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He looks confused and you sigh. "I'm ready," you say in an exasperated tone. The referee moves to Kane and ask him the same and you know that he is always ready for a fight with a newcomer. The referee calls for the bell and you two move towards the center of the ring, you two lock up and start to struggle for dominance, for a few moments it seems like Kane will overpower you and then you can feel him give in slightly

"Damn you're strong," he growls, his growl catches you off guard and he quickly locks in a side headlock, you realize that it's not every day that Kane faces a guy just as tall as he is and you decide to capitalize on it. You twist yourself into position, grab him around his waist and with a quick pop of your hips and a twist in midair you deliver a suplex. The impact jars Kane's hold on you and you slip out of his hold and quickly lock in a chin lock of your own, he quickly twists his body and rolls out of the way. Kane gets up and looks at you and you know that this is going to become a slug fest and the hardest hitter will get the upper hand, you two move closer again and lock up again, Kane pulls back slightly and just in time you block the huge haymaker he swings at you, you use the momentum to twist his arm behind his back in a hammer lock, "Kane keep to the playbook," you whisper close to his ear.

"Not tonight, you want to get a win over me? Earn it," he growls back. Kane twist his body against the hold, ignoring the pain as he drives his elbow into the side of your jaw, you know it's useless to hold on and let go of his arm, making a show of clutching your jaw. Kane grabs your arm and spins you around, he lands a vicious right to your forehead and a left to your ribs and then his patented throat thrust, you stagger into the corner and as he follows up with some brutal body shots you decide that if the veteran can throw away the rule book, then so will you. You shove him violently away, he charges, but you were expecting that and explode out of the corner with a big boot, knocking the big man down, you quickly climb the turnbuckle and wait for Kane to get to his feet, he slowly gets up and you jump at him delivering a dropkick which sends him barreling backwards into the turnbuckle behind him. You quickly get to your feet and run at him, you jump and drive him into the turnbuckle with a Stinger Splash, you can hear the wind being driven from him, you get on the bottom ropes, tuck his head under your arm and fall backwards, going for a DDT, but he wriggles loose and you land solidly on your back. Kane climbs out of the ring and climbs up the turnbuckle, you struggle to your feet and look up just in time to see the Big Red Machine fly, you look amazed at the height he gains before he come down toward you, hitting you solidly with a flying clothesline, for the second time within a few seconds you're laying flat on your back. Kane follows this up with a huge leg drop across your throat and goes for the cover, you kick out at one and Kane gets up. You realize that by the crowd reaction he is setting you up for that Chokeslam from Hell, you struggle to your feet and as you turn around Kane grabs you by the throat.

"Are you ready for a ride boy? You're going to hell," he say with a sick grin on his face. As Kane lifts you up, you break loose from his grip, grab his arm and falls down on his arm, dragging him into the ground, you lock in a Crippler Crossface, catching him completely by surprise and you can hear him hiss in agony as you pull his head backwards. Unfortunately he landed closer to the ropes than you did and with his boot he can touch the ropes, the ref screams at you to break the hold which you do immediately, no need to get Kane angry and determined as well. You run towards the ropes for momentum, you rebound from them and run as fast as you can towards Kane who is struggling to his feet clutching his arm, he looks up at you just as you dive and you hear the air rush out of him again as you spear him into the canvas, you quickly grab his arm and lock in the Crippler Crossface again, making sure that this time you are between him and the ropes. Kane refuses to tap as you keep your hold, suddenly he rolls to the other side, placing you on your back and he starts to hammer away at you with his free fist, with your leverage gone you release the hold and roll away from him. You get to your feet and run to the ropes again, determined to spear the living daylights out of Kane as you rebound you run straight into his boot, the crowd goes nuts as he grab you be the hair and pull u to your feet, you are slightly dazed but you know you're on trouble when he place you on his shoulder

"No Kane not the tombstone," you plead with him, as an answer he delivers a running spinebuster, pain shoots through your body and you feel yourself being dragged to your feet and whipped into a turnbuckle, the force of your back hitting the turnbuckle reverberates through you and Kane charges you and hit you with a full body block, driving you back into the turnbuckle with force, you shake the cobwebs from your mind and look up just as he runs towards you again, just at the last moment you move to the side and he runs full tilt into the turnbuckle, as he stagger backward you grab him from behind and deliver a German suplex driving his shoulders into the mat. You lie there for a few seconds catching your breath, you get up and turn just in time to see him sit up and get to his feet, you time your run perfectly as he turns you hit him with a thundering clothesline, you can feel the impact jarring your own arm, but you succeed in driving Kane from his feet, you climb onto the ringpost and dive at Kane hitting him with a headbutt, you grab his arm again and lock in another Crippler Crossface, this time in the middle of the ring and you are laying half next to him, preventing him from rolling over. This time Kane screams in pain as you pull back and he struggles to get loose, but you refuse to let go of your hold, after a few moments of agony Kane taps out, as the referee calls for the bell you roll out of the ring and stand there as your name gets announced as the winner of the match via submission. Kane slowly gets to his feet and look down at you, he looks furious and then he grins and starts to laugh, he points down at you

"You did good kid, you did real good," he says with half a grin, you smile at the praise from one of the biggest guys in the business and make your way backstage, suddenly Umaga and Snitsky comes from backstage, you stop and look at them.

They stop in front of you and Snitsky looks at you, "This doesn't concern you," he growls. They push you aside and run down to the ring, the odds are against Kane as you worked over that arm of his with the three crossfaces and you know that this also wasn't in the script. For a few seconds you stand undecided then you slide into the ring and stand next to Kane, Snitsky snarls at you

"It said this doesn't concern you," he looks rather upset with the interference.

"I'm making this my problem, you will not team up on a man who just went through a match," you reply.

Umaga grins, "Your funeral," he doesn't look very unhappy with having to take on two men. They both storm forward and you grab Snitsky, lift him off his feet and drive him into the canvas with a spinebuster, you quickly get up and see Kane trading blows with Umaga, you turn your attention back to Snitsky and pull him to his feet, you hit him with a right fist and he retaliates, you hit him back and duck under his next shot, you move behind him and grab him in a Full Nelson, you lift him up again and slam him onto his back again. Across the ring Umaga somehow got the better of Kane and is getting ready to deliver a Samoan Spike, you charge him and just as he is about to drive his heavily wrapped thumb into Kane's throat you spear him, it feels like diving into a brick wall and you lie on the ground as Umaga leans against the ropes, he focuses on you and push himself away from the ropes to stand. Neither of you expects the huge hand grabbing him by the throat and lifting him up to deliver a chokeslam, you look up at Kane, but he is already advancing on Snitsky who is struggling to his feet, you slowly get to your feet as Snitsky also gets a Chokeslam from hell, Kane walks to the center of the ring, raises his arms and bring them down and his flaming pyrotechnics burst from the ringposts. He is laughing manically when he notices you standing, he walks closer to you

"I owe you one kid," he say as he slaps you on the shoulder and climbs out of the ring, you stand for a while and watch as the crowd cheers him on as he disappears through the curtain backstage you climb out of the ring as well and walk up the ramp you realize that the crowd is cheering you on as well, this brings a slight smile to your face as you enter the backstage area.

You're sitting in your locker room, you have taken off your wrestling gear and slipped into a boxer and is slowly sipping on a bottle of water when there is a knock on the door, "Come in," you say loudly.

The door opens and you almost drop your water as Barbie Blank better known as Kelly Kelly slips into the room, she quickly shuts the door and look at you, "OH! Uhm hi," she say sounding rather nervous.

It takes a few moments of you staring at her before you find your voice back, "Hey," you reply trying to sound calm,

"I'm so sorry for barging in here, but Mike is on one of his rampages again," her eyes dart around like a frightened doe.

You sit upright, "You mean as in Mike Knox?" you know that you sound surprised,

"Yes, please don't throw me out," the pleading tone in her voice is enough to make any warm blooded guy's heart melt. You sit back again and start to sip on your water as you look at her, you think that it should be great to have somebody as experienced as she is to manage you.

You take another sip on your water and look her over again then start to smile, "Why don't you have a seat? Standing there like a frightened doe will not help you, there is water and beer in the cooler over there," you make sure that you sound friendly and calm.

She walks to the cooler and bend down to get herself a drink, presenting you with a fine view of her denim clad ass, you look at her as she stand up and takes a seat in one of the chairs, "So you're the new guy then? They say that you helped Kane earlier on against Snitsky and Umaga?" she looks at you approvingly as she says this.

You nod, "Yeah, I've been in a few dark matches in the past, but tonight was my first live televised match," you say just trying to keep your mind on track,

"So why did you do it?" she ask sounding really curious.

You look at her, "Well it just seemed like the right thing to do at the moment, no doubt that I will regret it somewhere along the path, but that is fine with me for now," you reply,

"I wish I had a contract with somebody like you, you seem like a nice guy, Mike just...," She makes a sound of disgust, "He just irritates me SO much sometimes," the irritation in her voice is very clear.

"So why don't you organize a match to get you out of the contract?" you ask her, she smiles slightly,

"I did, but there is nobody willing to take Mike on and he will be exceptionally brutal if my contract is on the line. It's all about the image for him,"

You sit and contemplate this for a few seconds, Mike Knox is a big scary guy and with you upsetting Snitsky and Umaga it would be a tough call which one to take first. You look at her, "You know what, you make that match, I'll face him," she looks shocked and the total disbelieve is clear in her voice as she ask,

"Are you serious?"

You nod with half a smile, "Very Serious,"

She jumps up,"I think I'll go to the GM right now, thank you so much," you grin at her,

"De nada my dear," she smiles and leave cautiously.

You sit back and relax and think of the match you had with Kane, when there is another knock on the door, a rather heavy one from the sound of it. "Come in," you tense up expecting Mike Knox, but instead it's Kane who enters the room, he takes a seat and smile lopsidedly at you,

"Making plans for tonight?"

You look confused at him,"Excuse me?"

He smiles even broader, "Oh don't play dumb with me, I saw Kelly leave just now,"

"Ah! No man, she was hiding from Mike, said he was on one of his rampages again," you try to explain.

Kane bursts out laughing,"I think you just got played, last time I saw Knox he was getting his shoulders massaged by one of the nurses,"

You sit upright, "Oh hell,"

Kane looks confused at you, "What?"

"I offered to fight him next week for her contract,"

Kane starts to laugh, "Well now you will have to fight Mike Knox, Umaga and Snitsky off your back, think you can do that?"

You shake your head, "I very much doubt that,"

Kane gets up, "Tell you what, you gave me an idea, I'll see you again next week,"

You get up and shake hands with Kane, "Take care Kane," you say pensively,

"You too kid you too," he leaves and you are left to contemplate the dilemma you find yourself in.

You almost don't see the door open and close, you look up to find Kelly locking the door behind her, you start to get up, but she push you back into the chair, "I know that you found out from Kane, but I've got a counter offer, if you win the match I'll manage you for as long as you want to," this makes you pause to think a bit,

"The match is made for next week, you will be facing Mike for my contract, I just came back to say thank you"

Before you can say anything she strips off her top revealing her full, firm breasts to you, she climbs on your lap and smile at you, she leans forward and purr in your ear, "Just call this a preview of what you can expect when you get my contract," she take your water bottle from you and place it aside then grab your hands and place them on her breasts, she keep her hands on yours as you start to slowly rub and squeeze her breasts,

"Mmmm I like that, don't stop," you haven't got any idea of stopping anytime soon as you keep on rubbing her breasts, feeling her nipples harden as your palm continues brushing over them, she place her hands on your chest and slowly start to stroke over your skin with her fingernails, she trace her nails down your body, over your stomach as you continue to fondle her soft breasts. She sigh as you lean forward and suck a nipple into your mouth, this frees your hand and you slide it down her naked back and stroke over her ass, squeezing it firmly, she breathes in deeply and dig her nails into your sides.

She suddenly pulls away and slip off your boxers, leaving you naked and with an erection, she push your legs open and kneel between your legs, she smile up at you, "I like them big and honey you are just right"

You look down at her as she start to slowly run her tongue over the underside of your cock and look up at you as her sexy lips opens and slip over your cock head, her tongue flicking around your head as she start to suck on your cock, you place a hand over her head and keep looking at her as she continue to lick and suck your cock head, then slowly edge her lips down further, rubbing her tongue all along your cock as it slides slowly into her mouth. She starts to caress your balls, squeezing them softly as she slowly pulls back and then again plunge her mouth down your cock, engulfing you in her warm, wet mouth. You can feel the back of her mouth, but she keep sliding you deeper into her mouth, you can feel how you slide down her tight throat and moan softly as she pulse the muscles around your cock, she pull back again and you close your eyes as she softly scrape her teeth over your cock and then plunge your cock into her mouth again, you feel how you slide down her throat again until her lips is locked over the base of your cock, her movements starts to increase as she moans around your cock, sending the reverberations through your cock, her throat muscles milks your cock as she thrust her head up and down your cock, you grab two handfuls of her blond hair and hold on as she deep throats you wildly, you groan softly as you can feel your orgasm building up, "I'm going to cum"

This seems to fire her on to move even faster, a few moments later you can feel your cock swelling and she thrust you down her throat just at the moment that your cum erupts from your cock, she keep you deep down her throat as she swallow your cum, her throat muscles contracting around your cock like a hand, milking you, she pulls back for some breath and you look down at her as she continue to suck on your cock. When you finally stop she pulls your cock from her mouth with a wet sucking sound and grins up at you, "I'm glad you liked that," she say with a satisfied sound in her voice

You smile weakly, "Can't really think of a guy who wouldn't like that,"

She gets up and pick up her top and quickly slip it on, "So are you still angry at me?"

You laugh, "I never was angry at you, but if that's how you solve problems I think I just found some inspiration to win that match," she laughs and shakes her head, she looks at you with a smile,

"I'd better get going, see you next week," she unlocks the door and slips out

You get up and grab your boxer and slip it on, "Damn what an evening"


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Samson Inspired

Sachar Lewis browsed the website. He chose a nice ½-carat diamond solitaire ring set in four prongs. The band was rose gold. It was the right size for Allyn’s slender manicured fingers. He added it to his cart and purchased the $539 ring. He hoped it would all go well.Sachar was named after one of King David’s heroes - from the Bible. His mother had been a 19 year-old lady. She did her best by him.Her name was Mary Lewis. She taught Sachar to read by the time he was only 26 months old. It was...

4 years ago
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Bully boy inspired

This incidence took place 6 yrs ago when I used to live in Ambivali a far off town 70 kms. From Mumbai with my wife and a year old son. The place outside the Rly. Station had a whole load of cattle lazing around the rikshaw stand and would not be bothered by the traffic instead the tonga & the ricshaws weaved around the cattle. One fine Sunday afternoon after alighting from the train along with my wife and proceeding to the tonga stand we saw a big ruckus with crowds all watching a bull...

2 years ago
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kristina18's Blog More sex questions answerd Questions I been getting today Q. How well did you fuck that older man when you went on your trip last week? A. Him and I had sex everyday. I would like to think we both fucked each other well. We both enjoyed each other with safe sex. Q. Did you suck his cock a lot? A. Yes I gave him oral sex every day with condoms. Q Don't you wish you could just lay there naked and have someone that you like fuck you all day long? A.While that sounds nice I think...

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My boy friends roommate

My Boyfriend’s Roommate ‘You should put on a condom,’ I whispered. ‘No,’ Mike said firmly. ‘I want to feel you.’ I didn’t say anything as Mike slid inside me easily in one quick stroke. I was wet and ready and wanted it just as bad as he did. Mike and I had been dating for almost a year and up until a couple months before I had been on the pill. Due to some bad side effects of the pill my doctor had told me to stop taking it, which meant using a condom. This was our only form of birth...

3 years ago
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Gay Prison Guards Fuck

Everything was going great on the inside. I was fucking this gay bitch every week just to satisfy my sexual urges, i really had no complaints. But of course, that wouldn't last long as i was unexpectedly called by another guard for a little chat in the shower room. I walked in there and it was just me and him as he asked me how i was doing. I responded and told him i was good and asked him the same. He quickly asked me about the inmate i had been fucking and right away i knew that he also knew...

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Aggy Book 1Chapter 71

"So, there it is Emily," Elizabeth said in an almost exasperated tone, "Aunt Caitlin, when she stops laughing, says I should leave it alone." Caitlin Winsor, sitting opposite the others, was indeed viewing the Queen's discomfort mirthfully and just managing not to laugh outright, "I also said they should sort it out themselves." Elizabeth glared back at her aunt, "Oh I agree, but there is the small problem that none of them knows about the others – to be exact I presume each knows...

2 years ago
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At the Theatre Ch 1

Chapter 1 of 2 - a story by a very sexy lady, i'll try to add more of her titles..Have you ever seen something once and thought it disgusting and repulsive, and then another time it seemed natural and attractive? I suppose everyone must have had a similar experience. But this case was different, affecting body and spirit at the same time. So when I tell you what happened with me, please bear in mind that a similar thing could arrive to anyone given the proper circumstances. The events I will...

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NyxChapter 11

Chris' call to report the drug operation was not as satisfactory as he had expected. It turned out that the guy he was supposed to contact was not available, something about a trip to Toronto, and there was no word about when he would return. Chris finally figured out that he was getting the runaround while they were trying to trace his call. In disgust, he hung up, and let off a string of cuss words like I have never before heard in my life. Martha even looked impressed. When he ran out of...

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Die Witwe

(Anm. Es gibt eine Geschichte mit dem Titel „Die missbrauchte Witwe“. Leider war der Verlauf nicht nach Meinen Vorstellungen bzw. habe ich keine Möglichkeit gefunden Threats zu löschen. Daher starte ich noch einen Versuch und verwende auch Teile des Postings von dreamdate 22002 und DoktorM. Sollte jemand Interesse darin haben einfach die Originalgeschichte aufrufen. Und nun viel Spaß) Die Witwe Katarina Maier ist 36 Jahre alt. Sie ist 175 cm groß, hat braunes schulterlanges Haar, braune Augen...

3 years ago
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Fucking My Teacher8217s Daughter 8211 Part I

Hi guys and gals.. This is my first story to be submitted here. I am a reader of ISS from last 3 months. My name is Rahul(name changed). I am 19 years old. I am studying XYZ in Bangalore. Coming to my physic I am 5 5” in tall and medium built guy and good at studies. Do comment on my story which makes me to write another story here. My email id is Coming to the story it happened a month ago. In my college I had a teacher named Karishma. She was kind of milf in looking. Her assets are 38-30-36....

3 years ago
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My day off

I have a rather odd work schedule and once a month I have a Friday off from work all to myself while the k**s are at school and the husband is at work. Sometimes I just stay at home and relax, sometimes I go shopping, but this most recently I went to get my nails done and then decided on a whim to go get a small tattoo touched up at a local parlor by an artist who had done work for me before on my back.I shoot the tattoo artist a message and ask if he has any open spots and tell him what I am...

1 year ago
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Rons AwakeningChapter 9

Ron and Debbie lay in each other's arms for several minutes kissing and simply stroking each other's bodies. Debbie enjoyed this afterglow of sex, the peaceful time, just holding each other without any restrictions to their touch or sight. This was a special time just for them. Ron's cock had shrunk to only a shadow of its magnificent appearance of moments before. Debbie decided it still had a special charm in its relaxed state. While not as sexually exciting, in her mind it signified his...

3 years ago
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Unnamed Act 4 Scene 6

--- "A little slower," the Mistress murmers to her partner. "Just a liiiiiittle slower....damn, she isn't getting it. Alright, pop the trunk." --- She looks up in disbelief as she sees the trunk open not 30 feet from her, a set of clothes laid carefully out atop one of her Mistress' infamous bags of tricks. She hesitates just a moment before sprinting after the slow-moving car, leaping at the chance as though granted by divine grace, a broad smile brightening her beautiful face. ...

2 years ago
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VC Girl

None of the Jarheads knew why the young girl was called "Frenchie". It was quite possibly because of her mixed blood heritage. In Indochina, or, for that matter, in Asia generally that was "the kiss of death" in social and family circles. She was too old to be the offspring of the late arriving Americans, so it was logical to assume the young Eurasian girl was the result of an amorous French soldier's long forgotten moment of pleasure. The very fact that Frenchie was just as comfortable...

4 years ago
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The Beginning of The Femcan Survival Project

The Beginning of The Femcan Survival Project by Femcan LanaWe could use a script writer to turn this into a film to fund The Femcan Survival ProjectAre you a script writer? Let us know [email protected] upon a time very deep in the woods lived a small community of people. This Community was split in two. One part Normal folk that went to the public Schools and churchs and obeyed the laws and a second part that did things a little different. This small group of men and women...

4 years ago
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Of Paths To Take The Path To The Mall

Introduction This is one of five possible continuations of the story Path to the Crossroads. It is necessary to have traveled in the mind on the path to the crossroads before choosing in which direction to continue. May the reader find adventure, pleasure, and maybe even peace of mind, down the path he or she has chosen to travel. Of Paths to Take The Path to the Mall By: Zylux In the display window were many stunningly beautiful things to look at, and I quickly scanned over...

2 years ago
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Maid and Master After Hours

Maid and Master: After Hours Lara drew shaky breath through a bright red ball gag as she teetered precariously atop a wooden sawhorse. A rope and pulley system ensured that she did not fall off. A cat o' nine tails blossomed from her anus and twitched ever so often as her rectum dealt with its invasive presence. Maria watched patiently as her slave squirmed, absently stroking the six inch dark brown phallus protruding from the zippered opening in the front of her black latex...

2 years ago
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Von der Grfin zur Schlampe

Hinweis: Diese Story habe ich schon Mal auf einer anderen Seite veröffentlicht! Herr von Büllow war den Zuhältern von Norddeutschland schon lange ein Dorn im Auge. Er spendete jährlich mehrere hunderttausend Euro zur Bekämpfung der Prostitution. Er war ein Mann vom altem Schlag der noch auf Sitte und Anstand einen sehr hohen Wert legte. So beschränkte er sich nicht darauf den Zuhältern den Krieg zu erklären, sondern ging sogar gegen harmlose Fernsehsendungen vor. Sein Verein zur Rettung von...

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Hermione Teaches Ginny and Harry how to Share

Hermione Teaches Ginny and Harry how to ShareRough flight to the BurrowThe butterbeers were helping to take the edge off, but tensions were still running high at the Burrow. Voldemort and his army of Death Eaters had struck the moment they took off from Harry’s c***dhood home, and the battle took a terrible toll. Mrs. Weasley had just stopped crying. Fleur was still pacing about. The rest were silent, still processing the loss of Moody. Mrs. Weasley hopped up from her armchair. “That’s enough....

1 year ago
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Wifes first threesomee

My wife has known jamie most of her life and i had just met her a year before this night. We had hung out a few times and partied but had never went this far before. We had been hanging out most of the day when we decided to go to our house and have a few drinks. As soon as we walked in the house I knew this was going to be a exciting night. Me and jamie sat down as my wife went to the kitchen for drinks. As she walked in with three glasses and a bottle of whiskey i wonder what was in store for...

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Magic Ink III the Other RealityChapter 17

"You are very old, Grandmother," Clare said very quietly, as she took Grandmother Katie's hand. "Yes, Dear. How did you know that?" Katie asked pleasantly. "We felt it when you entered the room, and when I touched you, I could see that your spirit is very old, much older than your husband's." "That's remarkable!" Margie said. "And both of you can feel that?" "Yes, Grandmother. We both detected it. How can your spirit be so old, and yet you look so young?" Cathleen asked...

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A quick visit with Nancy

If you've seen my other post about Nancy you'll know it's been quite a while since I saw her. Furthermore, aside from that one night, I've not had sex with her. But, that's okay. I have a very fond and favorite memory of that night and every time I see her I flash back to the night I made her mine and filled her young pussy full of my seed. I fantasize that I was the first man to have that pussy.So, with that backdrop, you can well imagine my surprise when I saw her at the local grocery store...

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How I Became a Hotwife Ch 01

If you do not like married woman taking on lovers or cuckold theme, please skip and do not proceed on. This is a sexual life story of how my husband, changed me from a shy, naïve girl to a naughty, hot wife. Of course, with some help from this same hubby, I am writing this story to share with all of you here. There is no sex involves in this first chapter. If you want those fast "bang and go" story, this is not. It was written in a slow and detailed manner but I can assure you that those...

Wife Lovers
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Girlfriend Teaches Me to be Gay

I had met Ron about six months earlier. My girlfriend Sue introduced me to Ron and his wife Carla. Our friendship had developed into a totally sexually uninhibited union with no reservations. We had swapped partners, watched Sue and Carla go at it and ultimately Ron initiated me into gay sex with him. We did all of this with all four in the same room, sometimes splitting off, and sometimes just two or three at a time. I became more comfortable with Ron and he and I would often meet once or...

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My meeting with trannymilf Sandy 54 part 2

So I see she said when she saw it rise underneath my skirt. She kicked off her right shoe and stroke my dick with her white nylonfeet on the outside of the skirt. It felt so good I started to groan! "Fuck me" I suddenly screamed! Not yet hun she said and smiled first I wanna undress you! Stand up she said! I did so and she took off my black leatherskirt then she stood up and took off my red bra and started too squeeze my big trannytits she took of her white dress and then her white bra so there...

4 years ago
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26 May 2007Chapter 7

Dan opened the passenger door for the girls to enter his Shelby Mustang. Tina climbed into the back seat, and he smiled as Wendy joined her. During the ride to the movie theatre, they held hands. Exiting the small rear seat gave Dan a smile at the perfect view of two bare pussies greeting his eyes. Almost every eye was drawn to the two sexual beauties accompanying this lucky man. The movie, ‘The Da Vinci Code,’ starring Tom Hanks, had been playing in theatres for a week, and the crowd...

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The Initiation Part 1

The Initiation- Part 1 There was intensity about the situation, she knew what she was letting herself in for, or thought she did anyway, but the frisson of excitement coupled with extreme apprehension was palpable. She was going to meet a master, she’d been introduced to him online but today was the first time she was going to meet him in person. She’d been told exactly what to wear for this meeting, white blouse, black skirt, boots and a shelf bra. She had also been told under no...

1 year ago
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Lift To Fuck

Hi friends this is Vijay(name changed).. I am a big fan of ISS and I appreciate the work of all the writer of ISS..I am from Visakhapatnam(Andhra Pradesh) I am 22 and I just completed my graduation..I read at least 2-3 stories everyday from ISS and due to which I got so fantasized in sex and specially when the woman is an elderly one..I am here to narrate a story which happened 1 year ago when I accidently met someone which turned incidentally into sex. Every evening I go out for my guitar...

3 years ago
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Katies Awakening 6

The afternoon was turning to evening as Katie, Tom and Sandy relaxed partially dressed on the patio. Sandy was on her third glass of wine, Tom had lost count of beers after his third and Katie was just relaxing between them with the sex she just had running through her mind. Katie broke the silence and asked, does the cum always shoot out of your cock like that? No, not always sometimes it just sort of spurts a short distance but what we are doing is sort of naughty and I got more excited so I...

2 years ago
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Slave to the EmpireChapter 13 Warrior 1

Sheets of rain pounded the ship, the strong currents forcing the ship towards the rocky coast line of the Dark Prefecture, the ship's small crew worked frantically, but the tide was against them. The cutter slammed into the reefs that lay at the edge of the Dark Prefecture. Lightning illuminated the forbidding cliff walls that dominated the skyline. A lone armored knight watched as the cliffs loomed closer, the deck buckled as it cracked upon the reef. The knight back-peddled towards the...

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Une chaude prof asservie

Une chaude prof asservie 1 Hot teacher enslaved 1 Coulybaca / Auteur inconnu    Madame Lucy Harper, du haut de ses 43 ans ?tait fi?re de ses formes acad?miques. Faire classe ?tait sa vocation ! La semaine pr?c?dente elle avait pris un de ses ?l?ves ? tricher lors d'un test sous les sifflements admiratifs de ses condisciples lorsqu'elle tourna le dos. Elle avait l'habitude de ces sifflets d'admirateurs m?les lorsqu?elle se d?hanchait devant eux en rentrant chez elle. Il n'y avait pas de miracle, son 95 c faisait t...

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