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When my alarm went off I felt Karen stir. She moved closer to me in the bed and grabbed my cock. We sleep naked for several reasons; one of which is being able to have the skin to skin contact we both crave for intimacy. I felt her raise slightly then rest her glorious breasts on my chest. Her nipples were already hard. She moved, stretched upward and rubbed her breasts across my chest. Her mouth descended to give me a deep kiss. She threw a leg over one of mine and began rubbing her pussy against my thigh.

I relaxed and enjoyed her attention. I kissed her back and gently rubbed my right hand up over her delectable ass, up her side to rub the outside of her left breast where it rested on my chest. We both moaned as our passion ignited. The snooze alarm rang once again. This time I turned from Karen, turned the alarm off and headed for the bathroom for my morning business. Karen followed me almost immediately. While I was shaving she stepped into the shower. After adjusting the temperature of the spray she wet herself down, applied some shaving cream and began shaving her pubic mound. While shaving myself I watched in the mirror through the clear glass shower door.

I felt my cock throb when I saw she was shaving her entire beaver bare this time. Karen caught me looking and smiled. She moved carefully to present the best view of her body while she worked. It was all I could do to finish shaving and put on my running attire.

I finished my preparations at nearly the same time Karen finished her shower and shaving. She followed me from the master bathroom patting herself dry. I sat on the edge of the bed to put on my socks and shoes. Karen tossed the towel toward the bathroom and flowed into the bed beside me. She immediately grabbed for my cock again while she licked and kissed my neck. I gently pushed her away, stood, and began pulling my shirt on.

Karen screeched, "Damn it, Doug, what do I have to do to get you to spend the morning in bed with me? You think your damn friends are more important than I am." I listened to my wife of eighteen months rant and rave as I rushed around getting ready for my weekly Sunday morning fun run with my friends. When I was younger and dating or bar hopping Friday and Saturday nights the Sunday run was pure hell many times, but I stuck with it. Oh, I ran three or four times during the week as well, but Sunday morning was a special run. It was longer—much longer usually than my other daily runs. It was also normally done in a different part of the city and sometimes in the country with a much larger group of my friends. Many wives and girlfriends ran with us if they could keep up. In fact, many of the onetime significant others stayed with the running group even after a breakup. We were serious about our running and friendship.

In any event, I was once again listening to Karen rant and rave about me taking off to run instead of doing what she wanted to do this morning. After her first sentence I have to admit I more or less tuned her out. I had similar conversations with her almost every Sunday morning for the last four months. For some reason she suddenly became upset with my running on Sundays. Now, we didn't go to church or even have family meals that day so I couldn't figure out why she became so dead set against me running as had been my habit since before we ever met much less married.

This morning, I turned to say good bye when I went through the bedroom door. Karen lay across our bed, legs splayed and knees drawn up. She was playing with her pussy with one hand and a nipple with the other. Her face looked sultry and I once again felt my cock twitch. I grinned and said, "Keep it hot for me, Honey. I'll jump your bones good and proper when I get back."

"Damn you. I want you NOW, not in two or three hours when you decide to come home. By then you'll be tired and want to relax and I'll probably be out of the mood. Go on, if running is more important to you than taking care of your horny wife just get your ass out of here. I'm warning you, though, that I plan to get my problem taken care of with or without you. I'm not going to lay around here horny all morning suffering while I wait for you to come home."

Something about what she said and how she said it pissed me off. I felt my face tense up and I said, "So, what's new? You used to like crawling back into bed with me after my run. Now if I try to get you into bed after I get home you shut me down flat. Why should today be any different than the last several weeks have been? I'll see ya when I get back." As I left the room I heard Karen break down crying. I felt like a total ass but I was pissed enough to keep going.

I was about four blocks away from my home when I remembered I didn't pick up my iPod or water bottle from the dresser in our bedroom. I knew I would be late if I went back for them but decided to do so. I could get by without the iPod but I really needed the water bottle since it was already 91 degrees and we were going to run eight miles this morning.

I pulled into my driveway and ran to the sliding patio door. I slid it open and was halfway across the kitchen before I stopped in surprise. I left the house through the garage. We normally keep the patio door locked unless we are in the back yard. I didn't see Karen so she must still be in bed pleasuring herself or sleeping so why was the door unlocked? I shrugged and decided we had not locked it the night before. We would have to be more careful in the future.

I moved slowly and quietly toward our bedroom. I did not want to alert Karen I was coming. If she was sleeping I didn't want to wake her. If she was jilling off I wanted to be able to enjoy watching for a moment before I picked up my iPod and water bottle.

When I got to our bedroom door I slowed and stopped for a moment. My cock surged to steel hardness almost immediately. I heard the distinctive moans and groans Karen makes when she is nearing her peak. The bed was squeaking slightly with her movements. I knew I had to enter the room and interrupt her or I would really be late.

Just as I began to move toward the bedroom door I heard Karen yell out "NO. Damn it, Darwin, you know you always have to use a rubber. I told you the first time and every time since then and I'm tired of having to remind you about the rules."

I heard the bed squeak once or twice more and then Karen grunted deeply. I felt almost sick at my stomach after what I heard sank in. Karen once again spoke. She said, "Darwin, get out. Put a rubber on or get the hell out of my house."

Darwin laughed, the bed squeaked once again and Karen moaned. I stepped into the doorway. I saw Darwin between Karen's splayed thighs. He had a hand around each of Karen's wrists holding them to the bed. Most of his black cock was thrust into Karen's beautiful bare pussy. He was glaring down at her.

Darwin snarled, "Listen, Bitch, I told you last Sunday that I wasn't going to ever fuck you again with a rubber. I don't like the damn things and I don't use them on my other women. I'll be damn if I'll ever use one on you again. Have I ever told you I was going to do something and then not do it? I told you four months ago I was going to start fucking you when your old man ran Sundays and I did it didn't I? I told you I was going to take your ass and I did that too didn't I? Well, I told you last Sunday I was going to fuck you without a rubber from now on and I intend to do that too."

I watched Darwin pull his cock out until just the head was in Karen's cunt. He continued to hold her wrists down. His hips were moving slightly, driving his cock into her about an inch or so then pulling back until he was just barely inserted. Karen's neck was flushed as was the top of her chest and breasts. Her nipples were dark red, angry looking and harder than I had seen them in weeks. She was panting and thrusting her hips upward trying to drive more of his meat into her pussy.

I'm no small man but I felt inadequate in the extreme when I looked at the weapon Darwin was using on Karen. I am a little taller than he is with a broader deeper chest. My leg muscles are more defined than his, but his cock, my God, his cock would make two of mine. Well, not quite. I am almost seven inches long and have almost a three inch diameter. He had me by at least two or three inches and was probably the same or a little larger in diameter.

I started to move into the room. My impulse was to beat the bastard to an inch of his life. I took one step and then heard Karen speak. She said, "All right, damn it. Just fuck me you bastard. Do it, please, I can't wait any longer. You have to pull out, though. I'm off the pill and it's almost my fertile time."

Darwin smiled down at Karen and slammed his hips downward and forward driving his entire length into her at once. She screamed and pulled him to her with her heels behind his thighs. Her pelvis slammed upward meeting him stroke for stroke.

Fuck, I was pissed. Once again I started for them then stopped again. I knew the man in the right doesn't necessarily get the best treatment in our courts. I stopped. My heart died a little more when I heard Darwin say, "That's tough, baby. Sperm was made to go into pussies. I always leave my sperm in a pussy. I don't care if I get a blow job or a hand job. Don't matter. When I blow my load it goes into a pussy. I'm going to blow my load into your pussy and you'll take it, bitch."

"NO! You can't! You have to pull out. I told you, I might get pregnant."

Darwin laughed and said, "Tough tittie. Guess you'll have a little black baby or will have to figure something else out, huh, bitch."

Darwin stopped once more and pulled his cock back, then back more. Damn, it looked like a black snake coming out of Karen's pussy. He stopped just inside her and began his little slow movements in and out, teasing her again. He asked, "Ok, bitch. What's it gonna be? Do I just leave your skanky white ass laying here needing a good fucking or do I leave my sperm in your pretty little pussy where it belongs?"

Karen's hips began moving once more. She met his movements thrust for thrust she was panting and moaning trying to get more of him into her pussy. Finally she began crying and said, "OK, damn you! You can cum in me, just fuck me now. Please!"

Darwin laughed and slammed deeply into Karen. This time he began really laying pipe. He slammed into her, almost completely withdrew and slammed into her again, over and over jackhammering her.

Karen moaned, she groaned, she panted and cried. She fought to get her wrists free. When he let her go she wrapped her arms around his shoulders and pulled him tightly to her body while her hips thrust and wiggled with his violent penetrations.

I finally shook myself loose from the sight of my wife and neighbor and backed from the doorway. I was pissed. My heart was beating as if I had been running sprints. I was sick to my stomach and in my heart. I knew, now, I wasn't one of those cuckolds you read about who get off on watching their wives. My cock was not only soft; it was almost drawn up to nothing, or so it felt. I wanted to kill them both. That was all I thought about as I moved off to meet my friends. Oh, surprisingly, I did manage to remember my water bottle and iPod in the kitchen. Well, at least now I knew why I was cut off Sunday's after my run. I did wonder why she tried to get me to stay home Sunday mornings, though. Was she trying to keep him from fucking her or did she want him to make me watch? I would have to think on that, not that it mattered, though. If he raped her and she had came to me for help after the first time we would have reported him and I could have lived with it. After four months of silence I have to believe she really wanted and enjoyed his attention on Sunday mornings. No, both of them had to pay. I just needed to figure out how to get my revenge and keep my ass out of trouble.

I caught hell from my friends when I got to our meeting place. I was almost fifteen minutes late and heard about it. I caught more flack when we stopped because I held the group back. I was the last one to complete the run and slowed our pace by quite a bit before most of the group gave up and left me behind.

Several of my friends clustered around me, ragging on me about my impact on our day. I felt my chest tightening and eyes water. I pressed my lips together. Megan and Sasha must have seen something in my demeanor. They both sort of got between me and the rest of the group. Megan said, "Let it go, guys."

Megan turned to me and said, "What's the matter, Doug? You're pale as a ghost. Are you sick or something?"

I didn't trust myself to speak. I pressed my lips together and shook my head no and just walked through the group toward my truck. My friends turned to watch me. They were still watching while I drove away. This was the first time I had not hung around for kibitzing and some snacks in a couple of years. It was just another indicator to them that something was wrong.

Instead of going straight home I drove farther out of town to one of my favorite spots along the river. I parked, grabbed my replenished bottle of water, and moved to the river bank. I sat under an old sycamore tree watching the water flow by while I thought about the mess my marriage was in. I was still homicidally angry. I wanted, I NEEDED revenge. I would have it but I intended to be sure I got it safely.

I spent almost an hour and a half thinking about my problem. I arrived at a solution, or at least at a plan. Now, I had to put it into effect. When I got home Karen acted as she had the last four months on Sundays. She was sitting in her chair dressed in shorts and a top glaring at me when I came in the door. She did not greet me and I did not greet her. I walked down the hallway to our room and cleaned up. The bed was made and to look at it you would never know how it was used just a couple of hours before. After I dressed in cutoffs I walked back through the house and went into my detached garage.

The rest of the afternoon I worked in my garage except for the thirty minutes or so I spent quietly eating my noon meal with my cheating slut. We only spoke to each other when necessary. I didn't help clean the table as I normally do and all I got was a glare.

By supper time I not only had a plan, I had the items I needed to put it into action gathered. I went into the house. If not happy, I was resigned to the course I laid out for my future. The next week was rough. I could hardly stand to talk to Karen and it showed. I avoided her and conversation with her as much as I could. By Friday evening we were both worn to a frazzle.

Friday evening when I got home from work I took a short nap. I was tired from a week of poor sleep and the stress of trying to work and then go home and act normal with my wife. Several times during the week she complained about my attitude and one way or another told me to get over my snit. Friday evening, after supper, I went onto the patio with my cooler and bottle. I also took some snacks and a book I was reading.

The back of our house faces the back of good ole Darwin's. I settled in for a long night of ignoring Karen and watching Darwin's house. Darwin is divorced and spends almost every Friday and Saturday night hunting pussy. I hoped this evening would be one of the evenings he struck out and had to come home to sleep alone. We would see.

About eleven p.m. Karen came onto the patio. She was in her see-through shorty robe. She strutted up to me and stood where I could see her still shaven pussy and breasts through the thin material. Even as hurt and angry as I still was my cock twitched. Damn, she was beautiful and I wanted her. I wanted her badly.

Karen posed for me a moment then said, "Look, I know we've been fighting this week. I even know some of the fault is mine, but most of it is yours. I love you and just want you to be with me, to spend time with me, cuddling and making love. I don't mind your exercising during the week. We both go to the fitness center together and we both are healthier because of it. I just need you here with me on Sundays. Please? " She smiled and held her hand toward me. She continued, "Now, can we please just forget things for tonight and go to bed, Honey?"

I looked over at Darwin's still dark house. I looked back at Karen and thought what the hell. I was horny and decided to just go to bed and fuck the bitch. She was close to her fertile time and if Darwin hadn't impregnated her I might if I wasn't careful. I would have to be sure I pulled out when I came. I worried slightly about disease but decided I had been fucking her for four months after Darwin finished with her so I would chance it. At the time I didn't think about the fact he had supposedly used a rubber until last Sunday.

Karen smiled when I rose and followed her into the house. I did the minimum amount of foreplay I could get by with before I mounted her and slammed my cock into her pussy. Damn, she was wet. Until our trouble with Darwin we always did have a great sex life. She was horny all the time as was I and we fucked, we made love, we screwed, depending on our mood. Karen had four or five large orgasms before I blew my load. I pretended I was excited when I came and pulled out too far on the last stroke. I pulled out, adjusted my stance slightly and slammed my cock head into her clit where it would slide up onto her stomach.

I smiled to myself when Karen screamed and tried to double up from the pain of the hard hit to her clit. I thrust a time or two rubbing my cock on her pubic bone while my seed spewed onto her belly. I gave her a gentle kiss and murmured, "Sorry. I pulled out too far on that last stroke."

I rolled to the side and looked over at Karen. She was still writhing from her pain and the aftershock of orgasm. There were tears in the corner of her eyes. She glared at me and said, "No shit."

I lay on my back enjoying the release and, truthfully, the knowledge I had given Karen a small amount of pain, too. She moved to the edge of the bed, got up, and went into the bathroom to clean up. While she was in the bathroom I turned on my side and drifted off to sleep. I had purposefully not gone to the bathroom after sex. I wanted to wake in the middle of the night. I knew I would because I drank a lot of liquid while I was sitting on the patio.

I woke from my sleep about 02:20. I quietly slipped out of bed and made my way down the hallway and out the patio door. I walked to my detached garage and stopped beside it. I leaned on the garage and let my stream of urine loose. After I finished I opened the door and pulled on the coveralls I use for working on my vehicles and lawn equipment. Next I pulled on some cheap shoes I purchased several days ago just for this occasion. I pulled on a pair of surgeons' rubber gloves and picked up my plastic grocery bag of items I needed to begin my plan of retribution.

I quietly moved toward and through the gates in first our then Darwin's privacy fences. I slowly moved to the side of his house and looked into his garage. His car was there. Next I went to the other side of his house and found the key that was hidden there then returned and let myself into his garage door.

I used my penlight sparingly to maneuver across the garage floor to the door into the house proper. I listened and heard nothing so unlocked that door and moved into the utility room. Shit, the rubber soles of my shoes made a loud squeak when I walked on the linoleum. I moved slowly, carefully through the utility room, across the kitchen and looked into the living room. It was empty.

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New Jock Tales Chptr 3 Shphomore Year13 and a Ducati

About 10:30 there was a knock at the door. “What the fuck” It was Mark Mattox, and he said he had a new deal for me, if I was interested. I said sure, but this deal had nothing to do with sex. He said I would be running dope from Austin back up to Tyler—every weekend. It would pay $150 a trip, and would be a kilo of dope. No one would be looking at a jeep for hauling weed, and should be a breeze. I ponder for a few minutes, then says I would give it a try. Mark said he would ride with me...

4 years ago
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Layby Linda

There were a few lorries and vans parked up but most of the drivers were in their cabs. Three were sitting at a plastic table and chairs. I bought a coffee; a bottle of water and a bar of chocolate. As I turned to walk back to my car a bald lorry driver offered me a seat at his table. "Hello pet," he smiled and held his hand out for me to shake, "I'm Owen." "I'm Linda." I replied as I sat down and politely shook his large calloused hand. "What's a pretty lass like you...

2 years ago
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The Next Year Chapter 5 Fucked with an Audience

The rest of the weekend flew by, however the next three days of school seemed to drag on forever. Vincent had been busy working on a project for school, so we hadn’t had our usual opportunity to sneak away to the construction site for quick toke and stroke. Finally, Thursday rolled around and Vincent was free to whisk me away. We headed out the period before lunch, knowing that we would have the munchies when we were done. We made our way to the abandoned neighborhood, and backed in to our...

1 year ago
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Taking a Gamble

About one thing, we must be absolutely clear. The club was not Becky's idea. She had lost a bet with some of the girls in her dorm, and the price was that the loser had to visit this club and gamble at least $100. To be honest, she couldn't even remember what the bet was about anymore. All she could remember was feeling like she couldn't let those bitches win, so she went.Becky was shocked at the sight as she entered. There were people there in clothes she had only read about on the internet on...

3 years ago
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A Valentine Present

I think this may be my best story. It comes the closest to real life. EVERYTHING in this story could happen and I have made happen. Not all together as depicted here. You will note that in this story, Lisa DOES remember what happens under hypnosis. It is not necessary that the subject not remember. In this story the issue just doesn’t come up. If you enjoy the story please vote. Fives are most appreciated. * * * * * Sara had been like a sister to me for at least ten years. She was very pretty...

2 years ago
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At My Bedroom Door

At My Bedroom Door Don Abdul ©2008 I had spent the whole afternoon taking my two little boys out to lunch at the mall, and then we took in a movie when we got back home. I was exhausted so I went to bed rather early. I was just dozing off for the night, when the door bell rang, so I reluctantly got out of bed to see who it was. I couldn't believe my eyes but there she was with her clothes all wet from the pouring rain. She said she had gone out with the girls, but the date ended too soon and...

Straight Sex
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Jonny and the Maid

Jonny and the maid 1 "I've brought your tea, madam," I said demurely. "Put it down on the bedside table, Katie." I did as she asked and bobbed in a little curtsey. "Thank you, Katie." "Is there anything else, madam?" "No that's fine," she said. "Then I'll go back to getting the breakfast ready," I said. I turned on my high heels, smoothed down the dress of my French maid's uniform and glided out of the room in my oft-practised arse wiggling walk. And in case you're...

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Saga By Janet Baker As a kid I played with boys and girls. At nine I played in the attic of a friend, found a pair of girls' tap dancing shoes, and tried them on. I didn't know it then but in retrospect, I believe I evidently had some mis-wiring in my chromosomal configuration. While in the fifth grade I fantasized about keeping a cute classmate in some kind of caging. I'm not sure of its nature or design, but it was a place where I kept her. I had at that age...

3 years ago
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The life of Ias

Well umm… I guest it all started when I was in school, it was the day before the Christmas holiday. It was lunch time, but I stayed after class to help the teacher with moving things around in the class (I know I’m a nerd). While I was chair around the room Des walked into the class room looking for me. Now me and Des were best friends, we have known each other sine we where sine I first started high school, and I've always had the biggest of crush on her, but never dream of asking her out....

2 years ago
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tranvestite in trouble part 2

How could i have been so stupid?Here i was, trapped by a guy twice my size and weight, dressed as a sexy secretary, just as he'd asked me, kneeling on this filthy floor, with his solid 8" cock buried deep in my mouth, gagging me.Andrew was clearly loving acting out his scenario, with his submissive tranny slut, his eyes were bulging from his head. his hips were pumping, back and forth, litterally fucking my mouth, fucking my face.i could taste the pre cum oozing from him, so much, i'd had to...

3 years ago
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Job interview

When these events took place, my wife was 28 and I just passed thirtie. Like many others, I've fantasized about my wife being used by other men but I was too much of a pussy to actually tell her about it. I finally decided to try to make something happen after reading a fantasy cuckold story online. In the story, a guy put an ad online directing men to his girlfriend's resume and some erotic photos of her. He then asked the men to invite his girlfriend to an interview where they could ask her...

2 years ago
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New Girl in the Band Final Chapter

New Girl in the Band Final Chapter By Princess Thanks To Stanman63 For Editing!! I was totally humiliated. Cherie and Joan had taken me to this pink girlie lingerie store that sold various sex items. In no time the store owner Jennifer, had me standing naked in one of the small private rooms in the back. My loving sister was busy with Jennifer looking though dozens of corsets for me. Jennifer had already taken my measurements. I couldn't believe it. My cheeks were burning red. The...

3 years ago
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Amity 4 The HerdsChapter 32 Trouble

Tom was correct, and we did arrive in Weston just after lunch. He followed Reilly’s directions and ended up pulled up on a nice wide dock over to the southern side of the long bay. It was a little removed from the other docks, but as he explained, they were considered a higher end market area these days. The area had once been a big meat works, which was why they had the separate dock and sale pens for livestock. With the changes in population, the meatworks moved further north as it seemed...

2 years ago
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Mary Ellen Jakowski sat in her kitchen with her good friend Dana Carter having their usual morning coffee. The two women had been friends since the Carters moved into the neighborhood five years ago. Their husbands, Richard and Drew, had become buddies as well. They were "backyard" friends, as their privacy fences were connected. In fact, they rarely went to one another's house through the front door. It was a one-block walk around the neighborhood to get to the front door. The two women...

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LongshotChapter 4

Five kilometers above the night-darkened lake, the last set of fireworks launched themselves from the spindle of darkened moonline. As we watched, the tiny dots of light descended through the atmosphere, splitting into thousands, then millions of autonomous fragments, forming a spinning accretion disk of brilliant color that stretched across our home from one side to the other. The vast display pulsed, colors rippling out through each fragment, reflected in the water below, illuminating the...

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Just A Saturday Morning

Alex wanted to surprise Rina this morning by being there when she woke up. Alex tip-toed out of his house, not wanting to wake anybody, but taking a condom out of his drawer incase Rina wanted to try something new. Rina was a virgin but he was not. Alex snuck out of his house and walked down to Rina's house. He slipped around back and quietly set up the ladder so it was right under Rina's room window. Thankfully Rina's window was open, with no screen. Alex quietly boosted himself up...

2 years ago
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The Happy Sailor Rides Again

Upon the return to the UK from the trip to Gibraltar, and the tour of the Mediterranean Sea, Adam had left the ship as he had been aboard for just this one voyage and I wondered when I would see him again. This was in the days prior to mobile phones, internet and emails and so the only contact you really had back then was the old snail mail and telegrams and that made life much more difficult when it came to keeping in touch. When Adam got to his next base, he sent me a letter containing a...

Gay Male
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Here it’s my 2nd experience of sharing my love making journey. You are now very aware that I call it ‘love making’ and not sex, as you people normally call it. Yes, I consider it love making. Whatever and whenever I did such things I did with lots of interest and feeling for the opposite side and fully loving her. In response to my last story many people thanked me for such a nice love story, and written me on my id: ‘cutemanpleasingyou’ at yahoo dot com, this time also all are welcome to...

4 years ago
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I dabbed on some ‘Fever’ cologne and got ready for college as Aunt Dixie walked in through the door. “Joe, I’ll be having a party tonight for a couple of people here. Maybe you’d like to join us later when you’re finished with your lessons, she said. “Yeah sure, Aunt Dixie. Thanks”, I said She smiled and went out the door. Aunt Dixie was Uncle Sammy’s, my dad’s brother, wife. He was in the army and he was always getting stationed overseas leaving her alone for most of their married life....

3 years ago
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Mother in law blows Part 4

The last month of the summer passed uneventfully. We saw Louise a couple of times, but we obviously had to be careful. It was already too cold at the Germains’ end-of-summer bash, in early September, to get into the pool but that did not stop Babs. Man was she hot. Despite the weather -- mid 60s -- she wore her usual two-piece suit and spent at least an hour in the pool.Just before we left I went inside to go to the bathroom, but the first floor john was occupied so I went upstairs. Just as I...

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The ForcePart 16

When Susan's parents came out to the farm to collect her, Aunt Paula and Uncle Jack were there to greet them, as were the rest of us. Susan made a point of taking her parents to the 'brag area' Uncle Jack and Aunt Paula had put up about me. Both of them came away from it looking more than a little surprised and impressed. Uncle Jack and Aunt Paula shooed the girls and me outside so they could talk with Susan's parents - it being pretty obvious that that was something her folks wanted to...

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How to Tame a Dragon Ch 03

**So now it’s old-fashioned as well as corny Thank you to everyone who has been leaving feedback or voting on it — it really is appreciated. ** Copyright2012©totallyatease She only agreed to do it as a favour to her sister — but he more than made up for the inconvenience… * The four of them sat down to their evening meal that night and Izzy sat facing Daniel and next to Richard as usual, and as they ate their first two courses, Richard and Daniel discussed the factory. They were mulling...

1 year ago
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My hero

The cold wind whipped my hair into my face. Several strands stuck to my cheeks since they were covered in tears. I swiped angrily at the offending strands and let out a small curse. It had been a hard enough afternoon and I wasn't in the mode to deal with such trivial things as hair in my face. I focused on putting one foot in front of the other to get as far away from the place of my destruction as possible. You see, I was walking away from a relationship I had wasted the last 10 years of my...

Love Stories
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A Male Ass Worship story

I'm naked, hooded, collared, and blindfolded. Master has restrained my arms and legs tightly with His leather cuffs and locked me into a kneeling position. He has me positioned right behind the office chair at the desk in His office; it's the kind that's open at the lower back, making it perfect for tonight's events.Master tells me he's had a busy and stressful week, and is looking forward to having a long, relaxing masturbation session. I'm very happy to hear Him tell me that, since it means...

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Kimberly 20Chapter 16

Tim's turn: So I walk in to find my love sitting at my workstation with her friend, working on wedding invitations. Casey, her friend, is a nice looking young lady, and if she's friends to my Kim, then she's not the normal gum-popping mall rat. She was eye-ball deep in Photoshop, too, talking about typefaces and gradients. I was introduced, said "Hi", then showered and took Kim and Casey to dinner. I kept having a tickle of an idea that Casey looked vaguely familiar. Kim explained to...

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Sailor II

PLEASE REMEMBER THAT ENGLISH IS NOT MY LANGUISH ;SO I USE GOOGLE TRANSLATE TO SOME OFF IT Day 2 after my first meeting with JimI woke up in the morning at 5 am when it was time to get started with the day's work, at that time I was a cook student on board a Danish freighter. and my dough every morning included a bake of fresh bread for the crew  I stretched myself in the bed and felt I was lying on something hard, it was my dildo that I had enjoyed in my asshole when I got home, I thought,...

2 years ago
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The Camping Trip

I’ve known Roger and Pamela for about five years.  I met them not long after moving to southern Oregon.  They introduced me to the wonders of this beautiful part of the country, from the waterfalls to the redwood forests to the coastline.  We spent many camping weekends together along with some of their other friends.  They are in their mid-fifties and are both quite fit.  You’d never know by looking at her that Pamela has borne two boys. There is something about her, in the way she carries...

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The Training Process

Many of the men in my profession successfully train the girls they kidnap, but few ever manage to actually break them. The standard techniques work: keep her drugged and asleep for a few weeks, then use her confused waking mind to assert a new situation and rebuild her assumptions. You can make an obedient servant that way, but a true slave has to want to obey more than anything else. Brainwashing works, but it doesn't stick for long. To break a girl, you need to re-work the incentives in her...

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I already have a raging hard on, and it is only 9pm. I have my clothes for the evening laid out on the bed before me, and my cock, balls and ass are newly shaved. I have decided to wear all black tonight: black lacy panties, bra and suspender belt, sheer black stockings, and a tight black dress that hugs my thighs and ass nicely. On my feet I will wear a pair of black, thin strapped three inch heels.I shake with excitement as I pull on the panties. The tight fitting underwear protrudes like an...

3 years ago
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Chat room slut gets real Chapter1

When you have been going into chat rooms from earlier than the age you are allowed, you develop a lust for different and more extreme, so by 29 I would admit online to desires for older men, black guys and rough gang bangs and dogs!. Jerry was black, 64 and had a silky tongue for role plays and sex fantasy chats. Over three months I don’t know how many chats we had and he had got me off (and vis versa). I sent him pictures initially of me clothed and then topless holiday shots and finally...

4 years ago
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Jennifer Sex GovernessChapter 4

Today would be Jen’s first day with the kids in the mansion’s sex den where they’d start their training. Two king-size beds, large-screen televisions for porn, sex lube and plenty of clean towels awaited. Jen told the children to wear shorts and a t-shirt ... nothing else. She dressed similarly but in a short top that hugged her tits and bared her midriff. Jen wanted her charges to receive a complete sex education. They would begin with a daily classroom-style study of sexual health with...

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My Unconventional LifeChapter 6

It didn’t go very well. Mom took us to the doctor and got us a prescription for the pill. Neither of us was used to taking medicine on a regular basis, and I forgot to take my pills about half the time. Mom checked my packet and saw the extra pills and yelled at me about it. After that, when I forgot to take one, I just flushed it down the toilet so she wouldn’t yell at me. Shannon did the same thing, except she was better about remembering to take hers. It didn’t matter, though, because...

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Food for the AI

He was an idiot, drinking alcohol, trying to chat up girls, basically being just like the other waisted arrogant pricks in their business suits in this bar. His iPhone sticking out of his back pocket, gently I placed my fingers against the plastic phone case and I slid it out of his jeans. It was an iPhone 11 with the three cameras, I would easily get a few hundred dollars for this. A hand around my wrist. His fingers squeezing tightly pulling my hand close to his face. I was still...

1 year ago
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The Picnic

"It's the perfect place for a picnic, I promise you," she said as she grabbed the lunch she had made and stuffed in a grocery bag at home. "Won't the church mind us using their parking lot?" he asked as he glanced toward the church going stragglers chatting by the front walk. "Nah, I'm friends with Pastor Robertson," she said with a cheeky grin as she slung the blanket over her shoulder and turned to wave. A black suited man and his wife waved back cheerily. Then she turned to Glenn...

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