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She wrapped her fingers around my cock and gave a possessive squeeze.

“Mine,” she said

I leaned over, cupped her between the legs with my right palm.

“So this is mine?” I said.

Patty-Ann gave a laugh.

“Of course not, that’s mine as well, you silly man.”

“Doesn’t seem quite fair.”

“What’s fair got to do with it? We’re married. It wasn’t easy for me, and you sure didn’t help. The simple act of walking down that long aisle in the Cathedral was physically daunting. Have you any idea, what a sixty-thousand-dollar French lace dress with an eight-foot train is like to walk in?

“The fitting takes forever, and you have to lose weight so you can wear it. You’re required to be at least ten pounds underweight. Really, why not put up an obstacle course and make the bride wear a thirty-pound pack. Only if she gets to the altar does the groom marry her.”

She shook her head and squeezed my cock tighter.

“No mister, I jumped through all the loops now I have earned my prize. Your days of having any say over this, are done,” she said giving my genitals a good slap for emphasis.

“And don’t you dare turn those lovely blue eyes on me, Mister. I will let you have anything I have, but you belong to me,” she said and planted a passionate kiss on my lips.

Her name is Patty-Ann Shelley now, but it was Patty-Ann Tobler as in Tobler GM, Ford, Volkswagen, Honda, Subaru, and Kia. Her Dad’s that guy that makes an ass of himself on TV. However, he is very smart. She gets her brains from dad and her looks from mom. Her parents are rich. She’s the youngest of four children and the only girl, Daddy’s little princess.

I’m Greg Shelley like the Poet. Which is interesting, because I met her at University in an advanced English course on the Romantic Poets. I’m not bad looking and on the large size, but clumsy as hell. Patty-Ann says I have the sweetest baritone voice. But I’m very shy and socially awkward like all nerds. Oh, I guess I should have said that right off. I’m what is commonly referred to as a computer geek. Yet, beneath the tech exterior is buried a romantic hero. At least, that is what my new wife tells me.

“Yes, I know the wedding was hard my love, but whose fault was that? I would have married you at the Courthouse – remember, I offered,” I said.

I could immediately see her dissatisfaction and frustration with me. She is smart, as well as beautiful, and has little patience for what she sees as male stupidity.

“Marriage involves three things. First, there is love. I keep telling you that I love you. Second, there is a sacred union of two souls. It’s a sacrament for a reason—so a church is a necessity. And finally, there is the practical, social, and economic union. As in, I need a father for my children. My parents needed and wanted a big wedding, and that is the least I owed them. You are now my property. I earned you with my work and sweat.”

“Ok, but why do I belong to you but not vice versa?” I asked.

“God you are such a ninny. Look we’ve been married a week, spent near the entire time in this hotel room, and you have yet to fuck me once,” she said.

“What!? We did it four times the first night and never less than three times a day since!” I said, beginning to lose it.

She smiled like the Cheshire Cat, “No my sweet virgin. What you do is make love. Take my word for it. Fucking is something foreign to you. We had intercourse the first night four times, but you came only twice. I have way too much experience to be fooled. You wear your heart on your sleeve, and it’s beautiful and oh, so romantic. No one ever made love to me before. You were the first to take my heart and my body at the same time. I will love you till the day, I die.”

She looked at me with those deep green eyes of hers. A man could lose his soul in those eyes. I needed to be careful. My wife is the kind of woman every man wants. Sexually, she has a lot of experience. I think most women today with her looks and opportunities have significant experience.

What most men fail to see is that my wife is not like other women. Her body is soft and welcoming, but her soul is hard as diamond. She will not belong to you. Her man must belong to her, and she does not share. It is so odd to discover that a beautiful woman has the same emotions as any. She is just as possessive of her mate, and she can be jealous.

“I don’t know what you see in nerdy me,” I said.

She laughed and stroked my face, “You are beautiful my love and not just on the outside. ‘There was a rich man on finding a pearl of great price sold all he had and purchased it.’ You, my love, are my pearl of great price,” she said

Patty-Ann wrapped her arms around me, and the kiss she gave me would have melted iron, but it turned my cock to steel. We made love four times that day, but that only hid the problem.

I didn’t trust my wife. If I truly gave her all my love, would she break my heart? Was not she the pearl, and how was a man like me to keep her love. I felt like I was living next to a volcano that was sending out plumes of smoke. I was just waiting for the eruption that would kill me.

We returned from our honeymoon in time for Patty-Ann to begin her first year teaching physical education at Central High. She was also coaching the Cheer Squad. Coaching was her passion. Everything in Patty-Ann’s life orbited around the Cheerleading. That first year was good. It was just the two of us, and the fears I had coming into the marriage dissipated like fog over the ocean on a summer’s morning. But like fog, they returned when the conditions were right.

Patty-Ann was amazingly attentive. Calling me several times a day to ask where I was and what I was doing. Even on her busiest days, she took the time to check up. The unkind would say, “your wife is a bit too watchful even jealous to a fault.”

So what, we were happy. Whatever my wife took, she gave back ten fold. Every time she checked on me, I made sure to ask where and who she was with. Maybe not a perfect arrangement, but I was not complaining.

“I’m going off the pill this month,” Patty-Ann said one day.

It was the first of June. We had been married about ten months. The school year was ending. They’d renewed Patty-Ann’s contract for the next school year. She’s a planner, so I knew she’d worked it all out.

“Do I get a say?”

She gave me that look that said something like, “Just how dumb are you?”

I was getting accustomed to her raising her eyebrows at my male stupidity. I am not a wimp. I’m not. It’s just that she’s in charge, and no place more than the bedroom. From the beginning, she let me know that she’d had enough of guys getting what they wanted from her. I was there to give her pleasure.

“Look, I know what you want and need in bed, but this is new to you, so I will teach you what I need and want,” she said. “Fair is fair. You get yours, and I get mine.”

At first, I feared we might be sexually incompatible. She was so much more experienced. All those jocks had had her.

“Greg, please enough. I have to teach tomorrow.”

“I’m just trying to make you happy.”

“I don’t have to orgasm a dozen times a night to be happy. Half a dozen is more than adequate. Stop trying to compete with the whole football team. The backfield is quite enough.”

The sex was good. I was happy, and she said she was happy. So everything was great. Oh, I sometimes felt a bit challenged in the ego department. A man should rule his home or, at least, have a say. But you need to face facts. My wife was beautiful, and she earned the money. What she didn’t earn her parents gave us, our house, her Mercedes, my overpowered Ford.

We live in a modest three-bedroom in a well-established development about twenty minutes from her parents McMansion of a home. Patty picked the house. She consulted with me, but what did I know of houses.

“I want you to be happy living here,” she said.

“I will be happy as long as we are together. No matter where we live,” I said.

“But what do you think? It has three bedrooms, The master bedroom is a bit small, but there is two good size rooms for the children. They will have the space they need,” she said.

“We have no children,” I said.

“It’s for when we do,” she said beginning to get frustrated.

“Well, I love it then. It’s perfect.”

Her parents put down half the purchase price. They would have paid it all, but she wouldn’t let them.

“We need to be independent,” she said, but the We — was really only her.

My wife carried the load. Patty is more capable. I was relying on her, not her on me. I had no steady job. In my longest employment, I had worked for her father for two months, fixing some IT problems. His usual support firm let him down on a needed upgrade. Daddy wanted to give me a permanent job, but I did not want to work for my father-in-law. Patty-Ann was very supportive.

“You don’t need to do anything you feel uncomfortable with. I make enough,” she said.

I ended up forming a partnership with two old school buddies. They were Jarred and Larry. We operated out of a garage at Larry’s mother’s house. Jarred lived in the basement of his older sister’s house. We bought parts from China that were obsolete. We made our purchases through a Chinese friend we’d gone to school with. He scouted out electronics that were over manufactured and no longer in demand. It was up to us to figure out a new use. Our biggest seller was a chip designed to run a toy that I was able to reprogram to run a phone. You know one of those throwaway things. You buy it because it is cheap, and is just a phone for when you need it.

We never made a lot of money, but we built up a good size customer list. Jarred seemed able to sell anything that I could invent, and Larry could manufacture. It was a good partnership, and it gave us something to do while we looked for real work. I gave the money to Patty-Ann. She gave me back my allowance. That was the way it was. She ran things.

My contribution was limited at best. I fixed things in the house when they broke. Set the table for the diners she cooked. Carried the clothing she washed from the laundry room, and I put out the trash. My wife took care of everything else.

“Can we afford a baby??” I asked.

“Well they don’t actually charge you for them, and I have good medical coverage. So I would say yes. We can afford a baby. As for the costs of a growing child, I expect my income to increase. And, of course, the grandparents will want to help out.”

“What about daycare and such?” I asked.

“Don’t need any. I work, you take care of the kid,” she said.

“I don’t know if I can do that,” I said.

“Yes, you can and you will. It’s decided.”

That was the end of the discussion, but only the beginning of my problems. I understood that Patty-Ann had an image of our family in her head. Her home, her husband, and her children. Someone once told me that little boys dream of adventure and little girls dream of marriage and a family.

My wife had her dream. I would never deny her that dream. I did feel a bit guilty she was taking most of it on herself. As men go, and I believe husbands, in particular, I was a bit of a flop. Patty carried all the burdens of the marriage. Maybe I could be a good stay at home husband/father.

Nine months later, the rabbit still hadn’t died or even gotten sick. I remember the day the shit started to hit the fan. It was the Friday before St Patrick’s Day. We had a case of Harp’s in Larry’s Mother’s garage. We were sitting around drinking. We weren’t complete layabouts. We had just shipped five hundred solar powered clocks.

A guy shows up in a suit, and what a suit! It must have run five grand at least. The suit has one of our phones and is threatening patent infringement. Seems some company in California designed the chip. Jarred is non-pulsed.

“How much are you going to pay us?” Jarred said as he leaned back to take a swig of his beer.

The suit smiled and held out his hand, “My name’s Jack Thomas, so do I get a beer?”

Jack got his beer. The suit coat and tie come off, and we spend a few hours discussing the deal that puts their worthless toy part together with our phone programming.

“So this,” he said waving his hand. “Is this what you guys do? Sit around in a garage, drink beer, and invent stuff?”

“The beer is to celebrate St. Pat’s day,” Larry said clinking his bottle with Jack’s.

“But spending time in a garage is pretty much how it is,” Jarred said, “Except for Greg here who has a wife who supports him and watches him like a hawk.”

“Old ball and chain?” Jack asked.

“Drop dead gorgeous, “Larry said, a bit of envy creeping into his voice.

“Yea, but jealous as hell,” Jarred said.

“That’s not true,” I declared, “Patty-Ann just wants to know where I am and whether I’m alright.”

Jarred sighed, “Greg here is the best programmer I have ever known. Give him a technical problem and just stand back, but, and it’s a big BUT, when it comes to his wife he’s the dumbest guy I know.”

“You can say that again,” Larry chimed in.

“That’s not fair. I know Patty-Ann has faults, but who has a woman who does more for them.” I said.

Larry and Jarred nodded their heads.

“Crazy in love the man is,” Larry said.

“In love we are all fools alike,” Jack said.

“Don’t get me wrong. I would willing be a fool for a drop dead gorgeous babe like Patty-Ann. A woman who seems to think literally supporting your man is the way to go, and I just wish that some woman was as jealous of me as she is of Greg,” Larry said.

“Does she need to be jealous? “ Jack asked as he turned to me.

“No. I have never even thought of another woman since the day I first saw Pat. She means so much to me. I know for some strange reason she is a jealous woman. Though she has no cause, I love her so much. I don’t know what I would do if...”

There was an awkward pause in the conversation. It was Jack who finally spoke.

“They don’t tell you that being married to a beautiful woman will be hard. You wake up every day wondering, Is this the day I lose her? Well, love her and hold her tight, and if all goes well you will bring her home a pot of money,” Jack said, and then we all clinked out beer bottles to our new venture.

Jack left with a smile and a promise to come back Monday with the contracts.

I get home a bit drunk, with the exciting news that maybe I am good for something after all.

“Bedroom! Now!” My beautiful wife said, none too pleased with my late arrival and inebriated state.

“Take off your pants and sit on the edge of the bed,” she said.

With my pants off, naked from the waist down, I sat on our marital bed.

Patty-Ann squirted some lotion into her hand and proceeded to jack me off.

“What are you doing?” I asked.

“Getting a sample. Kelly is waiting at the clinic. She is staying late because you can’t get home on time. We will have it tested and have the results by next Friday.”

She had a little trouble gathering her sample. I can take a while, usually not a bad thing, but she was in a hurry. It was not what I would call a pleasant experience.

A week later and there are still no results. My wife puts me off with a wave of her hand. What happens if I can’t produce? I’m not afraid of her, really—I’m not.

But if she wants a baby, and if I can’t come across. What happens?

It was one of those early spring days that is unexpectedly warm. It takes you by surprise, and if you are working in someone’s mother’s garage without air-conditioning, you take off.

Our house has central air, but, of course, it is off. I need to do the maintenance to start it for the year. I get everything done but the attic fan and ducks. I strip down and go up. It’s hot as hell. I am almost through when I hear the voices.

Patty has come home from work and is sitting on the back patio with Kelly.

“So have you told him?” Kelly said.

“No, you know how Greg is. I hate to worry that pretty head of his.”

“You know I warned you against falling for a pretty face and a pair of deep blue eyes, but would you listen.”

“Gee Kelly, Miss practical. How has cautious, love with your head and not your heart, worked out for you,” Patty said.

“Please don’t rub it in. We have exactly the opposite problems,” Kelly said.

“Well if the man fails there are alternatives,” Patty said.

“Yea, and we both know what the best alternative is.”

“At least, you have an option, but what do I do. I was anticipating two children. How do I tell Greg he might not be a father. That he will never be more than my husband,” my wife said.

“Is that so bad, I think he lives pretty good for a man who has no career, no job, and no prospects,” Kelly said.

“Why are you so down on him. He does his best. He is not like other men. He’s not practical or ambitious. He’s a poet. It’s why I love him.”

“Well, I need to get home. I need to spread my legs for my stud before he is too tired,” Kelly said.

They both laughed as they went into the house.

I came down stairs and turned the air-conditioner on. As it kicked in, Patty called out.

“Greg are you home?”

“Yes, I just got the air-conditioning working.”

She came to me put her arms around my neck and said, “how sweet you are. No woman ever had a better husband. You’re sure worth having around the house.”

“But not worth much for making babies,” I thought.

Life with Patty-Ann went on. She often had a sad look in her eyes. It was a look that hurt me and worried me. She was a strong woman, but like iron, she was also brittle. I knew what was bothering her. It was not just that she wanted children, I believe she needed them. She could not see herself as a woman without them. That I realized is the trouble with dreams. My aimless one day at a time existence had that advantage. I had no dreams to lose.

My problem was what would I do if my fertility was the issue. There are medical things you can do, but Patty-Ann is the direct natural type. Could I keep my wife if I was sterile?

Six weeks go by without a word on my fertility. I know the test has come back. The question if why haven’t we discussed the results. Finally, a serious Patty-Ann sits me down. She gives me a smile that tells me something bad is coming.

“You know we are having a problem conceiving,” she said.

“I will do better. I promise,” I plead.

She sighs and says, “As unbelievable as it seems the problem is not you, it is me. It seems that some of the injuries I suffered as a cheerleader have affected my cervix and my uterus.

“It took them a while and numerous tests to find the problem. I could have surgery, but that would take some time to heal, and I still would possibly have a problem. That is the bad news. You married a defective bitch.”

I take her hands in mine and look deep into her sad eyes.

“I love you with children or without out,” I said.

She gives me a wane smile,” I know that, but there is also good news. The doctor says I’m married to a super stud who with a little help may still get the job done.”


She is laughing now.

“Oh, Greg, the doctor says your sperm count is at the top of the chart, and your boys are all Olympic swimmers, ‘ she said.

I’m taken aback, but so relieved.

“Ok, so we just keep trying,”

“Well ... there are things we can do to increase the chance that your boys reach the end of the pool.”

“Oh good, what?”

“You see, your swimmers have further to travel and a more difficult journey. If we can shorten the journey, and give them a little push, that would be a big help.”

“Ok, how do we do that?”

“Well, when you make love to me, I should be on my back and a little elevated. Then I should stay that way for at least a half hour after we finish ... And,” She hesitated.

“We need to have lots of sex when I am fertile, and you need to refrain from ejaculating when I am not ovulating,” she finished in a calm even voice.

Like any guy, I heard the lots of sex and nothing after that.

“So let’s go,” I said grabbing her hand and pulling her toward the bedroom.

“No, I am waiting for my friend. You know the one that visits every twenty-eight days. We need to wait about two weeks,” she said.

“Oh, so what do we do in the meantime?”

“Well, you need to refrain from...” and she made a vulgar motion with her hand.

Then to my perplexed expression, she moved closer.

“Look, love, we can still have sex. You can please me with your mouth, tongue, and hands like always, but we need to save you for when it counts.”

“Ok, I guess, if that’s what we need to do,” I said.

“I’m sorry for this, I feel so inadequate...” she said.

“No, we need to see this as what it is, good news. We have a chance. We chose to have a child, and we make it happen.”

“I don’t know what I did to deserve you. Why, would you marry the campus slut? I was used goods, and you knew it,” She said.

Patty put her hand on my cheek. She looked at me with her impossibly green eyes, and said, “I wanted you never to have a regret that we married. I know I can be a bit possessive, but I never cared for any man but you. I’m afraid that I am a one man woman, and unfortunately, for you that man is YOU.”

We hugged then, and I relaxed, and that is always a mistake with a woman like Patty-Ann.

So we began the strangest period of my life. Patty-Ann was insatiable for oral pleasure when she wasn’t fertile. When she was fertile, we had sex until I thought my dick would fall off, but it was anything but pleasurable. She lay flat on her back unmoving, and I was expected to perform. When I complained that my hand was more satisfying, I instantly regretted it.

Patty-Ann grabbed my manhood and said, “If I so much as catch you touching yourself, I will cage this up so tight your eyes will pop.”

She was serious, and she must have seen the fear in my eyes. Could I live with this woman? Should I have ever married her? Then the warm, loving wife came back.

“Dear love, I’m sorry, but I want a baby so bad. Please promise to keep trying. It’s only for a little bit.”

She kissed me and petted me, and did all the usual things she did to get around me.

After four months of trying, I came home to a party. I had good news, a contract to design phones that were going to make real money. But the party was my relatives celebrating the impending birth.

I was the last to know, my wife was pregnant. I had a moment of relief. The ordeal was over. I had performed, and I expected rewards, like a return to normal sex. I know, stupid, but even a smart man could not have foreseen the trouble that was to come. That would have taken a genius on the scale of Sherlock Homes.

I was a bit stung that no one seemed interested in my news, but I told everyone just the same.

“Good man!” my father-in-law said before he launched into a long discussion of the merits of the various Ivy League Universities for his grandchild. Surprisingly, it was Patty-Ann’s girlfriend Kelly who was interested in my news and me.

Kelly handed me a Sam Adams, and said with a big friendly smile, “You look like you need this and congratulations on the new company! Always knew you would succeed.”

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i was at a party the other night when i met this girl, granted she a little meaty but i wasnt complaining it was a sort of turn on anyway. we got chating and continued to drink, as it got later she looked deeply into my eyes and a was hucked so we when up stairs we found a spare room we when in and i locked the door no sooner had i done that i turn to look at her and find she is already naked and walking over to me she pressed her body against me so i.kissin her soft lips and ran my fingers...

2 years ago
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The Intruders Part 3

THE INTRUDERS, PART 3 I looked at the secretary. She simply couldn't be more sexy, more alluring. As I watched, she uncrossed and then recrossed her legs, the black nylon that encased them shimmering as she did so, the tight skirt riding up to display a glimpse of creamy thigh. She wiggled her free foot slightly, drawing attention to the shiny black pump and its preposterously high heel. As my gaze shifted up, I took in the crisp white blouse, unbuttoned far enough to reveal just a...

3 years ago
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House Maid Becomes My Sex Maid

Hi everyone, myself Srinivasulu from Hyderabad and I am a bi sexual (I admit it), I love to have sex with both men and women, I have cross dressing fantasies too. I am a complete sex freak and can take it in any possible ways and have many experiences to share. In this, I would like to tell you about my first experience which was with my maid. I am sharing this first as this is my first sex experience and will share more in coming days depending on this success. I am versatile when it comes to...

2 years ago
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A Time of Conquest and ChallengeChapter 9 Over our shoulder

We had run the horses until it grew too dark to do so. I had wanted to get as much distance between anyone who would follow. We kept a cold camp and didn’t sleep well. Up before dawn and back in the saddle, we ran the horses for an hour before we slowed. I had not spoken with Jasmine since we had sent the men back to their farm and little more than orders when I did speak. We spent all day in the saddle and skirted around the towns. Were they coming after us or not? There was no way to know...

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Armpit lust

Armpit lust There was a boy who i noticed, always looking at pic of girls showing their armpit. As my friend and colleague, i asked that boy about his fetishism to armpit,he told me that he had never been able to truly try it on someone,he asked me while joking to smell my armpit. Since i was quite shy, i refuse while laughing at him. But he was very determined to persuade me to let him try it. I felt bad since i know he was a bit lonely and solitary . Later he offer me some money, and started...

3 years ago
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Shut up Sit down and Hold on

After months of dating, she was ready to get physical. But, it seemed that he is either very timid or not interested. She knew for a fact that he was interested, just for the simple fact that when they danced, he got hard…real hard. Afterward, he’d just jump away, as if she would be angry about his arousal. She had one more thing to try, before giving up on him totally. So, she set her plan into motion. “Will you be here by 7?” she asked. “Yeah. I have to finish up some work first. You...

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Oscar MeyersChapter 21

An old man picking up trash and putting it into a bag noticed Oscar standing in front of the Golden Gate. Wearing the cloak and robe while carrying a staff, Oscar looked like a character straight out of the Torah. He stared at Oscar wondering what he was doing at the Golden Gate. Considering the current religious climate, the old man was halfway convinced that Oscar was going to march into Jerusalem after breaking down the wall that had been built to render the gate useless. He held his...

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Like a Good Neighbor 14 15 nd 16

For the next few weeks as the holidays approached Kate and I spent as much time together as we could. She was on days for the next few weeks, so I planned to eat lunch with her on Wednesday. She promised to give me about an hour’s notice so I could make my way over to the hospital. Everyone there ate in the cafeteria so that if they were needed, they could get back to the emergency room quickly. Kate sent me a text at about eleven thirty stating that her crew would take lunch at twelve thirty....

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Dear reader, This story is also in the Dutch language. I'm sorry, but I've no time for translating my stories in the English. And my English is not good enough therefore. I have asked my Dutch readers several times or they will translate the stories, but it is difficult to find anybody. Perhaps later if I have more time. I'm very sorry, louis(e). Lucien en het schildersmodel Lucienne... Hoofdstuk ??n. Ach, m'n moeder had een soort kick. Zij heet Elinor. En zij gebruikte d...

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Family Party

Family partyThe party was going very well, however it had only bee going a few hours and Michelle knew there was plenty of time for her husband to fuck it up.You see this was a family gathering to celebrate her nephews birthday, with minutes of arrival, Shells husband was up to his usual, telling any fucker close enough how successful his business was, what a stud he was, every woman fancying him etc.Shell danced and enjoyed herself, she kept her distance from her husband, it was a shame not...

1 year ago
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She sighed and stretched. Memories of the night before running through her head. She loved the way he read her body and signals like a sailor reads nautical maps. She didn’t think that there was a single inch of her body that had not familiarized himself with.. Her body ached in every place imaginable and some that she didn’t know. Smiling from ear to ear, she got out of bed and went to the bathroom. Turning the knobs on the shower, she waited til it was just the right temperature before...

4 years ago
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My Eighteen Year Old Wife Screws Our EightyTwo Year Old Neighbor

Back in 1975, my young wife and I had moved from our hometown to El Paso, Texas. I had taken a job there and we moved about seven hunded miles early that summer. As I have told in my stories earlier, we had purchased a house with a swimming pool. I worked various shifts in my job and my wife was unemployed and staying at home working around the house. Our home was in a quiet neighborhood. We had two neighbors on either side and one on the back of our yard. The previous owners had raised the...

1 year ago
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Jennys Favorite ColorChapter 9

Ben stretched contentedly as he watched Jenny move across to the projector and switch it off. He grinned as she flipped on the light and looked over at him. "Jesus, you're a lot of woman." Jenny struck a pose for him, her hands on her hips, legs slightly spread. His grin broadened; then he raised his hand and looked at his watch. "I'd like to spend all day, but I'm afraid I've got to get dressed and get out of here. Don't forget to talk to Ian and give us a call about tonight. I'm...

3 years ago
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Tired of Being the Nice GuyChapter 6

Thursday - Day 6 I woke up to a nice feeling on my cock on Thursday morning, but it was not Becky's tongue, it was a warm washcloth. Becky saw that I was awake and said, "I'm sorry, sir, bit it was left a real mess from last night, and I just thought I would clean it first." "That's fine," I said, "but come up here when you are done with the cleaning." After she was done, moved up on top of me, and I started kissing her and making out with her. I enjoyed it for a while and said,...

2 years ago
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Lap LessonsChapter 8

There was no way Crystal could stop her orgasm. She had to grunt and whine and clip on Fred's cock to the ultimate expenditure of her sex treasure. Nor could Fred stop his body processes. He gripped his young female and just let his cock shoot out thick, hot darts of cum until his explosive reservoir had fully emptied, even as his wife stared down at the outrageous scene on the bed. After the first shriek of agony, Sylvia settled down to deadly menacing words. "Well, Fred--Well, Crystal....

3 years ago
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Close Teacher

I try to keep a close relationship with my students, portraying myself more that just an adult role model, but as an adult friend.   In being a young teacher, students sometimes find it easier when someone of authority is close to their age and will listens to them, especially with all their relationship problems.   Take Tiffany for example, she’s blonde, beautiful, and the goal of many of these high school boys is to get into her cotton white panty she flashes while cheer leading.   But...

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An Artful Dance of Seduction

Lucia looked around at the happy smiling faces of the rich and beautiful. They were here to see and be seen. Her Sunday outdoor ritual had been going on for two months now. There was only one more month to go and her genealogy study for the government would take her to a new place, a new set of surroundings, offering the same empty and unfulfilling experiences that dragged her down now. Lucia had grown up in a negative home environment and that was the filter she wore. Lucia had exemplary...

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YakimaChapter 9 A Change in the Outlook

I made a pit stop at my townhouse for some clean clothes, showered, shaved, changed and headed back to Ali's home. I was on a high. Last night and this morning had been an amazing experience and I wanted more. Ali made it plain that she wanted more as well. Considering how my world had collapsed less than a year ago, it seemed incredible that I could recover this quickly. I'm not sure why I decided to take the Malibu instead of the Escape. I guess I was thinking it could use an outing...

1 year ago
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Milking Time B3 Chapter 3 Jordans Instructio

Chapter 3: Jordan's InstructionsThe morning after her sexual marathon with Clyda, Jordan awoke early in her quarters again. Jordan felt absolutely no ill effects from such a workout with Clyda's massive cock yesterday. Jordan lolled about on the bed. She had dreamed vividly about her afternoon with Clyda. Her body still tingled when she remembered the multiple orgasms she had enjoyed from Clyda, and how sweet and delicious her cum had tasted. As Jordan became fully awake, she glanced about...

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“Oh… Shit. Mom, I can explain!” I said as I looked down. Jessie was in shock; still on her knees, and her face and tits were totally covered in my cum! “Okay, Matthew. Explain.” Mom challenged. Fuck! “Okay mom; it’s exactly what it looks like. But you always say we should get along more, right?” I said. I had to think of something, no matter how lame it may have sounded. “Not like this! Jessica, how could you do this to your brother?! You’re the eldest, so I’m holding you...

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Getting Stuck In An Elevator

At first it bothered me to have some 50ish or even 60ish guy staring at my breasts all the way during regular meeting, but gradually I began to find it a bit of a turn on. I began to look forward to these meetings and started wearing sexy lingerie underneath my tight business blouse, jacket and skirt. Frankly I got off on watching these old farts panting their way through marketing meetings, gaping at my thighs or low cut blouses, while all the time pretending to be interested in profit...

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Degrees of Intimacy Ch 02

Taroudannt Phillippa flicked the ash at the end of her cigarette onto the dusty earth outside the window. She watched it fall from where she sat on the passenger seat of the rented four-wheel drive and contemplated its dispersal in the slight breeze. She inhaled another centimetre of cigarette and reluctantly tossed the butt onto the earth where it smouldered. It burnt off its final centimetre of ash before extinguishing itself. She regarded it sadly and wondered whether she might have to...

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Dudleyrsquos submission

My Goddess and I are in a female dominate relationship. My Goddesses name is Belinda and my name is Dudley. A little about Belinda and myself, I am from a wealthy.family and I became wealthier when my entire family was killed in a tragic accident. I was a mess when I met Belinda as I was suppose to be on the plane that crashed and killed my family. I had begged off from going with a lame excuse, I was living with a ton of guilt. I was going to therapy to help get my head back on my shoulders....

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The Chinaman

The Chinaman by Callie Messenger "What is it?" "It's what you wanted. The recipient will become addicted to sperm. Perfect for you to get your blow jobs, no?" The old chinaman had a grin on his face. "It's what I wanted. What's it made of?" "Oh, ginseng, ginger root, eye of newt, androstenone, the usual." He shrugged his shoulders. "How long do the effects last?" "Ah, it's very strong. Depends on the recipients willpower, you know, to break the...

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LinnetChapter 7

The train was due at six thirty-five and the station was only yards from the docks. They wandered round the town, sometimes the three, sometimes the girls on their own as Ted investigated a second-hand bookshop or chandlery. They bought kippers from the smoke-house, salad makings, fresh milk and bread from a supermarket. "I want to meet the train," Cherry said, "do you mind?" Linnet took her hand. "Do you mean you want to meet the train on your own, or that you want us all to meet the...

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A Fall to GraceChapter 12

Terry got to choir practice early to greet Grace before they went into the hall. Grace beamed with pleasure and without a word both joined hands and leant in for a kiss. “Hello, sweet Grace!” “And you, my Terry!” “My?” Grace blushed but managed to come up with “Well, I don’t know any others.” That did not earn her another kiss but Terry squeezed her hands. “Glad to hear it,” he replied. “Ungrateful man!” That did earn her another quick kiss. They went in together but taking care not to...

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She says it so Wonderfully

thisnthat141The right way to fuck a gurlby thisnthat141 about 1 year agoThe purpose of this discussion is for CD/TS/TV gurls to tell our admirers exactly how we like it. It's very disappointing to do all the work and spend all the time to get dolled up and ready for a good fucking only to be done in five minutes. (hint hint)So fire away gurls !I personally think it's paramount to start slow. Easing it in inch by inch, giving time for the pussy to stretch. A little pain reminds us of who we are...

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Sumathis Fantasy 8211 Part 1

Curious! Curious indeed. What would a big dick look like? A workman’s dick. Off late, Sumathi, even before any rational thought could filter her views, had sneaked a glance at the crotch of the vegetable vendor at every opportunity. His well-built body and unique way of getting his lungi over his knees only excited Sumathi further. With just enough to tease, the forbidden view said enough about her newfound habit of stealing glances. Sumathi, born in an orthodox family, brought up like every...

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The Second Circle Book 1

The Second Circle Book 1 By Paradox Wolf Springs, Wyoming, Connors Residence Normally, I was an early riser. This wasn't always the case, but ever since I manifested as a werewolf just over a month ago my habits had changed just as drastically as my biology. Now, in addition to having changed from being a skinny runt of a boy into what I was now able to admit was a pretty damn hot girl, I'd also taken on the qualities of the wolf itself. Unfortunately, this included waking up...

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My drunk Mom

There was a knock on the front door. I was pretty sure who it was.So let me set this up for you. If you’ve read my stories, you know that my wife, Janice and I, share our home and bed with my sister Ginger. We’ve been living between Texas and Florida for the past few years, but Florida, where I grew up, was going to be our home from now on. And to put it plain, Florida is hot. It is hot in the winter, hot in the spring and fall. And it is really hot in the summer. Having grown up in the...

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Surprise at the lake

I’m sitting at the lake all by myself. You come and sit next to me and put your arm around me. We make small talk and then you stare at me. ‘What’s up?’ I ask. ‘I want to kiss you so bad,’ you reply. ‘Go for it.’ You lean in and kiss me softly then you get more passionate with it. Your tongue dances in my mouth and you pull me closer to you. You gently push me back laying on top of me. I run my fingers through your hair pulling you even closer. My hands roam your body, finding their way up...

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Fun Times With My Maid Anita

In 2008 I had just moved to Mumbai to begin work for a MNC after completing my MBA from one of the top colleges in India. I had a great job that paid a pretty good salary, and I was single and alone in Mumbai. The first month my company put me up in a five star hotel in a suburb of Mumbai, very close to my office. Simultaneously I had also started hunting for a good accommodation close enough to office. Some of my friends were sharing an apartment and I was torn between either moving in with...

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Of My Teacher 8211 2

Now moving forward, Neeru and me became very good friends. It was like a routine now after the board exams, I go to Neeru’s house for one reason or another. I use to come and sit with her closely, try to touch her a lot. For every thing I hugs her and when she get ignited I takes off her clothes and we get into our foreplay. Sometimes even people are at home and its not possible for her to control herself with my actions. Later She told me that I should have some boy friend so that I can get...

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boss takes your wife to nude beach wife pov

I was so nervous getting ready for my husband office party that we had to go to. I knew he was angry that he didn’t get the promotion and they gave to somebody who was younger and cheaper. Some guy named jimmy Johnson. When he told me they were throwing a welcome abroad party on Friday I really excited and I needed a reason to go out. So I encourage him to go. “I mean it is an office party they are going to lots of people they’re we probably won’t run into him.” I say he finally agrees. I get...

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Loosening Up Book 9 Fantasies Among the WeedsChapter 18 The Mobile Home

Dave got a worrisome telephone at work on a Tuesday. It came in on his personal cellphone that he had sitting on his desk. “Mr. Prentiss, please listen to me for a few seconds. We have met, briefly in Houston. We used to have a mutual friend. Another friend and associate of mine told me you asked for early warning of potentially dangerous situations. I am calling to give you that alert.” Dave cursed under his breath. He said, “Say more.” “Two members of the opposition party entered the...

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as time went on

as time went on our sex life became more kinky . She loved when we both wore pantyhose , my precum leaking through and her pussy juice leaking through as me rubbed together . Our legs intertwined a feeling she loved .We would do this till we couldn't stand it and rip the crotch open on both pairs . I would be atop of her and would drive my throbbing cock into her soaked pussy ' pushing her legs back so I could suck her toes through her pantyhose ' loving the taste and the smell of her sweaty...

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Interview With the BimboChapter 12 Its Better to Never Have Loved at All

"You and Michael?" asked Annabelle, "I don't think either of us even noticed it was happening. Every day he would oversee whatever tests were being carried out and then in the evening we would have dinner together and just chat about nothing." "Every evening?" "Yes. We kidded ourselves it was a precautionary test to check that my true mind was still intact after a full day of fucking, but he could have easily passed the job onto any one of his employees. The truth was that we...

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ManuelFerrara Evelin Stone A Sex Machine

Long and luscious Evelin Stone is looking “fly as fuck” poolside. The gorgeous gal warms herself up for Manuel teasing the camera with her impeccable cheeks. Evelin goes inside and says she wants to taste Manuel. After a tasting session Manuel folds Evelin to the side and fucks her until she repeatedly asks Manuel to keep fucking her… Evelin mounts Manuel and he grabs her ample cheeks and bounces them up and down on his cock. Manuel lasers a constant stream of his goo ghosts...

1 year ago
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Tropical Island Vacation Chapter 4

Our encounter with Lynnette and Steve did a lot for both Talia and myself in feeling relaxed being nude on the beach. We sit on our blanket and eat our lunch and minute by minute begin feeling more and more natural being naked. It feels wonderfully free and liberating. Even though she never mentions it, Talia notices that my penis is remaining semi-hard the whole time we are eating. I occasionally catch her looking at it, but she only gives me a sly smile. She can be such a minx sometimes. At...

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Whats Eating Chelsea Lake

It came for me in the night again, during the theta states; those moments I'm neither asleep nor lucid. That alone begged all manner of questions; primarily that it couldn't be a dream.Dreaming only occurs in much later sleep stages, during the REM cycle. Every medical journal agreed. Yet this was the third such experience in as many weeks, each more thrilling and unsettling than the last. So either the medical world was wrong or this was something else entirely.I tried to slow my breathing,...

Monster Sex
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Always and Forever An Invisible Life

John Andrews passed through life as invisible as possible. His early memories were difficult living with unhappy parents who frequently took out their unhappiness on him. Emotionally scarred instead of lashing out, John retreated into himself. Blend in, don't make a fuss, make sure not to stand out be invisible. Unfortunately, the necessities of survival disconnected him from the rest of the world as well. School life consisted of going to school every day, doing his work and coming...

4 years ago
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The Purge

Funny thing about Crossdressing, the love of the silk, the satin, the lace, can be balanced with most intense feelings of guilt. Then in a fit your clean out because you are going to go straight. Clean up your act all that stuff. So bags of carefully gathered items are consigned to the waste bin of life. Unfortunately, as I have progressed through life I have realised that crossdressing and association with womens lingerie is not a phase, it is just part of me. Alright, I admit it – it’s a...

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A Warm Summers Night

Her shift was nearly over and she was glad to be finishing. She had made the rash decision to go commando and worn a short dress; remembering not to bend over, so denying all and sundry in the bar a view of the crack of her arse and shaven pussy, was a mission in itself. But she did feel sexy and it was a lot of fun, him not quite knowing whether or not she was knickerless. The quick glances and looks told her that they would not be staying for a drink and she felt the usual twinge of...

Oral Sex
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Our First House Party

Well it was not exactly our first swinger party experience so let me explain. We had been invited by a friend to a “house party”. He did indicate that it was going to be a swinger’s party and thought maybe we would be interested. Well we talked it over and the wife said she was willing to try it if I was. We had discussed this before and so we decided to go for it. The party was going to be Saturday night which worked out just fine for us. As the day approached we both became excited but...

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