Personal Examination free porn video

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Dr. James Bock moped about the clinic, making everyone feel even worse than they did anyway. All the women had loved Janet. Long after she withdrew from the practice to bear and care for her and James's four children, she remained a mother hen to the women of clinic staff. No one could understand why Janet allowed herself to become obese; it seemed beyond even James's ability to control. Thin before her first pregnancy, she added more and more weight as James Jr., Clive, Sophia, and Susana arrived in quick succession. With increasing weight came less activity leading to still more weight gain.

A heart attack, unexpected, massive, definitive, had taken her. James's sadness affected Amaka most of all. As her culture and human feeling directed, she had stepped in to see to James's and Janet's children. The house Mamma kept for her and her brood was small, but Mamma's heart was large and she smothered the little orphans with affection. They would be OK. It was James that worried Amaka.

The relation between a man and woman is mysterious, Amaka thought. "Good" marriages sometimes are hell from the inside. Men and women cling to partners that "everyone" knows are wrong for them, bound by love, desire, custom, who knows what? Amaka did not pretend to know what had gone on between James and Janet. It was another universe from the one she and James inhabited. In theirs, James was her master, as he was Janet's, but he was also her friend, business partner, lover, and father of her children. Amaka felt herself married to James even though he went home to Janet every night and was married to neither woman. James made love to Amaka at the office frequently, usually more than once daily. Amaka believed that he continued having sex with Janet, too, even when she grew fat. In a way it was like the culture of her childhood homeland in which James had Janet as his Senior wife and Amaka was his Junior wife. The passion had gone from his relationship with Janet, only love, duty, or whatever it was that bound him, lingered.

Amaka was, therefore, surprised that Janet's death had so devastated James. Only with immense will did he attend to clients, leaving Amaka to do virtually all of the seduction and conditioning of the women who continued to be sent to the clinic in increasing numbers. Certainly it affected their love making. The joy, the passion on the infrequent occasions was gone. Amaka felt James had transferred to her the obligatory sex he had with his deceased partner.

James stopped having sex with the other women of the clinic completely. It hurt them all, but especially Suzie and Megan, the youngest women who were highly sexed. Amaka made a few adjustments in James's conditioning of them so that they could at least find some release in sex with each other, but she could not erase their desire for James himself.

This could not go on. It would not be easy. She might not succeed. But she had to try.

When James halfheartedly suggested sex with her in the office the next Friday evening, Amaka for the first time said no. She waited to see if he would just take her. If he wished, he could fill her with an overpowering desire that would make refusal unthinkable. He could make her body move at his pleasure even if her mind remained unconvinced. He did neither, but only looked at her, puzzled.

"Pick me up at my house Saturday night at 8:00, darling. I've made plans for dinner. It's rather formal" Again Amaka waited to see if he would go along. If he didn't want to, he could just make her forget all about the arrangements. She had guessed right.

"OK. Why not?" James grinned almost shyly. It was the first smile of any kind Amaka had seen since Janet's death.

Saturday was a busy day. A lot was riding on this night, the happiness not only of her and James, but of many others. James could make many things right, or, if she failed, leave dozens of people, himself included, in misery. Amaka was glad she was a woman. She had the insight and, she hoped, the charms to make it happen.

Amaka understood James felt guilty about Janet's death, but perhaps even more about her life. He had used his powers, not maliciously, but irresponsibly. He had only just stumbled onto his strange ability when he met Janet. She was the first woman whose life he had remade. Although Janet must have loved James irrespective of his power over her and though she had lived for the children she had with him, her life had been wrenched too far from her own goals. James probably never thought he would fall in love with the woman whose life he had turned upside down. James could give her unbelievable pleasure, but he had not been able to make her totally happy. Now he never could.

Most of James clients were probably happier for his interventions in their lives, but there were a few who had also suffered from James's use of his powers. Amaka suspected that Janet's death had reminded James of his culpability in those cases, too. He needed to face what he had done, but he had to get beyond it without hating himself. To help him do that was her task.

The element of surprise would be important. Fortunately, James knew Amaka only as a beautiful, if exotic, woman who had fallen somewhat accidentally into his power. Typically for a man, he had not been too curious about the woman who had shared her body with him for the last four years. It was time he learned some things.

"He has to fall in love me, Mamma," Amaka explained.

"He already loves you, child."

"That's what he thinks, too, but not totally. I want it all. Give me juju, Mamma."

"It's dangerous girl. Juju could make you evil and manipulative."

"No, Mamma. Just give me the good juju."

"Juju isn't good or bad, Amaka. It draws its power from what is in your heart. If your motives are even a little bad, the juju will root in that evil and it will be multiplied many fold."

"I have to try, Mamma."

"Oh, Amaka! Are you sure?"

"I'm sure, Mamma."

"Amaka you are my first born daughter. I can't believe anything bad of you. If you want to risk juju, I will do as you say."

Mamma went to the corner and pulled a key from her bosom to unlock the ancient chest. Carefully she withdrew several small carved wooden objects. Amaka knew what she had to do and had brought out candles, arranging them in an ellipse with a mat in the center. Amaka stripped and lay naked, perfectly still on the mat, waiting. Mamma went round the ring of candles, lighting each and repeating a chant. Then she danced around the circle of burning tapers, rolling her ample hips and singing softly, before stepping across the invisible threshold. With great precision, Mamma passed one and another of the idols over Amaka's body. The final one she passed three times around each breast and three times around Amaka's mound, intoning the age-old ritual. When she finished Amaka was deeply entranced.

Mamma smiled down at her sleeping daughter, the mother of her four grandchildren; Amaka was still her little girl. "Time to get up, honey. Let's do something with that hair. You need some practical juju, too."

It hurt when Mamma knotted Amaka's hair into scores of tight plaits. Into each she wove in a piece or two of tinsel. It was a five hour job, but when she finished, both women were pleased with the results. Amaka went to her bath and soaked a long while, allowing the oils and unguents to be absorbed by her soft skin. When she emerged, she shown.

Naked, Amaka went to her closet and removed a garment from a back shelf where it had remained for years, awaiting such an occasion. The noble fabric responded to the touch of an iron and became as new. Amaka slipped on a diaphanous blue brassiere and a pair of navy thong panties and began to dress. Carefully she wound the Ukmoh around her shapely hips and drew the top in the same fabric over her breasts and shoulders. It took several adjustments to get the scalloped hem even with her ankle bones as Mamma had taught her. Mamma helped coil the matching Ubaletu around her shining black plaits and fluffed it until it added four or five inches to her height. When she finished, Amaka examined herself in the mirror approvingly while Mamma looked on with pride. The craft of five hundred generations of African women had perfected this look. She would be irresistible.

Mamma opened the door for James and ushered him to the tiny living room to wait. Perhaps she was unaware of the psychology of making a man a little impatient before Amaka made a dramatic entrance. James was just slightly startled when Amaka greeted him from the doorway. "Good evening, darling."

James was stunned. Amaka had been working for him over four years. He had been fucking her exactly as long, although they had been making love for a shorter period. He had seen her daily. He had seen her in cute miniskirts, in elegant tailored suits, in the sexy smocks she wore around the office, in hot pants and bikinis, and of course in nothing at all. Now as looked at her, it was if he had never laid eyes on her, never.

Could this be the woman he worked with every day? No, standing before him was a princess or a queen. An empress or a goddess! James could not take his eyes off the vision that had addressed him. Speech was impossible. His eyes caressed her from head to foot. The garment she wore was a deep yet somehow brilliant blue, a blue of sky that can only be seen from high mountains at twilight. Unsurprisingly, in that crepuscular background, gold studs and inlays sparkled like the first stars in the firmament when the sum has not yet yielded his dominion to night. A headdress of the same resplendent cloth adorned her head. The light, caught and thrown back by the inlays, made it a diadem.

James scarcely heard as Mamma told the elegant couple to have fun, that the children would be fine and ushered them out. As she closed the door, she said silent prayer to Ussa, et Fillis, and the Holy Spirit.

Amaka took James's arm and allowed him to escort her to the car, open the door for her, and see that she was seated. Hardly daring to look at his beautiful companion, James was heading in the direction of the city before he remembered to ask where they were going. Amaka told him to drive to the river front. James was puzzled, knowing there were no restaurants in that area. Nevertheless, he let Amaka direct him to park and lead him to the wharf.

A long ramp led to a brightly lighted deck of a dinner cruse ship. Amaka had timed their arrival well and only minutes later the vessel weighed anchor and eased into the deeper waters of mid river, quickly leaving behind the built-up parts of the city. Cocktails and canapés soon gave way to a full dinner with dozens of other couples.

James and Amaka didn't talk much over dinner; James because he couldn't; Amaka because it wasn't necessary. As he gazed at her, not able to get his fill of looking, the words and images of the classic music video came back to her. Like Whitney Houston, Amaka could say, "I'm every woman; it's all in me." It was an epiphany; it was time to dance.

The band struck up a Latin beat and James and Amaka took center stage on the floor. As the combo pumped out the Salsas and Meringues of Carlos Vives and Shakira. James marveled at his partner. Of course her dancing was superb. But Amaka put a wiggle in her hips and a subtle contortion into the movements of her belly that reminded everyone of the Afro-Caribbean origins of this music.

The panting couples were taking a break from hard driving techno-rock when the ship reached its southernmost point and swung round, allowing those on both sides to view the long incline up on the Virginia side towards Mt. Vernon, brilliantly illuminated for the benefit of the parade of vessles.

On the way back, the orchestra wisely switched to ballads of the '60s and '70s that put everyone in a mellower mood. As the liner pulled to within sight of the Washington Monument, the music had drifted farther back to Hoagie Carmichael and Cole Porter. James was holding Amaka very close and they swayed, almost asleep in each other's arms, to the magical old lyrics.

It was well past midnight when the last of the happy couples descended the gangplank, most looking more at each other than at where they were going. James thought Amaka had never felt softer, had never fit more perfectly into his arms, as if she had always been there. If, that is, the world had even existed before. Was this not the first night of a newly created Earth, a terrestrial paradise that might be lost, but never again equaled? James dreaded for this night to end. Reluctantly he pointed the car toward Amaka's house in upper Northeast.

"Not that way, darling," she smiled.

James looked at the lovely woman at his side, not knowing how to believe his good fortune. He started to ask her something, but Amaka stopped his lips with a kiss.

"Home, James," she ordered.

Amaka seemed to have no shyness, walking into the stately home James had shared with Janet. Without having to ask, she led James to the bedroom. She allowed him to watch as she removed the Ubaletu and shook her plaits free. He stared in fascination as she untied the Ukmoh and let it drop to the floor. He didn't have to wait long before she shed the bra and panties and began undressing him.

They made love. James had believed he had made love to Amaka many times. He now realized that he was wrong. They had only had loving, tender sex. It had been wonderful sex, but nothing like this. "James, James, oh my love, Oh James, James" Amaka sobbed between orgasms.

James could only repeat her name like a mantra, "Amaka, Amaka, Amaka, Amaka" his voice, too, broken with feeling as he thrust himself deep into the woman clinging to him. "One flesh." The old Biblical phrase flashed into James's mind. Before, it had struck him as material and crude. Now he knew it was but a literal description of what his and Amaka's bodies sought -- coupling, joining, fusion, a melting together, a perfect union.

A terrible tenderness came over James as he felt Amaka drift off to sleep. She lay cradled in his arms, so perfectly trusting, snuggling closer as her breathing grew soft. Did any man deserve this trust; did he; could he earn it? He never wanted her to leave his side. As James drowsily held the now sleeping woman, he realized that not only had he and Amaka never made love before, they had never slept together. "Sleep together." It was much so much more than a euphemism for having sex. It was a totally different way of making love, one in which the elbows and the backs of the legs, the knees and the shoulder blades, could participate for hour after hour, long after the genitals no longer touched.

The last thing James remembered before going to sleep was Amaka's hair tickling his nose. He could have flicked it aside, but decided he would rather just fold her into the crook of his body. The first thing he saw in the next morning was Amaka's smiling face. Compared to this moment, he had never been happy before. Tears filled his eyes. "I love you so much, Amaka."

"And I love you," she replied. "You are a good man, James, worthy of a woman's love. You must believe that and not keep torturing yourself over Janet."

"But I..." Amaka stifled his protest with a kiss.

"Whatever you did, Love, is done. Janet left you four children whom she loved more than anything. The best thing you can do is give them their daddy back. Look!"

Amaka clapped her hands and two by two the children filed in. Amaka's children, being used to constant coming and goings since they were babies, were more outgoing than Janet's. Ifi led James Jr. by the hand even though he was several months her senior. Efe tugged at the shy Clive. Little Jerome and Sophia were already best friends and playmates and followed their brothers and sisters in without coaxing. Mamma entered last holding the babies, Leroy and Susana.

As James looked from one to the other, he was consumed by love for them all. He knew that he had to remake a life for them as well as for the wonderful creature lying at his side.

"They're all here" James stated, somewhat foolishly, but Amaka understood what he meant.

"Of course, darling. Mamma brought them last night. This is their home. It's our home. They have a wonderful Mamma, but they need a mother and father."

It took a few days to work out the sleeping arrangements and a routine to get everyone bathed and fed in the mornings and still permit James and Amaka to get to the clinic by 10:00 AM or so. The nature of the practice changed. James and Amaka became even more equal partners. Now they never took a client just because his or her partner wanted a subservient sex maniac. They interviewed the couple carefully and made the adjustments necessary, usually to both.

Amaka did not need to tell James what to do about the ex-clients. Over many weeks and months he made calls, tracking down people and getting them into the clinic for business, but within a year things were falling into place.

It had not been easy to locate Kathy Black. James was appalled at finding her in a housing project struggling to support six children by four different men. When they heard her story, however, Kate and Bill Jenkins of NAP (National Association of People) had no trouble deciding they wanted Kathy to head up their legal staff. Kathy was surprised how old Bill Atturbury had changed and after making him court her assiduously for several months agreed to marry him.

Bill Atturbury could have been their grandfather, but Pauline, Carlitos, Chun and Chan, and Malcolm Jr. couldn't have been more delighted. He read them stories, and played horsy, and could make an elephant sound that never failed to set them giggling hilariously. This was so much more fun than running a conglomerate, Bill turned his remaining interests over to Trent. He took Pauline and Carlitos to pre-school and even found changing the diapers of Susana and Martin Luther hugely satisfying.

As much as he adored these children, however, Bill begged Kathy to let him get her pregnant just one more time so they could have one baby of their own. Kathy told him he must be out of his mind. It could have been cause for a row, but they loved each other too much to argue over numbers. Eventually Kathy compromised on three.

When James called, Angelica supposed that he had decided it was time to give her another child. She was puzzled when, instead, he asked her to send Robert to the clinic for another visit. Wonderful "after sales service," she laughed to herself in the days and nights that followed. Angelica loved the improvements in Robert. He was as sweet as ever, but seemed somehow more imaginative in his lovemaking. He no longer just waited around to please his ever-horny wife, but took more initiative, fucking her at times and in places that Angelica wouldn't have thought of. Angelica would have to thank James personally when she saw him next.

Another motive for seeing James intervened. "What's going on, James? I've missed my period." Angelica demanded, more than a little annoyed.

"Do you need me to tell you what that means?" James replied, amused.

"It's not funny, James" Angelica snapped. "Why treat me like that? I never deny you. I enjoy letting you get me pregnant. There was no reason to get me down to the clinic, impregnate me and then make me forget the whole thing!"

"You haven't been to the clinic, Angelica and I didn't get you pregnant.

"Then who did?"

"How should I know?" James teased. "Have you been sleeping around?"

"No, you bastard, only with..." She stopped and rapidly counted the days. She had been ovulating soon after Robert's visit to James's clinic. A look of consternation spread over her face. "But that's impossible."

"I reversed Robert's vasectomy, Angelica, and told him about our now defunct arrangement. I'm sure Robert will be very happy to find he's going to be a father for the first time."

"My god! I'm as horny as ever. So from now on I'll have to take precautions?"

"That's up to you, but don't expect too much help from Robert. Under the circumstances I can bet he will be wanting to make up for lost time."

Malcolm Foster was mad as hell. He had been waiting in this damned doctor's office for forty five minutes. He could be out on the street dealing. This delay was costing him money over $1500, but it couldn't be helped. He wasn't here of his own free will.

Everything had started going wrong for Malcolm several months ago when his favorite woman, that horny white bitch named Kathy had been snatched out of his life. He had had made with her. She craved sex and by giving or withholding his woman pleaser, he had made her a virtual sex slave. The oversexed slut had learned to cook for him better than any of his black girlfriends and she had let him make her pregnant twice. Malcolm had been thinking it was time she started working on another little bastard when everything changed. He didn't underhand how she suddenly was able to laugh off his bullying and then get some rich white man screwing her. Even before the old bastard married her, he installed Kathy in a fancy apartment with security that didn't let Malcolm in.

Malcolm though his luck had turned when Horse Jones and the other four Wizards starters showed up at his house one day. He quickly learned his mistake. It was funny, they seemed to know all about him. "Kathy tells me you like white girls," Horse said a little menacingly.

"Sure, Bro'," Malcolm replied nervously. "Them white bitches really likes a nice big piece of black meat."

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Chapter 2-The Examination Bella cringed as she took her place in line to be displayed for the master that claimed her. She nodded at Raisa trying to reassure her that she was going to be okay. The piercing emerald eyes of the Master shot through her as Bella looked at him. He had a wicked grin on his face. "You know, little tiger, that I can request to see all of you right here in front of all these other men. I am going to do that, so prepare yourself. Maybe it will take some of the fire out...

4 years ago
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Wish Shift Examinations

Wish Shift: Chapter Five Examinations Year 1 A.S. Day 43 Dianne didn't arrive the next day, but she did show up the day after that. Sometime after four p.m., when Kira and Jenny were lighting the charcoal in the small portable grill, Kira's phone started ringing. While Jenny busied herself with using the hand cranked fan to get the coal bed well fired, Kira answered it and started laying out the directions to where they were. After they finished talking Kira told Jenny that...

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Teen Males Special Examination

I was very anxious as I got off my bike in front of Dr. White's office. It was time for me to receive a basic checkup from him. The last few times I had been examined by him, I had to fight back the urge for my young cock to harden when he would pull down my jeans and white cotton briefs. My Doctor was an older man, maybe in his mid fifties. He had gray hair, and wore these old fashioned half rim glasses. His eyebrows were bushy and thick; he would peer down at me, as he would examine my young...

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Knocking Up Mary AnnChapter 4 Mary Anns Examination

A freshly scrubbed, towel wrapped Ginger walked up to the entrance of the hut she shared with Mary Ann. She hoped that all previous evidence of her sexual encounters earlier that day had been washed away. She did her best to look as penitent as possible. Imagining the Professor uncharacteristic stern attitude toward her helped. Tentatively, she knocked. "Mary Ann, Mary Ann," Ginger said gently, "Mary Ann, are you awake?" "Go away!" "Mary Ann, please, you must believe how sorry I...

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Wonder Womans Examination

Col. Steve Trevor was in a bad humor even although he had good news for his commanding officer. He had broken up a group that threatened a major National Monument. He learned of a plot to plant explosives in George Washington's image on Mt. Rushmore that would have turned the face of the Father of Our Country into that of an international terrorist. Steve had foiled the attempt, but only with Wonder Woman's help. And that was the source of his frustration -- Wonder Woman. Working with the...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 2 StephieChapter 66 SelfExamination

September 18, 1988, Chicago, Illinois “Well, don’t just stand there with your mouth hanging open,” Jolene said. “Neither of those things should surprise you.” I sighed, “No, I guess they don’t. What are we going to do?” “Well, YOU are not going to sleep with MY daughter.” “On THAT we are in complete agreement,” I said firmly. “Good,” Jolene said, sounding relieved. “Then I can deal with her.” “But the other issue?” I asked. “I don’t know that there is anything anyone can do.” “And...

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Back from Iraq Examination

Another essay, another glimpse at an officer back from overseas duty and the places he visits with his girl. * The sweet tart red tropical juice trickled down my throat and soothed away the heat. How considerate of the room steward to leave the pitcher and ice, I thought. His soft comment earlier in the morning however, deeply concerned me. Spoken as I left the breakfast veranda in a quiet aside and meant to be complimentary, the effect was like a depth charge to my psyche. ‘Missy not so...

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On Further Examination

Robert Ames was growing concerned. Angelica had disappeared behind the inner office door of the clinic over an hour ago. With perfect hindsight he realized they could have left some notes back at the offices of Post outlining the story they were following. It had all seemed so unreal that night a few weeks ago. He and his curvy Latina girlfriend had just finished making love, passionate and satisfying as always, when she looked over at him with a strange expression in dark eyes. "Darling, if...

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Crossing the LineChapter 2 Peterrsquos Examination

Peter glanced at his wife, Clarice, as she came and sat beside him; he was hoping that Clarice would drop a hint as to what happened in the doctor’s consultation room. Clarice had no idea what had happened to her so how could she give Peter the heads up. Suddenly Peter was jolted out of his daydream by Dr Ruth calling his name; he gathered his wits quickly and rose to head to the open door, the door his beloved Clarice had recently entered by. As he strode across the room for a fleeting...

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The Count of Monte CristoChapter 7 The Examination

No sooner had Villefort left the salon, than he assumed the grave air of a man who holds the balance of life and death in his hands. Now, in spite of the nobility of his countenance, the command of which, like a finished actor, he had carefully studied before the glass, it was by no means easy for him to assume an air of judicial severity. Except the recollection of the line of politics his father had adopted, and which might interfere, unless he acted with the greatest prudence, with his own...

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One thing about traditional dating sites is that they are not wholly inclusive. Let’s face it, transgendered people face a lot of stigma and stereotype and coming out to date in the public is a bit tricky for them. Many of them live in fear of being victimized and judged and finding a dating site specifically suited for transgender dating is not entirely straightforward. Luckily, I’ve spent lots of ungodly hours looking for the best solution, and like the determined motherfucker I am, I come...

Hookup Sites
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Mega Personals sound like a much bigger version of regular personals, so I wonder if I’ll meet any fat chicks on there. That’s all I’ve been banging on Tinder lately, plus I think I may have caught the coronavirus off that last chick. I’m hoping the Mega in the name refers to their overall caliber of service and available broads, not to their girth or vagina circumference. There’s only one way to find out, right? may have an EU in the link, but they’ve got personal classified...

Escort Sites
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Everyone who is looking for a kink partner, whether you are dom or a sub, you have them all neatly listed in a subreddit called r/BDSMpersonals/. This is a platform where all the naughty people of Reddit can post their wants and needs, who they are trying to find, and what turns them on. You can basically do the same, or you can respond to some of the things you see here.I think that this place is rather self-explanatory, but there are some shits that you might be confused by. So, if you want...

Reddit NSFW List
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Personalising My Personal Assistant

kris is my former student whom i know her since age 18. she was my favourite. about 3 years ago, i had the opportunity to work with her in my office when when she was did an internship with me. i mentored her personally and i know i am also her favourite mentor. kris was a young lady who has the fire and idealism in her. she is a highly confident girl who knows what she want. she is an achiever in every sense. kris is now employed as my personal assistant. fresh from university, she is half my...

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Personals…My name is Ian. I am a six foot two, twenty- nine year old white male. I go to the gym every Tuesday and Thursday. I take good care of my body I eat well and have good hygiene. I have dated lots of women. But they all lack something. The sex is fair, we connect but I feel something missing from them. In my latest escapade for that special someone. The woman was everything I’d want. Legs that didn’t quit, ample breasts, shapely figure, athletic, smart, funny and had a seductive look...

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Personals...My name is Ian. I am a six foot two, twenty- nine year old white male. I go to the gym every Tuesday and Thursday. I take good care of my body I eat well and have good hygiene. I have dated lots of women. But they all lack something. The sex is fair, we connect but I feel something missing from them. In my latest escapade for that special someone. The woman was everything I'd want. Legs that didn't quit, ample breasts, shapely figure, athletic, smart, funny and had a seductive look...

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Personals Slave II

What started out as a simple dom-sub story is starting to take on a life of its own. Im not sure right now where this is going, but this chapter contains a flashback for Cass, and is also a continuation of the first story. Enjoy and please comment – politely. What has gone before: I found a young girl, 18-year-old Cass, through a personals advertisement looking for someone to be my slave for a year. When we first met, she was hesitant, but agreed to a one-week trial of submitting to me. I...

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personals pussy

i have always been attracted to women, but i guess i didn't begin to accept it until i was in my 20's. i had a few lesbian encounters then, but after them, i would feel guilty and never call or talk to them again. this story is going to be about one of those times. i was home for the summer and was bored out of my mind. there was nothing on tv, all of my close friends lived in other states and my mother drove her car to work so, i was stranded. i went to the kitchen thinking maybe i'd have a...

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Entrance Examination

Imagine this, There are s*******n vacancies at the school and eighty applications for places, the schools reputation is so admired, almost everyone wants a placement. Interviews from the short list are being conducted in my office with the girl and her parents present.I want pretty pleasant and intelligent girls so many are rejected without getting this far. Daddy can recognise the type of student he wants, submissive and obedient , nice firm tits and above all a pretty pert bottom.The parents...

2 years ago
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Sexed Examination

Chapter 1 This all began when I was fourteen, almost fifteen, and in the eighth grade in middle school. My name is Samantha, Sam to all who know me, and I have two brothers, Paul, two years older at sixteen and Eric, almost a year younger than me, he's just turned fourteen. One day after school, I was sitting in bed, reading, I love to read, and they both appeared at my door. "Sam, can we ask you something?" Paul, the older brother, said. "Sure," I said as they came in. I had always...

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Cathys Examination

"Hi Cathy," called out Prof Tomas. "Hello Professor," she said. He was not one of Cathy's favourite Tutors for she felt his eyes stripping her naked whenever she sat in his classes. She wouldn't have minded so much if it was that new Professor Blunt in Media Studies for he was quite cute. Professor Tomas was everything but; he was fifty at least and quite horrible. "Must make time to see you Cathy," he said staring at her bust, "your end of year exam is due in a few weeks and I must...

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Trying to Be NormalChapter 5 A First Date and a PostDate Examination

Climbing into the car after finally escaping the crazy scene where my girls confronted Kitty in my living room, I realized I'd hardly said a dozen words the entire time. It had just been a dizzying rush, but I figured it wasn't much of a date if we never even got a chance to talk. "In case I forgot to mention it in that little menagerie, you're absolutely beautiful tonight," I whispered as I turned to glance at her. And she was, too. She was wearing a dark blue silk dress, which somehow...

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Repo Auto CenterChapter 7 The Examination

And then it came time for the rubber to hit the road. I would have to face the girl who abandoned me at the car lot for my head shoved into a car’s trunk grubbing for goodies. The more time passed between that moment and morning, arriving at school, the more painful the responsibility got. I was so embarrassed now having been called out as a virgin by what seemed like everybody, even Shorty and Aron racing by the lot in the company jeep yelling, “Hey v-i-r-g-i-n!” Seems Siza would forever...

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A Set of Calamitous OccurrencesChapter 3 An Excruciating Examination

My name is Gina Gilson and just like you I couldn’t help but develop a feeling of caring towards Ellen Hall, it is a rather strange thing, but she is such an innocent girl with such an unfortunate faith. Unlike me, who excessively studied every bit of her tale, you haven’t done so yet and as a direct result haven’t attached yourself emotionally to the poor woman. I implore you to leave this story here so your caring for Ellen will fade away and you could move on with your life, it might be...

1 year ago
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Special Examination

Courtney hated going to the doctor. She didn't know why, but she just did. Being 18, she was stressing out about the breakup she had been through, and cleaning her house and all that. She drove to the hospital and sat in the waiting room. When the nurse called her name, she cursed in her head and followed her to a room she had never been in. "Dr. Heston will be in shortly," she said with a smile. She left leaving Courtney alone. There was a door in this room that wasn't in any other she'd been...

First Time
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Personal Trainer

PERSONAL TRAINERChapter 1Nicole didn’t know what to make of the man in the three-piece suit who had just walked into the diner and sat at the counter.  He was certainly not like her usual clientele who drifted in for a coffee during the wee hours of the morning.  As she took his order, he regarded her with a cold scrutiny.  She felt it unnerving to stand before him as his eyes followed the curves of her body.  He asked about the menu, but his attention never returned to the printed page.  There...

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Personal Assistant

The dank, gray gloom was lifting as I pulled into the parking lot outside the mist-shrouded warehouse in Edinburgh. The snow was still falling heavily, swirling snowflakes had reduced visibility to a few feet by the time we reached our destination. Even though we had managed to outrun the blizzard, it would be difficult getting back this afternoon. Beside me, Fiona pulled the black trench coat tightly around her breasts and shivered slightly in spite of the warmth from the heater. I had picked...

Straight Sex
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Personal Assistance

Personal Assistance By: Cindy Renee' Anderson [email protected] My life with Rick had become mundane, ordinary, if not predictable. It wasn't that Rick wasn't a good catch. In fact from the moment that we first met after being introduced by mutual friends, I found Rick's intelligence and sensitivity a major attraction. Rick was laid back, almost care free, soft spoken with hints of sarcastic political humor. We though alike when...

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Personal Assistant

Personal Assistant James Mason was an unemployed recent college graduate. With nothing more than a degree in English Literature and the money he had received as graduation gifts, James moved to the big city with high hopes but no immediate prospects. He moved his few possessions into a cheap SRO hotel in an area of the city which had seen better days. He had been in the city for three weeks, sending resumes and checking with employment agencies, but thus far had not even gotten an...

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Personal Best Part 2

We snuggled up together again on the couch. “Have you always liked girls’ juice so much?” I asked a little shyly. “Well, to be honest, I didn’t like it much at first,” he said. “I did it first just to try. But the girl I was sucking adored what I did to her and kept begging me to do it to her again.” “And you were a perfect gentleman,” I said giggling. “Japanese girls are so beautiful when they come. So whole-hearted … so sincere. And they make such lovely sounds: whimpering, squealing,...

Straight Sex
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PERSONAL ASSISTANTI heard that you are looking for a new personal assistant since yours has been promoted. I would love to have the opportunity to have the position but I know that I don’t have the skills. I’ve always wondered if the rumors that you were screwing your PA were true but no one ever knew for sure. I am surprised that you call me into your office. I’m just a receptionist and you’ve never really had a need to give me work. When I come into your office you’re waiting at the door...

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Personal Assistant

Personal Assistant By Carmenica Diaz Every time he heard voices outside the door, he felt panic rise in his throat. What if it wasn't her? What if someone else walkedinto his office and found him in this humiliating position? Kneeling by his desk, actually tethered to it by his military striped tiein such a way that his cheek was pressed against the leg. With his trousersand underwear down around his ankles, he was in a very humiliating position.Anyone walking in would assume he had tied...

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Personal Assistant

Personal Assistant. Is that even a real job? I click on the ad just for fun. To my surprise there is a lengthy and professionally written description.Hours: Monday through Friday, weekend overtime available.Compensation: $15 per hour and up.Duties: house cleaning, errands, pet sitting, paperworkHmmm. It seems too good to be true. The ad has been posted for two weeks. It says to text the number provided to set up a phone interview.Text Corinne. I dial the number into my phone and click "new...

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PERSONAL TRAINER©By: Dana15.22My name is Dana and I am a 36 year old lesbian, personal trainer and sports psychologists in Baltimore, MD. I have known I was a lesbian since I was 15. I am a very self-confident person and always have been so, I am not looking for a life partner or to same sex marry. I quickly tire of any kind of routine, especially having sex with the same partner over a long period of time. Some may say I am a predator of mature women, but I consider myself more of an...

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Copyright© 2003 by Carlos Malenkov "You're what? How old? Eighteen? And you've never had a date?" Beth knew she was hopeless. Grossly overweight and ugly. Totally inept when it came to dealing with people one-on-one. Maybe she should resign herself to living the rest of her life without companionship. Finally dying as a dried up old maid. Alone. Forever. Freshman English Comp was one of the few classes she enjoyed. The instructor, Professor Wilmington ("Just call me Prof."), calmly...

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Personal Trainer

I looked to the clock and saw that my 2:00 client would be arriving at the gym soon. I have been a personal trainer for a few years now and it has helped my image and confidence. I am 6’3” 220 pounds with almost no body fat on my body, which helps me get a lot of clients. I was dressed in my usual tight tank top that accentuated my large chest and revealed my strong arms, along with a pair of shorts that my ripped legs could barely fit in and my 8-inch cock constantly tried to push through. As...


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