Rebecca's Dilemma free porn video

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Three young women looking for a fun night, walked into the only drinking establishment, within a half hour's drive, where they could buy a beer. One faction of residents of the small farming community had repeatedly defeated the other faction's attempts to turn the county from 'dry' to 'wet'.

Adjacent to the dry county was another county that also did not allow the sale of alcoholic beverages. However, just to the south of those two dry counties, The Little Brown Jug sat at the rear of a long wide parking lot. It was just barely over the line of those two adjoining counties. The residents of that county, few in number, were not quite so protective of their neighbor's morals. Thus, they allowed the sale and consummation of beer, on the premises.

A few steps inside the door of the bar, the blonde with long hair stopped and muttered, "Oh sheee-it," her southern accent drawing out the last word so it wouldn't sound quite so nasty. She tried to turn around as if she wanted to leave, but her companions pushed her forward so they could get inside the dimly lit bar with its large dancehall at the rear.

"Dahmn," the brunette added to her friend's comment. Her word also echoed a sweet southern drawl.

"What? What?" The question came from the third female. She lacked the heavy southern drawl, making each word sound short and clipped off at the end.

"Nevah min'," the blonde lowered her voice. "Let's go git a booth."

Four bar stools along the nearest short side of the rectangular bar were empty. Few men cared to sit with their back to the door. A few men, who appeared to be farmers or local workers, none of them dressed in anything better than jeans and work shirts, occupied several of the stools along the long side of the bar. Most wore some type of work boots, none showing a recent shine. Those who had removed their gimme caps sported white foreheads, as was often seen indoors on men who worked primarily outside all day long. They were relaxed, bending slightly forward with their forearms resting on the edge of the bar.

Farthest from the door, along the other short side of the bar, were four more barstools. Only one seat was occupied. A young man, dressed a little better than the other patrons, sat nursing his second beer of the evening. The young man had turned on the seat of his stool to lean against the nearby wall, rather than face the well of the bar, where the bartender was quietly motioning to each man along the long side asking if they were ready for another beer. This young man appeared relaxed, placing one leg across the seat of the next barstool, his well polished boot hung off the other side of the seat. The toe of his boot was slowly moving as if he was tapping his foot in time with the soulful song playing on the jukebox.

The young women chose one of several empty booths and settled on the hard wooden seats, waiting for the barmaid to take their order. They looked around for a moment, gauging their prospects for a little fun and checking out any men who might interest them or who might like to dance or show a girl a good time.

Informing the young woman who lacked a southern accent, the blonde said, "Tha only choice you git, Elaine, is beer on tap or in a bottle. An' ya have ta ask fer a glass." Her words were hard, as if she was disgusted or perhaps she was disappointed the dance floor was empty, although it was still early with an hour or two to go before full dark.

"Don't talk like that, Sue Ann, it's just that most don't wont a glass," the brunette chided her blonde friend's derogatory comment.

"I'm jist tellin' her, Louise. Don't jump down my throat." Sue Ann's words were a little harsh, compared to the ones she might have used before they walked into The Little Brown Jug.

"Well, don't be like that. Jist 'cause those men caint settle their differences, don't mean you and me has got to make some fer ourselves." Likewise, Louise's words were harsher than she had used only minutes before.

Elaine's head turned from Sue Ann to Louise surprised at the vehemence from both women. "What happened to make you two mad at each other?"

Louise waved her hand at the men along the bar, "Oh its jist them men. Neither one'll give in, which means Rebecca caint neither."

"It wudden her fault!" Sue Ann exclaimed.

Louise looked at her friend and slapped her hand on the table as the barmaid placed frosted mugs and bottles of beer in front of all three. "I didn't say it was. I'm jist sayin' she won't budge if they don't."

Even the sound of Louise's palm hitting the table did not cause a single man at the bar to take his attention from the young man leaning against the wall. Nor did the young man's attention waver from a particular man seated on the long side of the bar.

Before the evening was over, the three young women would no longer use the mugs, they would drink their beer directly from the bottle as the men at the bar were doing. Before they could lift their bottles to fill their frosty mugs, however, their attention was drawn to the men at the bar.

The young man with the polished boots did not move his head or his leg, nor did he lift his bottle for a swallow of beer before or after he spoke. "Jake, is she coming home tonight?"

"I don't think so, Clay." Only by seeing one of the men on the long side of the bar shaking his head, could Elaine determine who had spoken. Other than the movement of his head, the man's posture did not change.

"That's my baby she's carrying!" Clay declared. His voice was just a little louder than necessary, but he wanted everyone to hear what he said.

"She ain't sure it is, Clay." Jake's response was similarly loud enough for every man along the bar to hear.

Clay dropped his leg off the adjacent bar stool, stood, and glared at the man who had responded to his declaration. He walked around the corner of the bar, passed by the men who sat with their forearms resting on the edge of the bar. He paused for a moment behind the largest of the four men and patted him on the back and spoke quietly, "Tell her I love her, Jake. Just tell her that. I need my wife to come home."

The man to whom Clay had spoken did not turn to acknowledge the younger man. Instead, he nodded his head and picked up his beer, drained it and very gently placed the empty bottle on top of the wooden bar, while the young man walked toward the door.

As the door banged closed behind Clay, Jake stood, stretched, and placed his hands on the back of the two men who had sat beside him, "I'll see you fellas in a day or two." Both men nodded, gave wordless grunts of acceptance of their friend's comment, and the big man turned to walk toward the front door.

However, Jake stopped behind another man farther down the bar and clamped his hand on the man's shoulder. He squeezed gently, "Don't be late for supper, Joel. Mom don't need to be up late waitin' fer you to show up."

When the door once again banged shut, it was as if a pall had lifted from the room, the jukebox began playing a foot-stomping song that sounded several decibels louder than the one just ended. Most of the men at the bar leaned against the backs of their seats and looked around to see who had walked into the bar, to whom they could now give their attention.

A couple from the booth behind the three young women walked to the dance floor and began to dance. Two couples from tables on the far side of the large room rose from their seats and joined the first couple. The waitress called out an order to the bartender. The front door opened to admit two more couples, all four of them laughing at something said as they walked inside, or a private joke. They carried with them, the expectation they were going to enjoy themselves. The fun of a Saturday night at The Little Brown Jug had just begun.

Elaine looked around at the changed atmosphere inside the building and watched both of the other women with whom she shared the booth. Their shoulders straightened and smiles began to spread across their faces. To Elaine it appeared everyone was awakening from a deep depressive trance.

"Can you tell me what that was all about?" Elaine looked at Sue Ann and then Louise, neither of whom was giving their attention to Elaine.

"Later, darlin'," Sue Ann responded as she patted Elaine's hand then offered her other hand to the man who stood in front of their table. "I'm gonna go dance with Charlie."

Music from the jukebox grew louder as the bar and dancehall filled with young and old dancers. Rarely was a stranger seen in The Little Brown Jug. Hard working farm families met friends, talked about the weather, bragged about their fields of growing crops, and bottles of beer soothed parched throats.

When a couple slipped out the side door for a few minutes of fresh air, no one remarked when they returned, not even if the man had a smudge of lipstick on his mouth. After all, farming communities are far removed from larger cities where entertainment opportunities were varied.

It was many hours later when Elaine heard the first few details of the story that caused Clay Hogan and Jake Westerman to exchange words. It was a complicated story. Many of the details were argued about, but everyone had an opinion. It was a story about Rebecca Westerman Hogan and the pregnancy her doctor had just confirmed.

"Oh gawd," Sue Ann moaned as she walked into the living room taking careful steps across the room until she reached the short bar which separated the living room from the kitchen. She twisted the seat of the vacant tall stool and flopped down, but closed her eyes and moaned.

"I know, me too." Louise commiserated with her friend. "I thought you might go home with Charlie."

Sue Ann shook her head, winced at the pain it caused, and answered, "Naw, he was too drunk. I don't fancy his kind of fun when he drinks."

Their attention shifted from their hangover misery to a groan from the living room at their backs. Sue Ann turned to look at the back of the couch as one slender arm appeared giving a half-hearted wave.

Sue Ann didn't bother to speak to the young woman who slowly sat up from her bed on the couch and pushed herself up to stand for a moment. Elaine appeared to be just as miserable as the other two young women were.

Sue Ann's head swiveled back to Louise. "Is that coffee?"

"Yeah, it's almost done." Louise gingerly left her stool and walked around the end of the bar. She opened cabinets to remove cups and sugar, and the refrigerator door looking for the cream, carrying everything to the small kitchen table.

By the time Elaine returned from the bathroom, Louise was pouring coffee into three cups. The three young women mentioned something to eat but none of them had the energy to do anything other than sit and enjoy the coffee, waiting for their bodies to recover from the prior evening of drinking too many beers and expending a lot of energy dancing.

"Okay," Elaine said, took a deep breath and asked, "Now tell me about those two men at the bar."

Sue Ann began the explanation. "Clay Hogan won't believe Rebecca, that's his wife, was unfaithful."

Louise explained, "The big guy, Jake Westerman, says Rebecca, that's his sister, says she don't know if she did it or not."

The way the two life-long friends made their opening remarks told Elaine there was disagreement between them and that they had taken sides. She listened as the discussion grew into an intense argument or settled into a simple recitation of details. Although it was almost a subject of daily discussion between some people, few knew if there had been any result of the latest meeting between a husband and an over-protective brother.

Clay Hogan appeared in the small community as representative of a seed and chemical company that sold their specialty products to farmers and ranchers. Fresh out of college, with a degree in farm and ranch management, he had been assigned a specific area of the state. He drew a rough circle around his sales area then pinpointed the center of the circle as his base of operations.

For the first two weeks, Clay lived and worked out of one of the six rooms at the only motel in town. He learned the owner of the combination bakery and doughnut shop had a small furnished apartment above the shop that she was willing to rent. The apartment was really only two rooms and a bathroom. One room was barely large enough to walk around in when the Murphy bed was lowered but the room was bare when the bed was folded and raised in place. The other room contained a red plastic covered couch, a small refrigerator with a hot plate on top and a sink with a badly dripping faucet. The small table would remain upright if the side with the missing leg was wedged into the corner of the room. A rope tied around the legs of the only chair kept it from falling apart.

Clay spent his time calling on the local farmers, selling his products, and making himself known in the community. A few months later, one farmer offered him the use of a small house, a few miles from town, where his deceased mother-in-law had lived. He even suggested he would waive the first two months rent because the yard was severely overgrown and the house needed cleaning plus a few minor repairs. After that, the farmer agreed to allow Clay to pay for paint and some plumbing repairs instead of rent. By the time Clay had lived in the house for about six months, the community had cautiously accepted him as one of them, partly because the house once again looked like someone lived in it and cared for it.

Like the other young people of the community, Clay spent some of his Saturday nights at The Little Brown Jug, just over the county line. If any of the 'fun time' girls saw more of him than the time they spent dancing with him, they did not admit it. Clay did not share what he did the one day a week he traveled to his company offices to turn in and arrange for delivery of his orders. Nor did he give many details about his review of new products, or the discussions with the agronomists at the state agricultural experimental station. However, he shared his knowledge and expertise with the farmers he called on and treated as friends, more than customers.

Clay was a quiet man. He attended the local community church, and although he was friendly, he was private about his personal life. If he tipped his hat or held a door open for a farmer's wife, he wasn't doing anything more gallant than the farmer or a neighbor would have done. When the farmer's wives thanked Clay, they did so by name. They had seen him many times, fed him a meal when he spent time with their husband, and nodded at him when they passed him on the sidewalk.

More than a year after Clay arrived, as he was becoming accepted as a 'local', he asked Rebecca Westerman for a date. Actually, he asked her father for permission to ask her for a date. He had seen her enough times at her parent's farm to like the young girl. She smiled at him. Although he was five years older than the recent high school graduate was, Rebecca's parents were impressed with the young man's assurance that he understood she was still a very young girl, just barely eighteen years old.

For many months, the majority of their simple dates were spent on the front porch of her family's farmhouse. They sat in the swing, often visiting with her father or one of her three older brothers who sat in one of the nearby rocking chairs.

On the evenings when none of her family members joined them on the front porch, Clay and Rebecca's date grew more physical than verbal. Those were the evenings when Clay left a little earlier than usual after Rebecca walked him to his pickup. The minutes she spent in his arms as he leaned her against the front fender left both of them panting with sexual arousal. His vehicle barely hid them from anyone in the house who might have walked into the front parlor and looked out one of the windows.

Amelia Westerman was not aware the reason her daughter wore a skirt was to give Clay easy access to what was hidden beneath her skirt. The woman thought Rebecca was merely dressing a little nicer than her usual jeans because her boyfriend was coming to visit for a few hours. Nor was the woman aware of the number of times her daughter opened the front of Clay's jeans to discover he wasn't wearing underwear. It allowed the young girl to stroke his hard cock until she leaned over and pulled it into her mouth as he groaned with his release.

The first night Clay lifted Rebecca to sit on the hood of his truck she separated her legs and wrapped them around his shoulders, pulling him closer. His fingers trailed up and down the insides of her thighs, slowly getting closer to something he usually felt through or under her clothing. When his fingers reached the vee between her legs, he discovered she wasn't wearing panties.

"Rebecca your brothers are going to kill me."

"They're watching TV, Clay. I'm so wet, I need it."

Clay leaned forward, his lips nipping along the inside of her thigh, savoring her heat as his mouth searched for the source of the sweetness he sampled on her skin. At the first touch of his mouth on her sexual core, he groaned. He had tasted her essence on his fingers but this was his first time to actually get his mouth close enough for the taste he craved.

Rebecca whispered, "You like that baby?"

Rather than lift his head to respond, Clay's head went up and down in an affirmative response to her question.

Rebecca giggled, "I shaved it just for you."

Clay feasted on her luscious wetness, pushed his fingers into her warmth, and held her still when she wiggled from the stimulation.

In minutes she was panting and whispering, "Oh, oh, oh I'm gonna, uhmm-mm." She muted her final sounds as she bit down on the knuckle of her forefinger.

As her tremors subsided, she was demanding, "Pull me down Clay. Can I put you inside me?"

He was happy to oblige. He opened the top of his jeans, pulled them off his hips, and slid her straight down onto his throbbing cock. She jerked and gasped at the invasion and then shook. Clay groaned. He had not known and he could not withdraw. The heat and wetness inside her felt too wonderful to the sensitive head of his cock.

Rebecca kissed him, as he moved his cock in and out of her wet heat. She sucked on his neck. She finally latched onto his fat earlobe, flicking it with her tongue, which always sent chills down his spine.

When he could finally open his eyes and think straight, he managed to lower Rebecca to stand on her trembling legs. The next thought was a thunderous "Oh shit." The ever present condom he always carried in his hip pocket was still there, in his pocket.

"Rebecca, I'm sorry. Damn, damn, I didn't use a condom. Please, please, tell me you're on the pill."

"Not yet, Clay. I'm taking the first pill in a little over a week, right after my period."

To say that Clay's nerves were on edge for the next few days was an understatement. The evening he visited, he barely kissed her and left her as early as he dared. He was a nervous wreck until Rebecca assured him she was not pregnant. That week's trip to his company's office was the shortest he could ever recall making or his thoughts were so jumbled and busy he didn't pay attention to the time on the highway. The next Sunday he joined her family for a meal after church then spent some time with her father looking at Hiram Westerman's newest farm implement.

When Clay and Hiram returned from the barn, Clay asked Rebecca to take a walk with him. By the time they returned Rebecca was wearing Clay's ring. Several weeks later they were married in the parlor of the Westerman farm house with so many friends and family around half of them were standing while the minister read the wedding vows from his thin black book.

Clay and Rebecca spent two nights in the nearest large town that had a decent hotel but they rarely left their room. They returned to the rent house that Clay had changed from a dusty rough looking house to a home that might have been pretty enough to photograph for a postcard. He ceased taking sandwiches for lunch and no longer accepted a farmer's invitation to a home cooked meal. He had those meals, plus a wife who was learning to be sexually adventurous waiting for him at home. Some days he failed to make his afternoon rounds of farms in his sales area, but his sales didn't decrease, he just made better use of his time. He was often asked about his pretty new wife, or when they planned to start a family.

Rebecca grew quite addicted to the Saturday night dances at The Little Brown Jug, despite the need to drive for almost half an hour to reach the county line. No longer watched by a protective mother and father, or guarded by three over protective brothers, she was finally free to enjoy a little fun. Regardless of how tired he was or how hard he had worked all week, she usually managed to drag Clay to the dance. He danced with her, reluctantly allowed her to dance with other men, and occasionally danced with the wives, or girlfriends, of those other men, while keeping his eye on his friendly, though shy, young wife.

During the first year of their marriage, when Clay had to attend his annual week of training, Rebecca went with him. She was absolutely bored with nothing to do all day long while Clay was sitting in a classroom and studying at night. Similarly, the second year of their marriage, Rebecca went with him for the winter training and was smart enough to take a book she could read while he was otherwise occupied. The third year, a year when the training session would take two weeks, Rebecca stayed home. Two months earlier, she had stopped taking birth control pills. Anticipating her pregnancy, she was beginning a project of redecorating the smallest bedroom to make a nursery for the baby they wanted.

To cover Clay's absence for the two weeks of training, his employer sent a new trainee to visit the farms in what the seed and chemical company considered a model sales territory. Not only had Clay's sales volume increased each year, the company occasionally received letters from farmers complimenting Clay's knowledge and attention to their needs. The salesman, Jerry Napes, arrived Thursday and was invited to have supper with Clay and Rebecca as soon as he was settled into his motel room.

Giving attention to her ovulation calendar, as they had done every day for more than a week, Rebecca and Clay had sex as soon as he got home for the day. They were still laughing about barely getting dressed when Jerry knocked on their front door. Later, while Jerry and Clay stood on the front porch and talked for a few minutes, Rebecca cleaned the kitchen. As soon as Clay walked back into the house, Rebecca was pulling him into the bedroom. She woke him in the middle of the night and wouldn't let him leave their bed the next morning until he had filled her with his sperm laden ejaculate.

It was no different when Clay rushed home for Friday's lunch. He tried to tell her he was too exhausted that night, but her talented mouth soon had him very interested in any activity that would make her pregnant. Before he left for his Saturday afternoon drive to the University where he would attend two weeks of class, Rebecca took a shower and put on the sheer light blue short night gown she had worn on their wedding night. She gave Clay a novice's version of a bump and grind striptease dance that had him ready to go again. Clay left her lying on the bed where she was still snuggled under a warm quilt, kissed her, and told her he loved her. He took his suitcase to his truck and began his four hundred mile drive, expecting to spend all day Sunday with his fellow classmates comparing notes on their best sales techniques.

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The Tease and The Workplace Dilemma I want you to know that I enjoy thinking of you, reading my stories. I enjoy the power that my seductive language has over you. You are drawn in by the words as they unravel on the screen in front of you. There are no sexy photos, yet your libido is ignited in ways beyond the visual. You have to match my description of our seduction, though you don’t think we have ever met, with your imagination of how it would be.. The first glance as I walk past your...

2 years ago
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IHNC 65 Lisas Dilemma

Introduction: Lisa Cohan gets an unwanted proposition. IHNC 6.5 Lisas Dilemma (Mf, teen, nc, preg, softcore) (This chapter is from the viewpoint of Lisa Cohan, a schoolmate of Beckys who joined in her SATs tutoring her High School Math teacher was giving her.) OMG! I wish I could get out of here! No sooner did Mr. Font drop me off than my hag of a Vietnamese mother began yelling at me in her inside voice: Broken English Banshee Wail. WERE THE FUCK HAVE YOU BE! Studying for my SATs, I...

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His Best Friends Daughter Part IIIHis Dilemma

His Best Friend’s Daughter: Part III- His Dilemma Well, when we last left John and the ever so teasing and flirtatious Gabby (the sexy sixteen-year-old daughter of his best friend Patrick) who had been teasing and flirting with him for weeks had finally seduced John in the guesthouse of her family’s villa in Majorca. Seduced him not once, but twice! Gabby had not only bedded John that night after the club and dancing, but John had awoken in the early Spanish sunlight to a young inexperienced...

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Head Girls Dilemma

Head Girl Joanne’s dilemmaPauline Margaret Manson had taught at my school for twelve years. She had always seemed to me to be fair and kind to her students, but Miss held a deep secret that had started as a rumour when we were lower down the school and had become a rather loud whisper around school. Pauline had a target to administer corporal punishment to all her students by the end of the school year. So far that year, each one of her twenty A-Level History students had been placed in after...

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Joggers Dilemma

Deciding to become healthier had interesting consequences for me. By the age of twenty-eight, I had put on a few extra pounds and when an acquaintance of mine paid tribute to my enlarging hipline at the pub one evening, I decided that action needed to be taken. I made a decision to start jogging in the hills behind my home. There was an enjoyable path that meandered through that area and day by day, I began to extend the distance of my runs. This exercise coupled with a healthier eating plan...

Gay Male
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Dougs Dilemma

Doug's Dilemma, by MaxMonThere was a slight shiver in her voice, as Tammy asked herself aloud, "Why am I doing this?" After a brief pause, she continued, " Doug, you are scaring me! I can't walk down stairs blindfolded... I need to see the steps!" "Come on, Hon. I have your arm, so you're not going to fall." Her husband's attempt at reassurance came across with a shallow breach, as if those high heals on the sandy concrete stairs were, indeed, of great concern to him. "Let me get in front of...

4 years ago
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Dans Dilemma

Well this is my first time writing a story like this. So I hope that I can keep the story true to the Spells R' Us story line. Remember this is my first time so please be patient. Comments about this story can be made on the fictionmania hyperboard. I would prefer at this time to remain anonymous at this time. Dan's Dilemma "You know if we put a wig on you, you'd pass for a girl." "Ha, ha, that's funny Steve." "Hey Dan, you' re so short when you sit on a curb your feet...

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Mindys Dilemma

Mindy's Dilemma By Bashful The webmaster spent most of his morning on the Internet, chatting with friends. Not his usual Saturday morning routine but he had decided to try it once. He wasn't sure if he would ever do it again but it was a better experience than he had expected. Now he had chores to perform. First the dishwasher had to be replaced. That took him only an hour and a badly scraped set of knuckles. He then set to work on the server farm. He intended to split his...

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Davids Dilemma

David's Dilemma By Bashful ########### Author's Note: Once again I offer special thanks to Janice Dreamer, the Princess of Author's Notes, for her insightful assistance in preparing this story for publication. ############ Patty felt like screaming. She held tight to the headboard with both hands and squirmed in ecstasy. David's talented lips and tongue were driving her mad. She climaxed with a squeal and allowed her body to go limp. Best of all, that was just the...

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High School Dilemma

High School Dilemma: Part One By Lauren Westley I should have known better. It was such a stupid thing and it didn't even work out. Here I was graduating from High School. I had just turned eighteen and it was the last week of school. How could I have done it? Why did I take the chance? Kelly was probably the prettiest girl in school. Her hair was long and blond. Not much different then mine. Actually we were both about 5' 5" and weighed around 120 pounds. But, Kelly was Joe's...

2 years ago
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High School Dilemma

High School Dilemma Part One By Lauren Westley I should have known better. It was such a stupid thing and it didn't even work out. Here I was graduating from High School. I had just turned eighteen and it was the last week of school. How could I have done it? Why did I take the chance? Kelly was probably the prettiest girl in school. Her hair was long and blond. Not much different then mine. Actually we were both about 5' 5"...

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Estate Agents Dilemma

Estate Agent's Dilemma By Sylvia Who? 1) My 'Initiation' Robert Hart is my name and seven years ago I went into business as an estate agent in the village of Shere on the South Coast of England, employing two part time ladies, and operating from a former village post office store. Attached to which I have a self contained bachelor pad which suits my present needs. Three years ago an interloper set up in competition with me just a few doors away, strangely enough run by...

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And your enemies closest Aka Erics Dilemma

ERIC'S DILEMMA BY TOXIS The music kept the beat. The girls on the stage shimmied as best they might in their stilted heels. Oddly, the audience was filled with women, not men, and the dancers showed none of the exhibitionism linked with topless dancers. The bulge in their g-strings looked a little too full. Alexis wondered what that meant. The back of Club MALES was dark, some booths filled with shadowy...

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Flower Institute Northern dilemma

One of the most delicate requests to the Institute came from sexually liberated Scandinavia. A young Swedish teen wasn´t a virgin anymore. But her Mistress decided it was high time to try her butt for offer. Best by an expert sexpert pervert. So she wrote to the Institute in Amsterdam.Of course her letter was well received. Not only because of the contents. The directorate of the Flower Institute recognised the author immediately.She was very famous for her educational stories on horny...

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Strange Dilemma

STRANGE DILEMMA By Geneva Silene, the young queen of Genoria, uses cunning, ruthlessness and her magic book to protect her small kingdom against the encroaching Roman Empire. In my story "Myrine", I set the locale in the small state of Genoria. This is another story of Genoria, as it prepares to resist the encroaching Roman Empire in the 1st. Century BC. START Queen Silene looked out of her palace window, biting her lip in thought. Her chancellor, Hermia, patiently watched the...

1 year ago
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I arrived home from the night shift later than usual. The reason being that I had to take the car in for service. The house was empty when I got in, my wife was at work and my daughter, Gem at school. I was dog tired but decided to shower, get some food, catch the news and sleep, in that order.I can't remember now the exact details now but I do recall dozing off on the sofa as I watched the news. I was disturbed by the sound of the front door opening and the sound ofpeople talking.I...

4 years ago
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His Best Friends Daughter Part IIIHis Dilemma

His Best Friend’s Daughter: Part III- His Dilemma Well, when we last left John and the ever so teasing and flirtatious Gabby (the sexy sixteen-year-old daughter of his best friend Patrick) who had been teasing and flirting with him for weeks had finally seduced John in the guesthouse of her family’s villa in Majorca. Seduced him not once, but twice! Gabby had not only bedded John that night after the club and dancing, but John had awoken in the early Spanish sunlight to a young inexperienced...

2 years ago
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I arrived in Dallas mid morning on Monday and went straight to the hotel to change into business attire.   It was not quite lunch time, so I caught a cab to the office.   This was one of my favorite units to audit because the CFO was very yummy.   He was tall, built like an NFL linebacker, always tan and had a gorgeous smile.   It was also apparent that he was attracted to me.   I announced myself at the front desk and the receptionist called the Controller to let her know I was...

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Teachers Dilemma

Teacher’s DilemmaChapter 1        Tammy couldn’t believe it.  How did they find out, after all these years?  And it was a student finding out at that.  ?Why did she tell me instead of the principal?? Tammy thought to herself.  Many years ago, when Tammy first got into teaching, she was arrested and convicted for drug possession in another state.  She kept it quiet and no one in her school, county, or state seemed to know about it.  She wasn’t going to tell anyone.  She never got into trouble...

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Debbies Dilemma

DEBBIE'S DILEMMAOrDon't Mess with Eddie!ByAnne Gray(Inspired by an originalDoggers drawing!)Debbie's boyfriend was a "Jack of allTrades" but Eddie specialized in custom metal work and was also a qualifiedelectrician. They had been an item for nearly two years and Debbie had movedin to his home several months ago. The large property doubled as a workshopfor his projects and offered privacy for their more erotic hobbies.Among other things they were into bondage.Well that is Eddie was quite expert...

4 years ago
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Daisys Dilemma

As my tongue explored her warm little slit I could feel the wispy fine pubic hairs and while my fingers probed her crack I felt her body shake and her warm juices being soaked up by the cotton gusset and if they didn’t before they certainly needed washing now.I pulled back and without asking I gently pulled her panties down her thighs and she happily stepped out of then and again threw them into the washer before standing up which is when she first saw how aroused I was.“OMG sir, WOW!!” she...

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Moms Dilemma

Tuesday morning started off like any other Tuesday for Gail and her son Terry. Terry was your average sixteen year old boy who was always attempting to cop a feel of his mother’s ample breasts or butt. She had been divorced for almost four years and frankly any man’s attentions was welcome. Gail was 38 years old; she had shoulder length dirty blond hair. Over the years she had put on a few extra pounds from her original 120lbs she started at, as her friends joked with her the extra twenty...

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My Wife 8211 Part 3 My Personal Dilemma

I saw Reddy taking my wife’s bra and panty. He kept Kavita’s bra and panty in his bag. What he did next moment had me terrified and put me a personal dilemma. Reddy took the mobile phone kept on Kavita’s berth and dialed his number from that phone. I saw his phone ringing. I then realized that he wanted Kavita’s number for the future. But what he didn’t know was that it was my mobile and Reddy had my number. Reddy then wore his clothes and went out. When neither of them returned for the next 10...

3 years ago
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The Catalyst RebornChapter 52 Moral Dilemmas

Charlie POV: Shortly after Dad left, Bob and I decided to see if we couldn’t help out some. I noticed TJ over by the main entrance talking to Jim Gregory. I was just heading over there when TJ flashed, “Charlie, you and Bob might want to make yourselves scarce for a little bit. Jim was just asking about you guys, wondering if you guys had anything to do with this. I told him I hadn’t seen you and weren’t sure where you were.” “Why would you do that, TJ? I’ve worked with Jim Gregory a few...

2 years ago
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Martas Unfortunate Dilemmas

Marta Fernandez was a 22 year old, Colombian student who was able, with the help of her father, whose friend worked in the embassy in Bogotá, to get a student visa to study in the U.S. All her life she had dreamed of coming to the U.S. to study English and hopefully meet a nice American gentleman she could fall in love with and marry. The men in Colombia were all the same, a bunch of womanizers who did not know the meaning of commitment. At every opportunity they poked themselves into the...

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Deedi EmergesChapter 7 Deedis Dilemmas

Deedi woke early on Monday eager to get ready for her new job. She wanted to look her best but that was never a problem since she was adept at putting on her make-up and dressing for effect. She wore a grey two piece suit with a light, check pattern. The skirt was knee length with a slightly see-through, light blue blouse and matching blue underwear. She pulled on a pair of sheer, barely-black stockings and clipped them to her suspenders and found a pair of plain, black high heels. The...

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Donnies Dilemma

Donnie Hamilton is the typical annoying teenaged little brother. There was just two years difference in the ages of him and his big sister, Lucy. The immature way he acted, one would think there was much more of an age gap. She tolerated Donnie’s juvenile behavior because she loved him. She learned to put up with his pranks because she understood Donnie was going through puberty and was beginning to have an interest in girls. She also knew he was too young and inexperienced to understand why...

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Tina and the Stuffed Pussy Chapter 7 The Breadstick Dilemma

I sleep in on Sunday, determined not to show up at the Stuffed Pussy earlier than I have to. When I get in I am dreading Eddie’s reaction to my tardiness, expecting the worst. Instead I hear Eddie yelling at someone in the back room. “How could you screw up something as fucking simple as breadsticks! How many fucking breadsticks do you think we can sell… we ain’t a pizza joint!” I hurry in and start cleaning up, relieved that Eddie is too caught up in other problems to notice my late...

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My Dilemma

Thanks to ‘Techsan’ for editing this story. It was the worst of times. It was the best of times. Boy, how many times have I heard that in my lifetime. Came from some book somewhere. Now a lot of the movies like to use that quote. For most people the statement is true. Only for me I seem to be getting more of the worst of times lately. My marriage of twenty-two years is ending in a not-so-good manner. Because of it, I might quit my job on the police force. So here I am at the old watering hole...

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The Family Dilemma

By Docker5000 Denise Parkin was busy in the kitchen as usual preparing everybody’s breakfast. She now had the breakfast ready and she was now calling her family and telling them. “That it was getting cold and for them all to get a move on.” James her husband was the first to walk into the kitchen, he was trying to tie his tie as he walked in to the kitchen. Denise just smiled at him. She now wiped her hands on a towel and she then walked over to him. Denise now smiled at him. He...

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Heathers Dilemma

by Napoleon Leopold Heather Morris had finally made it home from work and was looking forward to the long weekend ahead. She went upstairs and took a warm shower and then proceeded to get ready for the evening. Red lace panties and matching bra made her feel sexy. Red stocking held up by garter straps and 4" high red pumps adorned feet. Opening her dresser drawer heather pulled out a red leather collar with a d-ring set in the front, she lifted her medium brown hair up so she could buckle...

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Little Sisters Dilemma

I always considered myself to be a typical teenager, but looking back, I may have qualified as a bit of a “nerd”, for lack of a better term. I never really had a problem with academics, and as a result, never had to study all that hard, or that much. At the ripe old age of seventeen, and in my last year of high school, I should have had the world by the balls. For the most part, I did, too, except for one small, insignificant detail. I had a sister that was a year younger than I was. Now,...

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Ryans dilemma

This was an unexpected turn of events for a Friday night. I had planned on spending the evening on a wonderful date with my girlfriend. She already knew what the plans were, she never liked surprises. Me being the romantic type, this took a lot of fun out of the relationship for me. We were to begin the evening at a fantastic, and very expensive, restaurant. She had wanted to go ever since her best friend’s boyfriend took her there. I wanted to take her this evening and tell her about the...

3 years ago
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IHNC 65 Lisas Dilemma

(This chapter is from the viewpoint of Lisa Cohan, a schoolmate of Becky’s who joined in her SATs tutoring her High School Math teacher was giving her.) OMG! I wish I could get out of here! No sooner did Mr. Font drop me off than my hag of a Vietnamese mother began yelling at me in her inside voice: Broken English Banshee Wail. “WERE THE FUCK HAVE YOU BE!” “Studying for my SATs,” I tried to calmly respond, but she didn’t care if I was dead and rotting in a dumpster, she just...

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Moms Dilemma

Jolene was at work when the phone call came. Her thirteen year old son, Donny, and three of his friends were due to be driven back home from summer camp by bus. The bus had, apparently, broken down and the camp director was calling her to ask that she drive up and take the boys home herself. It was one thirty and the boys were due to be home by four. The drive to the camp was a four hour round trip. If she left immediately she wouldn’t be there until three thirty and, at best, would have the...

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Two Moms Two Sons 1 Sandras proposal And Londons Dilemma

POV: London"It is good to have you and your son over, Sandra," I mentioned, stirring the pot."We're practically best friends now, and don't forget my hubby, who is currently locked in your bedroom with your husband," she whined, strolling towards me with her arms crossed. "If I didn't know any better, I'd say they were having sex.""Sandra," I said a tone while grinning. "Keep your voice down; Joe and Pete are in just in the living room.""So what, London?" she complained, walking...

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Kathys Dilemma

Mrs. Kathleen Mary Thomson (Kathy to all who knew her), a trim 39 years young, mother of two girls and a manager at a financial services firm, leaned against the door jamb of the office tea room holding her thermos mug in her right hand whilst using the other to tuck her long, lustrous, flaming red hair back behind her left ear. She could not help but smile at the furtive conversation between the three office juniors, all of them young women, as they casually discussed the merits of the firm’s...

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Danis Dilemma

I watched his plane lift off and disappear into the eastern sky. As I slowly walked across the airport terminal to the parking lot, I tried to compose myself as I wiped the last few tears from my cheeks. I could still feel his lips on my lips and the lingering scent of his shaving soap was still with me, but both sensations were rapidly vanishing. As I climbed into the car, I leaned back one last time saying good-bye to the man I loved. The feeling of the strength of his arms around me in our...

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The Ex Dilemma

The cool breeze of summer washes over you as you walk down the sun-beaten sidewalk of the city. You've always loved living in the urban environment, because everything is so close and you can walk from destination to destination. In fact, that's what you're doing right now. About an hour ago your ex, Anna, called you up for the first time in months; she said it was important and she needed you to come over. Anna had always been a bit cryptic, keeping things to herself, but this time it was...

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