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I never knew my dad, he was gone long before I have any memories, there’s no photos of him in the house, all my life it’s just been me and mum.

We never went hungry, mum worked two jobs to keep a roof over our heads, she worked in a convenience store in the day, when I was at nursery and then school, and three nights a week she worked in the pub at the end of the road.

When she was working at night she got our neighbour Anna to look after me, and later, when I was about 8, Anna’s daughter Daisy took over babysitting duties.

Daisy was about 14 at the time and the most fantastic person I’d ever seen, I suppose I loved her straight away, her long red hair, her milk white skin. Obviously I didn’t think of her hair and skin colour at the time, this came later, but I knew right from the start that she was beautiful.

Mum went out to work at 5:30, Daisy would often come right to our house from school and have dinner with us, then we’d watch TV until I had to go to bed at 7:30.

Daisy would take me upstairs, watch while I had a wash and brushed my teeth, then she’d tuck me into bed and read me a story until I was sleepy, then she’d kiss me on the forehead and usually the next thing I knew was mum coming in and also kissing me on the forehead.

One night I must have drunk too much milk and I really needed a wee, so I got up and went to the toilet. On my way back I heard a noise, it wasn’t the telly, or I didn’t think it was. It sounded like Daisy had hurt herself, or had a toothache, a low moan and a gasp, I went downstairs and looked into the lounge, I could see Daisy in the big mirror over the fireplace, she was lying on the settee, I could see she was reading one of mum’s books, she was making noises and moving around, kind of like she was dancing lying down. I didn’t know what was happening, but it made me feel a bit odd in my pyjamas, I was very confused.

I heard mum’s key in the lock, saw Daisy jump off the settee, I swear she was pulling her knickers up. I somehow knew this was something I shouldn’t have seen, so I ran into the kitchen to get a glass of water and was just walking out of the kitchen when mum came in the door.

“What are you doing out of bed young man?”

“I was thirsty.”

“Well off to bed you go.”

It was a while before I went to sleep, I couldn’t understand what had just happened, Daisy was reading and doing something to herself. It made me feel uncomfortable but also, I think I felt – good - yes, it felt good.

By the morning though, I’d forgotten all about it, we were going to the seaside with school today, and that was way more important for an 8-year-old. It was also the last of the three nights mum worked this week, so by the next Monday it was all back to normal, I had no real memory of last Wednesday, so I didn’t feel awkward around Daisy. We watched TV, then after 7 when CBBC turned off Daisy put on the radio, she sometimes did this if there was nothing on TV she wanted to watch, we danced around the room having so much fun, then when the news came on at 7:30 Daisy took my hand and pulled me into a hug.

“Ohh I love you so much little man, but it’s time for bed.”

Daisy felt soft and nice, kind of like when mum hugged me, and I felt that funny feeling again in my pants. I pulled away and we went upstairs as normal.

I lay awake for a while but heard nothing from downstairs, I guess Daisy was doing her homework tonight.

I didn’t hear anything like the other night again for a long time.

Sometimes mum went away for a couple of nights, on these days I would stay in the after-school club until Daisy could pick me up, then she would stay over, sleeping in mum’s room.

When she stayed over Daisy was sometimes generous and would let me stay up later, but never after 9 o’clock, because she said TV programs after then were not for boys my age, I guess they probably had swearing or something.

It was one of these nights when I heard Daisy again, this time from mum’s room.

It was a Friday so no school the next day, mum was having a weekend away with someone from work, she wasn’t back until Sunday afternoon.

I was 10 now and allowed to stay up until 9pm if it was a Friday or Saturday. Daisy had borrowed a DVD off a friend at school. It was a Disney with Lindsay Lohan, it was good fun, she was working for a school newspaper and got into a mess when she photographed two teachers together, we ended up watching it twice. It was way past my bedtime when it finished the second time, I was tired, Daisy had found mum’s Malibu and was a bit drunk.

Daisy came to bed at the same time as me, I had a wash and brushed my teeth then climbed into bed. Daisy tucked me in and read me a chapter of the latest Harry Potter, The Order of The Phoenix, I didn’t really need reading to anymore, but we both enjoyed them, and Daisy was really good at doing all the voices. It was so exciting she read two chapters then noticed it was after 11.

“Oh my god, it’s so late, get to sleep little man, see you in the morning.”

Then she kissed me as usual, but not as usual, this time she kissed my lips.

“Whoops,” she giggled, “I shouldn’t have had that Malibu.”

Then she was gone.

I lay awake for a while, I licked my lips, they tasted nice, was that what Daisy tasted of, or was it the Malibu?

Later I was just drifting off to sleep when I heard Daisy, she was moaning again, but this time she was also saying something.

As quiet as a mouse I climbed out of bed and as my door was always left standing slightly open (so I can escape from the wardrobe monster) I silently slipped through the gap and moved across the landing to mum’s room. Her door wouldn’t close because of the hinges or something, it was a hot night and Daisy had left the curtains open so the air could blow through from outside. I could see her clearly on the bed by the lights from the street.

She had her t-shirt pulled up and was rubbing herself between her legs, she was lifting her bum off the bed, moaning all the time, I kept hearing something that sounded like “Ryan, oh Ryan, oh my god.”

All of a sudden she let out a loud yell then collapsed on the bed panting like she’d just run to the shops and back.

I went back to bed, my willy felt all hot and hard, it felt like I needed a wee, it took me a long time to fall asleep.

In the morning Daisy was super cheerful when we were having breakfast, I felt a bit funny after watching her, I wanted to ask her what she was doing but I guessed she probably would be embarrassed, so I kept quiet.

After we’d eaten Daisy said we were going to the park, so she wanted me to help her make a picnic. We made ham and cheese sandwiches and packed them with some biscuits, apples and cans of pop into a backpack.

It was two buses to the park, we sat at the front of the top deck so we could watch the world go by.

Growing up in the city, it’s exciting going to the big park, there’s so many trees, so much grass, I bet it’s just like living in the countryside.

The park has a little petting zoo, we went there first to see the rabbits, sheep, some goats and chickens, I even got to hold one of the rabbits, it was huge.

We went on some rides on the funfair and Daisy bought us ice creams, it was such a great day, and once again, my junior brain forgot all about what I saw last night.

I spent the day running around the park looking for stuff Daisy asked me to find, like odd statues in the woods, or particular signs on the walkways.

In the middle of the park is a big house, we went inside when I got too hot, it was full of old stuff and paintings, there was this one painting in a big room that looked exactly like Daisy, the lady was dressed up with a big dress, she was very fancy.

“That lady looks a lot like you Daisy.”

“That’s Lady Fontaine, she owned this house a few hundred years ago. I look like her because she’s like my great, great, great grandmother or something.”

“What, you mean your family own this house.”

“Hahaha, oh no, the house belongs to the council, we lost is over a hundred years ago, I think one of my family had a bit of a gambling problem or something.”

“That’s a shame, it would be cool to live here.”

“Yeah, but I’d hate to have to wind all those clocks and hoover all those carpets. Anyway, I’ve always been fascinated with this park because of the family connection, I used to come here all the time with mum and dad. It’s why I knew about all those things I made you find.”

“That’s so cool, I like your house, even if it’s not yours.”

“Ha, well, I fancy a cup of tea, so let’s go find the café, I’ll get you a cake.”

After a cake and orange juice we did some more exploring, we found a sleeping fox, we got really close before she woke up and saw us, but she didn’t run away, I guess she was used to tourists.

It was home time before we knew it, the park was closing, we heard an announcement telling us to make our way towards the exits.

“Come on little man, let’s get ourselves to the bus stop, you’ve done so much today I think you deserve a chippy tea.”

“Oh yeah, I love chips.”

We got off the bus a stop early and called in the chip shop, we sat on a bench in a little park and ate our pie and chips out of the tray as we watched the sun go down, then we walked the rest of the way home.

I was so tired Daisy almost had to carry me up the garden path and into the house. She took me straight up to bed and the next thing I knew it was Sunday morning, the church bells woke me, wow it was 9 o’clock already.

“Ahh there you are, I thought you were going to sleep all day.”

“Sorry, I don’t normally sleep so long.”

“Hey, don’t apologise, my little man had a busy day yesterday. I’m making pancakes for breakfast, do you want one.”

“Oh wow, I love pancakes.”

“I thought you would, I make the best pancakes in the world.”

After breakfast we went for a walk along the canal, some of which runs under the city, I never knew this, I’m learning so much this weekend.

Mum was home when we got back, which was a little disappointing, I’d had so much fun with Daisy it was a shame that she was going home.

But that disappointment was nothing compared to the disappointment a few weeks later when mum came home from her shift at the pub to tell us the pub was closing, so she wouldn’t be working evenings anymore.

I was distraught that I wouldn’t have Daisy looking after me anymore, and it looked like Daisy was also disappointed.

So, it was just me and mum again.

I still saw Daisy obviously, after all she only lived next door, but it was only the odd few minutes each time, she never stayed over for an evening.

It was a few years later when things changed back.

Mum had been promoted at work, the convenience store had been bought by a big supermarket, so they expanded, extended the opening hours, and mum became a supervisor, this meant every other week mum worked lates until midnight.

I was 14½ now and thought I was old enough to look after myself but mum felt this wasn’t quite the case and to my absolute delight Daisy had just moved back home after a failed relationship and to my utter amazement she jumped at the chance of babysitting, although it wasn’t so much babysitting anymore as helping with my homework then watching DVDs or playing on my new PS3.

I was allowed to stay up until 10 now, and Daisy was insistent that I don’t stay up later on a school night. She would send me up to clean my teeth and get into bed, then she resumed our old ritual of reading a story, we were working through Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. It was like old times. I’d started thinking of Daisy as a long-lost older sister, an incredibly beautiful older sister, but I was fighting with my hormones and at the moment I was winning.

That was until one night when I heard the moaning again, I made my way downstairs, now knowing exactly what was going on.

I took my place by the door, I could see Daisy in the mirror, she was just wearing her t-shirt, one hand was holding one of mum’s raunchy novels, the other hand was between her legs, I moved around a little to see if I could get a better view but I couldn’t. I watched Daisy for a few minutes until she gave out a long moan and fell silent. I crept back upstairs; my willy was as hard as it had ever been during my dreams about Daisy.

I locked myself in the bathroom and quickly masturbated away the discomfort, then I wiped up the mess, it squirted a few feet across the bathroom floor, cleaned myself and went back to bed.

I must have gone to sleep but only lightly, because I heard mum coming in the door and talking to Daisy. Normally Daisy just goes straight home when mum arrives, but tonight I heard her say she needed to use the bathroom.

She came into my room, “I know you’re awake, I saw you little man, next time, just come right in instead of sneaking around by the door.”

She kissed me on the lips, on purpose this time and left.

I was hard again, oh well, I’ll just have to do it into a sock again.

That was a Friday, the last night of mum’s evening shifts, so I wouldn’t have Daisy around for a week.

I was depressed, and moped around the house, mum was concerned. One day she asked me what the matter was, and as a teenager I naturally pouted “nothing!” and stormed out of the room.

“Is it girl problems?” she asked next morning.

Well of course it was, but if I said what it was there was the very real danger mum would fly off the handle and ban Daisy from ever coming round again.

So I just pouted and flounced around the house being all emo and dramatic until the week of torment was gone and Daisy was back again.

Daisy though, when she returned, was a bit of a tease, she didn’t do anything, after I went to bed and she’d finished reading the chapter she went back downstairs and just watched TV.

Monday, nothing.

Tuesday, nothing.

Wednesday, also nothing.

And Thursday.

But Friday, oh Friday, after I’d heard about Harry & Hermione wandering the country in search of the horcruxes Daisy went downstairs, I really thought she’d just put the TV back on, but no, she put a CD on, one of mum’s albums, Bon Iver, nice but not really my thing.

I lay awake listening, and then I heard it, the low moans, I crept downstairs and stood by the door, watching in the mirror.

Daisy wasn’t lying down, she was sat up, I could see the back of her head above the settee, but in the mirror I could see her legs, they were apart. I could see her pussy, she was rubbing it with one hand, the other was holding the book in front of her face.

“What did I tell you, you don’t need to watch me in the mirror, come in, sit down and watch me properly.”

So I did.

I sat in the recliner.

I watched Daisy.

She was naked.

She was slim, her boobs were smaller than mum’s, but a nice size. Her skin was white, such a contrast to her hair which was red, I noticed she was wearing red lipstick, I don’t think she had any on before, did she put it on for me? Surely not.

All the time I was watching she was calmly playing with her pussy, well not calmly exactly, she was getting quite flustered, but she didn’t seem at all concerned about the audience.

“Come closer, sit on the rug in front of me, I want you to see what my hand is doing, because in a minute I want your tongue to do what my fingers are doing.”

I was taken aback by this, but I did as I was told and sat on the floor and watched Daisy’s right hand like it was the most important thing in the world, which right now it was. I watched, I could see her pussy lips, there was a little patch of ginger hair, her fingers rubbed just at the top where there was something like a little nose, then they would dip inside her pussy and pump her fingers in and out, and then back to the little nose thing.

“Do you think you can do that?”

I tried to speak but only a croak came out.

“I’ll take that as a yes, come here and take over.”

Daisy guided my head to her pussy. I could smell her, it was musky, an animal scent, but it wasn’t unpleasant. Some of the boys at school who claim to have been with girls said they smelt all fishy.

Maybe they were making it up.

Maybe the girls they’d been with hadn’t showered in a few days.

All I can say is, Daisy smelt fine to me.

I took up the task at hand, I flicked my tongue at the little nub, Daisy let out a gasp and her hand went tight on the back of my head, was this a good sign? I tried again, she gasped and pulled my head closer, I assumed it was a good sign and carried on.

I flicked my tongue up and down her pussy a few times then moved inside, she thrust herself forward and ground herself into my face, her hand twisted in my hair, holding me tight, if she pushed much harder I was going to have to learn to breathe through my ears because my normal airways were somewhat blocked.

Daisy started to pant louder and louder, she ground her pussy against my mouth, then she screamed. “Oh, oh, oh fuck me little man, oh Jesus you just made me cum so hard.”

She collapsed back onto the settee and I sat back and tried to get my breathing regular again.

“Now then little man, time to return the favour. Stand up and take those Superman pyjamas off.”

“Oh my,” she said as I dropped my pyjama pants on the floor, “I think I’m gonna have to find a new name, because you’re not my little man anymore are you, that’s quite a piece of meat you’ve got there, come here lover boy.”

Daisy grabbed the first thing to hand, which was my now bone hard willy and pulled me close.

She looked me up and down and smiled, then she took my cock and almost swallowed it whole, I could feel the back of her mouth with my cock head, she played her tongue around the head then, oh shit, that’s way too quick.

“I’m sorry!” I cried as I pulled away, automatically covering myself with my hands in embarrassment.

Daisy laughed and licked her lips, “haha, you’re 14, you were bound to come quick, but you’re 14, I bet I can get you hard again in less than a minute. Now drop your hands and watch me.”

I stood in the middle of the rug, my cock hanging soft between my legs and watched as Daisy lay back on the settee, she spread her legs wide and slipped two fingers of her right hand into her pussy, they went right in and she started pumping and moaning, her left hand, meanwhile, caressed her right breast, I saw her nipples get hard.

“You hard yet honey?”

I looked down; indeed, I was.

“err, yes.”

“I told you, now then big boy, have they taught you about sex at school yet?”

“No, but mum has told me a few things.”

“That’s great, I’m about to teach you some more, come over here and kneel between my legs.”

I did.

“Now take that big cock of yours and slide it on home.”

I moved my hips forwards and my head slid easily between her pussy lips, Daisy let out a low moan,

“Oh my gosh, you are just the perfect size, I want you to push that thing all the way in until we bump together, can you do that for me honey?”

I felt some resistance and Daisy yelped at one point, but I fit, I could feel Daisy’s muscles squeezing me, they pulsed along the length of my cock, I’d never felt anything like this before.

“Now I need you to start moving in and out, do it slow now, because I’ve never had anything this big inside me before.”

My hips started a slow back and forth motion, I tried to stay inside, but this was my first time and I popped out once or twice, each time I did this Daisy let out a disappointed sigh and took hold of my cock and slid it back inside.

“Now faster and harder, fuck me hard and try and hold on for a minute, I’m nearly there.”

I concentrated hard and moved in and out as fast as I could manage. I think I held on long enough, just as I felt I was about to cum again Daisy grabbed my bum with both hands, she dug her nails in, it hurt.

“Cum now, do it.”

With or without the command, I came, and I came hard. I’ve never felt this good, or this drained, my cock pulsed for what seemed an hour and I collapsed on top of Daisy, my face between her boobs. Daisy put her arms around me and we hugged, every so often I felt my cock pulse again as Daisy gave it a fresh squeeze with her pussy.

I heard the clock in the hall chime twelve.

Suddenly I came to and jumped out of Daisy’s embrace, my cock slipped out of her pussy with a slight pop sound.

“What’s up honey?”

“It’s midnight, mum will be home soon.”

“Oh shit, didn’t she tell you? She’s gone away for the weekend with a work friend, you’re all mine until Sunday afternoon.”

“Oh right, she never said.”

“Oh baby, she has other things on her mind right now, she probably just forgot. She had to tell me to make sure I didn’t mind staying over, but for you I’d drop all plans, because you are absolutely the most fun person to be with.”

“Oh shit, I just realised!”

“What did you just realise?”

“Did we just make a baby? I did my stuff inside you, and that’s what mum said makes a baby.”

“Oh no, don’t worry honey, we didn’t just make a baby, for one thing it only happens at certain times of the month, and I’m on the pill anyway, so we can do it as often as we like.”

“Do you want to do this some more?”

“I want to do this and more with you my boy. Do you know what we just did is the most important act humans can do, but we only do it with people we really love, it loses its importance if you do it with just anyone, you know that don’t you?”

“Yes, mum said that.”

“Now, I love you, you know that don’t you.”

“Mmm, yes, I know I love you; I think I always have.”

“And I’ve loved you since you were a baby, that’s how long I’ve loved you, but recently I realised I loved you as more than just a boy, I loved you as a lover, as a partner, but,” Daisy sounded very serious now, “this is very, very important, you can’t tell anyone what we just did.

“You probably feel like you want to shout it from the rooftops, but you can’t, because there are laws, and they say that we both have to be over 16 to do what we just did, and I could get into real trouble, so you mustn’t tell anyone, not your friends at school, and definitely not your mum.

“Do you understand that?”

“Yes, yes I understand that.”

“Right, come back here and let me clean you up a bit ready for another round.”

She took me in her mouth again, “mmm you taste good little man, and look, all nice and hard again. Now I want you to sit down here,” she patted the settee then stood up.

“Just look at that, you’ve cum twice in half an hour and you’re still standing tall and proud.”

I looked down, my cock looked a bit tired, but it was still hard, it was a bit sore as well.

“I want to try something else, and it might hurt me a little, which is why I’m going on top, so I can stay in control. This might look a bit undignified, so close your eyes for a minute.”

Of course I didn’t, I watched with rapt attention as Daisy dipped her fingers in her pussy then reached under, it looked like she was rubbing her bum hole.

“I need that cock super hard, so feel free to wank it if you’re enjoying the sight.”

I’m not sure I could make it any harder than it was, but I stroked it anyway, it couldn’t do any harm, and I was a long way from cumming.

Daisy stopped what she was doing and moved in front of me, she tapped my knees to move my legs together then she straddled me, sitting in my lap, my hard cock pressed between our bellies. She took hold of my head and pulled my lips to hers, she kissed me passionately.

You know how I said I didn’t think I could make my cock any harder?

I lied.

I could feel Daisy’s nipples get hard as well, they pressed against my chest, hard nipples and soft breasts, such an amazing contrast of feelings.

Daisy’s lips parted and her tongue slipped into my mouth, she tasted a bit salty, probably my cum, but I could also taste her pussy, my senses were reeling.

We kissed forever, but then we stopped as Daisy lifted off me a little.

“Right, for now I need you to stay completely still, It might take all the self-control you can muster, but don’t move a muscle until I say you can. I’m going to do something I’ve only read about in your mum’s dirty books, it sounds like fun, but I’m not going to know unless I try it. Oh shit, hang on a sec, not fully prepared yet – keep that cock hard until I get back lover boy.”

She dashed off in the direction of the kitchen, she was back in a minute with ... a roll of kitchen towels!

“Just in case,” is all she said.

She straddled my legs again, this time hovering just above my knees, with one hand resting on my shoulder for support she took my cock in the other hand and reached between her legs, she rubbed my cock against her pussy a few times then pushed it further back, finally she lowered herself down an inch or so.

I felt immense pressure on the head of my cock.

“Don’t ... fucking ... move ... a ... muscle,” Daisy said through clenched teeth.

She pressed down some more, “ouch, ooohh, just a little more, ahhhh, oh wow, I am so full right now.”

My cock was being squeezed really hard, I looked down, as far as I could tell I wasn’t in her pussy, which meant I was, I was in her bum! Oh wow, did people really do that, stick their dicks up other people’s bums?

Well, clearly they did, but at the moment Daisy really didn’t look to be enjoying it, she had a look of intense concentration on her face, but over time that eased, and finally, with a sigh of satisfaction she was all the way down on my lap again.

“Do not move yet, I need to get comfortable.”

After a short while Daisy started to slowly lift herself off my lap, she stopped with my head right at the entrance of her bum, I could feel the muscles squeezing me tight. I saw her dip her fingers in her pussy, gathering more juices to lube me up, then she lowered herself a little, starting up a short up / down cycle, slowly increasing speed and distance moved.

Daisy put both her hands on my shoulders, leant down and kissed me hard.

“OK lover, we’re moving free and easy now, you can start with the up / down stuff.”

We soon got a rhythm together and enjoyed the most mind-blowing time, even better than the blow job, even better than the pussy fuck.

I couldn’t last as long as I’d have liked to, but the sensations were so unreal I blew my load, my cock pulsating long after the cum stopped jetting into Daisy’s arse.

She collapsed on top of me, and it was may turn to hug Daisy as our breathing returned to normal, which took quite a while, all the time the aftershocks of the orgasm pulsed through Daisy’s body, her muscles rippling along my wilting cock.

“Oh my, now wasn’t that fun?”

“Amazing,” is all I could answer.

“OK, now I need you to shut your eyes, and I mean it this time,” she grabbed a cushion and pushed it over my face as I felt her lifting off.

“Urghhh,” she said, “hold that cushion, no peeping, I need both hands.”

I heard tissue ripping then rough paper towel scrubbing my cock. I had a good idea what she didn’t want me to see.

“Right, all clean, you can look now.”

I was clean, but my cock was also red raw and sore.

“Now, I think we’ll have a long hot shower, we can clean this mess down here tomorrow.”

We enjoyed a shower together, we just managed to fit in the cubicle, afterwards we dried each other off with mums fluffiest towels, then we went to bed, together, in mum’s bed, where we did it twice more, just in her pussy this time, Daisy said the bum sex would happen again, but not for a long time, I think she was probably sore down there.

I found out later this was the night we both lost our virginity.

Despite living with a guy for almost a year, Daisy said they’d never had sex. Her partner repeatedly refused to go all the way, he’d let her blow him or wank him off, but wouldn’t have actual intercourse.

Eventually she got so frustrated she left him.

What an odd guy.

Daisy had got her kicks reading saucy books and watching porn online. Which is why she got so busy last night doing everything she’d waited years to do.

Saturday morning was mostly spent cleaning the house, especially the lounge which smelt a bit funky. The settee was given a very thorough clean, and Daisy borrowed her mum’s carpet shampooer to clean the rug, just in case.

In the afternoon we went into the city for a bit of shopping, Daisy held my hand, because she said I didn’t look too different in age to be her boyfriend, but she insisted if we saw anyone we knew, we had move apart.

We didn’t see anyone, so it was OK.

We had pizza then went to the pictures to watch Spider-Man 3, which I thought was a bit too long, and there was just too much going on. I think Daisy enjoyed watching James Franco very much though.

It was a nice evening, and it’s only 2 miles home if you follow the canal most of the way, so that’s what we did, walking through the quietest part of the inner-city arm-in-arm, I don’t think I’ve ever felt happier.

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Toy MomChapter 4

The rest of the weekend was quiet at the Beal home. Both Kelly and Heather were sore from their separate encounters. Kelly was reveling in the knowledge that the young men on the football team loved her. Heather was thinking about how much she had enjoyed sex. She decided that she wasn't going to wait another 18 years before tasting the fruits of passion again. In fact, she and Jake repeated their performance on their regular Saturday night date. This time in the back seat of his car, parked...

2 years ago
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GND 30Chapter 34

Mom offered us a refill of iced tea, then ushered us across the hallway into the family room. James briefly looked into the den to check on the kids; he’d parked them in front of a cartoon which seemed to be entertaining them just fine. Abby was old enough to begin to enjoy the story, Ben more just liking the visual stimulation and the pretty colors. From the grin on his face, I guessed they hadn’t even noticed his intrusion. I chose a big easy chair for us both to sit in; I’d hardly gotten...

4 years ago
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Opposites Attract Part 7

For the next few weeks, Craig and Joe spent a lot of time in the bedroom with constant sex that was always exciting, as well as enjoying each other’s company in general. However, Joe was getting increasingly concerned about the situation with John but didn't bring it up; he figured Craig would let him know when the relationship status changed. One evening Joe worked late and discovered Craig beat him to his apartment, had the place lit up with candles and the table set with beautiful...

Gay Male
2 years ago
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a little about myself

My father decided he had enough of the family life when I was very young, leaving my mom to raise me by herself. In order to work she hired sitters or when she could afford it send me to day care. After a few years of the pressures of bringing up a boy on her own she became an alcoholic, and some of her decisions were flawed. Not appointing blame, she did what she could. Some times I'd be sent to a womans home for the day. She watched many k**s and couldn't keep an eye on all of us at the same...

1 year ago
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Becoming Tammy Part 1

Becoming Tammy, Part 1 By Incognito ******************** Authors note: This is my first longer story. I've written a few caps over at Rachel's Haven, but nothing of this length. Therefore, I'd love to get feedback. Is there enough background information? Does the story work? Is it sexy? Is there any part of the story you'd like me to expand on? Does my writing style work? English is not my first language, but I like to believe I'm fairly good at it none-the-less. I would also like...

3 years ago
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Batcrazy NymphoChapter 3 Who

The Big Reveal One Week Later - September 2015 My wife and I put a lot of thought into the script for our next meeting, the dramatic big reveal; she wanted to surpass the Mother of Dragons reveal at the end of season one of “Game Of Thrones.” (Movie folks always think in those terms. It was a striking reveal.) My driver could get Jace to the house between 1:30 and 2. He would skip stopping for lunch, my driver would have a sandwich and a cold beer for him. Then what? Does he shower before or...

3 years ago
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Watching my sisterinlaw fuck

My wife and I spent the holidays with her sister and husband. Jeremy is close to my age, 45, and his wife is 40 and quite attractive with a firm figure, large breasts and long, flowing blond hair.Jeremy got a new laptop for Christmas, so we were playing with it and downloading different videos. I went to Xhamster to show him the site, and he was mesmerized. I showed him the search tool and typed in cuckold. We turned the volume down and watched as a wife got plowed by a friend of a husband's...

4 years ago
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My brother InLaw Part Two The Bet

As he lay gasping, he hard-on swiftly leaving, my cock screamed for attention, and my balls screamed louder."You're welcome. But you know what would be an ever better 'thank you'?"He closed his eyes, and tried to slow his breathing down to a normal pace."After that, I'll do anything." He said softly."Glad to hear it." I said as I sat on his hairy chest. I slapped my cock against his face and he smiled. He grabbed it and precum oozed all over his cheek. He got up and I sat on the edge of the...

2 years ago
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Subway Girl Ch 05

I woke up early Sunday morning feeling content and well rested. Sleeping in one place through the whole night was definitely having a good effect on me. I was feeling really good about how my life was changing, when just a few weeks ago I could not even imagine how to get out of the mess I was in. I found a job without looking, just walking down the street. I met an amazing girl while I was hanging out in the subway station acting like a goof. The weather was warming up and so was my life. I...

2 years ago
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A Wifes Fury

A Wife's Fury By Margaret Jeanette Joel and Julie Woods had a beautiful marriage. They were much in love with each other. They were married a little over three years. He was a successful novelist with three books published and his publisher after him to complete his fourth. She was a teller at a bank and enjoyed her job. They had just been out to eat. He brought her up to date on the negotiations to make his second novel into a movie. They went to see a...

1 year ago
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An Old FlameChapter 2

This arrangement had been in place about a year when one evening at dinner, Brooke broke into our conversation about possible weekend trips to ask. "Do either of you know a Carolyn Crumwell?" Janice looked confused, but I answered. "Why do you ask?" Brooke looked a bit upset. "She's some new junior engineer. Last week she was walking around and asked me if Janice was any relation to a Walter Cogline. I refused to answer, but now I hear that she's been inquiring into the strength of...

4 years ago
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Impotent Husband

I am sudhir, aged about 36 year and my wife priya, aged 34 is a good housewife and does all her duties very diligently. She is bit fat with large body (large boobs and butt) to be played with and average looking, however she is very good in bed and crazy about sex. She is very horny in bed and she would need 2 men to satisfy her at the same time. I am not able to satisfy her since my dick is only 4” (when erect) and most of the time does not get erection and I cum very fast, mostly in 5-6...

3 years ago
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Going to the Local Pub Eddie Man What a Fucking Day at Work T

Going to the Local Pub: Eddie: Man, what a fucking day at work today; I’m glad its Friday. I’m going to head over to my favorite pub called “After the Office” for my usual relaxer a Rum and Coke. Eddie Guess, I’ll take this booth on the end and do you have a Menu dude. Taking the Drink and Appetizer Order: Paul: Sure, I’m Paul and I will be your server tonight, may I get you a drink from the bar. Eddie: Yes, I’ll have a Montecristo and Coke Paul: Got it and what appetizer should I put in...

2 years ago
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Hollywood DreamsChapter 13

I had my arm around Carla's slim waist as we headed up the stairs to my mother's room. We crept up to her door and I listened for any sound as I slowly inserted and turned the passkey. We stood together with our arms around each other in the alcove leading into the room, while our eyes adjusted to the dim light. A single small light was on near the bed. Jennifer was alone on the bed, lying on her back asleep. She was wearing only a white garter belt, matching stockings, and pumps and her...

1 year ago
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Escort Index

Formerly under the domain name of Live Escort Reviews (LiveEscortReviews.com), EscortIndex has apparently made an attempt to rebrand themselves. Ever so slightly. The site itself doesn’t appear to have changed at all—it’s always been a searchable indexing site that gathers escort posts from all over the web, providing them in one convenient location. The only real difference is that now, with the new domain of escortindex.com, you have a much more accurate depiction of what to expect on the...

Escort Sites
3 years ago
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Rubys Storie

Ruby sat in the livingroom of their backwoods home listening to her father and 5 uncles talk. They were all White Supremacist and hearing them talk was strange at best.Ruby had been educated in the public schools and knew that these relatives of hers were full of crap but she was also raised to respect them if not fear them and therefore said nothing against their philosophies.“It has taken a long time to build up to the point we are at now with the blacks and Jews running everything.” Says her...

4 years ago
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Girl Toy part 2

After fucking the sexy girl all day he told her "tonight I am taking you to a fancy party. I have bought you a beautuful dress and there will be many important people there. I need you to look very sexy. The men will want to fuck your pussy but I am your only lover." He took her to the shower and washed her body as he sucked and licked her tits more. Your body is so beautiful. I can not keep my hands off you." he told her. "Tonight we go in my limo so I may enjoy you all the way there. Then on...

3 years ago
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Fighting temptation

Fighting temptation is the single most difficult thing I have ever had to do in my life. My name is Jessie and for a while there was a time where temptation got the better of me. I first met Annie when she started working at the pizza place I was working at. She was the most beautiful woman I could have ever imagined. She had mid shoulder length sandy blond hair that was shining in the florescent lights of the store. I have always had a hair fetish but its not like most people would think. I...

2 years ago
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My First Experience With A Shemale

It was a Saturday night and I had just arrived in Coimbatore by bus. I got down and didn’t get any taxi or auto. So I decided to walk to my home which was 3 kilometers from the bus stand. It was pretty dark and I was walking through this deserted street. All I could see was parked vehicles and some stray dogs playing. I saw a bright light from behind and quickly noticed that it was a scooty approaching. I signaled for a lift and the scooty stopped. It was a lady in dark blue saree and black...

4 years ago
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31 Date With Sam Date With Greg

4:43 P.M., Wednesday, November 18, 2015 PLUR-MAkKikM, just outside Honolulu, HI The legal guardian of Paula Akron and Paul Macon answered the door and invited the ten year old boy in. He was barely ten; his birthday was November 14. Sam Diamond liked this older guy, because he treated kids almost like adults. Not exactly like adults, because they’re not adults, but he treated kids with respect. Respect; that’s the word Sam hadn’t been able to think of yesterday. Usually when he had heard...

4 years ago
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Sisters Ch 04 Acceptance

Thank you to GaiusPetronius for editing this series. * Donna and Steve had been talking for so long that the waitress kept coming by just to ask if they needed anything. The food was long gone, as were most of the other patrons of the restaurant. And yet the two of them continued to swap stories. That they had much in common made conversation easy. That they each seemed to never tire of the other’s company made conversation enjoyable. Donna liked the way Steve would ask for more details when...

1 year ago
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Trisha Hershberger Fantasy

I have been watching Trisha Hershberger for a long time. She has a naked vlog show called "The Naked Truth". I'm just going to be honest from the begining, I want this woman to breastfeed me.I fantasize about sucking on her boob. I fantasize about sucking on her big boob like a baby. Trisha's bra size is a 34DDD. Her tits are massive! SInce she has been on the youtube show Sourcefed, I have masturbated to her big boobsIn a video on youtube, Trisha showed a close up of her cleavage in a purple...

2 years ago
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Part 2 Steve Saw Everything

After Marcos left I was picking up clothes and lube when I saw my neighbor Steve on his balcony watching me. Steve is a tall, lean, sexy guy. He was only clad in a pair of white N2N mesh shorts and his rippled abs and perfectly balanced pecs and huge guns bulged as he looked at me licking his full lips. I was nude, had Marcos cum dripping down my leg, and was spent from being split in two. Steve nodded and said “great show, Johnny!” I looked around for the new briefs and only found the red...

2 years ago
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ReallyChapter 3

I heard Mary Jane ask. “Cindy, are you ok?” “What ... a where did you come from? I’m okay, where’s Trey?” “He’s on the floor over there; we thought he abducted you and Amy.” “Oh God no! What have you done? “Bet called after finding the mess in the kitchen, and thinking the worst, called 911. We responded; Chuck is keeping Trey on the floor and Bet is still in the kitchen. I have two more units on the way.” “Oh God, call them off. There’s no problem except for some explaining on my part....

1 year ago
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Sibling Possession

“Come on Cass,” I complain, “did you really have to do that now?” I glanced down at the mess in my pants I was left with as my older sister, 21 year old Cassandra, giggled standing next to me. She grinned as she looked down at me, her long black ponytailed hair swaying back and forth. “Sorry Ken,” she began, “but I was kind of pent up and you were right there so I…” her voice trailed off. I smiled as I gazed at her, this was a normal occurrence for us so we didn’t take it too seriously....

1 year ago
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My MotherinLaw Kate Ch2

Well, Janice didn't come back three days later from the bingo marathon as she said she would. Not that I expected her to. With her attitude towards me, she only pushed me closer to her mother. I loved what Kate did that night but the next time there would be no heel in the way.Kate dropped in a week later to say hi and visit for a while. Janice was off somewhere and I didn't care as she was no company for me anyway."So how are things with Janice?" asked Kate."Same lousy attitude, Kate. ...

4 years ago
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One Month of Chuck Steve an Alternative ScenarioChapter 7

CHUCK - DAY SEVEN - Sunday This morning after my usual busy shower, I watched as the mothers fed their babies – something I never seem to tire of doing. Then, because my muscles were tighter than usual, I did my usual half hour's exercise accompanied by half my household this morning. This was a day of rest for most people, except for those at Spring Field, where it was going to be a normal working day. At Lutz, many just relaxed or used it to plan out what they would do the following...

1 year ago
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LittleAsians Eva Yi Angelic Ballerina Bang

Asian temptress Eva Yi has been training to be a ballet star her whole life, which has not left her a lot of time to explore her sexual interests. Today, she is dreaming of a mans touch when our super hung stud shows up to give her all the thick cock she craves. Eva sticks her tongue out and throats his girthy dick. Then, she pops her pussy and lets him penetrate her extra tight Asian twat. He plunges inside her love tunnel as she squirms orgasmically. Then, he pops a gooey load all over perky...

3 years ago
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It all happened some 9 years ago. My wife was ill, and had to be admitted in hospital, leaving me in care for our k**s. The oldest one was my 18 year old daughter. Of course I had my work during daytime, and she was a big help, because she took care of her 2 younger sisters.In the evenings, when we returned from the visiting hour in the hospital, she sat next to me on the couch, seeking comfort.The first week nothing happened, but the 2nd week she asked me if I didn't feel lonely in bed, now...

1 year ago
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NubileFilms Casey Lady Bug Make Me Cum

Casey and her girlfriend Lady Bug are playing a sensual game outdoors that involves a blindfold and plenty of teasing and kisses. It’s tons of fun, but when the blindfold comes off the kisses don’t stop. In fact, things get even more heated. Taking Lady’s hand, Casey leads her short lover into a more secluded area that comes complete with a couch. Now that they have some privacy, the girls hold nothing back in their make out session. Casey’s hands are everywhere on...

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True Enslavement

It has been a while since I have written, but this time it is not of my own accord. Instead I write to you under duress. As instructed I am writing this story as proof of my acceptance of my fate. It is intended according to my captures for all of you who love the fantasy of submitting but do not believe in your heart that it can truly happen to you. It written as proof, that there are those who would enslave you, and also as a warning to be careful what you wish for. You may know of...

3 years ago
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It Was This or Go to PrisonChapter 4

We didn't have to rush to get ready. We had until ten o'clock to get to his house. We carried our few belongings out to the car in the only luggage we owned, plastic trash bags. I decided to take what remained of the food we stole from him back to his house. We put it in shopping bags and put it in the car. We were ready to go by nine that morning. An hour of freedom still remained. We discussed it and decided that there was no sense putting it off. There was no point in sitting there,...

3 years ago
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Blackmailed by My Own Student Again

It was Friday and the last day of school for the week. I had a terrible week, being gang banged by Jeremy and the others earlier on. Thankfully since the day I was raped and molested by Jeremy, Carol and the rest, I was left alone. When I came out of my pantry after taking a rest in the teacher’s lounge, Jeremy came up to me. “Don’t make plans for the weekends, teach. You are required to stay over at my place on Saturday night. You may wear anything, it doesn’t matter. I have your outfit with...

1 year ago
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Sarahs First Fuck Ends in Misery

My best friend Cherri and I were on our way out the door when I accidentally bumped into Phillip Taylor, who happened to be the hottest, most popular guy in the school. Every girl wanted to date him and every guy wanted to be him. When I looked at his face and realized who it was, my beating heart stopped and then began to pound. “I’m sorry,” he apologized. “No, I’m the clumsy one.” “Everyone is a little clumsy every now and then,” he said, with a smile. “You’re Sarah, right?” I glanced at...

First Time
4 years ago
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Summer of 77

--A young man's introduction into CFNM--Chapter 1Young Adam was a very shy boy.A little awkward, a little on the geeky side, Adam was very much into science and building models. He spent much time in his room.By the time he was 18, Adam had won a scholarship to attend Indiana University. It was the summer of 1977, and Adam had a few weeks left with his step mom, Natalie, and his step sister, Rachel.Adam lost his father when he was very young, and spent his entire c***dhood growing up with two...

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Judys RevengeChapter 3

On a Wednesday afternoon, a couple of months after what I came to think of as my initiation, I bumped into Nicki Long in the library. I hadn't actually seen her since I had discovered she was a fisting-fan too. She was happy to see me, as I was, her. We chatted, but all the while, thanks to my new knowledge about her, I had an image of her writhing on a fist. On my fist, I reflected, blushing. The longer and closer I looked at her, the more attractive and sensual she seemed. Her grey-blue...

4 years ago
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A Late Night At The Office

Claire sat at her desk, recalculating the spreadsheet she was working on for the umpteenth time. 'God I hate annual budgets' she muttered to herself and scrolled to the bottom to see the effect her latest changes had made. 'That's better', she said as she compared the new figures to her targets with a mixture of pride and relief in her voice, stretching to relieve the cramp in her arms and shoulders. The glass fronted office she was sitting in was a pool of light in the midst of the rest...

2 years ago
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Angela by elderberry George: I must be crazy. I stood outside of Arthur’s front door, with my luggage, hesitating before ringing the bell. Arthur and I, internet friends, corresponded by e-mail and had opened a line of communication hard to accommodate in the everyday give and take of friendship. We confessed to failings, both physical and moral, that we dare not reveal to our closest friends. I had told him about my masturbatory habits and my erection problems. He had confessed to a...

2 years ago
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Ophelia Part I

OPHELIA Ophelia had always felt like she was a woman. A real woman. Not just one of those drag queens you see in gay bars and pride parades wearing outrageous wigs, fake nails, breast forms, padded bras and tons of make- up. No, she had felt like a woman on the inside. A sensual, loving woman who just wanted to show her femininity to the world and -possibly- to the man of her dreams. As long back in the past as she could place her earliest recollections, she had always had such...

4 years ago
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Catching the Wife Vol 3

*******************************************************************************DISCLAIMER: Another one of my favourites.I DID NOT WRITE THIS STORY...ALL CREDIT GOES TO CHASSEUR11 or www.liteerotica.com/storiesciao********************************************************************************Catching the Wife Vol. 03bychasseur11©As the evening rolled around I got ready for my date with Marisa. Dressing nicely I was going to leave early to make sure I was there on time. Checking myself one last...

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Ellens Bad Night

I was married to my ex husband when I was not quite 16, my mother was my only parent; my dad left us when I was three. My mother signed for me to get married because she liked my husband-to-be and felt he would take care of me better than her on a waitress' salary. John, my ex husband, was considerably older than I, a worldly 27. I started having sex with him when he fed me alcohol spiked Kool-aide till I almost passed out. Being young I was convinced I was in love and would do anything for...

4 years ago
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Diary of Sex 8211 Part 1

Hey everyone, I am back with another story. Thank you all, for your amazing response and feedback. I am overwhelmed with your feedback. I hope everyone is safe and fine and please do follow some precautions during this pandemic and be safe. As I am a regular ISS reader, I found my name and Usha’s name familiar in another author’s story. So, not to confuse guys I have only changed my name in the upcoming stories. I hope all the readers are fine. This story is lengthy so, to make it enjoyable I...

2 years ago
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Soireacutee secregravete Part 1

Mon expo était sur la bonne voie, ma petite équipe me donnait entière satisfaction travaillant d'arrache pied à l'organisation de cette manifestation artistique. Elle couronnait 2 années d'un travail photo intense sur l'abstraction et la lumière.Quelques personnes étaient dans la confidence, je préparais un After un peu spécial après l’expo. J'avais convié quelques intimes et quelques amis partageant les mêmes envies lubriques, cette soirée secrète aurait lieu après le vernissage. J'avais...

2 years ago
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Camping with Stepdaughter 25 DP

As Bonnie left Lesly and Susan stepped out of the van. They had on their short little robes. They walked up to me and asked why I had been so rough with Bonnie. I told them that was what she wanted me to do. Susan looked troubled and wondered why she would want me to do that. I explained to them that her husband had found out that we had been together at the lake and wanted her to be nude in front of the men in camp and wanted to watch me fuck her. Susan smiled and asked if I thought that...

3 years ago
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RunChapter 43 Rolling the Dice

The helicopter’s roar was muffled by the earphones Gene wore inside the closed bay. Holly was beside him, scrolling through something on her tablet. Two other agents sat opposite them, facing the rear. Gene hadn’t yet worked out whether Bridgewater was technically part of M1 or if he was acting alone. When Gene had brought it up just before takeoff, the man simply replied, “Yes to both,” and went back to checking on supplies being loaded in the chopper. Bridgewater sat in the cockpit beside...

3 years ago
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I Fucked My Dream Lady Using Deception Games 8211 Part 1

This is a story that spanned for more than a year. So, to make the reading easy and appealing I’ve written this story chronologically like writing a diary in parts. If you are not familiar with the location of engineering colleges in Chennai, let me tell you that first. Most of the colleges are on the outskirts of the main city, say about 20 to 25 km. So, to reach the college at 8 in the morning, one has to wake up at least at 6 (minimum) to get ready and catch the bus on time. All the...

3 years ago
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my after school snack

Dear diary: yesterday keeps replaying in my head “Oh… Ohhhh yes fuck my tight teen pussy fuck it hard” was all I could say as I watched the muscular gardener plunge into my hot, wet hole. He was hammering me so hard I could feel it in my stomach. My panties are beginning to get wet even as I write this. Damn he was so fucking hot, I can cum just saying his name alone…Justin… oh fuck I want him again. It all started when I got home yesterday. I saw him in our backyard he startled me at first...

3 years ago
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From BDSM Sex Slave To A 8216Wife8217

Hello everyone, my name is Ajay Kumar and I am based in Visakhapatnam. A little introduction about me. I became bi-sexual under different circumstances. I was later diagnosed with erectile dysfunction which made me more drawn towards the bisexual world. The following story is a work of fiction, which I hope happened in my life. It’s a bit lengthy and sorry for any grammatical errors. I am an active member of gay dating sites looking for Dominant Masters and Couples. I was browsing through...

Gay Male
1 year ago
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First Time Sex With My Lecturer

Hi iss readers, this is Manish from Mysore Karnataka. I am tall with 5. 10″ with little fair having athletic body looking little handsome, all college girls will like my body sure; any girls, ladies, housewife required secret sex in Mysore, Mandya, mail me to my email This is purely true story happened in my life unexpectedly. Let’s come to the story. I am studying 4th year electronics engineering in one of reputed engineering college in Mysore. Basically I am top grade student with good at...

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Stuck in Amber

STUCK IN AMBER (Complete and final!) by P326R1 Copyright 2021 Disclaimer: This story is a complete and total work of fiction. Don't worry. None of it's true. It's all made up. It's absolutely definitely not based 100% on the actual people, places, and events from my life. CHAPTER 1: I SEE DEAD PEOPLE My wife Emily and I have an extremely beautiful friend named Amber. She works as a waitress at a restaurant we frequent. One evening, we're having dinner when a crazy guy...

1 year ago
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Disappearing DreamsChapter 2

Basic Training for young Kyle Monson was not difficult at all. He was in great shape physically from his high school athletic training. He handled the classroom sessions with relative ease and quickly rose to the top of his class list in scores in both areas. Personally he was more than a little disappointed in his fellow recruits because so many were in poor physical condition and even more seemed to struggle with the classroom portion. After four weeks weapons training began, and once again...

2 years ago
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The Cuckolds Reward Jeffs Story Part II

Elle returned an hour later. Her Mum helped her in with some of the shopping. There was a smile on her face when she left saying, “Well, I’ll leave you guys to it then.” “What is she talking about?” Jeff asked her, thinking that maybe Elle had told her about what had happened. Elle laughed. “She saw me buying some new underwear and stockings.” Jeff laughed. Elle gave him a hug and a kiss, “I bought some fillet steaks and a bottle of your favourite Rioja as well,” she explained. “Thought I...

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Tsunades Blackmail

The doors to the Hokage's office burst open. In came Naruto Uzumaki, the number-one, hyperactive, knuckle-headed ninja. "Hey, Tsunade-baachan" he greeted, a stupid grin on his face. Looking up from a stack of paperwork, Tsunade sighed. She wasn't ready to deal with Naruto yet, she still had work. "Naruto. What is it?" Tsunade grumbled. "You promised me a date today! Remember" Naruto shouted. Tsunade racked her brain, she didn't recall such an event. Oh wait, ...yes she did. She told Naruto she...

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