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Hey folks-To all of the people who wrote to me about killing off piety and Mason in the conclusion of Burning the witches, I have to say that I'm sorry you're unhappy about it. I'm not however sorry that I did it. To put this plainly Mason and Piety were written and their entire storyline was created in an earlier story with the full intent tht they would die in Burning the witches. To me the entire Sisters of fate universe is Jason, Prudence, Penance and Patience. I couldn't kill off one of them, so I created other charaters that I could. Again, I'm sorry to the people who are sad that they're gone, but it wasn't done capriciously. Moving on-his week's story is back to the normal cheating wives story. I want to thank SirCharles5150 for going above the call of duty and editing this while he has the flu. Actually I want to thank all of the vounteer editors out there period. These guys and ladies do a truly thankless job and usually when they're done with it, their only reward is yet another story to edit. Here we go-SS06

This isn't a nice story. I really wish that it was, but sometimes real life just sucks. The only thing we can do when life throws shit at us I'd try to avoid as much of the shit as possible.

My name is Darren Montgomery Carlisle. For most of my life I've been called "Ren." My older brother's name is Darryl, so he was "Dare."

I'm thirty five years old and facing my greatest fear. My greatest fear isn't jumping off of a building or staring down the barrel of a gun. My greatest fear right now is the beautiful woman who just told me that she loves me.

I'm sure that everyone reading this is wondering exactly what is wrong with me. So let me tell you my story and you decide whether or not my fear is justified.

I'm not going to bore you with the details of my early life and how I met my wife. Let's just suffice it to say that by last year we'd been married for fourteen years and were still very much in love. My business had finally taken off and we were financially stable enough that we were looking into moving out of our condo and into a very large house. Our apartment was relatively expensive and had a beautiful view of the river, but we were also thinking that it was time to start a family. Anyway our decision to make babies and move out to the country isn't critical here, but the apartment is.

It was a Tuesday afternoon in June although I don't remember the exact date, when it happened. I had just left work. Actually I'd driven home early because my wife Kerrie had called to offer me some afternoon delight. So hell yeah, I dropped everything and went home.

I think that all of us have seen those videos and articles on how to avoid being mugged. You're supposed to look around you and be aware of your surroundings. You're supposed to look at the people you meet and make eye contact so they know that you've seen them and are aware of them.

I know all of that shit, but I seriously never thought it would happen to me. I mean seriously, I live in a luxury, high rise condo. We have a fucking doorman and a security squad twenty four hours a fucking day, eight days a fucking week. I never expected it.

When I got on the elevator a guy was already on it. He had several large boxes in his arms so I couldn't really see his face. I did notice the tattoo on his arm though because I was seriously thinking about getting one.

"Wow, that's a lot of boxes. Better you than me," I said trying to make small talk.

"Yeah, but they're not really heavy," he said. I remembered his voice afterwards because he had that Bostonian accent which I find hilarious. The way they pronounce "R's" always makes me think of Elmer Fudd.

When I got off of the elevator, he did too. I guess I thought that he was visiting someone on my floor or possibly moving in. That sounds good. But the actual truth was that I didn't give him a thought. My mind was on the treasure between my wife's legs.

I pulled my keys out and unlocked my door. That was the exact moment that he clubbed me over the head and pushed me into the apartment.

I guess I was dizzy after being hit over the head. He pulled out two pairs of handcuffs and cuffed my hands around one of the support beams in the apartment.

He started yelling at me and asking me where the safe was. My head was still spinning and I was half expecting Bugs Bunny to come and rescue me. In every God damned Looney Toons cartoon I've ever seen Bugs always came in to handle Elmer Fudd.

I think I half blacked out for a while and when I awoke I heard the springs in my bedroom squeaking. It was then that I thought about Kerrie. I started trying to pull my hands out of the cuffs so I could help her. I screamed loudly. He must've been afraid of my yells drawing a neighbor or the security team. So he ran out of my bedroom while pulling his pants on. He had his shirt in one hand along with his shoes. He didn't even look at me he just ripped the door open and ran out into the hall.

I yelled for Kerrie. There was no response to my yell. That was when I began to worry. I yelled again and again until finally she staggered into the living room.

She was crying and she looked like hell. Her clothes were torn. Her makeup was smeared all over her face.

"Kerrie, call the police," I yelled.

"Ren, we can't," she whined. "I don't want anyone to know what he..."

"Kerrie, you didn't do anything wrong, Honey," I told her. "If it takes me the rest of my God damned life I'll find that guy and make sure he pays for what he did. He's gonna..."

That was all I got out. I noticed that Kerrie's eyes got huge. "Ren, why are you bleeding? What did he... ?"

I have no idea how much time passed. When I woke again, I was in the hospital and Kerrie was next to me holding my hand and crying.

"Ren, are you alright?" she asked when saw my eyes open.

"What did the police say?" I asked.

"I didn't call them," she said.

"Why the hell not?" I screamed loudly. The screaming set my head off and waves of pain shot through me. All kinds of alarms on the machines that were monitoring me went off and a fat old nurse waddled into the room.

"My husband was on the floor bleeding from his head," she screamed back. "So excuse me but if I have to make a choice between getting an ambulance to save the life of the man I love and calling a cop who probably won't catch the guy anyway, I chose you Ren."

"Ma'am, he has a concussion and possibly swelling on the brain. If you excite him, I'm going to have to ask you to leave. We need to keep him calm until we determine the extent of the injuries," said the nurse.

Kerrie didn't say anything. She just nodded and glared at the woman.

"Can I get you anything sir?" Asked the nurse as she listened to my breathing and checked the bandage on my head.

"Could you call the police for me or get me my phone so I can?" I asked.

"I can do better than that Mr. Carlisle," she smiled. "Betty is downstairs in the emergency room. She's a detective. She's down there taking a statement from a drunk driver they brought in. He ram through a stop sign and T-boned a car with two old ladies in it. He claims his brakes failed. But his blood alcohol levels were three times the legal limit. I'll send her right up."

"Thanks," I said.

As soon as the nurse left the room, Kerrie started in on me.

"Ren we don't need the embarrassment of reporting this," she said. "I want that bastard caught for what he did to you as much as you do. But think about your business and our neighbors and our family. Do you really need people wondering if you're the right person to hire? Do we really need our parents and friends talking about us behind our backs? Let's just let this go. Sooner or later everyone who lives in a city gets hit. It was just our turn. It won't happen again. At least we have each other and..."

"Please forgive me, but that's the stupidest thing I've ever heard." The woman who said it walked into the room then. She was nothing like the typical detective. She was a couple of years older than us. I pegged her at just under forty. And like everything that Goldilocks chose, she was just right. No she wasn't slim and svelte like Kerrie. She also didn't have one of those smart fashionable haircuts that all of the urban upwardly mobile women wore these days.

Her hair was curly and a rich chestnut brown that draped down her back like a curtain. She was a little on the short side. And while she wasn't as thin as Kerrie, she was nowhere near fat. She was very curvy though. She had a big butt and some honest to goodness boobs. I could them jiggle with every step she took. Her blue eyes glowed with intelligence and intensity. She wore a navy blue suit jacket over a white shirt and jeans. I was sure that the jacket was worn just as camouflage.

Without that jacket, every man she ran into would be trying to catch glimpses of her boobs and her ass.

"If everyone thought like you do, it would be open season for the criminals. They'd know that no matter what they did they'd get away with it because no one would ever report them," she continued. Kerrie looked at the floor.

"Don't you care about your husband?" asked the detective.

"I love him," said Kerrie. "That's why I got him to the hospital."

"Then why do you want to let the person that did this to him get away with it?" asked the detective. She pulled out a notebook and I laughed.

She smiled at me and asked me what was funny.

"I guess I was expecting something more modern," I said. "I'm a note taker too, but I do it on my iPad."

"So what do you do when the power goes out or your iPad's battery runs out?" She asked.

"It's rechargeable," I said.

"Okay Mr. Carlisle, what happened to you?" she asked."

"A guy broke into our apartment and robbed us. He knocked me out and raped Kerrie," I said.

The detective's demeanor changed. "Mr. Carlisle, do you mind if I take your wife down to the lab. We need to get DNA from her as soon as possible to avoid contamination. We'll be right back," she said.

"That's not going to work," said Kerrie. "I didn't want that asshole's smell or his stuff left on me or in me so I showered and douched." The detective looked at Kerrie as if she was stupid. She sighed and shook her head.

"Mrs. Carlisle that will make things a lot more complicated. Can you give me a description of the man?"

"Not really..." said Kerrie."I guess I'm in shock or something."

"I can help with that," I said. "He's tall and kind of stocky. He's in his late twenties to early thirties. He has dark hair. His hair is cut short. He has a tattoo on his left forearm. His voice is kind of deep and he speaks with an accent like the people from Boston. He was wearing jeans and he had a slight scar on the left side of his neck. I remember all of that from when we were on the elevator before he clubbed me over the head."

"Excellent, Mr. Carlisle," said the detective. "If I bring in a sketch artist do you think you could help him draw the guy?"

"Hell yeah," I said. "Bring him in now, while the bastards face is fresh in my memory. Let's catch this bastard. I want him in the electric chair with a cattle prod up his ass by nightfall."

That made the detective laugh. "I don't know if we can arrange that," she said. "But I'll do my best to catch him and I'm kind of like the RCMPs. I always get my man."

"Good!" I spat. "I can't wait to see that bastard behind bars."

"So can the two of you tell me exactly what happened, and the sequence in which it all went down?" she asked.

"Noooo!" screamed Kerrie. "I can't go through that again. I won't!" She got up and ran out of the room.

There was an awkward moment when the detective and I got our wits about us. "She'll be better off if you don't go running after her," said the detective. "I'm sorry I was so insensitive. She seemed so calm. You never really know with rape victims. They all handle it differently. A lot of women react the way your wife seems to be. They try to pretend that it didn't happen. The problem with that is that deep down inside they know that it did and no amount of hiding or pretending can take that away from them. Sooner or later they tend to explode. Some of them are never able to get over it. I suggest that you get her into therapy as soon as possible."

I nodded. "From what I've seen, you've already been doing a great job of letting her know that what happened wasn't her fault, in fact, I heard you tell her that before I stepped in. You're a good man Mr. Carlisle. A lot of men would look at their wives as if they had betrayed them. But it's obvious that your feelings for your wife haven't changed."

"Why should they?" I asked. "None of this was her fault. It was all, my fault."

"Don't get silly Mr. Carlisle," she smiled. "How was any of this your fault?"

"Kerrie loves me," I began. "She called me and asked me to come home and I was so giddy about it that I didn't pay any attention to my surroundings or the people around me. I spoke to that bastard in the elevator. I didn't pay him any attention. He didn't live in our building. I'd never seen him before. I should have been more suspicious. It's funny to me how stupid I was. If a black guy that I didn't know or another minority or a teenager had been in my building I'd probably have stared at him and called security. But because this was a white guy, I didn't give it another thought." I shook my head.

"I lead that asshole right to my apartment and opened the fucking door for him," I said.

She smiled at me and reached out touch my hand. "Mr. Carlisle, you're the victim here. None of this was your fault. We all tend to feel safe in familiar surroundings. You had no way of knowing this would happen."

"But it did happen. I failed to protect my wife," I said. "How the hell will I ever face her again? My carelessness led to what happened to her." I wanted to cry then but I couldn't do it with her in the room. I told her everything that I remembered. She thought that it was strange that after taking all of the risk of breaking into our apartment, the guy left with nothing. He hadn't stolen a thing. I noticed that she was writing down all kind of notes and impressions.

We were just winding the interview down when the nurse came back into the room. I think that the questions had been over for a whole, but neither of us seemed ready to end the meeting. "Mr. Carlisle, your wife called. She wanted to apologize. She said she's sorry but she just had to get out of the room. She's on her way back now," said the nurse.

"Can you call her back and tell her that I'm asleep or that visiting hours are over or anything you can think of that will work?" I said. The nurse lifted one of her bushy eyebrows but nodded and left the room.

"Are you going to be Okay?" asked the detective.

"I just can't face her right now," I said.

"Maybe both of you need the therapy," she said. "She's going to need to have you loving her and letting her know that she's still your woman to get through this. I'm going to catch this bastard for both of you, so stay strong."

I laid there in that hospital bed and everything flashed before me over and over. I imagined myself choking the life out of that bastard over and over again. Sometime during the night I fell asleep. I awoke several times during the night when my phone rang. Every time it did I looked at the screen and when I saw that it was Kerrie ... I just put it down.

When she showed up the next morning to visit, I pretended that I was asleep. I just couldn't face her.

I was in the hospital for almost a week. It gave me plenty of time to think and to feel sorry for myself. I felt useless. I felt worthless. I had the weight of the world on my narrow shoulders. Of all the responsibilities I had in life, I had failed in the most important one.

I hardly saw Kerrie during my time in the hospital. She was very angry about it too. I don't think she understood at all what I was feeling until we went to therapy and it all came out. We both did the crying thing. Although I was ashamed of doing it, I couldn't help it.

Kerrie seemed to just bounce back from it. Within two or three weeks, it was as if it had never happened for her. I was the one who went into a depression. Things just got worse when she started at first to hint and then to act on the fact that she was ready for us to start having sex again.

She started dressing in her sexiest lingerie for just walking around the house. After a while she became even more obvious. She took to not wearing any panties around the house and just bending over whenever I was behind her. Kerrie is one of those thin gorgeous women who look good in anything so normally I'm ready to mount her at the drop of a hat. Not doing it told her that something was seriously wrong with me and she began to pester me about it.

On the other hand I'd started working out more. I even signed up for a martial arts class. I didn't want to be Bruce Lee, but I did want to be able to protect Kerri the way she deserved.

I registered for a license to carry a gun. I bought one and took classes to receive my permit to carry. If I ever met up with that guy again it would be quite different. Every time I thought of him I was filled with more rage than I thought was possible.

It took me a few weeks to get back to my stride at work. My long-suffering secretary, Heather, got a raise when I became more myself after a couple of months. She'd endured my jags of introspection, self-doubt with compassion similar to what I'd have expected if I was one of her kids.

Another person that went beyond the call of duty was Betty Durant. She was the detective that I'd spoken to at the hospital. She actually had the grace to have the police department switchboard rout all of my calls to her wherever she was, even when she was at home. She put up with my endless calls and visits to the station to ask whether or not they'd made any progress in our case. She also called me to ask me for information on details of the case. Sometimes I think that she did those things just to ease my mind that they were really working on finding the guy.

I usually dropped everything when she called to ask me if I could come over to look at a suspect or a lineup of suspects when they caught someone committing a crime. None of the guys I looked at were him though. She often invited me to sit down for a cup of the rancid stuff they called coffee at the PD. She seemed to actually enjoy our talks as much as I enjoyed the fact that they hadn't after all of that time, put our case on the back burner.

At home things were very frustrating. Every time I looked at Kerrie, all I saw was my failure to protect her. I felt unworthy of her. Even a talk with my father in law didn't help. He tried to reassure me that Kerrie didn't hold me responsible and that no one in the family did either.

But when Kerrie looked at me I sensed that there was something off between us. She went out of her way to be nice to me. I think that she did that because she felt guilty about feeling that I had failed her. Although neither of us would admit it we both know that the whole thing was my fault. There were so many ways that I could have prevented what happened. I could have kept going and walked past the apartment. I could have gone back to the elevator, pretending that I'd left something in my car. Even if the asshole had robbed me, he'd have had no idea which apartment was mine and Kerrie would have been safe.

The worse thing that happened was when I said that in our couple's therapy, Kerrie actually started crying and left the room. I knew then that even she blamed me for what had happened.

On the other hand, I took out my frustration in business. I became more ruthless. I did anything and everything I could to draw in more customers and to keep them happy. Some of the prices I offered were so low that I almost drove some of my competitors out of business.

Away from the office I became more withdrawn. One thing that I truly enjoyed was my martial arts classes. I got better by leaps and bounds. My instructor cautioned me several times though because of my lack of form and technique. He told me that I probably wouldn't get my next belt because my technique was awful and I could never remember the correct movements when performing the katas.

I smiled at him because he might have been a martial arts master, if such a thing was still possible in this day and age, but he didn't have a clue. I think in his defense that he really believed in his art and the whole morality of using the martial arts for defense etc. but the bottom line was that he was a business man just like me. He had to give his customers what they wanted.

I, myself didn't give a fuck about the proper usage of the art. I couldn't even stomach sitting through a fucking Kung fu movie. All I wanted to do was to beat the hell out of the guy who'd raped my wife. I wanted to beat him until he was just a puddle of mush on the floor beneath me and then take a squeegee and clean up his remains. I went to class not to improve my technique or advance the art, but to let out some of that rage by sparring. After a few weeks no one in my class wanted to fight with me. Even among the ranks of guys who were much younger than I was and were ranked higher, I had problems finding partners. In a lot of cases I ended up sparring with some of the competitive fighters who worked out in our school. The battles were usually gut ripping and intense. We all liked it that way.

I also did well at the shooting range. I made the mistake once, but only once of forgetting to take off my gun when I went inside the police station. The officers after hearing of cases where attackers had walked in and shot up police stations in Detroit, Chicago and a couple of other cities had quickly subdued me and only Betty's father, the police chief's quick intervention had saved me.

I did go to the range with Betty a few times. She gave me a lot of shooting tips and made me a better shot. So I was becoming a better shot, a better fighter, a more successful business man and a worse husband all at the same time.

Kerrie sat me down on a Wednesday morning, just before I left for work and told me how much she loved me. She reminded me that we had stopped working on moving into or renovating the large house we'd bought that needed to be redone and landscaped before we could move in. She reminded me that if we didn't at least start, it might be another year before we could move in. That would mean paying both the mortgage on the house and all of our condo fees simultaneously for a longer period of time.

She finally told me that we needed to start work on our greatest project. She wanted to have a baby. She confessed that she'd been trying really hard since before the attack had happened even though it wasn't a part of our plan. She'd done it because she knew that as much as we loved each other, I'd love our child, even if he or she was born before we were ready. Even if it didn't result in a baby, we needed to resume having sex. We needed to even if it was awful at first. We needed to do it to bring back the closeness and intimacy that was the real thing that had been stolen from us.

"Ren, that guy didn't get me," she said. "I'm still here with you and I always will be. Okay he fucked me. It was probably the worst pussy he ever got. And it didn't mean anything. I wasn't a virgin when we met, Honey. You know that. So it doesn't matter. He got to stick his dick in me one time, with me fighting him all the way and just lying there like a rock. My pussy belongs to you. It misses you. And I miss my best friend, my husband and my lover. I'll give you a day or so more to get out of this funk you're in. But this weekend, two days from now, I've rented us a cabin out at the lake and I intend to come home pregnant."

I just shook my head. I hugged her and genuinely meant it. For the first time since the attack we kissed passionately. And I remembered why I'd married her. I'd married her because I loved her. Letting that asshole take that away from us was an even bigger crime than the one he'd done.

I left for work that morning feeling far better than I had in weeks. And that was when it happened. It's funny but it always seems like things are getting better, when we take our darkest turns.

I was heading downtown and running late because of my talk with Kerrie and the make out session we'd had afterwards. I swear that woman tried to get me to stay home with her instead of going to work. It was almost like ... it was almost like the way we'd been before. I had really allowed myself to think that we were getting out of the hell we'd descended into. I had allowed myself to believe that we might get over it.

I guess I started to believe that old saying about how it's always darkest before the dawn. I was stuck in traffic in front of the courthouse building when I saw him. He was wearing a suit and carrying a briefcase but I was sure it was him. He was leaving the building and heading for the parking lot outside of the courthouse. As he walked he smiled and I knew it was him. I pulled into the lot and parked up front while he walked towards the back. The attendant gave me a ticket and I handed him a fifty and told him to call the police. I told him to ask for detective Betty Durant and to tell her that Ren Carlisle needed her.

I heard the parking lot attendant on his cell phone talking on the phone as I continued to stalk the man. Looking at him, I saw that he was a bigger man than me and also younger. It did nothing to deter me. For the first time I understood what tunnel vision meant. As I dogged his steps I saw nothing except the man I followed. In a way it was poetic justice. This time though I was in the role of the hunter and he had no idea that I was behind him.

I couldn't do it that way. If I did, I'd be no better than he was. Besides, my pride wouldn't be restored by a cheap sucker punch victory.

"Hey asshole, remember me?" I yelled. He turned and looked at me. His eyes went wide as recognition dawned on him. "I'm giving you a courtesy that you never gave me," I said.

"I have no idea what you're talking about dude," he said. Ht looked at my eyes and he knew then that I knew who he was.

"Putting a suit on a gorilla doesn't change anything," I said. And then I started for him. He started backing away from me. He saw the attendant behind me.

"Call the police," he yelled still back pedaling.

"I already did," I smirked. "They may not have been able to find you, but they've got plenty of your DNA from my apartment to prove it was you."

"Look buddy," he said. "It's not what you're thinking..." Everything else he tried to say was cut off by my fist.

There's a lot to be said for getting in the first punch in a fight and making it a good one. Our battle was not like the sparring matches I had at the martial arts studio. There was no referee to separate us. There were no rounds. After my first punch hit his jaw, he was pretty much just clawing at me trying anything he could to get away.

I launched another wild punch and connected with the side of his head. He went down flailing wildly. "I'm sorry," he yelled. "It wasn't my fault." Without thinking, he finally used his superior size and strength to throw me off of him. But my fury wouldn't be denied.

I dove after him grabbing both of his legs from behind and tackling him. As we crashed to the concrete he skinned both knees and tore the pants of his expensive suit. Behind us, I heard a siren in the distance but it didn't register. I crawled up the length of his body and started to pummel him. He tried to ward off my blows but I kept connecting with every second or third punch. He was bleeding from his mouth and cheek and one of his eyes was swelling already. But it wasn't nearly enough, I wanted more.

I punched him as hard as I could and felt his head bounce off of the concrete. He stopped responding then and went limp.

"I think you killed him," said the attendant. I turned to look at him and noticed that he had a cell phone out and was filming the whole thing.

"He's still breathing," I said. "As a matter of fact, I think he's faking it. I unzipped my pants. "I'm going to piss in his face." His eyes popped open and he struggled to get up. I pulled out my gun then.

"The police will be here any second," I said.

"Please, you have to let me go," he said. "This will ruin my life. I'm sorry. I'll do anything."

"Ruin YOUR fucking life?" I screamed. "What about my life? What about my sanity? What about my self-respect? What about my wife? What about my marriage?" I think he realized then how close I was to pulling the trigger. He looked away from me. The police arrived then. Three uniformed officers jumped out of their cars and came over to me.

"Drop you gun sir," they said.

"Officer, arrest this man," I said. "He's the one you've been looking for. He's the one who robbed us and raped my wife." They looked at each other.

"Drop the gun sir," one of them repeated.

"I'll put it down on the ground," I said. "You guys know me. I have a license to carry it. Remember when I accidentally brought it into the station?" Recognition flared with them then.

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Kim's was a careful mess. Chaos crammed away into drawers and cabinets, kept out of sight so as not to mar the respectable outward appearance. At first glance, it was clean, orderly. Once you looked behind or within you found everything was dirty, half the products used up or dried up, but all in its own special place, following her own internal logic of order. Guy wasn't sure what that meant about her, really. All he was concerned with was where she kept the fresh razors. Pulling...

3 years ago
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Hartford Eds first days

Introduction: i apologize just in case this is fucked up aesthetically. Edward Lichen walked through the gates of his new school and sighed, doing a slow spin and looking up at the gray, seamless, cloudy sky. The gates of the school were two brick columns with iron gates attached, students flowing through like cattle in a pen. The school building was old weathered red brick that looked more brown that anything else in the light of the day. A warm wind caught the tassels of Eds jacket and the...

4 years ago
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Babette By Margaret Jeanette Holly Hunter sat in her dad's office She had stopped in to visit with him as she seldom saw him. Their conversation turned to an area Holly dreaded. Her dad was a successful contractor who had built his business up being fair and honest with his customers. Jim Hunter was a workaholic who wasn't happy until a job was done. He said, "Holly, I love you but you are twenty-five years old. When I was twenty-five I was already married three years. You...

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Deep trouble

The saga I am about to tell to you is a bit long so I shall tell it in two parts. Think what you will of me by the end but ask yourself would you do anything different? The first part of the story takes place in mid September. I have a daughter named Ally and she had just started back to school. I divorced from Ally’s Mom when she was five but we live close to each other for our daughters sake. Ally is with me alternating Wednesday and Thursdays and every weekend. It was a Wednesday...

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Chapter 3 Becky Goes On Vacation


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DeannaChapter 4 Cherry Picking

On the way back to the house she moved over really close to me and put her arms around my arm but didn't say a word. It was uncannily silent during our trip back, but that was ok. She was nervous, as any young lady would be when she knows she's only going to be a virgin for another hour or so. She was in her own thoughts and I wouldn't even attempt to venture a guess at what they might be. I just let her be silent and made sure I was there to be held. We pulled into the garage and let...

3 years ago
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Excuse Me Miss Ch 04

Unfortunately for Jeremy as she had done after their first night together Alicia pulled away from him in what he assumed was an attempt to protect herself. He was pleased to find she still wanted to ride the train with him in the evenings and although he saw her rarely that week, mostly because she had largely ignored her friends the previous week and wanted to see them, they still got together for a few wild nights together in the time between the camping trip and the wedding. Jeremy even met...

2 years ago
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One Big Happy Family Ch 2

Chapter Two By Dunchad Seth pulled into the driveway almost an hour after his mother. As soon as he got in the house his sister Margo cornered him and started whispering questions. He saw his mother come out of the kitchen and told Margo he would tell her later. He pushed away from his sister and went straight to his room. His cock was still hard, even after an hour and talking to his Grandfather. Luckily Max didn’t ask any questions and just accepted his car keys when Seth returned...

2 years ago
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Personal Examination

Dr. James Bock moped about the clinic, making everyone feel even worse than they did anyway. All the women had loved Janet. Long after she withdrew from the practice to bear and care for her and James's four children, she remained a mother hen to the women of clinic staff. No one could understand why Janet allowed herself to become obese; it seemed beyond even James's ability to control. Thin before her first pregnancy, she added more and more weight as James Jr., Clive, Sophia, and Susana...

4 years ago
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The Wait

As I lay on my bed, waiting for you, I wonder what is taking you so long. You said you had to run to the store but for what? Nothing should take this long. I start to get uncomfortable as the anal plug you put in before you left starts to dig in a little deeper. My wrists start to burn as I try to shift my weight to relieve some discomfort, but the cuffs are cold and solid. I notice that the candles that you lit are almost burnt out. What did I do? I try to recall my day, work and some...

2 years ago
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The Witchs Curse

ChristiDart 5,710 words [email protected] (The first chapter)                          The Witch?s Curse: A romance novel By: Christi Kay Dart                                     The Witch?s Curse1         CassyMcSmith sat quietly on the front porch swing, as the wind blew softly onto her rosy-red cheeks.The sun felt crisp against her skin, as it brought out thepigments of her fair, milky-white complexion.Cassy was a young, beautiful, teenage girl, of 17 years of age.Through out her...

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Devils Night

Joseph marched across the town square with purpose, his mind and nerves in turmoil. He pulled his cloak around him tightly as his boots squished against mud and stone. The last few days had been trying, though he'd done his best to hide his troubled state from his dutiful wife. How could he tell such a pure woman of the awful things he'd seen? Of the scandalous things he'd done in his own mind's eye! Theirs was a simple town and a simple people. They'd turned away from all modern things...

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MagicianChapter 14

The following day Morgana called a meeting of her senior staff, people she'd trusted with her life over the centuries she'd been a Mage and who had earned her trust time and time again. Also in attendance were their apprentices and journeymen, who included myself, Róisín and Abigail. Morgana went over the events of the previous day including the injuries to Mage Theo and described accurately the men and Mages who were involved on the other side. She also mentioned the summoning, though not...

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The Walk Home1

My little brothers babysitter May, was having her 18th birthday party at a pub about a mile from where I lived, and being me I was invited kindly to that party. I am about 5 ft 10 in height, slim build (although toning up my body slightly), bright blue eyes with short, black spiky hair. Waist down, for my age I am a decent size, about 5.5 inches around about. But anyway, back to the party. None of my friends were there so I spent an hour there before finally deciding to walk home, even though...

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Mama Mia

My father was abusive before and after I was born! Most of his wrath fell on my mother, who was prematurely gray, bruised, and cowed. As I grew up, I decided dad wasn't going to start any more shit with me! I became a black belt (without ever telling him), and I also bulked up; I had other interests as well, and some muscle never hurt a teenager! It was the sixties, and fathers were still getting away with everything; but my father was losing control entirely too often! His routine on...

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The Competitive Edge Playing The Game IIIChapter 33 Trying

Kayla knew something was up. I never said anything to her. Hell, I could easily convince myself it wasn't her in that car in the parking lot. I had no direct evidence, after all. Everything was, in the parlance of the lawyer shows on television, circumstantial. Even so, I couldn't help but be depressed. Maybe she doesn't love me anymore. Perhaps I should take Eric's advice, just let it go. Go back to Florida, forget about Kayla, have fun with Alex. Have fun with Erin. But there really...

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Now This Wont Hurt A BitChapter 24

Becky giggled softly as she backed Victor the stock boy against a set of shelves roughly in the middle of the storeroom. She wriggled her body against him, letting her breasts bounce and heave against his chest. "You like that, Victor?" Becky cooed. She traced her fingers down one of his bare, heavily-muscled arms, delighting at how he trembled under her touch. "You like feeling my boobs touching you like that, hmm?" Becky looked into his eyes. Victor could do little more than stare...

2 years ago
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My late Mom could be a loving angel one moment a total bitch the next and always seemed to take her frustrations out on poor me. As I was only five when I started school any confidence I had was destroyed so my classmates bullie me as well. As I was so young and small it was easy to pick on me and all the advice I got from my father was to stand up to them! Not easy when it,s four or five against one and even worse when Girls were the worst. Boys got bored easily, but girls would persists...

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The Ceremony

The Ceremony By Morpheus Bright sunlight gleamed from the golden spires that pierced the heavens from atop of the palace. The rest of the palace was highlighted by the very same light, giving clear view of the many marble arches and staircases, as well as the intricate artwork and statuary which provided decoration. This beautiful palace was the centerpiece of Callwen, capital city for the kingdom of Dwyllar. Dwyllar was a small kingdom, though both a peaceful and a prosperous...

3 years ago
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The Offical A Tiny Harem Picker Cyoa

This is the offical A.T.H.P story. Credit to Delta77 for letting me use some of their writing. Heya thanks for checking this out, I hope you can find at least something that interests you. Whether it be Dragon Ball to Rumble Roses, in the end the goal is to give whatever kinky (or not vanilla) mind is reading this something to pleasure yourself to, though I personally do recommend some kinkyness too but I am also being incredibly biased. This is a Choose Your Own Adventure based on the cyoa A...

3 years ago
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Mes frres et Mes surs

Mes fr?res et... Mes s?urs! Pr?sentation Je m'appelle Margaux. J'ai seize ans. Je vis dans une famille recompos?e de quatre enfants. J'ai deux grands fr?res et deux petites s?urs. Avec moi, vous direz que cela fait cinq. Mais non. C'est cette ?tranget? que je vais vous raconter. Le r?cit qui suit est ?crit ? partir de mes souvenirs, du journal intime que j'ai tenu depuis mon enfance et des informations que j'ai collect?es aupr?s des diff?rents protagonistes que vous allez rencontrer. Peut-?tre que certains d...

4 years ago
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My First Incest Experience

Hey, friends, I am back with a new indian sex experience. Thank you very much for liking my previous story “The dream-Swapna”. There are a lot more experiences in my office which I want to share with all the readers and as the characters are somehow related to each other, I will be narrating them as part of a Sex Saga starting from August 2015 till now. I thought of publishing my older works first. However, recently I have fulfilled two of my darkest fantasies. Hence, I do not want to waste...

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Mom Ko Naukar Aur Uske Dost Ne Choda

Hi mera naam ravi hai.mai Punjab ka rehne vala hu.meri umar 19 saal hai.mere ghar mein meri mom,mera chota bhai aur mai rehte hai.mere papa zaadatar bahar rehte hai islye ghar mein hum teeno hi hote hai.mera chota bhai 5th mein aur mai colg mein padta hu. Ab mai apko apni mom ke bare batata hu.meri mom ka naam madhu hai.unki umar 38 saal hai.unki rang gora hai.unki breast ka size 35 hai.aur unki height 5 foot 5 inch hai. Mai aap ko apni story btane jar aha bilkul sachi baat 2011...

2 years ago
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One of those days

Originally posted @striesonline some time ago. This is a work of fiction and is not meant to reflect the authors own taste and sensibilities. "Oh bollocks! bugger off!"Jimmy cursed as the phone disturbed a leisurely perusal of his fathers private porn stash. It continued to ring, demanding an answer so he tucked his erection carefully back into his underpants, swung his legs off the bed and pulled up his jeans. "Fuck it!" Jimmy muttered, leaving a page open showing a voluptuous blonde taking a...

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Graduation With Heather Owwh Part 3Chapter 3

“Hey, Aaron, long time, no see. Who’s the slut with the huge tits?” asked a voice I recognized, but it wasn’t Heather’s. “Cara Anne!” shouted Heather. “Hi, uh, Cara. This is Jess, my wife,” I replied conversationally, as if I wasn’t bent over a tub with a butt plug facing her. I watched over my shoulder as Cara walked up behind Jess, bent down, and rammed two fingers straight into Jess’ pussy, without warning, making her shriek. “Damn, she’s wet! She must really get off on having things...

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Sucking off a stranger from the club in downtown

I brought home a complete stranger the other night to my fiance.I made my hubby sit in the corner naked while i made out with this guy,Things got real hot and i blow him and made him bust a load all over himsself.if you want to see the full videos visit my sitecurious cristine dot comand for sneak previews check my pix..i love making men cum...

4 years ago
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KT LLCChapter 17 The Calm

Interlude: 25th Anniversary Cindy: They call Wednesday "Hump Day." Mom remembers it as a transition day. Dad calls it "The Amish Invasion." Aunt Jo says it was the first day she thought of what she would do after school. I have trouble believing that one. Aunt Francine flew to California—and back. Sean: It was bound to happen. I should have anticipated it in more depth. I distinctly remembered telling Sheila that she would be famous in her own name, but that was all I did. Blessed...

2 years ago
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My stepsisters!Long before I met Amy, I became addicted to watching and being watched. When I was younger, still living at home with my parents, I slept in a room that was directly next to both of my sisters, a common door connected our rooms, but it remained closed most of the time. Every once in a while, when I could not sleep, I would knock on the door and talk with them. There was nothing going on, I would simply sit on the floor between their beds and talk about stuff. Now my sisters were...

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Willis Point of View

[ For Megan (and her mom)! ]As Willis showered he kept thinking about all the incredible sex he'd had with Megan, the young white female who was staying with her grandmother and who lived in the house next door to him. It had been, at first, like a dream come true. After all, Willis had never had sex with any white female (though he'd naturally, as a man with a healthy sex drive, had often wished he could); and Megan? Megan really was like some dream-image come to life! For Willis (and for many...

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Chachi Aur Bhabi Se Liya Badla Part 8211 2

Agle din me sham ko gaya unke ghar. Wo ek normal cotton ki saree pehne hue thi. Usko dekh ke aisa laga hi nehi kisi ladke ko chodne bulaya. Mere dost bolte hay ki randi khane me saste wali randiya bhi aise hi rehti hay. Mummy sahi hay, ye mere chachi koi dhandewali sa kam nehi. Usko paisa nehi chahiye kyuki wo bahut hay uske paas, baas uska hawas nehi khatam hota mard ke liye. Sirf ek purana cotton saree pehni thi, sleeveless blose, sirf ek hook laga hya tha, pata nehi aj unke chuchi thodi badi...

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Private Eloa Lombard Stars in Gonzo DP Threesome

Today, Private Specials, Threesome Addicted Eurosluts has yet another blast from the past in store as we finally reveal Eloa Lombard’s incredible gonzo threesome with studs Bob Terminator and Csoky Ice right here on! Watch this beautiful brunette show off her big natural tits and ass as she touches herself in her hot leather pants whilst waiting for her two cocks to arrive. Then enjoy Eloa’s sexual skills in action as she warms up with a couple of gagging blowjobs before...

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A Night To Remember Part 1

Chelsea sat alone at a booth in the far corner of the bar, her bellini sitting neglected before her. A bellini was usually her drink of choice but tonight she didn’t feel like drinking. An hour ago Chelsea had arrived home to find her fiancé Andy in bed with their next-door neighbor. She felt hurt and rejected and could not for the life of her think of what she had done to send him running in the other direction. Checking her phone she saw that she had six text messages and four missed calls,...

Straight Sex
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SandcastlesChapter 66

I was busy in the cellar of the new house going through those old photos Gary had taken of the sessions with Sally. I had stored them down there in one of the many empty spaces in the cavernous cellar. This time, though, as I went through them I wasn't looking at Sally. I was looking at the faces of the men and women who had been with her. They hadn't been important to me before but now, if I was right, they were part of a group of professionals who had stuck together, all there at the...

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After spending some time here, I met a young lady from another state, we exchanged pics and numbers and after 2 wks we decided to meet. Samantha was wearing a red blouse and black skirt with black stockings and high heels, we drove to her home where I cooked a nice Thai meal, while she changed curious got the better of me as I walked in on her as she was swishing her hair from side to side, moving in we kissed and while I was unbuttoning he blouse she was rubbing my throbbing dick through my...

4 years ago
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Sex With My Sweet Aunt In Beautiful City

Hi I am Rahul from Bangalore, my mail id is , please write me feedback or any suggestions good or bad if you like this story. Like dislike and whether it is bad or good please feel free to mail me all girls , ladies and guys who love sex will defiantly love it. When I was 22 year old it happened in my aunt place in her sweet bed room for 20 mins and again after 3 hour for 10 mins in kitchen and again after 3 hours in bedroom for 5 mins in same day. Its my real story and true story, I was final...

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The Band Girls At The Bowl

Dear band members, Here is my story and I believe it ranks as one for the books. It all started when a boy in the seventh grade I knew relied on guidance backed up by experience and went bat ass crazy. You see boys girls, I took it upon myself and even though I was egged on, I was the one who got up and wrote Marty’s name on the board for the teacher to find when she came back ... We had all been told if our name was on the board we would be paddled when she got back. Now, up on the...

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Friends To The End part 2

Aaron stopped licking and he grabbed Tom's head and they kissed. Tom and Aaron touched tongues. They had a sloppy kiss. Aaron explored Tom's mouth and Tom did the same. Aaron broke the kiss. "Why did you stop?" Tom asked. "I have a plan" Aaron said as he followed Tom's "treasure trail" into his pants. Aaron licked Tom's abs and his tongue went through the crevices. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tom moaned again. Aaron then took off...

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Lucius Part 2

I was about to knock on the window and beg for help when I felt something strong grip the hair on the back of my head. I yelped in surprise as my body was flung back. I landed heavily on my back, my head smacking on the ground. Then I felt the sensation of being dragged by my hair. I screamed and flailed my nude body around, my legs kicking in the air, my breasts manically jolting in rhythm to my convulsing figure. I tried grabbing onto furniture and door stops, but the beast was too strong....

4 years ago
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Do You Wanna Dance

It was a steamy Saturday afternoon and Jason was sitting by the pool listening to the throb of the music blaring from the speakers. His parents were inside dancing and having a few drinks. He hoped the neighbors didn't mind because they had the music cranked way up. But everyone in the neighbor was probably used to it as this was a kind of a Saturday ritual for them. He couldn't remember when it had begun, but at least once a month, they would have a few drinks and spend the afternoon...

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Angela TransformedChapter 14

I opened the door. I couldn't help but smile when I saw how nervous Diane is. She looked as though at any moment she was going to turn and run ... or faint. I stepped out onto the front porch with her and quietly said, "Calm down, Diane. No one's going to harm you. You look scared to death. If you want you can turn and walk away. I won't tell anyone you were here. You can forget all about it." "NO! Please, Angela! I want to. You're right. I am scared. But you were scared. You said...

2 years ago
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Building a LegacyChapter 22 No Real Choice

Alex sprinted towards the wrecked school bus, dropping to his knees beside the small body of a badly mangled child nearest him. 'Forget her, ' Gini instructed, 'it's too late.' Alex ripped his shirt off—popping the buttons—and slung it over the small girl's still form. Before Gini could reach him he ran for the back of the bus. The rear exit door, standing a good several feet off the road, was hanging loosely from its hinges—probably the source of the girl lying in the street. She...

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The Traveling WizardsChapter 2

Meric woke to his wife's hand on his dick. Her delicate fingers were lightly stroking the underside of his semi-erect cock. His eyes drifted open. Megan's dark red hair spilled across his chest. "Mmm, Didn't you get enough last night?" he asked. "I only got it once, remember?" She lifted her head and her gray eyes flashed. "That lustful little thing got most of it. I want more." "And tonight is not going to be enough for you?" He already knew the answer but had to ask the...

4 years ago
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Shower with Dad fixed

At 13 years old, spending a good part of my summer with a broken arm was not ideal, but what choice did I have? It was my own fault; I'd slid into home hard, intending to cream the catcher if he didn't get out of my way. He didn't, and I did cream him, but when he fell, it was directly on my right arm. I'd never felt that much pain before! But the pain pills made up for that, after the bone was set and my arm put in a cast. Thankfully I didn't have to worry about school, but for at...

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Ten Minutes to Midnight

They talk about milestones. Those moments that change everything, the solidified and framed memories that you will carry to your grave. Moments that reshape who you are, what you believe in and what you reckon life is all about. They talk about notes that ring, reverberating echoes through the years, new ones blending in with older ones that will never die, reshaping the chord that is you. They talk of many things, but what they really talk about is this. It has no name, only faint clichés...

3 years ago
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Just a Walk in the Park

It was a gorgeous spring day, the first really warm day of the year, and I just had to get outside and enjoy it. I decided to take a walk on the public trails that wound for miles through the woods by the lake. It was a weekday afternoon, so it was unlikely to be too crowded.I had walked a couple of miles when I decided it was time to turn around and head back. The trail had almost been deserted, but as I walked I could see a female form in the distance coming toward me. There was something...

Group Sex
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Suersquos Vegas Bukakke Party

My friend Bill was getting married again, so I decided to throw him a bachelor party in Las Vegas. I planned the trip, booked the rooms, and invited 10 of our friends. I also called a friend of mine named Craig. He has a wife, named Sue. Sue is a self proclaimed Fuck slut, and even made up an id card to prove it. I asked Craig to come out to Vegas with Sue, but not to tell her our master plan. My plan was to fulfill a fantasy of hers, by giving her a 12 man bukakke party. I also wanted her to...

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Arlene and JeffChapter 294

The Hidden Base Around seven, Robertson awakened and went to use the bathroom. Their original cell had disposable razors, but there weren't any in this one. Fuck it, I guess they're still playing the 2214 game. No razors on some sort of supposed prehistoric planet, so no reason for us to shave this morning, either. Just more of their bullshit trying to convince me that this planet shit is real. Well, I'm not buying it. Back in the main cell a few minutes later, he walked over to look at...

4 years ago
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The Carousel Club

Normally, I push this media interview stuff off on someone from my PR department, but since I had personally taken the call when you first contacted us, and because you sounded so darn sexy, I decided to do it myself. A cloud of dust announced your arrival to the ranch office. When I first caught glimpse of you through the office window, I was even happier that I had made the decision to personally show you around. You parked your Benz in the shade of a massive oak tree. I watched intently as...

Straight Sex
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Lights Camera and Action

Chapter 1 My name is Vince and for my 16th birthday my Grandparents gave me a digital movie camera. They had purchased the camera to take on a cruise recently. Grandma had discovered that Grandpa had been filming the young women on the cruise with lots of upskirt and under table stuff as well as wet t-shirts and bikinis. My parents gave me a laptop computer with software to edit the films from the camera. This was all really handy as I was in the Audio / Visual class at high school. Mr Chek,...

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The Encounter

  The Encounter   This story is written with no names involved so that you, the reader can place you and your lover’s names within the lines. I hope you enjoy and feedback is always welcome! Enjoy!   The sexual tension filled the room as she entered. They were always good together whether in work or play, they clicked. But this was different. Would there be time for small talk? Would they talk and make each other laugh as they so often did or would the fact they wanted...

Straight Sex
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My Girlfriends Obsession with Huge Cock

It’s been a few months now since my girlfriend Sara’s awakening trip to Vegas (See Previous Story) and life has been great! Sara loves that I’m OK with her satisfying her lust for other men’s huge cocks whenever she wants and tells me daily how much she loves me for letting her express her inner most sexual desires. One thing we learned after our Vegas experience was that we were both extremely turned on when she texted me pictures or videos of her sucking her lovers’ cocks while I was a long...

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