn’t do much for keeping my own orgasm under control. As Kenzie’s cunt clenched around my cock for a first and then second and finally third time, milking me all the while, I finally reached the point where I couldn’t keep it in anymore, and right when she started exclaiming her final “THE ... FUCK?!?”, I slammed forward one final time and blasted out every drop of gooey spunk I’d been building up all night.

“UUUUUNNNNGGGGHHH,” I grunted, joining her chorus as I spewed my heavy load far within the darkest recesses of my smokin’ hot redhead’s pussy. I let my chest drop down onto hers, smothering Kenzie’s much smaller body beneath me and crushing those firm D-cup tits between us. It felt like I kept ejaculating for minutes, spurt after spurt of creamy cum joining the deep pool of spunk forming inside her womb. But finally my cannon ran dry, and I planted my forehead on the mattress just past her left shoulder while gasping from momentary exhaustion after that final sprint to the finish line.

“Holy shit!” Kenzie gasped beneath my chest, no less exhausted than me. She rubbed my shoulders and intertwined her legs with mine, keeping my cock inside her while steam rose into the cool cabin air from both our sweaty bodies. She muttered between breaths, “That ... was SO ... worth ... the wait.”

I chuckled happily, also muttering between breaths, “Glad ... to know ... you approve.”

Kenzie tapped my shoulder, replying, “Oh ... I’m nowhere ... near done ... with you yet...” Pausing for a few seconds to close her eyes and really catch her breath, she eventually opened them and added, “From the stories Dayna’s been telling about you ... I’m expecting a machine that can go all night.”

“Dayna,” I groaned, turning my head to give the Evans girl a withering glare.

The blonde was buck naked herself by now, head now firmly wrapped around the situation, with her heels up on the seat cushion and two fingers disappearing into her wet snatch. “What? You ARE a machine that can go all night.”

I rolled my eyes. “Well even -I- need time to recharge.”

“So get out of the way, let me slurp all your creamy cum out of her cunt, and then we’ll give you a dual blowjob to get you back up again, hmm?”

“Oh, but this time,” Kenzie chimed in, “he cums in YOUR cunt so I can slurp out that load.”

Dayna beamed. “Girl, it’s like you can read my mind!”

-- SUNDAY, DECEMBER 23, 2007 --

“So then Kenzie sat up against the headboard with Dayna eating her out, and I banged your sister doggy-style until I gave her the creampie Kenzie wanted to slurp out. They wound up in a sixty-nine while I sat off to the side taking a break. But eventually Kenzie came over to suck me hard again, and the girls rolled me onto my back so Kenzie could go for a ride while Dayna sat on my face. I could hear the two of them kissing and pawing at each other, but of course I couldn’t see anything with your sister’s bubble butt in my face. After they each came again, they switched places and kept going. But after they came again, both of them said they were tired from a long day of snowboarding and fucking. And they lay down side-by-side so I could switch back and forth drilling them into the mattress before pulling out and cumming all over both their faces.”

Perched on the boulder next to me, Dawn cupped both hands around her warm travel mug of coffee, smirked and shook her head. “Sounds like a typical night for Big Ben, Sex God™. Everyone expects you to bed down with one hot babe for the night, but somehow you still end up with two.”

I chuckled and shrugged. “I have no complaints.”

“And neither do they, I’m sure.” Dawn smiled and took a sip of her coffee, sighing as the hot liquid warmed her from the inside out.

It was cold outdoors, like really, really cold. I’d awoken before sunrise, checked the clock, and realized that while it was way too early to wake up my bed partners, I didn’t really feel like going back to sleep. So I’d gotten up, gotten dressed, and headed to the kitchen to make a pot of coffee only to realize someone had beaten me to it. I don’t know how I knew, but I knew that Dawn was awake and had been the one to brew the coffee. And after filling up my travel mug, I’d bundled up and headed out to the back deck in search of my best friend.

She wasn’t on the back deck itself, but a short flight of stairs took me to a trail that led through shrubs, grass, and small pine trees to the water’s edge. The shore itself was rocky, with no sand to speak of. But there were a couple of big boulders not unlike the ones we often sat on at Morris Camp. And sure enough, Dawn sat atop the biggest one in a lotus position, bundled up against the cold in her light blue beanie and scarf, staring out across the lake as the sun just began to peek over the horizon.

I’d said hello and climbed onto the second boulder. She’d glanced back with a knowing smile, as if she’d been expecting me, and together we watched the sunrise. Conversation then turned to my evening activities, and with my story done, I smirked and asked, “So are you gonna spill the naughty details of your night for me?”

Dawn furrowed her eyebrows. “Do you really WANT to know the naughty details of my night with them?”

I chuckled again and waved her off. “Now that I think about it: No, not really. I just want to know that you had a good time.”

My best friend gave me a warm smile, set her elbow on her right knee, and lay the side of her head against her open hand. “I did. It was a nice night. Thank you for that.”

I shook my head. “No need to thank me. You’re my best friend, and I want to see you happy. You’re not my girlfriend, and really, it’s no different from when we started college and you were dating Ryan. It’s not my place to tell you who you can or can’t sleep with. You’re free to do whatever you want.”

“I suppose.” Dawn arched an eyebrow at me, not entirely convinced. “And yet, instead of staying in bed getting woken up by an alarm-clock blowjob, or even doing the waking by pushing your morning wood into one of your sleeping beauties, you decided to get up early and go for a walk in the cold, dark morning.”

I shrugged. “You’re not in bed, either. You beat me into the kitchen to make coffee and beat me out here.”

Dawn flicked her eyes over to mine and smiled. “Guess we were both on the same wavelength about how this morning would go.”

“Guess so.” I smiled back, and a sudden thought crossed my mind: It was early enough in the morning that I had still considered going back to my room, waking my sleeping beauties with a new erection, and having a pleasant threesome to start my day, but I no longer had any interest in doing so.

Why would I, when the whole house was still asleep and I could spend this time down by the lake with my Dawn, just her and me?

Dawn and I spent an additional thirty minutes sitting there on those boulders, enjoying the beautiful scenery and the wind in our hair. Words flowed easily, and we talked about ... whatever. The topics themselves weren’t important; it was all about the company. She stayed on her boulder and I stayed on mine, sex not crossing either of our minds. And eventually even the coffee was forgotten as we lost ourselves in conversation.

But eventually we realized we should head back inside. Nick and Deedee were already up and in the kitchen drinking the rest of the coffee. Deedee came over to kiss Dawn on the lips before smiling at me and greeting merrily, “Good morning!”

Nick was a little more circumspect about any PDA in front of me, but he still rubbed Dawn’s shoulder before Dawn and I headed into the living room to start the fireplace. The two of them joined us soon after, setting up on the couch as we got into a four-person conversation.

Brooke, Andrew, and DJ were out next, Brooke grumbling about being hungry. I hopped up, volunteering to make breakfast for everyone, and Dawn said she’d help me. She started a batch of pancake mix while I took advantage of the big Viking range to simultaneously scramble eggs, fry bacon, and griddle hash browns. I was still in front of the range when Kenzie and Dayna joined us, Kenzie exclaiming, “He can cook, too? I think I’m in love...”

Dawn and Dayna giggled while Kenzie wrapped her arms around me from behind. I twisted my head and puckered up to meet her kiss. When she slithered her tongue into my mouth, I sucked on it and noticed a distinctly familiar flavor. Pulling back, I arched an eyebrow and shot a glance over at Dayna. Coming back to Kenzie, I gave her a knowing look and murmured, “Did you two just... ?”

Kenzie blushed and also glanced back at Dayna. “Well I was horny when I woke up and you weren’t in bed, so what else was I supposed to do?”

I chuckled and kissed her quickly again. “Not complaining, just confirming. Meanwhile, get yourself some coffee or juice or something and go relax. Breakfast will be ready soon.”

Kenzie pecked my cheek and headed for the refrigerator to get some juice before joining the others in front of the fireplace. I made room at the range for Dawn to start griddling pancakes. And a few minutes later, our friends and family started coming to collect food from us like we were a school cafeteria. Dawn was certainly the most beautiful lunch lady I’d ever seen.

After breakfast I got around to checking my phone for messages. Brandi had texted, telling me to call her when I got a chance. So I called her and she explained that Jared and Miguel were regulars when it came to these Tahoe ski trips, plus they’d arrived the day before us and had already been to the ski resorts twice. So the four of them had decided to skip spending a third day on the mountain in favor of hanging out around Incline Village, essentially an extended double-date. I told my big sister to enjoy herself, our two groups made plans to meet up at a local restaurant for dinner together, and I hung up the phone to return to my group and confirm our own plans for the day.

Other than Kenzie, none of us got to ski or snowboard very often and we didn’t want to pass up the opportunity to go again. So we returned to the slopes, intent to make the most of our day at the ski resort before reuniting with the others for dinner and then driving back home tomorrow.

Kenzie spent the day firmly latched onto my side, and I enjoyed every minute of it. The smokin’ hot redhead flirted with me constantly and wasn’t shy about PDA, a fact not unnoticed by many, many people around us. There was the time she fell again trying to take a left turn a little too hard on a black diamond run. When I went to help her up, she pulled me down instead, and I wound up on top of her chest while we made out for a good couple of minutes right there in the snow. Then there was the time that -I- actually fell down trying to bank my board a little too hard, and then it was Kenzie’s turn to be on top when I pulled her down on my chest so we could snog again in the snow.

Repeatedly, I heard the sounds of one skier or another zipping past us, and on several occasions one or two of them stopped to make sure we were alright only to leave us alone and move on once they realized we were kissing. Then I got a little bout of déjà vu when we started making out within view of an overhead chairlift, and some guy far above us called out, “Get a room!”

Even seemingly shameless Kenzie blushed at that one, and she buckled herself back into her board to make it clear we were to keep moving. But an idea popped into my head, and I suggested, “Last one to the bottom of the hill has to go down on the other one for ten minutes before we do anything else tonight.”

Kenzie smirked at me with a look that suggested I’d grown a horn out of my forehead. But after a moment’s thought, she simply barked, “ReadysetGO” and immediately zoomed straight down the trail.

I had yet to clamp my right boot onto my board, so she had a good ten second head start by the time I got going. She probably would have beaten me down, except that this particular trail jumped over a four-foot cornice just before rejoining the main boulevard. Unable to quite hold the landing, Kenzie wiped out.

This time, she hadn’t fallen off to the side of the trail, but was smack in the middle. I cleared the cornice at high speed, trying to catch up to her, and only realized she’d fallen when I nearly ran her over. I quickly banked and used what momentum I had to try and ride back up the mountain, but I still ended up a good ten feet short of her. Thankfully, she wasn’t hurt and also knew better than to stay where she was where someone else might run her over, so she quickly got back up and started moving again.

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Sex at Village lake

Hi guys, hope you are doing just fine. This is Rahul back with one more sensual and erotic incident. The incident happened with me with one of aunt. I was studying in my class IX. So I after exams I went to my ancestor’s village to enjoy my vacation. My parents also came with me and after staying 2-3 days they left me there for rest of my summer vacation.In my village my uncle and aunt were staying. I was very close to them as they don’t have any c***d and treated my like one of them. My aunt...

3 years ago
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Sex In The Village Lake

Hi guys, hope you are doing just fine. This is Rahul back with one more sensual and erotic incident. The incident happened with me with one of aunt. I was studying in my class IX. So I after exams I went to my ancestor’s village to enjoy my vacation. My parents also came with me and after staying 2-3 days they left me there for rest of my summer vacation. In my village my uncle and aunt were staying. I was very close to them as they don’t have any child and treated my like one of them. My aunt...

3 years ago
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Watching Having Sex While Camping on the Lake

We live in the Southwest and love to take a vacation to Lake Powell (in Page, AZ) at least once a year. This is an opportunity for just Nick and I to go on our boat and enjoy several days camping on the lake and exploring different bays and canyons.If you’ve read either of our stories, you’ll know we love to get naked. So when we find a private area in a cove or bay, which isn’t difficult since the lake is so massive, we strip off our suits, go skinny dipping, sunbathe and spend a lot of time...

3 years ago
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Lake House Virgin

I had just finished jerking off and I was lying here on my bed trying to piece together "What went wrong; why am I still a virgin at eighteen?" I am a pretty good looking dude if I do say so myself; 6'2" tall, dark wavy hair, blue eyes, handsome face, athletic build. I work on my body; lifting at the gym, running and biking. Why couldn't I have scored at least once during high school? High school is over now, I just graduated last week. My chance to score during those four influential years is...

2 years ago
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Lake House Virgin

I had just finished jerking off and I was lying here on my bed trying to piece together "What went wrong; why am I still a virgin at eighteen?" I am a pretty good looking dude if I do say so myself; 6'2" tall, dark wavy hair, blue eyes, handsome face, athletic build. I work on my body; lifting at the gym, running and biking. Why couldn't I have scored at least once during high school? High school is over now, I just graduated last week. My chance to score during those four influential years is...

2 years ago
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Funny Sex Games and Sex on the Lake

(episode 7)Over the summer break after my freshman year at UGA I was working full time in a grocery store to earn spending money for the next school year. I would see my girlfriend, Jennifer on my days off, either going to her house in Atlanta or she would drive up to see me. We’d often would go out on the lake skiing, using my dad’s smaller ski boat. One weekend I was able to borrow my dad’s large boat for the day. Jennifer and I had several friends who were dating each other at the time join...

College Sex
2 years ago
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Lake II

Lake II By Connie W (aka ponygirlTS) Chapter Eight A Few Days Later I have to admit that I am uncomfortable with Lake sleeping around. I think that she has had sex with everyone except Jerry (who she says she won't) and Martin (who she says avoids her like the plague). Martin was doing all right at avoiding her too, until she caught him in the shower. She had picked the bathroom door lock and snuck in. She had made a show of it as she walked through the living room and...

3 years ago
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Lake Lady

Lake Lady, by Armond "And there I saw mage Merlin... And near him stood the Lady of the Lake, Who knows a subtler magic than his own- Clothed in white samite, mystic, wonderful. She gave the King his huge cross-hilted sword, Whereby to drive the heathen out: a mist Of incense curled about her, and her face Wellnigh was hidden in the minster gloom..." -Idylls of the King, by Alfred, Lord Tennyson "And when I was fifteen yeere old, then was I...

3 years ago
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Legend of the Lady in the Lake

 It all began one Halloween night.We were best friends in high school. We played on the volleyball team together. Madison was shorter than me, but she could dig out the spikes from other teams. I was good at the net and a good server.We ate lunch together almost every day. Did our homework at night together. We were inseparable. Some of the kids at school thought we were sisters and some thought we were lesbians.It was a small town, so everyone always knew everyone else's business, or at least...

3 years ago
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Newfound Lake

The main characters, Evan & Jane are in the 21-22 age range, though it was never specified in the story. All Characters engaged in sexual activity are 18+ ********** Newfound Lake ***** JUNE ****** Evan made his way into the busy kitchen to grab another beer. His friend Zack had convinced him to come out to one last party before he went away for the summer. Evan wasn’t really sure why, as Zack ditched him within 15 minutes to talk to some girl he had been wanting to bang. It must have...

1 year ago
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Ordinary Couple

Scott and Carol are an ordinary couple living in an ordinary middle class community on an ordinary street and in an ordinary house. Carol is an ordinary housewife and Scott is an ordinary nine to five vice-president at mostly ordinary advertising agency. He goes to work from Monday through Friday and Carol spends her time watching Oprah and soap operas. Their sex life has been ordinary as well but that is about to change. Actually, it has been Carol who has felt a slow but persistent change...

4 years ago
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Tennyson Lake Part 1 New Love The Original

I took of my headphones and closed the lid of my laptop, got up and grumbled my way to my bedroom door, my dick swaying freely in its flaccid state. As I stepped through the frame, I saw my sisters; Fern and Paige, walk out too, with our pug, Jeff, yapping at Paige’s legs. At 19 years old, my sister, Fern, was older than me by 13 months. She was about 5 foot 4 (164cm) with pale green eyes, golden hair that fell down to her pink nipples on her 34B cup breasts. She had long, slender legs with a...

3 years ago
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The Lake Cave Ghost

Lake Gorndon was nestled high up in the forests of western Massachusetts, that forgotten place that wasn't quite Boston and wasn't quite upstate New York. Since the fall of 2002, it's been an empty valley with a thin river running through it--ever since the Water Company dissolved the hillside that kept it dammed up. Now, Lake Gorndon is just a little river, just another part of Dancing Beck Run, the long tributary system that waters most of Langdon County. They say the plan to drain the...

2 years ago
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Lactating Lake Resort MILF Prostitutes Herself

Full-time residents in lake resort towns can develop love-hate relationships with the tourists and seasonal residents who they rely on for their survival.  The local economies in those areas are dependent on the whims of the real estate market and the vacation spending of those visiting the area.  That is especially true for lake resorts in areas with harsh winters, where the summer seasons are short.Those typically small lake towns have rather noticeable class distinctions, with real estate...

1 year ago
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House Across The Lake

This work is copyrighted material. Anyone wishing to copy, archive, or re-post this story must contact the author for permission. House Across The Lake By Paul G. Jutras The wheezing gray camp bus, 'Camp Thundercrack' read the faded rust covered lettering, slowly bounced along the winding road. The bus was practically empty, since most of the parents had sent their kids to camp the week before. Pushing the blonde hair out of my face, I pulled out a detective novel from my...

1 year ago
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Papa and MeganCabin at the Lake Part I

It was perfect. Jim and Marge Harvey were always trying to get us up to use their summer cabin at Lake Jenny. I don’t know if they wanted us to buy it or what, but every spring they would encourage us to use it as much as we would like. We had been up there a couple years ago and had enjoyed it immensely, but we never took the time to repeat the visit. This year we had not heard from them, but I would not hesitate calling them as soon as we got home. “I’ve got an idea,” I said,...

3 years ago
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House Across The Lake 3

House Across the Lake 3 by Paul G. Jutras A freshly painted bus roared over the old dirt road. The words "CAMP THUNDERCRACK" written across the side of the bus were almost hidden by the dust and gravel thrown up from the road as it journeyed through the woods with a fresh batch of camper kids inside. Pushing the blonde hair out of her face, Lesley and the other campers all sung "100 bottles of beer on the wall" as they clapped their hands together. A boy named Jason was eating a...

3 years ago
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Warmer By The Lake

The girls looked less miserable now they were warming up in front of the campfire. They still shivered, but was that from the hours they had spent in the lake, clinging to their swamped canoe? Or was it from the scare it had given them? I didn’t really care.I had hung their shorts, shirts and underwear to dry. I had not packed for guests, so the only clothing I had to offer the three of them were old t-shirts and beach towels.“Hey you,” I said to the short one with the red hair. “Sorry......

2 years ago
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Wearing my panty at the lake

3 weeks ago,toward the end of September we had 4 days in the 90's so I went to the lake,I had just ordered some white panites online that had a sheer look when wet and was really hoping to go into the lake. I saw a guy at this same lake wearing a white speedo swimsuit and could see his outline,so this got me started on looking for some white panties that could look like a swimsuit. When the panty came to the house,I immediately put them on and took some pix of them on me,they could fool most...

3 years ago
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Lake Wannacum Nights

Part 1 The first thing a visitor to the quiet Minnesota town of Lake Wannacum is likely to say (other than "Where the hell is the interstate anyway we've been crawling along these dirt tracks for hours, my sat-nav said this was the cross-country route to St. Cloud, my God, have you people even seen a Starbucks?") is "Why does the church on Main Street have a carved wooden penis outside it?" It's a fair question. Coming from the south, through the well-tended corn fields and skirting the...

3 years ago
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Lake Wannacum Nights Part One

The first thing a visitor to the quiet Minnesota town of Lake Wannacum is likely to say (other than "Where the hell is the interstate anyway we've been crawling along these dirt tracks for hours, my sat-nav said this was the cross-country route to St. Cloud, my God, have you people even seen a Starbucks?") is "Why does the church on Main Street have a carved wooden penis outside it?" It's a fair question. Coming from the south, through the well-tended corn fields and skirting the edge of lake,...

2 years ago
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The Lake House

September 4 - 7, 2009: “So, my parents got a boat,” Tracy commented as if this was something everyone did eventually. “A boat?” Heather replied. “What in the world are they going to do with a boat?” It was a Saturday afternoon in late August. Heather and Tracy had not had the opportunity to see each other in several weeks, so they decided to eat lunch at a local restaurant. As they ate, they were catching up on their lives. Tracy shrugged in response to the question. “I don’t know what they...

1 year ago
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Lake Estate1

Hope you enjoy! –RogueRambler Ok, let me start by telling you a bit about myself, which might help you understand how I turned-out the way I am. My father was a very rich and very powerful man. When I was a kid I never actually knew exactly what it was he did, but I did know that his job kept him away from home more than he was there. My mother died after battling cancer for almost two years, when I was still quite young. After Mom was gone, It seemed as though Dad was home...

4 years ago
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crimson lake

It was a golfing vacation. I was doing the golfing and my wife was along for the shopping. I love golfing and I don't know why I'm not better at it. Ever since I retired last spring I played almost every day yet I still stink. Judy, my wife, is a professional shopper. Apparently a natural talent because she doesn't practice all that much. She is the only woman I know who can spend all day shopping and buy nothing. My name is James Kilgore. Jim or Jimmy to my friends. Butch to my wife of...

3 years ago
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Bachelor at the Lake

CHAPTER 1 There was speculation that the recently arrived young graduate from Chicago, Sinead Morgan, would take this year’s title of Miss Prairie but she wasn’t even in the final seven. A fairly strict upbringing had taught Sinead and her sister and two brothers that a guy sins if he pays for sex and likewise so does a girl if she gives sex in return for a favor. In this case the bewhiskered chief judge who appeared over-done in garlic and in years missed out, not that Sinead was against...

2 years ago
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Special BondLong Weekend at the Lake Chapt 127 Revised

Introduction: RJ and Candy Make New Discoveries A SPECIAL BOND Long Weekend at the Lake ___________________________________ No institution or agency may use this work for other than the intended purpose to provide personal entertainment. All characters are fictional. This is a work of fiction. Of fantasy. Its called My Right of Free Speech. If you do not approve of youngsters engaged in various sexual acts . . . or if you live in one of the God-forsaken States that bans possessing/reading...

1 year ago
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fucking my aunt at village lake

In my village my uncle and aunt were staying. I was very close to them as they don’t have any c***d and treated my like one of them. My aunt was seeing me since I was a c***d. She was married at very young age. Now she was around 33-34 years. But she maintained her shape and figure. She still was looking very young. But I never had any bad intention towards her. She loved me like a k** and I also loved her for the love and affection she gave me.So it was a village and people used to go to lake...

2 years ago
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Lake of Dreams

Gwendolyn's life changed forever the day she drowned. It was, of course, true that her life had been changing gradually in many ways for some time, as is the natural order of things. From a carefree little girl--who loved nothing more than to sit perched on the knee of her white-haired grandfather, listening with wide-eyed wonder to the fantastic tales the old man told, fables of secretive elves and towering dragons and mischievous fairies, of fair princes and dazzling princesses and heroes...

3 years ago
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The 14 Boys Club Lake Como Boys

The night was so dark that I didn’t see the launch until it reached the dock. I had heard it, though, and as I climbed on board, the boat all in black and the men sailing it all in black and masked as well—and totally silent—and it moved back onto Lake Como, I realized that it was the boat I heard starting up when I’d come down to the dock. The imposing lakeside mansion it had come from, lit up and with music on that I could hear from this side of the lake, wasn’t far off at all. But it was on...

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Two in the Tahoe

Well. Here goes for my first story on here. First the basics, I guess. My name is Jesse and I’m a sophomore at UGA in a little town called Athens, Ga. I’m a pretty good student and definitely somewhat of an over achiever. During the summers I have worked as a lifeguard at public pools and once at the beach in SC. During the winter I work as a personal trainer at my gym. I’m 5’6, 105, athletic and lean. Since every guy will want to know my chest size, I am a 34c. Not too big, not too small. And,...

4 years ago
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The Tails of Master Tram Handler Chapter 4 Family visits Tahoe

My mom and dad arrived on a Thursday afternoon and my sister arrived in the early evening the same day. Even though I recently saw my family I was excited to have them visiting me at college! My family is a big ski family and my sister and I have been skiing for as long as I remember. That Thursday was too late to go skiing, however we decided to jump into our bathing suits and hit the hot tub and pool. I remember waiting in the living room for my parents to get their suits on. My sister was...

4 years ago
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Special BondLong Weekend at the Lake Chapt 127 Revised

Long Weekend at the Lake ___________________________________ No institution or agency may use this work for other than the intended purpose – to provide personal entertainment. All characters are fictional. This is a work of fiction. Of fantasy. It’s called ‘My Right of Free Speech.’ If you do not approve of youngsters engaged in various sexual acts . . . or if you live in one of the God-forsaken States that bans possessing/reading such material . . then please, PLEASE, go someplace...

1 year ago
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Special BondLong Weekend at the Lake 912

Long Weekend at the Lake ___________________________________ This is a work of fiction. Of fantasy. It’s called ‘My Right of Free Speech.’ If you do not approve of youngsters engaged in various sexual acts . . . or if you live in one of the God-forsaken States that bans possessing/reading such material . . then please, PLEASE, go someplace else. This is not some 4 page fuck/suck story. This story consists of almost 30 chapters! It has the main story, the back story, lots of detail,...

1 year ago
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Special BondLong Weekend at the Lake 34

Long Weekend at the Lake ___________________________________ This is a work of fiction. Of fantasy. It’s called ‘My Right of Free Speech.’ If you do not approve of youngsters engaged in various sexual acts . . . or if you live in one of the God-forsaken States that bans possessing/reading such material . . then please, PLEASE, go someplace else. This is not some 4 page fuck/suck story. This story consists of almost 30 chapters! It has the main story, the back story, lots of detail,...

3 years ago
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House Across The Lake 4

House Across The Lake 4 By Paul G Jutras The passengers in a wooden side panel station wagon could see the house by the lake sticking out from behind the tree tops. Jason stared nervously. When he moved away from his old school, his friends joked about his name and the fact so many murders happened by the summer camp across the lake. "Have you heard the stories?" Jason asked his parents. "The camp across the lake was forced to close due to the number of deaths that happened."...

4 years ago
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Lake By Connie W (aka ponygirlTS) Chapter One: Another E-mail from Wilson Well here it is, another of Wilson's, "get the old fire-team back together," schemes. So why can't I go this time? You would think that they would realize, that after 20 years, we needed to get on with our lives. Maybe I should just tell them the truth. We don't have anything in common anymore, except those tired old war stories that they always seem to drag out when we are together. I mean look, they...

1 year ago
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Sex Adult Comics

Sure, you love reading fucking comics. I’m talking about the heavy-hitters: Batman, Spider-Man, Calendar Man, they’re all fair game. But you also love looking at perverted comics. Those are the kinds of trades you don’t swap with your buddies. Or maybe you do – what the fuck do I know about your kink? I only review bad ass porn sites on the gold standard of other porn review sites, ThePornDude!So if you want to look at adult XXX comics that you can read in private or aloud to your friends while...

Porn Comics Sites
2 years ago
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Two girls go for a ride out to a lake in the woods and sex with a horse

Andrea, called Andy, drove on the highway through the woods with Sandra, or Sandy how she called her. It was a beautiful and warm day in the mid of august. She had something special in her mind for her, so far Sandy already knew. Andrea was a beautiful woman in her 26th year. She had long dark brown hair, which today she had tied together in two ponytails on the sides with cute pink ribbons. “With this hairstyle she looks insanely cute – like a teenager,” Sandra thought...

3 years ago
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Lake Tannin 3

A minute later two other girls came out of the water wearing bikinis and began to dry themselves off with their towels. Not seeing anyone else around Alan called out, “Hello the camp.” He walked out of the darkness into the firelight and confronted the women. “Who are you and why are you trespassing on my property?” The women were surprised at his appearance and one stepped out and replied, “Excuse me but I believe this is public land. Who are you?” “I am Alan Denning and I own...

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Papa and MeganCabin at the Lake Part II

She opened her eyes and saw the concern in mine. She smiled again, stretched, and said, “Oh, poor Papa, are you worried about me? You should have warned me that your “Big Bubba” has wonderfully, strange affects on girls. Yes, I think I’m going to recover, but not just yet.” I bent down and kissed her on the forehead, then I made a suggestion. “Since Gramma and the boys should be arriving any time now, let’s say that you started coming down with the flu yesterday evening and have been in...

2 years ago
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Watching April Aprils Lust On The Lake

It was a very lusty day for my wife April. I knew it was going to be as soon as I started to wake up. I felt some very pleasant pressure down below and heard the sound of breath being pushed through someone’s nose as well as the sound of some greedy slurping. There was no mistaking that she was sucking my cock to rouse me from sleep. I let out a sigh, not opening my eyes, as I felt her warm tits tickle the right side of my waist. “Mmmmm, okay,” I groaned opening my eyes to...

3 years ago
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Walking Around Green Lake

I guess this tale came about because I enjoy walking. Actually, it's a lot more than that; however, one of my favorite forms of exercise is walking ... and most of all, I really enjoy walking about the lake. In the North end of Seattle, there is a lake called Green Lake, which is circled by a trail that's about 2+ miles around and I try to walk it as often as I can. My goal is to walk around it every day, but it seems to turn out more like around 5 times a week. I've been doing this for so...

1 year ago
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kyle and the amoba lake

kyle was an 19 year old collage student in Maine and is sometimes bored about almost everything in his life and most of the time he's often lazy, he had some great hobbies like swimming, exploring, traveling, fishing and camping. today we see him wandering the woods carrying his camping supplies looking for a nice spot for him to camp out, that was until a really strange lake caught his eye and went over to investigate it. he layed down his supplies and walked over at the edge of the lake and...

1 year ago
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Reeti Saxena 8211 Sex With A Foreigner By Our Village Lake

Hello dear readers, my name is Reeti Saxena. I am originally from a  village in Bihar which has a small village lake. But I have come to Mumbai to become an actress or even a Bollywood star if luck favors me. I am very determined to achieve this goal, and I will achieve it with all means necessary. While I am writing this story, I am 24 years old, born on the sixth of September. For my whole life till now I have been a very naughty girl. I dare you to find a hot and slutty girl like me. Despite...

4 years ago
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Of the Lake

We had come to the end of what I expected to be our last family vacation together. With college graduation coming up for my son and my daughter’s impending marriage to a guy heading to basic training in the Navy I knew another trip like this one would be difficult. Actually just getting this on off the ground was a monumental task, between my work schedules, their work schedules and especially their social activities it was almost impossible. Finally we were able to all get away during the...

1 year ago
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Camp Lake

The old pioneer pass route led along the new highway and the railroad over on the way to the high summit pass. Camp lake lay on a side branch road past the rail line from the new highway. At that elevation the lake water warmed up to a nice swimming temperature and the scouts had extensive swimming, row boats and canoes at their lake. Dave, the Senior Scoutmaster and Camp Director, lived at the lake for the summer. Gail, his wife, stayed in town. His son, Ted, was a Junior Assistant...

4 years ago
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The Girl Next Door Chapter 2 The Lake House

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lake House My name is Dean and I am 18 years old. I have dirty blonde hair that reaches just over my ears. I have deep brown eyes that like to wonder from time to time. Last week my life changed for the better when I met my neighbour Lucy. If you read “A Dream of a Night” you will be caught up with the events that happened. “Dean Honey time to...

4 years ago
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Ordinary Couple

Scott and Carol are an ordinary couple living in an ordinary middle class community on an ordinary street and in an ordinary house. Carol is an ordinary housewife and Scott is an ordinary nine to five vice-president at mostly ordinary advertising agency. He goes to work from Monday through Friday and Carol spends her time watching Oprah and soap operas. Their sex life has been ordinary as well but that is about to change. Actually, it has been Carol who has felt a slow but persistent change...

3 years ago
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Rent A Cabin On A Lake

Rent A Cabin On A Lake I inherited a rather large chunk of land completely surrounding a large lake. I also inherited more than enough money to do anything that I wanted to do with it. So I started building cabins to rent out. I hired two young local guys to help me with the grunt work. With their help I was going to build seven cabins near the main road coming into the lake. We put in a nice long dock with a large deck on shore to sunbathe or sit on. They both had young wives that...

3 years ago
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My Lake HarembyBamaNItaly©"Mom, who all's coming again?" I screamed across the house as I packed a few clothes and swim trunks in my bag and looked for a shirt to put on."Aunt Janice yourself and me at the beginning, then your cousins Sherry and Shona will come in from Atlanta for a few days before their mom and dad get there", my mother responded. "Great," I mumbled under my breath, "just what a horny 19 year old guy needs... to be stuck on an island with hot women who are all related to me....

4 years ago
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Party at the Lake

Once there was a girl... No, that's not a good way to start, because it leaves out a lot of the real story. I'm a sixty-one year old man. The real story begins when I was seventeen. It was my last year in high school and I was looking forward to leaving for college in the fall. I had a part time job at a local grocery store, a car (of dubious value), a few good friends and what seemed like a perpetual hard cock. I wasn't (and I'm still not) a giant in the penis department, but the girl...

2 years ago
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Weekend At The Lake

After I'd spent time in Illinois and lost my virginity to the nympho next door whose Air Force hubby was in Germany, I went back home and renewed my acquaintance with an old girlfriend, Pam. Her parents and mine, I honestly believe, had ideas that she and I would end up married. Even though we liked each other a lot and had great times together, at eighteen, we really didn't see that in either of our futures.  For one thing, the Vietnam War was in full swing and I had to either enlist or be...


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