Easter Givings
- 3 years ago
- 31
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My girlfriend, Barb, and I had been going together for a year and were getting pretty serious about living together and were even discussing marriage. We still had separate apartments in Minneapolis but usually spent the weekend at her place. That's where we were when the phone call came.
We had just finished an exhausting session of sheet-rumpling sex on a quiet Sunday morning in her apartment. I was nuzzling Barb's perfectly shaped tits when the damn telephone rang. I continued to nibble on a puckered nipple as she answered the phone with a sultry "Hello."
She sat up and pushed my head away from her delicious mounds as she continued "Hi, Daddy!"
I took the hint that my sexual attentions were not desired when she spoke to her parents. I settled back down on the bed to snooze while she talked with her parents.
"Uh- huh. Yeah. Uh-huh. O.K."
Barb put her hand on my chest and twisted my chest hair in her fingers.
"Yeah, that sounds like fun. We'll be there. See you next week, Daddy. 'Bye."
Alarms started going off in my head. "Who are we going to see?" I asked cautiously.
"We're going to my parents for Easter dinner," Barb responded as she laid her head on my chest and moved her hand down to my groin. My cock responded to the gentle touch of her fingers.
"Your parents?" I croaked. We had just been talking about marriage last night. I wasn't ready to meet anybody's parents. I glanced at the door and the window as I fought the rising panic. I imagined her father bursting into the room to avenge his daughter's despoliation at the hands of a smarmy Don Juan.
Barb grasped my cock and bent down to kiss the head of my half erect member. Visions of avenging fathers fought with anticipations of blowjobs. My cock didn't know whether to get hard or not.
Barb continued to talk between kisses. "Yeah." Kiss. "They invited us for Easter dinner." Kiss. Kiss. "Work is slow for both of us," Kiss. "so I accepted." Kiss. "We can drive down on Thursday." Kiss. "and stay with them over the weekend." Kiss. Kiss. "It'll be fun." She took the head of my erect cock into her mouth. My cock made up my mind for me.
Blow jobs 1, Avenging fathers 0.
I laid back to accepted victory gracefully.
Chapter 2 - On the RoadWe didn't get out of town until late afternoon on Thursday. We wouldn't get to Bismarck until close to midnight. Everything was going wrong with this trip. Doom stalked us as we drove west on I94.
"It's only 450 miles!" Barb had said. "We can be there in less than eight hours."
For those of you who have never done it, driving across the Minnesota prairie in April is boring. It isn't beautiful. It isn't magnificent. It's just plain boring. I had been born and raised in Minneapolis. I had been outside the city only a handful of times and liked things that way. This driving to Bismarck, North Dakota was just plain nuts.
So here we are just passing some signs that point the way to Alexandria. The prairie is flat, brown, and lifeless. The scattered drifts of half melted snow did not add to the beauty of the flat terrain. There are only a few cars on the road in the other lane of the freeway and an occasional semi climbing up my tail pipe to pass me.
I'd run out of things to talk about after only two hours of driving. We had another six hours together in a god-damn car. Barb was asleep. I tried to find something on the radio that wasn't country music, religious, or farm reports. I would never understand how could anybody live out here.
Barb snored so loudly she woke herself up. "Where are we?" she asked.
"Coming up on someplace called Alexandria."
"When you get to first exit for Alex, pull off for gas. I need to go."
Between waiting for Truck drivers and farmers to chat about the fricking weather it took us twenty minutes to get back on the road. Barb didn't even bother getting in the front seat with me. She crawled into the back and began moving our luggage around the back of my Jeep.
After about fifteen minutes Barb climbed over the seat and buckled herself in again.
"There's a rest area just before Fergus Falls." she said, "Pull off there and park at the far end of the lot."
"Why?" I asked a bit more sharply than I intended.
"So we can climb in the back and screw each other on the bed I just made," she said with a wicked smile.
I angled the rearview mirror so that I could see the back of my vehicle. Barb had folded down the back seat and made a bed for us. "How far to Frostbite Falls?" I asked smiling back at Barb. I was getting a hard-on just thinking about the sex that awaited me.
"It's Fergus Falls not Frostbite Falls," she responded. "It's about thirty miles ahead. We should be there just around dark. Make sure you park away from all the lights and I will personally make sure that you get your rocks off in a thoroughly enjoyable way. I've already started undressing for you."
Barb unbuttoned her shirt and flashed her bare tits at me. Then she unzipped her jeans and showed me that she had removed her panties also. She quickly rearranged her clothing as another semi passed us.
I promptly increased our speed by another five miles per hour.
One end of the parking lot was dark when we pulled in. There were only a half dozen cars and semis in the lot when I parked in the shadows between two of the lamp posts.
"It's cold outside so leave the engine running and come on back." Barb climbed over the seat and removed her shirt. She winked at me seductively before throwing the shirt at me and lying down. She raised her legs in the air as she wriggled out of her jeans. She threw them at me and spread her legs obscenely exposing her clean shaven pussy lips to my hungry eyes.
I scrambled over the seat to lie next to Barb on the homemade 'bed' she had made out of a couple sleeping bags and pillows. I had wondered why she wanted to throw them in the back when we were packing for the trip. It didn't look like such a bad idea now.
Barb raised herself on one elbow. "Let me help you get comfy," she said as she unbuttoned my shirt. She continued undressing me until I was as naked as she was. I was horny as hell and ready to fuck right then and there. I tried to roll Barb onto her back but she stopped me.
"Hold it Sam. I want to be on top." Barb positioned her crotch over my mouth and began to suck my cock. I fucked her pussy with my tongue as well as I could. It was difficult to keep my mind on pleasuring her while my cock was buried in her throat. God that woman does know how to suck cock.
Abruptly she pulled her crotch out of reach of my tongue and stopped sucking me. She positioned her crotch right over my cock. She didn't need any additional lubrication as she sank her pussy onto my erection. I fought the urge to come immediately.
I heard a thump as she sat back on her heels followed by a loud "Shit!"
"Are you all right?"
"I bumped my head on the roof. I thought there was more room in these things."
Barb leaned over to dangle her boobs over my chest as she humped herself on my cock. I groaned with delight.
It didn't take long before I was filling her wet pussy with cum. She sat up as she reached down to her crotch to rub her clit and bring herself to orgasm. She bumped her head on the roof again eliciting another annoyed "Shit!"
I could feel her fingers working on her clit as my cock shrank back to normal size. It only took her a couple of minutes to orgasm.
She collapsed onto my chest.
I pulled one of the sleeping bags over us and we fell asleep while we cuddled.
A sharp rap on the window brought me awake.
I looked toward the windshield and was blinded by the spotlight that lit the interior of my car. When I managed to get the side window open I saw what I dreaded. A state patrol car was parked beside my Jeep.
"Shit!" I muttered to myself. "Can I help you officer?"
The patrolman redirected his flashlight to my face. It was like looking directly at the sun. I tried to shield my eyes with my hand.
"You've been here for almost an hour, sir. Is everything all right?
"Yes, officer. I was getting tired so I pulled off to take a nap."
"Well, you're not supposed to sleep here, sir. If you're tired, I suggest that you pull off at the Fergus Falls exit and check into a motel. May I see some ID?"
The flashlight swept the interior while I tried to find my pants. Barb's nipples were barely covered by the sleeping bag. Thank god I had opted for the tinted windows. I tried to pull the sleeping bag over Barb's chest as inconspicuously as possible while I handed my driver's license to the patrolman.
He looked at if for a minute. While he was comparing the picture to my face, I heard his car radio squawk some unintelligible message. It must have meant something to the patrolman however because he suddenly handed me my license and snapped off his flashlight. "Sir, I suggest you get on the road in the next fifteen minutes. If you need to 'nap' anymore tonight, pull off and check into a motel."
"Thank you officer. I will."
The patrolman hustled to his car and started talking to someone with his radio.
I shook Barb's shoulder. "Get dressed," I hissed. "We've got fifteen minutes to get out of Dodge."
I got dressed and headed to the bathroom while Barb was looking for her clothes. When I got back to my Jeep the patrolman started his car. I got in and turned on the lights. Barb was sitting in the passenger seat wrapped in one of the sleeping bags.
"I hope you're dressed under that," I said. I didn't need her to flash her tits at an already irritated state trooper. She opened the bag to show me her shirt.
The patrolman followed me to the freeway entrance. I turned into the westbound ramp while he took the eastbound ramp.
We drove in silence until I saw the exit for Frostbite Falls. I glanced a billboard that advertised an all night restaurant. I needed a caffeine fix. I pulled off to get some coffee.
While I was waiting for my order, I gave serious consideration to taking the eastbound ramp when we got back on the road. This trip was already going badly. I never liked driving all that much and we still had about four more hours ahead of us. We wouldn't be in Bismarck until close to midnight.
Barb started laughing when I got back in the car. That eastbound entrance looked better and better.
"What's so damn funny?"
"You should have seen the look on your face while you were scrambling around trying to find your clothes! It was hilarious!" She dissolved into laughter.
I fumed at the indignity of being laughed at for a few minutes and then started laughing with her. It had turned out all right. Nobody was going to jail for having sex in a public place. I just had to make sure it didn't happen again.
Three and half hours later I had decided that driving in Minnesota in April was exciting. When compared to a night drive across North Dakota in April it was down right heart stopping.
North Dakota was a lot like Minnesota. Only flatter. Fewer trees. Fewer people. More desolate. The people who lived here had to be crazy. Or maybe they just became crazy by living here.
Barb and I talked almost non-stop since getting back on the highway. We discussed almost every subject under the sun as we covered the mile after mile of bleak prairie. The more we talked the more I was convinced that I wanted to spend my life with her. The trip was not a disaster. It provided us with a chance to really learn a lot about each other. The miles seemed to fly by in the cold black wilderness.
From time to time the low-hanging clouds on the horizon would begin to glow. As we drew closer the glow would grow a little brighter and eventually the bright lights of street lamps and houses would stand out like diamonds on the low hills off to one side of the freeway. Then suddenly the sky ahead would turn back into a colorless black mass. Eventually another blob of light would appear on the horizon and repeat the sequence. In between those isolated islands of light, nothing existed outside of our hospitable bubble of climate- controlled comfort and that endless white ribbon of concrete.
Chapter 3 - Coming Into TownThe first billboards announcing motels in Bismarck appeared. Only thirty more miles.
Barb leaned over to kiss my cheek. "There's a rest area about ten miles before Bismarck. Pull off so I can go potty."
I leered at her. "Is that all you want to do?" I asked suggestively.
She grinned back at me. "Maybe."
I sped up a little.
There was no one in the parking lot. Not even a semi. I couldn't even see headlights on the highway.
The temperature was below freezing outside. The wind sucked the heat out of every exposed piece of skin. Barb and I held hands as we sprinted from the car to the bathrooms. I kissed her at the door. She pushed me away after only a few seconds.
"It's too cold out here. Wait until were back in the car."
We both finished our business and ran back to the car. The parking lot was still empty except for my Jeep. I started the car and Barb and I resumed kissing as we warmed up.
"Move your seat all the way back," said Barb breathily as she reached for my zipper.
She didn't have to ask me twice.
Barb was as good as always. Despite having one orgasm only a few hours earlier, she soon had me on the verge of another one.
"I'm going to cum," I gasped. Barb usually got a towel at this point and let me shoot my wad into that. This time she sucked harder.
Just as I started to cum a semi pulled into the lot. I was too preoccupied to care. I was filling Barb's mouth with semen and that was all that mattered.
She kept my cock in her mouth as my erection began to subside. I stroked her hair as I recovered from the orgasm.
The driver of the truck walked past us on his way to the bathroom. He glanced my way. I thought there was a chance that he wouldn't see what was going on but he grinned broadly and gave me a thumbs up.
Barb finally sat up. "You came pretty quick. Care to return the favor?"
"Uhh, not right now. We have company." I gestured towards the semi that was idling a couple dozen yards down the lot.
"Poop." Barb truly looked disappointed. "Well I have to get my bra back on before we pull into town. Can you get it for me? It's in my overnight bag way at the back."
I looked towards the back of the Jeep. It would be easier to get out and open the tailgate to get the bag. I sighed and went out into the cold night once more.
At least the bra was right on top.
Barb had her shirt off by the time I got back in. The trucker got an eyeful of Barb's breasts as he walked back to his truck. He grinned even more broadly at both of us and gave both of us a thumbs up sign. I smiled back weakly. Barb stuck out her tongue and adjusted her breasts in the cups of her bra.
She unzipped her jeans and pushed them down to her knees. "Sure you don't want to have a little pussy snack before we get back on the road?"
I reached over to caress her clean shaven pussy lips. "Sweety, I would love to lick you to a toe curling orgasm. Unfortunately we still have an audience and I don't want to put on a show with you. I'll take care of you when we're in bed."
Barb frowned. She pulled her panties and jeans back up in silence. I had the feeling she wanted to say something but was reluctant for some reason. She finally broke the silence as she zipped up her jeans.
"You know, Sam, my parents are pretty conservative."
"Yeah. You've told me that."
"Well, my dad thinks it's a sin for people to have sex before they're married."
"You've told me that, too. What are you trying not to say?"
"We can't sleep together at my parents house."
"I didn't think we could. I wouldn't insult your father by suggesting that we should."
Barb let out a sigh of relief.
"That's why I made a reservation for us at a motel. We'll stop at your parent's house to say hello and then go to the motel to sleep. It took me almost six hours of calling around to find a room. There must be a dozen conventions in town this weekend."
"Well, the thing is, my parents are expecting us to stay with them. Me in my old room and you in my brother's room."
"We'll just tell them that we don't want them to go to any extra effort and make a polite goodbye."
"Actually, I told them that we wanted to stay with them."
I closed my eyes and practiced my breathing exercises. It was already Friday morning. That means that we would just have to sleep apart three nights. In the same house. Just a few doors apart. I could do this. I loved this woman. I wanted to marry her. It was only three nights.
I smiled and kissed her. "That's O.K., dear. We can control our sexual appetites for a few nights. Sex will be all the sweeter when we get back to the Cities. It's much more important that we spend some time with your family." I waited for the lightning to strike the car. Nobody could lie so much in so few sentences and not be struck dead.
Barb kissed my hand. "Thank you for being so understanding, Sam. I was worried that you would be upset at having to spend the weekend at my parents house."
"Well, I am disappointed, of course. But I love you. I'm willing to whatever I need to do to make this weekend special for you."
"Oh, you're the best, honey." Barb kissed me again. For a long time. I was already starting to recover. Maybe we could find a motel on the way home. For a couple hours or so.
"Let's get going, dear. You're parents are waiting for us."
I backed out of the parking space and headed for the highway.
I used my cell phone to call the motel and cancel our reservation. They told me I still had to pay for the first night and I said that was fine. Another lie wasn't going to kill me.
Chapter 4 - Meet the parentsBarb's parents lived in a huge house overlooking the Bismarck Country Club golf course. The place looked like one of those suburban homes that one would see in old sitcoms. The house was huge. The view was spectacular even at night. The clouds were starting to break up and the quarter moon glistened off the remaining snow banks that dotted the golf course. Off to east the lights of the city stretched to the horizon.
It felt great to be back in a city. Any city. Even this one. Thank god I'm not a country boy.
Barb ran to the door while I got the bags out of the Jeep. Her parents had the door open before she got to the top step.
I held the bags at the bottom of the stairs while they hugged and kissed and asked how everybody was. They had talked on the phone only ten minutes earlier when we took the exit for Bismarck. We probably would have stood there for another thirty minutes if I hadn't spoken up.
"Where can I put these bags down, Barb?"
"Oh, I'm sorry, Sam. Daddy, Mommy, this is Sam. Sam this is my Dad, Jack, and my Mom, Helen."
I put down my suitcase and shook hands. "How do you, Mr. Johnson, Mrs. Johnson. It's very nice to finally meet you. Thank you for inviting me to spend the weekend with your family."
"Oh, you're more than welcome, Sam," said Mrs. Johnson. "Barb's told us so much about you, that you're like one of the family."
"You certainly are, Sam. Let the boy come in, Helen. It's cold out here and the kids have been driving for hours."
Mr. Johnson grabbed one of the suitcases and we all went inside. The house was just as nice inside as it was outside. Very spacious and very lush. The Johnson's definitely had money.
"Follow me, Sam. I'll show you where to put the suitcases."
"Sure thing, Mr. Johnson."
"Call me Jack. Everybody does."
"Sure, Jack."
I followed Jack up the stairs and down a hallway. He opened the first door on the left. "This will be your room, Sam. It's really Billy's room, but he's away at college."
I squeezed past Jack and put down my bag. "Thank you."
Jack was still standing in the doorway when I turned around. "I'm not sure how to say this, Sam, so I guess the best way is to be blunt. I expect a certain level of morality from my guests. This is a Christian home with Christian people living in it. I don't know what you and Barb do back in Minneapolis and frankly I don't want to know. But here in my house, I expect you to be respectful of me and my standards."
"I understand completely, Jack. Barb and I already discussed this. While we're in your house we will not do anything that might make you regret inviting me. You have my word."
Jack looked at me for a long time. I began to think that he hadn't believed me. He finally spoke.
"Good. I'm glad you see things my way. I'm sure we'll get along. Barb's room is across the hall."
Jack opened the door across the hall from my room and set down Barb's suitcase.
"The bathroom is right next to your room. There's a connecting door from your room and there's a door in the hallway. Rhonda's room also connects to the bathroom so be sure to knock before you open the door from your room, and you should lock the doors while you're in there. Now let's go downstairs and join the girls."
Barb and Helen were sitting at the kitchen table drinking herbal tea and chatting about people I had never heard of. So and so was pregnant again. Someone was getting married and someone else was getting divorced. The typical stuff that makes a newcomer feel like an outsider.
Barb was a virtual carbon copy of her mother. Perhaps a shade taller but the same build and shape. Both were just a little over five feet tall, slender, blonde, and very little excess fat. Even the hair was styled similarly.
Jack was built like a Viking. Slightly taller than Helen but broad shouldered and all muscle. He might be managing a construction company now, but he still looked like he could build a home all by himself.
My eyes were starting to feel like they were filled with sand. I tried to stifle a yawn and failed miserably. A glance at the clock told me it was almost one in the morning. Barb and I had been up for twenty hours. My sleep-deprived mind could not think of a polite way to say I wanted to go to bed. Jack rescued me.
"It's time for bed Helen. You can gossip about the neighbors tomorrow."
"But Rhonda will be home soon."
"She has her own key. She can let herself in. If we go to bed now you can get up in time to make breakfast for us all."
I took Barb's hand and said, "Let me walk you to your door, Barb." If Jack and Helen wanted to talk about Rhonda I thought it best to get Barb out of the room. In the past Barb had gotten quite testy when we had talked about Rhonda. I don't know what the problem was between Barb and her younger sister Rhonda. I had a feeling that I would find out at some inappropriate time and I dreaded the prospect.
We listened to Helen talk to Jack all the way upstairs. She wanted to wait up. Jack wanted to go to bed. Jack wasn't giving and inch and Helen wasn't giving up.
"Do they go on like that all the time?" I asked Barb.
"This is just a mild difference of opinion about an unimportant matter. Wait till you hear them talk about politics."
"No thanks. I'll be somewhere else that day."
We stopped outside Barb's bedroom. We kissed passionately for almost a minute. The sound of the discussion got louder as Jack and Helen came upstairs. I quickly moved my hands from Barb's ass to a more modest part of her back.
I broke off kissing Barb when I heard Helen giggle. Jack did not look pleased.
"I was just saying goodnight to Barb, Mr. J... Jack. Goodnight Barb. I'll see you in the morning."
Barb took my face in her hands and kissed me on the lips one more time. "Goodnight dear. Sweet dreams."
Barb opened her bedroom door. "G'night Mom. G'night Daddy."
"Goodnight dear," said Helen.
"Goodnight Sam," said Jack pointedly.
"Goodnight, Jack, Helen. Goodnight Barb. I'll see you in the morning." I opened my door and escaped into my bedroom. I muttered to my self as I shut the bedroom door, 'Even with all this Walden mountain goodnights this is going to be a tense weekend.'
Chapter 5 - Things get WierdI generally don't wear anything to bed but decided that for modesty's sake I should at least wear under-shorts while I was staying with the Johnson's. I stripped off all but my shorts and crawled into bed. I fell asleep almost immediately.
I woke up some time later when I felt my covers being pulled off. Barb had done this back in the Cities when she had worked late and come over to my apartment instead of going home. She would take my cock into her mouth and rouse me from sleep with a middle of the night blowjob. I felt a hand fumble at the fly of my shorts and pull out my half erect cock. It was almost pitch black in the room. I could barely make out the slightly lighter rectangle of the window.
"Jeez, Barb, stop that," I whispered. "If anybody hears us we'll both be kicked out."
Barb didn't say anything. She wrapped her lips around my rapidly inflating member and started giving me another blowjob. I put my hands on her head with some thoughts that I would just push her away from my groin. Instead I caressed her hair and cheek as she sucked my cock deeper into her throat.
If Jack and Helen had walked in with a gun, I would have held Barb's head on my cock until she was done. Even after two orgasms in one day I was ready for another. Fuck Jack and Helen. Barb had my nuts aching with desire to shoot another load. It didn't take long.
My bucking hips caused her to choke as I started cumming. I stifled my groans of pleasure as my cum poured into Barb's throat.
Once again Barb sucked down every drop of jism. I liked her new approach to blowjobs and hoped she would continue to swallow instead of spit.
I lay in a pool of sweat and enjoyed the sweet sensations of my third climax in less than twelve hours. Barb tucked my cock back into my shorts.
I barely noticed her stand as she pulled the covers back over my body. I fumbled for her crotch to repay the orgasm but she brushed my hand away. That wasn't like her at all. She bent down to kiss me on the lips. I could smell my cum on her breath. I never had liked that smell in the past but coming from her it wasn't that bad. I could even taste my cum as her tongue probed between my lips and my tongue entered her mouth.
Then she was gone. I heard the door shut quietly as she left the room. I drifted off to sleep again.
The next morning I shook off the disorientation of waking up in a strange bed. Sunlight was just illuminating the wall opposite the window. Back to reality. I wondered if I had only dreamed about Barb sneaking in to give me a blow-job. I'd have to ask her when we were alone.
I remembered to knock on the bathroom door before opening it. Just to be safe I knocked once more before opening the door and looking in. Thank god it was empty.
I stood over the toilet bowl and pissed. I closed my eyes as my bladder emptied itself. The sensation of that first mornings piss was almost as good as an orgasm. I just hoped we had been quiet enough that Rhonda and her parents didn't think I was a sex maniac.
"Oops, excuse me."
My eyes jerked open just in time to see the door to the other bedroom close. I had forgotten to snap the lock on the door. Barb's sister Rhonda had just gotten a good look at me pissing. Great. Now I was an exhibitionist as well as a sex maniac.
After washing my hands I knocked softly on Rhonda's door and quietly said "Bathroom's open."
A voice almost like Barb's came through the door. "Thanks."
I heard the bed-springs squeak as Rhonda got out of bed. I checked that her door was unlocked and quickly fled to my room.
After dressing I headed downstairs to the aroma of brewing coffee and sizzling bacon. Barb's bedroom door was open and her room was empty so I assumed that she was helping her mother get breakfast ready.
I was partly correct. Helen was cooking and Barb was drinking coffee while she watched her mother cook. Barb hadn't dressed yet. She was wearing the terrycloth robe that I had given her for a Valentines present. I smiled as I remembered the many ways she had thanked me for the present. I fought the urge to slip my hands inside the robe to cup her breasts. I settled for giving her a quick kiss on the cheek. "I need to talk to you in private ASAP." I whispered into her ear.
Barb gave a quick nod of her head. "Good morning, honey. Breakfast will be ready soon. Let me show you the garden. It's warmed up since last night but will be raining soon."
Barb took my hand and led me to the back door.
"Barb, it's too cold to go outside without shoes," objected Helen.
"I'll be fine, Mom. I'm wearing slippers and we'll just be a minute."
Barb closed the door behind us. She started pointing at the various things in the backyard as she spoke. "What's wrong Sam? You sounded worried."
This is a continuing work of fiction. Any resemblance to actual people or situations is purely coincidental. Easter Break Part 2 ? by: Lisa Elizabeth The next week went by so slowly! Eventually, Thursday finished and we started Easter Vacation. Mom had Janet and I go with her on Friday to pick up our outfits for Easter Sunday. Janet and Mom had matching dresses in a pale yellow. Another holiday of me being jealous because of the outfits Mom and Janet have to wear! They also had...
Posted on March 6, 2021 by sexycoolboii April Johnson woke up from a dead sleep, sitting up quickly in bed. Something had woken her up, although she wasn’t sure what. It was like the whole world had been shaken, pulling her from her sleep. But now, as she looked around her room, all was silent and still. She got out of bed and walked over to the window, somehow certain that whatever had awoken her came from outside. Her lacy pink bra and panties clung to her young body, her dark hair hanging...
The adventures of Beth and Aaron continue...Easter Weekend in Lockwinnock Part 2Beth stirred in the bed. There was noise in the kitchen and the smell of fresh brewed coffee. She slowly stretched and drew back the covers. Sitting up she found her terry robe neatly folded at the end of the bed and her slippers at her bedside. Beth slipped them on her feet and smiled. The touch of the soft sheepskin against her toes brought back the memory of the night before. Her left hand involuntarily caressed...
Easter in LochwinnochThe BMW turned onto the 737 and headed southwest towards the sunset. Aaron turned up the heat in the seats and his passenger burrowed into his shoulder. They were heading to Lochwinnoch to spend the Easter long weekend at his cottage just off the golf course. The cottage had been in the family for over 200 years. When the golf course had been constructed the crofter’s cottage, which overlooked the 15th fairway, had been left in tact. It was part of the agreement between...
As I lay back in my seat on the plane taking me back home I looked out of the window and thought back to my night of Easter passion, my legs were still shaking, oh boy it was sure a good Easter had by all I can tell you! It all started when I landed at the airport around 9am Saturday morning. As I came out of the airport he was stood leaning up against his car waiting for me, so tall and handsome wow tight blue jeans, black shirt and a white straw hat, what can I tell you? I was in heaven, my...
Introduction: I get a call in the small hours of Easter morning from my best friends daughter. Shes stuck at a frat party with two of her friends and is getting scared. I rush to help her out and find them drunk and all dressed in bunny outfits. Easter used to mean chocolate candy eggs laid by a magic bunny. But that was when I was a kid. Now it was just a Sunday that I got to sleep in for. I was deep into doing just that when my cell phone woke me up far earlier that I would have liked, even...
http://xhamster.com/user/kellykins2uhttp://xhamster.com/photos/view/1036040-49986037.htmlIt’s a lovely Easter morning in the park and everyone has come out for the yearly Easter Egg Hunt. I have been waiting for this day all winter. I see you across the park. You are in a thin sundress that clings to your body like a second skin. As the k**s run off to find the hidden eggs I work my way over to you and grab your hand pulling you aside. I bring you in to a small stand of trees and bushes that no...
It was Easter, my family always got up early in the morning and celebrated. Me and my 16 year old twin sister would get up and find pre- hidden eggs. Well that was the day that it all went south if you know what I mean. My sister is my twin, not identical but still my twin. She was about 5' 3'' and had long beautiful brown hair, and from my guess, B cup breasts. Yes her breasts were small, but they fit just perfect with her petite hips, small waste, and her face could put a model out...
IncestEaster Mannequins on Mars By Paul G. Jutras "The next clue will bring you to a chocolate bunny in a place that deals with time." John's clue came over loud and clear in the plastic spies' heads. "I know where that is!" The girls all squealed as they took off. Samantha, Tina, Kim and Christine went together into a lab while the others had gone elsewhere. Inside the lab, Professor Arthur Willis was working on a possible time machine. "We'll win the company...
1 Miranda was not amused by Carolyn's teasing. "I should give you a spank for that!" she said, harshly. "You'd like that too much. Would I have to take all my clothes off and stand there naked while you decided if you were going to use your hand or a switch?" Carolyn teased. "Now that's a great idea," said Miranda, warming to the thought. "Of course, I have an idea what I'd see, but there's nothing like seeing in the flesh," she said, with a leering grin. "I think my hand is...
"Hurry up or you'll be late, daddy." Why do I let my daughter get me into these things? I didn't want to play the Easter Bunny, on the Sunday of the big game. I wanted to be sitting on the sofa, feet up, popcorn and munchies at the ready with my favorite beverage, cold, on the table. Instead, I'd be sweltering inside of an old smelly flea-bitten rabbit suit, passed down from volunteer to volunteer never getting cleaned or deodorized in the process. I drove to Hayes Park, parked, and...
So me and Peggy finished showering and grabbed something to eat. We were going through Easter decorations while sitting on the couch. Peggy was complaining about her ass not feeling right. I offered to take a look. Since i was kinda joking, I didnt expect Peggy to drop her shorts and bend over and spread em!! Peggys ass and pussy just inches from my face. So I grabbed her cheeks and spread them, looking for anything odd. Nothing seemed off, so i poked and pushed around seeing if anything was...
This is a continuing work of fiction. Any resemblance to actual people or situations is purely coincidental. Easter Break Part 3 ? by: Lisa Elizabeth As soon as my Mom and sister disappeared, I stopped waving and turned back toward Donna Anne and Janet Lynn. "Let's go see what my Mom is doing in the kitchen," said Donna Anne. "I'm sure we can get a snack there." All three of us walked into the kitchen and there was Mrs. Jones taking a bowl from the cabinet. She looked at...
A letter from Abigail to her best friend, Danni. Abigail is married to a sailor, has no children, and frequently lives alone waiting for him to return home. Danni is married and has one son, Peter, aged 17. "Dear Danni, Danni my love, I told you I had an idea for an Easter Bunny costume to wear for Freddy when he comes home on leave at Easter. Well, here is how our dear friend Samantha helped me create something. I'll save it 'til he's been at home for several days, and when I...
I tried my best to stay calm and pleasant, fixing my best hundred dollar smile as I imagined all the ways that I could hurt Emily Schroeder, my sorority chapter president. My heels, for example, would make an absolutely lovely sound as I drove them through her open toed sadals. Ha! That spoiled Yankee princess would never know what hit her. But no, I was a Nice Girl, and some obnoxious strumpet wasn’t going to ruin my Easter weekend. I was going to show her what true Southern congeniality...
"Uncle Dave?" said a familiar young female voice on the other end over some loud music in the background. "Jessie? Why are you calling me at this hour?" I couldn't fathom why my best friend's daughter was calling me. I'd known her for her whole life, so she's always called me uncle, even though we aren't actually related. I knew she had my number for emergencies, so I sat up and started to worry. "Are you alright?" "Yea, but my boyfriend ditched me and some of my friends...
So Peggy, my wifes sister, is still staying at our house. It was time for us to get Easter decorations ready while wifey was at work. I needed a hand so I went to wake Peggy up. I walked into the guest bedroom and pulled her covers down, realizing Peggy sleeps naked. She was sleeping on her stomach facing away from me, legs slightly spread. I was still a little dark in the room so I couldnt see her asshole or ginch, but i knew where they were. I grabbed her ass cheeks and spread them apart, and...
Any resemblance to actual persons or occurrences is purely coincidental. This is a work of FICTION! Easter Break: Part One By Lisa Elizabeth The memories from my 'Winter Fun' weekend still lingered as the snow melted and the daffodils started blooming. Spring was here! That meant my birthday was coming and I would soon be ten years old. I was sitting outside on our front porch, just looking at the spring flowers, when I remembered something very important. I would be going...
At the Annual Easter Dinner at Sun Valley Country Club in Idaho, they regularly bring in an orchestra that mostly plays music from The Big Band Era. Fortunately, I went to two years of Cotillion as a youth, so when they started to play, I quickly got up and asked my lovely mother, Jo, short for Josephine and we had a blast in the space there was to dance in. During the light applause, Jeff, my dad and Mo, my sister came up and tapped in. Mo is short for Maureen, and we danced together. Except...
This is based on a story about me, the author and is a reflection of me in size and style. Nick was 19 and at college in England. He’d lived there for 7 years after emigrating with his family. He was small at 5”7 and only 60 kg. He was very slim and was a great looker, although quite feminine. He used to run for the school so was fit as well and had several girlfriends in the past few years but none of them were stable. He’d always had a fetish of black silk stockings and whenever he had sex,...
GayHaving been a particularly cold and dark winter I agreed instantly to Linda's suggestion that we find some sun somwhere for a week or so. To seal the deal Linda reminds me that she is always super sexual when we are away and in sunnier climes.We had been there for a couple of days and the weathr was warmer but notthe super hot we had been hoping for. That was until the third day when the sun was ot and there wasn't a cloud in the sky. Linda liked to wear the least amount of clothes possible...
Caroline groans lightly and turns herself around facing me. There was just enough room, for me to lean back on one worktop and Caroline to rest her bum against the other. I looked at granny Caroline's body and looked down at my hard cock, which was level with her pussy. I looked up at granny Caroline and she smiled at me then before I had chance to do anything she grabbed my bum and pulled me against her. As she pulled me against her, I felt the tip of my cock slip into her pussy and I looked...
I was sat at home watching tv with my wife after having Lunch, when the phone rang. My wife answered it, and told me to pop over to Granny Caroline as her washing machine was leaking. Caroline only lived 2 doors up from our house. I got up and went over to Granny Caroline's house and walked round to the back door, as her kitchen was round the back of her house. I looked thro the window and Caroline was leant looking out of the window, still on the phone to my wife(her Granddaughter), so I let...
Pretty much we stayed in bed all Sunday afternoon, kissing, talking and listening to music. The morning was so beautifully intense. It was raining outside and cold outside my comforter. He was warm and gentle. I remember him gently kiss my stomach and how it was driving me insane. He would slowly rub his hands across my nipples above my shirt and gently squeeze them. I remember us laying side by side and how I took his hand and put it underneath my shirt so he could caress my breast. He did and...
We all have a certain type of babe who suits our taste just perfectly, right? From the color of their hair to their ethnicity or whatever the fuck else you might have in mind. Well, that is why I am here to talk about r/MiddleEasternHotties/, and I am sure you know what that means without me having to specify it. But, that does not mean that I shall not tell you more about the subreddit in general.Of course, r/MiddleEasternHotties/ is seen as a NSFW subreddit, so if you were hoping for nudity...
Reddit NSFW ListThe first thing Sarah noticed was how thin Jennifer was; her wide red belt tightly buckled around her waist. Her eyes then made their way up from her belt to her firm breasts, and then to her face. It was the face that stopped her cold. Chiseled, the sort of features that only result from hours in the gym. Finally she reached her eyes. They were deep and brown and would be easy to get lost in. She stared into them for several seconds oblivious to any idea that her gaze was being returned. Then...
LesbianAnnie stood before the ‘Action’ section at Suncoast Video with a frown on her face. In her hands were all of the Terminator DVD’s. Looking down at them she muttered to herself, ‘Well, it’s not what I’d want for my birthday, but if this is what Paul wants, then this what Paul gets!’ Its not that Annie didn’t like action movies. She had pretty much been a tomboy while growing up. As a kid, she played basketball and hockey, mostly against boys, and had held her own, too. Heck, she’s probably gone...
"I'm home, Mama!" called Eleni. "Hey sweetie, I'm in the kitchen!" came the reply. The raven haired college student dropped her overnight bag in the doorway, tossed her laundry bag down the basement stairs and went to greet her mother. "Mmmm, that smells great!" she said, hugging her mother from behind. "Thanks, baby. I want dinner tonight to be special," she declared. She gave her daughter a peck on the cheek and turned back to the stove top. "What's so special about...
There is no sex in this story, hence non-erotic. It is a short story but I hope you find it to be a good read. * I was sitting on the couch watching a ball game when I knew something was up. My twin thirteen year old daughters came in the room smiling and each sat beside me. ‘Ok girls, what are you two up to now?’ Kerry and Sherry were the loves of my life. When I talk to them they often talk at the same time and even finish each others sentences. They have double teamed me for years...
It was Friday and I was just finishing up at the office. As I was about ready to leave the office my husband Jon called me and asked if it was OK to bring a friend home for dinner. It was kind of odd as he had never really done that before. We’d had friends over but usually we would discuss it ahead of time and make plans together. This was different. I asked who the friend was and Jon just said it was someone from work. I thought I knew all his work friends. Not quite sure what was...
Alexa Chapter 8: Guess Who's Coming to Dinner? The next few weeks saw me adapt to more of the role of Alexa. I started to dress more androgynously in public. Slowly bringing Alexa to the forefront. And it didn't go unnoticed. Not only did both Jenny and Katie make comment on it, but so did the two idiots Brandon and Steve. Walking down the hall one day wearing a pair of skinny jeans and a semi crop top I ran into the two meatheads coming back from class. "Nice look Quinn. What...
"Mr. President, the Swiss Ambassador is calling. Are you free to accept his call, Sir?" "Of course, Mrs. Tompkins. Please put him through, and if possible, will you see that I'm not disturbed? Thank you." Acting President Aaron Bronstein motioned for his ever-present Secret Service minder to leave him alone in the Oval Office, while he answered the telephone. "Jacques, what a pleasure! It was only last week that we enjoyed a lovely evening together! How may I help the Swiss today, my...
This is a true story of how my wife and I got to learn and enjoy sex and come out of our shell. The Boss over for dinner The knock on the door heralded the Boss( also a good mate) and his Wife's arrival for dinner. I opened the door and was surprised to find Jim standing there alone. “ Sorry, but Anne has one of her headaches so I hope you don't mind won't be...
A WASP LISTENS TO HIS WIFE AT DINNER By Rhayna Tera, copyright 2020 Warning: If you don't like reading Fiction Mania stories, then stop reading now. Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, locales, and incidents are used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. RT THE RESTAURANT Randolph Cartier the Third drove his black S-Class Mercedes up to...
"I don't care how you do it, just get it done!" The phone landed with a rattle back in the cradle. "How old is he - three?" Nate exploded, slamming himself back in his leather chair, running both hands through his already messy curls. Nathaniel Walker was having a bad day and it was only 11:45 am. It had started out fairly good for a Friday. Traffic had been excellent and for the first time in God only knows when, he made it to work by 7:30 am. Paperwork that had been sitting in his...
A gentle sea breeze caresses me as a light appears in the distance, piercing the dark night. Some time later it is directly abreast; I see the ship glowing with lights and hear the faint sound of music. I spot a person waving at our ship—maybe even at me. Minutes pass and the light turns to a glow in the distance and then disappears. I reflect whether that waving person could have been the one—my best friend, my lover, my world. I will never know the answer—we were two ships passing in the...
As I wash the dishes with a smile on my face thinking about how successful dinner was and the the****utic swaying of the trees moving back and forth gently pushed back and forth by the kiss of the wind. I begin to her the ever present tap and squeak of the mattress and head board in the bed room Just a few minutes ago our neighbor Joe as well as my wife and myself where enjoying a nice meal and some wine. Joe has “been coming over for dinner” for about six months now. We see him every 3 weeks...
I’m one lucky man. I’ve always had a HUGE sex drive. As a teen I would jack off at least three times a day and during summer vacation it would double that. I would pull on my 8” dick while reading the supposedly real life stories in nudie magazines. The pictures were great, but reading the stories allowed me to put myself into the explicit sexual situations. More than once I wished that I could find a girl that would join me in erotic adventures, if the opportunity ever arose. After multiple...
BisexualCheryl freely indulges her desires for other men, while at the same time, she insists that I remain absolutely faithful. Some people might think that Cheryl doesn't truly love me but as a matter of fact she says she couldn't have dreamed up a more ideal marriage, what with the freedom to act out her kinkiest fantasies with other men, but with the security of a faithful, loving husband waiting patiently at home.As for me, this variation on the traditional marriage suits me perfectly. Part of it...
After Abbie’s night in Abigail’s Room before showering Thursday morning, Tim removes the cockcage from Abbie’s clit. It isn’t that bad wearing one, Abbie realizes. However, the extra weight and pull make it a bit confining.Tim takes care for Abbie so gently in the shower she knows it is in response to what he had to do last night. Tears again start to form in her eyes, remembering it was her misbehavior that made that have to happen. She hugs Tim tightly.As he drops Abbie off to work in the...
TransDave and Larry "worked" all day at Larry's place. Larry made Dave strip and service his cock. Larry worked on Dave’s ass, putting in a bigger butt plug and making Dave keep it in while making him sit down in front of Larry and lick his balls. Larry had Dave get them both beers, and the fun continued. Larry placed a cock ring on Dave and saw the effect the day had been having on his friend - his cock was hard, and precum was leaking out all over the place. Larry made Dave lick up all his mess...
BisexualI had a friend years ago that I used to play squash with Tom was one of those guys that seemed to be permanently single, he had occasional girlfriends but that was all. He wasn't gay or anything but liked his own company as a committed bachelor, I think he was frightened of the word commitment as far as women were concerned.Anne used to get on well with him when they met but he knew nothing of our sex life as apart from our weekly squash game we didn't socialise that much apart from the odd get...
Starring Beautiful Colossally-Cleavaged Hilda Humper, Her Balloon-Breasted Daughter Harriet And Her Well Hung Son, Henry In: "Guess Who's Cumming To Dinner." Thanks to Victor C Nathan for the use of his wonderful characters All characters in the story are aged 18 or over Part 1 "Kids!" Hilda called up the stairs to her two teenage children. "Lunch is ready!" Then she stood back to avoid the stampede that would follow. Henry was first down the stairs - a tall, strapping lad...
There is no sex in this story, hence non-erotic. It is a short story but I hope you find it to be a good read. I was sitting on the couch watching a ball game when I knew something was up. My twin thirteen year old daughters came in the room smiling and each sat beside me. "Ok girls, what are you two up to now?" Kerry and Sherry were the loves of my life. When I talk to them they often talk at the same time and even finish each others sentences. They have double teamed me for years knowing...
Dinner with Sam and Sandy turned out to be a bust for Mike and Lena. They had hoped the young couple would come back to their chalet for some after-dinner fun. Instead, they said their goodbyes and went their own way. Mike and Lena spent some time in the bar but never found any suitable playmates for the night. They finally gave up and went back to their chalet.A little later, they were curled up on the bed, Lena in a shorty baby doll nightgown and Mike in his boxer briefs. They had been...
AnalIt was a pretty normal Friday evening dinner, at least most of it. My mother-in-law was visiting and we wanted to take her out to a nice dinner. She likes Italian and so do my wife and I (especially lasagna), so we decided on Casa Mia in Kennewick.The dinner was going exceptionally well; the food was great, the service wonderful, and the atmosphere is very classic Italian. The restaurant is even owned by an Italian couple, and they’d gone all out to make the restaurant ‘Italy’.We were nearly...
CheatingSince people have enjoyed my first story, I've decided to write more. Thanks to everyone who commented on it for their support. I enjoy hearing from readers. This is continued from my first story "My First Pet" and follows from where that left off. Again, please give any comments and I hope you enjoy. After what had happened a few moments ago, I was almost dancing round the kitchen as I prepared dinner. I was ecstatic, I couldn't believe things had gone as well as they had. My beautiful Jane...
LesbianOn Thursday at dinner, Lisa asked me if it would be okay if she invited Kathy over for barbeque on Saturday night. I said sure and asked Lisa what she wanted for the menu (I am the barbeque chef) . She said she wanted my secret recipe ribs. (Its hardly a secret, I marinate the heck out of them in what is mostly bourbon. The chef usually does a little marinating himself!) Kathy is a long time, very close friend of Lisa's and is a fairly regular guest at our house. In addition to being very nice...
Late in the evening I came out of my room for dinner in the nearby hotel which was hardly a ten minutes walk from my room. When I was just putting locks on the door, the neighborhood Bhabhi turned up and asked for a favor. She wanted me to bring some items for dinner as no one was at her house that evening she did not feel good for cooking. I was in a jolly good mood and so said I sure will bring her the items she wanted but will she give me company on my dinner table? She readily agreed. When...
Read previous chapters to understand this story about the family dinner. Narrated by David. I took mom back to the house after meeting uncle Jim and aunt Selena. I still couldn’t believe I had the luck to see her in that way! Also, she didn’t seem to have any problem with me looking at her. Maybe she enjoyed the attention. She was nothing like when I last saw her at their wedding. At the time, she was just 24 years old, and she looked like a normal girl. Now she’s 28 and the...
IncestRead previous chapters to understand this story about the family dinner. Narrated by David. I took mom back to the house after meeting uncle Jim and aunt Selena. I still couldn’t believe I had the luck to see her in that way! Also, she didn’t seem to have any problem with me looking at her. Maybe she enjoyed the attention. She was nothing like when I last saw her at their wedding. At the time, she was just 24 years old, and she looked like a normal girl. Now she’s 28 and the...
IncestDanny and Ashley were adding the last touches to their dinner. They had worked together to produce a four-course meal, with a made-from-scratch chicken soup, vol-au-vents with shredded chicken filling, a main course of veal roulade, and lastly, home-made fudge brownies. Now everything was ready for serving and the siblings high-fifed each other. “Should we call Lynn and Chris now?” Danny asked. Chris Di Biasi, Lucy’s partner in crime, was working for the ad agency that was producing the...
Introduction: A dinner turns into something more and then breakfast I owned and operated a business for over ten years and have had quite a few employees during the course of that time. There was one person I will call Mike that I took under my wing and helped a little more than I helped my other employees. One reason was that I hired Mike and then discovered he was a runaway and a minor. I convinced him we should contact his parents and let them know he was all right. His parents were...
“Good evening, Sir.” Mr. Woodburn asked me to greet each of the Directors as they arrived. They had been in his home before, just in very different circumstances, so I would only need to guide them in the general direction of the Great Room where he would be entertaining them as they arrived. “Miss James, nice to see you joining us tonight.” I nodded politely. “I must say I much prefer the way you were dressed earlier, though.” He gave me a teasing smile. “Charles has spoken glowingly...
It had been a tough and long day. So many things that had to get done, and as usual, a few people were playing sick. I’m a retired Naval Officer. For just over twenty years, I was a specialist in warfare. I spent those twenty years in Japan. Upon retiring, I decided to return to the city where I was born, Jacksonville. Rather than buy a house, I decided that I would lease an apartment until I was reacquainted with the area. The apartment complex that I chose was rather small, only 150 units...
I’d only been home 30 minutes when Sharon got back from London, steaming d***k. She’d clearly had a good time with her girlfriends, judging by the number of bags of shopping she had. Within 15 minutes she was asl**p on the sofa, so I put a blanket over her and headed to bed myself. As I lay in bed I couldn’t help but recall the events of the day with Jen, and start to plan how I could arrange more time with her. On Tuesday nights Sharon went to a yoga class with her mum, and there was of course...
A brunette girl, who appeared sixteen years old, lay on the floor watching TV with her younger sister, a blonde girl who was six years younger. Their father had lost his job about a year ago and was only recently able to find another. He hadnt gotten his first paycheck yet, and wouldnt or several weeks. The brunette propped herself up on her long, thin arms. Is there anything for dinner today, mom? Im afraid not, Susan. We dont have much food left, their mother called back. They were lucky to...
I’d only been home 30 minutes when Sharon got back from London, steaming drunk. She’d clearly had a good time with her girlfriends, judging by the number of bags of shopping she had. Within 15 minutes she was asleep on the sofa, so I put a blanket over her and headed to bed myself.As I lay in bed I couldn’t help but recall the events of the day with Jen, and start to plan how I could arrange more time with her. On Tuesday nights Sharon went to a yoga class with her mum, and there was of course...