Mata and Mads
- 4 years ago
- 29
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“I told you to drop that inquiry, Detective!”
“But Lieutenant, There’s definitely something going on there.”
Lieutenant Walker sighed. Claire was an excellent Detective, but she was sometimes too keen to dig into things, especially when she thought women were being exploited. “What have you got now?”
“I parked my car near the club shortly before closing. I left the dash-cam running overnight. Nobody left. None of the doormen, none of the women. Nobody. They all stayed inside all night. There’s definitely something going on there, sir.”
“You know they have rooms in the building, don’t you? When they bought the place they added the third floor. The plans they filed have it clearly marked as overnight accommodation.”
“Yes sir, but the women in there are never seen outside. I’m not sure they’re even allowed to go out shopping. I tried tracing the owners, Nushela Hospitality Inc. They exist, but the trail doesn’t go anywhere, it hits one of those Caribbean islands that won’t let you trace further without a warrant. It all looks too suspicious sir. They’re obviously hiding something.”
Troy knew Claire was right, Mata Hari’s was indeed hiding something, though it wasn’t what she thought it was. Unfortunately he couldn’t tell her himself, so he’d have to put her off for the moment. Maybe the club would tell her?
“OK Claire. Leave it with me. See me at quarter past five this afternoon and we can talk about it some more.”
“Yes sir.” Claire wasn’t happy with the delay, but she did have other work to do. Mata Hari’s would have to wait.
As soon as she’d left, Lieutenant Walker picked up his phone. “Hello Leanne, this is Troy Walker from the Police Department. I need to speak to Natalie.” He listened to the reply. “No, not that Natalie, attractive though she no doubt is. I need the other Natalie, your boss.”
Claire arrived at 17:15 precisely, as he’d expected. “We’re going for a walk,” he told her.
“Where to, sir?”
“To Mata Hari’s of course. I need to show you something there.”
There was a big Army base at the edge of town. With the Swarm in Africa, and spreading, the Army was making preparations, training a lot of volunteers, Reservists and National Guard. That was a bunch of men, who needed supplying with wine, women and song; though beer and women would suffice for most of them. The town had a lot of bars and clubs devoted to fulfilling those needs; there was money to be made, even in the middle of a war.
Mata Hari’s Exclusive Gentlemen’s Club, to give it its full name, was one of the less rowdy places. It concentrated more on supplying women, with sidelines of expensive beer and very expensive Champagne. If you wanted to get drunk you went somewhere else. If you wanted to get laid...
The receptionist recognized Troy, or more likely she’d had advance notice. “Hello Lieutenant. Natalie will be with you in a few minutes. Mateo can take you both through.” She beckoned one of the big doormen over. Something about him was tickling the back of Claire’s brain, but she couldn’t quite pin it down. He led them through a discreet door to a row of offices and showed them into the second one on the left.
Mateo told them, “Natalie will be with you shortly.” He handed Claire a tablet, “While you’re waiting you can have a look at this short presentation about the club.”
“Coffees?” he asked Troy.
Whoop-de-doop! Josh was happy. A day’s leave. One whole day. He’d made 6.1 on his last CAP test and at twenty-three he knew he wouldn’t make sponsor anytime soon, so he’d enlisted. With the aliens already on Earth, it felt the right thing to do. After six straight weeks training, even a single day off was welcome. Not enough to go anywhere interesting, so it would have to be a visit to town to get laid, or drunk, or both. Only one day, so the drinking would have to be limited. Getting up at zero dark thirty tomorrow would be bad enough, but with an accompanying hangover ... So, easy on the beer, he decided.
He boarded the shuttle bus from the camp gates into town. “Hi, I’m Josh,” he introduced himself to the guy next to him.
“Marty,” the other guy replied.
“Do you know anywhere to go in town? This is my first leave here.”
“Yeah, I’ve been into town before. I’m Army Reserve, which means they call me back regularly to retrain, so I know some places. What do you fancy?”
“Well, I haven’t gotten laid in...”
“Say no more,” Marty interrupted. “I know just the place.”
The bus dropped them in a street full of clubs and bars. This part of town was set up for entertaining soldiers and separating them from their money. Marty led the two of them towards one of the clubs, Mata Hari’s.
“Twenty thousand dollars membership!” Josh exclaimed.
“Look more closely. That’s a lifetime membership. It’s bullshit to make you think this is an exclusive club. We’ll pay $5 for a day’s membership, and we get a $5 drink token in return.”
“Why? There’s no money for them in that.”
“Legal stuff. It makes them a private members-only club. They can do things that an ordinary business can’t,” Marty explained. “And you haven’t seen their prices.”
Marty was right. Josh paid his $5 membership. The pretty receptionist scanned his CAP card for ID, gave him a $5 poker chip to use at the bar and a nice smile. The security guy didn’t smile. He was bigger than most, but bouncers were never small.
Inside was retro-thirties chrome and black with poles and dancers. The dancers were topless and the waitresses weren’t far behind. Josh wondered how the hell they got their tops to stay up.
The beers were expensive, as Marty had said, their $5 chips didn’t go very far. This wasn’t a place to get seriously drunk, unless you had money to waste.
“No lap dancers?” Josh commented.
“No, it’s not that sort of club.”
“But I want to get laid.”
“See those doors there,” Marty pointed. “Go through when you’re ready.”
“That’s where the lap dancers are?”
“No. That’s where the brothel is.”
“What! A brothel! This isn’t Nevada.” That surprised Josh. A lot of things had changed since the President’s announcement all those years ago, but still ... a brothel. Here?
“This is a private club. Apparently that makes it legal.”
“That’s a new one on me.”
“On me too,” Marty commented. “I’m no lawyer, but apparently it’s true.”
Marty let Josh go first. Through the double-doors the décor changed from thirties chrome to an appropriate red velvet brothel-Victorian. Behind the counter was a woman, late fifties Josh estimated, with dyed blonde hair and an enormous chest on display above a very low-cut green dress. Her cleavage probably reached all the way down to China.
“Hello soldier, I’m Leanne. What’s your pleasure today?”
“A girl please, Leanne.”
“Of course, sir. Take a seat over there...” She pointed to a well-stuffed red settee next to a coffee table with four tablets on it, “ ... and pick a girl from our video selection. When you’ve chosen one – or two – come and talk to me again.”
“Just the one today. Two would be ... too many.” Josh decided that ‘too expensive’ wouldn’t go down well.
That morning, Leanne had greeted the latest batch of new arrivals. “Okay girls. I’m Leanne, and I’m the Madame here. I have the biggest tits so I’m the boss. I know they’re the biggest because I don’t let anyone bigger than me come here.”
That got the usual laugh from the bunch of new women.
“First, how many of you have worked in the sex trade before?” Some hands went up. “I want you girls to help the others. We’re legal here, so they won’t need to learn some of your tricks, but you can help them with the other stuff. Next, how many of you can pole dance?” Fewer hands went up. “Hmmm ... not enough. We’ll need to train some of you. I’ll let you know who you are when I’ve had a chance to look at your backgrounds.”
One of the younger women put her hand up, “I did a lot of gymnastics in high school.”
“You’re Carmen, right?”
“Yes Leanne.”
“Good. That’s one less for me to pick. Talk to one of the pole dancers to help you get started, Carmen.”
Leanne paused before continuing. “All of you have volunteered to be here. We’ll provide training to help you, even for those of you who’ve done this before. You won’t be fucking the Johns like you were before. You’ll be fucking the Johns better than you were before. This place has a good reputation, and it’s my job to keep it that way. Which means I’m going to be very unhappy if you don’t come up to the mark.”
Her audience nodded.
“Others of you are new to this game. That’s okay, you don’t have any bad habits to unlearn. But you’re going to have to learn to fake it better than you probably did with your husbands and boyfriends.” They laughed dutifully. Leanne’s jokes were old, but these women were intelligent enough to know when laughing was obligatory.
“You’ll also need to think hard about what you can and can’t say to the Johns. A lot of the men will want a conversation, a short one, as well as a fuck. Telling him, ‘I was doing six years but they let me out early to work here,’ won’t fly. You’ll all have to work on a story. Try to keep it as close to the truth as you can, that makes it easier to remember.
“Now some bad news. Despite what you might have thought, you’ll all be here for at least two weeks. There’s more to it than fuck one John and off you go. All of you will need training and medical checks. We can’t get all that done in one day, and we need to get enough work out of you to repay our investment. So, two weeks minimum. Some of you are here for longer, months longer, which we already told you.”
That didn’t go down so well. One of the big security men came in at that point and stood quietly to one side.
“Okay. Next is medical checks. I’ll read out some names, those people follow Ivan.” Leanne read the names from her phone, then waited while everyone sorted themselves out and Ivan led his group off.
“Don’t we get medical checks?” one of the remaining woman asked.
“Yes you will, but we can’t do everyone at once, so you’ll have to wait your turn. Besides I want to talk to you lot alone.” She paused and looked around. “Those who left were the good girls, the two-week girls. Most of them are doing this for the first time.
“You’re the bad girls: the addicts, the ex-prisoners, the whores, here for three months or more. I’m a bad girl too. I was doing time for running a brothel. The chance to run a legal brothel, without having to move to Hicksville Nevada, was too good to turn down so I took it. I can act good if I have to, but don’t let that fool you. I’ve been inside too, probably longer than you have if you add it up, so I can be nasty as well. You’ve all got a chance here, so don’t mess it up. You behave yourselves and you’ll do fine. You fuck up and I’ll slap you round the head, hard, and then give you to Ivan and a couple of his buddies to make you airtight for an hour or two.
“You need to be nice to the other volunteers, to help them. You’ve done this before, they mostly haven’t. You can shout at them if you really have to, but if you attack them then I’ll hand you over to Ivan and the boys for their evening’s entertainment. As far as we’re concerned the two-week girls are more important than you; a whole lot more important. With our backing, they’ll win any argument, so don’t get stupid and start one.”
Her audience looked back sullenly. Leanne wasn’t sure how many of them really understood. They would as soon as one of them stepped out of line. She didn’t make idle threats.
“I told the others two weeks. You girls already know you can forget that. Most of you will be working on your backs here for at least three months. Two of you, only two, might get lucky and be out of here in two weeks.”
“Which two?” someone asked.
“I’ll tell you in three weeks.”
“I’ve picked Natalie,” Josh told Leanne.
“Going black?”
“Yeah. She looks nice and I like her French accent.”
“She is, nice that is, and French. Credit card or cash, sir?”
The financial necessities completed, Leanne told him, “Up the stairs, turn right. Room ten will be on your left, sir,” and pointed Josh to a curtained door. As he approached, the curtain drew back automatically and he heard a click as the lock opened.
Room ten was small with a big bed and a smiling Natalie, looking exactly like her video: wearing a see-through white negligee and a white thong. A good contrast with her dark skin and darker areolae. She had short Afro hair, not straightened like a lot of African-American women.
“You really are French?” Josh asked. “I love your accent.”
“Yes. My parents moved from Cameroon to France and I was born there. I’m in America to learn English.”
“Your English is very good, much better than my French Mademoiselle.”
Natalie smiled at that and then got down to business, “Do you like my body as well as my accent, M’sieu?” She did a slow 360 so he could get the full effect. Nice breasts, firm if a little small, above a flat stomach. Her ass was as firm as her breasts and definitely not too small. Just right.
“Now let me see you,” she asked.
As Josh stripped off his uniform he warned her, “Don’t tell me my cock is big. I know it’s average.”
Once he was naked she commented, “A blond. And nice muscles, all you Army guys are so fit.” Followed by, “Oooh, that’s a really average cock. You can stick it in my hot pussy and give me ... an average fuck,” accompanied by a wide smile. Josh had to laugh, he’d really walked into that one.
She took off her negligee and thong. “You don’t look like you need it, but do you want me to suck you first?”
Josh was already hard, as Natalie had observed, but he wanted more than a simple fuck after so long without. “A short suck, then fuck.”
“Sure. Missionary? Cowgirl? Doggy?”
“Cowgirl please Natalie.”
“Good. I like cowgirl.” Naked, she walked over to a bowl of condoms in colored wrappers and picked out a green one.
Josh lay on the bed, his cock pointing to his belly-button. Natalie’s video had offered bareback as an optional extra. She looked like she could be worth the extra money, but having her without the rubber would have cost too much. Maybe next time?
She settled between his legs, unwrapped the condom and put it between her lips. Lowering her head she took him in, unrolling the rubber as she descended.
“Shit yeah!” Josh exclaimed. She was good. He’d have to be careful not to cum too soon. He wanted to finish in her pussy, not her mouth.
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Tim's turn: I've become a legend for all the wrong reasons. Well, I guess that's incorrect. Kimberly Elkins is the very right reason. Medium-sized town. Many of the people I work with are married to or related to or friends with people at Kim's high school, so outside the few that already know who I'm marrying because I told them, there are others who found out from that other path. Some people shake my hand and congratulate me. Some just ask if it's true. Some shake their...
The next night, Kevin hurried to work to see his Egyptian princess again. He waited impatiently for the last of the visitors to leave and for the staff to go home as well.When he was finally alone in the museum, he quickly locked the doors and then hurried to the Egyptian exhibit. He read the incantation again, hoping against hope that what he experienced the night before wasn’t all just a lovely dream.But to his relief just as soon as he finished the spell, she stirred once more. He helped his...
SupernaturalIts the brand new facility they build on the edge of the protectorate worldI was caught for fraud and had been sentence for 3 years , me the leader of a band of hackersthe judge pronouce the word , i was guilty and about to be DFH other there for detentioni was sent there, the facility not what everything they sayInstead of the usual ICE detention i woke up in a very tiny little girl body, with perky titties my voice a small sound , delicate and no more in the strong custum sleeve i use to walk...
NF Busty video: this super hot teen Peta Jensen needs to geet some yoga lessons only her teacher will give her some hardcore fuck also! This well-built platinum blonde is a wicked sex bomb with long curly blonde hair and luscious frosty pink lips. She showed up wearing a beautiful clingy party dress, but not for long as her horny man helped her undress and then clasped her to him. He pulled her down into the soft pillows of the bed and drilled her cunt hard with his stiff pole, stopping only to...
xmoviesforyouHi to all…I am Anil… From warngal let me explain about me I am very athletic .. And handsome of about 6.1 inches height and medium built body white in colour… This is my first ever story … Going to the story when I was travelling from warngal to Hyderabad usually I have lot of sex desires … On aunties who are married .. Coming to the story .. During my journey I am getting bored ..and bus was almost full .. No one sat beside me…. After few minutes a newly married couple entered into bus .. Bus...
Karen and Wendy returned to Dan, sitting on either side of him and picking up their glasses, toasted to each other. Karen found a quiet place and called home to ensure Brad, Abby, and the others were doing alright. Brad assured her they were having fun doing lots of fucking and pussy licking. The DJ spoke to the crowd between songs. “I can see that everyone is having a great Hen House time tonight! Did you men enjoy the pussy chain?” There were plenty of male cheers. “It has been brought to...
I have grown tired of waiting on XH to post part II of this series and there is not a great need for that part of the story to precede this one. So rather than get stuck waiting for 5 MORE days for this installment, I decided to go ahead and post this.The scene jumps from the odd couple travelling to the wedding to the two that are already there, who will be a part of the wedding. The circumstances are different from what they had either anticipated or sought, but by the end of the night, I...
********************"Goodnight!" I said loudly into the corridor towards my parents and my brothers bedrooms. I instantly heard three echoes in different voices replying and with that, I closed the door which led to the outside world and retreated into my sex lair. My room looks like a typical bedroom belonging to a nineteen year old girl. I have a large bookshelf filled with all the different kinds of books that I have read or bought with the intention of reading. One shelf is dedicated to the...
IncestIch bin Edgar und suche einen Job. Als handwerklich geschickter Mann bringe ich mein Können gerne ein. In interessiere ich für die esoterische Lehre Rudolf Steiners und bewarb mich deshalb an der heilpädagogischen Einrichtung Lehenhof am Bodensee. Tatsächlich suchen sie einen Mann wie mich und in der Idylle einer künsterlisch liebevoll gestalten Behinderteneinrichtung bekomme ich Wohnung und Arbeit. Hier gibt es keine festen Dienstzeiten, der Alltag mit den Behindeten geht 7 Tage 24 Stunden mit...
TeenWhen I wasn’t at the hospital, I was helping Chelsie get everything ready for Christmas. I made one more elf suit to fit Beth. Starting at noon, Christmas eve, we visited every place one of my girls new of that had children. I would knock on the door as Santa and Beth was my elf. The first place we went to, a 5 year old boy answered the door with his mom a few steps behind. I said, “Ho ho ho, marry Christmas” The boy turned to get his mother, “Mommy, Mommy its Santa” I plaid my part,...
for the longest time ive had a crush on you and as word spread you soon realize the thoughts that went through my head everytime your beauty shined down my way.for the first time ever you sat across from me in the cafeteria and I couldnt help but notice your smooth gorgeous legs as they were being choked by your long tight socks that reached half way up your thighs. my face began to turn red with my dick ever so quickly feeling the rush of blood pumping through. you realize my hormones are...
Prior: Sarah teaches Bristol Rod got up and guided Sarah to lay down. He straddled her chest a began to rub his cock on her breasts. Sarah moaned as he rubbed his dick head against her nipples. Her nips were as hard and erect as Rod’s cock. Sarah knew exactly what he wanted. She found the baby oil and oiled up her breasts glistening in the warm light of the fire. “Rod fuck these babies, she laughed.” Rod began to slide his cock through Sarah’s very firm curvaceous...
Hai, my name is Fredrick this is a real happened incident when I was 18 years old.And the heroine of this sex story is Lisha mam she was in her late 40’s. But her assets are too much even in this age.She had a fair complexion with 5′ height and fatty body but that doesn’t matter when you fantasize her. Lisha mam has long black hair, huge boob’s that were always hanging in her blouse, a big round navel that you can see from her saree. She has a big black mark in the right biceps of her. I’m...
Hey, author here, Just want to let you know that in order to get the full experience, you should start the game, which is on the right side. Otherwise, some text might not show when it should for you. Enjoy the story. Living in a small town had always felt strange to me. Not because of anything specific, but because of the feeling that I was meant to have something bigger. There are lots of people in small towns who feel like they need to see the world, and are being suffocated. Others feel...
Mind ControlThank you to everyone who has left comments for previous chapters. Your support mean a lot to us. If you feel too shy to leave a comment, or have questions you'd like to ask, or maybe you want to tell us about your own work. Any of the above you can contact us here: [email protected] Now for this week's episode... (Theme tune by Robertlouis) Alex Urgh. I turned over only to find myself facing the back of Chloe and Tom's sofa. For a few blissful seconds, I couldn't...
That wear gold in your hair, To come or go by Carterhaugh, For young Tam Lin is there." -"The Ballad of Tam Lin," Traditional. *** Halfway through the forest the carriage stopped for no reason and wouldn’t budge an inch. Lady Astrid fanned herself as the coachman tried to get them going again. "What seems to be the problem?" "Can't say ma'am," said the driver. "It's like the wheels just don't want to turn." "Wheels turn; it’s what they do. Why should we stop for...
Hello everyone! Mera naam Shanaya haii aur ye meri 3rd story haii. Meri pichlii 2 stories pe aap sabkaa response dekh krr maine ek aur story share krrne ki sochi. Meii app sab se request karungii ki agar aapko te story acchi lage toh please apnaa feedback dijiyegaa. Mera email id hai. Aap sabka feedback mughe bahut help karegaa. Aap sab apne experience aur fantasies bhi share krr sakte hai jinhe meii apnii stories mei use krr sakuu. Please apnii suggestions zaroor dijiyegaa. Email – Mera naam...
"Mmmph! Slurp! Mmmm!" Was all the noise Hayley could make as she was ferociously sucking on your hard on. Hayley was your busty slightly older cousin. She was sucking you off because she had needed her english paper to be an A+ and you told her that if she'd give you a blowie you'd make sure she'd pass. "I'm cumming! Don't stop! Aaaaah!!" You screamed as you shot your load all in her mouth. Hayley sucked everything down and swallowed and had a look of intense satisfaction in her eyes. "David, I...
I always get requests for a story about how/when I knew I was bisexual, and my first experience with a girl. For a while I’ve put off the idea of writing a story about it, because I wasn’t sure if it was too personal or not, but I’ve decided I want to share my experience, so I hope you all like it! I don’t want to reveal any names so for the sake of this story, I’m going to refer to girls by different names. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------First...
Subject: Date With Arden My Date With Arden by Trainerboy The decision had been made. I had watched him walk to and from the showers with his dick swinging thru football season and basketball season and now almost thru baseball season. I dreamed about how long and big his cock must be when its hard, and just had to find out. I had tried every trick in my book but hadn't gotten to first base. So I made the final decision. Hi to all from trainerboy. I'm a 17 year old high...
Hi, I'm Sam. This is a true story from my college days. I was an RA (resident assistant) for my dorm my junior and senior years of college. RA's were the person in charge of a floor of guys. Back in my day, we still had men's dorms and women's dorms. Now, most of the dorms are co-Ed. I also was assigned one of the older dorms. There were 10 rooms counting my private room. This left 9 rooms for students. There was 1 private dorm room while the other 8 were dual occupancy. This meant I have 17...
Note : This story is completely fictional! I've always loved my mom, but the day she got a boyfreind and slept with him i hated her guts. i hated her so much that i would think of her and her boyfreind having sex and it would turn me on, it would turn me on so much that i would jerk off, my mom has always been good looking and never had trouble finding guys but after having kids well i dont know she just really never had a boyfreind and anytime she had sexs was with her dildo. one night as i...
IncestCHAPTER 17So much is changing. So much is changing at the same time.I’m walking down the aisle on the arm of Frank Orland, Sheriff of Cochise County, Arizona. Bobbi was the deputy under him when I was found buried in the desert of the Chiricahua National Monument lands. He was the one who assigned Bobbi to watch over me during my healing and adjustment, leading up to the arrest and prosecution of the men involved, including my then husband. Frank is Jake’s Best Man. I am Bobbi’s Maid of Honor....